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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120879
Available online 25 May 2021
0040-1625/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Digital transformation in the maritime transport sector
Edvard Tijan
, Marija Jovi´
, Saˇ
sa Aksentijevi´
, Andreja Pucihar
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatia
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatia
c Forensics and Consulting, Ltd., Croatia
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia
Digital transformation
Maritime transport
Literature review
Success factors
In this paper, the authors perform a literature review of the drivers, success factors and barriers to digital
transformation in the maritime transport sector. Previous research offering a comprehensive overview of digital
transformation in the maritime transport sector is scarce. In order to ll this research gap, the authors have
identied a total of 139 sources, mainly related to the drivers, success factors and barriers for digitalization and
digital transformation. The analysis of the state of the art was performed, along with the analysis of the impact of
digital transformation in the maritime transport sector using a number of cases. The development of innovative
technologies (such as Blockchain or autonomous shipping) denitely fosters digital transformation in the
maritime transport sector. The barriers which are slowing down digital transformation compared to other in-
dustries are highlighted, such as the lack of awareness of how digital transformation may affect the business, and
the lack of standards and cooperation among stakeholders. The research ndings ll the identied research gap,
and can serve practitioners in shaping up proper strategies for successful digital transformation of organizations
in the maritime transport sector.
1. Introduction
In recent years, rms in almost all industries have conducted a
number of initiatives to explore new digital technologies and exploit
their benets (Matt et al., 2015). This frequently involves a trans-
formation of key business operations and affects products, services and
processes, as well as organizational structures and management con-
cepts (Matt et al., 2015). Digital transformation (DT) causes funda-
mental changes in traditional business practices by the implementation
and use of digital technology (Dehning et al., 2003). It exceeds changes
of business processes and enables the creation of new types of organi-
zations, brings changes in organizational culture, relationships, value
creation and customer reach, as well as market position (Lucas et al.,
2013). DT refers to organizational changes, caused by digital technol-
ogies, which lead to the redenition of existing business capabilities,
processes, and relationships (Dehning et al., 2003). The changes are
observable in business models; in the way how organizations create,
deliver and capture value (Pucihar, 2020).
DT can be dened as the process of reshaping the business models
due to, and through, the adoption and use of digital technologies with
the aim of creation of setting (within the organization and its
environment) in which new possibilities (digital capabilities) are
enabled and value is created (Jeansson & Bredmar, 2019). Integrating
and exploiting new digital technologies is one of the biggest challenges
that companies currently face (Hess et al., 2016). The maritime trans-
port, an important mode of transport in international trade (Gren et al.,
2020) is moving towards digitalization and DT at different speeds in the
different domains (Sanchez-Gonzalez et al., 2019). Shipping, as a part of
logistics chain, is a volatile industry and is in a turbulent condition due
to the energy price uctuations, technological immaturity and up-
coming increases in regulations (Zaman et al., 2017).
Seaport stakeholders and enterprises in the maritime transport
sector, as many enterprises in other industries, struggle with the lack of
awareness, proper strategies and initiatives for successful DT (Gausdal
et al., 2018; KPMG International Cooperative, 2018). The majority of
contemporary research is focused either on DT of transport in general, or
digitalization trends focused on the maritime transport. A lack of
research and scientic papers offering a comprehensive overview of DT
in the maritime transport sector is particularly pronounced. To over-
come this research gap and to provide a better understanding of DT in
the maritime transport sector, authors conducted a comprehensive
literature review focusing on the period from 2015 to 2020 to capture
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Pucihar).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Technological Forecasting & Social Change
journal homepage:
Received 22 December 2020; Received in revised form 24 April 2021; Accepted 7 May 2021
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120879
recent research in the eld of DT in the maritime transport sector,
transport in general or digital transformation in general. The aim was to
identify drivers, success factors and barriers for successful DT which can
be applied to the maritime transport sector context. To achieve this aim,
the following research questions were addressed in this study:
•What are the drivers of digital transformation which can be applied
to the maritime transport sector?
•What are the success factors for digital transformation which can be
applied to the maritime transport sector?
•What are the barriers to successful digital transformation which can
be applied to the maritime transport sector?
After analyzing the state of the art of digitalization and DT in the
maritime transport sector, the authors have identied the drivers, suc-
cess factors and barriers for DT, applying them to the maritime transport
sector context, and provided several cases of successful DT in the
maritime transport sector. At the end, the Discussion with an emphasis
of the specics of the maritime transport sector compared to other in-
dustries in terms of DT is provided.
2. State of the art of digitalization and digital transformation in
the maritime transport sector
Digitalization focuses mainly on the business process automation,
operations automation, as well as on the processing of information. On
the other hand, digital transformation (DT) is currently an important
trend that penetrates many industrial and societal domains (Gray &
Rumpe, 2017) and may be dened as the use of new digital technologies
(analytics or embedded devices) to enable business improvements (e.g.
improving the customer experience, streamlining processes) (Hausberg
et al., 2018; Kovynyov & Mikut, 2018), (Morakanyane et al., 2017), or to
innovate the business models (Hausberg et al., 2018; Gerster, 2017;
c, 2019; Morakanyane et al., 2017) in strategic, tactical and oper-
ational terms (Saul & Gebauer 2018).
Only a small number of industry players in the maritime transport
sector consider that digitalization has already changed their business
signicantly, whereas the companies in high-tech and in public trans-
portation have already seen greater changes from the pressure of digi-
talization (Quitzau et al., 2018)(. (Sanchez-Gonzalez et al., 2019)
veried the state-of-the-art of digitalization in the maritime transport
and stated that digitalization currently applies to eight digital domains:
“autonomous vehicles and robotics; articial intelligence; Big Data;
virtual reality, augmented and mixed reality; Internet of Things; the
cloud and edge computing; digital security; 3D printing and additive
engineering”. Their work demonstrates that “there are domains on
which almost no formal study has been done so far and concludes that
there are major areas that require attention in terms of research (e.g. the
use of robotics in sea transport services and the integration of the studies
done on AI in the industry)”.
(Fruth & Teuteberg, 2017) provided an overview of the current state
of digitalization in maritime logistics and discussed the existing problem
areas (e.g. lack of theoretical studies that examine in more detail the
future behavior of actors in the maritime logistics chain), and showed
potentials for improvement, e.g., by expanding the research into areas
where information and Big Data projects have already been imple-
mented. Proliferation of digitalization in maritime transport is most
pronounced in the navigation systems, for example the concept of
e-navigation and the ongoing developments within the navigation in
general (Nkuna, 2017).
Shipping companies rate the importance of digitalization for their
own industry according to the following: 15% consider radical industry
change to be unavoidable, while 69% feel that there will be signicant
changes but no revolution in the industry, while a sizeable 16% consider
the topic to be overrated (Quitzau et al., 2018)(. According to the PwC
Norway survey (PwC Norway, 2017) that included 28 decision-makers
active in ocean shipping, “the DT is set to play a key role in shipping
and for shipping companies in the future and the maritime industry is
now anticipating extensive digitalization processes with a great degree
of certainty”. Crewless shipping seems still far away, but both Norwe-
gian and Greek shipping companies are becoming open to an idea of
ships controlled from land.”.
(Gausdal et al., 2018) claim that the main drivers of DT (from the
Blockchain perspective only) are the intention to reduce costs, over-
regulation in the maritime industry, and the large quantity of data that
maritime companies process, along with the intention to increase the
business effectiveness. Opposed to that, the main barriers to DT are high
implementation costs, low quality of offshore Internet connections,
aging decision-makers, overly technology-oriented culture, the lack of
investment initiatives, the low level of modern digital technology (e.g.
