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An Update on the Phenotype, Genotype and Neurobiology of ADCY5‐Related Disease


Abstract and Figures

Adenylyl cyclase 5 (ADCY5)‐related phenotypes comprise an expanding disease continuum, but much remains to be understood about the underlying pathogenic mechanisms of the disease. ADCY5‐related disease comprises a spectrum of hyperkinetic disorders involving chorea, myoclonus, and/or dystonia, often with paroxysmal exacerbations. Hypotonia, developmental delay, and intellectual disability may be present. The causative gene encodes adenylyl cyclase, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to cyclic adenosine‐3′,5′‐monophosphate (cAMP). cAMP is a second messenger that exerts a wide variety of effects via several intracellular signaling pathways. ADCY5 is the most commonly expressed isoform of adenylyl cyclase in medium spiny neurons (MSNs) of the striatum, and it integrates and controls dopaminergic signaling. Through cAMP pathway, ADCY5 is a key regulator of the cortical and thalamic signaling that control initiation of voluntary movements and prevention of involuntary movements. Gain‐of‐function mutations in ADCY5 have been recently linked to a rare genetic disorder called ADCY5‐related dyskinesia, where dysregulation of the cAMP pathway leads to reduced inhibitory activity and involuntary hyperkinetic movements. Here, we present an update on the neurobiology of ADCY5, together with a detailed overview of the reported clinical phenotypes and genotypes. Although a range of therapeutic approaches has been trialed, there are currently no disease‐modifying treatments. Improved in vitro and in vivo laboratory models will no doubt increase our understanding of the pathogenesis of this rare genetic movement disorder, which will improve diagnosis, and also facilitate the development of precision medicine approaches for this, and other forms of hyperkinesia. © 2021 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
Content may be subject to copyright.
An Update on the Phenotype, Genotype and Neurobiology
of ADCY5-Related Disease
Arianna Ferrini, PhD,
Dora Steel, MRCPCH,
Katy Barwick, PhD,
and Manju A. Kurian, PhD
Developmental Neurosciences, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, Zayed Centre for Research
into Rare Disease in Children, London, United Kingdom
Department of Neurology, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT: Adenylyl cyclase 5 (ADCY5)-related phe-
notypes comprise an expanding disease continuum, but
much remains to be understood about the underlying
pathogenic mechanisms of the disease. ADCY5-related
disease comprises a spectrum of hyperkinetic disorders
involving chorea, myoclonus, and/or dystonia, often with
paroxysmal exacerbations. Hypotonia, developmental
delay, and intellectual disability may be present. The
causative gene encodes adenylyl cyclase, the enzyme
responsible for the conversion of adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) to cyclic adenosine-30,50-monophosphate (cAMP).
cAMP is a second messenger that exerts a wide variety of
effects via several intracellular signaling pathways.
ADCY5 is the most commonly expressed isoform of
adenylyl cyclase in medium spiny neurons (MSNs) of the
striatum, and it integrates and controls dopaminergic sig-
naling. Through cAMP pathway, ADCY5 is a key regulator
of the cortical and thalamic signaling that control initiation
of voluntary movements and prevention of involuntary
movements. Gain-of-function mutations in ADCY5 have
been recently linked to a rare genetic disorder called
ADCY5-related dyskinesia, where dysregulation of the
cAMP pathway leads to reduced inhibitory activity and
involuntary hyperkinetic movements. Here, we present an
update on the neurobiology of ADCY5, together with a
detailed overview of the reported clinical phenotypes and
genotypes. Although a range of therapeutic approaches
has been trialed, there are currently no disease-modifying
treatments. Improved in vitro and in vivo laboratory
models will no doubt increase our understanding of the
pathogenesis of this rare genetic movement disorder,
which will improve diagnosis, and also facilitate the devel-
opment of precision medicine approaches for this, and
other forms of hyperkinesia. © 2021 The Authors. Move-
ment Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on
behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder
Key Words: ADCY5; dyskinesia; hyperkinesia; move-
ment disorder; precision medicine
Adenylyl cyclases (ACs) comprise a family of molecules
involved in the conversion of adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) to cyclic adenosine-30,50-monophosphate (cAMP),
a secondary messenger that exerts a wide variety of effects
via several intracellular signaling pathways. Isoform 5 of
adenylyl cyclase (ADCY5) is highly expressed in the brain
and myocardium.
Brain-specic expression of ADCY5 is
extremely selective, with high levels of expression in the
striatum, nucleus accumbens, and olfactory tubercle.
This anatomic specicity likely underlies the impact of
ADCY5 mutations on the control of movement. Muta-
tions in ADCY5 have been linked to a range of complex
movement disorders often associated with neu-
rodevelopmental phenotypes. There are currently no clear
disease-modifying treatments for ADCY5-related disease,
although the role of caffeine is currently being explored.
Therefore, understanding the molecular mechanisms with
appropriate laboratory models is of the utmost impor-
tance. Here, we review the neurobiology of ADCY5 as
well as the clinical presentation and molecular genetic
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
*Correspondence to: Professor Manju A. Kurian, UCL Professor of
Neurogenetics and NIHR Research Professor Honorary Consultant in
Paediatric Neurology, Developmental Neurosciences, UCL Great
Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, Zayed Centre for Research into
Rare Disease in Children, 20 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1EH, UK;
Relevant conicts of interests/nancial disclosures: Nothing to report.
Received: 18 September 2020; Revised: 23 November 2020;
Accepted: 21 December 2020
Published online in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/mds.28495
Movement Disorders, 2021 1
features of ADCY5-related movement disorders. We also
review the current management of disease as well as possi-
ble future therapeutic strategies that could be developed
using new in vitro models and genome editing tools.
Biology of Adenylyl Cyclases
The family of human ACs encompasses 10 different
isoforms. Of these, nine are membrane-bound, and one
is a soluble isoform. The structure of membrane-bound
ACs (AC1-AC9) includes an intracellular N-terminus,
two repeats of six transmembrane helices domains (TM1
and TM2), two intracellular catalytic domains of 40 kDa
each (C1 and C2) and an intracellular C-terminus
(Fig. 1). AC activity is regulated by heteromeric G
protein-coupled receptors. All isoforms of membrane-
bound ACs are stimulated by the GTP-bound αsubunit
of G
and inhibited by the αsubunit of G
. Once acti-
vated, ACs catalyze the conversion of ATP to cAMP and
pyrophosphate. The generated cAMP then propagates
downstream signaling via specic cAMP-binding pro-
teins (eg, cAMP-dependent kinases, transcription factors,
or ion transporters).
Knock-out and overexpression cellular models have pro-
vided insights into the tissue distribution and differential
expression of the various AC isoforms.
