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Root square mean labelling of some graphs obtained from path


Abstract and Figures

Let G be a graph with q edges. A labelling f of G is said to be root square mean labelling if f : V ( G )U E ( G )→{1,2,…, q +1} such that when each edge e = uv labelled with f ( e )=[ f ( u ) ² + f ( v ) ² /2] or f ( e )=[ f ( u ) ² + f ( v ) ² /2] then the resulting edge labels are distinct. A graph G is called a root square mean graph if G can be labelled by a root square mean labelling. In this paper we determine a root mean square labelling of two graphs obtained from path, which are corona product of ladder and complete graph with order 1, and a graph obtained from triangular snake by join one vertex with degree 2 in each triangle to a new vertex. The method of labelling construction is we need to do labeling to the vertices of the graph with label 1, 2, 3, …, q+ 1. The labels of the vertices are not necessarily different. The next step is we need to do labeling to the edges with the certain formula by using the vertex labeling. The edge labels must be different. By the labelling we construct, we proof that the two graphs are root square mean graphs.
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Root square mean labelling of some graphs obtained from path
To cite this article: R Ramdani et al 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1869 012143
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Annual Conference on Science and Technology (ANCOSET 2020)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1869 (2021) 012143
IOP Publishing
Root square mean labelling of some graphs obtained from
R Ramdani1, *, A Y Fanisa1, S Gumilar2 and S Sarbini3
1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan
Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
2 Jurusan Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam, Fakultas Adab Dan Humaniora, UIN Sunan
Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
3 Jurusan Psikologi, Fakultas Psikologi, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
Abstract. Let G be a graph with q edges. A labelling f of G is said to be root square mean
labelling if  such that when each edge  is labelled with
or 
, then the resulting edge labels are distinct. A
graph G is called a root square mean graph if G can be labelled by a root square mean labelling.
In this paper we determine a root mean square labelling of two graphs obtained from path, which
are corona product of ladder and complete graph with order 1, and a graph obtained from
triangular snake by join one vertex with degree 2 in each triangle to a new vertex. The method
of labelling construction is we need to do labeling to the vertices of the graph with label 1, 2, 3,
…, q+1. The labels of the vertices are not necessarily different. The next step is we need to do
labeling to the edges with the certain formula by using the vertex labeling. The edge labels must
be different. By the labelling we construct, we proof that the two graphs are root square mean
1. Introduction
Root square mean labelling was introduced by Sandhya et al. [1]. A labelling of a graph with
edges is said to be root square mean labelling if  such that when each
edge  is labeled with 
or 
, then the resulting edge
labels are distinct. A graph is called a root square mean graph if it is possible to label the vertices of
by root square mean labeling. In the same paper, they prove that path, cycle, comb, ladder, triangular
snake, quadrilateral snake, star, and complete graph, are root square mean graphs. Other results about
root square mean labelling was given by Sandhya, Somasundaram, and Anusa [2].Sandhya continue the
before research about root square mean graph and gave some new disconnected root square mean graphs,
one of them is . Sandhya et al., gave some root square mean graphs, among others
are kite graphs, crown graphs, and a graph obtained by attaching a pendent edge to both sides of each
vertex of a path  Given root square mean labelling of new crown graphs [5].
Another variation of root square mean graph is super-root square mean labelling. This labelling was
introduce by Thirugnanasambandam and Venkatesan [6].
Annual Conference on Science and Technology (ANCOSET 2020)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1869 (2021) 012143
IOP Publishing
Let be a graph with vertices and edges. Let  be an injective function.
For a vertex labelling f, the induced edge labelling  is defined by 
or 
then f is called a super root square mean if 
. A graph which admits super root square mean labelling is called
super root square mean graph. In this paper, we investigate super root square mean labelling of some
Gopi proved that the slanting ladder is a super root square mean graph [7]. Sandhya proved that
double triangular snake, alternate double triangular snake, double quadrilateral snake and alternate
double quadrilateral snake graphs are super root square mean graphs [8]. Devi and Kumar proved that
m copies of path , some copies of complete graph, corona product of path and complement of complete
graph , middle graph of path, and dragon graph are super root square mean graphs [9].
Gowri and Vembarasi introduced root cube mean labelling of graphs [10]. A graph  with
vertices and edges is said to be a root cube mean graph if it is possible to label the vertices
with distinct elements  from  in such a way that when each edge is labelled
with 
or 
, then the resulting edge labels are distinct.
Here is called a root cube mean labelling of .
Next, we will write the definition of some graphs used in this research.
Path with order , denoted by is a graph with vertices of degree and vertices of degree .
