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Report No. 2/2021
Join Study Group 1 (JSG T.27): Coupling processes
between magnetosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere
Implemented at International association of Geodesy (IAG) Inter-Commission Committee on
Theory (ICCT); joint with IAG Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), Focus Area on
Geodetic Space Weather Research (FA-GSWR); IAG Commission 4: Positioning &
Applications; and IAG Sub-Commission 4.3:
Atmosphere Remote Sensing.
Chair: Andres Calabia (China,
Vice-Chair: Munawar Shah (Pakistan,
Research Coordinator: Binod Adhikari (Nepal,
1. Christine Amory-Mazaudier (LPP, CNRS/Ecole Polytechnique/Sorbonne Université/Université
Paris-Sud/Observatoire de Paris, France; The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical
Physics, Italy,
2. Astrid Maute (National Center for Atmospheric Research, High Altitude Observatory, USA,
3. Yury Yasyukevich (Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy
of Sciences, Russia,
4. Gang Lu (High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric, USA,
5. Olawale S. Bolaji (University of Lagos, Nigeria; University of Tasmania, Australia,
6. Emmanuel Abiodun Ariyibi (Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife, Nigeria,;;
7. Anoruo Chukwuma (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nigeria, Nigeria,
8. Oluwaseyi Emmanuel Jimoh (Adeleke University, Nigeria,
9. Munawar Shah (Institute of Space Technology, Pakistan,
10. Binod Adhikari (St. Xavier's College, Nepal,
11. Andres Calabia (Nanjing University Information Science Technology, China,
12. Piyush M. Mehta (University of Minnesota, USA,
13. LiangLiang Yuan (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China,
14. Naomi Maruyama (University of Colorado, USA,
15. Toyese Tunde Ayorinde (The Brazilian Space Research Institute, Brazil,
16. Charles Owolabi (Federal University of Technology, Nigeria,
Note: A presentation introducing the magnetosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere (MTI) system
with figures and details concerning the results summarized in this report is available at
(Calabia et al., 2021)
Report No. 2/2021
1. Activities of the group
The activities of the Joint Study Group “Coupling processes between magnetosphere,
thermosphere, and ionosphere” during the period 2019-2020 can be summarized as follows:
Structuring the group with active members that can contribute as advisors and/or skilled
participants (Ph.D. on relevant topic) that can promote and develop the planned
activities in the JSG1/JSG-T.27 Terms of Reference of “The Geodesists Handbook
2020“ (Poutanen and Rózsa, 2020), and that listed at the “IAG-FA-GSWR-JSG1 2019
Initial Report” (Calabia et al., 2020b).
Working effectively within the group members, creating a common platform to increase
communication. JSG1 started a website-forum with information and updates concerning
the coupled processes within the MTI, including bibliography, data, and models,
instructions and examples on how to use the models, and other relevant information;
Enhance international cooperation with developing countries by sharing knowledge and
research tools, co-supervising thesis and helping to improve manuscripts, etc.
Enhance and achieve successful interaction and cooperation along with the 3 Joint
Working Groups of the IAG GGOS FA GSWR and other IAG Commissions. See
Section 3.
Elaboration and submission of scientific manuscripts co-authored by the group
members. See Sections 2 and 3.
Elaboration of data and model products freely available for the scientific community.
See Section 5.
Elaboration and submission of a project at the International Space Intelligent Innovation
and Entrepreneurship Competition, Nanjing, China. Funds were not granted, but the
project draft is available for future submissions.
2. Achievements and results
In Heelis and Maute (2020), the challenge to Understand the MTI System is addressed
to advance in geodetic observations of plasma and mass density compositions and
velocities, as well as the dynamics of energetic particles and field‐aligned currents from
magnetospheric energy inputs.
In Calabia and Jin (2020b), Total Electron Content (TEC) and Thermospheric Mass
Density (TMD) observables show a very similar response to solar flux. The annual cycle
of TEC is approximately one order of magnitude larger. A hemispheric asymmetry is
shown in TMD, with higher values in the southern hemisphere. The asymmetry is not
visible in TEC.
In Petadella et al (2018), the uncertainties in physics-based models are investigated by
perturbing high-latitude electric potential and auroral energy flux. Specification of high-
latitude electric fields is an important source of uncertainty when modeling the
ionosphere response to geomagnetic storms.
In Calabia and Jin (2019), a seasonal dependence in amplitude of TMD variability due
to magnetospheric forcing is shown only in the southern high latitude.
In Lu et al (2020), comparisons between physics-based models and TEC observations
show storm phenomena driven by ionospheric convection, aurora precipitation, and
SubAurora Plasma Stream field.
Report No. 2/2021
In Zhang et al (2020), the TMD cooling due to only NO show not be sufficient to explain
the observed variability.
In Zhu et al (2019), physics-based model simulations show Joule heating is 27%
globally enhanced by the small-scale and mesoscale electric field variation, but particle
precipitation rerduce this enhancement in 5% globally, and up to 18% locally.
