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BACKGROUND Cut flowers require proper postharvest stem hydration to prolong vase life. Nano‐sized chitosan is an effective antimicrobial agent that has several potential agricultural applications. In this study, we compared the efficacies of solutions containing chitosan nanoparticles, regular chitosan particles, citric acid, and distilled and tap water controls in treating cut gerbera inflorescences during postharvest storage. Relative water uptake (RWU), transpiration rate (TR), water balance (WB), ligule color, solution pH, stem bending, stem‐end blockage, and counts of bacteria, mold and yeast were investigated. RESULTS The solution containing chitosan nanoparticles prevented stem bending, enabled higher RWU (41.8 g kg⁻¹ day⁻¹), established a suitable WB, and controlled microbial growth more efficiently than the other solutions. The chitosan nanoparticle solution strongly inhibited molds and yeasts. CONCLUSION The results of this study demonstrated that nano‐chitosan is a promising postharvest preservative for cut gerbera inflorescences. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry (SCI).
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Research Article
Received: 30 December 2020 Revised: 18 April 2021 Accepted article published: 21 April 2021 Published online in Wiley Online Library: 5 May 2021
( DOI 10.1002/jctb.6766
Nano-chitosan as an antimicrobial agent in
preservative solutions for cut owers
Poliana C Spricigo,aLucimeire Pilon,bJéssica P Trento,c
Márcia R de Moura,dKely S Bonm,dMilene C Mitsuyuki,eLuiz H C Mattosoe
and Marcos D Ferreirae
BACKGROUND: Cut owers require proper postharvest stem hydration to prolong vase life. Nano-sized chitosan is an effective
antimicrobial agent that has several potential agricultural applications. In this study, we compared the efcacies of solutions
containing chitosan nanoparticles, regular chitosan particles, citric acid, and distilled and tap water controls in treating cut ger-
bera inorescences during postharvest storage. Relative water uptake (RWU), transpiration rate (TR), water balance (WB), ligule
color, solution pH, stem bending, stem-end blockage, and counts of bacteria, mold and yeast were investigated.
RESULTS: The solution containing chitosan nanoparticles prevented stem bending, enabled higher RWU (41.8 g kg
established a suitable WB, and controlled microbial growth more efciently than the other solutions. The chitosan nanoparticle
solution strongly inhibited molds and yeasts.
CONCLUSION: The results of this study demonstrated that nano-chitosan is a promising postharvest preservative for cut ger-
bera inorescences.
© 2021 Society of Chemical Industry (SCI).
Keywords: water uptake; cut inorescences; microorganism; xylem blockage; chitosan; antimicrobial activity
Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) belongs to the Asteraceae family, and
it is one of the top ten best-selling cut owers in the world.
Brightly colored owers and turgid tissues contribute to the com-
mercial value of gerberas, and both growers and consumers
expect these qualities to be maintained throughout the produc-
tion chain.
Ornamental owers are highly susceptible to mechanical injury
and dehydration, thus requiring careful postharvest handling. Cut
ower vase life is correlated with turgidity, which is determined by
the balance between water absorption through the xylem vessels
and water loss through the stomata.
In order to prevent wilting
and maintain ower quality during postharvest storage, relative
water uptake ideally should be higher than the transpiration rate
Nevertheless, occlusions, which usually occur in the xylem,
impair water absorption and cause premature ower wilting. Air
embolisms in the xylem vessels increasing enzymatic activity after
ower cutting, and microbial growth in the vase solution are
reported causes of these occlusions. Furthermore, microorgan-
isms and/or their secretions may block the xylem.
Various materials based on antimicrobial agents have proven
to be effective in controlling microbial proliferation in vase
solutions. For instance, silver nitrate,
silver thiosulfate,
hydroxyquinoline-based compounds,
sodium dichloroisocyanurate,
aluminum sulfate,
and essential oils
have been tested and proposed as
In recent years, the use of nanomaterials for the control of bac-
teria has attracted the attention of researchers around the globe.
