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Carbon Emissions and Large Neural Network Training
David Patterson
1 , 2
, Joseph Gonzalez
, Quoc Le
, Chen Liang
, Lluis-Miquel Munguia
Daniel Rothchild
, David So
, Maud Texier
, and Jeff Dean
{davidpatterson, qvl, crazydonkey, llmunguia, davidso, maudt, jeff},
{pattrsn, jegonzal, drothchild}
Abstract: The computation demand for machine learning (ML) has grown rapidly recently, which comes with a
number of costs. Estimating the energy cost helps measure its environmental impact and finding greener
strategies, yet it is challenging without detailed information .
We calculate the energy use and carbon footprint of several recent large models— T5 , Meena , GShard ,
Switch Transformer , and GPT-3 —and refine earlier estimates for the neural architecture search that found
Evolved Transformer .
We highlight the following opportunities to improve energy efficiency and CO
equivalent emissions ( CO
e ):
● Large but sparsely activated DNNs can consume <1/10th the energy of large, dense DNNs without
sacrificing accuracy despite using as many or even more parameters.
● Geographic location matters for ML workload scheduling since the fraction of carbon-free energy and
resulting CO
e vary ~5X-10X, even within the same country and the same organization. We are now
optimizing where and when large models are trained.
● Specific datacenter infrastructure matters, as Cloud datacenters can be ~1.4-2X more energy efficient
than typical datacenters, and the ML-oriented accelerators inside them can be ~2-5X more effective
than off-the-shelf systems.
Remarkably, the choice of DNN, datacenter, and processor can reduce the carbon footprint up to ~100-1000X.
These large factors also make retroactive estimates of energy cost difficult. To avoid miscalculations, we
believe ML papers requiring large computational resources should make energy consumption and CO
explicit when practical. We are working to be more transparent about energy use and CO
e in our future
research. To help reduce the carbon footprint of ML, we believe energy usage and CO
e should be a key
metric in evaluating models, and we are collaborating with MLPerf developers to include energy usage during
training and inference in this industry standard benchmark.
1. Introduction
As ML models increase in scale, a general trend is that they become more accurate and more capable.
However, larger models translate to greater computing demands and, by extension, greater energy demands.
We focus on natural language processing (NLP) because it is important in Google products and because of the
recent development of many large NLP models, e.g., T5 [Raf19], Meena [Adi20], GShard [Lep20], Switch
Transformer [Fed21], and GPT-3 [Bro20]. Recent studies attempt to evaluate the environmental impact of this
trend in NLP, which is difficult [Str19]. Here we investigate and share the estimates of the energy consumed
and CO
of these recent and large NLP models. We also reduce by 88X an earlier estimate of the CO
e for
the neural architecture search for Evolved Transformer [So19, Str19] by characterizing the actual search
process on the hardware and datacenter on which it was performed (see Appendices C and D).
Our investigation into CO
e revealed surprises and misunderstandings about the full Deep Neural Network
(DNN) lifecycle, the datacenters and hardware that run them, the variations in energy mix, and the difficulty of
assessing CO
e accurately. Note that we are evaluating the CO
e of operating computers and datacenters, but
not fabricating and recycling them (see [Gup20] for the latter topic).
To make it easier for the ML community to understand the real impact of training and how to reduce it, we
endorse prior calls for new publication norms for computationally intensive ML models:
1 Google
2 University of California, Berkeley
3 “CO
e” means CO
equivalent emissions , accounting for carbon dioxide and all the other greenhouse gases as well:
methane, nitrous oxide, ... (calculated from Equation A-1 in 40 Code of Federal Regulations 98 ). “CO
emissions” is only
carbon dioxide. tCO
e stands for 1000 kg (metric ton) of CO
equivalent emissions .
1. We must assess CO
e correctly, but it is hard to quantify precisely in part because all the required
information is rarely reported or publicly available (e.g., datacenter, hardware, energy mix) and in part
because it is hard to uncover important details afterwards (see Section 4.1). To make the carbon costs
of training transparent, we encourage more researchers to measure energy usage and CO
e—or to get
a rough estimate using a tool like ML Emissions Calculator [Lac19] (Section 4.3)—and publish the data.
2. We agree with [Str19,Sch20,Hen20] that efficiency should be an evaluation criterion for publishing ML
research on computationally intensive models besides accuracy and related measures, since we need
to encourage advances across the board as the most sustainable energy is the energy you don’t use .
3. And even if we could bring CO
e to zero in cloud datacenters, reducing training time matters, both
because “time is money,” and because cheaper training lets more people participate. Hence, we also
second the recommendation of [Str19] for more researchers to publish the number of accelerators and
their time to train computationally intensive models to inspire progress in reducing training costs.
We believe such new incentives could lead to a virtuous cycle where ML practitioners compete to increase
accuracy while lowering energy consumption and CO
e that could bend the curve of ML carbon footprint
growth for computationally intensive NLP models.
The following sections summarize the findings that led to these recommendations. They also document our
e estimates, highlight recent advances that curb the CO
e of ML, and estimate the CO
e from training the
five recent large NLP models mentioned above. We end by updating the results of [Str19] on the emissions of
the Evolved Transformer neural architecture search and discussing common misperceptions.
We start with an overview of the carbon footprint over the DNN lifecycle and show ways to improve a
concrete example by nearly two orders of magnitude.
2. Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint of an NLP Model
Electricity required to run an ML model is a function of the algorithm, the program that implements it, the
number of processors that run the program, the speed and power of those processors, a datecenter’s
efficiency in delivering power and cooling the processors, and the energy supply mix (renewable, gas, coal,
etc.). A simplified formula for the carbon footprint of an ML model that takes these factors into account is:
ootprintelectricalenergy ueries ) KW h F= ( train+q
Most companies spend more energy on serving a DNN model (performing inference) than on training it.
