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Post-Covid Competitiveness: Business Resilience & Adaptive System


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Post-Covid Competitiveness: Business Resilience & Adaptive System is of interest to those who expect a critical but positive vision of the pandemic times we live. Experts explain the situation of the organizations, institutions and regions according to resilience, innovation and adaptation for the new ways and best practices according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGs are the essential guidelines that facilitate the strategic consideration of the Post-covid competitiveness.
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El objetivo de este artículo es determinar si la inversión en innovación de las empresas agroalimentarias que cotizan en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores es un conductor para la generación de valor sustentable. Se analizaron las estrategias sobre la adopción de la sustentabilidad en empresas de la industria agroalimentaria, dadas las consecuencias por el cambio climático; después se examinaron las tendencias de consumo como elemento de contingencia para la innovación y finalmente, se usaron ecuaciones estructurales. Entre los resultados se encontró que las empresas sí invierten en innovación. Con la identificación de “inversión en innovación” como factor crítico se aporta evidencia que al diseñar estrategias de largo plazo para el desarrollo sustentable la organización puede generar valor de manera integral.
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El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cómo 7 empresarios que desempeñan su actividad en el departamento de Maldonado (Uruguay) han incursionado en el uso de herramientas digitales para poder hacer frente a la emergencia sanitaria causada por el COVID19, y poder seguir trabajando durante la misma y en la “nueva normalidad”. Con este objetivo nos proponemos estudiar noticias locales y globales sobre el impacto de la emergencia sanitaria en Uruguay, bibliografía especializada sobre el uso de redes sociales y la capacidad de adaptación de las empresas frente a la incertidumbre para intentar comprender las formas de innovar y comunicarse con los clientes que han implementados diversos empresarios para no cerrar sus locales durante la emergencia sanitaria. En conclusión, en los testimonios de casos se han visualizado diversas formas de adaptación e innovación en los negocios para poder captar al cliente, comunicarse con ellos por los diversos medios y poder operar con todas las medidas sanitarias y de seguridad.
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The ultimate aim of family business research is the production of new actionable knowledge, that is rigorous, empirically verified recommendations that fit family business needs and benefit their business practice. Oftentimes, however, research efforts fall short in meeting this goal, leaving family business owners and managers with limited guidance other than anecdotal evidence, best practices, and other forms of “conventional” or “folk” wisdom. We address this theory-practice divide in family business research using the example of shareholder agreements. We present a theoretical analysis of the characteristics, antecedents and effects of shareholder agreements on family business outcomes using the concept of family-practice fit, suggesting that characteristics of the owning family, which are expressions of family heterogeneity, should be aligned with the practices used to manage the family, and its intersection with the business in order to facilitate goal attainment. In focusing on the family as a unit of analysis, our conceptualization follows the calls for a more nuanced understanding of the family behind the firm, providing a foundation upon which future research on shareholder agreements and other widespread family business practices can build.
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Leaders play a critical role in the success or failure of their organizations. Leaders can be effective in implementing changes, building their organization's capabilities, and improving its performance, or the opposite, they could be ineffective. In this systematic review, the authors aim to summarize the findings of previous quantitative research, published between the period from 2000 to 2018, to identify the effect of various leadership styles on organizational Knowledge management (KM) capabilities and activities. The authors reviewed 50 articles found in well-known databases included Emerald, ScienceDirect, Taylor and Francis, Ebsco, Google Scholar, and others, concerning the impact of leadership when implementing KM in business organizations. The review revealed that transformational, transactional, knowledge-oriented leadership, top executives, and strategic leadership have evidence of their constant and positive effect on the KM process. The authors encourage organizations to use a combination of those styles to maximize the effect of leadership on KM. The authors also recommend conducting further studies on the effect of the remaining leadership styles, such as the ethical and servant leadership styles on KM and the other specific KM activities.