Nanotechnology has had a positive impact on agriculture, too,
owing to the use of nanoparticles that improve physicochemical
properties and reduce the quantity of material required to pro-
duce the desired effects.
Nanoparticles range in dimension from 1 to 100 nm and are
grouped into organic and inorganic nanoparticles.
Particle sur-
face activation and increased surface area are characteristics that
potentiate other substances such as antimicrobials, and these
properties can be exploited for vase solution formulation. Preser-
vative solutions containing graphene oxide, silver and copper
nanoparticles have been proposed for cut gerberas and
*Correspondence to: MD Ferreira, Embrapa Instrumentação, Rua XV de Novem-
bro, 1452, São Carlos, SP 13561-906, Brazil. E-mail:
aDepartamento de Produção Vegetal, Universidade de São Paulo (USP/ESALQ),
Piracicaba, Brazil
bPesquisa e Desenvolvimento, Embrapa Hortaliças, Brasília, Brazil
cCiências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos,
dDepartamento de Física e Química, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP),
Faculdade de Engenharia, Ilha Solteira, Brazil
ePesquisa e Desenvolvimento, Embrapa Instrumentação, São Carlos, Brazil
J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2021; 96: 21682175 © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry (SCI).
... It ensures that flowers reach their destination in peak condition, providing a competitive edge in the global marketplace. Thus, proper management of vase life is vital for all sectors of the floral industry (4). Nanotechnology is crucial in enhancing output by improving input efficiency and reducing pertinent losses (4). ...
... Thus, proper management of vase life is vital for all sectors of the floral industry (4). Nanotechnology is crucial in enhancing output by improving input efficiency and reducing pertinent losses (4). Fresh-cut flowers have a longer vase life because of nanomaterials' superior water absorption and antibacterial properties, which have demonstrated beneficial effects in their preservation (5). ...
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Cut flowers are traditionally used worldwide, regardless of caste, creed, and religion, especially in Asian countries. The global trade of cut flowers has shown a substantial increase in recent years and is expected to persist due to the promotion and application of horticulture plants for their various advantages . The quality of vase life is critical in ensuring customer satisfaction and encouraging repeat purchases. Effective postharvest management is essential for enhancing the quality and extending the shelf life of cut flowers. With proper handling, cut flowers can last several days in a vase. Nanotechnology presents innovative solutions for postharvest management, especially in the cut flower sector. Specifically, Nanoparticles have been utilized in packaging to act as ethylene inhibitors and antimicrobial agents, contributing to the extension of cut flower vase life. One of the strongest ethylene perceptions is 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), a gaseous and nontoxic that binds to ethylene receptors irreversibly, blocking the action of ethylene. Nano-Silver particles improve postharvest longevity by increasing water absorption rather than transpiration. Additionally, Nano-Selenium enhances the water balance in cut flowers. This review describes how nanoparticles suppress microbial growth and block ethylene action in cut flowers, extending their vase life.
... Nano-engineering facilitates the manipulation of substances to the nanoscale, thereby generating new structures with advanced functional properties [16,17]. The development of nanochitosan has been revealed to improve antimicrobial properties, controlled release, stability, and other functional properties [18][19][20]. ...
... Physical methods include ultrasonic treatment, ultraviolet irradiation, or microwave irradiation. In chemical methods, highmolecular-weight chitosan is treated with acid (acetic acid, nitric acid, HCL, citric acid, etc.), which is then blended with sodium tripolyphosphate [16,[65][66][67]. Ghosh and Katiyar [68] utilized the ionic gelation method for the synthesis of nanochitosan from commercial chitosan, where sodium tripolyphosphate was used as the cross-linking agent in 1 % acetic acid. ...
... Tomato fruit are most vulnerable to bacterial and fungal degradation after harvest due to their increased activity of water, favourable pH, and rich in nutrition, all of which serves as a growth nutrient for microorganism's growth (Safari et al., 2021). Bacterial deterioration is indicated by appearance of sour rot and soft rot on tomato surface (Das et al., 2020;Spricigo et al., 2021). To cope this short shelf life, there are many postharvest approaches, i.e., hypobaric, modified atmospheric packaging, controlled atmospheric storage (CA), and coating with edible materials are widely used (Olveira-Bouzas et al., 2021;Paulsen et al., 2019;Pristijono et al., 2017).Organic coating materials are increasingly being used in the post-harvest treatment of tomatoes to improve their shelf life and thus maintain quality. ...
