Kurangnya keberkesanan menggunakan bahan bantu mengajar (BBM) adalah disebabkan oleh masalah peribadi guru dan kurangnya peruntukan bahan. Selain itu, BBM yang sedia ada juga kurang membantu guru dalam memudahkan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP). Justeru, kajian ini meneroka penggunaan BBM
dari aspek jenis, sumber, faktor, serta amalan penggunaan BBM dalam kalangan Guru Pendidikan Islam
... [Show full abstract] (GPI) menengah rendah di negeri Johor. Kajian kes ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif dalam pengumpulan data. Seramai lima orang GPI, lima orang penyelia GPI, dan sepuluh orang pelajar Sekolah Bestari terlibat dalam kajian ini. Data verbatim temu bual ditriangulasi dengan data pemerhatian dan
analisis dokumen sebelum dianalisis menggunakan perisian NVivo versi 7. Secara keseluruhannya, terdapat sepuluh jenis BBM yang mencapai tahap pola, iaitu papan putih, buku teks, powerpoint, kertas edaran, kertas majong, gambar, buku nota pelajar, video, buku latihan dan modul, serta buku rujukan. Sumber penggunaan BBM meliputi sumber pengetahuan, iaitu perbincangan rakan guru, cuba jaya, serta
maklumat daripada internet, buku dan kursus. Sumber bahan pula diperolehi daripada internet, panitia sekolah, serta koleksi yang dibeli dan dihasilkan sendiri oleh GPI, rakan GPI, dan pelajar dengan merujuk buku teks dan buku rujukan. Antara faktor yang mendorong GPI menggunakan BBM ialah faktor peribadi guru, sokongan pentadbir dan respon positif pelajar, serta bahan dan tempat PdP yang mencukupi. Manakala faktor yang menghalang GPI menggunakan BBM ialah kekurangan masa dan persediaan, masalah pengurusan bahan, serta tempat penggunaan yang terhad. Bagi amalan penggunaan BBM, kajian turut mendapati GPI kurang bersedia sebelum menggunakan BBM, namun kekurangan persediaan tersebut tidak mengubah amalan penggunaan BBM yang betul. Di akhir penggunaan BBM, majoriti GPI memberikan latihan dan tugasan dengan merujuk kepada BBM
yang digunakan. Kajian ini menghasilkan empat model utama, iaitu Model Sumber Pengetahuan dan Sumber BBM, Model Faktor Dorongan dan Halangan Penggunaan BBM, serta Model Jenis dan Amalan Penggunaan BBM. Model-model baru yang terhasil daripada kajian ini dapat menjadi panduan kepada semua pihak yang berkaitan dengan institusi pendidikan khususnya guru.
The ineffective use of teaching aids is often attributed to a number of factors teaching personality, the inadequacy of the teaching aids
themselves as well as the insufficiency of funds allocated for their procurement. This research was carried out to explore the classroom application of teaching aids based on their types, sources, factors and the practice of applying them among lower secondary school Teachers of Islamic Education (TIE) in Johor. This case study used
a qualitative method in collecting the data. A total of five teachers, five supervisors, and ten students from Smart School were involved in this study. Verbatim interview transcription was triangulated with the observation data and document analysis prior to the final analysis process using the Nvivo version 7. The result shows that ten
polas of teaching aid including white board, text books, power point presentation, distributed papers, mahjong papers, pictures, student-note books, videos, exercise books and modules, and reference books. In applying the teaching aids, it is revealed that teachers obtained the information on their use from peer discussion, by trial and error, and from the internet, books and teaching courses. Meanwhile, in terms of their content, such information was either retrieved from the internet provided by the school committee or obtained from the personal collections of materials owned by TIE, peers of TIE, and the students. This study also shows that the use of classroom teaching aids is often determined and encouraged by the teachers' personality and
skills, support from the administratio as well as adequate teaching materials and spaces. On the other hand, the impeding and problem of space and material management. As for the practice of using teaching
aids, this study reveals that teachers often went to their classes ill-prepared though they continued to observe the correct practice whenever teaching aids were used. The results of this study led to the construction of four different teaching-aids-related models: Model of Sources of Knowledge and Sources of TIE's Teaching Aids, Model of Encouraging and Discouraging Factors in the Use of Teaching Aids, Model of Types of Teaching Aids, and Model of TIE Practice of Applying Teaching Aids. These newly constructed models may in fact be used as a general guidance for all in the education line especially the teachers.