In Forbes et al (2020), physics-based model simulations show the tide contributions to
S0 TMD response at 325 km consists of planetary wave fluctuations of order ±4%,
roughly equivalent to the day-to-day variability associated with low-level geomagnetic
activity. The short periods TMD variability (< 9 days) correlates with temperature
changes (hydrostatic origin). Over longer periods TMD is also controlled by
composition and mean molecular mass.
3. Interactions with the IAG Commissions and GGOS
Iteraction with JWG1: Electron density modelling:
In Calabia and Jin (2020b), a new empirical TEC model from Global Ionosphere Maps
is presented. Available at
In Yasyukevich et al (2020b), small-scale ionospheric irregularities caused by auroral
oval expansion during geomagnetic storms results in large GNSS PPP errors.
In Yasyukevich et al (2020a), SIMuRG is a new online service that provides high-rate
ionospheric products, including TEC, RPTI, AATR, and vTEC. Available at
Interaction with JWG2: Improvement of thermosphere models
In Yuan et al (2019), a new thermospheric mass density observable from SWARM-C
GNSS is presented.
In Calabia et al. (2019, 2020a), a new empirical model of thermosphere mass density is
validated and investigated. Available at
In Licata et al. (2021), the new HASDM dataset is validated against the JB2008 using
the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Comparisons of HASDM to GRACE and
CHAMP densities during geomagnetic storms show better agreement than JB2008.
Interaction with FA Geohazards
In Shah et al (2020a), the lithosphere-ionosphere coupling is investigated from TEC
observables during earthquake events. Interaction with FA Geohazards.
In Shah et al (2020b), the statistical analysis of 1182 earthquakes during 1998-2019
shows TEC anomalies within 5 days before the main shock.
4. Refined plans for the period of 2021-2023
Working effectively within the group members, creating a common platform to increase
Advancement of MTI science in developing countries by organizing workshops, etc.
Elaboration and submission of scientific manuscripts co-authored by the group
Elaboration of data and model products freely available for the scientific community.
Keep the Website-Forum active and updated.
Report No. 2/2021
Organizing a session at the 2022 Hotine-Marussi symposium.
Improvement and submission of the existing project draft to request funds for
publications fees, etc.
Elaboration of proposal for International Workshop on MTI Coupling (IWMTIC2021):
Prospects, Challenges, and Opportunities. Kathmandu, Nepal. June 2022?
Participation in a blended mode of international conference at Nepal Physical Society.
Organization of a session at the forthcoming Hotine-Marussi symposium; (planned for
5. Publications
Journal Papers
Calabia, A, and SG Jin (2019), Solar-flux and asymmetric dependencies of GRACE-derived
thermospheric neutral density disturbances due to geomagnetic and solar wind forcing,
Ann. Geophys., 37(5), 989-1003, doi: 10.5194/angeo-37-989-2019
Calabia, A, and SG Jin (2020a), Upper Atmospheric Characterization from Neutral and
Electron Density Observations, Proceedings of International Association of Geodesy
Symposia, IAGS-D-19-00063R2. doi:10.1007/1345_2020_123
Calabia, A, and SG Jin, (2020b) New modes and mechanisms of long-term ionospheric TEC
variations from Global Ionosphere Maps, J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 125(6),
Calabia, A, G Tang, and SG Jin (2020a), Assessment of new thermospheric mass density
model using NRLMSISE-00 model, GRACE, Swarm-C, and APOD observations, J.
Atmos. Solar Terrest. Phys., 199, 105207, doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2020.105207
Forbes, J, X Zhang, A Maute, and ME Hagan (2018), Zonally Symmetric Oscillations of the
Thermosphere at PlanetaryWave Periods, J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 123, 41104128,
doi: 10.1002/2018JA025258
Gao, C, SG Jin, and LL Yuan (2020), Ionospheric responses to the June 2015 geomagnetic
storm from ground and LEO GNSS observations, Remote Sens., 12(14), 2200, doi:
Heelis, RA, and A Maute (2020), Challenges to Understanding the Earth's Ionosphere and
Thermosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2019JA027497,
Licata R, PM Mehta, WK Tobiska, BR Bowman, MD Pilinski (2021) Qualitative and
Quantitative Assessment of the SET HASDM Database, Earth and Space Science Open
Lu, G, I Zakharenkova, I Cherniak, and T Dang (2020), Large-scale ionospheric disturbances
during the 17 March 2015 storm: A model-data comparative study, J. Geophys. Res.
Space Phys., 125, e2019JA027726, doi:10.1029/2019JA027726
Pedatella, NM, G Lu, and AD Richmond (2018), Effects of high-latitude forcing uncertainty
on the low-latitude and midlatitude ionosphere. J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 123, 862-
882. doi:10.1002/2017JA024683
Report No. 2/2021
Poutanen, M., Rózsa, S. (2020), The Geodesist’s Handbook 2020. J Geod 94, 109,
Shah, M, A Calabia, MA Tariq, J Ahmed, A Ahmed (March 2020), Possible ionosphere and
atmosphere precursory analysis related to Mw >6.0 earthquakes in Japan, Remote Sensing
of Environment, 239, 111620, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2019.111620.
