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Abstract and Figures

Sense of agency is the sense that an event is caused by oneself. In the context of man-machine interfaces, it has been proposed that the prediction error of a sensory outcome decreases the sense of agency. We assume that the information content of the sensory response represents the prediction error and thus explains the extent of sense of agency. We use the negative free energy as the information content and formulate the extent of sense of agency as a function of prediction error and sensory precision. The model predicts an interaction effect between the prediction error and sensory precision on the sense of agency. We conducted an experiment through a mouse-clicking task with participants. Between single cue and multiple cues, sensory responses are compared with respect to the effect of response delay as a prediction error on participants’ reported sense of agency value. According to the cue integration model, multiple cues provide more temporal precision of sensory response than a single cue. The results of the experiment supported the interaction effect predicted by the proposed free energy model. Therefore, negative free energy works as a mathematical index of sense of agency.
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ISASE 2021
Modeling Sense of Agency using Free Energy
Kensaku TANIYAMA*, Takuma MAKI ** and Hideyoshi YANAGISAWA ***
* The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
** The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
*** The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Abstract: Sense of agency is the sense that an event is caused by oneself. In the context of man-machine interfaces, it has been
proposed that the prediction error of a sensory outcome decreases the sense of agency. We assume that the information content of the
sensory response represents the prediction error and thus explains the extent of sense of agency. We use the negative free energy as the
information content and formulate the extent of sense of agency as a function of prediction error and sensory precision. The model
predicts an interaction effect between the prediction error and sensory precision on the sense of agency. We conducted an experiment
through a mouse-clicking task with participants. Between single cue and multiple cues, sensory responses are compared with respect
to the effect of response delay as a prediction error on participants’ reported sense of agency value. According to the cue integration
model, multiple cues provide more temporal precision of sensory response than a single cue. The results of the experiment supported
the interaction effect predicted by the proposed free energy model. Therefore, negative free energy works as a mathematical index of
sense of agency.
Keywords: sense of agency, free energy, Bayesian surprise, cue integration, interface design
Sense of agency (SoA) is the feeling of control over
one’s actions [1]. It affects one’s sense of responsibility
over the consequences or the joy resulting from one’s
action [2,3]. SoA is important in the context of man-
machine interface design. We believe that SoA can be
designed properly through mathematical modeling.
SoA is affected by prediction error [4-6]. Humans
predict the results of the action before it is initiated, and
estimate its results based on the sensory outcome after it
is completed. The prediction error is the discrepancy
between the predicted results and the estimated actual
results. We can obtain a high SoA when the prediction
error is small. For example, response delay is usually
manipulated experimentally as a prediction error. People
predict an immediate sensory outcome when they operate
a machine. SoA decreases in the case where response
delay is added.
The brain is a machine that processes information. A
large prediction error indicates an information overload.
We considered modeling SoA using information content
on information theory.
2.1 Formalizing SoA using free energy
SoA is affected by the difference between the predicted
state and estimated actual state. In case the difference is
large, we are surprised because we receive significant new
information. We considered that the information content
in information theory corresponds to the amount of
perceived prediction error.
According to information theory, the information
content we obtain through an event is expressed as
when the probability of the event is
. Following this, the
information content we obtain when we obtain the sensory
is expressed as (1).
( '
Humans estimate the state of the outside world based
on the sensory outcome. By applying the Bayesian
theorem to (1), we obtain equation (2).
is the state of the outside world.
is called free
energy as per the analogy of thermodynamics. The first
and second terms correspond to the internal energy and
entropy, respectively. Free energy is decomposed into two
other terms, as shown in equation (3).
( is the prior distribution,
( is the
likelihood, and
( is the posterior distribution. The
first term on the right side is called Bayesian surprise or
information gain. The second term on the right side is
called uncertainty or accuracy. Bayesian surprise is the
Kullback-Leibler divergence between posterior and prior
distribution. It can be interpreted as the information
content derived by calculating the difference between the
predicted state and the perceived state. Uncertainty is the
negative log likelihood averaged by the posterior
distribution and can be interpreted as the information
content derived by evaluating the plausibility of the
estimation of the actual state. We believe that both
Bayesian surprise and uncertainty affect SoA.
