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A simulation study of high-flow versus normal-flow three-way stopcock for rapid fluid administration in emergency situations: A randomised crossover design


Abstract and Figures

Background: Initial fluid resuscitation is presumed to be important for treating shock in the resuscitation phase. However, little is known how quickly and easily a physician could perform a rapid infusion with a syringe. Objectives: We hypothesised that using a high-flow three-way stopcock (HTS) makes initial fluid resuscitation faster and easier than using a normal-flow three-way stopcock (NTS). Methods: This was a simulation study with a prospective, nonblinded randomised crossover design. Twenty physicians were randomly assigned into two groups. Each participant used six peripheral intravenous infusion circuits, three with the HTS and the others with the NTS, and three cannulae, 22, 20, and 18 gauge (G). The first group started with the HTS first, while the other started with the NTS first. They were asked to inject the fluid as quick as possible. We compared the time until the participants finished rapid infusions of 500 ml of 0.9% saline and the practitioner's effort. Results: In infusion circuits attached with the 22G cannula, the mean difference using the HTS and the NTS (95% confidence interval [CI]) was 16.30 ml/min (7.65-24.94) (p < 0.01). In those attached with the 20G cannula, the mean difference (95% CI) was 23.47 (12.43-34.51) (p < 0.01). In those attached with the 18G cannula, the mean difference (95% CI) was 42.53 (28.68-56.38) (p < 0.01). Conclusions: This study revealed that the push-and-pull technique using the HTS was faster, easier, and less tiresome than using the NTS, with a statistically significant difference. In the resuscitation phase, initial and faster infusion is important. If only a single physician or other staff member such as a nurse is attending or does not have accessibility to any other devices in such an environment where medical resources are scarce, performing the push-and-pull technique using the HTS could help a physician to perform fluid resuscitation faster. By setting up the HTS instead of the NTS from the beginning, we would be able to begin fluid resuscitation immediately while preparing other devices.
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Research paper
A simulation study of high-ow versus normal-ow three-way
stopcock for rapid uid administration in emergency situations:
A randomised crossover design
Keishi Yamaguchi, MD
Tomoki Doi, MD
Takashi Muguruma, MD, Ph.D
Kento Nakajima, MD
Kyota Nakamura, MD, Ph.D
Takeru Abe, Ph.D
Ichiro Takeuchi, MD, Ph.D
Naoto Morimura, MD, Ph.D
Department of Emergency Medicine, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, 4-57 Urafunecho, Minamiku, Yokohama, Japan
Department of Acute Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8655, Japan
article information
Article history:
Received 25 November 2019
Received in revised form
21 January 2021
Accepted 23 January 2021
Infusion with a syringe
Initial infusion
Haemorrhagic shock
Hypovolemic shock
Background: Initial uid resuscitation is presumed to be important for treating shock in the resuscitation
phase. However, little is known how quickly and easily a physician could perform a rapid infusion with a
Objectives: We hypothesised that using a high-ow three-way stopcock (HTS) makes initial uid
resuscitation faster and easier than using a normal-ow three-way stopcock (NTS).
Methods: This was a simulation study with a prospective, nonblinded randomised crossover design.
Twenty physicians were randomly assigned into two groups. Each participant used six peripheral
intravenous infusion circuits, three with the HTS and the others with the NTS, and three cannulae, 22, 20,
and 18 gauge (G). The rst group started with the HTS rst, while the other started with the NTS rst.
They were asked to inject the uid as quick as possible. We compared the time until the participants
nished rapid infusions of 500 ml of 0.9% saline and the practitioner's effort.
Results: In infusion circuits attached with the 22G cannula, the mean difference using the HTS and the
NTS (95% condence interval [CI]) was 16.30 ml/min (7.65e24.94) (p<0.01). In those attached with the
20G cannula, the mean difference (95% CI) was 23.47 (12.43e34.51) (p<0.01). In those attached with the
18G cannula, the mean difference (95% CI) was 42.53 (28.68e56.38) (p<0.01).
Conclusions: This study revealed that the push-and-pull technique using the HTS was faster, easier, and
less tiresome than using the NTS, with a statistically signicant difference. In the resuscitation phase,
initial and faster infusion is important. If only a single physician or other staff member such as a nurse is
attending or does not have accessibility to any other devices in such an environment where medical
resources are scarce, performing the push-and-pull technique using the HTS could help a physician to
perform uid resuscitation faster. By setting up the HTS instead of the NTS from the beginning, we would
be able to begin uid resuscitation immediately while preparing other devices.
©2021 Australian College of Critical Care Nurses Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction
Serious haemorrhagic shock results in an insufcient supply of
oxygen at the cellular level
and organ dysfunction to death at the
*Corresponding author. Tel.: þ81 045 261 5656; fax: þ81 045 231 1846.
E-mail addresses: (K. Yamaguchi), tm-matrix@nifty.
com (T. Doi), (T. Muguruma),
(K. Nakajima), (K. Nakamura), abet@yokohama-cu. (T. Abe), (I. Takeuchi), (N. Morimura).
