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The effectiveness of the GoKoan e-learning platform in improving university students’ academic performance


Abstract and Figures

The GoKoan e-learning platform supports face-to-face training in an educational community. Its aim is to optimise the way and the time of study in order to improve academic performance. To evaluate the GoKoan platform’s effectiveness as a tool for improving academic performance, an experimental study was carried out using a sample of 171 university students enrolled in the psychology degree programme who were randomly assigned to the two different conditions (the experimental group: traditional learning + e-learning with the GoKoan platform; and the control group: traditional learning without e-learning). The findings showed that using GoKoan had a positive impact on the students’ academic performance (d = 0.39, 95 % CI [0.08, 0.69]). The results highlight the importance of blended learning in improving students’ learning performance. Other aspects of its effectiveness (e.g, the levels achieved in student learning outcomes) will be considered in future studies.
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Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101026
Available online 5 May 2021
0191-491X/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
The effectiveness of the GoKoan e-learning platform in improving
university students academic performance
María Jos´
e N´
, Laura Badenes-Ribera
*, Clara Torrijos
, Miguel A. Ballesteros
Elena Cebadera
University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
CEO of GoKoan, Valencia, Spain
CTO of GoKoan, Valencia, Spain
UX/UI of GoKoan Valencia, Spain
Online learning
Distributed learning environments
Human-computer interface
Media in education
The GoKoan e-learning platform supports face-to-face training in an educational community. Its aim is to
optimise the way and the time of study in order to improve academic performance. To evaluate the GoKoan
platforms effectiveness as a tool for improving academic performance, an experimental study was carried out
using a sample of 171 university students enrolled in the psychology degree programme who were randomly
assigned to the two different conditions (the experimental group: traditional learning +e-learning with the
GoKoan platform; and the control group: traditional learning without e-learning). The ndings showed that using
GoKoan had a positive impact on the studentsacademic performance (d =0.39, 95 % CI [0.08, 0.69]). The
results highlight the importance of blended learning in improving studentslearning performance. Other aspects
of its effectiveness (e.g, the levels achieved in student learning outcomes) will be considered in future studies.
1. Introduction
The present Covid-19 pandemic has forced universities to shift from
100 % face-to-face classes to new scenarios with online classes or
blended learning systems (Adedoyin & Soykan, 2020; Rapanta et al.,
2020). This has been a considerable challenge for the university teach-
ing system, which has had to implement blended learning (a.k.a.
b-learning, mixed learning or the hybrid model) to combine the physical
space of face-to-face learning with asynchronous or synchronous virtual
environments (Bonk & Graham, 2005; Garrison & Kanuka, 2004; Gra-
ham, 2019; Macdonald, 2008).
In this context of hybrid teaching models, the development of
effective e-learning tools becomes especially important in the virtual
environment. With this aim the present study analyses the impact on
university studentsacademic performance of a new online learning
platform implemented in a blended learning system.
1.1. Blended learning
Numerous studies have shown that blended learning offers a series of
advantages over a fully face-to-face or fully online course (Graham,
2019; Harding et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2016; Macedo-Rouet et al., 2009;
Woods et al., 2004): a) offers students intellectually more interesting
and satisfactory learning (Woods et al., 2004); b) enables the concepts
learned in textbooks or classrooms to be reinforced (González-Gómez
et al., 2015; L´
opez-Ozieblo, 2018); c) sees students achieve better un-
derstanding, retain information for longer, and enjoy classes more as it
favours the construction of understanding that is more cohesive with the
interconnected facets of a discipline ( ´
Alvarez et al., 2013; Regueras
et al., 2009); d) improves student motivation and commitment to
learning (Ahmed & Osman, 2020; Gilboy et al., 2015; Street et al., 2015;
Xiuhan & Samuel Kai Wah, 2020); e) offers students a higher level of
independence in the learning process (Hung, 2015; Jebraeily et al.,
2020); and f) improves interaction between the teacher and student,
favouring knowledge exchange and learning given that teachers have
more access to students and have better supervision over their students
* Corresponding author at: Faculty of Psychology (University of Valencia), Avda. Blasco Ib´
nez, 21, Valencia, Spain.
E-mail addresses: (M.J. N´
acher), (L. Badenes-Ribera), (C. Torrijos),
(M.A. Ballesteros), (E. Cebadera).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Studies in Educational Evaluation
journal homepage:
Received 26 September 2020; Received in revised form 27 April 2021; Accepted 30 April 2021
Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101026
progress; and students have better access to the teacher and can easily
ask their questions or provide the teacher with their suggestions
(Jebraeily et al., 2020; Makhdoom et al., 2013).
These benets certainly have a positive impact on academic per-
formance. Prior studies have shown that by applying blended learning in
different knowledge areas of university education (e.g., mathematics,
engineering, foreign languages, health sciences, etc.) academic
achievement is greater, in comparison with traditional learning (e.g.
Ahmed & Osman, 2020; ´
Alvarez et al., 2013; Corell et al., 2018; Hung,
2015; Kassem, 2016; Lança & Bjerre, 2018; Lim & Morris, 2009;
erez et al., 2011; McLaughlin et al., 2014; Poon, 2013; Regueras
et al., 2009; Yigit et al., 2013; Zacharis, 2015). For instance, a recent
meta-analysis (Vall´
ee et al., 2020) evaluated the effectiveness of several
types of blended learning compared to traditional learning in health
education and found that all blended learning showed signicantly
better knowledge outcomes than traditional learning (d
=1.07, 95 %
CI [0.85, 1.28); similar results were found for online learning (d
95 % CI [0.60, 0.86] and for computer-assisted instruction (d
95 % CI [0.471.79] compared with traditional learning.
1.2. The GoKoan method: an e-learning platform
This study presents the development of a new e-learning tool that
supports higher education studies named the GoKoan platform. Gokoan
is a web-based software system, fully implemented and functional. The
innovation offered by the GoKoan method resides in the fact it is an
online study platform that: 1) includes all theoretical and practical
content of a subject, and 2) develops an algorithm based on articial
intelligence to help the student organise and optimise the manner of
study and study time, thus avoiding academic procrastination, which
has proven to have a negative impact on academic performance (e.g.,
Hooshyar et al., 2020; Kim & Seo, 2015).
With the aim of fully optimising the chances of success in studying,
and therefore academic performance, the platform is scientically based
on the principles and laws of memory and learning that have been
established from pioneering studies carried out in this eld by Ebbing-
haus (1885, 1913). Their results led to the denition of important as-
pects to be considered in the educational context: study material
staggered over time and the signicance of reviewing, both in terms of
acquiring, maintaining and consolidating the information.
The authors of the GoKoan method developed a system of software
that executes planning algorithms and considers: a) The Fragmentation of
the subjects content and its study in time throughout the period of study,
given that learning is more effective if study is spaced out with a smaller
amount of information than if it is concentrated into fewer learning
sessions with a greater content load (Baddeley & Longman, 1978; Jost
et al., 2021); b) The introduction of reviews at critical moments of forget-
fulness and throughout the period of study for the material. As revealed by
the experimental studies carried out by Ebbinghaus (1885, 1913), a
signicant loss of information occurs in the rst hours after learning,
with a progressive decline over time if there are no material reviews.
