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Automated Smart Utilization of Background Lights and Daylight for Green Building Efficient and Economic Indoor Lighting Intensity Control


Abstract and Figures

The ways which are used today in order to light houses, offices, and most of the indoor areas are inefficient as a lot of energy is consumed unnecessarily during the day time. Mainly this problem because the interior lighting design consider the worst case when the light service is at night, which is not always valid. Also in most cases the lighting system design relies on people to control the lights switching on and off. This problem is also one of the design concerns in Green Building. In this paper, a solution to this problem and a method for people’s comfort who use the indoor facilities in industrial buildings is presented. In the proposed smart lighting system, lights switch on automatically when there is somebody in the room or in the occupied space and switch off when there is no occupancy. In addition to this known technique, adjustment of the brightness level of the lights will be possible via the personal computer or any other smart device. In this method, for the illumination level in the area, where is needed to be controlled for better energy saving, the light automatically is measured by the sensor and considering the amount of background lights coming from outside, automatically the brightness of lights is controlled to reach the preset level that determined for that room. By the means of this method, it is possible to provide better user comfort, avoid human forcedness to switch the light on and off, and hence effective energy saving. Arduino controller is used to build the controller and to demonstrate the results. Economic analysis was done to calculate the percentage of the energy saving that can be obtained by implementing the proposed smart lighting controller. As an outcome of the economic analysis, energy saving norm for an office with a standard size was calculated.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Intelligent Control and Automation, 2021, 12, 1-15
ISSN Online: 2153-0661
ISSN Print: 2153-0653
DOI: 10.4236/ica.2021.121001 Feb. 10, 2021 1
Intelligent Control and Automation
Automated Smart Utilization of Background
Lights and Daylight for Green Building Efficient
and Economic Indoor Lighting Intensity Control
Muhammad M. A. S. Mahmoud
Process Automation Engineering Department, Baku Higher Oil School, Baku, Azerbaijan
The ways which are used today in order to light houses, offices, and most of
indoor areas are inefficient as a lot of energy is consumed unnecessarily
during the day time. Mainly this problem because
the interior lighting design
consider the worst case when the light service is at night, which is not always
valid. Also in most cases the lighting system design relies
on people to control
the lights switching on and off. This problem is also one of the design con-
cerns in Green Building. In this paper, a solution to this problem and a me-
thod for people’s comfort who use the indoor facilities in industrial buildings
is presented. In the proposed smart lighting system, lights switch on auto-
matically when there is somebody in the room or in the occupied space and
switch off when there is no occupancy. In addition to this known technique,
adjustment of the brightness level of the lights will be possible via the person-
al computer or any other smart device. In t
his method, for the illumination
level in the area, where is needed to be controlled for better energy saving, the
light automatically is measured by the
sensor and considering the amount of
background lights coming from outside, automatically the brightne
ss of lights
is controlled to reach the preset level that determined for that room. By the
means of this method, it is possible to provide better user comfort, avoid hu-
man forcedness to switch the light on and off, and hence effective energy
saving. Arduino controller is used to
build the controller and to demonstrate
the results. Economic analysis was done to calculate the percentage of the
energy saving that can be obtained by implementing the proposed smart
lighting controller. As an outcome of the econo
mic analysis, energy saving
norm for an office with a standard size was calculated.
Energy Saving, Lighting Control, Smart Lighting, Green Buildings,
Building Automation
How to cite this paper:
M.M.A.S. (2021) Automated Smart Utiliza-
tion of Background Lights and Daylight for
Green Building Efficient and Economic
Indoor Lighting Intensity Control.
gent Control and Automation
, 1-15. 0.4236/ica.2021.121001
January 5, 2021
February 7, 2021
February 10, 2021
Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and
Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work i s licensed under the Crea tive
Commons Attribution International
License (CC BY 4.0).
Open Access
M. M. A. S. Mahmoud
DOI: 10.4236/ica.2021.121001 2
Intelligent Control and Automation
1. Introduction
The electrical energy consumed by lighting can be very considerable in places
where is huge buildings and multi-occupants, especially in large administrative
building. In Today’s world, a lot of companies provide methods in order to mi-
nimize energy consumption, because energy consumption becomes a significant
problem in the developing world. Many pieces of research show that lighting
system accounts for approximately 30% of energy consumption [1] [2]. Espe-
cially, departmental stores and big offices located in city territories consume a
lot of energy consumption. In offices, lighting systems consume approximately
twice more than printers and computers [3]. One of the main causes of this
problem is that people leave lights “on” in empty rooms. In almost 23% of the
daytime this event occurs [4]. Another problem that causes to waste of energy is
called over-illumination. Over-illumination occurs when lights are brighter than
needed to illuminate a room. In addition to this, researches demonstrate that ex-
cessive lighting can have negative health effects [4]. This problem, however, still
occurs in many buildings everywhere, particularly in offices. And this fact shows
that over-illumination occurs during daytime because of external daylight com-
ing into the room. Researches indicate that lights are put off for just one percent
during the daytime while the rooms are unoccupied at many intervals [5]. And,
in order to overcome these problems, the implementation of an intelligent
lighting system can be a great solution.
