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Abstract and Figures

Background The European population of hedgehogs ( Erinaceus europaeus ) is declining. It is therefore essential to optimise conservation initiatives such as the rehabilitation of sick, injured and orphaned hedgehogs. Wild animals placed in captivity may be prone to chronic stress, potentially causing negative health effects. Therefore, the effects of these rehabilitation efforts should consequently be evaluated. Furthermore, hand-raising orphaned hedgehogs is a laborious and costly task, and it is therefore relevant to document whether they have equal post release survival rates compared to their wild conspecifics. The objectives of this research were therefore to conduct an exploratory study of glucocorticoid levels in hedgehogs from different backgrounds and compare the post release survival of translocated, rehabilitated and wild, juvenile hedgehogs as well as the possible effect on survival of differences in shy or bold behaviour (personality) exhibited by individuals. Results We measured glucocorticoid levels in 43 wild-caught (n = 18) and rehabilitated (n = 25) hedgehogs and compared the post release survival and spatial behaviour of 18 translocated juvenile hedgehogs (eight hand-raised and ten wild) until hibernation. The possible effect on survival of differences in shy or bold behaviour (personality) exhibited by 17 juvenile individuals (seven hand-raised and ten wild) was also examined. Rehabilitated individuals and females had higher levels of faecal corticosterone metabolites compared to wild individuals and males, respectively. Rehabilitated individuals showed higher levels of saliva corticosterone than wild. The personality tests labelled 13 individuals as shy and 11 as bold. Post release survival was 57% for rehabilitated and 50% for wild individuals. Neither background nor personality affected post release survival. Home range measures were 3.54 and 4.85 ha. Mean dispersal length from the release sites was 217 ± 100 m. Conclusion The higher levels of corticosterone observed in rehabilitated compared to wild hedgehogs calls for consideration of the duration of admission to wildlife rehabilitation centres to reduce stress levels in the patients. Hand-raised juveniles appear to have the same prospects as wild, and personality does not seem to affect post release survival in hedgehogs, indicating that hand-raising of orphaned juvenile hedgehogs is a relevant contribution to the conservation of this species.
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Rasmussenetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:96
An exploratory investigation
ofglucocorticoids, personality andsurvival rates
inwild andrehabilitated hedgehogs (Erinaceus
europaeus) inDenmark
Sophie Lund Rasmussen1,2,3* , Otto Kalliokoski4 , Torben Dabelsteen3 and Klas Abelson4
Background: The European population of hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) is declining. It is therefore essential to optimise
conservation initiatives such as the rehabilitation of sick, injured and orphaned hedgehogs. Wild animals placed in captiv-
ity may be prone to chronic stress, potentially causing negative health effects. Therefore, the effects of these rehabilita-
tion efforts should consequently be evaluated. Furthermore, hand-raising orphaned hedgehogs is a laborious and costly
task, and it is therefore relevant to document whether they have equal post release survival rates compared to their wild
The objectives of this research were therefore to conduct an exploratory study of glucocorticoid levels in hedgehogs from
different backgrounds and compare the post release survival of translocated, rehabilitated and wild, juvenile hedgehogs as
well as the possible effect on survival of differences in shy or bold behaviour (personality) exhibited by individuals.
Results: We measured glucocorticoid levels in 43 wild-caught (n = 18) and rehabilitated (n = 25) hedgehogs and com-
pared the post release survival and spatial behaviour of 18 translocated juvenile hedgehogs (eight hand-raised and ten wild)
until hibernation. The possible effect on survival of differences in shy or bold behaviour (personality) exhibited by 17 juvenile
individuals (seven hand-raised and ten wild) was also examined.
Rehabilitated individuals and females had higher levels of faecal corticosterone metabolites compared to wild individuals
and males, respectively. Rehabilitated individuals showed higher levels of saliva corticosterone than wild. The personality
tests labelled 13 individuals as shy and 11 as bold. Post release survival was 57% for rehabilitated and 50% for wild individu-
als. Neither background nor personality affected post release survival. Home range measures were 3.54 and 4.85 ha. Mean
dispersal length from the release sites was 217 ± 100 m.
Conclusion: The higher levels of corticosterone observed in rehabilitated compared to wild hedgehogs calls for considera-
tion of the duration of admission to wildlife rehabilitation centres to reduce stress levels in the patients.
Hand-raised juveniles appear to have the same prospects as wild, and personality does not seem to affect post release sur-
vival in hedgehogs, indicating that hand-raising of orphaned juvenile hedgehogs is a relevant contribution to the conserva-
tion of this species.
Keywords: Cortisol, Corticosterone, Stress, Wildlife rehabilitation, Wildlife conservation, Behaviour
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BMC Ecology and Evolution
1 Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Department of Zoology, The
Recanati-Kaplan Centre, University of Oxford, Tubney House, Abingdon
Road, Tubney, Abingdon OX13 5QL, UK
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Rasmussenetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:96
Conservation andstatus oftheEuropean hedgehog
e western European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)
is found on the British Isles and Continental Europe,
from Iberia and Italy in the south to Scandinavia in the
north, as well as on New Zealand. It is widely distributed
and can survive across a wide range of habitat types [1,
2]. However, investigations on both national and local
scales have documented declines, or expressed concerns
about decline, of the hedgehog populations in several
western European countries [310]. e suspected rea-
sons for the decline include habitat loss and fragmenta-
tion, intensified agricultural practices, inbreeding, road
traffic accidents, lack of biodiversity and suitable nest
sites in residential gardens, molluscicide and rodenticide
poisoning, and badger predation [4, 1123]. In Denmark,
where this study occurred, hedgehogs become active
after hibernation in mid-April to mid-May [22, 24, 25].
e juveniles are typically born from late July onwards
and become independent around mid-September [26].
During mild autumns, second litters have been observed
[22]. Hibernation is usually initiated from late September
for adult males, late October for adult females and mid-
November for young of the year [27]. However, hiber-
nation may be postponed if the conditions are mild and
food is available [22].
During the past 30 years, the rehabilitation of sick,
orphaned, or injured wild hedgehogs has become an
established practice in many western European coun-
tries. Denmark has several working hedgehog reha-
bilitation centres, where volunteers care for hedgehogs
and release them back into the wild after recovery. e
extent of hedgehog rehabilitation in Denmark is quite
comprehensive, with the three largest organisations
taking approximately 3200 hedgehogs into care during
a year (pers. comm. Dyrenes Beskyttelse, Pindsvineven-
nerne i Danmark and Pindsvine Plejerne). Yet, Danish
authorities have only recently established legal frame-
works and monitoring programs for the practice of
wildlife rehabilitation [28].
ere are currently no monitoring programmes in
Denmark tracking population numbers, however the
data from other European countries is concerning.
Conservation actions to preserve the species in the wild
should thus be optimised and initiated across Europe.
Wildlife rehabilitation andtheeect ofstress
e rehabilitation of orphaned, sick or injured wildlife
followed by their release back into the wild is an impor-
tant aspect of the conservation of threatened wildlife [29,
30]. However, when wild animals are placed in captiv-
ity, e.g. at a wildlife rehabilitation centre, they encoun-
ter a novel, confined and unpredictable environment,
which often includes handling and close proximity to
humans [31]. ese conditions cause physiological stress
responses in a range of species [3236], which can have
severe effects on their health [3740]. Previous research
has documented that chronic physiological stress can
have detrimental consequences that may affect the recov-
ery process [41], such as reduction in immuno-respon-
siveness [42] and body mass [43, 44]. Physiological stress
may even cause death from e.g. capture myopathy, which
can occur in several different forms with the more acute
being capture shock syndrome (sudden death at capture
or a few hours after capture) or acute/ataxic myoglobi-
nuric syndrome (death a few hours to a few days after
capture) [45]. It is therefore essential to understand the
causes, risks and effects of physiological stress in the
wildlife species one wishes to rehabilitate to improve ani-
mal welfare and survival during the care and captivity,
and thereby eventually enhance the conservation success.
is is especially important when handling a species such
as the European hedgehog, which is undergoing a docu-
mented decline.
Measuring stress inanimals
Glucocorticoid (GC) levels, measured in a number of
matrices (blood, saliva, urine, faeces, milk, etc.) can
be used as a proxy measure of stress [46] since physi-
ological and psychological stress are known to reliably
increase circulating GC concentrations. Although, not a
perfect measure of stress (there are numerous situations
known to increase GC levels, but which are not consid-
ered stressful, e.g., sexual behaviour [47]), there is a con-
siderable body of literature demonstrating the usefulness
of assessing GC levels in captive and wild populations of
wildlife. In the present investigation, corticosterone lev-
els were measured in both saliva (as has previously been
done for many species ranging from guineas pigs [48] to
elephants and rhinoceros [49]) and (as corticosterone
metabolites) in faeces (as has previously been done in a
range of species from rats [50] to elephants [51]).
When analysing corticosterone or cortisol in faeces, it
is not merely the steroids themselves that are quantified,
but instead a plethora of immunoreactive metabolites
produced in the liver during glucocorticoid metabolism,
including cortisone/dehydrocorticosterone [52]. In saliva
on the other hand, intact corticosterone and cortisol is
measured. us, for the faecal samples, the term faecal
corticosterone (or cortisol) metabolites (FCM) is used,
and for saliva samples corticosterone and cortisol.
Measuring personality inanimals
Personality affects how individuals react to challenging
situations [53] and may influence the post release sur-
vival of captive-reared mammals, as shown in a study
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Rasmussenetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:96
by Bremner-Harrison etal. [54]. e personality of juve-
nile, captive-bred swift foxes was assessed and its influ-
ence on post release survival was scrutinised. e study
revealed that bolder individuals were less suited for
release if success was measured as post release survival,
and it was suggested by the authors that the future selec-
tion of release-candidates based on personality should
enhance the success on reintroduction programmes [54].
It is posited that the shyness/boldness of individuals
can be estimated by analysing how they explore a novel
environment or arena, and by measuring their latency to
approach a novel object in a familiar environment [54
57]. Previous studies have demonstrated the existence
of a shy–bold gradient in natural populations, and some
have furthermore quantified the fitness consequences
of personality [54, 5860]. Personality can affect fitness
through reproductive success and survival [54, 61, 62].
Population levels of boldness are subject to natural selec-
tion [63], which is why released individuals with inap-
propriate levels of boldness may suffer reduced fitness
in the wild [54]. erefore, when using rehabilitation of
orphaned hedgehogs as a conservation effort for the spe-
cies in general, it may be relevant to consider the per-
sonality of the individuals when deciding which release
sites to use, since it may affect post release survival. is
is particularly important with juveniles as their expected
survival rate is low in general [60]. Previous studies have
estimated survival probabilities for juvenile, Scandina-
vian hedgehogs ranging between 0.31 and 1.00 depend-
ing on the age and period of time in which they were
studied [22, 25, 26, 6466].