Therefore, the platform introduces reviews immediately after a certain
content is learned (within 24 h) and throughout the period of study; c)
Grouping of material learned in progressively larger content blocks for re-
view and reviews spaced out over time. For example, in later phases of the
study when the material has been studied for the rst time, the contents
are grouped into larger information blocks, and the tests cover pro-
gressively more content; d) Signicant learning. The platform allows the
students to create their own materials (diagrams, mental maps, etc.),
while the tool also proposes memory strategies and techniques that
facilitate a more in-depth, elaborate processing of the material and,
therefore, its improved consolidation and recovery in the long term; e)
Multiple choice-style reviews with feedback provided to the student on the
mistakes made and the subject area related to the mistake; and f) Practice
exams with the same structure as the subjects nal exam (number of
questions, alternative formats).For example, the format of the platforms
tests are all exactly the same type (multiple choice tests), number of
alternatives and penalising system) that the students will face in their
nal exam.
Within the Technology Enhance Leaning (TEL) framework, the
GoKoan system focuses on areas of students knowledge modelling in the
study contents and planning study activities within the limits of the time
available and the time horizon (exam date). Its most innovative ele-
ments are as follows: a) fragmentation of contents and their evaluation
in the order of <1000 words, which allows learning difculties to be
detected more precisely and thus create specic reinforcement activ-
ities; b) the uniqueness of the content in the system, which allows the
student to change years (possibly for a more advanced one) without
having to repeat what he has already learned in previous years, and c)
adaptive planning under the time restrictions (availability and nal-
ization) according to the aimed-for mark.
1.2.1. GoKoan algorithm
GoKoan is based on a complex AI algorithm which creates a fully
personalised student study plan founded on the staggered study princi-
ple and the introduction of reviews, since it is possible to implement this
in e-learning. Consequently, when the students access the platform using
any electronic device with Internet access (computer, mobile or tablet),
they will nd material (the subject) that they must learn. To do so, they
specify their weekly availability for study, the deadline by which they
must have learned the subject and the desired level of retention. Then
the algorithm offers a study plan considering these variables in addition
to study phases, reviews and assessment.
The study plan is completely dynamic and can be adapted to the
evaluations that the student has to take either after learning a content or
after a periodical micro-evaluation. It also changes each time the student
modies the time restrictions such as the nal exam date or the weekly
available study time. In this way, the system sequences the tasks for all
the sections that can be included in the time available according to the
time slot indicated.
1.2.2. Description of the software
GoKoan employs Cloud software architecture with stateless servers
sheltered by a load balancer. GoKoan is a web application developed
using Angular JS technology. It accesses the servers via an HTTP
communication interface. The servers run on a Java virtual machine,
and Kotlin is the language used for the business logic. The database is
based on PostgreSQL technology, which offers transactionality and
standard consulting in data cross-referencing.
The GoKoan methods main algorithms are found in the systems
core: a) The scoring algorithm uses the students marks in each section
and constructs an aggregated view of their overall position, including
their total and partial progress in each section. For example, the topics
are composed according to the content hierarchy (section trees 1, 1.1,
1.2, etc.) and computes an aggregate/totalled score as a weighted
average of the scores of lower levels with an overall score for each
section or topic, and at a higher level, for the entire year (see Figs. 1 and
2); b) The content sequencing algorithm is based on previous scoring,
which determines the content that should be worked on next and which
tasks the user should do (study, take a test, etc.). At present there are
study tasks, tests and rests but it is open to other types of task such as
summarising texts, revision of questions and answers from other stu-
dents, etc. (see Fig. 3); c) The planning algorithm cross-references hourly/
daily availability and sequencing to generate a unique, personal calen-
dar that distributes all outstanding work as efciently as possible (see
Fig. 4); d) The test-building algorithm analyses the users weak points,
emphasising them to detect forgotten content and choosing questions
according to the users level. The test construction is based on the scope
of the test (a section, a specic topic or everything Ive learned up to
now(continual evaluation) and considers the latest questions dealt
with so that they are not repeated as long as the set of available ques-
tions makes this possible (see Fig. 5); and e) The coaching algorithm,
M.J. N´
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Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101026
based on decision trees, cross-referenced scoring, and planning and aims
to provide humanfeedback on how to optimise study time (see Fig. 6).
1.3. The purpose of the present Study
The aim of this paper is to offer data on the effectiveness of the
GoKoan platform with regard to improving academic performance,
providing evidence of its efcacy in university students using an
experimental design with two groups: an experimental group with
traditional learning FTF and e-learning with the GoKoan platform, and a
control group with traditional learning FTF without e-learning. In
agreement with previous studies that showed the positive effect of
blended learning methods on academic performance (e.g. Ahmed &
Osman, 2020; Corell et al., 2018; L´
erez et al., 2011; McLaughlin
et al., 2014; Vall´
ee et al., 2020), in the present study it is expected that:
Hypothesis 1. Students who attend traditional lecturer-directed FTF
classes and e-learning (e.g., the GoKoan platform) will get higher nal
exam scores (nal marks) than those who attend only traditional
lecturer-directed FTF classes.
Hypothesis 2. Students who obtain good results in the GoKoan tests
will get higher nal exam scores than those who obtain worse results in
the same tests.
2. Method
2.1. Participants
The sample size was planned by estimating that being enrolled in the
GoKoan platform would produce a medium effect size (d =0.5), a sta-
tistical power of 0.80, and an alpha value of 0.05 (two-tailed). The
required sample size was thus 128 participants according to the results
provided by the G*Power program (Faul et al., 2007).
Nonprobability or convenience sampling was used. The sample was
composed of 171 university students enrolled in the Psychology of
Memorysubject of the Psychology degree program at the University of
Valencia (Spain), with a mean age of 21.47 years old (SD =4.59).
Fig. 1. Overall score and score according to units.
Fig. 2. Feedback on progress at the end of the session.
M.J. N´
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Consistent with the typical composition of psychology courses, 84.2 % of
the sample participants were women.
The participants were randomly divided into two groups: 84 were
assigned to the experimental group with traditional FTF and e-learning
(GoKoan) and 87 were assigned to the control group, with traditional
learning. There were 4 participants who dropped out (3 from the
experimental group and 1 from the control group). Table 1 shows the
descriptive demographic and academic data for the entire sample (N =
171) and those who dropped out during the course of the study (n =4).
No statistically signicant differences were found between the partici-
pants who completed the study and those who dropped out regarding
age (p =.554), gender (p =.609), academic achievement in the previous
year (p =.226), nal marks in the Psychology of Memory exam (p =
.982), the number of times that they sat thePsychology of Memory
exam (p =.517), retained students (p =.474), those in employment (p =
.615), or their ability to manage information and communication tech-
nologies (ICTs) (p =.265). No adjustments were therefore made to the
2.2. Intervention
The face-to-face version of the course consisted of lessons in the
classroom with the existing curriculum: these were mostly teacher-
centered and used methods such as direct lectures, presentations
(PowerPoint slides), demonstrations and question-answer drills.
