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Abstract and Figures

Colleges and universities are grappling with supporting underprepared students in mathematics. While research examines the demographics of students and the effects of changing the number of preparatory courses, few studies examine the impact of pedagogical practices on student outcomes. This study investigated the effect of an alternative pedagogy, the Thinking Classroom framework, on student attitudes and learning performance in a first-year university business mathematics course. The Thinking Classroom approach focuses on collaborative problem-solving on vertical non-permanent surfaces (VNPS). Students rated the overall course experience and collaborative classroom experience highly after participation in the Thinking Classroom. Students in the Thinking Classroom had a significantly higher average grade point average than students in the control group.
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International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education
2021, 16(2), em0635
e-ISSN: 1306-3030 Research Article OPEN ACCESS
Supporting at-Risk University Business Mathematics Students:
Shifting the Focus to Pedagogy
Ann LeSage 1* , John Friedlan 1 , Diane Tepylo 1 , Robin Kay 1
1 Ontario Tech University, CANADA
*Corresponding Author:
Citation: LeSage, A., Friedlan, J., Tepylo, D., & Kay, R. (2021). Supporting at-Risk University Business Mathematics Students: Shifting the Focus to
Pedagogy. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 16(2), em0635.
Received: 1 Dec. 2020
17 Jan. 2021
Colleges and universities are grappling with supporting underprepared students in mathematics. While research
the demographics of students and the effects of changing the number of preparatory courses,
examine the impact of pedagogical practices on student outcomes. This study investigated the effect
alternative pedagogy, the Thinking Classroom framework, on student attitudes and learning performance in
-year university business mathematics course. The Thinking Classroom approach focuses on
-solving on vertical non-permanent surfaces (VNPS). Students rated the overall course experience
classroom experience highly after participation in the Thinking Classroom. Students in the
had a significantly higher average grade point average than students in the control group.
Keywords: thinking classroom, post-secondary, business mathematics, students at-risk, instructional design
In many colleges and universities, failure rates in first-year mathematics courses have increased (Cox, 2015; Kajander & Lovric,
2005; Quarles & Davis, 2017). In applied disciplines such as business and economics, many students are underprepared and
struggling in mathematics (Arnold & Straten, 2012; Ballard & Johnson, 2004; Laging & Voßkamp, 2017). Research exploring the
determinants of student success in introductory post-secondary, mathematics-related courses highlight factors such as
demographics (Brown-Robertson et al., 2015), motivation (Arnold & Straten, 2012; Kajander & Lovric, 2005), and the absence of
foundational concepts (Ballard & Johnson, 2004; Kajander & Lovric, 2005; Orpwood et al., 2011, 2014; Stienke, 2017). However,
limited research exists regarding the relationships among classroom pedagogy, student perceptions, and student learning in post-
secondary mathematics courses (Brown-Robertson et al., 2015; Laging & Voßkamp, 2017; Quarles & Davis, 2017; Seaton et al.,
2014). The purpose of this paper is to extend the existing research by examining an intervention aimed to address the inter-
relationship between pedagogy, learning and affect.
This study adopted a pedagogical framework called the Thinking Classroom to support students struggling with mathematics.
The Thinking Classroom (Liljedhal, 2016) aligns with the flipped-classroom approach, but focuses on in-class pedagogies. These
pedagogies are learner-centred (Von Konsky et al., 2014) and focus on active engagement (Haug et al., 2019; Harsh & Young, 2015)
through problem-solving, sense-making, and peer-led collaborations (Cox, 2015; Hooker, 2011; Seaton et al., 2014). The research
question addressed in this paper is: How does the Thinking Classroom framework influence student attitudes and learning
performance in a first-year business mathematics course?
The Thinking Classroom framework was adapted for this intervention as it addresses affective factors and knowledge gap
issues known to influence learning performance in post-secondary mathematics courses. The literature review examines three
interconnected themes: (1) student challenges with mathematics, (2) flipping the classroom as a pedagogy for supporting
students, and (3) the Thinking Classroom framework.
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Student Challenges with Mathematics
Research on studentsstruggles with mathematics exists at all levels of education, from elementary to post-secondary to
teacher education. The research highlights two key elements that influence studentsinteractions with mathematics: affective
factors and knowledge gaps influencing learning performance.
Although affective factors include a range of emotions and attitudes, two affective components that are important for post-
secondary students learning mathematics are self-efficacy and anxiety (Arnold & Straten, 2012; Liljedahl, 2005; Phelps & Evans,
2006; Woodard, 2004). Self-efficacy is an individual’s belief in their capacity to impact their success in a given area (Bandura, 1997).