Post release monitoring ofrehabilitated hedgehogs
Previous research has investigated the post release sur-
vival and spatial behaviour of rehabilitated hedgehogs
[30, 6773], and some have included wild individuals for
comparison [30, 70, 73] or described the survival of wild,
translocated individuals [74]. However, few studies have
directly compared the survival of rehabilitated and wild
individuals, where both groups had been translocated
Post release survival of rehabilitated hedgehogs have
been found to range between 25 and 82% depending on
the sample size (n = 4–34), age of the individuals (juve-
niles < 1 year or adults), time of year and duration of
the studies (n = 3–22 weeks) [30, 6774]. In two studies
of rehabilitated, juvenile hedgehogs in the UK released
during spring, the post release survival was 58% (n = 12,
age = approximately 20 weeks, duration = 5–8 weeks
from April) [69] and 77% (n = 13, age = approximately
20 weeks, duration = 6 weeks from April to June)[67].
e post release survival of rehabilitated, juvenile hedge-
hogs released in the UK during summer was 83% after 2
weeks, 75% after 4 weeks, 42% after 8 weeks and down
to 25% 15 weeks post release (n = 12, age = autumn juve-
niles < 1year released in June, duration = 15weeks) [71].
In a study comparing five different groups of adult
hedgehogs (local wild, local translocated wild, translo-
cated rehabilitated, directly translocated wild from the
Uist Islands (< 6days in captivity) and translocated wild
from the Uist Islands (> 1month in captivity)), Molony
etal. (2006) [30] discovered that the local wild hedgehogs
had a significantly higher survival rate (94.7 ± 0.2%) than
individuals in the rehabilitated translocated (73.1 ± 1.1%),
directly translocated (40.9 ± 1.2%) and local translocated
wild groups (63.6 ± 0.9%), and that the survival probabil-
ity of translocated hedgehogs (having spent > 1month in
captivity) (81.8 ± 0.7%) was significantly greater than that
for directly translocated individuals. Yarnell etal. (2019)
[73] found no significant difference between the sur-
vival of wild and rehabilitated hedgehogs during the first
150days after release of the rehabilitated individuals.
Morris and Warwick (1994) [69] recorded that three
out of twelve rehabilitated, juvenile individuals dis-
persed up to 2 km away from the release site during
the study period. e rest remained in the release area.
Morris (1997) [67] described how all thirteen reha-
bilitated, juvenile hedgehogs remained within 400 m of
the release point for at least a month post release, after
which five hedgehogs dispersed, travelling at least 400m
and up to 5.2km from the release point. Reeve (1998)
[71] found that all surviving rehabilitated, juvenile indi-
viduals released in a rural woodland area dispersed
from the release site during the 15weeks of study, with
a mean distance of 3km, and the nearest animal found
1476 m from the release point. All individuals moved
to areas of human habitation. In contrast, two individu-
als released into an urban area did not disperse far from
the release site [71]. Molony etal. (2006) [30] found that
there was a significant difference in the mean distance
from the release site to the last known location after
8 weeks between the directly translocated wild group
(directly translocated from the Uist Islands (< 6days in
captivity)), which travelled the largest mean distance
(0.69 ± 0.82km) compared to the rehabilitated translo-
cated group (0.31 ± 0.33 km) and the translocated wild
group (translocated from the Uist Islands (> 1month in
captivity)) (0.56 ± 0.45km). e dispersal distance of the
local wild group was 0.15 ± 0.14km and 0.22 ± 0.18 km
for the local, translocated wild group of hedgehogs.
e objectives of the present study were:
1. To conduct an exploratory study of glucocorticoid
levels in European hedgehogs from different loca-
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Rasmussenetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:96
tions, with different health status and backgrounds
(wild and rehabilitated).
2. To quantify personality in European hedgehogs,
measured as shyness-boldness, and to estimate the
possible effects of personality on post release sur-
3. To measure and compare the post release survival of
translocated, rehabilitated and wild, juvenile Euro-
pean hedgehogs.
Salivary corticosterone levels
e measured saliva corticosterone levels from indi-
viduals in cohort 2 ranged between 0.41 and 59.96
(mean = 7.69 ± 9.83ng/mL, n = 57). Only the background
(wild/rehabilitated) of the subjects appeared to have an
effect on saliva corticosterone levels in the present study
2(1) = 5.58, p = 0.018, n = 55), with wild individuals
having significantly lower levels of saliva corticosterone
compared to rehabilitated individuals (Fig.1).
Faecal corticosterone metabolite levels
e detected faecal corticosterone metabolite levels
ranged between 15.33 and 369.5ng/g (n = 86). However,
only 43 samples from 29 individuals with representation
from all three cohorts were included in the data analysis,
as the remaining samples were collected from enclosures
with more than one individual (cohort 2) or randomly in
the wild (cohort 3), and could therefore not be allocated
to a specific individual, which was a necessary informa-
tion for the type of data analysis chosen. e faecal cor-
ticosterone metabolite levels for samples included in the
data analysis still ranged between 15.33 and 369.5 ng/g
(n = 43) with a mean of 53.3 ± 58.2ng/g.
We failed to find an effect of health status (dying from
Salmonella or not) on faecal corticosterone metabolite
(FCM) concentrations. However, both sex and back-
ground appeared to influence FCM levels: rehabilitated
hedgehogs had significantly higher FCM levels than wild
hedgehogs, and females had significantly higher levels
than males in the present study (χ2(1) = 6.98, p = 0.008).
Cortisol levels
Faecal cortisol metabolite levels of 19.85–79.30 ng/g,
with a mean of 41.29 ± 21.67 ng/g, were detected in 7
faecal samples from six different individuals from cohort
3. Cortisol levels of 2.16–15.34 ng/mL, with a mean of
10.14 ± 6.15ng/mL, were measured in four saliva sam-
ples from individuals belonging to cohort 3. Due to the
low sample size, we refrained from further data analysis.
Novel arena test
e data obtained in the novel arena test was condensed
using PCA. Two components, explaining 84% of the vari-
ance in data, were extracted, based on scree plot analy-
sis. Moreover, due to the small sample size in relation
to the number of dependent variables, extracting more
than two latent trends was deemed excessive. e two
components were tentatively interpreted as a measure of
fearfulness (shyness/boldness) (PC1) and general activity
level (PC2), respectively, based on their factor loadings
(Additional file 5). PC1 correlated strongly (positively)
with the time individuals spent lingering in, or near, the
carrier, but also correlated strongly (negatively) with
the time spent in the distant zones. is suggests a shy/
bold axis. e second component correlated (positively)
with the total number of zone transitions and frequency
of entries into the distant zones. is suggests an axis of
general activity level. No clear trends could be found with
respect to any of the two latent trends on a group level.
Neither sex, health status, nor background appeared to
have an effect on either boldness or general activity as
trends were investigated using analysis of variance.
Fig. 1 Salivary corticosterone and faecal corticosterone metabolite
(FCM) levels in wild and rehabilitated individuals of both sexes.
Markers denote individuals. Where multiple samples were analysed,
an average is presented for the single individual. Bars represent the
geometric mean for each group, as glucocorticoid data is known to
conform to log-normal distributions
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Rasmussenetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:96
Novel object tests
Similar to the novel arena test, data were subjected to
condensation using PCA and two components were
extracted based on scree plot analysis, explaining 88%
of the variance in the dataset. e two components split
neatly between the two tests, PC1 describing the fearful-
ness shown in the ball test and PC2 describing the fear-
fulness in the badger test (Additional file4). is suggests
that the responses in the two tests were somewhat inde-
pendent of one another.
Whereas we expected to see an effect of testing order
caused by habituation (whether individuals were sub-
jected to the ball or badger setup for the first novel arena
test), this was not evident from the limited data (Addi-
tional file6). Consequently, testing order was excluded
as an explanatory variable in further testing. On a group
level, two trends could be discerned. Subjects with a
“rehabilitated” background appeared to present with a
higher average PC2 score (F1,14 = 5.49, p = 0.034), sug-
gesting a more timid behavioural response in the badger
test. Sick individuals presented with a slightly lower PC1
score (F1,14 = 4.68, p = 0.048), suggesting a less timid
response in the ball test (Additional file7).
A total of 24 individuals from cohort 2 were tested for
personality measured as shyness-boldness. 13 individu-
als were labelled as shy and 11 individuals as bold. e
distribution of shy and bold individuals based on back-
ground were five shy and five bold for wild individuals;
eight shy and six bold for hand-reared, rehabilitated indi-
viduals. See Additional files 8, 9, 10 and 11 for personality
test results and an overview of the distribution of shyness
and boldness per individual.
Post release survival, personality andhibernation
behaviour ofcohort 2
Post release survival from release during the autumn and
until initiation of hibernation was 53% (n = 9 out of 17). A
total of four out of seven hand-reared, rehabilitated indi-
viduals survived (57%) and five out of ten wild individuals
survived (50%). Originally, eight hand-reared, rehabili-
tated individuals were released, but the radio signal was
lost from one, which was consequently excluded from
the survival analyses. Causes of death were predation by
badgers (n = 3, two wild, one rehabilitated individual),
Salmonella infections (n = 4, two wild, two rehabilitated),
and one wild individual was stepped on by a cow. e dif-
ference between post release survival rates of wild and
hand-raised individuals was not statistically significant
(Fisher’s Exact Test, two-tailed P value = 1.00). Personal-
ity, measured as shyness–boldness, did not influence post
release survival in the present study (Fisher’s Exact Test,
two-tailed P value = 1.00), with 4 shy individuals dying, 5
shy individuals surviving, 4 bold individuals dying and 4
bold individuals surviving, post release, until hibernation.
Individuals dying post release (n = 8) did so within 9
days after release (range 2–9days). Hibernation was initi-
ated between 31st of October and 17th of November, the
majority (n = 6) around mid-November. e hedgehogs
began hibernating 6–38days post release (n = 9) de pend-
ing on the release date, as individuals released late in the
season initiated hibernation quite promptly.
Post release spatial behaviour ofindividuals fromcohort 2
Based on the GPS coordinates obtained from the post
release radio tracking, home range estimates were made
for individuals W7 (n = 35) and W8 (n = 28) in cohort
2, being the only individuals with sufficient data points
(> 30) for calculating representative home range estimates
[75]. 95% minimum convex polygons: W7 (4.85ha) and
W8 (3.54ha). Kernel density estimates: W7 (95%: 7.07ha,
50%: 0.12ha) and W8 (95%: 5.58ha, 50%: 0.06ha),
For comparison, home ranges for individuals from
cohort 3 can be found in Rasmussen et al. (2019)
[22]. Mean dispersal length from the release sites was
217 ± 100m (range 100–408m), measured as the great-
est distance from the release sites recorded per indi-
vidual, for 11 individuals in cohort 2 released back into
the wild. e dispersal lengths were measured during
the period post release until initiation of hibernation,
ranging from 6 to 38days. e remaining six individuals
(range 5–45m) were excluded from the analysis because
they died shortly after release and never got to explore
the new habitats. Dispersal length was equal for rehabili-
tated (212 ± 102m, range: 100–322, n = 4) and wild indi-
viduals (219 ± 106m, range: 101–408, n = 7).
