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J Cancer Sci Clin Ther 2021; 5 (2): 250-285 DOI: 10.26502/jcsct.5079117
Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics 250
Aspects on the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP) 2020 Guidelines on Radiofrequency Radiation
Lennart Hardell1*, Mona Nilsson2, Tarmo Koppel3, Michael Carlberg1
1The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, Studievägen 35, SE-702 17, Örebro, Sweden
2Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, Gredby 14, SE-178 92 Adelsö, Sweden
3Tallinn University of Technology, SOC353 Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia
*Corresponding Author: Lennart Hardell, The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, Studievägen 35, SE 702 17,
Örebro, Sweden
Received: 04 May 2021; Accepted: 10 May 2021; Published: 21 May 2021
Citation: Lennart Hardell, Mona Nilsson, Tarmo Koppel, Michael Carlberg. Aspects on the International Commission on Non-
Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) 2020 Guidelines on Radiofrequency Radiation. Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical
Therapeutics 5 (2021): 250-285.
The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP) published 2020 updated guidelines on
radiofrequency (RF) radiation in the frequency range 100
kHz to 300 GHz. Harmful effects on human health and the
environment at levels below the guidelines are downplayed
although evidence is steadily increasing. Only thermal
(heating) effects are acknowledged and therefore form the
basis for the guidelines. Despite the increasing scientific
evidence of non-thermal effects, the new ICNIRP guidelines
are not lower compared with the previous levels. Expert
groups from the WHO, the EU Commission and Sweden are
to a large extent made up of members from ICNIRP, with no
representative from the many scientists who are critical of the
ICNIRP standpoint.
Keywords: EU; WHO; ICNIRP; 5G; Microwave radiation
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Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics 251
1. Introduction
Wireless technologies, such as mobile phones, cordless
phones, base stations, WiFi, 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G emit
radiofrequency (RF) radiation, also called microwave
radiation. For a long time there has been concern among
laymen and a large part of the scientific community that such
radiation may be a health hazard and also have a negative
effect on the environment including birds [1], insects [2] and
plants [3,4].
The seminal first early warning on brain tumor risk
associated with exposure to RF radiation from mobile
phones was published some 20 years ago [5, 6]. In the
following case-control studies by the Hardell group, in
addition to mobile phones, also use of cordless phones
(DECT) was assessed. These studies confirmed an increased
risk for brain tumors, i.e. glioma, for both types of wireless
phones [7]. Similar findings were reported for acoustic
neuroma [8].
In May 2011 the International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC) at the World Health Organization (WHO)
evaluated RF radiation in the frequency range 30 kHz–300
GHz to be a possible human carcinogen, Group 2B [9,
10].The IARC decision on mobile phones was based mainly
on two sets of case-control human studies: the Hardell group
studies from Sweden [11-13] and the IARC Interphone study
[14, 15]. Both provided supportive evidence of increased risk
for brain and head tumors, i.e. glioma and acoustic neuroma.
Later published studies by the Hardell group [7, 8] and the
French CERENAT (CEREbral tumors: a NATional study)
study on glioma and meningioma [16] supported an
increased risk for brain tumors and use of mobile and
cordless phones. However, risks associated with the use of
cordless phones was assessed only by the Hardell group,
although cordless phones emit RF radiation of similar type
as mobile phones.
The increasing scientific evidence on cancer risks from RF
radiation, as well as other health effects, has had little or
mostly no effect on preventive measurements. This is due to
scientific disagreements and controversies. Some influential
organizations are downplaying the health risks, i.e. the
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP), the World Health Organization
(WHO), the European Union (EU) and the Swedish
Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), see next section. It has
been discussed that by now such exposure might be
classified as carcinogenic to humans, Group 1, according to
the IARC classification [17-19]. However, only an IARC
evaluation can make that classification.
Because of the controversies and the lobbying by influential
organizations, including the telecom industry, precautionary
measures are not taken and the public is not informed about
health risks [20, 21]. People in general are, as a consequence,
not taking preventive measures when using the handheld
wireless phone, WiFi, or when exposed to RF radiation from
base stations. Increasing ambient RF radiation gives higher
total human exposure [22, 23] in addition to the widespread
use of mobile and cordless phones.
During the last decades, the scientific evidence on other
health effects than cancer has also increased. By January
2021, 255 scientists from 44 nations and 15 supporting
scientists from 11 nations concluded that these effects occur
well below most international and national guidelines
recommended by ICNIRP, (see next section).
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“Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress,
increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural
and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning
and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative
impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well
beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of
harmful effects to both plant and animal life.” [24].
The scientific evidence on the carcinogenic potential of RF
radiation in laboratory studies has long been accumulating,
but has mostly been ignored or dismissed by e.g., ICNIRP,
the WHO, the EU and the SSM. The increased cancer risk in
humans for RF radiation is clearly supported by recent
animal studies [25-27] and mechanistic studies, both
induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) [28], and DNA
damage [29-31]. The history on carcinogenic effects in
laboratory studies started several decades ago.
Co-carcinogenic effects of RF radiation exposure and
benzopyrene in mice were published already in 1982 [32].
The study showed that 2,450 MHz of RF radiation at either
50 or 150 W/m2 promoted carcinogenesis. These levels
exceed the ICNIRP guidelines, see below. The authors
concluded that the resulting acceleration of development of
spontaneous and chemically induced cancers indicated the
carcinogenic potential of RF radiation.
Two studies published in 1990 demonstrated that 2,450 MHz
continuous-wave RF radiation exerted a biphasic effect on
glioma cells [33] and lymphocytes [34]. Cell proliferation
was found at a specific absorption rate (SAR) of ≤50 W/kg,
whereas a higher SAR suppressed DNA and RNA synthesis.
These effects were reported to be non-thermal, i.e. not caused
by heating.
A statistically significant increased incidence of primary
malignant diseases was found in exposed animals compared
with sham exposure in a study on 200 rats exposed to 2,450
MHz pulsed RF radiation for 21.5 h/day for 25 months
compared with 200 controls. SAR ranged between 0.144 and
0.4 W/kg, depending on the rat's weight [35]. This was one
of the first large scale studies to be conducted. Consequently
the results in the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP)
[25-26] and the Ramazzini Institute [27] studies are in line
with these findings.
A study on mice carrying a lymphomagenic oncogene
exposed to RF radiation showed a statistically significant
increased risk for malignant lymphoma [36]. A total of 100
mice were sham-exposed and 101 were exposed for two
30-min periods per day for up to eighteen months to 900
MHz pulsed RF radiation with power densities of 2.6-13
W/m2 (SAR 0.008-4.2 W/kg; mean, 0.13-1.4 W/kg). These
results were not confirmed in the study by Utteridge et al.
[37] which has been noted not to be a replication study [10,
A co-carcinogenic effect was found in a study on mice
exposed to a Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
(UMTS) test signal from the fetal period for up to 24 months
[39]. Animals were exposed to UMTS fields with intensities
of 0 (sham), 4.8 and 48 W/m2. The low-dose group was
subjected to additional prenatal ethylnitrosourea (ENU)
treatment. The group that was ENU-treated and
UMTS-exposed at 4.8 W/m2 exhibited an increased rate of
lung tumors and an increased incidence of lung carcinomas
as compared with the controls treated with ENU alone.
A tumor promoting effect was studied in another study on
ENU-treated mice. The exposure levels were 0 (sham), 0.04,
0.4 and 2 W/kg SAR. The numbers of lung and liver tumors
J Cancer Sci Clin Ther 2021; 5 (2): 250-285 DOI: 10.26502/jcsct.5079117
Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics 253
in exposed animals were statistically significant higher
compared with those in sham-exposed controls, as were the
numbers of malignant lymphoma. A tumor-promoting effect
of RF radiation was found at low to moderate levels (0.04
and 0.4 W/kg SAR), which were well below the exposure
limits for users of mobile phones, 2 W/kg (of tissue) to the
head [40].
Numerous published studies report effects or damage in
terms of oxidative stress, damage to DNA, gene and protein
expression, breakdown of the blood-brain barrier and
damage to the brain and other organs of the body [41, 42].
