
Born to Polish same-sex parents – a case study. A human rights perspective on birth certificate transcriptions

  • Rzecznik Finansowy
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This article is an overview of the recent Polish case law on the application of the ordre public exeption in case of transcription of foreign birth certificates in Poland. In recent times, the ordre public exception was applied to prevent the transcription of birth certificates that indicate same-sex couples as parents of a child and birth certificates of children born by surrogacy. Simultaneously, it was commonly assumed that the transcription is obligatory in order to obtain Polish identity documents. For that reason, the refusal of transcription meant in fact i.a. the inability to obtain Polish identity documents. It caused not only practical complications in everyday life but it was also a serious breach of rights.This article outlines the evolution of the transcription case law in Poland. Initially, the administrative authorities and the courts had been refusing the transcription due to its inconsistency with fundamental principles of the legal order. Subsequently, however, transcription was found admissible on the basis of the principle of the best interests of the child. Due to the divergence in the case law, the issue of transcription was the subject of the resolution of seven judges of the Supreme Administrative Court of 2 December 2019 (ref. no. II OPS 1/19). The resolution states that the transcription is contrary to the fundamental principles of the legal order. However, the resolution also underlines that the fact that a child is a Polish citizen may be confirmed solely by a foreign birth certificate so there is no need for transcription in order to obtain Polish identity documents.
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W 2018 r. w postępowaniach przed organami i sądami administracyjnymi zgłoszono żądania rejestracji w polskich aktach urodzenia pochodzenia dziecka od „rodziców jednopłciowych” (de facto – par homoseksualnych). Autor omawia krajowe rozwiązania prawne. W omawianych sprawach stanu cywilnego nie nastąpiła harmonizacja prawa na poziomie międzynarodowym, a Unia Europejska nie dysponuje kompetencjami w zakresie materialnego prawa rodzinnego. Zagadnienia prawa osobowego i rodzinnego oraz – będąca ich refleksem – rejestracja np. pochodzenia dziecka lub małżeństwa podlegają ustawodawstwu krajowemu każdego państwa. Ustawodawstwa te różnią się na świecie w sposób diametralny. Autor podkreśla, że brak jest możności przeniesienia do polskiego rejestru stanu cywilnego z obcego dokumentu treści niezgodnej z podstawowymi zasadami prawa forum, co jest uzasadnione w szczególności koniecznością ochrony efektywności podstawowych zasad polskiego ordre public, które są zakorzenione konstytucyjnie. Należy do nich rozumienie stanu cywilnego oraz zasady filiacji, a system rejestracji musi być kompatybilny z podstawowymi zasadami prawa forum. Postulowane rozwiązanie nie oznacza jednak braku możliwości załatwienia szczegółowej sprawy administracyjnej zamieszkałego za granicą dziecka, np. uzyskania dowodu tożsamości. Na potrzeby takich osobnych postępowań administracyjnych to zagraniczny dokument lub jego część może traktowany jako potwierdzenie pochodzenia dziecka od rodziców (tj. mężczyzny i kobiety, która dziecko urodziła) będących polskimi obywatelami.
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The 2002 reform of Polish administrative judiciary introduced two – instance system of administrative courts. The main aim of the article is to analyze some of the novelties that are to ensure fairness, cohesion and effectiveness of the administrative judiciary in Poland. First parts of the article are devoted to present in brief the historical and present organization of the administrative judiciary in Poland. In the subsequent parts authors present the problem of cohesiveness of the judicature, mediatory and 'simplified' procedures and staffing. Referring to the available data, authors argue that new procedural tools (mediation, simplified procedures) are gradually gaining more acceptance. On the other hand, a lot has to be done to develop ADR means in the pre – trial stage and make them a popular way of administrative dispute resolution.
Those who make decisions about children are increasingly required by law to act in the child's best interests. At the same time, best interests standards are regarded as indeterminate, or worse. This article explores the indeterminacy argument and then turns to ways in which, in practice, a degree of predictable operation may still result. It focuses on the role played by localized conventions on values and understandings of the world.
The ‘universality’ to which international human rights standards aspire has been strongly contested in recent years. Nevertheless, the Convention on the Rights of the Child is likely to achieve near-universal ratification within the next year or two. This analysis uses the Convention, and especially Article 3(1), which incorporates the principle that, in all actions concerning children, ‘the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration’, to examine the broader relationship between culture and human rights.
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