During our tests of glucocorticoids in hedgehogs we dis-
covered that rehabilitated individuals and females had
higher levels of faecal corticosterone metabolites com-
pared to wild individuals and males, respectively. Fur-
thermore, rehabilitated individuals showed higher levels
of saliva corticosterone than wild.
e difference detected in faecal corticosterone
metabolite levels between males and females is most
likely a general sex difference, which has previously been
detected in a range of species (e.g., [7680]) and was pre-
viously hinted at by Fowler (1988) [81].
Rehabilitated individuals had significantly higher lev-
els of corticosterone and corticosterone metabolites in
both saliva and faeces, respectively, compared to the wild
individuals in the study, and the high occurrence of Sal-
monella infections (category labelled as “health” in the
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Rasmussenetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:96
statistical models) among the rehabilitated individuals
did not affect the results. Taking into consideration that
ten of the wild individuals included in the analyses were
kept in captivity for a week under the same conditions as
14 of the rehabilitated individuals tested (cohort 2), the
results could indicate that the rehabilitated individuals
were in general more stressed, having been kept in cap-
tivity for a longer period of time and having been moved
from one enclosure to another. It is therefore relevant to
consider the length of the rehabilitation process and the
potential negative consequences of a long admission to a
wildlife rehabilitation centre, as well as whether the ben-
efits of moving individuals to new enclosures for a soft
release will outweigh the potential increase in stress lev-
els caused by this act. However, further studies on the
effects of translocation to new enclosures are needed to
confirm this.
Previous studies have investigated different aspects of
adrenal function and adrenal hormone levels in hedge-
hogs [8188]. ese studies have principally focused on
glucocorticoid-involvement in relation to/in preparation
for hibernation. Both corticosterone [84] and cortisol
[81] have been measured in this context in hedgehogs,
however, to our knowledge, there are no studies of either
glucocorticoid’s involvement in stress. Similar to, for
example, hamsters [89], hedgehogs appear to secrete
considerable levels of both cortisol and corticosterone
(as opposed to most mammalian species where there is
a considerable skew toward one of the two). Comparing
the faecal samples from cohort 3, where we could obtain
reliable measurements of both faecal corticosterone- and
cortisol metabolite levels, we found the average level
of corticosterone metabolites (48.4 ± 24.92 ng/g) to be
higher than that of cortisol metabolites (41.3 ± 21.7ng/g).
However, the mean saliva cortisol level in general
(10.1 ± 6.1 ng/ml) was higher than that of corticoster-
one (7.7 ± 9.8 ng/ml) detected in the saliva samples.
is supports the findings by Werner and Wünnenberg
(1980) [88] who found 3–4 times higher levels of cortisol
in hedgehog plasma. It is, therefore, tempting to suggest
that cortisol should be focused on as the primary stress-
associated glucocorticoid. But we would argue that this
would be a premature conclusion since it has been sug-
gested that cortisol and corticosterone may take on dif-
ferent roles [90] in species where both hormones are
found in appreciable concentrations (e.g., hamsters [91]
or bats [92]). To move forward, there is, instead, a need
for validating cortisol and corticosterone concentrations
in European hedgehogs in relation to controlled stress-
ors; for example, ACTH challenges. As the European
hedgehog is protected by law in Denmark, such experi-
ments would require specific permits which are not easily
Unfortunately, we had to exclude a number of faecal
samples (n = 43) from the data analysis of faecal corti-
costerone metabolite levels, because they could not be
assigned to a specific individual.
Seven out of 15 rehabilitated individuals from cohort 2
died from Salmonella infections before release back into
the wild. Four individuals (two wild and two rehabili-
tated) died of Salmonella infections post release, showing
no symptoms before release. One could anticipate that
sick individuals would not behave as they would have
done under normal conditions, which could influence the
results of the personality tests. Surprisingly, we observed
that individuals dying from Salmonella infections were
among the most active (bold) individuals during the per-
sonality tests, even though apathetic behaviour could
have been expected. e detected levels of corticosterone
may also have been affected by disease, but this could not
be confirmed by the statistical analyses, as health sta-
tus did not significantly influence corticosterone levels.
However, the Salmonella infections did reduce our post
release sample size (cohort 2) considerably, which should
be taken into consideration when interpreting the results.
e majority of personality studies have been carried
out on captive-bred individuals [93]. Archard and Braith-
waite [93] stated that there is a need for personality tests
of wild populations in order to discover the selection
pressures that affect personality in natural environments.
e stress associated with the capture, handling and cap-
tivity of wildlife should be considered [93] as well as a
potential bias in trapping wild animals for research, since
“trappability” of wild animals has been used as a meas-
ure of boldness in previous studies [59, 94]. However, five
out of ten wild individuals were categorised as bold in the
present study, which does not indicate any “trappability”
bias. Yet, given the small sample size, it could also just be
caused by coincidence. Additionally, it is relevant to men-
tion that some individuals may have personalities that
allow them to thrive in rehabilitation, which could give
them an advantage upon release.
Fucikova etal. [95] describe how handling stress can
potentially influence the behaviour in personality tests,
and how this should be taken into consideration when
interpreting the results. As the rehabilitated, hand-raised
individuals of cohort 2 should be more habituated to
handling by humans, the wild individuals would then be
expected to show more shy behaviour compared to the
rehabilitated individuals in the personality test, if they
were influenced by handling stress. is was not the case,
as only five out of ten wild individuals were labelled as
shy, compared to eight out of 14 rehabilitated individuals.
However, some individuals may also appear to be bold
whilst masking very high stress levels [96]. is did not
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Rasmussenetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:96
seem to be the case in the present study, as personality
did not affect stress levels.
Post release survival did not appear to be affected by
background or personality in the present study. However,
it is important to consider the potential biases caused by
the rather small sample size (n = 17). All individuals dying
post release did so within 9 days after release, which is
remarkable, and may indicate that if an individual is able
to survive after approximately the first week post release,
there is a good chance that it will survive until hiberna-
tion. Post release survival of rehabilitated hedgehogs has
previously been found to range between 25 and 83% [30,
6773]. Yarnell etal. (2019) [73] detected no significant
difference between the survival of wild and rehabilitated
hedgehogs (n = 42, overall survival rate = 83%) during the
first 150days after release of the rehabilitated individuals.
Rasmussen etal. (2019) [22] found a survival rate of 78%
(n = 23) for wild, juvenile hedgehogs during the autumn
until initiation of hibernation. e post release survival
rate of 53% observed in the present study is remarkably
lower and is likely due to the presence of the Salmonella
infection, which killed four individuals post release.
However, the survival rate of 53% in the present study is
still average compared to the range of 25–83% found in
previous studies of post release survival of rehabilitated
e post release home range sizes measured for indi-
viduals of cohort 2 were almost equal to the levels found
in Rasmussen et al. (2019) [22], where wild juvenile
hedgehogs were radio tracked in the same area as used in
the present study. Combined with the small post release
dispersal length of 217 ± 100m we detected, especially
compared to previous studies on translocated hedgehogs
[30, 67, 69, 71], it seems translocated, juvenile hedgehogs
do not travel far from their release site and stay in a small
area, if the habitat is of suitable quality. is suggests that
future post release monitoring of hand-raised orphans
should be possible for hedgehog carers even without the
use of tracking equipment.
In conclusion, we determined the personality measured
as shyness-boldness of 24 independent, juvenile hedge-
hogs with different backgrounds. Afterwards, they were
radio tagged and released into a novel habitat. We found
no difference in the post release survival of hand-reared
rehabilitated and wild, juvenile European hedgehogs, and
survival did not seem to be affected by personality. ese
results show that hand-raised, rehabilitated juveniles
have the same prospects post release as wild individu-
als brought up naturally, and that chances of post release
survival are seemingly not influenced by personality
We measured glucocorticoid levels in 43 European
hedgehogs from different backgrounds, age groups and
locations using commercially available assays for corti-
costerone and cortisol to quantitate (an unknown mix
of) the native glucocorticoids and their metabolites. We
found that rehabilitated individuals had higher levels
of corticosterone metabolites (faeces) and corticoster-
one (saliva) compared to wild individuals. Additionally,
females had higher levels of saliva corticosterone than
males, but this was most likely a general sex difference.
e results indicate that rehabilitated individuals show
higher levels of saliva corticosterone and faecal corticos-
terone metabolites than wild individuals, likely due to a
longer stay in captivity. Based on these observations we
suggest that the duration of admission to hedgehog reha-
bilitation centres should be considered. However, more
research on the subject is needed, particularly a valida-
tion of the detected levels of cortisol and corticosterone
in European hedgehogs through ACTH tests, before we
can draw any definitive conclusions on the stress levels of
the individuals studied.
e samples in the study came from 43 individual hedge-
hogs (25 rehabilitated and 18 wild) collected over the
course of three different research projects. In addition
to sex, individuals were defined either as wild or reha-
bilitated (ten sick/injured adults being treated at a wild-
life rehabilitation centre (cohort 1) and 15 hand-reared
orphans (part of cohort 2)). Table1 provides a flow chart
of the entire research setup.
Subject characteristics
Cohort 1
Cohort 1 consisted of ten adult hedgehogs in care due to
either injuries or sickness at a hedgehog rehabilitation
centre near Copenhagen. Samples, one saliva and one
faecal sample per individual, were collected on the 2nd of
July 2012. See Additional file1 for information on weight,
sex and conditions of the individuals.
Cohort 2
Cohort 2 consisted of ten wild juvenile hedgehogs (esti-
mated age > 6 weeks) and 15 hand-reared orphans
(7–8weeks old). All were from Zealand, Denmark; born
between July and the beginning of September 2012. See
Additional file 2 for further information. e orphans
were resident at two wildlife rehabilitation centres (oper-
ating under Dyrenes Beskyttelse) for at least 3 weeks
before entering the study. All animals were over the age
of independence [1, 97]. e wild individuals were hand
caught in the suburbs of Copenhagen using headlights
and night vision goggles. Wild-caught and hand-reared
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Rasmussenetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:96
hedgehogs were separately housed in outdoor enclo-
sures under the same conditions to facilitate direct com-
parisons between the two groups. Each chicken-wire
enclosure (3m × 2m) had a chipboard roof and housed
2 individuals. Nest boxes (50cm × 50cm × 40 cm) were
provided with sawdust on a sheet of surgical base, hay, a
bowl of water and a bowl of kitten dry food. Additional
kitten wet food placed beside the box entrance. Food and
water was also present in the pen. Food and water were
changed daily, and the nest boxes were cleaned thor-
oughly every second to 3rd day.
Experimental design for cohort 2 Each individual was
colour coded for identification purposes using Hama
beads (www. hamab eads. com) glued to its spines. Hedge-
hogs were weighed and faecal samples collected daily. On
day 1 (arrival), the hedgehogs were tested in a novel arena
setting. On days 3 and 5 they were exposed to the novel
object test. On day 6, radio transmitters were attached,
and the individuals were released at night on day 7.
Cohort 3
is group consisted of four radio-tagged wild, juve-
nile hedgehogs, aged approximately 8 months at the
time when the faeces and saliva samples were obtained.