There is also increasing evidence of adverse (chronic) health
effects from long-term exposure. This was already reported
as the “microwave syndrome” or “radiofrequency sickness”
some fifty years ago. Reported health effects in scientific
studies during the last decades from exposure to mobile
phone towers, WiFi and mobile phones are consistent with
the reported effects from RF radiation (microwaves) half a
century ago [43, 44]. Furthermore, repeated studies show
harmful effects from prenatal exposure, both in animal
studies and in humans [45, 46].
Many countries around the world rely on guidelines for
maximum allowed exposure from ICNIRP, supported and
recommended by the WHO [47]. In Europe, most countries
also follow the recommendations from the EU Commission
that are based on ICNIRP and the EU expert group Scientific
Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risk
(SCENIHR). In 2020 ICNIRP published updated guidelines
[48] based on the reviews and opinions from the WHO 2014
environmental health criteria public consultation report,
SCENIHR 2015 [49] and the Scientific Council on
Electromagnetic Fields at the Swedish Radiation Safety
Authority (SSM) 2015, 2016, 2018 [50-52].
In this article we discuss how these organizations have
evaluated the increasing evidence of harmful effects of RF
radiation at levels below most national guidelines and limits
for RF radiation exposure. The same individuals reappear in
several of these organizations’ expert groups, see Table 1,
and there are no representatives in these groups from the
many scientists that disagree with their conclusions [24]. We
discuss primarily cancer risks in Appendix B of the ICNIRP
updated guidelines [48].
WHO 2014 core group
EMF Scientist
The 5G Appeal
Emilie van Deventer, project
Simon Mann
Maria Feychting
Gunnhild Oftedal
Eric van Rongen
Maria Rosaria Scarfi
Denis Zmirou
J Cancer Sci Clin Ther 2021; 5 (2): 250-285 DOI: 10.26502/jcsct.5079117
Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics 254
EMF Scientist
5G Appeal EU
Theodoros Samaras
Norbert Leitgeb
Anssi Auvinen
Heidi Danker Hopfe
Kjell Hansson Mild
Mats Olof Mattsson
Hannu Norppa
James Rubin
Maria Rosaria Scarfi
Joachim Schüz
Zenon Sienkiewicz
Olga Zeni
SSM 2016
EMF Scientist
5G Appeal EU
Anke Huss
From 2020
Clemens Dasenbrock
Emilie van Deventer
Eric van Rongen
Heidi Danker-Hopfe
Lars Klaeboe
Maria Rosaria Scarfi
Martin Röösli
Table 1: Many persons in expert groups at the WHO, the EU commission and in Sweden are current or former
members in ICNIRP, and other expert groups, with no representative from the scientific community with opinions as
expressed in EMF Scientist Appeal or 5G Appeal. For further details see ICNIRP [72,135,136,140,141,143-146],
IEEE [137,145], EU [86,138,145], SSM [71,142], EMF Scientist Appeal [24], the 5G Appeal EU [139].
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2. Evaluating Organizations
ICNIRP is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in
Germany that has obtained major influence world-wide on
health risks from RF radiation through its recommended
guidelines for limiting RF radiation exposure [48, 53, 54].
These guidelines are recommended by the EU Commission,
the WHO and are adopted by the majority of the countries
around the globe.
ICNIRP was started in 1992 as an “independent
commission”. It is registered in Germany and located in
Munich at the same address as the German Federal Office for
Radiation Protection [55].
ICNIRP maintains the same attitude to health effects from
RF-radiation as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) and its standards setting committee, the
International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES).
This committee and ICNIRP, are both standard setting
organizations for frequencies between 0 Hz to 300 GHz.
ICES have many industry and military representatives
among its members [56]. ICES within IEEE also sets limits
for RF exposure which are in line with the ICNIRP opinion
that there are only immediate thermal effects and no effects
below those that cause immediate effects due to increased
temperature. This perception was established in the 1950’s
and a decade later used when the first thermal based standard
for radiofrequency radiation was set in the USA in 1966 [57].
Several members of ICNIRP are also present or former
members of IEEE/ICES [58].
The biophysicist Michael Repacholi from Australia was
ICNIRP’s first chairman and he is since 1996 an emeritus
member [59]. Experts from various countries constitute the
“main commission” of ICNIRP; a chair, a vice chair and 11
other members. Further scientists are elected by this
commission to the scientific expert group (SEG). New and
continuing members to the commission are elected by the
members of the main commission. Nominations can be
submitted by the members of the Commission itself, the
Executive Council of IRPA (the International Radiation
Protection Association) or the IRPA Associate Societies. It
seems as if no scientist that is critical to the thermal paradigm
on RF radiation risks, advocated by ICNIRP, is elected as a
member of the Commission.
ICNIRP published its first guidelines on RF radiation in 1998
[53]. These were updated in 2009 with no changes [54]. Only
short-term thermal (heating) effects were acknowledged to
form the basis for the exposure guidelines. Long-term
exposure and non-thermal effects were considered not to be
established, thus excluding a large number of peer-reviewed
scientific studies on negative health and biological effects
from RF-radiation below the ICNIRP guidelines. In 2020
ICNIRP [48] published new guidelines on health risks based
on documents from: the WHO 2014 draft, the EU SCENIHR
2015 report and the Swedish SSM reports 2015, 2016 and
It should be noted that not one of these five reviews has been
published after peer-review in a scientific journal. Critique
from the scientific community has been expressed against
several of these reviews but has been ignored. Furthermore,
these older documents do not cover the most recent research.
In the following comments are given to these three reviews
J Cancer Sci Clin Ther 2021; 5 (2): 250-285 DOI: 10.26502/jcsct.5079117
Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics 256
since the ICNIRP 2020 is based on these older evaluations
with no new and further evaluation of its own [48].
2.2 The WHO Public Consultation Environmental
Health Criteria Document, 2014
The WHO EMF Project, responsible for the 2014 document,
was established in 1996. ICNIRP’s chairman Michael
Repacholi suggested in 1995 that WHO should start the EMF
Project [60]. In 1995, while Repacholi still was chairman of
ICNIRP, he became the head of the WHO International
Electromagnetic Fields Project, and then head of the WHO
EMF Project in 1996 [61], where he remained until 2006
[62]. A close colloboration between WHO and ICNIRP was
initiated. In November 1998 the WHO EMF Project
commenced a process aimed at the harmonization of EMF
standards worldwide according to the ICNIRP guidelines
[63]. Benefits to trade was given as one main argument to
this specific project. The 100 times lower limits (compared
to ICNIRP) in Eastern Europe were described as problematic
The possibility of industry funding to the project was
arranged already before the start of the project: “In 1995
WHO reached agreement consistent with these policies with
Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH), Australia to collect funds
on behalf of the EMF Project. A memorandum of
understanding allowed RAH to collect funds from
government, professional associations and industry.” [64].
This financial situation was ended in 2006 after disclosure
by investigating journalists that showed that approximately
half of the funding for the WHO EMF Project came from
telecom industry organizations; GSM Association, Mobile
Manufacturers Forum (MMF) and Forschungsgemeinschaft
Funk e.V. (FGF) [65, 66].
Since 2006 the project leader of the WHO EMF project is
Emilie van Deventer, an electrical engineer and longtime
member of the industry organization IEEE [67]. She is the
founder and former chairperson of the IEEE Joint Chapter on
Electromagnetics and Radiation [68]. Her background is in
“electromagnetic characterization of high-speed circuits for
telecommunications applications, computationa
electromagnetics (RF frequency and time domain
techniques), electromagnetic compatibility, antenna
modelling and design” and does not include medical training
[69, 70]. She is the WHO EMF Project observer at the
ICNIRP’s main commission as well as a member of the SSM
expert group from 2010 to 2017 [60, 71, 72].
The WHO EMF Project is in principle synonymous with
ICNIRP. The same individuals that propose the ICNIRP
guidelines are also acting as experts evaluating hazards from
RF radiation on behalf of the WHO. This kind of double
position situation is a potential conflict of interest according
to the Ethical Board of the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm,
Sweden 2008 (Dnr 3753-2008-609).
In 2005-2006 the personnel at the WHO EMF Project were
Michael Repacholi, Emilie van Deventer, Chiyoi Ohkubo
[62], Richard Saunders [73], Eric van Rongen and Lisa
Ravenscroft [60]. All except Ravenscroft are current or
former members of ICNIRP. In fact, at a meeting at WHO,
Geneva in March 2017, Dr Maria Neira, at that time Director
for Public Health and Environment at WHO, stated that
ICNIRP is an Non-Governmental organization (NGO) with
an official relationship with WHO that “helps us a lot in our
analyses” and their members work as WHO's experts [74].
