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Application of Artificial Neural Network for Internal Combustion Engines: A State of the Art Review


Abstract and Figures

The automotive industry is facing a crucial time. The transformation from internal combustion engines to new electrical technologies requires enormous investment, and hence the IC engines are likely to serve as a means of transportation for the coming decades. The search for sustainable green alternative fuel and operating parameter optimization is a current feasible solution and is a critical issue among the scientific community. Engine experiments are complicated, costly, and time-consuming, especially when the global economy is drastically down due to the COVID-19 pandemic and putting the limitation of social distancing. Industries are looking for proven computational solutions to address these issues. Recently, artificial neural network has been proven beneficial in several areas of engineering to reduce the time and experimentation cost. The IC engine is one of them. ANN has been used to predict and analyze different characteristics such as performance, combustion, and emissions of the IC engine to save time and energy. The complex nature of ANN may lead to computation time, energy, and space. Recent studies are centered on changing the network topology, deep learning, and design of ANN to get the highest performance. The present study summarizes the application of ANN to predict and optimize the complicated characteristics of various types of engines with different fuels. The study aims to investigate the network topologies adopted to design the model and thereafter statistical evaluation of the developed ANN models. A comparison of the ANN model with other prediction models is also presented.
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Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
Application ofArtificial Neural Network forInternal Combustion
Engines: AState oftheArt Review
AdityaNarayanBhatt1· NitinShrivastava1
Received: 16 December 2020 / Accepted: 23 April 2021
© CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain 2021
The automotive industry is facing a crucial time. The transformation from internal combustion engines to new electrical
technologies requires enormous investment, and hence the IC engines are likely to serve as a means of transportation for
the coming decades. The search for sustainable green alternative fuel and operating parameter optimization is a current
feasible solution and is a critical issue among the scientific community. Engine experiments are complicated, costly, and
time-consuming, especially when the global economy is drastically down due to the COVID-19 pandemic and putting the
limitation of social distancing. Industries are looking for proven computational solutions to address these issues. Recently,
artificial neural network has been proven beneficial in several areas of engineering to reduce the time and experimentation
cost. The IC engine is one of them. ANN has been used to predict and analyze different characteristics such as performance,
combustion, and emissions of the IC engine to save time and energy. The complex nature of ANN may lead to computation
time, energy, and space. Recent studies are centered on changing the network topology, deep learning, and design of ANN to
get the highest performance. The present study summarizes the application of ANN to predict and optimize the complicated
characteristics of various types of engines with different fuels. The study aims to investigate the network topologies adopted
to design the model and thereafter statistical evaluation of the developed ANN models. A comparison of the ANN model
with other prediction models is also presented.
ANN Artificial neural network
BFGS Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno method
BP Brake power
BPNN Back-propagation neural network
BSFC Brake specific fuel consumption
CFD Computational fluid dynamics
CGP Pola–Ribiere conjugate gradient
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CPO Crude palm oil
ENN Elman neural network
EGT Exhaust gas temperature
EGR Exhaust gas recirculation
FIP Fuel injection pressure
FES Fuzzy expert system
GA Genetic algorithm
GEP Gene expression programming
GRNN General regression neural network
H2 Hydrogen
HC Unburned hydrocarbon
HCCI Homogeneous charge compression ignition
HCNG Hydrogen-enriched compressed natural gas
HORD Hyper-parameter optimization-radial basis
function-dynamic coordinate search
HRR Heat release rate
IC Internal combustion
IMEP Indicated mean effective pressure
LM Levenberg–Marquardt
Logsig Logistic sigmoid
LP-EGR Low pressure cooled exhaust gas recirculation
MAPE Mean absolute percentage error
MIMO Multi-input multi-output
MISO Multi-input single-output
MLP Multi-layer perceptron
MRE Mean relative error
MSE Mean square error
NSGA Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm
NOx Oxides of nitrogen
* Nitin Shrivastava
1 Department ofMechanical Engineering, University Institute
ofTechnology, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya,
Bhopal, India
A.N.Bhatt, N.Shrivastava
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O2 Oxygen
PM Particulate matter
PPM Parts per millions
PSO Particle swarm optimization
PUNN Product unit neural network
R Correlation coefficient
R2 Coefficient of determination
RBFNN Radial basis function neural network
RMSE Root mean square error
RSM Response surface methodology
SCG Scaled conjugate gradient
SFC Specific fuel consumption
SPL Sound pressure level
SVM Support vector machine
Tansig Tangent sigmoid
TOPSIS Technique for ordering preferences by similar-
ity to ideal solution
TPE Tree-structured parzen estimator
1 Introduction
The 1.1 billion light-duty vehicles and 380 million trucks
are on-road vehicles worldwide. These numbers are likely
to cross the 1.7 to 1.9 billion figure by 2040. China and
India are likely to see most of the rise. The current internal
combustion-based automotive industry is uncertain about
future technology. Hydrogen, electricity, and biofuels are
the future of transport. The complete transformation of the
internal combustion engines to new technologies is chal-
lenging due to socio-technological issues with tremendous
capital investment. Transport electrification alone is unable
to resolve the environmental challenges [14]. The safety
reliability and the long term maintenance of electric vehi-
cles is also a new concern [5, 6]. Thus internal combustion
engines are expected to serve the transportation sector for
the coming decades [1, 7].
The future internal combustion engines have to deal
with the legislative emission requirements, energy security,
engine efficiency, affordability, and performance require-
ments of consumers. Internal combustion engines running
on next-generation biofuels is the thrust area amongst the
research community. Studies on bio fuelled engines showed
improved performance, significant drop in CO emissions,
unburned hydrocarbons, and particulate matters [818].
There can be no single best suggestive biofuel for the engine.
The sustainable and affordable solution to use the biofuel
depends upon the availability of the local feedstock or waste
biomass, the properties of biodiesel, and the enhancement
methods of improve the properties [2, 1922].
Performance, combustion, emission, and other charac-
teristic studies of the IC engine involve lots of parameters.
Combustion phenomenon and exhaust emissions are very
complex to understand and hence require several tests to
find the relation between various parameters. High-precision
instruments and equipment are required to measure the dif-
ferent operating parameters with these biofuels. These kinds
of tests are expensive and time-consuming [2325].
The recent economic crisis due to the global COVID-19
pandemic led the industry to huge revenue loss [2628].
Social distancing, restricted research fundings has put the
limitation on traditional research. So there is a need to
develop a different alternative solution, which saves experi-
mentation cost and time. In the current and long uncertain
COVID-19 scenario, improved artificial intelligence-based
research may dominate traditional research to reduce the
cost and assist the social distancing by work from home
culture. In the last few years, some computational modeling
techniques are used to relate the different parameters of the
engine and predict the different characteristics of the IC
engines like performance, combustion, and emission and
seem to be helpful due to its quite accurate predictions [29,
30]. In this approach, the artificial neural network is one of
the possible techniques to predict the different characteristics
of the IC engine with different sets of inputs.
2 Articial Neural Network
The artificial neural network is the mainstream of artificial
intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the development of
intelligence and its analysis in the machine. An intelligent
machine is a whippy noetic agent that perceives its envi-
ronment and takes action that maximizes its opportunity of
success at an arbitrary goal [31]. In the past decade, much
work carried out using the ANN [32, 33]. It can relate com-
plex and non-linear problems, which may be complete or
ANN finds its wide application in different streams such
as engineering, science, pharmaceutics. Some of the impor-
tant fields include sound and pattern detection, the predic-
tion of the market trends, the bankrupt-ion, military targets,
and mineral exploration sites [3437]. Neural networks
fend off the need for costly and impractical physical mod-
els, complex mathematical formulas, and computer models.
Numerical or analog data that are difficult to handle due to
the presence of many variables are easily handled by the
neural network [38, 39].
ANN uses artificial neurons as that of biological neu-
rons present in the human brain to process the data. Fig-
ure1 presents the structure of a biological neuron. Coded
data transfers in the brain from synapses to the axon via
electrochemical media known as neurotransmitters. This
coded information transfers to the set of neurons. A set of
neurons arranged it into sub-systems; these sub-systems
constitute the brain. Approximately there are around 100
Application ofArtificial Neural Network forInternal Combustion Engines: AState oftheArt…
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billion interconnected neurons present in the human brain.
The artificial neural network has an inherent tendency like
the human brain in the following respect [40]:
(i) Gaining knowledge from learning through experi-
mental data.
(ii) Assign the required weights for storing them.
A schematic diagram of the ANN model is present in
Fig.2 that contains an input layer, hidden layers, an output
layer, and a set of neurons in each layer. With the help of
training, ANN gets the required information about the base
problem by learning possible non-linear relationships, which
are buried in the problem domain. It takes input from exter-
nal sources such as experimental data and inter-relates them
to get the required output [42]. It tends to relearn if any new
set of data comes, and executes according to it, and predicts
the new set of output [40, 43]. For the prediction and analy-
sis in engineering problems, ANN may be used as an alter-
native method [44]. To predict the multiple output variables,
it accommodates multiple input variables. It has a different
approach than the conventional approach of understanding
the system without any information. A well-trained artificial
neural network is more rapid than the established method to
predict the result because it does not need to solve lengthy
and complicated mathematical problems [45].
Neural network analysis uses a ‘black box’ technique to
solve the problem so that the user needs not worry about
sophisticated knowledge of mathematics [46]. The neu-
ral network stores the knowledge and information within
the trained network, which can be easily accessed by the
user. ANN provides a high level of exactness for earlier
Fig. 1 Biological neuron [41]
Fig. 2 A schematic diagram of the ANN [54]
A.N.Bhatt, N.Shrivastava
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unobserved data sets of the base problem, which are not
required in the ‘training’ process [47]. There could be some
possible shortcomings comes when the neural network is
used for solving complex problems. Most important of them
is the data present in the base problem, which contains lots
of information to train ANN, which may uniformly scatter
all over the range of the system [48].
Different algorithms are available for training purposes
such as Levenberg–Marquardt, conjugate gradient, and
quasi-Newton [49]. The gradient descent algorithm is a slow
learning process, whereas LM, quasi-Newton, and conjugate
gradient algorithms are quicker and use standard numeri-
cal optimization techniques [50, 51]. The complex nature
of ANN may lead to computation time, energy, and space.
Recent studies are centered on changing the network topol-
ogy and design of ANN to get higher performance [52, 53].
3 Modeling ofInternal Combustion Engines
The various studies adopting ANN as a tool in the field of
the internal combustion engine are available. Most of these
studies investigate the effect of alternative fuels, and diverse
operating conditions on the performance, emission, noise,
and other characteristics of the engine. The investigations
were carried out experimentally or through computational
fluid dynamics software. The generated data used to train
the neural network-based models and, consequently, to pre-
dict the various characteristics of IC engines. The literature
showed different approaches to predict the characterisitics.
The present study compiled most of the literature and pre-
sented the applications of neural network modeling in IC
engines, and the methodology adopted to develop the ANN
model with their statistical efficiency. Studies carried out on
different engines with various fuels are broadly categorized
into three types of engines.
1. Spark Ignition engine
2. Compression ignition engine
3. Homogeneous charge compression ignition engine
The first two presented groups of the engine based on the
traditional classification, i.e., the type of ignition, and the
third is the newly developing HCCI engine.