The direct advantage of an automated lighting system is to reduce energy
consumption and maintenance costs. Energy consumption is reduced, because
an intelligent lighting system in addition to considering the occupancy status of
the room, the external daylight coming into the room is considered as well,
hence reduce the amount of power consumed. And, maintenance cost is mini-
mized, since lifetime of the light bulbs is better utilized and this factor extends
the span time of light bulbs series. In addition to this, indirect advantages of
proposed solution are that it allows the country to export more oil and gas since
the consumption of fuel that is needed to generate electricity will be reduced due
to the energy savings caused by intelligent lighting system. Also, a reduction in
pollution can be considered as another positive advantage for using the smart
control for the indoor lighting system, because when less energy is consumed,
the amount of carbon dioxide emission released by power generation plants is
reduced [6].
It is important to highlight that during the engineering phases of indoor
lighting system, because of uncertainty of the amount of daylight and any other
background light which penetrates the room, engineers ignore this factor in the
design which consequently introduces several drawbacks in the operation and
maintenance cost of lighting system. Typical level of illuminance for indoor
lighting is given in Table 1 [1].
It is clear from the minimum level of illuminance indicated in Table 1, for
each application that the design engineer has to consider the given value as
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Intelligent Control and Automation
Table 1. Design average level of illuminance for various places.
Facility type
Area or task type
Emin (lux)
general Entrance halls or corridors 100
offices Typing, Writing, Readi ng 500
offices Technical drawing/Working on computer 500 - 750
offices Conference rooms/Archives 200 - 500
restaurant Kitchen/Dining ro om 300 - 500
schools Classrooms/Library and Laboratories 300 - 500
hospital Waiting rooms/Operating theater 200 - 1000
This make the designer not only ignore any background lighting contribution,
but also it considers “Minimum” illumination level that allows the designer to go
to higher values to satisfy other design criteria such as symmetrical distribution
of lighting inside the room. Also, this “Minimum” value of the illuminance level
considered the worst calculation safety-factors that may not be applicable in all
cases. Therefore, in general, most of the time in day extra unnecessarily lux level
can be obtained inside the room, and hence additional money for operation and
maintenance need to be spent.
For better control of the indoor lighting and reduce the operation and main-
tenance cost of the lighting system, there are many methods to implement intel-
ligent lighting system in order to provide more efficient lighting [7]. First me-
thod is to use occupancy sensor in offices, homes etc. In this method, sensor is
used to detect occupancy in order to control lights. If there is somebody in the
room, lights switch on, otherwise lights switch off automatically. This is a good
straight forward and easy method reduce energy consumption but it is not the
optimum solution as the method still ignoring the contribution of background
lighting entering the room, therefore it cannot be considered as high efficient
way to control the indoor lighting intensity for the huge administration build-
ings that mostly work during the day time.
Second method is to utilize daylight to adjust brightness to a preset level.
Energy savings are controlled by using dimming technique in which percentage
of illumination of light bulbs change according to daylight coming into the
room. Researches show that dimming technique reduces energy consumption up
to 30% compared to non-dimmable light bulbs [8]. Daylight utilization can be
accomplished by using light sensors which is used in order to detect level of il-
luminance inside the room and adjust brightness of the light bulbs on the basis
of amount of daylight measured in the room and desired set-point. The energy
saving can increase depending on the performance of light sensors used. It is
reported by Electric Power Research Institute that daylight utilization can in-
crease energy savings up to approximately 40% [9]. In addition, researches indi-
cate that energy savings can enhance up to 76% by taking into account daylight
and occupancy status [10].
In this paper, both above mentioned approaches are considered to develop
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Intelligent Control and Automation
intelligent lighting system in order to minimize power consumption and provide
sustainable lighting system. Economic analysis is required to be carried out to
evaluate this new approach. This integrated approach enables us to adjust
brightness of lamps to a preset level, considering daylight coming into the room
and also prevent unnecessary lighting in unoccupied places. In the economic
analysis, LED lighting type is selected as its power consumption is the lowest
among other types of light bulbs, and hence it is expected minimum energy cost
saving to be achieved. In case, other type of bulb is used, such as fluorescent or
incandescent bulb, the energy saving due to using this intelligent lighting system
shall be much higher.
In Section 2, two main types of smart lighting controller schemes are dis-
cussed. In Section 3, detailed system-description is illustrated showing block di-
agram and specifications of the components that are used for the proposed
smart lighting system. Section 4 shows the response of the smart lighting con-
troller to three different cases. In Section 5, comprehensive energy saving economic
analysis is given for an office with standard size for an administration building.
2. Typical Lighting Control Scheme
Energy consumption can be reduced significantly when light bulb’s output is
controlled automatically. Two methods are commonly used for lighting control.
First method uses individual lighting control system in which each light bulb’s
output is adjusted independently according to light output level of its neighbor
bulbs, the second method is networked lighting control system, which is more
effective than the first method because all bulbs communicate intelligently with
each other in order to achieve the required level for the room light intensity.
Figure 1. CLC system. Figure 2. DLC system.
