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Journal of Cognitive Psychology
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Insight is not always the same: differences
between true, false, and induced insights in the
matchstick arithmetic task
Jasmin M. Kizilirmak, Nora Gallisch, Björn H. Schott & Kristian Folta-Schoofs
To cite this article: Jasmin M. Kizilirmak, Nora Gallisch, Björn H. Schott & Kristian Folta-
Schoofs (2021): Insight is not always the same: differences between true, false, and
induced insights in the matchstick arithmetic task, Journal of Cognitive Psychology, DOI:
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Insight is not always the same: differences between true, false, and
induced insights in the matchstick arithmetic task
Jasmin M. Kizilirmak
, Nora Gallisch
, Björn H. Schott
and Kristian Folta-Schoofs
Neurodidactics and NeuroLab, Institute for Psychology, University of Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany;
German Center for
Neurodegenerative Diseases, Göttingen, Germany;
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medicine Göttingen,
Göttingen, Germany;
Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany
There are diverging operationalizations of insight in experimental research, especially
when comparing behavioral and neuroimaging research. The question arises how
comparable these types of insight are. Here, we set out (1) to evaluate the usefulness
of the matchstick arithmetic task for investigating cognitive and neural processes
underlying insight-based problem solving, (2) to determine whether the Aha!
Experience is diminished over a multitude of trials, and (3) to compare true (correctly
solved), false (incorrectly solved), and induced insights. To this end, we analysed
solution rates, response times, strength of the Aha! experience, and event-related
potentials (ERPs). Our results showed that the Aha! experience was not weakened over
40 trials, but showed the importance of the time for a solution attempt. True, false,
and induced insights differed with regard to Aha! ratings and ERP amplitude −2000 to
−1500 ms before the response. Our study underscores the importance of the
operationalization of insight.
Received 14 January 2020
Accepted 27 March 2021
Problem-solving; matchstick
arithmetic task; insight; EEG;
When people stumble upon a problem that at first
seems difficult or even impossible to solve, they
sometimes experience a sudden insight into its sol-
ution. Such insights have been of central interest to
early Gestalt psychologists such as Wolfgang Köhler,
who conducted research on the intelligence of apes
(Köhler, 1917). Problem-solving skills were at the
centre of Köhler’s research. Until now, a variety of
operationalizations of insight have been developed,
such as solving problems defined as insight pro-
blems that are thought of as only solvable via
insight (e.g. Metcalfe, 1986), sudden comprehension
after a state of incomprehension (e.g. Auble et al.,
1979), experiencing a feeling of “Aha!”when
solving a problem correctly (e.g. Bowden &
Jung-Beeman, 2003) or incorrectly (e.g. Danek &
Wiley, 2017), or experiencing a feeling of “Aha!”
when comprehending the solution in general (self-
solved or revealed by the experimenter) (e.g. Kizilir-
mak, Galvao Gomes da Silva, Imamoglu, &
Richardson-Klavehn, 2016). Over the past 15 years,
most insight researchers seem to have converged
on the operationalisation of insight as a problem
correctly solved by the participant, often with the
concurrent subjective feeling of Aha! (Aziz-Zadeh
et al., 2009; Danek et al., 2013; Danek & Wiley,
2017; Salvi et al., 2016). The definition of the subjec-
tive feeling of Aha! is often based on the four
characteristics summarised by Topolinski and
Reber (2010): suddenness/surprise, a feeling of
ease or relief after the solution is comprehended,
confidence regarding the correctness of the sol-
ution, and the experience of positive affect. Please
note that we did not include the subjective feeling
of Aha! as part of the current study’s operationaliza-
tion of insight, but chose to assess Aha! strength as a
dependent variable.
In the present study, we were especially inter-
ested in the differentiation between endogenous
insights (problems solved by the participant) and
induced insights (sudden comprehension of
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
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CONTACT Jasmin M. Kizilirmak
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed
solutions when they were presented). This differen-
tiation has been an ongoing topic of debate among
insight researchers. Here, we would like to illumi-
nate the neurocognitive basis of this differentiation.
Moreover, endogenous insights can further be split
into true (correctly solved) and false insights (incor-
rectly solved). In the following, we will use these
terms as introduced here. Until now, most studies
on this topic have only compared two of the three
categories. The present study sought a comparison
between all three with the same paradigm and
Previous research on the overlaps and differ-
ences of true, false and induced insights showed
that this differentiation seems warranted. For
example, Danek and colleagues compared true
and false insights with regard to their perceived
affective qualities, as well as their solution
(Danek et al., 2014b; Danek & Wiley, 2017). They
found a positive relationship between the occur-
rences of Aha! experiences and the likelihood of a
solution being correct. Moreover, they reported
that the key qualitative components for both true
and false insights were the feeling of pleasure, sud-
denness, and certainty for the solution being
correct, while surprise was generally higher for
false insights, and relief was higher for true insights.
Regarding the differentiation between endogenous
true insights and induced insights, a study from our
group found that they differ in regard to frequency
of Aha!, the strength of the positive feeling evoked,
as well as in the ability to subsequently recall the
solution later (Kizilirmak, Galvao Gomes da Silva,
et al., 2016; Kizilirmak, Wiegmann, & Richardson-
Klavehn, 2016). Rothmaler et al. found additional
electrophysiological support for a distinction
between true endogenous insights and induced
insights (Rothmaler et al., 2017). Specifically, 2000–
1500 ms prior to the response indicating a solution
had been found or that the presented solution was
comprehended, alpha power differences were
observed for solutions with versus without Aha!.
Notably, there was an interaction for endogenous
and induced insights with and without Aha! with
regard to alpha power: When solved, solutions
with Aha! had a higher alpha power than those
without. On the other hand, when not solved, but
comprehended after solution presentation, sol-
utions with Aha! were associated with reduced
alpha power. The authors suggested this effect to
reflect differences related to internal versus external
foci of attention.
As became evident in the study by Rothmaler
and colleagues, neuroscientific methods can help
to figure out the extent to which operationalizations
of insight are actually comparable with regard to
their underlying cognitive and neurophysiological
processes. They are helpful uncovering temporal
differences of neural processes that are not visible
in behaviour, e.g. electroencephalography (EEG),
as well as differential recruitment of neuroanatomi-
cal structures, e.g. functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI). Importantly, sometimes, when
behavioural responses do not differ for a certain
comparison, the cognitive and neural processes
behind them still do, and this only becomes
evident with neuroscience methods (e.g. the differ-
ence between high-functioning elderly and young
adults in episodic memory retrieval who behaviour-
ally perform at the same level; see Cabeza et al.,
2002). Such basic neural processing differences
can even be discovered with inexpensive and
widely available methods such as event-related
potentials (ERPs). One limitation faced by the user
of these methods is the need for a sufficiently
high signal-to-noise ratio, which in turn means the
corresponding number of trials must be rather
large (Bowden et al., 2005; Jung-Beeman et al.,
2004). The exact number depends on the method,
the size of the true effect, and specific neurophysio-
logical correlate of interest. The most common para-
digm used in neuroscientific studies of insight
problem solving is the Compound Remote Associates
Task (CRAT), designed by Bowden and Jung-
Beeman (2003), based on Mednick’s Remote
Associates Task (Mednick, 1962). The original
number of items was 144, but it has already been
translated into different languages and the
number of items has been expanded (German,
Chinese, Dutch; e.g. Akbari Chermahini et al., 2012;
Landmann et al., 2014; Qiu et al., 2008). The
CRAT has been used with fMRI and simple BOLD
contrasts between conditions (e.g. Jung-Beeman
et al., 2004; Kizilirmak et al., 2019; Kizilirmak,
Thuerich, Folta-Schoofs, Schott, & Richardson-
Klavehn, 2016; Tik et al., 2018), and EEG methods
including ERPs, frequency, and time–frequency;
analyses (e.g. Kounios et al., 2006; Qiu et al., 2008;
Rothmaler, Nigbur, & Ivanova, 2017; Sandkühler
et al., 2008).