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Tomatoes are the most commercialized vegetable due their high nutritional content and health-promoting properties. However, tomatoes have a short shelf life; edible coatings have evolved as an effective approach to enhance its shelf life. Edible coatings are thin layers applied onto the surface of fruits and vegetables to improve their physiochemical properties. Different natural extract such as neem leaf extract, lemongrass leaf extract, ginger extract, garlic extract, aloevera gel and distilled water along with control were used as edible coating on shelf life and quality of tomatoes under room temperature. Data was collected on many traits i.e., tomato weight loss, fruit pH, fruit color, total soluble salts (TSS), firmness and total phenolics contents. The treated tomatoes showed significantly minimum weight loss, good appearance, color, firmness and high total phenolics contents. So, these natural and environmental friendly edible coating could be considered a potential postharvest treatment to delay ripening and to conserve the quality of harvested tomatoes. Data was analyzed using LSD test at 5% probability level.
... Chitosan has been used in preservative solutions for cut flowers to extend their vase life. For example, in a study by Spricigo et al. (2021), preservative solutions containing chitosan nanoparticles were investigated for cut 'Stanza' gerbera inflorescences. The chitosan nanoparticles were found to prevent stem bending, suppress microbial proliferation, and maintain the quality of flower stems. ...
... The preservative solutions that manage to remain stable under low pH conditions are those that have the most influence on the post-harvest conservation of flowers, given that an acidic environment reduces microbial growth in the solution and in the vascular tissues of the stems, maintaining the water status of flowers (Carlson et al., 2015;Spricigo et al., 2021). The media containing Suc and Mt + Suc, the pH was smaller than the other treatments (Figure 2 A). ...
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The effects of melatonin application by itself and mixed with sucrose solution on vase life and physicochemical changes in amaryllis cut flowers were investigated. Amaryllis stems with flower buds at harvest points were placed into vases containing different maintenance solutions: Melatonin (Mt; 0.01 mM), Sucrose (Suc; 4%), Melatonin + Sucrose (Mt + Suc; 0.01 mM + 4%) and distilled water (Control). Each treatment consisted of five repetitions, with one inflorescence stem per vase. The vases remained at 22 ± 3 °C and constant lighting of 13 µmol m-2 s-1 for 14 days. Immersion of stems in Suc or Mt + Suc delayed the initial senescence processes of the amaryllis cut flower. Vase life was prolonged for additional 2 days compared to stems immersed in water (control), increasing from 10 to 12 days of conservation. Floral stem mass was kept more stable; the degradation of anthocyanin and flavonoid pigments was delayed; and the stability of phenolic compounds and total carbohydrates was maintained for 14 days. These findings confirm the role of melatonin as a preservative in cut flowers. However, its preservative effect was potentialized by the addition of sucrose to the water of the amaryllis cut flowers. More work needs to be carried out to investigate the physiological mechanisms promoted by the interaction of melatonin and sucrose in the regulation of senescence in amaryllis cut flowers, including the analysis of gene expression and activity of the antioxidant system.
... Nanochitosan is considered as a biocompatible and bioactive substances (Dias et al. 2013) as well as its antimicrobial effect, causing to prevention of postharvest losses in agricultural crops . Our previous study also demonstrated the antibacterial effect of chitosan nanoparticles in holding solution of rose flower (Seyed Hajizadeh et al. 2023) which was reported also by Spricigo et al. (2021). Chitosan is also a good nanoparticle carrier because of its efficacy to overcome cellular boundaries and diffuse through epithelial cells (Dheyab et al. 2020). ...
