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In this article, the authors from Monash University and the University of Sydney have collaborated to present a research-informed model to support the planning and teaching of mathematics, using a student centred structured inquiry approach.
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An instructional model to support
planning and teaching student centred
structured inquiry lessons
Maggie Feng
University of Sydney, NSW
Peter Sullivan
Monash University, Vic.
Janette Bobis
University of Sydney, NSW
Ann Downton
Monash University, Vic.
James Russo
Monash University, Vic.
Melody McCormick
Monash University, Vic.
Sharyn Livy
Monash University, Vic.
Sally Hughes
Monash University, Vic.
In this article, the authors from Monash University and the University of Sydney have
collaborated to present a research-informed model to support the planning and teaching of
mathematics, using a student centred structured inquiry approach.
9APMC 26(1) 2021
ere is an old saying that, when translated into
English, states: “If you don’t know what harbour you
are going to, no wind is a good wind”. Of course,
if you have not chosen a destination, it makes no
dierence what direction the wind blows. e point
is, ideally lesson structures should match our goals for
student learning generally and mathematics learning
in particular.
On one hand, one of the goals of mathematics
teaching is to improve test scores of most
students, including performance on high stakes
assessments. e pedagogies associated with such
goals are familiar to teachers since they would have
experienced such teaching in much of their own
mathematics learning. is approach is described
below as Active Mathematics Teaching.
On the other hand, the goals of education
generally and mathematics education in particular
might also include developing student agency and
fostering inclusion. e Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2019)
proposed aspirations for education globally in the
year 2030, two of which are relevant for the teaching
of mathematics. e rst is the need to maximise
opportunities of all learners, which emphasises the
importance of inclusive approaches to planning and
teaching. e second goal is preparation for uncertain
futures, which implies that capabilities for independent
thinking and creativity are not only important but
also can be fostered through education. Many systems
articulate similar aspirations using phrases such as
fostering creativity, developing curiosity, and building
resilience. Approaches to instruction that foster such
goals are described below as Student Centred Structured
Inquiry and are assumed to be less familiar to teachers.
10 APMC 26(1) 2021
Sullivan et al
Sullivan et al. (2020) describe the elements of such
teaching in detail. Caro, Lenkeit, and Kyriades
(2016) analysed results of PISA 2012 involving over
500,000 students and provide compelling evidence
of the eectiveness of this perspective, describing it as
cognitive activation.
e purpose of this article is to propose an
instructional model that can communicate to teachers,
various considerations and decisions associated with
student centred teaching. e model was developed
as part of the Exploring Mathematics Sequences of
Connected, Cumulative and Challenging tasks project1
Active Mathematics Teaching
e Active Mathematics Teaching approach
supports lessons in which teachers seek to develop
comprehension of specic mathematical concept or
to foster conceptual understanding of a procedure
or technique. Good, Grouws, and Ebmeier (1983)
explained such teaching includes addressing
prerequisite skills; lively presentations; assessment of
comprehension; controlled practice; seatwork; and
homework assignments; with the teacher having an
active role at each stage. is could be summarised as:
Teacher poses some questions to check student
facility with pre-requisite skills.
Teacher explains goals and solution methods,
including ways of setting out responses.
Teacher poses further exercises and asks students
to work out the answers. Some students explain
what they have done.
Further questions are posed in sets of similar
demand on students.
Students’ responses to set exercises are corrected,
and some further examples are posed to check
both their accuracy and capacity to explain the
process they used.
In other words, this approach can be described
succinctly and clearly, and presumably would be
familiar to all teachers. Active Mathematics Teaching
connects to what is described in the High Impact
Teaching Strategies (HITS) (Department of Education
and Training Melbourne, 2017) as Explicit Teaching
and Worked Examples.
While there are aspects of mathematics for which
such approaches are suitable, there are risks that
teaching in this way can make students dependent
on the teacher, as opposed to encouraging students
to think for themselves. is approach does not
specically make provision for the diversity of
achievement and motivation found in most classrooms
and, if this is the predominant method of instruction,
it results in alienating many students.
