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The Impact of Data Merging on the Interpretation of Cross-Project Just-In-Time Defect Models


Abstract and Figures

Just-In-Time (JIT) defect models are classification models that identify the code commits that are likely to introduce defects. Cross-project JIT models have been introduced to address the suboptimal performance of JIT models when historical data is limited. However, many studies built cross-project JIT models using a pool of mixed data from multiple projects (i.e., data merging)-assuming that the properties of defect-introducing commits of a project are similar to that of the other projects, which is likely not true. In this paper, we set out to investigate the interpretation of JIT defect models that are built from individual project data and a pool of mixed project data with and without consideration of project-level variances. Through a case study of 20 datasets of open source projects, we found that (1) the interpretation of JIT models that are built from individual projects varies among projects; and (2) the project-level variances cannot be captured by a JIT model that is trained from a pool of mixed data from multiple projects without considering project-level variances (i.e., a global JIT model). On the other hand, a mixed-effect JIT model that considers project-level variances represents the different interpretations better, without sacrificing performance, especially when the contexts of projects are considered. The results hold for different mixed-effect learning algorithms. When the goal is to derive sound interpretation of cross-project JIT models, we suggest that practitioners and researchers should opt to use a mixed-effect modelling approach that considers individual projects and contexts.
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The Impact of Data Merging on the Interpretation
of Cross-Project Just-In-Time Defect Models
Dayi Lin, Member, IEEE, Chakkrit (Kla) Tantithamthavorn, Member, IEEE, and Ahmed E.
Hassan, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—Just-In-Time (JIT) defect models are classification models that identify the code commits that are likely to introduce defects.
Cross-project JIT models have been introduced to address the suboptimal performance of JIT models when historical data is limited.
However, many studies built cross-project JIT models using a pool of mixed data from multiple projects (i.e., data merging)—assuming
that the properties of defect-introducing commits of a project are similar to that of the other projects, which is likely not true. In this
paper, we set out to investigate the interpretation of JIT defect models that are built from individual project data and a pool of mixed
project data with and without consideration of project-level variances. Through a case study of 20 datasets of open source projects, we
found that (1) the interpretation of JIT models that are built from individual projects varies among projects; and (2) the project-level
variances cannot be captured by a JIT model that is trained from a pool of mixed data from multiple projects without considering
project-level variances (i.e., a global JIT model). On the other hand, a mixed-effect JIT model that considers project-level variances
represents the different interpretations better, without sacrificing performance, especially when the contexts of projects are considered.
The results hold for different mixed-effect learning algorithms. When the goal is to derive sound interpretation of cross-project JIT
models, we suggest that practitioners and researchers should opt to use a mixed-effect modelling approach that considers individual
projects and contexts.
Index Terms—Just-In-Time Defect Prediction, Data Merging, Mixed-Effect Model, Cross-Project Defect Prediction
A Just-In-Time (JIT) defect model is a classification model
that identifies the code commits that are likely to introduce
defects [23, 25, 35, 40, 45, 47]. Such JIT models are criti-
cally important for continuous quality assurance practices
to early prioritize code commits with the highest defect-
proneness for code review and testing due to limited quality
assurance resources. In addition, knowledge that is derived
from such JIT models are often used to continuously chart
quality improvement plans to avoid past pitfalls (i.e., what
commit-level metrics are associated with the likelihood of
introducing defects?) [15, 24, 31, 42, 50].
Recent work raises concerns that the performance of JIT
models is often suboptimal for software projects with lim-
ited historical training data [5, 22]. Moreover, such data are
also unavailable in the initial software development phases
of many projects. To address this challenge, Fukushima et
al. [5] show that cross-project JIT models (i.e., models trained
using historical data from other projects) are as accurate as
JIT models that are trained on a single project (i.e., within-
project JIT models). Recently, Kamei et al. [22] show that the
performance of JIT models that are built using a pool of
mixed project data (i.e., merged data) from several projects is
comparable to within-project performance.
D. Lin is with Centre for Software Excellence, Huawei, Canada. E-mail:
A. E. Hassan is with the School of Computing, Queen’s University,
Canada. E-mail:
C. Tantithamthavorn is with the Faculty of Information Technology,
Monash University, Australia. E-mail:
Despite the advantages of the data merging practice
for building cross-project JIT models, prior work raises
concerns that the distribution of metric values often varies
across projects [61, 62]. The findings of these studies raise a
critical concern that the interpretation of a cross-project JIT
model that is built from a pool of mixed project data may
not hold true for a JIT model that is built from an individual
project. Yet, the impact of the data merging practice on the
interpretation of JIT models remains largely unexplored.
In this paper, we set out to investigate the interpretation
of three types of cross-project JIT models when compared to
the interpretation of local JIT models—i.e., a JIT model that is
built from an individual project:
1) global JIT models: a cross-project JIT model that is built
from a pool of mixed project data assuming that the
data is collected from the same project;
2) project-aware JIT models: a cross-project JIT model
that is built from a pool of mixed project data with a
consideration of the different projects that the data is
from; and
3) context-aware JIT models: a cross-project JIT model
that is built from a pool of mixed project data with a
consideration of the different contextual factors of the
different projects that the data is from (e.g., program-
ming language).
To do so, we build project-aware and context-aware JIT
models using a mixed-effect modelling approach (i.e., taking
both commit-level and project-level factors into considera-
tion when modelling) with two commonly-used classifiers,
logistic regression and random forest. We also extensively
evaluate the performance of our JIT models using 9 mea-
sures, including 4 threshold-dependent measures (i.e., Pre-
cision, Recall, F1-score, G-score), one threshold-independent
measure (i.e., AUC), and 4 practical measures (i.e., Initial
False Alarms, PCI@20%, Popt, and Popt @20%). Through a
case study of 20 datasets of open source projects, we address
the following six research questions:
(RQ1) Does the interpretation of the local JIT models
Our results show that the most important metric (i.e.,
the metric that has the highest impact on the likeli-
hood of a commit introducing defects) of the local JIT
models and the baseline likelihood of introducing
defects (i.e., the likelihood of introducing defects
when we remove the impact from all commit-level
metrics) vary among projects, suggesting that the
interpretation of global JIT models that are trained
from merged data may be misleading when project-
level variances and the characteristics of the studied
projects are not considered.
(RQ2) How consistent is the interpretation of the global
JIT model when compared to the local JIT models?
Our results show the most important metric of the
global JIT model is consistent with 55% of the stud-
ied projects’ local JIT models, suggesting that the in-
terpretation of global JIT models cannot capture the
variation of the interpretation for all local JIT models.
Moreover, the baseline likelihood of introducing de-
fects of the global JIT model is not consistent with
the local JIT models, suggesting that conclusions
that are derived from the global JIT model are not
generalizable to many of the studied projects.
(RQ3) How accurate are the predictions of the project-
aware JIT model and the context-aware JIT model
when compared to the global JIT model?
Our results show that project-aware and context-
aware JIT models that consider project context
achieve comparable performance across nine mea-
sured performance metrics with global JIT models
that do not consider project context. The comparable
performance allows us to further compare the inter-
pretation among global, project-aware and context-
aware JIT models in the following RQs.
(RQ4) How consistent is the interpretation of the project-
aware JIT model when compared to the local JIT
models and the global JIT model?
Our results show that the project-aware JIT model
can provide a more representative interpretation
than the global JIT model, while also providing a bet-
ter fit to the merged dataset from different projects,
with a 26% increase of R2compared to the average of
local JIT models and a 86% increase of R2compared
to a global JIT model.
(RQ5) How consistent is the interpretation of the context-
aware JIT model when compared to the local JIT
models and the global JIT model?
Our results that the context-aware JIT model can
provide both a more representative interpretation
and a better fit to the dataset than the global JIT
model, with a 35% increase of R2compared to the
average of local JIT models and 100% increase of R2
compared to a global JIT model. The inclusion of
the contextual factors in the JIT model when using
mixed-effect modelling approaches can yield more
in-depth interpretation, while maintaining a good fit
to the dataset.
(RQ6) Do our prior conclusions hold for other mixed-
effect classifiers?
Similar to the project-aware and context-aware JIT
models that are based on mixed-effect regression
modelling, our results show that the project-aware
and context-aware JIT models that use mixed-effect
random forest modelling also achieved a similar per-
formance compared to random forest based global
JIT models. In addition, both project-aware and
context-aware mixed-effect random forest models
achieve a better goodness-of-fit compared to random
forest based global JIT model.