It is not surpris-
ing that given the crucial importance of signaling integra-
tion in the brain, all nine membrane-bound ACs are
expressed in the central nervous system. Although some
isoforms are widespread (eg, AC6 and AC7), some are
only expressed in specic regions (eg, AC3 in the olfactory
cilia and AC5 in the striatum) (Supplementary Table S1).
Dopaminergic Signaling
in the Striatum
The striatum within the subcortical basal ganglia is a crit-
ical component of motor and reward systems. GABAergic
medium spiny neurons (MSNs) constitute 95% of the cellu-
lar population of the striatum, and they are the central
receiving station of the basal ganglia.
They are innervated
by excitatory glutamatergic bers from the cortex and thal-
amus and by modulatory dopaminergic bers from the
midbrain. MSNs are dened by their expression of the
dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein DARPP-
There are two distinct populations of MSNs, based on
their neurochemical characterization and projection targets;
DRD1-expressing MSNs of the striatonigral direct path-
way and DRD2-expressing MSNs of the striatopallidal
indirect pathway.
Direct pathway MSNs innervate the output nuclei of
the basal ganglia, which are the internal segment of the
globus pallidus (GPi) and the substantia nigra pars reti-
culata (SNr). Indirect pathway MSNs project to the exter-
nal segment of the globus pallidus (GPe) and the
subthalamic nucleus (STN). Direct and indirect MSNs in
FIG. 1. General structure of adenylyl cyclase proteins. Adenylyl cyclases are transmembrane proteins that consist of two bundles of six transmembrane
domains. They are regulated by heterotrimeric G proteins coupled to membrane receptors. G protein complexes consist of α,β, and γsubunits. When
the receptor is activated by an hormonal stimulus, it undergoes a conformational change that causes the αsubunit to dissociate from the complex and
become bound to GTP. The Gα-GTP complex binds to and activates adenylyl cyclase. Activated adenylyl cyclase catalyzes the conversion of ATP to
cAMP. cAMP is a second messenger which activates downstream signaling regulating several intracellular pathways. GPCR = G-protein coupled
receptor; TM = transmembrane domain; C = catalytic domain; GTP = guanosine triphosphate; ATP = adenosine triphosphate; cAMP = cyclic adeno-
sine-30,50-monophosphate. [Color gure can be viewed at]
2Movement Disorders, 2021
the striatum exert opposite effects on the control of move-
ment. Activation of DRD1 stimulates striatopallidal path-
way MSNs resulting in disinhibition of thalamocortical
neurons and excitation of the motor cortex, which leads
to movement. On the other hand, on activation of the
indirect pathway, DRD2 inhibits striatonigral pathway
MSNs leading to inhibition of thalamocortical neurons
and the motor cortex, which leads to suppression of move-
ment and prevention of unwanted movements (Fig. 2A).
ADCY5 is the most expressed AC isoform in MSNs,
and it has been estimated that it accounts for more than
80% of cAMP production.
ADCY5 is located mostly
in DRD1-expressing MSNs.
Stimulation of DRD1
activates G
-mediated ADCY5 activity increasing
cAMP levels whereas stimulation of DRD2 activates
-mediated ADCY5 activity decreasing cAMP levels.
Increased intracellular cAMP levels are linked to pro-
tein kinase A (PKA)-mediated downstream signaling
(Fig. 2B). In MSNs, increased levels of cAMP and PKA
activity lead to increased phosphorylation of DARPP-
32 and transcription factor cAMP-responsive element-
binding protein (CREB) with a broad range of
downstream effects on neuronal function. Disruption of
cAMP signaling therefore contributes to post-synaptic
MSN dysfunction, which may underpin movement dis-
orders such as dystonia, chorea, and parkinsonism.
Together with ADCY5, other genes with key roles in
MSN-related cAMP signaling (such as PDE10A,
GNA01,GNAL1, and GPR88) have also been associ-
ated with overlapping motor phenotypes.
Clinical Features of ADCY5-Related
ADCY5 mutations were rst implicated in neurologi-
cal disorders in 2012,
and they are associated with
heterogeneous syndromes. Movement disorders are
often a prominent feature of the clinical phenotype.
Classically, the condition presents in early childhood
with an initially uctuating or paroxysmal hyperkinetic
movement disorder characterized by dystonia, chorea,
and/or myoclonus. There may be a progression with
age from paroxysmal to continuous abnormal move-
Symptoms vary greatly in severity between
patients. Exacerbations can vary in length from minutes
to hours or days, and the most widely reported trigger
is fatigue. Other triggers include anxiety, excitement,
and intercurrent illness. Axial hypotonia is often also
present and eye movements may be abnormal.
Although most other movement disorders remit during
sleep, patients with ADCY5-related disorders often
experience episodes of abnormal movement throughout
the night, resulting in signicant disturbance.
recent study conrmed that ADCY5-related nocturnal
paroxysmal dyskinesia is not directly elicited by sleep
or because of a primary sleep disorder.
patients showed nocturnal paroxysmal dyskinesia that
emerged during night-time awakenings with subsequent
delayed sleep (as opposed to movements associated
with drowsiness or delayed sleep onset). Patients were
also found to have long and often violent paroxysmal
dyskinesia on morning awakening. Except for sleep ef-
ciency and specic sleep measures related to prolonged
nocturnal awakenings, sleep architecture (proportion of
each sleep stage, respiratory events, periodic leg move-
ments, and muscle activity) is otherwise normal in
patients with ADCY5 mutations.
The primary disease phenotype has been labelled
familial benign chorea
or familial dyskinesia with
facial myokymia.
The term myokymiais technically
a misnomer; it describes twitching arising from a pathol-
ogy of the muscle or neuromuscular junction, whereas
the movements seen in ADCY5-related conditions are
believed to originate from the central nervous system
The perioral muscle twitching observed in patients with
ADCY5 gene mutations were initially described as
myokymia. However, a subsequent electromyography
study showed a complex electrophysiological pattern
with no evidence of myokymia.
Based on the clinical
phenomenology and electrophysiological ndings, the
facial twitching and truncal jerks in these patients are
now considered to be dyskinesia or myoclonus-chorea.
Variant presentations reported in a small number of
patients include generalized myoclonus-dystonia,
tic paraparesis,
and, in one report, alternating hemiple-
gia of childhood.
The course of the condition is
generally stable after onset, and life expectancy is
believed to be normal.
Although the movement disor-
der can be signicantly disabling, and poorly responsive
to many drugs, there are also some reports of spontane-
ous improvement in adolescence or adulthood.
majority of affected individuals have normal intelligence,
but intellectual disability does occur in a minority,
acquisition of early milestones is often delayed by the
movement disorder.
There is an impression that the
incidence of mood disorder and psychotic illness may be
increased, but this has not been reliably quantied.
ADCY5 encodes a specic adenylyl cyclase that is also
highly expressed in the myocardium,
and there have
been reports of cardiac complications such as congestive
heart failure in patients.