Student Centred Structured Inquiry
By comparison, Student Centred Structured Inquiry
approaches are more complex and less familiar to
teachers. To communicate the various associated
teacher actions, we developed an instructional model,
the schematic of which is presented in Figure 1. e
language of the instructional model draws heavily on
Smith and Stein (2011) which focuses on orchestrating
classroom discussions, an essential element of creating
opportunities for fostering student agency.
Figure 1. Student centred structured inquiry instructional model.
1. e authors are engaged in a project funded by the Australian Research Council, Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta and Melbourne Archdiocese
Catholic Schools (LP 180100611). e views expressed are opinions of the authors who take full responsibility for the ethical conduct of the research and
preparation of the article.
e rst and arguably the most critical element of
the EMC3 instructional model is “Anticipate” which
is enacted prior to lessons as part of planning and is
summarised for teachers as:
Identify specic learning goals including specic
questions and ways for prompting learning.
Choose tasks based on mathematics learning
goals, the curriculum, and prior knowledge of
11APMC 26(1) 2021
An instructional model to support planning and teaching student centred structured inquiry lessons
Select resources, materials, and ways for students
to represent their thinking.
Anticipate students’ solutions and strategies as
well as possible misconceptions.
Plan enabling and extending prompts.
e rst phase in the lesson is “Launch” for which
our advice for teachers is as follows:
Lead a preliminary activity, which can be a
uency exercise related to the content of the
lesson or a discussion to familiarise students with
the lesson context.
Pose the main task without instructing students
on any solution path or method, with students
reading the question for themselves where possible.
Invite questions to clarify language, materials and
We want to communicate to students (and their
teachers) that by transferring responsibility for learning
to students, they have to do the thinking when
choosing the type and format of their response. Such
choice is engaging and is part of fostering student
agency. Ideally the tasks posed are productively
challenging, build resilience and are mathematically
interesting so as to encourage curiosity.
e next phase is “Explore” in which teachers are
advised to:
Allow individual think time after which students
might work collaboratively.
Interact with students, observing and monitoring
how they are responding.
Oer enabling prompts to students who are stuck
and extending prompts to students who have
Select student work samples for subsequent
After around 10 minutes, if many students are
not progressing, encourage sharing of partial
solutions and/or discuss misconceptions that have
ere are two key actions for teachers: one is
interacting with students to stimulate thinking and
persistence; the other is preparing for the subsequent
lesson phase.
e next phase, “Summarise/ Review” has two
interrelated aspects that occur contemporaneously. e
elements of “Summarise” are:
Sequence the selected work samples.
Support students in articulating solutions and
strategies by revoicing when necessary.
Pose questions to stimulate student thinking,
connect mathematical ideas and build
e teacher, at this phase, leads discussion of student
solutions, engages other students in thinking about
these solutions, and builds connections between the
solutions and the discussion that is prompted.
InReview” we encourage teachers to:
Synthesise, emphasise and record key mathematics
points building on student contributions.
is nal step involves a shift in the focus of
authority from students to the teacher.
Importantly, we see the launch-explore-summarise
process happening twice for each learning experience,
with the task for the second cyclebased on Variation
eory (Kullberg, Runesson, & Mårtensson, 2013).
Applying variation theory to task design involves
creating a new task from an existing task by keeping
most aspects the same, but deliberately varying some
aspects. e variant might be the context, with the
concept(s) staying the same. Alternatively, we might
vary the sophistication of the concept (or even the
concept itself), with the context staying the same.
e explicit intention is to consolidate the thinking
activated from the initial experience (Dooley, 2012).
is consolidation involves repeating the previous
three phases, noting that consolidation is often in a
subsequent lesson.
Advice to teachers for “reLaunch” is:
Pose a further task that is a bit the same and a bit
dierent from the original to consolidate learning
from the rst task.
Encourage students to apply and extend learning
from the rst task.
“reExplore” is described as:
Use the same approach as for the exploration of
the initial task, including selecting work samples
(preferably from dierent students).
Arm students who have applied new or more
sophisticated strategies from the earlier discussion.