A more detailed description of the individuals and the
study in which they participated can be found in Ras-
mussen etal. (2019) [22]. Faecal samples from five wild,
unidentified individuals from Taastrup and Rødovre
were also included to increase the representation of wild
Table 1 A flow chart presenting the research setup for the three cohorts studied
Categories Cohort 1 Cohort 2 Cohort 3
Subject characteristics n = 10 rehabilitated, adult hedgehogs n = 15 rehabilitated, juvenile hedgehogs n = 8 wild hedgehogs (3
juveniles, 5 unidentified)
n = 10 wild, juvenile hedgehogs
Glucocorticoid analyses
Sampling Faecal samples (n = 10) Saliva samples (n = 57) Saliva samples (n = 4)
Faecal samples (n = 67) Faecal samples (n = 9)
Sampling before (wild) and during captivity
(both groups) and post release (both
Laboratory procedure Testing: Testing: Testing:
Faecal corticosterone metabolite levels
(n = 10) Faecal corticosterone metabolite levels
(n = 67) Faecal corticosterone
metabolite levels (n = 9)
Saliva corticosterone levels (n = 57) Faecal cortisol metabolite
levels (n = 7)
Saliva cortisol levels (n = 4)
Personality testing Not performed Novel arena test on day 1 in enclosures Not performed
Novel object tests on day 3 and 5 in
Release into the wild Not performed After 7 days in enclosures (n = 18, 8 reha-
bilitated and 10 wild juveniles) Already free-living
Post release monitoring of survival
and spatial behaviour Not performed Radio tracking of 18 juveniles, out of
which 1 was unaccounted for Results not included in the
present study: Radio track-
ing of the 3 radio tagged
wild juveniles (Rasmussen
et al. (2019))
Data analyses
Faecal corticosterone metabolite
levels in relation to back-
ground, sex and health
Linear mixed effects model (LME) for
all cohorts Linear mixed effects model (LME) for all
cohorts Linear mixed effects model
(LME) for all cohorts
Saliva corticosterone levels in
relation to background, sex
and health
Linear mixed effects model (LME)
Personality (novel arena and
novel object tests) Principal component analyses (PCA)
Effects of personality (shy/bold)
and background (wild/rehabili-
tated) on post release survival
Fisher’s exact test
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Rasmussenetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:96
individuals in the study. All samples were collected in
May 2015.
Sampling methods
Faecal samples were collected and frozen ( 20°C) as
soon as possible, at the latest within 30 min after the
samples were collected, awaiting analysis.
e saliva samples were collected with a single-use
pipette (model LW4273 Alphalabs UK), kept in cooler
bags directly after sampling, and stored frozen ( 20°C).
e saliva samples were collected by gently placing the
long and narrow tip of the single-use pipette in the cor-
ner of the mouth of the hedgehog. Saliva was aspirated
from the inside of the individual’s cheek, after which
the pipette was gently extracted from the mouth of the
hedgehog. During the procedure, the hedgehog was
placed in the hands of the person extracting the sample
and was not restrained. Each procedure lasted < 20s. e
saliva sampling took place at the first given opportunity
during their activity period at night, when handling the
hedgehogs, in an attempt to avoid detecting the stress
from handling in the samples. e first saliva sample for
individuals belonging to cohort 2 was taken upon arrival
to the pens, 15min before the novel arena test. In some
instances further samples were obtained before the novel
object tests. e last samples were collected upon tagging
and release into the wild, and in some cases, when it was
possible to catch the individual, post release.
Laboratory procedure
A total of 57 saliva samples and 86 faecal samples were
analysed for glucocorticoids. Corticosterone and cor-
ticosterone metabolites in saliva, as well as faecal corti-
costerone metabolites (FCM) were quantitated using a
commercially available corticosterone assay. Similarly,
faecal cortisol metabolite levels were assessed in seven
faecal samples and an additional four saliva samples were
analysed for cortisol levels using a commercially avail-
able cortisol assay. Saliva samples (n = 61) were analysed
neat or diluted in PBS where needed. Faecal samples
(n = 93) were extracted in ethanol (96%) overnight. e
supernatant was recovered by centrifugation, evapo-
rated, and the extracted material was resuspended in PBS
prior to analysis. Both cortisol and corticosterone con-
centrations were measured in the samples, but due to a
highly pronounced matrix effect in the initially chosen
assay for cortisol quantification (“Cortisol ELISA”, EIA-
1887; DRG Instruments GmbH, Germany), combined
with limited sample material (faeces and saliva samples
from cohort 1), the results from a number of cortisol
analyses had to be discarded. Corticosterone concen-
trations were determined using commercially available
ELISA kits (“Corticosterone ELISA”, REF EIA-4164; DRG
Instruments GmbH, Germany). Known cross-reactivities
are with progesterone (7.4%), deoxycorticosterone (3.4%),
11-deoxycorticosterone (1.6%), cortisol (0.3%), and preg-
nenolone (0.3%), with other steroids cross-reacting at less
than 0.1%. Sensitivity of the kit (detection limit) is listed
at 1.6nM and typical intra- and inter-assay CVs are listed
at 3% and 6%, respectively. A small subset of saliva (n = 4
from cohort 3) and faecal (n = 9 from cohort 3) samples
that had not been exhausted were analysed for cortisol
concentrations using an assay which was deemed reliable,
and did not show signs of matrix effects (“Parameter cor-
tisol assay”, KGE008, R&D Systems Parameter Cortisol).
Known cross-reactivities are with prednisolone (4.4%),
11-deoxycortisol (3.4%), progesterone (1.7%), and corti-
sone (0.2%), with other steroids, including corticosterone
cross-reacting at less than 0.1%. Sensitivity (detection
limit) of the kit is listed at 0.071ng/ml and typical intra-
and inter-assay CVs are listed at 5% and 9%, respectively.
Despite the need for validating cortisol and corticoster-
one concentrations in European hedgehogs in relation to
controlled stressors with for example ACTH challenges
[98], it was unfortunately not possible to provide such a
validation in the present study, as the European hedge-
hog is protected by law in Denmark, and such experi-
ments would require specific permits which are not easily
Personality testing
Individuals from cohort 2 were tested in the novel arena
test and the novel object test before being released into
the wild.
Novel arena test
When released into the enclosure for the first time, the
hedgehogs were tested in a novel arena paradigm. e
enclosures were divided, lengthwise, into zones of 50cm
(numbered 0–5) by use of strings which were woven into
the chicken-wire netting placed in the ground-level of the
enclosures. e nest box was placed in zone 5 extending
into zone 4, but was kept shut during the test. e out-
door water and food bowls were placed in zone 3 (Fig.2).
Each individual was brought to the arena in a cat trans-
port carrier with bedding and left near the enclosure for
15min prior to the experiment. e transport box was
gently placed in the entrance corner of the enclosure
(zone 0) and opened. During the next 15min, the hedge-
hog’s latency to exit the carrier (tout), latency to enter the
different zones (t1–5) and the total time spent in each zone
0–Σ5), was recorded, as well as the total number of vis-
its to each zone (visits1–5) and the total number of bor-
ders crossed (total visits). Entering a zone was defined as
having moved the entire body into the zone. e record-
ing of the novel arena tests was made by the same, single
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Rasmussenetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:96
observer, with the exception of two occasions, where a
second person was also present alongside the observer.
e observer wore a headlight pointing downwards to
light up the registration sheet, and made the observations
from a distance of 2m from the enclosure staying silently
in place for the duration of the experiment. e transport
box was cleaned between each test.
Novel object tests
On day 3 and day 5 the response of the hedgehogs in
cohort 2 to a novel object was tested. e objects were
a pink football (25cm in diameter) and a badger setup
consisting of a small paper box with badger faeces and a
stuffed animal toy with white and black colours, mimick-
ing a badger pup (around 40cm in length). New samples
of badger faeces were provided for each test night. e
badger setup was chosen as badgers are natural predators
of hedgehogs [15, 97, 99] and the football was chosen as
a neutral item, with the two novel object tests reflecting
personality in a relatively neutral and a more threaten-
ing environment [100, 101]. e novel items were placed
in the centre of the enclosure next to the outdoor food
and water bowls. e hedgehog was gently placed in an
open carrier next to the closed nest box at a distance of
90cm from the novel object (Fig.3). Each test was filmed
with a Prostalk PC3000IR wildlife trail camera, which
was set to record for 90s after each detected movement
in the enclosure, with a time lag of two minutes between
recordings. e placement of the wildlife camera in the
right corner of the enclosure ensured a full view of the
arena and therefore accurate measurements of distances.
All novel object tests lasted 90min and were carried out
at night (the active period of hedgehogs). Each hedge-
hog was tested individually, whilst the other individual
housed in the same enclosure was confined to the nest
box. e latency to exit the carrier (tout), the latency to
approach the novel object, tapp (defined as coming within
50cm of the object), and the smallest distance from the
object were recorded. e distance from the object was
measured to the tip of the hedgehog’s snout. All videos
were coded by a single observer.
e testing order (ball/badger) was randomized and
took place on day 3 and 5. Each testing session ideally
consisted of two wild and two rehabilitated individuals
in separate enclosures, one housing the wild individuals
and the other the rehabilitated. With a few exceptions,
each individual was tested once in each of the two setups.
21 individuals were tested in the ball setup and 18 in the
badger setup (the uneven number of tests was caused by
deaths among the test individuals).
Salmonella detection
Seven out of 15 hand-raised, rehabilitated individuals
from cohort 2 died from Salmonella infections before
release back into the wild. ey had contracted the infec-
tions during care at a wildlife rehabilitation centre due to
the lack of necessary hygienic precautions and diagno-
sis/treatment. Four individuals from cohort 2 (two wild
and two rehabilitated) died of Salmonella infections post
release, showing no symptoms before release. All cases
were confirmed through PCR validation and categorised
as causes of death during the necropsies conducted at
Spatial behaviour andsurvival postrelease
After staying in the enclosures for 7 days, the surviving
hedgehogs of cohort 2 (eight hand-raised and ten wild
individuals) were released back into the wild wearing
radio transmitters (Biotrack PIP transmitters of 3–4g).
e purpose was to compare the post release success of
Fig. 2 The novel arena test setup. The test was made when the
individual entered the arena (enclosure) for the first time, on day 1.
The arena was divided into zones. The individual was placed in the
carrier in zone 0, and the carrier was opened when the test started.
