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Class-Incremental Experience Replay for
Continual Learning under Concept Drift
Łukasz Korycki
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA, USA
Bartosz Krawczyk
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA, USA
Modern machine learning systems need to be able to
cope with constantly arriving and changing data. Two main
areas of research dealing with such scenarios are contin-
ual learning and data stream mining. Continual learning
focuses on accumulating knowledge and avoiding forget-
ting, assuming information once learned should be stored.
Data stream mining focuses on adaptation to concept drift
and discarding outdated information, assuming that only
the most recent data is relevant. While these two areas
are mainly being developed in separation, they offer com-
plementary views on the problem of learning from dynamic
data. There is a need for unifying them, by offering architec-
tures capable of both learning and storing new information,
as well as revisiting and adapting to changes in previously
seen concepts. We propose a novel continual learning ap-
proach that can handle both tasks. Our experience replay
method is fueled by a centroid-driven memory storing di-
verse instances of incrementally arriving classes. This is en-
hanced with a reactive subspace buffer that tracks concept
drift occurrences in previously seen classes and adapts clus-
ters accordingly. The proposed architecture is thus capable
of both remembering valid and forgetting outdated informa-
tion, offering a holistic framework for continual learning
under concept drift.
1. Introduction
Contemporary real-world problems generate challenging
and ever-growing data with dynamic properties. This kick-
started exciting developments of novel machine learning al-
gorithms capable of constant accumulation of new infor-
mation [1], aggregating useful data [21], and handling its
non-stationary properties [16]. Two fields are being devel-
oped in parallel – continual learning [18] and data stream
mining [13]. The former focuses on how to retain useful
knowledge within the model, while allowing its growth and
accumulation of new information. The latter focuses on
adaptation to the current state of data, detecting the phe-
nomenon known as concept drift, and swift adaptation to
any changes taking place [16]. One must notice that those
two approaches offer complementary views on the problem
of continual learning from dynamic data and thus should be
bridged together, leading us to develop robust and adaptive
learning algorithms.
Research hypothesis. Class-incremental continual learn-
ing can be effectively extended to allow at the same time:
(i) avoiding catastrophic forgetting by effectively accumu-
lating knowledge from new classes; and (ii) monitoring
changes in previously learned classes (revisiting) with au-
tomatic adaptation to concept drift.
Motivation. Existing continual learning methods assume
that the once learned knowledge should be remembered and
stored in the model. This assumes that information once
learned stays permanently valid. This is not true, as modern
dynamic data sources may be affected by concept drift, thus
changing the properties of some classes, as depicted by the
example of a binary recommendation system given in Fig. 1.
This calls for developing methods that can bridge the gap
between continual learning (knowledge retaining) and data
stream mining (concept drift adaptation).
Overview. We propose a holistic approach to class-
incremental continual learning, based on experience replay.
The novelty of our work is that our algorithm allows for
both avoiding catastrophic forgetting and automatic update
of previously learned classes if they are affected by concept
drift. We distinguish three vital aspects of the proposed
framework: (i) capability for class-instrumental continual
learning; (ii) capability for retaining useful knowledge to
mitigate catastrophic forgetting; and (iii) capability of adap-
tation to changes by forgetting outdated knowledge and up-
dating the model. Our approach combines centroid-driven
1) New class
Remember 2) New class
3) Drifting class
Figure 1: Three vital aspects of a holistic approach to continual learning: learning new classes, retaining previous knowledge,
and adapting to concept drifts, illustrated by the example of a binary recommendation system (like or dislike).
memory for storing class-based prototypes with a reactive
subspace buffer that can detect and react to concept drift af-
fecting one or more classes. It traces the dominant class in
each of the clusters, allowing for switching labels among
clusters and splitting them whenever local changes are be-
ing detected. We simultaneously ensure the diversity of in-
formation stored within class buffers with their reactivity to
concept drifts.
Main contributions. Our work offers the following ad-
vancements to the field of continual learning.
•Combination of aggregation and adaptation. We
propose a unifying view on continual learning that
combines avoiding catastrophic forgetting during
class-incremental learning with adaptation to changes
affecting previously learned classes.