Our findings suggest that irrespective of classifiers, using
mixed-effect modelling with either logistic regression or
random forest classifier to build JIT models can provide
better interpretation by taking project-level variances into
consideration, without sacrificing the performance of JIT
models. When the goal is to derive sound interpretation
of cross-project JIT models, we suggest that practitioners
and researchers should opt to use a mixed-effect modelling
approach that considers individual projects and contexts.
Novelty Statements. To the best of our knowledge, this
paper is the first to investigate the performance and inter-
pretation of the context-aware and project-aware JIT models
using a mixed-effect modelling approach. In particular, this
paper makes the following contributions:
1) An investigation of the variation of the interpretation of
local JIT models.
2) A comparison of the interpretation of a global JIT model
to the interpretation of local JIT models.
3) An investigation of the performance of project-aware
and context-aware JIT models with respect to global JIT
4) A comparison of the interpretation of a project-aware
JIT model to the interpretation of local JIT models.
5) A comparison of the interpretation of a context-aware
JIT model to the interpretation of local JIT models.
6) An evaluation of mixed-effect regression models and
mixed-effect random forest models for JIT models.
7) An improved implementation of generalized mixed-
effect random forest models [29], which improves pre-
diction of unseen projects during training, and im-
proves training speed with a fast implementation of
random forests provided by the ranger package in R.
In addition to our conceptual contributions, this paper
is also the first to develop and provide detailed technical
description of a mixed-effect modelling for cross-project JIT
defect models. We also provide a replication package [29]
including our datasets and scripts for the community to
evaluate the results.
Paper organization. Section 2 introduces the importance of
the interpretation of Just-In-Time defect models. Section 3
motivates the impact of the data merging on the interpre-
tation of Just-In-Time defect models. Section 4 discusses
and motivates our six research questions with respect to
prior work. Section 5 presents the design of our case study.
Section 6 presents the results of each research question.
Section 7 provides practical guidelines for future studies.
Section 8 discusses the threats to the validity of our study.
Finally, Section 9 concludes the paper.
2.1 Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Planning
Software Quality Assurance (SQA) planning is the process
of developing proactive SQA plans to define the quality
requirements of software products and processes [42]. Such
proactive SQA plans will be used as guidance to prevent
software defects that may slip through to future releases.
However, the development of such SQA plans are still ad-
hoc and based on practitioners’ beliefs, e.g., Devanbu et
al. [4] found that practitioners form beliefs based on their
personal experience and these can vary across teams and
projects. They also may not necessarily align with actual
evidence derived from the projects. To cope with the contin-
uous software development practices, researchers suggested
to derive insights and lessons learned from Just-In-Time
(JIT) Defect Models in order to better understand what
factors are the most important to describe the characteristics
of defect-introducing commits [23, 25, 35, 40, 45, 47].
2.2 Just-In-Time (JIT) Defect Prediction
A Just-In-Time (JIT) Defect Model is a classification model
that is trained on the characteristics of commits in order to
predict if a commit will introduce defects in the future [23,
25, 35, 40, 45, 47] and explain the characteristics of defect-
introducing commits [15, 23, 31]. To date, JIT models have
been widely adopted in many software organizations like
Avaya [35], Cisco [47], and Blackberry[45]. In summary, Just-
In-Time (JIT) defect models serve two main purposes.
To Predict. First, JIT defect models are used to early
predict the risk of defect-introducing commits so developers
can prioritize SQA resources on the most risky commits in
a cost-effective manner. JIT defect models are trained using
numerous factors [23, 40], e.g., the number of added lines,
deleted lines, code churn, entropy. Prior studies found that
various machine learning techniques (e.g., random forest
and regression models) demonstrated a promising accuracy
when predicting defect-introducing commits [5].
To Explain. Second, JIT defect models are used to pro-
vide immediate feedback on the most important character-
istics of defect-introducing commits to not only support QA
leads and managers develop Software Quality Assurance
(SQA) plans, but also aid developers in pre-commit testings
and code reviews [15]. Such feedback or insights are derived
from the interpretation of the JIT models through model
interpretation techniques (e.g., ANOVA for regression anal-
ysis, variable importance analysis for random forest). The
goal of model interpretation is to better understand what
are the most important characteristics of defect-introducing
commits. Such data-informed insights can help QA leads
and Managers to develop proactive software quality im-
provement plans to prevent pitfalls that lead to defects in
the past [31], and aid developers in pre-commit testings
and code reviews. For example, if churn (i.e., the amount of
changed lines per commit) shares the strongest relationship
Commit History
JIT Models
New Commit
Provide Immediate
Feedback for SQA Planning
Prioritize SQA Resources
on the Most Risky Commits
Testing Data
Defect-introducing commits
Defect-fixing commits
Fig. 1. The predictions of JIT defect models are used to early predict the
risk of defect-introducing commits, while the interpretation of JIT defect
models is used to provide immediate feedback on the most important
characteristics of defect-introducing commits to support SQA planning.
with the likelihood of defect-introducing commits, QA leads
and managers should establish a software quality improve-
ment plan to strictly control churn (e.g., each commit should
not contain churn that exceeds 1,000 lines of code) to control
the quality of software process and mitigate the risk of
introducing software defects to the code commits.
The interpretation of JIT defect models heavily relies on the
dataset that was used in training. Traditionally, JIT models
are often trained from an individual project (a.k.a. a local
JIT model) so the interpretation is specific to the project
that is used in training. However, when a company starts a
new software project, the company may have limited access
to the historical data that can be used to train JIT defect
models for the new project. Thus, cross-project JIT defect
models have been proposed to address this challenge of
limited historical data [13, 26, 57, 64].
Prior studies proposed to merge data from different
projects (i.e., a pool of mixed project data) to develop
universal or cross-project JIT defect models (a.k.a. a global
JIT defect model) [5, 22, 58]. The intuition is that a larger
diverse pool of defect data from several other projects
may provide a more robust model fit that will be applied
better in a cross-project context. However, when datasets
are combined from other projects, each project often has dif-
ferent data characteristics (e.g., different data distributions,
different project characteristics). Thus, such global JIT defect
models that are trained from a mixed-project dataset may
produce misleading interpretations of JIT defect models
when comparing to a local JIT defect model.
To illustrate the impact of data merging on the inter-
pretation of JIT defect models, we conduct the following
motivating analysis. We start by building three local JIT
defect models, where each of them is trained on a single
project (i.e., Accumulo, Postgres, Django). We also build a
global JIT model that is trained from a mixed-project dataset
of 20 projects (see Table 2). These JIT models are built using
logistic regression and the percentage importance scores are
computed from an ANOVA Type-II analysis [17]. Finally,
we compute the goodness-of-fit of the models using R2and
compute a median AUC using an out-of-sample boostrap
(A Motivating Example) The percentage importance scores of three
local JIT models (i.e., Postgres, Accumulo, and Django) when
comparing to a global JIT model that is trained from all projects.
Postgres Accumulo Django Global
Entropy 16% 87% 34% 52%
NS 17% 3% 51% 16%
NF 36% 3% 1% 0%
Churn 1% 0% 0% 0%
LT 3% 5% 7% 0%
FIX 27% 1% 7% 32%
R20.31 0.20 0.23 0.14
AUC 0.66 0.78 0.75 0.71
model validation technique [52]. Based on Table 1, we draw
the following observation.
While the three local JIT models and the global JIT
model achieve a comparable AUC and R2, the interpre-
tation of each JIT model is different. Table 1 shows that
the most important metric is the number of changed files
for the Postgres project, Entropy for the Accumulo project,
and the number of subsystems for the Django project. This
indicates that software quality improvement plans should
be dependent on the project.
On the other hand, the global JIT model that is trained
from a pool of mixed project data cannot capture the
variation. Table 1 shows that the most important metric
is Entropy for the global JIT model, indicating that such
insights may not be applicable to all projects.
This motivating example highlights the need of a mod-
ern regression alternative that can capture the project vari-
ation when aiming to draw the generalization of the most
important metrics. Below, we discuss how does misleading
interpretation of JIT defect models impact practitioners and
Importance for Practitioners. The interpretation of JIT de-
fect models plays a critical role to not only support QA
leads and managers develop quality improvement plans,
but also aid developers in code reviews and pre-commit
testings [15, 16, 42]. Such interpretation could provide an
immediate feedback of pitfalls that lead to software defects
in the past so practitioners can avoid in the future. Un-
fortunately, when using the interpretation of the global JIT
defect model which is trained from a pool of mixed project
dataset, the interpretation derived from the global JIT defect
model cannot capture the variation from project to project,
producing misleading insights. Such misleading insights
could lead to suboptimal software development policies,
wasting time and resources when adopting in practice.
