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Shriram Dinkar Bhakare, Vinayan P Nair, Prama Ashok Pawar, Sunil Hanmant Bhoite
& Kalesh Sadasivan
26 April 2021 | Vol. 13 | No. 5 | Pages: 18200–18214
DOI: 10.11609/jo.6579.13.5.18200-18214
Threatened Taxa
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Editor: Anonymity requested. Date of publicaon: 26 April 2021 (online & print)
Citaon: Bhakare, S.D., V.P. Nair, P.A. Pawar, S.H. Bhoite & K. Sadasivan (2021). Two new species of Euphaea Selys, 1840 (Odonata: Zygoptera: Euphaeidae) from
northern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 13(5): 18200–18214. 6579.13.5.18200-18214
Funding: None.
Compeng interests:
For Author details and Author contribuon
Two new species of Euphaea Selys, 1840 (Odonata: Zygoptera: Euphaeidae)
from northern Western Ghats, India
Shriram Dinkar Bhakare 1 , Vinayan P Nair 2 , Prama Ashok Pawar 3 , Sunil Hanmant Bhoite 4 &
Kalesh Sadasivan5
1 354, Somwar Peth, Near New English School, Satara, Maharashtra 415002, India.
2 TORG (TNHS Odonate Research Group), Travancore Nature History Society (TNHS), MBRRA, Mathrubhumi Road, Vanchiyoor,
Trivandrum, Kerala 695035, India.
5 TORG (TNHS Odonate Research Group), Travancore Nature History Society (TNHS), MBRRA, Mathrubhumi Road, Vanchiyoor,
Trivandrum, Kerala 695035, India.
1, 2, 3 4
5 (corresponding author)
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214
Abstract: Euphaea Selys, 1840 (Odonata: Euphaeidae) are described from the Western Ghats of
E. thosegharensis Sadasivan & Bhakare sp. nov. is
similar to E. cardinalis
in E. cardinalis; apical fourth of Hw black while apical half of Hw black in E. cardinalis; genae reddish-orange, black in E. cardinalis
E. cardinalis. Male genital
E. cardinalis and
S9 twice the length of S10, while S9 and S10 of equal length in E. cardinalis. E. pseudodispar Sadasivan & Bhakare sp. nov., is very close to E.
dispar E. dispar;
being yellowish-white, while black in E. dispar
E. dispar; penis with single seta on each side while E. dispar
E. dispar
known species of genus Euphaea of the Western Ghats is also provided.
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214 18201
The genus Euphaea Selys, 1840 (Odonata:
distributed from the Western Ghats of peninsular India,
of Euphaea (Subramanian & Babu 2017); two species,
Euphaea masoni Selys, 1879 and Euphaea ochracea
Selys, 1859, are distributed in the northeastern region,
while the Western Ghats has three species namely
Euphaea cardinalis (Fraser, 1924), E. dispar (Rambur,
1842), and E. fraseri
2018). They are characterized by males with hindwing
apices more or less broadly opaque black having metallic
iridescence in some light; forewings pointed, hindwing
rounded and shorter than the forewing; discoidal cell
males and same length or shorter in females; abdominal
pointed, and the anal appendages with forcipate cerci
The species E. cardinalis is endemic to the Western
Ghats and is distributed in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. It is a
montane species seen above 900m south of the Palghat
gap in the Anamalai, Palani, and Agasthyamalai hills. E.
Palghat gap from South Kanara and Coorg to the Nilgiris
(Malabar Wayanad) from 1,066 to 1,828 m (Fraser
1934). E. fraseri is a species seen in the forested foothills
of the Western Ghats and is distributed from North and
South Kanara, Malabar, Coorg, the Nilgiris Wayanad, and
is from Kanyakumari to Maharashtra at 100–1,200 m
(Subramanian et al. 2018). Here, we describe two new
species of the genus from Satara District, Maharashtra
the northern Western Ghats, north of the Amboli Ghat.
SDB came across the specimens in May 2020 at
Thoseghar, Satara District of Maharashtra (Image 1).
