
Nilai Ekonomi Batu Akik Garut Sebagai Salah Satu Pendorong Industri Kecil Dan Menengah Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Di Kabupaten Garut

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai ekonomi yang terkandung pada Batu akik Garutan sebagai salah satu pendorong industri kecil dan menengah di kabupaten Garut terutama di masa pandemi covid 19 yang melanda dunia. Penelitian ini terfokus pada potensi-potensi nilai ekonomi dilihat dari tiga dimensi yaitu daya jual, industri pemasaran dan sistem promosinya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling, sedangkan metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara semi-terstruktur dan dokumentasi. Uji keabsahan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah triangulasi sumber. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah reduksi, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi.

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The availability of sea weed at the coastal area was used by the community as a commodity that could be used to earn money. Beside income for the community, sea weed also have ecological benefit that its value could be moneterized. Economic resources valuation is an approach to value the resources, including sea weed. The befenit values of natural sea weed consist of use value that could be estimated by the technique of effect on production (EOP), otherwise non use value could be estimated by the technique of contingent valuation method (CVM). The objective of this paper is valuing economic resources of the natural sea weed at the Ujung Kulon coastal using an approach of resource economic valuation.The result of this study show that the use value of the natural sea weed at the Ujung Kulon coastal is Rp.66.685.861,22 per year or Rp.19.053.103,21 per hectare per year. The non use value can be calculated Rp.263.086.105,98 per year or Rp.75.167.458,85 per hectare per year. Knowing net present value and net cost-benefit ratio could be used extended cost benefit analysis. The result show that using the scenario of 25 year and discount rate 6 percent, NPV of this resources is Rp.86.392.873,63 per hectare per year and Net BCR is 84,99.
Gemstone value is often associated with origin, as the color, clarity, carat weight, cut, and other attributes of interest to consumers are often associated with the geological location of the stone. In this paper, we consider how the provenance of gemstones is harnessed through the ‘4P’ framework of product, price, promotion, and place. Both tanzanite and Zultanite/Csarite are currently each mined commercially in only one location in the world. Tanzanite is mined in Mererani, near Arusha, Tanzania, and Zultanite/Csarite is mined in Milas, near Mugla, Turkey. While this rarity and other attributes were successfully leveraged so that tanzanite attained global recognition, Zultanite/Csarite has remained largely unknown. Our study examines the potential reasons why tanzanite and Zultanite/Csarite have experienced such different degrees of success on the global gemstone market. Our main findings suggest that rarity and single-origin are not adequate determinants of value, and that consumer preferences for color need to be carefully marketed with a powerful storyline and linked to unique aspects of their place of origin, such as tourism and local culture.
This article reports the results of the application of conjoint analysis (CA) to derive a monetary value of informal care. Compared with normally recommended valuation methods such as the opportunity cost method and proxy good method, a valuation elicited through a CA might be more sensitive to the heterogeneity and dynamics of informal care. We developed a questionnaire and conducted a survey in which informal caregivers were asked to rate four different hypothetical informal caregiving situations (reflecting different combinations of care hours, care tasks, and monetary compensation). They were also asked to rate their current informal care situation compared with the four hypothetical situations. Data were obtained from postal questionnaires. These questionnaires were sent through regional support centres for informal caregivers of care recipients with various health problems. A total of 865 informal caregivers from this heterogeneous population returned a completed survey. Informal caregivers require an increase of 81% in their hourly compensation for providing 21 instead of 7 hours informal care per week. This implies a compensation of Euro 12.36 per hour at a mean hypothetical compensation in the presented scenarios. We also found that an informal caregiver's current caregiving situation and other background characteristics were associated with the scenario ratings. We conclude that a CA is a promising alternative for existing methods to determine a monetary value of informal care and encourage more experiments in this area.
The economic value of the Andean Condor: the national symbol of South America
  • M Zambrano-Monserrate
Zambrano-Monserrate, M. (2020) "The economic value of the Andean Condor: the national symbol of South America. Journal for Nature Conservation" 125796. doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2020.125796 url to share this paper:
Training opportunities to Ohio Lake Erie Basin local Decisionmakers regarding the economic and financial benefits of coastal and watershed stewardsip
  • Wndy Kellogg
  • Erica Matheny
Wndy Kellogg and Erica Matheny. (2006). "Training opportunities to Ohio Lake Erie Basin local Decisionmakers regarding the economic and financial benefits of coastal and watershed stewardsip" (2006)32 [142:TOATOL] 2.0.CO;2 Volume 32, Issue 1, Pages 142-157
Penerapan "Acceleration to improve the quality of human resources" dengan pengetahuan, pengembangan dan persaingan sebagai langkah dalam mengoptimalkan daya saing Indonesia di MEA
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Firdaus dan Hakim. (2013). Penerapan "Acceleration to improve the quality of human resources" dengan pengetahuan, pengembangan dan persaingan sebagai langkah dalam mengoptimalkan daya saing Indonesia di MEA 2015. Economics Development Analysis Journal.