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Are golden visas a golden opportunity? Assessing the economic origins and outcomes of residence by investment programs in the EU

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Abstract and Figures

Residence by investment (RBI) programmes, or ‘golden visa’ schemes, are now found in half of European Union member states. Yet no empirical studies have tested the economic drivers or impacts of these programmes. Filling this lacuna, this article supplies the first comparative quantitative evaluation of the economic origins and outcomes of so-called golden visa programmes in the European Union. Utilising new data, we show that governments across the political spectrum are more likely to begin RBI programmes after a decline in economic growth, especially during an economic crisis, and that the programmes are generally targeted to address failing areas of the economy. Furthermore, we show that wealthy investor migrants are better conceptualised as mobile populations akin to tourists or investors, rather than as immigrants, and that countries price programmes in response to both demand-side and supply-side forces. We also find that the programmes represent a miniscule proportion of foreign investment in most countries, and that the vast majority of the investments go into real estate even when other options are available. However, the impact on real estate markets is trivial, with the sole exception of Greece. The results suggest that states turn to golden visa programmes to plug short-term economic gaps but with negligible national-level economic impact.
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Are golden visas a golden opportunity? Assessing
the economic origins and outcomes of residence
by investment programmes in the EU
Kristin Surak & Yusuke Tsuzuki
To cite this article: Kristin Surak & Yusuke Tsuzuki (2021): Are golden visas a golden opportunity?
Assessing the economic origins and outcomes of residence by investment programmes in the EU,
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1915755
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Published online: 10 May 2021.
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Are golden visas a golden opportunity? Assessing the
economic origins and outcomes of residence by investment
programmes in the EU
Kristin Surak
and Yusuke Tsuzuki
Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK;
Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Residence by investment (RBI) programmes, or golden visa
schemes, are now found in half of European Union member states.
Yet no empirical studies have tested the economic drivers or
impacts of these programmes. Filling this lacuna, this article
supplies the rst comparative quantitative evaluation of the
economic origins and outcomes of so-called golden visa
programmes in the European Union. Utilising new data, we show
that governments across the political spectrum are more likely to
begin RBI programmes after a decline in economic growth,
especially during an economic crisis, and that the programmes are
generally targeted to address failing areas of the economy.
Furthermore, we show that wealthy investor migrants are better
conceptualised as mobile populations akin to tourists or investors,
rather than as immigrants, and that countries price programmes in
response to both demand-side and supply-side forces. We also nd
that the programmes represent a miniscule proportion of foreign
investment in most countries, and that the vast majority of the
investments go into real estate even when other options are
available. However, the impact on real estate markets is trivial, with
the sole exception of Greece. The results suggest that states turn
to golden visa programmes to plug short-term economic gaps but
with negligible national-level economic impact.
Received 21 September 2020
Accepted 5 April 2021
Migration; elites; foreign
investment; European Union;
Over the last decade, residence by investment (RBI) programmes have grown across the
European Union, with currently thirteen countries oering clear options for receiving
residence based on a passive economic investment. These schemes are often touted as
a means for boosting the economy by attracting foreign investment. However, they are
not without controversy. In 2018 and 2019, reports by the European Parliamentary
Research Service and the European Commission questioned their economic benets,
as has much media coverage (Scherrer and Thirion 2018; European Commission
2019). Others have raised concerns that these golden visaprogrammes may price
© 2021 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
CONTACT Kristin Surak
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License
(, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.
locals out of the housing market. Yet to date, no studies have systematically assessed the
economic origins or outcomes of these programmes.
RBI programmes are one of several migration policy tools available for attracting
economic resources, including also residence permits for entrepreneurs and business
start-up visas. Within this eld, investment-based visa programmes can be divided
into activeand passivevariants. Active programmes require the demonstration of
business experience and an on-going involvement with the investment in order to
qualify, and thus aim to harness both economic and human capital. Passive programmes
require merely the expenditure of money (see Sumption and Hooper 2014). That is,
applicants park their funds in the country typically in real estate, government bonds,
or a company and have no signicant further obligations in maintaining the invest-
ment. It is the passive nature of the qualication, selecting individuals based on economic
capital alone, which has generated much controversy around these programmes, some-
times billed, if inaccurately, as cash-for-passports(Spiro 2014, 9; Shachar and Hirschl
2014, 244), raising the concern that they put a price tagon membership (e.g Scherrer
and Thirion 2018, 12).
In practice, the boundary between the entrepreneurial and investor visas can be blurry,
either in the laws specicity or how it is implemented. Entrepreneur programmes, for
example, may not assess whether applicants have relevant business skills or are regularly
involved in managing the qualifying business, as is the case with Croatiasstay and work
permit.The result is in an activescheme with strong passivecharacteristics. Similarly,
business investment programmes that do not specify or monitor the degree of investor
involvement at their outset may come to more strictly police human capital contri-
butions. This occurred, for example, when Germany in 2012 revised Section 21 of its
Act on the Residence, Economic Activity, and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal
Territory to require applicants to demonstrate entrepreneurial experience and involve-
ment in the business. As will be discussed below, this article adopts a strict denition
of RBI programmes to focus solely on the more controversial economic-capital-only
Despite substantial media attention, no empirical studies have tested whether countries
turn to these so-called golden visa schemes out of economic need, and no study has oered
a thorough assessment of their economic impact. Filling this lacuna, this article supplies the
rst comparative quantitative evaluation of the economic origins and outcomes of RBI pro-
grammes in the European Union. Utilising new data released by governments and gained
through freedom of information requests, it rst employs regression analyses to investigate
the relationship between programme inception, economic decline, and the types of quali-
fying investments selected. It next assesses demand curves to understand the factors that
aect pricing. Finally, it evaluates economic impact by assessing RBI revenue as a pro-
portion of FDI inows, as well as its eect on the real estate sector. The ndings indicate
that governments across the political spectrum launch programmes in the wake of econ-
omic downturns and economic crises in particular and broadly engineer them to
target sectors in need. Yet states tailor prices to respond to needs beyond revenue-maximi-
zation. The analysis shows that applicants, too, select programmes like tourists and prot-
oriented businesspeople, rather than as immigrants. Contra claims that foreigners are
crowding locals out of the housing market, the eect on real estate is shown to be small
even in countries with the largest programmes. The sole exception is Greece, where the
RBI programme now represents a third of real estate transactions. The results suggest that
states are increasingly turning to residence by investment programmes to plug short-term
economic gaps, but with negligible economic impact on the national economy.
Residence by investment programmes
RBI programmes now can be found around the world from Malaysia to the United Arab
Emirates to Panama. However, the most popular over time have been in Canada and the
US, with similar programmes in Australia and New Zealand. These emerged in the late
1980s and early 1990s out of entrepreneurial programmes that were lax in assessing
business involvement, bringing mixed economic outcomes. The USs EB-5 programme,
for example, oundered for its rst decade due to its high price point, rigid system, and
unfavorable tax implications (Wong 2003; see also Rose 1992), while programmes in
Canada and Australia attracted signicant investment to rural regions in particular
(DeRosa 1995; Steier 1992; Wong 2003). Canadas programme the most popular by
far quickly became the greatest source of venture capital in four provinces, producing
over 14,000 jobs in less than a decade (DeRosa 1995, 395, 404). In British Columbia
alone, the programme attracted over one billion Canadian dollars in business investment
and created or maintained 25,000 jobs between 19901998 (Ley 2003, 430). Yet the Cana-
dian business investor scheme which included entrepreneurs and investors was one
of several channels that contributed to a boom in Vancouver real estate, with housing
prices rising more steeply than local incomes (Ley 2010, 12661). As such, programmes
in the past have generated both economic winners and economic losers.
