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Effect Of Caffeine On Exercise Performance: Current Review

  • Erzurum Technical University

Abstract and Figures

Caffeine is an ergogenic supplement that has been attracting attention in the sports community for many years. It has been proven in many studies that coffee consumption has a positive effect on exercise performance. This study was conducted to (I) examine the effects of caffeine on exercise performance and different performance areas, (II) to provide comprehensive recommendations on the use of caffeine in sports and exercise, and (III) to identify existing gaps in the literature and to make key recommendations for future research. This current review article provides an analytical view of studies involving the use of caffeine for the physical, physiological, and cognitive performance of individuals, and discusses factors that may affect the ergogenic effects of caffeine on the different proposed activities. Within the scope of this review, previously published studies were searched using comprehensive keywords related to "caffeine" through "ELSEVIER Science Direct (SciVerse), Taylor & Francis, EBSCOhost-Academic Search Complete, PubMed and SpringerLink, Google Scholar" databases until January 2021. As a result, it has been reported that caffeine increases endurance performance by 2-4% and improves short-term and intense intensity exercise performance in highly trained individuals. The improving effect of caffeine on cognitive performance supports the use of caffeine as an ergogenic supplement. Caffeine has been shown to increase sympathetic nervous system activity and release fatty acids from adipose and / or intramuscular stores. This mechanism, which occurs indirectly through increased adrenaline levels, has the potential to increase the availability of fatty acids for oxidation and the resting metabolic rate. At the same time, it has been observed that caffeine does not cause dehydration and is a reliable ergogenic supplement in this respect. The ergogenic effect of caffeine should be clarified by focusing on questions such as at what time of the day caffeine consumption affects caffeine ergogenicity, the effect of age on caffeine ergogenicity, caffeine intake according to athlete's training level, and the importance of genotype in terms of caffeine consumption.
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Effect Of Caffeine On Exercise Performance: Current
Yusuf BUZDAĞLI1A, Aslıhan TEKiN2B ,Erdinç ŞIKTAR1C, Günay ESKiCi3D
1Department of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Erzurum Technical University, Erzurum, Turkey
2Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Graduate School of Winter Sports and Sport Sciences, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey
3Department of Coaching Education, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey
Address Correspondence to Y. Buzdağlı: e-mail:
(Received): 12/03/2021/ (Accepted): 30.04.2021
A:Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 B:Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 C:Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 D:Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Caffeine is an ergogenic supplement that has been attracting attention in the sports community for many years. It has been
proven in many studies that coffee consumption has a positive effect on exercise performance. This study was conducted to (I)
examine the effects of caffeine on exercise performance and different performance areas, (II) to provide comprehensive
recommendations on the use of caffeine in sports and exercise, and (III) to identify existing gaps in the literature and to make
key recommendations for future research. This current review article provides an analytical view of studies involving the use
of caffeine for the physical, physiological, and cognitive performance of individuals, and discusses factors that may affect the
ergogenic effects of caffeine on the different proposed activities. Within the scope of this review, previously published studies
were searched using comprehensive keywords related to "caffeine" through "ELSEVIER Science Direct (SciVerse), Taylor &
Francis, EBSCOhost-Academic Search Complete, PubMed and SpringerLink, Google Scholar" databases until January 2021. As
a result, it has been reported that caffeine increases endurance performance by 2-4% and improves short-term and intense
intensity exercise performance in highly trained individuals. The improving effect of caffeine on cognitive performance
supports the use of caffeine as an ergogenic supplement. Caffeine has been shown to increase sympathetic nervous system
activity and release fatty acids from adipose and / or intramuscular stores. This mechanism, which occurs indirectly through
increased adrenaline levels, has the potential to increase the availability of fatty acids for oxidation and the resting metabolic
rate. At the same time, it has been observed that caffeine does not cause dehydration and is a reliable ergogenic supplement in
this respect. The ergogenic effect of caffeine should be clarified by focusing on questions such as at what time of the day
caffeine consumption affects caffeine ergogenicity, the effect of age on caffeine ergogenicity, caffeine intake according to
athlete's training level, and the importance of genotype in terms of caffeine consumption.
Keywords: Caffeine, Exercise, Athletic performance
Caffeine is the world's most consumed
psychoactive substance, naturally found in many
plant species, including coffee, tea, and cocoa.
Caffeine, which is added to many beverages such as
energy drinks and whose consumption has
increased day by day in the last two decades, is
mostly consumed in the form of beverages such as
coffee, soft drinks, and tea (1). In Western countries,
approximately 90% of adults consume caffeine
regularly, while daily caffeine consumption in US
adult men and women is estimated to be 200 mg,
according to 2009-2010 data (2, 3).
Caffeine is one of the most popular socially
acceptable ergogenic supplements that has been
used in athletic circles as an ergogenic aid or
performance enhancer for years, because it is not
doping and can be taken from natural sources. It is
also a supplement with a long history of use for its
ergogenic effects on performance. Caffeine intake
has been very common among athletes, especially
since 2004, when the World Anti-Doping Agency
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz
Year: 2021 - Volume: 23 - Issue:1 - Pages: 86-101
DOI: 10.15314/tsed.895754
ISSN: 2147-5652
Yusuf BUZDAGLI Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 / Aslıhan TEKiN Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 / Erdinç SIKTAR Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 / Günay ESKiCi Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi 2021; 23(1): 86-101 87
© 2021 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
was removed from the in competition prohibited
substances list. For example, 74% of urine samples
collected between 2004 and 2008 and analyzed as
part of doping control contained caffeine (4). Given
the inconsistent evidence from primary research
examining the effects of caffeine on exercise
performance, several research groups have explored
this issue using meta-analytical methods (5-8) .
While these meta-analyzes generally report the
ergogenic effects of caffeine on exercise
performance, current studies should not focus solely
on the effect of caffeine on exercise performance; He
suggested that attention should also be paid to
cognitive performance, caffeine use dosage and
intake forms, fat metabolism, combined intakes of
caffeine, caffeine consumption habits and effects on
dehydration. Although many studies are
investigating the effects of caffeine on overall health
and exercise performance, recent research has
shown that caffeine not only affects exercise
performance, but also metabolic disorders, cognitive
performance, consumption amount and forms, fat
metabolism, combined intakes, caffeine
consumption habits, and dehydration. It emphasizes
the need to focus on the effects of caffeine (5, 9).
Responses in the organism with caffeine intake
may vary from person to person. A person’s genetic
structure, consumption amount, individual's
performance goal, type of sport performed, placebo
effect, and caffeine intake form can affect the result.
In addition, the health effects of caffeine have long
been a topic of interest, and as noted by extensive
research, caffeine remains an important dietary
component for public health. It has also become
ubiquitous in the sports world, where there is
intense interest to better understand the effect of
caffeine on various exercise performance. Thus,
caffeine has been the focus of attention in the field of
ergogenic aids and sports supplement research in
recent years.
The purpose of this review is to reveal many
aspects of caffeine's effect on exercise performance.
In this direction, the results of the research on
aerobic/anaerobic performance, strength/power
performance, consumption amount and time,
combined forms, caffeine consumption habits, and
dehydration were evaluated and suggestions were
made on the subject.
Within the scope of this review, previously
published studies were scanned through "ELSEVIER
Science Direct (SciVerse), Taylor & Francis,
EBSCOhost-Academic Search Complete, PubMed
and SpringerLink, Google Scholar" until January
2021, "caffeine and exercise" for search, the
keywords "caffeine and aerobic performance",
"caffeine and resistance exercises", "caffeine and
anaerobic performance", "caffeine and cognitive
performance", "caffeine and supplements", "caffeine
and dehydration", "caffeine consumption forms",
"caffeine and doping", "caffeine metabolism",
"caffeine and fat metabolism", "caffeine and doping",
and "caffeine and consuming habits" were used.
Caffeine Metabolism
Caffeine is a purine alkaloid containing the
methyl group at the 1,3,7 position, also called
trimethylxanthin, and has a stimulating effect on the
central nervous system (CNS). As a food additive, it
can be produced synthetically for use in dietary
supplements and pharmaceutical preparations
where synthetic caffeine is the same as intrinsic or
plant-derived caffeine. It has been defined as the
most commonly consumed pharmacologically active
food in the World (10).
Most of the biological effects of caffeine at the
levels reached during normal consumption are due
to its antagonizing the adenosine receptors,
particularly the A1 and A2A receptors, and to a
lesser extent the A2B and A3 receptors. A1 and A2A
adenosine receptors affect various mechanisms
found in large areas of the brain that are involved in
the regulation of sleep, arousal, and cognition.
Therefore, it is not surprising that caffeine as an
adenosine receptor antagonistcan alter physiological
and mental states. Central adenosine receptors
affected by typical caffeine exposure (11). Because
the caffeine molecule is chemically similar to the
adenosine molecule, it binds to adenosine receptors.