The insects were collected and preserved in absolute
alcohol and compared to specimens of known species
of Euphaea from the Western Ghats. Nomenclature
follow Subramanian & Babu (2017) and Paulson &
The ventro-lateral wing like structure on segment 2 is
Image 1. Map showing distribuon of the new
damsely species in Western Ghats, with type
locality of Euphaea thosegharensis Sadasivan &
Bhakare, sp. nov. and E. pseudodispar Sadasivan &
Bhakare, sp. nov.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
termed the pseudoauricle following Orr (2003). The
scale like structure guarding the gonopore on ventrum
of abdominal segment 9 (S9) is referred here to as the
Riek & Kukalová-Peck (1984). Measurements and
Photographs of the specimens were taken with Canon
macro lens.
Euphaea is
based on our personal records and Subramanian et al.
a stereo-zoom microscope (HEADZ Model HD81) and
later preserved in glycerol. Holotype and paratype are
be deposited in ZSI Pune and Bombay Natural History
using the stereo-zoom microscope.
Euphaea thosegharensis Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov.
(Image 2 A–G)
wet specimen in alcohol, Thoseghar, Satara District,
Maharashtra, India, 1,060m; specimen collected from a
Addional material examined: Males (n= 4) and
holotype, wet specimens in alcohol, will be subsequently
Addional eld records (specimens not collected):
Thoseghar (1,060m): 10 males and 4 females on 30.v.20;
14 males and 6 females on; 7 males and 3
females on; 8 males and 4 females on; 8
males and 5 females on; 8 males and 2 females
on 02.vii.20; 2 males and 2 females on 04.viii.20. All
and 2 females on 26.vii.20, observed by SB & SB. Kaas
Descripon of holotype male (Image 2A & 3)
below (in the dead insect the colours fade with respect
streak and the mandible with same colour and a faint
transverse upper streak. Anteclypeus shiny dark amber
brown to black. Postclypeus pinkish-red with two thin
near the anterio-lateral margin. Antefrons brownish-red
middle part orange yellow and superior third red. Eyes
dark amber black superiorly, middle part and laterally
dark amber brown and the inferolateral aspect pale
the lateral ocellus and the base of the antenna on each
is preserved. The occiput, occipital bar and post-ocular
red spots. Anterior lobe is black with two small reddish
spots at the medial part of the lateral third. Middle
lobe black with the lateral triangular spots vermilion
red, notopleural suture black and propleuron brownish-
red. Posterior lobe black with the lateral angles pale
brownish-red. No spines present (Image 3C).
in the live insect is bright red with pinkish hue
inferolaterally and orange dorsally. Dorsal carina black.
The triangular mesothoracic acrotergite black. The
paradorsal region on either side black. Nearly the whole
with its anterior edge pale pinkish-red. Mesepisternum
red and encloses a thick black central mesepisternal
stripe as thick as the paradorsal black band. This red
ground colour of the mesepisternum not interrupted and
very narrowly connected on the dorsal aspect near the
antealar sinus. Thus, in other words the antehumeral
stripe and the humeral stripes are connected around
the central black band, and is coloured orange-red,
the former being more orange and the later more red.
Mesepimeron coloured red and encloses a central
black band. Mesinfraepisternum is bordered with pale
pinkish-red and has a large black spot occupying its
antero-inferolateral aspect. The second lateral suture
marked in back on its dorsal third. Metepisternum and
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214 18203
pinkish-red and its lower part is paler. Metathoracic
spiracle amber brown (Image 3C).
tarsus and the claws all are grey graphite black. The
femur have an inconspicuous pale pinkish wash on the
and in Hw. Hw is hyaline and its distal fourth is coloured
Image 2. Euphaea thosegharensis Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov.
Male: A—ZSI/WGRC/I.R-INV.15031 | B—Venaon Fw | C—Venaon
Hw | D & E—Anal appendages | F & G—Genital lingula (arrow
poinng to the setae). © Kalesh Sadasivan.
Image 3. Euphaea thosegharensis Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov.
Male from eld: A—lateral view | B—head and thorax dorsal view
| C—lateral view of head and thorax. © Shriram Dinkar Bhakare.
Image 4. Euphaea thosegharensis Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov.
Female from eld: A—lateral view | B—head and thorax dorsal view
| C—lateral view of head and thorax. © Shriram Dinkar Bhakare.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
wide. Cubital space with 3 cross veins in Fw and 3–4
cross veins in Hw (Image 2B & C).