Students with low self-efficacy about mathematics often think they will not succeed no matter their effort, leading to limited
engagement with learning activities (Pajares, 1996). Mathematics anxiety is a strong negative reaction to mathematics that is
thought to originate from certain teaching strategies (Ashcraft & Krause, 2007). Like self-efficacy, math anxiety often leads to math
avoidance. However, math anxiety alsofunctions like a resource-demanding secondary task(Ashcraft & Krause 2007, p. 1)
occupying studentsworking memory and exacerbating weakness in mathematical knowledge.
In combination with affective factors, mathematical knowledge gaps influence learning performance and student success at
the post-secondary level. Identifying and addressing the mathematics knowledge gaps that affect learning performance in first
year post-secondary mathematics level is being researched at Canadian and American colleges and universities (Cox, 2015;
Kalajdzievska, 2014; Laging & Voßkamp, 2017; Orpwood & Brown, 2011, 2014; Quarles & Davis, 2017). For example, in Canada, from
2006 to 2011, the College Math Project investigated the state of mathematical achievement of first-year students from 24 Ontario
community colleges enrolled in business and technology programs (Byers, 2014). The research identified knowledge gaps that
interfered with successful participation in college diploma programs, including order of operations, fractions, decimals,
percentages, ratio and proportion, and basic algebra (Orpwood et al., 2011, 2014). Related research supports these findings
identifying student knowledge gaps in basic algebra (Ballard & Johnson, 2004) and elementary mathematics concepts including
order of operations and rational numbers (Ballard & Johnson, 2004; Kajander & Lovric, 2005; Stienke, 2017).
Given the influence of knowledge gaps and affective issues on student success, it is important to consider past efforts to
address these issues in post-secondary mathematics. Research shows that offering additional procedural-focused courses does
not improve student learning performance (Xu & Dadger, 2018; Quarles & Davis, 2017). However, recent studies suggest that
changing instructional practice can be an effectual intervention for students in first year mathematics courses (Orpwood et al.,
2011). For example, focusing on conceptual understanding (Cox, 2015), peer-tutoring (Hooker, 2011) and interactive class
discussions can effectively support student engagement and learning. Additionally, collaborative problem-solving can help relieve
post-secondary studentsmath anxiety in developmental mathematics courses (Cafarella, 2014; Phelps & Evans, 2006; Woodard,
Research arguing for changes in pedagogy is also emerging for economics and marketing courses. Brown-Robertson et al.
(2015) found virtual tutoring combined with group problem solving and class discussions an effective intervention for
underserviced, racially diverse students in economics courses. Rassuli and Manzer (2005) recommended using team-learning
pedagogy in an economics course to improve studentsattitudes and contribute to the mastery of course material. Students in
Haug et al.’s (2019) study appreciated a variety of pedagogical approaches for improving engagement in third and fourth year
marketing courses. Haug’s students indicated that working in small groups of two-to-three peers to solve complex problems
where the problems are relatable and that help connect course content contributed to improved engagement and understanding
of course material.
Although research supports incorporating these pedagogies to improve student learning and engagement, such practices
require ample class time. As such, how can instructors incorporate these pedagogies and still cover course content? One solution
to address limitations in class time is to flip the classroom.
Flipping the Classroom: A Pedagogy for Supporting Students
Flipping a mathematics classroom typically involves students watching online instructional videos outside of class with class
time dedicated to problem-solving (Sarkar et al., 2019). A flipped classroom approach can help students construct meaning (Davis
& Minifie, 2013; Herried & Schiller, 2013), uncover misconceptions (Butt, 2014; Critz & Knight, 2013), increase engagement and
motivation (Critz & Knight, 2013; Hoffman, 2014; McGlaughlin et al., 2014), and improve peer and student-teacher interactions
(Gaughan, 2014).
Although an emphasis on active and collaborative learning strategies in the classroom is inherent in the flipped classroom
approach (Gannod et al., 2008; Toto & Nguyen, 2009), flipped teaching is typically compared to lecture-based approaches. Limited
research, however, has been conducted on what actually occurs in a flipped classroom (Kay et al., 2018). Sarkar et al. (2019) add
that flipping the classroom can allow for in-class activities that promote higher-order thinking skills, but the act of flipping the
classroom does not guarantee effective in-class activities.
Consequently, in our efforts to revise a first-year business mathematics course, we contemplated how to use existing research
to modify the classroom pedagogy to improve student attitudes and achievement. We adopted the Thinking Classroom (Liljedahl,
2016) as the foundational framework for the face-to-face component of the flipped classroom. We reasoned that the Thinking
Classroom had the potential to support students struggling with mathematics, including affective and cognitive domains.
The Thinking Classroom Framework
Students encultured in traditional mathematics classrooms where instructors explain solutions to problems in step-by-step
detail often become dependent on the instructorsthinking or the textbook explanations and have difficulty engaging with sense-
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making on their own (Liljedahl, 2016; Yackel & Rasmussen, 2002). Shifting the responsibility for learning to students is essential to
encourage sense-making where students recognize situations and the interconnected nature of mathematical ideas and concepts
(Cox, 2015; Yackel & Rasmussen, 2002). One way to shift to a student-centred learning environment is through the Thinking
Classroom framework (Liljedahl, 2016).
