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Machine learning–accelerated computational fluid dynamics


Abstract and Figures

Significance Accurate simulation of fluids is important for many science and engineering problems but is very computationally demanding. In contrast, machine-learning models can approximate physics very quickly but at the cost of accuracy. Here we show that using machine learning inside traditional fluid simulations can improve both accuracy and speed, even on examples very different from the training data. Our approach opens the door to applying machine learning to large-scale physical modeling tasks like airplane design and climate prediction.
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Machine learning–accelerated computational
fluid dynamics
Dmitrii Kochkova,1,2, Jamie A. Smitha,1,2 , Ayya Alievaa, Qing Wanga, Michael P. Brennera,b,2 , and Stephan Hoyera,2
aGoogle Research, Mountain View, CA 94043; and bSchool of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Edited by Andrea L. Bertozzi, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, and approved March 25, 2021 (received for review January 29, 2021)
Numerical simulation of fluids plays an essential role in modeling
many physical phenomena, such as weather, climate, aerodynam-
ics, and plasma physics. Fluids are well described by the Navier–
Stokes equations, but solving these equations at scale remains
daunting, limited by the computational cost of resolving the
smallest spatiotemporal features. This leads to unfavorable trade-
offs between accuracy and tractability. Here we use end-to-end
deep learning to improve approximations inside computational
fluid dynamics for modeling two-dimensional turbulent flows. For
both direct numerical simulation of turbulence and large-eddy
simulation, our results are as accurate as baseline solvers with
8 to 10×finer resolution in each spatial dimension, resulting in
40- to 80-fold computational speedups. Our method remains sta-
ble during long simulations and generalizes to forcing functions
and Reynolds numbers outside of the flows where it is trained, in
contrast to black-box machine-learning approaches. Our approach
exemplifies how scientific computing can leverage machine learn-
ing and hardware accelerators to improve simulations without
sacrificing accuracy or generalization.
machine learning |turbulence |computational physics |nonlinear partial
differential equations
Simulation of complex physical systems described by non-
linear partial differential equations (PDEs) is central to
engineering and physical science, with applications ranging from
weather (1, 2) and climate (3, 4) and engineering design of
vehicles or engines (5) to wildfires (6) and plasma physics (7).
Despite a direct link between the equations of motion and
the basic laws of physics, it is impossible to carry out direct
numerical simulations at the scale required for these important
problems. This fundamental issue has stymied progress in sci-
entific computation for decades and arises from the fact that
an accurate simulation must resolve the smallest spatiotemporal
A paradigmatic example is turbulent fluid flow (8), underly-
ing simulations of weather, climate, and aerodynamics. The size
of the smallest eddy is tiny: For an airplane with chord length
of 2 m, the smallest length scale (the Kolomogorov scale) (9) is
O(106)m. Classical methods for computational fluid dynamics
(CFD), such as finite differences, finite volumes, finite elements,
and pseudo-spectral methods, are only accurate if fields vary
smoothly on the mesh, and hence meshes must resolve the small-
est features to guarantee convergence. For a turbulent fluid flow,
the requirement to resolve the smallest flow features implies
a computational cost scaling like Re3, where Re =UL, with
Uand Lthe typical velocity and length scales and νthe kine-
matic viscosity. A 10-fold increase in Re leads to a thousandfold
increase in the computational cost. Consequently, direct numeri-
cal simulation (DNS) for, e.g., climate and weather, is impossible.
Instead, it is traditional to use smoothed versions of the Navier–
Stokes equations (10, 11) that allow coarser grids while sacrific-
ing accuracy, such as Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (12, 13)
and large-eddy simulation (LES) (14, 15). For example, current
state-of-the-art LES with mesh sizes of O(10) to O(100) million
has been used in the design of internal combustion engines (16),
gas turbine engines (17, 18), and turbomachinery (19). Despite
promising progress in LES over the last two decades, there are
severe limits to what can be accurately simulated. This is mainly
due to the first-order dependence of LES on the subgrid-scale
(SGS) model, especially for flows whose rate controlling scale is
unresolved (20).
Here, we introduce a method for calculating the accurate
time evolution of solutions to nonlinear PDEs, while using an
order-of-magnitude coarser grid than is traditionally required
for the same accuracy. This is a type of numerical solver that
does not average unresolved degrees of freedom but instead
uses discrete equations that give pointwise accurate solutions
on an unresolved grid. We discover these algorithms using
machine learning (ML), by replacing the components of tra-
ditional solvers most affected by the loss of resolution with
learned alternatives. As shown in Fig. 1A, for a two-dimensional
DNS of a turbulent flow our algorithm maintains accuracy while
using 10×coarser resolution in each dimension, resulting in a
80-fold improvement in computational time with respect to
an advanced numerical method of similar accuracy. The model
learns how to interpolate local features of solutions and hence
can accurately generalize to different flow conditions such as dif-
ferent forcings and even different Reynolds numbers (Fig. 1B).
We also apply the method to a high-resolution LES simulation
of a turbulent flow and show similar performance enhance-
ments, maintaining pointwise accuracy on Re = 100, 000 LES
simulations using 8×coarser grids with 40-fold computational
There has been a flurry of recent work using ML to improve
turbulence modeling. One major family of approaches uses ML
Accurate simulation of fluids is important for many sci-
ence and engineering problems but is very computationally
demanding. In contrast, machine-learning models can approx-
imate physics very quickly but at the cost of accuracy. Here
we show that using machine learning inside traditional fluid
simulations can improve both accuracy and speed, even on
examples very different from the training data. Our approach
opens the door to applying machine learning to large-scale
physical modeling tasks like airplane design and climate
Author contributions: D.K., J.A.S., M.P.B., and S.H. designed research; D.K., J.A.S., A.A.,
Q.W., M.P.B., and S.H. performed research; D.K., J.A.S., A.A., Q.W., M.P.B., and S.H.
analyzed data; and D.K., J.A.S., M.P.B., and S.H. wrote the paper.y
Competing interest statement: The authors are employees of Google, which sells hard-
ware and software for machine learning. A patent filing has been submitted based on
this work.y
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.y
This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND).y
1D.K. and J.A.S. contributed equally to this work.y
2To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email:, jamieas@,, or y
This article contains supporting information online at
Published May 18, 2021.
