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The interpolating dimension splitting element-free Galerkin method for 3D potential problems

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Abstract and Figures

In this paper, based on the improved interpolating moving least-squares (IMLS) method and the dimension splitting method, the interpolating dimension splitting element-free Galerkin (IDSEFG) method for three-dimensional (3D) potential problems is proposed. The key of the IDSEFG method is to split a 3D problem domain into many related two-dimensional (2D) subdomains. The shape function is constructed by the improved IMLS method on the 2D subdomains, and the Galerkin weak form based on the dimension splitting method is used to obtain the discretized equations. The discrete equations on these 2D subdomains are coupled by the finite difference method. Take the improved element-free Galerkin (IEFG) method as a comparison, the advantage of the IDSEFG method is that the essential boundary conditions can be enforced directly. The effects of the number of nodes, the direction of dimension splitting, and the parameters of the influence domain on the calculation accuracy are studied through four numerical examples, the numerical solutions of the IDSEFG method are compared with the numerical solutions of the IEFG method and the analytical solutions. It is verified that the numerical solutions of the IDSEFG method are highly consistent with the analytical solution, and the calculation efficiency of this method is significantly higher than that of the IEFG method.
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Engineering with Computers (2022) 38 (Suppl 4):S2703–S2717
The interpolating dimension splitting element‑free Galerkin method
for3D potential problems
QianWu1· MiaojuanPeng1· YuminCheng2
Received: 17 December 2020 / Accepted: 20 April 2021 / Published online: 27 May 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2021
In this paper, based on the improved interpolating moving least-squares (IMLS) method and the dimension splitting method,
the interpolating dimension splitting element-free Galerkin (IDSEFG) method for three-dimensional (3D) potential prob-
lems is proposed. The key of the IDSEFG method is to split a 3D problem domain into many related two-dimensional (2D)
subdomains. The shape function is constructed by the improved IMLS method on the 2D subdomains, and the Galerkin
weak form based on the dimension splitting method is used to obtain the discretized equations. The discrete equations on
these 2D subdomains are coupled by the finite difference method. Take the improved element-free Galerkin (IEFG) method
as a comparison, the advantage of the IDSEFG method is that the essential boundary conditions can be enforced directly.
The effects of the number of nodes, the direction of dimension splitting, and the parameters of the influence domain on
the calculation accuracy are studied through four numerical examples, the numerical solutions of the IDSEFG method are
compared with the numerical solutions of the IEFG method and the analytical solutions. It is verified that the numerical
solutions of the IDSEFG method are highly consistent with the analytical solution, and the calculation efficiency of this
method is significantly higher than that of the IEFG method.
Keywords Meshless method· Dimension splitting method· Improved interpolating moving least-squares method· Finite
difference method· Interpolating dimension splitting element-free Galerkin method· Potential problem
1 Introduction
There are many complicated problems, such as crack propa-
gation and large deformation, in science and engineering
fields must be solved with numerical methods. The boundary
element method and the finite element method are the major
numerical methods which based on meshes or elements.
In recent years, the meshless method has made great
progress [1, 2]. When meshless method is used to solve a
problem, only discrete nodes are distributed on the problem
domain and its boundary without meshing. Without domain
discretization, this method uses a node-based approxima-
tion to construct the approximation function or interpolation
function. This fully ensures the calculation accuracy and
efficiency. Moreover, the approach leads to a flexible choice
of nodes in the domain for the specific characteristics. It is
shown that the method has good adaptability and calcula-
tion accuracy. Therefore, as a new and efficient method in
scientific and engineering computing, the meshless method
has gradually become a research hotspot.
Currently, the element-free Galerkin method (EFG) [3]
and the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM) [4, 5]
are major meshless methods. Based on the moving least-
squares (MLS) approximation [6], the EFG method has
high calculation accuracy, because the MLS approximation
is obtained from the ordinary least squares method with
the best approximation [710]. Because of the complicated
shape function of the MLS approximation, the computa-
tional efficiency of the EFG method is low, especially for
solving three-dimensional (3D) problems. In addition, the
* Miaojuan Peng
* Yumin Cheng
1 Department ofCivil Engineering, School ofMechanics
andEngineering Science, Shanghai University,
Shanghai200444, China
2 Shanghai Key Laboratory ofMechanics inEnergy
Engineering, Shanghai Institute ofApplied Mathematics
andMechanics, School ofMechanics andEngineering
Science, Shanghai University, Shanghai200072, China
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... As one of the commonly used Galerkin meshless methods, the element-free Galerkin (EFG) method [17] has also contributed a great deal to solving MHD duct flow problems [18][19][20][21][22]. It should be pointed out that the improved EFG method [23], the complex variable EFG method [24], and the interpolating EFG method [25] have been developed respectively by using the improved MLS approximation, the complex variable MLS approximation and the interpolating MLS method to construct meshless shape functions. ...