Since adenosine receptors are related to sleep, sleep
is not felt if caffeine is attached to the receptors
instead of adenosine. The sleep-disturbing effect of
caffeine is due to this antagonist mechanism.
Yusuf BUZDAGLI Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 / Aslıhan TEKiN Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 / Erdinç SIKTAR Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 / Günay ESKiCi Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi 2021; 23(1): 86-101 88
© 2021 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
Figure 1. Chemical structures of caffeine and adenosine (12).
Caffeine is taken up and absorbed through food
or synthetically. Once absorbed, it reaches all body
cells. It then crosses the blood-brain barrier rapidly
and is metabolized by the liver's P450 1A2 (CYP1A2)
enzyme. Caffeine responses of individuals are
different due to polymorphism in the CYP1A2 gene.
After oral ingestion of caffeine, mostly in the form of
coffee or tea, 99% is absorbed into the bloodstream
from the gastrointestinal tract and peaks 30-60
minutes after eating. Caffeine absorption is between
45 and 80 minutes for caffeine-containing chewing
gum, and 85-120 minutes for caffeine-containing
capsules (13).
Figure 2. Main pathways in caffeine metabolism (12). Abbreviations: CYP1A2, cytochrome P450
1A2; CYP2A6, cytochrome P450 2A6; NAT2, N- acetyl transferase 2; XO, xanthine oxidase.
Yusuf BUZDAGLI Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 / Aslıhan TEKiN Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 / Erdinç SIKTAR Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 / Günay ESKiCi Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi 2021; 23(1): 86-101 89
© 2021 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
Caffeine ergogenicity has effects on the muscle
that can directly contribute. The most likely way
that caffeine can benefit muscle contraction is
through calcium ion (Ca2+) mobilization, which
facilitates force generation by each motor unit (15-
17). Fatigue caused by the gradual reduction of Ca2+
release can be alleviated after caffeine intake (17, 18).
Similarly; Caffeine, partially increased
sodium/potassium pump activity (Na+/K+)
potentially increases the stimulation-contraction
matching required for muscle contraction (19).
Caffeine appears to use its effects in various parts of
the body, but the most solid evidence suggests that
the main target is in the CNS, which is now
considered the primary mechanism by which
caffeine alters mental and physical performance (20).
It is believed that caffeine exerts its effects on the
CNS through antagonism of adenosine receptors
and leads to increases in neurotransmitter release,
motor unit firing rates, and pain suppression (21-23).
Adenosine is involved in numerous physiological
processes and plays a very important role as a
homeostatic regulator and neuromodulator in the
nervous system. The main known effects of
adenosine are; It is to reduce the concentration of
many neurotransmitters in the CNS, including
serotonin, dopamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine,
and glutamate. Having a molecular structure similar
to adenosine, caffeine binds to adenosine receptors
after ingestion and therefore increases the
concentration of these neurotransmitters (24, 25).
This has positive effects on mood, alertness, focus,
and mental vitality in most, if not all individuals (26-
28). Caffeine can be used effectively to manipulate
our mental state. It is widely consumed in the form
of coffee to get rid of sleepiness. People avoid coffee
consumption when they do not want their sleep to
be affected negatively.
Caffeine and Exercise
The ergogenic potential of caffeine has been
extensively studied in the sports and exercise
science literature dating back to 1907 (29). The effect
of caffeine on exercise performance can be listed as
follows (30).
Table 1. Caffeine Amounts of Some Foods and Beverages
Cafe Latte /Cappuccino
200 mL
Filter Coffee / Black Coffee
200 mL
200 mL
200 mL
Turkish Coffee
100 mL
Brewing Bag / Black Tea
100 mL
Green Tea
100 mL
Herbal Tea
240 mL
250 mL
Energy Drinks
330 mL
Coffee With Milk
250 mL
Dark Chocolate
50 g
Hazelnut Chocolate
50 g
Chocolate Bar / Nougat
50 g
Chocolate Sauce
20 g
Chocolate Bar
50 g
Yusuf BUZDAGLI Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 / Aslıhan TEKiN Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 / Erdinç SIKTAR Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 / Günay ESKiCi Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi 2021; 23(1): 86-101 90
© 2021 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
Figure 3. Caffeine and Performance Relationship. : increased, : decreased
Effect of Caffeine on Aerobic Performance
Caffeine is an ergogenic aid preferred by
athletes or active individuals in a wide variety of
sports and activities involving aerobic endurance. A
positive effect on performance has been proven in a
variety of endurance sports, including cycling (31,
32), running (33, 34), cross-country skiing (35), and
swimming (36).
Studies show that caffeine intake (eg, 3-9 mg /
kg taken 30-90 minutes before exercise) can reduce
carbohydrate use during exercise, thereby increasing
endurance exercise capacity (37). In a study
involving 8 trained cyclists and triathletes
accustomed to consuming low doses of caffeine
(≤300 mg / day), participants consumed beverages
consisting of caffeine (5 mg / kg), instant coffee (5
mg/kg caffeine), instant decaffeinated coffee or
placebo 1 h before exercise. The results of the study
found that both caffeine (5 mg / kg) and coffee (5mg
/ kg caffeine) consumed 1 h before exercise could
improve endurance exercise performance (38). In a
study conducted on cyclists, it was determined that
among those who consumed caffeinated coffee or
decaffeinated coffee (6 mg / kg) 60 minutes before
exercise, those who consumed caffeinated coffee had
a positive effect on performance (39).
Many studies have shown that caffeine intake at
the level of 3-6 mg / kg / day increases endurance by
2-4% (31, 32, 40, 41).
Effect of Caffeine on Anaerobic Performance
Anaerobic performance is a term of great
importance for sports branches that are completed
in a short time or require explosive force. Regular
trainings cause an increase in the anaerobic
performance of athletes. Athletes use a variety of
ergogenic supplements to further increase anaerobic
performance. Caffeine is of great importance in
these ergogenic supplements.
In a study of 21 well-trained male participants,
a gelatin capsule (30m; repeated at 35-second
intervals) containing caffeine (5 mg / kg) and
placebo (maltodextrin) taken 1 h before completing
a multi-sprint trial was found to have an ergogenic
effect on performance (42). In another study, it was
determined that caffeine improves repetitive sprint
performance but does not affect maximum strength
and fatigue (43). In a study conducted by giving
caffeine at a dose of 6 mg / kg to participants who
are not trained in a particular sport, it was found
that the maximal cycling speed of 2×60 seconds
increased (44). In studies investigating the effect of
caffeine given at the level of 5-6 mg / kg / day on
anaerobic power in non-training individuals, it was
found that performance did not change (45, 46) or
increased (47).
Considering the studies that summarize the
effectiveness of caffeine on short-term anaerobic
exercises, it is seen that the use of caffeine in such
exercises is less, and there is no consensus on the
results. Therefore, it seems that more studies need to
be performed on the relationship between caffeine
and short-term exercise. In general, although the
results are heterogeneous, it has been reported that
caffeine supplementation at doses of 4-6 mg / kg on
multiple and single sprint activities requiring high-
intensity effort significantly increases performance
in athletes with high training level while the same
Yusuf BUZDAGLI Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 / Aslıhan TEKiN Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 / Erdinç SIKTAR Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 / Günay ESKiCi Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi 2021; 23(1): 86-101 91
© 2021 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
positive effect was not observed in participant
groups with low training level.
The Effect of Caffeine on Strength
Strength development through resistance
training is an important component of conditioning
programs for both fitness and competitive sports
and activities. The most common consumption form
preferred by individuals with or without training in
strength studies is caffeine taken at the level of 3-6
mg / kg (2-11 mg / kg) 90 minutes before exercise in
the form of pills or capsules. Although several
studies have been published by ISSN (International
Society of Sports Nutrition) since 2010, investigating
the effects of caffeine on strength performance (48),
some uncertainties persist in the performance
enhancing effect of caffeine in activities involving
muscle endurance, strength, and power.
Yusuf BUZDAGLI Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 / Aslıhan TEKiN Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 / Erdinç SIKTAR Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 / Günay ESKiCi Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi 2021; 23(1): 86-101 92
© 2021 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
Table 2. Investigations examining the effects of caffeine on exercise performance
Exercise Protocol
Cafe Dose
Grgic J et al.
Resistance trained male (n=22)
1RM barbell bench press and leg
press and 60% at 1RM again until
6 mg / kg
The total weight removed during the 60% 1RM trial was 11% and 12%
higher for bench press and leg press with caffeine compared to placebo
but still did not reach significance.
The perceived intensity was similar to caffeine versus placebo at the
end of resistance exercise.
Acute caffeine intake did not significantly alter muscle strength or
endurance during intense bench press or leg press exercise.