The Blended version of the course incorporated the GoKoan platform
for four months during the class period up until the exam date, which
allowed the experimental group to study the course in two phases:
1) Learning phase: the contents were presented in fragments to be
studied with assessments evaluating the level of acquisition until they
were learned. For example, one topic was divided into small study
sections. After studying each content fragment, the student took a test to
assess acquisition. If the result was 60 % or higher they could move on to
the next content fragment, otherwise the tool detected the parts of the
content where they were failing and then would re-plan the study pro-
gram and acquisition test until the student successfully passed the
2) Review phase: re-tests of the whole course were carried out using
Fig. 3. Agenda for the day with detailed information on content to be studied and proposed activities.
Fig. 4. Personal plan editor.
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multiple choice questions. These reviews were grouped into blocks with
a progressively higher content load and ended with a practice exam.
To optimise the learning process a series of factors were taken into
account: personalised study planning, time-based study, exhaustive
error analysis, continuous progress reports, collaborative learning, etc.
2.3. Measures
2.3.1. Demographic and academic variables
All the participants were asked to complete a demographic survey on
their age, sex, average academic achievement in the last academic year
(response scale from 0 to 10 points), the number of times they had sat
the Psychology of Memoryexam; whether or not they were retained
students, whether or not they were in employment, their ability to
manage ICTs (on a scale of 010, where 0=completely incompetent and
10=completely competent), teachers name and class schedule (morn-
ing or afternoon).
2.3.2. Academic achievement in Psychology of Memory
Teachers were asked to report the students result in this subjects
nal exam (June 2019), which was the same for all the participants and
consisted of multiple choice questionswith three alternatives. Students
could select the correct answer for each question by circling the asso-
ciated letter and lling in the right circle on the response sheet. Failures
(e.g., selecting an incorrect response) were penalized. The subject was
graded on a 010 scale. The higher the score, the higher the academic
2.3.3. Grades obtained by the tests on the GoKoan platform
The academic performance obtained on the Gokoan platform was
only assessed for students belonging to the experimental group (blended
learning version). The grade obtained was measured as the average
result of the multiple choice question tests completed by the partici-
pants. Each multiple choice question test had three alternatives of
response, where only one of them was the correct response. Students
should select the correct answer for each question. The grade was
assessed in a scale of measure: 0 to10. The higher the scores, the higher
Fig. 5. Feedback on assessment results.
Fig. 6. Banner with messages that improve motivation, and emotional graphics.
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the performance.
2.4. Design and procedure
The GoKoan effect on e-learning was assessed using an experimental
design with an unequal control group. The participants were randomly
divided into two conditions: the experimental group with traditional
FTF and e-learning (platform) and the control group with traditional
learning.Both groups covered the same contents and same course hours
during the same semester (from February to June 2019). The rando-
mised sampling process was carried out by a teacher who did not belong
to the "Psychology of Memory" subject and did not know the un-
dergraduates, so that the course teachers were blinded, i.e. they did not
know which students were in the experimental or control groups.
Participation in the study required the students informed consent.
The participants were given written consent request forms describing
the nature and objective of the study, in compliance with the ethical
code of the Declaration of Helsinki, and ethical approval to conduct the
study was obtained from the university. The forms stated that data
condentiality would be assured, participation was voluntary and the
participants could withdraw at any time.
2.5. Statistical analysis
Preliminary analyses were conducted to examine the normality of
distribution of the continuous variables. The participantsacademic and
sociodemographic characteristics were described by the means and
standard deviations of the continuous variables and frequencies and
percentages of the categorical variables. To compare signicant differ-
ences in academic and sociodemographic characteristics between the
entire sample and dropout participants, and between experimental and
control groups, Chi-squared test or Fishers exact test were performed on
the categorical variables, while the Students t-test or non-parametric
Mann-Whitney U test was used for continuous variables. Fishers exact
test was used when the cell count of the categorical variables was lower
than ve. The nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test was run when data
did not meet the parametric assumption of normality (e.g., age and
number of times students have sat the Psychology of Memoryexam).
When the Students t-test was used the equality of variance was checked
by Levenes test. As the two groups analysed had equal variance, no
corrections to the Students t-test were required.
A univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) was then performed to
examine the GoKoan effect on the academic achievement indicator
measured as the nal marks in the "Psychology of Memory" exam. Sex
was added as a covariate to control any inuence it might have on ac-
ademic achievement scores, since the Chi-square test showed statisti-
cally signicant differences between the experimental group and the
control group in terms of sex. The equality of variance was checked
using Levenes test. As the two groups analysed have an equal variance,
no corrections to the ANOVA test were required.
To evaluate the relationship between academic achievement and the
grades obtained in the tests on the GoKoan platform, Pearsons corre-
lation coefcient test was performed.
Finally, to measure the magnitude of differences, Cohens d was used
as effect size statistics (Cohen, 1988) for the Students t-test and the
ANOVA test, the correlation coefcient r (r =z/root N) for the
Nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test (Clark-Carter 2009), and the Phi
Coefcient or Cramers V for the Chi-squared test and Fishers exact test.
All statistical analyses were carried out on SPSS Version 26 for Windows.
3. Results
3.1. Preliminary analyses
To ensure univariate normality, Kline (2011) suggested cut-offs of
absolute values of 3.0 and 10.0 for skewness and kurtosis, respectively.
Absolute values of skewness and kurtosis for scores on the outcome
measures (Academic achievement in the last year, Academic
achievement in Psychology of Memory, GoKoan test scores, and ICTs
management) were within the acceptable range for normal distribution.
However, distribution of the age variable and the number of times stu-
dents had sat the Psychology of Memoryexam did not t with normal
3.2. Pre-treatment comparisons
Table 2 shows the descriptive demographic and academic data for
the experimental and control groups, as well as comparisons between
both groups in relation to the participantscharacteristics. It can be seen
that there were no statistically signicant differences between the
experimental group and the control group in most of the demographic
and academic variables. Only one statistically signicant group differ-
ence was found in the sex variable, so that overall both groups were
homogeneous in terms of the academic and socio-demographic variables
3.3. Effectiveness of the GoKoan Platform
The results of the ANOVA test controlling the sex of the participants
revealed a statistically signicant difference in the average nal exam
scores between the two groups (F(1, 167) =6.41, p =.012). The
experimental group students showed higher academic results (M =7.80,
SD =1.50) than control group students (M =7.24, SD =1.39), with a
small to moderate effect size (d =0.39, 95 % CI [0.08, 0.69]) according
to Cohen (1988), supporting Hypothesis H1.
The Pearsons Correlation Coefcient test for the experimental group
studentsdata revealed a positive and statistically signicant correlation
between the theGoKoan scores and the nal exam marks (r =.33, p =
.003, 95 %CI [.12, .51]), indicating that as the GoKoan test scores
improved, the studentsnal exam marks also improved. In other words,
those who had high GoKoan scores also had high scores in the nal
exam, and vice versa, supporting Hypothesis H2. Following Cohens
(1988) criteria, a correlation coefcient of r =.33 can be interpreted as
reecting a moderate but relevant relationship.
4. Discussion
This study analysed the effectiveness of the GoKoan platform, a new
online tool that supports university teaching while also complementing
and reinforcing face-to-face teaching in the classroom. Its aim is to
Table 1
Participantscharacteristics for the entire sample (N =171) and those who
dropped out of the study (n =4) and comparisons between both groups.
