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Proceedings of the Workshop on Human Evaluation of NLP Systems (HumEval), pages 69–74
Online, April 19, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
The Great Misalignment Problem in Human Evaluation of NLP Methods
Mika H¨
University of Helsinki and Rootroo Ltd
Khalid Alnajjar
University of Helsinki and Rootroo Ltd
We outline the Great Misalignment Problem
in natural language processing research, this
means simply that the problem definition is not
in line with the method proposed and the hu-
man evaluation is not in line with the definition
nor the method. We study this misalignment
problem by surveying 10 randomly sampled
papers published in ACL 2020 that report re-
sults with human evaluation. Our results show
that only one paper was fully in line in terms
of problem definition, method and evaluation.
Only two papers presented a human evaluation
that was in line with what was modeled in the
method. These results highlight that the Great
Misalignment Problem is a major one and it af-
fects the validity and reproducibility of results
obtained by a human evaluation.
1 Introduction
There has been a lot of academic discussion re-
cently about different evaluation methods used and
their validity (Novikova et al.,2017;Reiter,2018;
Howcroft et al.,2020;van der Lee et al.,2019). Re-
producibility is an important problem in our field
of science and it is not currently archived in human
evaluation, as some researches have found that try-
ing to reproduce a human evaluation gives different
results (H
ainen et al.,2020;Mieskes et al.,
However important reproducibility is, we have
identified an even more severe problem in human
evaluation. We call this problem the Great Mis-
alignment Problem that is a mismatch between a
problem statement, a proposed model and a pro-
posed evaluation method.
It is typical in the field of NLP to work with
ill-defined problems. For instance, many machine
translation papers (Roest et al.,2020;Chen et al.,
2020;Talman et al.,2019) do not extensively de-
fine what they mean by translation, a topic that has
multiple definitions in translation studies (Hermans,
1985;Reiss,1989;Lederer,2003), but merely take
it for granted and focus on proposing systems that
achieve high scores in an automatic evaluation met-
ric such as BLEU (Papineni et al.,2002).
For as long as you work with a problem the so-
lution of which you can objectively measure by au-
tomated metrics, the role of a problem definition is
not that important. The situation changes, however,
when your main evaluation method is a subjective
human evaluation. The reason for this is simple:
only when you have defined the problem clearly,
can you derive the questions and methods for a
human evaluation (c.f. Alnajjar and H
2018;Jordanous 2012). When one does not have
a clear understanding of the problem one seeks to
solve, the evaluation is usually not representative
of the problem, thus they are misaligned.
The Great Misalignment Problem is not just
about the misalignment between the problem def-
inition and the evaluation, but also the proposed
solution, let it be rule-based, algorithmic or a ma-
chine learning model. We can often see that the
solution itself has very little to do with the human
evaluation methods used.
In this paper, we study the Great Misalign-
ment Problem (alignment of a problem definition,
method and human evaluation) by surveying papers
published in ACL 2020 that use human evaluation.
We focus on ACL since it is supposed to be the
most prestigious conference in the field. For cour-
tesy reasons, we anonymize the papers surveyed,
except Paper 3 (Mohankumar et al.,2020) which
was the only paper that did not exhibit the Great
Misalignment Problem. We do not want single any-
one out with our critique as that is not the goal of
our paper.
Definition Method in line
with the definition
Evaluation in line
with the definition
Evaluation in line
with the method
Evaluation in line
with the topic
Paper 1 Theoretical No No No No
Paper 2 Absent No No Yes Yes
Paper 3 ML Yes Yes Yes Yes
Paper 4 Absent No No No No
Paper 5 Absent No No No Yes
Paper 6 Absent No No No No
Paper 7 Math Yes No No No
Paper 8 Theoretical Yes No No Yes
Paper 9 Absent No No No No
Paper 10 Absent No No No No
Table 1: The Great Misalignment Problem in the papers surveyed.
2 Surveying the Great Misalignment
We filter all papers that have the words “human”
and “evaluat*” or “judge*” in their abstract. This
way, we can find papers mentioning human eval-
uation, human evaluators and so on. We include
all papers published in the ACL 2020
workshops) in the search. We sort these papers (79
in total) at random and take the first 10 papers that
actually have used human evaluation, as some of
the papers mentioned human and evaluation, but
did not conduct a human evaluation. We did not
consider papers that suggested automated evalua-
tion metrics based on correlation with human evalu-
ation as their main contribution. Human evaluation
is most common in natural language generation as
8 out of 10 papers deal with NLG.
The papers, we considered for evaluation in
terms of human evaluation, presented automatic
evaluation metrics in addition to human evaluation.
For all the 10 papers, we looked at the following
How is the problem defined and narrowed
Is the proposed method in line with the defini-
• Is the evaluation in line with the definition?
Is the evaluation in line with what was mod-
eled by the method?
Is the evaluation in line with the overall topic
of the paper?
As an example, if a paper proposes a model for
poem generation and does not define what is meant
by poem generation, we consider the definition to
be absent. A simple statement of the topic is not
enough as there are nuances to poem generation
such as rhyme, meter, metaphors, symbolism, per-
sonification and so on. If a paper presents a more
narrowed-down definition and this definition is fol-
lowed in the method proposed, we consider the two
to be in line.
