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Proposed Standards of Designing Microcontent in Digital Learning Environment



This study aimed to investigate the proposed standards of designing microcontent in a digital learning environment. The research used the analytical descriptive research procedures based on deliberative inquiry approach in the presentation, study and analysis of the researches to obtain the standards. A final list of 4 standards and 62 indicators can be used to design microcontent in digital learning environments for application in digital education and training fields.
Proposed Standards of Designing Microcontent in Digital Learning Environment
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the proposed standards of designing microcontent in a digital
learning environment. The research used the analytical descriptive research procedures based on
deliberative inquiry approach in the presentation, study and analysis of the researches to obtain the
standards. A final list of 4 standards and 62 indicators can be used to design microcontent in digital
learning environments for application in digital education and training fields.
Key words: Instructional Design, Microcontent, Content Chunking, Microlearning, Digital Learning
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- 
- 
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  MOOCs  
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Bruck et al., 2012
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Matthews, Hin, & Choo, 2014
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Complete Learning ExperienceSun
et al., 2018
Matthews et al., 2014; Souza & Amaral, 2014;
Pajarito & Feria, 2015
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learning outcomeMatthews et al., 2014
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Gobet & Lane, 2012; Rabinovich, Varona, Tristan, & Afraimovich, 2014
chunkmaximally compressed
codeChunksMathy & Feldman, 2012
Gobet & Lane, 2012
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Newman, 2010
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Cowan, 2014
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Belcher, 2018
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The template theory
schema theory
information processing theoryBanas
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Gobet & Lane, 2012
chunk-based theories
Gobet, 2005chunk-
based modelsGobet, 2005
information- processing
cognitive learningcognitive loadHsieh, 2017
Robinet, Lemaire, &
Gordon, 2011chunking
cognitive demandMcGuire,
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  Yuan & Guo, 2013a
Souza & Amaral, 2014
Mendes Dos Santos Gerbaudo, Gaspar, Marangoni De Bona, Camara Cesar, &
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flash, HTML5, H5P
Jahnke, Lee, Pham, He, & Austin, 2020thematic analysis
constant comparative
Mercurio, Torre, & Torsani, 2011
Yuan & Guo, 2013b
Pajarito & Feria, 2015MicroCAS
Deliberative inquiry
- 
Gobet, 2005; Lindner, 2006; Hug, 2007; Lindner,
2007; Hailikari, Katajavuori, & Lindblom-Ylänne, 2008; Buchem & Henrike, 2010;
Hug, 2010; Zhang & Ren, 2011; Gilchrist & Cowan, 2012; Lah et al., 2014;
Matthews et al., 2014; Izabel et al., 2015; Sun et al., 2015; Cz., 2016; D’Errico,
2016; Taylor, 2017; Nagy et al., 2018; Nikou & Economides, 2018; WU & ZHU,
- 
- 1829
- 20
- 4
learning points
improving spiral
Mixed chunking
characteristic chunking
- 
- 
- 
- 
- 
- 
 2011       2016
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Mobile microlearning targets a new audience of learners: employees and workers outside of offices, using smartphones for flexible, anywhere, anytime training. The term ‘mobile’ emphasizes that the content is made for small screens of smartphones. According to literature and industry reports, micro-lessons are generally between 30 s and 5 min. While research shows that mobile microlearning is a promising approach, it remains unclear how the current systems have been ‘built’: What are the underlying principles of such platforms? The goal of this study was to explore mobile-microlearning platforms and to unpack their inherent design principles. We applied different methods: First, we reviewed literature in both academic publications and industry reports in two iterative rounds. Second, we conducted interviews with industry professionals, e.g., directors and entrepreneurs of mobile- and micro-learning systems. Results show a set of 15 principles regarding technical issues, pedagogical usability of micro-content interaction and sequenced instructional flow. They can be used to detect issues and challenges in existing mobile platforms and may inform meaningful design principles for future development. The results expose that a more critical eye on the learning design implied in the small-screen platforms is needed e.g., future systems may include learning designs for higher order thinking skills.