Abdomen: The general colour of abdomen is red
merges with ventral black (Image 2A&3A). Segmental
well-developed pseudoauricle on each side which bears
red on their lateral aspect. S5 is dorsally red, this red
enclosing the base of the segment and distally it narrows
end of the segment is black and this black color runs
inferiorly and anteriorly but never reaches the base of
reach almost the half of the segment, and rest of the
baso-lateral red spot on each side. S8–10 are wholly
on the ventrum of abdomen on S8 or S9. On ventral
view, the gonopore margin trapezoid shaped, wider
the distal aspect sternite of S9 near the gonopore. Distal
margin of S10 ‘{’ shaped, hence curved and wavy at its
mid-ventrum. On lateral view, the mid part of distal
gonopore (Image 11G). Abdominal segment 9 twice
the length of S10. S10 bears a broad dorsal carina and a
broad keel at its distal end (Image 2D&E).
border and angles rounded, transversely rugose about
Anal appendages: The anal appendages are very
similar to that of other species in the genus. They have
of paraprocts are much smaller than the S10 dorsal
E. cardinalis, but with the
paraprocts are fully black (Image 2D&E).
Descripon of paratype female (Image 4)
Anteclypeus blackish-amber brown; Postclypeus pale
black streak on the lateral aspect its anterior border, thus
appearing as grossly black with a central pale bluish-
white patch; Antefrons centrally black and laterally
and occiput black; eyes as in the males black and paler
inferiorly (Image 4B).
lobes are closely similar to that in the male, but coloured
pale greenish-white. The mesepisternum mesepimeron,
metepisternum are as in the males, but with the orange
and red colours replaced with pale greenish-yellow.
The central black stripe in mesepisternum and the and
Image 5. Field images of Euphaea thosegharensis Sadasivan &
Bhakare, sp. nov.: A—male | B—female | C—courtship | D—riparian
habitat of the species. © Shriram Dinkar Bhakare.
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214 18205
metepimeron has a similar black streak, that the male
reds replaced by pale greenish-yellow (Image 4C).
dirty greenish-white, and rest of the parts of the legs are
and 9–11 cell wide in Hw. Wings are hyaline with a faint
smoky hue in life.
Abdomen: All segments are black dorsally with
lateral pale greenish-yellow markings as follows: S2–3
with a large spot posterolaterally and the black of this
anterolaterally merge with the yellow as brownish
shaped yellow mark whose central streak tapers and
ends at the distal thirds, S6–7 with this anterolateral
yellow streak progressively reduced to mere yellowish
anterolateral triangles. S8-10 are fully black. Vulvar
scale with a central shallow but wide sulcus and its
postero-lateral angle is rounded. Anal appendages and
ovipositor are black (Image 12F).
35–36. Pt is black and is 9–11 cell wide. Hw had 17–19
and 3–4 in Hw. Wings have a faint smoky hue in life. The
orangish when young and as they mature become more
well-marked individuals, antehumeral and the humeral
stripes are interrupted by the mesepisternal central
black band dorsally near the antealar sinus. Abdominal
segment 6 is colored red up to the half of the segment,
restricted to the basal third to fourth.
Females: The pale greenish-yellow of females
ochreous brown on the abdomen as the individuals age.
are pruinosed in older specimens. The females are
humeral and antehumeral stripes are very much reduced
to thin irregular streaks. The pale greenish color of the
genae may have a light blue wash in young individuals.
The species name ‘thosegharensis’ is a toponym
derived from the type locality in Thoseghar, Satara
District, Maharashtra, India.
Distribuon As far as known, the species is restricted
Maharashtra, India.
Habitat and Ecology
The habits are as for the genus. The males are seen
guarding parts of streams on vantage points, like rocks
The individuals are almost always found in the area of
and show territorial behaviour (Image 5). Females are
to roost overnight.
Dierenal diagnosis (Table 1, 2)
the known Euphaea species of Western Ghats based on
all others by its smaller size (Hw 34–35 mm, Abdomen
39–40 mm); the male genital vesicle being black with
on sternum of S9 only; the gonopore margin trapezoid
apices produced into small spines that are divergent at
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
E. fraseri,
S9 twice the length of S10 in E. thosegharensis, and
E. dispar and E. pseudodispar,
S10, whereas in E. cardinalis S9 and S10 are of equal
length. Also, this species has no tooth on the distal
aspect sternite of S9 near the gonopore unlike in E.
cardinalis. The insect is of small size in comparison with
E. cardinalis and E. dispar, and is almost the same size
as E. fraseri.
from all its congeners by the orange labrum, orange-red
genae, rose red spots on lateral aspect of middle lobe
being black and the apical fourth of Hw being black.