Despite the spread of RBI programmes in the EU, research evaluating their origins and
economic outcomes is lacking. Existent studies usually treat RBI schemes as one subset of
immigrant investor programmes (IIPs), which includes also citizenship by investment
channels (e.g. Dzankic 2012,2018; Sumption and Hooper 2014; Christians 2017;
Veteto 2014; Scherrer and Thirion 2018; European Commission 2019; Holleran 2019).
The amalgamation, however, can obscure more than it reveals for citizenship is a funda-
mentally dierent status to residence (see Surak, Forthcoming). Within the EU, residence
in a member state brings only the right to temporarily visit other member states (cf. Hol-
leran 2019, 3), but citizenship also secures the right to reside in them as well, even for the
long term. Furthermore, citizenship is inheritable, whereas residence is not, changing cal-
culations of future impact. Crucial for assessing economic implications of the pro-
grammes is the length of time the investment must be held. In RBI programmes, an
investor must maintain their investment in order to retain the visa. If the asset is sold,
the residence permit is not renewed.
Citizenship, by contrast, is dicult to revoke.
Malta, Cyprus, Turkey, and Saint Kitts, among others, require their naturalised investors
to retain their qualifying investment, in part or whole, for only ve years, after which it
may sold, and of course they keep their citizenship. Thus the long-term economic
impact of the economic infusion may be greater for RBI programmes.
The empirical research on IIPs in Europe has focused on policy design and debates
rather than programme operation and outcomes. Existing studies have typologized
policy choices (Sumption and Hooper 2014), examined the possible causes of policy
choices (Dzankic 2018), dissected political debates around the programmes (Parker
2017; Carrera 2014), unpacked marketing (Holleran 2019), discussed the possible
impact on tax competition (Adim 2017; Christians 2017). Investigating programme oper-
ation and demand, Surak (2020b) assessed dierences in the scale of programmes and the
demographics of their participants. Yet the existing research leaves open questions about
the economic origins of the programmes in the EU, as well as their economic outcomes.
Are they simply intended to add a revenue stream or do they arise out of and address
economic need? Some have associated the launch of these programmes with economic
declines. Dzankic (2018) proposes that states with medium-sized economies hit by the
Eurocrisis produce RBI programmes, an assertion that resonates with Hollerans
(2019) qualitative interpretation of the origins of Spains RBI scheme. However, a full
appraisal of whether the claim holds across all EU cases requires more empirical evi-
dence: it is necessary to include the timing of programme implementation, as well as
the particular economic needs of the countries, and whether investment options of the
programmes targeted areas that agged during the crisis.
The question of whether states implement programmes in response to economic need
raises the related query about how governments adjust prices accordingly. Dzankic
(2018, 12, 14) suggests that richer countries place higher prices on their investment
migration programmes, ostensibly because the investment needs to have an impact on
the countrys GDP.However, the proposition does not take into account the shape of
the demand curve: higher prices do not necessarily mean higher revenue. For
example, the Netherlands stipulates a minimum investment of 1.25 million, but earns
very little from the programme as it has less than ve applicants year each year. Bulgaria,
in comparison, requires an investment of only 127,000 but approves on average more
than 100 applicants annually, far outstripping the revenue generated by its economically
larger counterpart (cf. Dzankic 2018, 11).
Finally, do these programmes, designed to attract investment, pay o? Full assess-
ments of the economic outcomes of RBI schemes are scant, even among studies of
longer-standing investment migration programmes outside Europe. Existing research
on investment migration programmes in North America and the Caribbean has
shown that, unsurprisingly, the magnitude of their economic impact depends on the
size of the economy, with larger countries seeing proportionally less benet than
smaller ones (Xu, El-Ashram, and Gold 2016; see also Migration Advisory Committee
2014). Within countries, urban areas attract more investment, but rural areas may see
more relative benet (Ley 2010; DeRosa 1995; Friedland and Calderon 2017), and pro-
grammes may contribute to job creation and business formation, but not always at the
promised levels (Ley 2003,2010).
Comparing cases within Europe, a report by European Parliamentary Research Service
suggests that the programmes make a positive contribution to foreign investment, but
may also create macro-economic imbalances (Scherrer and Thirion 2018,3641).
However, the study bases its conclusion on only two countries Ireland and Portugal
out of its sample of eighteen countries that include also business-based RBI pro-
Furthermore, it considers only the total amount invested over time and
average annual programme receipts as a proportion of GDP. Notably, the aggregate
measures mask substantial annual variation. Their analysis of Ireland is a case in
point, where the average total investment amount hides a jump of 500 percent
between 2015 and 2016. If the calculation had ended in 2015, the average total investment
would be a mere 65 million, or 16.3 million per year, rather than 209 million total and
41.8 million per year. If the analysis extended to 2017, the average would be yet greater:
79.7 million per year. The limited sample signicantly skews the estimated impact of the
contribution to GDP.
Although most RBI schemes oer several investment options, discussions focus
almost entirely on real estate investment, and no empirical studies have examined the
outcomes of other investment channels. Generally, the interest in real estate stems
from the concern that programmes may price locals out of aordable housing (Scherrer
and Thirion 2018; Holleran 2019). To date, only two reports have investigated real estate
market impact, and then only with proxies or limited timeframes. Viesturs, Pukite, and
Nikuradze (2017) examine the Latvian case by looking at the change in property trans-
actions involving foreigners across a time when the government doubled the minimum
requirements for investing in real estate. Using a dierence-in-dierences approach, they
deduce that the decline in demand for RBI led to a decline in real estate purchases by
foreigners. Scherrer and Thirion (2018,413) conclude that RBI programmes may desta-
bilise real estate markets in the EU based on a single data point. They reach this gener-
alisation by examining the variation in property transactions involving all foreign buyers
in Portugal in a single year, nding that in 2016 the number of foreigner buyers increased
by 18 percent over the previous year. Not only does their sample encompass a very
narrow time frame and case selection, but the measure includes sales to all foreigners
of which RBI applicants may be only a small proportion. Thus we still do not know
whether the increase resulted from the RBI programme, or whether it is indicative of
the global trend in foreign real estate investment occurring outside these programmes.
Existing research on RBI programmes has opened important questions concerning
whether the schemes are launched to address economic need, as well as the nature
and extent of their economic impact. However, these questions have remained inade-
quately assessed to date due largely to the dearth of empirical evidence. Using new
materials and government sources, we supply the rst multi-country data-driven
account of the economic origins and outcomes of the programmes. To investigate
whether and how countries implement RBI programmes in response to economic
need, we test the timing of programme implementation and type of investment
options oered, as well as the extent and type economic decline in the countries. To
assess the economic impact of the programmes, we analyse the factors involved in
pricing. We also contextualise the inows by examining the investments as a proportion
of foreign direct investment (FDI), and then narrow our analysis to the areas of the
economy seeing the largest inows, namely real estate. To assess its scale and potential
for destabilising property markets, we examine RBI investment as a proportion of
foreign investment in property.
Research design and methods
This study focuses on RBI programmes that screen participants based only on economic
capital contributions. To eliminate options that may also include human capital com-
ponents, it adopts a strict denition of RBI that includes only programmes that have
at least one clearly passive investment option. Qualifying investments come in six
types: (1) investment in a company, (2) investment in an investment fund or structure,
(3) investment in government bonds, (4) deposits in a bank, (5) investment in real estate,
and (6) nancial contributions to the public good. Financial contributions to a govern-
ment may also be a minor component, but in no EU case is it a stand-alone option.
Because it may be ambiguous whether business investments are fully active or passive
as addressed above, this article considers only programmes where company investment
is not the sole option for qualication. In these cases, at least one additional channel that
is passive by denition, such as real estate or government bond purchases, must be
The analysis employs new data from government reports and freedom of information
requests, in addition to information from parliamentary debates. Latvia and Portugal
have regularly produced publicly available government statistics on their programmes.
Since 2018, Greece has issued government reports. Spain produced one report covering
September 2013 to December 2014 and has thereafter issued brief summaries, and the
UK has released basic, publicly available statistics about its programme since 2008.