Norum M. et
al. (50)
Resistance trained female (n=15)
Squats, bench press,
countermovement jumps (CMJ) until
exhaustion at 60% 1RM
4 mg / kg
*Caffeine significantly improved repetitions in squats and bench press
to exhaustion compared to placebo.
*Caffeine significantly increased CMJ height and strength.
Goldstein E. et
al. (51)
Resistance trained female (n=15)
1RM barbell bench press and repeat
until exhaustion at 60% 1RM
6 mg / kg
A significantly higher bench press maximum was seen with caffeine at
60% 1RM repeats with no significant difference between conditions.
Systolic blood pressure was significantly higher after exercise with
Timmins TD
and Saunders
DH (52)
Resistance trained male (n=16)
Maximal voluntary contraction; The
isokinetic peak torque of knee
extensors, ankle plantar flexors,
elbow flexors and wrist flexors was
measured at an angular velocity of 60
° / s.
6 mg / kg
Caffeine increased the maximal voluntary contractile strength in
resistance training men, regardless of the position of the muscle group.
Although the improvement in peak torque increased according to
muscle group size, its effect was not clear.
Woolf K. et al.
High-level fitness male team athlete
(n = 18)
Leg press, chest press ve wingate testi
5 mg / kg
With caffeine, the more total weight was lifted on the chest press and a
higher peak strength was achieved during the Wingate test.
No difference was found between caffeine and placebo for average
strength, minimum strength, and power drop (Wingate test) on leg
Higher insulin and glucose concentrations were observed after exercise
with caffeine.
Systolic blood pressure was significantly higher after exercise with
No difference was found between caffeine and placebo for free fatty
acid concentrations, plasma lactate concentrations, cortisol
concentrations, heart rate, and perceived intensity.
Beck TW. et al.
Resistance trained male (n=31)
1RM bench press power and time to
exhaustion at a speed corresponding
to 85% of VO2max
201 mg (2.1-3 mg /
It was observed that caffeine did not contribute to the exercises.
Wilk M. et al.
Male bodybuilding with caffeine
habits (n = 16)
1RM strength test, muscle endurance
at 50% 1RM
9-11 mg / kg
It was observed that high-dose acute caffeine supplementation did not
increase muscle strength or muscle endurance in athletes with caffeine
Trevino MA.
et al. (56)
Recreatively active male (n = 13)
3 maximum isometric muscle
movements of the elbow flexors
5-10 mg / kg
It was observed that caffeine supplementation did not provide an
ergogenic effect for elbow flexors during isometric muscle movements.
Yusuf BUZDAGLI Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 / Aslıhan TEKiN Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 / Erdinç SIKTAR Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 / Günay ESKiCi Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi 2021; 23(1): 86-101 93
© 2021 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
Astorino TA.
et al.(38)
Resistance trained male (n=22)
1RM bench press and leg press,
repeat until it is exhausted at 60%
6 mg / kg
Bench press and leg press 1RM, there was no significant increase in
caffeine-boosted participants.
Glaister M. et
Well-trained male (n = 21)
Multiple sprint test consisting of
12×30 m straight-line sprints repeated
at 35 second intervals
5 mg / kg
Caffeine has been shown to have ergogenic properties with the
potential to benefit performance in both single and multiple sprint
Trexler ET. et
Well-trained male (n = 21)
Single reps for leg press and bench
press at 80% of 1RM and repetitions
to fatigue at 1RM
300 mg (powder)
303 mg (coffee)
It has been observed that caffeine can improve repetitive sprint
It was observed that caffeine did not affect repetitions for maximum
strength and fatigue using both upper body and lower body exercises.
Crowe MJ. et
al. (44)
Untrained male (n = 12), Untrained
female (n = 5)
2 × 60 seconds maximal cycling
6 mg / kg
It was observed that peak power was reached in a shorter time in the
second of 2 × 60 seconds maximal cycling.
Collomp K. et
al. (45)
Untrained male participating in
non-specific sports activities only 2-
3 h per week (n = 3), untrained
female participating in non-specific
sports activities only 2-3 h per week
(n = 3)
30-second wingate test
5 mg / kg
*Caffeine did not appear to cause a significant increase in performance
for peak power or total work load.
Greer F. et al.
Recreatively active male (n = 9)
30-second wingate test (2 separate
sections, 4 minutes interval)
6 mg / kg
The last two of the four wingate test showed a decrease in strength
compared to the placebo.
Caffeine did not appear to have a significant effect on blood lactate, O2
consumption, or aerobic additives at any time during the protocol.
No ergogenic effects of caffeine on power output were observed during
repetitive periods of short intense exercise.
Lorino AJ. et
al. (46)
Untrained male (n = 16)
Agility run and 30-second Wingate
6 mg / kg
Caffeine did not seem to provide significantly better performance for
agility running and the 30-second wingate test.
Bold text associated with reported trial outcomes; * delineates a significant change, = no improvement/change, = improved performance, = decreased, 1RM = repetitive maximal,
VO2max = maximum oxygen consumption
Yusuf BUZDAGLI Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 / Aslıhan TEKiN Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 / Erdinç SIKTAR Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 / Günay ESKiCi Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi 2021; 23(1): 86-101 94
© 2021 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
Forms of Caffeine
Although caffeine is often taken through
beverages such as tea and coffee, it can be consumed in
different forms to examine its effect on sports
performance and to be consumed most beneficially.
Caffeine in athletes; caffeinated bars and gels,
caffeinated chewing gum, caffeinated energy drinks,
caffeinated nasal and mouth aerosol sprays, and
caffeinated mouthwashes.
Studies show that bars and gels containing 100 mg
of caffeine improve cognitive function, exhaustion
time, and time trial performance. Although plasma
caffeine measurements are lacking in these studies, it
can be assumed that the increases will mimic the
findings obtained from caffeine tablet and coffee
consumption (57-60). Since caffeinated bars and gels
are key sources of caffeine for athletes during training
and competition, and there are currently no studies
examining female participants, more research is
needed in this area. Studies show that caffeine in
chewing gum at a dose of 200-300 mg is ergogenic
when given before or during an endurance exercise in
well-trained women and male cyclists (61). Current
literature does not support the ergogenic effects of
caffeine supplements administered in the form of
energy drinks. However, additional studies are needed
to examine the effectiveness of individual components
of caffeinated energy drinks on performance (62).
The consumption of caffeine in the form of mouth
and nasal sprays enables the stimulating physiological
effect to begin very quickly. Caffeine is poured into the
person's tongue in combination with a carrier and a
breath freshener, as a liquid spray or directly into the
person's tongue. It is rapidly absorbed from the
intestinal buccal membrane. It has been suggested that
caffeine mouthwash exerts its ergogenic effects by
allowing caffeine molecules to bind to adenosine
receptors in the mouth and inhibit adenosine
competitively (63, 64). This interaction is thought to
increase the permeability of the buccal mucosa and
thus trigger caffeine absorption into the bloodstream
(65). Another mechanism of action is mentioned to
explain the performance benefits associated with
caffeinated mouthwash. The oral cavity is decorated
with bitter taste receptor cells, especially found in the
oropharyngeal epithelium, and these have been shown
to be activated when exposed to caffeine. It has been
suggested that activation of these bitter taste receptors
can activate taste neural pathways and ultimately
stimulate brain regions associated with information
processing and reward. Although it has been reported
that caffeinated aerosol mouth and nasal sprays can
stimulate nerves with direct brain connections and
enter the blood through mucosal and pulmonary
absorption, research on this condition is scarce (62).
The Effect of Caffeine on Cognitive Performance
For centuries, caffeine, usually taken in the form of
coffee or tea, has been a popular tool for enhancing
various aspects of mental or cognitive functions (28). In
addition to exercise performance; Continuous cognitive
function is also important because of the routine work
requirements of caffeine. Although there is widespread
scientific work on the behavioral effects of caffeine,
some details regarding specific functional aspects
remain controversial (66). While there is a general
consensus that caffeine improves lower” cognitive
functions such as simple reaction time, the effects of
caffeine on “higher” cognitive functions such as
problem solving and decision making are often
debated. This is partly because there are fewer
published studies of higher-level cognitive function
and the available ones differ greatly from the methods
used (67).
Caffeine increases arousal in a dose-dependent
manner; low doses can improve hedonic tone and
reduce anxiety, while high doses can increase
symptoms of anxiety, irritability, and tension (68). How
caffeine affects performance depends in part on the
level of arousal of the individuals studied, particularly
the extent to which the participants were sleep
deprived or how tired or well rested. One study
evaluated the classic inverted-U hypothesis in terms of
caffeine to what extent stimulation improves or impairs
performance (69). According to the Yerkes-Dodson
law, there is an empirical relationship between arousal
and performance, such that low arousal is associated
with poor performance, while increased physiological
or mental arousal is associated with improved
performance, but only to a range (70). When the
arousal level increases too much, performance
decreases. Thus, the individual's pre-dose arousal level
before consuming caffeine will affect the effects
observed (71). Giving a large dose of caffeine to a
person who is seriously tired will improve
performance because in this case caffeine promotes an
appropriate level of arousal (i.e., caffeine advances the
individual's stimulation towards the middle range of
the Yerkes-Dodson curve). Conversely, giving the same
dose to someone who is already well rested and highly
aroused may decrease rather than improve
performance because in this case caffeine produces an
over-arousal state that will impair cognition according
to the Yerkes-Dodson law (72).