E. cardinalis and
the antehumeral stripes are closer to E. dispar and E.
cardinalis (Image 11B).
Euphaea pseudodispar Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov.
(Image 6 A–G)
wet specimen in alcohol, Thoseghar, Satara District,
Maharashtra, India, 1,060m, specimen collected from a
Addional material examined: Males (n= 4) and
holotype, wet specimens in alcohol, will be subsequently
BNHS Mumbai.
Addional eld records (specimens not collected):
Thoseghar (1,060m): 3 males and 1 female on 02.vii.20;
4 males and 2 females on 15.vii.20; 2 males and 2
females on 26.vii.20; 5 males and 3 females on 04.viii.20;
observed by PAP.
Descripon of holotype male (Image 6)
and prominent median black ‘tongue’ shaped mark
an upper transverse black streak. Anteclypeus shiny
dark amber brown to black and postclypeus is black,
white. Eyes black superiorly, middle part and laterally
dark amber brownish-black and the inferolateral aspect
(Image 7B).
spots. Anterior lobe fully black; middle lobe black
with the lateral triangular spots yellowish, notopleural
suture black and propleuron is mat black with a pair of
in the live insect is orange red with orange hue inferiorly
and yellow dorsally. Dorsal carina is black. The triangular
mesothoracic acrotergite black. The dorsal aspect
humeral stripe yellowish orange, thin and irregular
and is separated into a small spot on the dorsal end
and the long stripe inferiorly. The antehumeral stripe
pale yellow and tapers gradually towards the alar sinus.
Thus, in other words the antehumeral stripe and the
its lateral lip pale pinkish-red. Mesinfraepisternum
bordered with orange in the posterolateral aspect and
antero-superiorly is black; these colours being separated
sharply at the diagonal running from postero-superior to
antero-inferior corners. Mesepimeron yellow superiorly
and orange inferiorly, and encloses a central broad
black band. The interpleural suture marked in reddish-
mesepimeron. The second lateral suture marked in back
on its dorsal third. Metepisternum and metepimeron are
Metathoracic spiracle pale yellowish-white (Image 7C).
and the claws of legs are lustreless red with a cyan hue.
are black. Knees are black. Claws are reddish-black to
almost black (Image 7C).
wide in Fw and 11 cell wide in Hw. Hindwing hyaline and
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214 18207
the Pt. Cubital space with three cross veins in all wings
(Image 6B&C).
Abdomen: The general colour of abdomen reddish-
red merges with ventral black (Image 7A). Segmental
wash. S2 anteriorly orange and distally reddish-orange.
with S5 with a brownish hue. S5 also reddish orange
of red to black is gradual. S7–10 fully black. S10 bears a
broad dorsal carina and an abrupt dorsal keel at its distal
end. A very small inconspicuous patch of moderately
of tergite of segment 8. On ventral view, S8 tergite with
long hairs on its lateral border and the longest ones at its
blunt, no spine. No tooth on the distal aspect sternite of
S9 near the gonopore. Distal margin of S10 ‘{’ shaped,
hence curved and wavy at its mid-ventrum. On lateral
view, the mid part of distal margin of S9 prominently
genital vesicle, with distal end angulated, and no
lingula illustrated. Penis with a single setae on each side
(Image 6F&G).
Image 6. Euphaea pseudodispar Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov. A—
holotype male ZSI/WGRC/I.R-INV.15033 | B—venaon Fw | C—
venaon Hw | D & E—anal appendages | F & G—genital lingual
(arrow poinng to the setae). © Kalesh Sadasivan.
Image 7. Euphaea pseudodispar Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov. Male
from eld: A—lateral view | B—head frontal view | C—lateral view
of head and thorax. © Shriram Dinkar Bhakare.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
Anal appendages: The general structure is as in the
genus with the cerci and paraprocts fully black. The
size of paraprocts as large as the S10 dorsal prominence
(Image 6D&E, 11I).