... Eqs. (20) and (21) using Eqs. (24) or (25), and then compute the smoothed gradients ∇Φ * i and ∇Φ * j using Eq. (19). ...
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A stabilized element-free Galerkin (EFG) method is proposed in this paper for numerical analysis of the generalized steady MHD duct flow problems at arbitrary and high Hartmann numbers up to 1016101610^{16}. Computational formulas of the EFG method for MHD duct flows are derived by using Nitsche’s technique to facilitate the implementation of Dirichlet boundary conditions. The reproducing kernel gradient smoothing integration technique is incorporated into the EFG method to accelerate the solution procedure impaired by Gauss quadrature rules. A stabilized Nitsche-type EFG weak formulation of MHD duct flows is devised to enhance the performance damaged by high Hartmann numbers. Several benchmark MHD duct flow problems are solved to testify the stability and the accuracy of the present EFG method. Numerical results show that the range of the Hartmann number Ha in the present EFG method is 1≤Ha≤10161Ha10161\le Ha\le 10^{16}, which is much larger than that in existing numerical methods.
... Mathematics 2023, 11, 3717 2 of 20 in this area, leading to the development of numerous dimensional split meshless methods, including the dimensional split complex variable EFG method [23][24][25][26], dimensional split EFG method [27][28][29][30], dimensional split reproducing kernel particle method [31][32][33][34], and interpolating dimensional split EFG method [35,36]. These hybrid meshless methods have demonstrated the capability to efficiently solve a wide range of 3D partial differential equations with smaller relative errors. ...
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Due to the low computational efficiency of the Improved Element-Free Galerkin (IEFG) method, efficiently solving three-dimensional (3D) Laplace problems using meshless methods has been a longstanding research direction. In this study, we propose the Dimension Coupling Method (DCM) as a promising alternative approach to address this challenge. Based on the Dimensional Splitting Method (DSM), the DCM divides the 3D problem domain into a coupling of multiple two-dimensional (2D) problems which are handled via the IEFG method. We use the Finite Element Method (FEM) in the third direction to combine the 2D discretized equations, which has advantages over the Finite Difference Method (FDM) used in traditional methods. Our numerical verification demonstrates the DCM’s convergence and enhancement of computational speed without losing computational accuracy compared to the IEFG method. Therefore, this proposed method significantly reduces computational time and costs when solving 3D Laplace equations with natural or mixed boundary conditions in a dimensional splitting direction, and expands the applicability of the dimension splitting EFG method.
Functionally graded piezoelectric structures (FGPSs) have excellent electromechanical properties and are promising for engineering applications. However, the inhomogeneous material properties and piezoelectric effects create great difficulties in the mechanical analysis of the FGPSs. In this paper, a Hermite interpolation element-free Galerkin method (HIEFGM) is proposed for the numerical analysis of the FGPSs. The HIEFGM utilizes a set of nodes to represent the problem domain, which can ideally reflect the inhomogeneous material properties of the FGPSs. Firstly, the governing equations of the FGPSs are derived through the constitutive equation, equilibrium equation, and boundary conditions. Secondly, the approximating function of the field quantities is obtained by the improved moving least-square method and Hermite interpolation. The HIEFGM formulation of the FGPSs is obtained using the variational principle. Furtherly, the influence of weight function, scaling parameter, and node densities on the HIEFGM of the FGPSs is discussed in detail through a parameter study. Finally, the availability of present method is estimated by several examples with different configurations and boundary conditions. The influence of gradation exponent on the electromechanical responses of the FGPSs is analyzed. The results show that the present method has excellent accuracy and stability in analyzing the FGPSs. As the gradation exponent increases, the distribution of the field quantities of the FGPSs exhibits nonlinear characteristics. This work may provide an effective methodology for the analysis of the FGPSs, and contribute to the theoretical research and engineering application of the FGPSs.
Shape memory alloys (SMAs), known for their unique superelastic effect, exhibit superior mechanical properties compared to traditional materials. In this study, the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM) is applied to investigate the superelastic effect of the SMAs. A segmented linearization RKPM model is developed to establish the stress–strain relationship for the superelastic effect, and relevant formulas of superelasticity for the SMAs are derived. Finally, the applicability and accuracy of the RKPM in analyzing the superelastic effect of the SMAs are demonstrated through numerical examples.