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Vase life of rose flower is strongly affected by preservative solutions. Encapsulation of arginine (Arg) and phenylalanine (Phe) with chitosan nanoparticles (nCS) protects bioactive components from the ambient factors for a certain period. Therefore, a factorial experiment based on a Randomized Completely Design in three replications was done to investigate the effect of encapsulated arginine (nCS-Arg) and -phenylalanine (nCS-Phe) with chitosan nanoparticles on quality, antioxidant status, and longevity of rose flowers. Results showed that the maximum longevity was achieved with 16.3 days in roses kept in vase solution containing encapsulated arginine and phenylalanine with chitosan nanoparticles (nCS-Are-Phe) at 5 mg L⁻¹ concentration. Also, they had higher relative water content (RWC), fresh weight, chlorophyll index, and fluorescence than control. Total phenol content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), the activity of peroxidase (POX), phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) increased dramatically in rose petals kept in nCS-Are-Phe (5 mg L⁻¹) solution while hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) decreased. Against to the decreasing trend in protein and carbohydrate amount during vase life, the flowers keep in nCS-Are-Phe (5 mg L⁻¹) preservative, had the higher amount of protein and carbohydrate by 1.4- and 2.6-fold, respectively, on 12th day. So, encapsulation of Are and Phe by a degradable nanochitosan is a desired method to avoid rapid metabolism, and sustained release in flowers vase solution. Consequently, Arg and Phe caused to extend rose vase life directly or indirectly through some byproducts production of their metabolism such as nitric oxide and polyamines.
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Scarlet eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum var. gilo) is a Solanaceae with an appreciated peculiar bitter taste, which plays a significant role in family farming in Brazil. Fruit anthracnose is the main pre- and postharvest disease that affects scarlet eggplant in Brazil. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of chitosan-based coating on in vitro inhibition of Colletotrichum tamarilloi and anthracnose control of scarlet eggplant fruits. Chitosan was dissolved in a 2% citric acid solution at 40°C and then homogenized with potato dextrose agar (PDA), and poured into Petri dishes, as follows: 1) PDA + 0.1% chitosan, 2) PDA + 0.2% chitosan, 3) PDA + 0.3% chitosan, 4) PDA + 0.4% chitosan, and 5) pure PDA as control. Discs of 5 mm diameter of pure fungus culture were placed on the center of the culture medium in the plates. The plates were then maintained in BOD at 25°C and 12-h photoperiod for 10 days. Colony characteristics, mycelial growth rate, and mycelial growth inhibition were evaluated. Afterward, the effect of chitosan coating was evaluated in fruit inoculated or not with C. tamarilloi. The treatments were: T1) uncoated and injured uninoculated fruits, T2) uncoated and inoculated fruit, T3) fruits coated with 0.1% chitosan and inoculated, T4) fruits coated with 0.2% chitosan and inoculated, and T5) fruits coated with chitosan at 0.3% and inoculated. For inoculation, 15 μL of a conidial suspension (2 x 10⁵ conidia/mL) were deposited on an injury caused by a needle, and the fruits were coated by immersion into the different concentrations of chitosan gel. Fruits were placed on expanded polystyrene trays. Fresh weight loss, the mean incidence of disease, and lesion diameter were measured. All concentrations of chitosan reduced the in vitro growth of C. tamarilloi. The treatment T4 reduced the severity of anthracnose but did not prevent its incidence in scarlet eggplant fruits. Keywords: Solanum aethiopicum; postharvest disease; vegetable; polysaccharide-based coating
Benign electrospinning of chitosan in aqueous medium is an open challenge mainly due to its insolubility in neutral pH and inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonding interactions. Here, we developed a simple and widely-used methodology to improve the chitosan electrospinnability through the sulfation of chitosan and its further mixing with poly(vinyl alcohol) for the first time. The FTIR, 1H NMR and elemental analyses showed the successful sulfation of chitosan. Furthermore, the viscosity and electrical conductivity measurements revealed the high solubility of chitosan sulfate (CS) in aqueous media. In the next step, a uniform electrospun nanofibrous mat of CS/PVA was fabricated with a fiber diameter ranging from 90 to 340 nm. The crosslinked CS/PVA (50/50) nanofibrous mat as the optimum sample showed a swelling ratio of 290 ± 4 % and a high Young's modulus of 3.75 ± 0.10 GPa. Finally, malachite green (MG) as a cationic drug model was loaded into different samples of chitosan film, CS film, and CS/PVA (50/50) nanofibrous mat and its release behavior was studied. The results of these analyses revealed that the CS/PVA (50/50) nanofibrous mat can successfully load higher contents of the MG and also release it in a sustained manner.