Descripon of paratype female (Image 8)
prominent median black tongue; mandible pale bluish-
white with the upper transverse black streak as in the
and brown inferiorly (Image 8B).
the three lobes are as in the males. The lateral spots on
middle lobe is coloured pale yellowish-white, otherwise
posterior lobe (Image 8C).
pale greenish-white. The antehumeral and humeral
stripes are pale yellowish-blue to pale blue. The
mesepisternum, mesepimeron, and metepisternum are
as in the male, with the orange and red replaced with pale
bluish-yellow. The central black stripe in mesepisternum
and the metepisternum are as in the males. Rest of the
bluish to greenish-yellow (Image 8C).
dirty greenish-white and are usually pruinosed. The
coloured white (Image 8C).
Image 8. Euphaea pseudodispar Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov. Female
from eld: A—lateral view | B—head and thorax dorsal view | C—
dorso-lateral view of head and thorax. © Shriram Dinkar Bhakare.
Image 9. Voucher specimen images of Euphaea males: A—E.
cardinalis (Fraser, 1924) | B—E. thosegharensis Sadasivan &
Bhakare, sp. nov. | C—E. dispar (Rambur, 1842) | D—E. pseudodispar
Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov. | E—E. fraseri (Laidlaw, 1920). ©
Kalesh Sadasivan.
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214 18209
and Hw.
Abdomen: All segments from S1 are black dorsally
inferior half of all segments have yellow transverse
streaks that thin out distally. The dorsal carinal streaks
disappear at S6, while the lateral yellow streaks disappear
segments 8–10 are fully black. Vulvar scale without any
central sulcus and its postero-lateral angle is produced
as an postero-medially directed wide and blunt tooth
(Image 12G). Appendages and ovipositor are black.
Males: In the paratype males (n= 4), with regards
restricted to the humeral stripes which may be thinned
out to become a streak inferiorly and spot superiorly, or
had usually three cubital cross veins.
in abdominal length from 30–33 mm-and Hw length
cubital cross veins.
The species name pseudodispar is coined as
reminder to the close resemblance to the species E.
As far as known, the species is restricted to the high-
Satara district, in Maharashtra, India.
Habitat and Ecology
The habits are as for the genus and this species shares
the habitat with E. thosegharensis Sadasivan & Bhakare,
Dierenal diagnosis
known Euphaea species of the Western Ghats based on
E. dispar
surface of foreleg femora being black and those of hind
and middle legs red as in E. fraseri, but with no yellow
patch on legs as in E. dispar. Only the
are black in this species while the apical fourth of Hw are
black in E. dispar, the genae of face are yellowish-white
in the new species while it is black in E. dispar (Image
Image 10. Field images of Euphaea male: A—E. cardinalis (Fraser,
1924) | B—E. dispar (Rambur, 1842) | C—E. fraseri (Laidlaw, 1920).
© Kalesh Sadasivan.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
Image 11. Comparison of head and terminal abdominal segments (S8–
S10) of Euphaea showing the hair tus of males: A & F—E. cardinalis
(Fraser, 1924) | B & G—E. thosegharensis Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp.
nov. | C & H—E. dispar (Rambur, 1842) | D & I —E. pseudodispar
Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov. | E & J—E. fraseri (Laidlaw, 1920). ©
Kalesh Sadasivan
Image 12. Secondary genitalia & vesicles of males and female
vulvar scales: A—E. cardinalis (Fraser, 1924) | B—E. thosegharensis
Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov. | C—E. dispar (Rambur, 1842) | D—E.
pseudodispar Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov. | E—E. fraseri (Laidlaw,
1920) | F—vulvar scales of E. thosegharensis | G—E. pseudodispar
| H—penile structure of E. dispar (Rambur, 1842) (arrow poinng to
the setae). © Kalesh Sadasivan.
11C&D). The color of legs are as in E. fraseri. Segment
E. dispar; while they are of equal length in E. cardinalis
and S9 twice the length of S10 in E. thosegharensis (See
key below).
E. fraseri
E. dispar
with labrum being pale blue with its distal free border
very thinly bordered with black, and with a prominent
median black tongue. The pale turquoise blue labrum
E. cardinalis and E. thosegharensis
both of which have orange to red labrum (Image A&B).
The species appears similar to E. fraseri and E. dispar,
because of the bluish labrum. The labrum of E. fraseri
is coloured black in the inferior half and pale blue in the
superior half and has no median black tongue (Image
dispar. With respect to secondary genitalia, the penis
bears a single seta on each side for the E. pseudodispar,
while three pairs of setae are seen in E. dispar (Image
characters see Table 1.
