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Intraspecific morphological variation of Bellidiastrum michelii (Asteraceae) along a 1,155 m elevation gradient in the Tatra Mountains

Taylor & Francis

Abstract and Figures

Plant species that inhabit large elevation gradients in mountain regions are exposed to different environmental conditions. These different conditions may influence plant morphology via plastic responses and/or via genetic adaptation to the local environment. In this study, morphological variation was examined for Bellidiastrum michelii Cass. (Asteraceae) plants growing along a 1,155 m elevation gradient in the Tatra Mountains in Central Europe. The aim was to contribute to gaining a better understanding of within-species morphological variation in a mountain species across elevation gradients. Twelve morphological traits, which were measured for 340 plants collected from 34 sites, were plotted against elevation using Generalised Additive Models. Significant variation in B. michelii morphology was found across the elevation gradient. Plant size, in the form of plant height, total aboveground mass and total leaf mass, decreased significantly with increasing elevation. Similarly, floral traits, such as flower head mass, total flower mass, individual flower mass, flower head diameter and ligulate and tubular flower length, also decreased significantly with increasing elevation. However, the changes in these floral traits were not as large as those observed for plant size traits. Interestingly, the number of flowers produced by the plant, both ligulate and tubular, did not change across the studied elevation gradient. In this study, elevation was found to be an important gradient across which significant intraspecific morphological variation occurred in a mountain plant. These morphological changes may have occurred in response to various abiotic and biotic factors that change along elevation gradients.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Submitted 6 November 2019
Accepted 25 March 2021
Published 16 April 2021
Corresponding author
Piotr Kiełtyk,
Academic editor
Gabriele Casazza
Additional Information and
Declarations can be found on
page 11
DOI 10.7717/peerj.11286
2021 Kiełtyk
Distributed under
Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
Intraspecific morphological variation of
Bellidiastrum michelii (Asteraceae) along
a 1,155 m elevation gradient in the Tatra
Piotr Kiełtyk
Institute of Biological Sciences, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Warszawa, Poland
Plant species that inhabit large elevation gradients in mountain regions are exposed
to different environmental conditions. These different conditions may influence
plant morphology via plastic responses and/or via genetic adaptation to the local
environment. In this study, morphological variation was examined for Bellidiastrum
michelii Cass. (Asteraceae) plants growing along a 1,155 m elevation gradient in the
Tatra Mountains in Central Europe. The aim was to contribute to gaining a better
understanding of within-species morphological variation in a mountain species across
elevation gradients. Twelve morphological traits, which were measured for 340 plants
collected from 34 sites, were plotted against elevation using Generalised Additive
Models. Significant variation in B. michelii morphology was found across the elevation
gradient. Plant size, in the form of plant height, total aboveground mass and total
leaf mass, decreased significantly with increasing elevation. Similarly, floral traits, such
as flower head mass, total flower mass, individual flower mass, flower head diameter
and ligulate and tubular flower length, also decreased significantly with increasing
elevation. However, the changes in these floral traits were not as large as those observed
for plant size traits. Interestingly, the number of flowers produced by the plant, both
ligulate and tubular, did not change across the studied elevation gradient. In this study,
elevation was found to be an important gradient across which significant intraspecific
morphological variation occurred in a mountain plant. These morphological changes
may have occurred in response to various abiotic and biotic factors that change along
elevation gradients.
Subjects Ecology, Plant Science
Keywords Altitudinal gradient, Biomass, Floral characteristic, Within-species variation
Plants that grow across mountain slopes experience different stresses caused by the variable
environmental conditions found along elevation gradients. The most notable changes
associated with increasing elevation in mountain regions include decreases in the mean air
temperature, shortening of the growing season, increases in light intensity, UV radiation
and wind velocity, reductions in carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations, and decreases
in nutrient availability (Billings, 1974;Körner, 2003;Nagy & Grabherr, 2009). Soil microbial
activity and resource competition intensity also decrease at higher elevations (Körner, 2003).
How to cite this article Kiełtyk P. 2021. Intraspecific morphological variation of Bellidiastrum michelii (Asteraceae) along a 1,155 m ele-
vation gradient in the Tatra Mountains. PeerJ 9:e11286
Meanwhile, competition for pollinator services increases with elevation as the number of
pollinators declines at higher elevations (Maad, Armbruster & Fenster, 2013;Zhao & Wang,
2015;Arroyo, Pacheco & Dudley, 2017). Elevation therefore encompasses many abiotic and
biotic components. Thus, elevation likely acts as a key summary variable that relates to the
phenotypic variation observed in plants growing on mountains (Kelly, 1998;Hautier et al.,
2009;Scheepens & Stöcklin, 2013;He et al., 2017;Miljković et al., 2019;Paudel et al., 2019).
Plants growing along large elevational ranges can adapt to the local conditions at the
different elevations by adjusting their morphology and allocation of biomass to different
vegetative and reproductive structures (Guo et al., 2012;Takahashi & Matsuki, 2016). For
example, plant height is a trait that is related to fitness through vegetative competitiveness
and ability to use available resources. Plant height has commonly been found to decrease
within species with increasing elevation (Nishizawa et al., 2001;Alexander et al., 2009;Zhu
et al., 2010;Maad, Armbruster & Fenster, 2013;He et al., 2017;Paudel et al., 2019), possibly
as a response to limiting climatic conditions (Körner, 2003). Moreover, flowers, which are
organs that are relatively invariant within species, have been found to vary quantitatively
in plants of the same species across mountain elevation gradients (Herrera, 2005;Maad,
Armbruster & Fenster, 2013;Seguí et al., 2018). Intraspecific flower size can gradually
increase (Kudo & Molau, 1999;Herrera, 2005;Maad, Armbruster & Fenster, 2013;He et al.,
2017) or steadily decrease (Totland, 2001;Zhao & Wang, 2015;Hattori et al., 2016) with
increasing elevation. Increased intraspecific flower size at high elevations, as observed in
some entomophilous species, has been explained by pollinator selection for larger flowers at
high elevations. This is because, at high elevations, pollinators are rare but generally have a
greater size (Malo & Baonza, 2002;Maad, Armbruster & Fenster, 2013). At high elevations,
the reproductive success of outcrossing insect-pollinated plants is expected to be limited by
pollination (Zhao & Wang, 2015;Theobald, Gabrielyan & HilleRisLambers, 2016;Arroyo,
Pacheco & Dudley, 2017). An increased flower size corresponds to an increased insect
visitation rate (Totland, 2004), which, in turn, increases the chances of producing viable
seeds and achieving reproductive success (Arroyo, Primack & Armesto, 1982;Ohara &
Higashi, 1994;Bingham & Orthner, 1998). Conversely, reductions in flower size at high
elevations may result from individual plastic responses to climatic constraints (Zhao &
Wang, 2015). Flower size reductions may also result from local adaptation via abiotic
selection for smaller flowers in unfavourable environmental conditions. This selection
occurs due to the lower development and maintenance costs associated with smaller
flowers (Herrera, 2009).