“reSummarise/Review” is:
Use the same approach as for review of the
initial task, emphasising overall learning and
anticipating how the new knowledge might be
used in the future.
ese textual descriptions are presented to teachers
along with the schematic in Figure 1.
12 APMC 26(1) 2021
Sullivan et al
e model explicitly addresses the aspects of the
HITS namely: Setting Goals, Structuring Lessons,
Collaborative Learning, Multiple Exposures,
Metacognitive Strategies and Dierentiated Teaching.
Interestingly, there is still Explicit Teaching in this
model although this happens after student experience
with the task rather than before, and there are also
Worked Examples although these come
predominantly from the students.
is article presented two models of instructional
processes in mathematics. Both are useful although
teachers are encouraged to be aware of the destination
goals associated with each model. e harbour for
the Student Centred Structure Inquiry instructional
model is student engagement and decision making,
along with the intention to include all students in
the learning.
Even though the EMC3 project oers examples of
tasks that are mainly open ended or open middled,
this instructional model works for any type of learning.
Examples of other types of learning experiences that
could follow this model are those based on
mathematical games and practical investigations.
Caro, D., Lenkeit, J., and Kyriades, L. (2016). Teaching strategies and
dierential eectiveness across learning contexts: Evidence from
PISA 2021. Studies in Education Evaluation, 49, 30–41
Department of Education and Training Melbourne. (2017). High
Impact Teaching Strategies. Downloaded in January 2021 from
Dooley, T. (2012). Constructing and consolidating mathematical
entities in the context of whole class discussion. In J. Dindyal,
L. P. Cheng, & S.F. Ng (Eds.). Mathematics education expanding
horizons: Proceedings of the 35th conference of the Mathematics
Education Group of Australasia (pp. 234–241). Singapore:
Good, T. L., Grouws, D. A., & Ebmeier, H. (1983). Active mathematics
teaching. New York: Longmans.
Kullberg, A., Runesson, U., & Mårtensson, P. (2013).e same task?
– Dierent learning possibilities. In C. Margolinas (Ed.),Task design
in mathematics education:Proceedings of the International Commission
on Mathematics Instruction Study 22 (pp. 609–616). Oxford, UK:
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD) (2019). e future of education and skills Education 2030.
Retrieved from
Smith, M. S., & Stein, M. K. (2011). 5 practices for orchestrating
productive mathematical discussions. Reston VA: National Council of
Teacher of Mathematics.
Sullivan, P., Bobis, J., Downton, A., Hughes, S., Livy, S., McCormick,
M., & Russo, J. (2020). Ways that relentless consistency and task
variation contribute to teacher and student mathematics learning.
In A. Coles (Ed.)For the Learning of Mathematics Monograph
1: Proceedings of a symposium on learning in honour of Laurinda
Brown(pp 32–37). Canada: FLM Publishing Association.
... Overview of the team's planning process Davidson (2018, p.11) described mathematics planning as anything teachers "say, do and write" when developing learning sequences and experiences. In the next section, Scott, Kristyn and Rai describe the planning process they used for designing a learning sequence for Year 5 and 6 students that focused on developing students' multiplicative thinking through student-centred structured inquiry (see Sullivan et al., 2021). As an illustrative example, each step in the planning process is described and explained. ...
... Possible student responses included: counting by ones, skip counting, partitioning (distributive property), associative properties, and finding the whole and subtracting what was missing. Anticipating a range of responses enabled us to modify the task to create 'enabling prompts' for students who might experience difficulties with the initial task and 'extending prompts' for those who finish the task quickly (Sullivan et al., 2021). An important aspect of this process was using non-permanent vertical visible surfaces (Liljedhal, 2021) to record our thinking and foster an active and inclusive approach to planning. ...
... The fourth step in our planning process was to identify consolidating tasks for the learning sequence. These tasks are opportunities for students to engage with a similar problem in order to apply a new, more efficient strategy or test new ways of thinking (Sullivan et al., 2021). We had become accustomed through the year to judging which consolidating tasks to use depending on our students' responses to each task on the previous day. ...