All sample Dropouts
Age, M (SD) 21.47
Sex, n (%)
Male 26 (15.8) 1 (25)
Female 141 (84.2) 3 (75)
Average academic achievement in the last academic
year, M (SD)
7.20 (0.97) 7.75 (0.5)
Number of times sat the exam, M (SD) 1.15 (0.55) 1 (0.0)
Ability to manage ICTs, M (SD) 7.92 (1.56) 7 (1.83)
Being a retained student, n (%)
Yes 19 (11.4) 0 (0.0)
No 148 (88.9) 4 (100)
Being in employment, n (%)
No 94 (57) 3 (75)
Occasionally 40 (24.2) 1 (25)
Yes 31(18.8) 0 (0.0)
Note. M =mean. SD =standard deviation. n =frequency, %=percentage. ES:
effect size. 95 % CI: condence interval for effect size statistic.
M.J. N´
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improve academic achievement among university students. For this
purpose, a study using an experimental design with an unequal control
group on the effect of blended learning (e.g., FTF +Gokoan platform) on
student performance measured by objective outcomes of nal course
grades was conducted. The ndings showed that being enrolled in the
GoKoan platform had positive effects on the studentsacademic results.
Those who used the GoKoan platform obtained better nal exam marks
than those who attended only traditional lecturer-directed FTF classes.
The effect size was small to moderate (d =.039) according to Cohens
(1988) criteria. Similar ndings were obtained in the meta-analytic
study by Vo et al. (2017), who observed a small to moderate effect of
blended learing on student performance (g+ = 0.385, 95 % CI [0.239,
0.531]) over traditional teaching methods. In a meta-analysis, Ødegaard
et al. (2021) also found a small to moderate effect for ipped classrooms
on knowledge acquisition (d+ = 0.41; 95 % CI [0.20, 0.62] compared to
traditional classroom teaching.
The ndings of the present study showed that those who obtained the
highest scores in academic achievement indicators were also those with
the highest scores in the GoKoan achievement indicators, while those
with a lower index in the indicators also had lower scores on the GoKoan
platform. These results suggest that use of the GoKoan platform may
produce an improvement in studentslevel of knowledge acquisition.
These ndings are in line with previous studies (e.g., Lança & Bjerre,
2018; Twigg, 2003) and demonstrate that the inclusion of ICTs in
traditional learning improves studentsacademic achievement, moti-
vation and satisfaction with teachers (´
Alvarez et al., 2013; L´
et al., 2011; Mohammad & Job, 2012).
In addition to the results of diverse studies, our experience as
teachers reveals the negative effects on academic performance of uni-
versity studentstendency to delay studying for a subject until the days
close to the exam date (e.g., Hooshyar et al., 2020; Steel, 2007). In terms
of pedagogy, the pioneering studies by Ebbinghaus (1885, 1913)
demonstrated that study spaced out over time improves learning in
comparison to mass concentrated study periods. Indeed, distributed
practice (e.g., studying regularly) is one of the most powerful learner
behaviours that positively impact academic performance (Jost et al.,
2021). In this regard, and with the aim of improving the acquisition of
academic content and therefore student performance, the GoKoan
platform helps the student to organise and fully optimise studying. To do
so, the algorithm offers a study plan for the subject for the entire
teaching period adapted to the students availability.
On the other hand, the Learning Management Systems (LMS) used in
blending learning methodologies are very useful in assisting students
when it comes to managing their learning (planning the academic year,
access to educational material, multimedia resources, Moodle LMS, ac-
tivities, web applications, blogs, quizzes,etc.) and communicating with
teachers or fellow students (forums, chats, etc.) (Kraleva et al., 2019, for
a review). However, they do not offer adaptation mechanisms, nor do
they provide the students with feedback on their learning progress or on
the expected levels of acquisition regarding the subjects contents. In
this regard, the GoKoan platform overcomes these limitations as it in-
forms the students of their progress and the contents to which they need
to dedicate more study time. Based on their mistakes in learning and
assessment tests, the algorithm allows them to know the contents that
must be improved and readjusts the study plan according to their
Not only does the platform offer the student feedback but it also
provides the teacher with feedback by implementing learning analytics
(LA) (Banihashem et al., 2018; Ferguson & Clow, 2017; Lodge & Corrin,
2017). LA are dened as the measurement, collection, analysis and
presentation of data about students and their contexts for purposes of
understanding and optimising learning and the contexts in which it
occurs(Long & Siemens, 2011). In this regard, all the information
collected by the platform through a process of learning analytics is
transformed into a metrics panel (business intelligence) that gives the
teacher access in real time to the studentsbehaviour and progress
during the learning process as an individual and in a group. The infor-
mation collected is related to: a) study time (daily, weekly or monthly);
b) the results of the tests taken during the periodor at certain intervals; c)
the materials produced by the student (summaries, conceptual maps,
schemes, etc.); d) the number of study sessions; and e) active users each
The statistical analysis of the student cohorts also allows adjustments
to estimates for subsequent years as it identies contents with a high
percentage of errors that need to be revised. The LA incorporated in the
platform also informs the teacher of how the students work asyn-
chronically, the study speed and frequency, the time periods, number of
times the platform has been accessed, the length of time used, errors, etc.
erez et al., 2017).
In this way, the teacher has at his disposal in the metrics panel in-
formation to understand and optimise the students learning process,
detect any problems and thus to work in the classroom on the contents
that present greater difculty or adapt them to ensure the students
comprehension, performance and learning.
Table 2
Participantscharacteristics for the experimental (n =81) and control (n =86) groups and comparisons between both groups.
Experimental Control Statistic test p ES 95 %CI
Age, M (SD) 21.75 (4.98) 21.22 (4.30) z =-0.84 .399 d =0.11 0.19, 0.42
Sex, n (%)
=3.88 .049
=.15 .00, .30
Male 8 (9.9) 18 (20.9)
Female 73 (90.1) 68 (79.1)
Average academic achievement in the last academic year, M (SD) 7.25 (1.04) 7.13 (0.91) t =0.79 .431 d =0.12 0.18, 0.43
Number of times sat the exam, M (SD) 1.10 (0.41) 1.20 (0.66) z =-0.95 .342 d =-0.18 0.48. 0.12
Ability to manage ICTs, M (SD) 8.11 (1.48) 7.78 (1.63) t =-1.38 .170 d =0.21 0.09, 0.52
Being a retained student, n (%)
=0.35 .553
=.05 .00, .20
Yes 8 (9.9) 11 (12.8)
No 73 (90.1) 75 (87.2)
Being in employment, n (%)
=1.32 .516 V =.09 .00, .21
No 45 (55.6) 49 (58.3)
Occasionally 18 (22.2) 22 (26.2)
Yes 18 (22.2) 13 (15.5)
Professor/instructor, n (%)
=1.29 .526 V =.09 .06, 0.24
Teacher/instructor 1 53 (65.4) 49 (57)
Teacher/instructor 2 18 (22.2) 23 (26.7)
Teacher/instructor 3 10 (12.3) 14 (16.3)
Class Schedule
=0.16 .689
=.03 .12, 0.18
Morning 60 (74.1) 66 (76.7)
Afternoon 20 (23.3) 20 (23.3)
Note. M =mean. SD =standard deviation. n =frequency, %=percentage. ES: effect size. 95 % CI: condence interval for effect size statistic.