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Preservative solutions play an important role in 􀂅􀂗􀂖􀀃􀏐􀂎􀂑􀂙􀂇􀂔􀂕􀇯􀀃􀂘􀂃􀂕􀂇􀀃􀂎􀂋􀂈􀂇􀀃􀂃􀂐􀂆􀀃􀂓􀂗􀂃􀂎􀂋􀂖􀂛􀇢􀀃􀂖􀂊􀂇􀂔􀂇􀂈􀂑􀂔􀂇􀇡􀀃􀂃􀀃􀂕􀂋􀂏􀂒􀂎􀂇􀀃 experiment was carried out using a completely randomized design (CRD) to study the effect of some preservative solutions on the storage properties of tuberose (Agave amica L.). The study constituted of 􀂕􀂋􀂚􀀃 􀂖􀂔􀂇􀂃􀂖􀂏􀂇􀂐􀂖􀂕􀇣􀀃 􀀗􀍲􀎱􀀃 􀂆􀂋􀂕􀂖􀂋􀂎􀂎􀂇􀂆􀀃 􀂙􀂃􀂖􀂇􀂔􀀃 􀈋􀂅􀂑􀂐􀂖􀂔􀂑􀂎􀈌􀇡􀀃 􀀗􀍳􀀃 􀎱􀀃 1% honey + 350 mg L-1 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate (8- 􀀋􀀔􀀖􀈌􀇢􀀃􀀗􀍴􀀃􀎱􀀃􀍶􀎨􀀃􀂕􀂗􀂅􀂔􀂑􀂕􀂇􀀃􀎪􀀃􀍵􀍷􀍲􀀃􀂏􀂉􀀃􀀏-1􀀃􀍺􀇦􀀋􀀔􀀖􀇢􀀃􀀗􀍵􀀃􀎱􀀃􀍵􀍲􀍲􀀃 mg L-1 citric acid + 350 mg L-1􀀃􀍺􀇦􀀋􀀔􀀖􀇢􀀃􀀗􀍶􀀃􀎱􀀃􀍳􀍷􀍲􀀃􀂏􀂉􀀃􀀏-1 chitosan + 350 mg L-1􀀃􀍺􀇦􀀋􀀔􀀖􀇢􀀃􀂃􀂐􀂆􀀃􀀗􀍷􀀃􀎱􀀃􀍶􀎨􀀃􀂕􀂗􀂅􀂔􀂑􀂕􀂇􀀃􀎪􀀃 300 mg L-1 citric acid + 350 mg L-1􀀃􀍺􀇦􀀋􀀔􀀖􀇤􀀃􀀗􀂊􀂇􀀃􀏐􀂎􀂑􀂙􀂇􀂔􀂕􀀃 were placed in vases containing 500 mL of each preservation solution. The results showed a superior effect of T5 (4% sucrose + 300 mg citric acid L-1 + 350 mg L-1􀀃􀍺􀇦􀀋􀀔􀀖􀈌􀀃􀂃􀂕􀀃􀂉􀂃􀂘􀂇􀀃􀂖􀂊􀂇􀀃􀂎􀂑􀂐􀂉􀂇􀂕􀂖􀀃􀂘􀂃􀂕􀂇􀀃􀂎􀂋􀂈􀂇􀀃􀈋􀍳􀍴􀇤􀍶􀍲􀀃 􀂆􀂃􀂛􀂕􀈌􀇡􀀃 􀂖􀂊􀂇􀀃 􀂊􀂋􀂉􀂊􀂇􀂕􀂖􀀃 􀏐􀂎􀂑􀂔􀂇􀂖􀂕􀇯􀀃 􀂃􀂉􀂇􀀃 􀈋􀍸􀇤􀍹􀍵􀀃 􀂆􀂃􀂛􀂕􀈌􀀃 􀂃􀂐􀂆􀀃 􀂖􀂊􀂇􀀃 􀂊􀂋􀂉􀂊􀂇􀂕􀂖􀀃 􀂙􀂃􀂖􀂇􀂔􀀃 􀂃􀂄􀂕􀂑􀂔􀂒􀂖􀂋􀂑􀂐􀀃 􀈋􀍴􀍻􀇤􀍳􀍷􀀃 􀂉􀈌􀇤􀀃 􀀚􀂊􀂋􀂎􀂇􀀃 􀀗􀍶􀀃 􀈋􀍳􀍷􀍲􀀃 mg L-1 chitosan + 350 mg L-1􀀃 􀍺􀇦􀀋􀀔􀀖􀈌􀀃 􀂉􀂃􀂘􀂇􀀃 􀂎􀂇􀂕􀂕􀀃 􀏐􀂎􀂑􀂔􀂇􀂖􀀃 􀂆􀂔􀂑􀂒􀀃􀂃􀂈􀂖􀂇􀂔􀀃􀍷􀀃􀂆􀂃􀂛􀂕􀀃􀂈􀂔􀂑􀂏􀀃􀂄􀂇􀂉􀂋􀂐􀂐􀂋􀂐􀂉􀀃􀈋􀍳􀇤􀍸􀍸􀀃􀏐􀂎􀂑􀂔􀂇􀂖􀀃􀂆􀂃􀂛-1). In conclusion, it is recommended to treat tuberose (Agave amica 􀀏􀇤􀈌􀀃 􀂅􀂗􀂖􀀃 􀏐􀂎􀂑􀂙􀂇􀂔􀂕􀀃 􀂙􀂋􀂖􀂊􀀃 􀂒􀂔􀂇􀂕􀂇􀂔􀂘􀂃􀂖􀂋􀂘􀂇􀀃 solutions containing 4% sucrose + 300 mg citric acid L-1 + 350 mg L-1. 8-HQS to obtain the best results.
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Tree peony ( Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.) is a popular cut flower among ornamental plants. However, its short vase life severely hinders the production and application of cut