Importance for Researchers. Recently, researchers aim to
draw generalized conclusions by deriving a conclusion from
a large-scale study via the combination of datasets from
multiple projects [5, 22]. However, such generalizations may
not hold true for each project, posing a critical threat to
the external validity of prior studies. Therefore, a modern
regression alternative (i.e., a mixed-effect modelling ap-
proach) is needed to capture the project variation and con-
text variation. However, there exists no study investigating
if a mixed-effect modelling approach can capture the project
variation and context variation for JIT defect models.
Prior work shows that data merging from multiple projects
without considering project context tends to perform well
for cross-project JIT models [5, 22]. However, recent work
raised concerns that the distribution of software metrics
often varies among project contexts (e.g., domain, size, and
programming language) [61–63]. Such variation of distribu-
tions likely leads JIT models to produce different metrics
that influence defect-introducing commits among projects.
Yet, little is known whether metrics that influence defect-
introducing commits vary among projects. Thus, we formu-
late the following research question:
RQ1: Does the interpretation of the local JIT models vary?
Recently, Kamei et al. [22] suggest that data merging
from multiple projects without considering project contexts
tends to perform well for cross-project JIT models, suggest-
ing that a simple data merging technique (i.e., a pool of
mixed project data) would likely suffice for cross-project JIT
models. Yet, little is known whether the interpretation of a
global JIT model is consistent with local JIT models. Thus,
we formulate the following research question:
RQ2: How consistent is the interpretation of the global JIT
model when compared to the local JIT models?
The practice of data merging without considering
project-level variances has been widely used in many stud-
ies on cross-project JIT models [5, 22] and cross-project
defect models [11–13, 57]. Such practice assumes that his-
torical commits are collected from similar projects, which
is likely not true. While prior studies reinforce the con-
sideration of project-level variances for cross-project mod-
elling [2, 33, 61, 62], Kamei et al. [22] argued that project-
aware rank transformation does not work well for cross-
project JIT models. In addition, Herbold et al. [12] also
argued that project-aware data partitioning only yields a
minor improvement for cross-project defect models.
Even though prior work has reinforced that project-
level variances must be considered, little research has paid
attention to a modern regression alternative, i.e., the mixed-
effect modelling approach [1], especially in the context of
JIT defect models. In addition, little is known whether the
performance of project-aware JIT models (i.e., a JIT model
that is trained on a mixed project data while considering
project-level variances) and context-aware JIT models (i.e.,
a JIT model that is trained on a mixed project data while
considering project characteristics) that use mixed-effect
modelling approaches are comparable to global JIT models.
Thus, we formulate the following research question:
RQ3: How accurate are the predictions of the project-aware
JIT model and the context-aware JIT model when compared
to the global JIT model?
Recently, Hassan et al. [10] pointed out that the mixed-
effect modelling approach is able to capture the variation of
the interpretation of models among different datasets in the
context of mobile apps reviews. Yet, little is known whether
project-aware JIT models might produce more representa-
tive metrics that influence defect-introducing commits when
compared to the global JIT model and the local JIT models.
Thus, we formulate the following research question:
RQ4: How consistent is the interpretation of the project-
aware JIT model when compared to the local JIT models
and the global JIT model?
One limitation of the project-aware JIT model is that
we cannot interpret the impact of project contexts (e.g.,
domain, size, and programming language) on the defect-
proneness of the project. Prior work has shown that the
distribution of software metrics often varies among project
contexts [63]. Yet, it is unknown whether a context-aware
JIT model might produce more representative interpretation
when comparing to the global JIT model and the local JIT
models. Thus, we formulate the following research question:
RQ5: How consistent is the interpretation of the context-
aware JIT model when compared to the local JIT models and
the global JIT model?
Many prior studies have explored different classifiers
for defect modelling, such as logistic regression [23] and
random forest [22]. In RQ1 to RQ5, we focus on the logistic
regression classifier. To better understand if the conclusions
from RQ1 to RQ5 hold for other classifiers like random
forest, we formulate the following research question:
RQ6: Do our prior conclusions hold for other mixed-effect
In this section, we describe our selection criteria for the
studied software projects, and the design of our case study
to address the six research questions. Figure 2 presents an
overview of our case study design.
5.1 Collecting Data
5.1.1 Studied Software Projects
In order to address our research questions, we defined two
important criteria for selecting studied software projects:
1) Criterion 1 - Publicly-available datasets: To foster
replications of our study, we select studied software
projects that are hosted in a publicly-available data
repository (i.e., GitHub).
2) Criterion 2 - Large and long-term development: To
ensure the quality of our studied projects and avoid
including any small projects in GitHub, we selected
studied software projects that are large and have been
developed for a long period of time.
We randomly selected 20 open source projects that meet
the criteria from GitHub for our study. Table 2 gives an
overview of the studied projects. We collected the commits
of each project from GitHub on February 14th, 2018. We
used CommitGuru [44] to extract commit-level metrics (i.e.,
metrics that influence the likelihood of a commit intro-
ducing defects) and identified defect-introducing commits
using the SZZ algorithm [46] for each project.
Summary of studied software projects. Parenthesized values show the
percentage of defect-introducing commits
Project name Date of
first commit Lines of code # of changes
accumulo Oct 4, 2011 600,191 9,175 (21%)
angular Jan 5, 2010 249,520 8,720 (25%)
brackets Dec 7, 2011 379,446 17,624 (24%)
bugzilla Aug 26, 1998 78,448 9,795 (37%)
camel Mar 19, 2007 1,310,869 31,369 (21%)
cinder May 3, 2012 434,324 14,855 (23%)
django Jul 13, 2005 468,100 25,453 (42%)
fastjson Jul 31, 2011 169,410 2,684 (26%)
gephi Mar 2, 2009 129,259 4,599 (37%)
hibernate-orm Jun 29, 2007 711,086 8,429 (32%)
hibernate-search Aug 15, 2007 174,475 6,022 (35%)
imglib2 Nov 2, 2009 45,935 4,891 (29%)
jetty Mar 16, 2009 519,265 15,197 (29%)
kylin May 13, 2014 214,983 7,112 (25%)
log4j Nov 16, 2000 37,419 3,275 (46%)
nova May 27, 2010 430,404 49,913 (26%)
osquery Jul 30, 2014 91,133 4,190 (23%)
postgres Jul 9, 1996 1,277,645 44,276 (33%)
tomcat Mar 27, 2006 400,869 19,213 (28%)
wordpress Apr 1, 2003 390,034 37,937 (47%)
Summary of commit-level metrics
Category Name Description
NS Number of modified subsystems
ND Number of modified directories
NF Number of modified files
Entropy Distribution of modified code across each file
LA Lines of code added
LD Lines of code deleted
LT Lines of code in a file before the commit
Purpose FIX Whether or not the commit is a defect fix
5.1.2 Collecting Commit-level Metrics
Prior studies proposed many commit-level metrics that are
associated with the likelihood of introducing defects [23, 25,
35, 45, 47]. Similar to Kamei et al. [22], we used Commit-
Guru [44] to collect eight metrics that span 3 categories.
Table 3 provides a brief description of the commit-level
Diffusion category measures how distributed a commit
is. A highly distributed commit is more complex and more
prone to defects, as shown in prior work [9, 35]. We collected
the number of modified subsystems (NS), the number of
modified directories (ND), the number of modified files
(NF), and the distribution of modified code across each file
(Entropy), to measure the diffusion of a commit. Similar to
Hassan [9], we normalized the entropy by the maximum
entropy log2nto take the differences in the number of files
nacross changes into account.
Size category measures the size of a commit using the
lines added (LA), lines deleted (LD), and lines total (LT). The
intuition is that the size of a commit is a strong indicator of
the commit’s defect-proneness [36, 37].
Purpose category measures whether a commit fixes a
defect. The intuition is that a commit that fixes a defect is
more likely to introduce another defect [6, 41].
Collecting Data Preprocessing
Constructing JIT models Analyzing JIT
Select studied
projects Studied project Mitigating cor
related metrics
Data scaling
Merged dataset
Local JIT
Global JIT
aware JIT
aware JIT
Evaluating the
Identifying the
most important
Evaluating the
Fig. 2. An overview of our case study design.