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Intelligent Control and Automation
Networked lighting control system can be classified as DLCS (distributed
lighting control system) for first method (Figure 1), or CLCS (centralized light-
ing control system) for second method (Figure 2). In DLC systems, each light
bulb’s sensing data is received by the controller, and they can communicate with
neighbors in order to adjust their output level according to each other’s state.
However, in central unit CLCS which receives the status of each node based on
information obtained from the sensors, and then performs control actions via ac-
tuators. In this system, central unit determines the output level of each light bulb
on the basis of data obtained from sensors. In CLCS, many tasks are performed by
central unit, such as, acquiring sensors’ data from each node, estimating the op-
timal state where each light bulb will meet light requirements of the room.
3. System Description for the Proposed Smart Lighting System
PIR (Passive infrared) sensor is used to sense occupancy in places. PIR sensor
detects occupancy at places and send commands to the controller to switch on or
off lights. Light intensity sensor(s) is used to give the controller the required da-
ta. The control unit sends signal to light dimmer(s) to control the LED light imita-
tion to achieve the preset Lux level required for the room considering daylight.
Additional normal florescent light bulb is used to simulate the external daylight.
3.1. Smart Lighting Systems Methodology
The term called intelligent luminaire is connected to a smarter level of illumina-
tion where devices are capable of creating lighting comfort, energy efficiency,
and easy controllability. The concept which is named intelligent lighting system
corresponds to a system that communicates and cooperates with many lumi-
naires, creating a node that satisfies user requirements. The key goal of this kind
of system is to save energy and, at the same time user comfort by the means of
network communication. In Figure 3 the block-diagram of intelligent lighting
system is illustrated. It is assumed that lighting system is dimmable (controlla-
ble) in order to provide intelligent method to tune the Lux level to the preset
value determined by the controller.
Figure 3. Block diagram of intelligent lighting system.
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Firstly, this system checks for occupancy. If there is no occupancy, Arduino
controller sends commands to AC light dimmer (which is controlling the inten-
sity of light bulbs) to switch off lights. If there is somebody in the room, PIR
sensor detects occupancy inside the room and activate Arduino controller. Con-
sequently, the controller sends signal to the dimmer(s) to switch on the light and
tune the lux of the room to achieve the preset value based on the input provided
by the light intensity sensor(s). This control based on the feedback control theory.
3.2. Smart Lighting System Components
The smart lighting system contains PIR sensor, BH 1750 light sensor, Arduino
Mega, AC light dimmer and LED light bulb(s). To monitor the amount of light
(Process Variable-PV) and Set Point (SP), LCD is used.
PIR sensor is one of the simplest and inexpensive type of occupancy sensors
and this type of sensor is widely used around the world. It is capable of measur-
ing various air temperatures in the room. When there is somebody in the room,
sensor sends a signal to turn on or off lights. When object is moved in the sen-
sor’s field of view, infrared lights which is radiating from the objects are meas-
ured by PIR sensor. People have a temperature that is higher than perfect zero
and thermal energy is emitted from people in the form of radiation. During the
day, the wavelength of radiation is approximately 9 - 10 micrometers. PIR sensor
has capability to detect the wavelength of radiation which only arise when a per-
son comes to sensors field of view. The radiation emitted by all objects which has
temperature above absolute zero cannot be seen by human eye, since it is emitted at
infrared wavelengths, however, electronic devices, such as PIR sensor, can detect it.
This kind of sensors works totally by sensing the energy emitted by objects. When
the amount of heat varies in intensity or position, sensor activates the controller.
PIR sensor which is used in this Intelligent Lighting System possesses py-
ro-electric sensor module that is designed for the detection of human body. This
sensor has sensing range from 3 m to 4 m, and lens angle is about 140 degrees
[11]. One of the advantages of PIR sensor compared with other types of occu-
pancy sensor is that it is not complex, effortless to install, and it has compact size
which is 28 * 28 mm. In addition to this, it is highly sensitive, power consump-
tion is very low, and can perform under temperature from 15 to 70 degree.
Most significantly, as contrasted with other sensors, it can penetrate walls in
which motion can be anticipated and it is cheaper compared with other sensors.
However, a constant and slight motion cannot be detected by PIR sensor and
this sensor is sensitive to temperature. Another negative side of this sensor is
that its field of view is smaller than other type of occupancy sensors. Moreover,
this sensor cannot be mounted near the places where temperature changes
commonly. But for application of indoor industrial building, this senior is ade-
quate to be used.
BH1750 sensor is used in order to measure light intensity inside the room.
This is a digital light sensor, it is also used in mobile phones screen brightness
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Intelligent Control and Automation
Figure 4. BH 1750 sensor circuit.
This sensor has capability to measure directly lux value and there is no need to
convert measured value to lux by interface transducer. This sensor uses I2C
protocol to communicate with the controller. This protocol makes it easy to use
with microcontroller. SCL and SDA pins that sensor have are required for I2C
protocol. One of the advantages is that there is no need for calculation because
we can get directly lux value by the means of this sensor. This sensor measures
light intensity based on the amount of light which is hitting on it. The voltage
between 2.4 V and 3.6 V and 0.12 mA current is needed to operate this sensor.
The main component of BH1750 sensor is illustrated in Figure 4.