tree peony flowers. To extend the postharvest longevity and improve the horticultural value, silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) was applied for reducing bacterial proliferation and xylem blockage in cut tree peony flowers in vitro and in vivo. Ag-NPs was synthesized with the leaf extract of Eucommia ulmoides and characterized. The Ag-NPs aqueous solution showed inhibitory activity against bacterial populations isolated from stem ends of cut tree peony ‘Luoyang Hong’ in vitro. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was 10 mg L⁻¹. Compared with the control, pretreatments with Ag-NPs aqueous solution at 5 and 10 mg L⁻¹ for 24 h increased flower diameter, relative fresh weight (RFW), and water balance of tree peony ‘Luoyang Hong’ flowers. Additionally, malondialdehyde (MDA) and H2O2 content in pretreated petals were lower than the control during the vase life. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) in pretreated petals were lower than that of the control at the early vase stage and higher at the late vase life. Furthermore, pretreatments with Ag-NPs aqueous solution at 10 mg L⁻¹ for 24 h could reduce bacterial proliferation in the xylem vessels on the stem ends by confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Overall, pretreatments with green synthesized Ag-NPs aqueous solution effectively reduced bacteria-induced xylem blockage of cut tree peony, resulting in improved water uptake, extended vase life, and enhanced postharvest quality. Therefore, this technique can be used as a promising postharvest technology in the cut flower industry.