5.1.3 Collecting Project-Level Metrics
To investigate the impact of project-level variances on the
interpretation of JIT models, we collected 9 project-level
metrics, which were used in prior work [61, 63, 64]. We
briefly outline the project-level metrics below. Among the
9 project-level metrics, 6 of them can be extracted from
the version control systems (i.e., Language, NLanguage,
LOC, NFILE, NCOMMIT, NDEV), and 3 of them require
manual tagging (Audience, UI, Database). For each numeric
project-level metrics (NLanguage, LOC, NFILE, NCOMMIT,
NDEV), we separated the values into four groups based on
the first, second, and third quartiles (i.e., least, less, more,
most), as suggested by prior work [22].
Language (Java / JavaScript / Perl / Python / PHP /
C / C++): Programming language that is used the most in
the project. We identified the programming language using
cloc. We chose the programming language that is used in
the largest number of files as the programming language of
a project.
NLanguage (Least / Less / More / Most): Total number
of programming languages that are used in the project. We
consider a programming language being used in a project if
more than 10% of the files are written in that programming
LOC (Least / Less / More / Most): Total lines of code of
the source code in the project.
NFILE (Least / Less / More / Most): Total number of
files in the project.
NCOMMIT (Least / Less / More / Most): Total number
of commits in the VCS of the project.
NDEV (Least / Less / More / Most): Total number of
unique developers in the system.
Audience (Developer / User): Whether the intended
audience of the project is end users (e.g., wordpress), or
development professionals (e.g., log4j).
UI (Toolkit / GUI / Non-interactive): The type of user
interaction of the project. E.g., imglib2 is a toolkit, gephi has
GUI, and cinder is Non-interactive.
Database (True / False): Whether the project store the
data in a database or not.
5.2 Preprocessing Data
5.2.1 Data Scaling
We observed that most commit-level metrics are highly
skewed, and in different scales. To address this issue,
we centred and scaled the commit-level metrics using the
scale function in R, except for the “FIX” metric which is
5.2.2 Mitigating Correlated Metrics
Highly correlated metrics will produce incorrect interpreta-
tion of JIT models [17, 18, 48]. We used the Spearman cor-
relation to mitigate collinearity (i.e., the correlation between
2 metrics), and the redundancy analysis to mitigate multi-
collinearity (i.e., the correlation across more than 2 metrics,
in other words, the ability of a metric being described by 2
or more other metrics).
We calculated the Spearman correlation among all the
studied commit-level metrics, and manually removed the
highly correlated metrics with a Spearman correlation co-
efficient greater than 0.7. We chose 0.7 as the threshold,
because this threshold has been widely-used in defect pre-
diction research [15, 17, 19, 20, 31, 32, 48, 55]. In addition,
Jiarpakdee et al. [15, 19] also found that the variation of the
Spearman correlation coefficient between 0.5-0.7 has little
impact on the conclusions. We avoid using other coefficients
so the conclusions of our paper is strictly controlled and
not biased toward the use of other coefficients. We chose
Spearman correlation because it is resilient to data that are
not normally distributed. Figure 3 shows the hierarchically
clustered Spearman ρvalues of the commit-level metrics,
from merged data across all the studied projects.
Figure 3 shows that ND and NF are highly correlated.
We removed ND and kept NF for our study, as sug-
gested by prior work [23]. In addition, LA and LD are
highly correlated. We replace LA and LD with a relative
churn metric (i.e., (LA +LD)/LT ), as suggested by prior
work [22, 23, 37].
Redundant metrics (i.e., metrics that do not have a
unique signal from other metrics) will interfere with each
other and produce misleading interpretation of models. We
used the redun function in R to detect redundant metrics.
We found that after the correlation analysis, there exists no
redundant metrics.
0.8 0.4 0.0
Spearman ρ
Fig. 3. Hierarchical overview of the correlation among the commit-level
metrics. The dotted line shows the threshold (|ρ|= 0.7).
5.2.3 Class Imbalance
We observed that the class labels of our JIT datasets are
imbalanced, i.e., only a small proportion of all commits
introduces defects. Prior work in just-in-time cross-project
defect prediction used class rebalancing techniques to im-
prove model performance [22]. However, Tantithamtha-
vorn et al. [48, 49] have shown that balancing data tends
to shift the ranking of the most important metrics. To avoid
introducing any possible bias in the interpretation of our JIT
models, we did not apply data rebalancing techniques in
our study.
5.3 Constructing JIT models
To address our six research questions, we constructed four
types of JIT models, i.e., local JIT models, global JIT models,
project-aware JIT models, and context-aware JIT models
using the logistic regression and random forest classifiers.
5.3.1 Local JIT Models
A local JIT model is a model that is built from an indi-
vidual project. We construct local JIT models using logistic
regression for each of the 20 studied projects where we used
commit-level metrics as independent variables and whether
a commit introduces defects as the dependent variable.
In a classic logistic regression model, the relationship be-
tween commit-level metrics (independent variables xi) and
the likelihood of the commit introducing defects (dependent
variable y) can be described as:
1y) = β0+βixi+(1)
where is the standard error. The coefficient βiindicates
the relationship between the ith commit-level metric and the
likelihood of the commit introducing defects, and the intercept
β0indicates the baseline likelihood of introducing defects of a
We used the implementation of logistic regression from
the glm function that is provided by the stats R package.
5.3.2 Global JIT Models
A global JIT model is trained using a pool of mixed project
data assuming that data is collected from the same project.
We first combined data from all the studied projects as a
training dataset. We constructed a global JIT model using lo-
gistic regression (see Section 5.3.1) with the merged dataset
using the same dependent and independent variables, and
the same R package as the local JIT models. Since the goal of
our paper focuses on the interpretation of cross-project JIT
models, we trained our model using the full dataset.
As the global JIT model is trained using a merged dataset
with data from all the studied projects, but the coefficient
βiand the intercept β0in the model are fixed, commits
from different projects have the same relationship with the
dependent variable y(the likelihood of a commit introduc-
ing defects). Such models are called fixed-effect models, and
have been used in prior studies for JIT models [5, 22].
5.3.3 Project-Aware JIT Models
A fixed-effect JIT model with merged dataset has an as-
sumption that the relationship between commit-level met-
rics and the likelihood of a commit introducing defects, and
the baseline likelihood of introducing defects of a project,
are the same across different projects, which is likely not
true. To build a project-aware JIT model that considers
the differences among different projects, we constructed a
mixed-effect logistic regression model [1] for our study.
Unlike classic logistic regression models, a mixed-effect
logistic regression model contains both fixed effects (inde-
pendent variables at the commit level) and random effects
(independent variables at the project level), and therefore is
able to represent different relationships between indepen-
dent variables and dependent variables at different hierar-
chical levels (i.e., different projects).
There are two types of mixed-effect models: (1) random
intercept models, and (2) random slope and intercept mod-
els. Random intercept models have different intercepts for
independent variables at the project level, but fixed coef-
ficients for independent variables at the commit level. On
the other hand, random slope and intercept models allow
different intercepts for independent variables at the project
level, and different coefficients for independent variables at
the commit level. As we suspect that commit-level metrics
from different projects have different relationships with the
likelihood of a commit introducing defects, we constructed
a random slope and intercept model for the project-aware
JIT model. A random slope and intercept model takes the
following form:
1y) = β0+βixi+uj0+ujk zk+(2)
where y,xi,βi,has the same definition as Formula 1; uj0
is the jth random intercept; zkis the kth random effect; and
ujk is the jth random slope for the kth random effect.