Complete graph with order , denoted by is a graph with the two vertices are adjacent. Complete
graph with order 1, denoted by , is a graph with one vertex and has no edge.
Let be a graph with order and be a graph with order . The corona product is obtained
by taking one copy of and copies of ; and by joining each vertex of the -th copy of to the -th
vertex of , where .
The Cartesian product 󰑩 of graphs and is a graph such that the vertex set of 󰑩 is the
Cartesian product  and any two vertices  and  are adjacent in 󰑩 if and
only if either and is adjacent with in , or and is adjacent with in .
Ladder is the Cartesian product of path with order and path with order .
A Triangular Snake is obtained from a path by joining and  to a new vertex for
. That is every edge of a path is replaced by a triangle
Aims of this research are as follows:
To prove that the corona product of ladder and complete graph with order is a root square
mean graphs.
To proof that the graph obtained from triangular snake by join one vertex with degree in each
triangle to a new vertex is a root square mean graphs.
2. Methodology
The method we use in this research are literature study and analyzing. In the literature study, we check
some research about this topic. Then, we continue the research. We choose the graphs for analyzing.
Then, we construct a root square mean labeling of the graphs and proof that the graphs are root square
mean graphs. To proof that a graph is a root square mean graph, we need to construct a root square mean
labeling of the graph. The first step of the labeling is we need to do labeling to the vertices of the graph
with label 1, 2 , 3, …, q+1, where q is the number of edges of the graph. The labels of the vertices are
not necessary different. The next step is we need to do labeling to the edges with the certain formula by
using the vertex labeling. The edge labels must be different.
Annual Conference on Science and Technology (ANCOSET 2020)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1869 (2021) 012143
IOP Publishing
3. Results and discussion
In this research, we determine root square mean labelling that introduced by Sandhya in [1]. We use
the similar method with proof method [1-4], for some different graphs. We construct the original
formula of root square mean labelling of other graphs.
In the first theorem, we will proof that the corona product of ladder and complete graph with order
is a root square mean graphs.
Theorem 1. If denote ladder with order  and denote complete graph with order , then
is a root square mean graphs.
Proof. denote ladder with order  and denote complete graph with one vertex. Let the vertex
set of is
and the edge set of is
An illustration of can be seen in the Figure 1.
Figure 1. An illustration of .
From the definition of , we can see that has  edges.
Define a labelling from to as follows:
From the vertex labelling, we have the edge labelling as follows:
Annual Conference on Science and Technology (ANCOSET 2020)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1869 (2021) 012143
IOP Publishing
for .
It can be seen that there are no two edges with the same label. So that, is a root square mean labeling
of . Futhermore, we can conclude that is a root square mean graph.
In the second theorem, we will proof that the graphs obtained from path by joining
and  to a new vertex and joining to new vertex , for , is a root square mean
Theorem 2. Let G be a graph graphs obtained from path by joining and  to a new
vertex and joining to new vertex , for . Then G is a root square mean graph.
Proof. An illustration of can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2. An illustration of G.
From the illustration in the Figure 2, we know that the number of edges of is .
Define a labelling from  to  as follows:
From the vertex labelling, we have the edge labelling as follows:
for , also
Annual Conference on Science and Technology (ANCOSET 2020)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1869 (2021) 012143
IOP Publishing
for .
It can be seen that there are no two edges with the same label. So that, is a root square mean labelling
of . Futhermore, we can conclude that is a root square mean graph.
4. Conclusion
From Theorem 1, we can see that there are a root square mean labeling of the corona product of ladder
and complete graph with order . Also from Theorem 2, we can check that we can construct a root
square mean labeling of the graphs obtained from path by joining and  to a new vertex
and joining to new vertex , for . So that, we can conclude that the the corona
product of ladder and complete graph with order and the graphs obtained from path by
joining and  to a new vertex and joining to new vertex , for are root
square mean graphs.
Author acknowledges the support by UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The author wish to thank the
referees for their thoughtful suggestions.
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Full-text available
Classical mean labeling of a graph G with p vertices and q edges is an injective function from the vertex set of G to the set 1, 2, 3,. .. , q + 1 such that the edge labels obtained from the ooring function of the average of mean of arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, and root square of the vertex labels of each edge's end vertices is distinct, and the set of edge labels is 1, 2, 3,. .. , q. One of the graph operations is to duplicate the graph. e classical meanness of graphs formed by duplicating an edge and a vertex of numerous standard graphs is discussed in this study.