•Reactive subspace buffer. We develop a novel experi-
ence replay approach that combines clustering-driven
buffers for managing data diversity with cluster track-
ing, switching, and splitting for forgetting outdated
information and automatic adaption to concept drift
without a need for explicit change point detection.
•Realistic continual learning scenario under concept
drift. We discuss a realistic and illustrative learning
scenario – continual preference learning and recom-
mendation. As both users may acquire new prefer-
ences and their old preferences may change over time,
this problem touches both avoiding catastrophic for-
getting in incremental learning and the need for han-
dling concept drift.
2. Related works
Continual learning – robustness to forgetting. The field
of continual learning focuses on incremental incorporation
of new information into the model, while preserving the
knowledge learned on previous classes or tasks [18]. This
leads to two challenges: how to grow model to make space
for new knowledge and how to avoid catastrophic forget-
ting. Model growing is mainly discussed from the perspec-
tive of deep neural networks, where recent works suggest to
either elastically add new neurons to the network [15], have
a pretrained bigger structure that is incrementally populated
[24], or use hypernetworks to control the accumulation of
new data [26].
At the same time, while the model is accumulating new
classes/tasks it may become biased towards this recent dis-
tribution [27]. Continual learning models must be robust to
catastrophic forgetting, to maintain high accuracy in previ-
ous classes. Most common solutions to this problem use in-
stance buffers from previous classes for experience replay
[7], specialized parts of neural networks for solving each
task while freezing the rest with masking [17], or use regu-
larization and parametrization methods to debias the learn-
ing procedure [4,11].
Data stream mining – robustness to changes. The field
of data stream mining focuses on continuous adaptation to
the newest incoming data, with the assumption that they are
the most representative [13]. This is dictated by the non-
stationary data characteristics and presence of concept drift
that may affect class boundaries, distributions, and features
[12,16]. Concept drift can be handled in either an explicit
or implicit manner. The former approach uses drift detec-
tors – external monitoring tools that evaluate selected prop-
erties of incoming instances and/or learning models to sig-
nal the moment of a drift [5]. Once the drift is detected, the
learning model is replaced with a new one trained on most
recent data, thus facilitating forgetting of outdated concepts.
The letter approach uses adaptive learning techniques, as-
suming that the underlying model will smoothly follow the
changes in a data stream. Here sliding windows [8] and on-
line classifiers [3] are the most popular solutions, allowing
for learning from incoming instances, while simultaneously
forgetting the old information.
3. Unifying continual learning with concept
drift adaptation
Need for unifying approach to continual learning. Both
discussed approaches to learning from dynamic data focus
on different aspects and are being developed in relative sep-
aration. One should notice that both raise vital issues that
are present in many dynamic real-world problems [28,30].
This allows us to postulate the need for a unifying approach
that will bridge those two domains and offer a holistic view
on the continual learning paradigm [2]. The questions that
all continual learning models should answer are (i) how to
accumulate new information and expand the capabilities of
a learning model; (ii) how to remember important and use-
ful information over time; and (iii) how to detect and forget
outdated concepts. This proposed unified approach will al-
low continual learning models to offer leveraged robustness
to both catastrophic forgetting and concept drift, making
them a step closer to solving emerging real-world problems.
Realistic scenario for continual learning under concept
drift. Most works on concept drift use artificial data gener-
ators [21] or forcefully inject drift into every class without
considering the reason behind it (e.g., apples changing into
cars). Those examples are not very convincing and thus
there is a need for finding a way of creating concept drift
problems that are rooted in reality. We propose to focus
on user’s preferences, as they are an excellent example of
continual and streaming data, as depicted in Fig. 1.
Users are constantly processing new information given
to us from social media, the internet, or news outlets, learn-
ing about new things we have not seen before. Those new
things may become interesting to a user or not – but they
still need to be processed in a continuous manner, calling
for class-incremental mechanisms. A new topic does not
become the major or only interest for the user; thus it can-
not overshadow the previously seen ones. Therefore, catas-
trophic forgetting must be avoided to retain not only the
most current, but all topics relevant to a given user. At the
same time, our preferences and tastes are not static. We
change our interests within the span of years, months, or
even days. A concept that was interesting to the user at a
given point cannot be assumed as interesting indefinitely.