Blockchain) diffusion through the supply chain, and risk aversion.
Seaports play a very important role in the maritime logistics and
represent important hubs in the international trade. (Heilig et al.,
2017a) provided an overview of the development and state-of-the-art of
DT in modern seaports in order to identify current DT potentials and
(Heilig et al., 2017b) focused on seaports, identifying three genera-
tions of DT (Transformation to Paperless Procedures; Transformation to
Automated Procedures; Transformation to Smart Procedures), and
analyzing the stages of respective DT.
The analysis so far has shown that there are only a few recent studies
that have addressed the digitalization and DT in the maritime sector,
and none of them offer a comprehensive overview of DT in the maritime
transport sector. Most of these studies were focused to identify current
status of digitalization, reveal managerial anticipations of DT and
identify DT potentials and barriers from the perspective of collaboration
in the overall supply chain, not the maritime transport in particular.
3. Research methodology
To provide a better understanding of digital transformation (DT) and
to identify drivers, success factors and barriers which can be applied to
the maritime transport sector, a comprehensive literature review has
been conducted. The research methodology was partially adapted from
(Dreyer et al., 2019). Fig. 1 shows the methodological steps of the
The search was carried out using six research databases: Web of
Science, Scopus, AISeL, SpringerLink, Emerald Insight and Semantic
Scholar. In this research, we have focused on the following keywords:
•Digital transformation
•Digital transformation AND Transport
•Digital transformation AND Maritime transport
•Digital transformation AND Maritime industry
•Digital transformation AND Shipping
•Digital transformation AND Seaport
•Digital transformation AND Port
•Business model AND Innovation AND Transport
•Business model AND Innovation AND Maritime transport
A search was performed in the aforementioned databases in order to
determine whether publications contained at least one of the search
terms in the title or abstract. Inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as
Content analysis and Analysis of additional sources are explained in
more detail in the following sub-chapters. Furthermore, snowball sam-
pling phase was utilized to extend the set of relevant primary studies
arniemi 2015).
Fig. 2 shows the literature search process, partially adapted from
(Dreyer et al., 2019), and the results.
95 sources have been identied as relevant for this research. Authors
have also included 12 additional sources such as the reports and thesis
(this step will be further explained). Due to the lack of research related
E. Tijan et al.
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120879
to DT in the maritime transport sector, the authors have also included
additional 44 sources related to the maritime transport sector (MTS)
(such as scientic papers, reports, dissertations etc.), which do not
necessarily contain the selected keywords, but are related to the indi-
vidual identied drivers, success factors and barriers to DT in the
maritime transport sector. If the drivers, success factors and barriers to
DT were identied in sources related to DT in general, the authors have
further investigated additional resources related to the maritime trans-
port sector to conrm the relevance of such drivers, success factors and
barriers to the maritime transport sector.
3.1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion and exclusion criteria were determined to identify the most
relevant articles for this topic. Due to the lack of scientic papers dealing
with DT in the maritime transport sector, authors have also considered
the papers dealing with DT in general and DT of the transport in general.
Appendix A shows the number of hits after applying the reduction
criteria for each search term found in different databases and number of
sources after screening manually. As shown in Appendix A, the following
limitations were used:
The search for articles was performed in six databases according to
the set time limitation (2015-2020). In the Web of Science database, the
search was performed in order to determine whether the publications
contained at least one of the keywords in the Topic or Title. The authors
limited the search to the following categories: Transport Science Tech-
nology, Computer Science, Information Systems, Management, Busi-
ness, Communication, Economics, and Green Sustainable Science
Technology. In the Scopus database the search was performed in order
to determine whether the publications contained at least one of the
selected keywords in Article title, Abstract, and Keywords. In the AISeL
database, the search was performed in order to determine whether the
publications contained at least one of the keywords in Abstract, Title or
Subject. In the SpringerLink database, the search was performed in the
following disciplines: Business and Management, Engineering, Com-
puter Science and Economics, in order to determine whether the pub-
lications contained at least one of the keywords. In the Emerald Insight
database, the search was performed in order to determine whether the
publications contained at least one of the keywords in Title or Abstract.
In the Semantic Scholar database, the authors limited the keyword
search to the following Fields of study: Business, computer science,
Engineering, Economics.
According to (Dreyer et al., 2019), in order to achieve a broad
literature review, the search was not limited only to high-ranking
journals and conferences. Articles that were not written in English lan-
guage were excluded, in order to avoid tentative regional over-
representation of research in the formal analysis (Dreyer et al., 2019).
3.2. Sources used in the research
In order to further overcome the research gap, authors have
considered not only journal and conference papers, but have also
considered book chapters, dissertations, master theses, editorial mate-
rials, reports, etc. All sources are grouped in the Table 1.
3.3. Analysis of the identied literature and other sources
The initial focus was placed on papers containing the term “digital
transformation” in the title or abstract. As the goal of the research was to
identify drivers, success factors and barriers, thorough analysis of the
entire content of the papers had to be performed. The authors were also
looking for the terms: “driver(s)”, “factor(s)” and “barrier(s)”. The main
question during the search for the drivers of DT was: Why do stakeholders
in maritime transport sector decide to pursue DT? While searching for
success factors, authors were mainly led by the question: What is needed
for a successful DT? During the search for barriers to DT, the main
question was: What prevents a successful DT? After identifying the
drivers, success factors and barriers, the importance of DT in the
Fig. 1. Methodological steps
Fig. 2. Literature search process and search results
E. Tijan et al.
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maritime transport sector is demonstrated through the analysis of
several cases. For that purpose, the authors have also analyzed web
pages and other relevant sources related to DT in the maritime transport
sector. The authors have also included additional scientic papers
(which do not necessarily contain the search keywords) related to the
maritime transport sector to provide a deeper insight of the maritime
transport context.
4. Findings
The identied drivers, barriers and success factors of digital trans-
formation (DT) were classied into organizational, technological and
external environment context and were applied to the maritime trans-
port sector context.
4.1. Drivers of digital transformation
Drivers can be dened as external or internal triggers that cause
organizations to engage in DT (Osmundsen et al., 2018). Table 2 shows
the identied drivers of DT in the maritime transport sector. In total, 76
sources have been used in this process.
Based on the literature review, 3 organizational, 2 technological and
5 external environmental drivers of DT in the maritime transport sector
were identied. The following identied drivers are closely related: new
and emerging technologies, changing customer behaviors and ex-
pectations and competitive environment. Due to the emergence of
new digital technologies in the maritime transport sector, such as
Blockchain, Internet of Things, Big Data, autonomous drones, competi-
tive landscape and customer expectations are changing dramatically
(Verhoef et al., 2019). Customer expectations for reliable, exible, and
cost-efcient transport service are increased (Raza et al., 2020) which
stimulates organizations to engage into DT to stay competitive (Verhoef
et al., 2019). Shipping companies have to adjust to the customer needs,
offer appropriate transport services in order to achieve the most efcient
and long-lasting commercial operation of its vessels (Plomaritou, Plo-
maritou, & Giziakis, 2011).
Regarding the regulatory requirements, the maritime transport
sector is facing stricter environmental requirements approved by the
International Maritime Organization, the European Union, and other
international organizations (Gausdal et al., 2018), such as the London
Convention and Protocol (LC/LP), the Hong Kong Ship Recycling
Convention and Annex VI Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships
(entered into force 19 May 2005) of the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) (Lee et al., 2019). In order
to follow the regulations, investments in technologies and collaboration
and technical cooperation of involved organizations are needed (Inter-
national Maritime Organization, 2020).