The females of the E. pseudodispar can be easily
E. thosegharensis based on the
bluish-white labrum with prominent black ‘tongue’ of
in E. thosegharensis), the black postclypeus (pale patch
on postclypeus in E. thosegharensis) the wider posterior
the structure of the vulvar scale without any central
sulcus and its postero-lateral angle being produced
as a wide and blunt tooth (rounded with no tooth E.
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214 18211
Table 1. Morphological comparison between males of Euphaea species of Western Ghats.
Total length,
Abdomen length
(both including
appendages), Fw
and Hw length
(in mm)
Male genital vesicle and
pseudoauricle, and abdominal
hair tus of males
Appendages and gonocoxae
E. cardinalis
(Image 11F, 12A)
Pt 11 cell wide
Pt 11 cell wide
Male genital vesicle black,
and distal margin round. Surface
transversely rugose.
On ventral view, S8 tergite with
long hairs on its middle third
and S9 tergite with long hairs on
On ventral view, the distal margin of S9 forming the
their apices blunt, no spine. A pair of anteriorly directed
blunt tooth on the distal aspect sternite of S9 near
the gonopore. Distal margin of S10 ‘[’ shaped, hence
rectangular and stepped, at its mid-ventrum. On lateral
over the gonopore as a long blunt tooth. S9 and S10 of
equal length.
converge to a point at rest. Paraprocts of same length as
E. dispar.
E. thosegharensis
sp. nov.
(Image 11G, 12B)
Pt 9-11 cell wide
Pt 9-11 cell wide
Male genital vesicle black
border rounded angles and
distal margin round. Surface
transversely rugose.
On ventral view, tergites of S8
of sparce stub black hair is seen
on sternite of S9.
On ventral view, the gonopore margin trapezoid shaped,
on the distal aspect sternite of S9 near the gonopore.
Distal margin of S10 ‘{’ shaped, hence curved and wavy
at its mid-ventrum. On lateral view, the mid-ventral part
gonopore. S9 twice the length of S10.
converge at rest. Paraprocts of same length as the
E. cardinalis, but with
E. dispar
(Image 11H, 12C)
Pt 10 cell wide
Pt 10 cell wide
Male genital vesicle black
with distal margin round, and
On ventral view, the
pseudoauricle rounded, less
prominent than in E. cardinalis.
S8 tergite with long hairs on
distal half of its lateral border.
S9 tergite with long hairs on its
its base. Sternite of S9 without
very sparce hairs at its base. A
very small inconspicuous patch
of moderately long brownish-
orange hairs on lateral aspect of
3 setae on each side (Image
12. H).
On ventral view, the distal margin of S9 forming the
their apices blunt, no spines. No tooth on the distal
aspect sternite of S9 near the gonopore. Distal margin
of S10 ‘{’ shaped, hence curved and wavy at its mid-
mid-ventrally as in E. pseudodispar. The mid part of distal
gonopore. The dorsal prominence on S10 is robust and its
superior border slightly curved on lateral view.
E. pseudodispar
sp. nov.
(Image 11I, 12D)
Small species
Pt 10 cell wide
Pt 11 cell wide
Male genital vesicle brownish-
black, rhomboidal, with distal
end angulated and surface with
ventral view, the pseudoauricle
angular, and more prominent
than in E. dispar. Penis with a
single seta on each side.
E. dispar.
inconspicuous patch of
moderately long brownish-
orange hairs on lateral aspect of
similar to E. dispar.
mid-ventrally like a beak. The mid part of distal margin
the gonopore. The dorsal prominence on S10 is short,
angular and its superior border is straight on lateral view.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
Total length,
Abdomen length
(both including
appendages), Fw
and Hw length
(in mm)
Male genital vesicle and
pseudoauricle, and abdominal
hair tus of males
Appendages and gonocoxae
E. fraseri
Small species
Pt 9-11 cell wide
Pt 9-10 cell wide
Male genital vesicle red,
longitudinally elongated, apple
shaped and distal margin round.
Surface transversely rugose.
laterally on ventral view. No
The gonopore margin “W” shaped with the apices
without any spines. Distal margin of S10 ‘{’ shaped,
Table 2. Coloraon comparison between males of Euphaea species of Western Ghats.