Tel.: þ81 045 261 5656; fax: þ81 045 231 1846.
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Australian Critical Care
journal homepage:
1036-7314/©2021 Australian College of Critical Care Nurses Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Australian Critical Care xxx (xxxx) xxx
Please cite this article as: Yamaguchi K et al., A simulation study of high-ow versus normal-ow three-way stopcock for rapid uid
administration in emergency situations: A randomised crossover design, Australian Critical Care,
individual level if proper intervention is not provided.
number of deaths caused by haemorrhage is enormous and is a
global problem.
Haemorrhagic shock caused by trauma, gastro-
intestinal haemorrhage, perioperative haemorrhage, rupture of an
aneurysm, and maternal haemorrhage is not uncommon.
Treatments for haemorrhagic shock, in any case, require rapid
uid resuscitation and damage control for haemostasis to correct
the insufcient supply of oxygen at the cellular level.
Distributive shock caused by sepsis also requires initial uid
resuscitation. Initial uid resuscitation and vasopressors are
necessary to increase cardiac output, to improve organ perfusion,
and to transport oxygen to cells.
In the resuscitation phase,
initial uid resuscitation is presumed to be important. Most phy-
sicians try to perform the initial rapid infusion, using a large gauge
of peripheral intravenous (IV) catheter or central line, setting a uid
bag high, using a pressure bag and auto device such as the Level 1®
Fast Flow Fluid (Smiths Medical), or performing a push-and-pull
technique using a syringe. Using a large gauge naturally makes the
initial fusion faster because of the HagenePoiseuille equation.
Based on the American College of Critical Care Medicine clinical
practice parameters for resuscitation of paediatric patients with
septic shock,
using pressure bags or performing manual push-
and-pull technique made uid resuscitation faster and useful,
compared with a gravity setting for children weighing less than
40 kg, with statistical differences.
On the other hand, there is no
consensus on whether a pressure bag, a manual push-and-pull
technique, or a gravity setting would be effective for adult patients.
The manual push-and-pull technique is a rapid infusion method
using a three-way stopcock. Although it has not yet been estab-
lished whether the three-way stopcock is the cause of catheter-
related blood stream infection, three-way stopcocks can be an entry
point for microbes into the peripheral IV catheter. In general, closed
catheter access systems are associated with fewer catheter-related
blood stream infections than open systems and should be used
In clinical practice, however, physicians often
try to make uid resuscitation faster using the pushepull technique
because the setup uses existing infusion lines and the technique is
easy to perform, uses inexpensive consumables, and can replace
circulatory volume quickly.
Thus, we focused on the pushepull
technique and examined how to perform it.
The efciency of the push-and-pull technique using the high-
ow three-way stopcock (HTS) versus normal-ow three-way
stopcock (NTS) was the focus of this study. There is no report on how
fast the HTS performs compared with the NTS and whether the
burden placed on the physician would be different in performing
uid resuscitation. The HTS has a larger diameter than the NTS, so
we hypothesised that using the HTS makes initial uid resuscitation
faster and easier than using the NTS. If performing the push-and-pull
technique using the HTS could help to perform uid resuscitation
faster and easier, the technique would be useful for a single physi-
cian attending or not having accessibility to any other devices.
2. Methods
2.1. Study design
A prospective, randomised, nonblinded crossover study was
conducted in the setting of a tertiary emergency medical centre
belonging to an intensive care unit at Yokohama City University
Medical Center in Kanagawa, Japan. Twenty emergency physicians
were enrolled and divided into two groups. The participants were
ensured that they could refuse participation in the study and could
leave at any time during the study protocol if they wished. For
ethical considerations, this study was conducted as per the prin-
ciples expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki. The Institutional
Review Board, IRB, waived the need for ethical review because this
study used neither patients' clinical information nor staff's personal
information. Participation in this study was regarded as consent.
The initial design and protocol were presented at the 10th Asian
Conference on Emergency Medicine in New Delhi on November 8,
2.2. Device
The focus was on the HTS, which was common in clinical
As described in Fig. 1A, the HTS had an inner
diameter of 3 mm, which was 1.6 times the size of the NTS. The
HTS was used safely in haemodialysis,
but there was no report
with regard to the use of the HTS in uid resuscitation. In view of
the larger inner diameter, the potential exists for the HTS to
deliver uid therapy at a greater speed than that delivered
through a standard NTS.
2.3. Instruments
Fig. 1B shows that six peripheral infusion circuits were used.
Each of the three infusion circuits had an HTS, and the others had
an NTS. We attached 22 gauge (G), 20G, and 18G peripheral
IV catheters to three infusion circuits with the HTS, respectively.
Similarly, we attached 22G, 20G, and 18G IV catheters to three
peripheral infusion circuits with the NTS, respectively. All catheters
were placed in a collection bag, 8.5-L bucket, made by YAZAKI
KAKO Corporation (Shizuoka, Japan). Based on the facility's
equipment, all infusion bags were set at a height of 20 0 cm, and the
collection bags were set at a height of 80 cm from the oor.