In particular, we use a unique identifier of a project (i.e.,
the project name) as the random intercept, and use Entropy
as the random slope against project in our model, i.e., uj0
is the random intercept for jth project; z1is Entropy and
uj1is the random slope for the Entropy of jth project. We
use the project name as the random intercept, so that the
project-aware JIT model can give each project a different
intercept, similar to the local JIT models (Section 5.3.1);
instead of treating data from different projects the same
and only computing one general intercept (β0), as done
when training a global JIT model (Section 5.3.2). We use
Entropy as the random slope, since Table 4 shows that
Entropy is the most important metric for 11 out of 20 studied
projects. We do not include other metrics as random slopes,
since excessive usage of random slope increases the model’s
number of degrees of freedom and therefore increases the
risk of overfitting. The intuitive interpretation is that we
let different projects to have different baseline likelihood of
introducing defects (β0+uj0), and allow Entropy to have a
different relationship (uj1) with the likelihood of a commit
introducing defects for each project. We use the rest of the
commit-level metrics (NS, NF, LT, FIX and relative churn)
as fixed effects (xi). We built the project-aware JIT models
using the implementation of the mixed-effect regression
model provided by the glmer function in the R package
5.3.4 Context-Aware JIT Models
In contrast to the project-aware JIT model, a context-aware
JIT model further differentiates various contextual factors
of different projects, instead of simply giving projects their
unique intercepts. To construct a context-aware JIT model,
we built a mixed-effect model (more specifically, a random
slope and intercept model). In the context-aware JIT model,
we introduced the 9 contextual factors (the 9 project-level
metrics that are described in Section 5) as random intercepts
(i.e., each level of each contextual factor has its unique
intercept). All of the contextual factors are at project level
instead of commit level, hence they impact the project’s
baseline likelihood of introducing defects (i.e., in the form
of intercept instead of slope). As a result, the intercept for
the jth project (uj0) in the context-aware JIT model can be
considered conceptually as the sum of the intercepts of the
project’s contextual factors:
where Mis the total number of contextual factors (i.e.,
9), and vjm0is the coefficient of random intercept for jth
project’s mth contextual factor, obtained through the fitting
of the context-aware JIT model. We calculated uj0conceptu-
ally as the sum of all coefficients of random intercepts of a
specific project, so that we can compare that to the local JIT
models and the project-aware JIT model where each project
has only one intercept value.
We used the same random slope and fixed effects in
the context-aware JIT model as the project-aware JIT model.
Again, we built the context-aware JIT models using the im-
plementation of the mixed-effect regression model provided
by the glmer function in the R package lme4.
5.4 Analyzing JIT models
5.4.1 Evaluating the performance of JIT models
A defect-introducing commit can be classified by a JIT
model as defect-introducing (true positive, TP) or non-
defect-introducing (false negative, FN); while a non-defect-
introducing commit can be classified by a JIT model
as defect-introducing (false positive, FP) or non-defect-
introducing (true negative, TN).
To measure the performance of the constructed JIT mod-
els, we employed nine performance metrics that are com-
monly used in prior work [14, 22, 23], defined as follows:
Precision measures the ratio of correctly predicted
defect-introducing commits to all commits that are pre-
dicted as defect-introducing (P recision =T P
T P +F P ).
Recall measures the ratio of correctly predicted defect-
introducing commits to all defect-introducing commits
(Recall =T P
T P +F N ).
F1-score measures the harmonic mean of recall and pre-
cision. There exists a tradeoff between precision and recall.
F1-score is a commonly used metric to combine precision
and recall (F1-score =2Pr ecisionRecall
P recision+Recall ).
G-score is an alternative metric to F1-score to avoid po-
tential negative impact of imbalanced class on F1-score [27].
G-score is the harmonic mean between the probability
of true positive and probability of true negative (G-score
=2T P T N
T P +T N ).
AUC measures the Area Under the Curve (AUC) of the
Receiver Operating Curve (ROC). AUC is used to mitigate
the potential bias of the choice of the probability threshold
for precision and recall and mitigate the class imbalance
that are commonly presented in our datasets [49]. As sug-
gested by Mandrekar [30], an AUC value of 0.5 indicates
that a model performs equally to random guessing or no
discrimination, 0.7 to 0.8 is considered acceptable, 0.8 to
0.9 is considered excellent, and more than 0.9 is considered
IFA measures the number of Initial First Alarms (IFA)
that developers would encounter before they find the first
defective commit. In contrast to the above mentioned mea-
sures, IFA takes into consideration the human aspect of
quality assurance. A low IFA may increase developers’ trust
on the JIT model.
PCI@20% measures the Proportion of Commits In-
spected when 20% of modified LOC by all commits are
inspected. PCI@20% focuses on the effort that developers
spend when inspecting the suggested defect-introducing
commits by the JIT model.
Popt: An optimal JIT model ranks defect-introducing
commits by the decreasing actual bug density. When plot-
ting the percentage of defect-introducing commits against
the percentage of effort for both the optimal JIT model and
the JIT model that is being evaluated, we can calculate the
area between the two models’ curves opt. Popt is calculated
as 1opt. Hence, a larger Popt means a smaller difference
between the optimal JIT model and the JIT model being
Popt@20%: Similar to the Popt measure, Popt@20% mea-
sures Popt before the cutoff of 20% of effort.
5.4.2 Evaluating the goodness-of-fit of JIT models
To measure how well the constructed models fit the data,
we calculated the conditional coefficient of determination
for generalized logistic regression models and mixed-effect
models (R2or R2
GLMM) [21, 38].
GLMM =σ2
l=1 σ2
l=1 σ2
where σ2
fis the variance of the fixed effects, and Pσ2
lis the
sum of all uvariance components, σ2
is the variance due
to the additive dispersion and σ2
dis the distribution-specific
variance. We used the implementation of the R2
GLMM fuc-
tion that is provided by the MuMIn R package.
The model statistics of the local JIT models for each studied project. The metric with the highest percentage of χ2for each project is highlighted in
bold and red. We also report the goodness-of-fit of the local JIT models using R2and the predictive accuracy using AUC.
(Intercept) Entropy NS NF Relative
churn LT FIX R2AUC
Coef. Coef. % χ2Coef. % χ2Coef. % χ2Coef. % χ2Coef. % χ2Coef. % χ2
cinder -1.95 %40*** %48*** %0%0%0** %12*** 0.43 0.86
nova -1.6 %38*** %51*** &0&0%2*** %9*** 0.38 0.84
postgres -0.85 %16*** %17*** %36*** %1*** &3*** %27*** 0.31 0.65
angular -1.53 %18*** %64*** %0%1* %0%17*** 0.30 0.80
osquery -1.61 %41*** %43*** %1%0%11*** %4*** 0.30 0.82
brackets -1.52 %13*** %85*** &0%0%0%2*** 0.29 0.79
camel -1.62 %73*** %0%0&0&26*** %0** 0.24 0.68
django -0.56 %34*** %51*** &1*** &0&7*** %7*** 0.23 0.76
accumulo -1.57 %87*** %3*** %3*** &0%5*** %1** 0.20 0.78
bugzilla -0.98 %8*** %42*** &0&1* %46*** %3*** 0.18 0.72
fastjson -1.24 %82*** %4** %1%0%14*** %00.18 0.72
jetty -1.13 %70*** &25*** %2*** &0%0%3*** 0.18 0.73
hibernate-search -0.75 %48*** &38*** %4*** %1* &9*** %00.16 0.67
hibernate-orm -0.87 %95*** &2*** %2*** %0&1** %00.14 0.67
kylin -1.28 %86*** %14*** %0&0&0%00.14 0.71
log4j -0.29 %41*** %17*** %0&0&33*** %8*** 0.11 0.67
tomcat -1.12 %38*** %13*** %24*** &0%9*** %16*** 0.11 0.64
gephi -0.54 %88*** &7*** %1* %1%3** &0 0.09 0.64
imglib2 -0.98 %92*** %1&0&0%6*** %10.09 0.67
wordpress -0.4 &1*** %24*** %12*** &0%1%63*** 0.08 0.63
global JIT model -1.10 %52*** %16*** %0*** &0%0*** %32*** 0.14 0.70
%: positive coefficients. &: negative coefficients.
Statistical significance of χ2:p0.05;*p < 0.05;**p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.
5.4.3 Identifying the most important metric
We used the χ2value of each commit-level metric that is
obtained from the ANOVA Type-II to measure the impact
of commit-level metrics on the likelihood of a commit
introducing defects. The χ2value measures the impact of
a particular independent variable on the dependent vari-
able [32]. The larger the χ2value, the larger the impact that a
commit-level metric has on the likelihood of a commit intro-
ducing defects. We also calculated the statistical significance
(pvalue) of χ2. When pis less than a significance level (e.g.,
5%), we can conclude that the independent variable has a
statistically significant impact on the dependent variable.
We used the ANOVA Type-II test because it yields a more
stable ranking of metrics, as suggested by Tantithamthavorn
et al. [48]. To more intuitively show the impact of each
metric, we calculated the percentage of the χ2of each
commit-level metric to the sum of all χ2values of a model,
to rank the metrics by their impact for each model.
Similarly, we used the χ2values of the project-level
metrics (i.e., random effects in project-aware JIT models and
context-aware JIT models) obtained from the likelihood ratio
test (LRT), to measure the impact of project-level metrics
on the likelihood of a commit introducing defects. We used
the likelihood ratio test rather than directly comparing the
variance of random effects as suggested by Bolker et al. [3],
as the variance of a random effect is not reliable when the
sampling distribution is skewed. We also divided the p-
value by 2 as suggested by Bolker et al., as LRT-based null
hypothesis tests are conservative when the null value (i.e.,
the variance of random effects) is on the boundary of the
feasible space (i.e., the variance of random effects cannot be
less than 0) [39].