M.J. N´
acher et al.
Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101026
The Gokoan platform also produces other benets for the teaching-
learning process. For instance, it promotes participation and improves
communication between students and teachers, encourages collabora-
tive learning through the community, sharing materials and resolving
doubts, favours constructive learning in which the teacher plays the role
of guide and the students have the important role and are more
responsible for their own learning process, and learning theoretical
content can be delegated to the platform so that class time can be used
for activities that facilitate more signicant, interactive learning based
on experiences, simulations and activities that encourage debate,
reection, critical thinking, the opportunity to practice and apply what
has been studied, and a focus on any parts of the subject matter that
cause difculties. In other words it provides what is known as the
ipped classroom (Awidi & Paynter, 2018; Dehghanzadeh & Jafar-
aghaee, 2018; Hinojo et al., 2018; Murillo et al., 2019).
4.1. Limitations and future research
The study has several limitations that must be pointed out. Firstly,
the class attendance of students participating in the study was not
considered. Several studies have shown its positive impact on nal
marks (e.g., Donnelly, 2010; L´
erez et al., 2011; Woltering et al.,
2009). Secondly, another factor that was not considered and that can
inuence the results is the time dedicated to studying and the number of
content reviews and may be signicant with regard to nal exam marks.
Thirdly, it would be worth considering the impact of the ability to
manage ICTs on academic performance, given that ICTs skills have been
noted as an important variable in blended learning courses (Almasi
et al., 2018). These aspects may have impacted on the results obtained
and so constitute highly interesting lines of future research that should
be investigated. For instance, future research might include these vari-
ables as covariates to control their effect on academic performance.
Future research might also include a post-experience questionnaire and
some monitoring during the experience to study how the students
behaviour can be affected by interaction with the system.
Lastly, as the Gokoan system uses "study time plans" and multiple
choice "tests" in a way that make the effects of the two aspects of learning
indiscernible, future research should examine whether the systems
learning results originate in the contextual use of planning and tests or
only in the availability of tests, because at present it is impossible to say
whether the results are on planning and tests or only on the latter option,
which was not considered in the study.
4.2. Conclusions
This paper has shown that the use of the e-learning GoKoan platform
as a support to traditional face-to-face classes has statistically signicant
effects on psychology degree students academic performance as
compared to that of a control group that followed the traditional classes.
These ndings agree with those of previous studies that combined
classroom teaching with blended teaching methods, showing that using
the GoKoan platform with traditional face-to-face classes raises stu-
dentsmarks (e.g. Ahmed & Osman, 2020; Graham, 2019; Liu et al.,
2016; Vall´
ee et al., 2020).
It should be pointed out that unlike many other platforms used in
blended learning (Kraleva et al., 2019), GoKoan incorporates a series of
characteristics that make it an innovative tool in the ITC context: 1) it
includes all the course study content in any electronic device with
Internet access; 2) to optimise the probability of successful studies and
therefore academic performance it is scientically founded on the laws
and principles of memory and the learning obtained from the tasks
carried out in this eld (e.g., Baddeley & Longman, 1978; Ebbinghaus,
1913; Jost et al., 2021). Important aspects implemented in the tool are
derived from its results and should be considered in the educational
context: the study material is spaced out over time, and importance is
given to revising when acquiring, maintaining and consolidating
information as well as at critical moments of forgetfulness; 3) the tool
also offers a learning experience that can be adapted to individual stu-
dents, with a study and revision plan that can be adjusted to their
progress, reports on the errors committed in the tests and the part of the
syllabus that deals with these errors, and 4) the students not only receive
information on their progress but also from the data analysis of the
learning analytics (LA) the teacher can: a) know each students progress
in real time and detect cases that are not advancing at an early stage; b)
detect the studentsfrequent errors and adopt preventive strategies to
avoid academic failure, and c) improve the contents and devise new
strategies to optimise the learning process.
In conclusion, the results of the present study show that imple-
menting GoKoan in the context of higher education has important pos-
itive effects on studentsachievement. These ndings validate the
current GoKoan platform as a suitable technological complement for
blended learning methods. However, further studies are necessary to
better understand its impact on student learning outcomes. Future
research should consider studentsskills with new technology, average
class attendance, and the time and number of reviews invested in
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declared no potential conicts of interest with respect to
the research, authorship and/or publication of this article.
This research did not receive any specic grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-prot sector. This study
has been possible thanks to the collaboration agreement signed with the
University of Valencia, Spain (Record Code: 25742). We would also like
to thank the teachers and students of the psychology degree at the
University of Valencia who participated in the GoKoan method evalu-
ation experience.
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M.J. N´
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... Ten (55.6%) were cross-sectional studies [2,10,12,13,29,[32][33][34][35][36], three (16.7%) were mixed methods studies [18,26,37], two (11.1%) were quasi-experimental and longitudinal studies [3,[38][39][40], and one (5.5%) was a qualitative study [41]. ...
... was a qualitative study [41]. The population involved in the study was a mix of students from various fields and departments, including medical, nursing, pharmacy, psychology, students taking management courses, and engineering students [3,12,13,18,29,32,34,35,38,39,41]. Other students were undergraduates from different fields that were not mentioned [2,10,26,33,36,37,40]. ...
... Two studies experimented to compare grades achieved by students taking online classes (experimental group) with students taking face-to-face classes (control group) and found that those in the experimental group scored higher during examinations than those in the control group [38,39]. Nine studies included in this review showed a positive impact of online learning on student performance [3,10,13,26,32,33,36,38,39] students reported getting higher scores during examinations when they switched to online learning. ...
Full-text available
The rapid shift to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly influenced educational practices worldwide and increased the use of online learning platforms. This systematic review examines the impact of online learning on student engagement and performance, providing a comprehensive analysis of existing studies. Using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guideline, a thorough literature search was conducted across different databases (PubMed, ScienceDirect, and JSTOR for articles published between 2019 and 2024. The review included peer-reviewed studies that assess student engagement and performance in online learning environments. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 18 studies were selected for detailed analysis. The analysis revealed varied impacts of online learning on student performance and engagement. Some studies reported improved academic performance due to the flexibility and accessibility of online learning, enabling students to learn at their own pace. However, other studies highlighted challenges such as decreased engagement and isolation, and reduced interaction with instructors and peers. The effectiveness of online learning was found to be influenced by factors such as the quality of digital tools, good internet, and student motivation. Maintaining student engagement remains a challenge, effective strategies to improve student engagement such as interactive elements, like discussion forums and multimedia resources, alongside adequate instructor-student interactions, were critical in improving both engagement and performance.
... For example, the innovation adoption model was used to investigate the intentions and behavior of learners while they were using an online learning system. As a result of the relational distancing hypothesis and Bloom's taxonomy theory, Nácher et al., (2021) developed a study model that examined the impact of relevant elements on learning and achievement and academic accomplishment when students are enrolled in online learning environments. However, despite the fact that these studies have demonstrated that students who use social networking sites for educational learning have substantially good effects, the circumstance of the original study is effective at providing learners with an online learning surroundings in an adequate supervision (Milievi et al., 2021). ...