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In the present paper, we introduce the classical mean labeling of graphs and investigate their related properties. Moreover, it is obtained that the line graph operation preserves the classical meanness property for some standard graphs. 1. Introduction and Preliminaries All through this paper, by a graph we mean a simple, undirected, and finite graph. For documentations and wording, we follow [1–5]. For a point by point review on graph labeling, we refer [6]. The line graph of a graph is defined to have as its vertices the edges of , with two being adjacent if the corresponding edges share a vertex in . The graph is obtained from by attaching pendant vertices to each vertex of . Let and be the nodes of path and copy of the star graph , respectively, then the graph is obtained from copies of and the path by joining with the central vertex of the copy of by means of an edge, for . A graph obtained by subdividing edge of by a vertex is called subdivision graph and a graph obtained from the path by replacing every edge of a path by a is called triangular snake graph . 2. Literature Survey The investigation of graceful labeling is characterized by Rosa in [7] and prime labeling is defined by Tout et al. in [8]. Somasundram and Ponraj introduced the mean labeling of graphs in [9]. Durai Baskar and Arockiaraj defined the F-harmonic mean labeling [10] and discussed its meanness for some standard graphs. The idea of -geometric was presented by Durai Baskar et al. in [11] and -root mean labeling was presented by Arockiaraj et al. in [12] and talked about its meanness of ladder graph in [13]. Vaidya and Barasara in [14] have discussed so many results on product cordial labeling. Vaidya and Lekha in [15] presented the idea of a bi-odd sequential labeling. The labeling of L (2, 1) in [16] is researched by Prajapati and Patel. Rajesh Kannan et al. discussed the FCM labeling of graphs and its line graphs in [17]. Propelled by and crafted by such a large number of creators in the territory of graph labeling, we present another labeling called classical mean labeling. A classical mean of two positive integers need not be an integer in general. For the classical mean is to be an integer, we may use either flooring or ceiling function. In this paper, we consider only the flooring function of our discussion and try to analyze that the line graph operation preserves the classical meanness property for some standard graphs. The labeling is one of the well studied area in Graph Theory. So, we are interested in defining new labeling called classical mean labeling. A classical mean labeling is for getting more accuracy of all the edge labeling by using the average of four different types of means of the vertex labeling of the given graph. Recently, Muhiuddin et al. studied various related concepts on graphs (see [18–22]). Graph labeling assumes an essential job in different areas of the real world system. The concepts of classical mean labeling are utilized to demonstrate numerous kinds of processes and relations in biological, social, material physical, and data systems. It is a powerful tool that makes complicated patterns to be learned easily and conveniently in various fields. A static network can be represented as a specific kind of graph by connecting nodes in some topology, and labeling can be applied for automatic routing of data in a network. The graph can be cycle, path, circuit, walk, and connected which represent a fixed network. For each network, labeling is done with a constant which helps routing to automatically detect next node in the network. The classical mean labeling is used in fast communication in sensor networks for finding the more accuracy level of sensor units. 3. Methodology A function is known as a classical mean labeling of a graph with nodes and edges if is injective and the incited edge assignment function characterized asfor all , is bijective. From Figure 1, a graph that concedes a classical mean labeling is said to be classical mean graph.
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A function f is called an F -centroidal mean labeling of a graph G ( V , E ) with p vertices and q edges if f : V ( G ) → {1, 2, 3, …, q + 1} is injective and the induced function g * : E ( G ) →{1, 2, 3, …, q } defined as g * ( u v ) = ⌊ 2 [ f ( u ) 2 + f ( u ) f ( v ) + f ( v ) 2 ] 3 [ f ( u ) + f ( v ) ] ⌋ , for all u v ∈ E ( G ) , is bijective. A graph that admits an F -centroidal mean labeling is called an F -centroidal mean graph. The line graph is one among the graph operations. In this paper, we try to analyse that the line graph operation preserves the F -centroidal mean property for the path P n , the cycle C n , the star graph S n , the complete graph K n , the graph P n o S 1 , the triangular snake graph T n and the arbitrary subdivision of S 3 .
A graph G=(V, E) with p vertices and q edges is said to be a mean graph if it is possible to label the vertices x?V with distinct elements f (x) from 0, 1, 2, ?, q in such a way that when each edge e=uv is labelled with (f(u)+f(v))/2 if f (u)+f (v) is even and (f (u)+f (v)+1)/2 if f (u)+f (v) is odd, then the resulting edge labels are distinct. f is called a mean labeling of G. In this paper, we investigate the mean labeling of caterpillar, dragon, arbitrary super subdivision of a path and some graphs which are obtained from cycles and stars.
Root Square mean labeling of some more disconnected graphs
  • Sandhya
Root Square Mean Labeling (RSML) of New Crown Graphs
  • Anon