Solution rate always refers to relative number of solutions provided. It includes correct and incorrect solutions.
While tasks with a large number of trials are
mandatory in EEG and fMRI research, they may
pose a potential problem at the cognitive and
behavioural level, namely, to what extent the
Aha! experience during tasks like the CRAT is still
comparable to the feeling of Aha! that participants
report when solving classical one-trial problems.
Our knowledge on the electrophysiological corre-
lates of insight is largely based on EEG studies
using the CRAT, which, in summary yielded the fol-
lowing key results:
.A burst of gamma activity in response to sol-
utions with Aha! relative to solutions without
Aha!, located at right temporal electrode sites,
beginning approximately 300 ms prior to the
button press indicating that the solution has
been found, and lasting roughly 1 s (Jung-
Beeman et al., 2004).
.An increase in alpha power −1750 to −500 ms
prior to button press in response to correct sol-
utions with versus without Aha! (Jung-Beeman
et al., 2004), or between −2000 and −1500 ms
respectively (Rothmaler et al., 2017).
.When further differentiating not only between
items solved correctly with (endogenous
insight) vs. without Aha!, but also between
items whose solutions were comprehended
with (induced insight) vs. without Aha! when
shown after an unsuccessful attempt at
problem solving, there is a double dissociation.
While endogenous insights are associated with
a parietal increase in alpha power −2000 and
−1500 ms before button press compared to
items solved without Aha!, induced insights are
associated with a decreased alpha power com-
pared with solutions comprehended without
Aha! within the same time range and the same
posterior topographical maximum (Rothmaler
et al., 2017).
.In the 2 s before stimulus onset, power analyses
revealed higher alpha power over temporo-parie-
tal and temporal electrode sites as well as over
central frontal electrode sites, operationalised as
above (Kounios et al., 2006).
Regarding our aim to understand the cognitive
and neural dissociation of true, false, and induced
insights, only Rothmaler et al. (2017) also compared
endogenous (true) and induced insights, whereas
no study has specifically assessed the neural under-
pinnings of false compared to true insights. Hence,
our question regarding the triple-dissociation of
true, false, and induced insights has until now only
been partly answered.
Aims of the current study
The aim of the current study was to directly
compare, for the first time, true (correctly solved),
false (incorrectly solved), and induced insights
(comprehension induced by presenting the solution
after a failed attempt at problem solving) with
regard to behavioural performance (RTs and accu-
racy), Aha! ratings, and also mean ERP amplitudes.
We chose matchstick arithmetic problems for this
endeavour (Knoblich et al., 1999). The stimuli
consist of matchstick figures depicting equations
with Roman numerals. The equations are initially
invalid, but they can be corrected by moving a
single matchstick from one position to another.
The participant’s task is to find out which single
matchstick to move where to make the equation
valid (see Figure 1A for examples). An advantage
of this task compared to the CRAT is that there are
multiple ways to solve them. We assumed that the
presence of multiple approaches to a solution
would decrease the likelihood of the Aha! experi-
ence weakening over time. There are mainly three
different types of problems (Knoblich et al., 2001)
for which examples are provided in Figure 1A: (1)
Items that can be solved via Serial Position
Change (SPC), that is, by shifting a single matchstick,
such as changing VI into IV, (2) items that can be
solved via Chunk Decomposition (CD), namely by
deconstructing a chunk such as V or X to create,
for example, II (or rather \\), or (3) items that can
be solved via Operator Change (OC), that is, by
changing not a numeral but rather an operator,
for example, by taking a matchstick from an =
(equal sign) to make a –(minus), or by taking a
matchstick from one of the numerals to change a
–(minus) into a + (plus sign). The items are highly
similar in their appearance, and the visual input
does not change during the problem-solving
stage, in contrast to magic tricks, but comparable
with CRAs. This makes the items also suitable for
EEG measures with high temporal resolution (e.g.
ERPs, time–frequency analysis). For the current
study, we therefore also chose to study ERPs. ERP
analyses are less complex than time–frequency ana-
lyses and if one could already find a distinction
between different insight operationalizations in
such a simple measure, it would be very helpful to
back up the respective theoretical or cognitive pro-
cessing distinction.
The current study set out to illuminate the fol-
lowing research questions
and hypotheses:
(1) Is there a difference in the mean strength of the
Aha! experiences, as measured with a rating
scale, for comprehending a particular way to
solve a problem for the first time (first solved
trial of each equation type), compared to the
mean Aha! experience across many trials
solved via the same method? This question
was motivated by the fact that the Aha! experi-
ence may be diminished over time, due to the
search space being more structured for a
repeated compared to the first encounter (Der-
bentseva, 2007) and that most other studies
using matchstick equations applied only one
problem per type (e.g. Danek et al., 2016; Kno-
blich et al., 2001).
(2) We expected to replicate the following pattern
for the solution rates of different equation
types: SPC > CD > OC (Knoblich et al., 1999,
2001), and the reverse pattern for the corre-
sponding response times.
(3) We further expected the feeling of Aha! to be
stronger the more difficult the problem is (Der-
bentseva, 2007), with problem difficulty being
associated with equation type (SPC < CD <
OC). This would also be in line with the
finding that solved items (hence, relatively
easy for the participant) were found to illicit a
lower Aha! than unsolved (∼relatively difficult
for the participant) presented solutions, while
solutions that were read (no automatic splitting
between subjectively easy and difficult items
Figure 1. Stimulus material and exemplary trial. Panel A depicts one example per equation type for the invalid equation (the
problem) and the valid equation (the solution). Stimuli were exactly presented as depicted. Panel B shows the trial structure.
An equation could be presented for a total of 240 s or 14 s. When no button was pressed (turquoise), a valid solution was
presented. Afterwards, participants were asked to rate the plausibility of the presented solution. When a response was made
(green), the equation remained on display and the participant was instructed to voice the corrected equation. Finally, par-
ticipants were asked to rate their Aha! experience.
Please note that this study is mostly exploratory in nature due to limited prior research on these issues.
based on which were solved) lay in the middle
(Kizilirmak, Wiegmann, et al., 2016).
(4) As the feeling of Aha! is partly based on the confi-
dence regarding the correctness of the solution,
and because Danek and Wiley (2017) reported
that incorrect solutions with Aha! were associ-
ated with a lower confidence in the correctness
of the solution, we expected the strength of
the feeling of Aha! to show the following
pattern: false insight < true insight. In this
context, we also sought to assess the strength
of Aha! experiences in the induced insight con-
dition. We expected induced insight to show a
weaker Aha! than true insight, but we could
not make strong predictions regarding whether
it would diverge from false insight in this respect.