The WHO EMF Project has for many years been criticized
for its collaboration with the industry; electrical, military and
telecom [75].
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A draft of a Monograph on health effects of electromagnetic
field (EMF) exposure was released by WHO in 2014 [76]. It
was open for public consultation until December 31, 2014,
but has never been published as a final version and it is
unclear why it was never finalized.
Out of the six experts in the WHO core group responsible for
the draft, four were active members and one was a former
member of ICNIRP [74], a fact that illustrates that WHO
continues to be almost identical with ICNIRP, see Table 1.
Many critical comments were sent to the WHO. One
example is the “No confidence” letter sent by The
BioInitiative Working Group in December 2016 to the WHO
EMF Program Manager that concluded that the experts
writing the WHO draft were to a large extent ICNIRP
“The BioInitiative Working Group urges the World Health
Organization to make changes to the WHO RF EHC
[Environmental Health Criteria] Core Group membership to
more fairly reflect membership and expertise of the 2011
IARC RF Working Group. At present the WHO RF EHC
Core Group is indistinguishable from ICNIRP (1, 2)
undermining credibility of the process and ensuring doubt
about conclusions.” [77].
This letter was followed by another letter from the
BioInitiative Working Group in January 2017 including
suggestion of experts to replace present persons in the Core
Group as well as Additional Experts [78].
A call for Protection from Non-ionizing Electromagnetic
Field Exposure was made by the International EMF Scientist
“By not taking action, the WHO is failing to fulfil its role as
the preeminent international public health agency…. The
WHO is calling for all nations to adopt the ICNIRP
guidelines to encourage international harmonization of
standards… It is our opinion that, because the ICNIRP
guidelines do not cover long-term exposure and low-
intensity effects, they are insufficient to protect public
health.” [24].
In total forty-seven NGOs also submitted a critical statement
regarding the WHO draft on December 15, 2014. The WHO
draft was criticized for the absence of pluralism among the
selected experts, for biased reporting of scientific results and
the “promiscuity between the WHO and ICNIRP.” [79].
A press release was furthermore issued on February 24, 2017
by the European coordination of organizations for an EMF
exposure regulation which truly protects public health. They
stated that “The Conflict of Interest Scandal is repeating
itself in the WHO” [80].
In a letter of concern dated March 1, 2017 the Russian
National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
wrote to the WHO: “It has just come to our attention that the
WHO RF Working group consists mainly from present and
past ICNIRP members.….the private self-elected
organization ICNIRP, similar as majority of the current
WHO RF WG [Working Group] members, does not
recognize the non-thermal RF effects,…” [81].
In 2016 at a seminar at SSM in Stockholm Emilie van
Deventer said that they had received 700 comments on the
draft including references to “at least 300 papers that we had
missed” [82].
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It is unclear how WHO reacted to the critique. The
Monograph is still unfinished. Instead the WHO has called
for a new systematic review of this topic.
It should be noted that WHO in 2014 issued the following
OR CITE.” Nevertheless, this WHO Monograph draft from
2014, issued by a group dominated by ICNIRP members,
was used as a basis for the ICNIRP guidelines 2020.
2.3. The European Commission SCENIHR opinion 2015
In 2015 the European Commission’s expert group on
electromagnetic fields, SCENIHR, released its report
“Opinion on potential health effects of exposure to
electromagnetic fields (EMF)” [49]. It was an update of the
previous SCENIHR Opinions of 19 January 2009 “Health
effects of exposure to EMF” and 6 July 2009 “Research
needs and methodology to address the remaining knowledge
gaps on the potential health effects of EMF” [83].
SCENIHR is one of three “Independent Scientific
Committees” that provide the EU Commission, and through
the Commission the other European institutions, with
scientific advice regarding consumer safety, public health
and the environment [84]. The Committee is also supposed
to “…draw the Commission's attention to the new or
emerging problems which may pose an actual or potential
According to the Commission decision 2008, article 15 [85],
the experts “…shall undertake to act independently of any
external influence” and “shall make a declaration of
commitment to act in the public interest and a declaration of
interests indicating either the absence or existence of any
direct or indirect interest which might be considered
prejudicial to their independence”. However, this committee
has a history of being unbalanced in terms of representation
from both sides of the scientific controversy on RF radiation.
No representatives from the scientific community that are of
the opinion that there is increasing evidence of harmful
effects have participated; at least no person has declared
other opinion than the ICNIRP view.
The 2007 SCENIHR [86] working group’s chair was Anders
Ahlbom from Sweden, ICNIRP commission member 1996-
2008 and contributing to the ICNIRP guidelines 1998. Mats-
Olof Mattsson, from Sweden, was one of the groups’ three
The 2009 SCENIHR [87] working group was identical to the
2007 group, but Mats-Olof Mattsson, from 2013 member of
ICNIRP SEG, replaced Ahlbom as chair [88]. Eric van
Rongen, member of ICNIRP and ICES as well as working
with the WHO EMF Project, was now among the external
experts [87].
The 2015 SCENIHR working group was made up of
Theodoros Samaras and Norbert Leitgeb (retired) and ten
additional external experts [89]. Of the ten external experts,
four are former or present members of ICNIRP main
commission or SEG (Anssi Auvinen, Mats-Olof Mattsson,
Maria Rosaria Scarfi and Zenon Sienkiewicz). Both
Mattsson and Samaras are members of ICES/ IEEE [56].
2.3.1 Main conclusions 2015
The quotes in this section are from the SCENIHR report
2015 [49]:
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“Overall, the epidemiological studies on mobile phone RF
EMF exposure do not show an increased risk of brain
tumours. Furthermore, they do not indicate an increased risk
for other cancers of the head and neck region.…The results
of cohort and incidence time trend studies do not support an
increased risk for glioma while the possibility of an
association with acoustic neuroma remains open.”
Other effects from RF-radiation such as different health
symptoms, also known as the microwave syndrome [43],
neurological diseases and other health outcomes, were also
dismissed with various arguments. The conclusion of no
brain tumor risks from RF radiation relied upon several
studies with methodological shortcomings resulting in
underestimated risks, for instance the Danish cohort study
[90, 91], the UK Benson study [92] as well as the Cefalo
study [93], see below. Joachim Schüz, who was a member of
SCENIHR 2015 working group that drafted SCENIHR
2015, was also coauthor of these three studies [94].
Increased cancer risks in other epidemiological studies [7, 8,
14, 15, 16] were downplayed by SCENIHR [49] with
reference to a few brain tumor incidence trend reports, the
Danish cohort and a UK cohort:
“The fact that incidence rates of glioma and meningioma do
not rise in the age groups of highest mobile phone prevalence
provides evidence that common use of mobile phones is
unlikely to be associated with an increased risk of those brain
tumours. This is confirmed by the Danish cohort study that
rules out risks that would affect large segments of the
population. Evidence against an association also arises from
the large-scale UK million women study.”
2.3.2. Methodological issues The Danish Cohort (2001, 2006, 2011): This study,
funded by Danish telecom operators, first published in 2001
[90] and last updated in 2011 [91], reported no increased
risks of tumors in the central nervous system. It was based
on 420,095 mobile phone private subscribers. This group’s
incidence of brain tumors was compared with the incidence
within the rest of the Danish population (control group).
However, there are severe methodological faults that led to
erroneous results:
• Inclusion only of mobile phone private subscribers in
Denmark between 1982 and 1995 in the exposure
• Exclusion of the most exposed group, consisting of
200,507 corporate users of mobile phones [90]. They
were instead included in the unexposed control group if
not private subscribers.
• Users with mobile phone subscription after 1995 were
not included in the exposed group and were thus treated
as unexposed: “individuals with a subscription in 1996
or later were classified as non-users” [91].
• Actual exposure data is unknown and no analysis by
laterality (the side were the phone is hold in relation to
the position of the tumor) was performed.
• All users of cordless (DECT) phones were treated as
unexposed for that exposure although they were also
exposed to the same kind of RF radiation as from
mobile phone use. The Hardell group has shown that
use of cordless phones increases risk of glioma and
acoustic neuroma tumors [7, 8].