A continual learning system must thus be able of revisiting
previously learned knowledge and updating it according to
any shifts in preferences. This calls for concept drift adapta-
tion approaches, as previously seen topics may evolve over
time and the interest of users in them may either increase or
decrease over time. Creating a true continual learning sys-
tem over user preferences is a real-world and practical illus-
tration explaining the need for a holistic approach capable
of remembering new concepts and selective forgetting with
adaptation to changes in the old ones.
4. Class-incremental experience replay under
concept drift
The prevalent majority of the class-incremental methods
based on experience replay focus on storing the most rep-
resentative instances or prototypes for stationary data [19].
They rely on the assumption that classes of the observed and
selected instances cannot change, therefore there is no need
to control them. As a result, the instances picked for a given
class will remain in its buffer for a very long time and the
only criterion which may trigger their removal or replace-
ment will be representativeness or diversity of the memory
[6]. However, in many real-world applications the men-
tioned assumption does not hold true. In the presented ex-
ample of a binary recommendation system, the preferences
may change, invalidating some of the experiences stored in
the buffer. In such a case, we have to address the concept
drift problem and update our memory adequately.
In the following sections, we introduce two commonly
used basic algorithms – class buffers and centroid-driven
memory – in the context of the given problem. We also
propose an adaptive experience replay approach capable of
adapting to concept changes.
4.1. Class buffers
Standard experience replay methods tackle the catas-
trophic forgetting problem by storing a separate buffer per
class. They assume that a label of an incoming instance is
known, so they can perfectly balance the storage and rea-
sonably diversify their available memory. Due to practical
concerns, the class buffers have limited capacity, therefore,
there is the necessity of selecting which (or if) previously
captured instances should be replaced with the currently in-
coming ones.
The most simplistic approaches use basic algorithms like
FIFO (queue) effectively acting as sliding windows [22].
The problem with such methods is that they may very
quickly erase the memory of earlier examples, that may be
representative for a given problem, leading to catastrophic
forgetting [20]. Assuming that incoming instances may be
somehow correlated in time, one possible modification mit-
igating the issue is to enforce a wider spread of the stored
instances across time. To achieve that, we can sample in-
stances stored in the buffer, using a simple formula:
r∼ U (0,1) < τ, (1)
where ris a random variable sampled from the uniform dis-
tribution and τis a threshold specified by a user. By in-
creasing the threshold we can enforce quicker replacements,
while, on the other hand, by decreasing it we can make the
buffer more conservative. Too low τwill lead to impaired
learning from new data, while too high τwill inevitably
lead to catastrophic forgetting. Although balanced thresh-
olds should be preferable for classic stationary scenarios,
such approaches will fail when concept drift occurs, im-
posing unnecessary avoidance of forgetting and impeding
adaptation to changes.
4.2. Centroid-driven memory
Usually, the simple class buffer methods are too simplis-
tic, since they do not utilize any significant characteristics
of the incoming data. This is especially important, when
we have to deal with complex or high-level abstract classes
(e.g. in recommendation), since it is very likely there are
several different subspaces that should be covered by the
maintained buffers. This is where the clustering methods
can be found very useful [25]. They are usually utilized to
diversify the replay buffer by grouping instances into differ-
ing groups, which should result in a better coverage of the
decision space [14]. The centroids can be used as instances
themselves (prototypes) [9,23], or solely as representations
of buffers to forward new examples to their similar memory
cells [29]. In this work, we focus on the latter approach.
Although the centroid-driven approaches are one step
further than the simple class buffers, they are still suscepti-
ble to concept drifts. The reason for that is the fact that they
very often do not check whether previously created clusters
are still valid for a given class. If a given subconcept clus-
ter changes its label (e.g., from liking to disliking), the new
incoming instances will start (slowly) updating class cen-
troids for another class. However, they will not affect the
old cluster for the previous class, since the new instances
will not be identified as those belonging to it, leaving it ob-
solete and impeding the learning process when one samples
from it. This will, once again, lead to the opposite of catas-
trophic forgetting, resulting in much slower or non-existent
adaptation to the current concepts.