2.4. Protocol
First, we compared a push-and-pull technique between the HTS
and NTS. The participants were randomly assigned to two groups,
group A and group B, based on a random number table (Fig. 2). All
participants watched an instruction video about how to perform
rapid infusion with a syringe using a three-way stopcock. They
were asked to inject the uid as quick as possible. All participants
were given numbers in a consecutive order and divided into two
random groups, odd numbers in group A and even numbers in
group B.
All participants used the push-and-pull technique to infuse
500 ml of 0.9% saline on three occasions, initially through a 22G
cannula and subsequently through a 20G and an 18G cannula.
Measured using a manual stopwatch, time for uid infusion and the
practitioner's effort was compared using a standard stopcock and a
high-ow stopcock.
For each gauge, group A used the HTS rst and then the NTS
without a break. Group B used the NTS rst and then the HTS
without a break. A 5-min break was taken between each stopcock.
The participants performed rapid infusions with a syringe six times
in total, and the time until the participants nished rapid infusions
with a syringe of 500 ml of 0.9% saline was measured.
Once all participants had performed the procedure, the cohort of
physicians was requested to complete a six-point Likert scale
questionnaire. These questions were as follows: (i) How was the
usability of the HTS? (ii) How was the usability of the NTS? (iii) How
was the fatigue using the HTS? and (iv) How was the fatigue using
the NTS? The participants chose the most appropriate degree of
usability of the HTS and the NTS from a six-point Likert scale: (i)
very low, (ii) low, (iii) slightly low, (iv) slightly high, (v) high, and
(vi) very high. Regarding the degree of fatigue on rapid infusion
with a syringe, similarly, a six-point Likert scale was used as well.
This scale was anchored from never fatigued(a score of 1) to
K. Yamaguchi et al. / Australian Critical Care xxx (xxxx) xxx2
Please cite this article as: Yamaguchi K et al., A simulation study of high-ow versus normal-ow three-way stopcock for rapid uid
administration in emergency situations: A randomised crossover design, Australian Critical Care,
very fatigued(a score of 6). All participants were asked to choose
the most appropriate degree of fatigue on rapid infusion with each
Finally, we added two more settings to verify the effectiveness of
the push-and-pull technique. One of them was a natural gravity
setting. We measured twice the time that 500 ml of 0.9% saline was
infused in the natural gravity setting using each of the six circuits.
The other setting placed a 500-ml bag of 0.9% saline within a
pressure bag, and the uid bag was pressurised to 300 mmHg.
2.5. Sample size and statistical analysis
A sample size for a crossover study design was calculated. There
was no previous study evaluating a difference in speed between the
HTS and the NTS. Based on our clinical experiences, we estimated
that the difference of 30 s between the HTS and the NTS might be
signicant to distinguish the speed. In this equivalence of means
using two-sided tests on data from the two-period crossover
design, a total sample size of 19 achieved 81% power at a 5% sig-
nicance level when the true difference between the mean was 30,
the standard deviation of the paired differences was 50.0, and the
equivalence limits were 60.0 and 60.0. Thus, a total of 20 physi-
cians were recruited for this study.
Data were expressed as mean and standard deviations. Uni-
variate analysis was carried out in all experiments using the
ManneWhitney U test for continuous variables to compare be-
tween the NTS and HTS. All statistical tests were two sided, and
p values less than 0.05 were considered statistically signicant.
We used IBM-SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 23, (IBM
Corp; Armonk, NY) for all analyses.
3. Results
All of the twenty emergency physicians completed the study
protocol (Fig. 2). The participants performed rapid infusion with a
syringe six times. The participants' characteristics are summarised
in Table 1. All of the twenty emergency physicians are senior staff
members in Japan with an experience of more than 6 years. The
group consisted of nine residents and 11 teaching staff members.
Group A had eight men, with a median career duration of 6.5 years.
Group B had ve men, with a median career duration of 7 years.
Fig. 1. The HTS and the NTS (A) and scheme (B). Instruments have the HTS/NTS with the 22G/20G/18G IV catheter. HTS,high-ow three-way stopcock; NTS,normal-ow three-way
stopcock; G, gauge; IV, intravenous.
Fig. 2. Study protocol. Twenty physicians were recruited, and all of them rst watched
a video about how to perform a rapid infusion with a syringe using a three-way
stopcock. After that, they were randomly assigned into two groups based on a
random number table, and each physician performed rapid infusion with a syringe six
times. Then, they answered questionnaires.
K. Yamaguchi et al. / Australian Critical Care xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
Please cite this article as: Yamaguchi K et al., A simulation study of high-ow versus normal-ow three-way stopcock for rapid uid
administration in emergency situations: A randomised crossover design, Australian Critical Care,
There were no signicant differences between group A and group B
with regard to demographic characteristics.