Test duration was 15 min. A researcher monitored the events from
outside the enclosure and recorded the test results
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Rasmussenetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:96
wild and hand-raised, rehabilitated individuals. A total
of seven groups, each consisting of both hand-raised and
wild individuals, were released at six different locations
between 14th of September and 8th of November 2012,
after spending 6 days in the enclosures during the per-
sonality testing (Additional file2).
e hedgehogs were transported to the release site in
two carriers, wild and rehabilitated housed separately.
e hedgehogs were allowed to exit the carriers at their
own speed. Dry cat food and water was offered for a week
post release, and the two carriers were not removed until
a week post release, providing the individuals with an
alternative nest site during the first week after translo-
cation into the foreign area. e first two releases were
made in the area of Gribskov in a forest edge habitat sur-
rounded by grassland and containing a single house and
garden which was evaluated as suitable based on a previ-
ous study on the habitat types of Danish hedgehogs [102]
(Latitude, longitude: 55.975983, 12.266367; 55.974898,
12.264987). Afterwards new release sites were found in
Taastrup in a large recreational area suitable for release
due to the presence of a large hedgehog population, adja-
cent to residential areas, and with the presence of foxes
(Latitude, longitude: 55.642388, 12.328723; 55.643445,
12.331849; 55.649443, 12.333854; 55.651115, 12.328648).
e change of release site was prompted by a surprisingly
high predator (badger and fox) density in Gribskov, likely
causing multiple deaths (n = 3) among the hedgehogs
during the first days post release. All wild-caught hedge-
hogs were released at least 3km from their capture site to
avoid a possible bias of advantages due to acquaintance
with local conditions. e measure of 3km was based on
previous studies of adult hedgehogs, wherein the larg-
est observed distance travelled in a night was 2km, and
adult home ranges were < 40ha [1].
Post release, the hedgehogs were radio tracked with a
Sika receiver and Yagi antenna and found every one-two
nights post release. eir locations were recorded with
a Garmin eTrex 20 GPS. e radio tracking was carried
out in the activity periods of the hedgehogs, between 8
p.m. and 3 a.m., in order to cover the two possible peaks
of activity, 21:00–24:00 and around 3:00 o’clock, as sug-
gested by Campbell [103] and Wroot [104]. Only one
position was recorded each night (in different hours
of the night) as an attempt to obtain independent data
for the calculation of home ranges [105]. e surviving
hedgehogs were followed until initiation of hibernation.
Post release survival and home ranges were measured
and compared between treatment groups (wild and reha-
bilitated juveniles). A total of 18 individuals were radio
tagged and released back into the wild, but the signal
was lost from one rehabilitated individual shortly after
release, which means we excluded this individual from
the different post release data analyses.
Data analysis
All measures of dispersion in the manuscript are listed as
standard deviation (SD).
e linear mixed effects models (LME) were prepared
and tested using the software R [106]. e principal com-
ponent analyses were performed in SPSS v. 25 [107].
Saliva corticosterone samples
A linear mixed effects model (LME) was used for analys-
ing the corticosterone levels found in saliva. e model
included the subjects as a random effect as some individ-
uals contributed with multiple saliva samples. e corti-
costerone levels were log-transformed prior to analysis
to obtain a normal distribution (Shapiro–Wilk normality
Fig. 3 The novel object test setup. Individuals were tested in the
novel object test setup on day 3 and 5 in the enclosure. The novel
objects were a ball and a badger setup. Trying to avoid habituation
bias, some individuals were tested with the ball as the first novel
object test, and some were tested with the badger as the first novel
object test. Test duration was 90 min. A wildlife camera in the lower
right corner of the enclosure recorded the test situations
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Rasmussenetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:96
test, post transformation: W = 0.9893, p = 0.9051). An
initial model included the background (wild/rehabili-
tated), sex and health (dying from Salmonella infection
or not) as fixed effects.
Stepwise reduction of the model’s explanatory val-
ues was subsequently employed, using ANOVA tests to
compare the models, gradually removing non-significant
terms from the models indicated by the results of the
ANOVA tests. e best fit model only included the back-
ground of the subjects in addition to the random effect
of subject identity (lmer (log-corticosterone ~ Back-
ground + (1|Individual), data = Corticosterone_Data).
Faecal corticosterone metabolite levels
We prepared a linear mixed effects model (LME) for the
statistical analyses of the faecal corticosterone metabolite
levels detected. e model included the subjects as a ran-
dom effect as some individuals contributed with multiple
samples. e faecal corticosterone metabolite levels were
log-transformed prior to analysis to obtain normal distri-
bution. An initial model included the background (wild/
rehabilitated), sex and health (dying from Salmonella
infection or not) as fixed effects. As the data was analysed
with faecal corticosterone metabolite levels per individ-
ual as the response variable, we had to exclude a number
of faecal samples (n = 43) collected from enclosures with
more than one individual (cohort 2), or from unknown
wild individuals (cohort 3), unless we knew exactly which
individual the sample came from.
Stepwise reduction of the model’s explanatory val-
ues was subsequently employed, using ANOVA tests
to compare the models, gradually removing non-sig-
nificant terms from the models indicated by the results
of the ANOVA tests. e best fit model included
the background of the subjects, and sex, in addition
to the random effect of subject identity (lmer (log-
corticosterone ~ Background + Sex + (1|Individual),
data = Corticosterone_Data).
Personality tests
To facilitate analysis/interpretation, the data collected
from both the novel arena tests and the novel object tests
were dimensionally reduced using principal component
analysis (PCA). One analysis utilized the data collected
from the novel arena test, a separate analysis was car-
ried out for the novel object test (combining data from
both testing conditions—ball/badger). Varimax rota-
tion was employed, post-extraction, to facilitate easier
interpretation of data. Whereas the number of param-
eters used in both PCAs was high in relation to the num-
ber of subjects, this approach was still deemed preferable
over analysing the parameters individually in, for exam-
ple, ANOVA models.
The eects ofpersonality andbackground onsurvival
Shyness or boldness was established for each of 24 indi-
viduals in cohort 2 based on the three personality tests
(novel arena, novel object ball, novel object badger). Each
individual therefore received three shyness/boldness
labels and were registered as either shy or bold on the
basis of these. In cases where both shyness and boldness
labels were allocated to the same individual, the majority
determined the final personality label (e.g. shy, bold, shy
was labelled shy). Due to challenges during the initiation
phase of the personality tests, two of the individuals sur-
viving to be released back into the wild did not take part
in the novel object tests, and were consequently labelled
shy or bold based on their performance in the novel arena
test. A further four rehabilitated individuals who did not
survive to be released, were additionally categorised as
shy or bold based on their results from the novel arena
test. e division of individuals into a shyness-boldness
spectrum was based on the clustering in the PCA space
by visually distinguishing and ordering the individuals
into the binary categories of shy and bold (See Additional
files 3 and 4). Half of the individuals were categorised as
shy and half as bold based on each of the three PCs repre-
senting the tests (PCA plot for novel arena = PC1, n = 24;
PCA plot for novel object tests: PC1 and PC2, n = 18).
Fisher’s Exact test was employed to test for an effect
of background (wild/rehabilitated) and personality (shy/
bold) in the post release survival of the 17 released indi-
viduals from cohort 2.
Post release spatial behaviour ofindividuals fromcohort 2
e calculations of home ranges, measured as minimum
convex polygons, and kernel density estimates were made
in ArcGIS 10.0 by application of the extension program
Geospatial Modelling Environment. For the kernel den-
sity calculations, bandwidth was set to 500m and cell size
to 1m, as these settings created the smoothest kernels.
We measured the maximum distance from the release
point in Google Maps for the 17 individuals surviving to
be released back into the wild.
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Rasmussenetal. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:96
Supplementary Information
The online version contains supplementary material available at https:// doi.
org/ 10. 1186/ s12862- 021- 01816-7.
Additional le1. Overview of individuals from cohort 1. The individuals
of cohort 1 were all in care at a local hedgehog rehabilitation centre.
Additional le2. Overview of individuals in cohort 2. The column weight
indicates the weight in grams of an individual when entering the study.
Additional le3. Novel arena tests: Distribution of individuals in PCA
space. Note that the labelling of the axes is speculative.
Additional le4. Novel object tests: Distribution of individuals in PCA
space. Note that the labelling of the axes is speculative.
Additional le5. PC scores for the novel arena test data.
Additional le6. Novel object tests: Distribution of subjects in PCA space,
labelled by order of test. No obvious effect of testing order can be seen.
Additional le7. PC scores for the novel object tests’ data.
Additional le8. Personality. A table presenting the division of individu-
als into shy or bold based on their behaviour in the three personality tests.
Shy behaviour is indicated by S and bold by B.
Additional le9. Results from the novel object test with a badger setup.
A table presenting the results from the novel object test with the badger.
Total duration: 90 min. “Type” indicates whether the individual was tested
in the novel object test scenario with the badger as the first test (NO1) or
the second test (NO2). ∆t out is the latency time before the individual left
the carrier and entered the arena.
Additional le10. Results from the novel object test with a ball setup. A
table presenting the results from the novel object test with the ball. Total
duration: 90 min. “Type” indicates whether the individual was tested in
the novel object test scenario with the ball as the first test (NO1) or the
second test (NO2). ∆t out is the latency time before the individual left the
carrier and entered the arena.
Additional le11. Results from the novel arena test. A table presenting
the results from the novel arena test. Total duration 900 s/15 min. ∆t out
is the latency time before the individual left the carrier and entered the
arena. ∆t X describes the latency time before the individual reached the
respective zone. X describes the time spent in the respective zone. V
X is the number of visits to the zone. Background is labelled R for hand-
reared, rehabilitated, and W for wild.
The authors would like to thank Helle Runchel Porsdal and Trine Marie Ahlman
Glahder for their technical assistance in the laboratory. We would also like to
thank Dyrenes Beskyttelse (Animal Protection Denmark), Pindsvinevennerne
i Danmark and Pindsvine Plejerne for sharing their hedgehog rehabilitation
data with us, and Pindsvinevennerne i Danmark and Dyrenes Beskyttelse for
allowing us to take samples from hedgehogs in their care.
Authors’ contributions
SLR conceived and led the research projects from which the samples derived.
SLR collected the samples. TD supervised the research projects. KA was
responsible for the laboratory work. SLR, OK and KA analysed the data. SLR
wrote the manuscript with considerable contributions and input from the
other authors. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
This work was supported by Dyrenes Beskyttelse (Animal Protection
Denmark), British Hedgehog Preservation Society, Department of Experi-
mental Medicine at the University of Copenhagen, Otto Bruun Foundation,
Lars Eduard Troelstrup and wife Else Troelstrup Foundation, Christen Møller
Sørensen and wife Marie Christine Sørensen Foundation and Headmistress
Sigrid Hansen’s Scholarship.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets supporting the conclusions of this article are included within the
article and its additional files.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The research was performed in accordance with Danish Law (The Adminis-
trative Order on the Protection of Species, Artsfredningsbekendtgørelsen).
Permission to carry out the procedures described in the article was given by
the Danish Nature Agency (J. Nr. SNS-41500-00210).
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
1 Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Department of Zoology, The Recanati-
Kaplan Centre, University of Oxford, Tubney House, Abingdon Road, Tubney,
Abingdon OX13 5QL, UK. 2 Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Aalborg
University, Fredrik Bajers Vej, 7H, 9220 Aaborg, Denmark. 3 Department
of Biology, Section for Ecology and Evolution, University of Copenhagen,
Universitetsparken 15, Building 12, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark. 4 Depart-
ment of Experimental Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3,
2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark.