For example, NVIDIA estimated that 80–90% of the ML workload is inference processing [Leo19]. Similarly,
Amazon Web services claimed that 90% of the ML demand in the cloud is for inference [Bar19]. Given its
substantial role in the ML model lifecycle, Alibaba, Amazon, Google, and NVIDIA designed ML accelerators
solely for inference. If the total ML energy is split 10% on training and 90% on serving, then even if a given ML
model required double the energy cost of training, it could reduce overall total carbon emissions if that model
also cut serving energy by 20%. Because energy usage during training is more isolated and thus easier to
investigate than inference, we focus on it in this paper, but keep in mind that the carbon footprint of inference is
An ML practitioner is often improving the quality of an existing model rather than starting from scratch. We
will use as a running example (found in [Str19]) the CO
e impact of going from training a Transformer model
using off-the-shelf hardware in an average datacenter to training an Evolved Transformer model on Google’s
custom hardware for DNNs in Google’s energy optimized datacenters. The large impact of each factor in this
example demonstrates why we suggest that the trainers of a model be involved in the calculation of its costs.
Table 1 shows the CO
e breakdown, which we explain further in the next subsections along with the
business rationale for these improvements, demonstrating the cross-cutting incentives for more efficient ML.
Figure 1 illustrates the gains per step; the overall improvement in CO
e is 57X. This large gain demonstrates
why the selection of the DNN model, processor, datacenter, and geographic location are critical to improve
e. Table 2 shows the units for CO
e and a running example that puts these units into perspective.
We next go over the four factors in more detail that contribute to the carbon footprint of training.
Table 1. See Appendix A for more detail
. Estimates of CO
e for Transformer and Evolved Transformer
for P100 and TPU v2 are based on power measurements.
Evolved Transformer (Medium) reached the
same accuracy as Transformer (Big) in [So19]. CO
e is shown both before (“gross”) and after (“net”)
accounting for 24/7 reduction via real time, local carbon free energy purchases (Appendix B). To help
put the CO
e numbers in perspective, a single passenger round trip SF-NY is ~1.2t CO
e (Table 2).
Figure 1. Improvement in CO
e over Transformer (Big) on P100 GPUs in an average US datacenter
versus Evolved Transformer (Medium) on TPU v2s in the Google Iowa datacenter.
Table 2. Small and large units for energy and carbon footprint in this paper, plus airline travel CO
used for perspective on the relative size of ML emissions compared to other activities (Section 4.8).
4 The peak TeraFLOPS/second is 19 for P100 and 46 for TPU v2.
5 Training on TPU v3 instead of TPU v2 takes Transformer (Big) 0.44 days (averaging 61 TFLOPS/s) and 0.37 days (47
TFLOPS/s) for Evolved Transformer (Medium). For TPU v4, the respective numbers are 0.25 days (93 TFLOPS/s) and
0.19 days (73 TFLOPS/s). TPU v3 shrinks energy consumed and gross and net CO
e from TPU v2 by ~1.4X for
Transformer and by ~1.3X for Evolved Transformer.
Transformer (Big)
Number of Parameters (B)
US Average
Google Iowa Council Bluffs
Datacenter Gross CO
e/KWh (kg/KWh) 2020
(Section 2.4 and Appendix D)
Datacenter Net CO
e/KWh (kg/KWh) 2020 (Section
2.4 and Appendix D)
Datacenter PUE (Latest quarter 2020)
TPU v2
Chip Thermal Design Power (TDP in Watts)
Measured System Average Power including
memory, network interface, fans, host CPU (Watts)
Measured Performance (TFLOPS/s)
Number of Chips
Training time to accuracy goal (days)
Total Computation (floating point operations)
Energy consumption (KWh)
Gross CO
e for Model Training (metric ton) (Section
2.4 and Appendix D)
Net CO
e for Model Training (metric ton) (Section
2.4 and Appendix D)
% 24/7 net carbon free energy (CY 2019)
Small Unit
Large Unit
Energy Consumption
Kilowatt hours (KWh)
Megawatt hours (MWh = 1000 KWh)
Carbon Footprint (CO
e or CO
Kilograms (kg)
Metric ton (t = 1000 kg)
Perspective (see Appendix A)
Single passenger round
trip SF-NY (1.2t CO
Passenger jet plane round trip SF-NY (180t CO
2.1 Algorithm/program improvement
The Evolved Transformer (Medium) model discovered by So et al. [So19] using neural architecture search
(see Section 4.1) uses 1.6X fewer FLOPS and 1.1X–1.3X less time than Transformer (Big) at slightly higher
accuracy (see Table 1 and Appendix A)
Business Rationale . Training faster saves ML researchers time as well as saves their organizations money
and reduces CO
2.2 Processor improvement
Google’s custom TPU v2 processor runs Transformer (Big) 4.3X faster than P100 GPUs and Evolved
Transformer (Medium) 5.2X faster.
TPU v2 also uses less power: 1.3X less for Transformer and 1.2X less for
Evolved Transformer. The net gain in performance/Watt is 5.6X and 6.2X, respectively.
Business Rationale . The substantial increase in the scope and scale of deep learning over the past decade
has created the opportunity to build customized hardware that is tailored to the kinds of computations involved
in training and serving DNN models. Instead of using GPUs like many other organizations, over the past seven
years Google has designed, built, and deployed four generations of custom Tensor Processing Unit (TPU)
hardware for DNNs to accelerate model training and serving [Jou21]. To get a better return on their investment,
cloud companies actually aim for improved cost-performance, as opposed to simply performance. Cost here
means Total Cost of Ownership ( TCO ), which includes the annual operating costs such as electricity consumed
and amortization of capital expenditures for the computer, cooling, power distribution, and the building. Jouppi
et al . show that power consumption is nearly perfectly linearly correlated with TCO
[Jou21], so
performance/TCO gains also help performance/Watt, saving money and reducing CO
2.3 Datacenter improvement
A useful quantitative metric of datacenter efficiency is the energy overhead above and beyond what directly
powers the computing equipment inside the datacenters. If the overhead were 50%, the Power Usage
Effectiveness ( PUE ) would be 1.50. The US national datacenter average in 2018 was 1.58, which is the value
[Str19] used ; In 2020, it was 1.59 . Google publishes its datacenter PUE online every quarter . The PUE for the
Iowa datacenter where we ran Evolved Transformer is 1.11, a factor of 1.4X better. Cloud datacenters are
roughly 2X as energy efficient as a typical enterprise datacenter due to other factors like server utilization (see
[Höl20]), but we’ll limit the quantitative improvement in this paper to the easy-to-measure PUE.