3.1 Spark Ignition Engine
Studies on spark ignition are presented here in three catego-
ries. The first category deals with modeling studies using
standard gasoline as fuel; the second deals with the alterna-
tive SI engine fuels, and the third involves the compara-
tive studies of neural network modeling with other mod-
eling techniques along with different operating parameter
optimization studies. Various ANN models developed to
forecast the performance, pollutants, misfire event, effect of
combustion chamber coating, etc. are presented.
3.1.1 Models withStandard Fuel
This section presents the models using standard gasoline
as fuel. The researchers investigated and predicted various
engine operating characteristics. Initially, studies adopting
the Multi-input single-output models are presented, and the
later section deals with the multi-input multi-output mod-
els. In a study by Togun and Baysec [55], the authors pre-
dicted the SFC and torque of a gasoline engine as the output
of ANN. Effect of Ignition advance, throttling status, and
the engine speed investigated and considered as the input
parameters. Each output parameter was predicted by a sepa-
rate network. A 3-13-1 network architecture was opted to
predict the engine torque, which consists of 3 input param-
eters, one hidden layer having 13 neurons, and one output
layer. BSFC predicted through 3-15-1 network architecture.
The study involves the use of logistic sigmoid as transfer
functions, 10,000 epochs, and Levenberg–Marquardt as a
learning algorithm. It includes the 63 experimental data-
sets to train and 18 to test the model. The torque predic-
tion model resulted in the correlation coefficients of around
0.99 for training and testing, whereas for the prediction of
BSFC, the values were 0.9971 and 0.98331, respectively.
The mean absolute percentage error for torque measurement
was 0.2912 for training and 1.74 for the testing. BSFC pre-
diction involves MAPE of 1.0186 and 2.7588, respectively.
Cay [56] developed three separate ANN models for pre-
dicting the BSFC, EGT, and effective power as an output
parameter to examine the effect of three input parameters.
The input of ANN consists of fuel flow, speed, inlet manifold
temperature, torque, and water temperature. The algorithm
used for the training of the network was back-propagation. A
Levenberg–Marquardt and scaled conjugate gradient learn-
ing algorithms with 3 to 15 neurons in a hidden layer were
compared. It concluded the use of SCG with 7 neurons. For
the testing data, the mean error percent found less than 2.7%,
and RMSE values less than 0.02. For both training and test-
ing, the R2 value was found close to 0.99.
Excess air coefficient affects the engine performance and
emission drastically, and its determination is necessary for
the efficient control of the air–fuel ratio. The widely used
Step type and wideband lambda sensors, located on the
exhaust pipe selected for this measurement. However, these
sensors are very costly. Sahin [57] suggested the estima-
tion of this coefficient with ionization current data using
the secondary spark plug and different engine variables. The
developed ANN model involves the excess air coefficient as
an output and ignition angle, engine speed, and the peak ion-
ization current with the location were the input parameters.
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Two hidden layers were selected. The network trained with
two different training algorithms, and the result showed that
the Scaled Conjugate Gradient algorithm was better than the
Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm in both training and test-
ing. The values of MAPE, R2, and RMSE, for testing, were
12.34723, 0.99508, and 0.04063, respectively.
Many researchers predicted the characteristics of the
engine using Multi-input multi-output models. Golcu etal.
[58] studied the effect of variable valve timing on perfor-
mance and fuel economy. The authors advance and retard
the crank angle by 10 to 30 degrees and develop the ANN
model using valve-timing and speed as inputs. Fuel flow and
torque were chosen as the output data. A single hidden layer
with 15 neurons opted. The back-propagation algorithm with
logsig and purelin adopted as the transfer functions. The
torque and fuel flow testing showed the RMSE of around
0.9% and 0.28%, respectively.
Hazar and Gul [59] studied the result of piston and valves
coating on an engine. 300-µm Cr3C2 plasma spray coating
employed to examine the performance and emissions of the
coated and uncoated engine. Experiments were performed at
different engine speeds to train the ANN network. SFC, HC,
CO, NOx, and EGT values of both the engine were recorded.
A single hidden layer with 10 neurons was adopted. Tangent
Sigmoid function selected for the hidden layer and LM as the
learning algorithm. The regression value of output param-
eters found very close to 1.
3.1.2 Models withAlternative Fuels
In search of the alternative fuel for better performance and
improved emissions, researchers developed models to inves-
tigate the various alcohol blended fuels, different octane
number fuels, hydrogen, etc. Initially, MISO based mod-
eling studies are presented. Cay etal. [60] analyzed the ANN
model for a methanol engine. Torque, speed, water tempera-
ture, inlet air temperature, fuel flow parameters were used
as inputs while SFC, effective power, pressure, and EGT
were predicted separately as outputs. The back-propagation
algorithm with five neurons in a single hidden layer and
logistic sigmoid function was adopted. Experimental data
of a methanol fuelled engine was opted to train the ANN
model. The coefficient of determination was found near to
one, for training and testing data. RMSE and MAPE were
less than 0.015 and 3.8% respectively for the testing data.
In a similar study Cay etal. [61] developed a three-layered
model to forecast SFC, air–fuel ratio, and emissions like CO
and unburned hydrocarbon of the engine. One hidden layer
with 5 to 15 neurons with BFGS, LM, RP, and SCG algo-
rithms tested to forecast BSFC, AFR, HC, and CO respec-
tively. The best network structures for these parameters were
4-7-1, 4-11-1, 4-14-1, and 4-7-1, respectively. In comparison
with the experimented data, the correlation coefficient was
0.998621, 996,075, 0.977654, and 0.998382 respectively.
Kapusuz etal. [62], in their study, use methanol and etha-
nol blends with gasoline together and separately. The study
was to optimize the use of methanol and ethanol share for
the minimum SFC, maximum torque, and maximum power.
Seventy data sets were used, which includes each ratio of
ethanol and methanol in increments of 5 percent. These three
parameters formed as inputs to ANN. Power, torque, fuel
consumption rate, and BSFC were obtained as the separate
outputs intended to achieve high success. The LM algorithm
was used for this purpose. The weights and biases were
update using the gradient descent with momentum back-
propagation algorithm. The tansig function opted for the hid-
den layer due to the high success rate. The architecture for
torque, power, fuel consumption per hour, and BSFC were
3-10-1, 3-10-1, 3-7-1, and 3-18-1, respectively. ANN gave
the regression values of 0.9906, 0.997, 0.9974, and 0.9312
for the torque, power, fuel consumption per hour, and BSFC,
respectively. The study showed a mixture of 11% methanol
with 1% ethanol gave the best results, whereas the mixture
containing 2% ethanol gave the minimum BSFC.
Many researchers studied MIMO models; in this context,
Kiani etal. [63] worked with four strokes, four-cylinder SI
engine, and use ethanol-gasoline fuel. Torque, BP, and pol-
lutants such as CO2, NOx, HC, and CO predicted with three
input parameters viz; load, speed, and ethanol share. Two
hidden layers with 25 neurons showed the highest correla-
tion coefficient. The authors used the back-propagation tech-
nique with the Widrow-Hoff learning rule and compared the
trainrp, traingdx, trainscg, and trainlm as training functions
whereas the trainlm function was selected. The correlation
coefficients were 0.96 and 0.99 for BP and torque, whereas,
for NOX, HC, CO2, and CO, values were 0.71, 0.90, 0.96,
and 0.98, respectively. Najafi etal. [64] evaluated the use
of bioethanol-gasoline blends in an engine. A 2-20-9 con-
figured model developed to forecast the relation between
volumetric efficiency, thermal efficiency, power, torque,
BSFC, CO, CO2, NOx, and HC emissions, using different
combinations of ethanol and speed as inputs. 20 neurons in
one hidden layer were selected. The Back-propagation algo-
rithm opted to predict these results. The gradient descent
rule was adopted to minimize the error. Amongst the trainrp,
traingdx, trainscg, and trainlm functions, the trainlm func-
tion was adopted to train the network. The R values of the
predicted results lie between 0.97 to 1. MRE values were
found between 0.46% to 5.57% and RMSE was found very
In another study, Yu and Arcakliog [65] tested ethanol
blends with unleaded gasoline. The author performed the
test on different ignition timing, compression ratio, density,
and the relative air–fuel ratio. These parameters were fed as
inputs to ANN architecture. Torque and SFC were calculated
A.N.Bhatt, N.Shrivastava
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and taken as output parameters for the network. One hidden
layer containing five neurons was selected. LM and SCG
algorithms compared to train the model. LM found to give
the least error. The logsig transfer function was selected.
After testing, the R2 data for SFC and engine torque were
0.999915 and 0.999977, respectively. Similarly, Danaiah
etal. [66] used a tert butyl alcohol–gasoline blend and
developed a 3-1-10 network to forecast the various engine
characteristics and found an excellent correlation among the
experimental and forecasting results.
Sayin etal. [67] predicted thermal efficiency, SFC, HC,
CO, and exhaust temperature using fuels of three different
octane numbers. 96 engine test run data generated with 95,
93, and 91 octane number gasoline. The lower heating value
of fuel, air inlet temperature, torque, and speed opted as the
input parameters. The model involves the selection of one
hidden layer with 15 neurons with tangent sigmoid as the
transfer function. 70% out of the total engine test run data
chosen for training and the leftover 30% data employed to
test the performance. A back-propagation algorithm and the
Levenberg–Marquardt function opted to adjust the weights.
The predicted output parameters like BSFC, BTE, CO, HC,
and EGT resulted in the mean relative error of 2.24%, 2.97%,
3.64%, 6.66%, and 1.41%; root mean square error of 17.05g/
kWh, 0.51%, 0.04%, 1.41%, 19.66ppm, and 2.96°C; and a
correlation coefficient of 0.994, 0.992, 0.992, 0.996, 0.983
Mehra etal. [68] carried out the ANN modeling of the
hydrogen-enriched CNG engine. `Hydrogen and CNG in a
separate tank were mixed manually. A model developed to
forecast the torque, BSFC, NOx, CO, HC, and CH4 using
engine load, excess air ratio, spark timing, and HCNG
ratio as inputs. The tansig and LM learning algorithms was
adopted in the ANN structure. The obtained Correlation
coefficient values were close to one.
3.1.3 Model Comparison andOptimization Studies
Researchers compared the engine characteristics predicted
by the different neural network models and other soft com-
puting methods based models. Some researchers carried
out multi-objective optimization studies on the ANN pre-
dicted outputs with different optimization methods. In this
context, Tasdemir etal. [69] investigated the engine char-
acteristics of the gasoline engine. The authors compared
the predicted results of the fuzzy expert system with ANN
models. Hydrocarbon emission, SFC, torque, and power
were selected as output parameters. Intake valve advance-
ment and speed selected as inputs. The back-propagation
algorithm with the tansig transfer function was adopted
in the 2-60-4 ANN network model. The gradient descent
was adopted as the learning function. The FES model was
designed using 48 fuzzy rules and the Mamdani approach
for fuzzy inference mechanism. Regression analysis in
Matlab and t-test in SPSS used to compare the results
of ANN and FES. Both the results are statistically very
close to each other and also to the experimental data. Both
methods are simple and fast in terms of the speed of com-
putation. In another study, Tosun etal. [70] predicted the
injection duration, SFC, and EGT at two different points
using ANN and linear and non-linear regression analysis.
The authors concluded the better accuracy of ANN than
other regression methods.
Zhang etal. [71] studied the method to detect and diag-
nose the misfire in an engine using the group of Luenberger
and the sliding mode technique. A Luenberger sliding mode
observer opted for the estimation of engine combustion
torque. The authors presented an ANN model based on the
experimental misfire events data and obtained engine com-
bustion torque. Three methods, including back-propagation
neural network, Elman neural network, and Support vector
machine, were applied and compared. The study showed
the designed ENN was able to predict the misfire data more
accurately in different test conditions than the other two
methods. The running time of SVM found significantly
lower than ENN and BPNN, whereas the running time of
BPNN was found higher than ENN.