Different selective abiotic and biotic pressures occurring at different elevations (Frei et
al., 2014) may further generate non-linear responses in plant morphological traits along
elevation gradients (Malo & Baonza, 2002). Such non-linear responses have been reported
for floral traits; a unimodal relationship was found between flower size and elevation,
with the maximum flower size of Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link (Malo & Baonza, 2002),
Solidago minuta L. (Kiełtyk, 2018) and Viola maculata Cav. (Seguí et al., 2018) occurring
in the middle of the elevational range. Such unimodal relationships may result from the
trade-off between pollinator selection for larger flowers (Totland, 2001;Totland, 2004;
Kiełtyk (2021), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.11286 2/15
Malo & Baonza, 2002;Maad, Armbruster & Fenster, 2013) and climatic selection for flower
miniaturisation at higher elevations (Herrera, 2009;Zhao & Wang, 2015).
Intraspecific morphological variation in plants growing across elevation gradients in
mountain regions is gaining increasing research attention (e.g., Takahashi & Matsuki,
2016;He et al., 2017;Olejniczak et al., 2018;Seguí et al., 2018). Knowledge of this variation
can help us to understand how plants have adapted to different environmental conditions
found across steep mountain gradients. In turn, this allows us to predict possible plant
responses to climatic change, particularly in cold mountain environments (Theurillat
& Guisan, 2001;Frei, Bodin & Walther, 2010). In this study, phenotypic variation was
investigated in the high-mountain plant, Bellidiastrum michelii Cass. (Asteraceae), across
a 1,155 m elevation gradient in the Tatra Mountains, Central Europe. The variation in
B. michelii traits with elevation were assessed using Generalized Additive Models (GAMs).
GAMs provide flexible, nonlinear functions that can account for both linear and non-linear
phenotypic responses without the need for a priori selection of candidate models. The aim
of this study was to contribute to obtaining a better understanding of morphological
variation in a single mountain species across elevation gradient. Specifically, the following
questions were addressed: do morphological traits of B. michelii significantly change across
the elevation gradient? And if so, what is it the variation pattern of these traits in relationship
to the elevation gradient?
Species and study area
Bellidiastrum michelii Cass. (Asteraceae, syn. Arnica bellidiastrum All., Aster bellidiastrum
(L.) Scop., Doronicum bellidiastrum L.) is a perennial plant growing in the mountains
of Central and Southern Europe, from the Western Carpathians, Alps and Jura to the
Apennines and the western part of the Balkan Peninsula (Merxmüller & Schreiber, 1976;
Aeschimann et al., 2004). The scape of B. michelii is erect, 10–35 cm long, not leafy, with
one flower head at the top (Fig. 1). Leaves are suborbicular, spatulate, obovate or elliptical
in shape and gathered in a basal rosette. Flowers, gathered in the flower head, are insect-
pollinated, with outer female white or pink ligulate flowers and inner hermaphrodite yellow
flowers. The species blooms from May to August (Rostański, 1971;Merxmüller & Schreiber,
1976). B. michelii grows predominantly in grasslands, pastures, on rocks and along springs
on calcareous substrate (Rostański, 1971;Aeschimann et al., 2004).
The research was conducted along an elevation gradient in the Tatra Mountains in
southern Poland (Fig. 2), within the protected area of the Tatra National Park (study
permission of the Tatra National Park: Bot/380 DBN.503/63/16). The Tatras have the
highest altitudinal range among Carpathian Mountains (the highest peak, Gerlach, is at
2,655 m a.s.l. in the Slovak part of the mountains), with a well-developed subnival zone at
the highest elevations. The general elevational range in the Polish Tatras extends from ca.
900 m to 2,500 m a.s.l; the lower montane belt extends from an elevation of 600 m a.s.l. in
the lower regions of the Carpathian Mountains and reaches an elevation of 1,250 m a.s.l.
in the Tatra Mountains. The upper montane belt extends from ca. 1,250–1,500 (1,550)
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Figure 1 Bellidiastrum michelii plants (A) and the species habitat (B) with white flowering B. michelii
plants in the subalpine belt at an elevation of 1,700 m a.s.l. in the Tatra Mountains.
Full-size DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11286/fig-1
m a.s.l., the subalpine belt from ca. 1,500 (1,550)–1,800 m a.s.l., the alpine belt from ca.
1,800–2,300 m a.s.l. and the subnival belt above 2,300 m a.s.l. (Mirek & Piekoś-Mirkowa,
1992). In the literature, B. michelii has been reported in the Polish Tatras at elevations
ranging from ca. 800 m a.s.l. in the Tatra foothills to 2,150 m a.s.l. (Rostański, 1971).
Field sampling and morphological measurements
In 2016, from the end of May to the beginning of July, the flowering plants of B. michelii
were collected from 34 sites ranging from 920 m a.s.l. to 2,075 m a.s.l. (Fig. 2,Table 1).
An attempt was made to ensure that the sampled sites were distributed approximately
evenly along the elevational range of the species (Table 1). The elevation at each site was
determined in the field using two devices: a GPS receiver with built-in barometric altimeter
(Garmin GPS MAP 76s, Olathe, USA) and a wrist barometric altimeter (Suunto Core
All Black, Vantaa, Finland); obtained elevation records were also consulted. To assure
recording accuracy, the altimeters of both devices were frequently calibrated at points
of known elevation, as read from topographic maps and field elevation markers. The
geographic coordinates and elevations of the study sites are presented in Table 1.