More broadly, since cloud datacenters are much more energy efficient, the long-feared explosion of
datacenter energy usage has not materialized. A recent paper in Science [Mas20] found that global datacenter
energy consumption increased by only 6% compared with 2010, despite computing capacity increasing by
550% over the same time period [Mas21].
Business Rationale . Cloud companies strive for energy efficient datacenters since it saves money and
lowers emissions. Perhaps we should add “energy is money” to Ben Franklin’s “time is money” advice?
2.4 Energy mix improvement
The gross carbon intensity of energy according to the U.S. average mix is 0.429 kg of CO
e/KWh [USE21].
After matching Google’s clean energy purchase per its 24/7 carbon-free energy framework (see Appendix B),
the net CO
e drops to 0.080 for the Iowa datacenter where we ran Evolved Transformer, which is 5.4X better.
Business Rationale . Transmitting electricity long distances is more expensive and less efficient than
sending information as photons over optical fibers [Arm10]. Cloud computing allows companies like Google to
have a global portfolio of datacenters, many of which are placed where the grid is cleaner (e.g., Finland) or
where companies can purchase clean energy directly (e.g., Iowa). In 2020 Google announced a new objective
in its energy strategy: by 2030, it aims to run all Google datacenters and offices on carbon-free energy 24/7.
For our 24/7 carbon-free energy accounting (see Appendix B), we deduct from the hourly consumption all
6 Their neural architecture search also found another version that had the same performance but better accuracy.
7 [Str19] used P100s, which are contemporary GPUs to TPU v2s.
8 The correlation coefficient R between TCO and TDP is 0.99 out of 1.00 across four generations of TPUs.
clean energy purchased on that same geographically local grid and the same hour, which results in the net
e/KWh value. As Iowa has strong nighttime winds, Google’s wind portfolio lowered Iowa's datacenter gross
average CO
e/KWh in December 2020 by 6X, from the local grid’s 0.478 kg to a net average of 0.080 kg.
2.5 Summary: Formulas for energy consumption and carbon footprint of training
Reducing CO
e is not only a moral obligation but ultimately sound business. To decrease the footprint of
training, an ML researcher should pick the DNN model, the processor, and the datacenter carefully.
energy saves money and CO
e and improving the energy mix reduces CO
e. We refactor the equation above
for training into energy consumption and its carbon footprint (tCO
e means metric tons of CO
ourstotrainumberofP rocessors verag eP owerperP rocessor U E KW h=H
CO2e W h gCO2eperKW h 000 t=K
We believe it is straightforward for ML practitioners to calculate energy consumption. They already know
hours to train and number of processors. Google and Facebook publish PUE of their datacenters, so that is
easy to look up for those clouds. If cloud providers don’t share PUE, use the US average PUE as in [Str19].
We measured the power of the processors during training, which is ideal, but using the average of the training
of several similar models is probably sufficient and much easier.
Table 3 shows the average power and
standard deviation for the processors and DNNs that we measured in this paper.
The final piece is the CO
e of the datacenter at the time the model was run. Google calculates the average
per month, which is close enough, and it is now available for Google employees to look up. Without access to
such a dashboard, use the ML Emissions Calculator [Lac19] or Green Algorithms tool [Lan20] that estimate the
e mix by region (see Figure 6 below)
. While not absolutely necessary, we hope the ML community will
lobby all cloud providers to reveal the actual energy mix, since it can vary within a region. For example, to let
customers pick the datacenter based on CO
e, Google Cloud recently released the percentage of carbon-free
energy and gross CO
e of its datacenters and committed to publishing updated figures going forward.
We next show the impact of these three choices on much larger NLP models.
Table 3. Average system power per processor and standard deviation for DNNs in this paper. We
measured the Google DNNs (see Tables 1 and 4). OpenAI measured GPT-3 in a Microsoft Azure
datacenter [Sut21].
3. Energy Usage and CO
e Emissions of Five Recent Large NLP Models
A natural question that follows is what about the training CO
e of much larger NLP models? Table 4 and
Appendix A show a CO
e calculation
for five of them: T5, Meena, GShard, and Switch Transformer from
Google plus GPT-3 from Open AI that runs on Microsoft Azure Cloud:
●T5 is a pre-trained language model that casts all NLP problems in a unified text-to-text format to enable
application of transfer learning techniques to reduce the cost of training [Raf19]. The largest size has
11B parameters, and training used 86 MWh and produced 47 tCO
●Meena is a multi-turn open-domain chatbot [Adi20]. This 2.6B parameter DNN is trained to minimize
perplexity of the next token. The year-old companion paper has ~150 citations. Training Meena used
9 PUE and kg CO
e per KWh are functions of the datacenter where the model is run.
10 The ML Emissions Calculator [Lac19] also estimates power per processor. It now uses the values in Table 3 for TPU v2
and TPU v3 [Luc21]. At the time of this writing, the calculator shows CO
e produced but not the estimated power per
processor, energy consumed, or CO
11 The Google models happen to be run in datacenters where the gross and net CO
e were the same or close.
Average (Watts)
StDev %
DNNs used to calculate average power
TPU v2
Transformer (Big), Evolved Transformer (Medium), Neural Architecture
Search [So19]
TPU v3
T5, Meena, Gshard, Switch Transformer
P100 GPU
Transformer (Big), Evolved Transformer (Medium), Neural Architecture
Search [So19]
V100 GPU
Transformer (Big), GPT-3 [Sut21]
232 MWh and emissions was 96 tCO
e. As Evolved Transformer saved 48 tCO
e alone for the single
use case of developing Meena (see Table 4), the 3.2 net tCO
e cost for its development returned 15:1.