Arduino Mega is used as a master to control all slaves. It is the brain of this
Intelligent Lighting System. It is a type of microcontroller board and uses AT-
mega 2560 microcontroller. Arduino Mega has 70 I/O pins. Fifty four (54) pins
of Arduino Mega are digital I/O pin and 14 of them can be used as PWM pin.
Other 16 pins are analog I/O. In addition to this, it consists of 4 UARTs, 16 MHz
crystal oscillator, USB connection, power jack, ICSP header, and reset button.
Arduino Mega can simply be connected to the computer and programmed.
There are many types of shields used for several purposes can be added to the
Arduino mega [12].
LED light bulbs are the best choice to use in energy saving lighting systems
and they have great advantages over the fluorescent lamps and incandescent
light bulbs. In these days, LED bulb technology has developed and this technol-
ogy offer light bulbs which can be used for many applications. In addition, this
type of light bulbs offers dimmable and non-dimmable options and it creates
opportunity to be used in intelligent lighting systems. LED bulbs are very dura-
ble and no mercury is used in this type of bulbs. Although the initial cost of LED
bulbs is higher than other types of bulbs, they are cheaper to use for overall life
of the light bulb compared with fluorescent or incandescent light bulbs. For all
of these reasons, it can be beneficial to use led bulbs instead of other types of
bulbs in the Intelligent Lighting Systems [13].
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Intelligent Control and Automation
AC Light Dimmer is used to adjust the light intensity by dimming the light
bulb [14] coming into the lamp. Nevertheless, when variable resistance is used in
order to change the brightness of lamp, resistance converts some part of energy
into the heat that is not used. An effective method for dimming is to turn off AC
power regularly and provide only some portion of full wave to the light. It could
sound strange at first, because it will produce flicker, however it is not visible by
human eye, if the periodic light switches and phase of AC power are locked. In
order to accomplish the dimming, two circuits are required, zero-crossing de-
tector and pulse-controlled switch, respectively. This is used in order to main-
tain switching with the power source in phase. And, to deal with 220 V AC,
safety precautions should be implemented. That is why, circuit should be me-
chanically and electrically isolated from outside by the means of metal box and op-
toisolators, accordingly. The zero-crossing detector is a full wave rectifier with high
power resistors that is used to reduce voltage (Figure 5). And, the pulse-controlled
switch contains a Diac or Triac.
Smart System Schematic Diagram: Figure 6 illustrates the schematic dia-
gram for the Smart lighting control system using the component that described
above. The system is built and tested and the result of the controller response is
given hereinafter.
Figure 5. Pulse control using AC light dimmer.
Figure 6. Schematic diagram for the smart lighting control system.
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Intelligent Control and Automation
4. Smart Lighting System Response
The response of system will be illustrated for three different preset values and
three backgrounds in the room. The response of the system will be represented
for occupied conditions. In unoccupied conditions, the intensity of light bulb
will be set automatically to zero lux. In Figure 7, the response of the system is
illustrated for preset value of 75 lux and external daylight with the amount of 25,
50, and 75 lux, ascending and descending. Another case is considered in Figure
8 represents the response of the system for setpoint of 150 lux and additional
daylight with the amount of 50, 100 and 150 lux, ascending and descending. And
last test case is considered in Figure 9 shows the response of the system for set-
point 300 lux and external daylight with the amount of 100, 200 and 300 lux, as-
cending and descending. It is obvious from the results that the dimmer adjusts
the light intensity of light bulb to achieve successfully to the preset value, consi-
dering the external light coming into the room.
The transient state of the system response is not described in these graphs,
only steady state is taken into account, since human’s eye doesn’t recognize to
the fast changes happen in the amount of light. Moreover, in general, the rate of
the change in the daylight occurs slowly and gradually, consequently, the re-
sponse of the controller will change the intensity of the light emitted from the
controlled lighting system in small steps which are comfortable for the eye. Hence,
the transient state is not concern for the proposed intelligent lighting system.
Figure 7. The response of system for 75 lux SP.
Figure 8. The response of system for 150 lux SP.
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Intelligent Control and Automation
Figure 9. The response of system for 300 lux SP.
5. Economical Evaluation
In this section, Techno-Economical evaluation is discussed that includes direct
and indirect benefits obtained from using the proposed intelligent lighting sys-
tem. As mentioned earlier in this Chapter, Direct benefits are categorized in two
parts; operational and maintenance cost. However indirect benefit is categorized
also into two parts, introducing more oil/gas sale opportunity and reduction of
pollution. And, the cost of this intelligent lighting system is negligible compared
with other lighting systems.
5.1. Direct Benefits
Direct benefits of the proposed Intelligent Lighting System are explained as fol-
5.1.1. Reduction of Operational Cost
This section determines the energy gains that intelligent lighting system can
provide during the day. In order to achieve this, the response of controller is as-
sumed to be maintained during the day. By considering occupancy status and
level of illuminance during the day, energy savings which intelligent lighting
system can provide may be calculated. A Survey illustrates that workers’ illu-
minance preference is approximately 300 lux, and energy waste is generated by
over-illumination and turning on lights in unoccupied places [3].