Freedom of information requests for demographic and economic information were
answered in whole or more often in part by Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Lux-
embourg, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Cyprus, Italy, and Malta ignored
repeated requests for information and therefore are excluded from analyses dependent
on participation numbers. Although the United Kingdom (UK) is no longer a member
of the EU, it is included in the analysis during the period of its membership. The pro-
gramme in Hungary, which was terminated in 2016, is included for the duration of its
existence (see Figure 1). Since 1998, Malta has had six dierent RBI programmes,
three of which are still active. Where relevant, we operationalise the minimum invest-
ment amount for Malta using the least costly option.
Irel and
Gree ce
Figure 1. Timeline of RBI programmes.
Malta 1: Permanent Residence Scheme; Malta 2: High Net Worth Individual Visa for EU/EAA/Switzerland; Malta 3: High Net
Worth Individual Visa for non-EU/EAA/Switzerland; Malta 4: Global Residence Programme; Malta 5: The Residence Pro-
gramme; Malta 6: Malta Residency and Visa Programme.
RBI programmes in the EU
Half of all EU member states possess RBI programmes, yet these vary greatly in size. Our
analysis does not test for why individuals select one country over another, which can
depend on historical links, marketing, and the commissions that intermediaries earn
for promoting programmes (see Surak 2020b). Notable, however, is that demand is chan-
nelled into a narrow selection. Only 3 out of 14 countries that have had programmes
Latvia, Portugal, and Greece account for over half of all golden visas issued. Together
with Spain, the UK, and Hungary, these 6 countries have generated over 95 percent of
golden visa cases and 95 percent of its revenue (see Figure 2). The UK and Portugal
together account for more than half of the revenue brought into the EU through the pro-
grammes over time.
Notably, too, minimum qualifying investment amounts for RBI programmes vary
substantially, ranging from 60,000 in Latvia to over 2 million in the UK (Map 1).
Most, however, fall between 250,000 and 500,000. Among the investment types,
company investment is the most popular, with 12 out of 14 countries oering this
channel. Investment funds follow with 9 countries and real estate with 8 countries.
Further qualifying options include government bonds (7 countries), bank deposits (6
countries), and contributions to the public good (3 countries). Additionally, contri-
butions to government coers are a minor component of the Latvian programme, as
well as the three Maltese schemes in operation.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Total investment
(millions EUR)
Main applications
Greece (2014-2019) Portugal (2013-2019) Latvia (2010-2019)
Spain (2014-2 019) Hungary (2014-2016) United Kingdom (2010-2019)
Figure 2. Total main applications and investments approved over time by country issuing visa.
Sources: Bulgaria: Investment Bulgaria, Estonia: Police and Border Guard Board, Greece: Enterprise Greece, Hungary:
Immigration and Asylum Oce, Ireland: Department of Justice and Equality, Latvia: Oce of Citizenship and Migration
Aairs, Luxembourg: Ministry of Foreign and European Aairs, Netherlands: Immigration and Naturalization Service,
Portugal: Immigration and Borders Service, Spain: Ministry of Labor and Migration, UK: Home Oce.
Note: Exact investment gures are available for only Portugal and Latvia. In all other cases, total investment is estimated
by multiplying the number of applicants by the minimum investment amount. The othercategory includes Estonia, Lux-
embourg, and Netherlands, which have less than 20 applicants among them.
Economic origins and outcomes
Carrying out a detailed evaluation of economic origins and outcomes presents several
challenges. Governments are reluctant to respond to freedom of information requests
and publicly available detailed reports are uncommon. Only Latvia and Portugal
provide annual gures on investors selecting particular investment channels, while
Greece has done the same for the real estate option only. Of the remaining countries,
Map 1. RBI programmes in EU member states to 2020.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Millions EUR
United Ki ngdom
Hungar y
Figure 3. Revenue by country.
Sources: Bulgaria: Investment Bulgaria, Estonia: Police and Border Guard Board, Greece: Enterprise Greece, Hungary:
Immigration and Asylum Oce, Ireland: Department of Justice and Equality, Latvia: Oce of Citizenship and Migration
Aairs, Luxembourg: Ministry of Foreign and European Aairs, Netherlands: Immigration and Naturalization Service, Por-
tugal: Immigration and Borders Service, Spain: Ministry of Labor and Migration, UK: Home Oce.
only Ireland and Spain have issued cumulative totals for specic periods. To a degree, the
dearth of basic information on all programmes is manageable when assessing their econ-
omic impact: Portugal, Spain, Latvia, and Greece account for around 70 percent of all
approved applications and nearly 60 percent of all revenue generated (Figure 3).
Since 2014, the programmes have brought in close to 3 billion annually to the EU.
Though the UK sees only a few hundred applications per year, its high minimum invest-
ment amount and long history make it the largest-grossing programme, attracting over
5.5 billion since 2010. Overall, the trend has been upwards, with the exception of a
decline in 2015 among several leading countries. The causes, however, are case-
specic. The UK doubled its minimum investment amount from £1 million to £2
million in 2015, leading to a rush before the new prices took eect and a decline there-
after. In Latvia, a new coalition government with a nationalist, anti-Russian agenda took
power in 2014. It dramatically slowed the processing of applications, long dominated by
Russians, and doubled the minimum investment amount in real estate options, leading to
a signicant decline. In 2015, Portugal became mired in a corruption scandal involving
its RBI programme. The programme was frozen and audited, producing a temporary halt
and large backlog before recovering and levelling o.
Programme origins: economic need
Do countries start programmes to address economic need? To test which factors motiv-
ate countries to adopt RBI programmes, we analyse data from 2005 to 2019 across 28
countries in the EU and conduct a regression using country-year as the unit of analysis.
First, we examine whether or not programmes are established in response to an economic
downturn by using a dummy variable for the start of the programme as the dependent
For the main independent variable, we test GDP growth over one-year, two-
year, and three-year time spans. If the start of a programme correlates with a lower
level of GDP growth, it is likely that governments begin RBI programmes in response
to economic need. We also look for the eect of the Eurocrisis as a more systemic and
severe event that we operationalise as occurring from 2010 to 2012 and by including a
dummy variable if the dependent variable contains values from 20102012. We expect
this dummy variable to be signicant if governments behave dierently due to the econ-
omic crisis. We include an interaction term with GDP growth to see if governments were
particularly sensitive to drops in GDP during the crisis. The number of countries with
pre-existing residence programmes is included as a control variable to address the possi-
bility of contagion eects: governments may introduce programmes because others
already have them. To test whether changes in a governments political orientation,
such as the rise of right-wing parties, have an eect, we include the relative strengths
of right wing, centre, and left wing parties in government, taken from the Comparative
Political Data Set (CPDS).
Year- and country-xed eects are included to control for
other factors.
In the next step, we explore whether the specic investment options are chosen to
combat declines in targeted sectors of the economy. RBI programmes can stimulate
the economy in three key ways. First, the sale of government bonds allows states to
ease their debt burden by incentivizing the purchase of such loans. Second, investment
into businesses (including through investment funds) can create jobs and thereby
lower the unemployment rate. Third, real estate investment can boost the domestic prop-
erty market. Assessing these options involves three regressions, each taking the start of
the specic investment option (business, bonds, real estate) as the dependent variable.
To operationalise the economic need that each option might respond to, the main inde-
pendent variables are the housing market price index (real estate), debt-to-GDP ratio
(government bonds), and unemployment rate (business investment), for their respective
regressions. The control variables included are the annual GDP growth rate, the long-
term interest rate,
and the number of countries with an RBI programme. The growth
rate is designed to control for general economic activity, as opposed to the economic
indicators more closely related to the investment options. Based on the results in the
rst step, a one-year GDP growth is used. The interest rate tests for the possibility that
governments use the RBI programme to borrow cheaply at the expense of distorting
the nancial market. We again control for political orientation, as well as year- and
country- xed eects.