Yusuf BUZDAGLI Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 / Aslıhan TEKiN Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 / Erdinç SIKTAR Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 / Günay ESKiCi Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi 2021; 23(1): 86-101 95
© 2021 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
Table 3. Investigations examining the effects of caffeine on cognitive performance
Cafe Dose
Brunyé TT. et al. (67)
University student male (n = 16) and
female (n = 20)
100 mg
200 mg
400 mg
It was observed that caffeine improved participants' skills to use warning cues efficiently and to avoid the
impact of information incompatible with the action.
Caffeine has been shown to improve performance in tasks that require constant attention and attention.
It has been observed that caffeine has different effects on visual attention networks as a function of dose, and
these effects have implications for the interactions of caffeine, adenosine and dopamine in the brain areas that
direct visual attention.
Hogervorst E. et
Well-trained cyclist male (n = 24)
100 mg
It was observed that caffeine increased speed in Rapid Visual Information Processing Tests.
It was seen that complex cognitive ability increased significantly.
Antonio J. et al.(73)
In training men (n=11), in training
women (n=9)
4 mg/kg
The energy drinks psychomotor vigilance ensured a shorter average reaction time.
Caffeine significantly improved psychomotor alertness performance, a constant attention task.
McLellan TM. et al.
Soldier ((n=31)
200 mg
Continuous alertness was maintained in the control, observation and exploratory vigilance task.
McLellan TM. et al.
Soldier (n=20)
600 mg
It was observed that the alertness increased.
Kamimori G. et al.(76)
Special Forces Operators (n=20)
4×200 mg
It was observed that the response speed increased during sustained psychomotor speed, enhanced event
perception, the number of correct responses to stimuli, and logical reasoning tests.
No changes were observed in gun shooting.
Tikuisis P. et al.(77)
Soldier (n=20)
400 mg
100 mg
There was an increase in the cognitive component of the gun shooting mission.
Zhang Y. et al.(78)
Fireman (n=10)
400 mg
No changes were observed in perceived difficulty, mood reaction time, short-term memory and recall
Share B. et al.(79)
Elite sniper male (n=7)
2 mg / kg
4 mg / kg
No difference was observed in shooting accuracy, response time, or target tracking time between groups.
Stuart GR. et al. (80)
Competitive Rugby players male
6 mg / kg
There was a significant increase in correct passing ability.
Karayigit, R. et al. (81)
Female athletes (n=17)
3 mg / kg
6 mg / kg
Caffeine has been shown to improve cognitive performance.
Khcharem A. et al.(82)
Recreational running (n=10)
5 mg / kg
Caffeine was cognitively processed by applying the correct fine after complete sleep deprivation.
Caffeine has been shown to affect cognitive performance by reacting after complete sleep deprivation.
Bold text associated with reported trial outcomes; * delineates a significant change, = no improvement/change, = improved performance/change, = decreased, 1RM = repetitive maximal,
VO2max = maximum oxygen consumption
Yusuf BUZDAGLI Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 / Aslıhan TEKiN Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 / Erdinç SIKTAR Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 / Günay ESKiCi Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi 2021; 23(1): 86-101 96
© 2021 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
Caffeine and Fat Metabolism
The list of supplements that claim to increase or
improve fat metabolism is long; The most popular
supplements include caffeine, carnitine, green tea,
conjugated linoleic acid, forskolin, chromium, seaweed,
and fucoxanthin (83). Much of the interest in caffeine's
effects on metabolism stems from exercise physiology
studies in the 1970s. Early research by Costill et al.
Showed that taking caffeine (coffee and pure caffeine)
before a workout significantly increases fat oxidation
rates and performance (84). Essig et al. also reported a
shift in substrate metabolism from carbohydrate to fat
during exercise following caffeine intake, accompanied
by a slight increase in serum plasma fatty acid
concentrations (85). The theory is that caffeine activates
fat and preserves muscle glycogen, resulting in
increased performance. Later, these two effects
separated from each other and it was reported that the
ergogenic effect of caffeine was mostly due to central
mechanisms. Thus, caffeine has been shown to increase
sympathetic nervous system activity and release fatty
acids from adipose and / or intramuscular stores. This
mechanism, which occurs indirectly through increased
adrenaline levels, has the potential to increase the
availability of fatty acids for oxidation. Caffeine also
has a direct effect on lipolysis. Acheson et al found that
administration of high doses of caffeine (8 mg / kg)
significantly increased the resting metabolic rate (RMR)
[20 kJ / (m2*h)] within 3 h after eating (86). Dulloo et al.
reported that even low doses of caffeine (100 mg) have
the potential to cause a thermogenic effect at rest. Over
a period of 150 minutes, RMR increased by 3-4% in
both lean and obese individuals. In the same study, the
RMR (8-11% increase) was further increased when
caffeine was taken at repeated doses (2 h intervals over
12 h) (87). It is not known whether this increase is due
to increased fat oxidation, increased carbohydrate
oxidation, or both. It has been emphasized before that
the finding that caffeine can increase fat oxidation is
not new. Although there are a few studies that support
this result, there are also studies showing that the cafe
does not affect on fat oxidation. These results, on the
other hand, spoil a general opinion on the subject. The
different results can be explained by the exercise
intensity or the participant population used in the
Caffeine and Hydration
Dehydration refers to an imbalance in fluid
dynamics (water and electrolyte balance) when fluid
consumption fails to meet the needs of our body (88).
In a study where participants exercised at 70-75%
VO2max until their self-determined exhaustion,
participants were given 5 mg / kg caffeine 2 h and half
an h before exercise, followed by 2.5 mg / kg caffeine,
respectively. There was no difference in dehydration in
the caffeine group compared with placebo (89). In a
study, just before running exercise, participants
completed the 10-second mouthwash protocol with 300
mg of caffeine or placebo diluted in 25mL of water, and
caffeine mouthwash did not change hydration status or
sweat rate after a 10km run (90). In a study examining
the effects of caffeine at different ambient temperatures
(12 and 33°C), participants who performed endurance
cycling exercises were provided 3 mg / kg of caffeine 60
minutes before and after exercise. Sweating rates
differed between 12 and 33°C, but no difference was
observed when comparing caffeine versus placebo (91).
In addition, when the ISSN's review on caffeine and
performance, published in 2010, was examined, it was
observed that there was no change in urine and blood
volume during the resting period, and the amount of
sweat during exercise was not different in both cases
(48). In a study of 50 men who drink coffee regularly,
there was no difference in the volume of urine
produced over 24 h, despite caffeine intake of 240 mg
or more per day. In this study, participants consumed
4x200 ml of water and coffee containing 4 mg / kg of
caffeine for 3 days (doses ranged from 204 to 453 mg of
caffeine). Post-study data also revealed that there was
no difference between the two groups for blood and
urine markers of measured hydration level (92).
Indeed, when caffeine intake is 200-450 mg or 2.5-4 mg
/ kg per day, there is no diuretic effect due to caffeine
consumption. It should also be remembered that
people who do not drink coffee regularly or have not
had coffee for a certain period of time are more likely
to temporarily respond to caffeine. On the other hand,
regular caffeine intake develops a higher tolerance to
the diuretic effect, even at higher doses.
The Effect of Caffeine Consumption Habit on
Quantifying habitual caffeine intake is difficult to
quantify, which is problematic for studies aiming to
compare performance results following habitual
caffeine intake with unconventional caffeine users. This
concern is highlighted by reports that vary widely in
the caffeine content of commonly consumed beverages.
Taking into account the daily caffeine intake of all
subjects enrolled in a given study is the standard
procedure for a research protocol. The purpose of
determining such dietary information is to determine
whether caffeine consumption has an effect on
performance and whether this result is different
between a person who regularly consumes caffeine or
not. Bell et al. Studied the effect of moderate doses of
caffeine on subjects defined as the user (300 mg / day)
and non-user (50 mg / day). The results showed an
increase in performance for both groups; however, the
Yusuf BUZDAGLI Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 / Aslıhan TEKiN Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 / Erdinç SIKTAR Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 / Günay ESKiCi Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi 2021; 23(1): 86-101 97
© 2021 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
effect of supplementation lasted approximately three h
longer in subjects identified as non-users (93).