In Figure 10, Data of illuminance and occupancy status during the day and
workers’ illuminance preference in typical open-office are illustrated. In this
survey, it is assumed that approximately 60% of daylight is coming into the
room. From Figure 10, it can be observed that workers arrive at office at ap-
proximately 9:00 AM, occupies the working area and turn on the lighting sys-
tem, because the level of illuminance is less than 300 lux (However, lighting sys-
tem plus daylight coming into the room provides more than 300 lux). Thus, at
the end of working hour, the lighting system was switched off about at 19:00.
Also, from it can also be observed that workers leave working area at different
times of the day, but lighting system turned on by causing the energy waste.
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Intelligent Control and Automation
Figure 10. Data of illuminance and occupancy status in typical open-office.
In addition, between 15:00 and 17:00 the illumination which is generated by
daylight is sufficient to satisfy the illuminance requirement at the office and
lighting system is however switched on by causing over-illumination.
This data represents that thanks to daylight utilization technique, energy can
be saved significantly between 9:00 and 19:00 by controlling the amount of light
provided by the lighting system. In addition to this, occupancy sensor will con-
tribute us to save energy by switching off lighting system when there is no occu-
pancy in the working area. Finally, the energy savings can be calculated from the
Figure 9 by comparing the Areas under the curves. In order to find the energy
savings, the area of curves, which are generated by the outputs of intelligent
lighting system and Setpoint, should be calculated between 9:00 and 19:00. And,
using the following equation, the percentage of energy savings accomplished
from intelligent lighting system can be estimated.
( )
A1 Energy for Traditional Lighting System 10 300 3000=∗=
( )
A2 Energy for Intelgent Lightting System 95 240 55 8 150 548= + + ++ =
( ) ( )
E.S Energy saving 3000 548 3000 100% 81.7%= − ∗=
From the equation above, it is calculated that in typical open-office energy
savings can be approximately 81.7% by implementing proposed intelligent
lighting system.
5.1.2. Reduction of Maintenance Cost
In Figure 10, it is clearly seen that operation hours of light bulbs reduce from 10
hours to approximately to 5.5 hours. So, implementation of proposed intelligent
lighting system contributes also to reduce maintenance cost. The life span of
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Intelligent Control and Automation
light bulbs increases significantly, since lights are switched on at certain times of
the day. From Figure 10, percentage of reduction of maintenance cost can be
calculated by the means of following equation.
( ) ( )
M.C maintenance cost 10 5.5 10 100 45%=− ∗=
From the equation above, it is calculated that in typical open-office, mainten-
ance cost can be reduced about 45% by implementing proposed intelligent
lighting system.
5.2. Indirect Benefits
Explanation of indirect benefits will be given in detail in the following paragraphs.
5.2.1. Annual Gas Sale Opportunity
First benefit is that country can export larger amount of gas, since the consump-
tion of gas will be reduced due to the energy savings caused by proposed intelli-
gent lighting system. By using the selling price of $ 4.618/MMBtu on the basis of
US Energy Information Administration Henry Hub/NYMEX, natural gas valued
futures prices. Considering 1% annual escalation factor, equivalent energy rate
of 5.6 ¢/kWhr used to measure the energy generated for one year. And, sales
opportunity for the natural gas can be estimated annually by the means of Equa-
tion (5).
Annual Natural Gas Sale Opportunity 1.2 0.056 kWhr $= × ×∆
The above Equation (5) can be used to calculate the annual gas sale opportu-
nity for any project using this Intelligent Lighting System [15] [16] [17].
5.2.2. Annual Saving in Pollution
Second indirect benefit is that pollution caused by power plants can be reduced
significantly. When the amount of power consumed is reduced, the amount of
toxic fumes released by power plants will be reduced. The majority of power
plants burn crude oil, coal, fossil fuel, etc. Hence, this causes the emission of
carbon dioxide that accounts for the majority of pollution. Carbon dioxide is re-
leased into the air and causes the absorption of sun’s warmth and heat in our
atmosphere. When power plants burn more fuel in order to generate more
energy, extra carbon waste traps cause too much heat. When carbon dioxide
emission is reduced, it will cause less pollution. Equation (6) can be used to cal-
culate the Annual Saving in Pollution that can be gained in any project using this
Intelligent Lighting System [15] [16] [17].
0.83 kWhr 1.2
Annual Saving in Polution $
∗∆ ∗
5.3. Energy Saving Norm Calculation
Consider standard office with dimension 3 m × 4 m. As per Table 1, the design
lux level is 500 lux. Using matrix distribution 2 × 2 with 60 cm × 60 cm light fit-
ting, each consists of 4 lighting tube Fluorescent (25 W) or LED (9 W), the office
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Traditional lighting load shall be 400 W or 144 W respectively. For 9 hours work-
ing duty, the annual consumption shall be 4730 kWh, and 1314 kWh.
Applying Equation (3), the office annual energy consumption can be reduced
to 865.59 kWh and 240.462 kWh for Fluorescent lighting and LED lighting re-
In this paper, Azerbaijan cost of electricity as typical electricity tariff (0.10
$ per KWh) is considered in the economic analysis. Accordingly, from two val-
ues, 865.59 kWh and 240.462 kWh, Annual Energy Saving Norm/Office for of-
fices using Fluorescent lighting and LED lighting can be calculated to be 24
$/office/Year and 86.6 $/office/Year respectively.