... Students may also drop out of school as a result of the shift in their learning environment, or their desire for finishing their degree courses may be diminished (Al-Azzam et al., 2020). Although many scientists feel that e-learning has good benefits on learning outcomes (Nácher et al., 2021;Milievi et al., 2021), Abbas and Sasan (2019), who tested the impact of Pandemic or Covid-19 in online learning on learners, are among those who believe the opposite. Despite the fact that their research indicates that sex differences have distinct outcomes in terms of usage satisfaction, the association among the variables is statistically significant positive. ...
... For example, the post -adoption technique was used to investigate students' continuance intention while using an online service. When individuals are undertaking electronic assessment, Nácher et al., (2021) created a research paradigm employing asynchronous detachment concepts and Bloom's taxonomy theories to investigate the effect of important components on academics achievements. Despite the fact that these studies also show that students who are using SNSs for instruction produce much better results, the contextual environment of the study design is consistent and understands the message with an online courses environment in a guided manner (Milievi et al., 2021). ...
Full-text available
N. M. A. (2022). How do online learning environment stimulations affect learning involvement determinants in the setting of Abstract-At the beginnings of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic altered the traditional teaching in order for the most school kids all across the globe, and online learning at homes has emerged as a growing phenomenon. This article investigates the link between both the interpersonal referential, considered proximity, and perceptions of control, as well as the educational involvement of Universities Learners, using the stimuli-organism-responses (S-OR) type as a framework. According to the findings of this research, which was based on information from 378 university learners who participated in online learning, reported proximity, subjective norm, and interpersonal referential are all beneficial to learners' self-oriented and well-being, hence increasing their excitement for instruction. The goal is to help surveyors, teachers, developers, and 8413 others in the identification of effectiveness approaches to conceive and assess learners' participation in e-learning courses and programs.
... In addition, E-learning has much potential to develop university in Nigeria, and the use of E-learning positively impacts the educational process [25]. Furthermore, a study involving 171 psychology study program students shows that using e-learning positively impacts student academic achievement [26]. Study also found that the e-learning model provides independent learning facilities for students, and this method helps teachers and students develop computer skills and increase interactive skills [27]. ...
... the longer engagement a student in using e-learning then the higher the academic achievement score will also be. More research on the platform e-learning GoKoan shows that the learning outcomes of students using e-learning It is better when compared to conventional learning outcomes because it is considered capable of providing learning materials anytime and anywhere, adjusting learning plans from students, and providing learning outcomes reports quickly (Nácher, 2021). Through the various benefits that can be conveyed, it is necessary to deepen the special role of technology in supporting students' academic achievements. ...
Full-text available
E-learning can support the creation of interpersonal communication for students, both students and lecturers. Even communication carried out in e-learning is considered to be one of the aspects that can affect student academic achievement. This study aims to explore themes in interpersonal communication and mediated communication in the context of e-learning. The method used in this study is Systematic Literature Review with the guidance of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses/PRISMA 2020. Data was obtained from the Scopus research database by applying queries according to the research theme and 69 articles were obtained that will be further analyzed. The results of the study have succeeded in identifying 10 themes in interpersonal communication and 9 themes in mediated communication. Communication effectiveness, communication behavior, and social presence are things that need to be considered in interpersonal communication. As for mediated communication, it is necessary to consider the ease and comfort of communication, mediated communication behavior, and also the support of the online environment.
... One disadvantage is that professors who are not experienced with blended learning techniques may object, which might prevent adoption from going effortlessly and affect students' learning produces and experiences. [18] The research used a quasiexperiment to analyze the impact of a tailored intervention technique on learners' achievement in the program and studying habits in a blended learning environment. The goal is to determine whatever information fusion technique uses their information to deliver the best achievements. ...
... Digital educational resources should be considered the basis of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) in the existing education system. They are sources of information presented in digital form, which are actively used in the educational process of a modern educational institution in order to provide the necessary information within the framework of the main and auxiliary program disciplines of all participants in this process [15]. ...
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Relevance. The relevance of the research is determined by the ever-increasing importance of the modern education informatization, which is defined as a systematically organized process that includes a number of studies of various directions, designed to implement the wide possibilities of information, communication technologies. Purpose. The main research purpose is to study the prospects for the development of mobile educational resources based on the use of instrumental complexes. Methodology. The methodology of this research paper is based on a combination of the method of system analysis of key aspects of the development and practical implementation of information and communication technologies with a comprehensive study of various options for their use in the creation of mobile electronic educational resources based on instrumental complexes. Results. The research results illustrate the significant importance of creating mobile electronic educational resources based on instrumental complexes and their practical application in the modern education system as a means of information support, assessment of students' knowledge and implementation of the principles of a full-fledged cultural exchange. Varieties of digital educational resources were presented, as well as an example of the functioning of a mobile electronic educational resource in the framework of solving practical issues of assessing students' knowledge. Conclusions. The study underscores the practical importance of mobile electronic educational resources for enhancing information access, knowledge assessment, cultural exchange in modern education. These resources facilitate the integration of smart technologies and digital information, supporting teachers and students in achieving a more effective and comprehensive educational process. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of application the obtained results in the creation of mobile electronic resources and knowledge bases in the field of education, in order to ensure the access of teachers and students of educational institutions to the information necessary for the full-fledged educational process. Keywords: educational complex; digital culture; education system; smart technologies; information and communication technologies; digital information resources
... In addition, academic achievement has an important role in students' academic development as it assesses their progress, helps develop their self-skills and expands their perceptions, academic knowledge and other skills that contribute to students' self-development during the educational stage (Fernandez et al., 2022). Moreover, Nácher et al. (2021) stated that academic achievement makes students search for themselves and their abilities, as adolescents who achieve academic success have a high level of self-esteem and a lower level of anxiety or depression. In this regard, Martínez et al. (2019) illustrated that the psychological state affects the level of the student's academic achievement, therefore, if the student's circumstances are difficult, this weakens his/her ability to achieve and increases the difficulty of his/her adaptation to the school environment, and thus affects his/her academic achievement, and vice versa. ...
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Test anxiety is a real problem that a group of students suffer from in their different stages of education, and it is a source of concern not only for students but also for their whole families. Thus, this paper aims to investigate the impact of electronic tests on students’ anxiety and their academic achievement at Qatar University. A quantitative approach was used to test the hypotheses of this study, and a questionnaire was designed and distributed to the study sample, which consisted of 400 female students at Qatar University. In addition, a quasi-experimental study was adopted, where female students were split into an experimental group with an electronic test as well as a control group using a traditional test. The results showed that there are negative attitudes among students towards electronic tests. The results also found that the electronic tests raised the level of test anxiety among Qatar University students in contrast to the traditional tests. Moreover, the study found that students had higher academic achievement on traditional tests than on electronic tests. Finally, more attention must be directed towards addressing electronic test anxiety, in addition to designing or building remedial counseling programs to reduce levels of electronic test anxiety among female students at Qatar University.