Similarly, in a study describing caffeine habits among
participants, there was no statistical difference for
VO2max between groups (participants participated in
a boost exercise protocol), but there was a significant
difference in ventilation and heart rate for people who
did not habitually caffeine at rest (94). In addition,
another study reported no significant difference
between caffeine users and those who did not, except
for an increase in plasma epinephrine during exercise
for caffeine naïve subjects compared with placebo (95).
Optimal Timing of Caffeine Supplement
Because plasma caffeine levels typically peak
within 60 minutes of intake (96, 97), the timing of
caffeine consumption relative to exercise should be
considered. In a study where a 40 km time trial
performance was performed, participants were given 6
mg / kg of caffeine 1 h before or just before exercise.
Caffeine consumed 60 minutes before exercise resulted
in significant improvements in the 40 km trail
performance. The ergogenic effect of caffeine was
found to be unrelated to the highest concentration of
caffeine in the blood at the start of endurance exercise
(98). In a study in which caffeine was provided in the
chewing gum at 75% VO2max 5 minutes, 60 minutes,
and 120 minutes before 15 minutes of cycling exercise,
caffeine applied in the chewing gum increased
performance when applied immediately before, not 1
or 2 h before exercise (61). In a study conducted to
examine the effect of caffeine supplementation on
cycling performance of 3 km more, at what time of the
day it occurred, it was observed that caffeine was more
effective in exercise performed before 10:00 than in
exercise performed after 10:00. The greater
effectiveness of caffeine in the morning may be
attributed to the higher activity of the CYP1A2 enzyme
in the morning than in the evening (99). In a study to
determine the optimal timing of caffeine intake,
participants were provided with 6 mg / kg of caffeine
30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 120 minutes before
exercise. Caffeine timing before exercise provided the
most consistent ergogenic benefits 1 h earlier compared
to other time points, especially compared to 2 h (100).
One study in which 5 mg / kg of caffeine was provided
1 h, 3 h, and 6 h before exercise concluded that the
increase in performance was seen only when caffeine
was taken 1 and 3 h before (93). In a study by Cox et al.,
6 mg / kg of caffeine was provided in capsule form 1 h
before exercise and six doses of 1 mg / kg caffeine every
20 minutes during exercise, with the significant
difference being achieved with caffeine taken before
exercise (101). Unlike other studies, in a study in which
low (100 mg) and medium (200 mg) doses of caffeine
were provided towards the end of the exercise, both
doses given late were found to improve performance
(102). Studies conducted for the optimal timing of
caffeine intake are inconsistent. The uncertainty of the
results may be due to the form of caffeine used, the
individual characteristics of the participants, and the
different caffeine consumption habits.
Caffeine and Doping
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) explains
what substances considered doping are in its annual
statement. Until 2004, caffeine was also an ergogenic
aid that was considered among these substances.
However, WADA removed caffeine from the
prohibited list as of 2004. It has been shown that
caffeine supplementation in the 3-6 mg / kg range in
training athletes can significantly improve both
endurance and high-intensity performance. The
International Olympic Committee sets an allowable
limit for 12 µg of caffeine per ml of urine (103, 104).
Approximately one hour before the competition, the
caffeine dose in the range of 9-13 mg / kg will reach the
maximum urine concentration permitted for
competition (103). However, it should be kept in mind
that caffeine consumption and urine concentration are
dependent on factors such as gender and body weight
(105). Consuming 6-8 cups of coffee containing
approximately 100 mg of caffeine per cup results in the
maximum permissible urine concentration (104, 105).
According to The National Collegiate Athletic
Association, urine concentrations in excess of 15µg/ml
after the competition are considered illegal (106).
WADA, on the other hand, does not consider caffeine a
ban, but has included it in the list of must-watch in
athletic competition.
The scientific literature on caffeine supplements is
extensive. It is clear that caffeine is indeed ergogenic
for sports performance, but specific to the athlete's
condition, the intensity, duration, and type of exercise.
Therefore, after reviewing the available literature, the
following conclusions can be drawn:
Caffeine is one of the most preferred ergogenic
supplements by athletes after being removed from the
prohibited list by WADA as of 2004.
Caffeine makes the person feel more vigorous
thanks to the antagonist effect it creates with
Most of the studies have used a protocol in which
caffeine is taken 60 minutes before the performance to
ensure optimal absorption.
Yusuf BUZDAGLI Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 / Aslıhan TEKiN Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 / Erdinç SIKTAR Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 / Günay ESKiCi Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi 2021; 23(1): 86-101 98
© 2021 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
• It has been observed that moderate (3-6 mg / kg)
caffeine intake contributes to sports performance in
strength / strength exercises and long-term exercises.
In the studies conducted, caffeine; Its use in
caffeinated bars and gels, caffeinated chewing gum,
caffeinated energy drinks, caffeinated nasal and mouth
aerosol sprays, and caffeinated mouthwashes have
been shown to have additional benefit potential
depending on the type of exercise.
When the effect of caffeine on cognitive
performance was examined, it was seen that 200-300
mg of caffeine consumption positively affected
cognitive performance, improved psychomotor
alertness reaction time, and mood.
It has been observed that pre-exercise caffeine
consumption supports fat metabolism and increases
the use of fat as a substrate in energy metabolism, in
addition to increasing the resting metabolic rate.
Scientific literature suggests that 2.5-4 mg / kg
caffeine intake does not cause diuresis, contrary to
what is known.
While recommending caffeine supplements to
athletes, individual recommendations should be made,
keeping in mind that caffeine consumption habits may
affect the ergogenicity of caffeine.
• Caffeine supplementation at doses of 4-6 mg / kg
on multiple and single sprint activities requiring high
intensity efforts is suitable for use as it significantly
increases performance in athletes with high training
• Considering the positive effect of caffeine on fat
metabolism, it is appropriate to use it before exercise in
athletes who aim to lose weight and / or burn fat.
The positive effects of caffeine supplementation
on cognitive performance can be evaluated particularly
in professions where cognitive alertness is important,
such as military personnel or firemen.
• In future studies, the ergogenic effect of caffeine
should be clarified by focusing on questions such as (I)
what time of the day caffeine consumption affects
caffeine ergogenicity, (II) what is the importance of
genotype in terms of caffeine consumption, (III) what is
the effect of age on caffeine ergogenicity, (IV) does
caffeine ergogenicity vary according to athlete's
training level.
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Yusuf BUZDAGLI Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1809-5194 / Aslıhan TEKiN Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1760-5378 / Erdinç SIKTAR Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0387-3969 / Günay ESKiCi Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4349-4704
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise /Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi 2021; 23(1): 86-101 100
© 2021 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
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... The improvement in aerobic per mance indices is probably attributed to the caffeine, creatine, β-alanine, citrulline ma and BCAA consumption included in this PWS. Caffeine intake (3-6 mg/kg/day) seem decrease carbohydrate use during exercise and improves endurance-exercise capacity 2-4% [51]. Chronic creatine supplementation increases work and aerobic capacity thro greater ATP transfer from mitochondria [52]. ...
... The improvement in aerobic performance indices is probably attributed to the caffeine, creatine, β-alanine, citrulline malate, and BCAA consumption included in this PWS. Caffeine intake (3-6 mg/kg/day) seems to decrease carbohydrate use during exercise and improves endurance-exercise capacity by 2-4% [51]. Chronic creatine supplementation increases work and aerobic capacity through greater ATP transfer from mitochondria [52]. ...
... BCAA consumption could also enhance anaerobic performance, since short-term (seven days of 5 g/day) supplementation seems to improve anaerobic performance in football players during the RAST test [62]. On the other hand, long-term consumption of caffeine or citrulline malate does not seem to contribute to anaerobic performance improvements, since limited evidence exists [47,51]. However, even if, according to the above, an increase in the anaerobic performance of PWS's athletes was expected, this was not found in the present study. ...
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This randomized, double-blinded, experimental study investigated the effects of a four-week daily pre-workout supplementation (200 mg caffeine, 3.3 g creatine monohydrate, 3.2 g β-alanine, 6 g citrulline malate, and 5 g BCAA) vs. placebo (isocaloric maltodextrin) on anaerobic (jumping, sprinting, agility, and the running-based anaerobic sprint test: RAST) and aerobic (Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1) performance, as well as on body composition and selective muscle damage/health-related blood markers in well-trained basketball players during the in-season period. Eighteen basketball players (age: 24.4 ± 6.3 years, height: 185.7 ± 8.0 cm, weight: 85.7 ± 12.8 kg, body fat: 16.5 ± 4.2%) were randomly assigned into two groups: pre-workout supplement (PWS, n = 10) or placebo (PL, n = 8). PWS consumption increased aerobic performance (PWS: 8 ± 6%; PL: −2 ± 6%; p = 0.004) compared to PL. A significant decrease was observed in peak (F = 7.0; p = 0.017), average (F = 10.7; p = 0.005), and minimum power (F = 5.1; p = 0.039) following 4 weeks of supplementation in both groups. No other significant changes were observed between groups (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the consumption of the current PWS over a four-week period appears to positively influence the aerobic performance of well-trained basketball players during the in-season period. However, it does not appear to mitigate the observed decline in anaerobic power, nor does it affect performance in jumping, sprinting, and agility, or alter body composition or selective muscle damage/health-related blood markers.