At each site, 10 plants with well-developed flower heads (in blossom peak) were sampled,
and their aboveground parts (i.e., flowering scapes with leaf rosettes) were collected. Each of
the sampled plants was sufficiently distant (>ca. 2 m) from other sampled plants to ensure
they represented different genetic individuals. Sampled individuals were well-developed
and did not show restriction in growth and reproductive function. In this study, 12
morphological traits were analysed; details on their measurements are presented in Table 2.
The first measurement was the flower head diameter expressed as the maximum distance
between the tips of two opposed petals. This measurement was made with a digital calliper
(Powerfix Profi, Neckarlsum, Germany) immediately after a plant was collected, when
the flowers were fresh and the flower head not deformed. The plants were then placed
in a botanical press, between drying paper and jute fabric, and preserved for further
analyses at the Plant Biology Laboratory of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in
Kiełtyk (2021), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.11286 4/15
state border
national park border
sampling sites
Tatra National Park
11 12
14 15 16
18 19
22 23
Figure 2 Location of the 34 elevational sites sampled for Bellidiastrum michelii in the Polish Tatra
Mountains. For geographic coordinates and elevations, see Table 1.
Full-size DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11286/fig-2
Warsaw. Plant height was assessed by measuring the length from the plant base to the top
of the flower head. The plants were further separated into three fractions (scape, leaves
and flower head) and dried for 48 h at 80 C in a laboratory drying oven with natural
air circulation (Pol-Eko-Aparatura SLN 240, Wodzisław Śląski, Poland) to obtain the
dry matter content (Pérez-Harguindeguy et al., 2013) by weighing on an analytical balance
(Radwag AS 60/220.X2 PLUS, Radom, Poland). The flower heads were then soaked in water
in a Petri dish for 1 h and then separated into ligulate and tubular flowers. This rehydration
of the flower heads and flowers was done to enable the separation of the flower head without
causing damage to the dry (and hence brittle) flowers and to ease straightening of the flower
corollas for subsequent measurements. The flowers were counted and the width of the
ligule and lengths of the ligulate and tubular flowers were measured using a stereoscopic
microscope (Delta Optical SZ-450T, Mińsk Mazowiecki, Poland). The number of ligulate
and tubular flowers was counted directly for each flower head, whereas the sizes of ligulate
and tubular flowers were measured for one randomly sampled flower from the head. After
the flowers were measured, they were stored in paper envelopes and dried for 48 h at 80
C in a drying oven with forced air circulation (Binder FD 115, Tuttlingen, Germany)
to obtain dry matter content, followed by weighing on the analytical balance. All weight
measurements were carried out immediately after the samples were removed from the
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Table 1 Study sites of Bellidiastrum michelii in the Polish Tatra Mountains. Geographic coordinates
were determined with a WGS84 geodetic system.
Site Elevation (m a.s.l.) Latitude (N) Longitude (E) Date
1 920 4916053.800 1959053.300 2016-05-30
2 955 4916023.100 1955001.500 2016-06-17
3 970 4916008.800 1955050.500 2016-06-19
4 1040 4916036.000 1949031.200 2016-05-28
5 1090 4915043.600 1959005.600 2016-06-17
6 1135 4915029.900 1959025.900 2016-06-20
7 1162 4915028.800 1959032.300 2016-06-17
8 1225 4915025.500 1959037.000 2016-06-20
9 1253 4915012.700 1952052.500 2016-06-16
10 1290 4916000.300 1953023.400 2016-05-27
11 1305 4915016.100 1959040.500 2016-06-20
12 1330 4915041.900 1959042.000 2016-06-20
13 1370 4915015.300 1959047.400 2016-06-20
14 1385 4915002.400 1953005.900 2016-06-16
15 1400 4915009.100 1959052.600 2016-05-29
16 1430 4915017.400 1959057.700 2016-06-20
17 1470 4914055.000 1953012.000 2016-06-16
18 1480 4915015.900 2000008.300 2016-06-20
19 1505 4915016.300 2000013.200 2016-06-20
20 1531 4915021.000 2000016.900 2016-06-20
21 1570 4914056.600 1959049.200 2016-06-19
22 1600 4914041.500 1953015.800 2016-06-21
23 1620 4914052.800 1959049.500 2016-06-19
24 1660 4913036.600 1953052.600 2016-06-18
25 1695 4914034.000 1953025.200 2016-06-21
26 1707 4914038.700 1954042.200 2016-07-04
27 1755 4914026.000 1953028.200 2016-06-21
28 1790 4914020.100 1953032.100 2016-06-21
29 1818 4914041.400 1954048.500 2016-07-04
30 1843 4914018.700 1953037.700 2016-06-21
31 1925 4913038.400 1954014.900 2016-06-18
32 1977 4913042.000 1954014.300 2016-06-18
33 2030 4913046.900 1954013.100 2016-06-21
34 2075 4913049.600 1954012.600 2016-06-21
oven to prevent humidity absorption from air in the laboratory, which may influence the
weight measurements.
Statistical analyses
Statistical analyses were based on measurements of 12 morphological traits for 340 plants
collected from 34 sites (10 plants from each site) distributed continuously along the
1,155 m elevation gradient. All statistical analyses were performed using R version 3.6.1
(R Core Team, 2019). Prior to the analyses, the normality of distribution was checked
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Table 2 Bellidiastrum michelii traits used in the study.
Trait Measurement details Accuracy/significant
Plant height—measured from the scape base to the top of
the flower head.
Measured with a ruler on herbarium specimens. 1 mm
Plant mass—dry mass of the aboveground plant parts. Weighed on an analytical balance after drying for 48 h at 80
0.0001 g
Total leaf mass—total dry mass of all plant leaves. As above. 0.0001 g
Flower head mass—dry mass of the flower head. As above. 0.0001 g
Total flower mass—total dry mass of ligulate and tubular
flowers in the flower head.
As above. 0.00001 g
Individual flower mass—calculated by dividing total flower
mass in the flower head by total number of flowers in the
0.00001 g
Flower head diameter—the maximum distance between
the tips of two opposed petals.
Measured with a digital calliper on fresh plants in the field
immediately after plant collection.
0.1 mm
Number of ligulate flowers in the flower head. Counted by stereomicroscopy at ×10 magnification after
separation of the flower head into ligulate and tubular
Number of tubular flowers in the flower head. As above.
Ligulate flower length—corolla length measured for one
randomly chosen ligulate flower from the head.