4.3. Reactive subspace buffer
To address the presented problem, we propose a modi-
fication of the clustering-driven replay buffers, called Re-
active Subspace Buffer (RSB), capable not only of effi-
cient knowledge aggregation, but also of adequate forget-
ting when it is needed. The outline of the algorithm is given
in Algorithm 1. More details can be found in our public
In the given algorithm, for each new instance xwith a
label y, we first ensure that there are at least cmin centroids
for the class. Then, we find the nearest cluster Cxfor the
given instance x. If the given cluster belongs to the class y
of the instance, we simply update it, its buffer Bxof max-
imum size bmax and sliding window Wxof maximum size
ωmax, where the last component is responsible for tracking
the most current concepts for the given centroid. Otherwise,
there is a risk that a concept drift appeared and instances of
a different class have started appearing around the centroid.
Therefore, if the instance xis sufficiently close (we use sim-
Algorithm 1: Reactive Subspace Buffer (RSB).
Data: min centroids cmax, max centroids cmax , buffer size
bmax, window size ωmax
Result: replay buffers Bat every iteration
receive incoming instance xand its label y;
if cy< cmin then
add new centroid Cnew, buffer Bnew and window
Wnew for y;
find the closest centroid Cxfor x;
if yCx== ythen
update centroid Cx, buffer Bxand its window Wx
with (x, y);
else if xis within Cxthen
update window Wxwith (x, y);
if should switch Cxthen
move Cxto centroids of yand update it using Wx;
find the closest centroid Cy,x for (x, y);
if xis within Cy,x or cy≥cmax then
update centroid Cy,x, buffer By,x and its window
Wy,x with (x, y);
add new centroid Cnew, buffer Bnew and window
Wnew for y;
check for splits and removals
until stream ends;
ple standard deviation rules), we update the sliding window
of the centroid Cx, but not the cluster itself. Now, if we
detect that there is a significant number of instances with
labels different from the current label of the centroid, we
switch it to the new majority class. By doing so, we allow
the buffer to quickly react to a potential drift. Otherwise, we
find the closest centroid Cy,x belonging to the same class y
as xand we either update it, if xis sufficiently close to the
cluster and the maximum number of clusters cmax has not
been reached, or create a new centroid for the given class y.
Finally, for each centroid C, after every ns-th update
of its sliding window W, we check whether it did not
switch labels but is impure enough to be split into two
separate classes. We apply a simple formula checking if
c1/c2−1.0< τs, where c1and c2are the first and second
most numerous classes in the cluster and τsis a threshold
determined by a user. During this step we also get rid of mi-
nuscule clusters for which less than τr=αrωmax instances
were registered, where αris set by a user.
The whole algorithm is then used as a part of the expe-
rience replay method, in which we attempt to sample one
instance for each centroid Cfrom its buffer B, based on the
purity criterion:
γC= tanh(βc1−c2
)> r ∼ U (0,1),(2)
where c1and c2are, once again, the most numerous classes
in the cluster, and β= 4. By doing so, we provide an
additional mechanism preventing us from enhancing out-
dated or at least uncertain concepts. Finally, since by using
probabilistic sampling we make the total number of sam-
pled instances non-deterministic, we apply oversampling to
balance the selected batch.
To summarize – by enabling: (i) tracking the current
dominant classes in a given cluster, (ii) switching labels be-
tween clusters, (iii) splitting them, and (iv) sampling from
the replay buffer based on clusters purity, we make the
centroid-driven algorithm sensitive to concept changes. At
the same time, by maintaining stable replay buffers for sub-
spaces that do not change, we can still avoid catastrophic
forgetting. As a result, we are able to obtain a method capa-
ble of both remembering what is valid and forgetting what
is outdated. In addition, since our method is based on lo-
cal buffers, it should be able to efficiently diversify more
complex concepts without explicit knowledge of its subcon-
5. Experimental study
In the experimental study, we attempt to prove that our
algorithm is capable of class-incremental learning from sta-
tionary and non-stationary data. We aim to show that it
can both (i) avoid catastrophic forgetting by maintaining di-
versified subspace-oriented replay buffers, and (ii) adapt to
concept drifts by forgetting outdated information. All of the
presented experiments can be conducted using scripts pro-
vided in the mentioned repository.
5.1. Data
To evaluate the proposed algorithm we decided to sim-
ulate a binary recommendation system by assigning super-
classes (0/1) to the classes from original data sets. By doing
so we could simulate the situation in which a user likes or
dislikes certain types of available images (subconcepts). We
constructed two types of class-incremental data sets: sta-
tionary and drifting.