For example, if this technique applied on 100 Administration Building with 50
room each, so the total Annual Saving can be 433,000 $ and 120,000 $ for Fluo-
rescent lighting and LED lighting consequently. This example gives good indica-
tion how much reasonable saving can be obtained by applying such technique in
industrial buildings. This saving is only calculated for energy saving. Still the to-
tal saving is higher if maintenance and pollution factors are considered.
6. Summary and Conclusion
To conclude this section, it can be highlighted that most places are over illumi-
nated because background light is not considered in the design stage. In addi-
tion, light is switched on in unoccupied places which cause waste of energy.
Therefore, Intellect Lighting System is very essential to overcome this problem
to control indoor lighting intensity taking into account occupancy status and
background light coming into the room in order to adjust the level of illumin-
ance in an efficient way. As a result, it is worth to highlight that Intelligent
Lighting System uses properly selected LED bulbs not only reduces power con-
sumption but also reduces maintenance cost, pollution caused by power plants
and increases the opportunity for gas sales. Finally, a typical Annual Energy
Saving Norm (Energy Saving $/Office) is calculated for both cases, offices using
Fluorescent lighting and LED lighting.
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-
[1] Marufov, I. and Mahmoud, M.M.A.S. (2020) Intelligent Daylight Utilization for Ef-
ficient Indoor Lighting Intensity Control. Graduation Thesis, Baku Higher Oil
School, Baku.
[2] Thompson, J. (2013) Are Automated Daylight Control Systems Working as They
Should? Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington.
[3] Rocha, B.M.R. (2015) Enhanced Networked Luminaire Controller for Sustainable
Ambient Illumination. Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon.
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M. M. A. S. Mahmoud
DOI: 10.4236/ica.2021.121001 15
Intelligent Control and Automation
Professor Dr. Muhammad M. A. S. Mahmoud,
Egyptian, received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineer-
ing from Cairo University and the M.Sc. degree from
Kuwait University. First Ph.D. degree from Transilvania
University of Brasov, Romania in IT and Computer.
Second PhD Degree in Electrical Power system and Ma-
chine, Cairo Univ. Egypt. He occupies a position of Professor in Process Automa-
tion Engineering Department, Baku Higher Oil School, Azerbaijan. His current
research interests in Fuzzy and Artificial Neural Network Techniques application
include power delivery, protection reliability, control, safety, building automa-
tion, smart city, and energy management. Prof. Dr. Muhammad is IEEE Senior
Member (SM) since 2001 and TFSIEEE Reviewer 2016.
... For example, weather data have been utilized for further analysis to understand household behavioral energy consumption [6], and weather condition data, particularly daylight data, have been used to enhance smart lighting management systems for energy efficiency [7,8]. The predominant method for handling large amounts of data involves the use of Internet of Things (IoT) sensing devices, such as light, motion, relay, LCD display, lux meter, occupancy, and photocell sensors [9,10]. These sensors are carefully integrated into either an Arduino or Nodemcu board. ...
... Another study presented the implementation of dimming light controls using an Arduino Uno Microcontroller to demonstrate the practical application of these systems [9]. Automatic adjustment of illumination levels in specific areas should be enabled to enhance energy efficiency by employing sensors to measure ambient light levels, considering external light sources [10]. Dimming controls can reduce the output and wattage of a light source to reduce energy consumption [11][12][13]. ...
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Smart lighting control systems represent an advanced approach to reducing energy use. These systems leverage advanced technology to provide users with better control over their lighting, allowing them to manually, remotely, and automatically modify the brightness, color, and timing of their lights. In this study, we aimed to enhance the energy efficiency of smart lighting systems by using light source data. A multifaceted approach was employed, involving the following three scenarios: sensing device, daylight data, and a combination of both. A low-cost sensor and third-party API were used for data collection, and a prototype application was developed for real-time monitoring. The results showed that combining sensor and daylight data effectively reduced energy consumption, and the rule-based algorithm further optimized energy usage. The prototype application provided real-time monitoring and actionable insights, thus contributing to overall energy optimization.
... Several scientific work incorporates the utilization of the daylight in the design of the indoor lighting control. In [17], Mahmoud utilized the background daylight as base source of the light, and then control the LED lighting system to achieve the desired value of the Illuminance level (IL). Arduino is used as a controller unit to receive the background light intensity signal from the light sensor and to adjust gradually the lighting intensity in the room to meet the desired IL value or higher. ...
... Movement sensor is used to switch off the light in case there is nobody in the room. The proposed methodology in [17] is not precise as it does not consider the over-IL cases, and it accepts that the light intensity in the office to be higher than the desired value if the daylight inside the room is greater than the desired IL value. Also, the glare problem is not solved in his article. ...