Although the dependent variables are binary, we use a linear regression in all cases
since countries which do not have an RBI programme would be dropped in probit-
type regressions. To account for the time needed to establish a programme, we used
values lagged by one year. In addition, we control for year- and country-specic
eects. The results are shown in Tables 1 and 2.
The rst regression shows that RBI programmes are indeed implemented after a
period of slowed economic growth. The eect is strongest for the three-year averages,
and the interaction for the two-year average regression is negative and signicant.
Thus governments are more likely to implement programmes if they have experienced
a sustained economic downturn, and more likely to do so if the downturn occurred
during the Eurocrisis. For the option-level data, we nd that the real estate and business
investment options have a signicant relationship with their respective economic indi-
cators. However, the start of bond option does not correlate signicantly
with the unemployment rate. Thus, the real estate and business investment options
appear to be designed to address areas of economic need, while the government bond
Table 1. Main regression results for programme start.
[1] 1 year [2] 2 years [3] 3 years [4] 1 year [5] 2 years [6] 3 years
Average GDP growth 0.559**
Crisis 0.019
Crisis * GDP growth 0.030
Housing index
Unemployment rate
Right-wing 0.001
Left-wing 0.001
No. of existing programmes 0.004
N 270 243 216 270 243 216
0.4034 0.4188 0.4624 0.4034 0.4315 0.4733
(year- and country-xed eects, *p< .10, **p< .05, ***p< .001, one-tailed).
option does not. Notably, the number of programmes already in existence does not have
a signicant eect on starting an RBI programme, indicating that there is no contagion
eect. The political variables are also insignicant, which is consistent with the ndings
of scholars who disaggregate the impact of political orientation on migration policy (de
Haas and Natter 2015). Not only do both left-wing and right-wing governments
implement RBI programmes, but also opposition parties, once in power, do not end
the use of such programmes. Notably, however, our ndings show that a decline in
GDP growth is correlated not with greater restrictiveness, but its opposite: governments
under declining economic conditions are more likely to launch such programmes,
suggesting that they are treated more akin to economic tools rather than immigration-
related ones (cf. de Haas and Natter 2015, 18, 20). Robustness checks show that the
results hold even when each country is left out of the regression one at a time, and
thus reect a general trend.
Programme pricing: a demand-side approach
If states implement programmes in response to economic need, do they adjust prices
accordingly? More specically, what factors inuence the pricing of investment
amounts? Dzankic (2018) asserts that richer countries place higher prices on RBI
options because the investment needs to impact GDP, which is larger in such cases.
However, as discussed above, the economic logic supporting this supply-sideapproach
is not clear, since higher prices do not always generate higher revenue if the decrease in
demand osets the increase in price. The alternative demand-sideexplanation is that
governments choose the prot-maximising point on the demand curve: they select a
price that generates the most revenue, and thus the minimum investment amount is
determined by the demand curve of the applicants. As a result, more attractive countries
will have a higher minimum investment amount.
Table 2. Main regression results for investment option start.
[7] Start
(Real estate)
[8] Start
[9] Start
Average GDP growth 0.385
Crisis * GDP growth
Housing index 0.002**
Debt-to-GDP 0.002
Unemployment rate 0.010*
Right-wing 0.000
Left-wing 0.000
No. of existing programmes 0.009
N 318 314 299
0.4886 0.1961 0.4232
(year- and country-xed eects, *p< .10, **p< .05, ***p< .001, one-tailed).
Sources: Eurostat: housing index, debt-to-GDP ratio, unemployment rate; World Bank: annual GDP growth; OECD and the
ECB Statistical Data Warehouse: long-term interest rate
To understand how governments price programmes, we need to rst determine the
factors inuence the decision. Here, we consider three hypotheses. First, investors
like others seeking residence options may behave as though they are making an immi-
gration decision and select a country based on factors that make it livable in the long run,
such as education, pollution, and crime rates. Second, investors may have a more short-
term orientation, leading them to behave like tourists. Qualitative research on wealthy
migrants has found that many maintain multiple bases and do not principally reside
in countries where they have acquired residence. They instead live as exible citizens
(Ong 1999) who travel frequently between residences and business locations (see also
Surak 2020a). Thus, a countrys attractiveness is more likely to be correlated with its
attractiveness as a tourist destination with, for example, desirable resort areas more
important than average level of health care or pollution. Third, a country may be
more attractive because it provides better investment opportunities and a higher rate
of return.
To test these three hypotheses, we run a regression with data from all EU countries
with RBI programmes from 2008 to 2019, taking the number of applicants as the
main dependent variable (Table 3). For the rst hypothesis, we use as the explanatory
variable several quality of life variables from the Eurostat database. The variables were
chosen based on the completeness of the data over our time period, as well as whether
they are public goodsin the sense that even a wealthy investor with ample money
cannot obtain them individually.
For the second, we use the annual number of tourists
that arrive in each country. For the third, we use the year-on-year GDP growth rate as
well as the housing rate because as will be seen in the next section the vast majority
of investment goes into real estate. All of the variables are lagged by one year to avoid the
simultaneity problem, namely the problem that the independent variables may be deter-
mined by the number of applicants in the same year. As control variables, we include the
number of RBI programmes already in existence, as well as the minimum investment
amount. The number of existing resident programmes represents the number of choices
the applicant has, or in other words, the degree of competition in the market.
Thus, we
Table 3. Main regression results for investor behaviour.
No. of applications
Tourism 241.0***
Education 15.65
Pollution 6.45
Crime 9.45
GDP growth 1581.0
Housing index 28.07
No. of RBI programmes 87.06
Minimum investment amount 0.001***
(year-xed eects, *p< .10, **p< .05, ***p< .001, one-tailed).
would expect the coecient for existing programmes to be negative. The minimum invest-
ment amount is designed to account for the slope of the demand curve and thus is expected
to be negative. The regression also includes xed year-eects.
The results suggest that RBI participants behave like tourists when choosing countries:
the more tourists there are in a country, the more applicants it is likely to receive. The
long-term quality of life variables, such as education, crime, and pollution, are not sig-
nicant. In addition, the coecient for housing prices is signicantly negative, which
suggests that people prefer countries where real estate is cheaper. As such, RBI
program participants act more like tourists or investors and less like immigrants when
choosing among the oerings. As for the control variables, the minimum investment
price has a negative correlation, showing that on average the slope of the demand
curve is negative and lower prices lead to more applications. The eect of the number
of RBI programmes is insignicant, which aligns with the results found in the previous
section: there is no contagion eect. In sum, we see that minimum investment prices are
higher where the demand curve is more favourable due to attractive living conditions.
Again, the results hold even when we leave out any one country from the regression.
Knowing what shapes a demand curve, we can now evaluate what determines the
minimum investment amount for each country by comparing two hypotheses. The
demand-sidehypothesis posits that governments react passively to market demand
and set a minimum price that maximises the total revenue. Thus, proxies for attractive-
ness should have a positive impact on investment price. The supply-sideargument
asserts that the price depends on needs internal to the country. In the rst regression
analysis, we found that countries begin programmes in response to economic crises.
As such, we can expect that as the economy improves, the priority of these programmes
would decline. If the political costs involved in maintaining a controversial programme
outweigh the benets of additional revenue, countries may raise their price to decrease
the number of applicants, as occurred in the case of Latvia discussed above.
To test these hypotheses, we run a regression, but this time the dependent variable is
the minimum investment amount for each country from 2008 to 2019. The independent
variables are similar to the regression above. For the demand side, we include the signi-
cant quality of life variables from the above regression. For the supply side, we revisit the
economic considerations from the rst regression analysis, and include all key economic
variables, lagged by one year. Since the regression result in Table 3 shows that economic
indicators are not signicantly correlated with applications, any signicant eect in this
new regression must come from the supply side. Other control variables included are the
number of existing RBI programmes and year-xed eects.
