Performance benchmarks are used to help decide the question:
`which system is faster?' With the increased use of computers in
critical systems, there are more and more applications of resources to
improve system quality. However, there are no benchmarks that can be
used to compare the dependability and robustness of systems in order to
answer the question: `which system is more reliable?' The authors
present an attempt at the development of a benchmark to gauge a system's
robustness as measured by its ability to tolerate errors. The initial
effort produced four primitive benchmark programs. They include file
management system, memory access, user application, and C library
functions. Each primitive benchmark targets a system functionality and
measures its behavior, given erroneous inputs. The authors present the
motivation and experimental results for one of these primitive
benchmarks in detail followed by an analysis of the results. A
methodology is presented to combine the primitive benchmarks to form an
overall robustness figure