Processing large amounts of data, streamlining operations and
data transparency are closely related drivers. Broad range of
Table 1
Sources used in the research
Sources used to identify drivers, success factors
and barriers
Additional sources relevant to the
maritime transport sector
Journal papers 41 Journal papers 21
Conference papers 36 Conference papers 3
Dissertations 1 Dissertations 3
Editorial Materials 1 Magazine articles 2
Master theses 2 Master theses 1
Reports 7 Reports 3
Scientic series logistics at the Berlin
Institute of Technology
1 Ofcial Web Pages 5
Book chapters 5 Book chapters 3
Working papers 1 Brochures (EU Council) 1
Invitation paper (Marshall
Toolkit 1
Table 2
Identied drivers of digital transformation
Groups Drivers Sources
Drivers related to
the organization
Cost reduction (9)
Organizations implement
new technologies in order to
simplify collaboration with
other organizations, and thus
reduce the cost of exchanging
information and executing
transactions, etc.; Leaner,
more automated, and error-
free processes help in cost
(Gausdal et al., 2018), (
Ismail et al., 2018), (North
et al., 2019), (Viktorovich &
Aleksandrovna, 2019), (
Korpela et al., 2017), (Wei
et al., 2019), (Morakanyane
et al., 2017), (Henriette et al.,
2015), (Korchagina et al.,
Streamlining operations
Making processes more
efcient and reliable, for
example by improved
resource planning; Improved
information ows through
the transport route
(Heilig et al., 2017a), (Jovi´
et al., 2019b), (Schumann
et al., 2017), (Viktorovich &
Aleksandrovna, 2019)
Shorter time delays (3)
Goods and information
should pass in the required
time frame; shorter waiting
times for ships and faster
processing at the terminal
(Junge, 2019), (Wiedenmann
& Gr¨
oßler, 2019), (Fruth &
Teuteberg, 2017)
Drivers related to
New and emerging
technologies (63)
Novel technologies open new
opportunities for business
transformation; at the level
either of an organization or
wider in the transport chain
(Digital Transport & Logistics
Forum 2018), (Huang,
2018), (Heilig et al., 2017b),
(Legner et al., 2017), (Shi
et al., 2019), (Henriette et al.,
2015), (Ismail et al., 2018), (
Alt, 2019), (Verhoef et al.,
2019), (Kozak-Holland and
Procter, 2020), (Boneva,
2018), (Nwankpa &
Roumani, 2016), (
Morakanyane et al., 2017), (
Quitzau et al., 2018), (
Genzorova et al., 2019), (
Piccinini et al., 2015), (Jovi´
et al., 2019b), (Jeansson &
Bredmar, 2019), (Fruth &
Teuteberg, 2017), (Teece &
Linden, 2017), (Matt et al.,
2015), (Verina & Titko,
2019), (Carcary et al., 2016),
(Kwon & Park, 2017), (
Chinoracky & Corejova,
2019), (Peter et al., 2020), (
North et al., 2019), (Agrawal
et al., 2020), (Kotarba,
2018), (Henriette et al.,
2016), (Fuchs & Hess, 2018),
(Ponsignon et al., 2019), (
ao et al., 2019), (Mugge
et al., 2020), (Kane et al.,
2018), (Sehlin et al., 2019), (
Malyavkina et al., 2019), (
Junge, 2019), (Cichosz,
2018), (Viktorovich &
Aleksandrovna, 2019), (
Junge et al., 2019), (Jahn
et al., 2019), (Korpela et al.,
2017), (Iddris, 2018), (Sabri
et al., 2018), (Wiedenmann
& Gr¨
oßler, 2019), (Reis et al.,
2018), (Sayabek et al., 2020),
c et al., 2018), (Wei
et al., 2019), (Hartl & Hess,
2017), (Caputa, 2017), (
Schwertner, 2017), (
(continued on next page)
E. Tijan et al.
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120879
stakeholders (such as the maritime logistics enterprises, forwarders and
agents) are compelled to accept changes in the maritime transport sector
and turn to more effective practices by implementing technologies that
can gather and process massive amounts of information (in a cost-
effective way) (Jovi´
c et al., 2019b), (Marshall University, 2019), as
well as improve the stakeholder cooperation and data transparency
along the transport chain.
Digitalization has also enabled more far-reaching concepts, such as
the Big Data, Internet of Things, Blockchain, and cloud computing,
which can provide the maritime industry with new ways to collect,
process and exchange valuable data in the real time (European Council
for Maritime Applied R&D, 2017).
4.2. Success factors for digital transformation
Success factors may be explained as elements required for achieving
desired goals. Table 3 presents the identied success factors for DT in the
maritime transport sector classied into three groups: success factors
related to the organization itself, related to the external environment
and related to technologies. In total, 84 different sources have been
Based on the literature review, 13 organizational, 6 technological
and 6 external environmental success factors for DT in the maritime
transport sector were identied. Regarding the actively shaping future
strategies, (Heilig et al., 2017b) state that it is essential to rst evaluate
competitive potentials, integrate them with the existing port IT/IS
infrastructure, and align with individual processes and the port business
network. However, less digitally mature organizations tend to focus
more on the individual technologies (Kane et al., 2015).
With regard to new business models, new entries come into the
market with novel and often disruptive business model, while the
incumbent companies still rely on the existing business model based on
their existing assets that may not be able to full customer and market
needs anymore (Venkatesh et al., 2019), (Mihardjo & Sasmoko, 2018).
Currently, smart ports may represent the aforementioned “novel busi-
ness model”, in which all parts of the seaport operations and trans-
portation are closely connected through various digital networks (Jovi´
et al., 2019a). (Heilig et al., 2017b) claim that, in smart ports, only the
Table 2 (continued )
Groups Drivers Sources
Hausberg et al., 2019), (Vial,
2019), (Tsakalidis et al.,
2020), (Pagani & Pardo,
2017), (Remane et al., 2017),
(Zaman et al., 2017), (
Schiavi & Behr, 2018), (
Junge & Straube, 2020), (
Munim et al., 2020), (
Korchagina et al., 2020)
Processing large amounts
of data (6)
The ability to process large
amount of data in order to
increase organizations’
(Gausdal et al., 2018), (
Schumann et al., 2017), (
Viktorovich &
Aleksandrovna, 2019), (
Iddris, 2018), (Sabri et al.,
2018), (S´
anchez, 2017)
Drivers related to
the external
Changing customer
behaviors and expectations
With the emergence of new
technologies, customers’
expectations have increased
(Osmundsen et al., 2018), (
Legner et al., 2017), (
Verhoef et al., 2019), (
Boneva, 2018), (
Morakanyane et al., 2017), (
Piccinini et al., 2015), (
Hausberg et al., 2019), (
Teece & Linden, 2017), (
Verina & Titko, 2019), (
Jeansson & Bredmar, 2019),
(Alt, 2019), (Carcary et al.,
2016), (Kwon & Park, 2017),
(Henriette et al., 2015), (
Ismail et al., 2018), (
Agrawal et al., 2020), (
Henriette et al., 2016), (
Larjovuori et al., 2018), (
Fuchs & Hess, 2018), (
Ponsignon et al., 2019), (
Mugge et al., 2020), (Sehlin
et al., 2019), (Agushi, 2019),
(Viktorovich &
Aleksandrovna, 2019), (
Wiedenmann & Gr¨
2019), (Reis et al., 2018), (
Sayabek et al., 2020), (
c et al., 2019), (Leipzig
et al., 2017), (Hartl & Hess,
2017), (Caputa, 2017), (Vial,
2019), (Acciaro & Sys,
2020), (Korchagina et al.,
Competitive environment
Competitive environment is
changing; DT may disrupt
existing markets, recombine
existing products and
services, etc.