PNAS 2021 Vol. 118 No. 21 e2101784118 |1 of 8
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Training dataset
Forced turbulence More turbulentDecayingLarger domain
Generalization tests
Time until correlation < 0.95
Runtime per time unit (s)
× 512
Direct simulation
Learned interpolation
86x speedup
× 1024
× 2048
× 4096
× 8192
× 1024
× 512
× 256
Convective flux
External forcing
Explicit timestep
Pressure projection
neural network
New velocity
Old velocity
Fig. 1. Overview of our approach and results. (A) Accuracy versus computational cost with our baseline (direct simulation) and ML-accelerated [learned
interpolation (LI)] solvers. The xaxis corresponds to pointwise accuracy, showing how long the simulation is highly correlated with the ground truth,
whereas the yaxis shows the computational time needed to carry out one simulation time unit on a single Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) core. Each
point is annotated by the size of the corresponding spatial grid; for details see SI Appendix. (B) Illustrative training and validation examples, showing
the strong generalization capabilities of our model. (C) Structure of a single time step for our LI model, with a convolutional neural net controlling
learned approximations inside the convection calculation of a standard numerical solver. ψand urefer to advected and advecting velocity components.
For dspatial dimensions there are d2replicates of the convective flux module, corresponding to the flux of each velocity component in each spatial
to fit closures to classical turbulence models based on agreement
with high-resolution DNSs (21–24). While potentially more accu-
rate than traditional turbulence models, these new models have
not achieved reduced computational expense. Another major
thrust uses “pure” ML, aiming to replace the entire Navier–
Stokes simulation with approximations based on deep neural
networks (25–30). A pure ML approach can be extremely effi-
cient, avoiding the severe time-step constraints required for
stability with traditional approaches. Because these models do
not include the underlying physics, they often cannot enforce
hard constraints, such as conservation of momentum and incom-
pressibility. While these models often perform well on data from
the training distribution, they often struggle with generalization.
For example, they perform worse when exposed to novel forcing
terms. We believe “hybrid” approaches that combine the best of
ML and traditional numerical methods are more promising. For
example, ML can replace (31) or accelerate (32) iterative solves
used inside some simulation methods without reducing accuracy.
Here we focus on hybrid models that use ML to correct errors in
cheap, underresolved simulations (33–35). These models borrow
strength from the coarse-grained simulations and are potentially
much faster than pure numerical simulations due to the reduced
grid size.
In this work we design algorithms that accurately solve the
equations on coarser grids by replacing the components most
affected by the resolution loss with better-performing learned
alternatives. We use data-driven discretizations (36, 37) to inter-
polate differential operators onto a coarse mesh with high
accuracy (Fig. 1C). We train the model inside a standard numer-
ical method for solving the underlying PDEs as a differentiable
program, with the neural networks and the numerical method
written in a framework [JAX (38)] supporting reverse-mode
automatic differentiation. This allows for end-to-end gradient-
based optimization of the entire algorithm, similar to prior work
on density functional theory (39), molecular dynamics (40), and
fluids (33, 34). The methods we derive are equation-specific
and require high-resolution ground-truth simulations for training
data. Since the dynamics of a PDE are local, the high-resolution
simulations can be carried out on a small domain. The models
remain stable during long simulations and have robust and pre-
dictable generalization properties, with models trained on small
domains producing accurate simulations on larger domains, with
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different forcing functions and even with different Reynolds
number. Comparison to pure ML baselines shows that gener-
alization arises from the physical constraints inherent in the
formulation of the method.
Navier–Stokes. Incompressible fluids are modeled by the Navier–
Stokes equations:
t=−∇·(uu) + 1
Re 2u1
ρp+f [1a]
·u= 0, [1b]
where uis the velocity field, fthe external forcing, and denotes
a tensor product. The density ρis a constant, and the pressure p
is a Lagrange multiplier used to enforce Eq. 1b. The Reynolds
number Re dictates the balance between the convection (first)
and diffusion (second) terms on the right hand side of Eq. 1a.
Higher Reynolds number flows dominated by convection are
more complex and thus generally harder to model; flows are
considered “turbulent” if Re 1.
DNS solves Eq. 1directly, whereas LES solves a spatially fil-
tered version. In the equations of LES, uis replaced by a filtered
velocity uand a subgrid term −∇·τarising from convection is
added to the right side of Eq. 1a, with the subgrid stress defined
as τ=uuuu. Because uuis unmodeled, solving LES
also requires a choice of closure model for τas a function of
u. Numerical simulation of both DNS and LES further requires
a discretization step to approximate the continuous equations
on a grid. Traditional discretization methods (e.g., finite differ-
ences) converge to an exact solution as the grid spacing becomes
small, with LES converging faster because it models a smoother
quantity. Together, discretization and closure models are the two
principal sources of error when simulating fluids on coarse grids
(33, 41).
Learned Solvers. Our principal aim is to accelerate DNS without
compromising accuracy or generalization. To that end, we con-
sider ML modeling approaches that enhance a standard CFD
solver when run on inexpensive-to-simulate coarse grids. We
expect that ML models can improve the accuracy of the numeri-
cal solver via effective superresolution of missing details. Unlike
traditional numerical methods, our learned solvers are optimized
to fit the observed manifold of solutions to the equations they
solve, rather than arbitrary polynomials. Empirically, this can
significantly improve accuracy over high-order numerical meth-
ods (36), although we currently lack a theoretical explanation.