The Thinking Classroom approach is grounded in research on: creating mathematically rich learning environments (Mason et
al., 2010), creating classroom norms (Yackel & Rasmussen, 2002), focusing on student engagement through collaborative problem-
solving, and assisting students to construct their mathematical knowledge (Grouws & Cebulla, 2000; Heibert et al., 1997;
Hennington & Stein, 1997; Stein et al., 1996). This approach infuses specific pedagogical strategies shown to improve student
performance and understanding, including making connections between mathematical ideas explicit (Cox, 2015), using rich
problem-solving tasks that support multiple solution strategies (Hooker, 2011), and encouraging peer-led collaborative learning
(Hooker, 2011; Seaton et al., 2014).
Quality mathematical problems are essential for the Thinking Classroom model. High-quality mathematical problems are
cognitively demanding, can be solved in multiple ways, and stimulate sense-making and conceptual understanding (Hooker, 2011;
Smith et al., 2008). Sense-making requires students to take ownership of the problem-solving process as opposed to mirroring the
instructor’s preferred solution strategy (Hiebert et al., 1997; Liljedahl, 2016). Students develop a capacity to think and reason, as
they make sense of the problem and determine how to solve it in a way that makes sense to them (Stein & Lane, 1996; Stein et al.,
1996). Active problem solving and facilitating insightful experiences can provide students with opportunities to improve their
mathematical knowledge and positively influence the affective domain, particularly for anxious mathematics learners (Liljedahl,
Liljedahl’s Thinking Classroom focuses on orchestrating student collaboration and productive discussions by using vertical
non-permanent surfaces (VNPS) such as whiteboards, blackboards, or windows. Work on a VNPS in teams increases student focus
(Seaton et al., 2014) and improves studentspersistence, participation, and enthusiasm (Liljedahl, 2016). VNPS encourage
students to experiment, take risks in their learning and modify their written responses (Forrester et al., 2017; Liljedahl, 2016). VNPS
also provide opportunities for students to share their solution strategies, giving everyone a voice in class discussions (Seaton et
al., 2014; Swan, 2006) and building a stronger sense of classroom community (Forrester et al., 2017; McGregor, 2016). Encouraging
collaborative problem-solving can empower students as they realize they are not alone in their struggle with mathematics
(Cafarella, 2005; Phelps & Evans, 2006).
Research on the use of VNPS in post-secondary mathematics courses is long-standing and positive. Studies have found that
VNPS encourage active learning in tutorials (Jones, 1989) and improve mathematics problem-solving (Seaton et al., 2014).
However, a search of the literature found no research on the use of VNPS or the Thinking Classroom in post-secondary business
mathematics courses.
Research Question
The research question addressed in this paper is: How does the Thinking Classroom framework influence the affective attitudes
and learning performance of struggling students enrolled in a first-year business mathematics course?
The participants in this study consisted of 124 undergraduate students enrolled in a four-month, first-year business
mathematics course. These students were divided into two groups. The control group of 62 students who did not experience the
Thinking Classroom from January to April 2018. The treatment group of 62 students experienced the Thinking Classroom model of
teaching from January to April 2019.
Research Design and Data Collection
To assess student perceptions of the Thinking Classroom model, we used an anonymous survey consisting of six 5-point Likert
and three open-response questions. The Likert questions focused on student ratings of the value of collaborative problem-solving
and overall course experience. The open-ended questions asked students to comment on what they found most useful about
learning in the Thinking Classroom and to provide suggestions for improvements. At the end of the course, 54 out of 62 students
(87%) completed the survey, and 26 students (42%) provided written comments.
To assess learning performance, we used a quasi-experimental research design (Creswell & Creswell, 2018) comparing learning
performance (final grades) between the control group (non-Thinking Classroom model) and the treatment group (Thinking
Classroom model). While we could not randomly assign students to groups, the control group provides a reasonable comparison
to the treatment group, because each course implemented the same curriculum and used comparable midterm and final
examination assessments. Additionally, the student populations for both groups were similar. The two groups included
approximately the same proportion of students who had previously failed the course: control group, n = 25 (40%) versus the
treatment group, n = 30 (48%).