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The authors describe and discuss an approach to collaborative mathematics planning that supported them to make productive and effective use of planning time. Ultimately, the planning team found that the sequences of learning they designed had positive repercussions for their teaching and engaged students more deeply in the mathematics. Based on its success, other planning teams in the school are exploring using the protocols they developed
... Our project has involved supporting two school systems in Australia (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools and Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta) integrating an approach into their mathematics instruction that can be described as student-centred structured inquiry (Sullivan et al., 2021). The project has targeted generalist, early years (Foundation-Year 2; 5-8-year-olds) primary school teachers. ...
... A teacher described how they used pre-planned tasks as extending prompts: "If I noticed students finding the task easy or have found all the solutions or solved it systematically, I give them the extension task" (T7). The idea that prompts were generally prepared in advance is consistent with how such prompts were intended to be used in the project (Sullivan et al., 2021). My students access enabling prompts themselves if they are stuck on the main task 0% 24% 59% 17% ...
... Furthermore, teachers generally allowed students to grapple with the core task before immediately supporting them with an enabling prompt or offering an extending prompt. Collectively, these findings are consistent with how we intended teachers to Extending Prompts use prompts in our project (Sullivan et al., 2021), and resonate with previous research into teachers' use of prompts with middle and upper primary students (Clarke et al., 2014;Cheeseman et al., 2017;Sullivan et al., 2016). One notable limitation of the current study is that it relies on retrospective self-report data. ...
Conference Paper
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The current study explores how teachers report using enabling and extending prompts when teaching with sequences of challenging mathematical tasks. Twenty-nine early years primary school teachers completed a questionnaire following their participation in a professional learning project. Findings suggest that teachers’: view prompts as important when teaching with challenging tasks; generally prepare prompts in advance of the lesson; consistently allow students to engage with the core task before making prompts available; and consider prompts equally valuable for augmenting learning across all content areas.
... To ensure that opportunities for learning remained student-centred, Sullivan et al.'s (2021) instructional model was used as the lesson structure through which the tasks were implemented. In this model, students are initially given an opportunity to read, interpret and attempt the task on their own (Launch phase). ...
... In this model, students are initially given an opportunity to read, interpret and attempt the task on their own (Launch phase). The second stage of the lesson is structured for students to further explore the task and to identify multiple solutions working collaboratively (Explore phase), with the final stage designed to promote whole-class discussion to summarise the experience in relation to the mathematical focus (Summarise/ Review phase) (Sullivan et al., 2021). Central to this approach is that teachers spend planning time anticipating potential student solutions to the tasks and the ways these could be attended to productively within the lesson itself. ...
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For students to develop adequate conceptual understanding about fractions, they require experiences that afford them opportunities to think flexibly about multiple interpretations of fractions. This article presents a sequence of lessons designed to offer such experiences for students in Years 3 and Year 4. The lessons adopt a challenging tasks lesson design and are intended to be implemented through a structured inquiry lesson model.
... Building upon previous work on challenging tasks (see Sullivan et al., 2015), EMC 3 focused on the ways sequences of challenging tasks and the associated pedagogies support mathematics learning for students in Foundation to Year 2 (5-to 8-years old). One outcome of the EMC 3 project to date was the development of an instructional model supporting the implementation of tasks and ensuring adequate provision of agency and inclusion for students (Sullivan et al., 2021). The model, based on the work of Smith and Stein (2011), encourages teachers to anticipate student responses before planning lessons within three structured phases: Launch, Explore and Summarise/Review. ...
... Being able to specify when and how students access their prior knowledge, engage with alternative solutions and respond to feedback encapsulated the experiences of mathematics learning as intended through the EMC 3 approach . Furthermore, the growth demonstrated by the focus students, regardless of their prior achievement status suggests that a broad range of students can effectively develop mathematical competence when learning through the EMC 3 instructional model (Sullivan et al., 2021). Particularly insightful was the impact that communication, both between peers and student/teacher interactions had on strengthening student competence, and mirrored the findings from Chan and Clarke (2017) that social components are central to successful mathematics learning. ...