Brain imaging is normal,
and diagnosis is usually conrmed by genetic testing.
The rst brain autopsy ndings in a molecularly
proven case of ADCY5-dyskinesia (age of death,
46 years) have been recently reported.
In this study,
gross pathology was unremarkable with the exception
of mild pallor of the substantia nigra. Compared to
control subjects, there was no loss or decrease in size of
neurons in the patient. Increased immunoreactivity for
ADCY5 was found in neurons in multiple brain
regions. Interestingly, tau deposits were found in the
Movement Disorders, 2021 3
FIG. 2. Basal ganglia motor circuits. (A) Direct and indirect pathways of the basal ganglia. Direct and indirect MSNs in the striatum have opposite
effects on the control of movement. MSNs of the direct pathway innervate the internal segment of the globus pallidus (GPi) and the substantia nigra
pars reticulata (SNr). This results in the disinhibition of thalamocortical neurons and excitation of the motor cortex, which leads to movement. MSNsof
the indirect pathway project to the external segment of the globus pallidus (GPe) and the subthalamic nucleus (STN). Activation of indirect pathway
leads to the inhibition of thalamocortical neurons and the motor cortex, which leads to suppression of movement and prevention of unwanted move-
ments. (B) Role of ADCY5 in the integration of direct and indirect pathway signaling in medium spiny neurons. ADCY5 is mainly expressed on
DRD1-MSNs. Activation of DRD1 has a stimulatory effect and activates G
-mediated ADCY5 activity, increasing intracellular cAMP levels. Increased
cAMP levels are linked to PKA-mediated downstream signaling. Activation of DRD2 has an inhibitory effect and activates G
-mediated ADCY5 activity
decreasing cAMP levels. SNc, substantia nigra pars compacta; SNr, substantia nigra pars reticulata; GPe, globus pallidus external segment;
GPi, globus pallidus internal segment; STN, subthalamic nucleus. Green arrows, activation; red arrows, inhibition. [Color gure can be viewed at]
4Movement Disorders, 2021
deep cortical sulci, midbrain, and hippocampus with
minimal amyloid pathology and no Lewy bodies. This
was somewhat surprising and further studies on molec-
ularly proven cases of ADCY5-related dyskinesia will
be needed to assess whether the disease has a tauopathy
Molecular Genetic Features
of ADCY5-Related Disease
ADCY5 consists of 1261 amino acids encoded by a
21-exon gene located on chromosome 3p21.1. Muta-
tions in the ADCY5 gene were initially identied in
2001 in a single ve-generation German kindred and
formerly described as familial dyskinesia and facial
Inheritance of ADCY5 mutations is usu-
ally autosomal dominant, and no reports of incomplete
penetrance have been published to date. There are sev-
eral reports of somatic mosaicism, where mosaic car-
riers may present with symptoms, although these are
often less severe.
Mosaic parents may also be asymp-
Autosomal recessive inheritance has been
reported in two families; in both, heterozygous carriers
were asymptomatic and homozygous individuals expe-
rienced a phenotype closely resembling the autosomal
dominant disease form.
Table 1 presents an over-
view of all the reported mutations and associated phe-
notypes. The biological basis for the observed clinical
heterogeneity needs further investigation because there
is no strikingly clear genotypephenotype correlation. It
is possible that the p.R418W mutation is linked to a
more severe phenotype, whereas the p.A726T is associ-
ated with a milder phenotype. The p.R418W variant,
together with other mutations at this residue (p.R418Q,
p.R418G) are recurrent mutations in the majority of
reported cases, suggesting a mutational hotspot at Argi-
nine 418. In the last few years, exome sequencing has
emerged as a very powerful tool to identify causative
genes for rare Mendelian diseases.
exome sequencing has also provided insights into the
molecular diversity of ADCY5-related dyskinesia and
identied several de novo mutations or previously
undiagnosed cases.
Interestingly, one of these de
novo variants was found again at the 418 site, con-
rming a markedly increased degree of intrinsic muta-
bility of this genomic site.
ADCY5 has two transmembrane domains (TM1 and
TM2), comprising six helices of hydrophobic amino
acids, and two cytoplasmic domains (C1 and C2). C1
and C2 are brought together to form an ATP-binding
site with a catalytic pocket for the hydrolysis of ATP.
As illustrated in Figure 3, the majority of the reported
mutations are located in C1 and C2 domains, suggesting
how they might affect the strength of enzyme-substrate
binding or the C1-C2 interaction to form the catalytic
pocket. For example, the most common mutation on
residue arginine 418 lies in the cytoplasmic domain C1
and replaces a branched positively charged amino acid
with the negatively charged amino acid tryptophan,
likely affecting the normal formation of the catalytic
pocket. It can be hypothesized that a gain-of-function
mutation facilitates the interaction between C1 and C2,
leading to enhanced cAMP production. Mutations out-
side C1 and C2 such as M1029L in the TM2 domain
are likely linked to rearrangement of the protein struc-
ture, which may eventually lead to C1 and C2 being in
closer proximity. Although most of the reported
ADCY5 mutations are missense, some frameshift muta-
tions are reported, such as the deletion p.K694_M696
in the intracellular catalytic portion. It is not clear
whether such mutations lead to loss- or gain-of-func-
tion; within in the transmembrane domain, it is possible
that these mutations could enhance the afnity between
C1 and C2, leading to aberrant dimerization and ligand-
independent interaction.
It is important to acknowledge that ADCY5-related
dyskinesia is not only clinically but also genetically het-
erogeneous. As discussed, although most of the reported
mutations are postulated to lead to a gain-of-function,
there are several studies suggesting that, at least for cer-
tain mutations, loss-of function may instead be the path-
ophysiological mechanism, especially in families where
autosomal recessive inheritance is observed.
example, the missense mutation described by Bohlega
et al on the C1 domain has been predicted to be damag-
ing by different in silico tools.
Based on the recessive
inheritance pattern, it is conceivable that this biallelic
change leads to loss of normal protein function. Further-
more, Carapito et al
reported a single de novo muta-
tion (c.2088 + 1G > A in a 50donor splice-site of
ADCY5) segregating with disease. This mutation is
predicted to induce mRNA degradation, suggesting that
ADCY5 haploinsufciency may also be a possible
mechanism of disease. Therefore, it appears that
ADCY5-related dyskinesia can result from either a gain-
or loss-of-function mechanism, although the underlying
pathogenic processes accounting for these differences
are not yet fully understood. Further investigation is
needed to better delineate the link between ADCY5
mutations, effect on protein function and different dis-
ease phenotypes.