We propose a negative free energy model as a
mathematical model that explains SoA as (4).
2.2 Hypothesis
We approximately represent prior distribution and
likelihood as Gaussian distributions. Negative free energy
is expressed as shown in equation (5).
!4* !)
where the means of prior distribution and likelihood are
. The variances of prior distribution and
likelihood are
is the prediction error meaning
the difference between
. Prediction error refers
to the difference between the predicted and estimated
actual states.
is the prior uncertainty of prediction,
which is simply called uncertainty.
is likelihood
variance. Likelihood variance is interpreted as the inverse
of the sensory reliability.
Equation (5) is a quadratic equation of
. We conducted
partial derivatives of (5) as (6) and (7).
!4* GB&9H
G* ! )
-H* !)
This result indicates that negative free energy decreases
and prior uncertainty or likelihood variance increases
when the prediction error is zero. Furthermore, the degree
of negative free energy decreases because the prediction
error increase becomes small when prior uncertainty or
likelihood variance increases. Figure 1 shows the negative
free energy as a function of the prediction error for
different prior uncertainties. Figure 2 shows the negative
free energy as a function of the prediction error for
different likelihood variances. This simulation predicts
two things. The first is that in the case where the prediction
error is small, SoA increases as prior uncertainty
decreases. On the other hand, in the case where the
prediction error is large, SoA increases as prior
uncertainty increases. We previously verified this
phenomenon [7]. The second prediction is that in the case
where the prediction error is small, SoA increases as the
likelihood variance decreases. However, in the case where
the prediction error is large, SoA increases as the
likelihood variance increases. This phenomenon has not
yet been verified.
We hypothesized that a large SoA is achieved by a
small likelihood variance under a small prediction error
condition. On the other hand, it is also achieved by a large
likelihood variance under a large prediction error
Figure 1: Negative free energy as a function of
prediction error for different prior uncertainties
Figure 2: Negative free energy as a function of
prediction error for different likelihood variances
2.3 Cue integration model
As shown in (7), we predicted the effect of likelihood
variance on SoA. Likelihood variance is interpreted as the
inverse of sensory reliability.
According to the cue integration model [8], the
uncertainty of the estimation based on sensory outcome
decreases as multiple cues are integrated. Cue is the
sensory outcome or memory needed to estimate the actual
state. The likelihood variance of the total sensory outcome
is expressed as equation (8) when sensory outcomes 1
and 2 are integrated.
This model shows that the likelihood variance of
multiple sensory outcomes is smaller than that of one
sensory outcome. Figure 3 shows an outline of the model.
Figure 3: Model of the effect of the sensory outcome
on SoA
3.1 Method
We verified the hypothesis derived from the negative
free energy model and cue integration model. Our
hypothesis is that a high SoA is achieved by multiple
sensory responses under a small prediction error condition
and by one sensory response under a large prediction error
When subjects click the mouse of a computer, they
receive sensory responses after a certain delay. To verify
this hypothesis, we manipulated response delay as a
prediction error and the number of sensory responses as
the likelihood variance. The response delays utilized were
0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400 and 500ms. The types
of sensory responses were only sound (S) and only
vibration (V) as large likelihood variance and sound-
vibration (SV) as small likelihood variance.
The experiment consisted of two blocks. In the
adaptation block, subjects learned the 0ms response delay
freely for 2 minutes. After the adaptation block, an
evaluation block was conducted. The evaluation block
was subdivided into S, V, and SV sessions. In each session,
all 18 subjects experienced 9 levels of response delay
randomly and evaluated SoA on each level using a
3.2 Results
Figure 4 shows result of the value of SoA as functions
of response delays with respect to different sensory
response conditions. The value of SoA decreased as
response delay increased for all modality conditions. In
the case of a 0ms response delay, the value of SoA under
the SV condition is higher than that under the S condition
or V condition. In the case of a 500ms response delay, the
value of SoA under the S condition and V condition is
higher than that under the SV condition.