Jo etal. [72] studied the turbocharged gasoline direct
engine, which involves the low-pressure cooled exhaust
gas recirculation to curtail NOx emissions. The long path
of LP-EGR leads to the transport delay, which leads to an
inaccurate estimation of LP-EGR flow. Further, non-linear
characteristics also make the estimation difficult. An accu-
rate estimation of LP-EGR is required to enhance the fuel
economy and for emission curtailments. An ANN model
involving 12 combustion inputs like maximum engine pres-
sure, IMEP, and 10 different mass fractions burnt in a cer-
tain range, used to precisely estimate the LP-EGR flow as
an output. All the inputs normalized in the range of 0 to 1.
The LM based back-propagation algorithm was adopted. The
three optimization algorithms viz HORD, TPE, and random
search were compared to get the optimized value of hyper-
parameters. The result showed that the efficacy of all algo-
rithms to search hyper-parameter was highly considerable.
The results for all three algorithms showed the R2 values of
more than 0.98, and RMSE values smaller than 0.76%.
Martinez etal. [73] developed a model to estimate the
engine NOx emission by the use of injection timing, torque,
intake pressure, speed, ignition point, and throttle data.
The 6-7-9-6-1 network architecture with logsig as transfer
function was selected. The model was modified with three
objective functions using the Ant colony optimization. The
optimization involves the sensitivity analysis using the
hyper-volume metrics and the VIKOR method for decision
making. The obtained correlation coefficient was close to
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A summary of the important studies are presented in
3.2 Compression‑Ignition Engine
This section presents the neural network modeling studies on
the compression ignition engines using firstly, standard die-
sel fuel, secondly, alternative liquid and gaseous fuels, and
thirdly, the comparative modeling and optimization studies.
3.2.1 Models withStandard Fuel
The studies on diesel engines with various operating condi-
tions using standard diesel fuel are summarized. The few
studies adopted multi-input single-output models to pre-
dict each engine parameter by a separate neural network.
A performance map of the Mercedes Benz eight-cylinder
diesel engine was studied by Celik and Arcaklioglu [76].
The authors predicted the SFC curve, fuel–air equivalence
ratio, and EGT as separate ANN models. The engine power,
engine speed, and water temperature were the inputs. Four
neurons in a single hidden layer were adopted. Back-prop-
agation with SCG and LM algorithm showed R2 close to
0.99. RMSE was smaller than 0.03. In a similar study [77],
the fuel consumption of the mining truck was predicted by
ANN using loading time, idle time to load, empty travel
time, payload, idled empty time, loaded travel time as inputs.
A 6-9-9-1 ANN architecture comprising 9 neurons each in
two hidden layers was used and resulted in the MAPE of
around 10 percent. Bietresato etal. [78] studied the pre-
dictive capability of ANN to assess the performance of the
farm tractor indirectly. The authors predicted the BSFC and
torque using indirect measures like EGT and motor oil tem-
perature of four agriculture tractors. R2 values were close
to 0.996. The authors concluded the use of the Gaussian
function over the sigmoidal function.
Exhaust valve temperature and the heat transfer coeffi-
cient between the valve and its seat were determined with
two ANN models separately, by Goudarzi etal. [79]. Two
temperatures at different points of the seat, as obtained
from inverse heat problems, were selected as inputs to the
models. Ten learning algorithms were compared and LM
reported the best convergence characteristics. The model for
predicting the exhaust valve temperature contained 15 and
7 neurons in two hidden layers, whereas the heat transfer
coefficient model contained 10 and 5 neurons, respectively.
In a study on turbocharged diesel engine with the pre-
combustion chamber, the result of speed, throttle-position,
and injection pressure on the brake mean effective pressure,
power, engine torque, fuel flow, SFC, smoke, CO2, SO2, and
NOx were investigated. An ANN model with three inputs
viz; injection pressure, throttle position, and speed examined
to forecast the performance and emissions separately. The
test dataset fed to train and validate the model. A single
hidden layer having 5 to 15 neurons for performance param-
eters, and two hidden layers with combinations of 8-7, 9-5,
9-7, 10-7 neurons for emission parameters were used. The
back-propagation, along with the logsig transfer-function,
was adopted. Three different training functions viz; LM,
CGP, and SCG evaluated, and the authors reported the LM
function as fastest, whereas the CGP function reported the
highest number of errors. The result showed that R2, RMSE
values were close to 0.99, and 0.01and MAPE was less than
8.5. The study highly recommends the use of ANN only if
the experiments are producing steady-state results. Other-
wise, ANN may not be appropriate [80].
The studies based on multi-input multi-output models
are also carried out by some researchers. Roy etal. [42]
observed the consequences of varying EGR strategies on the
common rail direct injection engine and developed an ANN
model for EGR quantification and to enhance the onboard
diagnostics. The model was used to predict the effect of
load, diesel-injected, FIP, and EGR on the SFC, BTE, NOx,
CO2, and particulate matter. A 4-10-10-5 structure of four
inputs, five outputs with two hidden layers having ten neu-
rons in each was adopted. The logsig as the transfer function,
LM as the training algorithm, and minimum MSE as the
loss function criteria considered. The model gave the high
correlation coefficient value from 0.987 to 0.999; MAPE
values varied from 1.1 to 4.57%. Apart from the standard
correlation coefficients, the authors studied the mean square
relative error (MSRE), forecasting uncertainty (Theil uncer-
tainty U2), Nash Sutcliffe Coefficient of Efficiency (NSE),
and Kling–Gupta Efficiency (KGE). The values of MSRE
and Theil uncertainty U2 were relatively low. KGE and NSE
values were found highly in control, indicating the robust-
ness of the developed model.
Some of the authors used the computation fluid dynam-
ics generated data as the input of the neural network model.
Nikzadfar and Shamekhi [81] studied the individual roll of
10 engine inputs on the BSFC, torque, NOx, and soot of 1.5
L diesel engine for better controlling and calibration pur-
poses. Ten different engine input parameters include EGR
rate, temperature and pressure of air, speed, the weight of
primary and pilot fuel, exhaust and rail pressure, injection
crank angle, and pilot retard. The authors developed the
engine model using AVL boost simulation software using
engine geometric and phenomenal properties. AVL- mix-
ing control combustion model used for this purpose, which
was then validated by experimental test data. The simulated
engine model adopted for the development of a neural net-
work model. Four thousand datasets were generated out of
this engine model used for ANN modeling. Due to the non-
linear behavior of some of the output parameters, a two-stage
multi-layer perceptron model was adopted. Both the models
involve two hidden layers, the first contains ten neurons in
A.N.Bhatt, N.Shrivastava
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Table 1 Summary of studies on the SI engine
Author Fuel/Blend Input Parameters Output parameters Algorithm /activation/
transfer function
Network configura-
Maximum statistical
Other prediction/opti-
mization method
Togun and Baysec
Gasoline Ignition advance,
throttling status, and
the engine speed
SFC and torque Back-propagation,
quardt, Logsig
R = 0.99
Cay etal. [56] Gasoline Fuel flow, speed, inlet
manifold tem-
perature, torque, and
water temperature
BSFC, EGT, and
effective power
SCG, Logsig
5-7-3 R2 = 0.99
Sahin [57] Gasoline Ignition angle, engine
speed, peak ioniza-
tion current with
Excess air coefficient Back-propagation,
Scaled Conjugate
Gradient, Logsig
4-9-9-1 MAPE = 12.3,
R2 = 0.99
Cay etal. [61] Methanol-gasoline Blend percentage,
Engine speed,
torque, fuel type
SFC, air–fuel ratio,
and RP, Logsig
4-7-1, 4-11-1, 4-14-1,
and 4-7-1
R2 = 0.99
Kapusuz etal. [62] Methanol and ethanol
blends with gasoline
Power, torque, fuel
consumption per
BSFC Back-propagation,
LM, Tansig
3-10-1, 3-10-1, 3-7-1,
and 3-18-1
R = 0.99
Kiani etal. [63] Ethanol Blend percentage,
load, Engine speed
Torque, BP, NOx,
CO2, CO, and HC
LM, Tansig
3-25-25-6 R = 0.98
Najafi etal. [64] Ethanol Blend %, Engine
Torque, power, BTE,
CO2, NOx, volumet-
ric efficiency
2-23-9 R = 0.97
Danaiah etal. [66] Tert butyl alcohol Blend percentage,
Load, Engine speed
CO2, HC, NOx, O2
3-1-10 RMSE = 0.999%
Mehra etal. [68] HCNG Engine load, excess
air ratio, spark tim-
ing, and HCNG ratio
Torque, BSFC, NOx,
CO, HC, and CH4
LM, Tansig
4-15-6 R = 0.999
Tasdemir etal. [69] Gasoline Intake valve advance-
ment, speed
Hydrocarbon emis-
sion, SFC, torque,
and power
2-60-4 0.999 FES
Martinez etal. [73] Gasoline Injection timing,
torque, intake pres-
sure, speed, ignition
point, and throttle
NOx Back-propagation,
6-7-9-6-1 R2 = 0.999 Ant colony optimiza-
Uslu and Celik [74] Gasoline and i-amyl
Speed, fuel blend,
compression ratio
LM, Tansig,
3-10-6 R2 = 0.94 RSM
Liu etal. [75] Gasoline, Butanol,
propanol, ethanol,
Compression ratio,
speed, alcohol%,
alcohol type
Torque, fuel con-
GRNN, Gaussian and
4-185-2 R2 = 0.93 MLS-SVR, ANFIS
Application ofArtificial Neural Network forInternal Combustion Engines: AState oftheArt…
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each layer whereas the second model contains ten and eight
neurons in each layer. Exhaust temperature, torque, and aspi-
rated air were the outputs of the first model. These outputs
were used for the second stage model to forecast the soot and
NOx. The study evaluated the individual role of these inputs
on the outputs using perturbation sensitivity analysis. The
authors concluded that the injected fuel mass significantly
affected engine performance and emissions parameters.
3.2.2 Models withAlternative Fuels
Many studies investigate the variety of alternative fuels by
adopting the neural network models to forecast the perfor-
mance emission characteristics of CI engines. The studies
presented are categorized into liquid and gaseous alternative
fuels. Liquid Fuels The researchers investigated the use
of alternative liquid fuels like biodiesel of different origins,
alcohols, etc. by the neural network models. Some authors
initially present here, used the MISO models. Muralidharan
etal. [82] analyzed and developed a model to forecast the
emission, performance, and combustion parameters of the
engine using waste cooking oil biodiesel. Three different
ANN models with back-propagation algorithms utilized to
predict parameters separately. The input parameters consid-
ered were different blend percentages, load, compression
ratio, and crank angle. Trainbr, trainrp, traincgf, traingda,
traingdx, trainscg, trainbfg, and trainlm functions compared
with each other. The result showed the minimum conver-
gence time and MSE value with the trainlm function. After
testing the R2 for SFC, BTE, EGT, IMEP, BP, and mechani-
cal efficiency found as 0.9982, 0.998, 0.9994, 0.9972,
0.9995, and 0.9912, respectively.