Although the regressions in Tables 3 and 4are similar in terms of variables, they are
dierent in their interpretation. In Table 3, where the main variable is the number of
applications, the focus is on what variables aect applicant choice and how. In Table
4, the focus is on what governments judge is important when adjusting their prices: dom-
estic need or investor demand. The results are summarised in Table 4.
The regressions support the demand-side hypothesis: a countrys attractiveness as
measured by the number of tourists and education is signicantly correlated with the
minimum investment amount. This shows that applicants tend to choose countries
with higher livability, and that governments of those countries charge more in response.
There is some asymmetry in that applicants evaluate countries as tourists and prot-
oriented businesspeople, while governments price according to the countrys overall
attractiveness. At the same time, the supply-side hypothesis receives some support as
well: GDP growth and unemployment rate are negatively correlated with investment
price. From an economic perspective, maximizing revenue is best outcome, but the
number of new residents may have other eects on the domestic economy. For
example, a country with higher unemployment rate may want more investor residents
since the qualifying investment may create new jobs. On the other hand, low GDP
growth may correlate with increased political pressure to keep rich investors from
buying houses. The results of the paired regressions show that applicants behave most
similarly to tourists and investors when selecting options, and that governments
respond to both supply-side and demand-side forces when setting prices.
Programme outcomes: economic impact
What are the eects of these programmes on the overall economy? In assessing this ques-
tion, it is important to note several issues that can dilute a programmes overall economic
benet. Real estate may be sold above market value to investors seeking to full
minimum investment requirements. Businesses may not grow or be sustainable. Admin-
istrative oversight may facilitate the exaggeration of job creation or neglect to register
business collapse (e.g. Ley 2003). To assess whether such practices undermine the econ-
omic benets of the programmes requires a detailed analysis of how each operates on the
ground, which lies beyond the scope of this article. Instead it relies on the available infor-
mation on the number of main applicants, amount of investment, and type of invest-
ment, and extrapolates based on the number of applicants and the minimum
investment amount where data are not available.
Qualifying investments enter the economy from external sources and thus they
resemble foreign direct investment (FDI), though ocially they do not come under
this category.
Other studies have used Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) to situate
Table 4. Main regression results for demand curve determinants.
Minimum investment amount
Tourism 222939***
Education 45319***
Pollution 10905***
Crime 3111
GDP growth 1599602***
Housing index 3112
Unemployment rate 53301***
Debt-to-GDP ratio 448
No. of RBI programmes 2277
(year-xed eects, *p< .10, **p< .05, ***p< .001, one-tailed).
the magnitude of these ows (Scherrer and Thirion 2018). However, FDI is a better com-
parison because the assets are relatively illiquid for the investor: if the investor sells the
investment, then she loses the visa. The upshot is a longer-term orientation more charac-
teristic of FDI than FPI.
Figure 4 reveals substantial variance among countries where
data are available, ranging from RBI receipts representing 15 percent of FDI in Portugal,
to less than 1 percent in Ireland.
We also see that the scale of the programme does not necessarily correlate with the
proportion of FDI. Spain, for example, has the second highest number of annual appli-
cants, but the programme constitutes only 3 percent of FDI inows. By contrast, the pro-
grammes in Latvia and Portugal countries with smaller economies overall attract
investment that is equivalent to a substantial proportion of FDI. Even in countries
that are heavily reliant on FDI, such as Ireland, programme revenue is miniscule in com-
parison to other sources of foreign investment. Notably, RBI programmes are not subject
to EU rules concerning state aid, which can pose challenges when states compete for FDI.
As such, it has been hypothesised that the programmes oer an alternative means to
compete for foreign investment (Lindeboom and Meunier, Forthcoming). However,
our analysis shows that most countries are not actively exploiting programmes in this
manner. Importantly, even large programmes in small economies, such as the one in
Latvia, contribute less than 1 percent to GDP. Thus contra Scherrer and Thirion
(2018,3941), concerns that the programmes may destabilise economies and produce
macroeconomic risks are unwarranted.
How do the injections aect specic sectors? Existing work claims that RBI pro-
grammes can have a negative impact on the real estate market by driving out locals
(Scherrer and Thirion 2018; Holleran 2019). Unfortunately, the sole empirical assess-
ment to date takes into account only partial data from two countries and does not
isolate the impact of RBI investment from general foreign investment in real estate
0.32% 0.98%
1.78% 1.48% 2.50% 2.43%
0.04% 0.03% 0.05% 0.11% 0.36% 0.30%
Figure 4. Investment as a Proportion of Foreign Direct Investment and GDP.
Sources: Bulgaria: Investment Bulgaria, Greece: Enterprise Greece, Ireland: Department of Justice and Equality, Latvia:
Oce of Citizenship and Migration Aairs, Portugal: Immigration and Borders Service, Spain: Ministry of Labor and
Migration, Eurostat: FDI, World Bank: GDP.
(Scherrer and Thirion 2018,423). In the following analysis, we use more complete data
to test these arguments by examining the four largest programmes in Greece, Latvia, Por-
tugal, and Spain, which account for over 70 percent of total approvals in the EU. If there
is a deleterious aect on local real estate, it is likely to be found in these cases.
First, we nd that the focus on the real estate sector is warranted. Only Portugal, Spain,
and Latvia have released information about the number of investors selecting each type
of investment, but these countries account for nearly 60 percent of approved appli-
cations. In Portugal and Spain, over 90 percent of investors select real estate, as do
over 85 percent in Latvia (Figure 5). Greece has released gures only for applicants select-
ing real estate. Bureaucrats involved with the programme have conrmed that these rep-
resent the vast majority of cases. Thus we see that an overwhelming proportion of the
investment goes into the real estate market. Accordingly, if there is a strong eect on
the economy, positive or negative, it would appear in the real estate sector. The
Latvian numbers are particularly striking since the minimum amount for qualifying
through business investment is around one-quarter of the minimum real estate invest-
ment. Although countries may hope the programmes address other economic sectors,
investors overwhelmingly choose real estate options when available.
How signicant are RBI programmes to a countrys property sector? If we look at total
foreign investment in residential property in Portugal, we nd 8 percent of homes were
sold to non-residents in 2018, which amounts to 13 percent of the residential property
sector (Table 5). However, RBI investments constituted just 22 percent of total foreign
investment in real estate and about 3 percent of the total real estate market. A similar
situation can be found in Spain. From 2013 to 2017, there were 3,350 golden visas
issued, with 94 percent secured through investment in real estate, amounting to a total
investment of 2.3 billion in property.
During the same period, foreign nationals
8056 5744 3140
402 354
124 87 211
Latvia (2013-2019) Portugal (2015-2019) Spain (2013-2017)
Real estate Companies Funds / Banks Other
Figure 5. Number of investors by investment type.
Sources: Latvia: Oce of Citizenship and Migration Aairs, Portugal: Immigration and Borders Service, Spain: Ministry of
Labor and Migration.
comprised 13 percent to 15 percent of the total market in real estate, or nearly 219,000
Thus only 1.5 percent of the foreign investment in property came
through the RBI programme, which represented less than one percent of the countrys
real estate market.
In Latvia, investment through RBI programmes has had a larger, though still not sub-
stantial, impact on the real estate market. In 2014, the government raised the minimum
investment amount for its real estate option from 142,000 in urban areas and 71,000 in
rural areas to 250,000 nationwide. Drawing on data in Viesturs, Pukite, and Nikuradze
(2017), we can see that this caused a large decrease in applications, as numbers dropped
from 5600 in 20141400 in 2015. At the same time, the proportion of foreigners in real
estate transactions fell from 15 percent to 10 percent. Thus RBI applicants accounted for
roughly 6.7 percent (2014) and 1.7 percent (2015) of total transactions. Furthermore, the
impact was concentrated in two regions. Riga, the capital of Latvia and the most urba-
nised area, saw transactions halve from around 2000 to 1000. Saulkrasti, a resort district,
experienced an even more drastic drop in the percentage of real estate transactions invol-
ving foreigners, from about 70 percent to 10-20 percent. The concentration of invest-
ments in this resort area conforms to the ndings in Table 4 that investors behave as
The Greek programme presents a markedly dierent story in comparison to the other
cases. Since implementation in 2014, it has become one of the most popular in Europe.