Figure 4: Value of SoA for different response delays
with respect to conditions of response modalities
Table 1 shows the results of the two-way ANOVA.
Both the response delay and the number of response
modalities affected the SoA value (p<0.01). The response
delay and the number of modalities displayed interaction
Table 1: Interaction effect of response delay and
number of response modalities
(Results of two-way ANOVA)
In the case of a 0ms response delay, the SoA value under
the SV condition was higher than that under the S
condition or the V condition. In the case of a 500ms
response delay, the SoA score under the S condition and
the V condition was higher than that under the SV
condition. The interaction effect between the response
delay and the number of response modalities was
observed. These results correspond to the model
predictions illustrated in Figure 2. Thus, the results of the
experiment supported our negative free energy model of
No interaction effect was observed between the S
condition and the V condition. This suggests that the
difference between auditory and tactile organs with
respect to the estimation of time is negligible.
Auditory and tactile stimulus timings are perceived
precisely. Participants perceived a large SoA by receiving
auditory and tactile stimuli when the machine’s response
delay was short. On the other hand, the SoA is secured by
receiving a single modality stimulus or a stimulus that low
reliability in terms of timing estimation.
In this study, we proposed a negative free energy model
of SoA. The model predicts that a high SoA is achieved
by small likelihood variance under a small prediction error
condition and by a big likelihood variance under a large
prediction error condition. We verified this model
prediction by comparing the SoA under varying degrees
of response delay and various response modalities.
This model prediction provides a guideline for
designing SoA in a man-machine interface. If the
machine’s response delay is long, the modality of the
sensory response should be single. If the machine
possesses multiple response modalities, the response
delay should be as short as possible.
This work was supported by Sony Global Manufacturing
& Operations Corporation.
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... The reason for building a mathematical model is that the quantitative relationship between delay and SoA depends on task settings (Wen et al., 2019). We adopted a free-energy model (Friston et al., 2006;Taniyama et al., 2021;Taniyama & Yanagisawa, 2023) for modeling SoA. We analyze the impact of expected delay and its variance on the SoA through a comparison between model-based simulations and experimental observations of an operational task performed under various delay conditions. ...
... However, SoA varies continuously (Wen, 2019). Therefore, studies have proposed statistical (Wen et al., 2015) and mathematical models of SoA (Legaspi and Toyoizumi, 2019;Taniyama et al., 2021). ...
... In this study, a free-energy model was adopted (Taniyama et al., 2021). Free energy is an information quantity that represents prediction errors in the brain (Friston et al., 2006). ...
Full-text available
Action-feedback delay during operation reduces sense of agency (SoA). In this study, using information-theoretic free energy, we formalized a novel mathematical model for explaining the influence of delay on SoA in continuous operations. Based on the mathematical model, we propose that visualization of predicted future outcomes prevents SoA degradation resulting from response delays. Model-based simulations and operational experiments with participants confirmed that operational delay considerably reduces SoA. Furthermore, the proposed visualization mitigates these problems. Our findings support the model-based interface design for continuous operations with delay to prevent SoA degradation.
... This model explains the intentional binding effect well; however, it is insufficient to explain the sense of agency. We proposed a mathematical model that explains and predicts the sense of agency based on the freeenergy principle (Taniyama et al., 2021). This model explains the effects of prediction error, prediction uncertainty, and observation uncertainty on the sense of agency. ...
... The free-energy model is the mathematical model of the sense of agency based on the perceptual inference in free-energy principle (Taniyama et al., 2021). The free energy can be interpreted as a prediction error. ...
... The interaction between the prediction error and prediction uncertainty was observed in the button-press experiment in which the prediction error and prediction uncertainty were manipulated by delay and learning, respectively (Bamba and Yanagisawa, 2021). The interaction between the prediction error and observation uncertainty was observed in the button-press experiment in which the prediction error and observation uncertainty were manipulated by delay and number of sensory feedbacks, respectively (Taniyama et al., 2021). These interactions observed in previous studies are evidence for the free-energy model. ...