In this study, we report the development and psychometric validation of the Online Teaching Comprehensive Evaluation Scale (OTCES). The sample consisted of teachers from across Taiwan. In Taiwan, COVID-19 has profoundly affected online teaching, making teachers' acceptance of change critical, as online teaching policies place teachers at the center of reform. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to validate the effectiveness and reliability of the OTCES model. The model consists of six factors: teaching skill, student–teacher interaction, school readiness, student readiness, teacher perspective, and teacher readiness. In this study, the estimation ability of each item was mainly above moderate, and the Cronbach's alpha coefficients of each factor reached the recommended level of 0.70 for the scale. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the entire scale was 0.911. The CFA results showed a good fit between the hypothetical model and the sample data, indicating that OTCES has good reliability and validity. The study also found that teachers are confident and prepared for online teaching, but students may lack sufficient online teaching equipment. In terms of school readiness, teachers believe that schools can provide the network environment and technical equipment needed for online teaching, but the digital teaching materials provided by schools are still insufficient. The study suggests that more variables can be added to investigate potential changes in OTCES in future.
The teacher's task in the independent learning curriculum was to prepare a learning implementation plan, compile material, prepare assessments, ensure changes in student behavior, and carry out evaluations. However, 52% of students visited by researchers received grades below standard. The article was to determine the obstacles and difficulties teachers that have in implementing the Independent Learning Curriculum. The researchers used mixed methods approach. The respondents in this research were 66 teachers. Data collection techniques used surveys with instruments that have been developed. This instrument was assessed on a Likert scale of 1 to 5 points. Data collection used observation, interviews with 10 teachers, and documents related to research indicators. Analysis data technique used SPSS Version 25.0. Then data from observations, interviews and documentation were collected, reduced, coded, diversified and conclusions drawn. As a result, it was found that the learning implementation plan was incomplete, the teacher did not prepare the material himself, and the assessment method was not yet structured. It was also found that teachers lacked mastery of the material. From the survey it was found that 62.87% of teachers' learning implementation plans did not comply with implementation, 68.53% of teachers lacked mastery of the material, there were 72.10%, there were 56.92% changes in behavior and 54.20% did not evaluate learning.
E-learning has been widely acknowledged as a “game-changer” in the global education system, and the COVID-19 pandemic crisis further demonstrated its value. Consequently, educational institutions worldwide have reconsidered the significance of this crucial learning method by adopting remote learning and teaching through various e-learning platforms. However, deploying virtual classrooms is challenging, including time consumption, technological costs, a lack of learner interactivity, and the mismatch between learners’ cognitive abilities and learning styles. Addressing these concerns, understanding learners’ styles, and providing tailored and personalized content have become primary objectives for many contemporary e-learning systems. In order to achieve adaptive and personalized learning (PL), a multitude of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) have been developed. Our literature review explicitly explores the advantages of ITSs in personalized and adaptive learning, as well as identifying some ITSs that integrate these features. Furthermore, our study aims to offer a comprehensive perspective on how and where ITSs can be beneficial for both personalized and adaptive learning (AL).
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This study examines teaching, social, and cognitive presences in relation to students’ academic performance in blended learning courses in a Tanzanian university. The study involved 353 students and examined several aspects of blended learning including face-to-face lectures, online and offline group assignments, online feedback, discussions, and online messaging via Moodle. A community of inquiry survey was used to measure students’ perceptions of teaching, social, and cognitive presences. Performance scores consisted of students’ coursework and final examination grades. The results showed no statistically significant differences in the reported scores of teaching, cognitive, and social presences based on gender and age groups. Students with more advanced ICT skills reported higher teaching, social, and cognitive presences. Reported teaching presence was significantly different among the blended learning courses. Teaching, social, and cognitive presences showed a positive correlation with each other. The conclusion shows that although positively correlated, social and cognitive presences were not predictors of students’ performance; however, ICT skills were important in the studied courses.
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Background Digital learning designs have the potential to support teaching and learning within higher education. However, the research on digital learning designs within physiotherapy education is limited. This study aims to identify and investigate the effectiveness of digital learning designs in physiotherapy education. Methods The study was designed as a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized and non-randomized trials. A search of eight databases on digital learning designs and technology was conducted. Study selection, methodology and quality assessment were performed independently by three reviewers. The included studies were mapped according to the types of digital interventions and studies. For similar interventions, the learning effects were calculated using meta-analyses. Results Altogether, 22 studies were included in the review (17 randomized controlled trials and five cohort studies). A blended learning design was used in 21 studies, a flipped classroom model in five and a distance learning design in one. Altogether, 10 of the 22 articles were included in meta-analyses, which showed statistically significant effects for flipped classrooms on knowledge acquisition (standardized mean difference [SMD]: 0.41; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.20, 0.62), for interactive websites or applications (apps) on practical skills (SMD: 1.07; 95% CI: 0.71,1.43) and for students self-produced videos on a practical skill in a cervical spine scenario (SMD: 0.49; 95% CI: 0.06, 0.93). Overall, the effects indicated that blended learning designs are equally as or more effective than traditional classroom teaching to achieve learning outcomes. Distance learning showed no significant differences compared to traditional classroom teaching. Conclusions The current findings from physiotherapy education indicate that digital learning designs in the form of blended learning and distance learning were equally or more effective compared to traditional teaching. The meta-analyses revealed significant effects on student learning in favour of the interventions using flipped classrooms, interactive websites/apps and students self-produced videos. However, these results must be confirmed in larger controlled trials. Further, research should investigate how digital learning designs can facilitate students’ learning of practical skills and behaviour, learning retention and approaches to studying as well as references for teaching and learning in digital learning environments.
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Ongoing digital transformations facilitate the conduct of online courses and distance learning. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the role of learners' personalities and behaviors in their academic success (exam scores) in a blended learning setting (combination of distance learning and face-to-face learning). Next to individual differences in several variables (including intelligence), participants' (n = 62) learning time and learning motivation over 14 weeks (one term) using questionnaires for one learning module at the Swiss Distance University Institute was measured. Also, data on the participants' grades at the end of the course and the number of exercises they completed during the term were obtained. A stepwise regression analysis revealed that studying at the optimal time of the day and studying regularly are relevant predictors of academic success. The results and limitations of the study are discussed in the context of academic success prediction in higher education. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10639-020-10424-9.
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Gamification is becoming increasingly popular in primary education due to the widespread use of digital technology. However, gamified reading is new, and there is little empirical evidence regarding its effectiveness. The sustainability of the effects of gamification pedagogy is also in doubt as some scholars think that such effects are short‐term and not sustainable. This paper presents the results of three sub‐studies of examining the effects of an online gamified reading platform and the sustainability of these effects. Study 1 examined the change in students’ academic performance between two groups divided based on their different participation levels. Study 2 addressed the question of how students/parents/teachers perceive students’ motivation and gaining in the use of the gamified platform. Study 3 explored the sustainability of the effects of the gamified platform from a longitudinal perspective. Findings suggest that students’ deep engagement in the gamified e‐learning platform can help increase their reading motivation and improve their reading abilities. Such effects can be sustained for several semesters. Practitioner Notes What is already known about this topic Reading is very important for children’s development. However, the ubiquity of digital entertainment (eg, digital games & online videos) occupies children’s attention and energy, resulting in a decline in children’s reading motivation. At present, gamification has been widely used in e‐learning to increase learners’ learning motivation and engagement. Few studies have focused on children’s gamified reading supported by sufficient empirical evidence. What this paper adds This study proposes a gamification pedagogy with a gamified reading platform to facilitate primary students’ reading motivation and competence. This study uses a mixed‐method approach to examine the effects of the proposed gamification pedagogy on students’ reading interest, motivation, habits and abilities. This study explores the sustainability of the gamified platform effects and fills the research gap regarding the sustainability of gamification pedagogy. Implications for practice and/or policy Active users of the gamified reading platform benefit from it in reading interest, motivation, habits, and abilities. The effects of gamification pedagogy can be sustainable when users’ intrinsic learning motivation is aroused.