Batch 1: Cats -> 1 Batch 2: Cars -> 0 Batch 3: Dogs -> 1 Batch 4: Airplanes -> 0
Batch 5: Cats -> 0 (drift) Batch 6: Cars -> 1 (drift) Batch 7: Frogs -> 0 Batch 8: Ships-> 1
Figure 2: The general idea of the design for the drifting
benchmark sequences.
For the former, we simply used five image benchmarks:
which is a subset of the 64x64 ImageNet set. During the
evaluation we were feeding our models class after class, in-
terleaving 0/1 assignments (for example, the first class from
CIFAR10 was 1, the second one was 0, and so on). For
the latter scenario, we were changing the 0/1 labels for two
consecutive classes after three or four stationary ones. As
a result, we obtained 30 batches of classes for each data
set, representing both stationary and concept drifting peri-
ods (for more details please refer to the repository). An
example of our approach is depicted in Fig. 2.
5.2. Algorithms
We evaluated our algorithm as a part of the experience
replay framework. The module consisted of a classifier (a
neural net) and the replay buffer, which was used to sam-
ple additional instances for a given input batch. In order
to compare our method (RSB) with other mentioned ap-
proaches, we run experiments using four additional clas-
sifiers: (i) offline neural network retraining after each
batch (OFFLINE), (ii) a naively fine-tuning neural network
(NN), which learned from the batches without any addi-
tional mechanisms for handling catastrophic forgetting, (iii)
a simple class buffer (CB), which stored separate buffers for
both recommendation classes, and a centroid-based method
that utilized an on-line k-means algorithm to create repre-
sentations of the original classes treated as subconcepts (or
subspaces) of the recommendation space (SB).
While configuring our method, we used the following
values of its parameters: cmin = 0.5cmax, where cmax =
10 for all of the data sets except for FASHION for which
we set cmax = 20 based on preliminary experiments. Each
buffer of the method could store at most bmax = 100
instances and equal was the size of each sliding window
ωmax = 100. We also empirically set ns= 1000 and
τs= 0.5for splitting, and αr= 0.4for removals. These
settings worked very well with all of the considered data
sets. We used the same values of cmax and bmax for the
SB algorithm. When it comes to the CB method, we set
bmax = 2000 per class to provide similar memory resources
compared with RSB and SB. Furthermore, we distinguished
CB with τ= 0.0(CB0) and τ= 1.0(CB1) to check their
performance in stationary and non-stationary scenarios.
All of the mentioned algorithms used pretrained convo-
lutional feature extractors, from which we used representa-
tions returned by a middle layer of the classifier (we needed
a high-level representation due to the nature of our task).
For MNIST and FASHION we used a simple CNN with two
convolutional layers consisting of 32 (5x5) and 64 (3x3) fil-
ters, interleaved with ReLU, batch normalization and max
poolig (2x2). For SVHN, CIFAR10 and IMAGENET10 we
utilized ResNet18. As a trainable classifier we chose a 3-
layer fully connected net with 512, 256, 128 neurons in the
hidden layers interleaved with ReLU, batch normalization
and dropout (p= 0.5). During training we used the Adam
optimizer. After each batch, the classifier learned for either
5 epochs (IMAGENET10) or 10 (the rest). Additionally,
we initialized each algorithm with 10% of the first and the
second class.
5.3. Evaluation
We evaluated the presented methods in a class-
incremental setting, where each original class is treated as a
subconcept of the binary recommendation space and comes
as a whole in a form of a batch (Fig. 2). In our scenario,
we assume that old subconcepts may become outdated and
batches may change their labels. We measured the accu-
racy of a given algorithm after each batch (a new or up-
dated class), utilizing holdout testing sets, and then, based
on [10], used it to calculate the normalized average accu-
racy over the whole sequence:
Ωall =1
where αtis the model performance after tclasses and
αoffline,t is the optimal performance obtained by the offline
To make our scenario more challenging, we assumed that
we did not know the classes of the original set, only the rec-
ommendation labels. This allowed us to create a complex
decision space without explicit knowledge of its subspaces
and with a lot of potential for local concept drifts.