In the Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) program, the introductory business mathematics course creates a significant bottleneck
for progress through the program. Although this course addresses concepts explored in middle and secondary school
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mathematics, these concepts present substantial challenges for many first-year university students. Past efforts to address this
bottleneck included using different delivery modes (face-to-face, blended, and fully online) and adjusting class size. These
variations had a limited effect on student success. Consequently, in 2018 the Faculty of Business and Information Technology
(FBIT) collaborated with the Faculty of Education (FED) to implement pedagogical changes to improve student learning and
success in the course. Two teacher educators from FED with expertise in mathematics pedagogy, both of whom are authors on
this paper, were approached by FBIT to redesign the business mathematics course within the existing hybrid structure (1.5 hours
online + 1.5 hours face-to-face classes + 1.5 hours face-to-face tutorials). The two FED instructors developed a Thinking Classroom
model for the course and taught all classes and tutorials in the treatment group from January to April 2019. The online component
in the course incorporated best practices in video design (Kay, 2014; Kay & Kletskin, 2012; LeSage et al., 2019) focusing on direct
instruction, while the Thinking Classroom model (Liljedahl, 2016) was the foundational framework for the face-to-face components
of the course. The FED instructors collaborated with FBIT instructors to design the mid-term and final course assessments.
To incorporate the Thinking Classroom model for face-to-face sessions (classes and tutorials), the instructors used rich
problem-solving tasks. We sequenced the tasks with consideration given to the complexity of the mathematical concepts
explored. During face-to-face sessions, students worked collaboratively to solve problems in ways that made sense to them. The
instructors did not explicitly model solution strategies. Instead, students were encouraged to collaborate with members of their
group using vertical whiteboards (VNPS) or to speak with other students in the classroom. When most groups had arrived at a
solution, they shared their solution strategies with the class or with the instructor. This collaborative approach and classroom
discourse often led to multiple solution strategies for a problem.
During class discussions, the instructors often asked questions that encouraged students to make connections between
business and mathematical concepts. For example, we encouraged students to compare strategies for calculating stepped
commission with strategies for calculating income tax - they are different business contexts but address the same mathematical
concept. As the course progressed, the instructors asked questions to encourage student movement from strictly numerical to
more sophisticated algebraic solutions.
By using vertical whiteboards (VNPS) for collaborative problem-solving, the studentsstrategies were visible throughout the
room. As such, the instructors could quickly identify groups requiring additional support. Working with individual groups, the
instructors asked probing questions to encourage student progress without removing the element of productive struggle. The
VNPS also allowed instructors to quickly view student strategies and plan for effective whole class consolidation.
Student Perceptions of the Thinking Classroom
Student feedback on their experiences in the Thinking Classroom was positive. As depicted in Table 1, over 90% of the students
agreed or strongly agreed that their overall experiences in the course helped them learn and 94% of students agreed or strongly
agreed that collaborative problem-solving, in particular, was helpful to their learning.
Support for the Thinking Classroom model was echoed in studentsresponses to the open-ended survey questions. Of the 52
responses, 44 were positive and focused on the Thinking Classroom pedagogy, including the value of collaborative learning. The
high rating for the helpfulness of collaborative problem-solving was supported by student responses to the open-ended survey
questions, including:
The things that I’ve found most helpful while learning in this course is that the teachers got us to work together in small
groups and hear different thought processes. It helped us answer our own questions and clearly see what mistakes were
being made.
The best way of learning is with a team, and I find that most effective.
No boring lectures only. In class problems made kids move around, work and learn.
I took Business Math 1 last semester and comparing the two semesters with this course, I personally believe this semester
was taught way better.
In addition to the responses indicating that collaborative problem-solving supported student learning, many other comments
highlighted studentsaffective reactions to the Thinking Classroom pedagogy, including:
Table 1.
Survey Results of StudentsPerceptions of the Thinking Classroom (n = 54)
Mean (SD)
% Disagree1
% Neutral
% Agree2
Overall Course Experience
4.5 (0.7)
Collaborative Problem Solving was Helpful
4.6 (0.6)
Combination of Strongly Disagree and Disagree responses
2 Combination of Strongly Agree and Agree responses
LeSage et al. / INT ELECT J MATH ED, 16(2), em0635 5 / 9
I loved the in-class learning where we do work and word problems.
I love […] the collaborative aspect to the learning with the white boards.
The class was cooperative which makes it comfortable for us to learn.
I enjoyed learning new concepts.
Studentsconfidence levels
Given that the primary purpose of this intervention was to support students struggling with mathematics, we were interested
in knowing if students of differing confidence levels perceived the Thinking Classroom intervention differently. Because the survey
was anonymous, we used student responses to the Likert-scale survey question,I was initially worried about success in this course
as a proxy for identifying struggling students. Students were classified as worried if they agreed or strongly agreed with the
statement; students were classified as non-worried if they disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement. The 14 students
who responded as neutral to the statement were not included in the analysis. Table 2 compares mean ratings for overall course
experience and the helpfulness of collaborative problem-solving between students who self-reported as worried versus not
worried about their success in the course.
Worried students had higher mean ratings for overall course experience and collaborative problem solving than the non-
worried students did, although the differences were not significant.
Learning Performance
A comparison of final course grades between the Thinking Classroom group and control group of the business mathematics
courses appear in Table 3. Table 3 shows that the Thinking Classroom group had a significantly higher median grade point average
than the control group and fewer failures.