With a minimum investment amount of 250,000 in real estate, the programme attracted
at least 470 million into the property in 2018 alone.
To put this in perspective, the total
real estate market the same year was more than 1.3 billion, of which 655 million came
from foreign investors.
Thus, we can reasonably estimate that investment from the RBI
programme accounts for about 36 percent of the real estate sector, and 72 percent of
foreign investment into the sector. As such, the programme has come to constitute a sub-
stantial proportion of the total property market. The ndings warrant further investi-
gation of whether the property market is showing signs of destabilisation and where
specically locals have been priced out of housing.
Our ndings show that the programmes do not appear to be pressuringthe real estate
sector based on this measure alone (cf. Scherrer and Thirion 2018, 36). If only Greece
raises concerns, what accounts for the anxiety about such programmes? Only speculation
Table 5. Signicance of RBI investment within the real estate market.
Proportion of foreign
transactions within the real
estate market
Proportion of RBI
transactions within foreign
Proportion of RBI transactions
within total real estate
Portugal (2018) 13% 22.4% 2.9%
Spain (20132017) 13-15% 1.5% 0.2%
Greece (2018) 50% 71.8% 35.9%
Latvia (20142015) 10-15% 16%-44% 1.7%-6.7%
Note: Italicised numbers represent estimates.
Sources: Portugal:
Spain: Ministry of Labor and Migration;
Greece: Enterprise Greece;
Latvia: Viesturs, Pukite, and Nikuradze (2017).
is possible, but notably the nationality composition of RBI programmes sets them apart
from dominant sources of foreign investment in property. In Portugal, the golden visa
programme attracts applicants predominantly from China (55 percent), Brazil (10
percent), and Turkey (5 percent). However, the top countries accounting for foreign
real estate investment a far larger proportion of the property market are in
Europe: France (28 percent), Great Britain (15 percent), Switzerland (8 percent), and
Germany (6 percent).
Similarly, in Spain, the main players are predominantly Euro-
pean, with the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium, and Sweden claiming the
top ve spots for a total of 44 percent of the foreign transactions in the market.
Spains RBI programme attracts predominantly Chinese (37 percent), Russians (27
percent), and other non-EU nationals.
Notably too studies have presented their ana-
lyses in ways that overstate the impact of RBI investments in real estate while underplay-
ing changes in local and EU real estate purchases (e.g. Scherrer and Thirion 2018,423).
As such, it is possible that the purchase of property by more distant, even racially distinct,
othersraises greater fear among nationals that the country is being bought up by puta-
tively threatening foreigners (see also Rogers, Wong, and Nelson 2017).
The twentieth century saw a remarkable shift from screening new immigrants based on
racial origins to screening based on human capital contributions (Joppke 2005; FitzGer-
ald and Cook-Martín 2014). The spread of RBI programmes in the twenty-rst century
adds a new dimension: screening new residents by economic capital contributions only.
The results of this investigation suggest an upper limit on Ellermans(2019)nding that
western countries now devalue the economic oerings of foreigners when selecting new
members. In contrast to the policies aimed at workers that she examines, here we see that
countries are indeed supplying pathways to long-term residence and citizenship for those
making economic contributions as long as they are very sizeable. Notably, the injec-
tions are one-oand the new residents are not expected to continue to contribute to
economic growth in the same way that migrant workers might; they must simply main-
tain the original investment. The trend suggests a short-term calculation on the part of
states, seeking to plug economic gaps, as our analysis nds, rather than a longer-term
orientation of crafting a middle-class national identity (cf. Elrick and Winter 2018; Eller-
man 2019). If social capital (Portes 1998), human capital (Stark, Helmenstein, and Fürnk-
ranz-Prskawetz 1998; Ellerman 2019), and ethnic capital (Mateos and Durand 2012;Kim
2018) have captured the attention of social scientists analysing migration, the develop-
ments tracked here suggest that a renewed focus on economic capital may be warranted.
We nd that states continue to harness mobility policies in service of economic objec-
tives, now in a more starkly transactional manner, and as we show no matter what
the political orientation of the government may be.
If RBI programmes are becoming an increasingly popular policy option, not all
countries see the same uptake. Demand in Europe is concentrated in a handful of pro-
grammes: just four countries represent 75 percent of all investor residents. The pro-
grammes now bring nearly 3.5 billion to the Union annually, yet the economic
benets are uneven. Indeed, only in two countries, Latvia and Portugal, are the economic
injections large enough to represent a signicant proportion of FDI. However in no
country do they represent a substantial proportion of GDP, suggesting that concerns
about macroeconomic destabilisation are unwarranted.
Our analysis reveals that economic decline leads to a greater likelihood that countries
will start programmes, and that if the economic decline occurred during the Eurocrisis,
the likelihood is yet greater an argument proposed but not demonstrated by the litera-
ture (e.g. Parker 2017; Holleran 2019; Dzankic 2018; Veteto 2014). The choice of invest-
ment options, too, is largely responsive to economic need when governments implement
real estate and business investment options, though not government bond options. Fur-
thermore, the spread of programmes itself does not lead to more programmes: there is no
contagion eect. As such, driving the onset of RBI programmes is more than mere client
politics or neo-liberal ideology (cf. Mavelli 2018); economic need is a signicant factor
behind them. However, investors may stymie government intentions to use programmes
to boost several areas of the economy, for they overwhelmingly invest in real estate if
given the option.
Furthermore, our analysis suggests that wealthy investor migrants may be better con-
ceptualised as mobile, prot-oriented populations akin to tourists and businesspeople,
rather than as long term-oriented immigrants. The results lend support to qualitative
work that identies such mobile populations as exible citizens(Ong 1999), who use
investment to multiply their options and secure additional bases, rather than to pack
up and immigrate or invest in a growing economy (see also Ley 2010; Surak 2020a).
We also nd that countries with strong tourism sectors can charge more for their pro-
grammes as well. Yet they are not merely prot maximisers, choosing a price that will
attract the most applicants; they respond to internal issues too, changing price in accord-
ance with economic growth and employment rates.
A number of analysts have raised warning ags that investor migrants may price locals
out of real estate (Scherrer and Thirion 2018; Holleran 2019). Our analysis shows the
concern is unwarranted: the proportion of RBI real estate transactions in the national
market is miniscule in nearly all cases. Notably, these programmes attract more
distant and often brownerothers than the fellow Europeans who constitute the greatest
proportion of foreign real estate buyers and raise less media hype, suggesting that xeno-
phobia may lie behind the concern. Greece is the sole, but signicant, exception where
the scale of the programme could indeed destabilise the property market. As real
estate investment tends to be concentrated in specic locales (Friedland and Calderon
2017; Viesturs, Pukite, and Nikuradze 2017), regional and city-level data are necessary
to further identify whether more limited destabilisation is occurring in particular areas.
What has been the impact of Covid-19 on these programmes? The sudden hardening
of borders across the world has sent many wealthy people looking for ways to hedge their
risks by securing mobility options and a Plan B (Surak 2020b,2020c). To date, as we
show, national-level healthcare statistics have been insignicant, but Covid-19 may
encourage wealthy investors to select countries that have handled the pandemic well
or that oer state-of-the-art healthcare. Covid-19 may also bring a shift away from a
short-term tourist-likecalculation to a medium-term calculation preferring a place
for longer-stint stays.