Professor Michael Kundi of the Medical University of
Vienna expressed the opinion that the Danish study is “the
J Cancer Sci Clin Ther 2021; 5 (2): 250-285 DOI: 10.26502/jcsct.5079117
Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics 260
most severely biased study among all studies published so
far” [95]. Certainly, there were severe methodological flaws.
The study [90, 91, 96] was regarded by IARC in the 2011
evaluation [9, 10] to be uninformative regarding cancer risks
due to serious exposure misclassification. However, it is
included by SCENIHR [49], WHO [76], SSM [97] and
ICNIRP as evidence of no risk [98, 99]. The statement by
SSM 2013 [97] that: “The Danish cohort studies make an
important contribution to the total assessment in the field.”
is remarkable taking the critique of the study that should have
been well known to the SSM expert panel. The many
shortcomings in the study were discussed in a peer-reviewed
article [100] concluding that: “After reviewing the four
publications on the Danish cohort study, one might rightly
wonder whether this cohort was initially set up to show no
increased risk.” The Benson UK study (2013): This cohort study of
791,710 women in the Million Women Study was started
during 1996-2001 [92]. Data on mobile phone use was
collected at one time between 1999 and 2005, without
questions separating heavy users from light users. Mobile
phone use was based on the answers to a few questions posed
at the time when the women were recruited to the study:
"About how often do you use a mobile phone?", "Never, less
than once a day, or every day?” Those who did use a mobile
phone were also asked "for how long?". At the end of the
study in 2009, a random sample of participants were asked
two more questions about their mobile phone use, but these
answers were never used in the analyses. Use of cordless
(DECT) phone was not assessed. Due to limitations in the
study design, such as no comprehensive assessment of life-
time mobile phone use, the study is uninformative and should
not be used as scientific evidence of lack of cancer risk. In
fact the authors concluded that:
“The main limitation of the study is that mobile phone use
was reported at baseline and may have changed
subsequently. Almost all women who reported daily use of
mobile phones at baseline were still using a mobile phone at
least once a week when asked again 8.8 years later. However,
some women who reported not using a mobile phone at
baseline began use subsequently; and this might dilute our
estimates of relative risk towards the null” [92]. The CEFALO Study (2011): The CEFALO study on
brain tumor risk for children aged 7-19 using mobile phones
[93] is claimed in the SCENIHR 2015 report [49] to have
found no increased risk. The children in the study were
diagnosed with a brain tumor during 2004-2008. The study
showed several statistically non-significant increased odds
ratios (ORs). However, a press release issued by one of the
authors, Maria Feychting at the Karolinska Institute in
Stockholm, stated that “Reassuring results from first study
on young mobile users and cancer risk…The so called
CEFALO study does not show an increased brain tumor risk
for young mobile users.” [101]. She was vice chair of
ICNIRP 2012-2020, member of ICNIRP SEG 2000-2012,
and is currently SEG member since 2020. Maria Feychting
was also member of the WHO core group responsible for the
WHO 2014 draft. Martin Röösli, member of ICNIRP
Commission since 2016, the SSM expert group since 2010,
as well as member of the WHO 2014 external expert group,
was also coauthor of this study (corresponding author).
Martin Röösli also claimed in a press-release that the results
were reassuring of no risk [102].
The study has several shortcomings and one major
shortcoming is the assessment of RF exposure from cordless
phones that was not included in the total RF radiation
exposure. Furthermore, the scientists did not assess total
J Cancer Sci Clin Ther 2021; 5 (2): 250-285 DOI: 10.26502/jcsct.5079117
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exposure from cordless phones (DECT). Instead the authors
analyzed “…ever used cordless phones, and the cumulative
duration and number of calls with cordless phones in the first
3 years of use.” This is a scientifically invalid method to
study risk associated with an agent [103]. Thereby four to
sixteen years of potential exposure were disregarded in the
study age group 7-19 years. It is most questionable since use
of the cordless phone increases by age.
This is more startling since no such time limit was made in
the questionnaire sent to the Ethical Board at Karolinska
Institute, Stockholm (DNR2005/1562-3). There were four
questions on use of a cordless phone (summary): 1. When
did you first start using a cordless phone? 2. How often did
[child] answer the cordless phone? 3. How often does [child]
speak on the cordless phone? 4. When [child] talks on the
cordless phone, which phrase fits the best? (about 1 min,
about 3 min, about 6 min, about 10 min or more).
No doubt even with these few questions it would have been
possible to assess lifetime cumulative use of the cordless
phones. According to the questions there is no reason or
possibility to limit to only the first three years of use.
Furthermore, it is not probable that a child would only use
the cordless phone for three years and then stop the habit. To
note is also an e-mail (personal communication) from Martin
Röösli to one of the authors (MN) on August 17, 2011 in
which he regarding cordless phones stated that “We also
asked about ever using it and we requested the age range that
they have used the phone”. No doubt with that information,
which was not given in the article, it would have been
possible to calculate whole lifetime cumulative exposure.
Thus, it is evident that limiting use to only first three years
would bias the results towards unity, particularly as children
tend to increase their phone use with increasing age, which
is also shown in the CEFALO study. In spite of this,
SCENIHR [49] gave the impression that all cordless phone
use was included by claiming that “Use of cordless phones
showed no increased OR (1.09; CI 0.81-1.45), not even in
the group of highest cumulative use.” This claim is most
misleading. Highest group for cumulative use available in
the study was only 70+ hours. Further, the authors
intentionally omitted the real highest users by limiting the
exposure to the first three years of use. It is remarkable that
this misleading claim in the SCENIHR report was written by
one of the authors of CEFALO (Joachim Schüz), who also
was coauthor of the Danish cohort and the Benson study.
In a comment, the Hardell group wrote [103]:
“Further support of a true association was found in the results
based on operator-recorded use [of mobile phones] for 62
cases and 101 controls, which for time since first
subscription > 2.8 years yielded [odds ratio] OR 2.15 (95%
[confidence interval] CI 1.07-4.29) with a statistically
significant trend (P = 0.001)….. We consider that the data
contain several indications of increased risk, despite low
exposure, short latency period, and limitations in the study
design, analyses and interpretation”.
In fact, all ORs on mobile phone use were >1.0 according to
Table 2 in the article [93]. For both ipsilateral and
contralateral mobile phone use statistically significant
increased risks were obtained for highest group of
cumulative numbers of calls; OR = 2.91, 95% CI = 1.09-7.76
and OR = 4.82, 95 % CI = 1.21-19.24, respectively. For
central or unknown location a statistically significant
decreased risk was found based on low numbers. It should be
noted that there are missing numbers of cases and controls in
different strata in e.g. Table 5 in the article [93], no
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explanation is given as we have discussed [103]. The
anatomical distribution for brain tumors in children differs
from adults [104]. Thus, there are more central and brain
stem tumors, facts not considered by Aydin et al. [93] In
children the distribution of RF radiation differs from adults
with larger part of the brain more exposed due to e.g. smaller
head and thinner bone [105]. Thus, the laterality analysis
should be interpreted with caution.
2.3.3. Critical comments on SCENIHR [49]
There were in total 186 critical comments submitted to EU
by different persons and organizations [106]. Less than 30
percent of these comments were taken into account, a few
yielding minor clarifications in the text but without changes
of the SCENIHR major conclusions. The BioInitiative
Group was among many others that expressed critical
comments to the SCENIHR: “In summary, the preliminary
SCENIHR conclusion that glioma risk is weaker now is not
scientifically justified. The only way that conclusion could
be reached by SCENIHR is to exclude critical studies that
present evidence to the contrary, i.e. studies that report the
risk of glioma (and acoustic neuroma) is stronger now than
in 2009” [107].
2.4. The reports from the Swedish Radiation Safety
Authority (SSM) 2015, 2016 and 2018 [50-52]
The expert group on electromagnetic fields at SSM was
created in June 2002. Between 2003 and 2010 it was called
the “Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields”.
During that period Anders Ahlbom, member of ICNIRP
main commission 1996-2008, and SCENIHR member 2007-
2009, was the head of the expert group and his colleague
Maria Feychting, longtime member of ICNIRP and member
of the WHO 2014 core group, was the group’s secretary.
From 2013 and until today, the expert group was renamed as
the “Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields”.