5.4. Results
Performance on stationary continual learning. Firstly,
we evaluated the performance of RSB against the reference
approaches in class-incremental continual learning with sta-
tionary properties. That means there was no concept drift
present in the data and the main challenge lay in aggregat-
ing learned knowledge and avoiding catastrophic forgetting.
We used this scenario first as an ablation study, to show that
RSB is capable of learning newly arriving classes, without
forgetting the previously seen ones. Tab. 1shows the nor-
malized average accuracy results over the five used bench-
marks, while Fig. 3depicts the changes in accuracy over
time, calculated after each class (subconcept) batch. We
omit the MNIST plot as it has identical characteristics as
the FASHION plot.
In the presented results, we can see that all of the consid-
ered experience replay approaches were able to obtain sat-
isfactory performance on the stationary sequences, slightly
below the offline upper bound. They significantly improved
upon the naive fine-tuning (NN), which severely suffered
from catastrophic forgetting. The simple class buffers per-
formed similarly on average. Holding instances of the ear-
liest classes (CB0) turned out to be a bit better approach
on simpler benchmarks, while giving a higher priority to
the newer instances (CB1) resulted in higher accuracy on
CIFAR10 and IMAGENET10. The more sophisticated
centroid-driven experience replay (SB, RSB) provided even
higher quality on all sequences by maintaining more diver-
sified memory buffers per recommendation class. Finally,
the results indicate that our method is often capable of im-
proving upon the simpler centroid-based method (SB), most
likely by correcting partially inaccurate clusters.
Table 1: The normalized average accuracy (absolute values
for the offline baseline) for stationary sequences.
OFFLINE 1.0 0.9865 1.0 1.0 1.0
NN 0.5529 0.5603 0.5529 0.5596 0.4886
ER-CB0 0.9537 0.9554 0.9414 0.9106 0.8828
ER-CB1 0.8754 0.8990 0.9235 0.9298 0.9349
ER-SB 0.9897 0.9739 0.9750 0.9675 0.9513
ER-RSB 0.9967 0.9926 0.9816 0.9740 0.9405
Table 2: The normalized average accuracy (absolute values
for the offline baseline) for drifting sequences.
OFFLINE 1.0 0.9744 1.0 1.0 1.0
NN 0.5894 0.6043 0.5872 0.5884 0.4546
ER-CB0 0.5977 0.6473 0.5494 0.5635 0.6084
ER-CB1 0.7422 0.7931 0.7743 0.7918 0.8540
ER-SB 0.7268 0.7341 0.7267 0.7004 0.6696
ER-RSB 0.9938 0.9745 0.9722 0.9545 0.9187
In Fig. 3we can clearly see that RSB displayed sta-
ble incremental learning capabilities and was not affected
by catastrophic forgetting. This is especially visible on
FASHION, SVHN and CIFAR10 data sets, where with the
increasing number of classes reference methods displayed
drops of performance, while RSB achieved stable results
for all arriving classes. For SVHN, we can see that CB0
returned to similar performance as RSB after the 8-th class
– but the intermediate learning process between classes no.
4 and 8 was significantly impaired. SB was much more
resilient to forgetting, yet it performed slightly worse than
RSB on 3 out of 4 sequences and on average. This allows
us to conclude that RSB is robust to both catastrophic for-
getting and false concept drift detection on stationary data.
Performance on continual learning under concept drift.
After establishing that RSB displays robustness to catas-
trophic forgetting, we needed to evaluate its capability of
simultaneous incremental learning and adaptation to drift.
We used the same five benchmarks that now were injected
with concept drift as discussed in Sec. 5.1. This way we
should be able to see if RSB is able to detect changes on pre-
viously learned classes and correctly modify the underlying
classifier to update its stored knowledge. Tab. 2shows the
normalized average accuracy results over five used bench-
marks, while Fig. 4depicts the changes in accuracy over
time. Again, we omit MNIST plot as it has identical char-
acteristics as the FASHION plot.
Figure 3: Average accuracy over all classes for stationary class-incremental sequences.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Figure 4: Average accuracy over all classes for drifting class-incremental sequences. Drifts occur in batches 4, 5, 9, 10, 14,
15, 19, 20, 24 and 25.
For continual learning under concept drift we can see
significant differences among the examined algorithms.