●GShard is composed of a set of lightweight annotation APIs that provide an elegant way to express a
wide range of parallel computation patterns with minimal changes to the existing model code [Lep20]. It
enabled scaling up of a multilingual neural machine translation Transformer model with sparsely gated
mixture-of-experts (MoE) [Sha17] using automatic sharding. The GShard-600B model is a particular
use of that framework for training a multi-lingual translation model with 600B total parameters. Sparse
models can have many model parameters while requiring much less computation than dense models.
Training GShard-600B used 24 MWh and produced 4.3 net tCO
●Switch Transformer simplifies the Mixture of Expert (MoE) routing algorithm to design intuitive improved
models with reduced communication and computational costs [Fed21]. The authors show large sparse
models—1500B parameters but only 0.1% activated per token—can deliver up to 7x increases in
pre-training speed with the same computational resources. We estimated it used 179 MWh and
produced 59 net tCO
Table 4. CO
e for NLP models (see Appendix A)
. V100’s TDP is closer to average power due to Turbo
mode and DVFS . TPUs don’t offer them, so their TDP is much higher than their average power.
12 The peak TeraFLOPS/second is 46 for TPU v2, 123 for TPU v3, and 125 for V100.
Number of Parameters (B)
0.064 per
Percent of model activated on every token
Datacenter of original experiment
When model ran
Dec 2018
Sep 2019
Dec 2019
Apr 2020
Oct 2020
Datacenter Gross CO
e/KWh (kg/KWh when it was run)
Datacenter Net CO2e/KWh (kg/KWh when it was run)
Datacenter PUE (when it was run)
TPU v2
TPU v3
Chip Thermal Design Power (TDP in Watts)
Measured System Average Power per Accelerator,
including memory, network interface, fans, host CPU (W)
Measured Performance (TFLOPS/s)
Number of Chips
Training time (days)
Total Computation (floating point operations)
Energy Consumption (MWh)
% of Google 2019 total energy consumption (12.2 TWh
= 12,200,000 MWh) [Goo20]
Gross tCO
e for Model Training
Net tCO
e for Model Training
Fraction of NAS Estimate in [Str19] (284 tCO2e)
Fraction of equivalent jet plane CO
e round trip San
Francisco ↔ New York (~180 t; see Ap. A)
e savings by Meena using Evolved Transformer
% 24/x7 carbon free energy (when run)
●GPT-3 is an autoregressive language model with 175B parameters, 10x more than any non-sparse
language model at the time [Bro20]. It achieves strong performance on many NLP datasets. A winner of
the best paper award at NeurIPS 2020, this 8-month-old paper already has ~700 citations and made
mainstream media headlines .
It is now available for commercial use. One potential energy benefit of a
large language model like GPT-3 is that they exhibit few-shot generalization , which means that they
don’t need to be retrained for every new task like smaller models [Wan20]. Its estimated carbon
emissions due to training are 552 tCO
e and its energy consumption is 1287 MWh.
Table 4 also lists the neural architecture search for Evolved Transformer, discussed shortly.
Figure 2. Total FLOPS versus number of parameters relative to Transformer (Big) in a log-log graph
(Table 1). While all are not doing the same tasks, a reason T5 has relatively lower FLOPS relative to its
number of parameters is that it trains until the accuracy is good enough instead of to the best possible
accuracy. [Kap20] notes that some architectures have a much lower footprint than others at equivalent
accuracy and suggests that significant power might be saved by revisiting accuracy requirements.
Figure 3. Accelerator years of computation, energy consumption, and CO
e for five large NLP DNNs.
13 Metz, C., Meet GPT-3. It Has Learned to Code (and Blog and Argue), November 24, 2020, New York Times .
14 We measured all the data for Google models. OpenAI measured V100 performance, V100 power, total FLOPS, and
PUE for GPT-3. We used the US average CO
e/KWh for GPT-3 at Microsoft Azure (see Appendix A).
Figures 2 and 3 present the same data graphically. Figure 2 plots the number of parameters on the X axis
and number of total FLOPS on the Y axis relative to Transformer (Big) [So19] using a log-log graph. Sparsely
activated models use many more parameters with much lower total FLOPS. Since performance is not
necessarily linear in FLOPS (see [Li21]), Figure 3 shows computation in processor years along with their
energy consumption and carbon footprint. Compared to the dense GPT-3, sparsely activated Gshard needs
~45X fewer processor years, uses ~55X less energy, and reduces gross CO
e ~115X and net CO
e ~130X.
4. Discussion
In this section, we address the additional factors relating to carbon emissions due to training NLP models. We
start by revisiting the estimate of neural architecture search in [Str19] and end with example benefits of some
NLP models.
4.1 Estimating the cost of neural architecture search (NAS)
The Evolved Transformer neural architecture search (NAS) was used as an example of an expensive NLP
model [Str19]. Although it is now surpassed by other models in terms of training cost (Table 4), we discuss it
here as a concrete example of the complexity of estimating the cost of a ML method retroactively.
As Table 4 shows, the actual cost of Evolved Transformer NAS is nearly two orders of magnitude smaller
than previously estimated [Str19]. Why the discrepancy? The answer is that, in addition to the efficiency of
Google datacenters, there was a confusion in estimating the energy cost of NAS. In Evolved Transformer NAS,
researchers used a small proxy task to search for the best models to save time and money, and then scaled up
the found models to full size. Small proxies may not be obvious, which made it hard to estimate the CO
correctly in retrospect from the NAS paper [So19]. Due to the misunderstanding of the usage of proxy tasks in
NAS, it was assumed the search was done with full size tasks . Because of this assumption, despite
considerable effort on their part, Strubell et al. ’s energy estimate for NAS ended up 18.7X too high for the
average organization (see Appendix C) and 88X off in emissions for energy-efficient organizations like Google
(see Appendix D). This example led us to our first recommendation—that more researchers measure energy
usage and CO
e for computationally intensive projects, and report them when practical, rather than counting
on others to estimate it retrospectively.