Between 2003 and 2019 the SSM group has published
thirteen reports in English on its webpage [71]. All reports
since 2003 have consistently refuted or ignored evidence of
health risks from non-thermal exposure in line with the views
by ICNIRP, the WHO and the SCENIHR.
Since the first report in 2003 until today around half of the
group’s members have also been present or previous ICNIRP
members. In consequence the conclusions have generally
been that there are no health risks below the limits
recommended by ICNIRP. No scientist critical to the
ICNIRP view has ever been part of this group. Here are some
examples of conclusions from the SSM reports (2015 –
2018) that are included as basis for the present ICNIRP
2.4.1. SSM 2015
“In terms of exposure from mobile phone base stations or
other RF-EMF transmitters, no new evidence has become
available indicating a causal link between exposure and
symptoms or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)….
New studies on mobile phone use and tumours in the brain
using retrospective exposure assessment are in line with
previous research, which means that increased risks were
observed in some of the most extreme exposure categories.
However, it is not clear to what extent these risk estimates
are affected by recall bias… New studies on associations
between sperm quality and mobile phone use are of low
quality and cannot be used to evaluate a potential association
with RF-EMF exposure” [50].
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The 2015 SSM report raised the issue that recall bias might
have affected brain cancer risk estimates. However the study
by Momoli et al. [108] showed that recall bias did not affect
the risk of glioma in the Canadian component of the
Interphone study [14]. In addition, it should be noted that the
2020 ICNIRP guidelines [48] refer to recall bias in the case-
control studies of the Interphone study but do not mention
the analysis by Momoli et al. Also, as displayed below, recall
bias cannot explain the results in the Hardell group studies.
2.4.2. SSM 2016
“Most research in the past decade has been done into a
possible relation between mobile phone use and brain
tumours. Epidemiological studies have provided weak
indications for an association between frequent and long-
term use of a mobile phone and gliomas (malign tumours of
the brain tissue) and vestibular schwannomas (also called
acoustic neuromas, a benign tumour of the vestibulocochlear
nerve that connects the ear to the inner brain). The evidence
is not very clear and unequivocal, however. Altogether it
provides no or at most little indications for a risk for up to
approximately 15 years of mobile phone use” [51].
In a press release, at the time of the publication of the 2016
report, this Swedish authority claimed that the suspicion that
mobile phones or wireless networks could be a health risk to
humans or to the environment had become weaker during the
past 13 years since the first of the group’s report [109]. This
contrasted with the increasing scientific evidence of the
opposite [24]. In Table 2 results for meta-analysis of highest
cumulative use in hours of mobile phone use in case-control
studies is given and the results for acoustic neuroma are
given in Table 3. Clearly these results from the different
studies available in 2016 are in contrast to the statement by
95 % CI
95 % CI
Interphone 2010 [14]
Cumulative use ≥1,640 h
1.03 – 1.89
1.22 – 3.16
Coureau et al 2014 [16]
Cumulative use >896 h
1.41 – 5.93
0.73 – 6.08
Hardell, Carlberg 2015 [7]
Cumulative use ≥1,640 h
1.61 – 2.82
2.18 – 4.44
Cumulative use ≥1,640 h*
1.31 – 2.76
1.83 – 3.52
*≥896 h used for Coureau et al.
Table 2: Numbers of exposed cases (Ca) and controls (Co) and odds ratio (OR) with 95 % confidence interval (CI)
for glioma in case-control studies in the highest category of cumulative use in hours for mobile phone use, for
further details see [42].
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95 % CI
95 % CI
Interphone 2010 [15]
Cumulative use ≥1,640 h
0.88 – 1.97
1.23 – 4.40
Hardell et al. 2013 [8]
Cumulative use ≥1,640 h
1.39 – 4.16
1.65 – 6.12
Cumulative use ≥1,640 h
0.96 – 3.09
1.72 – 4.28
Table 3: Numbers of exposed cases (Ca) and controls (Co) and odds ratio (OR) with 95 % confidence interval (CI)
for acoustic neuroma in case-control studies in the highest category of cumulative use in hours for mobile phone use,
for further details see [42].
2.4.3. SSM 2018
This annual report was the twelfth in this series and covered
studies published from October 2015 up to and including
March 2017. Oxidative stress effects reported below ICNIRP
guidelines was discussed but the relevance for human “direct
health effects” was claimed to be “unclear”. The conclusion
was that “No new health risks have been identified.” [52].
It is clear that the SSM expert group has not made a sound
and objective scientific evaluation of health risks associated
with RF radiation exposure. We note that SSM in April 2020
published a new report from the SSM expert group which
concluded: “The results of the research review give no
reason to change any reference levels [ICNIRP’s] or
recommendations in the field”. Of the ten members in the
scientific group five were present or past members of
ICNIRP [110].
3. ICNIRP 2020 Evaluation
Eric van Rongen, chair of the ICNIRP Commission 2016-
2020, claimed in a press release regarding the new ICNIRP
guidelines 2020 that the 1998 version was “conservative in
most cases” and “still provide adequate protection for current
technologies”. He also argued that: “The most important
thing for people to remember is that 5G technologies will not
be able to cause harm when these new guidelines are adhered
to” [111].
Many other incorrect statements were made in the recent
ICNIRP paper [48] contrary to an objective evaluation of the
available scientific evidence. In the following the section on
cancer is reviewed. That section claims:
“There is a large body of literature concerning cellular and
molecular processes that are of particular relevance to
cancer. Although there are reports of effects of
radiofrequency EMFs on a number of these endpoints, there
is no substantiated evidence of health-relevant effects
(Vijayalaxmi and Prihoda 2019)”.
Already in the first paragraph in the report evidence on
biological effects from RF radiation is dismissed without
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scientific foundation. This continues regarding cancer risks.
Mostly not even references are given to the discussed studies,
or with erroneous references. The uninformed reader may
take the statements at face value and not understand that they
are, in fact, not correct.
3.1. Animal studies
Regarding animal studies yielding a promoting effect from
RF radiation [39, 40] ICNIRP states that “…interpretation of
these results and their applicability to human health [is]
difficult, and, therefore, there is a need for further research
to better understand these results”. In the next paragraph the
recent animal NTP studies [25, 26] and Ramazzini Institute
results [27] are disregarded, stating that “…no consistency
was seen across these two studies” and “within the context
of other animal and human carcinogenicity research (HCN
2014, 2016), their findings do not provide evidence that
radiofrequency EMFs are carcinogenic”.
On the contrary, as discussed above, animal studies indicate
that RF radiation may both promote and initiate cancer. In a
review, the Hardell group concluded that:
“There is clear evidence that RF radiation causes
cancer/tumor at multiple sites, primarily in the brain (glioma)
and head (acoustic neuroma). There is also evidence of an
increased risk of developing other tumor types. The results
are similar in both the NTP studies (19, 20) and the
Ramazzini Institute findings (34). Based on the IARC
preamble to the monographs, RF radiation should be
classified as Group 1: The agent is carcinogenic to humans”
In a note published by ICNIRP in 2018 it was claimed that
the histopathological evaluation in the NTP study was not
blinded as to exposure status [112]. This was rebutted by one
of those responsible for the NTP study [113]. However, it
seems to have had no impact on the ICNIRP evaluation [48].
ICNIRP claims that the animal studies “do not provide
evidence that radiofrequency EMFs are carcinogenic,” while
an independent peer review of the NTP data concluded that
this study provided ‘clear evidence of carcinogenic activity’,
see Table 4 in a comment on the NTP study [19]. A
comprehensive discussion of the ICNIRP evaluation was
published by Melnick as a correspondence with “focuses on
ICNIRP’s false claims about the methodology,
interpretation, and relevance of the National Toxicology
Program studies on cell phone radiation” [114]. This
included misleading statements by ICNIRP on e.g., the
pathology review procedure, rat survival rates, multiple
comparisons, but also excluding discussion of other end
points such as DNA strand breaks in the brain cells, and
increased incidence of cardiomyopathy. Melnick concluded
that “ICNIRP should promote precautionary advice for the
general public rather than trying to justify their decision to
dismiss findings of adverse health effects caused by RF-
EMFs and thereby retain their 20+ y-old exposure guidelines
that are based on protection against thermal effects from
acute exposure”. In the response, ICNIRP seemed not to
make a serious scientific rebuttal of the statements by
Melnick “except for one minor issue”, i.e., the description of
the NTP study as “whole of life” rather than “most of life”
3.2. Brain tumor risks from mobile phone use
Regarding epidemiological studies first a study by Martin
Röösli et al. [116] is cited by ICNIRP. Röösli is, as
mentioned earlier, both member of the ICNIRP commission,
the WHO 2014 external experts and the SSM experts. The
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article has several limitations. The results on use of cordless
phones as risk factor for brain tumors are not discussed.