In this section, we present the approach and results with
respect to each research question.
RQ1: Does the interpretation of the local JIT models
Approach. To address RQ1, we started from the 20 studied
datasets. For each dataset, we constructed a local JIT model
using logistic regression (see Section 5.3.1). Because the
focus of this RQ is on interpretation, we trained each local
JIT model with the whole dataset of the respective project.
For each local JIT model, we extracted the coefficients of the
intercept and independent variables. Following Section 5.4,
we analyzed the goodness-of-fit of local JIT models; and
identified the most important metric of defect-introducing
commits. Table 4 presents the model statistics of the local
JIT models. Below, we discuss the results with respect to (1)
the goodness-of-fit; (2) the most important metric; and (3)
the baseline likelihood of introducing defects of the local JIT
Goodness-of-Fit. To ensure that the interpretation that is
derived from the local JIT models is accurate, we first
evaluate the R2goodness-of-fit of the local JIT models and
the predictive accuracy using AUC. We find that the R2
values of local JIT models range from 0.08 to 0.43, while
the AUC values of local JIT models range from 0.63-0.86.
Table 4 confirms that our logistic regression can explain the
variability of the data from 8% to 43%. Despite some projects
achieving a low goodness-of-fit (i.e., the linear regression
models cannot capture the linear relationship of the metrics
and the outcome), our local JIT models still outperform
random guessing (AUC=0.5).
Results.The most important metric of the local JIT models
varies among projects. Table 4 shows the model statistics
of the local JIT models. The most important metric (i.e.,
the metric with the highest percentage of χ2) is bolded
and highlighted in blue. We find that Entropy is the most
important metric for 11 of 20 (55%) studied projects, while
the number of subsystems (NS) is the most important metric
for 6 of 20 (30%) projects. This finding suggests that the
interpretation of cross-project JIT models (e.g., global JIT
models) that are trained from a merged data may be mis-
leading when project-level variances and the characteristics
of the studied projects are not considered.
We suspect that the different interpretations of the lo-
cal JIT models have to do with the nature of the project
characteristics, instead of the goodness-of-fit of the models.
We find that local JIT models with similar goodness-of-fit
also produce different most important metrics. For example,
both the postgres and osquery projects have a very similar
goodness-of-fit with an R2value of 0.31 and 0.30, respec-
tively. However, the most important metric for the postgres
project is the number of files (NF), while the most important
metric for the osquery project is the number of subsystem
(NS). The inconsistency of the most important metric for
local JIT models that share similar goodness-of-fit can also
be observed for the camel and django projects, and for the
bugzilla and fastjson projects.
The different interpretation of local JIT models is similar
to the findings of Menzies et al. [34] who observed variations
in the most important metric for each project when defect
prediction models are trained using different samples from
the same project data.
The baseline likelihoods of introducing defects varies
among projects. Table 4 shows that the local JIT models
often have different intercepts (i.e., the baseline likelihood
of introducing defects). The variance of the distribution
of intercepts among local JIT models is 0.21, indicating
that different projects have different baseline likelihood of
introducing defects (e.g., some projects are more likely to
have defect-introducing commits than others). This finding
echoes the findings that the importance of the characteristics
of the studied projects must be considered when construct-
ing cross-project JIT models.
Summary: The most important metric of the local JIT
models and the baseline likelihood of introducing defects
vary among projects, suggesting that the interpretation
of global JIT models that are trained from a merged data
may be misleading when project-level variances and the
characteristics of the studied projects are not considered.
RQ2: How consistent is the interpretation of the global
JIT model when compared to the local JIT models?
Approach. To address RQ2, we investigated the difference of
the ANOVA importance scores of the global JIT model when
compared to the local JIT models. We started from merging
the 20 studied datasets into a single dataset (called a merged
data). We then constructed a global JIT model using logistic
regression (see Section 5.3.2). Because the focus of this RQ
is on interpretation, we trained the global JIT model with
the whole merged dataset. Similar to RQ1, we analyzed the
goodness-of-fit of global JIT models; and identified the most
important metric of defect-introducing commits. Table 4
presents the model statistics of the global JIT model. Below,
we discuss the results with respect to (1) the goodness-of-fit;
(2) the most important metric; and (3) the baseline likelihood
of introducing defects of the global JIT models.
Goodness-of-Fit.The R2value of the global JIT model
is 30% lower than the average R2values of the local
JIT models. Table 4 shows that the R2values of the global
JIT model is 0.14, indicating that the global JIT model can
explain the variability of the data by 14%. On the other
hand, Table 4 shows that the average R2values of the local
JIT models is 0.207.
Results.The most important metric of defect-introducing
commits that is derived from a global JIT model is not
always consistent with the local JIT models. Table 4 shows
the model statistics of the global JIT model. We find that
entropy, the purpose of the commit (FIX), and the number
of subsystems (NS) are the first, second, and third most im-
portant metric of defect-introducing commits when deriving
from the global JIT model. As shown in the results of RQ1,
Entropy is the most important metric of defect-introducing
commits for only 11 (55%) local JIT models. On the other
hand, the number of subsystem (NS) is the most important
metric of defect-introducing commits for the other 6 (30%)
local JIT models—where NS appears at the third rank of the
global JIT model.
The global JIT model cannot capture the variation of
the baseline likelihood of introducing defects for all of the
studied projects. Table 4 shows the intercept values (i.e., the
baseline likelihood of introducing defects) of the global JIT
model and the local JIT models. We find that the intercept
value of the global JIT model is -1.1, while the intercept
values of the local JIT models range from -1.95 to -0.29. This
finding indicates that the global JIT model cannot capture
the variation of the baseline likelihood of introducing de-
fects for all of the studied projects. Such inconsistency of
the baseline likelihood of introducing defects between the
global JIT model and the local JIT models may produce
misleading conclusions when interpreting the global JIT
The inconsistency between the interpretation of global
and local JIT models is similar to the findings of Men-
zies et al. [33] who observed that in the context of release-
level defect prediction, the interpretation of models that are
trained from the merging of all projects’ data is suboptimal
compared to the interpretation of models that are trained
from the merging of a cluster of similar projects’ data.
Summary: The most important metric of the global JIT
model is consistent for 55% of the local JIT models, sug-
gesting that the interpretation of a global JIT model cannot
capture the variation of the interpretation for all local JIT
models. Moreover, the global JIT model cannot capture the
variation of the baseline likelihood of introducing defects for
all of the studied projects, suggesting that conclusions that
are derived from the global JIT model are not generalizable
to many of the studied projects.
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 1
Fig. 4. The ScottKnott ESD ranking and the distributions of the nine performance measures of the global, project-aware, context-aware JIT models.
Noted that the performance of local JIT models should be used as a baseline reference, as the local JIT models are not available in the real-world
cross-project scenario when having limited access to historical data.
RQ3: How accurate are the predictions of the project-
aware JIT model and the context-aware JIT model when
compared to the global JIT model?
Approach. To address RQ3, we evaluate the predictive
accuracy of JIT models using nine performance measures
(e.g., precision, recall) to investigate whether the predictive
accuracy of project-aware and context-aware JIT models are
comparable to global JIT models. Similar to prior work [22],
we evaluate the JIT models using cross-project evaluation
scenario as follows. First, one project is set aside as the
testing project. Second, the rest of the studied projects are
merged together as one large training dataset. Then, we
train a global JIT model, a project-aware JIT model, and a
context-aware JIT model (see Section 5.3). Then, we evaluate
the models using the nine performance metrics (see Sec-
tion 5.4.1). We repeat these steps for each of the 20 studied
projects. In addition, we also evaluate the local JIT models
as a baseline comparison. To do so, we apply an out-of-
sample bootstrap model validation technique to estimate
the model performance of within-project dataset [53], i.e.,
for each project, a local JIT model is trained on a bootstrap
sample with replacement, and tested on the samples that
do not appear in the bootstrap sample. Then, we compute
the average performance value from the 100-repeated out-
of-sample bootstrap validation.