Regarding supply, Covid-19 is likely to increase the attractiveness of RBI programmes
as a way to draw in foreign investment. Our study found that countries are more prone to
start programmes after a period of slowed economic growth, particularly after a systemic
recession. If the economic downturn spurred by the pandemic continues, it is likely that
new countries will start their own programmes, replicating the pattern we found, and
that countries with RBI oerings already in place will attempt to develop them further
to address deepening economic need. Even if the schemes to date have been small,
they still oer a means to attract additional resources at little cost. With real estate the
most popular qualifying option, the investment boost is likely to be concentrated in
the property and construction sector, which itself is transforming as the pandemic
recongures work patterns and the desirability of urban living. Even if the European
Commission continues to call for ending the programmes, countries are more likely to
adapt their RBI oerings perhaps by shifting them closer to, or even transforming
them into, entrepreneurial options rather than do away with them entirely.
1. Bulgaria, which oers permanent residence, is the exception. Cyprus also grants permanent
residence, but requires investors to maintain the real estate purchased for qualication. The
bank deposit can be withdrawn after three years.
2. The reportsdenition of RBI programmes is more expansive than our own and includes
cases where human capital contributions are assessed. See the research design and
methods section below.
3. The report also strains to make a similar case with respect to citizenship by investment pro-
grammes. The authors ag a 43 percent increase in real estate sales in Cyprus between 2015
and 2016, with nearly a quarter coming from foreigners a 34 percent increase over the pre-
vious year. The explanation, however, ignores the much larger jump in real estate purchases
by locals in the comparable time span, which rose by 46 percent. The full picture indicates
that it is not that foreigners are increasingly dominating the market, but that the market as a
whole is becoming more attractive to foreigners and locals alike.
4. The Figure does not include Malta, Cyprus, or Italy, which have not issued reports and did
not respond to repeated requests for data. Service providers involved with developing the
Italian programme conrm that only a handful of people have applied. The lack of data
on Cyprus and Malta, however, leaves a potentially signicant gap. Both countries host
popular citizenship by investment schemes, and their RBI programmes possess structures
similar to popular real estate-based programmes in the Mediterranean. Thus, it is likely
that the number of approvals in Malta and Cyprus contribute more to the EUs total RBI
admissions, though they are unlikely to be among the top choices
5. We operationalized this by setting the value to 1for every year a new programme starts. In
all of the robustness checks, the signicance and magnitude of the coecients were similar
and did not change our conclusions.
6. In the regressions, we drop centre parties to avoid collinearity. To check robustness, we run
regressions using the other two denitions and nd that the results are consistent.
7. Estonia does not have comparable data since it only rarely issues government bonds, and
therefore 0 was substituted for all values
8. Because of their visa status, investors cannot make use of most important welfare state pro-
visions such as public pensions, unemployment payments, or public housing benets,
should these wealthy individuals even seek them out. Furthermore, all the programmes
require participants to possess private health insurance.
9. We include Hungary as an option and count Malta as only one programme as investors are
unlikely to select more than one residence programme in a single country.
10. Fixed country eects are left out of the regression since tourism and quality of life likely
include time-invariant, country-specic elements, such as the Colosseum, Côte dAzur, or
the London School of Economics.
11. The exception are cases possible only in Bulgaria and Luxembourg where local banks can
nance the qualifying investment by loaning a portion of the funds to the investor, eec-
tively printing the money within the country.
12. FDI data are taken from the World Bank. We use the minimum investment amount to cal-
culate overall investment where only the total number of accepted investors is available.
13. Data from Extranjeros Residentes en España Reports from the Ministry of Labor and
14. Data from Estadísticas de la Propiedad, Registrar of Spain. To match the period for the
Golden Visa gures, we start from the fourth trimestralin 2013.
15. Data from Enterprise Greece.
18. Data from Estadísticas de la Propiedad, Registrar of Spain. To match the period for the
Golden Visa gures, we start from the fourth trimestralin 2013
19. Similar information for Greece and Latvia is unavailable.
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the author(s).
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... The Golden Visa (GV) programme represents one of the main policies conceived to attract foreign investment into Portugal. Residency-by-investment programmes, more commonly known as golden visa programmes, were implemented in several European countries in the aftermath of the 2008 economic crisis, seeking to bring in foreign investment (Surak and Tsuzuki, 2021;Amante and Rodrigues, 2021;Gaspar and Ampudia de Haro, 2020;Shachar, 2017). In Portugal, the Residence Permit for Investment Activities (Autorização de Residência para Atividade de Investimento, abbreviated as ARI) was introduced in 2012 (Ministerial Order 305-A/2012 of 4 October) after the financial crisis of 2008. ...
... The Golden Visa programme has been criticised mainly for being a short-term strategy on the part of states, seeking to plug economic gaps, rather than a longer-term orientation. The capital injections are one-off, and the new residents are not expected to continue to contribute to economic growth in the same way that migrant workers might, beyond their original investment (Surak and Tsuzuki, 2021). Several analysts have warned that investor migrants may price locals out of real estate, which is a pivotal question at the level of Portuguese public opinion, particularly among inhabitants of Lisbon and Porto. ...
... Several analysts have warned that investor migrants may price locals out of real estate, which is a pivotal question at the level of Portuguese public opinion, particularly among inhabitants of Lisbon and Porto. However, Surak and Tsuzuki's (2021) analysis suggests such concern is unwarranted: the proportion of RBI real estate transactions in the national market is miniscule in nearly all cases of the European countries that the authors analysed (including Portugal), even if this type of programme might reinforce, by mimesis, the financialisation of real estate markets. ...
Technical Report
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AspirE-Asian prospects in (re)migration to/within the EU-is a three-year research project (2023-2025) that examines the decision making of aspiring (re)migrants from selected Southeast and East Asian countries (China, Japan, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) to and within selected EU member countries (Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Italy and Portugal). Executive summary This report analyses the extent to which the complex realities of human behaviour are considered and captured in the migration policies of Portugal, as part of the AspirE project Decision making of aspiring (re)migrants to and within the EU: the case of labour market-leading migrations from Asia. More precisely, the specific research question we address is "How and to what extent does the mobility regime in Portugal consider aspiring (re)migrants' behaviour in its policies"? The introduction presents the immigration context of Portugal, with a focus on migrant populations from Asian countries. The second part introduces the legal framework and provides a socio-historical background of the evolution of the key mobility policies regime in Portugal. The third part examines and discusses the findings of a policy content analysis in respect of six policies of interest to the AspirE project-namely, labour migration, family reunification, tourism, investment-based/privileged migration, student mobility, and the Schengen policy. On the whole, we show that the mobility regime in Portugal is not particularly selective or restrictive (except for its investment-based policies), and it is elastic enough to allow for legal flexibility with regularisation options and for alternative pathways. As such, the legal framework here has been revised successively to respond to the country's demographic, economic, and social interests and, at the same time, to include the needs and aspirations of migrants.
... The real estate sector has evolved, benefiting from the demand from tourists, international buyers and investors, to some extent by residence-by-investment and citizenship-by-investment programmes and by the increasingly global market for second homes Santos, 2019b;Savills Research, 2019). Half of the EU member states, including Portugal, Greece, Italy and Spain, have residency-by-investment programmes (Surak & Tsuzuki, 2021). Portugal stands out in terms of the number of golden visas issued and the revenue generated by the programmes. ...
... However, this is only a superficial assessment of these programmes. The strong contradiction between the stated objectives of the programmes and their criteria and results reveals them as strategies aimed at short-term passive economic investment(Surak & Tsuzuki, 2021). ...
The understanding of immigrants as disadvantaged low‐skilled workers has been widely explored in migration studies. On the opposite end of the social ladder, the number of scientific works about privileged migrants, from highly skilled professionals to retired people and digital nomads, shows a significant increase. However, migration research fails to expose and debate the sharp contrast between immigrants with distinct economic and socio‐professional backgrounds across several dimensions, namely in housing. With the aim to better understand the manifestations and interconnections of immigration within urban transformations, this study analyses the polarities between immigrants in the housing sector in Portugal, a peripheral European nation that recently acquired the status of a country of immigration and where access to housing has been a structural problem. Furthermore, this text discusses the impact of public policies on the generation of those inequalities. With this, we expect to contribute to the debate on the unequal power and positions of distinct groups of immigrants and their constraints in the housing market, taking into consideration processes of inclusion and exclusion.