Fig. 3 shows the comparison of ow rates between the HTS and
NTS. In infusion circuits attached with the 22G cannula, the mean
ow rate of using the HTS was 108 ml/min. On the other hand, the
mean ow rate of using the NTS was 94.0 ml/min, with which the
mean difference (95% condence interval [CI]) was 16.30
(7.65e24.94) (p<0.01). In infusion circuits attached with the 20G
cannula, the mean ow rate of using the HTS and the NTS was
129 ml/min and 106 ml/min, respectively, with which the mean
difference (95% CI) was 23.47 (12.43e34.51) (p<0.01). In infusion
circuits attached with the 18G cannula, the mean ow rate of using
the HTS and the NTS was 165 ml/min and 133 ml/min, respectively,
with which the mean difference (95% CI) was 42.53 (28.68e56.38)
We show the results of the four questionnaires using the
Likert scale on the degree of usability and fatigue using the HTS
and the NTS (Fig. 4). Regarding the degree of usability, the
participants indicated that rapid infusion with a syringe using
the HTS was high. On the other hand, they indicated that rapid
infusion with a syringe using the NTS is between lowand
slightly low(p<0.01). Regarding the degree of fatigue on
rapid infusion with a syringe, the participants gave a score of 5
for use of the HTS and also a score of 5 for the use of the NTS
Figs. 5e7show comparison among a natural gravity setting, a
pressure bag setting, and a pushepull technique by each gauge size
of 18G, 20G, and 22G, respectively. In the natural gravitysetting and
the pressure bag setting maintained at 300 mmHg, there was no
ow rate difference between the HTS or NTS (in the gravity setting,
p¼0.429 for 18G, 0.201 for 20G, and 0.445 for 22G; in the pressure
bag, p ¼0.100 for 18G, 0.565 for 20G, and 0.698 for 22G). Regardless
of the HTS or NTS, rapid infusion speed was determined only by the
4. Discussion
Our study revealed that the push-and-pull technique using the
HTS was faster than that using the NTS, with a statistically signi-
cant difference (p<0.01). We also revealed that the superiority of
the HTS did not change regardless of the catheter gauge (p<0.01).
Moreover, questionnaires also revealed that it was easier and less
fatiguing to perform the push-and-pull technique using the HTS
rather than using the NTS, with a statistically signicant difference
(p<0.01). There was no previous report that the HTS was used for
uid resuscitation. These ndings indicate that the push-and-pull
technique using the HTS could make uid resuscitation faster and
that physicians who perform the push-and-pull technique could be
less fatigued. In other words, physicians would be able to perform
the push-and-pull technique continuously. Thus, we recommend
that the HTS should be kept in the resuscitation phase in case it is
needed. In uid dynamics, the HagenePoiseuille equation denes
the ow velocity. Therefore, on the distal side of a syringe, there is
no signicant difference in infusion speed using either the HTS or
the NTS. Thus, from these results, using the HTS makes uid
resuscitation faster because of the low resistance when lling the
The ndings from this study comparing the effectiveness of
using a pressure bag and push-and-pull technique are consistent
with those from another study.
Comparing the use of push-and-
pull technique and the use of pressure bags, our study revealed that
the use of a pressure bag resulted in a slightly faster infusion speed
than the push-and-pull technique because of a continuous pressure
applied. In addition, a disconnectereconnect technique resulted in
a faster rate of uid resuscitation than the push-and-pull tech-
Using a novel infusion device (LifeFlow®Rapid Infuser)
made initial uid resuscitation faster than the push-and-pull
technique, with statistical differences.
These methods reported in
the aforementioned studies required equipment or some staff
Table 1
Characteristics of the participants.
Variables Group A (n¼10) Group B (n¼10) p-value
Male, frequency (%) 8 (80) 5 (50) 0.16
Career (years), median (interquartile range) 6.5 (5e11.25) 7 (5.5e9.75) 0.69
Fig. 3. Results of the ow rate: 22G (A), 20G (B), and 18G (C). HTS, high-ow three-way stopcock; NTS, normal-ow three-way stopcock; G, gauge.
K. Yamaguchi et al. / Australian Critical Care xxx (xxxx) xxx4
Please cite this article as: Yamaguchi K et al., A simulation study of high-ow versus normal-ow three-way stopcock for rapid uid
administration in emergency situations: A randomised crossover design, Australian Critical Care,
members. Thus, if only a single physician is attending or does not
have accessibility to any other devices in such an environment
where medical resources are scarce, performing the push-and-pull
technique using the HTS could help a physician to perform uid
resuscitation faster. By setting up the HTS instead of the NTS from
the beginning, we would be able to begin uid resuscitation
immediately while preparing other devices.
We should keep in mind that higher frequency and volume of
ushing has been observed to have more peripheral IV complica-
tions, such as vessel damage, infection, and thrombosis.
pressure and high-volume injections should only be undertaken
in emergency situations where there is no other alternative.