Gurgen etal. [83] studied the cyclic variability of the
butanol-fuelled engine. The Coefficient-of- variance of
IMEP for engine running on different fuel mixtures and dif-
ferent speeds were experimentally measured. The observed
datasets were incorporated to design an ANN model to fore-
cast the cyclic variability as an output parameter with fuel
mixtures, and speed as inputs. SCG learning algorithm used
to train the 2–11-1 ANN network architecture. The R2 value
was in the range of 0.737 to 0.9677.
Arumugam etal. [84] used a 4-2-1 configured ANN
model to estimate the emission and performance characteris-
tics separately for the rapeseed biodiesel fuelled engine. Dif-
ferent percentages of biodiesel blend, BP, BSFC, and EGT
were the inputs to the neural network. The SFC is relatively
the same for all diesel blends except B20R (20% rapeseed
methyl ester + 80% Diesel), which get a slightly higher read-
ing than diesel. The obtained R-value was close to 1 and
MRE less than 5%.
The studies presented here onwards used MIMO models.
The diesel engine performance using preheated crude palm
oil was studied by Yusaf etal. [85]. The performance param-
eters were quite comparable to ordinary diesel, and break
power is slightly higher than diesel. The CO emission was
disappointing as its concentration in the exhaust was high,
which indicates the incomplete combustion of the CPO. The
power, BSFC, NOx, CO, CO2, and EGT predicted through
the neural network model, taking different percentage blend,
engine speed as inputs, and back-propagation algorithm to
teach the network. Initially, network weight and biases were
initiated arbitrarily. Gradient descent rule used to minimize
errors. The logsig function selected for the hidden layer and
a 2-25-6 network configuration was selected. The study
involves training the ANN by 80% out of the 40 sample
data. Nearly accurate results as compared to experimental
results observed with MSE of 0.0004.
Kshirsagar and Anand [86] modeled the varying injection
timing and pressure to predict engine performance using
Calophyllum inophyllum methyl ester. Two different ANN
model was developed, first with 4-16-3 architecture to fore-
cast the performance parameters and second with 4-14-14-6
architecture to forecast the emission characteristics. Load,
fuel blends, injection pressure, and timing were the inputs
to both models. R, NSE, forecasting uncertainty values were
in the range of 0.99879–0.99993, 0.990406–0.999802, and
0.011525–0.049462, respectively. These values indicate the
robustness and high effectiveness of the developed model.
Mega Motors Company, the largest car manufacturing
unit in Iran, studied the BSFC, torque, CO, and HC emission
of a two-cylinder engine running on waste cooking oil, and
developed a model to predict these parameters based on the
biodiesel blend and speed of the engine. Logsig activation
function with a single hidden layer containing 25 neurons
was selected. R values were near one for all outputs with
MSE was 0.0004 [50].
In a study, a 6–49-15 ANN network architecture used for
condition-based monitoring and fault detection of the vessel
diesel engine. The model used for predicting fuel consump-
tion and faulty conditions like faulty fuel injectors, clogged
air cooler, clogged filter, polluted turbine. The data from
propeller shaft torque, fuel oil flow meter, thermocouples,
and pressure sensors selected as inputs. The model approxi-
mates the results close to the actual one [87].
To investigate the thermal barrier coated engine, Kumar
etal. [88] used Lanthanum zirconate to coat the piston,
valves, and cylinder head. Pongamia Pinnata biodiesel was
tested in the study to analyze the BSFC, BTE, HC, NOx,
and CO. These parameters were predicted through the ANN
model having network configuration 3-6-5, whereas coating,
load, and fuel type took as inputs to ANN. For training, the
back-propagation algorithm was adopted. The transfer func-
tion for the hidden and output layer was Tangent sigmoid.
A.N.Bhatt, N.Shrivastava
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MSE and MRE of the predicted results were 0.002 and 6.8%,
In another study, Lapuerta etal. [89] analyzed the effect
of biodiesel on particulate matter emissions. A model was
developed to estimate the quantity of insoluble and soluble
particulates on different engine speeds and blend percent-
ages. The LM non-linear fitting approach opted for training
the network. The results showed that palmitic acid methyl
esters mainly affect the insoluble particulate present in
biodiesel. Oğuz etal. [90] used a 2-28-4 configured ANN
architecture to forecast the performance characteristics of
bioethanol-biodiesel fuelled engines. The torque, power, fuel
consumption, and BSFC predicted with the help of engine
revolutions and the fuel type as the inputs to the network.
The tansig transfer function was selected. The values of
training speed (β) and learning ratio (α) were chosen as 0.3.
The reliability significance value for the predicted results
was 99.94%.
Shivakumar etal. [45] studied the consequences of vary-
ing fuel injection timing and compression ratio on an engine
running on waste cooking. BSFC and NOX emission for bio-
diesel blended fuel found relatively higher than neat diesel,
whereas smoke and HC emissions were relatively less. These
results predicted through the developed ANN model. The
algorithm used to train the model was back-propagation. The
blend ratio, load, injection timing, and compression ratio
selected as inputs, whereas exhaust temperature, energy con-
sumption, and thermal efficiency as outputs parameters. The
MRE for emission and performance characteristics are 8%
and 5%, respectively.
Ilangkumaran etal. [91] prepared diethyl ether blended
biodiesel of fish oil. A model to forecast emission and per-
formance parameters was developed. The model had one
hidden layer with 20 neurons. Different load and percent-
age blend were inputs to the model. Correlation coefficients
of BTE and EGT were found as 0.997 and 0.999, whereas,
for exhaust emissions, it was 0.997 to 1. Gharehghani and
Pourrahmani [92] optimize the 36 combinations of water,
biodiesel, and ceO2 nano-particles to minimize exhaust
emissions. The optimum value determined by defining a new
parameter known as the performance-evaluation-of-diesel-
engine (PEDE). An ANN model was developed to get the
highest value of PEDE. The sensitivity analysis obtained the
optimum value of PEDE’s. Similarly, the effects of CeO2
nano-particle addition and consequent ANN model with
3-12-4 architecture with trainlm training rule showed a cor-
relation coefficient close to 1 [93].
Manieniyan etal. [94] carried out the wear analysis of
Mahua oil-fuelled diesel engine with hot and cold EGR. The
authors predicted the wear elements present in lubricating
oil, like Fe, Cu, Co, Zn, Pb, and Mg as output parameters
using the probabilistic neural network (PNN) and radial basis
function neural network. The hot EGR, Cetane number, Cold
EGR, and lube oil time considered as inputs. The smoothing
factor value of 0.8 and a hidden layer with 56 neurons gave
the least MSE for the PNN model. The optimum number
of centers for RBFNN was selected as 225. RBF width was
considered as 0.08. The authors concluded that both models
predicted the values close to the actual one. However, the
RBFNN model predicts better than the PNN model.
In a study, 12 input parameters considered to predict the
12 output parameters simultaneously in an ANN model. The
designed network model was to forecast the CO2, CO, HC,
NO, Root mean square vibrations (vertical, lateral, and lon-
gitudinal directions), Kurtosis (vibration parameter in verti-
cal, lateral, and longitudinal direction), torque, and power of
engine running on biodiesel with alumina nano-particle. The
12 input parameters were LHV, fuel viscosity, density, fuel
blend, speed, manifold pressure, fuel consumption, exhaust
temperature, oil temperature, ambience pressure, relative
humidity, O2 concentration. Architecture with 12-25-25-
12 structure having two hidden layers was used. R values
were close to 1 [95]. Shanmugam etal. [96] prepare hybrid
fuel by mixing ethanol and cottonseed biodiesel. A 2-31-6
configured ANN model was developed. Load and different
blends of hybrid fuel were used as inputs, whereas BTE,
CO2, CO, NOx, HC, and smoke took as the outputs of ANN.
The back-propagation algorithm and LM function adopted.
The correlation coefficient values of the predicted results
were in the range 0.975–0.999.
In another study, Sakthivel etal. [97] investigate the IC
engine fuelled with fish oil-based biodiesel. EGT, BTE, CO,
NOx, HC, CO2, and smoke predicted with the help of the
ANN model having network configuration 2-20-11. Back-
propagation algorithm with trainlm function used to train
the network. Load % and types of fuel blend took as input
parameters. The mean relative error and correlation coeffi-
cient of the predicted results were found as 0.02–3.97% and
0.957–0.999, respectively. Similar results were obtained by
other authors [98100].
In another study, Canakci etal. [101] work on John
Deere 4276T model engine fuelled with waste frying oil-
based biodiesel to predict torque, load, cylinder pressure,
thermal efficiency, mass flow, fuel flow, injection pressure,
CO, NOx, CO2, EGT, smoke, and HC using five different
neural networks. Firstly different environmental conditions,
cetane numbers, and various fuel properties were consid-
ered as inputs, whereas fuel flow, air mass flow, injection
pressure as outputs to the network. Secondly, all previous
outputs, along with speed and fuel properties, were con-
sidered as inputs to predict various performance and emis-
sions parameters. The third and fourth networks in a similar
way considered to avoid statistical error values of injection
pressure. Finally, to predict the output coming out of the
first and second networks, a fifth network was used with the
input of the first network. Back-propagation, LM, and SCG
Application ofArtificial Neural Network forInternal Combustion Engines: AState oftheArt…
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algorithms were used to train the network. Predicted results
have R2 values of 0.99, and the MAPE was less than five.
In a study to investigate the n heptanes-diesel combustion
in Ford 1.8L direct-injection diesel engine, a computation
fluid dynamics based model developed. RNG k-ε turbu-
lence model to simulate the turbulent flows in the combus-
tion chamber, Dukowicz model for heating and evaporation
of droplets, stochastic dispersion model to simulate the
interaction of turbulent eddies with particles, and finally
Extend Coherent Flame model for turbulent mixing were
adopted. An ANN model to predict the NOx, soot, and CO2
developed. The crank angle, pressure, equivalence ratio,
temperature, O2 concentration, and liquid mass evaporated
considered as input parameters. Levenberge Marquardt train-
ing algorithm with 6-18-3 architecture considered. The R2
values were 0.9951, 0.9995, and 0.9976, for NOx, soot, and
CO2, respectively [102]. In a similar study [103], the CFD
simulation model was used to forecast the wall heat flux
for an n-heptane fuelled diesel engine. In another study by
Salam and Verma [104], a CFD modeling software Diesel-
RK software was used to generate the microalgae fuelled
engine dataset. Diesel-RK employs a multi-zone combustion
model. A neural network model developed to forecast the
emission, performance, and combustion parameters of an
engine using the numerically simulated load, fuel blending,
and injection pressure as inputs to the model. A 3-10-17
network architecture adopted. R values were close to 0.98
for all the predicted outputs. Gaseous Fuels The various researchers developed
the ANN models to study the alternative gaseous fuel in dual
fuel mode. The MISO model studies are initially presented.
Celebi etal. [105] analyze the acoustics and vibrations of
different biodiesel with natural gas addition in an unmodi-
fied engine. Speed, cetane number, CNG flow rate, and den-
sity as the input parameters used for predicting the vibration
and sound pressure level separately. The 4-4-1 and 4-5-1
network architectures were used to investigate the vibration
and SPL, respectively. Purelin and Logsig transfer functions
employed in the output and hidden layers, respectively. The
model outcomes were very close to the experimental values.
ANN modeling of micro combined heat unit operating
in CNG diesel dual fuel mode was carried out by Akkouche
etal. [106]. Three different models developed to predict the
airflow, pilot fuel flow, and exhaust temperature with 3-5-4-
1, 3-3-5-1, and 3-5-3-1 network architecture, respectively,
using biogas flow, methane contents, the power used as
inputs. Purelin and Logsig transfer functions employed in
the output and hidden layers, respectively. Gradient descent
with momentum function selected as learning function. R2
values were close to 1 for all three models.
