... Some of these studies focus on several climate emotions, some only on one. -Scholarship in various disciplines about people's affective responses to climate crisis, such as environmental psychology (e.g., van der Linden, 2017; Nabi et al., 2018;Wang et al., 2018); human geography (e.g., Head, 2016;Head and Harada, 2017;Kemkes and Akerman, 2019), psychosocial studies (e.g., Weintrobe, 2013;Lertzman, 2015;Hoggett, 2019), environmental communication and adaptation studies (e.g., Moser, 2013), education or youth studies (e.g., Nairn, 2019;Jones and Davison, 2021), affect research (Bladow and Ladino, 2018a;Bristow, 2019), environmental philosophy (e.g., Antadze, 2020;McQueen, 2021), and environmental education (e.g., Ojala, 2013Ojala, , 2016Bryan, 2020;Pihkala, 2020b;Verlie, 2022). General studies about emotions related to environmental issues were also consulted (Böhm, 2003;Kals and Müller, 2012;Gonzáles-Hidalgo and Zografos, 2020). ...