... In addition to the motivations of GV applicants, how they choose their destination country is also an intriguing issue. According to Surak and Tsuzuki (2021), GV applicants tend to think like tourists and investors rather than immigrants, and the selection of a country is largely determined by its attractiveness as a place to live. They also note that even though GV programmes usually offfer various investment options-some with lower monetary requirements than real estate-GV applicants choose to invest in real estate predominantly. ...
... Similarly, Surak and Tsuzuki (2021) find that even large RBI programs in relatively small economies, such as the one in Greece, contribute receipts of less than 1 percent of GDP. For EU countries with disaggregated data available, applicants overwhelmingly opt to invest in real estate rather than other asset types. ...
Since the 1980s, China has become the source of a new type of international migration. In the liberal world of the 1990s, Chinese migrants became the epitome of “flexible citizenship” aimed at maximizing economic advantages. In the postliberal world of which a powerful, affluent, and repressive China is a key player, however, middle-class migrants increasingly leave China to pursue a better life defined in nonmaterial terms such as cultural authenticity, environmental purity, social solidarity, and individual freedom. As a new wave of middle-class migrants relocates to semiperipheral European destinations like Hungary, they seek refuge from the pressures of a society they see as polluted, competitive, and overly materialistic. Counterintuitively, some of these aspirations chime in with nativist ideologies espoused by the populists in their chosen homes.
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Citizenship and residence by investment is a fast-growing global phenomenon. As of 2022, more than a third of all countries in the world offered paths to membership in exchange for a donation or investment into their economies. Yet we know little about how these programmes operate and debates in academia and the wider public are often misinformed by sensationalist cases. This book offers a multidisciplinary exploration of both citizenship and residence by investment on a global scale. Bringing together the expertise of leading legal scholars, economists, sociologists, political scientists, and historians, it provides an informative and empirically grounded assessment of the origins, operation, key causes, and the legal bases of the investment migration programmes. By so doing, the volume demystifies citizenship and residence by investment and takes a critical postcolonial global perspective, addressing key issues in belonging, exclusion, and inequality that define the world today.
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Investor citizenship programmes are becoming increasingly commonplace in state practice. What was once the province of outlier Caribbean microstates is gaining traction among more substantial states. Cash-for-passports, as Ayelet Shachar labels the phenomenon, clashes with our received understandings of citizenship as a marker of social solidarity in a Walzerian sense. The emerging market for citizenship literally commodifies the status.But where Shachar sees investor citizenship programmes as a threat to robust citizenship ties, I see them more as a manifestation of citizenship that is already being hollowed out. In the old world, investor citizenship programmes would have been inconceivable.Today, far from inconceivable, they are becoming an accepted element of strategic immigration policy.
How is a sovereign prerogative brought to market? We know much about how states shape markets and vice versa, but less about the dynamics when states not only set market rules, but are also the sole producer of the good. This article takes up the case of citizenship by investment—“golden passport” programs that offer citizenship in recognition of an investment in a country—to unpack the challenges that appear when states commodify sovereign prerogatives. In these cases, the state holds multiple roles that generate conflicts of interest and a concern for credibility. To address these concerns, states may adopt two strategies: institute a division of labor in issuing the product, and outsource elements of supervision to third-party actors. Empirically, the analysis shows how migration service providers retooled murky discretionary grants of citizenship in peripheral countries into formal citizenship by investment schemes. The conclusion addresses how these strategies apply in markets for other sovereign prerogatives, particularly government debt, and discusses the implications for citizenship and neoliberalism.
The European Union has seen a proliferation of ‘golden visa’ programs that allow investors to gain residence in a country in exchange for a financial contribution. Despite substantial attention from Brussels and the media, no empirical study to date has systematically compared the outcomes of these increasingly popular schemes. Drawing on new government and public sources supplemented by interviews, this article offers the first comparison of the spread and demographic uptake of the programs, investigating trends in the country of origin, approval numbers, investment type, and family dependents, as well as the factors that affect demand and approvals. It also takes note of a small number of serial investor migrants – cases that may warrant heightened background checks. It concludes by assessing the significance of the flows and discussing the implications for residence by investment programs.
Why do wealthy people purchase citizenship in peripheral countries? This article investigates the demand for citizenship by investment programmes, which enable naturalisation based on a donation or financial investment. Extending research on long-distance naturalisation among the middle class and on residence by investment programmes, I examine the motives of the wealthy using citizenship by investment options. Based on over one hundred interviews with rich naturalisers and intermediaries in the citizenship industry, I find that mobility, both in the present and as a future hedge, is a strong driver, followed by business advantages. Often it is privileges in third countries – not the place granting the citizenship – that are sought. In contrast to middle-class strategic naturalisers, quality of life, education options, and job prospects were not important, though navigating geopolitical barriers and risks were. Many naturalisers were not compensating for the failures of their citizenship at birth, but manoeuvering within a world of state competition. Finally, some individuals inverted the citizenship hierarchy and downgraded from ‘first tier’ memberships when, after years of living abroad, their nationality became a liability. The conclusion elaborates on the duplex structure of intra-state and inter-state inequality that channels demand, and the implications for citizenship more broadly.
After the 2008 crisis, Spain forged new economic connections with Asia as relations with EU core countries soured, including a programme called ‘golden visas’ that offers EU visas, and eventual citizenship, linked to purchasing second homes. Southern European countries with housing gluts, sovereign debt, austerity measures, and aging populations embraced these programmes while discouraging the migration of refugees. Using research with potential Asian property purchasers, this article shows that those seeking visas are not only motivated by political conditions in their home countries but they also seek to ‘buy into’ the European social model. Home-purchasers see their investment as a means to cheaply access state services unavailable in their countries and they make longsighted geopolitical predictions through the purchasing of homes and the visas that come with them.
As notions of human capital and personal autonomy have become integral to constructions of social membership, we have witnessed the incursion of market mechanisms into many areas of social life. Immigration policy has been no exception to this trend. By tracing policy developments in Canada and Germany, this article examines the extent to which human-capital citizenship has come to shape immigration policy across policy regimes. Examining economic and family immigrant admissions, the article tests two sets of propositions. First, that human-capital citizenship has come to transform economic immigration policies in ways that have stratified core rights – that is, residence and family unification rights – by skill level, rather than economic contribution. As a second proposition, the article contends that economic considerations are being increasingly applied to immigrants who arrive through non-economic streams. As the desirability of immigrants has come to correspond to their rank in the labour market hierarchy, the accompanying process of market invasion has led to an increasing blurring of longstanding normative and policy distinctions between economic and non-economic immigration.
This article examines how ethnic capital operates in ethnic affinity migration and external citizenship. Criticizing the “methodological nationalism”, inadequate theorization of the state, and “groupist” understanding of ethnicity that characterize existing scholarship on ethnic capital, I develop an alternative account drawing on Bourdieu. I highlight the importance of state power that consecrates ethnicity as a legitimate element in classifying non-citizens and determines the key criteria for coethnicity. The conversion of ethnicity into a migration-facilitating resource, however, is not monopolized by the state. I pay attention to how aspiring migrants, assisted by various intermediaries, challenge the state’s definition of ethnic group boundaries or deliberately cultivate specific ethnic markers, with varying implications for their ethnic self-understanding. Instead of treating ethnicity as what migrants are, I analyse what states, migrants, and intermediaries do with ethnicity – how they shape the valorization, conversion, and legitimization of ethnic capital in macro-political, meso-institutional, and micro-interactional contexts, with different agendas and asymmetrical power.