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In this paper, daylight harvesting is used to minimize the power consumption - required for indoor lighting - using electric roller blind. Smart controller is designed to adjust - based on the preset light intensity - the position of the roller blind’s stepper motor, and consequently the roller blind opening for better utilization of the daylight entering the room. If the desired illuminance level (IL) is not achieved for any reason, the smart controller adjusts the LED circuit current to boost the light intensity to achieve precisely the desired IL. Comprehensive tests - carried out using MATLAB-Simulink to verify the performance of the proposed smart controller – reveal that the proposed controller successfully maintains the indoor lighting intensity at the desired IL. Results of the techno-economic analysis - performed to evaluate the benefits of employing the proposed controller – show that an energy saving of about 62% is achieved, and that the lifetime of the LED circuits can extend to more than 20 years.
... e server is the heart of the system, and its requirements are lower than the server on the client side. e customer development under the B/S mode is mainly web interface development and data communication development, with low customer utilization rate and simple operation [19,20]. e structure of the intelligent lighting system based on the BS function is shown in Figure 5(b). ...
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The improvement of microelectronics innovation, programmed control innovation, and correspondence innovation has brought human culture into a universe of electronic data, and different electronic control frameworks are applied to each edge of life. Among them, the intelligent and energy-saving living environment has become more and more popular, and the development of electronic technology has greatly facilitated people’s lives. This paper aims to study how to analyze and study indoor lighting control based on the Internet of Things technology and describe the acquisition of human body signals. This paper puts forward the problem of indoor lighting control, which is based on the Internet of Things technology, then elaborates on its related concepts and related algorithms, and designs and analyzes a case of indoor lighting control system. The experimental results showed that 100 orders are normal, and the intelligent lighting node can correctly receive and process the order information and respond accordingly. During the brightness reduction process, the sensitivity and smoothness of the touch screen slider are good, and the brightness reduction is successful.
... Over-illumination occurs when lights are brighter than needed to illuminate room [4]. In addition to this, researches demonstrate that excessive lighting can give rise to negative health effects [3]. ...
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The ways which are used today in order to light houses, offices etc. cause a lot of energy consumption. In this thesis, a solution to this problem and a method for people's comfort is proposed. By the means of proposed method in this thesis, lights switch on automatically when there is somebody in the room and switch off when there is no occupancy. In addition to this, it is possible to adjust the brightness level of the lights via the computer or any smart device using the proposed method. In the proposed method, the illumination of the lights in the area where is needed to be controlled lights automatically is measured by sensor and considering the amount of light coming from outside, the brightness of lights automatically reaches the preset level. By the means of this method , it is possible to provide both user comfort and energy saving.
... However, daylight harvesting and its control becomes very important for sustainable solutions of indoor lighting to provide the required illumination at minimum possible cost. In [6][7][8], the authors provided comprehensive literature review to discuss the effect of controlled daylight harvesting on the indoor lighting and temperature of office building. The papers highlighted that different intelligent techniques such as Fuzzy logic, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Genetic Algorithm, and PWM control, are used to control the dimming of LEDs in order to achieve the required interior illumination utilizing daylight harvesting. ...
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This article is a continuity of prevouse two reserch in daylight harvastion control that were deigned using classical control apoproach and then fuzzy logic technique, In this article ANN controller is designed and its response is compared with the performance of the other two controllers. Detailed compression for the different error type is illustrated, however, the results show that the three controller operate with satisfactory accuracy.
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The ways which are used today in order to light houses, offices etc. cause a lot of energy consumption. In this thesis, a solution to this problem and a method for people's comfort is proposed. By the means of proposed method in this thesis, lights switch on automatically when there is somebody in the room and switch off when there is no occupancy. In addition to this, it is possible to adjust the brightness level of the lights via the computer or any smart device using the proposed method. In the proposed method, the illumination of the lights in the area where is needed to be controlled lights automatically is measured by sensor and considering the amount of light coming from outside, the brightness of lights automatically reaches the preset level. By the means of this method , it is possible to provide both user comfort and energy saving.
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After the Introduction, which discuss the main advantages and disadvantage of LED from Economics angle, the entire Chapter is presented in three sections. The first section discusses the economic benefits of replacing different types and rating of outdoor HID lights, typically installed in an industrial plant, with LED lighting. The section determines important economic indicators to evaluate direct and indirect benefits that can be achieved from using LED lights. In second section an efficient, safe and cost effective design to automate LED lighting system used for long roads with low-traffic is provided. The section provides smart control using image recognition for cost saving of road lighting operation and gives economic analysis for this lighting system. In third section, design of intelligent daylight utilization to achieve efficient indoor lighting intensity control for LED lights that are used in industrial building is provided. Comprehensive evaluation of the lighting system economics is discussed.
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The paper covers analysis and investigation of lighting automation system in low traffic roads. The main objective is to provide optimal solution between expensive safe design utilizes continuous lighting at night for the complete road, or sacrifice the safety to minimize the cost of energy consumption by relying on using vehicles lighting in low traffic road designed without lighting systems. Each of these two scenarios is extremely significant issue and contradicting to each other from economic point of view. By taking into account both of these factors, smart lighting control system is proposed using Image Recognition Technique. In this proposal, the road is sectionalized into zones. By using motion sensors and Infra-Red cameras distributed and installed in each zone, any moving object can be detected and its image can be captured and analyzed using Image Recognition Technique to check whether the object is a vehicle or not. Matlab code is written and tested using different images to validate the code output. In case a vehicle is detected, the control system of the road lighting illuminates only the zone that the vehicle passes through. Economic analysis is provided in this paper to support the value of using this design of lighting control system. “Saving Norm” of $1,171.19/km/Year is calculated for the proposed system. This “Saving Norm” is a good index to supports project management for both project decision makers and for cash-flow controllers. (PDF) Economical and Safe Design for Low-Traffic Long-Roads Illumination Control System by Using Image Recognition Technique. Available from: [accessed Jul 06 2021].