Species Labrum Genae
Lateral spots
on middle lobe
of prothorax
stripe Femur Black apices of
E. cardinalis
(Image 9A,10A,11A)
orange, narrowly bordered
with reddish-brown, and an
obscure mediobasal ‘tongue’ of
dark brown
Orange Yellow orange Yellow orange All legs red
Almost apical
half (or slightly
less) of Hw
E. thosegharensis sp. nov.
(Image 9B, 3A 11B)
Reddish-orange with a faint
and obscure median streak Orange red Rose red Orange red All legs black Apical fourth of
Hw black
E. dispar
(Image 9C, 10B,11C)
bordered with black and with a
black mediobasal ‘tongue’
Black Orange yellow Yellow Fully red, with
yellow patches
Apical fourth
of Hw black.
E. pseudodispar sp. nov.
(Image 9D, 7A, 11D)
bordered with black and with a
black mediobasal ‘tongue’
Pale yellowish-
Pale yellowish-
white Yellow
Font legs
black, mid and
hindlegs red
Hw black
Fw hyaline at
E. fraseri
(Image 9E, 10C, 11E)
with its anterior border broadly
black, no medio-basal black
Pale yellowish Blue bright azure
Font legs
black, Mid and
hindlegs red
Apical fourth of
Hw black
(E. thosegharensis has them fully black).
This paper describes two new species of Euphaea
from the Western Ghats of Peninsular India. Though
of Western Ghats, these two new species can be
Euphaea are
easily told apart. Regarding the size of the species,
E. cardinalis and E. dispar
large species and so is E. thosegharensis
mm). All these three species have total lengths more
than 5cm. While E. fraseri E.
total lengths always less than 5cm. Since the structure
of anal appendages are similar, the best characters to
depend are the structure of the male vesicle and the
With respect to the smaller species, E. fraseri has no hair
E. pseudodispar
sternite and lateral aspects of tergite on S8 and lateral
Among the three larger species, E. cardinalis has hairs on
while, E. dispar
of short black hairs on its ventral surface, and about
(Image 11H); and E. thosegharensis
stub black hair on either side of tergite of S9 and no hair
smaller species, E. fraseri has red colored, longitudinally
elongated, apple shaped, while in E. pseudodispar
they are brownish-black and pear shaped. Among the
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214 18213
larger species, E. cardinalis
with rounded angles; while E. thosegharensis has them
E. dispar
black and scrotal shaped (Image 12 A & B).
colors of the labrum and that of the legs of the insects
used by Fraser (1934) for his keys to Euphaea. The bright
yellow patches on femurs of E. dispar
from all the other species. Blue labrum can be seen in
three species, E. fraseri, E. dispar and E. pseudodispar.
Amongst them, E. fraseri can be told apart by the
labrum with inferior half black, superior half bluish-
white, no median black ‘tongue’; while the other two
species have labrum pale turquoise blue with its distal
free border very thinly bordered with black, and with a
prominent median black ‘tongue’. E. dispar
E. pseudodispar
47.0 ± 0.70 mm) by its large size, having yellow patches
with orange-ochre to vermilion red are E. cardinalis and
E. thosegharensis. These are large insects of almost
E. thosegharensis (S8 and S9 with
E. cardinalis) and the less
E. thosegharensis
(restricted to apical fourth), while almost the apical half
of Hw is black in E. cardinalis.
pseudodispar and E. thosegharensis, both are restricted
to the northern Western Ghats region north of the
Amboli Ghats, and hence endemic to the region. The
new species is seen in the higher reaches above 1,000m.
Euphaea cardinalis is restricted to mountains south
of the Palghat Gap, and E. dispar is distributed on
mountains between the Palghat gap and Coorg. These
two montane species are restricted below the Goa gap.
E. fraseri is
the only species seen in the same geographical region
north of the Amboli Ghats. But, E. fraseri is probably
foothills below 900m all along the Western Ghats.
Thoseghar regions of Satara District of Maharashtra. The
similarity to other species of Euphaea known from the
Western Ghats. This discovery highlights the need for
Western Ghats.
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Burma, Odonata, Vol. II
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Revised key to males of the genus Euphaea Selys, 1840 of Western Ghats, peninsular India
E. fraseri
3. rd
blackish-brown, apical fourth of Hw black; Genae black. Male genital vesicle black with distal border rounded and with
E. dispar (Rambur, 1842)
E. pseudodispar Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov.
E. cardinalis (Fraser, 1924)
E. thosegharensis Sadasivan & Bhakare, sp. nov.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2021 | 13(5): 18200–18214
Two new species of Euphaea from nothern Western Ghats Bhakare et al.