This study focused on the HTS because of its potential to make
initial infusion faster. Our study showed that rapid infusion with a
syringe using the HTS was faster, easier, and less fatiguing than
using the NTS, with a statistically signicant difference. There was a
statistically signicant difference in the uid rate, but its clinical
signicance might be unclear, and a further investigation may be
There are some caveats and limitations in this study. This study
was conducted in a single centre, and only staff physicians were
enrolled. In Japan, uid resuscitation is often delivered by doctors,
as in this study. On the other hand, in many countries, uid
resuscitation is delivered by nurses, so generalisability of our
study ndings might be limited. Further research enrolling nurses,
as well as measuring physical characteristics among participants,
is needed to overcome this limitation. IV pressure was not a
consideration. As the IV pressure becomes resistant, the speed of
rapid infusion with a syringe may slow down, and the results of
this study may be likely to be affected. We performed this study
using only 0.9% saline, and it is unclear whether the results would
hold good for either colloid or blood infusion. There is a report
that the push-and-pull technique may increase the risk of
contamination compared with other devices.
It is necessary to
consider the possibility of contamination caused by using the HTS.
Although there is no statistically signicant difference in the
number of women between the two groups, differences in
numbers may have affected the results. Our assessment tools
could be subjective measures and might lack a validity and reli-
ability to measure effort and fatigue by participants. Developing
such a scale should be considered in future studies. We found
nonsignicance but differences in proportions between male and
Fig. 4. Results of the four questions using the Likert scale about the degree of usability (A) and fatigue (B) of the HTS and the NTS. HTS, high-ow three-way stopcock; NTS, normal-
ow three-way stopcock; G, gauge.
Fig. 5. Results of three comparisons: gravity set, pressure bag, and push-and-pull
technique, 22G. HTS, high-ow three-way stopcock; NTS, normal-ow three-way
stopcock; G, gauge.
Fig. 6. Results of three comparisons: gravity set, pressure bag, and push-and-pull
technique, 20G. HTS, high-ow three-way stopcock; NTS, normal-ow three-way
stopcock; G, gauge.
K. Yamaguchi et al. / Australian Critical Care xxx (xxxx) xxx 5
Please cite this article as: Yamaguchi K et al., A simulation study of high-ow versus normal-ow three-way stopcock for rapid uid
administration in emergency situations: A randomised crossover design, Australian Critical Care,
female patients among the participants. This might limit the
generalisability of our study ndings. The other limitation was that
this study was performed using only a 20-ml syringe. We usually
use a 20-ml syringe in uid resuscitation, so we chose a 20-ml
syringe in this study. However, another report shows that using
a 10-ml syringe was most effective than using syringes of other
5. Conclusions
This study is the rst report to reveal that a push-and-pull
technique using the HTS was faster, easier, and less tiresome than
that using the NTS, with a statistically signicant difference. In the
resuscitation phase, initial and faster infusion of IV uid is impor-
tant to ensure adequate circulatory volume is maintained. This
study focused on the use of the HTS to increase the speed of uid
resuscitation, showing there was a statistically signicant differ-
ence in speed of uid delivery when compared with a standard
NTS. If only a single physician or other staff member such as a nurse
is attending or does not have accessibility to any other devices in
such an environment wherein medical resources are scarce, per-
forming the push-and-pull technique using the HTS could help a
physician to perform uid resuscitation faster. By setting up the
HTS instead of the NTS from the beginning, we would be able to
begin uid resuscitation immediately while preparing other
This research did not receive any specic grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-prot sectors.
Conict of Interest
CRediT authorship contribution statement
K.Y., T.D., T.M., K.N., T.A., and N.M. made substantial contribu-
tions to the study conception and design as well as the acquisition
of data. K.Y., T.D., T.M., K.N., T.A, I.T., and N.M. made substantial
contributions to the analysis and interpretation of the data. All
authors were involved in drafting the manuscript and critically
revising it, and all gave approval to the nal version.
The authors thank all participants for attending and working
through the study protocol.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
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Fig. 7. Results of three comparisons: gravity set, pressure bag, and push-and-pull
technique, 18G. HTS, high-ow three-way stopcock; NTS, normal-ow three-way
stopcock; G, gauge.
K. Yamaguchi et al. / Australian Critical Care xxx (xxxx) xxx6
Please cite this article as: Yamaguchi K et al., A simulation study of high-ow versus normal-ow three-way stopcock for rapid uid
administration in emergency situations: A randomised crossover design, Australian Critical Care,
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The objective of this systematic review is to analyze types of needle-free connectors and open systems and their effects on central line–associated bloodstream infection rates and other adverse outcomes through a research protocol consistent with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews’ recommendations. MEDLINE and Cochrane databases of systematic reviews were searched for relevant comparative studies published from January 2000 to September 2017. Eighteen studies compared central line–associated bloodstream infection (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Healthcare Safety Network definition), internal microbial contamination, occlusions, phlebitis, and other outcomes associated with needle-free connectors with a positive displacement device, negative displacement device, neutral displacement device, or three-way stopcock. Ten studies reported central line–associated bloodstream infection rates, which were lower with positive displacement devices versus negative displacement devices/neutral displacement devices (one study) and with negative displacement devices versus three-way stopcocks (three studies), but varied with different positive displacement device and negative displacement device/neutral displacement device designs (four studies). Seven studies reported internal microbial contamination rates, which were higher with three-way stopcocks versus negative displacement devices (two studies) and positive displacement devices (two studies), lower when positive displacement devices were used versus neutral displacement devices (one study), and varied with different types of negative displacement device (one study). Central line–associated bloodstream infection rates and most other outcomes analyzed were statistically significantly higher with three-way stopcocks (open devices) versus positive displacement device, negative displacement devices, and neutral displacement devices, but varied among closed device designs.