Because we want to train neural networks for approximation
inside our solver, we wrote a new CFD code in JAX (38), which
allows us to efficiently calculate gradients via automatic differ-
entiation. Our base CFD code is a standard implementation of
a finite volume method on a regular staggered mesh, with first-
order explicit time stepping for convection, diffusion, and forcing
and implicit treatment of pressure; for details see SI Appendix.
The algorithm works as follows. In each time step, the neural
network generates a latent vector at each grid location based on
the current velocity field, which is then used by the subcompo-
nents of the solver to account for local solution structure. Our
neural networks are convolutional, which enforces translation
invariance and allows them to be local in space. We then use
components from standard numerical methods to enforce induc-
tive biases corresponding to the physics of the Navier–Stokes
equations, as illustrated by the light gray boxes in Fig. 1C; the
convective flux model improves the approximation of the dis-
cretized convection operator, the divergence operator enforces
local conservation of momentum according to a finite volume
method, and the pressure projection enforces incompressibility
and the explicit time-step operator forces the dynamics to be
continuous in time, allowing for the incorporation of additional
time-varying forces. “DNS on a coarse grid” blurs the boundaries
of traditional DNS and LES modeling and thus invites a variety
of data-driven approaches. In this work we focus on two types of
ML components: learned interpolation and learned correction.
Both center on convection, the key term in Eq. 1for turbulent
Learned Interpolation. In a finite volume method, udenotes a vec-
tor field of volume averages over unit cells, and the cell-averaged
divergence can be calculated via Gauss’ theorem by summing the
surface flux over each face. This suggests that our only required
approximation is calculating the convective flux uuon each
face, which requires interpolating ufrom where it is defined.
Rather than using typical polynomial interpolation, which is suit-
able for interpolation without prior knowledge, here we use an
approach that we call learned interpolation based on data-driven
discretizations (36). We use the outputs of the neural network to
generate interpolation coefficients based on local features of the
flow, similar to the fixed coefficients of polynomial interpolation.
This allows us to incorporate two important priors: 1) The equa-
tion maintains the same symmetries and scaling properties (e.g.,
rescaling coordinates xλx) as the original equations and 2) the
interpolation is always at least first-order accurate with respect to
the grid spacing, by constraining the filters to sum to unity. It is
also possible to visualize interpolation weights to interpret pre-
dictions from our model; see SI Appendix, Fig. S2 and our prior
work (36, 37) for examples.
Learned Correction. An alternative approach, closer in spirit to
LES modeling, is to simply model a residual correction to the
discretized Navier–Stokes equations (Eq. 1) on a coarse grid (33,
34). Such an approach generalizes traditional closure models for
LES but in principle can also account for discretization error.
We consider learned correction models of the form ut=u
LC(u), where LC (learned correction) is a neural network and
uis the uncorrected velocity field from the numerical solver on
a coarse grid. Modeling the residual is appropriate both from the
perspective of a temporally discretized closure model and prag-
matically because the relative error between uand u
tin a single
time step is small. Learned correction models have fewer induc-
tive biases and are less interpretable than learned interpolation
models, but they are simpler to implement and potentially more
flexible. We also explored learned correction models restricted
to take the form of classical closure models (e.g., flow-dependent
effective tensor viscosity models), but the restrictions hurt model
performance and stability.
Training. The training procedure tunes the ML components of
the solver to minimize the discrepancy between an expensive
high-resolution simulation and a simulation produced by the
model on a coarse grid. We accomplish this via supervised train-
ing where we use a cumulative pointwise error between the
predicted and ground truth velocities as the loss function:
L(x,y) =
MSE(uexact(ti), upred (ti)), [2]
where MSE denotes the mean-squared error. The ground truth
trajectories are obtained by using a high-resolution simula-
tion that is then coarsened to the simulation grid. Including
the numerical solver in the training loss ensures fully “model-
consistent” training where the model sees its own outputs as
inputs (23, 34, 41), unlike typical “a priori” training where
simulation is only performed offline. As an example, for the Kol-
mogorov flow simulations below with Reynolds number 1,000,
Kochkov et al.
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Fig. 2. Learned interpolation (LI) achieves accuracy of direct simulation at 10×higher resolution. (A) Evolution of predicted vorticity fields for reference
(DS 2,048 ×2,048), learned (LI 64 ×64), and baseline (DS 64 ×64) solvers, starting from the same initial velocities. The yellow box traces the evolution of
a single vortex. (B) Comparison of the vorticity correlation between predicted flows and the reference solution for our model and DNS solvers. (C) Energy
spectrum scaled by k5averaged between time steps 10,000 and 20,000, when all solutions have decorrelated with the reference solution.
our ground-truth simulation had a resolution of 2,048 cells along
each spatial dimension. We coarsen these ground-truth trajec-
tories along each dimension and time by a factor of 32. For
training we use 32 trajectories of 4,800 sequential time steps
each, starting from different random initial conditions. To eval-
uate the model, we generate much longer trajectories (tens of
thousands of time steps) to verify that models remain stable and
produce plausible outputs. Unrolling over multiple time steps
in training improves inference performance over long trajecto-
ries (both accuracy and stability) but makes training less stable
(34); as a compromise, we unroll for T= 32 steps. To avoid the
prohibitive memory requirements of saving neural network acti-
vations inside each unrolled time step in the forward pass we use
gradient checkpointing at the start of each time step (42).