Another confusion in the general public is the misperception that NAS (and therefore, the cost associated
with NAS) is conducted once per model training. In practice, however, NAS is generally not performed once
per model training, but once per problem domain+architectural search space combination . For example, the
Evolved Transformer, found by NAS on translation, can be used for language modeling without a new search
[So19, Adi20]. Unfortunately, results in the earlier work by [Str19] characterizing NAS were misattributed to
single model training costs in the popular press.
As an analogy, NAS is like optimizing the energy efficiency and cost of an LED light bulb with extensive
simulations on a supercomputer, training a model is akin to building LED light bulbs, and inference is
analogous to all the customers using LEDs to light their homes. The analogous confusion would be claiming
that the one-time upfront supercomputer simulation cost should be included in the CO
e cost of every light bulb
manufactured. In this analogy, the onetime CO
expenditure of the supercomputer simulations can be more
than paid back with the improved energy-efficiency of the mass-produced light bulbs, as was the case for the
actual NAS of [So19] (see next paragraph).
In terms of cost-benefit tradeoff , NAS can also lead to improved energy efficiency in training of downstream
applications, and the benefit can dramatically outweigh the cost. Figure 4 shows that the Evolved Transformer,
found by NAS [So19], has 37% fewer parameters and converges to the same accuracy with 25% less energy
expenditure (see Table 1) than the vanilla Transformer (Big) model on WMT English to German translation.
The use of Evolved Transformer instead of a regular Transformer architecture saved 48.5 t CO
e during the
training of the Meena DNN (see Tables 1 and 4). The savings from this single reuse in Meena are ~15X larger
than the energy cost of running the search to discover it. The results of the Evolved Transformer neural
architecture search have been open-sourced. It can readily be used by anyone training ML models for NLP
problems, similar to how a Transformer-style model can be used for NLP problems [Evo19].
It would be beneficial to compare the cost-savings ratio of the Evolved Transformer NAS to previous work
developing more efficient architectures. Unfortunately, as others have pointed out [Dod19, Str19], the full cost
of model development is rarely, if ever, reported in the literature, making it impossible to compare this analysis
to prior work, and preventing straightforward comparison among different approaches more generally.
This lack of training development costs is one example of how adopting higher standards for measuring
and reporting ML model energy requirements would lead to a better understanding of cost-accuracy tradeoffs
in ML models, potentially further reducing overall emissions by empowering more informed ML model
selection, as the next subsection explains.
Figure 4: Reproduction of Figure 4 from So et al. Dots on the blue line represent various sizes of plain
Transformer NLP models, while dots on the red line represent various sizes of the open-sourced
Evolved Transformer architecture that was discovered by the neural architecture search run in [So19] .
Red arrows are at 131M and 210M parameters and show that an Evolved Transformer can achieve
higher accuracy at less cost: it runs 1.3X faster and produces 1.3x less CO
4.2 There are more resources used for training than the only final training run
[Str19] and others point out that it often takes many attempts to get everything set up correctly before the
final training run, so the final training run does not reflect the total cost. Since it’s hard to improve what you
can’t measure, one issue is how to account for such costs accurately. Fortunately, an internal Google product
is underway that will record information about the training process, originally intended to keep track of
information like data provenance. The developers now plan to add energy consumption so that Googlers can
better understand the full training lifecycle. An example of an open source tool to record such information is
experiment-impact-tracker [Hen20]. In addition, the developers of ML Emissions Calculator [Lac19] are
currently working on CodeCarbon , whose goal is to measure/approximate carbon consumption automatically.
Alas, there will be no way to verify the claims in papers of preliminary training development. A lesson of
computer benchmarking is that requiring the release of all information so that others could recreate your results
was an effective deterrent to fudging the numbers. If more computationally intensive ML papers included
energy consumption and carbon footprint of the final training run with sufficient details that others could check,
15 Reuse reduces overall development effort and energy usage. For example, implementations of EfficientNets, Efficient-
Dets [Tan19], developed via NAS for image-classification and object-detection, were forked on GitHub >4000 times.
that would be a great step forward. Perhaps ML practitioners could study the total lifecycle to develop rules of
thumb to estimate the overall carbon footprint based on its final training cost.
The next subsection also emphasizes the value of measurement.
Figure 5. Measured vs peak performance, measured system power vs peak chip power (TDP), and
measured vs peak performance/Watt for V100 GPU and TPU v3 (see Table 4 and Appendix A).
4.3 Measurements are more interesting than extrapolations
Although extrapolations of carbon emissions are relatively easy, more attention should be paid to actual
experiments that have been conducted rather than to hypothetical case studies. As a problematic example,
16 Since large NLP models can take a month to train, developers cannot afford to do the full training task many times. Like
[So19] for NAS, they likely use a smaller task to explore the space for a limited training time. One indication comes from
the AutoML work in [Li21]. Their exploration computation cost was roughly equal to the final training cost.
let’s hypothesize what the CO
e would be for training Transformer (Big) on the CTS-1 Quartz - Tundra Extreme
Scale supercomputer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, one of the top 500 supercomputers (but one
whose design is not optimized for ML training). Its ~100,000 cores might use ~75 MWh of power and might
generate 32 tCO
e, ~10,000 times larger than for TPU v2s at Google (Table 1)
The measurement advice applies to processors as well DNNs. Tables 1 and 2 show that the theoretical
performance per Watt is higher than the measured performance per Watt on average by factors of 1.6X for
TPUs and by 3.5X for GPUs. Figure 5 shows the information in Table 1 graphically. Using theoretical
performance per Watt, V100 is 1.5X better than TPU v3, but it's the other way around for measured
performance per Watt: TPU v3 is 2.0X better than V100 on average for these large NLP DNNs.
Figure 6 compares the gross CO
e estimates from the ML Emissions [Lac19] and Green Algorithms
[Lan20] calculators to the processors and programs in this paper at the time of this writing (April 2021).