Javed etal. [107] predicted the noise of the engine run-
ning on biodiesel blended with zinc oxide nano-particles
and H2 induction in dual fuel mode. Sound level in decibel
with a 4–8-1 network predicted using the load, amount of
nano-particles, biodiesel share, and hydrogen share as inputs
with a regression coefficient of 0.99.
The other researchers reported the use of the MIMO
model for engine characterization. In a study, Javed etal.
[108] examined an engine running on five different combi-
nations of biodiesel with H2 induction. The study aimed to
estimate the BTE, BSFC, EGT, NOx, HC, CO, CO2, and O2
at various loading conditions, biodiesel ratio, and H2 share.
A three-layered 3-16-8 network configuration was used,
where different load, biodiesel blend, and the amount of H2
selected as inputs. The data normalized between the ranges
of 0.1 to 0.9. The 63 experimental data (approximately 70%)
used to train the network, 13 datasets (approx 15%) used
to validate, and the remaining 13 data sets used to test the
whole model. A combination of seven different training
algorithms and five various training functions investigated.
LM learning algorithm with tangent sigmoid and logarith-
mic sigmoid transfer functions yields the best result. MSE,
MAPE, and overall regression coefficient of the model were
0.0011, 4.863%, and 0.9936, respectively, with a training
time of 78.135s.
A predictive model to investigate the capability of ANN
for the CNG dual-fuelled engine developed by Yusuf etal.
[109]. BSFC, BP, BTE, EGT, and emission parameters were
investigated as the outputs using engine speed and CNG
% as inputs. 22 neurons in a single hidden layer with LM
training function were selected. Correlation Coefficients for
output parameters were from 0.92 to 0.99.
The vibrations of an engine fuelled with hydroxyl (HHO)
gas-biodiesel examined by Uludamar etal. [110]. HHO gas
introduced via the intake manifold in varying amounts. An
ANN model designed to forecast the consequences of cetane
number, heating value, HHO %, and speed on the vibration
characteristics. Two neurons in the hidden layer gave sat-
isfactory results. The obtained Correlation coefficient was
close to one.
Syed etal. [111] in a similar study, compared the seven
learning algorithms in combination with three transfer func-
tions to evaluate an ANN model developed for hydrogen die-
sel dual-fuel mode engine. A comparative matrix with Seven
training algorithm viz; traingdx, trainlm, trainrp, traingda,
traincgf, trainbfg, and trainscg along with three transfer
functions viz; purelin, logsig, and tansig were prepared for
16 data sets. The matrix reveals that the quasi-Newton back-
propagation and tansig-tansig transfer function found the
best amongst other algorithms.
Taghavifar etal. [112] predicted the convective heat trans-
fer coefficient of the engine head, piston walls, and cylinder
liner of the hydrogen-fuelled diesel engine. In this study, a
CFD based model designed to generate the data. An ANN
model developed with liquid mass evaporated, equivalence
A.N.Bhatt, N.Shrivastava
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ratio, and temperature as inputs. A 3–17-3 network configu-
ration was selected, which yield the RMSE value of 9.13.
3.2.3 Model Comparison andOptimization Studies
This section is divided into two kinds of studies. The first
part involves the comparative studies of the neural net-
work models and with other predictive models. The lat-
ter part includes the ANN modeling and optimization of
engine parameters by applying the different optimization
Esonye etal. [113] evaluated the emissions and perfor-
mance of the Perkins diesel engine with different blends of
African pear seed biodiesel. Multi-input and multi output-
ANN model designed to forecast the BSFC, BTE, HC, CO,
and NOx emissions using the fuel blend, speed, and load
as the input parameters. A single hidden layer with seven
neurons along with Tan-sigmoid as transfer function was
selected. The correlation coefficients were between 0.9 and
0.99. The authors also applied the Nelder Mead downhill
optimization simplex method, which is generally used for
multidimensional optimization. The model predictive equa-
tion of Nelder Mead was used to obtain various solutions.
A comparison between ANN and Nelder mead predictive
models was presented. The R2 values for BTE, BSFC, CO,
NOx, and HC by the ANN model were 0.998, 0.811, 0.730,
0.601, and 0.842 respectively, Whereas Nelder mead predic-
tive model showed the values of 0.999, 0.974, 0.996, 0.985,
and 0.998 respectively. Hence, it demonstrates the suprem-
acy of the Nelder mead method over the ANN.
Shamshirband etal. [114] carried out a comparative
study of different models to predict the exegetic variables
of the engine using expanded polystyrene waste blended
with biodiesel. Seven parameters viz; exergy transfer rate to
coolant, fuel exergy rate, exergy rate of exhaust gas, exergy
efficiency, exergy transfer rate to ambient, exergy destruc-
tion rate, and sustainability index examined using different
engine speed, load, and biodiesel percent and polystyrene
contents as inputs. An ANN-based prediction model com-
pared with a support vector machine-based prediction model
coupled with quantum particle swarm optimization (SVM-
QPSO), radial basis function (SVM-RBF), firefly algorithm
(SVM-FFA), and discrete wavelet transform model (SVM-
WT). Results showed that the SVM-WT model showed
superiority over the other four approaches. R2 and R val-
ues were more than 0.9979 and 0.9989, proving the fidel-
ity of the model. However, in another study Yildirim etal.
[115] predicted the engine emissions, vibration, the noise of
engine blended with different biodiesels, and dual-fuelled
hydrogen induction through ANN and SVM. The authors
reported that the ANN outperforms the SVM.
Redel-Macías etal. [116] used a 1/3 octave band analyzer
to measure the combustion noise of the bio-fuelled engine.
A predictive model was developed for the biodiesel combus-
tion noise where power, speed, blend, diesel noise, and 1/3
octave frequency selected as inputs. An ANN model was
compared with the two polynomial regression models. Two
response surface models include the one with interaction
terms and another one without it. Neural network models
studied were product unit neural network and a hybrid of
PUNN with radial basis function (PUNN + RBFNN). ANN
models were found better than response surface models. It
observed that the noise predicted by the hybrid model and
PUNN were close to each other. The authors recommend the
use of pure PUNN due to its simplicity.
Aghbashlo etal. [117] developed the models to forecast
the exegetic performance of engine running on diesel bio-
diesel blend using ANN, genetic programming, extreme
learning machine, and extreme learning machine-with wave-
let transformation. Fuel exergy, exergy efficiency, cooling
water exergy, exhaust gas exergy, ambient exergy, exergy
destruction, and sustainability index were the seven output
parameters predicted by the models. Whereas biodiesel per-
cent expanded polystyrene wastes contents, load and speed
were the four input parameters. The authors reported the
yield of closest and accurate prediction by extreme learning
machine-with wavelet transformation method, followed by
extreme learning machine, ANN and genetic programming.
A similar study was carried out to compare the three differ-
ent models and to forecast the engine emissions and per-
formance using diesel-nano-particle blended fuel. Wavelet
neural network (WNN), back-propagation neural network
(BPNN), and non-linear autoregressive with exogenous
input (NARXNN) were the models compared. All the mod-
els predicted the result very close to actual results; however,
the authors concluded that the WNN with stochastic gradient
algorithm (WNN-SGA) performed better than the other two
models [118].
ANN and GEP based models were used to estimate
the engine emissions and performance opting EGR. GEP
is a population-based evolutionary algorithm. CO2, NOx,
PM, BSFC, and BTE were the outputs of the GEP model,
whereas the load, EGR, fuel-injected, FIP selected as inputs.
The large chromosomes were tested to minimize the error.
The ratio of correlation coefficients of GEP to the ANN
found more than one for all the predicted parameters, which
indicates that the GEP is more accurate than ANN [119].
Instantaneous exhaust emissions of NOx, CO2, particle
number in nucleation mode, particle number in accumula-
tion mode, and the geometric mean diameter of particles
were predicted and compared, using ANN and genetic
algorithm based symbolic regression method. Torque,
speed, acceleration, air temperature, airflow, fuel con-
sumption, and boost pressure were the inputs to models.
The authors concluded that both models predicted the
emissions accurately; however, NOx prediction by the
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symbolic regression method and CO2 prediction by ANN
was found better than other methods [120].
Researchers optimized the outputs of the ANN model
by different optimization techniques. Diesel, blended
with castor oil biodiesel, was examined in a turbocharged
engine by Etghani etal. [121]. Based on the experimental
dataset, the authors designed an ANN model to forecast
power, BSFC, PM, NOx, CO, and CO2 using biodiesel per-
cent and engine speed data. A 2-15-6 network consisting
of fifteen neurons in a hidden layer selected. LM learning
algorithm, logistic sigmoid transfer functions with 20,000
epochs considered. The output of the model was optimized
considering the six objectives, i.e., maximize the BP and
minimize the BSFC, CO, CO2, NOx, and PM. The modi-
fied NSGA-II method, employing the ε-elimination algo-
rithm considered for optimization. The best trade-off solu-
tion of the six objective functions was determined by the
TOPSIS method.
Krishnamoorthi etal. [122] analyzed the straight veg-
etable oil blended with diethyl ether on different compres-
sion ratios, EGR rate, and engine speeds. Consequently, the
ANN model was developed and optimized. NOx, smoke,
CO, HC, CO2, BTE, and BSFC were the output parameters
forecasted by ANN using the load, compression ratio, and
speed as inputs. A 3-12-7 architecture with LM training
function was selected. R values range from 0.91 to 0.99.
The RSM based optimization method considered to maxi-
mize the engine performance parameters and minimize the
engine exhaust emission parameters. In another similar study
by the same authors [123], ANN modeling was adopted to
forecast the engine parameters. The particle swarm optimi-
zation, along with RSM was considered for investigating the
effect of compression ratio and EGR. Results concluded that
the ANN-PSO-RSM approach provided better results with
considerable accuracy.
Channapattana etal. [124] tested the Honne biodiesel
on various compression ratios, injection timings, and pres-
sure. An ANN model was designed to forecast the emissions
and performance parameters at optimum operating condi-
tions as obtained by the genetic algorithm. Weighted multi-
objective genetic algorithm-based optimization was carried
out to enhance the performance and emission curtailment
simultaneously. The optimum results obtained were adopted
to forecast performance and emissions. Four training func-
tions viz; traingdx, trainlm, trainrp, trainscg compared, and
trainlm function reported the least error.
Tertiary blends of diesel kerosene and ethanol were
prepared and examined by Bhowmik etal. [125]. ANN
model designed to forecast the BTE, energy consumption,
CO, HC, and NOx using the load, kerosene, and ethanol
blend. A 3-9-5 network topology was found to give the best
results. The multi-objective response surface methodology
(MORSM) was adopted to give the optimum result.
Roy etal. [126] examined the emission and performance
trade-off of the CNG dual-fuelled engine. An adaptive merit
function (AMF) designed for BSFC, PM, and NOx trade-off.
An ANN meta-model was designed to establish a correla-
tion between the control variable and the objective function.
Load, CNG energy share (CES), and FIP were selected as
the decision variable. The study involves the Latin Hyper-
cube sampling scheme as the design of experiment strategy.