(5) We set out to find an ERP correlate of endogen-
ous (true and false) and induced insights. Our
ERP analyses were exploratory in nature,
because there is little ERP research on insight
problems so far, and especially none with match-
stick arithmetic tasks to base exact hypotheses
on. We explored the following questions:
a. Do endogenous true insights and induced
insights differ with respect to response-
locked ERPs?
b. Are there further differences between true
(correctly solved) and false insights (incor-
rectly solved), as suggested by behavioural
studies (Danek et al., 2014a; Danek & Wiley,
Material and methods
Thirty-one students of the University of Hildesheim,
mostly psychology undergraduates, participated in
the study. Twenty-eight participants were right-
handed (two were left-handed) and had normal or
corrected-to-normal vision, 28 were female and
three male. Their median age was 21 years (min =
18, max = 38; mean age = 21.6). The two left-
handers were excluded from data analysis, to
avoid any confounding effects of handedness, par-
ticularly regarding the ERP data, and one further
participant had to be excluded from data analysis,
because their behavioural response pattern (no
correct solutions) strongly suggested that they mis-
understood the task instructions. A fourth partici-
pant had to be excluded due to technical
difficulties in recording the behavioural responses.
The remaining 27 participants (24 female, 3 male)
had a median age of 21 years (min = 18, max = 38;
mean = 21.9). All participated after providing
written informed consent. Additionally, they were
also informed about their rights according to Euro-
pean Union and German data protection regu-
lations. The local ethics committee of the
University of Hildesheim approved the study.
For the task, we created 48 matchstick equations
that used Roman numerals from 1 to 18 (I to XVIII).
The equations were created as digital drawings
made of matchsticks (see Figure 1). We intentionally
chose varying angles for “laying out”the equations,
i.e. the matchsticks were not always at an orien-
tation of 0°, 45°, and 90°, but varied as if they had
been laid out by hand. This was done to make it
easier to realise that e.g. a V could be created
from a I, by just adding another matchstick (I/),
even if it did not look perfectly mirror-symmetrical
(\/). For each equation, one incorrect form and one
correct form were created. All incorrect equations
could be changed into correct ones by moving
just one matchstick to another position. The
stimuli were created using Microsoft PowerPoint
for Windows and GIMP (
We created 16 items per solving option, that is, (1)
SPC, (2) CD, and (3) OC. An example item for each
equation type is depicted in Figure 1A. A subset of
the items could be solved in more than one way.
With only numerals under 20, it was impossible to
create only one-way solvable equations to that
amount. Certain combinations of Roman numerals
always allowed for several options. Of all 48 items,
28 were only solvable in one way, 16 items were sol-
vable in two ways, three items were solvable in
three ways. For one item we realised that a graphical
error rendered the item unsolvable, and this item was
therefore excluded from data analysis.A complete list
of all items, primary solutions and potential alterna-
tive solutions can be found in Appendix 1.
Which sol-
ution was found how often is also listed for reference.
The following variables were manipulated: time for
solving an item (14, 240 s) and equation type (SPC,
The pictures of the items and item solutions will be provided upon request by the first author.
CD, OC). Each type of equation comprised 16 items.
Half of all items of each equation type were ran-
domly presented with a long (240 s) and the other
with a short (14 s) duration. These durations were
chosen based on previous solution times reported
by Knoblich and colleagues (Knoblich et al., 1999,
2001), to obtain a similar amount of solved and
unsolved items. To summarise, all participants
were presented with all 48 items (16 per equation
type) and half of the items were presented with a
long and the other half with a short duration (8
per equation type long, 8 short). The following
behavioural data were collected:
.whether items were solved (solved, not solved),
.whether the solution offered was correct (correct,
.response time (RT) for solving an item or compre-
hending a presented solution after timeout, and
.an Aha! rating on a 7-point scale (0 = no aha, 6 =
very strong feeling of aha).
The Aha! rating was measured for both solved
and unsolved items. In case no solution was found
within the respective time limit, participants were
presented with a correct solution and were asked
to rate its plausibility on a 5-point scale, as well as
their feeling of “Aha!”.
Task and procedure
Before the experiment, participants were informed
about the EEG procedure and what the following
task entailed. After providing written informed
consent, participants were tested for their knowl-
edge of Roman numerals. To this end, they were
seated at a table, and Roman numerals were laid
out one after another with large matchsticks. Partici-
pants were instructed to tell the experimenter the
value as quickly as possible. After singular numerals,
they were also presented with a very simple, but
incorrect equation (II + I = I) they were instructed
to fix by moving just one matchstick (solution: _I
+ I = II). This procedure served two purposes: (1) to
detect participants with insufficient knowledge
about Roman numerals, and (2) to familiarise them
with the stimulus material and task. None of the
participants appeared to have any trouble recognis-
ing the numeric values of the Roman numerals.
After this brief test and familiarisation, the partici-
pant was fitted with an electrode cap and the elec-
trodes were attached to the cap, which included
lowering the impedances below 10 kΩusing elec-
trolyte gel. Participants were seated in a chair
approximately 1 m in front of an LCD display with
a resolution of 1920*1080 pixel, and a refresh rate
of 60 Hz. Stimulus presentation was controlled
with Presentation 20.0 (Neurobehavioral Systems,
Inc., Berkeley, CA, USA). Behavioural data such as
button presses and response times were also
measured using this software and a standard USB
keyboard. During electrode preparation, partici-
pants received written instructions of the task,
which also informed them that “sometimes, during
problem solving, they may experience an Aha!
moment”. This Aha! experience was described
listing the four criteria named by (Topolinski &
Reber, 2010): suddenness, a feeling of ease, being
convinced of the correctness of the solution, and a
positive emotional response.
During the experiment, participants were pre-
sented with incorrect equations in Roman numerals
that were made of matchsticks. Their task was to
shift only one matchstick to make the equation
valid (see Figure 1B for an exemplary trial). In each
trial, a fixation cross was presented for 750–
1250 ms (randomly jittered to avoid cognitive prep-
aration before equation onset and to reduce the
amount of rest-related alpha EEG activity). Then an
equation was presented for either 14 s or 240 s.
ticipants were instructed to press the spacebar key
(four fingers of the left hand) as soon as they had
figured out which matchstick to shift where. Once
the button was pressed, the incorrect equation
was still on display with the additional instruction
to voice the corrected equation. After pressing the
spacebar key again, a 7-point colour scale was pre-
sented to rate the degree of their feeling of “Aha!”
from 0 (no Aha!; RGB white) to 6 (very strong
feeling of Aha!; dark red, i.e. RGB 153,0,0). The
respective part of the scale was chosen via using
the cursor keys to-the-left and to-the-right (using
the index and ring fingers of the right hand) and
by pressing space to confirm. This ended a trial,
and the next trial started.
Within this interval, a masking stimulus was presented for the duration of 750 ms at 12 s for the early timeout and at 60 s for the late timeout. This
procedure was included to allow for the analysis of stimulus-locked ERPs shortly before participants solved the item. However, this analysis option
was abandoned in favor of response-locked analyses that seemed more promising (see e.g., Rothmaler et al., 2017). We therefore chose to leave
out this display from the exemplary trial in Figure 1B to simplify it.