We take a utilitarian perspective on model evaluation: Sim-
ulation methods are good insofar as they demonstrate accu-
racy, computational efficiency, and generalization. DNS excels
at accuracy and generalization but is not efficient. Useful ML
methods for fluids should be faster than standard baselines (e.g.,
DNS) with the same accuracy. Although trained on specific
flows, they must readily generalize to new simulation settings,
such as different domains, forcings, and Reynolds numbers. In
what follows, we first compare the accuracy and generalization
of our method to both DNS and several existing ML-based
approaches for simulations of two-dimensional turbulence flow.
In particular, we first consider Kolmogorov flow (43), a paramet-
ric family of forced two-dimensional turbulent flows obeying the
Navier–Stokes equation (Eq. 1), with periodic boundary condi-
tions and forcing f= sin(4y)ˆ
x0.1u, where the second term is
a velocity-dependent drag preventing accumulation of energy at
large scales (44). Kolmogorov flow produces a statistically sta-
tionary turbulent flow, with flow complexity controlled by a single
parameter, the Reynolds number Re.
Accelerating DNS. The accuracy of a DNS quickly degrades once
the grid resolution cannot capture the smallest details of the solu-
tion. In contrast, our ML-based approach strongly mitigates this
effect. Fig. 2 shows the results of training and evaluating our
model on Kolmogorov flows at Reynolds number Re = 1,000. All
datasets were generated using high-resolution DNS, followed by
a coarsening step.
Accuracy. The scalar vorticity field ω=xuyyuxis a con-
venient way to describe two-dimensional incompressible flows
(44). Accuracy can be quantified by correlating vorticity fields,
C(ω, ˆω)between the ground-truth solution ωand the pre-
dicted state ˆω. Fig. 2 compares the learned interpolation model
(64 ×64) to fully resolved DNS of Kolmogorov flow (2,048 ×
2,048) using an initial condition that was not included in
the training set. Strikingly, the learned discretization model
matches the pointwise accuracy of DNS with a 10×finer
grid. The eventual loss of correlation with the reference solu-
tion is expected due to the chaotic nature of turbulent flows;
this is marked by a vertical gray line in Fig. 2B, indicat-
ing the first three Lyapunov times. Fig. 2Ashows the time
evolution of the vorticity field for three different models:
the learned interpolation matches the ground truth (2,048 ×
2,048) more accurately than the 512 ×512 baseline, whereas
it greatly outperforms a baseline solver at the same resolution
as the model (64 ×64).
The learned interpolation model also produces an energy
spectrum E(k) = 1
2|u(k)|2similar to DNS. With decreasing res-
olution, DNS cannot capture high-frequency features, resulting
in an energy spectrum that “tails off” for higher values of k. Fig.
2Ccompares the energy spectrum for learned interpolation and
direct simulation at different resolutions after 104time steps.
The learned interpolation model accurately captures the energy
distribution across the spectrum.
Computational efficiency. The ability to match DNS with a
10×coarser grid makes the learned interpolation solver much
faster. We benchmark our solver on a single core of Google’s
Cloud TPU v4, a hardware accelerator designed for accelerating
ML models that is also suitable for many scientific computing use
cases (45–47). The TPU is designed for high-throughput vector-
ized operations, with extremely high throughput matrix–matrix
multiplication in low precision (bfloat16). On sufficiently large
grid sizes (256 ×256 and larger), our neural net makes good use
of matrix-multiplication unit, achieving 12.5×higher through-
put in floating-point operations per second than our baseline
CFD solver. Thus, despite using 150×more arithmetic opera-
tions, the ML solver is only about 12×slower than the traditional
solver at the same resolution. The 10×gain in effective res-
olution in three dimensions (two space dimensions and time,
due to the Courant condition) thus corresponds to a speedup
of 103/12 80.
*In our case the Pearson correlation reduces to a cosine distance because the flows
considered here have mean velocity of 0.
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Fig. 3. Learned interpolation (LI) generalizes well to decaying turbulence. (A) Evolution of predicted vorticity fields as a function of time. (B) Vorticity
correlation between predicted flows and the reference solution. (C) Energy spectrum scaled by k5averaged between time steps 2,000 and 2,500, when all
solutions have decorrelated with the reference solution.
Generalization. In order to be useful, a learned model must accu-
rately simulate flows outside of the training distribution. We
expect our models to generalize well because they learn local
operators: Interpolated values and corrections at a given point
depend only on the flow within a small neighborhood around
it. As a result, these operators can be applied to any flow that
features similar local structures to those seen during training.
We consider three different types of generalization tests: 1)
larger domain size, 2) unforced decaying turbulent flow, and 3)
Kolmogorov flow at a larger Reynolds number.
First, we test generalization to larger domain sizes with the
same forcing. Our ML models have essentially the exact same
performance as on the training domain, because they only rely
upon local features of the flows (SI Appendix, Fig. S5 and see
Fig. 5).
Second, we apply our model trained on Kolmogorov flow to
decaying turbulence, by starting with a random initial condition
with high wavenumber components and letting the turbulence
evolve in time without forcing. Over time, the small scales coa-
lesce to form large-scale structures, so that both the scale of
the eddies and the Reynolds number vary. Fig. 3 shows that a
learned discretization model trained on Kolmogorov flows with
Re = 1,000 can match the accuracy of DNS running at 8×
finer resolution. The standard numerical method at the same
resolution as the learned discretization model is corrupted by
numerical diffusion, degrading the energy spectrum as well as
pointwise accuracy. The learned model slightly overestimates the
energy at the smallest spatial scales, an indication of overfitting
to the statistics of forced turbulence from the training dataset.