Given the historically high failure rates for the business mathematics course, we analysed learning performance of students
who had already been unsuccessful in the course. The control group had 25 repeating students (F = 24; D = 1) and the Thinking
Classroom group had 30 repeating students (F = 28, D = 2). For this test, we examined letter grades because the numeric final course
grades were not available. Table 4 shows that Thinking Classroom students who were repeating the course had a significantly
higher-grade point average, fewer students with Fs and Ds, and more students with As and Bs than the control group students.
Table 2.
Comparing Student Perceptions based on Initial Worries: Mean Rating (n=40)
Worried (n = 23)
Non-worried (n = 17)
Mann Whitney (df = 2)
Overall Course Experience 4.52 (0.7) 4.29 (0.7)
Z = 1.225
p = 0.220
Collaborative Problem Solving was Helpful 4.70 (0.5) 4.29 (0.8)
Z = 1.722
P = 0.085
Table 3.
Comparison of Performance in the
Thinking Classroom
and Control Groups
Winter 2019
Thinking Classroom
(n = 62)
Winter 2018
(n = 62)
Final Grade
Number of students
Percentage of students
Number of students
Percentage of students
Mean GPA (S.D.)
2.84 (1.21)
1.91 (1.46)
Mean % (S.D.)
72% (18.1%)
63% (19.2%)
Median %
hypothesis: median Winter 2019 = median Winter 2018
Mann-Whitney U test: Z-score = 3.538; p-value = 0.0004
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The intervention described in this paper represents the initial phase of an inter-faculty research project focused on supporting
at-risk university mathematics students. The results extend previous research and indicate that the Thinking Classroom model is
an effective pedagogical intervention (Liljedahl, 2005, 2016) in a university business mathematics course. Students in the Thinking
Classroom section were significantly more successful than students in comparable sections of the course that did not use the
Thinking Classroom model.
The learning performance of students in the Thinking Classroom outperformed those in the control group. In the control group
46% of the students received Ds and Fs while only 14% of students in the Thinking Classroom received these grades and there were
proportionally many more students in the A and B categories. The improved learning performance of the entire Thinking Classroom
group is also observed in students who repeated the course, students who were of particular interest in the study. The analysis
indicates that repeating students were more successful with the Thinking Classroom pedagogy. Repeating students in the Thinking
Classroom section achieved more A and B final grades and fewer final grades of D and F than students in the control group. This
finding is important, as one goal of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the Thinking Classroom pedagogy for struggling
students. The Thinking Classroom approach was effective for all students in the first-year business mathematics course, including
the struggling students. Given the existing research on the knowledge gaps that affect learning performance in first year post-
secondary mathematics (Cox, 2015; Kalajdzievska, 2014; Laging & Voßkamp, 2017; Quarles & Davis, 2017), the Thinking Classroom
pedagogy may be an effective strategy for narrowing these knowledge gaps and supporting students future success in
Because the end-of-course survey was anonymous, we could not analyse the relationship between learning performance and
affect (i.e., self-efficacy, math anxiety). However, by combining the survey data with informal student feedback we are able to
comment on the influences of the Thinking Classroom on studentsself-efficacy (Bandura, 1997; Pajares, 1996) and math anxiety
(Ashcraft & Krause, 2007). The survey data indicates that worried students had mean ratings for overall course experience in the
Thinking Classroom model that were statistically the same as the non-worried students. One might expect that worried / math
anxious students would have a less satisfactory experience than the less worried students would, but this was not the case. In
addition, students regularly voiced their positive reactions to the Thinking Classroom pedagogy. Words like love, enjoy, and
comfort, which are not generally associated with learning mathematics, were heard regularly throughout the semester and
appeared repeatedly in studentsresponses to the open-ended survey questions. These findings indicate that the Thinking
Classroom approach is effective in supporting math anxious students who have lower self-efficacy beliefs, and may be viable
pedagogy to shift studentsbeliefs about their capacity to learn mathematics.
Our research identifies positive outcomes of the Thinking Classroom on studentslearning performance and affective factors
(self-efficacy, math anxiety). But, what Thinking Classroom pedagogies did students identify as contributing most to their learning
and engagement? Similar to previous research, the students most appreciated collaborative problem-solving (Forrester et al.,
2017; McGregor, 2016; Seaton et al., 2014; Wiliam & Leahy, 2015), interactive class discussions (Haug et al., 2019; Rassuli & Manzer,
2005) and using VNPS (Jones, 1989; Seaton et al., 2014). The post-course survey showed that worried students rated the
helpfulness of collaborative problem solving highly, demonstrating the importance of this aspect of the Thinking Classroom in
reducing studentsanxieties and increasing their confidence and efficacy as mathematics learners. This finding aligns with
previous research asserting that collaborative problem-solving can help relieve post-secondary studentsmath anxiety (Cafarella,
2014; Phelps & Evans, 2006; Woodard, 2004). Having students work on VNPS to collaborate and discuss their ideas allowed the
students to experience mathematics differently. This strategy provided opportunities for students to see their peers grappling
with mathematics and business concepts, and share their solution strategies. In this, the students build their collective knowledge,
decrease individual stress / math anxiety and begin to develop their mathematics self-efficacy (Arnold & Straten, 2012; Bandura,
1997; Cafarella, 2014; Liljedahl, 2005; Phelps & Evans, 2006).