Compared to the results in Tables 1 and 4, they differ by factors of 0.53–1.64 and 0.91–2.42 with geometric
means of 0.92 and 1.48, respectively
. The ML Emissions and Green Algorithms calculators do not
estimate net CO
e, which could be up to 10X lower. The figure once again shows the increase in accuracy
of measurement over indirect calculations. The authors of the Emissions Calculator agree that measurement is
preferred, with some calculator as the best alternative if measurement is difficult to perform [Luc21].
The next discussion topic reminds us that improving the algorithm is often more important than improving
the hardware.
Figure 6. Ratio of ML Emissions and Green Algorithm calculators vs gross CO
e in Tables 1 and 4.
4.4 Standard ML algorithmic techniques can improve energy efficiency
There are many algorithmic techniques that can improve the energy efficiency of machine learning models.
Some techniques can achieve the same accuracy with less overall computation. Others can use a large,
already-trained model as a starting point and yield a lighter-weight, more computationally efficient model with
almost the same accuracy. These techniques all serve to reduce the computational cost and therefore energy
and carbon emissions of models. Some of these techniques include:
●Distillation transfers the knowledge from large models into smaller, more computationally efficient
models [Hin15, San20].
●Pruning , quantization , and efficient coding can improve the energy efficiency of DNNs 3X–7X [Han15].
17 We use US averages for kg CO
e/KWh and datacenter PUE and assume it runs at 40% of the peak floating point
performance of Quartz-Tundra (3.2 PetaFLOPS/sec). For reference, Figure 5 shows V100 running at 20% of peak.
18 We picked the closest geographic option per calculator to the actual location in each case. The Green Algorithms paper
lists Meena CO
e as 164t [Lan20], but the calculator result as of April 2020 was 85t for Virgina using Google Cloud.
●Fine-tuning and transfer learning both reuse already-trained representations, rather than starting
training of each NLP task’s parameters from random initialization, for example [Dod20].
●Sparsely activated mixture-of-expert-style models can provide more than 10X reductions in
computation requirements and energy costs for both training and inference while providing significantly
higher accuracy than dense Transformer or LSTM-based models of equivalent computational cost per
token [Sha17,Lep20,Fed21]. Gshard-600B is one example, evaluated in Section 3.
We commend the development of such techniques. Some publication venues, such as the EACL and NAACL
2021 NLP conferences, have begun specifically soliciting research of this nature by offering “Efficient and
Green” research tracks, alongside workshops such as SustaiNLP and EfficientQA . We encourage other
venues to follow suit, and hope that many researchers will consider this line of work.
The next topic discusses one of our biggest surprises of this investigation, the importance of geography.
4.5 It matters which datacenter is used, even within the same organization
We were amazed by how much it matters where and when a DNN is trained. Moreover, this option is likely
the easiest path for ML practitioners to reduce CO
e. For example, after reading early drafts of this paper,
some colleagues switched to a Google datacenter with a smaller carbon footprint to train a large NLP model.
Reviewers of early drafts suggested that datacenter energy use is a zero-sum game. They thought that any
tasks run in a green datacenter simply shift other work to dirtier datacenters, so there is no net gain. It’s not
true, but that speculation reveals many seemingly plausible but incorrect fallacies:
●Fallacy: Datacenters are fully utilized . Applications are deployed to handle worst case demand
depending on the time of day and day of the week, so for much of the time resources are idle [Arm10].
●Fallacy: Cloud centers can’t grow . Similar to the founding of a new university, cloud companies buy
much more land than they need initially at a site so that they can construct more buildings in the future
without first traversing the lengthy process of acquiring land [Bar18].
●Fallacy: Renewable energy is fixed and can’t grow . There is often an excess of renewable energy at
some times of day (see Appendix B). The amount of solar and wind energy is also a function of the
investment as well as weather conditions. Google’s long term renewable energy procurement normally
invests in the creation of new renewable energy resources. The greater the use and investment in
renewable energy, the more money is available to buy and deploy new solar panels and wind turbines,
thereby increasing the renewable energy supply. Thus, it’s not the case that Google’s use of renewable
energy means other residents must use dirty energy. Appendix B introduces issues around carbon free
energy use and investment.
●Fallacy: Google NLP model training competes with other tasks in the datacenter . Google trains large
models on ML supercomputers that even have their own interconnection network, so ML training is
distinct from CPU-only tasks [Jou20]. Tasks for CPUs don’t interfere with TPUs, and vice versa.
●Fallacy: Training must run in all datacenters . While user facing inference applications need global
distribution in order to provide low-latency access to users all around the world [Jou21], there is no
problem to limit ML training computation to a smaller number of (green) datacenters. For example,
Google is currently deploying numerous TPU v4s, many of which will be located in windy Oklahoma,
whose net CO
e/KWh is even lower than Iowa.
●Fallacy: There is no business reason to reduce carbon emissions . Reducing climate change certainly
has long-term economic benefits for everyone. Google has been carbon neutral since 2007 and has
procured enough additional renewable energy to match 100% of its datacenter energy usage since
2017, so the impact of the remaining carbon from training at Google is zero even today. Other
hyperscalers aim for carbon neutrality by 2025 or 2030, so the whole cloud may become carbon
neutral. With its new 24/7 local carbon-free energy goal by 2030, Google is now focused on purchasing
carbon-free energy to match its hourly load at the same location as its datacenters with the goal to
decarbonize its electricity supply (see Appendix B).
The next question that arose is whether such green datacenters are available to only a few ML practitioners.
4.6 Many have access to energy-optimized datacenters
The increasing use of cloud computing has decreased the energy intensity
of datacenters 20% annually
since 2010 [Has20]. Access to energy-optimized, low-cost cloud datacenters is not restricted to employees of a
few companies; people around the world can rent computers in them using services like Alibaba Cloud,
Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure.
Moreover, Alibaba, Amazon, and
Google offer access to their custom processors for DNNs through their cloud service. The popularity of the
public cloud is indicated by its annual growth in business by up to 50% since 2010 [Sch21]. Many believe the
cloud’s efficiencies in cost and energy mean that it is the ultimate future of all datacenters [Arm10, Sch21].