Regarding glioma risk all results on cumulative use of
wireless phones were not discussed and ipsilateral or
contralateral use in relation to tumor localization in the brain
were omitted from the meta-analyses. These results are
important and have shown a consistent pattern of increased
There were several other limitations in the article [116], such
as including the Danish cohort study [90] in the meta-
analyses. As discussed above, the study has severe errors of
exposure classification and was therefore evaluated to be
uninformative regarding carcinogenesis in the IARC 2011
evaluation [10] including Martin Röösli as one participating
Regarding the thirteen country Interphone study on glioma
[14] and acoustic neuroma [15] ICNIRP concludes that the
studies do “…not provide evidence of an increased risk”,
which is not correct [48]. On the contrary regarding glioma
cumulative call-time of mobile phones ≥1,640 h resulted in
OR = 1.40, 95 % CI = 1.03–1.89, increasing to OR = 1.87,
95% CI = 1.09–3.22 for glioma in the temporal lobe, the most
exposed part of the brain. Ipsilateral mobile phone use
yielded OR = 1.96, 95% CI = 1.22–3.16 for all glioma,
cumulative use ≥1,640 h. Furthermore, a statistically
significant increased risk for glioma was seen in the group
2–4 years for regular use, with 1–1.9 years use as reference
category, OR = 1.68, 95% CI = 1.16–2.41, see Appendix 2
[14]. The highest OR was seen in the 10+ years category for
regular use, OR = 2.18, 95% CI = 1.43–3.31.
In parts of Interphone, RF radiation dose was estimated as
total cumulative specific energy (TCSE; J/kg) absorbed at
the tumor's estimated center [117]. The risk increased with
increasing TCSE 7+ years before diagnosis, OR = 1.91, 95%
CI = 1.05 - 3.47 (p-trend = 0.01) in the highest quintile.
Comparing with glioma in other parts of the brain, increased
ORs were found for tumors in the most exposed part of the
brain in those with 10+ years of mobile phone use, OR =
2.80, 95% CI = 1.13 - 6.94.
Similar results were reported by Grell et al. [118]:
“we found a statistically significant association between the
intracranial distribution of gliomas and the self-reported
location of the phone…Taken together, our results suggest
that ever using a mobile phone regularly is associated with
glioma localization in the sense that more gliomas occurred
closer to the ear on the side of the head where the mobile
phone was reported to have been used the most”.
Canadian data from the Interphone Study were evaluated
separately [108]. For glioma, when comparing those in the
highest quartile of use (>558 lifetime hours) to those who
were no regular users, the OR was 2.0, 95% CI = 1.2 - 3.4.
After adjustment for selection and recall biases somewhat
higher OR was found, 2.2, 95 % CI = 95% CI = 1.3 - 4.1,
indicating that such bias did not cause the results.
Also for acoustic neuroma, the Interphone study yielded
statistically significant increased risk. Thus, ipsilateral
cumulative mobile phone use > 1,640 hours gave OR = 2.33,
95 % CI = 1.23-4.40 [15].
Regarding the Hardell group studies ICNIRP [48] writes:
“…a set of case-control studies from the Hardell group in
Sweden report significantly increased risks of both acoustic
neuroma and malignant brain tumors already after less than
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five years since the start of mobile phone use, and at quite
low levels of cumulative call time.” No reference is given to
the studies, indicating they have not been seriously
evaluated. ICNIRP’s writing is not consistent with what the
studies reported. In the shortest latency time >1- 5 years
period overall mobile phone use yielded for glioma OR = 1.2,
95 % CI = 0.98-1.5 increasing to OR = 2.3, 95 % CI = 1.6-
3.4 in the latency period > 20 years (p trend = 0.01). Similar
results were found for cordless phones although based on
low numbers in the longest latency period. The lowest
quartile of cumulative wireless phone use gave OR = 1.2, 95
% CI = 0.9-1.4 increasing to OR = 2.0, 95 % CI = 1.6-2.6 in
the fourth quartile (p trend < 0.0001) [7]. Thus, as the
published results show no statistically significant increased
risk was found in total in the shortest latency group contrary
to what ICNIRP stated, although somewhat higher risk was
found for ipsilateral use.
For acoustic neuroma, the Hardell group reported use of
wireless phone (mobile and/or cordless phone) with latency
time >1-5 years in total OR = 1.2, 95 % CI = 0.8-1.6
increasing to OR = 4.4, 95 % CI = 2.2-9.0 (p trend = 0.003)
for latency > 20 years [8]. The risk increased with cumulative
use of wireless phone; first quartile OR = 1.2, 95 % CI = 0.8-
1.7 and fourth quartile OR = 2.2, 95 % CI =1.5 – 3.4, p trend
= 0.03. Thus, the results were similar as for glioma. These
results were dismissed by ICNIRP.
In addition, ICNIRP claims that the Hardell group results
may be caused by recall bias. For meningioma no statistically
significant increased risk was found in the same study. Using
meningioma cases as “controls” (the comparison entity) still
yielded statistically significant increased risk for glioma and
mobile phone use; ipsilateral use OR = 1.4, 95 % CI = 1.1-
1.8, contralateral OR = 1.0, 94 % CI = 0.7-1.4 and for
cordless phone use ipsilateral OR = 1.4, 95 % CI = 1.1-1.9,
contralateral OR = 1.1, 95 % CI = 0.8-1.6 [7]. Similar results
were found for acoustic neuroma using meningioma cases as
the comparison group [8]. These results clearly show that the
increased risks for glioma and acoustic neuroma were not
caused by recall bias.
The CERENAT study by Coureau et al. [16] was omitted by
ICNIRP. The study strengthened the evidence of increased
risk for glioma associated with mobile phone use. Life-long
cumulative duration ≥896 h gave OR=2.89, 95% CI 1.41 -
5.93 for glioma. Number of calls ≥18,360 gave OR=2.10,
95% CI 1.03 - 4.31. Higher risks were obtained for the
highest exposed area, (temporal tumor), as well as
occupational and urban mobile phone use. The Danish cohort
study on mobile phone use with serious methodological
limitations was however discussed in ICNIRP 2020, adding
to the no-risk paradigm.
Furthermore, ICNIRP claims that “Studies of other types of
tumors have also not provided evidence of an increased
tumor risk in relation to mobile phone use. Only one study is
available on mobile phone use in children and brain tumor
risk. No increased risk of brain tumors was observed.” This
is yet another incorrect statement [93]. The CEFALO study,
as discussed previously, showed increased risks in spite of
methodological shortcomings.
3.3. Thyroid cancer
In 2016 the Hardell group published increasing incidence of
thyroid cancer in the Nordic countries especially during the
last two decades [119]. The thyroid gland is a target organ
for RF radiation from smartphones, which was discussed as
an etiologic factor. A case-control study on mobile phone use
suggested an increased risk for thyroid cancer associated
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with long-term use [120]. The same material was used to
study genotype-environment interaction between single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) and mobile phone use
[121]. The study showed that mobile phone use increased the
risk for thyroid cancer when genetic variants were present
within some genes. It was concluded that pathways related
to DNA repair may be involved in the increased risk. The
study was published online 6 December 2019, that is well
before the ICNIRP 2020 publication. ICNIRP omitted
completely to discuss the increasing incidence of thyroid
cancer and the association with mobile phone use. The
statement by ICNIRP of no risk for other tumor types is not
correct. The increasing incidence of thyroid cancer in the
Nordic countries is confirmed in our recent publication
3.4. Brain tumor incidence
Another example by ICNIRP that misguides the reader is the
statement “trends in brain cancer incidence rates from a large
number of countries or regions…have not found any increase
in the incidence since mobile phones were introduced.” This
is not correct. Philips et al. [123] reported a statistically
significant increasing incidence of glioblastoma multiforme
in UK during 1995-2015. Similar results were published
from USA [124]. In Sweden, the Hardell group published
increasing rates of brain tumors based on the Swedish
National Inpatient Register and the Causes of Death Register
[125]. The same group also published an increasing
incidence of brain tumors in the Swedish Cancer Register
[126]. ICNIRP seems to have overlooked facts that would
contradict their claim that the results showing brain tumor
risk are “not consistent with trends in brain cancer trends”.