Table 4.
Comparison of Performance of Repeating Students in the Thinking Classroom and Control Groups
Repeated in Winter 2019
Thinking Classroom (n = 30)
Repeated in Winter 2018
Control (n = 25)
Final Grade
Number of students
Percentage of students
Number of students
Percentage of students
Mean GPA (S.D.)
2.49 (1.18)
1.40 (1.11)
hypothesis: median Winter 2019 = median Winter 2018
Mann-Whitney U test: Z-score = 3.245; p-value = 0.0012
LeSage et al. / INT ELECT J MATH ED, 16(2), em0635 7 / 9
Overall, the results from this study suggested that the teaching strategies used in the Thinking Classroom cohort of the first-
year business mathematics course were effective. However, our analysis does not control for confounding factors such as the
impact of the instructors or different grading or assessment approaches. Although the design of this study did not allow us to
identify the relative contributions of each component of the Thinking Classroom model, the modifications to the instructional
design appeared to positively affect the overall academic performance and student success rates in the course.
Encouraging struggling students to actively engage in collaborative problem-solving involves more than having students work
together in groups. It involves choosing or developing questions that allow sense-making (Hooker, 2011; Smith et al., 2008) and
responding to students with questions that value their solution strategies while pushing them to improve their thinking (Mason et
al., 2010). As mathematics teacher educators, we possess the pedagogical knowledge, experience, and expertise to design
instruction to encourage active student engagement. This knowledge and skills may not readily transfer to faculty in other
disciplines (Goos & Bennison, 2018). Indeed, we found that collaboration between mathematics education and business faculty
required a great deal of negotiation.
Further research is needed to explore how the Thinking Classroom model can be extended to post-secondary instructors with
limited expertise in mathematics pedagogy. Future research should also use controls to determine the relative impact of various
components of the Thinking Classroom model in post-secondary business mathematics. Despite these cautions, the improved
student success in this Thinking Classroom, as well as strong student support for the approach indicates this model can be effective
and should be explored more broadly in a variety of post-secondary contexts.
Middleton and Spanias (1999) found that when teaching practices that engage and motivate students are used, over time
students learn to enjoy and value mathematics(p. 82). Our findings support this assertion. We provide evidence of improved
achievement and motivation for students enrolled in a first-year business mathematics course that used a student-centred
learning approach through creating a Thinking Classroom. This pedagogical intervention shifted responsibility for learning to the
students and encouraged collaborative sense-making where students began to understand the interconnected nature of
mathematical ideas and concepts.
Author contributions: All authors have sufficiently contributed to the study, and agreed with the results and conclusions.
Funding: No funding source is reported for this study.
Declaration of interest: No conflict of interest is declared by authors.
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... A decreasing interest in mathematics is a problem in math-intensive fields, such as engineering, but also in fields like physiotherapy, nursing, tourism, and hospitality, where mathematics proficiency links to many professional tasks. As noted in [1], many first-year college and university students are unprepared and struggling in disciplines in which mathematics is applied, such as business and economics. Basic calculation skills are important in nursing and medical care [2], and processes should be automatic so that they can be applied easily in conjunction with other required professional skills. ...
This paper introduces four different ways for developing upper secondary school students’ interest in and motivation toward mathematics by connecting mathematics topics and contextualizing mathematical problems to working life scenarios in different occupations. They include materials for teachers, a self-study online course for students, a virtual reality environment with embedded mathematics problems, and the use of near-peer role models (university students) as math ambassadors that visit upper secondary schools. All four activities were created in project TyöMAA with the general objectives of informing upper secondary school students where and how mathematics is used in their future careers, enhancing students’ mathematical skills to enable them to progress in their post-graduate studies, and infusing the students with enthusiasm and self-confidence in mathematics. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has inevitably slowed the implementation and dissemination of the created tools, we have observed some encouraging indicators of the need for and effectiveness of the solutions.KeywordsMathematicsWork-lifeMOOCGeoGebraNear-peer role modelsContextual framing
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The main objective of the study explores the challenges of business students to apply mathematical knowledge in business discipline.To do this, the author has collected the data from 200 students of BGC Trust University Bangladesh (BGCTUB) by using purposive sampling technique. The data are processed with the help of statistical package of social science (SPSS 23 Version) and the MS excel. Factor analysis (Principal Component Analysis) as well as multiple regression analysis has been done for the study. The factor analysis reduced the 17 challenges into 6.Among the 6 challenges, first one is most important which explains highest variance (25.862%) in the variables and initial Eigen value is 4.40. It covers most challenges (10) out of the 17 challenges. And second one is also important which explains 8.43% of the variation in students’ challenges for their understanding and initial Eigen value is 1.43. It covers 3 challenges. In the multiple regression analysis, all the factors of challenges are significant statistically and they are positively correlated. Hence, Business Mathematic (BM) instructors are suggested to concentrate all of the challenges especially first and second important factors of challenges to apply mathematical knowledge in business studies.