Our final generalization test is harder: Can the models gen-
eralize to higher Reynolds number where the flows are more
complex? The universality of the turbulent cascade (1, 48, 49)
implies that at the size of the smallest eddies (the Kolmogorov
length scale), flows “look the same” regardless of Reynolds num-
ber when suitably rescaled. This suggests that we can apply the
model trained at one Reynolds number to a flow at another
Reynolds number by simply rescaling the model to match the
new smallest length scale. To test this we construct a new
validation dataset for Kolmogorov flow with Re = 4,000. The
theory of two-dimensional turbulence (50) implies that the small-
est eddy size decreases as 1/Re, implying that the smallest
eddies in this flow are half the size of those for original flow
with Re = 1,000. We therefore can use a trained Re = 1,000
model at Re = 4,000 by simply halving the grid spacing. Fig.
4Ashows that with this scaling our model achieves the accu-
racy of DNS running at 6×finer resolution. This degree of
Fig. 4. LIs can be scaled to simulate higher Reynolds numbers without retraining. (A) Evolution of predicted vorticity fields as a function of time for
Kolmogorov flow at Re =4,000. (B) Vorticity correlation between predicted flows and the reference solution. (C) Energy spectrum scaled by k5averaged
between time steps 6,000 and 12,000, when all solutions have decorrelated with the reference solution.
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generalization is remarkable, given that we are now testing the
model with a flow of substantially greater complexity. Fig. 4B
visualizes the vorticity, showing that higher complexity is cap-
tured correctly, as is further verified by the energy spectrum
shown in Fig. 4C.
Comparison to Other ML Models. Finally, we compare the per-
formance of learned interpolation to alternative ML-based
methods. We consider three popular ML methods: ResNet
(51), encoder–processor–decoder (52, 53) architectures, and the
learned correction model introduced earlier. These models all
perform explicit time stepping without any additional latent state
beyond the velocity field, which allows them to be evaluated with
arbitrary forcings and boundary conditions and to use the time
step based on the Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition. By con-
struction, these models are invariant to translation in space and
time and have similar runtime for inference (varying within a fac-
tor of 2). To evaluate training consistency, each model is trained
nine times with different random initializations on the same
Kolmogorov Re = 1,000 dataset described previously. Hyperpa-
rameters for each model were chosen as detailed in SI Appendix,
and the models are evaluated on the same generalization tasks.
We compare their performance using several metrics: time until
vorticity correlation falls below 0.95 to measure pointwise accu-
racy for the flow over short time windows, the absolute error of
the energy spectrum scaled by k5to measure statistical accu-
racy for the flow over long time windows, and the fraction of
simulated velocity values that does not exceed the range of the
training data to measure stability.
Fig. 5 compares results across all considered configura-
tions. Overall, we find that learned interpolation performs
best, although learned correction is not far behind. We were
impressed by the performance of the learned correction model,
despite its weaker inductive biases. The difference in effective
Fig. 5. Learned discretizations outperform a wide range of baseline methods in terms of accuracy, stability, and generalization. Each row within a subplot
shows performance metrics for nine model replicates with the same architecture but different randomly initialized weights. The models are trained on
forced turbulence, with larger domain, decaying, and more turbulent flows as generalization tests. Vertical lines indicate performance of nonlearned
baseline models at different resolutions (all baseline models are perfectly stable). The pointwise accuracy test measures error at the start of time integration,
whereas the statistical accuracy and stability tests are both performed on simulations at much later time. For all cases except for the decaying turbulence
we used time 40 after about 5,600 time integration steps (twice the number of steps for more turbulent flow). For the decaying turbulence generalization
test we measured statistical accuracy at time 14 after 2,000 time integration steps and stability at time 40. The points indicated by a left-pointing triangle in
the statistical accuracy tests are clipped at a maximum error.
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Fig. 6. Learned discretizations achieve accuracy of LES simulation running on 8×finer resolution. (A) Evolution of predicted vorticity fields as a function
of time. (B) Vorticity correlation between predicted flows and the reference solution. (C) Energy spectrum scaled by k5averaged between time steps 3,800
and 4,800, when all solutions have decorrelated with the reference solution.
resolution for pointwise accuracy (8×vs 10×upscaling) corre-
sponds to about a factor of 2 in run time. There are a few isolated
exceptions where pure black-box methods outperform the oth-
ers, but not consistently. A particular strength of the learned
interpolation and correction models is their consistent perfor-
mance and generalization to other flows, as seen from the narrow
spread of model performance for different random initialization
and their consistent dominance over other models in the gen-
eralization tests. Note that even a modest 4×effective coarse
graining in resolution still corresponds to a 5×computational
speed-up. In contrast, the black box ML methods exhibit high
sensitivity to random initialization and do not generalize well,
with much less consistent statistical accuracy and stability.
Accelerating LES. Finally, up until now we have illustrated our
method for DNS of the Navier–Stokes equations. Our approach
is quite general and could be applied to any nonlinear PDE. To
demonstrate this, we apply the method to accelerate LES, the
industry standard method for large-scale simulations where DNS
is not feasible.
Here we treat the LES at high resolution as the ground-truth
simulation and train an interpolation model on a coarser grid for
Kolmogorov flows with Reynolds number Re = 105according to
the Smagorinsky–Lilly SGS model (8). Our training procedure
follows the exact same approach we used for modeling DNS.
Note in particular that we do not attempt to model the parame-
terized viscosity in the learned LES model but rather let learned
interpolation model this implicitly. Fig. 6 shows that learned
interpolation for LES still achieves an effective 8×upscaling,
corresponding to roughly 40×speed-up.
In this work we present a data-driven numerical method that
achieves the same accuracy as traditional finite difference/finite
volume methods but with much coarser resolution. The method
learns accurate local operators for convective fluxes and resid-
ual terms and matches the accuracy of an advanced numerical
solver running at 8 to 10×finer resolution, while performing
the computation 40 to 80×faster. The method uses ML to
interpolate better at a coarse scale, within the framework of
the traditional numerical discretizations. As such, the method
inherently contains the scaling and symmetry properties of the
original governing Navier–Stokes equations. For that reason, the
methods generalize much better than pure black-box machine-
learned methods, not only to different forcing functions but also
to different parameter regimes (Reynolds numbers).