Proposed Molecular Mechanisms
Given the relatively recent identication of patho-
genic mutations in ADCY5, there are only very few
reports of in vitro functional studies assessing the
impact of mutant protein function. Chen and colleagues
performed some pivotal in vitro functional studies using
HEK293 cells overexpressing ADCY5. They showed
Movement Disorders, 2021 5
TABLE 1. Overview of reported ADCY5 mutations with associated clinical phenotype
Variant Features
ReferencesTranscript cDNA Protein Inheritance Mutation type Clinical phenotype
NM_183357.2 c.409_428del p.G137Cfs*184 Autosomal
Frameshift Generalized dystonia with
superimposed myoclonus
NM_183357.2 c.3037C > T p.R1013C Autosomal
Missense Generalized dystonia with
superimposed myoclonus
NM_183357.2 c.1252C > T p.R418W Autosomal
Gain of function
Infantile- or early childhood-
onset axial hypotonia with
limb hypertonia, intermittent
tremors, paroxysmal
dyskinesia, myoclonus both
at rest and with activity,
involuntary choreic and
dystonic movements,
occasional facial
movements but not obvious
Normal brain MRI
Delayed motor and speech
Mild cognitive delay
Abnormal saccades
Nonparoxysmal generalized
chorea (Benign hereditary
chorea, BHC)
Sleep disturbances
Chen DH et al. 2015
Meijer et al. 2016
Friedman et al. 2016
NM_183357.2 c.1253G > A p.R418Q Autosomal
Missense Dystonia
Generalized chorea, mild
myoclonic jerks
Delayed motor milestones
Chen et al. 2015
Chang et al. 2016
Friedman et al. 2016
NM_183357.2 c.1252C > G p.R418G Autosomal
Missense Delayed motor and speech
Axial hypotonia, mild
generalized chorea and
dystonic posturing of the
limbs (tiptoe walking)
Anxiety and obsessive
compulsive disorders
NM_183357.2 c.1313G > C p.R438P Autosomal
Missense Paroxysmal dyskinesia, axial
hypotonia, dystonia, tremor
Normal motor and speech
Friedman et al. 2016
NM_183357.2 c.1378A > T p.I460F De novo Missense Lower face dyskinesias,
tongue thrusting, dysarthric
speech, phasic retro- and
laterocollis, and axial
Abnormal gait
NM_183357.2 c.1425C > G p.I475M N/A Missense N/A Only reported in ClinVar
(by Ambry Genetics)
NM_183357.2 c.1646 + 1G > A Altered
N/A Frameshift N/A Only reported in ClinVar
(by Ambry Genetics)
NM_183357.2 c.1762G > A p.D588N Autosomal
Missense Axial hypotonia with dystonia
Facial and oral twitching,
myoclonus, dysarthria
Delayed motor and speech
Normal cognitive function
6Movement Disorders, 2021
that two recurrent ADCY5 mutations (p.A726T and p.
R418W) cause a signicant gain-of-function, with an
enhancement of cAMP production in response to
β-adrenergic stimulation compared to wild-type AC5,
supporting their causative role in the pathogenesis of
the disease.
Recently, Doyle et al
expanded on this,
characterizing ve recurrent ADCY5 gain-of-function
mutations. Using a newly developed HEK293 line
depleted of other predominant adenylyl cyclase
isoforms, they demonstrated that ADCY5 mutants show
TABLE 1. Continued
Variant Features
ReferencesTranscript cDNA Protein Inheritance Mutation type Clinical phenotype
NM_183357.2 c.2088 + 1G > T Altered
Mild choreiform movements
associated with dystonia
No facial myokymia
Normal psychomotor
Chen et al. 2012
Carapito et al. 2014
NM_183357.2 c.2176G > A p.A726T Autosomal
Missense Familial dyskinesia with facial
myokymia (FDFM), dystonic
movements of neck and
arms, perioral and
periorbital twitches
Fernandez et al. 2001
Chen et al. 2012
NM_183357.2 c.2722G > A p.E908K Autosomal
Missense Axial hypotonia with dystonia
Delayed motor and speech
Spastic paraparesis with
hyperreexia, hypertonia in
the legs, and extensor
plantar reexes
NM_183357.2 c.2080_2088del p.K694_M696 Autosomal
Frameshift deletion Severe choreoathetosis
involving face, limbs and
Profound axial and
appendicular hypotonia with
no dystonia or myoclonus
Signicantly delayed cognitive
Orolingual dyskenesia
NM_183357.2 c.3086 T > A p.M1029K Autosomal
Missense Severe dystonia, hypotonia,
Mild cognitive impairment
Familial dyskinesia with facial
myokymia (FDFM)
Chen DH et al. 2015
NM_183357.2 c.2180G > A p.R727K Autosomal
Missense N/A Zech et al. 2017
NM_183357.2 c.1196C > T p.P399L Autosomal
Missense N/A Zech et al. 2017
NM_183357.2 c.1400A > G p.N467S Autosomal
Missense N/A Zech et al. 2017
NM_183357.2 c.3177_
p.D1060del Autosomal
In-frame deletion N/A Zech et al. 2017
NM_183357.2 c.3625A > G p.M1209V Autosomal
Missense N/A Zech et al. 2017
NM_183357.2 c.3045C > A p.D1015E N/A Missense Paroxysmal paralysis
Paroxysmal chorea
Mild hypotonia
Repeated attacks of
hemiplegia involving either
side of the body
Mild developmental delay
Westenberger et al. 2016
NM_183357.2 c.3074A > T p.E1025V N/A Missense Paroxysmal paralysis
Paroxysmal dystonia
Repeated attacks of
hemiplegia involving either
side of the body
Mild developmental delay
Westenberger et al. 2016
Movement Disorders, 2021 7
an enhanced response to G
-stimulation. They further
demonstrated that increased cAMP at the membrane
results in increased downstream target gene transcrip-
tion, providing potential insights into pathogenic molec-
ular mechanisms. The increased cAMP promotes the
dissociation and activation of protein kinase A catalytic
subunits, which translocate into the nucleus and phos-
phorylate several proteins, including the CREB. This
stimulates an altered transcription which leads to a hyp-
eractivation of the direct pathway (Fig. 4).
In contrast to the gain-of-function effects of missense
mutations, an ADCY5 knock-out mouse generated by
homologous recombination exhibited a hypokinetic
phenotype with parkinsonism features.
the same ADCY5 knock-out mouse was also used to
study ageing and longevity, showing that ADCY5 dis-
ruption increases lifespan by 30% through oxidative
stress protection.
Inhibition of ADCY5 activates
SIRT1/FoxO3a and Raf/MERK/ERK pathway that
upregulates the antioxidant mitochondrial enzyme
MnSOD, resulting in resistance to oxidative stress dur-
ing ageing.
It is known that increased levels of cAMP
are associated with oxidative stress.