The article substantiates the authors’ position, supported by empirical data, on the sharp increase in the intellectual intensity of managerial activities and on the transformation of the managerial profession into one of the most complex, gaining particular importance in the organisation of the innovation process for technological sovereignty. The increasing role of management science in understanding the ongoing turbulent changes, developing methodologies for proactive management and identifying competencies in demand in the economy is highlighted. The need for the introduction of advanced learning in these conditions is demostrated; the authors’ experience in its development and implementation in terms of specific organisational models, content and teaching methods is presented. Within the framework of the proposed concept of further education, it is necessary to introduce a management specialisation focused on specific industries into the existing system of higher education. It will provide enhanced fundamental and applied training, a significant increase in the volume of practice and will enable students to master the engineering-economic and engineering-managerial knowledge necessary for taking into account interdisciplinary relationships between high technology, economics and finance when making management decisions.
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يهدف هذا البحث الى دراسة التأثيرات الخاصة لاستراتيجية الصف المقلوب على التحصيل الأكاديمي ودافعية الانجاز لدى طلبة مساق الرياضيات وطرق تدريسها في جامعة الخليل في ظل جائحة كورونا، وتكونت عينة البحث من مجموعتين: المجموعة التجريبية وعددها (34) طالباً والمجموعة الضابطة وعددها (35) طالباً حيث تم تعليم المجموعة التجريبية باستخدام إستراتيجية الصف الدراسي المقلوب، بينما تم تدريس المجموعة الضابطة باستخدام الطريقة التقليدية القائمة على المحاضرات والشرح، وتم استخدام اختبار تحصيلي في مساق الرياضيات وطرق تدريسها ومقياس لدافعية الانجاز تكون من ثلاثة ابعاد هي (الحافز المعرفي وتوجيه الذات ودافع الانتماء)، وأظهرت النتائج أن هناك فرقاً ذا دلالة إحصائية في التحصيل الأكاديمي بين المجموعتين ولصالح المجموعة التجريبية ووجود أثر كبير لاستراتيجية الصف المقلوب على التحصيل الدراسي، كما وبينت النتائج أن هناك فرقاً ذا دلالة إحصائية في دافعية الانجاز بين المجموعتين ولصالح المجموعة التجريبية ووجود أثر كبير لاستراتيجية الصف المقلوب على دافعية الانجاز، وخلص البحث إلى إمكانية استخدام استراتيجية الصف المقلوب إذا تم تسخيرها بشكل صحيح، وفي ضوء نتائج البحث تم تقديم بعض التوصيات والمقترحات.
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Many colleges and universities are challenged to support students who are at-risk of failing mandatory mathematics courses [1]. The use of video-podcasts is a promising strategy for providing support, particularly within a flipped-classroom environment [2]. However, limited research has been conducted on how to design effective video podcasts to support learning [3]. The purpose of the current study was to design and evaluate the impact of video podcasts in supporting first-year university mathematics students, particularly those at risk of failing. The design of the video podcasts was guided by research-based principles outlined by Kay [3]. Twenty-eight videos were created for a first-year mathematics course in the Faculty of Business and Information Technology. Approximately half of the 62 students enrolled in the course had failed the course at least once; while the other half were new students in the program. The combination of videos and a flipped classroom approach resulted in 57 out of 62 students (92%) passing the course with a mean grade of 76%. An end-of-course survey indicated that over 80% of students rated the videos as helpful or very helpful, with a mean score of 4.3 on a 5-point Likert scale. The student comments to the open-ended questions were consistent with the video helpfulness ratings. Students who indicated that they were worried about whether they would be successful at the beginning of the course rated video podcasts significantly more helpful (M=4.5, SD=0.7) than students who were more confident about their success in the course (M=3.8, SD=1.0). A more detailed analysis, perhaps in the form of interviews or think-aloud protocols, is recommended for future research to determine the specific qualities of video podcasts that help or hinder student learning.
