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Lexikalische Störungen bei Aphasie: Ein Einzelfall im konnektionistischen Modell von G.S. Dell (Magisterarbeit)


Abstract and Figures

The thesis presents an aphasiological single case study. The person with aphasia received model-based lexical therapy with increasing cueing hierarchies based on the connectionist model of Gary Dell and colleagues. For the first time, the method of decreasing/vanishing cues - originally established in the learning/memory domain - was introduced to the SLT research area and its significance highlighted (p. 70), and the advantage of the Dell model for therapy planning was empirically examined. The thesis introduces and reviews diagnosis and therapy in cognitive neuropsychology, model-based naming disorders in aphasia, the variety of cueing techniques, the diagnosis in the connectionist Dell model and the analysis of error types. The empirical part of the thesis investigates error types in the course of therapy and the effect of semantic versus phonological cueing-therapy. Due to copyright, figures are not included (they were regularly added as hard-copies those days anyway :-)) and formatting/editing is optimised/adapted.
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