What outlook do our results suggest for speeding up three-
dimensional turbulence? In general, the runtime Tfor efficient
ML augmented simulation of time-dependent PDEs should scale
T(CML +Cphysics)N
where CML is the cost of ML inference per grid point, Cphysics is
the cost of baseline numerical method, Nis the number of grid
points along each dimension of the resolved grid, dis the number
of spatial dimensions, and Kis the effective coarse graining fac-
tor. Currently, CML/Cphysics 12, but we expect that much more
efficient ML models are possible, e.g. by sharing work between
time steps with recurrent neural nets with physical motivated
architectures (54, 55). We expect the 10×decrease in effective
resolution discovered here to generalize to three-dimensional
and more complex problems. This suggests that speed-ups in
the range of 103to 104may be possible for three-dimensional
simulations. Further speed-ups, as required to capture the full
range of turbulent flows, will require either more efficient repre-
sentations (e.g., based on solution manifolds rather than a grid)
or being satisfied with statistical rather than pointwise accuracy
(e.g., as done in LES modeling).
In summary, our approach expands the Pareto frontier of
efficient simulation in CFD, as illustrated in Fig. 1A. With ML-
accelerated CFD, users may either solve expensive simulations
much faster or increase accuracy without additional costs. To put
these results in context, if applied to numerical weather predic-
tion, increasing the duration of accurate predictions from 4 to 7
time units would correspond to approximately 30 y of progress
(56). These improvements are possible due to the combined
effect of two technologies still undergoing rapid improvements:
modern deep learning models, which allow for accurate simu-
lation with much more compact representations, and modern
accelerator hardware, which allows for evaluating said models
with a remarkably small increase in computational cost. We
expect both trends to continue for the foreseeable future and to
eventually impact all areas of computationally limited science.
Data Availability. Source code for our models, including learned com-
ponents, and training and evaluation datasets are available at GitHub
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank John Platt and Rif A. Saurous for encour-
aging and supporting this work and for important conversations and
Yohai bar Sinai, Anton Geraschenko, Yi-fan Chen, and Jiawei Zhuang for
important conversations.
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Machine learning–accelerated computational fluid dynamics
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... In this case, we generate the training data using typical configurations suggested in most two-dimensional turbulence simulations that use random Gaussian fields constrained to a specific energy spectrum as initial conditions 68,77 . After attaining statistical steady state, we collect the training data. ...
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Reconstructing spatiotemporal dynamics with sparse sensor measurement is a challenging task that is encountered in a wide spectrum of scientific and engineering applications. The problem is particularly challenging when the number or types of sensors (for example, randomly placed) are extremely sparse. Existing end-to-end learning models ordinarily do not generalize well to unseen full-field reconstruction of spatiotemporal dynamics, especially in sparse data regimes typically seen in real-world applications. To address this challenge, here we propose a sparse-sensor-assisted score-based generative model (S³GM) to reconstruct and predict full-field spatiotemporal dynamics on the basis of sparse measurements. Instead of learning directly the mapping between input and output pairs, an unconditioned generative model is first pretrained, capturing the joint distribution of a vast group of pretraining data in a self-supervised manner, followed by a sampling process conditioned on unseen sparse measurement. The efficacy of S³GM has been verified on multiple dynamical systems with various synthetic, real-world and laboratory-test datasets (ranging from turbulent flow modelling to weather/climate forecasting). The results demonstrate the sound performance of S³GM in zero-shot reconstruction and prediction of spatiotemporal dynamics even with high levels of data sparsity and noise. We find that S³GM exhibits high accuracy, generalizability and robustness when handling different reconstruction tasks.
... Over the last decade, deep learning has emerged as a vital tool for accelerating CFD simulations, particularly in applications where traditional solvers are computationally expensive or time-intensive [Vinuesa and Brunton, 2022, Warey et al., 2020, Zhang et al., 2022. Several approaches have been developed, with some integrating neural networks to predict residuals or refine turbulence models within the framework of conventional solvers, effectively merging data-driven techniques with established numerical methods [Hsieh et al., 2019, Kochkov et al., 2021. Other strategies aim to replace the CFD solvers entirely by learning the flow fields directly through models that utilize convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or graph neural networks (GNNs). ...
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Design exploration or optimization using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is commonly used in the industry. Geometric variation is a key component of such design problems, especially in turbulent flow scenarios, which involves running costly simulations at every design iteration. While parametric RANS-PINN type approaches have been proven to make effective turbulent surrogates, as a means of predicting unknown Reynolds number flows for a given geometry at near real-time, geometry aware physics informed surrogates with the ability to predict varying geometries are a relatively less studied topic. A novel geometry aware parametric PINN surrogate model has been created, which can predict flow fields for NACA 4 digit airfoils in turbulent conditions, for unseen shapes as well as inlet flow conditions. A local+global approach for embedding has been proposed, where known global design parameters for an airfoil as well as local SDF values can be used as inputs to the model along with velocity inlet/Reynolds number (Re\mathcal{R}_e) to predict the flow fields. A RANS formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations with a 2-equation k-epsilon turbulence model has been used for the PDE losses, in addition to limited CFD data from 8 different NACA airfoils for training. The models have then been validated with unknown NACA airfoils at unseen Reynolds numbers.
... Some researchers have harnessed the potential of deep learning in conjunction with numerical solvers to effectively predict the nonstationary characteristics of turbulent flows. [23][24][25][26][27] In contrast, others have pursued end-toend supervised training and achieved remarkable outcomes. [28][29][30] Nonetheless, a distinct gap persists in the availability of neural network-based predictive models for unsteady transonic flows, especially in situations where interactions between shock waves and vortical flows play a significant role. ...