Received: 27 September 2020 Accepted: 6 May 2021
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... Wildlife rehabilitation practices are not entirely without potential deleterious consequences. Negative impacts on individual animal welfare are recognised [4], including stress associated with captivity [3,[22][23][24]. There is also a potential for disease transmission within wildlife centres [25] and to wildlife [26] and domestic animals [27] upon release, dissemination of antimicrobial resistance [28], and human-wildlife pathogen transmission [26,29]. ...
... Time in captivity can, however, benefit animals that require translocation prior to release [105]. There are some possible pitfalls for individual animal welfare associated with captivity, including stress [22][23][24], development of physical problems during rehabilitation (e.g., Pododermatitis; [106]), spread of disease within WRCs (e.g., Dermatophytosis; [25]), and inappropriate behaviour upon release [107]. The true cost-benefit of time in captivity, when compared to survival in naturally occurring non-rehabilitated populations, is probably unknown, as post-release monitoring in most centres is poor [3]. ...
... Several factors have been shown to impact the long-term survival of rehabilitated wildlife, including species of animal, timing of release, release method, quality of the release habitat, and presence of predators [3]. New methods of animal welfare monitoring, for example, behavioural and physiological indicators of stress in captivity [24], alongside technological advances in pre-and post-release monitoring, should help to improve such investigations in the future. ...
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Simple Summary Millions of animals pass through wildlife rehabilitation centres globally each year. Wildlife centre databases can provide an evidence base for treatment and contribute to conservation. Records of British animals admitted to a centre over a 10-year period were analysed. Birds were more frequently admitted than mammals, reptiles, and amphibians, and nine species predominated the admissions; hedgehogs were the most common species admitted. Most admissions were in the summer and spring months, and juvenile animals were admitted more frequently than ‘orphans’ or adults. ‘Orphaned’ was also the predominant reason given for admission, followed by ‘injured’. A total of 42.6% of animals were eventually released back into the wild, 19.2% died in captivity, and 37.2% were euthanised. The outcome was better for orphaned animals than those admitted because of injury. Unexpected natural deaths in captivity were found to decline over the period of study, consistent with improved early triage. These findings can be used to focus training and seasonal resources on the species and case types most likely to be successful. The findings also have the potential to contribute to our understanding of anthropogenic impacts, historical and regional variations in ecosystem health, and resultant implications for animal welfare. Abstract Millions of animals pass through wildlife rehabilitation centres (WRCs) globally each year, some dying in captivity, others euthanised, and some released into the wild. Those caring for these animals are generally well-intentioned, but skills, knowledge, and resources may be limited, potentially compromising animal welfare. WRC databases provide an opportunity to provide an evidence base for treatment and conservation efforts. 42,841 records of animals admitted over a 10-year period to a British WRC were analysed. More birds (69.16%) were admitted than mammals (30.48%) and reptiles and amphibians (0.36%). Most admissions were in the summer (48.8%) and spring (26.0%) months. A total of 9 of the 196 species seen made up 57% of admissions, and hedgehogs were the most common species admitted (14% of all admissions and 20% of mammals). Juvenile animals (35.5%) were admitted more frequently than ‘orphans’ (26.0%) or adults (26.4%). ‘Orphaned’ was also the predominant reason for admission (28.3%), followed by ‘injured’ (25.5%). 42.6% of animals were eventually released back to the wild, 19.2% died in captivity, and 37.2% were euthanised; 1% of outcomes were unknown. The prognosis was better for orphaned animals than for those admitted because of injury. Unexpected natural deaths in captivity were found to decline over the period of study, consistent with improved early triage. These findings can be used to focus veterinary and WRC training and seasonal resources on the species and case types most likely to be successfully rehabilitated and released. The findings also have the potential to contribute to our understanding of anthropogenic impacts, historical and regional variations in ecosystem health, and resultant implications for animal welfare.
... Personality, defined as individual differences that are stable over time and across situations, affects how individuals react to challenging situations [43] and may influence their survival [44]. Several studies have shown that it is possible to estimate the shyness/boldness of individuals, including hedgehogs [45], by analysing how they explore a novel environment or arena, or by measuring their latency to approach a novel object in a familiar environment [44,[46][47][48]. Previous research has explored and documented the occurrence of a shyness-boldness gradient in natural populations [44,[49][50][51]. ...
... The findings of a balanced distribution of shy and bold individuals in the test group are also supported by the current lack of evidence for the pace-of-life syndrome (POLS) in populations of hedgehogs. The POLS predicts that behavioural traits such as high boldness, exploration, aggressiveness, or activity increase the acquisition of resources at the expense of life span, causing individuals expressing these traits to exhibit a faster life history, i.e., a higher growth rate compared to other conspecifics [45,[63][64][65]. ...
... It has been suggested that confidently determining personality in individuals requires repeated measures to determine whether these personality traits remain consistent during different test scenarios [66]. As we prioritised an experimental design to reduce the duration of the tests and handling of the hedgehogs to reduce stress [45] and allowing for the hedgehogs to be released into the wild as fast as possible, it was not possible to accommodate more repeated measures in our test design. It would be relevant to consider a method to increase the repeated measures of personality extending beyond the combined novel object and novel arena test and the encounter tests with a robotic lawn mower. ...
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The populations of European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) are in decline, and it is essential that research identifies and mitigates the factors causing this. Hedgehogs are increasingly sharing habitats with humans, being exposed to a range of dangers in our backyards. Previous research has documented that some models of robotic lawn mowers can cause harm to hedgehogs. This study explored the personality and behaviour of 50 live hedgehogs when facing an approaching, disarmed robotic lawn mower. By combining a novel arena and novel object test, we found that 27 hedgehogs could be categorised as “shy” and 23 as “bold”, independently of sex and age. The encounter tests with a robotic lawn mower showed that the hedgehogs positioned themselves in seven different ways. Personality did not affect their reactions. Adult hedgehogs tended to react in a shyer manner, and the hedgehogs, generally, acted less boldly during their second encounter with the robotic lawn mower. Additionally, our results show that bold individuals reacted in a more unpredictable way, being more behaviourally unstable compared to the shy individuals. This knowledge will be applied in the design of a standardised hedgehog safety test, eventually serving to produce and approve hedgehog-friendly robotic lawn mowers.
... This is followed by the challenging time when the newly independent juveniles must manage to forage, with a diet comprised primarily of invertebrates, and obtain adequate day and night nests. The timing of birth influences the mortality rate in hedgehog young [11], which amounts to as much as 69% of offspring in the wild [3,[12][13][14]. In the Czech Republic, hibernation ends in April and the first litters of European hedgehogs are usually born between May and August [15]. ...
... Orphaned juvenile hedgehogs found by humans are often taken to wildlife rehabilitation centres where they are hand-raised with the aim of being subsequently released back into the wild. Previous research comparing the post-release survival of hand-raised and wild, juvenile hedgehogs has shown that hand-raised juveniles appear to have equal prospects as wild, suggesting that hand-raising of orphaned juvenile hedgehogs is an important contribution to the conservation of this species [13]. ...
... The ability to identify juvenile hedgehogs truly in need of human care is important, as they may otherwise be taken to wildlife rehabilitation centres needlessly. It has been shown that the capture of wild animals may itself lead to their death due to causes like capture myopathy or infection transmitted from the other patients [13,26]. Furthermore, wild animals placed in captivity, e.g., at a wildlife rehabilitation centre, encounter a novel, confined and unpredictable environment, which often includes handling and close proximity to humans [26]. ...
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Previous research from several European countries has indicated that the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) is in decline. Wildlife rehabilitation centres contribute toward the protection of debilitated hedgehogs, including the young. Based on data from 27 wildlife rehabilitation centres, the mortality rate and the release rate of juvenile hedgehogs were evaluated depending on whether they were from normally timed litters (admitted from April to September) or from late litters (admitted from October to March). A total of 4388 juvenile European hedgehogs were admitted to wildlife rehabilitation centres in the Czech Republic from 2011 to 2020. The number of post-weaned young from late litters admitted (28%) did not differ from the number of pre-weaned young from late litters (29%). Where the outcome was known, young from late litters had the highest mortality rate (46%) in the year of admission. The release rate was the highest in post-weaned young from normally timed litters (86%). Further research should focus on the definition of optimal care and treatment of the underlying causes for admission of juvenile hedgehogs. The reproductive strategy (the timing of litters) of European hedgehogs under the climatic conditions of the Czech Republic affects the chance of survival of young at wildlife rehabilitation centres and likely also in the wild.
... Given the small sample size in this study, definitive roles for viral or bacterialmediated immunosuppression cannot be fully determined or excluded. Additionally, elevated corticosterone in captive hedgehogs 33 could be an additional predisposing factor to immunosuppression and/or activation of HhAV-1 infection. While the hypothesis of viral-mediated immunosuppression remains to be elucidated, the concurrent viral and bacterial infections highlight the need for strict biosecurity and sanitation measures to prevent the acquisition of other infections in the wildlife center environment. ...
... To mitigate the risks of inter-and intraspecific pathogen transmission, strict biosecurity measures (e.g., hygiene, quarantine) during rehabilitation are recommended as a routine, combined with husbandry protocols to minimize duration and stress in captive management. 4,33 ...
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The European hedgehog ( Erinaceus europaeus) is a protected species of conservation concern in the UK. In recent years, there have been multiple incidents of fatal encephalitis in captive hedgehogs in wildlife rescue centers associated with the molecular detection of a hedgehog arterivirus (HhAV-1). However, it remains unclear whether the virus is the causative agent of the central nervous system (CNS) lesions. In a retrospective investigation using postmortem material from 7 captive hedgehogs with neurological disease, and a single hedgehog with previously identified meningoencephalitis, histologic examination was conducted in tandem with viral RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) to appraise tissue distribution of HhAV-1 and the colocalization with histologic lesions. ISH revealed multicellular tropism of HhAV-1 involving monocyte-macrophage and vascular endothelial cells, with viral RNA detected in multiple organs, likely due to endotheliotropism and viremia. In the CNS, encephalomyelitis was mild whilst viral RNA was abundant and widely distributed, particularly in the microglial population and localized to areas with glial nodules. Splenic lymphoid depletion was generally mild but was moderate to severe in 2 septicemic animals. Brain samples from 13 control hedgehogs, found dead in the wild due to predation/trauma, were also screened for HhAV-1, of which 8 tested positive by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with a low viral load. No CNS lesions or ISH labeling was observed in 2 of these control hedgehogs that could be examined histologically. Combined, these findings indicate that HhAV-1 infections in captive hedgehogs in English wildlife rescue centers may be associated with histopathologic alterations and clinical neurological disease.
... In urban environments, hedgehogs often coexist closely with humans, potentially exposing them to various contaminants and biological agents [28] which may impact their health. Furthermore, as they also carry zoonotic agents, close coexistence and shared habitats can also be dangerous for humans [29]. ...
... In fact, it is important to account for the stress experienced in captivity and during handling when interpreting the results of hedgehogs under investigation. Such stressors could potentially influence outcomes, thereby impacting the reference intervals [29]. Another aspect to consider are the slight variations observed between studies conducted in different countries across Europe. ...