The next topic reminds us that reducing cost and energy consumption remains important no matter how
green the cloud becomes.
4.7 Reducing the cost of training matters too
Though many have access to these relatively efficient compute resources and cloud companies may
dramatically reduce their carbon footprint in the future, it’s still important to reduce the economic cost of
training. Saving money obviously matters to everyone, but e xpensive training of NLP models also makes this
research style unattainable for many researchers
21 , 22
. This inequity of access to state-of-the-art models is
another strong motivator, alongside environmental concerns, to incentivize the development of energy-efficient
ML models that work as well as their computationally hungrier counterparts.
One issue that was difficult for us during our investigation was to put into perspective the 4 to 552 tCO
from training of these NLP models, which the next subsection explores.
4.8 How does training a large NLP model compare to other activities?
Google Flights estimate for the emissions of a direct round trip of a whole passenger jet between San
Francisco and New York is 180 tCO
e (see Table 2 and Appendix A). T5 training emissions are ~26%, Meena
is 53%, Gshard-600B is ~2%, Switch Transformer is 32%, and GPT-3 is ~305% of such a round trip.
Another comparison point is to Bitcoin . Every purchase that transfers bitcoin currently costs ~700 KWh or
~0.3 tCO
e, equivalent to the CO
e produced by ~750,000 credit card swipes. Bitcoin miners use custom chips
that operate continuously 24/7 until they fail. Estimates of Bitcoin’s impact for 2021 are ~78–121
TeraWatt-hours and ~37M–58M tCO
e [Cri21, Dig21]. Stated alternatively, ~70M people have Bitcoin wallets
yet Google consumes 1/10th of Bitcoin’s energy to provide services for billions of people, and all of Google’s
energy use is offset. If Bitcoin were a country, it would be in the top 30 in CO
e; larger than Argentina, whose
population is 45M. The estimated annual carbon footprint of Bitcoin mining this year is equivalent to roughly
200,000 to 300,000 whole passenger jet SF↔NY round trips.
In 2019 the world saw 39M flights and US airlines flew 925M passengers , which helps explain why air
travel was responsible for 940 MtCO
, or ~2.5% of the world's annual CO
in 2018 of 33B tCO
e [Rit20].
Finally, Google publishes its total energy consumption, and for 2019 it was 12.2 TeraWatt-hours [Goo20].
Row 18 of Table 4 shows the percentage that each NLP model training was of that total. Even if we assume all
four of Google’s large NLP models in Table 4 were trained in 2019, the total represents less than 0.005%. The
training of those four large NLP models is not a significant fraction of Google’s energy consumption.
19 Improvement in energy intensity is expressed as energy use per compute instance. [Has20] goes on to say the cloud’s
increasing share of datacenters is causing a “notable improvement compared with recent annual efficiency gains in other
major demand sectors (e.g., aviation and industry), which are an order of magnitude lower.”
20 There are not many cloud companies. With new technologies, initially only a few firms can practice the technology and
they sell it to others, but these companies compete. There are many examples. Chemical technologies are in the hands of
a relatively small number of companies; only six or seven institutions worldwide can refine crude oil; just a few firms can
manufacture computer chips in the finest technology node (3–5 nm).
21 To support the goal of making ML more inclusive, Google provides free access to a total of ~500 PetaFLOPS/second of
TPU compute power to help ML researchers around the world participate in advancing the start of the art of ML .
22 One possible unintended consequence of making training of a model less expensive is that more people will train the
model and increase energy use, but that seems like a better risk than to continue using inefficient models.
Having spent 13 pages on the cost of large NLP models and neural architecture search, we conclude our
discussion with three examples of the potential benefits of NLP models.
4.9 Are the benefits of NLP models worth the energy cost?
A recent example of a societal benefit of NLP is the COVID-19 Research Explorer , which helps scientists
and researchers efficiently pore through articles for answers or evidence to COVID-19-related questions. It is
powered by BERT , a Transformer-style model trained for the biomedical domain [Hal20].
Its training
consumed ~2.8 MWh and produced 0.13 tCO
e, about one-tenth of a SF-NY round trip by one passenger.
A more widespread example is the use of BERT in search . English is the most popular language on the
web. This use of BERT takes models that learn from improvements in English and applies them to other
languages. In particular, BERT significantly improved featured snippets—short text summary at the top of
Google research results—in languages like Hindi, Korean, and Portuguese.
Figure 7: Reproduction of Figure 6 from [Lep20] with annotations. Translation quality comparison of
multilingual Mixture of Expert (MoE) Transformer models trained with GShard showing the increase in
BLEU score versus a separate baseline Transformer model trained on each language pair for 100
languages to English. MoE models have large model capacity but are only partially activated for any
given token. The source languages are grouped on the x-axis by the resources available for each
language in billions of speakers, with languages like French and Spanish on the left (>1B examples)
and languages like Sindhi and Yoruba on the right (<1M examples). The BLEU score improvements
from larger models and multilingual training are high for all languages but are even higher for
low-resource languages—the graph’s right-hand side is higher than the left—so Yoruba translation
quality benefits more than Spanish translation quality.
A final example is the GShard multilingual translation model itself. Bender & Gebru et al. [Ben21] raise
several legitimate issues in the development and use of large language models. Creating such models
requires careful attention to issues of fairness and bias [Ben21, Gar19, Joh20, Kuc18, Mer19], but they also
have the potential to benefit people everywhere. For example, our large scale translation models (M4) have
23 Despite targeting a narrow audience of scientists, COVID explorer served 1000 queries per day at launch. It drew
interest from Pfizer, Bristol Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca, Regeneron, British Medical Journal, European Food Safety
Authority, and the National Institute of Health. Pfizer’s Director of Global Medical Epidemiology used the tool daily; it led to
Pfizer epidemiology research group to adapt the underlying ML models for systematic reviews and literature search.