Conference Paper
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Developing reliable and effective processes to monitor and interpret student progress during problem-solving tasks is an ongoing challenge in mathematics education. This study utilised qualitative data sources inclusive of observations, work samples and interview transcripts from six Year 2 students to investigate exhibited competence in classroom settings. The analysis showed that students demonstrated growth in both cognitive and dispositional elements of competence when learning through sequences of challenging tasks. These elements, consistently identified across different class settings and lesson topics, have the potential to broaden interpretations of mathematical competence within both practice and research domains.
... To support teachers in maintaining the use of challenging tasks throughout the lesson, Sullivan et al. (2021) put forward a student-centred structured inquiry approach that positions experience before instruction. The lesson structure encourages teachers to launch the task without providing direct instruction or a solution process, allowing students time to work on the tasks themselves, and then later in small groups. ...
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Prior research has revealed a variety of factors associated with teacher views around when to incorporate challenging mathematical tasks into instruction, such as teachers' pedagogi-cal content knowledge and their prior assumptions about student ability. There has been less focus on how motivational beliefs (teacher anxiety, enjoyment, confidence) shape teachers' views around teaching with challenging tasks. To address this gap, the current study administered questionnaires to Australian primary school teachers (n = 92) prior to them undertaking a professional learning programme focusing on teaching mathematics through sequences of challenging tasks. Employing logistic regression, we found that more teaching experience and lower levels of teacher anxiety teaching mathematics were associated with the view that challenging tasks should be introduced earlier in a student's schooling. We also found that higher levels of teacher enjoyment substantially increased the likelihood that a teacher would endorse teaching with challenging tasks more than once a week; however, higher levels of teaching confidence somewhat reduced the likelihood. Implications for practice are discussed.
... clear about the mathematics and the pedagogies that will enable students to productively engage with the task. This might involve teachers making decisions on the most effective model for teaching a particular idea (Ball et al., 2008), anticipating a range of likely student solutions (Sullivan et al., 2021), the prompts they will ask to foster student reasoning , considering how students will record their thinking, or how to facilitate a productive class discussion (Smith & Stein, 2018). To do this well, it is helpful when teachers do the task themselves as part of their regular planning routines. ...
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Aylie Davidson offers an overview on how effective planning strategies, together with the Model for Planning in Mathematics (MPM), can be applied to support and strengthen planning conversations in mathematics with colleagues in schools.
... During the Exploring Mathematical Sequences of Connected Cumulative and Challenging Tasks (EMC³) project Sullivan et al., 2021), teachers in Foundation to Year 2 explored a range of sequences with their students. The Making Things Equal sequence focuses on equivalence and the meaning of the equals sign. ...
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In this article the authors present an account of how Foundation students explored and represented their thinking about the concept of equivalence.
... In other words, classrooms are places where students develop important mathematical ideas through collaboration and discussion over a sustained period of time. For this to occur, teachers assume an active role to challenge, support, and extend students' thinking (Sullivan et al., 2021). ...
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The different contributions offered in this paper are intended to prompt discussion in schools about ways of communicating with students about learning processes and some ways in which their learning will be assessed.
На протяжении многих десятилетий решение практико-ориентированных задач на уроке было в центре внимания реформ начального образования. Несмотря на это, во многих системах образования преобладающий подход к решению этой проблемы рассматривает его как изолированную деятельность, а не как неотъемлемую часть преподавания и обучения. В этой статье мы познакомим учителей начальной школы с альтернативным подходом к решению проблем, а именно «Обучение через решение проблем» (TTP), с использованием Lesson Study (LS) Результаты показывают, что возможность лично испытать ТТP в своих школах помогла педагогам начальной школы оценить возможности различных практик ТТP. В частности, учителя сообщили об изменениях в своих убеждениях относительно практики решения проблем наряду с развитием знаний о постановке проблем. Особо следует отметить утверждение учителей о том, что участие в практике ТТP посредством LS помогло им в полной мере оценить потенциал решения проблем своих учеников. Однако последствия подхода ТТP для планирования представляли собой постоянное препятствие.