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Effectively predicting transonic unsteady flow over an airfoil presents significant challenges due to its complex dynamics. In this study, we utilize a deep neural network architecture designed to capture intricate flow behavior. Through comprehensive training, our models successfully represent the complexities of transonic and unsteady flow, even under previously unseen conditions. By leveraging the differentiable nature of neural network representations, we develop a framework for evaluating fundamental physical properties using linear stability analysis. This approach bridges neural network modeling with traditional modal analysis, providing critical insights into transonic flow dynamics while improving the interpretability of neural network-based flow diagnostics.
... The rapid advancements in machine/deep learning (ML/DL) have profoundly influenced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) 1,2 , bringing a fresh and innovative dimension to the field, marked by recent developments such as advanced DL-based discretization 3,4 , datadriven closure modeling [5][6][7] , accelerated CFD solving processes 8 , and the differentiable hybrid neural modeling, a framework that unifies conventional CFD and DL through differentiable programming 9,10 . Moreover, DL has become instrumental in developing rapid surrogate or reduced-order models, offering efficient alternatives to computationally-intensive numerical solvers for emulating complex spatiotemporal dynamics. ...
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Eddy-resolving turbulence simulations are essential for understanding and controlling complex unsteady fluid dynamics, with significant implications for engineering and scientific applications. Traditional numerical methods, such as direct numerical simulations (DNS) and large eddy simulations (LES), provide high accuracy but face severe computational limitations, restricting their use in high-Reynolds number or real-time scenarios. Recent advances in deep learning-based surrogate models offer a promising alternative by providing efficient, data-driven approximations. However, these models often rely on deterministic frameworks, which struggle to capture the chaotic and stochastic nature of turbulence, especially under varying physical conditions and complex, irregular geometries. Here, we introduce the Conditional Neural Field Latent Diffusion (CoNFiLD) model, a generative learning framework for efficient high-fidelity stochastic generation of spatiotemporal turbulent flows in complex, three-dimensional domains. CoNFiLD synergistically integrates conditional neural field encoding with latent diffusion processes, enabling memory-efficient and robust generation of turbulence under diverse conditions. Leveraging Bayesian conditional sampling, CoNFiLD flexibly adapts to various turbulence generation scenarios without retraining. This capability supports applications such as zero-shot full-field flow reconstruction from sparse sensor data, super-resolution generation, and spatiotemporal data restoration. Extensive numerical experiments demonstrate CoNFiLD’s capability to accurately generate inhomogeneous, anisotropic turbulent flows within complex domains. These findings underscore CoNFiLD’s potential as a versatile, computationally efficient tool for real-time unsteady turbulence simulation, paving the way for advancements in digital twin technology for fluid dynamics. By enabling rapid, adaptive high-fidelity simulations, CoNFiLD can bridge the gap between physical and virtual systems, allowing real-time monitoring, predictive analysis, and optimization of complex fluid processes.
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Conventional molecular dynamics (MD) simulation approaches, such as ab initio MD and empirical force field MD, face significant trade-offs between physical accuracy and computational efficiency. This work presents a novel Potential-free Data-driven Molecular Dynamics (PDMD) framework for predicting system energy and atomic forces of variable-sized water clusters. Specifically, PDMD employs the smooth overlap of atomic positions descriptor to generate high-dimensional, equivariant features before leveraging ChemGNN, a graph neural network model that adaptively learns the atomic chemical environments without requiring a priori knowledge. Through an iterative self-consistent training approach, the converged PDMD achieves a mean absolute error of 7.1 meV/atom for energy and 59.8 meV/angstrom for forces, outperforming the state-of-the-art DeepMD by ~80% in energy accuracy and ~200% in force prediction. As a result, PDMD can reproduce the ab initio MD properties of water clusters at a tiny fraction of its computational cost. These results demonstrate that the proposed PDMD offers multiple-phase predictive power, enabling ultra-fast, general-purpose MD simulations while retaining ab initio accuracy.
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In this work, we present two parallel algorithms for the large-scale discrete Fourier transform (DFT) on Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) clusters. The two parallel algorithms are associated with two DFT formulations: one formulation, denoted as KDFT, is based on the Kronecker product; the other is based on the famous Cooley-Tukey algorithm and phase adjustment, denoted as FFT. Both KDFT and FFT formulations take full advantage of TPU’s strength in matrix multiplications. The KDFT formulation allows direct use of nonuniform inputs without additional step. In the two parallel algorithms, the same strategy of data decomposition is applied to the input data. Through the data decomposition, the dense matrix multiplications in KDFT and FFT are kept local within TPU cores, which can be performed completely in parallel. The communication among TPU cores is achieved through the one-shuffle scheme in both parallel algorithms, with which sending and receiving data takes place simultaneously between two neighboring cores and along the same direction on the interconnect network. The one-shuffle scheme is designed for the interconnect topology of TPU clusters, minimizing the time required by the communication among TPU cores. Both KDFT and FFT are implemented in TensorFlow. The three-dimensional complex DFT is performed on an example of dimension 8192 × 8192 × 8192 with a full TPU Pod: the run time of KDFT is 12.66 seconds and that of FFT is 8.3 seconds. Scaling analysis is provided to demonstrate the high parallel efficiency of the two DFT implementations on TPUs.
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The computational cost of fluid simulations increases rapidly with grid resolution. This has given a hard limit on the ability of simulations to accurately resolve small-scale features of complex flows. Here we use a machine learning approach to learn a numerical discretization that retains high accuracy even when the solution is under-resolved with classical methods. We apply this approach to passive scalar advection in a two-dimensional turbulent flow. The method maintains the same accuracy as traditional high-order flux-limited advection solvers, while using 4× lower grid resolution in each dimension. The machine learning component is tightly integrated with traditional finite-volume schemes and can be trained via an end-to-end differentiable programming framework. The solver can achieve near-peak hardware utilization on CPUs and accelerators via convolutional filters.