Evaluation is in line with the definition, if the
evaluation questions reflect the different aspects
that were defined important in the problem defini-
tion. For the evaluation to be in line with the model,
it should evaluate what the model was designed to
do. If for example, a poem generator model takes
meter and rhyme into account, but it is evaluated
based on fluency and poeticness, the method and
the evaluation are not in line. For them to be in line,
meter and rhyme should have been evaluated. The
evaluation can be in line with the overall topic of
the paper: for example, evaluating poeticness is in
line with poem generation.
The results of our survey can be seen in Table
1. As we can see, almost all papers had the Great
Misalignment Problem except for one paper, Paper
3. Unlike the rest of the papers surveyed, this par-
ticular paper did not try to solve an NLP problem
per se, but rather focused on studying the attention
models used in LSTM neural networks. Therefore
its problem definition, method and human evalu-
ation focused on the attention models rather than
any NLP problems.
Paper 7 presented a very explicit mathematical
statement for the problem they were to solve in
the paper. Although, this is very specific to the
implementation the authors had, it is still better
than a completely absent definition as seen in the
majority of papers that took an abstract level topic
# of Samples N
Less than 20 1
100-500 5
500-1000 2
1000-1500 2
Table 2: Number of samples produced by the method
that were evaluated.
Judges per sample N
Not Given 2
1-3 2
4-5 3
6-10 2
Above 10 1
Table 3: Number of human evaluators used per sample
produced by the method.
for granted and solved it with some method.
Paper 1 and Paper 8 used an existing theory to
narrow down the topic. Paper 8 did this in a good
way, as their implementation followed exactly the
notions defined by the theory they used. However,
Paper 1 merely mentioned a theory for their defini-
tion, completely ignoring it in the implementation
of the method and in the evaluation.
Papers 2, 4-6 and 9-10 do not provide any defi-
nition for the problem they are trying to solve, but
rather take the definition for granted. Therefore
their evaluation cannot be in line with the defini-
tion either, as no definition was provided, but in
some cases the evaluation was at least in line with
the overall topic of the paper, although this was not
always the case.
Only Paper 3 had their evaluation in line with the
definition and only Paper 3 and Paper 2 had their
evaluation in line with what was modeled in the
method. This is very concerning, as it highlights
how little the evaluation questions used had to do
with what was actually done in the papers. On a
more positive note, Papers 2, 3, 5 and 8 at least
have their evaluation in line with the topic of the
paper, however this means that are 6 papers the
evaluation of which is not in line with the topic.
Table 2show how many samples (different out-
puts by a system) were evaluated. We can see that
there is a lot of variety in this respect in the pa-
pers surveyed, but half of the papers have evaluated
from 100 to 500 samples. The situation gets even
more complicated when we look at the results re-
ported in Table 3. Here, we can see that there is a
lot of variety in how many human evaluators evalu-
ated each sample. Two of the papers did not report
this at all.
3 Discussion
A direct implication of the Great Misalignment
Problem is that the results of any human evaluation
cannot be reproducible as they are measuring some-
thing else than what was modeled in the proposed
solution. Therefore, any results obtained by the
human evaluation can only be due to some other
variable such as the data used in training, a bias in
the often too small evaluation sample or a bias in
the often too few evaluators.
Furthermore, many factors affect the quality of
the human evaluation. For instance, forcing the
evaluators to provide answers to questions that they
do not know how to answer without giving them the
possibility to skip such questions could introduce
noise in the evaluation data. On the contrary, some
unfaithful evaluators (scammers) might abuse such
an opportunity to finish the survey effortlessly and
in a short time by submitting valid answers, i.e. “I
do not know”.
Some surveying platforms support defining cri-
teria to discard scammers, such as test questions
or a minimum response time. Test questions are
greatly useful to enhance the quality of answers.
However, when used for evaluating subjective tasks
they would add a bias as evaluators must share the
same opinions of the authors or, else, they will be
rejected from continuing the survey. The minimum
response time is there to eliminate scammers who
answer promptly without even reading the ques-
Other similar criteria exist, e.g., language and
geographical restrictions that might aid in find-
ing competent evaluators, the ordering of samples
when presented side by side, and the bias of provid-
ing a single answer consistently to different ques-
tions (Veale and Alnajjar,2015). This just to show
that many factors regarding the human evaluation
setup contribute massively to the quality of the
evaluation. There is no one fixed or correct way
to conduct all human evaluations, but researchers
in the field should consider such biases and aim
towards reducing them in addition to revealing the
full details of the evaluation setup and the intu-
ition behind it to the reader to allow reproducibility
of the scientific work. Unfortunately, none of the
papers surveyed described the human evaluation
conducted in a clear fashion, where different biases
or threats to the validity of the results would have
been made clear.
Our field is very often focused on gaining the
state of the art performance from our models. How-
ever, when the human evaluation metrics used have
little to nothing to do with the problem or the
method, knowing what truly is the state of the art
becomes less clear. Each system, regardless of their
final evaluation score, will have a lot of advantages
and disadvantages that do not become evident if the
problem they are used to solve is ill-defined. This
leads to the problem that evaluation scores are the
only way of showcasing the superiority of your sys-
tem, no matter how unrelated the evaluation scores
were to the problem or to your method.