Finally, we apply a ScottKnott ESD test to cluster
the distributions into statistically distinct ranks with non-
negligible effect size difference [51, 53, 54]. The Scott-Knott
ESD test is designed to overcome the confounding factor
of overlapping groups that are produced by other post-hoc
tests, such as Nemenyi’s test. In particular, Nemenyi’s test
produces overlapping groups of techniques, implying that
there exists no statistically significant difference among the
techniques. In contrast, the ScottKnott ESD test produces
the ranking of the techniques while ensuring that (1) the
magnitude of the difference for all of the distributions in
each rank is negligible; and (2) the magnitude of the differ-
ence of distributions between ranks is non-negligible. The
ScottKnott ESD test is based on the ANOVA assumptions
of the original ScottKnott test (e.g., normal distributions,
homogeneous distributions, and the minimum sample size).
Figure 4 presents the ScottKnott ESD ranking and the dis-
tributions of the nine performance measures of the global,
project-aware, context-aware JIT models, and the local JIT
models (as a baseline).
Results.Project-aware and context-aware JIT models
achieve comparable performance with global JIT models.
The ScottKnott ESD rankings (see Figure 4) confirm that the
project-aware and context-aware JIT models achieve similar
performance (with negligible to small effect size) compared
to the global JIT models across all 9 performance metrics.
In addition, the ScottKnott ESD rankings (see Figure 4)
also align with the finding in prior studies [5, 22, 57],
that cross-project JIT models that are trained on a mixed-
project dataset yield comparable performance compared to
local JIT models. The comparable performance of project-
aware and context-aware JIT models with global JIT models
lays the foundation of the comparison among the derived
interpretation from the three studied types of JIT models.
Summary: Project-aware JIT models and context-aware JIT
models that consider project context achieve comparable
performance across nine measured performance metrics
with global JIT models that do not consider project context.
The comparable performance allows us to further compare
the interpretation among global JIT models, project-aware
JIT models and context-aware JIT models in the following
RQ4: How consistent is the interpretation of the project-
aware JIT model when compared to the local JIT models
and the global JIT model?
Approach. To address RQ4, we started from the merged
data in RQ2. Then, we constructed a project-aware JIT
Model statistics of the project-aware JIT model (R2=0.26). The χ2
value measures the impact of a particular independent variable on the
dependent variable. The larger the χ2value, the larger the impact that
a commit-level metric has on the likelihood of a commit introducing
Type Variable Variance Coef. χ2Pr(> χ2)
slope Entropy 0.34 - 16856.3 <2.2e-16***
intercept Project 0.65 - 8208.6 <2.2e-16***
FIX - 0.53 3284.22 <2.2e-16***
NS - 0.27 3245.11 <2.2e-16***
NF - 0.05 76.80 <2.2e-16***
LT - 0.01 9.10 2.6e-3**
Relative Churn - <0.01 0.15 0.69
Statistical significance of χ2:
p0.05;*p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.
model using a mixed-effect logistic regression model (see
Section 5.3.3). Because the focus of this RQ is on interpreta-
tion, we trained the project-aware JIT model with the whole
merged dataset. Similar to RQ1 and RQ2, we analyzed the
goodness-of-fit and identified the most important metric of
the project-aware JIT model. Table 5 presents the model
statistics of the project-aware JIT model. To analyze the
consistency of the most important metric, we calculated
the errors of the coefficient of the most important metric
(i.e., Entropy) between the project-aware JIT model and the
local JIT models, as well as between the project-aware JIT
model and the global JIT model. Similarly, to analyze the
consistency of the baseline likelihood of introducing defects,
we calculated the errors of the intercept between the project-
aware JIT model and the local JIT models, as well as between
the project-aware JIT model and the global JIT model. Below,
we discuss the results with respect to (1) the goodness-of-fit;
(2) the errors of the important scores; and (3) the errors of
the baseline likelihood of introducing defects.
Goodness-of-Fit.The R2value of the project-aware JIT
model is 86% and 26% higher than that of the global JIT
model and the average R2values of the local JIT models,
respectively. We find that the R2value of the project-aware
JIT model is 0.26, while the R2value of the global JIT model
is 0.14 and the average R2values of the local JIT models
is 0.207. This finding indicates that the project-aware JIT
model that considers project-level variances can explain the
variability of the data 86% better than the global JIT model
that is trained from a merged data.
Results.The coefficient estimates of the most important
metric (i.e., Entropy) that are derived from the project-
aware JIT model are 53% more accurate than those of the
global JIT model. Figure 5 shows the distribution of the
absolute errors of the coefficient of Entropy for the project-
aware JIT model and for the global JIT model, respectively.
We observed that the global JIT model produces a median
absolute error (MAE) of 0.17, while the project-aware JIT
model produces an MAE of 0.08, which is 53% lower than
the global JIT model. The results show that the project-
aware JIT model provides a more accurate interpretation
of the relationship between Entropy and the likelihood of
introducing defects than that of the global JIT model.
In addition, Figure 6 shows the variation of the rela-
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Absolute error of the coefficients of Entropy
global JIT
JIT model
Fig. 5. Distribution of the absolute error of the coefficient of Entropy for
the project-aware JIT model and for the global JIT model. The figure
shows that the coefficient estimates of the most important metric (i.e.,
Entropy) that are derived from the project-aware JIT model are 53%
more accurate than those of the global JIT model.
−1 0 1 2
Fig. 6. Relationship between Entropy and defect-proneness for each
studied project. Entropy ranges out of [0,1] due to data scaling. The
random slope of Entropy in the mixed-effect model is able to show the
different relationships between Entropy and the likelihood of a commit
introducing defects across projects.
tionship between Entropy and the likelihood of introducing
defects for each studied project in the project-aware model.
We find that the random slope of Entropy in the mixed-
effect model is able to show different relationships between
Entropy and the likelihood of introducing defects across
On the other hand, the global JIT model can only provide
a fixed estimate of the relationship between Entropy and
defect-proneness for all the studied projects, which con-
tradicts to the our prior finding that the most important
metric of the local JIT models varies among projects. This
finding indicates that global JIT models must not be used to
guide operational decisions.
The baseline likelihoods of introducing defects that
are derived from the project-aware JIT model are 81%
more accurate than those of the global JIT model. Figure 7
shows the distribution of the absolute errors of the intercept
for the project-aware JIT model and for the global JIT model
We calculated that the global JIT model has a MAE of
0.43, while the project-aware JIT model has a lower MAE
of 0.08. The results show that the project-aware JIT model
provides a more accurate interpretation of the baseline
likelihood of introducing defects than the global JIT model.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Absolute error of the intercepts
global JIT
JIT model
Fig. 7. Distribution of the absolute error of the intercept for the project-
aware JIT model and for the global JIT model. The figure shows that
the baseline likelihoods of introducing defects that are derived from the
project-aware JIT model are 81% more accurate than those derived from
the global JIT model.
Summary: The coefficient estimates of the most important
metric (i.e., Entropy) that are derived from the project-
aware JIT model are 53% more accurate than those of the
global JIT model. In addition, the baseline likelihoods of
introducing defects that are derived from the project-aware
JIT model are 81% more accurate than those of the global
JIT model.
RQ5: How consistent is the interpretation of the context-
aware JIT model when compared to the local JIT models
and the global JIT model?
Approach. To address RQ5, we repeated the approach of
RQ4, replacing the project-aware JIT model with a context-
aware JIT model using a mixed-effect logistic regression
model (see Section 5.3.4) that considers many contextual
factors of different projects. Because the focus of this RQ
is on interpretation, we trained the context-aware JIT model
with the whole merged dataset. Table 6 presents the model
statistics of the context-aware JIT model. Similar to RQ4,
we analyzed (1) the goodness-of-fit of the context-aware JIT
model; (2) the consistency of the most important metric; and
(3) the consistency of the baseline likelihood of introducing
defects. Below, we discuss the results with respect to (1) the
goodness-of-fit; (2) the errors of the important scores; and (3)
the errors of the baseline likelihood of introducing defects.