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Rapid fluid resuscitation is used to treat pediatric septic shock. However, achieving fluid delivery goals while maintaining aseptic technique can be challenging. Two methods of fluid resuscitation-the commonly used push-pull technique (PPT) and a new fluid infusion technique using the LifeFlow device (410 Medical, Inc; Durham, NC)-were compared in a simulated patient model. PPT was associated with multiple aseptic technique violations related to contamination of the syringe barrel. This study confirms the risk of PPT-associated syringe contamination and suggests that this risk could be mitigated with the use of a protected syringe system, such as LifeFlow.
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Objective Rapid administration of fluid remains a cornerstone in treatment of shock and when caring for trauma patients. A range of devices and technologies are available to hasten fluid administration time. While new devices may optimize fluid delivery times, impact on subjective experience compared to traditional methods is poorly documented. Our study evaluated administration time and provider experience using two unique methods for fluid administration. Materials and methods Prospective comparison of objective and subjective outcomes using a novel infusion device (LifeFlow® Rapid Infuser) and the traditional push–pull syringe method in a simulated model of rapid fluid infusion. Ten paired trials were conducted for each of three intravenous catheter gauges. Providers administered 500 mL of isotonic crystalloid through an intravenous catheter with both LifeFlow and a push–pull device. Administration time was compared between devices using paired t-tests. Participants’ subjective physical demand, effort, pain, and fatigue using each device were recorded using 21-point visual analog scales and compared between devices using sign-rank tests. Results Fluid administration time was significantly decreased with LifeFlow compared to the push–pull device with the 18-gauge catheter (2.5±0.8 vs 3.8±1.0 minutes; 95% CI of difference: 0.9, 1.8 minutes; P<0.001). Findings were similar for other catheter sizes. No improvements in subjective experience were noted with the LifeFlow device. Increased physical demand with the LifeFlow device was noted with 18 and 22 gauge catheters, and increased fatigue with the LifeFlow device was noted for all catheter sizes. Conclusion The LifeFlow device was faster than the push–pull syringe method in our simulated scenario. However, provider subjective experience was not improved with the LifeFlow device.
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Background: Research has identified high failure rates of peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) and varied flushing practices. Methods: This is a single-centre, pilot, non-masked, factorial randomised controlled trial. Participants were adults, with a PIVC of expected use ≥24 hours (n = 160), admitted to general medical or surgical wards of a tertiary referral hospital in Queensland (Australia). Patients were randomly allocated to one of four flush groups using manually prepared syringes and 0.9 % sodium chloride: 10 mL or 3 mL flush, every 24 or 6 hours. The primary endpoint was PIVC failure, a composite measure of occlusion, infiltration, accidental dislodgement and phlebitis. Results: PIVC average dwell was 3.1 days. PIVC failure rates per 1000 hours were not significantly different for the volume intervention (4.84 [3 mL] versus 7.44 [10 mL], p = 0.06, log-rank). PIVC failure rates per 1000 hours were also not significantly different for the frequency intervention (5.06 [24 hour] versus 7.34 [6 hour], p = 0.05, log-rank). Cox proportional hazard regression found neither the flushing nor frequency intervention, or their interaction (p = 0.21) to be significantly associated with PIVC failure. However, female gender (hazard ratio [HR] 2.2 [1.3-3.6], p < 0.01), insertion in hand/posterior wrist (HR 1.7 [1.0-2.7], p < 0.05) and the rate per day of PIVC access (combined flushes and medication pushes) (HR 1.2 [1.1-1.4], p < 0.01) significantly predicted PIVC failure. Conclusion: Neither increased flushing volume nor frequency significantly altered the risk of PIVC failure. Female gender, hand/posterior wrist placement and episodes of access (flushes and medication) may be more important. Larger, definitive trials are feasible and required. Trial registration: Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry: ACTRN12615000025538 . Registered on 19 January 2015.