Whenever participants did not press the space-
bar key before time ran out, a correct solution was
presented. Participants were instructed to press
the spacebar key as soon as they had understood
what had been done to make the equation valid.
This was easy to see, because the shifted matchstick
was replaced by a grey bar at its original location
while it was highlighted with a red outline at its
new location (see Figure 1A). Immediately after-
wards, a 5-point rating scale, ranging from RGB
white over RGB red (5th box: 255, 0, 0) to dark red
(7th box: 153, 0, 0), was presented on which partici-
pants should rate the plausibility of the presented
solution. The same buttons were used as with the
Aha! rating scale. After the plausibility rating, a 7-
point Aha! rating scale was presented, just as with
solved equations. This was done to enable compari-
sons of endogenous (solution found by participant)
as well as induced (solution presented) Aha!
EEG recording and preprocessing
EEG was recorded using a Brain Amp DC amplifier
and 32 ActiCap active cup electrodes with Ag/
AgCl lining (Brain Products, Gilching, Germany),
arranged according to the extended 10–20 system
(Jasper, 1958). The following electrode positions
were used: Fp1, Fp2, F7, F3, Fz, F4, F8, FC5, FC1,
FC2, FC6, T7, C3, Cz, C4, T8, TP9, CP5, CP1, CP2,
CP6, TP10, P7, P3, Pz, P4, P8, O1, Oz, O2. Two
additional electrodes were used to measure the
horizontal and vertical electrooculogram. One was
positioned below the right eye (later re-referenced
to Fp2) and the other at the outer right canthus.
Impedance was kept below 10 kΩfor all electrodes.
Data were recorded using BrainVision Recorder 1.21
software (Brain Products). FCz was used as reference
electrode during recording, and ground was located
at AFz.
For preprocessing, the BrainVision Analyzer
(Brain Products, Gilching, Germany), version 2.2.0,
was used. The following preprocessing steps were
applied: Re-referencing to averaged mastoids (re-
including FCz as a normal channel), applying high-
pass (0.1 Hz) and low-pass filters (35 Hz), plus a
50 Hz notch filter (to account for data being col-
lected in a non-shielded room), and applying an
Independent Component Analysis for ocular artifact
correction (Ocular Correction ICA). The ICA was used
to identify independent components (ICs) explain-
ing the variance of blinks, vertical, and horizontal
eye-movements. For each participant, at least one
IC was excluded for blinks/vertical eye-movements,
plus an additional IC for horizontal eye-movements,
in case the component was unmistakable. By visual
inspection, it was checked whether only the respect-
ive artifact was removed from the signal, and not
additional noise introduced. Then segmentation
was carried out. Based on the focus of our work,
i.e. comparing endogenous and induced insights,
and especially true and false endogenous insights,
and based on the behavioural results, items were
split into true, false, and induced insights. Segments
were chosen from time windows around the
response (button press) indicating that either the
response was found (true and false insights) or
that the presented solution had been understood
(induced insights). Segment length was −2000 ms
to 100 ms, with button press as time point 0 ms.
After segmentation, semi-automated artifact correc-
tion was performed (the following parameters were
applied that never resulted in false positives:
maximum allowed voltage step: 50 µV/ms, min/
max allowed amplitude +/−200 µV, lowest allowed
activity in intervals: 0.5 µV within 100 ms). During
this step, segments including the masking stimulus
were excluded from analysis (9 segments). The last
100 ms before button press were used to perform
the baseline correction necessary for the compu-
tation of ERPs. This baseline was chosen, because
it can be assumed that motor processing is what
is happening there, as the decision making
process is already over (Roskies, 2010). Because all
participants pressed the same button under all con-
ditions (i.e. space), it can be assumed that the
process of coding and initiating the motor response
should be highly similar if not the same. Moreover,
in the most classical studies which use response-
locked ERPs, namely those on the readiness poten-
tial (Bereitschaftspotential), a −200–0msor−100–
0 ms baseline is often used for that reason (e.g.
Jentzsch & Leuthold, 2002). Such a baseline has
also been used by other problem-solving (Paynter
et al., 2010) and insight problem-solving ERP
research (Lang et al., 2006). A pre-stimulus baseline
would be extremely inadequate as the problem-
solving process sometimes took a few seconds
and sometimes minutes, implying enormous varia-
bility in when comprehension (or insight) actually
happened. A post-response deadline would also
not make much sense, because participants may
engage in response-evaluation processing which
may differ between conditions (which is interesting
on its own, but not the current focus). For further
information, please see the Supplementary
Methods section. After baseline correction, the seg-
ments were averaged per insight condition for each
Splitting the data into more conditions would
have resulted in an insufficient number of trials for
data analysis. Nevertheless, multiple participants
ended up having less than five trials in at least
one condition. The specific conditions with low
numbers of trials varied across participants, depend-
ing on whether participants had a stronger incli-
nation towards responding when unsure or
responding only when they were completely sure
their response was correct. In this context, it
should be pointed out that all participants were
instructed to only press the button when they
were sure that they could voice the valid equation.
Statistical analysis
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS
version 26 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). Considering
that participants had low numbers of trials in
different conditions of the experiment (see above),
not all participants contributed to each cell of a fac-
torial model and it was therefore likely that partici-
pants showed different patterns across conditions.
To account for this pronounced variability, all data
were analysed using Linear Mixed Models (LMM,
also known as hierarchical linear model), including
Participant as a random-effects factor to model
the interdependence of observations. Thereby, we
were able to include data from participants with
empty cells, which would not be possible in
repeated-measures ANOVAs. All parameter choices
are reported in the results section. The significance
level was set to p< .05, and pvalues of .05 < p<
.10 were reported as trends. Regarding the assump-
tions for LMMs, these are normality of residuals, lin-
earity, and variance homogeneity. The variance
homogeneity assumption does not apply as we do
not compare groups (no between-subjects manipu-
lations). With regard to the normality of the
residuals, this was either given or if not, there was
at least no bimodal distribution or otherwise that
would have severely biased the results (Schielzeth
et al., 2020).
Response-locked ERPs were analysed using bin-
wise LMMs. We are aware that the number of seg-
ments per insight condition was quite low to dis-
cover any but relatively large amplitude
differences. Nevertheless, we chose to include this
measure for exploratory purposes. All bins were of
250 ms length. Bins from −2000 ms to −250 ms
before the response (indication of wanting to
voice the solution for true and false insight, or
having comprehended the presented solution for
induced insight) were analysed. The bin just
before the response was assumed to mainly reflect
preparation of the motor response and thus being
unspecific with respect to the cognitive processes
of interest. It was therefore not statistically analysed.
Moreover, it contained the interval used for baseline
correction, which was especially chosen for that
reason. To make the model feasible, we included
only nine electrodes with good coverage of the
head (F7, Fz, F8, T7, Cz, T8, P7, Pz, P8; located left
frontal, middle frontal, right frontal, left temporal,
middle central, right temporal, left parietal, middle
parietal, right parietal). All LMMs were computed
with fixed-factors Electrode (F7, Fz, F8, T7, Cz, T8,
P7, Pz, P8) and Insight (true, false, induced), as well
as random-effects factor Participant (25 levels).