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This paper uses the physical information neural network (PINN) model to solve a 3D anisotropic steady-state heat conduction problem based on deep learning techniques. The model embeds the problem’s governing equations and boundary conditions into the neural network and treats the neural network’s output as the numerical solution of the partial differential equation. Then, the network is trained using the Adam optimizer on the training set. The output progressively converges toward the accurate solution of the equation. In the first numerical example, we demonstrate the convergence of the PINN by discussing the effect of the neural network’s number of layers, each hidden layer’s number of neurons, the initial learning rate and decay rate, the size of the training set, the mini-batch size, the amount of training points on the boundary, and the training steps on the relative error of the numerical solution, respectively. The numerical solutions are presented for three different examples. Thus, the effectiveness of the method is verified.
In this study, by introducing the finite element method (FEM) into the improved element-free Galerkin (IEFG) method, the dimension coupling method (DCM) is proposed for solving three-dimensional (3D) Helmholtz and Poisson’s equations efficiently. The dimensional splitting method is introduced into the corresponding governing equations, thus 3D equations can be split into a series of 2D ones. The IEFG method is selected to discretize those 2D forms, thus the discretized equations are derived easily by using the weak forms. In the third direction, the FEM is selected to couple those discretized equations, thus the final linear equation of 3D equation is derived. In numerical examples, the good convergence of the DCM for Helmholtz and Poisson’s equations is shown. The solutions of numerical examples show that the computational efficiency of the IEFG method is improved significantly without losing the computational accuracy when the DCM is used. In addition, the DCM can enhance the computational efficiency of the hybrid element-free Galerkin (HEFG) method significantly without too many layers when the natural boundary conditions exist in the splitting direction.
In this study, the moving least squares based numerical manifold method (MLS-NMM) is firstly applied to discretize three-dimensional (3D) steady heat conduction problems of functionally graded materials (FGMs). In the 3D MLS-NMM, the influence domains of nodes in the moving least squares (MLS) are used as the mathematical patches to construct the mathematical cover (MC); while the shape functions of MLS-nodes as the weight functions subordinate to the MC. Compared with the traditional NMM using finite elements to form the MC, the cutting operations in generating the physical cover are unnecessary and the computation complexity is decreased significantly. Based on the Galerkin method, the discrete form of 3D heat conduction is derived. Finally, a series of numerical experiments concerning steady heat conduction problems are performed, suggesting that the proposed MLS-NMM enjoys advantages of both MLS and NMM in solving steady heat conduction.
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By introducing the dimension splitting method into the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM), a hybrid reproducing kernel particle method (HRKPM) for solving three-dimensional (3D) wave propagation problems is presented in this paper. Compared with the RKPM of 3D problems, the HRKPM needs only solving a set of two-dimensional (2D) problems in some subdomains, rather than solving a 3D problem in the 3D problem domain. The shape functions of 2D problems are much simpler than those of 3D problems, which results in that the HRKPM can save the CPU time greatly. Four numerical examples are selected to verify the validity and advantages of the proposed method. In addition, the error analysis and convergence of the proposed method are investigated. From the numerical results we can know that the HRKPM has higher computational efficiency than the RKPM and the element-free Galerkin method.
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In this study, the interpolating element-free Galerkin (IEFG) method for solving three-dimensional (3D) transient heat conduction problem is presented. By using the improved interpolating moving least-squares (IIMLS) method to form the shape function, and using the weak form of 3D transient heat conduction problems to obtain the discretized equations, the formulae of the IEFG method are obtained. The shape function of the IIMLS method satisfies the property of Kronecker delta function, and then the IEFG method can apply essential boundary conditions directly, which can result in higher computational speed and accuracy. Some examples are given to discuss the convergence and advantages of the IEFG method. By analyzing the numerical results obtained by IEFG method and improved EFG method, we conclude that IEFG method has clear advantages in computational speed and accuracy.
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By analyzing the background of land leasing in Shanghai, the hypotheses of the mathematical models of industrial land leasing in Shanghai are proposed, and then, the mathematical models of the land price and land area are presented for analyzing the factors of industrial land leasing. Based on the mathematical models and the district data of Shanghai from 2007 to 2015, the factors influencing industrial land leasing by the district government are studied. It is shown that the influencing factors, such as the land area, GDP, tenure of district mayor, and the distance between the land and the nearest subway station, affect the government behavior on industrial land leasing.
Based on the district-level data for Shanghai, China, from 2004 to 2015, the factors that influence residential land leasing by the district government and residential land leasing price under public land ownership will be studied. Officials from the Departments of Planning and Land Authority in Shanghai, China, will be interviewed to obtain reasonable influencing factors, which will be used as the variables in the mathematical models. Then, a hedonic model will be used to discuss the relationship between residential land leasing price and the influencing factors, and the mathematical model for total residential land leasing area will be presented based on the ordinary least square (OLS) method. Whether the price and total area of residential land are correlated with land characteristics, district-level economic development, political tenure, city and district centers, public schools, and local public goods, will be analyzed. The regression results show some factors that the government concerns about when leasing residential land under public land ownership, and how residential land leasing prices are influenced by these factors. The policy implications for the government and people for residential land leasing are presented, and these could be applied to other large cities in developing countries.