Measured by stereomicroscopy at ×10 magnification after 1
h rehydration in water.
0.1 mm
Ligulate flower width—ligule width of the chosen flower. As above. 0.1 mm
Tubular flower length—corolla length measured for one
randomly chosen tubular flower from the head.
As above. 0.1 mm
for the all studied variables by comparing the observed variable distribution with the
theoretical normal distribution using the ggqqplot() function from the ggpubr package
(Kassambara, 2019) and by conducting the Shapiro–Wilk test for normality with the
shapiro.test() function of the stats package (R Core Team, 2019). None of the variables,
with the exception of the number of ligulate flowers and the ligulate flower length, were
normally distributed; therefore, to meet normal distribution, they were transformed with
the Box–Cox method using the boxcox() function of the bestNormalize package (Peterson
& Cavanaugh, 2019) and were standardised (mean =0 and standard deviation =1) for
subsequent analyses. The performance of the various methods of data transformation
available in the bestNormalize package was assessed and the Box–Cox method was found
to produce the best data normalisation in terms of agreement with the theoretical normal
distribution. However, for three variables (total flower mass in the head, tubular flower
length and ligulate flower width), a normal distribution could not be met by any method
of data transformation. Therefore, when assessing results of subsequent analyses for these
three variables, caution is required. The shape of an elevational variation in morphological
traits was assessed using Generalised Additive Models (GAMs). The GAMs were run on
the transformed and standardised trait values, and the elevation variable was expressed in
kilometres to avoid numerical estimation problems (Zuur, 2012). In the GAM models the
elevation was treated as a fixed effect and sites of samples collection were set as a random
model component. The GAMs were fitted with the Restricted Maximum Likelihood
Kiełtyk (2021), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.11286 7/15
(REML) method. The analyses were accomplished with the gamm4() function available in
the gamm4 package (Wood & Scheipl, 2017). In the GAMs summary the effective degrees
of freedom (edf) represent the complexity of the smoothing. An adf of 1 is equivalent to a
straight line, an edf of 2 is equivalent to a quadratic curve, etc., with higher edfs describing
more wiggly curves. The F-statistics and P-values are test statistics used in ANOVA to test
the significance of the GAM models.
The GAMs of the relationships between plant traits and elevation revealed that 9 of
the 12 studied traits changed significantly with elevation (Table 3). Plant size decreased
considerably with increasing elevation. The plant height, plant mass and total leaf mass
decreased by 69%, 64% and 66%, respectively (Figs. 3A3C), across the 1,155 m elevation
gradient. Hereafter, the percentage changes in trait values will refer to the 1,155 m elevation
gradient, unless stated otherwise. Flower head mass and total flower mass showed slightly
hump-shaped patterns (Figs. 3D and 3E). Initially, from 920 m a.s.l. to 1,225 m a.s.l., the
flower head mass increased by 3%, and then from 1,225 m a.s.l. to 2,075 m a.s.l, decreased
by 22%. The total flower mass initially increased by 0.5% from 920 m a.s.l. to 1,040 m a.s.l.,
and then decreased by 23% from 1,040 m a.s.l. to 2,075 m a.s.l. However, it is important
to note that these initial slight increases in flower head mass and total flower mass at low
elevations may not be statistically significant. This is because the 95% confidence intervals
for the fitted model lines were wider than the observed hump-shaped patterns in the fitted
lines at low elevations (Figs. 3D and 3E). Meanwhile, the individual flower mass decreased
by 20% (Fig. 3F) and the flower head diameter decreased by 25% (Fig. 3G) from the
lowest to highest elevation. The number of flowers in the flower head, both ligulate and
tubular, showed no elevational tendency. These traits were very variable at all sites across
the elevational species range and did not exhibit any elevational trend (Figs. 3H and 3I).
Ligulate flower length decreased by 23% between the lowest and highest elevation (Fig. 3J).
Ligulate flower width showed high variation at all sites across the elevation gradient and
did not exhibit any significant relationship with elevation (Fig. 3K). Tubular flower length
decreased by 7% from the lowest to the highest elevation (Fig. 3L).
Most of the morphological traits of B. michelii varied significantly across the elevation
gradient. The plant height, total aboveground mass and total leaf mass decreased
considerably from low to high elevations. Similarly, floral traits, such as flower head
mass, total flower mass, individual flower mass, flower head diameter, and ligulate and
tubular flower length, also decreased with increases in elevation. However, the reductions
in these floral traits were not as great as those observed for plant size traits. Meanwhile, the
number of ligulate and tubular flowers produced by the plant did not change across the
studied elevation gradient. The intraspecific variation observed in this study suggests that
variable stress factors correlated with elevation impact plant morphotype. The elevational
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Table 3 Generalised Additive Model (GAM) summaries for fitting Bellidiastrum michelii traits to elevation. The significance level =0.05; ns,
non significant models. The effective degrees of freedom (edf) represent the complexity of the smoothing. An adf of 1 is equivalent to a straight line,
an edf of 2 is equivalent to a quadratic curve, etc., with higher edfs describing more wiggly curves.
Trait edf F P R-sq (adj.) Fitted value at
920 m a.s.l.
Fitted value at
2075 m a.s.l.
Change 920–2075
m a.s.l. (%)
Plant height (mm) 1.639 34.24 0.000 0.528 278.5 86.3 –69
Plant mass (g) 1.709 21.97 0.000 0.314 0.3152 0.1122 –64
Total leaf mass (g) 1.000 30.74 0.000 0.242 0.2040 0.0700 –66
Flower head mass (g) 2.198 4.93 0.006 0.091 0.0349 0.0279 –20*
Total flower mass (g) 1.870 5.54 0.017 0.088 0.0203 0.0157 –23**
Individual flower mass (g) 1.640 6.70 0.013 0.098 0.00015 0.00012 –20
Flower head diameter (mm) 2.256 27.21 0.000 0.386 29.93 22.56 –25
No. ligulate flowers 1.000 0.00 0.953 ns 0.003 – – –
No. tubular flowers 1.108 0.90 0.386 ns 0.000 – – –
Ligulate flower length (mm) 2.290 19.25 0.000 0.325 11.95 9.14 –23
Ligulate flower width (mm) 1.000 0.48 0.487 ns 0.001 – – –
Tubular flower length (mm) 1.447 6.31 0.015 0.073 3.84 3.57 –7
*Flower head mass had maximum fitted value of 0.0359 g at elevation 1,225 m a.s.l.