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There are many ways to deliver engaging, effective, and efficient online instruction, but most higher education instructors do not know how. So while the demand for online learning has drastically increased, the efficacious training of instructors into how to deliver online courses lags far behind. In this chapter, the authors demonstrate how adult learning and instructional design principles, coupled with known best practices for online teaching, can facilitate the design of effective training and professional development for online instructors. Case study examples are used to illustrate key concepts, and a sample outline for training is offered. Administrators and trainers of online instructors will form the primary audience; other stake holders in online education will benefit as well.
In the rapidly changing digital era, changes in learning through e-learning are required. Micro-learning contents were analyzed as a method that can replace the e-learning contents in existing regular courses implemented with large amounts of learning and large contents. In the present study, a method for easy and quick production of contents was presented for effective microlearning services. The results of the study indicated that the micro-learning content development method presented in the present study is valid in terms of the efficiency of content development. The content development method presented in the present study is considered to bring about new changes to the existing e-learning content development methods utilizing flash, HTML5, H5P, etc.
Mobile‐based micro‐learning has gained a lot of attention lately, especially for work‐based and corporate training. It combines features of mobile learning and micro‐learning to deliver small learning units and short‐term learning activities. The current study uses the lens of the Self‐Determination Theory of motivation and proposes a series of Mobile‐Based micro‐Learning and Assessment (MBmLA) homework activities to improve high school students' motivation and learning performance in science. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. One hundred and eight students of a senior‐level high school in Europe were randomly assigned into either a control condition (conventional paper‐based homework approach) or an experimental (MBmLA approach) condition. The study carried out for a period of 5 weeks. From the experimental results, it was found that, in comparison to the conventional paper‐based approach, the proposed MBmLA approach enhanced students' basic psychological needs of self‐perceived autonomy, competence, and relatedness and improved students' exam performance in terms of factual knowledge. Moreover, students self‐reported greater learning satisfaction with the mobile‐based microassessment and micro‐learning homework tasks. Implications on educational practices as well as future research are discussed.
Institutions looking to adopt competency-based education often struggle with the technological challenges of supporting this model. In response, this chapter proposes a "born-CBE" infrastructure intentionally designed to support the data exchanges and workflows required by CBE. This modular infrastructure contains a system of record, a digital learning environment, a recommendation engine, a financial aid processor, a competency dashboard, and a competency transcript. In order for these components to work together cohesively, data standards for interoperability (LIS, OneRoster, and LTI) are essential. Theauthors then discuss the essential capabilities of the learning infrastructure. These include support for backward design, authentic assessments, various learning workflows, personalization and adaptivity, and learning and performance analytics.
This chapter covers the incremental steps of flipping an existing course. It provides direction on how to create a new flipped course, emphasizing the need to consider cognitive load when making curricular decisions about what to include and what to leave out. To design and sequence instruction, the chapter references well-recognized instructional design models including Gagné, Briggs, and Wager’s nine events of instruction.
Asynchronous online instruction has become increasingly popular in the field of religious studies. However, despite voluminous research on online learning in general and numerous articles on online theological instruction, there has been little discussion of how to effectively design and deliver online undergraduate courses in religious studies. Drawing on recent research, experiences teaching and learning online, and interviews with colleagues, this paper discusses key principles of effective online instruction. It recommends instructors focus on humanizing their course website, “chunking” their course content, making their approach to the study of religion clear, structuring and monitoring online discussions, prioritizing prompt and constructive feedback, and making course material relevant to learners.
Conference Paper
As learners start to become more attuned to using mobile devices, learning-on-the-go is but a natural progression to their way of discovering new knowledge. Whilst the mobile web provides a vast resource of knowledge, structured learning is still one of the most effective means of education. Unlike desktop and portable computers, mobile devices are resource constrained, i.e., lower processing power and less storage capacity, which limits its capability to process large learning resources, or learning objects. This provides an opportunity to introduce micro-learning, a way to shrink a learning material to its smallest and most compact component for easier transmission and lower storage requirement, whilst preserving its effectivity. This paper proposes a platform that implements the proposed standards in creating micro-learning content for mobile devices. The standards cover the recommended technical specifications for software for mobile devices and content packaging format of the learning content. The web-based authoring tool of the platform will allow the teachers to develop micro-learning courses that the learners can access through a mobile application.