Therefore, a
mechanism by which an overactivation of ADCY5
could lead to neuronal dysfunction may be through
increased oxidative stress in MSNs, potentially leading
to reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced cell death.
The absence of neuronal loss in both available imaging
studies and on post-mortem analysis would however
not corroborate this theory. It is possible that single-
photon emission computed tomography or positron
emission tomographic neuroimaging might offer better
resolution than magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to
investigate neuronal degeneration in ADCY5 patients.
Another potential mechanism for neuronal dysfunction
could be ATP depletion as a result of increased cAMP
production, leaving the cells depleted of energy. Further
in vitro and in vivo models are needed to test these pro-
posed hypotheses and to better delineate the molecular
mechanisms of disease at both the neuronal and sys-
tems level.
The enzyme adenylyl cyclase 5 receives signals from
striatal GPCRs, including dopamine receptors DRD1,
DRD2, and the A2A adenosine receptor.
A potential
reason why stress may trigger worsening of the symp-
toms lies in the hypothesized molecular mechanism.
FIG. 3. Localization of ADCY5 mutations. (A) Schematic representation of ADCY5 mutations in the gene. Localization of the reported patientsmuta-
tions in the exons of ADCY5 gene. (B) Localization of ADCY5 mutations on the domains of the protein. TM, transmembrane domain; C1 and
C2, cytoplasmic domains. [Color gure can be viewed at]
8Movement Disorders, 2021
Stress increases striatal dopamine synthesis and release,
enhancing D1R sensitivity and activating ADCY5
through G
. Mutated ADCY5 with gain-of-function
could increase ATP binding to the catalytic pocket,
increasing downstream levels of cAMP and subsequent
cellular activity.
Current and Future Therapeutic
To date, there are no disease-modifying therapies for
ADCY5-related disease that show proven long-term
efcacy. A good response to treatment with benzodiaze-
pines (clonazepam or clobazam) has been reported in
some patients with ADCY5-related dyskinesia,
there has also been a case report of positive response to
Deep brain stimulation has led to
signicant, although partial, improvement in a number
of cases.
Most recently, some patients have reported a
dramatic improvement following drinking coffee,
suggesting that caffeine may be a useful treatment for
The rationale underlying this phenomenon is
that caffeine is an antagonist of the adenosine A2A
receptors (A2AR) (localized preferentially in striatal
neurons expressing dopamine D2 receptors) that acti-
vate ADCY5.
Therefore, caffeine likely inhibits
ADCY5 by inhibiting A2A receptors, leading to clinical
improvement in patients with gain-of-function mutation
and ADCY5 overactivity. A pilot study on caffeine ef-
ciency in ADCY5-related dyskinesia (NCT04351360,
17/04/2020 on has been
recently started to determine the percentage of
responders to caffeine. The primary outcome measure
is an improvement in overall involuntary movements of
40% or more; the results of this trial are eagerly
Of note, an aggravating factor that is consistently
observed across affected individuals is the presence of
anxiety and exposure to typical life stressors. Further
research will be needed to determine whether the num-
ber and frequency of movements might be reduced with
better stress management techniques or limitation of
stress-inducing activities.
Another recent insight into a targeted therapeutic
approach has been provided by the functional in vitro
studies of Doyle and colleagues
site inhibitors. P-site inhibitors are adenosine nucleotide
analogues that bind to the catalytic pocket of adenylyl
cyclase. It has been shown that the inhibitor SQ 22.536 is
able to hinder ADCY5 activity in ADCY5-overexpressing
HEK cells. However, SQ 22.536 has no ADCY5 specic-
ity, and it is anticipated that the lack of specicity would
lead to detrimental side effects because of the inhibition of
other ADCY isoforms. Further research is needed to iden-
tify better ADCY5-specic P-site inhibitors.
Another therapeutic avenue could involve RNA
manipulation techniques. For example, small interfering
RNA or antisense oligonucleotides are powerful tools
to reduce the expression of a single gene; ideally, domi-
nant, gain-of-function disease such as ADCY5-related
dyskinesia could be treated using such approaches that
specically silence the mutant allele while leaving the
expression of the wild-type allele unperturbed.
FIG. 4. Disrupted cAMP pathway in medium spiny neurons with mutated
ADCY5. ADCY5 gain-of-function mutations lead to increased intracellular
cAMP levels. This, in turn, leads to increased activation of PKA and
increased levels of phosphorylated DARPP-32. Eventually, there is a dys-
regulation of the ERK pathway and an altered expression of genes under
the transcription factor cAMP-responsive element-binding protein (CREB)
with a broad range of downstream effects on neuronal function and a hyp-
eractivation of the direct pathway. PKA, protein kinase A; DARPP-32,-
dopamine- and cAMP-regulated neuronal phosphoprotein; PP-1, protein
phosphatase 1; STEP, striatal enriched phosphatase; ERK, extracellular
signal-regulated kinase; CREB, cAMP-response element binding protein.
[Color gure can be viewed at]
Movement Disorders, 2021 9
Although several therapeutic approaches to manage
the manifestation of disease have been attempted, these
treatments are still not entirely specic in targeting the
core underlying pathogenesis of this disorder. Hence,
better models enabling a deeper understanding of the
molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of the
disease and its impact on MSNs are of the utmost impor-
tance. In this respect, in vitro models with neurons derived
from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) can
not only shed light on the molecular mechanisms but also
drive the development of new therapeutic strategies in a
patient-specic manner, as already done for other
pediatric neurological disorders.
Recently, DARPP32-
expressing MSNs have been successfully differentiated
from human hiPSCs.
Genome editing tools such as the
clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
(CRISPR)-Cas9 system can be used to correct the muta-
tions in patient-derived cells or to generate isogenic control
lines, allowing detection of disease-specic phenotypes.
Therefore, patient-derived MSNs represent an unprece-
dented humanized tool to decipher the exact pathogenesis
of ADCY5-related dyskinesia and identify potential drug
targets for pre-clinical and clinical studies. Crosstalk
between neurons and other cell types with synaptic con-
nectivity is extremely important for neuronal networks,
and co-culture in vitro systems are now widely used to
study cell interactions and improve the maturation of
hiPSC-derived cells. hiPSC-derived MSNs with ADCY5
mutations can be potentially co-cultured with hiPSC-
derived cholinergic interneurons
to better mimic the
native microenvironment and the impact of cAMP dys-
regulation not only on MSNs but also on other neuronal
subtypes. Besides 2D monolayer cultures, 3D brain tissue-
like systems, either scaffold-free (eg, organoids) or
scaffold-based (eg, using biomaterials) are emerging as
novel model systems to investigate human brain develop-
ment and disease and could be used to elucidate the molec-
ular and cellular dysfunction in ADCY5-related disorders.