In this paper, to improve the computational speed of the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM), the dimension splitting reproducing kernel particle method (DSRKPM) is presented for solving three-dimensional (3D) transient heat conduction problems. The idea of the proposed method is transforming the 3D problem into a series of two-dimensional (2D) ones by using the finite difference method in the splitting direction. Since the shape function of the RKPM for 2D problem is much simpler than the one of 3D problem, the DSRKPM has higher computational speed than the RKPM. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method, four example problems are presented, and each of them is solved by the DSRKPM and the RKPM, respectively. And the numerical solutions show that the DSRKPM not only greatly improves the computational efficiency, but also has a higher computational accuracy.
In this paper, combining the dimension splitting method with the improved complex variable element-free Galerkin (ICVEFG) method, we present a fast ICVEFG method for three-dimensional wave propagation problems. Using the dimension splitting method, the equations of three-dimensional wave propagation problems are translated into a series of two-dimensional ones in another one-dimensional direction. The new Galerkin weak form of the dimension splitting method for three-dimensional wave propagation problems is obtained. The improved complex variable moving least-square (ICVMLS) approximation is used to obtain the shape functions, and the penalty method is used to apply the essential boundary conditions, finite difference method is used in the one-dimensional direction, then the formulae of the ICVEFG method for three-dimensional wave propagation problems are obtained. The convergence and the corresponding parameters in the ICVEFG method are discussed. Some numerical examples are given to show that the new method has higher computational precision, and can improve the computational efficiency of the conventional meshless methods for three-dimensional problems greatly.
By using the improved moving least-square (IMLS) approximation to present the shape function, the improved element-free Galerkin (IEFG) method is investigated to solve diffusional drug release problems in this paper. In order to get the discretized equation system, Galerkin weak form of a diffusional drug release problem is used with applying essential boundary conditions using the penalty method. The difference method is applied for discretization of time domain. Then the formulae of IEFG method for solving diffusional drug release problems are presented. Three numerical example problems are given to study the convergence of solutions of IEFG method in this paper. The influences of scale parameters of influence domain, penalty factor and node distribution on the accuracy of the solutions of IEFG method are discussed. Compared with finite element method, the correctness of IEFG method in this paper is shown.
In this paper, by using the data of the districts of Beijing from 2004 to 2015, the factors influencing commercial land leasing by the district governments and commercial land leasing price under public land ownership are studied. The variables to present the mathematical models for parcel-level demand and district-level supply are discussed, then the mathematical models are presented to explore whether the price formation and spatial distribution of commercial land leasing have relationship with some factors of the land characteristics, the district characteristics and the location characteristics of the land. The results show how commercial land leasing price changes by these factors and what factors the government concerns about when leasing commercial land under public land ownership. The policy implications when leasing commercial land in Beijing are presented, and these are suitable to other large cities of developing countries.
This paper presents an interpolating element-free Galerkin (IEFG) method for solving the two-dimensional (2D) elastic large deformation problems. By using the improved interpolating moving least-squares method to form shape function, and using the Galerkin weak form of 2D elastic large deformation problems to obtain the discrete equations, we obtain the formulae of the IEFG method for 2D elastic large deformation problems. As the displacement boundary conditions can be applied directly, the IEFG method can acquire higher computational efficiency and accuracy than the traditional element-free Galerkin (EFG) method, which is based on the moving least-squares approximation and can not apply the displacement boundary conditions directly. To analyze the influences of node distribution, scale parameter of influence domain and the loading step on the numerical solutions of the IEFG method, three numerical examples are proposed. The IEFG method has almost the same high accuracy as the EFG method, and for some 2D elastic large deformation problems the IEFG method even has higher computational accuracy.
Based on the dimension splitting method (DSM) and the improved complex variable element-free Galerkin (ICVEFG) method, the hybrid complex variable element-free Galerkin (HCVEFG) method for three-dimensional (3D) elasticity is proposed in this paper. The equilibrium equation of a 3D elasticity is written as three sets of equations, which contains the equilibrium equations of any two directions. By introducing the DSM, a set of the equilibrium equation of a 3D elasticity problem is transformed into a series of two-dimensional (2D) problems which are solved by using the ICVEFG method. In splitting direction, the finite difference method is used for coupling those 2D discretized equations. Similarly, the discretized equation of another set of the equilibrium equation can be derived. Then by coupling those two discretized system equations, the numerical solutions of the HCVEFG method for 3D elasticity problems can be obtained. The error and the convergence are analyzed by numerical examples, and the results show that the HCVEFG method has greater computational speed.