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Three-way stopcocks (3WSCs) are open systems used on intravenous tubing. Split septums (SSs) are closed systems with prepierced septums. Single-use prefilled flushing devices (SUFs) carry a lower risk of contamination than standard intravenous flushing. 3WSC and standard flushing are widely used in developing countries. This is the first randomized clinical trial (RCT) to compare rates of central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) between patients using an SS + SUF and those using a 3WSC. An RCT with 1096 patients in 5 adult intensive care units was conducted between April 2012 and August 2014 to evaluate their impact on CLABSI rates. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Healthcare Safety Network definitions were applied and International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium methodology were followed. The study cohort included 547 patients and 3619 central line (CL)-days for the SS + SUF group, and 549 patients and 4061 CL-days for the 3WSC group. CLABSI rates were 2.21 per 1000 CL-days for SS + SUF and 6.40 per 1000 CL-days for 3WSC (relative risk, 0.35; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.16-0.76; P = .006). The SS + SUF group had significantly better cumulative infection-free catheter survival compared with the 3WSC group (hazard ration, 0.33; 95% CI, 0.15-0.73; P = .006). Using an SS + SUF represents savings of 402.88andanincreaseinqualityadjustedlifeyearsof0.0008perpatient.ForeachextradollarinvestedinanSS+SUF,402.88 and an increase in quality-adjusted life years of 0.0008 per patient. For each extra dollar invested in an SS + SUF, 124 was saved. The use of SS + SUF is cost-effective and associated with a significantly lower CLABSI rate compared with the use of 3WSC. Copyright © 2015 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Objectives Manual techniques of intravascular fluid administration are commonly used during paediatric resuscitation, although it is unclear which technique is most efficient in the hands of typical healthcare providers. We compared the rate of fluid administration achieved with the disconnect–reconnect and push–pull manual syringe techniques for paediatric fluid resuscitation in a simulated setting. Methods This study utilised a randomised crossover trial design and enrolled 16 consenting healthcare provider participants from a Canadian paediatric tertiary care centre. The study was conducted in a non-clinical setting using a model simulating a 15 kg child in decompensated shock. Participants administered 900 mL (60 mL/kg) of normal saline to the simulated patient using each of the two techniques under study. The primary outcome was the rate of fluid administration, as determined by two blinded independent video reviewers. We also collected participant demographic data and evaluated other secondary outcomes including total volume administered, number of catheter dislodgements, number of technical errors, and subjective and objective measures of provider fatigue. Results All 16 participants completed the trial. The mean (SD) rate of fluid administration (mL/s) was greater for the disconnect–reconnect technique at 1.77 (0.145) than it was for the push–pull technique at 1.62 (0.226), with a mean difference of 0.15 (95% CI 0.055 to 0.251; p=0.005). There was no difference in mean volume administered (p=0.778) or participant self-reported fatigue (p=0.736) between techniques. No catheter dislodgement events occurred. Conclusions The disconnect–reconnect technique allowed for the fastest rate of fluid administration, suggesting that use of this technique may be preferable in situations requiring rapid resuscitation. These findings may help to inform future iterations of paediatric resuscitation guidelines. Trial registration number This trial was registered at [NCT01774214] prior to enrolling the first participant.
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Objective: To provide an update to the "Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock," last published in 2008. Design: A consensus committee of 68 international experts representing 30 international organizations was convened. Nominal groups were assembled at key international meetings (for those committee members attending the conference). A formal conflict of interest policy was developed at the onset of the process and enforced throughout. The entire guidelines process was conducted independent of any industry funding. A stand-alone meeting was held for all subgroup heads, co- and vice-chairs, and selected individuals. Teleconferences and electronic-based discussion among subgroups and among the entire committee served as an integral part of the development. Methods: The authors were advised to follow the principles of the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system to guide assessment of quality of evidence from high (A) to very low (D) and to determine the strength of recommendations as strong (1) or weak (2). The potential drawbacks of making strong recommendations in the presence of low-quality evidence were emphasized. Recommendations were classified into three groups: (1) those directly targeting severe sepsis; (2) those targeting general care of the critically ill patient and considered high priority in severe sepsis; and (3) pediatric considerations. Results: Key recommendations and suggestions, listed by category, include: early quantitative resuscitation of the septic patient during the first 6 h after recognition (1C); blood cultures before antibiotic therapy (1C); imaging studies performed promptly to confirm a potential source of infection (UG); administration of broad-spectrum antimicrobials therapy within 1 h of the recognition of septic shock (1B) and severe sepsis without septic shock (1C) as the goal of therapy; reassessment of antimicrobial therapy daily for de-escalation, when appropriate (1B); infection source control with attention to the balance of risks and benefits of the chosen method within 12 h of diagnosis (1C); initial fluid resuscitation with crystalloid (1B) and consideration of the addition of albumin in patients who continue to require substantial amounts of crystalloid to maintain adequate mean arterial pressure (2C) and the avoidance of hetastarch formulations (1B); initial fluid challenge in patients with sepsis-induced tissue hypoperfusion and suspicion of hypovolemia to achieve a minimum of 30 mL/kg of crystalloids (more rapid administration and