EEG data sets of two participants were unfortunately
lost due to technical problems. Covariance of
repeated measures was estimated using Compound
Symmetry, because it can be assumed that the
variability in measurements should be relatively
Behavioural results
Please note that item number 39 (equation: VIII-X =
III, solution template: VIII = X-III, type: OC) had to be
excluded from data analysis, because the template
solution was invalid for the item due to an error in
its graphical presentation (it should have been VII-
X = III →solution: VII = X-III).
Item analysis
Of all 47 items, a mean of 42.4% was solved. The
relative number of items solved according to our
first solution template, on which the categorisation
of equations into SPC, CD, and OC was based, was
34.3% (of all 47 items). Since this was the vast
majority (80.9% of all correctly solved items), our
categorisation appears appropriate. A minority of
7.3% (of all correctly solved items) was solved
according to the first alternative solution, and
1.3% was solved according to a second alternative.
Mean Aha! Rating for all items was 3.8. The item
with lowest mean Aha! Rating had a rating of 3.26
(item 32, VI = IX + III →VI = III + III, solution type:
CD), and the one with the highest Aha! Rating had
a mean rating of 4.42 (item 47, I = X + X →I = X-IX,
solution type: OC). Note that the 7-point rating
scale was from 0 (no aha) to 6 (very intense
feeling of Aha!).
We further chose to test the potential correlation
between the solution frequency of items as an oper-
ationalisation of item difficulty and mean Aha!
rating. The one-tailed Spearman correlation was sig-
nificant [r= -.298, p= .021, N= 47 items]. Please refer
to Appendix 1 for details and a complete list of all
items and solutions.
Solution rate
Solution rates were tested with an LMM with fixed-
effects factors EQ_type {SPC, CD, OC} and Timeout
{14, 240 s}, and random-effects factor Participant
{27 levels}. We chose the full-factorial option,
reduced maximum likelihood estimation (REML),
and Satterthwaite approximation. Diagonal was
chosen to estimate the covariance type for fixed
effects, and identity for the random-effects factor.
As can be seen in Figure 2A, the equation types
roughly showed the pattern CD (mean = .36, SE
= .04) < OC (.43, .04) < SPC (.48, .05), with long pres-
entation durations leading to higher solutions rates
for all conditions (14 s timeout: .24, SE = .04; 240 s
timeout: .61, .04). There was a significant main
effect for EQ_type [F(2, 68.61) = 5.51, p= .006], and
a significant main effect for Timeout [F(1, 104.65)
= 143.19, p< .001], but no interaction [F(2, 68.61) =
0.31, p= .734].
When further taking into account whether a
specific equation type appeared for the first time
(for each of the two Timeouts), and adding First_-
time (yes, no) as an additional fixed-effects factor,
this factor showed neither main effect [F(1,
190.19) = 2.21, p= .139] nor interactions with either
EQ_type, nor Timeout, nor both [all p> .55](Figure
2B). Overall, mean solution rates were slightly
lower for items of an EQ_type that appeared for
the first time per Timeout (mean = .37, SE = .05)
compared to the 14 times afterwards (.43, .04). The
model was weaker than the previous one (more
complex without explaining considerably more var-
iance), as indicated by the Bayesian Information Cri-
terion (BIC), which rose from 20.95–251.16.
Response times
Response times or rather solution times for the
different equation types and timeouts were com-
pared for correctly and incorrectly solved items.
Subject (28 levels) was included as a random-
effects factor, and EQ_type (SPC, CD, OC), Timeout
(14 s, 240 s), and Solution (correct, incorrect) as
fixed-effects factors. All other aspects were the
same as above.
For the fixed-effects factors, we found the follow-
ing: A significant main effect for EQ_type [F(2,
54.00) = 4.37, p= .017], a significant main effect for
Timeout [F(1, 88.12) = 156.31, p< .001], a marginal
main effect for Solution [F(1, 88.67) = 3.33, p
= .071], and a significant interaction between
EQ_type and Timeout [F(2, 54.00) = 5.28, p= .008].
There was no interaction between Timeout and Sol-
ution [F(2, 88.13) = 2.54, p= .115]. All other potential
interactions between any two or all three factors
were tested, but remained far from significance [p
> .93]. The pattern for mean RTs was CD (mean =
28.1 s, SE = 2.1 s) > OC (22.5 s, 1.9 s) > SPC (19.3 s,
2.1 s). Furthermore, as depicted in Figure 3B, when
given more time (240 s), CD was associated with
the longest mean RTs (48.3 s, 4.2 s) compared with
SPC (30.1 s, 4.2 s) and OC (36.0 s, 3.8 s) items,
whereas when given only 14 s (Figure 3A), OC
items showed the longest RTs (9.0 s, 0.4 s) compared
with SPC (8.5 s, 0.4 s) and CD (7.8 s, 0.5 s). Lastly, RTs
were generally somewhat longer for incorrectly
solved items (25.5 s, 2.1 s) as compared to correctly
solved ones (21.1 s, 1.2 s), a typical effect reflecting
participants’higher uncertainty for incorrect sol-
utions (Kellogg, 1931; Pike, 1968). This difference
can be seen by comparing blue (incorrect solutions)
and red (correct solutions) boxplots in Figure 3.
Aha! rating
To test our hypothesis regarding the Aha! experi-
ence associated with true, false and induced
Figure 2. Solution rate by equation type and timeout.
insights, we compared the mean Aha! ratings of cor-
rectly solved items (true insight), incorrectly solved
items (false insight), and presented solutions after
timeout (induced insight). We computed an LMM
with random-effects factor Subject and fixed-
effects factor Insight (true, false, induced). Consider-
ing the potential influence of EQ_type and Timeout,
we further added these as fixed-effects factors.
Diagonal was chosen to estimate the covariance
type for fixed effects, and identity for the random-
effects factor. The factor EQ_type, which we
expected to reflect item difficulty (SPC < CD < OC;
Knoblich et al., 1999,2001), however, did not
explain a sufficient amount of variance (neither
main effect nor interactions with this factor
reached significance, all p> .32). Hence, we recom-
puted the model without EQ_type, leading to an
improved BIC (396 vs. 1027). (We provide more
information on the distribution of Aha! rating cat-
egories per equation type and participant in Sup-
plementary Figure S1.)
For exploratory purposes, and because difficulty
may also be operationalised via the solution rate
(the more difficult, the lower) or mean RT (the
more difficult, the higher), we also tested for poten-
tial correlations between mean Aha! ratings and sol-
ution times, and between mean Aha! ratings and
mean RT. The one-tailed Spearman correlation
between mean Aha! rating and solution rate
showed a trend towards significance [r
= .307, p
= .059, N = 27], indicating that higher solution
rates went along with higher Aha! ratings (see Sup-
plementary Figure S2), while the correlation
between mean Aha! rating and mean RT (of
correct solutions) did not approach significance [r
= .064, p= .376, N = 27] (see Supplementary Figure
There was no effect of Timeout [F(1, 25.18) = 2.76,
p= .109], but a main effect of Insight [F(2, 22.56) =
3.72, p= .040]. The interaction between Timeout
and Insight was not significant [F(2, 22.35) = 2.01,
p= .158]. As can be seen in Figure 4, insights were
rated lowest for false insights (mean = 3.6, SE =
0.3), and similarly high for true (4.1, 0.2) and
induced insights (4.1, 0.3).