... Additionally, Buzdağli and colleagues reviewed the biochemical benefits of caffeine in both athletic groups and general individuals. Their review highlighted the role of casein in controlling sleep hormones and the Na + /K + pump regulation for muscular functioning [17]. Caffeine has an insignificant or no nutritive value [18], yet, the product appears in many foods and drinks such as cola, coffee, tea [14], and other sports drinks [18]. ...
... Caffeine has an insignificant or no nutritive value [18], yet, the product appears in many foods and drinks such as cola, coffee, tea [14], and other sports drinks [18]. For athletes, caffeine is mostly presented in caffeinated bars, gels, energy drinks, and mouth aerosol sprays [17]. The ergogenic effects of caffeine in sports are, however, dependent, among other things, on the dose and timing of consumption [18]. ...
... The ergogenic effects of caffeine in sports are, however, dependent, among other things, on the dose and timing of consumption [18]. While caffeine consumption of 1-3 mg/kg [14] still warrants further research [18], an amount of 3-6 mg/kg is considered safe enough to exert adequate ergogenic benefits [17]. ...
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Background: Although there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting the use of some ergogenic substances, it remains a common practice among bodybuilding athletes. Nevertheless, the use of ergogenics among bodybuilding athletes around Polokwane Municipality (PM) in Limpopo Province remains unknown. Aim: To determine the use of ergogenic substances amongst bodybuilding athletes around Polokwane municipality in Limpopo Province. Methods: A descriptive study with a purposive sampling technique was used to obtain 51 amateur bodybuilding athletes in gyms around PM. Ethical approval and permission were obtained from the MEDUNSA Research and Ethics Committee (MREC) and coaches respectively. Sampled athletes signed written informed consent forms. Data collection was done using self-designed questionnaires covering the demography, training information, and the use of ergogenic agents. Data were loaded onto the SPSS (v.23) and analyzed. Descriptive tests were used to describe ergogenic use through ranges, percentages, means, and standard deviations (±SD). Results: The majority (94.1%) were males, of which 66.7% participated as bodybuilders for ≤2 years. Almost all athletes (86.3%) trained three to four days a week for 1–3 hr (94.1%) on weekdays. Only 37.3% relied on coaches for nutrition information followed by those who used social media (29.4%), teammates (29.3%), and nutrition experts (4.0%). A few athletes (15.7%) used ergogenics, of them, 13.7% used creatine and 2.0% vitamin capsules. Conclusion: Overall, Polokwane bodybuilders were not using ergogenic agents during their bodybuilding sports careers. Keywords: bodybuilding, ergogenic agents, supplements and athletes
... Currently, the ergogenic capacity of caffeine is explained by its blocking effect on adenosine receptors [10] A1, A 2A , and A 2B due to caffeine's similar chemical structure to adenosine [11]. By blocking adenosine receptors at the neuromuscular level [7], caffeine enhances neuromuscular recruitment [12]. Additionally, caffeine enhances the Na + -K + pump [13] and increases Ca 2+ bioavailability in the myoplasm by inducing the release of Ca 2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and inhibiting its reuptake [14], resulting in the translocation of glycogen phosphorylase-b to its active form, glycogen phosphorylase-a [15]. ...
... Furthermore, caffeine maximizes glycolytic activity through increased activity of phosphofructokinase [16]. This suggests that caffeine has ergogenic effects in various sports activities, with peak blood levels occurring after 60 minutes of caffeine supplementation [12,17]. Studies examining this topic so far have focused primarily on the physical performance benefits of caffeine, while its effects on cognitive performance have received less attention. ...
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Purpose Previous studies have investigated the effect of single or combined caffeine (CAF) and L-theanine (THE) intake on attention performance. However, its effect on shooting performance and cognitive performance in a sport is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the hypothesis “Does single or combined CAF and THE supplementation have an effect on shooting and cognitive performance in elite curling athletes?.” It is predicted that over the next decade, studies based on nutritional ergogenic supplements in the developing sport of curling will continue to increase, leading to a significant increase in studies examining the effects of CAF and THE supplementation, alone or in combination, on throwing and cognitive performance in elite curling athletes. Methods In this double-blind, randomized controlled crossover study, twenty-two elite national curling athletes (age 20.20 ± 1.61 and sports age 6.20 ± 0.51 years, height 174.10 ± 7.21 cm, BMI 21.80 ± 3.47 kg/m²) were randomly assigned to CAF (6 mg/kg single dose CAF), THE (6 mg/kg single dose THE), CAF*THE (6 mg/kg CAF and 6 mg/kg THE combined) and PLA (400 mg maltodextrin) groups at each of four sessions. 60 minutes after taking the supplement, the athletes were first given the Stroop test and then asked to shoot. Results Our main findings have shown that the performance of athletes in guard (F=3.452, P < .001, ηp² = .842), draw (F=1.647, P < .001, ηp² = .485), and take-out (F=3.121, P < .001, ηp² = .743) shot styles significantly improved when comparing the combined intake of CAF and THE to the PLA. Regarding cognitive performance evaluation through the Stroop test, during the NR task (F=4.743, P = .001, ηp² = .653), the combined intake of CAF and THE significantly improved reaction times compared to the intake of single CAF, THE, or PLA. The best reaction times during the CR and ICR (respectively; F=2.742, P = .004, ηp² = .328; F = 1.632, P < .001, ηp² = .625) tasks were achieved with the combined CAF and THE intake, showing a significant improvement compared to PLA. During the NER (F=2.961, P < .001, ηp² = .741), task, the combined intake of CAF and THE significantly improved error rates compared to the intake of CAF, THE, or PLA single. The best accuracy rates during the CER and ICER (respectively; F=4.127, P < .001, ηp² = .396; F=3.899, P < .001, ηp² = .710) tasks were achieved with the combined CAF and THE intake, leading to a significant reduction in error rates compared to PLA. Based on these findings, it has been demonstrated in this study that the best shooting scores and cognitive performance were achieved, particularly with the combined intake of CAF and THE. Conclusions Based on these findings, it has been demonstrated in this study that the best shooting scores and cognitive performance were achieved, particularly with the combined intake of CAF and THE. The combined use of these supplements has been found to be more effective on shooting and cognitive performance than their single use.
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Caffeine is among the most commonly used and consumed stimulants worldwide. It is a naturally occurring stimulant mainly found in coffee and tea. It is also present in sweetened beverages, which are very popular among young people. Recently, the consumption of energy drinks has been increasing, which are other examples of drinks containing caffeine. Is caffeine beneficial or harmful to human health? Due to its antioxidative properties, it has become attractive for many scientific studies. Caffeine consumption can have both positive and negative effects on the human body; it affects the activity of the digestive and respiratory systems, the function of the urinary tract, and the function of the central nervous system. Caffeine is a psychostimulant. It increases brain activity and alertness, reducing the perception of fatigue. Many people consume beverages containing caffeine to experience these effects, which can help them stay awake and focused. However, high consumption may not be beneficial to health; it is also associated with increased headaches and insomnia. The effects of caffeine on the body depend on its dosage, the type of drink consumed, and individual variability. It is also essential to know its effect on the body during pregnancy. This review discusses the latest knowledge about caffeine’s positive and negative impacts on the human body, as nowadays, more and more people, especially younger people, reach for energy drinks.