**Total flower mass had maximum fitted value of 0.0204 g at elevation 1,040 m a.s.l.
variation in morphology of B. michelii may result partially from phenotypic plasticity and
partially from local adaptations at different elevations.
The considerable decrease in intraspecific plant size with increasing elevation observed
in this study is in line with the results of previous studies (e.g., Nishizawa et al., 2001;
Alexander et al., 2009;Zhu et al., 2010;Maad, Armbruster & Fenster, 2013;Paudel et al.,
2019). These within-species size reductions may result from restricted growth caused by
resource limitations, such as low air temperature, short growing seasons, strong winds,
and shallow soil, that occur at high altitudes (Körner, 2003;Nagy & Grabherr, 2009).
Moreover, these intraspecific plant size reductions may also partly result from local
adaptation to high elevation environments via selection. Smaller phenotypes are thought
to be more advantageous in limiting environmental conditions due to their lower resource
requirements, and thus may be favoured by selection (Herrera, 2005;Zhao & Wang, 2015).
In this study, significant elevational variations were also found in several floral traits. In
general, flowers are relatively invariant within a singular species, as this is important for
securing the compatibility of the species mating system. Therefore, intraspecific variations
in floral traits are often of adaptive significance (Nosil, 2012). Increasing flower size with
increasing elevation has been found in several mountain species (e.g., Kudo & Molau, 1999;
Maad, Armbruster & Fenster, 2013;He et al., 2017). This increase in flower size is thought
to represent an adaptation that enhances flower attractiveness to pollinators (Herrera, 2005;
Maad, Armbruster & Fenster, 2013). However, in B. michelii, neither flower nor flower head
size increased with increasing elevation. On the contrary, the sizes and masses of the flowers
and flower heads of B. michelii decreased as elevation increased. These observed reductions
in the floral traits of B. michelii at high elevations are in line with the results of other studies
that found that within-species flower size decreased with increasing elevation (e.g., Totland,
Kiełtyk (2021), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.11286 9/15
Elevation (m a.s.l.)
Plant mass
Flower head diameter
No. tubular flowers
No. ligulate flowers
Ligulate flower width
Ligulate flower length
Tubular flower length
Plant height
Total leaf mass
Flower head mass
Total flower mass
Individual flower mass
a) b) c)
e) f)
j) k) l)
3R =0.528, P=0.000
3R =0.314, P=0.000
3R =0.242, P=0.000
3R =0.091, P=0.006
3R =0.088, P=0.017
3R =0.098, P=0.013
3R =0.386, P=0.000
3R =0.003, P=0.9
sq 53 ns
3R =0.000, P=0.38
sq 6 ns
g) h) i)
R =0.325, P=0.000
sq R =0.001, P=0.487
sq ns R =0.073, P=0.015
Figure 3 (A–I) Elevational variation in Bellidiastrum michelii traits fitted by Generalised Additive
Models (GAMs). All traits are standardised (mean =0 and standard deviation =1); the grey band repre-
sents a 95% confidence interval for the mean shape of the effect (smoother). P –p-value of model signifi-
cance test at 0.05 significance level; ns, non significant models. Summary of the GAMs are presented in Ta-
ble 3.
Full-size DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11286/fig-3
2001;Zhao & Wang, 2015;Hattori et al., 2016). Reductions in flower size and mass with
increasing elevation can be linked to the more limiting conditions caused by increases in
climate severity at high altitudes. Intraspecific flower miniaturisation has been suggested to
be advantageous for plants growing under the resource-limited environmental conditions
of high mountain elevations, due to the lower cost of flower development and maintenance
(Herrera, 2009;Zhao & Wang, 2015).
In conclusion, significant intraspecific morphological variations were found in B.
michelii across the elevation gradient. The results of this study suggest that important
ecological factors associated with elevation gradients drive intraspecific morphological
Kiełtyk (2021), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.11286 10/15
variation in mountain plants growing across large elevational ranges. It will be possible
to identify these drivers by thoroughly analysing local abiotic (such as climatic) and
biotic (such as pollinator services) ecological factors across elevation gradients. Notably,
the observed elevational variation in B. michelii probably results partially from plastic
responses to abiotic (mainly climatic) conditions and partially from genetic adaptation
to locally prevailing conditions via selection. However, further study will be required to
disentangle the contributions of genetic differences among locally adapted populations,
and of plastic responses, to morphological variation across elevation gradients. Such further
study will need to be based on experiments involving reciprocal plant transplantation to
different mountain elevations (e.g., Gonzalo-Turpin & Hazard, 2009;Hautier et al., 2009;
Scheepens, Frei & Stöcklin, 2010;Hamann et al., 2016).
I am grateful to Wiesława Kiełtyk for help in collecting plants in the field. I thank the
Research Department of the Tatra National Park for providing kind support. Three
anonymous reviewers are acknowledged for their constructive comments and suggestions
on the earlier version of manuscript.
This work was supported by the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. The
funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
Grant Disclosures
The following grant information was disclosed by the author:
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.
Competing Interests
The author declares no conflict of interest.
Author Contributions
Piotr Kiełtyk conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments,
analyzed the data, prepared figures and/or tables, authored or reviewed drafts of the
paper, and approved the final draft.
Field Study Permissions
The following information was supplied relating to field study approvals (i.e., approving
body and any reference numbers):
Field experiments were approved by the Tatra National Park (permission Bot/380,
Kiełtyk (2021), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.11286 11/15
Data Availability
The following information was supplied regarding data availability:
The raw measurements are available as a Supplemental File.
Supplemental Information
Supplemental information for this article can be found online at
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... The difference in elevation (usually due to different air humidity and temperature conditions, as well as water availability) can alter coffee fruit development, quality, and yield (Avelino et al., 2005;Worku et al., 2018;Ginbo, 2022;Cassamo et al., 2022). Additionally, development of flowers is also impacted by elevation in other species, modifying the frequency of sexual dimorphism in biomass production in Ilex paraguariensis (Rakocevic et al., 2023), a reduction in the weight and size of Bellidiastrum michelii flowers (Kiełtyk, 2021), and an increase in corolla diameter, flower length and tube diameter in Campanula rotundifolia with increasing elevation (Maad et al., 2013). Higher elevations may also influence the higher frequency of abnormal flowers in Stylidium armeria (Hoffmann et al., 2009). ...