Notably, there was also a subgroup of partici-
pants, who did rate almost in the opposite direction,
i.e. six subjects rated their feeling of Aha! highest for
false insights on average (see Figure 5A). From the
comments in the post-experimental questionnaire
regarding the question of how Aha! experiences
felt when solutions were presented or self-gener-
ated, it seems that there were two groups of partici-
pants: those who were relieved about the revelation
of the solution (strong feeling of Aha!) and those
who were upset (lower feeling of Aha!). However,
self-reports after the experiment did not consist-
ently correspond to participants’actual aha
ratings. The most consistent effect of Timeout was
observed for induced insights: The more time
Figure 3. Boxplots of response times (s) by equation type,
correctness and timeout. Panel A shows the data for a
timeout after 14 s, panel B for a timeout after 240 s.
Figure 4. Aha! ratings according to insight type and
timeout. Data are presented as split per individual in
Figure 5A.
participants had to think about the solution before
its presentation, the higher their Aha! ratings (with
the exception of one participant, who unfortunately
did not fill out the comment about the different
emotional responses regarding the Aha!
When recomputing the aforementioned model
with Insight (true, false, induced) and First_time
(yes, no), excluding Timeout, which did not contrib-
ute significantly to explaining the data, the model
estimate BIC was raised from 418 to 478, i.e. the
model was weaker. There was a weak trend-wise
effect of First_time [F(1, 65.42) = 2.92, p= .092],
and no interaction with Insight. Insight was again
significant [F(2, 61.19) = 8.46, p= .001]. The mean
Aha! Rating was slightly lower for the first time an
equation type appeared (mean = 3.5, SE = 0.2) com-
pared to afterwards (3.8, 0.1). However, when
looking at the curves of individual participants, it
becomes evident that the majority of participants
showed no change between the first time and after-
wards. Only seven participants showed a consider-
able increase (!) of their Aha! ratings from the first
time to afterwards (see Figure 5B). This effect is in
the opposite direction as expected, that is, no
diminishing of the feeling of Aha!, but an
EEG results: event-related potentials
In the following, only those effects that reached sig-
nificance (p< .05) will be described. The random-
effects parameter was significant for all bins [Wald
Z= 3.55–3.56, p< .001]. For a comprehensive list of
all statistical results for the fixed effects, including
also insignificant effects, please refer to Table 1.
The factor Electrode yielded significant effects for
all bins, suggesting that overall amplitude differed
depending on electrode site.
Between −2000 ms and −1500 ms before the
response, there was a significant main effect of
Insight. This main effect seemed to fade out
between −1500 ms and −1250 ms, where it was
still marginal. Interestingly, as can be seen in
Figure 6, true and induced insights had a lower
amplitude difference compared to true and false
insights. Please note that, because there is no sig-
nificant interaction with Electrode in this temporal
bin, this means that the effect of Insight shows the
same direction at all electrode sites. Between
−1000 to −750 ms before the response, a marginal
interaction between Insight x Electrode was
observed. For exploratory purposes, we split this
bin into two smaller bins (−1000 to −875 ms,
−875 to −750 ms) and computed the LMMs again.
The analysis revealed that the marginal effect origi-
nated from a significant interaction between
−1000 ms and −875 ms [Insight x Electrode: F
(16,612) = 1.68, p= .047] while it was non-significant
for −875 ms to −750 ms [F(16,612) = 1.37, p= .153].
From visual inspection (see Figure 6), it appears that
the interaction may be due to the effect of Insight
having different patterns depending on location:
At left frontal electrodes (see F7) true and false
insights are mainly overlapping, differing consider-
ably from induced insight which shows a large
Figure 5. Aha! ratings according to insight type and time of occurrence. Panel A depicts the subject-wise mean Aha! rating
split by Insight (true, false, induced). Panel B shows the difference between mean participant-wise Aha! ratings for the first
instance of any equation type per timeout in comparison with the mean of all instances afterwards.
negative deflection. In contrast, at right temporal to
posterior electrodes (see T8, P8), false insight differs
more from true and induced insights, showing a
relatively more positive deflection. Please note
that FDR-corrected p-values (using the Benjamini-
Hochberg procedure) would be .094 and .153,
respectively, and thus not significant. However,
this exploratory post-hoc analysis suggests that it
may be worth to look further into this temporal
window in follow-up studies with a higher number
of trials.
The current study set out (1) to evaluate the useful-
ness of matchstick arithmetic items for the
Table 1. List of all results regarding the fixed-effects factors.
Bin Fixed effect Numerator df Denominator df Fp
−500 ms to −250 ms Insight 2 612 1.07 .343
Electrode 8 612 14.93 .000
Insight x Electrode 16 612 0.83 .652
−750 ms to −500 ms Insight 2 612 1.60 .204
Electrode 8 612 21.63 .000
Insight x Electrode 16 612 0.62 .870
−1000 ms to −750 ms Insight 2 612 0.91 .402
Electrode 8 612 17.90 .000
Insight x Electrode 16 612 1.52 .087
−1250 ms to −1000 ms Insight 2 612 1.90 .150
Electrode 8 612 11.58 .000
Insight x Electrode 16 612 0.60 .887
−1500 ms to −1250 ms Insight 2 612 2.35 .097
Electrode 8 612 7.58 .000
Insight x Electrode 16 612 0.89 .578
−1750 ms to −1500 ms Insight 2 612 3.56 .029
Electrode 8 612 3.92 .000
Insight x Electrode 16 612 0.39 .986
−2000 ms to −1750 ms Insight 2 612 3.56 .004
Electrode 8 612 2.15 .029
Insight x Electrode 16 612 1.08 .375
Note. Significant effects are highlighted in italics.
Figure 6. Event-related potential data for true, false, and induced insights. Panel A depicts weighted grand averages
(according to how many segments were contributed by each participant) at the nine electrode sites included in the stat-
istical analysis. Data were 12 Hz low-pass filtered for visualisation only. Negative is up. The right panels show topographical
differences between true and false, as well as true and induced insight for the main effect of Insight in the −1750 to
−1500 ms bin (B) and −2000 to −1750ms bin (C).
investigation of the cognitive and neural processes
underlying insight problem solving via insight, (2)
to determine whether the Aha! experience is dimin-
ished over a multitude of trials, and (3) to compare
true, false, and induced insights with regard to
potential neural and cognitive differences.
First encounters of a problem type are only
marginally different to multiple encounters
Most previous studies had only employed match-
stick arithmetic items for behavioural and eye-track-
ing studies (Danek et al., 2016; Knoblich et al., 1999,
2001), using one item per equation type (i.e. SPC,
CD, and OC), or using more items, but without eval-
uating the question whether Aha! ratings changed
over time (Derbentseva, 2007). Our first interest
was therefore, whether the processing of an item
type encountered for the first time differed from
the processing of subsequent encounters with the
same item type. We found marginal differences for
solution rates, which increased slightly, indicating
a small learning effect. Surprisingly, the Aha! rating
increased slightly from the first encounter of each
equation type to the encounters afterwards. It
should be noted, though, that this effect was prob-
ably driven by seven of the 26 participants, pointing
to individual differences in Aha! rating behaviour.