Osmundsen et al., 2018), (
Ismail et al., 2018), (Verhoef
et al., 2019), (Boneva, 2018),
(Nwankpa & Roumani,
2016), (Morakanyane et al.,
2017), (Teece & Linden,
2017), (Fruth & Teuteberg,
2017), (Henriette et al.,
2015), (Verina & Titko,
2019), (Jeansson &
Bredmar, 2019), (Gausdal
et al., 2018), (Heilig et al.,
2017b), (North et al., 2019),
(Adner et al., 2019), (
Henriette et al., 2016), (
ao et al., 2019), (Mugge
et al., 2020), (Kane et al.,
2018), (Sehlin et al., 2019), (
Galimova et al., 2019), (
Agushi, 2019), (Cichosz,
2018), (Viktorovich &
Aleksandrovna, 2019), (
Junge et al., 2019), (Korpela
et al., 2017), (Sabri et al.,
2018), (Reis et al., 2018), (
Sayabek et al., 2020), (
c et al., 2018), (Hartl
and Hess, 2017), (Caputa,
Table 2 (continued )
Groups Drivers Sources
2017), (Schwertner, 2017), (
Vial, 2019), (Acciaro & Sys,
2020), (Wang & Mileski,
2018), (Schiavi & Behr,
Regulatory requirements
Regulations imposed by
international and regulatory
organizations, with the
intention to achieve e.g.
“green” transport
(Gausdal et al., 2018), (
Osmundsen et al., 2018), (
Tsakalidis et al., 2020), (
Zaman et al., 2017)
Improving stakeholder
collaboration (4)
Improved collaboration
through smooth information
sharing between the involved
(Iddris, 2018), (Sabri et al.,
2018), (Wiedenmann and
oßler, 2019), (Hausberg
et al., 2019)
Data transparency (2)
Providing better
transparency of the transport
route; the transparency at the
transport route from the
sender to the recipient
(Fruth & Teuteberg, 2017), (
Viktorovich &
Aleksandrovna, 2019)
E. Tijan et al.
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120879
Table 3
Identied success factors for digital transformation
Groups Success factors Sources
Success factors
related to the
New business models (24)
Developing new business
models in order to stay
competitive and generate
new revenues; Smart port
may also represent a new
business model; Companies
must develop business
models that maximize
innovation and effectiveness
in leveraging digitalization
(Mosconi et al., 2019), (
Osmundsen et al., 2018), (
Legner et al., 2017), (
Kutzner et al., 2018), (Fruth
& Teuteberg, 2017), (
Genzorova et al., 2019), (
Hausberg et al., 2019), (
c et al., 2019b), (
Jeansson & Bredmar, 2019),
(Teece & Linden, 2017), (
Carcary et al., 2016), (
Pappas et al., 2018), (
Ponsignon et al., 2019), (
Korpela et al., 2017), (Sabri
et al., 2018), (Reis et al.,
2018), (Ivanˇ
c et al., 2019),
(Hartl & Hess, 2017), (
Schwertner, 2017), (Verina
& Titko, 2019), (Remane
et al., 2017), (Schiavi &
Behr, 2018), (Junge &
Straube, 2020), (
Korchagina et al., 2020)
Actively shaping future
strategies (50)
Actively shaping future
strategies via business
optimizations and
investments (e.g. in
employees’ training,
technologies), in order to
overcome the obstacles and
stay competitive
(Mosconi et al., 2019), (
Kotarba, 2018), (Heilig
et al., 2017a), (Heilig et al.,
2017b), (Osmundsen et al.,
2018), (Gupta, 2018), (
Henriette et al., 2016), (
Ismail et al., 2018), (Kane
et al., 2015), (Kutzner et al.,
2018), (Alt, 2019), (
Verhoef et al., 2019), (
Nwankpa & Roumani,
2016), (Morakanyane et al.,
2017), (Teece & Linden,
2017), (Genzorova et al.,
2019), (Holotiuk &
Beimborn, 2017), (Matt
et al., 2015), (Verina &
Titko, 2019), (Carcary et al.,
2016), (North et al., 2019), (
Schallmo et al., 2019), (
Adner et al., 2019), (
Larjovuori et al., 2018), (
Ponsignon et al., 2019), (
ao et al., 2019), (Mugge
et al., 2020), (Kane et al.,
2017), (Sehlin et al., 2019),
(Galimova et al., 2019), (
Moreira et al., 2018), (
Agushi, 2019), (Junge et al.,
2019), (Korpela et al.,
2017), (Sabri et al., 2018), (
Reis et al., 2018), (Sayabek
et al., 2020), (Vukˇ
c et al.,
2018), (Leipzig et al., 2017),
(Schwertner, 2017), (
anchez, 2017), (Kwon &
Park, 2017), (Pappas et al.,
2018), (Scholz et al., 2020),
(Kane et al., 2016), (Vial,
2019), (Pagani & Pardo,
2017), (Remane et al.,
2017), (Wang & Mileski,
2018), (Junge & Straube,
Clear vision (17)
A strong, clearly
communicated vision shared
by the entire organization
(Larjovuori et al., 2018), (
Ismail et al., 2018), (
Mosconi et al., 2019), (
Gupta, 2018), (Zeike et al.,
2019a), (Kozak-Holland and
Procter, 2020), (Holotiuk &
Beimborn, 2017), (Carcary
Table 3 (continued )
Groups Success factors Sources
et al., 2016), (Kwon & Park,
2017), (Ponsignon et al.,
2019), (Mugge et al., 2020),
(Kane et al., 2018), (Kane
et al., 2019), (Sayabek et al.,
2020), (Ivanˇ
c et al., 2019),
(Schwertner, 2017), (
anchez, 2017)
New and dynamic
capabilities (13)
Capability to design new
business models;
Dynamic capabilities to
improve business intelligence
agility and business value;
Dynamic capabilities allow
an organization to identify
and respond to opportunities
by transforming the
organization, reconguring
resources, etc.