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For many decades, problem solving has been a focus of elementary mathematics education reforms. Despite this, in many education systems, the prevalent approach to mathematics problem solving treats it as an isolated activity instead of an integral part of teaching and learning. In this study, two mathematics teacher educators introduced 19 Irish elementary teachers to an alternative problem solving approach, namely Teaching Through Problem Solving (TTP), using Lesson Study (LS) as the professional development model. The findings suggest that the opportunity to experience TTP first-hand within their schools supported teachers in appreciating the affordances of various TTP practices. In particular, teachers reported changes in their beliefs regarding problem solving practice alongside developing problem posing knowledge. Of particular note was teachers’ contention that engaging with TTP practices through LS facilitated them to appreciate their students’ problem solving potential to the fullest extent. However, the planning implications of the TTP approach presented as a persistent barrier.
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In this paper we focus on variation of the design and the implementation of a specific task during three mathematics lessons in the 8th grade in a learning study (Marton & Tsui, 2004; Runesson, 2008). The theme of the lesson was division, with a denominator between 0 and 1. The teachers wanted their students to understand that when dividing with a denominator less than 1, the quotient is larger than the numerator. Four teachers collaboratively planned, analyzed and revised three lessons in a cyclic process. The study shows that the implementation of the task changed between the lessons. Although the same task was used in the lessons, the way it was enacted provided different possibilities to learn.Diferentes posibilidades para aprender con una misma tareaEn este artículo nos centramos en la variación del diseño y la implementación de una tarea específica durante tres sesiones de clase de matemáticas en octavo grado en un estudio de aprendizaje (Marton y Tsui, 2004; Runesson, 2008). El tema de las clases fue la división con un divisor entre 0 y 1. Los profesores querían que sus estudiantes entendieran que, cuando se divide por un divisor menor que 1, el cociente es mayor que el numerador. Cuatro profesores colaboraron, en un proceso cíclico, en la planificación, análisis y revisión de las tres sesiones de clase. El estudio muestra que la implementación de la tarea cambió entre las sesiones. A pesar de utilizarse la misma tarea en las sesiones, la manera en que se implementó proporcionó diferentes posibilidades para aprender.Handle:º de citas en WOS (2017): 4 (Citas de 2º orden, 2)Nº de citas en SCOPUS (2017): 4 (Citas de 2º orden, 2)
Teaching strategies and differential effectiveness across learning contexts: Evidence from PISA 2021
  • D Caro
  • J Lenkeit
  • L Kyriades
Caro, D., Lenkeit, J., and Kyriades, L. (2016). Teaching strategies and differential effectiveness across learning contexts: Evidence from PISA 2021. Studies in Education Evaluation, 49, 30-41
Constructing and consolidating mathematical entities in the context of whole class discussion
  • T Dooley
Dooley, T. (2012). Constructing and consolidating mathematical entities in the context of whole class discussion. In J. Dindyal, L. P. Cheng, & S.F. Ng (Eds.). Mathematics education expanding horizons: Proceedings of the 35th conference of the Mathematics Education Group of Australasia (pp. 234-241). Singapore: MERGA.
Active mathematics teaching
  • T L Good
  • D A Grouws
  • H Ebmeier
Good, T. L., Grouws, D. A., & Ebmeier, H. (1983). Active mathematics teaching. New York: Longmans.
Ways that relentless consistency and task variation contribute to teacher and student mathematics learning
  • P Sullivan
  • J Bobis
  • A Downton
  • S Hughes
  • S Livy
  • M Mccormick
  • J Russo
Sullivan, P., Bobis, J., Downton, A., Hughes, S., Livy, S., McCormick, M., & Russo, J. (2020). Ways that relentless consistency and task variation contribute to teacher and student mathematics learning. In A. Coles (Ed.) For the Learning of Mathematics Monograph 1: Proceedings of a symposium on learning in honour of Laurinda Brown (pp 32-37). Canada: FLM Publishing Association.