A Particle swarm optimization technique was employed for
the optimization purpose. On different loading conditions,
the authors reported 2.7 to 9.9% higher AMF than the best
experimental operations. A similar study with hydrogen
dual-fuel in diesel engine under varying EGR strategies was
carried out by Banerjee etal. [127]. Multi-objective particle
swarm optimization on the ANN meta-model platform was
adopted to enhance the performance-emission trade-off of
the dual-fuel operation.
Deb etal. [128] developed an ANN model to predict the
performance and emission parameters of the diesel engine
using hydrogen in dual fuel mode. 2-15-15-6 network archi-
tecture, along with logsig-tansig activation function, was
used. The model was evaluated based on Theil U2, NSE,
and KGE values apart from traditional evaluation criteria,
which proved the robustness of the developed model. A
fuzzy approach implemented to achieve a multi-performance
characteristics index (MPCI) value for optimization. Nine
fuzzy rules were defined, and the highest value of MPCI was
selected to obtain optimum fitment in the transfer function
of the model.
Diesel–CNG dual-fuel engine investigated to prepare an
MLP-ANN model. CO and NOx emissions predicted using
CNG mass flow rate, diesel flow rate, intake temperature,
speed, power as inputs. Experimental and neural network
model uncertainties calculated. The CO and NOx were fore-
casted with the 5-13-1 and 5-14-1 architectures, respectively.
The NSGA-II approach obtained the optimal decision vari-
able based on concerning emissions. Crossover and Muta-
tion probability was selected as 0.7 and 0.4, respectively,
with a population size of 50. The Pareto optimal front was
obtained for CO and NOx trade-off [129].
A summary of the important studies are presented in
3.3 HCCI Engine
Homogeneous charge compression ignition engines are
the modified form of compression ignition engines which
utilizes the concept of using homogeneous charge as used
in SI engines rather than heterogeneous charge used in CI
engine. It can be more beneficial in terms of performance
and emissions. Limitations of the HCCI engine using die-
sel-ethanol blends at higher loading conditions studied by
Bahri etal. [133]. The relation between the combustion
A.N.Bhatt, N.Shrivastava
1 3
noise level and cylinder pressure was studied, and after
that, an ANN noise level (ANL) model was developed to
estimate it. Experimental datasets were generated at dif-
ferent steady-state and cyclic loading conditions. The max
peak pressure and three pressures at a different crank angle
used as inputs of ANN and noise level as output. A 4-20-1
network architecture was selected, and the obtained R2 was
0.99. In an earlier similar study, the same authors [134]
detected the misfire event in ethanol fuelled HCCI engine
with five different pressure inputs. Three types of misfires
were considered in the study, namely, low temperature,
fuel cut off, and high dilution (ultra-lean air–fuel mixture).
Four hidden layers with ten neurons were selected. 7800
cyclic data used in the model to detect the misfire in the
engine with 100% accuracy. Bahri etal. [135], developed
a similar model for detecting the ringing operation of the
HCCI engine with ethanol and n-heptanes.
Rezaei etal. [136] analyze HCCI engine performance
with butanol and ethanol separately and developed ANN
models to predict various parameters like BTE, in-cylin-
der pressure, IMEP, HRR, NOx, CO, and HC. The fuel
blend and equivalence ratio were the input parameters of
each model. The authors compared the two neural net-
work models based on feed-forward and radial basis func-
tions. Both feed-forward and RBF model predicted the
performance with less than 4% MAPE. The feed-forward
network proved simple and less complicated, whereas a
radial basis function-based neural network took less train-
ing time.
Maurya and Saxena [137] predicted the ringing char-
acteristics of a hydrogen-fuelled HCCI engine on varying
operating and combustion conditions. The ringing intensity
predicted as the output of the two different ANN models.
The first model involves the combustion parameters as input,
whereas the second involves the operating parameters. The
combustion parameters studied were combustion phasing,
peak pressure, peak temperature, and combustion duration.
The speed, equivalence ratio, and temperature of the inlet
valve opted as operating parameters. The results were com-
pared with the kinetically simulated model. It was observed
that the ANN results were very accurate and the computa-
tion time was very less. Mean square error of 4.17 and 2.21
observed with a combustion-based model and operating
parameter based model, respectively.
Predicting the start of combustion is very crucial for
determining the engine characteristics of the HCCI engine.
The model to detect the start of combustion was developed
by Taghavi etal. [138]. Three models opting for MLP, RBF,
and NARX were compared. A genetic algorithm was used
in this study to optimize the network architecture. GA fairly
improved the regression coefficient of MLP and RBF models
from 0.8965 to 0.96166, and 0.7623 to 0.83991, respectively.
The NARX predicted result showed the best regression
coefficient and was very close to one. It also reduced the
computational time of the NARX model from 3.12 to 0.46s.
In a study, Anarghya etal. [139] investigated the HCCI
engine using methanol, different blends of isooctane with
n-heptanes (PRF), at a different speed, and air temperatures
in ANSYS fluent 3D simulation plate-form. The Zimont
turbulent combustion model, k-ω SST viscous model, and
emission model of fluent used. Consequently, a radial basis
neural network using the Gaussian activation function was
developed. The IMEP, heat release rate, pressure release
rate, CO, NOx, and HC were the predicted output param-
eters, whereas the air–fuel ratio, PRF percent, methanol,
crank angle were the input parameters. ANN-GA method
was adopted to optimize the weights and biases. The authors
compared RBFNN and ANN-GA models and observed that
ANN-GA models gave better results and close to experi-
mental values.
A summary of the important studies are presented in
4 Conclusion
This paper presents a brief review of different studies on the
application of the artificial neural network and the methodol-
ogy adopted in solving the complex problems of the inter-
nal combustion engine. The various problems were divided
based on the type of engine, and the fuel used. It includes
the problems of SI, CI, HCCI engines using traditional, and
alternative fuels like biodiesel, alcohol, and gaseous fuels in
dual fuelling. Literature showed the use of different ANN
models like multi-input single-output and multi-input multi-
output approach. The paper profoundly covers the method-
ology for developing the different ANN models and their
statistical analysis for evaluation.
The various application studies involve the performance
and emission predictions, modeling for valve timing, EGR
rate estimation, knock intensity detection, noise prediction,
maintenance of ships, misfire detection, wall flux estimation,
heat transfer coefficient modeling, engine wear determina-
tion, and optimization problems. The various comparative
studies also discussed to compare the different prediction
and optimization models in terms of their accuracy, conveni-
ence, and computation time. In general, ANN was found to
be convenient over other methods due to its simplicity and
give considerable statistical efficiency.
The multi-input multi-output model was found more
convenient than the multi-input single-output model. The
Back-propagation with the Levenberg–Marquardt learn-
ing algorithm using a single hidden layer is commonly
employed for considerable accuracy and convergence speed
to determine most of the engine characteristics. The number
of neurons in the range of 10 to 20 in a hidden layer and
Application ofArtificial Neural Network forInternal Combustion Engines: AState oftheArt…
1 3
Table 2 Summary of studies on the CI engine
Author Fuel/Blend Input parameters Output parameters Algorithm /activation/
transfer function
Network configura-
Maximum statistical
Other prediction/opti-
mization method
Siami-Irdemoosa and
Dindarlo [77]
Diesel Loading time, idle
time to load, empty
travel time, payload,
idled empty time,
loaded travel time
Fuel consumption Back-propagation 6-9-9-1 MAPE = 10%
Bietresato etal. [78] Diesel EGT and motor oil
BSFC and torque Back-propagation,
Gaussian function
2-26-10-1 R2 close to 0.996
Roy etal. [42] Diesel load, diesel-injected,
FIP, and EGR
CO2, and particulate
LM, logsig
4-10-10-5 R = 0.999
Muralidharan etal.
WCO methyl ester Compression ratio,
blend percentage,
and load
IMEP, mechanical
efficiency, EGT
HC, CO2, CO, NOx
Ignition delay, HRR,
combustion pres-
sure, combustion
duration, mass frac-
tion burnt
R2 = 0.998
Gurgen etal. [83] Diesel and butanol Fuel mixtures, and
Cyclic variability Back-propagation,
SCG, Logsig, and
2-11-1 R2 = 0.9677
Arumugam etal. [84] Rapeseed oil methyl
Blend percentage,
BTE,NOx,CO2Back-propagation 4-2-1 MRE < 5%
Yusaf etal. [85] Crude palm oil Blend percentage,
Engine speed
Logsig, and Purelin
2-25-6 MSE = 0.0004
Kshirsagar and Anand
Calophyllum inophyl-
lum methyl ester
Load, fuel blends,
injection timing, and
injection pressure
CO, CO2, HC, O2,
NO, soot
LM, Tansig
4-16-3, 4-14-14-6 R = 0.999
Kumar etal. [88] Pongamia Pinnata oil Load, fuel type BTE, BSFC, NOx,
HC, and CO
LM, Tansig
3-6-5 MSE = 0.002
Ghobadian etal. [50] Waste Cooking oil Blend percentage,
Engine speed
Torque, SFC, CO, HC Back-
Logsig and Linear
Oguz etal. [90] Bioethanol-biodiesel Engine revolutions
and the fuel type
Torque, power, fuel
consumption, and
2-28-4 reliability significance
value = 99.94%
Ilangkumaran etal.
Diethyl ether and
fish oil
Load and percentage
CO, CO2, smoke
sigmoid and linear
2-20-7 R = 0.999
Manieniyan etal. [94] Mahua biodiesel hot EGR, Cetane
number, Cold EGR,
Wear value of Fe, Cu,
CO, Zn, Pb and Mg
Gaussian function
R = 0.90-0.99
A.N.Bhatt, N.Shrivastava
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Author Fuel/Blend Input parameters Output parameters Algorithm /activation/
transfer function
Network configura-
Maximum statistical
Other prediction/opti-
mization method
Sakthivel etal. [97] Fish oil Load % and fuel blend EGT, BTE, CO, HC,
NOx, CO2, and
sigmoid and linear
2-20-11 R = 0.999
Shivakumar etal. [45] Waste Cooking oil Load, CR, Blend
percentage, injection
sigmoid and linear
4-24-3, 4-22-3 MRE < 8%
Shrivastava etal. [98] Karanja and Rosell oil Diesel, loading,
compression ratio,
Karanja ratio, Rosell
NOx, CO2, ITE,
MRPR, ID, smoke
LM, Tansig
5-7-9 R2 = 0.9915
Canakci etal. [101] Waste frying palm oil Lower heating value,
density, viscosity,
cetane number,
relative humidity,
pressure, dry bulb
temperature, Engine
Torque, CO, NOx,
smoke, load,
cylinder pressure,
thermal efficiency,
mass flow, fuel flow,
injection pressure
LM, SCG, Logsig
8-8-11 R2 = 0.99
Babu etal. [130] Waste frying oil Pre, main and post
injection timing,
NO, and Smoke
LM, Tansig
R = 0.999
Akkouche etal. [106]CNG Biogas flow, methane
contents, power
airflow, pilot fuel
flow, and exhaust
GDM, logsig and
3-5-4-1, 3-3-5-1,
R2 = 0.99
Celebi etal. [105] Diesel CNG Speed, cetane number,
CNG flow rate, and
vibration and sound
pressure level
LM, Logsig, and
4-4-1, 4-5-1 R2 = 0.99
Javed etal. [108] Jatropha oil
Load, biodiesel blend,
HC, EGT, O2, CO,
LM, Logsig and
3-16-8 MAPE = 0.0011
Uludamar etal. [110] Biodiesel and HHO Cetane number, heat-
ing value, HHO %,
and speed
Vibrations Back-propagation,
LM, Logsig, and
4-2-1 R2 = 0.9986
Esonye etal. [113] African pear seed
Fuel blend, speed, and
HC, and CO
LM, Tan-sigmoid
3-7-5 R = 0.99 Nelder Mead downhill
optimization simplex
Application ofArtificial Neural Network forInternal Combustion Engines: AState oftheArt…
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Author Fuel/Blend Input parameters Output parameters Algorithm /activation/
transfer function
Network configura-
Maximum statistical
Other prediction/opti-
mization method
Shamshirband etal.