(Mosconi et al., 2019), (
Osmundsen et al., 2018), (
Gupta, 2018), (Holotiuk &
Beimborn, 2017), (
Morakanyane et al., 2017), (
Teece & Linden, 2017), (
Verina & Titko, 2019), (
Carcary et al., 2016), (Peter
et al., 2020), (North et al.,
2019), (Pappas et al., 2018),
anchez, 2017), (Vial,
Cultural readiness for
changes (32)
The ability to successfully
respond to changes caused by
the emergence of new
technologies, globalization,
etc.; The organizational
culture must encourage risk-
taking and tolerate failures to
(Mosconi et al., 2019), (
Osmundsen et al., 2018), (
Larjovuori et al., 2018), (
Ismail et al., 2018), (
Holotiuk & Beimborn,
2017), (Gupta, 2018), (
Kutzner et al., 2018), (
Kozak-Holland and Procter,
2020), (Boneva, 2018), (
Morakanyane et al., 2017), (
Huang, 2018), (Teece &
Linden, 2017), (Schumann
et al., 2017), (Verina &
Titko, 2019), (Jeansson &
Bredmar, 2019), (Gausdal
et al., 2018), (Peter et al.,
2020), (Schallmo et al.,
2019), (Henriette et al.,
2016), (Pappas et al., 2018),
(Ponsignon et al., 2019), (
ao et al., 2019), (Mugge
et al., 2020), (Kane et al.,
2017), (Kane et al., 2016), (
Kane et al., 2018), (Agushi,
2019), (Junge et al., 2019),
c et al., 2019), (
Leipzig et al., 2017), (Hartl
& Hess, 2017), (Vial, 2019)
Organizational agility (12)
Agility to reallocate
resources, to reorganize
rapidly (at the level of
organization) and to detect
opportunities for innovation
and seize those competitive
market opportunities
(Kwon & Park, 2017), (
Legner et al., 2017), (
Holotiuk & Beimborn,
2017), (Kozak-Holland and
Procter, 2020), (Carcary
et al., 2016), (Verhoef et al.,
2019), (Fuchs & Hess,
2018), (Ponsignon et al.,
2019), (Dur˜
ao et al., 2019),
(Agushi, 2019), (Hartl &
Hess, 2017), (Vial, 2019)
Organization’s willingness
to take risks and make
decisions under
uncertainty (2)
Experimenting with new,
rapidly developing
technologies often requires
risk taking and making
informed decisions under
(Hartl & Hess, 2017), (
anchez, 2017)
Engagement of managers
and employees (32)
Leaders have to encourage
(Osmundsen et al., 2018), (
Gupta, 2018), (Legner et al.,
2017), (Larjovuori et al.,
2018), (Holotiuk &
(continued on next page)
E. Tijan et al.
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120879
Table 3 (continued )
Groups Success factors Sources
forward-thinking, openness,
technology acceptance,
entrepreneurial spirit, and a
startup way of working.
Employees have to be ready
to cooperate, be ready to
develop new skills, etc.
Beimborn, 2017), (Zeike
et al., 2019a), (Zeike et al.,
2019)(, (Boneva, 2018), (
Teece & Linden, 2017), (
Schumann et al., 2017), (
Genzorova et al., 2019), (
c et al., 2019b), (Matt
et al., 2015), (Verina &
Titko, 2019), (Carcary et al.,
2016), (Kwon & Park,
2017), (Scholz et al., 2020),
(North et al., 2019), (
Henriette et al., 2016), (
Kane et al., 2015), (
Ponsignon et al., 2019), (
ao et al., 2019), (Kane
et al., 2017), (Kane et al.,
2018), (Kane et al., 2019), (
Sehlin et al., 2019), (
Sayabek et al., 2020), (
c et al., 2018), (
anchez, 2017), (Vial,
2019), (Remane et al.,
2017), (Junge & Straube,
Creation of new leadership
roles (e.g. a chief digital
ofcer) (1)
A chief digital ofcer is
tasked to ensure that digital
technologies are properly
leveraged and aligned with
the objectives of the
(Vial, 2019)
Digital leadership skills/
capabilities (9)
Necessary to achieve
increased performance and
create competitive advantage
for organizations; Seven
leadership skills: openness,
willingness to fail,
adaptability, empathy,
motivation, communication,
and technological
(Zeike et al., 2019a), (
Carcary et al., 2016), (Peter
et al., 2020), (Boneva,
2018), (Schallmo et al.,
2019), (Pappas et al., 2018),
(Kane et al., 2015), (Mugge
et al., 2020), (Junge &
Straube, 2020)
Investing in employee and
manager knowledge (25)
Changes to the structure as
well as the culture of an
organization lead employees
to assume roles that were
traditionally outside of their
(Gupta, 2018), (Legner
et al., 2017), (Pappas et al.,
2018), (Mosconi et al.,
2019), (Kutzner et al.,
2018), (Nkuna, 2017), (
Genzorova et al., 2019), (
Huang, 2018), (Henriette
et al., 2015), (Verina &
Titko, 2019), (Carcary et al.,
2016), (Chinoracky &
Corejova, 2019), (Boneva,
2018), (North et al., 2019), (
Schallmo et al., 2019), (
Larjovuori et al., 2018), (
Kane et al., 2015), (
Ponsignon et al., 2019), (
Mugge et al., 2020), (Kane
et al., 2018), (Junge, 2019),
(Reis et al., 2018), (Ivanˇ
et al., 2019), (Vial, 2019), (
Remane et al., 2017)
Communication within the
organization (11)
The organization’s intention
to build internal networks for
(Carcary et al., 2016), (
Heilig et al., 2017a), (
Henriette et al., 2015), (
Schallmo et al., 2019), (
Adner et al., 2019), (Kane
et al., 2015), (Ponsignon
Table 3 (continued )
Groups Success factors Sources
knowledge and information
et al., 2019), (Mugge et al.,
2020), (Kane et al., 2019), (
Junge et al., 2019), (Hartl &
Hess, 2017)
collaboration (4)
Collaboration between
different functional areas of
the organization
(Kane et al., 2017), (Kane
et al., 2019), (Hartl & Hess,
2017), (Vial, 2019)
Success factors
related to
Digital security and
compliance (4):
Enterprises are increasingly
exposed to cyber-threats due
to intensive use of new
technologies, and must take
appropriate countermeasures
to ensure security
(Digital Transport &
Logistics Forum 2018), (
Legner et al., 2017), (Ali
and Jali, 2018), (Henriette
et al., 2016)
Investing in appropriate
technologies (7)
Investing in appropriate
technologies according to
business needs; Critical factor
for creating value in business;
for increasing productivity,
reducing costs
(Pappas et al., 2018), (
Mosconi et al., 2019), (
Heilig et al., 2017b), (
Schumann et al., 2017), (
Gausdal et al., 2018), (
Mugge et al., 2020), (
Galimova et al., 2019)
New technologies
embedded in aligned
business strategies and
processes (6)
IT department understands
the company’s strategy and
(Alt, 2019), (Kwon & Park,
2017), (North et al., 2019), (
Mosconi et al., 2019), (
Moreira et al., 2018), (
Schwertner, 2017)
Compatibility, integration
and interoperability of ICT
and systems (1)
Integration of ICT systems
improves data exchange,
business planning and
(Schumann et al., 2017)
Integration between
multiple information
platforms (3)
Enabling smoother exchange
of information and
(Korpela et al., 2017), (
Iddris, 2018), (Schumann
et al., 2017)
Development of business
process connectivity and
standards (3)
For integrating business
processes along the transport
(Korpela et al., 2017), (
Iddris, 2018), (Wiedenmann
& Gr¨
oßler, 2019)
Success factors
related to the
Mutual trust between the
organization, its
leadership, members and
external partners (1)
A key for an increasingly
digitalized working
(Hartl & Hess, 2017)
Understanding stakeholder
needs and their
expectations (1)
Implementing new
technologies to increase
collaboration along the
transport route and to meet
(Fruth & Teuteberg, 2017)
(continued on next page)
E. Tijan et al.
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120879
integration of different solutions enables the adequate redesign of
business processes.
Clear vision was considered to be either the prerequisite or the rst
step of the DT (Larjovuori et al., 2018). The importance of clear vision
may be shown through the case of Port of Rotterdam: “We continually
improve the port of Rotterdam to make it the safest, most efcient and
most sustainable port in the world…”, “…we are also strengthening the
competitive position of the Netherlands.” (Port of Rotterdam, 2019c).
Indeed, the port area is constantly in development, maintaining Rot-
terdam’s position as the world’s leading port” (Port of Rotterdam,
2019a). The necessity for a clear vision can be demonstrated through the
Maersk (the Danish shipping company responsible for 18% of container
trade in the world) case as well. “Maersk is delivering on the vision in
which DT and technological rationalization become the backbone of
delivering a seamless, end-to-end experience for its customers.”