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Simple Summary This review addresses the health challenges of western-European hedgehogs in human environments, emphasizing their exposure to contaminants and diseases. As vital contributors to One Health studies, hedgehogs serve as indicators of environmental health. This study underscores the importance of comprehending their well-being via blood value exploration, which is crucial for identifying threats and ensuring their conservation. By analyzing the existing literature on hedgehog blood reference values, this review emphasizes the ongoing necessity for research to create a valuable tool for the assessment of species health. Abstract The western-European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), in expanding its range towards human habitats, faces exposure to contaminants and biological agents, potentially leading to diseases associated with hematological and biochemical changes. As bioindicators of environmental pollution and carriers of zoonotic agents, hedgehogs play a crucial role in One Health studies, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive understanding of their clinical-pathological aspects. Exploring the blood reference values in healthy animals of this species is crucial for understanding and improving their well-being, and identifying possible diseases/pathogens that may affect its conservation and/or impact human health. This review is focused on analyzing the data available in the literature for Erinaceus europaeus blood reference intervals. A comprehensive literature review of the studies published in Europe is performed, highlighting their specificities, and emphasizing the need for continuous research in this field. Our final goal is to provide a crucial tool for assessing the health status of the species, and underscoring the significance of research in this specific domain.
... This time lapse between admittance and blood collection would give animals time to recover from illness, but also subject them to stress derived from captivity. [36] showed that rehabilitated hedgehogs had higher levels of endogenous corticosterone when compared with wildcaught individuals. Although endogenous steroids can impact physical responses and lead to unbalances, the act of blood collection is considered a stressor and will contribute to this endogenous response [37]. ...
... In addition, differences between methods and laboratories can also influence the results [41]. Moreover, the effects of stress in captivity and during handling on the hedgehogs investigated should be taken into consideration when interpreting the results, as it could influence the results and, thereby, the RIs determined [36]. ...
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The Western European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) can work as a bioindicator of environmental pollution and be a host for multiple zoonotic agents, making it relevant in terms of One Health studies. It is essential to deepen the knowledge on this species and calculate reference intervals (RIs) for the usual hematological and biochemical parameters. For this retrospective study (2017–2022), the archives of the Clinical Pathology Laboratory (LPC) of University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) Veterinary Teaching Hospital were analyzed. Data of hematology, clinical biochemistry, and protein electrophoresis from 37 healthy hedgehogs of the Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center at UTAD, Northern Portugal, were included. It was possible to calculate RIs for almost all of the variables in the study, using Reference Value Advisor V2.1. Moreover, sex and age effects were investigated: alkaline phosphatase (p = 0.012, higher in males); total proteins (p = 0.034, higher in adults); mean cell volume (p = 0.007) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (p = 0.010) (both higher in juveniles); and red blood cell distribution width (p = 0.021, higher in adults). Our study allowed for the first time to define RIs for a population of hedgehogs in Portugal, having a potentially relevant impact on species conservation and in the human–animal health interface.
... Regarding behavior, the levels of circulating GCs typically vary between individuals (reviewed in [22]); thus, these hormones are not surprisingly involved in individual behavioral differences (e.g., [6,[13][14][15][16]31,74]). In particular, the level of GCs has been linked to the structure of covariation among different behavioral traits within individuals, the so-called behavioral syndromes [3,18,91]. ...
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Glucocorticoids (GCs) have a wide spectrum of effects on animal behavior. A recently suggested effect involves determining the structure of individual differences, that is how the behavioral traits of an individual covary, forming the so-called behavioral syndromes. As GCs can exert their action in multiple ways, e.g., via rapid nongenomic effects or via the activation of two highly homologous members of the steroid receptor family acting as transcription factors, it is unclear how the GC modulation of behavioral syndromes takes place. We exploited a zebrafish line with a frameshift mutation in the gene encoding the GC receptor (Gr), to investigate this question. We found that lack of Gr altered the average score of several behavioral traits in the mutant line, determining reduced boldness, and increased activity and sociability. Critically, the pattern of covariation between these traits was also substantially affected by the loss of Gr. The most evident effect was an association of traits involved in boldness in the gr mutant line. This study reveals that, in zebrafish, Gr is not only involved in the modulation of the average value of behavioral traits, but also in how the behavioral traits of an individual are interrelated and determine the behavioral syndromes.
... Using spines from hedgehogs may serve as an important non-invasive alternative to traditional organ analyses of sacrificed animals [150]. The spines can be collected through a non-invasive method, as they do not contain any nerves [13], and can be sampled very rapidly with a minimum duration of handling, potentially only causing a low degree of acute stress to the hedgehog being sampled [151]. However, it should be considered that the concentrations and chemical compounds found in spines are not necessarily directly comparable to those found in organs [57,58]. ...
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Monitoring data from several European countries indicate that European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) populations are declining, and research exploring the causes of the decline, including exposure to potentially harmful xenobiotics and metals, may inform conservation initiatives to protect this species in the wild. Hedgehogs are ground-dwelling mammals, feeding on a range of insects, slugs, snails, and earthworms, as well as eggs, live vertebrates, and carrion, including carcasses of apex predator species representing higher levels of the food chain. Consequently, hedgehogs come into close contact with contaminants present in their habitats and prey. This review investigated the studies available on the subject of the occurrence of metals and organic xenobiotics in hedgehogs. This study found that a vast range of different pesticides; persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including organochlorine compounds and brominated flame retardants (BFRs); as well as toxic heavy metals could be detected. Some compounds occurred in lethal concentrations, and some were associated with a potential adverse effect on hedgehog health and survival. Due to their ecology, combined with the opportunity to apply non-invasive sampling techniques using spines as sampling material, we suggest that the European hedgehog is a relevant bioindicator species for monitoring the exposure of terrestrial wildlife to potential toxicants in urban and rural environments.
... Hedgehogs hibernate to conserve energy during colder periods during which food availability is low [36]. In Denmark, they usually hibernate from late September (male adults), late October (female adults), or mid-November (juveniles) to around mid-April or mid-May [33,37,38]. However, juveniles may extend their activity period until mid-December if the weather conditions are mild, leaving food items such as slugs, snails, and insects available [33]. ...
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The European hedgehog is in decline, triggering a need to monitor population dynamics to optimise conservation initiatives directed at this species. By counting periosteal growth lines, we determined the age of 388 dead European hedgehogs collected through citizen science in Denmark. The overall mean age was 1.8 years (1.6 years for females and 2.1 years for males), ranging between 0 and 16 years. We constructed life tables showing life expectancies at 2.1 years for females and 2.6 years for males. We discovered that male hedgehogs were more likely to have died in traffic than females, but traffic-related deaths peaked in July for both sexes. A sex difference was detected for non-traffic deaths, as most males died in July, and most females died in September. We created empirical survivorship curves and hazard curves showing that the risk of death for male hedgehogs remains approximately constant with age. In contrast, the risk of death for females increases with age. Most of the collected road-killed individuals died in rural habitats. The degree of inbreeding did not influence longevity. These new insights are important for preparing conservation strategies for the European hedgehog.
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Wildlife rehabilitation centers (WRC) play a crucial role in the collection of data and the monitoring of hedgehog populations. The main objective of this study was to identify the morbidity and prognostic factors associated with the mortality of wild hedgehogs admitted at a WRC in Catalonia. A total number of 3397 hedgehogs admitted from 1995 to 2020 were studied. The principal cause of admission was orphaned/young category (41%) followed by misplacement (19%), natural disease (17%), and trauma (14%). The best outcomes for release were for misplacement (93.6%), orphaned/young (72.3%), and other causes (77.6%), and the lowest proportion of released animals were found for natural disease (41.4%) and trauma (44.7%) categories. The most common macroscopic findings were the respiratory and digestive lesions. Internal parasites were also prevalent in 61% of the animals but with no association with a higher mortality. In the multivariate analyses, the prognostic indicators related with the mortality outcome were the presence of systemic (OR = 3.6, CI 95%: 2.8–4.6) and neurological (OR = 4.3, CI 95%: 2.9–6.4) signs. Morbidity and prognostic factors in wildlife rehabilitation are essential for providing effective care, making informed decisions, optimizing resources, and improving rehabilitation success rates.
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Road vehicle collisions are likely to be an important contributory factor in the decline of the European hedgehog ( Erinaceus europaeus) in Britain. Here, a collaborative roadkill dataset collected from multiple projects across Britain was used to assess when, where and why hedgehog roadkill are more likely to occur. Seasonal trends were assessed using a Generalized Additive Model. There were few casualties in winter—the hibernation season for hedgehogs—with a gradual increase from February that reached a peak in July before declining thereafter. A sequential multi-level Habitat Suitability Modelling (HSM) framework was then used to identify areas showing a high probability of hedgehog roadkill occurrence throughout the entire British road network (∼400,000 km) based on multi-scale environmental determinants. The HSM predicted that grassland and urban habitat coverage were important in predicting the probability of roadkill at a national scale. Probabilities peaked at approximately 50% urban cover at a one km scale and increased linearly with grassland cover (improved and rough grassland). Areas predicted to experience high probabilities of hedgehog roadkill occurrence were therefore in urban and suburban environments, that is, where a mix of urban and grassland habitats occur. These areas covered 9% of the total British road network. In combination with information on the frequency with which particular locations have hedgehog road casualties, the framework can help to identify priority areas for mitigation measures.
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Objectives Low genetic diversity can lead to reduced average fitness in a population or even extinction. Preserving genetic connectivity across fragmented landscapes is therefore vital to counteract the negative consequences of genetic drift and inbreeding. This study aimed to assess the genetic composition and consequently the conservation status of a nationwide sample of European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in Denmark. Methods We applied an adaptation of the genotyping by sequencing (GBS) technique to 178 individuals from six geographically distinct populations. We used a Bayesian clustering method to subdivide individuals into genetically distinct populations. We estimated individual observed (iH O), observed (H O), and unbiased expected (uH E) heterozygosity, inbreeding coefficient (F IS), percentage of polymorphic loci (P%) and tested for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). We used linear models to test for potential anthropogenic effects on the genetic variability of hedgehogs with iH O , uH E, P% and F IS as response variables, and assessed the demographic history of the population. Results The Danish hedgehog population is composed of three genetic clusters. We found a mean P% of 54.44-94.71, a mean uH E of 0.126-0.318 and a mean H O of 0.124-0.293 in the six populations. The F IS was found to be significantly positive for three of the six populations. We detected a large heterogeneity of iH O values within populations, which can be due to inbreeding and/or fragmentation. F IS values decreased with increasing farmland density, but there was no significant association with human population or road density.