Phenotypic data obtained from these advanced in vitro
models could then be integrated with data obtained from
in vivo models and human patients. As previously dis-
cussed, an ADCY5 knock-out mouse model has been
used to study motor dysfunction in parkinsonism disor-
An ADCY5 knock-in mouse with constitutively
active ADCY5 is still lacking. It could be generated with
CRISPR-Cas9, and may potentially recapitulate the
motor features of patients with gain-of-function muta-
tions. In addition to rodents, other easily manipulable
species could be engineered to generate transgenic ani-
mals for disease modelling. For example, Drosophila
melanogaster is a simple, yet powerful, in vivo system
used to model Parkinsons disease.
This simple organ-
ism could be used to recapitulate the pathogenic muta-
tions of ADCY5 and provide insights into the
pathobiology and genotype/phenotype relationships in
ADCY5-related disorders.
ADCY5-related dyskinesia is an evolving new genetic
disorder with a prominent motor phenotype, and one
of the many post-synaptic disorders now associated
with altered cAMP signaling. Functional studies have
shown increased adenylyl cyclase activity as a patho-
physiological factor in ADCY5-related dyskinesia with
gain-of-function mutations. As additional families are
characterized, the full spectrum of ADCY5 mutations
and their relationship to the phenotype of ADCY5-
related dyskinesia will be better elucidated. Better
cellular and animal disease models, such as the ones
discussed in this review will provide the basis for supe-
rior precision medicine approaches, therefore paving
the way for new treatments for ADCY5-related dyski-
nesia and other similar genetic movement disorders.
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... [5][6][7][8][9][10] Correspondingly, pathogenic variants in genes critical for postsynaptic dopamine receptor signal transduction are associated with dystonia. [11][12][13][14][15] Even without overt gene defects, disruptions in dopamine neurotransmission can cause dystonia, such as tardive dystonia following dopamine receptor antagonist treatment. 16 Compelling evidence for the role of dopamine dysfunction in dystonia is DOPA-responsive dystonia (DRD), a group of childhood-onset dystonias that markedly improve after administration of L-DOPA, the synthetic precursor of dopamine. ...
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Striatal dysfunction is implicated in many forms of dystonia, including idiopathic, inherited and iatrogenic dystonias. The striatum is comprised largely of GABAergic spiny projection neurons (SPNs) that are defined by their long-range efferents. Direct SPNs (dSPNs) project to the internal globus pallidus/substantia nigra reticulata whereas indirect pathway SPNs (iSPNs) project to the external pallidum; the concerted activity of both SPN subtypes modulates movement. Convergent results from genetic, imaging and physiological studies in patients suggest that abnormalities of both dSPNs and iSPNs contribute to the expression of dystonia, but the molecular adaptations underlying these abnormalities are not known. Here we provide a comprehensive analysis of SPN cell-type specific molecular signatures in a model of DOPA-responsive dystonia (DRD mice), which is caused by gene defects that reduce dopamine neurotransmission, resulting in dystonia that is specifically associated with striatal dysfunction. Individually profiling the translatome of dSPNs and iSPNs using translating ribosome affinity purification with RNA-seq revealed hundreds of differentially translating mRNAs in each SPN subtype in DRD mice, yet there was little overlap between the dysregulated genes in dSPNs and iSPNs. Despite the paucity of shared adaptations, a disruption in glutamatergic signaling was predicted for both dSPNs and iSPNs. Indeed, we found that both AMPA and NMDA receptor-mediated currents were enhanced in dSPNs but diminished in iSPNs in DRD mice. The pattern of mRNA dysregulation was specific to dystonia as the adaptations in DRD mice were distinct from those in parkinsonian mice where the dopamine deficit occurs in adults, suggesting that the phenotypic outcome is dependent on both the timing of the dopaminergic deficit and the SPN-specific adaptions. We leveraged the unique molecular signatures of dSPNs and iSPNs in DRD mice to identify biochemical mechanisms that may be targets for therapeutics, including LRRK2 inhibition. Administration of the LRRK2 inhibitor MLi-2 ameliorated the dystonia in DRD mice suggesting a novel target for therapeutics and demonstrating that the delineation of cell-type specific molecular signatures provides a powerful approach to revealing both CNS dysfunction and therapeutic targets in dystonia.
... We were able to demonstrate that treatment with the purine derivatives caffeine, theophylline, and istradefylline reduced ADCY5-catalyzed cAMP production in cell lines overexpressing wild-type and mutant ADCY5. The most pronounced effects on cAMP reduction were observed in ADCY5 R418W mutant cells 13 , a mutation found in the majority of individuals with ADCY5-related dyskinesia 14 . Following these findings, a slow-release theophylline formulation was administered to a preschool-aged patient with ADCY5-related dyskinesia, resulting in a striking improvement of symptoms, surpassing the effects of caffeine that had previously been administered to the same patient. ...
Background ADCY5-related dyskinesia is a rare disorder caused by mutations in the ADCY5 gene resulting in abnormal involuntary movements. Currently, there are no standardized guidelines to treat this condition. Objectives The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of theophylline administration in improving symptoms and quality of life in patients with ADCY5-related dyskinesia. Methods A retrospective study was conducted involving 12 patients (aged 2-34 years) with ADCY5-related dyskinesia. Participants completed a questionnaire about theophylline administration, including dosage, improvement of symptoms, adverse effects, and changes in quality of life. Data were analyzed for reported efficacy and side effects. Results Theophylline administration demonstrated substantial efficacy, with 92% (11 out of 12) of patients reporting significant improvements in their movement disorders. The average improvement score was 7.0 (± 1.9) on a 10-point scale. Notable improvements included reductions in severity and frequency of episodes, improved gait, more independent mobility, psycho-social well-being, and quality of sleep. Adverse effects were reported by 6 patients, including dystonia, speech worsening, headaches, nausea, impaired sleep, and agitation. Conclusions Theophylline shows substantial promise as a treatment option for ADCY5-related dyskinesia, improving various aspects of patients’ quality of life and movement disorder symptoms. Further research is needed to optimize dosing, to understand long-term effects, and to explore combinational drug therapies. Despite the small cohort size and the retrospective nature of this study, the results support theophylline administration to decrease dyskinetic movements and enhance overall quality of life in patients.
... ADCY4 mediated the activation of intracellular Ca 2+ , which might influence carcinogenesis and adverse invasion of lung adenocarcinoma cells (27). Some studies have reported that ADCY5 plays a role in the genesis and development of neurobiological diseases, including dyskinesia, early onset autosomal dominant chorea, and dystonia (28,29). ...