... In this context, Teixido and Valladares (2015) (Fabbro & Körner, 2004;Kiełtyk, 2021;Zhao et al., 2016). Regardless of the main driver of SFA variability at the community level, this trait seems to play an important role in community assembly processes in the study system and potentially in other upland systems. ...
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There is a common agreement that, to maximise our understanding of trait‐based community assembly, traits related to different organs should be considered as they relate to different ecological niche axes. Floral traits, in particular, have been suggested to play an important role in the plant community assembly along with environmental gradients as they determine reproductive success, one of the key functions in plants. However, the role of floral traits in community assembly research remains largely unverified empirically. Using a large and novel dataset on plant traits and plant communities, we analysed the variability of six floral traits of 139 herbaceous species in 21 sites located along an elevation gradient (2000–4000 m) in the western Himalayas. The variability of floral traits along the gradient was analysed using community‐weighted mean (CWM) trait values and functional diversities (FDs) calculated for each study community. The CWMs showed that with increasing elevation, flowering began later, and flowers tended to be larger with decreasing specific flower area (SFA). Along with the convergence in the onset of flowering and SFA (i.e. lower FD at high‐elevation sites), these patterns suggest that abiotic filtering and plant–pollinator interactions could affect the floral trait composition of the communities. Most likely, increasing low‐temperature stress towards high‐elevation sites selected for late‐flowering species that produce flowers with larger display areas. The low abundance and activity of pollinators at high elevation could also explain why these traits were selected in the communities studied. Delayed flowering with increasing elevation might facilitate the phenological overlap of plants and their pollinators, as pollinator activity at higher elevation peaks in the second half of the vegetation period. The dominance of a species with low SFA and larger display area in high‐altitude communities could be attributable to increased flower longevity and attraction of pollinators, respectively, to maximise pollination success under pollinator scarcity. Synthesis. Our study provides empirical support for the recent argument that floral traits contribute considerably to the assembly of plant communities along environmental gradients. Thus, such traits should be included in community assembly research as they represent key ecological functions for reproduction.
... Plant height is an important morphological parameter that shows the quality of the growth of the plants. Kieltyk (2021) reported that plant height is directly linked to fitness through vegetative competitiveness and resource use aptitude. Similar to this, the present results showed that A. adenophora grow better at mid-altitude. ...
Biological invasion not only depends on the environmental characteristics of any region but also on the fundamental characteristics of the invader species. Assessment of plant performance across diverse habitats and altitudinal gradients provide insights into the traits contributing to invasion success in addition to its habitat suitability, susceptibility and mechanisms adopted by the plant. As the environmental conditions of similar habitat types vary within short distance in mountainous landscapes, the present study was conducted with aim to understand the morphological and functional trait variations in a notorious invasive weed Ageratina adenophora along the altitudinal gradient in Kumaun Himalaya, India. The results revealed that due to higher plasticity in the plant traits, this weed can take advantage of available invasion windows. Morphological traits i.e. plant height (SL), root length (RL), above and belowground biomass (AGB and BGB), number of leaves (LN), branches (BN) and capitula (CN); functional traits i.e. root:shoot ratio (R:S ratio), root weight ratio (RWR), stem weight ratio (SWR), leaf weight ratio (LWR), inflorescence weight ratio (IWR) etc.; and seed output along an altitudinal gradient explained the invasion success of A. adenophora in diverse habitats. Plasticity of plant traits in diverse habitats signifies the strategies that assisted A. adenophora to become a successful invasive species. Higher biomass allocation to shoots favors speedy increase in plant height, an approach adopted by most of the plants for sunlight harvesting. Across the altitudes, healthier plant performance was recorded at mid altitudinal ranges (1000–2000 m a.s.l.), and among the habitats, good performance of A. adenophora in streamline, wasteland, wall and road-side populations in comparison to forest and cultivated land indicated vulnerability and further spread of A. adenophora in these habitats.
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Bumblebees are ecologically and economically important pollinating insects, so their declines resulting from environmental changes have received intensive attention. Understanding how environmental factors shape the genetic differentiation of natural populations and identifying the genetic basis of local adaptation will provide insights into how species may cope with environmental changes. The buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) has a wide natural distribution range and has been successfully domesticated to produce commercial colonies for greenhouse pollination. Previous population genetics studies on B. terrestris have mainly focused on populations in Europe; however, populations in Asia, representing the eastern side of its natural distribution, have been less thoroughly sampled. To fill this gap, we collected wild B. terrestris samples from Asia, as well as wild B. terrestris from Europe and samples from domesticated colonies. We conducted whole-genome resequencing for 77 collected B. terrestris workers and performed population genomics analysis. Our results revealed significant genetic differentiation (FST= 0.076) between buff-tailed bumblebees in Europe and Asia, along with notable morphological and physiological differences, indicating that B. terrestris in Asia represents a distinct new genetic resource. Demographic analysis suggested that the population size of buff-tailed bumblebees had increased during historic cold periods, confirming their cold-adapted characteristics. Selective sweep analysis identified 331 genes under selection in the genomes of Asian B. terrestris, likely involved in their adaptation to high ultraviolet radiation, low temperature, and low precipitation in their habitats. Our research provides insights into the population genetic structure and genetic basis of local adaptation in the buff-tailed bumblebee, which will be useful for its conservation and management.
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Plants growing along wide elevation gradients in mountains experience considerable variations in environmental factors that vary across elevations. The most pronounced elevational changes are in climate conditions with characteristic decrease in air temperature with an increase in elevation. Studying intraspecific elevational variations in plant morphological traits and biomass allocation gives opportunity to understand how plants adapted to steep environmental gradients that change with elevation and how they may respond to climate changes related to global warming. In this study, phenotypic variation of an alpine plant Soldanella carpatica Vierh. (Primulaceae) was investigated on 40 sites distributed continuously across a 1,480-m elevation gradient in the Tatra Mountains, Central Europe. Mixed-effects models, by which plant traits were fitted to elevation, revealed that on most part of the gradient total leaf mass, leaf size and scape height decreased gradually with an increase in elevation, whereas dry mass investment in roots and flowers as well as individual flower mass did not vary with elevation. Unexpectedly, in the uppermost part of the elevation gradient overall plant size, including both below-and aboveground plant parts, decreased rapidly causing abrupt plant miniaturization. Despite the plant miniaturization at the highest elevations, biomass partitioning traits changed gradually across the entire species elevation range, namely, the leaf mass fraction decreased continuously, whereas the flower mass fraction and the root:shoot ratio increased steadily from the lowest to the highest elevations. Observed variations in S. carpatica phenotypes are seen as structural adjustments to environmental changes across elevations that increase chances of plant survival and reproduction at different elevations. Moreover, results of the present study agreed with the observations that populations of species from the ‘Soldanella’ intrageneric group adapted to alpine and subnival zones still maintain typical ‘Soldanella’-like appearance, despite considerable reduction in overall plant size.
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There is currently enormous interest in how morphological and physiological responses of herbaceous plants may be affected by changing elevational gradient. Mountain regions provide an excellent opportunity to understand how closely related species may adapt to the conditions that rapidly change with elevation. We investigated the morphological and physiological responses of two Himalayan alpine gingers (Roscoea alpina and R. purpurea) along two different vertical transects of 400 m, R. purpurea between 2,174-2,574 m a.s.l and R. alpina between 2,675-3,079 m a.s.l. We measured the variables of plant height, leaf length, leaf area, specific leaf area, and stomata density at five plots, along the vertical transect at an elevational gap of ca. 100 m. Results revealed that with increased elevation plant height, and leaf area decreased while stomata density increased, whereas changes in specific leaf area, were not correlated with the elevation. Our results reveal that these alpine gingers undergo local adaptation by modifying their plant height, leaf area and stomata density in response to the varying selection pressure associated with the elevational gradient. Thus, the findings of this research provide valuable information on how a narrow range of elevational gradient affects the herbaceous plants at the alpine habitat of the Himalayas.
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Leaf shape variations and developmental instability were examined for the first time in natural populations of Prunus avium (L.) L. in the central Balkan region (Bosnia and Herzegovina) at different elevational points, from 230 to 1177 m. above sea level. Geometric morphometric tools were applied to assess the variability of leaf shapes and sizes, while a fluctuating asymmetry leaf index was used as a measure of leaf developmental instability. According to the results of canonical variate analysis for the symmetric component of shape variation and hierarchical analysis of variance for centroid size, the studied populations could be partially differentiated into three groups. The co-variation between leaf form (shape and size) and climate variables was significant, estimated by two-block partial least square analysis. Climate variables (the sum of precipitation in May and the De Martonne aridity index) mostly influenced leaf shape and size. A population situated at the highest elevation had the highest value for fluctuating asymmetry leaf index, which was an indication of developmental instability. High natural variability and interpopulation differences were observed for all studied leaf traits (leaf shape, centroid size, fluctuating asymmetry leaf index, leaf area, leaf length and width, petiole length). For well-known traditional morphometric measures (leaf area, leaf length, leaf width, and petiole length) in accordance with previous studies, intrapopulation variability was greater than interpopulation variability. For centroid size and the fluctuating asymmetry leaf index (measures used in geometric morphometrics) variability was higher among populations than within them. This indicates that geometric morphometrics could give new insights into infra-specific variability.
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Normalization transformations have recently experienced a resurgence in popularity in the era of machine learning, particularly in data preprocessing. However, the classical methods that can be adapted to cross-validation are not always effective. We introduce Ordered Quantile (ORQ) normalization, a one-to-one transformation that is designed to consistently and effectively transform a vector of arbitrary distribution into a vector that follows a normal (Gaussian) distribution. In the absence of ties, ORQ normalization is guaranteed to produce normally distributed transformed data. Once trained, an ORQ transformation can be readily and effectively applied to new data. We compare the effectiveness of the ORQ technique with other popular normalization methods in a simulation study where the true data generating distributions are known. We find that ORQ normalization is the only method that works consistently and effectively, regardless of the underlying distribution. We also explore the use of repeated cross-validation to identify the best normalizing transformation when the true underlying distribution is unknown. We apply our technique and other normalization methods via the bestNormalize R package on a car pricing data set. We built bestNormalize to evaluate the normalization efficacy of many candidate transformations; the package is freely available via the Comprehensive R Archive Network.
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Research devoted to investigating the relationship between elevation and seed size in alpine plants gives contradictory results. Some studies document a positive correlation between seed size and elevation, whereas in others a negative correlation is reported. We propose a novel approach to the problem by looking at the whole strategy of seed production, including seed number, and by focusing on a range of environmental variables. In the Tatra Mountains (southern Poland), we selected 73 sites at which seeds of six widely occurring mountain herbaceous species were collected. Each site was characterized by 13 parameters that included climatic and physicochemical soil variables. For each parameter, residuals from a linear regression against elevation were calculated and the residuals were used in a factor analysis. The obtained factors, together with elevation, were used as independent variables in a multiple regression analysis. Elevation affected seed size in four species: in two species the correlation was positive, and in two others it was negative. In three species seed number was related to elevation, and the correlation was negative in all cases. Our results indicate that elevation-dependence of seed production is specific to the species and reflects different resource allocation strategies. Diverse correlations of plant characteristics with elevation may also result from area-specific patterns, because different mountain ranges may exhibit different correlations between elevation and environmental factors. Only by attaining a reproductive allocation perspective and thorough assessment of environmental factors, a full understanding of elevational variation in seed size is possible.
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Low pollinator visitation in harsh environments may lead to pollen limitation which can threaten population persistence. Consequently, avoidance of pollen limitation is expected in outcrossing species subjected to habitually low pollinator service. The elevational decline in visitation rates on many high mountains provides an outstanding opportunity for addressing this question. According to a recent meta-analysis, levels of pollen limitation in alpine and lowland species do not differ. If parallel trends are manifested among populations of alpine species with wide elevational ranges, how do their uppermost populations contend with lower visitation? We investigated visitation rates and pollen limitation in high Andean Rhodolirium montanum. We test the hypothesis that lower visitation rates at high elevations are compensated for by the possession of long-lived flowers. Visitation rates decreased markedly over elevation as temperature decreased. Pollen limitation was absent at the low elevation site but did occur at the high elevation site. While initiation of stigmatic pollen deposition at high elevations was not delayed, rates of pollen arrival were lower, and cessation of pollination, as reflected by realized flower longevity, occurred later in the flower lifespan. Comparison of the elevational visitation decline and levels of pollen limitation indicates that flower longevity partially compensates for the lower visitation rates at high elevation. The functional role of flower longevity, however, was strongly masked by qualitative pollen limitation arising from higher abortion levels attributable to transference of genetically low-quality pollen in large clones. Stronger clonal growth at high elevations could counterbalance the negative fitness consequences of residual pollen limitation due to low visitation rates and/or difficult establishment under colder conditions. Visitation rates on the lower part of the elevational range greatly exceeded community rates recorded several decades ago when the planet was cooler. Current pollen limitation for some species in some habitats might underestimate historical levels.
