The library schools of Pakistan are producing library professionals to work in different types of organizations. The fundamental education and training of librarianship is imparted at BLIS (one-year post-graduation) level which is named as BLIS, BA (Hon.), PGD (LIS) or MA (Previous) in different universities of Pakistan. The courses taught at this level are more or less same in all the universities. These are core courses and of compulsory nature and provide fundamental knowledge of librarianship. To examine the strengths and weaknesses of BLIS programs as experienced by the working professionals and their suggestions about inclusion/exclusion of the courses and suggestions about changes in BLIS programs and for the improvement of the quality of library education, focus group interviews of the alumni of all the library schools of Pakistan working in different types and sizes of libraries located in all the provinces of the country were conducted. As a result of these interviews and discussions, very useful information was obtained which can be helpful for developing and revising the curriculum.