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La pandemia del Covid – 19, ha desestabilizado el sistema socioeconómico del país, principalmente afectado a las Pymes, siendo 28% del PIB, el 67% del empleo y el 37% de la producción nacional. El marketing digital se ha convertido en una herramienta de apoyo para las empresas, gracias a esto son más competitiva en el mercado siendo posible por la internet. Actualmente está en riesgo de cierre un 20% de las pymes del país, lo que significaría perder medio millón de unidades productivas, es por esto que se expone los beneficios del uso de estrategias de marketing digital para la exploración de los mercados digitales, con el fin de salvaguardar la economía nacional, durante y después de la pandemia.
Now in a Fourth Edition, this how-to guide is an excellent starting point for anyone looking to begin case study research. The authors—all professors teaching graduate students in education and other professions—provide the structure, detail, and guidance needed for beginning researchers to complete a systematic case study. Improvements for this edition include more practical and detailed guidance for conducting a literature review, a more efficient and easy-to-understand reorganization of the case study examples, and updated citations throughout the text. As with previous editions, this succinct handbook emphasizes learning how to do case study research—from the first step of deciding whether a case study is the way to go to the last step of verifying and confirming findings before disseminating them. It shows students how to determine an appropriate research design, conduct informative interviews, record observations, document analyses, delineate ways to confirm case study findings, describe methods for deriving meaning from data, and communicate findings. Book Features: A straightforward introduction to the science of doing case study research. A step-by-step approach that speaks directly to the novice investigator. Many concrete examples illustrate key concepts. Questions, illustrations, and activities to reinforce what has been learned.
Containment measures are crucial to halt the spread of the 2019 COVID-19 pandemic but entail large short-term economic costs. This paper tries to quantify these effects using daily global data on real-time containment measures and indicators of economic activity such as Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) emissions, flights, energy consumption, maritime trade, and mobility indices. Results suggest that containment measures have had, on average, a very large impact on economic activity—equivalent to a loss of about 15 percent in industrial production over a 30-day period following their implementation. Using novel data on fiscal and monetary policy measures used in response to the crisis, we find that these policy measures were effective in mitigating some of these economic costs. We also find that while workplace closures and stay-at-home orders are more effective in curbing infections, they are associated with the largest economic costs. Finally, while easing of containment measures has led to a pickup in economic activity, the effect has been lower (in absolute value) than that from the tightening of measures.
La dinámica global de los mercados ha generado necesidades específicas para que las organizaciones sean sostenibles en el tiempo, puesto que la turbulencia y el cambio son permanentes. Este escenario ha permitido identificar que no solo la actualización tecnológica se convierte en un reto para la estrategia organizacional, sino que el valor que tiene el conocimiento es insuperable y que su direccionamiento y control son y serán prioridad en todas las organizaciones de todos los sectores productivos y de servicios, especialmente en las pymes, quienes aportan a la economía global de manera significativa. Por esta razón, la presente revisión sistemática de literatura de los últimos 10 años, tiene como objetivo determinar la incursión de la gestión del conocimiento como ventaja competitiva que asegure la subsistencia organizacional en un entorno interno y externo cambiante. Se identifica la importancia y acogida que ha tenido en las pymes y en sectores específicos de la economía, como son: el petrolero, el educativo (educación superior), el solidario (tercer sector), el manufacturero y el bancario, a partir de los cuales, se lograron determinar las dimensiones en las que se enfatiza la gestión del conocimiento.
This paper employs the theory of resilient complex adaptive systems (RCAS) to offer a versatile and universal foundation for the concept of a business model that facilitates connections between prior works while enabling future exploration with a common language. The proposed business model construct is developed by first exploring the field of systems to highlight how the concept of an RCAS can be employed to provide a more robust conceptualization of a business model than previous constructs. A thematic analysis of the literature is then conducted to translate the fundamental requirements of an RCAS into the business model context. This system view is inherently abstraction tolerant and provides a foundation for both academic research and practical applications. Specifically, it addresses two key gaps in the business model literature. First, the comprehensive nature of the system model naturally calls out important aspects of business models that have been largely ignored in the literature. Second, the construct provides a comprehensive means to connect the work of business model scholars and practitioners outlined in more than 150 studied articles, highlighting how each earlier research effort has employed a construct that is actually part of a grander whole.