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Including prior knowledge is important for effective machine learning models in physics and is usually achieved by explicitly adding loss terms or constraints on model architectures. Prior knowledge embedded in the physics computation itself rarely draws attention. We show that solving the Kohn-Sham equations when training neural networks for the exchange-correlation functional provides an implicit regularization that greatly improves generalization. Two separations suffice for learning the entire one-dimensional H2 dissociation curve within chemical accuracy, including the strongly correlated region. Our models also generalize to unseen types of molecules and overcome self-interaction error.
We introduce JAX MD, a software package for performing differentiable physics simulations with a focus on molecular dynamics. JAX MD includes a number of physics simulation environments, as well as interaction potentials and neural networks that can be integrated into these environments without writing any additional code. Since the simulations themselves are differentiable functions, entire trajectories can be differentiated to perform meta-optimization. These features are built on primitive operations, such as spatial partitioning, that allow simulations to scale to hundreds-of-thousands of particles on a single GPU. These primitives are flexible enough that they can be used to scale up workloads outside of molecular dynamics. We present several examples that highlight the features of JAX MD including: integration of graph neural networks into traditional simulations, meta-optimization through minimization of particle packings, and a multi-agent flocking simulation. JAX MD is available at .
This work presents a review and perspectives on recent developments in the use of machine learning (ML) to augment Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and large eddy simulation (LES) models of turbulent flows. Different approaches of applying supervised learning to represent unclosed terms, model discrepancies, and subfilter scales are discussed in the context of RANS and LES modeling. Particular emphasis is placed on the impact of the training procedure on the consistency of ML augmentations with the underlying physical model. Techniques to promote model-consistent training, and to avoid the requirement of full fields of direct numerical simulation data are detailed. This is followed by a discussion of physics-informed and mathematical considerations on the choice of the feature space, and imposition of constraints on the ML model. With a view towards developing generalizable ML-augmented RANS and LES models, outstanding challenges are discussed, and perspectives are provided. While the promise of ML-augmented turbulence modeling is clear, and successes have been demonstrated in isolated scenarios, a general consensus of this paper is that truly generalizable models require model-consistent training with careful characterization of underlying assumptions and imposition of physically and mathematically informed priors and constraints to account for the inevitable shortage of data relevant to predictions of interest. Thus, machine learning should be viewed as one tool in the turbulence modeler's toolkit. This modeling endeavor requires multidisciplinary advances, and thus the target audience for this paper is the fluid mechanics community, as well as the computational science and machine learning communities.
A framework is introduced that leverages known physics to reduce overfitting in machine learning for scientific applications. The partial differential equation (PDE) that expresses the physics is augmented with a neural network that uses available data to learn a description of the corresponding unknown or unrepresented physics. Training within this combined system corrects for missing, unknown, or erroneously represented physics, including discretization errors associated with the PDE's numerical solution. For optimization of the network within the PDE, an adjoint PDE is solved to provide high-dimensional gradients, and a stochastic adjoint method (SAM) further accelerates training. The approach is demonstrated for large-eddy simulation (LES) of turbulence. High-fidelity direct numerical simulations (DNS) of decaying isotropic turbulence provide the training data used to learn sub-filter-scale closures for the filtered Navier–Stokes equations. Out-of-sample comparisons show that the deep learning PDE method outperforms widely-used models, even for filter sizes so large that they become qualitatively incorrect. It also significantly outperforms the same neural network when a priori trained based on simple data mismatch, not accounting for the full PDE. Measures of discretization errors, which are well-known to be consequential in LES, point to the importance of the unified training formulation's design, which without modification corrects for them. For comparable accuracy, simulation runtime is significantly reduced. A relaxation of the typical discrete enforcement of the divergence-free constraint in the solver is also successful, instead allowing the DPM to approximately enforce incompressibility physics. Since the training loss function is not restricted to correspond directly to the closure to be learned, training can incorporate diverse data, including experimental data.
This review examines large eddy simulation (LES) models from the perspective of their a priori statistical characteristics. The most well-known statistical characteristic of an LES subgrid-scale model is its dissipation (energy transfer to unresolved scales), and many models are directly or indirectly formulated and tuned for consistency of this characteristic. However, in complex turbulent flows, many other subgrid statistical characteristics are important. These include such quantities as mean subgrid stress, subgrid transport of resolved Reynolds stress, and dissipation anisotropy. Also important are the statistical characteristics of models that account for filters that do not commute with differentiation and of the discrete numerical operators in the LES equations. We review the known statistical characteristics of subgrid models to assess these characteristics and the importance of their a priori consistency. We hope that this analysis will be helpful in continued development of LES models. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 53 is January 6, 2021. Please see for revised estimates.
The classical development of neural networks has been primarily for mappings between a finite-dimensional Euclidean space and a set of classes, or between two finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces. The purpose of this work is to generalize neural networks so that they can learn mappings between infinite-dimensional spaces (operators). The key innovation in our work is that a single set of network parameters, within a carefully designed network architecture, may be used to describe mappings between infinite-dimensional spaces and between different finite-dimensional approximations of those spaces. We formulate approximation of the infinite-dimensional mapping by composing nonlinear activation functions and a class of integral operators. The kernel integration is computed by message passing on graph networks. This approach has substantial practical consequences which we will illustrate in the context of mappings between input data to partial differential equations (PDEs) and their solutions. In this context, such learned networks can generalize among different approximation methods for the PDE (such as finite difference or finite element methods) and among approximations corresponding to different underlying levels of resolution and discretization. Experiments confirm that the proposed graph kernel network does have the desired properties and show competitive performance compared to the state of the art solvers.