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The paper covers analysis and investigation of lighting automation system in low-traffic long-roads. The main objective is to provide optimal solution between expensive safe design that utilizes continuous street lighting system at night for the entire road, or inexpensive design that sacrifices the safety, relying on using vehicles lighting, to eliminate the problem of high cost energy consumption during the night operation of the road. By taking into account both of these factors, smart lighting automation system is proposed using Pattern Recognition Technique applied on vehicle number-plates. In this proposal, the road is sectionalized into zones, and based on smart Pattern Recognition Technique, the control system of the road lighting illuminates only the zone that the vehicles pass through. Economic analysis is provided in this paper to support the value of using this design of lighting control system.
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The effects of lighting on the human circadian system are well-established. The recent discovery of 'non-visual' retinal receptors has confirmed an anatomical basis for the non-image forming, biological effects of light and has stimulated interest in the use of light to enhance wellbeing in the corporate setting. A prospective controlled intervention study was conducted within a shift-working call centre to investigate the effect of newly developed fluorescent light sources with a high correlated colour temperature (17000 K) upon the wellbeing, functioning and work performance of employees. Five items of the SF-36 questionnaire and a modification of the Columbia Jet Lag scale, were used to evaluate employees on two different floors of the call centre between February and May 2005. Questionnaire completion occurred at baseline and after a three month intervention period, during which time one floor was exposed to new high correlated colour temperature lighting and the other remained exposed to usual office lighting. Two sided t-tests with Bonferroni correction for type I errors were used to compare the characteristics of the two groups at baseline and to evaluate changes in the intervention and control groups over the period of the study. Individuals in the intervention arm of the study showed a significant improvement in self-reported ability to concentrate at study end as compared to those within the control arm (p < 0.05). The mean individual score on a 5 point Likert scale improved by 36.8% in the intervention group, compared with only 1.7% in the control group. The majority of this improvement occurred within the first 7 weeks of the 14 week study. Substantial within group improvements were observed in the intervention group in the areas of fatigue (26.9%), alertness (28.2%), daytime sleepiness (31%) and work performance (19.4%), as assessed by the modified Columbia Scale, and in the areas of vitality (28.4%) and mental health (13.9%), as assessed by the SF-36 over the study period. High correlated colour temperature fluorescent lights could provide a useful intervention to improve wellbeing and productivity in the corporate setting, although further work is necessary in quantifying the magnitude of likely benefits.
A study was conducted on the lighting operation and workspace occupancy patterns across numerous commercial buildings to better quantify the performance estimates of occupancy sensors across typical space types. By examining how occupants occupy their spaces and manually control their lighting, and comparing these baselines to modeled occupancy sensor control scenarios, energy and dollars savings potentials were investigated.
The rapidly growing world energy use has already raised concerns over supply difficulties, exhaustion of energy resources and heavy environmental impacts (ozone layer depletion, global warming, climate change, etc.). The global contribution from buildings towards energy consumption, both residential and commercial, has steadily increased reaching figures between 20% and 40% in developed countries, and has exceeded the other major sectors: industrial and transportation. Growth in population, increasing demand for building services and comfort levels, together with the rise in time spent inside buildings, assure the upward trend in energy demand will continue in the future. For this reason, energy efficiency in buildings is today a prime objective for energy policy at regional, national and international levels. Among building services, the growth in HVAC systems energy use is particularly significant (50% of building consumption and 20% of total consumption in the USA). This paper analyses available information concerning energy consumption in buildings, and particularly related to HVAC systems. Many questions arise: Is the necessary information available? Which are the main building types? What end uses should be considered in the breakdown? Comparisons between different countries are presented specially for commercial buildings. The case of offices is analysed in deeper detail.
The unreliability of photosensor-based lighting controls continues to be a significant market barrier that prevents widespread acceptance of daylight dimming controls in commercial buildings. Energy savings from the use of daylighting in commercial buildings is best realized through the installation of reliable photoelectric lighting controls that dim electric lights when sufficient daylight is available to provide adequate background and/or task illumination. In prior work, the authors discussed the limitations of current simulation approaches and presented a robust method to simulate the performance of photosensor-based controls using an enhanced version of the radiance lighting simulation package. The method is based on the concept of multiplying two fisheye images: one generated from the angular sensitivity of the photosensor and the other from a 180 or 360° fisheye image of the space as “seen” by the photosensor. This paper includes a description of the method, its validation and possible applications for designing, placing, calibrating and commissioning photosensor-based lighting controls.
Are Automated Daylight Control Systems Working as They Should? Victoria University of Wellington
  • J Thompson
Thompson, J. (2013) Are Automated Daylight Control Systems Working as They Should? Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington.