Chinua Achebe; Things fall apart: authoritative text, context and criticism
Jan 2009
D Carroll
Carroll D. Things fall apart. Chinua Achebe; Things fall apart:
authoritative text, context and criticism ; ed. by F.A. Irele. N.Y and L. :
W. W. Norton and Company, 2009. P. 385-410.
Chinua Achebe; Things fall apart: authoritative text, context and criticism
Jan 2009
S Gikandi
Gikandi S. Chinua Achebe and the Invention of African Literature.
Chinua Achebe; Things fall apart: authoritative text, context and
criticism ; ed. by F.A. Irele. New York and London : W. W. Norton and
Company, 2009. P. 293-303.
A The Crisis of Cultural Memory in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart. Chinua Achebe; Things fall apart: authoritative text, context and criticism
Jan 2009
F Irele
Irele F.A The Crisis of Cultural Memory in Chinua Achebe's Things
Fall Apart. Chinua Achebe; Things fall apart: authoritative text,
context and criticism ; ed. by F.A. Irele. N. Y and L. : W. W. Norton
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Issues in the Reassessment of the African Novel
Jan 1979
D Izevbaye
Izevbaye D. "Issues in the Reassessment of the African Novel."
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Sophisticated Primitivism: The Syncretism of Oral and Literate Models in Achebe's Things Fall Apart. Chinua Achebe; Things fall apart: authoritative text, context and criticism
Jan 2009
Jan Mohamed
Jan Mohamed A. Sophisticated Primitivism: The Syncretism of Oral
and Literate Models in Achebe's Things Fall Apart. Chinua Achebe;
Things fall apart: authoritative text, context and criticism ; ed. by
F.A. Irele. N.Y. and L. : W. W. Norton and Company, 2009. P. 571-586.
Chinua Achebe; Things Fall Apart: Authoritative Text, Context and Criticism
Jan 2009
B Mccarthy
McCarthy B. Rhythm and Method in Things Fall Apart. Chinua
Achebe; Things Fall Apart: Authoritative Text, Context and Criticism ;
ed. by F.A. Irele. N. Y and L. : W. W. Norton and Company, 2009.
P. 422-437.
Chinua Achebe and the African Experience: A Socio-Literary Perspective. Chinua Achebe; Things fall apart: authoritative text, context and criticism
Jan 2009
M Pandurang
Pandurang M. Chinua Achebe and the African Experience: A Socio-Literary Perspective. Chinua Achebe; Things fall apart: authoritative
text, context and criticism ; ed. by F.A. Irele. L. and N. Y. : W. W. Norton
and Company, 2009. Р. 343-358.
Critical Introduction
Jan 1969
J Povey
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