The problem that comes from not evaluating
what you have modeled in your method is that
you cannot say whether what you modeled actually
works as intended. This is especially problematic
in the case of NLG, which represents a majority
of papers surveyed. Nowadays generating good
sounding text is no longer an issue as very generic
models such as GPT-2 (Radford et al.,2019) can
be used to generate many different kinds of text.
This leads to the problem that if no clear definition
is provided, any method that spits out text will
satisfy the requirements, and if the evaluation does
not capture anything about how the method was
implemented, then it is impossible to tell whether
your system actually improved anything but the
very surface of the text.
In our own experiments (H
ainen and Alnaj-
jar,2019a) with human evaluation, we have found
that questions that do not measure what has been
modeled make it very difficult to say what should
be improved in the system and how, although such
an evaluation makes the end results look impressive.
As Gerv
as (2017) puts it, any feature not modeled
in a generative system that happens to be in the
output can hardly be a merit of the system, but is in
the result due to mere serendipity. To complicate
the things, Veale (2016) points out that people are
willing to read more content into the output of a
system than what the system had planned.
To solve these problems, we decided to follow
an approach where we defined exactly what we
need our system to be able to produce in its output
(humorous headlines). In our first paper (Alnajjar
and H
ainen,2018), we believed we had solved
the problem, only to realize in our follow-up paper
ainen and Alnajjar,2019c) that the human
evaluation results contradicted our own impression
of the output produced by the different systems.
As it turns out, the evaluation questions were too
abstract and left enough room for people to read
more into the output.
While our latest trial in solving the issue
has been using concrete evaluation questions
ainen and Alnajjar,2019b) that measure ex-
actly what the system was designed to do in order
to reduce subjectivity, such an evaluation practice
cannot be embraced if there is no alignment be-
tween the definition, solution and evaluation. No
matter how concrete the evaluation questions are
or how sound the evaluation method is in terms
of forming a good quantitative questionnaire, an
evaluation that neither evaluates the method nor the
problem can hardly be meaningful.
All in all, we have had good experiences when
conducting human evaluation in person by printing
out questionnaires and presenting them to people.
It is not at all difficult to find test subjects who are
willing to participate. This way, one can avoid the
problem of paid online questionnaires where the
motives and skills of the human evaluators is diffi-
cult to assess. Furthermore, conducting evaluation
this way, opens the evaluation up for criticism and
it is easy to get direct feedback from the partici-
pants on the test design and its difficulty.
4 Conclusions
In this paper, we have described a fundamental is-
sue in human evaluation in the field of NLP. Our
initial survey results show that the issue can be
found extensively in the papers published in our
field. The Great Misalignment Problem makes it
impossible to critically assess the advancements
in the field, as usually problems papers are trying
to solve, are not defined well enough to be thor-
oughly evaluated by human judges. In addition, if
the method proposed does not align well with the
problem nor the evaluation, any human evaluation
results can hardly be a merit of the method.
There are several uncontrolled variables involved
and based on our survey results, human evaluation
is not conducted in the same rigorous fashion as
in other fields dealing with human questionnaires
such as in social sciences (c.f. Babbie 2015) or
fields dealing with evaluation of computer systems
such as design science (c.f. Hevner et al. 2004).
There is a long way for our field to go from here
in order to establish more sound and reproducible
human evaluation practices.
Narrowing the problem definition down from an
abstract definition such as “poem generation” or
“diverse dialog generation” not only helps in un-
derstanding the problem from the point of view
evaluation, but also makes it possible to ask more
meaningful questions while proposing a solution.
Such an ideology can be useful also in domains
where evaluation is conducted automatically in or-
der to critically assess the validity of the approach
and the evaluation method used.
The results presented in this paper are based on
only 10 papers published in ACL 2020. The sample
seems representative to the general feel of the state
of human evaluation in the field, but it is important
in the future to survey a larger sample of papers to
better understand the problem. While conducting
our survey, we also paid attention to other issues in
human evaluation such as the fact that the evalua-
tion methods are not usually adequately described
in terms of presentation of the evaluation questions
(many papers did not report the questions at all),
selection of human judges, task instructions and so
on. There were huge differences also in the number
of human judges from only 3 to 30 judges, and also
in the number of samples evaluated.
Our field does not have an established methodol-
ogy for human evaluation, but at the current stage,
the validity of many human evaluation methods
is questionable. This is problematic as our field
clearly has problems that rely on human evaluation.
We do not believe that removing human evaluation
altogether in favor of objective evaluation methods
is the optimal solution either, as automatic evalu-
ation metrics come with their own problems and
biases. In order to reach to better human evalua-
tion practices, a study of human evaluation itself is
needed. From our experiences with human evalua-
tion, we can say that it is certainly not a straight for-
ward problem due to a variety of different reasons,
the largest of them being subjective interpretation
and limited understanding the human evaluators
have of the evaluation task, questions and the ac-
tual output that is to be evaluated.
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