
Top-Down modelling of distributed flexibility for usage at higher voltage levels

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The number of units on both the generation and consumption sides of the electric sector continue to increase over the course of the energy transition, especially at lower voltage levels. Many of these systems (e.g. heat pumps or battery storage systems) offer the potential to provide flexibility, although the low power level of single units limits their network effect when operated individually. By modelling aggregations of the respective flexibility type, a remarkable flexibility potential can be made available for the grid operator to use for e.g. congestion management at a point upstream.

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... With respect to cost-effectiveness studies and considering that the flexibility required by the System Operator (SO) was traditionally supplied by conventional generators, as well as huge consumers e.g., big industries or malls [5], and moreover, demand-side flexibility has recently grown strongly, two analysis approaches can be distinguished in the literature. On one hand [9,10], have proposed top-down (generation-side) approach, which generation-side flexibility is investigated. Energy systems with Conventional Generators (CG) [11][12][13], Large Energy Storage Systems (ESS) [14][15][16], Power System Coupling. ...
... DG encompasses the Wind Power (WP), PV, fuel cells, micro, and small gas turbines, energy storage devices, among others [85,86]. Concerning flexibility potential, the aggregation of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation (DPVG) [88] and Distributed Wind Power Generation (DWPG) [51] along with heat pumps [9,89], involve case studies with major flexibility capacity and hence, major attention in the current literature. It is worth mentioning that, as stated, flexible end-users, microgrids, and VPP includes PV and WP facilities, as well as any small DG connected to the client-side for this reason, this section only considers the distribution-system-connected appliances. ...
Flexibility has emerged as an optimal solution to the increasing uncertainty in power systems produced by the continuous development and penetration of distributed generation based on renewable energy. Many studies have shown the benefits for system operators and stakeholders of diverse ancillary services derived from demand-side flexibility. Cost-benefit analysis on these flexibility services should be carried out to determine the profitable applications, as well as the required adjustments on energy market, price schemes and normative framework to maximize the positive impacts of the available flexibility. This paper endeavors to review the main topics, variables and indexes related to the profitability analysis on demand-side flexibility, as well as the influence of energy markets, pricing and standards on revenue maximization. The conclusions drawn from this review demonstrate that the profitability of flexibility services considerably de-pends on energy market structure, involved assets, electricity prices and current ancillary services remuneration.
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In course of the German energy transition, congestion management measures like redispatch, feed-in management and the dispatch of reserve power plants have increased both in frequency and in volume. In this paper, an empirical cause analysis is conducted to shed some light on the correlation between renewable energy generation, the transnational electricity markets and these measures. For this purpose, a methodology is developed to synthesize a single time series of curtailed energy from heterogeneous data published by German DSOs. The analysis shows a strong correlation between both wind generation in Germany as well as the scheduled trade with Austria. Furthermore, four distinctive systems states were identified using a k-means++ cluster algorithm and described in detail, allowing further insights into those coherences and their future development.
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1 Motivation und Ausgangslage Das Energiesystem befindet sich aktuell im Umbruch von einem zentralen hin zu einem dezentralen Versorgungssystem. Der Transformationsprozess, welcher durch den starken Zubau der Erneuerbaren Energien eingeläutet wurde, muss zum Gelingen der Energiewende auch auf der Verbrauchsseite bedacht werden. Aus diesem Grund wird aktuell das Thema Flexibilität in der Energiewirtschaft viel diskutiert. Im Rahmen von C/sells wird von der Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e. V. in Zusammenarbeit mit weiteren Projektpartnern erprobt, wie dezentrale Flexibilität erschlossen und zur effizienten Integration von Erneuerbaren Energien verwendet werden kann. Eine wichtige Maßnahme vor der tatsächlichen Erschließung von Flexibilitäts-Optionen (Flex-Optionen) ist es deren technisches Potenzial zu bewerten. Flex-Optionen sind Anlagen, deren Leistung durch ein externes Steuersignal beeinflusst werden kann. In einem ersten Schritt werden hierfür geeignete Flexibilitäts-Typen von steuerbaren Erzeugern, Verbrauchern sowie Speichern ausgewählt. Das Ziel des Verfahrens ist es, für jede Gemeinde in Deutschland das Flexibilitäts-Potenzial (Flex-Potenzial) der betrachteten Flex-Typen sowie deren Summe zu ermitteln. Das Flex-Potenzial bezeichnet dabei das Potenzial eines Flex-Typs, die Leistung zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt für eine definierte Zeit-als Abrufdauer bezeichnet-zu verändern. Das Potenzial wird somit durch die Standardbetriebsweise des Flex-Typs sowie durch weitere Restriktionen, wie beispielsweise den maximalen Bedarf innerhalb des nächsten Tages oder das Speichervolumen, begrenzt. [1] Die so ermittelten Informationen über das verfügbare Flex-Potenzial stellen eine wichtige Grundlage für eine wettbewerbliche Nutzung dieser dar. Im Rahmen von C/sells wird diese Flexibilität auf einer marktbasierten Flexibilitätsplattform für das Netzengpassmanagement genutzt. Das vorliegende Paper beschreibt jedoch nur die das technische Potenzial, jedoch nicht die marktlichen Strukturen, die für eine Nutzung der Flexibilität notwendig sind.
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Hourly emission factors and marginal costs of energy carriers are determined to enable a simplified assessment of decarbonization measures in energy systems. Since the sectors and energy carriers are increasingly coupled in the context of the energy transition, the complexity of balancing emissions increases. Methods of calculating emission factors and marginal energy carrier costs in a multi-energy carrier model were presented and applied. The model used and the input data from a trend scenario for Germany up to the year 2050 were described for this purpose. A linear optimization model representing electricity, district heating, hydrogen, and methane was used. All relevant constraints and modeling assumptions were documented. In this context, an emissions accounting method has been proposed, which allows for determining time-resolved emission factors for different energy carriers in multi-energy systems (MES) while considering the linkages between energy carriers. The results showed that the emissions accounting method had a strong influence on the level and the hourly profile of the emission factors. The comparison of marginal costs and emission factors provided insights into decarbonization potentials. This holds true in particular for the electrification of district heating since a strong correlation between low marginal costs and times with renewable excess was observed. The market values of renewables were determined as an illustrative application of the resulting time series of costs. The time series of marginal costs as well as the time series of emission factors are made freely available for further use.
Conference Paper
The expansion of renewable energies along with a simultaneous increase in electrification of consumers in the lower voltage levels is increasingly leading to congestions in the electricity grid and to a rising complexity in the operational planning of grid operators. The Altdorfer Flexmarkt - a smart market platform - is a concept for the utilization of flexibility, their efficient use and the assurance of a coordinated call-off. The paper starts with a meta-study of comparable smart market concepts and their basic principles. Combined with today's operational planning processes for grid operators the smart market concept used for the Altdorfer Flexmarkt is derived. Its functionality is afterwards described by an explanation of the basic structure and key modules.
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