Expanded polystyrene
Exergy transfer rate
to coolant, fuel
exergy rate, exergy
rate of exhaust gas,
exergy efficiency,
exergy transfer rate
to ambient, exergy
destruction rate, and
sustainability index
Speed, load, biodiesel
blend, and polysty-
rene contents
4-6-7 R2 = 0.99 SVM-QPSO, SVM-
Maccas etal. [116] Olive–pomace Bio-
diesel and palm oil
Biodiesel combustion
1/3 octave band
frequency, speed,
power, biodiesel
percent, diesel noise
Hybrid PUNN and
RBFNN, evolution-
ary algorithm
R2 = 90.89–97.8% RSM
Krishnamoorthi etal.
Straight vegetable oil Compression ratios,
EGR rate, and
engine speeds
NOx, smoke, CO,
HC, CO2, BTE, and
3-12-7 R = 0.99 RSM
Aydin etal. [131] Biodiesel Injection pressure,
biodiesel blend, load
NOx, HC, CO,
LM, logistic sig-
3-10-7 R2 = 0.985 RSM
Krishnamoorthi etal.
Chaulmoogra oil Compression ratio and
Smoke, HC
3-12-6 R = 0.99 ANN-PSO-RSM
Etghani etal. [121] Castor oil Blend percentage,
Engine speed
LM logistic sigmoid
2-15-6 R = 0.999 NSGA-II and TOPSIS
Hariharan etal. [132] Hydrogen and Lemon-
grass oil
Load, H2, LGO BSEC, BTE, NOx,
HC, CO, and smoke
LM, Logsig
3-12-6 R = 0.9945 RSM
A.N.Bhatt, N.Shrivastava
1 3
Table 3 Summary of studies on the HCCI engine
Author Fuel/Blend Input parameters Output parameters Algorithm /activation/
transfer function
Network configuration Maximum
Other prediction/
Bahri etal. [133] Diesel-ethanol Peak pressure and three
pressures at a different
crank angle
Noise level Back-propagation, LM 4-20-1 R2 = 0.99
Bahri etal. [134] Diesel-ethanol Five different pressure Three misfires (low tem-
perature, fuel cut off,
and high dilution)
Back-propagation, LM,
5-10-10-10-10-1 MSE = 0.01
Rezaei etal. [136] Butanol and ethanol Fuel blend and equiva-
lence ratio
BTE, in-cylinder pres-
sure, IMEP, HRR,
NOx, CO, and HC
Back-propagation, and
LM, Tansig
2-15-7 MSE < 4%
Maurya and Saxena [137] Hydrogen Pressure, temperature,
combustion dura-
tion, and combustion
phasing, equivalence
ratio, speed, inlet valve
Ringing intensity at dif-
ferent conditions
Back-propagation, LM 3-16-1
MSE = 2.21%
Taghavi etal. [138] Diesel Speed, Equivalence
Ratio, EGR, pressure,
Temperature, Octane
Start of combustion Back-propagation,
R = 0.93 GA
Anarghya etal. [139] Methanol Air–fuel ratio, PRF per-
cent, methanol, crank
IMEP, heat release rate,
pressure release rate,
CO, NOx, and HC
RBFNN, Gaussian acti-
vation function
R2 < 0.9927 GA
Application ofArtificial Neural Network forInternal Combustion Engines: AState oftheArt…
1 3
logarithmic sigmoid and tangent sigmoid transfer function
found to give optimum results. This review shows that ANN
can be efficiently used to predict complex engine perfor-
mance, combustion, and emission characteristics and helps
in a cost-effective search for sustainable alternative fuel with
enhanced engine characteristics.
5 Future Scope
A wide variety of literature available on the prediction of
engine characteristics with different test conditions using
the artificial neural network. However, prediction studies
incorporating most of the fuel properties along with test
parameters can be future scope. The combustion chamber
modification, particulate matters particle size estimation, is
one of the critical areas missing in the literature.
Training the neural network is time-consuming, further
comparative studies on the different networks, Deep neural
network involving a higher number of hidden layers, recur-
rent neural network, convolutional neural network are there-
fore recommended.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
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... However, the initial setup and constant updating of the neural network was time consuming, involved complex tasks, and heavily dependent on the data used. Similarly, Aditya Narayan et al. [23] also has used Artificial Neural Networks for predicting engine operations. The models that were developed by researchers used fuels such as diesel, gasoline, biodiesel, alcohol, and gaseous fuels in dual fuel mode [24][25][26]. ...
... Despite its effectiveness, the model must be trained whenever engine parameters are changed, which limits adaptability in dynamic powertrain design situations. Bhatt and Shrivastava [23] presented a comprehensive overview of artificial neural network applications in internal combustion engines, including performance prediction, emissions modelling, and control. They highlighted gaps in the literature, such as the necessity to include more detailed fuel qualities and test parameters in prediction models. ...
... Also, learning the predictive models reduce the time and experi-mentation cost. Bhatt, A.N. and Shrivastava, N. (2022) performed extensive review on the application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for IC engines to understand the engine predictive capabilities. Rezaei et al. (2015) analyzed Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine performance. ...
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The Low Heat Rejection engine (LHR) is useful to reduce the engine coolant heat losses thereby improving the combustion engine performance. The key performance measurements namely Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE), Brake Mean Effective Pressure (BMEP) and Brake Power (BP) are calculated for analyzing the performance and efficiency of the engine when the blend of algae oil, diethyl ether and copper nanoparticles is injected into medium grade LHR engine. However, factors such as injection pressure, injection timing, exhaust gas temperature, coolant load and volumetric efficiency have their effect on the estimations of these performance parameters. To estimate the LHR engine performance for better engine efficiency, machine learning based Multiple Regression modeling is implemented. The physical medium grade LHR engine experimental setup is done and the experiments are carried out. The operational parameters (factors) and key performance parameters data are gathered from these experiments, exploratory data analysis is then carried out, relevant operational parameters that influence the performance parameters are identified which are then used for learning the regression-based models that estimate the performance of the medium grade LHR engine. These models are validated to ensure have better generalization capabilities to unseen data. It is observed that a high R-squared value of 1 for BTE and BP performance parameters and very less Mean Square Error value of 5.259072701473412e-31 for BMEP performance parameter are achieved. These values prove that machine learning help optimize LHR engine operation and reduce downtime.
... Still, there are gaps. Most of the current research depends on a few ML techniques, such as simple regression models or neural networks (Bhatt and Shrivastava, 2021;Bietresato et al., 2015;Onukwuli et al., 2021;Patnaik et al., 2024;Usman et al., 2021;Veza et al., 2022a). Few studies have methodically evaluated engine performance and emissions with sophisticated supervised learning models like Lasso Regression, SVM, and Random Forest. ...
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In the ongoing search for an alternative fuel for diesel engines, biogas is an attractive option. Biogas can be used in dual-fuel mode with diesel as pilot fuel. This work investigates the modeling of injecting strategies for a waste-derived biogas-powered dual-fuel engine. Engine performance and emissions were projected using supervised machine learning methods including random forest, lasso regression, and support vector machines (SVM). Mean Squared Error (MSE), R-squared (R²), and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) were among the criteria used in evaluations of the models. Random Forest has shown better performance for Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE) with a test R² of 0.9938 and a low test MAPE of 3.0741%. Random Forest once more exceeded other models with a test R² of 0.9715 and a test MAPE of 4.2242% in estimating Brake Specific Energy Consumption (BSEC). With a test R² of 0.9821 and a test MAPE of 2.5801% Random Forest emerged as the most accurate model according to carbon dioxide (CO₂) emission modeling. Analogous results for the carbon monoxide (CO) prediction model based on Random Forest obtained a test R² of 0.8339 with a test MAPE of 3.6099%. Random Forest outperformed Linear Regression with a test R² of 0.9756% and a test MAPE of 7.2056% in the case of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. Random Forest showed the most constant performance overall criteria. This paper emphasizes how well machine learning models especially Random Forest can prognosticate the performance of biogas dual-fuel engines.
... Para eficientizar dichos sistemas, se han abordado diferentes estrategias tales como el uso de innovadoras técnicas de control (Aliramezani et al. (2022); Gao et al. (2021)), o el estudio del compartimiento de sistemas de generación de energía eléctrica con diferentes topologías de redes neuronales artificiales para predecir y ser eficientes las complicadas características de varios tipos de motores con diferentes combustibles (Bhatt and Shrivastava (2022)). Similarmente, la optimización de los sistemas de generación de energía eléctrica se analiza en (Shen et al. (2020)). ...
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En este trabajo, se utiliza una estrategia difusa del tipo Takagi-Sugeno (T-S), con parámetros del modelo y control optimizados, aplicado a un sistema de generación de energía (SGE) compuesto por un motor de combustión interna (MCI) acoplado a un generador eléctrico. Con esta estrategia se evita derivar un modelo matemático mediante balance de energía con la termodinámica y el generador eléctrico en su representación no lineal. Primero, se identifica un modelo matemático no lineal para el sistema eléctrico de potencia con datos experimentales de entrada-salida utilizando el algoritmo difuso c-means en las premisas y el consecuente en espacio de estado. Luego, utilizando el algoritmo de enjambre de partículas (PSO), se identifica el parámetro óptimo difuso y se encuentran los polos óptimos del sistema que permiten seleccionar las ganancias del controlador. Dicho controlador está basado en la estrategia de compensación distribuida en paralelo (PDC), en la que para cada consecuente del modelo difuso T-S, se sintoniza un controlador de realimentación de estado. Así mismo, se utilizan desigualdades matriciales lineales (LMI) para demostrar la estabilidad del sistema. Por último, para validar la efectividad de las estrategias propuestas, se realizan pruebas experimentales del SGE usando un motor sin escobillas como carga, haciendo variar el consumo eléctrico.
... In order to optimize these systems, different strategies have been addressed, such as the use of innovative control techniques [2,3] or the study of the compartmentalization of electric power generation systems with different topologies of artificial neural networks to predict and be efficient in the complicated characteristics of various types of engine with different fuels [4]. ...
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Modelling and controlling an electrical Power Generation System (PGS), which consists of an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) linked to an electric generator, poses a significant challenge due to various factors. These include the non-linear characteristics of the system’s components, thermal effects, mechanical vibrations, electrical noise, and the dynamic and transient impacts of electrical loads. In this study, we introduce a fuzzy modelling identification approach utilizing the Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) structure, wherein model and control parameters are optimized. This methodology circumvents the need for deriving a mathematical model through energy balance considerations involving thermodynamics and the non-linear representation of the electric generator. Initially, a non-linear mathematical model for the electrical power system is obtained through the fuzzy c-means algorithm, which handles both premises and consequents in state space, utilizing input–output experimental data. Subsequently, the Particle Swarm Algorithm (PSO) is employed for optimizing the fuzzy parameter m of the c-means algorithm during the modelling phase. Additionally, in the design of the Parallel Distributed Compensation Controller (PDC), the optimization of parameters pertaining to the poles of the closed-loop response is conducted also by using the PSO method. Ultimately, numerical simulations are conducted, adjusting the power consumption of an inductive load.