Neither CB0, CB1 or SB were capable of keeping up with
the presence of concept drift in the data. The main rea-
son for that was the fact that CB0 and SB kept outdated
instances in their buffers, impeding the adaptation process
by forcing the model to retain obsolete concepts. On the
other hand, CB1 adapted to newer concepts much better
than CB0, but it was not able to store instances for older
classes, which inevitably led to catastrophic forgetting. For
all five data sets the proposed RSB displayed the most sta-
ble performance, which is especially striking in the case of
FASHION, SVHN and CIFAR10 sequences. By analyzing
the plots we can see how the reference methods were sig-
nificantly impacted by the first occurrence of concept drift,
often dropping to similar or lower performance levels as the
random approach. Sometimes they were slowly recovering
their performance over time, but this was happening at an
unacceptable rate.
To gain further insights into the performance of the expe-
rience replay under concept drift let us look at Fig. 5that de-
picts the accuracy over selected drifting classes. We can see
that both CB1 and SB were highly sensitive to any drift in
data. Even if sometimes they could spontaneously recover
their performance (which usually was rather a coincidence),
the next occurrence of concept drift could easily bring their
performance back to the level of random decision (or even
below). In the case of the MNIST class 0 we can see that the
SB method could not recover at any point of time after the
first drift. The extremely low accuracy was caused by ob-
solete centroids, which did not update their label and kept
generating invalid instances for the recommendation class.
These results clearly indicate that standard experience re-
play approaches cannot handle concept drifts, and that some
of the occurring errors may even never be corrected. On the
contrary, the proposed RSB is characterized by excellent ro-
bustness to concept drift, stable performance, and on-the-fly
adaptation to changes in previously learned classes without
any delay or loss in predictive power.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Figure 5: Accuracy for the selected classes under concept
drift. C0 drifts in batches 4 and 5, and C2 drifts in 9 and 10.
Finally, we should be aware that concept drift may af-
fect not only the performance of models on previously seen
classes, but also their incremental learning capabilities. As
the underlying neural network model tries to handle the
catastrophic forgetting by using instances from the buffer
for experience replay, it utilizes instances coming from out-
dated concepts that may be contradicting the most current
ones. Therefore, this may impact its ability to incorpo-
rate and retain new knowledge, resulting in a significant
decrease in the model’s predictive power. This allows us
to conclude that continual learning under concept drift re-
quires a strong interplay between avoiding catastrophic for-
getting and adaptation to concept drift, as weaker perfor-
mance on one will negatively affect the other. The proposed
RSB offers an excellent balance between these two tasks,
leading to a well-rounded and stable continual learning so-
6. Conclusions and future works
Conclusions. In this paper, we have discussed a unified ap-
proach to continual learning that bridges the gap between
avoiding catastrophic forgetting and data stream mining un-
der concept drift. By pointing to the fact that these fields
are two faces of the same coin, we showed that there is
a need for developing holistic systems that are capable of
incremental incorporation of new information, while offer-
ing adaptation capabilities by selective forgetting. This was
illustrated by a practical example of continual learning of
user’s preferences that expand and evolve over time.
To address this challenging scenario, we have proposed
an experience replay approach based on a reactive subspace
buffer. It combines clustering-driven memory, storing di-
verse instances per class, with adaptation components that
allow for dynamic monitoring, relabeling, and splitting of
existing clusters. As a result, our method provides both
the capability of accommodating new classes without catas-
trophic forgetting and the ability to react to concept drift
affecting the previously learned classes. In our experimen-
tal study, we exhibited the effectiveness of our algorithm
and proved that it is an effective and complete approach to
continual learning that is not limited by either inability to
accommodate new information, or by inability to adapt to
Future works. We have shown that while existing standard
experience replay approaches are able to handle the prob-
lem of avoiding catastrophic forgetting, they do not possess
mechanisms allowing for adaptation on previously learned
classes affected by concept drift. We suppose that simi-
lar issues can be identified in other continual learning al-
gorithms. Therefore, our future works will focus on im-
proving different approaches. This may involve, for exam-
ple, introducing adaptive masking, reactive regularization
and dynamic neural network structures capable of reacting
to drifts. These will be important steps towards creating a
holistic view of continual learning systems that can handle
diverse challenges present in various real-life problems.
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