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Sense of agency is the sense that one is causing an action. The increase in machine or system autonomy leads to an increase in the loss of sense of agency for the operation causing the loss of pleasure in the operation or sense of responsibility for the consequences of operations. Designing a sense of agency is necessary, especially in the context of machine autonomy. This calls for the control of the sense of agency, which requires the construction of a model to predict the sense of agency and establishing a design methodology to manipulate the factors of sense of agency. We propose the mathematical model that predicts the sense of agency in a human-machine system based on the comparator model and free-energy principle and what to design to enhance the sense of agency. Proposed model explains the effects of prediction error, prediction uncertainty, and observation uncertainty for body, machine, and environment feedback on the sense of agency. The model generally reveals the interaction effect between prediction error and prediction uncertainty and between prediction error and observation uncertainty. The model prediction can be widely applied as a design guide for enhancing sense of agency of human-machine interfaces.
... However, SoA varies continuously (Wen, 2019). Therefore, studies have proposed statistical (Wen et al., 2015) and mathematical models of SoA (Legaspi and Toyoizumi, 2019;Taniyama et al., 2021). ...
... In this study, a free-energy model was adopted (Taniyama et al., 2021). Free energy is an information quantity that represents prediction errors in the brain (Friston et al., 2006). ...
... The first term on the right side of Eq. (11) is the KL divergence between the recognition density and posterior distribution of . The KL divergence is approximated to be zero when ( ) is Therefore, Taniyama et al. (2021) proposed that SoA is inversely proportional to the minimized free energy. ...
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Action-feedback delay during operation reduces both task performance and sense of agency (SoA). In this study, using information-theoretic free energy, we formalized a novel mathematical model for explaining the influence of delay on both task performance and SoA in continuous operations. Based on the mathematical model, we propose a novel interface design called Predictive Wand for predicting future outcomes to prevent task performance and SoA degradation resulting from response delays. Model-based simulations and operational experiments with participants confirmed that operational delay considerably reduces both task performance and SoA. Furthermore, the proposed Predictive Wand mitigates these problems. Our findings support the model-based interface design for continuous operations with delay to prevent task performance and SoA degradation.
Conference Paper
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The brain always predicts the world. We see brain's predictions as the world. Sensory observations are the only source of correction for predictions. Our perception is an estimate based on predictions and sensory observations. This estimation follows Bayes' theorem. Prediction error is calculated as information surprise. The brain recognizes the world by minimizing prediction errors. This essential function of the brain and its mathematical model explains and predicts human perception, emotions and self-awareness. We discuss how to apply the brain model toward human-centered society.
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The sense of agency (SoA) is an important Kansei quality in interactive design. It refers to the feeling that one is in control of his/her actions and, through them, of events in the outside world. Our living world consists of two dimensions: space and time. One perceives and operates objects in time and space. Thus, time and space are essential factors in interaction design. The objective of this study is to find how congruency of space discrepancy and latency affect the SoA while interacting an object through an interface and whether they have interaction effect. We conducted an experiment with participants to compare between varied space discrepancy and latency with respect to SoA. We used intentional binding and questionnaire to measure both implicit and explicit SoA, respectively. The result showed that both latency and congruency of space discrepancy affect the explicit part of sense of agency, while only latency affects the implicit part of sense of agency. Interaction effect was observed between latency and congruency of space discrepancy only in the explicit part of SoA. The result provided an explanation to how these two factors affect SoA. Furthermore, we proposed a standardization method for the result of intentional binding supporting that latency has similar effect on the explicit and the implicit part of SoA. That is, as latency increases, the SoA decreases.
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Sense of agency (SoA) is a compelling but fragile experience that is augmented or attenuated by internal signals and by external cues. A disruption in SoA may characterise individual symptoms of mental illness such as delusions of control. Indeed, it has been argued that generic SoA disturbances may lie at the heart of delusions and hallucinations that characterise schizophrenia. A clearer understanding of how sensorimotor, perceptual and environmental cues complement, or compete with, each other in engendering SoA may prove valuable in deepening our understanding the agency disruptions that characterise certain focal neurological disorders and mental illnesses. Here we examine the integration of SoA cues in health and illness, describing a simple framework of this integration based on Bayesian principles. We extend this to consider how alterations in cue integration may lead to aberrant experiences of agency.