We tentatively suggest that certain personality
traits might underlie such inter-individual variability
of Aha! ratings. It would, for example, be conceiva-
ble that participants with a high need for cognition
(Furnham & Thorne, 2013) might have felt stronger
positive emotional responses when their success
rate increased. We did not assess personality traits
or other indices of individual differences in the
present study, but our results indicate that future
investigations should be directed at the inter-indi-
vidual variability of insight experiences. Individual
differences in insight problem solving are currently
mainly supported for cognitive abilities like spatial
or verbal working memory, fluid intelligence, etc.
(see Chu & MacGregor, 2011, for a review). Our
results raise the possibility that there may be pro-
cessing differences beyond cognitive ability. While
the increase of Aha! ratings over time in a subgroup
cannot be conclusively interpreted in the context of
the current study, our results allow us to conclude
that there seems to be little if any risk of the Aha!
experience decreasing considerably over time with
this stimulus material and multiple encounters (42,
14 encounters per equation type).
The general type of solution is not as
important as the particular way of rectifying it
Regarding the different equation types (or rather
solution types), we unexpectedly found a different
pattern than the one expected based on previous
studies employing matchstick items (Knoblich
et al., 1999,2001). Although items that could be
solved via shifting a singular matchstick (SPC)
were the easiest type as evident in their high sol-
ution rates, the most difficult type of equations
turned out to be those solved by CD (V or X), with
OC being of medium difficulty. Importantly, this
pattern of difficulty was independent of whether
the specific type of equation was solved for the
first time or the many times afterwards.
For solution rates, this pattern (difficulty: SPC <
OC < CD) was independent of the time participants
had for a solution attempt. Naturally, for response
times, the timeout did matter. When participants
were given more time (240 s), the pattern reported
above was found. However, when given only 14 s,
response times showed the following unexpected
pattern: CD < SPC < OC. This could potentially
have to do with the nature of the particular CD
items that drove the mean RT, i.e. the CD items
solved most often. When looking at the five CD
items solved most often (see Appendix 1), it
becomes obvious that when taking apart the
chunk, the matchsticks that made up the chunk (X
or V) could stay next to each other, i.e. V →II, IV
→III, X →II, and so on. In other words, when
using only very few matchstick arithmetic items,
like one item per equation type, it is extremely
important to consider the particular way(s) an
item can be solved, instead of merely considering
the equation type alone. We thus suggest that the
diverging pattern found by Knoblich and col-
leagues, who employed only one item per type,
could be due to the particular equations chosen
to represent each type. Moreover, the item cate-
gorised as OC (B: III = III + III →III = III = III; Knoblich
et al., 2001) could also potentially be solved
without changing an operator by chunk compo-
sition (VI = III + III).
The strength of the aha! experience is
independent of equation type
As for our hypothesis regarding the dependence of
the Aha! rating on item difficulty, there was no such
effect, at least when assuming a dependence
between the equation type and difficulty, neither in
the previously expected hierarchy (SPC < CD < OC)
nor the observed one (SPC < OC < CD). There was,
however, a weak positive correlation between
mean Aha! rating and solution rate, which showed
the opposite pattern to the hypothesised relation-
ship: higher Aha! ratings for easier items, that is,
items solved more often. Thus, the strength of the
Aha! experience appears to be independent of
equation type and equation type does not reflect
item difficulty sufficiently well.
Our result is at odds with the results reported by
Derbentseva (2007) who, also for matchstick arith-
metic tasks, reported a strong dependence
between the intensity of an insight and the
difficulty to solve it, operationalised as the degree
of restructuring necessary. The different findings
could, however, be solely explained by the
differing operationalizations of difficulty and
insight. Insight was dichotomous, i.e. either there
was an Aha! (lightbulb flashing) experience or it
was absent, and difficulty was determined by a
rating of the difficulty level on a 10-point rating
scale when raters saw the solution and its problem
at the same time. A follow-up study to ours could
collect data on the difficulty of items corresponding
to Derbentseva and measure Aha! strength also
with a 10-point rating scale to see whether a posi-
tive relationship between difficulty and Aha! could
be replicated this way. That aside, our participants
might have been biased, as our instruction only
explicitly stated that feelings of Aha! “may some-
times occur”. This statement does entail that they
do not occur at other times, but that was implicit.
Therefore, participants responses may have been
biased towards Aha!.
Differences between true, false, and induced
Turning our focus on the differentiation between
true, false, and induced insights, operationalised as
correct solutions, incorrect solutions, and solutions
presented after a failed attempt at problem
solving, our results suggest that participants did
indeed perceive a difference between false insights
(mean = 3.6) as compared with true and induced
insights (both mean = 4.1), because their mean
Aha! ratings were lower. The higher Aha! ratings
for true as compared to false insights are in line
with findings reported by Danek and Wiley (2017).
Our results lend further support to Danek’s and
Salvi’s(2018) notion that insight processing differs
considerably for correct (true insight) and incorrect
(false insight) solutions, while also adding infor-
mation about the relationship between presented
solutions and Aha! ratings.
Due to the relatively low number of items per
condition, we could, unfortunately not split the
electrophysiological data as a function of Insight
(true, false, induced) and Timeout (14, 240 s) at
the same time. We therefore split the data only for
true, false, and induced insights. Here, we found
that this factor had a main effect on the overall
amplitude of the ERP between −2000 ms and
−1500 ms before response button press. Interest-
ingly, overall amplitudes differed less for true and
induced insights compared to true and false
insights. In a phenomenological study of insight,
Danek and colleagues found that the main qualitat-
ive differences between true and false insights are
that true insights are more strongly associated
with relief, while for false insights the surprise com-
ponent is more dominant (Danek et al., 2014a;
Danek & Wiley, 2017). It may be that the relief com-
ponent is similarly relevant for induced insights, as
in our study the solution was only presented after
a failed attempt at problem-solving. Moreover, par-
ticipants may be similarly convinced about the cor-
rectness of the solution for true and induced
insights, while they are less confident about their
false insights. Further qualitative studies could illu-
minate this aspect. In a very recent study, Cui and
colleagues also used response-locked ERPs in
study on learning via insight using the CRAT (Cui
et al., 2020). They incorporated a binary Aha/no
Aha decision for each item and found differences
between ERPs −800 ms to −400 ms before the
response for items solved correctly with Aha! com-
pared to those without. Importantly, this difference
was found in the absence of behavioural differences
(neither in RTs nor in solution rates). Their study
adds support to our proposition that response-
locked ERPs can be especially useful for the investi-
gation of insight(-like) processing.
Until recently, there were no other ERP studies on
insight that analysed response-locked ERPs, but
instead, previous studies ERPs on insight-based
problem solving, employed stimulus-locked
approaches (Leikin et al., 2016; Qiu et al., 2008;
Shen et al., 2013). On the one hand, because the sol-
ution times differed considerably, we refrained from
this type of ERP analysis, as we could not exclude
the possibility that differences could be solely
explained by differences in the timing of the cogni-
tive processes rather than the processes themselves.