... The purpose of the study is to look into the network topologies used to design the model, followed by a statistical analysis of the created ANN models. Also provided is a comparison of the ANN model and other prediction models [6]. Spark ignition engines may be port fuel injected (where fuel injection takes place besides the intake valve producing a well-mixed charge) or direct-injected (fuel is injected in the cylinder during intake stroke to form homogeneous mixture at high loads, while injection timing can be retarded at lower loads). ...
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Artificial Neural Network has a role in the fields of engineering because it helps in reducing the time and costs of practical experiments. IC drive is one of them. ANN was used to predict and analyze various characteristics such as performance, combustion, and emissions of an IC engine to save time and energy. The complex nature of an ANN may lead to the computation of time, energy, and space. Recent studies focus on changing network topology, deep learning, and ANN design to get the highest performance. Internal combustion engines can be classified into spark ignition engines and compression ignition engines. There are various alternative fuels used instead of these conventional fuels to reduce emissions and toxicity such as hydrogen, natural gas, biodiesel, and biogas, some of these fuels are suitable for spark ignition engines while others are suitable for compression ignition engines. Various fuels with their combustion process are going to be studied by indicating different emissions resulting from this combustion. Finally, the effect of artificial intelligence on combustion control in internal combustion engines is going to be studied as it is a future promising technology for this branch. Internal combustion engines are extensively used in energy generation and all transportation methods for people and goods. So, the demand of fuels used in IC engines has largely increased. The need of liquid fuels reaches to 3000 million tons oil equivalent per year and they are the cause of 10% of the world's greenhouse emissions [1]. Our need for transport energy (IC engines) increases rapidly for both SI (passenger cars) and CI (commercial road transport and marine sectors) engines. This increase is predicted to reach about 40% in 2040 depending on 90% petroleum based liquid fuels, 5% natural gas. Now, the main development in petrol engines is to reach maximum performance while in diesel engines is to reduce soot and NOx emissions without affecting efficiency [2]. Internal combustion engines can be classified to spark ignition engines that use gasoline fuel where fuel-air are mixed before ignition and then combustion occurs, and compression ignition engines that uses diesel as a fuel that is compressed and injected so it reaches to self-ignition temperature. But at these days, there are many alternative fuels used instead of gasoline and diesel fuels such as ethanol, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, coal-derived liquid fuels, hydrogen, biodiesel, fuels other than alcohol, derived from biological materials, and non-petroleum fuels. Global transportation need of fuels is as in Figure 1. This indicates that biofuels reach 3% of the total fuel consumed in transportation sector [3]. These alternative sources reduce emissions and Sulphur contents [4]. Fuels of internal combustion engines in the general can be classified as shown in Figure 2. that indicates all types of conventional and alternative fuels [5]. In the last years, internal combustion engines have been controlled by artificial neural network as this method has various advantages, they can save time and money. This method is used to give us an indication about performance, combustion, and emissions. The purpose of the study is to look into the network topologies used to design the model, followed by a statistical analysis of the created ANN models. Also provided is a comparison of the ANN model and other prediction models [6].
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The emergence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in China at December 2019 had led to a global outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the disease started to spread all over the world and became an international public health issue. The entire humanity has to fight in this war against the unexpected and each and every individual role is important. Healthcare system is doing exceptional work and the government is taking various measures that help the society to control the spread. Public, on the other hand, coordinates with the policies and act accordingly in most state of affairs. But the role of technologies in assisting different social bodies to fight against the pandemic remains hidden. The intention of our study is to uncover the hidden roles of technologies that ultimately help for controlling the pandemic. On investigating, it is found that the strategies utilizing potential technologies would yield better benefits and these technological strategies can be framed either to control the pandemic or to support the confinement of the society during pandemic which in turn aids in controlling the spreading of infection. This study enlightens the various implemented technologies that assists the healthcare systems, government and public in diverse aspects for fighting against COVID-19. Furthermore, the technological swift that happened during the pandemic and their influence in the environment and society is discussed. Besides the implemented technologies, this work also deals with untapped potential technologies that have prospective applications in controlling the pandemic circumstances. Alongside the various discussion, our suggested solution for certain situational issues is also presented.
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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has affected day to day life and is slowing down the global economy. This pandemic has affected thousands of peoples, who are either sick or are being killed due to the spread of this disease. This, being a new viral disease affecting humans for the first time, vaccines are not yet available. This virus is spreading exponentially region wise. Countries are banning gatherings of people to the spread and break the exponential curve. Many countries are locking their population and enforcing strict quarantine to control the spread of the havoc of this highly communicable disease. COVID-19 has rapidly affected our day to day life (health, social and economy), businesses, disrupted the world trade and movements. This virus creates significant knock-on effects on the daily life of citizens as well as about the global economy.
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Due to the fully-connected complex structure of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), systems based on ANN may consume much computational time, energy and space. Therefore, intense research has been recently centered on changing the topology and design of ANNs to obtain high performance. To explore the influence of network structure on ANNs complex systems topologies have been applied in these networks to have more efficient and less complex structures while they are more similar to biological systems at the same time. In this paper, the methodology and results of some recent papers are summarized and discussed in which the authors investigated the efficacy of random complex networks on the performance of Hopfield associative memory and multi-layer ANNs compared with ANNs with small-world, scale-free and regular structures.
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Recently, an explosive growth in the potential use of natural metaphors in modelling and solving large-scale non-linear optimization problems. Artificial neural network (ANN) is a potent gadget broadly utilized in many data classification tasks. Fundamentally, nature-inspired algorithms have demonstrated their effectiveness and ability over traditional algorithms for generating the optimal ANN parameters, rules and topology that provide the best classification performance with regarding to the quality of the solution, computational cost and avoiding local minima. The literature is vast and growing. This study provides a review on the basic theories and main recent algorithms for optimizing the ANN. Different types of nature-inspired meta-heuristic algorithms are presented; outlining the concepts and components that are used in order to give a summary and ease of the state-of-the-arts to find suitable methods in real world applications for the readers. Additionally, this survey covers the most used type of neural networks, feed-forward neural network (FFNN) in several optimized applications. The performances of FFNNs designed by nature-inspired algorithms have been explored in single and multi-dimensional optimization space; highlighting their models, features, objectives, constraints, etc. to analyse their differences and similarities. A comprehensive survey of the earliest works and recent modified in the last decade in addition to expect approaches has been investigated in details.
This research investigated artificial neural network (ANN) modeling to predict the exhaust emissions and engine performance. Different percentages of alcohol at various engine speeds and comparison ratios were used to obtain the required data for testing and training the proposed ANN. Six experimental datasets were used for the training process to develop an ANN model based on the standard program. Furthermore, the accuracy of the proposed model was evaluated by calculating the mean square error (MSE), regression coefficient (R²), and average absolute relative deviation (AARD%). The total values of AARD% for the proposed model were 10.50 and 15.45% for carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions and 10.50 and 3.13% for torque and fuel consumption, respectively, which were acceptable errors compared with the experimental uncertainty.
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in over 1.4 million confirmed cases and over 83,000 deaths globally. It has also sparked fears of an impending economic crisis and recession. Social distancing, self-isolation and travel restrictions forced a decrease in the workforce across all economic sectors and caused many jobs to be lost. Schools have closed down, and the need of commodities and manufactured products has decreased. In contrast, the need for medical supplies has significantly increased. The food sector has also seen a great demand due to panic-buying and stockpiling of food products. In response to this global outbreak, we summarise the socio-economic effects of COVID-19 on individual aspects of the world economy.
The present work investigates the influence of advanced injection strategy on a common rail direct injection assisted diesel engine characteristics fuelled with biodiesel and conventional diesel. Also, an artificial neural network is employed to forecast engine characteristics. Engine test is conducted under 100% load condition through an optimized nozzle opening pressure of 500 bar. Pre-injection timing is fixed permanently at 30 °CA bTDC, main injection timing varied from 15 °CA to 21 °CA bTDC and post-injection varied from 6 °CA bTDC to 6 °CA aTDC sequentially. However, the pre, main and post-injection quantities are changed respectively from 5% to 15%, 70% to 90%, and 5% to 15%. Minimum carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbon and smoke emission of 0.01% vol., 8 ppm and 1.59 FSN are achieved with pre-injection timing of 30 °CA, main injection timing of 21 °CA bTDC, and post injection timing of 6 °CA bTDC for B100-15%-70%-15%. Maximum brake thermal efficiency and nitric oxide emission of 34.3% and 1114 ppm are achieved in B100-5%-90%-5% at advanced injection timing and higher nozzle opening pressure. Artificial neural network models conform to experimental results having a lower root mean square error and correlation coefficient values in a range of 0.01 to 0.02 and 0.980 to 0.998 respectively. An artificial neural network is mostly preferred over other theoretical and empirical models to higher accuracy in predicting the output. Hence, multiple injection strategy fuelled biodiesel significantly decreased the emission and improved the performance compared to mechanical, single and split injection strategy.
In this work, the experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of using hydrogen (H2)andLemon Grass Oil (LGO) as a partial substitute fuel for diesel in a single-cylinder Compression Ignition (CI) engine. Initially, the experiment was conducted with neat diesel and then the engine was modified to operate under dual-fuel mode by inducting H2with intake manifold and LGO as direct injection (DI) fuel. The energy share of H2 was varied from 5 to 10% in this research work. Water (W) was mixed (3% volume) with diesel-LGO blends and its effect on oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) emissions was investigated. An ANN model has been developed to predict the correlation between engine output responses and input factors (load, LGO and hydrogen) using a standard back-propagation algorithm. Response surface methodology is concerned to optimize the engine input parameters in order to minimize the emissions and maximize the thermal efficiency. It was observed that the BTE got increased to 31% for 10%H2 + LGO25 whereas it was 24% for neat LGO and 30% for 10%H2 + LGO25 + 3%W modes. The cylinder pressure increased up to 63 bar for 10%H2mode than neat LGO operation. The HRR, underH2 premixed combustion model was observed to be 79 kJ/CA deg in 10%H2, which is comparatively higher than that of all the LGO operations. The maximum NOx emission was found for 10%H2 + LGO25% at 700 ppm peak load, whereas it reduced to 620 ppm for water-emulsified fuel.
In the present study, the performance and emission parameters of a single cylinder diesel engine powered by biodiesel-diesel fuel blends were predicted by Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and optimized by Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The data to be used for ANN and RSM applications were obtained by using biodiesel/diesel fuel blends at different engine loads and various injection pressures. ANN model has been developed to predict the outputs such as brake thermal efficiency (BTE), brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), exhaust gas temperature (EGT), nitrogen oxides (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and smoke regarding engine load, biodiesel ratio and injection pressure. A feed-forward multi-layer perceptron network is used to show the correlation among the input factors and the output factors. The RSM is applied to find the optimum engine operating parameters with the purpose of simultaneous reduction of emissions, EGT, BSFC and increase BTE. The obtained results reveal that the ANN can correctly model the exhaust emission and performance parameters with the regression coefficients (R2) between 0.8663 and 0.9858. It is seen that the maximum mean relative error (MRE) is less than 10%, compared with the experimental results. The RSM study demonstrated that, biodiesel ratio of 32% with 816-W engine load and 470 bar injection pressure are the optimum engine operating parameters. It is found that the ANN with RSM support is a good tool for predict and optimize of diesel engine parameters powered with diesel/biodiesel mixtures.