(Maersk, 2019a).
In order to realize the vision and further accelerate DT, CMA CGM
Group is introducing services such as smart containers which provide
notications in case of humidity or an abnormal rise in temperature
(CMA CGM GROUP 2018). Their vision, among others, focuses on cus-
tomers as well, proving that the changing customer behaviors and ex-
pectations are the primary drivers of DT.
New and dynamic capabilities can be dened as “an organization’s
ways of responding in a rapidly changing environment” (Bleady et al.,
2018). (Kuo et al., 2017) claim that in an uncertain environment, with
increasingly higher costs and risks, container shipping companies need
to focus on dynamic capabilities to renew and adjust their management
Regarding the engagement of managers and employees and
investing in employee and manager knowledge, senior managers of
organizations in the maritime transport sector should effectively
develop incentives and encourage employees and invest in their
knowledge, as these factors affect the organizational agility (Maymand
& Mollaei, 2014). For example, developing new devices for data pro-
cessing and validating the collected data in the maritime transport sector
is labour intensive and requires technological knowledge in analytics,
statistics and software modelling (Koga, 2015; Jovi´
c et al., 2020).
In regard to cultural readiness for changes and organization’s
willingness to take risks and make decisions under uncertainty,
leaders in the maritime transport sector need to build a supportive
culture that embraces collaboration, risk taking, and experimentation
(Kane et al., 2017). Cultural values crucial for DT success are: openness
towards change, customer-centricity or willingness to learn (Hartl &
Hess, 2017).
With regard to customer and partner engagement and collaboration
and inter-organizational data and knowledge exchange (i.e. across or-
ganization boundaries), collaboration may help the stakeholders of the
port processes to reduce logistics costs through faster information ow,
aiming to deliver the cargo faster, to enable the ow of goods, to save
time necessary for the completion of business processes and nally, to
boost economic growth (Tijan et al., 2012). For example, the Port of
Rotterdam plays a decisive part in the process of DT through the coop-
eration with clients, business partners and digital platforms in order to
make Rotterdam a hotspot for the development of the most promising
digital innovations; they are also investing in new digital infrastructure
that can help create the right conditions for extensive digitalisation etc.
(Port of Rotterdam, 2019b). The Maritime and Port Authority of
Singapore launched the Smart Port Challenge 2017 to encourage
start-up and organizations collaboration, pushing DT into the industry,
harnessing technologies to add value to the maritime logistics chain,
also collaborating with the Port of Rotterdam in the same kind of
endeavor” (Czachorowski et al., 2019). However, according to (Chandra
& van Hillegersberg, 2018), collaborations need formal governance to
address members’ concerns about who owns the data, how the data is
protected, and who can access the data. In order to achieve successful
collaboration, mutual trust between the organizations, their leadership
and members, as well as the organizations’ trust in their external part-
ners are necessary.
In order to understand stakeholder needs and their expectations,
some of the stakeholders (e.g. senders, recipients, shipping agents) use
new technologies. In this way, the actors in the maritime transport
chain, e.g. terminal operators, ship brokers and forwarders, can bundle
and, in case the time of arrival changes, adapt their resources appro-
priately (Fruth & Teuteberg, 2017). In order to meet the rising customer
expectations and to stay ahead of the competition, it is necessary to
invest in appropriate technologies, as the overall port operation ser-
vices can be enhanced by moving to a paperless environment and
providing a valuable and relevant solution that completely restructures
the manual process of documents exchange among the port community
members (Attia, 2016).
The following identied success factors are related to technologies:
new technologies embedded in aligned business strategies and pro-
cesses; compatibility, integration and interoperability of ICT and sys-
tems; integration between multiple information platforms as well as
development of business process connectivity and standards. Integration
Table 3 (continued )
Groups Success factors Sources
stakeholders’ expectations
(reduced delays, timely and
accurate information)
Customer and partner
engagement and
collaboration (30)
An optimal networking of the
individual actors who
coordinate their activities in
the transport chain in order
to optimize trafc and goods
(Legner et al., 2017), (
Kutzner et al., 2018), (
Piccinini et al., 2015), (
c et al., 2019b), (
Jeansson & Bredmar, 2019),
(Teece & Linden, 2017), (
Matt et al., 2015), (Carcary
et al., 2016), (Heilig et al.,
2017a), (Henriette et al.,
2015), (Boneva, 2018), (
Agrawal et al., 2020), (
Kotarba, 2018), (Larjovuori
et al., 2018), (Mugge et al.,
2020), (Kane et al., 2018), (
Sehlin et al., 2019), (
Galimova et al., 2019), (
Cichosz, 2018), (
Viktorovich &
Aleksandrovna, 2019), (
Korpela et al., 2017), (
Iddris, 2018), (Sabri et al.,
2018), (Ivanˇ
c et al., 2019),
(Caputa, 2017), (
Schwertner, 2017), (
anchez, 2017), (Holotiuk
& Beimborn, 2017), (Fruth
& Teuteberg, 2017), (
Pagani & Pardo, 2017)
Inter-organizational data
and knowledge exchange
(i.e. across organization
boundaries) (5)
The organizations’ positive
stance towards teamwork,
collaboration, and readiness
for cooperation with external
partners (e.g. customers)
(Junge et al., 2019), (
Wiedenmann & Gr¨
2019), (Hartl & Hess, 2017),
(Schwertner, 2017), (Vial,
makers support (4)
Financial help given by the
government/policy makers
(Digital Transport &
Logistics Forum 2018), (
Jeansson & Bredmar, 2019),
(Legner et al., 2017), (
Lavikka et al., 2017)
Adequate regulation (2)
Rules made by the
government or other
authorities, encouraging DT
(Digital Transport &
Logistics Forum 2018), (
Hanna, 2018)
E. Tijan et al.
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120879
of existing information systems and data sources as well as more intel-
ligent use of data may help to improve planning, controlling, and
management of intra- and inter-organizational operations in the mari-
time transport sector (Heilig et al., 2017a). Paperless and standardized
communication is a prerequisite not only for effective maritime trans-
port operations involving many stakeholders but also for improving the
integration, coordination, and performance of the supply chain (Heilig
& Voß, 2017). Furthermore, security and transparency must be built in
the technology and processes at all levels in the maritime transport
sector. It is important that used solutions allow easy audit trail, logging
of activities and using some innovative new technologies to assure the
proof of authenticity (digital signature or Blockchain).
Government/policy-makers support relates to governments,
transport ministries and port authorities that play an important role in
DT of the maritime transport sector. It is necessary that governments
envision and articulate future development scenarios, maintain frequent
consultation with the stakeholders and encourage the stakeholders to
invest with condence in projects that support DT in the maritime
transport sector (World Bank Group, 2007).
4.3. Barriers to successful digital transformation
In addition to drivers and success factors, authors have identied the
barriers to DT in the maritime transport sector as well (also known as
dysfunctional factors (Dehning et al., 2003). Challenges may arise
collectively and form barriers that substantially hinder the progress of
the DT process. Such barriers require explicit and extensive coping ac-
tions that go beyond the mitigation of individual issues (Fuchs & Hess,
2018). In total, 16 barriers were identied using 36 sources (Table 4).