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Threatened Taxa
Author details: : An eye surgeon by profession and
Payyoli, Kozhikode and Research Associate at Travancore Nature History Society
Assistant Professor
A freelance researcher in
the area of biodiversity. Naturalist and founder president of Satara based NGO
for the last 13 years.
naturalist by passion, from Kerala. Founder member and research associate of
Travancore Nature History Society (TNHS), an NGO based in Trivandrum since
in invertebrates. Discovered and described more than a dozen new species to
& odonates.
Author contribuon: Shriram Dinkar Bhakare: Field work and came across the
Sunil Hanmant Bhoite: Field work, photo documented, collected the species and
The Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT) is dedicated to building evidence for conservaon globally by
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Threatened Taxa
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Elephas maximus
– Milind Digambar Pal, Vinayak Krishna Pal & Ninad Avinash Mungi, Pp. 18099–18109
– Arturo G. Gracia Jr., Alma B. Mohagan, Janezel C. Burlat, Welfredo L. Yu Jr., Janine Mondalo,
Florfe M. Acma, Hannah P. Lumista, Riah Calising & Krizler Cejuela Tanalgo, Pp. 18110–18121
Lepidochelys olivacea
– P. Poornima, Pp. 18122–18131
Capra walie
– D. Ejigu, A. Bekele & L. Powell, Pp. 18132–18140
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– Sunil Wijethilaka, Lakshani S. Weerasekara, Saumya Bandara & Kithsiri B. Ranawana, Pp.
Manis crassicaudata
– Tariq Mahmood, Shaista Andleeb & Faraz Akrim, Pp. 18148–18155
– Saroj Shrestha, Sony Lama, Ang Phuri Sherpa, Sonam Tashi Lama & Dinesh Ghale, Pp.
– Aditya Srinivasulu, Alembrhan Assefa & Chelmala Srinivasulu, Pp. 18164–18176
– Amit Kumar, Yogesh Dubey & Advait Edgaonkar, Pp. 18177–18188
– M. Pandian, Pp. 18189–18199
– Shriram Dinkar Bhakare, Vinayan P Nair, Prama Ashok Pawar, Sunil Hanmant Bhoite &
Kalesh Sadasivan, Pp. 18200–18214
– P. Sreevidhya, S.V. Akhil & C.D. Sebasan, Pp. 18215–18226
– Rajiv K. Singh Bais & Aakash Singh Bais, Pp. 18227–18236
– Jyosh Sonowal, Munmi Puzari & Devid Kardong, Pp. 18237–18246
– Florfe M. Acma, Noe P. Mendez, Noel E. Lagunday & Victor B. Amoroso, Pp. 18247–18256
– Anoop P. Balan & S.V. Predeep, Pp. 18257–18282
– Jagdish Dalavi, Ramesh Pujar, Sharad Kambale, Varsha Jadhav-Rathod & Shrirang Yadav, Pp.
– Prana Gogoi & Namita Nath, Pp. 18297–18312
– Vedharajan Balaji & Veeramuthu Sekar, Pp. 18313–18318
– Sahil Nijhawan, Jayanta Kumar Roy, Iho Mitapo, Gata Miwu, Jibi Pulu & M. Firoz Ahmed, Pp.
– Kante Krishna Prasad & Chelmala Srinivasulu, Pp. 18324–18343
– Tshering Nidup, Pp. 18344–18348
– Poovoli Amina & K. Rajmohana, Pp. 18349–18354
– M.N. Harisha & B.B. Hose, Pp. 18355–18363
– Abhijit Konwar & Manashi Bortamuly, Pp. 18364–18377
– Jayaseelan Benjamin Franklin & Deepak Arun Apte, Pp. 18378–18384
– Mital R. Bha, Pp. 18385–18389
– Lalita Saini, Archasvi Tyagi, Inam Mohammad & Vijai Malik, Pp. 18390–18397
Trichaleurina javanica
– Munuswamy Kumar, Sekar Nithya & Antony Agnes Kayalvizhi, Pp. 18398–18402
– Tshering Dorji, Kinley Kinley, Letro Letro, Dawa Tshering & Prem Nanda Maidali, Pp.
Meistera aculeata
– Vadakkeveedu Jagadesh Aswani, Manjakulam Khadhersha Jabeena & Maya
Chandrashekaran Nair, Pp. 18406–18410