Conference Paper
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Many colleges and universities struggle to support underprepared first-year mathematics students [1]. A flipped classroom model is a promising approach to address at-risk, higher education mathematics students because it allows for increased interaction and support within the classroom after students have viewed instructional videos at home. However, previous research is somewhat limited with respect to examining in-class pedagogy in a flipped classroom. The purpose of the current study was to examine a specific set of in-class strategies that were used after students viewed content-specific and skill-based videos outside of the classroom. Specific in-class pedagogical strategies included making connections between mathematical ideas explicit [1], focusing on rich problem-solving tasks that support multiple solution strategies [2], encouraging peer-led collaborative learning [1-3]; and using diagnostic and formative assessments [4]. These strategies were tested with two mathematics classes of university students (n=62) in the Faculty of Business and Information Technology. Half the students enrolled in the course had previously failed or withdrawn from the course at least once; the other half were new students in the program. After employing technology to flip the classroom and combining this with supportive in-class pedagogy, 92% of the students (n=57) passed the course with an average grade of 76%. An end-of-course survey indicated that over 90% of students rated their overall experience with the course as very good or excellent, with a mean score of 4.5 on a five-point Likert scale. On average, students rated the following in-class strategies as being helpful to very helpful for supporting their understanding business math concepts: collaborative problem solving, support from in-class tutors (pre-service teacher candidates), and written feedback on assignments with Likert scores ranging from 4.1 to 4.5 on a five-point scale. Student comments on the open-ended survey questions were consistent with the quantitative ratings with the majority of comments referencing the in-class collaborative problem-solving approach and the support of the in-class tutors as helpful for their learning.
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The purpose of this study was to compare community college students’ learning experiences and performance for lecture-based, active learning, and flipped classroom teaching approaches. Participants were second-semester computer programming students (n = 103) at a mid-sized college of applied arts and technology. Garrison’s (2011) Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework informed our analysis of students’ learning experiences within each approach. Overall, active learning resulted in the highest mean scores for teaching, social, and cognitive presence. In particular, students rated teaching presence significantly higher for the active-learning approach than the lecture-based approach. Students rated social presence significantly higher for the active-learning and flipped classroom approaches compared to the lecture-based. There were no significant differences among the three approaches with respect to cognitive presence or learning performance. Student comments indicated that all three approaches had distinct benefits and challenges regarding teaching, social and cognitive presence. Regardless of the teaching approach employed in this study, five desired learning characteristics emerged based on student feedback including clarity, flexibility, opportunities for application, timely guidance and feedback, and cognitive engagement.
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Student perceived engagement and student perceived learning are important concepts in today’s higher education classroom environment. Examining engagement from the students’ perspective is an important aspect to understand more about this multidimensional construct as a tool for active learning. A survey was administered to undergraduate business students to gain insight into multiple factors influencing perceived engagement. Students felt that engagement was enhanced by discussion of current events, positive instructor demeanor, and putting effort into course content. The survey revealed four groups of variables: student connection, pedagogical methods, classroom environment, and student motivation. Multidimensionality of this construct was supported, as well as the need to understand engagement from the learners’ perspective.
In order to develop students' capacities to “do mathematics,” classrooms must become environments in which students are able to engage actively in rich, worthwhile mathematical activity. This paper focuses on examining and illustrating how classroom-based factors can shape students' engagement with mathematical tasks that were set up to encourage high-level mathematical thinking and reasoning. The findings suggest that when students' engagement is successfully maintained at a high level, a large number of support factors are present. A decline in the level of students' engagement happens in different ways and for a variety of reasons. Four qualitative portraits provide concrete illustrations of the ways in which students' engagement in high-level cognitive processes was found to continue or decline during classroom work on tasks.
A growing body of literature points to the need to rethink the traditional lecture-based teaching methodology. The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which students are exposed to new material outside of the classroom via lecture videos, assigned readings, or other online videos or resources while the traditional face-to-face classroom sessions are repurposed for assimilating and applying knowledge gained through discussions, hands-on activities and problem solving. The authors investigate the effectiveness of a flipped class by examining student academic performance, course content coverage, retention of students in courses, and student perception of flipped classes. The results demonstrate improved student performance, improved course retention, and positive student perception, with minimal loss of content.
Objective: This article examines the effectiveness of remediation for community college students who are identified as having the lowest skills in math. Method: We use transcript data from a state community college system and take advantage of a regression discontinuity design that compares statistically identical students who are assigned to the lowest level of the math sequence that consists of three remedial courses versus the next lowest level that consists of two courses. Results: The results suggest that for the students with the lowest preparation in math, the longest developmental sequence offers little benefit and may even reduce the likelihood of earning a degree to certificate within 4 years. Contributions: This study is one of the first attempts to compare the academic outcomes of students assigned to long sequence of developmental math education to students with similar academic skills but assigned to shorter developmental math sequence. Results from this study can therefore help inform the national effort in reforming remedial education, especially in terms of whether shortening the long remedial sequence would either benefit or harm the academic outcomes of students who are least prepared for college-level coursework.