24 Training COVID Explorer took 6 days on 64 TPU v3s running in Oklahoma. It used ~2.8 MWh and 0.13 net tCO
already been used to translate billions of queries annually for each mid-to-low resource language
with 2B
speakers globally for these languages. Figure 7, from the GShard paper [Lep20], shows substantial
improvements for translation of 100 different languages to English. The blue line on the top in the left
represents the 600B parameter multi-lingual translation MoE model of GShard. The dashed black line near the
bottom is for a traditional dense DNN that is fully activated for every token. The dense DNN requires ~10X
more computational resources to train than the 600B sparse MoE model, despite substantially lower translation
quality. Figure 7 shows the larger MoE model, the larger the BLEU score gains were across all languages; the
lines rarely cross. The 600B MoE model improves average quality +13.5 BLEU, 7.4 higher than the 2.3B dense
GShard-600B’s emissions (Table 4) are 4.3 tCO
e —3.5 passenger SF-NY round trips—from consuming 24
MWh to train the model that could have 2B users; the amortized per-user CO
e impact of model training would
be less than the CO
e impact of sending one text message
5. Conclusion
Global climate change is a threat to economies, human health, and the environment, and the ML community
needs to do its share to limit its carbon emissions.
We’re thankful that papers like [Lac19, Str19, Sch20,
Hen20] helped make the ML community aware of this important issue. Improving the energy efficiency of
algorithms, datacenters, hardware, and software has long been a business priority for Google and other Cloud
companies. For example, Gshard-600B operates much more efficiently than other large NLP models and ML
accelerators are more efficient than off-the-shelf hardware.
As mentioned in the introduction, we make three suggestions for publications on compute intensive models
that could eventually help reduce their CO
e footprint: report energy consumed and CO
e explicitly, ML
conferences should reward improvements in efficiency as well as traditional metrics, and include the time and
number of processors for training to help everyone understand its cost. We believe power will be included in
upcoming MLPerf benchmarks, which is an important step in the right direction.
If the ML community working on computationally intensive models starts competing on training quality and
carbon footprint rather than on accuracy alone, the most efficient datacenters and hardware might see the
highest ML demand. If paired with publication incentives to improve emission metrics in addition to accuracy,
we can imagine a virtuous cycle that slows the growth of the carbon footprint of ML by accelerating innovations
in the efficiency and cost of algorithms, systems, hardware, datacenters, and carbon free energy.
We wish to express our thanks to colleagues at Google and elsewhere who helped shape and improve this
paper. Emma Strubell made several suggestions of ideas and organization of the paper, including suggesting
adding data about the five large models. We thank Christopher Berner, Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI, and Microsoft
for sharing information about GPT-3. Dmitry Lepikhin and Zongwei Zhou did a great deal of work to measure
the performance and power of GPUs and TPUs in Google datacenters. Hallie Cramer, Anna Escuer, Elke
Michlmayr, Kelli Wright, and Nick Zakrasek helped with the sections on energy and CO
e emissions at Google.
Tim Kraska suggested a revised organization of this paper. We thank Daniel Adiwardana, Gabriel Bender,
Andrei Broder, Charina Chou, Jesse Dodge, Oren Etzioni, Orhan Firat, Ananya Ganesh, Robbie Gonzalez,
David Grangier, Marsden Hanna, Urs Hölzle, Sheng Li, Sasha Luccioni, Preston McAfee, Andrew McCallum,
Esteban Real, Stven Ross, Brennan Saeta, Roy Schwartz, Victor Schmidt, Ian Schneider, Aarush Selvan,
Noah A. Smith, Zak Stone, Kate Weber, and Cliff Young for their help and feedback on the manuscript.
25 In our setup for Figure 7, low resource languages have less than 1M training examples, mid resource languages have
less than 10M training examples, and high resource languages have more than 1B training examples.
26 An SMS message is 0.014 g of CO
. That is larger than 24 MWh / 2B, which yields about 0.005 g of CO
27 We did not address the carbon footprint of ML in phones and other edge devices. It would be an excellent topic for
another paper.
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Appendix A. Details of CO
Estimates for Four Large NLP Models in Tables 1 and 4
We describe below how we derived the values in Tables 1 and 4.
●Datacenter Gross CO
e/KWh (Table 1, row 4; Table 4, row 7): The US Average is from [USE21]. For
Google, we used the CO
e per KWh in the datacenter based at the time that the DNNs ran. ( Here is a
link for annual CFE% for Google Cloud .) For Microsoft, we use the 2020 US national average.
●Datacenter Net CO
e/KWh (Table 1, row 5; Table 4, row 8): No change from above except for Google,
where we used the net CO
e per KWh in the datacenter based on the 24/7 carbon-free energy
methodology to estimate net carbon emissions at the time
that the DNNs ran (see Section 2.4 and
Appendix B).
●PUE (Table 1, row 6; Table 4, row 9) : We use the Google datacenter PUE where the DNNs ran
(published at ). OpenAI told us that the PUE for
the datacenter where GPT-3 ran was 1.10 [Sut21].
●Measured Average Power (Table 1, row 9; Table 4, row 12) : At Google we measured actual power
usage rather than use Thermal Design Power (TDP), as TDP is a worst case for the chip. System
power measurement includes the memory, fans, CPU host, network interface and so on, similar to the
methodology of [Str19]. OpenAI measured V100s as running GPT-3 at 330W. GPUs can run on
average closer to its TDP due to GPU's having Turbo Mode and Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling,
not found in TPU v2/v3.
●Measured Performance (Table 1, row 10; Table 4, row 13): Profiling data was obtained via Google's
internal performance analysis tool, Xprof. Measured FLOPs/s are calculated as the number of
computed operations divided by execution time.
●Number of Chips (Table 1, row 11; Table 4, row 14) : We know the number of processors for the Google
models. NVIDIA’s press release about GPT-3 suggests OpenAI used 10,000 V100 GPUs for GPT-3 .
●Training time (Table 1, row 12; Table 4, row 15) : We have the exact training time for Google DNNs.
OpenAI published the total number of floating point