greater amounts of fluid may be needed in some patients (1C); fluid challenge technique continued as long as hemodynamic improvement is based on either dynamic or static variables (UG); norepinephrine as the first-choice vasopressor to maintain mean arterial pressure ≥65 mmHg (1B); epinephrine when an additional agent is needed to maintain adequate blood pressure (2B); vasopressin (0.03 U/min) can be added to norepinephrine to either raise mean arterial pressure to target or to decrease norepinephrine dose but should not be used as the initial vasopressor (UG); dopamine is not recommended except in highly selected circumstances (2C); dobutamine infusion administered or added to vasopressor in the presence of (a) myocardial dysfunction as suggested by elevated cardiac filling pressures and low cardiac output, or (b) ongoing signs of hypoperfusion despite achieving adequate intravascular volume and adequate mean arterial pressure (1C); avoiding use of intravenous hydrocortisone in adult septic shock patients if adequate fluid resuscitation and vasopressor therapy are able to restore hemodynamic stability (2C); hemoglobin target of 7-9 g/dL in the absence of tissue hypoperfusion, ischemic coronary artery disease, or acute hemorrhage (1B); low tidal volume (1A) and limitation of inspiratory plateau pressure (1B) for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS); application of at least a minimal amount of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) in ARDS (1B); higher rather than lower level of PEEP for patients with sepsis-induced moderate or severe ARDS (2C); recruitment maneuvers in sepsis patients with severe refractory hypoxemia due to ARDS (2C); prone positioning in sepsis-induced ARDS patients with a PaO (2)/FiO (2) ratio of ≤100 mm Hg in facilities that have experience with such practices (2C); head-of-bed elevation in mechanically ventilated patients unless contraindicated (1B); a conservative fluid strategy for patients with established ARDS who do not have evidence of tissue hypoperfusion (1C); protocols for weaning and sedation (1A); minimizing use of either intermittent bolus sedation or continuous infusion sedation targeting specific titration endpoints (1B); avoidance of neuromuscular blockers if possible in the septic patient without ARDS (1C); a short course of neuromuscular blocker (no longer than 48 h) for patients with early ARDS and a PaO (2)/FI O (2) <150 mm Hg (2C); a protocolized approach to blood glucose management commencing insulin dosing when two consecutive blood glucose levels are >180 mg/dL, targeting an upper blood glucose ≤180 mg/dL (1A); equivalency of continuous veno-venous hemofiltration or intermittent hemodialysis (2B); prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis (1B); use of stress ulcer prophylaxis to prevent upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with bleeding risk factors (1B); oral or enteral (if necessary) feedings, as tolerated, rather than either complete fasting or provision of only intravenous glucose within the first 48 h after a diagnosis of severe sepsis/septic shock (2C); and addressing goals of care, including treatment plans and end-of-life planning (as appropriate) (1B), as early as feasible, but within 72 h of intensive care unit admission (2C). Recommendations specific to pediatric severe sepsis include: therapy with face mask oxygen, high flow nasal cannula oxygen, or nasopharyngeal continuous PEEP in the presence of respiratory distress and hypoxemia (2C), use of physical examination therapeutic endpoints such as capillary refill (2C); for septic shock associated with hypovolemia, the use of crystalloids or albumin to deliver a bolus of 20 mL/kg of crystalloids (or albumin equivalent) over 5-10 min (2C); more common use of inotropes and vasodilators for low cardiac output septic shock associated with elevated systemic vascular resistance (2C); and use of hydrocortisone only in children with suspected or proven "absolute"' adrenal insufficiency (2C). Conclusions: Strong agreement existed among a large cohort of international experts regarding many level 1 recommendations for the best care of patients with severe sepsis. Although a significant number of aspects of care have relatively weak support, evidence-based recommendations regarding the acute management of sepsis and septic shock are the foundation of improved outcomes for this important group of critically ill patients.
Introduction: Vascular access devices are commonly inserted devices that facilitate the administration of fluids and drugs, as well as blood sampling. Despite their common use in clinical settings, these devices are prone to occlusion and failure, requiring replacement and exposing the patient to ongoing discomfort/pain, local vessel inflammation and risk of infection. A range of insertion and maintenance strategies are employed to optimize device performance; however, the evidence base for many of these mechanisms is limited and the mechanisms contributing to the failure of these devices are largely unknown. Aims/objectives: (1) To revisit existing understanding of blood, vessel physiology and biological fluid dynamics; (2) develop an understanding of the implications that different clinical practices have on vessel health, and (3) apply these understandings to vascular access device research and practice. Method: Narrative review of biomedical and bioengineering studies related to vascular access practice. Results/outcomes: Current vascular access device insertion and maintenance practice and policy are variable with limited clinical evidence to support the theoretical assumptions underpinning these regimens. This review demonstrates the physiological response to vascular access device insertion, flushing and infusion on the vein, blood components and blood flow. These appear to be associated with changes in intravascular fluid dynamics. Variable forces are at play that impact blood componentry and the endothelium. These may explain the mechanisms contributing to vascular access failure. Conclusion: This review provides an update to our current knowledge and understanding of vascular physiology and the hemodynamic response, challenging some previously held assumptions regarding vascular access device maintenance, which require further investigation.
Understanding the pathophysiology of the body’s response to hemorrhage has led to improvements in prehospital care, more rapid hemostasis, avoidance of massive crystalloid resuscitation, and improved survival.