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Scan this QR code to see the accompanying video, or visit Abstract Aim: Today, the consumption of caffeinated beverages such as coffee has increased among athletes. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the effect of consuming two different doses of coffee on fluid balance, electrolytes and VO2max in active men. Methods: In quasi-experimental studies, 54 trained men (Age: 20.89±1.31 y; Weight: 70.10±8.43 kg; Height: 174.7±5.65 cm; VO2max: 52.16±5.99 ml/kg/min) were randomly selected and divided into three equal groups (N=18). All subjects consumed equal amounts of 3 cups of coffee per day for 5 days (balancing stage), on the sixth and seventh day (test stage) subjects of three groups consumed 0, 3 and 8 cups of coffee per day (equivalent to 0, 258 and 688 mg caffeine per day, respectively). with no other dietary caffeine intake, for 7 days. Before and after the intervention, subjects 'body weight was measured, blood samples were taken to examine blood factors, and subjects' VO2max was assessed using the Fox protocol. The measuring of indices changes in subject's body fluids, electrolytes and VO2max in 3 levels of controlled coffee ingesting, were analyzed by multivariate test (MANOVA) and Tukey post hoc in (P≤0.05). Results: Percent plasma volume changes in ingestion level of 0 (cup / day) was increased significantly (P = 0.013), compared to ingestion level of 3 (cup / day). The mean body weight of subjects at the ingestion level of 0 (cup / day) showed a significant increase (P = 0.001), compared to the other two levels. Concentration of the serum sodium at the ingestion level of 3 (cup / day) showed a significant increase (P≤0.05), compared to the other two levels. There was no changes in the concentration of serum potassium between different levels of caffeine ingestion. Estimated VO2max in the two forms of absolute and relative at the ingestion level of 8 (cup / day), showed a significant decrease (P= 0.003) compared to the other two levels .Conclusions: Consumption of coffee in different doses reduces body fluids, increases serum sodium concentration and possibly increases sodium excretion and decreases VO2max in active people. Accordingly, considering the importance of maintaining body fluids on the performance of athletes, it seems that coaches and sports professionals have the necessary care in the amount or time of consumption of this drink. JAHSSP http://dx.
Coffee, which is one of the most consumed beverages in the world, is a functional product that is effective on metabolism with its nutraceutical components, antioxidants, and caffeine. Caffeine, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and ferulic acid, which are the components of coffee, have effects such as reducing the risk of depression, providing alertness, improving emotions, and mood. With its high caffeine content, coffee is also used as an appetite suppressant in treating obesity with its thermogenic feature. Caffeine is considered an ergogenic support source for athletes due to the biochemical mechanisms it creates in the body. This review explains coffee nutraceutical components and their effects on the metabolic effect of caffeine, energy regulation, and exercise performance.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı siklet sporlarında sıvı dengesinin performans üzerindeki etkilerini ve yetersiz ya da aşırı su tüketiminin sebep olabileceği sağlık problemlerini incelemektir. Kickboks, boks, güreş, gibi belirli kilogram aralığı referans alınarak düzenlenen spor branşlarında sporcuların müsabakaya çıkacakları vücut ağırlıklarını koruyabilmeleri, aynı zamanda performanslarını üst düzeyde sürdürebilmeleri hassas ve önemli bir olgu olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Siklet sporlarında kilo düşme uygulaması sık rastlanan bir durumdur. Bu durumlarda sporcularda yağ kütlesinin azaltılması ilk hedef olarak karşımıza çıkarken, tartı günü yaklaştığında hala kilo fazlası bulunan sporcuların ilk başvurduğu yöntem sıvı kaybı yolu ile kilo düşmektir. Sıvı kaybetmek için ise sporcular uzun süreli egzersiz, sıcak ortamlarda fiziksel aktivite, sauna, laksatif ilaç kullanımı gibi yöntemleri tercih etmektedirler. Fakat bu uygulamalar sonucunda vücutta ciddi düzeylerde dehidrasyon görülebilir. Bu dehidrasyon sonucunda sporcularda elektrolit ve mineral dengesizliklerinin oluşması kaçınılmazdır. Elektrolit ve mineral dengesinin bozulması sporcularda kas krampları veya agresif bir tutum sergileme gibi hem fizyolojik hem de psikolojik sıkıntılar doğurabilir. Bu spor branşlarında müsabakalar, resmi kontrol tartısının yapıldığı gün veya en geç resmi kontrol tartısından bir gün sonra başladığı için, sporcu kontrol tartısı sonrasında bol miktarda sıvı tüketse bile vücudun fizyolojik talepleri tam olarak karşılanmamış olabilir. Aynı zamanda tartı sonrasında sıvı ihtiyacını karşılamak için aşırı su tüketilmesi, sporcularda serum sodyum düzeyinin normal değerlerin altına düşmesinden dolayı hiponatremiye sebep olabilir. Dolayısıyla suyun hem yetersiz hem de aşırı tüketilmesi, sporcunun müsabaka performansını düşürebilir ve dahi ciddi sağlık problemlerine yol açabilir. Bu sebeplerden dolayı sporcular ve antrenörler tarafından hidrasyon, dehidrasyon ve hiponatremi kavramlarının iyi bilinmesi ve sıvı dengesinin korunmasına gereken hassasiyetin gösterilmesi gerekmektedir.
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Little is known about the optimal time to consume caffeine prior to exercise to maximize the ergogenic benefits of the substance. Purpose: To determine the optimal pre-exercise time interval to consume caffeine to improve lower-body muscular performance. A secondary aim was to identify the presence of any sex differences in responses to timed caffeine administration. Methods: Healthy, resistance-trained males (n = 18; Mean±SD; Age: 25.1 ± 5.7 years; Height: 178.4 ± 7.1 cm; Body mass: 91.3 ± 13.5 kg; Percent body fat: 20.7 ± 5.2; Average caffeine consumption: 146.6 ± 100.3 mg/day) and females (n = 11; Mean ± SD; Age: 20.1 ± 1.6 years; Height: 165.0 ± 8.8 cm; Body mass: 65.8 ± 10.0 kg; Percent bodyfat: 25.8 ± 4.2; Average caffeine consumption: 111.8 ± 91.7 mg/day) participated in this investigation. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover fashion, participants consumed 6 mg·kg⁻¹ caffeine or placebo solution at three time points: 2 h prior (2H), 1 h prior (1H), or 30 min prior (30M) to exercise testing. During three visits, caffeine was randomly administered at one time point, and placebo was administered at the other two time points. During one visit, placebo was administered at all three time points. Next, participants performed isometric mid-thigh pulls (IMTP), countermovement vertical jumps (CMVJ), and isometric/isokinetic knee extensor testing (ISO/ISOK). Results: Caffeine administered at 1H significantly improved absolute CMVJ and ISO performance relative to placebo. Mean CMVJ jump height was significantly higher during 1H compared to 30M. However, only caffeine administered at 30M significantly improved absolute measures of isokinetic performance. Analysis of the pooled caffeine conditions revealed that muscular performance was more consistently augmented by caffeine in males compared to females. Conclusions: Pre-exercise caffeine timing significantly modulated participant responses to the substance, with 1H exerting the most consistent ergogenic benefits relative to other time points, particularly compared to 2H. Male participants were found to respond more consistently to caffeine compared to female participants. These results suggest that active individuals can maximize the ergogenic effects of caffeine by consuming the substance ~1 h prior to the point when peak muscular performance is desired.
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The effects of 4 mg·kg‐1caffeine ingestion on strength and power were investigated for the first time, in resistance‐trained females during the early follicular phase utilizing a randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, crossover design. Fifteen females (29.8±4.0 years, 63.8±5.5 kg [mean±SD]) ingested caffeine or placebo 60 minutes before completing a test battery separated by 72 hours. One‐repetition maximum (1RM), repetitions to failure (RTF) at 60% of 1RM, were assessed in the squat and bench press. Maximal voluntary contraction torque (MVC) and rate of force development (RFD) were measured during isometric knee‐extensions, while utilizing interpolated twitch technique to measure voluntary muscle activation. Maximal power and jump height were assessed during countermovement jumps (CMJ). Caffeine metabolites were measured in plasma. Adverse effects were registered after each trial. Caffeine significantly improved squat (4.5±1.9%, effect size [ES]: 0.25) and bench press 1RM (3.3±1.4%, ES: 0.20), and squat (15.9±17.9%, ES: 0.31) and bench press RTF (9.8±13.6%, ES: 0.31), compared to placebo. MVC torque (4.6±7.3%, ES: 0.26), CMJ height (7.6±4.0%, ES: 0.50) and power (3.8±2.2%, ES: 0.24) were also significantly increased with caffeine. There were no differences in RFD or muscle activation. Plasma [caffeine] was significantly increased throughout the protocol and mild side‐effects of caffeine were experienced by only 3 participants. This study demonstrated that 4 mg·kg‐1 caffeine ingestion enhanced maximal strength, power and muscular endurance in resistance‐trained and caffeine‐habituated females during the early follicular phase, with few adverse effects. Female strength and power athletes may consider using this dose pre‐competition and ‐training as an effective ergogenic aid.