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Alpine plants growing along wide elevational gradients experience very different abiotic and biotic conditions across elevations. As a result of genetic differentiation and/or plastic response, conspecific plants growing in high elevations, as compared to low elevations, generally have shorter stems and lower number of flowers, but larger flower size. However, most often, detailed models of elevational variations were not examined. To reveal the pattern of elevational changes in a set of fitness-related morphological traits, tests of linear and unimodal models were performed based on measurements of 1047 Solidago minuta plants collected from 47 sites distributed along a 1000 m elevational gradient in the Tatra Mountains. Nearly all of the investigated floral traits, i.e. inflorescence and flower heads size, and number and size of individual flowers, expressed unimodal relationships with elevation having their maxima in the centre of the elevation range. This pattern suggests the existence of a local optimum with respect to sexual reproduction at the centre of the elevational range. Possible explanations of observed elevational variations are discussed in the context of pollinator selection and the ‘resource-cost compromise’ hypothesis. Best floral performance in the centre of the elevational range of S. minuta may also support the idea that the favourability of habitat conditions declines from the centre to the margin of the distribution, and species are expected to be more abundant, increase reproduction and perform better in the centre of the range.
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This study addressed the floral component traits and biomass allocation patterns of Gentiana hexaphylla as well as the relationships of these parameters along an elevation gradient (approximately 3700 m, 3800 m, 3900 m, and 4000 m) on the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The plant height, floral characteristics, and biomass allocation of G. hexaphylla were measured at different altitudes after field sampling, sorting, and drying. Plant height was significantly greater at 3700 m than that at other elevations. Flower length was significantly greater at 4000 m than that at other elevations, whereas the flower length at low elevations showed no significant differences. Corolla diameter increased with altitude, although the difference was not significant between 3800 m and 3900 m. Variations in biomass accumulation, including the aboveground, photosynthetic organ, flower and belowground biomasses, showed non-linear responses to changes in altitude. The aboveground and photosynthetic organ biomasses reached their lowest values at 4000 m, whereas the belowground and flower biomass reached minimum values at 3700 m. The sexual reproductive allocation of G. hexaphylla also increased with altitude, with a maximum observed at 4000 m. These results suggest that external environmental factors and altitudinal gradients as well as the biomass accumulation and allocation of G. hexaphylla play crucial roles in plant traits and significantly affect the ability of this species to adapt to harsh environments. The decreased number of flowers observed at higher altitudes may indicate a compensatory response for the lack of pollinators at high elevations, which is also suggested by the deformed flower shapes at high altitudes. In addition, the individual plant biomass (i.e., plant size) had significantly effect on flower length and corolla diameter. Based on the organ biomass results, the optimal altitude for G. hexaphylla in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is 3800 m, where the plant exhibits minimum propagule biomass and asexual reproductive allocation.
Pollination mechanisms and pollinators are reported for a total of 137 species (75% of the non‐abiotically pollinated flora) as they occur at three altitudinal levels (subandean scrub: 2,200–2,600 m; cushion‐plant zone: 2,700–3,100 m; subnival feldfield: 3,200–3,600 m) in the Andean (alpine) zone on the Cordon del Cepo (33°17'S) in central Chile as part of community oriented research in reproductive biology in the high temperate Andes of South America. Only around 4% of the species studied failed to be visited by potential pollinators. Hymenopterans (principally bees) are important pollinators of 50% of the biotically pollinated flora, butterflies of 24% and flies of 46%. Other vectors include beetles, moths, and hummingbirds. An estimated 17% of the flora is anemophilous. Bee species‐richness, specialist feeding, and melittophily reach maxima in the subandean scrub; thereafter, bees diminish rapidly in number, with bees pollinating only 13% of the subnival flora as contrasted with 68% of the subandean flora. Although fly and butterfly species‐richness also decline with increasing altitude, the proportions of species pollinated by these vectors actually increases. High‐altitude populations of melittophilous species with broad altitudinal ranges are invariably serviced by fewer bee species as compared with lower populations. The rich bee fauna at the lower end of the Andean zone in central Chile appears to have resulted from upward colonization from that of the subtending lowland Mediterranean sclerophyllous woodland vegetation. Altitudinal variation in pollination spectra is discussed in relation to contrasting life history characteristics and different modes of thermoregulation in the insect groups involved.
Environmental gradients in alpine systems may lead to differences in both abiotic conditions and species interactions in very short distances. This may lead to reproductive and phenotypic changes in plants to enhance fitness in each environment. In this study, we explored how the Central Andean Viola maculata responds to the elevation gradient where it is distributed, with an expected increase in water availability and a decrease in pollinator availability with elevation. We hypothesized that: (1) plants would be more water-stressed at low elevations, (2) investment in and success of cleistogamous flowers (closed, self-pollinated) would increase with elevation, and (3) correlation patterns between floral and vegetative traits would vary along the gradient according to changes in biotic/abiotic selection pressures across sites. We partially confirmed the inverse gradient of water stress with elevation, with Viola maculata populations in the lowest site experiencing lower soil moisture and showing thicker leaves and lower stomatal conductance. Cleistogamy was more prevalent and successful at the highest site, thus confirming the hypothesis of maintenance of a mixed mating system as reproductive assurance. Correlation patterns between flower and leaf size differed across sites, with stronger vegetative-floral correlation at the lower sites and a weak correlation at the highest site. This finding disagrees with the notion of pollinators as drivers of correlation between floral and vegetative traits. Our study shows how a narrow gradient in an alpine system may affect not only reproductive and physiological responses in plants, but also floral and vegetative covariance.