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“PlantNanOmics” is an emerging topic in agricultural research that explores the potential effect of application of nanomaterials on plant growth. Graphene oxide (GO) has excellent properties due to its basal carbon plane and oxygen-containing functional groups. In the present work, the antimicrobial activity of GO was exploited to extend the vase life and improve the quality of cut roses (cv. Carola). The results revealed that the cut roses cultivated in low doses of GO (0.1 mg/L) had longer vase life, larger diameter, and better water relations. Microbial contaminations at the basal stem end is the most common reason for stem blockage that causes water stress and early wilting of cut flowers. GO was found to act as a germicide, effectively inhibiting the microbial growth at the cut stem end and improving water uptake and water balance of cut roses. Therefore, GO can serve as a promising preservative to increase the ornamental value of cut flowers. Open image in new window
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Shell fish processing industry is very common in coastal areas. While processing, only the meat is taken, the head and shells are discarded as waste. On an average, the sea food industry produces 80,000 tons of waste per year. The sheer amount of waste makes degradation a slow process causing accumulation of waste over a period of time. A very simple and effective solution to this environmental hazard is the recycling of shell waste to commercially viable products like chitin. Chitosan is the N-acetyl derivative of chitin obtained by N-deacetylation. Chitosan is widely used in food and bioengineering industries for encapsulation of active food ingredients, enzyme immobilization, as a carrier for controlled drug delivery, in agriculture as a plant growth promoter. Chitosan is also a defense elicitor and an antimicrobial agent. Chitosan has interesting properties such as biodegradability, biocompatibility, bioactivity, nontoxicity and polycationic nature. This review presents structural characteristics and physicochemical properties of chitosan. The methods of preparation of chitosan nanoparticles are detailed. Applications of chitosan nanoparticles are discussed. Applications include drug delivery, encapsulation, antimicrobial agent, plant growth-promoting agent and plant protector.
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In this chapter, the behavior of cut flowers and potted ornamental plants is studied regarding the physiological and environmental factors that affect the rate of senescence and longevity. Water uptake by cut flowers, carbohydrate supply, and response of flowers to ethylene interact alone or together to affect the length of the vase life. Depending on whether ethylene is the main cause of flower senescence, particular handling is required to extend vase life. Periodically, recuts of the flower stem or pulsing with sucrose improves the water uptake and floret opening of the bird-of-paradise. Any flower species or potted plants with high sensitivity to ethylene have a much better shelf life when treated with inhibitors of ethylene action such as 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) or silver thiosulfate (STS). The orchid Epidendrum ibaguense had a positive response by reducing flower abscission when treated with the aminoethoxyvivylglycine (AVG) inhibitor of ethylene synthesis. But in those flowers insensitive to ethylene presence, water status and carbohydrate supply play a very important role in the length of the vase life. Thus, pulsing solutions containing sugar or STS may be effective in postponing earlier senescence in many flower species. Based on the rate of leaf yellowing and abscission of fruits and leaves, treatment of potted ornamental peppers with 1-MCP prolongs postproduction life in indoor conditions. However, ethylene partially reversed the inhibition of 1-MCP on leaf yellowing and abscission.
Flower growing, once used to be a gardener’s activity has today transformed into an astounding business. In India also, being an integral part of our rich heritage and culture, flower crops have become source of income as highly remunerative crops. Concerted efforts are being made in the country to boost the productivity, quality and export worthiness of several floricultural crops. With the changing trends and constant urge for new innovative products, this is imperative to have information about new potential crops with novel developed varieties and improved production technology. The worldwide interest in floriculture has also forced the agriculture universities and colleges for their perusal on teaching the emerging stream floriculture. Hence, the present book is a result of good compilation of recent advances in floriculture by the author. The publication entitled “Flower Crops: Cultivation and Management” specifies the practices and problems in growing flower crops along with entire description of crops and potential varieties.