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Background and aims: Caffeine mouth rinsing has emerged as an alternative to oral caffeine consumption for improving performance without provoking lower gastrointestinal distress. However, it remains unclear if hydration status and sweat rate are negatively affected by caffeine mouth rinsing. This study is aimed at evaluating the effects of 10 seconds of caffeine mouth rinsing (1.2% anhydrous caffeine solution) on hydration status and sweat rate following a 10 km run trial. Methods: Ten recreationally trained runners (30.1 ± 6.4 y) volunteered to participate in this double-blind, placebo-controlled, and crossover research study. Participants completed two 10 km run trials separated by approximately one week. Immediately prior to running, participants completed a 10-second mouth rinse protocol with either 300 mg of caffeine or microcrystalline cellulose (placebo) diluted in 25 mL of water. The effects of caffeine mouth rinsing on hydration status and sweat rate were assessed following a 10 km run trial. Results: Sweat rate (placebo: 15.34 ± 9.71 vs. caffeine: 11.91 ± 6.98 mL · min-1; p = 0.39), dehydration (placebo: 1.20 ± 0.57 vs. caffeine: 1.49 ± 0.29%; p = 0.15), and hydration (placebo: 15.32 ± 9.71 vs. caffeine: 11.89 ± 6.99 mL · min-1; p = 0.37) measures were not significantly different between trials. Conclusion: Caffeine mouth rinse does not appear to alter the hydration status or sweat rate following a 10 km run.
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Background: The main goal of this study was to assess the acute effects of the intake of 9 and 11 mg/kg/ body mass (b.m.) of caffeine (CAF) on maximal strength and muscle endurance in athletes habituated to caffeine. Methods: The study included 16 healthy strength-trained male athletes (age = 24.2 ± 4.2 years, body mass = 79.5 ± 8.5 kg, body mass index (BMI) = 24.5 ± 1.9, bench press 1RM = 118.3 ± 14.5 kg). All participants were habitual caffeine consumers (4.9 ± 1.1 mg/kg/b.m., 411 ± 136 mg of caffeine per day). This study had a randomized, crossover, double-blind design, where each participant performed three experimental sessions after ingesting either a placebo (PLAC) or 9 mg/kg/b.m. (CAF-9) and 11 mg/kg/b.m. (CAF-11) of caffeine. In each experimental session, participants underwent a 1RM strength test and a muscle endurance test in the bench press exercise at 50% 1RM while power output and bar velocity were measured in each test. Results: A one-way repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant difference between PLAC, CAF-9, and CAF-11 groups in peak velocity (PV) (p = 0.04). Post-hoc tests showed a significant decrease for PV (p = 0.04) in the CAF-11 compared to the PLAC group. No other changes were found in the 1RM or muscle endurance tests with the ingestion of caffeine. Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate that high acute doses of CAF (9 and 11 mg/kg/b.m.) did not improve muscle strength nor muscle endurance in athletes habituated to this substance.
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The psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) measures one’s behavioral alertness. It is a visual test that involves measuring the speed at which a person reacts to visual stimuli over a fixed time frame (e.g., 5 min). The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of an energy drink on psychomotor vigilance as well as a simple measure of muscular endurance (i.e., push-ups). A total of 20 exercise-trained men (n = 11) and women (n = 9) (mean SD: age 32 7 years; height 169 10 cm; weight; 74.5 14.5 kg; percent body fat 20.3 6.2%; years of training 14 9; daily caffeine intake 463 510 mg) volunteered for this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. In a randomized counterbalanced order, they consumed either the energy drink (ED) (product: BANG®, Weston Florida) or a similar tasting placebo drink (PL). In the second visit after a 1-week washout period, they consumed the alternate drink. A full 30 minutes post-consumption, they performed the following tests in this order: a 5-minute psychomotor vigilance test, three sets of push-ups, followed once more by a 5-minute psychomotor vigilance test. Reaction time was recorded. For the psychomotor vigilance test, lapses, false starts and efficiency score are also assessed. There were no differences between groups for the number of push-ups that were performed or the number of false starts during the psychomotor vigilance test. However, the ED treatment resulted in a significantly lower (i.e., faster) psychomotor vigilance mean reaction time compared to the PL (p = 0.0220) (ED 473.8 42.0 milliseconds, PL 482.4 54.0 milliseconds). There was a trend for the ED to lower the number of lapses (i.e., reaction time > 500 milliseconds) (p = 0.0608). The acute consumption of a commercially available ED produced a significant improvement in psychomotor vigilance in exercise-trained men and women.
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Background: Caffeine is a widely used ergogenic aid with most research suggesting it confers the greatest effects during endurance activities. Despite the growing body of literature around the use of caffeine as an ergogenic aid, there are few recent meta-analyses that quantitatively assess the effect of caffeine on endurance exercise. Objectives: To summarise studies that have investigated the ergogenic effects of caffeine on endurance time-trial performance and to quantitatively analyse the results of these studies to gain a better understanding of the magnitude of the ergogenic effect of caffeine on endurance time-trial performance. Methods: A systematic review was carried out on randomised placebo-controlled studies investigating the effects of caffeine on endurance performance and a meta-analysis was conducted to determine the ergogenic effect of caffeine on endurance time-trial performance. Results: Forty-six studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. Caffeine has a small but evident effect on endurance performance when taken in moderate doses (3-6 mg/kg) as well as an overall improvement following caffeine compared to placebo in mean power output (3.03 ± 3.07%; effect size = 0.23 ± 0.15) and time-trial completion time (2.22 ± 2.59%; effect size = 0.41 ± 0.2). However, differences in responses to caffeine ingestion have been shown, with two studies reporting slower time-trial performance, while five studies reported lower mean power output during the time-trial. Conclusion: Caffeine can be used effectively as an ergogenic aid when taken in moderate doses, such as during sports when a small increase in endurance performance can lead to significant differences in placements as athletes are often separated by small margins.
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In the present review we discuss the potential involvement of adenosinergic signaling, in particular the role of adenosine receptors, in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Though the literature on this topic is not abundant, the information so far available on adenosine receptors in animal models of ALS highlights the interest to continue to explore the role of these receptors in this neurodegenerative disease. Indeed, all motor neurons affected in ALS are responsive to adenosine receptor ligands but interestingly, there are alterations in pre-symptomatic or early symptomatic stages that mirror those in advanced disease stages. Information starts to emerge pointing toward a beneficial role of A2A receptors (A2AR), most probably at early disease states, and a detrimental role of caffeine, in clear contrast with what occurs in other neurodegenerative diseases. However, some evidence also exists on a beneficial action of A2AR antagonists. It may happen that there are time windows where A2AR prove beneficial and others where their blockade is required. Furthermore, the same changes may not occur simultaneously at the different synapses. In line with this, it is not fully understood if ALS is a dying back disease or if it propagates in a centrifugal way. It thus seems crucial to understand how motor neuron dysfunction occurs, how adenosine receptors are involved in those dysfunctions and whether the early changes in purinergic signaling are compensatory or triggers for the disease. Getting this information is crucial before starting the design of purinergic based strategies to halt or delay disease progression.
The current study aimed to examine the effects of caffeine consumption on physical and cognitive performance after an endurance race following one night of sleep deprivation. Ten recreational runners performed four test sessions in a randomized order at 09:00 h after placebo or 5 mg/kg of caffeine ingestion during a baseline night (BN) (bedtime: from 22:30 h to 07:00 h) or a night of total sleep deprivation (TSD) (26 hours of continuous wakefulness). At each session, they completed an 8-km running competition around a 400 m outdoor athletics track, and they performed the correct detection and the reaction-time tasks. In comparison with BN, performance-time and reaction-time increased, and correct detections decreased after TSD condition. Compared to placebo, caffeine ingestion improved 8-km performance-time by 48 sec (2.8%) after BN and 108 sec (4.9%) after TSD, increased correct detections after BN (p < 0.01) and TSD (p < 0.05), and decreased reaction-time after BN (p < 0.001) and TSD (p < 0.05). Therefore, caffeine is an effective strategy to mitigate the adverse effects of total sleep deprivation on physical and cognitive performance.
Objectives: Caffeine has well-documented benefits on endurance athletic performance. Because of caffeine's ergogenic effects of reducing perceived fatigue, it is hypothesized that as duration of athletic event increases, so will the effect size of caffeine upon performance. This study aims to examine the relationship between duration of endurance athletic event and the effect size of caffeine compared to placebo for athletic performance. Design: A systematic review and meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials assessing the effects of caffeine in adults performing endurance athletic events. Methods: We searched MedLine, Web of Science, and review article references published through March 2016. We performed meta-analyses on placebo-controlled trials to determine the effect of the duration of an endurance athletic event on the standardized mean difference (Cohen's d) between the caffeine and placebo groups for athletic performance. Results: Forty articles including 56 unique comparison groups were included. Pooled results showed a Cohen's d of 0.33 (95% CI=0.21, 0.45; p=1.00; I2=0%). The effect of the duration of athletic event was significantly associated with Cohen's d (Relative Risk: 0.005; 95% CI=0.001, 0.009; p=0.024). For a 30min increase in duration of the athletic event, Cohen's d will increase by 0.150. Conclusions: This study is the first to report on the statistical finding that the effect size of caffeine increases along with the increasing duration of the time trial event. Endurance athletes may especially benefit from caffeine for performance enhancement.