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Background The adenylyl cyclase (ADCY) gene family encodes enzymes responsible for the synthesis of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) from adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which comprises nine transmembrane isoforms (ADCYs 1–9). Although ADCYs correlate with intracellular signalling and tumorigenesis in different malignancies, their roles in bladder cancer remain unclear. Methods Utilizing the bladder urothelial carcinoma (BLCA) dataset from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), we employed the R package ‘limma’ to identify differential genes. Subsequent correlation analysis with corresponding clinical data was conducted. Prognostic significance of ADCY family genes was assessed through survival analysis. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression determined ADCY2 as a potential independent risk factor for BLCA. Validation was performed using immunohistochemistry results from independent cohorts. Additionally, we delved into the mechanism of genetic variations, methylation modifications, and signalling pathways of ADCY family genes. Evaluation of their role in the immune microenvironment was achieved through R packages single-sample gene set enrichment analysis (ssGSEA), CIBERPORT, and ESTIMATE. Results Cases of bladder cancer were retrieved from TCGA, and the transcriptionally differentially expressed members of ADCY were identified (members 2, 4, and 5). Genomic alteration, epigenomic modification, clinicopathological characteristics and clinical survival were systematically investigated. A co-expression network was established based on the intersection of correlated genes, which was centred around ADCY2, ADCY4, and ADCY5. Enrichment analysis revealed that correlated genes were involved in epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). The ADCY2 was selected as the most representative biomarker for prognosis in bladder cancer. Bladder tumour with higher ADCY2 expression had higher prognostic risk and worse survival outcomes. Moreover, ADCY2 was correlated with classic immune checkpoints, and a better responsiveness to immunotherapy was exhibited in high-expression subsets. To ameliorate universality of the conclusion, our study also included several real-world cohorts into the preliminary validation, using datasets from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO; GSE13507), tissue microarray (TMA) with 80 bladder cancer inclusion and clinical trial IMvigor210, which were associated with immunotherapy sensitivity, prognosis, and common biomarker presentation. Conclusions Our study reveals that ADCY family has prognostic value in patients with bladder cancer; the ADCY2 is a prominent prognostic biomarker. The bioinformatics analyses and validation provide direction for further functional and mechanistic studies on the screened members of ADCY family.
Background Adenylyl cyclase (AC) isoforms played a key role in the multiple cancer pathology, However, the expression, prognostic value and function of ADCY5 in Glioblastoma (GBM) have not been reported yet. This research intends to discover the expression, epigenetic alteration and biological function of ADCY5 in GBM and its value on patients' prognosis. Methods ① Transcriptional level, epigenetic alteration, prognostic value and molecular network of ADCY5 were analyzed by using of public online datasets. ② The mRNA expression profile of ADCY5 was explored by using GEPIA database and protein expression levels were detected by HPA Database. ③ The prognostic value of ADCY5 was determined by Kaplan-Meier Plotter, GEPIA and CGGA database. ④ The epigenetic characteristics of ADCY5 were determined by DiseaseMeth database. ⑤ Identification of genes co-expressed with ADCY5 and potential mechanism analyses were performed by using DAVID cBioPorta and STRING. ⑥ Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8), colony formation, wound-healing scratch and transwell assay were applied to detect relative mRNA expression and biological function of ADCY5 in GMB cells. Results ADCY5 mRNA and protein were downregulated in GBM compared with normal tissues. Analysis of the genetics and epigenetics of ADCY5 suggested that its expression was negatively correlated with DNA methylation. High expression of ADCY5 was significantly associated with age, grade, IDH mutation, 1p19q_codeletion, radiotherapy and chemotherapy and acted as an independent prognostic factor in GBM. ADCY5 mRNA also down-expressed in GBM cell lines and re-expressed of ADCY5 could inhibit cell proliferation, viability, migration/invasion and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in vitro. In the analysis of genes co-expressed with ADCY5, we found that cAMP/AKT pathway, cGMP-PKG pathway, Wnts pathway were dissimilarly enriched. Conclusion Our study indicated that ADCY5 could act as an epigenetic biomarker in GBM, as well as a prognosis target in patients with GBM.
This study aimed to uncover novel genes associated with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) by leveraging recent large-scale de novo burden analysis studies to enhance a virtual gene panel used in a diagnostic setting. We re-analyzed historical trio-exome sequencing data from 745 individuals with NDD according to the most recent diagnostic standards, resulting in a cohort of 567 unsolved individuals. Next, we designed a virtual gene panel containing candidate genes from three large de novo burden analysis studies in NDD and prioritized candidate genes by stringent filtering for ultra-rare de novo variants with high pathogenicity scores. Our analysis revealed an increased burden of de novo variants in our selected candidate genes within the unsolved NDD cohort and identified qualifying de novo variants in seven candidate genes: RIF1, CAMK2D, RAB11FIP4, AGO3, PCBP2, LEO1, and VCP. Clinical data were collected from six new individuals with de novo or inherited LEO1 variants and three new individuals with de novo PCBP2 variants. Our findings add additional evidence for LEO1 as a risk gene for autism and intellectual disability. Furthermore, we prioritize PCBP2 as a candidate gene for NDD associated with motor and language delay. In summary, by leveraging de novo burden analysis studies, employing a stringent variant filtering pipeline, and engaging in targeted patient recruitment, our study contributes to the identification of novel genes implicated in NDDs.
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Movement disorders comprise a group of heterogeneous diseases with often complex clinical phenotypes. Overlapping symptoms and a lack of diagnostic biomarkers may hamper making a definitive diagnosis. Next-generation sequencing techniques have substantially contributed to unraveling genetic etiologies underlying movement disorders and thereby improved diagnoses. Defects in dopaminergic signaling in postsynaptic striatal medium spiny neurons are emerging as a pathogenic mechanism in a number of newly identified hyperkinetic movement disorders. Several of the causative genes encode components of the cAMP pathway, a critical postsynaptic signaling pathway in medium spiny neurons. Here, we review the clinical presentation, genetic findings, and disease mechanisms that characterize these genetic postsynaptic movement disorders.
Background: Adenylate cyclase 5 (ADCY5)-related dyskinesia is a childhood-onset movement disorder. Manifestations vary in frequency and severity and may include chorea, tremor, dystonia, facial twitches, myoclonus, axial hypotonia, and limb hypertonia. Psychosis is likely part of the broader spectrum. ADCY5 is widely expressed in the brain, especially in the striatum. Previous reports of brain autopsies of 2 subjects with likely ADCY5-dyskinesia were limited by the absence of a molecular diagnosis. In 1 case, normal gross pathology was reported. In the other case, ADCY5 expression was not examined and neuropathological findings were confounded by age and comorbidities. Objectives: To examine ADCY5 expression and neuropathological changes in ADCY5-dyskinesia. Methods: An extensive brain autopsy, including immunohistochemical analyses with antibodies to paired helical filament tau, α-synuclein, amyloid-β, microtubule-associated protein 2, and ADCY5, was performed. Results: The patient, with a p.M1029K ADCY5 variant, had severe dyskinesias from early childhood, later recurrent episodes of psychosis, and died at age 46. Gross pathology was unremarkable, but we detected increased immunoreactivity for ADCY5 in neurons in multiple brain regions. Despite no history of brain trauma to suggest chronic traumatic encephalopathy, we found tau deposits in the deep cortical sulci, midbrain, and hippocampus with minimal amyloid pathology and no Lewy bodies. Conclusions: We present the first brain autopsy findings in a molecularly proven case of ADCY5-dyskinesia, showing increased ADCY5 immunoreactivity in neurons and evidence of tau deposition. Additional patients will need to be studied to determine whether increased immunoreactivity for ADCY5 is a signature for ADCY5-dyskinesia and whether this disease has a tauopathy component.