Shah, M, A Ahmed, M Ehsan, M Khan, M A Tariq, A Calabia, ZU Rahman (Oct. 2020),
Total electron content anomalies associated with earthquakes occurred during 1998 -
2019, Acta Astronautica, doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.06.005
Syrovatskiy, SV, Y Yasyukevich, IK Edemskiy, AM Vesnin, SV Voeykov, IV Zhivetiev
(2019), Can we detect X/M/C-class solar flares from global navigation satellite system
data?, Results in Physics. V. 12. P. 1004-1005. doi: 10.1016/j.rinp.2018.12.069
Tang, GS, X Li, J Cao, S Liu, G Chen, M Haijun, X Zhang, S Shi, J Sun, Y Li, and A Calabia
(2020), APOD mission status and preliminary results, Sci. China Earth Sci., 63, 257-266,
Yasyukevich, Y, AV Kiselev, IV Zhivetiev, IK Edemskiy, SV Syrovatskii, BM Maletckii,
AM Vesnin (2020a), SIMuRG: System for Ionosphere Monitoring and Research from
GNSS. GPS Solutions 24, 69, doi:10.1007/s10291-020-00983-2
Yasyukevich, Y, R Vasilyev, K Ratovsky, A Setov, M Globa, S Syrovatskii, A Yasyukevich,
A Kiselev, A Vesnin (2020b), Small-Scale Ionospheric Irregularities of Auroral Origin at
Mid-latitudes during the 22 June 2015 Magnetic Storm and Their Effect on GPS
Positioning. Remote Sensing, 12, 1579, doi:10.3390/rs12101579
Yuan, LL, SG Jin, and A Calabia (2019), Distinct thermospheric mass density variations
following the September 2017 geomagnetic storm from GRACE and SWARM precise
orbits, J. Atmos. Solar Terrest. Phys., 184, 30-36, doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2019.01.007
Zhang, Y, LJ Paxton, G Lu, and S Yee (2019), Impact of nitric oxide, solar EUV and particle
precipitation on thermospheric density decrease J. Atmos. Solar Terrest. Phys, 182, 147-
154. doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2018.11.016
Zhu, Q, Deng, Y, Richmond, A, McGranaghan, RM, and Maute, A (2019), Impacts of
multiscale field-aligned currents (FACs) on the ionosphere-thermosphere: GITM
simulation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 3532 3542,
Zhu, Q, Y Deng, A Richmond, and A Maute (2018), Small-scale and mesoscale variabilities
in the electricfield and particle precipitation and their impacts on Joule heating. Journal of
Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, 9862-9872, doi:10.1029/2018JA025771
Presentations at Conferences
Calabia, A, and SG Jin, Upper Atmospheric Characterization through Neutral and Electron
Density Observables, oral presentation at IUGG 2019 General Assembly, Montreal,
Canada, 8 to 18 July 2019.
Calabia, A, and SG Jin, Thermospheric mass density perturbations due to Space Weather
from LEO GPS POD and accelerometer, oral presentation at 2019 Workshop on Smart
Navigation and Applications and Annual Meeting of Jiangsu Engineering Center for
Navigation, Nanjing, China, 11-13, January 2019.
Report No. 2/2021
Shah, M, Low latitude ionospheric variations associated with geomagnetic storm in Pakistan
from GNSS TEC, International Nithiagali Summer School, Islamabad, June 11-13, 2019.
Jin, SG, and LL Yuan, Thermospheric variations from GNSS and accelerometer observations
on GRACE and Swarm, The 4th COSPAR Symposium on Small Satellites for Sustainable
Science and Development, Herzliya, Israel, 4-8 November, 2019.
Yasyukevich, Yu, et al. Ionosphere modeling and monitoring using GPS and GLONASS
techniques. Invited talk at the 10th China satellite navigation conference. Beijin, China.
May 22-25, 2019.
Internal Reports
Andres Calabia, Munawar Shah, Binod Adhikari, Christine Amory-Mazaudier, Astrid Maute,
Gang Lu, … Yury Yasyukevich. (2021, May). IAG-FA-GSWR-JSG1 2020 Mid-term
Report PPT. Zenodo.
Andres Calabia, Munawar Shah, Binod Adhikari, Christine Amory-Mazaudier, Astrid Maute,
Gang Lu, … Yury Yasyukevich. (2020b, Mar). IAG-FA-GSWR-JSG1 2019 Initial
Report. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17845.19687
Website & Forum
Data & Software Products
Andres Calabia, & Shuanggen Jin. (2019, May 29). Supporting Information for "Solar-cycle,
seasonal, and asymmetric dependencies of thermospheric mass density disturbances due to
magnetospheric forcing". Zenodo.
Calabia, Andres, & Jin, Shuanggen. (2019, December 5). Supporting Information for "New
modes and mechanisms of long-term ionospheric TEC variations from Global Ionosphere
Maps". Zenodo.
Calabia, Andres, & Jin, Shuanggen. (2020). Supporting Information for "Short-term
ionospheric TEC variations from Global Ionosphere Maps" [Data set]. Zenodo.
SIMuRG: System for Ionosphere Monitoring and Research from GNSS.
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