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Background To improve the quality of education, many academic medical institutions are investing in the application of blended education to support new teaching and learning methods . To take necessary measures to implement the blended learning smoothly, and to achieve its goals, we aimed to identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) from its key users’ viewpoints. Methods A qualitative study consisting of 24 interviews with lecturers and students and document analysis was conducted at Urmia University of Medical Sciences, in Iran, in 2018. The SWOT framework was used to analyze the data. Results The most important strengths were the promotion of lecturer-student interactions, the focus on students’ learning needs and self-learning, and problem-solving skills. The supports of university executives, alignment with the national health education transformation plan, and access to the shared infrastructures of the national virtual medical science university were opportunities to facilitate its implementation. However, this endeavor had weaknesses such as bottlenecks in technical, organizational, and human resource infrastructures and lack of culture readiness. The threats envisioned for its maintenance were its dependency on the education transformation plan and the lack of an independent e-learning center for better planning and support services, lack of proper evaluation and supervision of virtual activities, and insufficiency of the privileges considered for users. Conclusions One of the important implications of this study is that different aspects surrounding blended learning might work as a double-edge sword from time to time, which requires a thorough overview. While retaining the strengths and enjoying the opportunities in such interventions, the weaknesses should be recognized and threats are faced and addressed. Therefore, if the SWOT items are considered mindfully, they can help to adopt the right implementation strategies to reap full benefits.
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The World Health Organization has declared Covid-19 as a pandemic that has posed a contemporary threat to humanity. This pandemic has successfully forced global shutdown of several activities, including educational activities, and this has resulted in tremendous crisis-response migration of universities with online learning serving as the educational platform. The crisis-response migration methods of universities, faculty and students, challenges and opportunities were discussed and it is evident that online learning is different from emergency remote teaching, online learning will be more sustainable while instructional activities will become more hybrid provided the challenges experienced during this pandemic are well explored and transformed to opportunities.
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The Covid-19 pandemic has raised significant challenges for the higher education community worldwide. A particular challenge has been the urgent and unexpected request for previously face-to-face university courses to be taught online. Online teaching and learning imply a certain pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), mainly related to designing and organising for better learning experiences and creating distinctive learning environments, with the help of digital technologies. With this article, we provide some expert insights into this online-learning-related PCK, with the goal of helping non-expert university teachers (i.e. those who have little experience with online learning) to navigate in these challenging times. Our findings point at the design of learning activities with certain characteristics, the combination of three types of presence (social, cognitive and facilitatory) and the need for adapting assessment to the new learning requirements. We end with a reflection on how responding to a crisis (as best we can) may precipitate enhanced teaching and learning practices in the postdigital era.
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The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of using WiziQ platform as a virtual classroom on students' achievement, motivation and attitudes. The sample of this study consists of 42 students enrolled in the course of "Educational and Information technology" at the college of education, Sultan Qaboos University. The participating students were assigned randomly to a control and experimental group (17 and 25 students respectively). Data collection tools included: an academic achievement test, motivation scale and attitude scale. The results of the study showed that there is a significant difference in the mean scores of the post-test between the control group and experimental group in favor of experimental group. The results also indicated that students in the experimental group developed positive attitude towards using WiziQ virtual classroom in their learning. In addition, the findings showed that students in the experimental group were more engaged and motivated to learn compared to their counterparts in the control group.
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A significant amount of research has indicated that students’ procrastination tendencies are an important factor influencing the performance of students in online learning. It is, therefore, vital for educators to be aware of the presence of such behavior trends as students with lower procrastination tendencies usually achieve better than those with higher procrastination. In the present study, we propose a novel algorithm—using student’s assignment submission behavior—to predict the performance of students with learning difficulties through procrastination behavior (called PPP). Unlike many existing works, PPP not only considers late or non-submissions, but also investigates students’ behavioral patterns before the due date of assignments. PPP firstly builds feature vectors representing the submission behavior of students for each assignment, then applies a clustering method to the feature vectors for labelling students as a procrastinator, procrastination candidate, or non-procrastinator, and finally employs and compares several classification methods to best classify students. To evaluate the effectiveness of PPP, we use a course including 242 students from the University of Tartu in Estonia. The results reveal that PPP could successfully predict students’ performance through their procrastination behaviors with an accuracy of 96%. Linear support vector machine appears to be the best classifier among others in terms of continuous features, and neural network in categorical features, where categorical features tend to perform slightly better than continuous. Finally, we found that the predictive power of all classification methods is lowered by an increment in class numbers formed by clustering.
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Background: Blended learning, which combines face-to-face learning and e-learning, has grown rapidly to be commonly used in education. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of this learning approach has not been completely quantitatively synthesized and evaluated using knowledge outcomes in health education. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of blended learning compared to that of traditional learning in health education. Methods: We performed a systematic review of blended learning in health education in MEDLINE from January 1990 to July 2019. We independently selected studies, extracted data, assessed risk of bias, and compared overall blended learning versus traditional learning, offline blended learning versus traditional learning, online blended learning versus traditional learning, digital blended learning versus traditional learning, computer-aided instruction blended learning versus traditional learning, and virtual patient blended learning versus traditional learning. All pooled analyses were based on random-effect models, and the I2 statistic was used to quantify heterogeneity across studies. Results: A total of 56 studies (N=9943 participants) assessing several types of learning support in blended learning met our inclusion criteria; 3 studies investigated offline support, 7 studies investigated digital support, 34 studies investigated online support, 8 studies investigated computer-assisted instruction support, and 5 studies used virtual patient support for blended learning. The pooled analysis comparing all blended learning to traditional learning showed significantly better knowledge outcomes for blended learning (standardized mean difference 1.07, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.28, I2=94.3%). Similar results were observed for online (standardized mean difference 0.73, 95% CI 0.60 to 0.86, I2=94.9%), computer-assisted instruction (standardized mean difference 1.13, 95% CI 0.47 to 1.79, I2=78.0%), and virtual patient (standardized mean difference 0.62, 95% CI 0.18 to 1.06, I2=78.4%) learning support, but results for offline learning support (standardized mean difference 0.08, 95% CI -0.63 to 0.79, I2=87.9%) and digital learning support (standardized mean difference 0.04, 95% CI -0.45 to 0.52, I2=93.4%) were not significant. Conclusions: From this review, blended learning demonstrated consistently better effects on knowledge outcomes when compared with traditional learning in health education. Further studies are needed to confirm these results and to explore the utility of different design variants of blended learning.