3.5. Transmitters, base stations and cancer
According to ICNIRP, studies on exposure to environmental
RF radiation “have not provided evidence of an increased
cancer risk either in children or in adults”. No references to
that statement are given. In a review by Khurana et al. [127]
two of three studies reported increased incidence of cancer
at a distance < 350 m [128] or < 400 m [129] from a base
station. Dode et al. [130] reported increased cancer mortality
in an area within 500 m from a base station in Belo
Horizonte, Brazil. A study from Taiwan found a statistically
significant increased risk of all neoplasms in children with
higher-than-median RF radiation exposure to mobile phone
base stations [131]. A cause-effect relationship between RF
radiation in occupational and military settings, mainly
communication equipment and radar, and hematolymphatic
malignancies was reported by Peleg et al. [18]. They
concluded that available research “make a coherent case for
a cause-effect relationship and classifying RFR exposure as
a human carcinogen (IARC group 1)”. DNA damage and
oxidative stress were associated with living in a vicinity of
base stations in a study from India which is also of interest
in this context [132]. It would have been pertinent for
ICNIRP to review the literature.
There are also studies showing increased risk for childhood
leukemia from RF transmitters. One of the authors of the
ICNIRP 2020 guidelines, commission member Martin
Röösli, stated at a seminar organized by SSM in 2016 that
until 2003 all but one results on transmitters had shown
increased risk for childhood leukemia: “it was quite
impressive that [for] almost all the studies for different type
of leukemias basically they reported significantly increased
risk. So it was not a random sample of risk estimates. All but
one risk estimates were above 1” [133]. This is in obvious
contrast to the claim in ICNIRP 2020.
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4. Conflicts of Interests
The conclusion by ICNIRP is not objective and lacks
scientific credibility according to a research report that
investigated ICNIRP commissioned by two European
Parliament Members published in June 2020 [58]. Industry
funding has been found to influence the results on research
on RF radiation and health effects. However, ICNIRP does
not take this into account although ICNIRP members
themselves have reported that industry-funded scientific
research seems to influence the results by reporting less
findings showing adverse health effects of EMF compared to
independent research [134].
The composition of ICNIRP is very one-sided according to
the EU report [58]:
“ICNIRP has been, and is still, dominated by physical
scientists… ..As one can read in the 45 portraits of the
members of the ICNIRP commission and of the Scientific
Expert Group (SEG), they all share the same position on the
safety issues: non-ionising radiation poses no health threats
and the only effects it has are thermal”.
The EU report [58] pointed to the fact that ICNIRP’s
chairman Eric van Rongen, in 2016 invited the industry
organization ICES to comment and thereby influence the
upcoming ICNIRP 2020 guidelines [48]. The report
concludes that it is:
“clear from ICES minutes that ICNIRP worked very closely
with IEEE/ICES on the creation of the new RF safety
guidelines that were published in March 2020. And this
implies that large telecom-companies such as Motorola and
others, as well as US military, had a direct influence on the
ICNIRP guidelines, which are still the basis for EU-policies
in this domain”.
The EU report [58] also highlights several ICNIRP experts’
financial ties to the industry. As described in that report, it
should be noted that for example the European Food and
Safety Authority (EFSA) considers conflict of interests as
“any situation where an individual has an interest that may
compromise or be reasonably perceived to compromise his
or her capacity to act independently and in the public interest
in relation to the subject of the work performed at EFSA”.
Apart from the telecom industry funding of the WHO EMF
project, while it was led by ICNIRP’s first chairman Michael
Repacholi [74] (1996-2006), the EU report documents that
“the majority of ICNIRP-scientists did perform research
partly funded by industry”.
As cited in the EU Report [58], Professor David Carpenter,
Environmental Health Sciences at the University of Albany,
USA, considers the “perversion that can result due to
conflicts of interests” to be “one of the greatest problems in
scientific discovery…When funding for scientists comes
from an organization or corporation with desires to present a
clean bill of health to the public, there is strong motivation
to give the funder what they want, if only to continue receipt
of funding.”
To act both on behalf of ICNIRP to set guidelines supposed
to protect against harmful health effects of RF radiation, and
at the same time evaluate the health risks representing other
organizations, may constitute a conflict of interest, i.e.
according to the opinion of the Ethical board of the
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Many of the
ICNIRP commission and SEG members act on behalf of
several organizations thereby evaluating their own ICNIRP
J Cancer Sci Clin Ther 2021; 5 (2): 250-285 DOI: 10.26502/jcsct.5079117
Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics 270
guidelines validity on behalf of other organizations. This
kind of conflict of interest adds to those in terms of telecom
funding and connection to ICES, see Table 1 [24, 71, 72, 86,
5. Guidelines for RF Radiation Exposure
The new ICNIRP 2020 guidelines were developed with 5G
in mind, especially considering frequencies that are higher to
the presently used mobile phone communications. ICNIRP
recognizes citizens’ concerns regarding safety of 5G,
however the new guidelines show no reduction of safety
limits. The premise for safeguarding human health has
remained the same – to avoid thermal effects. ICNIRP’s
2020 guidelines [48] are based, like in 1998 [53], only on
thermal effects, i.e. the RF radiation from mobile
communications devices can be high as long as it causes no
tissue heating. This may be problematic for mm waves as the
radiation can cause heating effects on the surface of the skin.
A systematic review on 5G safety limits based on thermal
dose concluded that: “The results also show that the peak-to-
average ratio of 1,000 tolerated by the International Council
on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines may lead to
permanent tissue damage after even short exposures,
highlighting the importance of revisiting existing exposure
guidelines” [147]. Furthermore, some organs are more
susceptible to RF radiation damage so local dosimetry is
more appropriate for characterizing organ-specific risk [10].
Currently the mobile communications reside on frequencies
up to 2,600 MHz band, with some minor exceptions beyond
that frequency. 5G frequencies are expected to be using
bands all over the higher radiofrequency spectrum, including
previous 2G and 3G bands. Main 5G frequencies, however,
will be at 3.4 to 4.2 GHz. Later, millimeter waves will also
be deployed to provide 5G services, these are expected to
reside at frequencies of 24-28 and 39 GHz. Millimeter wave
base stations are expected to cover mainly high public
density areas, such as city squares, transportation hubs,
business and shopping centers and other public areas.
With the new reference levels [48] ICNIRP differentiates
whole body exposure and exposure to small areas of the body
introducing two separate classes of reference levels. ICNIRP
grants higher exposure when assessing compliance by
reference values; basic restrictions however have remained
the same. ICNIRP claims, that this is because of better
scientific understanding with respect to the 1998 guidelines.
In Table 4 we compare ICNIRP reference levels between the
1998 [53] and the 2020 guidelines [48]. The calculated
values are for arbitrary frequencies per each designated band;
mobile communications frequency bands differ from region
to region. Table 4 characterizes bands used in most European
In their 1998 guidelines, at frequencies over 10 MHz, the
reference levels are based on electric and magnetic field
strengths for the whole-body SAR basic restrictions, derived
by computer simulations and experimental data [53]. The
2020 guidelines introduce reference levels for local exposure
[48]. In 2020 whole body reference levels, the averaging
time has been increased from 6 min to 30 min, which
ICNIRP argues is to better match the time taken for body
core temperature to rise [48].
J Cancer Sci Clin Ther 2021; 5 (2): 250-285 DOI: 10.26502/jcsct.5079117
Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics 271
Frequency (MHz)
Example usage
ICNIPR 1998 [53]
reference level, 6 min
ICNIPR 2020 [48]
reference levels, whole
body exposure, 30 min
ICNIPR 2020 [48]
reference levels, local
exposure, 6 min
WiFi 2G
5G, WiMax
WiFi 5G
Table 4: Comparison of ICNIRP 1998 and 2020 reference levels across common mobile communication
frequencies, time averaged (W/m²).
The ICNIRP 2020 [48] reference levels are based on time
averaged exposure over 6 min or 30 min, see Table 4.