Study objectives: ADCY5 mutations cause early-onset hyperkinetic movement disorders comprising diurnal and nocturnal paroxysmal dyskinesia, and patient-reported sleep fragmentation. We aimed to characterize all movements occurring during sleep and in the transition from sleep to awakening, to ascertain if there is a primary sleep disorder, or if the sleep disturbance is rather a consequence of the dyskinesia. Methods: Using video polysomnography, we evaluated the nocturnal motor events and abnormal movements in 7 patients with ADCY5-related dyskinesia and compared their sleep measures with those of 14 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Results: We observed an increased occurrence of abnormal movements during wake periods compared to sleep in patients with ADCY5-related dyskinesia. While asleep, abnormal movements occurred more frequently during stage N2 and REM sleep, in contrast with stage N3 sleep. Abnormal movements were also more frequent during morning awakenings compared to wake periods before falling asleep. The pattern of the nocturnal abnormal movements mirrored those observed during waking hours. Compared to controls, patients with ADCY5-related dyskinesia had lower sleep efficiencies due to prolonged awakenings secondary to the abnormal movements, but no other differences in sleep measures. Notably, sleep onset latency was short and devoid of violent abnormal movements. Conclusions: In this series of patients with ADCY5-related dyskinesia, nocturnal paroxysmal dyskinesia were not associated with drowsiness or delayed sleep onset, but emerged during nighttime awakenings with subsequent delayed sleep, whereas sleep architecture was normal.
Introduction: ADCY5-related hyperkinesia encompasses a heterogeneous group of phenotypes, including paroxysmal chorea, myoclonus, and dystonia. The disease is attributed to mutations of ADCY5, which encodes an adenylate cyclase enzyme. The disease can occur in a sporadic or familial pattern. With exception of one study, all reports on familial ADCY5-related hyperkinesia were associated with an autosomal dominant inheritance. Herein, we describe a native Arabian Bedouin family with an autosomal recessive ADCY5-related disorder and expand the genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of this disorder. Methods: The pedigree included 4 generations of a family with 6 affected individuals. The patients were examined clinically and radiologically. Homozygosity mapping and Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) were used to identify a variant, predicted to be pathogenic, which segregated with disease in this family. Results: All patients presented with early-onset dystonia and myoclonus. The patients had delayed motor and language milestones, axial hypotonia, severe anxiety, social phobia, and isolation. One patient had dilated cardiomyopathy. WES of one affected individual revealed a novel homozygous missense mutation (c.1762G > A, p.D588N) of ADCY5, that segregated with disease in an autosomal recessive manner, and was absent in more than 1000 ethnically-matched chromosomes. The mutation replaces a highly conserved nucleotide and is predicted to be deleterious. Conclusion: This study reports the second family with autosomal recessive childhood-onset ADCY5-related disorder and expands our understanding of phenotype/genotype correlations of this disorder.
Adenylyl cyclases are key points for the integration of stimulatory and inhibitory G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signals. Adenylyl cyclase type 5 (AC5) is highly expressed in striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs), and is known to play an important role in mediating striatal dopaminergic signaling. Dopaminergic signaling from the D1 expressing MSNs of the direct pathway, as well as the D2 expressing MSNs of the indirect pathway both function through the regulation of AC5 activity, controlling the production of the 2nd messenger cAMP, and subsequently the downstream effectors. Here, we used a newly developed cell line that used Crispr-Cas9 to eliminate the predominant adenylyl cyclase isoforms to more accurately characterize a series of AC5 gain-of-function mutations which have been identified in ADCY5-related dyskinesias. Our results demonstrate that these AC5 mutants exhibit enhanced activity to Gαs-mediated stimulation in both cell and membrane-based assays. We further show that the increased cAMP response at the membrane effectively translates into increased downstream gene transcription in a neuronal model. Subsequent analysis of inhibitory pathways show that the AC5 mutants exhibit significantly reduced inhibition following D2 dopamine receptor activation. Finally, we demonstrate that an adenylyl cyclase "P-site" inhibitor, SQ22536 may represent an effective future therapeutic mechanism by preferentially inhibiting the overactive AC5 gain-of-function mutants.
Efficient generation of disease relevant neuronal subtypes from human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) is fundamental for realizing their promise in disease modeling, pharmaceutical drug screening and cell therapy. Here we describe a step-by-step protocol for directing the differentiation of human embryonic and induced PSCs (hESCs and hiPSCs, respectively) toward medium spiny neurons, the type of cells that are preferentially lost in Huntington’s disease patients. This method is based on a novel concept of Activin A-dependent induction of the lateral ganglionic/striatal fate using a simple monolayer culture paradigm under chemically defined conditions. Transplantable medium spiny neuron progenitors amenable for cryopreservation are produced in less than 20 days, which differentiate and mature into a high yield of dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein, Mr 32 kDa (DARPP32) expressing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic neurons in vitro and in the adult rat brain after transplantation. This method has been validated in multiple hESC and hiPSC lines, and is independent of the regime for PSC maintenance.
Objective This article elucidates a clinical and genetic approach to pediatric early-onset chorea in patients with normal neuroimaging. Methods We retrospectively studied patients with onset hyperkinetic movement disorders. Only children with onset of chorea in the first 3 years of life were included, those with an abnormal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or electroencephalogram (EEG) were excluded. We studied the movement disorder phenotype by clinical examination and by interpretation of videos and compared our data to the literature. Results Four patients, aged 2 to 13 years, were diagnosed. Abnormal involuntary movements appeared between the ages of 6 months to 3 years in association with developmental delay. One patient has a close relative with NKX2.1-related chorea. One patient is from Iraqi-Jewish origin. Facial twitches and nocturnal dyskinetic attacks were observed in one. The unique clinical presentation and family history enabled genetic diagnosis by molecular analysis of a specific mutation in two (NKX2.1, OPA3) and Sanger sequencing of a target gene in one (ADCY5). One patient was diagnosed by whole-exome sequencing (WES) (GNAO1). Conclusion By carefully recording the phenotype and genetic background, a single gene can be suspected in some cases. In the rest, we suggest multigene panels or WES study.