Chitosan is a biopolymer obtained from chitin, one of the most abundant and renewable materials on Earth. Chitin is a primary component of cell walls in fungi, the exoskeletons of arthropods such as crustaceans, e.g., crabs, lobsters and shrimps, and insects, the radulae of molluscs, cephalopod beaks, and the scales of fish and lissamphibians. The discovery of chitin in 1811 is attributed to Henri Braconnot while the history of chitosan dates back to 1859 with the work of Charles Rouget. The name of chitosan was, however, introduced in 1894 by Felix Hoppe-Seyler. Chitosan has attracted major scientific and industrial interests from the late 1970s due to its particular macromolecular structure, biocompatibility, biodegradability and other intrinsic functional properties. Chitosan and derivatives have practical applications in the food industry, agriculture, pharmacy, medicine, cosmetology, textile and paper industries, and in chemistry. In recent years, chitosan has also received much attention in dentistry, ophthalmology, biomedicine and bioimaging, hygiene and personal care, veterinary medicine, packaging industry, agrochemistry, aquaculture, functional textiles and cosmetotextiles, catalysis, chromatography, beverage industry, photography, wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering, and biotechnology. Nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals are actually growing markets, and therapeutic and biomedical products should be the next markets in the development of chitosan. Chitosan is also the object of numerous fundamental studies. In this review, we highlight a selection of works on chitosan applications published over the past two decades.
Hops and the components extracted from them are well known antibacterial agents used in beers and as food preservatives, in formulations for topical applications on their own or together with other antimicrobial agents, in hormone replacement therapy, as antioxidants, tumor development antagonists, and angiogenesis inhibitors. Their shortcomings: very low bioavailability, bitter taste, and susceptibility to oxidative decomposition have limited their applications. We propose nanosized chitosan, an inexpensive, readily available biopolymer with a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity, as carrier for lupulone (L) and xanthohumol (X), two components of hops. Chitosan nanoparticles (CNP) and chitosan-based nanocomposites encapsulating lupulone (CNL) and xanthohumol (CNX) were prepared by ionotropic gelation using sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) as crosslinker. Different preparative ratios and conditions were investigated and the nanoparticles obtained were characterized by FTIR, colloidal titration, size and zeta potential, and antimicrobial activity. The kinetics of the release of L/X from composites was studied in vitro. All the nanoparticles were active against several Gram-positive, Gram-negative, and Candida strains. Synergistic interactions were observed in all cases, although hops are known mainly for their activity against Gram-positive bacteria. All nanoparticles showed good stability over several months.
Floriculture is presently considered as the most lucrative agro-enterprise in terms of profit making. As the flowers are the utmost perishable horticultural farm produce, there remains some hindrance in proper marketing following standard postharvest management practices by the common farmers. Hence, value addition by the agro-industries is another important arena for proper utilisation of fresh ornamentals in either garden-fresh or processed form. Different kinds of value-added products are nowadays formulated and marketed by the companies which include essential oils, flavours, fragrance, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical compounds, insecticidal and nematicidal compounds, pigments and natural dye, vanilla-based products, gulkand, rose water, etc. Besides floristry items, flower arrangements and floral ornaments are important value addition with the fresh flowers and other ornamentals. Another important arena is the production of dry/dehydrated flowers in which India has achieved a considerable success regarding in-house production and worldwide marketing. The different methods for the production of value-added products from flowers and other ornamentals are discussed in this chapter.
Flowers are essential crops which beautify interiorscapes, outdoor landscapes and enhance human health. Floriculture is one of the fastest-growing sectors of commercial agriculture world-wide with many highly profitable crops. Such a diversity of new and domesticated flower crops is created by public and private sector flower breeders. This book provides a unique and valuable resource on the many issues and challenges facing flower breeders, as well as the industry at-large. In this volume, the first comprehensive assemblage of its kind, a team of 32 international authorities has contributed to make this book a 'must-have' reference to research and develop flower crops for the 21st century consumers. Part 1 of this book (flower breeding program issues) contains unique features of interest to horticultural professionals and students, include coverage of plant protection strategies, cultivar trialing methodology, germplasm collection/preservation, preventing invasiveness, and other timely topics. The collective body of knowledge for 24 flower crops (Part 2: Crop-specific Breeding and Genetics) represents the in-depth science and art of breeding technology available for bedding plants, flowering potted plants, cut flowers, and herbaceous perennials. Each author provides crop-specific history, evolution, biology, taxonomy, state-of-the-art breeding/genetics, classical/molecular technologies, species traits, interspecific hybridization, and directions for future development/enhancement.