Based on the literature review, 10 organizational, 4 technological
and 2 external environmental barriers to DT were identied. One of the
identied barriers is heterogeneous organization structures and lack
of cultural integration. Lack of effective organizational culture and
poor cultural integration within the organization affect the organization
performance and cause the loss of productivity (Tedla, 2016). According
to (Theotokas, 2007), the business culture creates a unied "front" of all
institutions in the case of tramp shipping, allowing the handling of a
crisis at the right moment through a common reaction, which would not
be possible without vision, strategy, direction and capabilities to
Less digitally mature organizations tend to focus on individual
technologies and have technology-oriented culture only (Kane et al.,
2015). The Port of Rotterdam has successfully digitally transformed its
seaport operations by recognizing the benets of new and emerging
technologies. However, the Port of Rotterdam does not focus only on the
technologies themselves, but on a clear vision and the collaboration
between the stakeholders.
An increasing number of enterprises in the maritime transport sector
are offering high-technology solutions to optimize ship operations (in
regard to the optimum speed, fuel consumption), or to facilitate
collaboration and communication between stakeholders (Jovi´
c et al.,
2020). Necessary technical modications depend on the state of existing
technologies used in an organization and must be adapted according to
the needs of the organization. It usually implies a major upgrade or
replacement of the working tools, applications and underlying infra-
structure, leading to high investment/implementation costs and high
implementation risks and lack of clarity about the pay-off from the
investments in emerging technologies.
Maritime transport may suffer from a lack of digital skills and
qualied labour force, a problem that is expected to increase in the
future because the emergence of new technologies requires additional
skill sets, and technological knowledge. Adequate human resources need
to be ensured through the cooperation between universities and the
private sector (by investing in knowledge, new study and training pro-
grams, etc.) for further development and implementation of technolo-
gies in the maritime transport sector (Jovi´
c et al., 2020; Koga, 2015).
Table 4
Identied barriers to successful digital transformation
Groups Barriers Sources
Barriers related to
the organization
organization structures and
lack of cultural integration
Inert organizational cultures
preventing DT
(Kozak-Holland and
Procter, 2020), (Hartl &
Hess, 2017)
Lack of awareness of how
DT may affect the business
of organizations (4)
Due to lack of awareness and
understanding, organizations
do not assess the resources
and do not invest in resources
by which DT can be achieved
(Boneva, 2018), (Piccinini
et al., 2015), (North et al.,
2019), (Dur˜
ao et al., 2019)
culture (2)
Digital technologies alone
provide little value to an
organization without the
alignment with the business
(Gausdal et al., 2018), (
Vial, 2019)
Lack of capabilities to
change (3)
Leads to a slower DT
(Mosconi et al., 2019), (
Gupta, 2018), (Kane et al.,
Lack of digital skills and
qualied labor force (8)
Due to the emergence of new
technologies, the labor force is
not able to use new
technologies properly and to
take full advantages of the
new technologies; Lack of
digital skills and qualied
labor force will slow down the
(Mosconi et al., 2019), (
Fuchs & Hess, 2018), (
Agrawal et al., 2020), (Kane
et al., 2016), (Sehlin et al.,
2019), (Agushi, 2019), (
Leipzig et al., 2017), (
Munim et al., 2020)
Employees’ and managers’
resistance to change (18)
The resistance that employees
can demonstrate when
disruptive technologies are
introduced in the
organization: Resistance can
be classied as being systemic
(cognitive) or behavioral
(emotional), where systemic
implies the lack of
information, skills,
knowledge, etc. and
behavioral implies the
assumptions, perceptions and
(Gupta, 2018), (
Kozak-Holland and Procter,
2020), (Matt et al., 2015), (
Jeansson & Bredmar, 2019),
(Ismail et al., 2018), (
Henriette et al., 2016), (
ao et al., 2019), (Mugge
et al., 2020), (Sehlin et al.,
2019), (Agushi, 2019), (
Junge et al., 2019), (
Sayabek et al., 2020), (
Leipzig et al., 2017), (
Gausdal et al., 2018), (
Agrawal et al., 2020), (
Fuchs & Hess, 2018), (Vial,
2019), (Acciaro & Sys,
Lack of employees’ and
managers’ motivation (4)
Negative attitudes and
opinions of the organization
members who are involved in
the DT
(Fuchs & Hess, 2018), (
Teece & Linden, 2017), (
Verina & Titko, 2019), (
Sehlin et al., 2019)
Lack of vision, strategy and
direction (13)
Some organizations do not
know in which direction they
should lead their digital
(Jeansson & Bredmar,
2019), (Ismail et al., 2018),
(Ntsako Nkuna, 2017), (
North et al., 2019), (
Schallmo et al., 2019), (
Kane et al., 2015), (Dur˜
et al., 2019), (Kane et al.,
2016), (Agushi, 2019), (
Sayabek et al., 2020), (
Mosconi et al., 2019), (
(continued on next page)
E. Tijan et al.
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120879
Regarding the employees’ and managers’ resistance to change as
well as the lack of employees’ and managers’ motivation, a need
arises for the repeated training of employees and managers in order to
successfully utilize the technologies or services in the maritime transport
sector. Furthermore, resistance of employees and managers to collabo-
rate may present an obstacle in preparations for the imminent change.
Decreased levels of cyber security (especially in the area of
digital operations) and resilience are additionally identied barriers.
The stakeholders in the maritime transport sector might be unwilling to
use the information systems because of skepticism regarding data se-
curity (Treppte, 2011). Besides, the stakeholders should ensure both
proactive and reactive protection such as threat scanning and perimeter
defenses that sift through data streams in real-time searching for security
threats and anomalies.
The existence of heterogeneous and independent information
systems and lack of standards may represent a large barrier to DT.
According to CLECAT, “in recent years, many authorities and business
communities have developed their own solutions to exchange informa-
tion digitally. However, even though they were created with the best
intentions, these individual initiatives have led to a multitude of non-
interoperable IT solutions”. The joint blockchain initiative Tradelens
(Maersk and IBM) is an example which highlights the importance of
collaboration among stakeholders and building common standards (as
lack of standards in one of the barriers for DT) (Maersk, 2019b).
5. Discussion
A summary model of the aforementioned drivers, factors and barriers
for digital transformation (DT) in the maritime transport sector identi-
ed in this study is presented in Fig. 3. and discussed in detail below. In
this model, the identied drivers foster DT in the maritime transport
sector and success factors enable/facilitate DT in the maritime transport
sector. On the other hand, the identied barriers inhibit the successful
DT in the maritime transport sector.
One of the main drivers of DT in the maritime transport sector is cost
reduction and it mostly refers to reducing costs of exchanging infor-
mation and executing transactions. Streamlining operations
(improving of resources planning and information ows) is directly
related to shorter time delays, streamlining operations, processing
large amounts of data, improving stakeholder collaboration and
data transparency. Unnecessary bottlenecks result from a large number
of uncoordinated stakeholders, non-transparent data, and numerous
transactions and documentation processes (mostly paper-based).
Stricter environmental requirements in the maritime transport sector
may also act as a driver for digital transformation. For example, if
incoming ships are provided with the real-time information on avail-
ability of the berths in seaports, their navigation speed can be adjusted,
shortening the waiting time at the seaport and reducing the volume of
emissions at the berth and during the voyage. In this way, digital
transformation enables the regulatory requirements to be met.