On the other hand, since participants were
instructed to press the button as soon as they had
solved an equation or comprehended a presented
solution, the insight was highly likely to have
occurred within the two seconds before button
press, but earlier than 200 ms before button press,
which is the approximate time to compute and
initiate the motor response. Therefore, we are
confident that a response-locked analysis was
more appropriate in our study. However, in a
recent EEG study that employed Wavelet analysis
to analyse the time–frequency differences
between items solved correctly with a subjective
Aha! experience (referred to as insight condition)
versus without Aha! (referred to as analysis con-
dition), Oh et al. (2020) report differences in the
gamma range −142 ms to −79 ms before button
press, i.e., the time window of our baseline correc-
tion. Although their conditions do not correspond
to ours and we applied a 35 Hz low-pass filter, and
gamma should therefore be excluded from our
ERP measures, their study could indicate that cogni-
tive and/or affective processing differences may still
have taken place in the 100 ms before the response.
This indicates a potential limitation of the chosen
When looking at response-locked oscillation
data, Rothmaler and colleagues also found differ-
ences within a similar time interval as we did, only
for alpha power (as estimated via a Wavelet
decomposition). They proposed that the alpha
increase in relation to endogenous true insight
may reflect an increased shift from the visually pre-
sented information on the screen to internally rep-
resented information, whereas the alpha decrease
in response to induced insight could reflect a stron-
ger external focus of attention on the presented sol-
ution (Rothmaler et al., 2017). It would be
interesting to see whether the ERP differences we
found for true endogenous, false endogenous, and
induced insights can also be attributed to the
alpha range. However, this remains to be tested in
future studies.
The matchstick arithmetic task seems a well-suited
task for the cognitive and neuroscientific investi-
gation of insight problem solving. No decrease of
the strength of the Aha! experience could be
observed for the first as compared to all following
encounters of the different equation types. Other-
wise, our study showed the importance of taking
into account that the time a problem solver has
for a solution attempt has a considerable impact
not only on the solution rate, but also on the Aha!
rating itself. Lastly, our behavioural and electro-
physiological data show that it is important to differ-
entiate between endogenous true (correct
solutions) and false insights (incorrect solutions),
as well as induced insights (presented solutions
after failed problem-solving attempt).
This study was enabled by the local research funds
assigned to K. F.-S. by the University of Hildesheim.
Data availability statement
All data used for the above reported analyses have been
made available as SPSS.sav files at the Open Science Fra-
mework under doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/C6PX9 or https://osf.
io/c6px9/, shared under CC BY-NC-SA license. In case of
interest in the raw files (behavioural logfiles from Presen-
tation in.txt format, or raw.eeg,.vmrk,.hdr files from Brain-
Vision Recorder), these data will be made available upon
reasonable request by the first author. There is sup-
plementary information available in a separate PDF file.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
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Appendix 1
equation Type
solution 1
solution 2
solution 3
Number of
SPC I + VI = VII V + II = VII 3,43 0,21 0,39 0,61 1
2III + III =
SPC III + III = VI 3,54 0,89 0,89 0
3IV-I = V SPC V-I = IV VI-I = V 4,11 0,21 0,46 0,68 1
4VI + II =
SPC VI + I = VII IV + II = VI V + II = VII 3,43 0,32 0,07 0,04 0,43 2
5VI-V = III SPC VI-IV = II VII-V = II 3,62 0,23 0,19 0,42 1
6IX + XI =
4,11 0,59 0,59 0
7VI + V =
VII + V =
3,61 0,43 0,07 0,50 1
8IV + VI =
3,96 0,25 0,25 0
9VIII = II +
4,00 0,29 0,07 0,14 0,50 2
10 VII = III +
SPC VI = III + III 3,64 0,14 0,14 0
11 I = VII-VIII SPC I = VIII-VII 3,43 0,50 0,54 0
12 VI = VIII-
SPC IV = VIII-IV 3,59 0,33 0,33 0
13 I = II + I SPC II = I + I 4,04 0,46 0,50 0
14 IX + I =
SPC X + II = XII XI + I = XII IX + II = XI 3,70 0,11 0,22 0,15 0,48 2
15 X + III =
SPC X + II = XII IX + II = XI 3,46 0,43 0,07 0,50 1
16 V-IV = III SPC VI-IV = II 3,89 0,33 0,33 0
17 III-II = II CD IV-II = II 3,75 0,43 0,43 0
18 V-I = III CD V-I = IV 3,71 0,36 0,36 0
19 VII = IV +
3,68 0,04 0,07 0
20 VII-I = III CD VII-I = VI VII-V = II 3,43 0,39 0,04 0,46 1
21 III-III = I CD IV-III = I 3,89 0,36 0,36 0
22 VI-IV = X CD VI-IV = II 4,00 0,54 0,57 0
23 V-V = X CD VI-V = I V-IV = I 3,64 0,14 0,07 0,21 1
24 XI-IX = X CD XI-IX = II 3,93 0,37 0,37 0
25 VI = III +
CD VI = III + III 4,00 0,48 0,48 0
26 III = V-X CD III = V-II 4,00 0,56 0,56 0
27 X = I + I CD II = I + I 4,18 0,46 0,46 0
28 VII = I +
CD VII = I + VI VII = V + II 4,14 0,32 0,07 0,00 0,39 1
29 VI = XI +
CD VI = III + III 3,43 0,25 0,00 0,00 0,25 0
30 VI = VI +
CD XI = VI + V VII = VI + I 3,93 0,29 0,00 0,00 0,29 1
31 III = XV-IV CD XI = XV-IV 3,85 0,30 0,00 0,00 0,30 0
32 VI = IX +
CD VI = III + III 3,26 0,26 0,00 0,00 0,26 0
33 II-VI = VII OC II + V = VII I + VI = VII 3,93 0,04 0,32 0,00 0,36 1
34 IV-II = V OC IV + I = V IV-II = II 4,07 0,30 0,33 0,00 0,63 1
35 V + I = V OC V-I = IV VI-I = V 3,39 0,43 0,21 0,00 0,64 1
36 III-III = VII OC III + III = VI 3,89 0,50 0,07 0,07 0,57 0
37 X + I = X OC X-I = IX XI-I = X 4,18 0,46 0,11 0,00 0,57 1
38 XV = III-
OC XV-III = XII 3,86 0,32 0,00 0,00 0,32 0
40 I-X = IX OC I = X-IX X-I = IX 4,00 0,11 0,25 0,00 0,36 1
41 VII = I-VI OC VII-I = VII 3,54 0,29 0,00 0,00 0,29 0
42 VI = IV-II OC VI-IV = II 3,93 0,54 0,04 0,04 0,57 0
43 VI = V-I OC VI-V = I IV = V-I 4,04 0,43 0,11 0,00 0,54 1
44 IV = III-I OC IV-III = I 3,67 0,26 0,00 0,00 0,26 0
45 XI = IX-II OC XI-IX = II 3,54 0,32 0,00 0,00 0,32 0
46 X = II-VIII OC X-II = VIII 3,86 0,32 0,00 0,00 0,32 0
47 I = X + X OC I = X-IX I = XI-X 4,44 0,26 0,15 0,00 0,41 1
48 XIII = III-X OC XIII-III = X 3,75 0,36 0,00 0,00 0,36 0