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Objectives Low genetic diversity can lead to reduced average fitness in a population or even extinction. Preserving genetic connectivity across fragmented landscapes is therefore vital to counteract the negative consequences of genetic drift and inbreeding. This study aimed to assess the genetic composition and consequently the conservation status of a nationwide sample of European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in Denmark. Methods We applied an adaptation of the genotyping by sequencing (GBS) technique to 178 individuals from six geographically distinct populations. We used a Bayesian clustering method to subdivide individuals into genetically distinct populations. We estimated individual observed (iHO), observed (HO), and unbiased expected (uHE) heterozygosity, inbreeding coefficient (FIS), percentage of polymorphic loci (P%) and tested for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). We used linear models to test for potential anthropogenic effects on the genetic variability of hedgehogs with iHO, uHE, P% and FIS as response variables, and assessed the demographic history of the population. Results The Danish hedgehog population is composed of three genetic clusters. We found a mean P% of 54.44–94.71, a mean uHE of 0.126–0.318 and a mean HO of 0.124–0.293 in the six populations. The FIS was found to be significantly positive for three of the six populations. We detected a large heterogeneity of iHO values within populations, which can be due to inbreeding and/or fragmentation. FIS values decreased with increasing farmland density, but there was no significant association with human population or road density. Conclusions We found a low level of genetic variability and evidence for genetic substructure and low effective population size, which are all consequences of habitat fragmentation. We failed to detect signs of a recent population bottleneck or population increase or decline. However, because the test only identifies recent changes in population size, we cannot reject the possibility of a longer-term decline in the Danish hedgehog population.
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Reintroduction has become an increasingly important conservation tool in Australia, yet the effects of stress on species during reintroduction programs have received little attention. The use of enzyme immunoassays to measure faecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGM) is a useful non-invasive technique to monitor adrenal activity but requires validation before they can be reliably used. As part of a large reintroduction project, the goals of this study were to 1) monitor FGM in 53 western quolls (Dasyurus geoffroii) following capture from the wild and transfer to a holding facility and use this stressor to biologically validate an enzyme immunoassay; 2) determine if biological factors, such as sex, age, weight or source population affect baseline FGM levels; and 3) examine individual variation in the acute adrenal response of quolls to the capture and transfer associated with reintroductions. We successfully validated an assay that targets glucocorticoid metabolites with a 5α-3β,11β-diol structure and found that sex significantly influenced both baseline and peak FGM output in western quolls, whereas age, weight and source population did not. We also observed considerable variation among individuals in the magnitude and duration of their physiological response to capture and transfer. Using the methods described here, FGM analysis may provide further information about the adrenal activity of the western quoll and improve future conservation efforts for this threatened species.
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European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) populations are widespread across diverse habitats but are declining in Western Europe. Drastic declines have been described in the UK, with the most severe declines occurring in rural areas. Hedgehogs are widely distributed in Denmark, but their status remains unknown. Fieldwork on hedgehogs has tended to focus on rural areas, leaving their ecology in suburban habitats largely unexplored, with clear implications for conservation initiatives. Here, we study the ecology of 35 juvenile hedgehogs using radio tracking during their first year of life in the suburbs of western Copenhagen. We use radio‐tracking data to estimate (a) home range sizes in autumn and spring/summer, (b) survival during their first year of life, (c) the body mass changes before, during, and after hibernation, and (d) the hibernation behavior of the juvenile hedgehogs. We show that males and females have small home ranges compared with previous studies. The 95% MCP home range sizes in autumn were 1.33 ha (95% CI = 0.88–2.00) for males and 1.40 ha (95% CI = 0.84–2.32) for females; for spring/summer they were 6.54 ha (95% CI = 3.76–11.38) for males and 1.51 ha (95% CI = 0.63–3.63) for females. The juvenile survival probabilities during the study period from September 2014 to July 2015 were .56 for females and .79 for males. All healthy individuals gained body mass during the autumn and survived hibernation with little body mass loss thus demonstrating that the juveniles in the study were capable of gaining sufficient weight in the wild to survive their first hibernation. The climate is changing, but there is a lack of knowledge on how this affects mammal ecology. The exceptionally mild autumn of 2014 caused the juvenile hedgehogs to delay hibernation for up to a month compared with previous studies in Denmark.
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The objective of the study was to establish and refine a method for the genomic characterization of European hedgehogs in Denmark using the second-generation genotyping technique, genotyping by sequencing (GBS). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were filtered with a read coverage between 20 - 100 and a maximum number of missing data of 25 %. Individuals with > 25 % missing data were removed yielding a total of 2.4 million SNPs, and after filtering for Minor allele frequency (MAF) >1 %, 2902 SNPs remained. Approximately half of the individuals analysed contained less than 75% of the selected SNPs, and were removed, resulting in a sample size of 30. We estimated inbreeding coefficients (F), observed (HO), expected (HE) and unbiased expected (uHE) heterozygosity and the percent of polymorphic loci (P%). We tested for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) and patterns of isolation by distance (IBD). We assessed the genetic structure of the sampled individuals based on a Bayesian clustering method, and tested for recent population expansion or decline. We found a P% = 94.5%, a uHE and HE of mean ± SE; 0.31 ± 0.04 and 0.30 ± 0.02, respectively and an HO of 0.290 ± 0.03. The heterozygosity deficiency was reflected in a positive F-value; 0.1 ± 0.01 and a significant deviation for HWE (p < 0.05). The Mantel test for association between the genetical and geographical distances of populations was not significant (b = 0.007, R = 0.145, p > 0.05). The significant and positive F-value found, was explained by inbreeding, genetic substructure and low effective population size (Ne) which are all consequences of habitat fragmentation. We failed to detect recent signs of a population bottleneck or expansion. Further studies on a larger scale are needed to obtain a general view of the conservation status of the Danish hedgehog population.
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The number of species that merit conservation interventions is increasing daily with ongoing habitat destruction, increased fragmentation and loss of population connectivity. Desertification and climate change reduce suitable conservation areas. Physiological stress is an inevitable part of the capture and translocation process of wild animals. Globally, capture myopathy-a malignant outcome of stress during capture operations-accounts for the highest number of deaths associated with wildlife translocation. These deaths may not only have considerable impacts on conservation efforts but also have direct and indirect financial implications. Such deaths usually are indicative of how well animal welfare was considered and addressed during a translocation exercise. Importantly, devastating consequences on the continued existence of threatened and endangered species succumbing to this known risk during capture and movement may result. Since first recorded in 1964 in Kenya, many cases of capture myopathy have been described, but the exact causes, pathophysiological mechanisms and treatment for this condition remain to be adequately studied and fully elucidated. Capture myopathy is a condition with marked morbidity and mortality that occur predominantly in wild animals around the globe. It arises from inflicted stress and physical exertion that would typically occur with prolonged or short intense pursuit, capture, restraint or transportation of wild animals. The condition carries a grave prognosis, and despite intensive extended and largely non-specific supportive treatment, the success rate is poor. Although not as common as in wildlife, domestic animals and humans are also affected by conditions with similar pathophysiology. This review aims to highlight the current state of knowledge related to the clinical and pathophysiological presentation, potential treatments, preventative measures and, importantly, the hypothetical causes and proposed pathomechanisms by comparing conditions found in domestic animals and humans. Future comparative strategies and research directions are proposed to help better understand the pathophysiology of capture myopathy.
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The rehabilitation of sick or injured wildlife and their subsequent release back into the wild is considered important, not only for the welfare of the individual animal but also for the conservation and management of endangered and threatened wildlife. The European hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus has declined by 25% in Britain over the last decade and is the most common mammal admitted to wildlife rehabilitation centres in Britain, with a large proportion of individuals admitted to gain body weight overwinter prior to release in the spring. Consequently, many thousands of hedgehogs are housed overwinter which incurs significant costs for rehabilitation centres, and has potentially animal welfare issues, such as, stress in captivity, reintroduction stress, increased mortality risk and impaired or altered behaviour. To determine if releasing rehabilitated hedgehogs during autumn and winter had an effect on their survival, body weight or nesting behaviour, we compared these factors between 34 rehabilitated hedgehogs with 23 wild hedgehogs across five sites in England over four different winters. Overwinter survival was high for both wild and rehabilitated hedgehogs, with a significant decrease in survival across both groups when hedgehogs became active post hibernation in spring. We found no differences in the survival rates up to 150 days post release, in weight change, or nest use between wild- and winter-released rehabilitated hedgehogs. Our results suggest that under the correct conditions, rehabilitated hedgehogs can be released successfully during winter, therefore avoiding or reducing time in captivity.
There is increasing interest in using non-blood measures of glucocorticoids to assess the physiological response to chronic stress conditions. In sheep, cortisol has been measured in various matrices including saliva, faeces and wool, but comprehensive studies of the relationship between plasma concentrations of cortisol and concentrations in these non-blood matrices are lacking. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that administration of cortisol to sheep would result in elevated concentrations of cortisol in blood, saliva, faeces and wool. Merino ewes were administered with saline or 2mg/kg BW/d hydrocortisone acetate (HCA) by intramuscular (i.m.) injection for 28 days. This treatment was imposed to mimic circulating cortisol concentrations experienced during periods of chronic stress. Cortisol and cortisone were directly measured in plasma, saliva, and wool before, during and following treatment with saline or HCA. A 14-day pre-treatment and a 14-day post-treatment period was used to measure time taken for glucocorticoid concentrations in each matrices to return to baseline levels. Cortisol was also measured in faeces before, during and after treatment. Wool growth was also measured. Prior to treatment, there was no difference in the concentration of cortisol or cortisone in plasma, saliva, faeces or wool in animals treated with saline or HCA. In contrast, treatment with HCA increased (P<0.05) concentrations of both cortisol and cortisone in plasma, saliva and wool and of cortisol in faeces. In plasma, cortisol concentrations were higher than cortisone (P<0.05), whereas saliva cortisol and cortisone concentrations did not differ significantly. In wool, the concentration of cortisone were about 19-fold higher than that of cortisol during treatment and post-treatment periods. Treatment with HCA inhibited wool growth. These results demonstrate an increase in glucocorticoids in blood of sheep is reflected in increases in saliva (after 7 days of treatment), faeces (21 days) and wool (14 days). Therefore, measures of glucocorticoids in these matrices may provide a measure of activation of the adrenal glands over time in sheep, thereby providing a retrospective indicator of chronic stress. With respect to wool, it appears that cortisol is predominantly metabolised to cortisone and is stored as cortisone. Measures of cortisone may also provide a measure of chronic stress in sheep.
Glucocorticoids (GCs; i.e. cortisol/corticosterone) are a central component of the stress response and thus their measurement is frequently used to evaluate the impact of stressful situations. Their metabolites from faeces of various animal species are more and more taken as a non-invasive aid to assess GC release and thus adrenocortical activity. The current literature review includes an extensive collection (1327 papers) and evaluation (see also Supplementary Tables) of the literature on faecal cortisol/corticosterone metabolite (FCM) analysis published to date. It aims at giving reference for researchers interested in implementing FCM analysis into their study or seeking to improve such methods by providing background knowledge on GC metabolism and excretion, conveying insights into methodological issues and stating caveats of FCM analysis and by highlighting prerequisites for and some examples of a successful application of such methods. Collecting faecal samples and analysing FCMs may appear simple and straightforward, but researchers have to select and apply methods correctly. They also need to be aware of the many pitfalls and potentially confounding factors and, last but not least, have to carefully interpret results. Applied properly, measurement of FCMs is a powerful non-invasive tool in a variety of research areas, such as (stress) biology, ethology, ecology, animal conservation and welfare, but also biomedicine. Full text (free access) see here: See also suppl data available via "linked data"