The drivers new and emerging technologies, changing customer
behaviors and expectations and competitive environment are also
closely related. The emergence of new digital technologies dramatically
changes the competitive landscape and customer expectations. Cus-
tomers demand reliable, exible, and cost-efcient transport services
stimulating the maritime transport sector companies to engage into DT
in order to remain competitive. The crucial phase of the DT is not only
the digitalization of the business processes, but also a gradual removal of
Table 4 (continued )
Groups Barriers Sources
Gupta, 2018), (Heilig et al.,
Lack of coordination and
collaboration (2)
Problematic coordination
with other business units; at
the organizational level
(Fuchs & Hess, 2018), (
Acciaro & Sys, 2020)
Lack of investment and
initiatives (4)
No investments related to
digitalization or low level of
investment in digital
initiatives; Lack of cultural
and organizational
transformation leads to the
lack of investments in new
technologies and digital
(Digital Transport &
Logistics Forum 2018), (
Gausdal et al., 2018), (
North et al., 2019), (Dur˜
et al., 2019)
Barriers related to
The existence of
heterogeneous and
independent information
systems and lack of
standards (2)
Heterogeneous, non-
integrated information
systems prevent the successful
(Schumann et al., 2017), (
Tsakalidis et al., 2020)
Decreased levels of cyber
security (especially in the
area of digital operations)
and resilience (6)
All players in the maritime
supply chain have not ensured
the best possible protection in
order to ward off
cyberattacks; As the digital
technologies are rapidly
changing, information
security must evolve at the
same pace
(Nkuna, 2017), (Fruth &
Teuteberg, 2017), (Agrawal
et al., 2020), (Kane et al.,
2015), (Junge et al., 2019), (
Tsakalidis et al., 2020)
High investment/
implementation costs (5)
Not all companies chose to
digitalize their business due to
signicant investment/
implementation costs
(Gausdal et al., 2018), (
Agrawal et al., 2020), (
Leipzig et al., 2017), (
Mosconi et al., 2019), (
Acciaro & Sys, 2020)
High implementation risks
of emerging technologies
and return on investment
(ROI) concerns (2)
High risk of implementing a
radical change in an unknown
eld such as digitalization or
(Leipzig et al., 2017), (
Agrawal et al., 2020)
Barriers related to
the external
Lack of industry specic
guidelines (1)
As a result, companies lack a
clear vision about what to
transform rst: internal
operations, customer
relationships or business
(Agrawal et al., 2020)
Missing or inadequate
regulations (1)
The regulations in maritime
transport sector are often
specic for each country, and
the question is whether it is
(Marija Jovi´
c, 2019)
Table 4 (continued )
Groups Barriers Sources
possible to introduce a
particular technology or
business model
E. Tijan et al.
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120879
the outdated business and management processes that are often com-
partmentalized and highly fragmented. New business models are
necessary for maximizing innovation and effectiveness in fostering
digitalization. The competitive potential should be assessed before
shaping future strategies which should be focused towards the
harmonization. The DT should not only be oriented towards the tech-
nology implementation, as the technology-oriented culture (without
considering other factors) represents one of the main barriers. It must be
based on the aligned business and digital strategy of an organization.
The stakeholders should successfully respond to a rapidly changing
environment and recognize opportunities and minimize threats which
can be dened as cultural readiness for changes. New and dynamic
capabilities should allow the maritime transport sector organizations to
identify the opportunities and to respond to them by organizational
transformation. The engagement of managers and employees and
investing in employee and manager knowledge are the important
success factors since the new technologies (which requires technological
knowledge) emerge rapidly. Customer and partner engagement and
collaboration, together with inter-organizational data and knowl-
edge exchange, may help the stakeholders to reduce costs through
smoother information ow.
Stakeholder collaboration may be the most important challenge for
the maritime transport sector, because the successful DT in the maritime
transport sector should not only focus on the individual needs, but also
on the external environment that is more difcult to predict and control.
Government/policy-makers support can also encourage the
Fig. 3. Model of drivers, success factors and barriers affecting digital transformation in the maritime transport sector
E. Tijan et al.
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120879
stakeholders to invest in the projects that support DT in the maritime
transport sector. Since the stakeholders are often reluctant to digitally
transform their business, there is a need for constant education about the
benets of DT, but also for the quantication of benets that can be
clearly presented to the decision-makers.
Technological success factors for the DT are closely related.
Compatibility, integration and interoperability of ICT and systems
as well as the development of business process connectivity and
standards are the prerequisite for the undisturbed data exchange, but
digital security and data transparency are imperative in all technol-
ogies and processes at all levels in the maritime transport sector. How-
ever, the stakeholders might be unwilling to integrate their information
systems because of the skepticism regarding data and information
security, and may also be reluctant to collaborate, continuing to use
their independent information systems.
In regard to DT, the maritime transport sector is specic compared to
the other sectors: the management usually takes a conservative
approach, and the resources are often limited. Although the technologies
such as the Blockchain or the autonomous shipping foster DT in the
maritime transport sector, the lack of awareness of how DT may
positively affect the business as well as employees’ and managers’
resistance to change is pronounced. The paper documents exchanged
between the stakeholders in the maritime transport sector still slow
down the business processes and incur higher costs.
6. Conclusions
In the maritime transport sector, transport enterprises and seaport
stakeholders are at different stages of their DT journey. While the highly
digitalized seaports and enterprises (such as, for example, port of Rot-
terdam and Singapore) may be observed as the most successful examples
of digital transformation (DT), on the other hand many other seaports,
seaport stakeholders and enterprises along the maritime supply chains
are lagging behind.
The motivation for this research stems from the lack of existing
research focused on DT in the maritime transport sector. The existing
studies do not provide a comprehensive overview of the current situa-
tion, and successful cases or drivers and impediments of DT in the
maritime transport sector. To ll these gaps, this research aims to
identify the success factors, drivers and barriers for DT which can be
applied to the maritime transport sector context. For that purpose, the
authors conducted a comprehensive literature review.
The contribution of this study is twofold. First, the results of the
study enrich the body of knowledge in the eld of digitalization and DT
which can be applied to the maritime transport sector. The overview of
the identied drivers, success factors and barriers offer other researchers
an introduction to the investigated eld and may provide a baseline
towards the future research design. Due to the lack of research in the
eld, further studies will be necessary to gain deeper insights into how to
design successful DT and apply it to the maritime transport sector.
Secondly, the understanding of drivers fostering DT, the success factors
facilitating and enabling DT as well as being aware of barriers to the DT
can help the practitioners in shaping their DT strategies. In addition, the
paper also provides an initial overview of DT in the maritime transport
sector, that could also be benecial for researchers as well as
As this research is limited to the literature review, which revealed
that not many DT studies exist in the maritime transport sector, the
future studies should empirically examine the situation in the eld.
While in depth case studies will serve as a basis for deeper understanding
of the successful and failed DT projects, quantitative approaches with
surveys will offer an opportunity for the generalization of
Along with that, the proposed research questions, or venues for
future research in the eld of DT in the maritime transport sector that
should contribute to academic knowledge and practitioners’
understandings are the following:
•What are the activities and actions needed for successful DT, that
should be undertaken by enterprises in the maritime transport sector
presently at lower levels of digital trends adoption, considering their
achieved level of development, available resources and capabilities,
and cultural readiness for change?
•Is there a difference, and to what extent, between the SMEs and the
larger enterprises in terms of adapting to the changes caused by the
emerging technologies, and the changes in competitive landscape of
the maritime transport sector?
•What is the government’s role in DS in the maritime transport sector?
This comprehensive literature review presents a fundamental basis
for the planned future research in DT in the maritime transport sector, in
order to gain a deeper understanding of how the maritime transport
stakeholders cope with the market and digital/technology changes and
challenges. A literature review facilitates identifying the research gaps
and provides an overview of the current body of knowledge. However,
the authors deem it necessary to conduct further empirical analysis of
the maritime transport stakeholders to gain comprehensive under-
standing of the ongoing activities and to design proper guidelines,
strategies and solutions for faster, wider and more successful DT of the
maritime transport sector.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120879.
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