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Much of the functioning of the motor system occurs without awareness. Nevertheless, we are aware of some aspects of the current state of the system and we can prepare and make movements in the imagination. These mental representations of the actual and possible states of the system are based on two sources: sensory signals from skin and muscles, and the stream of motor commands that have been issued to the system. Damage to the neural substrates of the motor system can lead to abnormalities in the awareness of action as well as defects in the control of action. We provide a framework for understanding how these various abnormalities of awareness can arise. Patients with phantom limbs or with anosognosia experience the illusion that they can move their limbs. We suggest that these representations of movement are based on streams of motor commands rather than sensory signals. Patients with utilization behaviour or with delusions of control can no longer properly link their intentions to their actions. In these cases the impairment lies in the representation of intended movements. The location of the neural damage associated with these disorders suggests that representations of the current and predicted state of the motor system are in parietal cortex, while representations of intended actions are found in prefrontal and premotor cortex.
In adult life, people normally know what they are doing. This experience of controlling one's own actions and, through them, the course of events in the outside world is called 'sense of agency'. It forms a central feature of human experience; however, the brain mechanisms that produce the sense of agency have only recently begun to be investigated systematically. This recent progress has been driven by the development of better measures of the experience of agency, improved design of cognitive and behavioural experiments, and a growing understanding of the brain circuits that generate this distinctive but elusive experience. The sense of agency is a mental and neural state of cardinal importance in human civilization, because it is frequently altered in psychopathology and because it underpins the concept of responsibility in human societies.
The experience of agency refers to the feeling that we control our own actions, and through them the outside world. In many contexts, sense of agency has strong implications for moral responsibility. For example, a sense of agency may allow people to choose between right and wrong actions, either immediately, or on subsequent occasions through learning about the moral consequences of their actions. In this study we investigate the relation between the experience of operant action, and responsibility for action outcomes using the intentional binding effect (Haggard, Clark, & Kalogeras, 2002) as an implicit, quantitative measure related to sense of agency. We studied the time at which people perceived simple manual actions and their effects, when these actions were embedded in scenarios where their actions had unpredictable consequences that could be either moral or merely economic. We found an enhanced binding of effects back towards the actions that caused them, implying an enhanced sense of agency, in moral compared to non-moral contexts. We also found stronger binding for effects with severely negative, compared to moderately negative, values. A tight temporal association between action and effect may be a low-level phenomenal marker of the sense of responsibility.
It is proposed that knowledge of motor commands is used to distinguish self-generated sensation from externally generated sensation. In this paper, we show that the sense of self-agency, that is the sense that I am the one who is generating an action, largely depends on the degree of discrepancy resulting from comparison between the predicted and actual sensory feedback. In Experiment 1, the sense of self-agency was reduced when the presentation of the tone was unpredictable in terms of timing and its frequency, although in fact the tone was self-produced. In Experiment 2, the opposite case was found to occur. That is, participants experienced illusionary sense of self-agency when the externally generated sensations happened to match the prediction made by forward model. In Experiment 3, the sense of self-agency was reduced when there was a discrepancy between the predicted and actual sensory consequences, regardless of presence or absence of a discrepancy between the intended and actual consequences of actions. In all the experiments, a discrepancy between the predicted and actual feedback had no effects on sense of self-ownership, that is the sense that I am the one who is undergoing an experience. These results may suggest that both senses of self are mutually independent.
Modelling sense of agency using information gain (An experimental evidence using varied response delay). Transactions of the JSME
  • M Bamba
  • H Yanagisawa
Bamba, M., & Yanagisawa, H. (2021). Modelling sense of agency using information gain (An experimental evidence using varied response delay). Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), 87(893), 20-00035-20-00035.