However, supra-additive effects between pulses from
different RF radiation sources may give much higher peak
radiation from short time pulses than the power density
average. Using time averaging in reference values, as in the
ICNIRP guidelines, definitely underestimates the risk.
Power Density Limit
ANSI C95.1 [149]
Based on thermal effects and 0.1-hour (or 6 minute)
averaging time.
ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1991
Based on thermal effects.
FCC [151]
USA: 5,800,000 averaged over a 30-minute period (869
MHz), previously recommended in 1986 by NCRP;
10,000,000 for PCS frequencies (1.85-1.99 GHz).
10,000,000 for 2–300 GHz
9,000,000 for 1800 MHz and
4,500,000 for 900 MHz averaged over 6 min.
J Cancer Sci Clin Ther 2021; 5 (2): 250-285 DOI: 10.26502/jcsct.5079117
Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics 272
Table 5: Guidelines by different organizations for radiofrequency radiation in μW/m2.
In a recent review, average exposure limit was suggested to
be considerably lower, 0.1 V/m; 26.5 µW/m2 [148]. This
guideline is comparable with the BioInitative Report from
2012 [44] with a scientific benchmark of 30-60 µW/m2, and
for chronic exposure to sensitive persons and children 3-6
µW/m2. The EUROPAEM EMF guidelines published
daytime RF radiation exposure to be 10-1,000 µW/m2,
nighttime 1-100 µW/m2, and for sensitive persons 0.1-10
µW/m2 [41]. All these guidelines by independent research
groups without conflicts of interest are very much lower than
the ICNIRP guidelines. These lower guidelines are aimed at
preventing health effects and hazards, Table 5 [41, 44, 48,
53, 54, 149-154].
6. Discussion
As a general rule ICNIRP, WHO, SCENIHR and SSM have
for many years dismissed available studies showing harmful
effects from non-thermal RF exposure and have based their
conclusions mainly on studies showing no effects. Results
showing risk are criticized, disregarded or not even cited
while studies showing no risks are accepted as evidence of
no risk in spite of severe methodological problems. Many
statements by these agencies are misleading and not correct.
They are easily rebutted by reading the relevant publications.
In fact, these activities are not in line with prevention of
health hazards. Previously the precautionary principle in
Salzburg Resolution [152]
EU Parliament STOA 2001
New Salzburg
Precautionary Exposure
Limit Indoor [154]
Maximum indoor exposure recommendation for GSM
base stations proposed by the Public Health Office of the
Government of Salzburg.
See 1998
Confirmation of ICNIRP 1998.
Bioinitiative 2012
Recommendation [44]
Europa EM EMF
Guidelines [41]
For frequencies between GSM 900 to WiFi 5,6 GHz
depending on sensitivity, night time or daytime exposure.
400 MHz: 10,000,000
800 MHz: 18,200,000
1,800 MHz: 36,600,000
2,000 MHz: 40,000,000
6 GHz: 40,000,000
60 GHz: 26,600,000
300 GHz: 20,000,000
ICNIRP 2020 [48]
General public, local exposure, averaged over 6 min. For
whole body exposure see Table 4.
J Cancer Sci Clin Ther 2021; 5 (2): 250-285 DOI: 10.26502/jcsct.5079117
Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics 273
cancer prevention was discussed exemplified by e.g.
asbestos, certain pesticides and RF radiation [155, 156]. It
was noted that cancer prevention is usually very cost-
effective. In a recent article we gave historical examples on
lost opportunities based on early warnings with RF radiation
as one more recent example [157].
In 2018 there was a call to dismantle ICNIRP and replace the
organization with independent scientists [158]: “ICNIRP’s
mandate to issue exposure guidelines needs to be seriously
questioned. ICNIRP is not independent of industry ties as it
claims… Its opinions are not objective, not representative of
the body of scientific evidence, but are biased in favor of
The EU report investigating ICNIRP concluded in June 2020
that “for really independent scientific advice we cannot rely
on ICNIRP.” [58].
Our review reveals, with focus on cancer risks, an almost
systematic downplaying of health risks from RF radiation by
a group of persons that dominate the expert evaluations, see
Table 1. Many of them reappear in several of these
organizations’ expert groups and also in other groups not
described in this paper. One striking example is ICNIRP’s
chairman Eric van Rongen who also appeared in the WHO
core group of six experts 2014 as well as one of SSM’s eight
experts and SCENIHR’s nine experts in 2009 as well as
secretary of the Health Council of the Netherlands expert
group [159]. Another example is Maria Feychting, ICNIRP
member since 2000, who was one of WHO’s six core group
experts behind the WHO 2014 draft, secretary of the SSM
expert group evaluations 2003-2010, on the AGNIR (UK)
expert group from 2009 and a Norwegian expert group in
2012 [160]. A third example is Martin Röösli, member of
ICNIRP, the WHO external experts for the WHO draft 2014,
the SSM expert group since 2010 and a Swiss expert group
Our review also notes that there is a clear relationship
between ICNIRP and ICES, which is dominated by industry
representatives. Eric van Rongen, has been a member of
ICES since 2000, ICNIRP member since 2001 and elected
chair of ICNIRP in 2016, vice chair since 2020. From ICES
annual report 2016 it was reported that:
“The new ICNIRP Chairman and one of the new members
of the 14 member committee are also ICES members and
ICNIRP is now willing to discuss harmonization of the
exposure limits found in IEEE Stds C95.1TM-2005 and
C95.6TM-2002 and the ICNIRP Guidelines. At a June 2016
Mobile Manufacturers Forum Workshop in Ghent, Belgium,
the new ICNIRP Chairman, Dr. van Rongen, presented
“ICNIRP’s proposed HF guidelines” and extended an
invitation to ICES to comment on the proposed guidelines.
TC95 formed a 19 member task group to draft a document to
comment on the ICNIRP proposed guidelines. The document
was circulated to the TC95 membership for comment and a
final document submitted to ICNIRP in time for discussion
at the ICNIRP September meeting.” [56].
The TC 95 committee’s objective is “Development of
standards for the safe use of electromagnetic energy in the
range of 0 Hz to 300 GHz”. These standards are based on the
same scientifically invalid approach as the ICNIRP
guidelines. In this TC95 committee, in which many members
come from the military or the telecom industry, or are
consultants to them, ICNIRP’s chairman Eric van Rongen,
Michael Repacholi, ICNIRP’s first chairman and leader of
the WHO EMF project 1996-2006, Theodoros Samaras
J Cancer Sci Clin Ther 2021; 5 (2): 250-285 DOI: 10.26502/jcsct.5079117
Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics 274
(chairman SCENIHR) and Mats-Olof Mattson, Chairman
SCENIHR 2009 and member of ICNIRP, are also found.
All these expert groups dominated by ICNIRP consequently
reach similar conclusions that there are no health effects
below ICNIRP guidelines. No representative from the
scientific community that is of the opinion that there is
increasing evidence of health risks below the ICNIRP
guidelines, e.g. as expressed in the EMF Scientists Appeal
[24], has ever been a member of the expert groups at the
WHO, the EU, the SSM or ICNIRP. Certainly scientists who
do not discount evidence of health effects from exposure to
RF radiation that are observed at exposures below guideline
levels should be represented.
The resistance to the abundant and growing scientific
evidence on health risks is remarkable and not within the
realm of public health. This behavior, due to the ICNIRP
influence and dominant role in several other expert groups,
is detrimental to human health and leads to suffering and
even premature death that could have been prevented.
Furthermore, it must be stressed that in general there is lack
of persons with medical education and competence not only
in the evaluating bodies but also in several research teams
producing questionable results as exemplified in this text.
ICNIRP is not representative of the scientific community
since it does not include representatives from scientists that
agree there is evidence of harmful effects at levels well
below ICNIRPs limits although these scientists are in
majority in the scientific community [24].
7. Conclusion
ICNIRP’s conclusion [48] on cancer risks is: “In summary,
no effects of radiofrequency EMFs on the induction or
development of cancer have been substantiated.” This
conclusion is not correct and is contradicted by scientific
evidence. Abundant and convincing evidence of increased
cancer risks and other negative health effects are today
available. The ICNIRP 2020 guidelines allow exposure at
levels known to be harmful. In the interest of public health,
the ICNIRP 2020 guidelines should be immediately replaced
by truly protective guidelines produced by independent
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