Goodness-of-Fit.The R2value of the context-aware JIT
model is 100% and 35% higher than that of the global
JIT model and the average R2values of the local JIT
models, respectively. We find that the context-aware JIT
model obtained a R2of 0.28, while the R2value of the global
JIT model is 0.14 and the average R2values of the local
JIT models is 0.207. This finding indicates that the context-
aware JIT model that considers project-level variances and
contextual factors can explain the variability of the data
100% better than the global JIT model that is trained from
a merged data. In addition, the R2of the context-aware JIT
model is also 8% higher than that of the project-aware JIT
Results.The coefficient estimates of the most important
metric (i.e., Entropy) that are derived from the context-
aware JIT model are 44% more accurate than those of
the global JIT model. Figure 8 shows the distribution of
the error of the coefficients of Entropy for context-aware JIT
model and for global JIT model, respectively. We calculated
that the context-aware JIT model has a MAE of 0.09, which
is 44% lower than the MAE for global JIT model (0.16), that
Summary of the context-aware JIT model (R2=0.28). The χ2value
measures the impact of a particular independent variable on the
dependent variable. The larger the χ2value, the larger the impact that
a commit-level metric has on the likelihood of a commit introducing
Type Variable Variance Coef. χ2Pr(> χ2)
slope Entropy 0.34 - 15009.00 <2.2e-16***
Language 0.22 - 6076.16 <2.2e-16***
TLOC 0.12 - 1370.79 <2.2e-16***
NFILE 0.09 - 1182.11 <2.2e-16***
NCOMMIT 0.08 - 768.27 <2.2e-16***
NDEV 0.24 - 300.36 <2.2e-16***
Nlanguage 0.02 - 64.81 4.2e-16***
UI <0.01 - 0.18 0.50
Database <0.01 - 0.00 0.50
Audience <0.01 - 0.00 0.50
NS - 0.27 3242.08 <2.2e-16***
FIX - 0.53 3197.47 <2.2e-16***
NF - 0.05 75.99 <2.2e-16***
LT - 0.01 9.41 2.2e-3**
Relative Churn - <0.01 0.16 0.69
Statistical significance of χ2:
p0.05;*p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.
are calculated in RQ4. The results show that the context-
aware JIT model provides a more accurate interpretation of
the relationship between Entropy and the likelihood of a
commit introducing defects than the global JIT model.
We also observed that project-aware and context-aware
JIT models produce similar coefficient estimates of Entropy,
as well as other commit-level metrics. We calculated that
the median absolute difference of the estimated coefficients
of Entropy from the two models is 0.006. The observation
suggests that when taking the contextual factors into con-
sideration, the mixed-effect model can yield stable repre-
sentation of the relationship between commit-level metrics
and the likelihood of a commit introducing defects.
The baseline likelihood of introducing defects that
are derived from the context-aware JIT model are 64%
more accurate than those of the global JIT model. Figure 9
shows the distribution of the errors of the intercept for
the project-aware JIT model and for the global JIT model
respectively. We calculated that the context-aware JIT model
has a lower MAE of 0.15, which is lower than the MAE
for global JIT model (0.42) that are calculated in RQ4. The
results show that the context-aware JIT model provides a
more accurate interpretation of the baseline likelihood of
introducing defects of projects than the global JIT model. We
also observed that the MAE for the context-aware JIT model
is higher than the project-aware JIT model, indicating that
there may be other project factors other than the 9 contextual
factors that contributes to the differences among projects.
The main programming language, total lines of code,
the number of files, the number of commits, the number
of developers, and the number of programming languages
are the statistically significant context factors. Table 6
provides a summary of the model statistics for the context-
aware JIT model. Table 6 shows that programming lan-
guages, total lines of code, the number of files, the number
of commits, the number of developers, and the number of
programming languages have a p-value <0.05, indicating
that the language, the total lines of code, the number of
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Absolute error of the coefficients of Entropy
global JIT
JIT model
Fig. 8. Distribution of the absolute error of the coefficients of Entropy for
the context-aware JIT model and for the global JIT model. The figure
shows that the coefficient estimates of the most important metric (i.e.,
Entropy) that are derived from the context-aware JIT model are 44%
more accurate than those derived from the global JIT model.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Absolute error of the intercepts
global JIT
JIT model
Fig. 9. Distribution of the absolute error of the intercept for the context-
aware JIT model and for the global JIT model. The figure shows that
the baseline likelihood of introducing defects that are derived from the
context-aware JIT model are 64% more accurate than those derived
from the global JIT model.
files, the number of commits, the number of developers, and
the number of programming languages have statistically
significant impact on the likelihood of introducing defects.
For example, projects that are written in Python tend to have
the highest likelihood of introducing defects. This finding
suggests that the consideration of contextual factors in the
JIT model can provide a more in-depth understanding of the
properties of defect-introducing commits without impacting
the goodness-of-fit of the model.
Summary: The coefficient estimates of the most important
metric (i.e., Entropy) that are derived from the context-
aware JIT model are 44% more accurate than those of the
global JIT model. The baseline likelihood of introducing
defects that are derived from the context-aware JIT model
are 64% more accurate than those of the global JIT model.
In addition, the consideration of contextual factors in the
JIT model can provide a more in-depth understanding of the
properties of defect-introducing commits without impacting
the goodness-of-fit of the model.
RQ6: Do our prior conclusions hold for other mixed-
effect classifiers?
Approach. In the previous RQs, we used logistic regression
to construct global JIT models, and mixed-effect logistic re-
gression to construct project-aware JIT models and context-
aware JIT models. To investigate if the findings in our prior
RQs hold for other mixed-effect classifiers, in this RQ, we
evaluate the studied JIT models using random forest clas-
sifiers. In particular, we construct global JIT models using
random forest classifiers, and construct project-aware and
context-aware JIT models using mixed-effect random forest
classifiers. Below we describe the modelling techniques in
Random forest is an ensemble classifier that consists of
multiple decision trees. Each decision tree in a random forest
is trained with a randomly selected subset of the training
data and features. A random forest classifies the dependent
variable by taking the majority vote of the decision trees.
In a classification task (e.g., JIT defect modelling), the ratio
of the positive votes from the decision trees in a random
forest can be used as the predicted probability of a commit
being defect-introducing. In contrast to generalized linear
modelling that is used in the prior RQs, random forest
models a non-linear relationship between dependent and
independent variables, and has been widely used along
with generalized linear models in the defect modelling
domain [22, 23].
Applying mixed-effect modelling on non-linear models
is a relatively new research area. Hajjem et al. [7] conducted
the initial work on applying mixed-effect modelling on
a non-linear model. In 2017, Hajjem et al. [8] extended
their prior work and proposed generalized mixed-effect
regression trees, to allow binary outcomes (i.e., classifica-
tion). Recently, Wang et al. [59] implemented generalized
mixed-effect random forest based on Hajjem et al.’s work.
Recall that in Section 5.3.3 and Section 5.3.4, we defined a
generalized linear mixed-effect model (mixed-effect logistic
regression) as
1y) = β0+βixi+
vjm0+uj kzk+
In this formula, β0+βixirepresents the fixed effects
(commit-level metrics), while PM
m=1 vjm0+uj kzkrepresents
the random effects (project-level metrics). Let F(xi) =
β0+βixi, and G(zk) = PM
m=1 vjm0+uj kzk, we can get
the general form of mixed-effect models:
1y) = F(xi) + G(zk) + (4)
For a generalized linear mixed-effect model, F(xi)is
a linear function. When replacing F(xi)with a non-linear
function (e.g., a random forest model), Formula 4 becomes
a generalized non-linear mixed-effect model (e.g., a gener-
alized mixed-effect random forest). Note that the random
effect G(zk)remains a linear function.
We followed the same process as stated in RQ3 to cal-
culate the nine performance metrics for the random forest
based global, project-aware and context-aware JIT models.
In addition, we calculated the goodness-of-fit of the three
type of random forest based JIT models using the method
stated in Section 5.4.2.
We improved the implementation of generalized mixed-
effect random forest from Wang et al. [59] using a fast
implementation of random forest provided by the ranger
package in R. In addition, we also improved Wang et al.’s
implementation’s strategy of predicting an unseen project
during training using our strategy that is explained in RQ3.
The generalized mixed-effect random forest model was
trained using the default parameter settings of the random
forest implemented in the ranger package.
Cross-project performance metrics of random forest based JIT models.
The table shows that random forest based project-aware and
context-aware JIT models achieve comparable performance to random
forest based global JIT model.
JIT models
JIT models
JIT models
Median Mean Median Mean Median Mean
Precision 0.62 0.58 0.58 0.60 0.59 0.63
Recall 0.39 0.42 0.31 0.35 0.38 0.35
F1-score 0.46 0.46 0.38 0.39 0.45 0.35
G-score 0.53 0.54 0.47 0.46 0.53 0.41
AUC 0.72 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.74 0.75
IFA 1.00 1.05 1.00 1.40 1.00 1.45
PCI@20% 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
Popt 0.45 0.47 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41
Popt@20% 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.27
Results.Random forest based project-aware and context-
aware JIT models achieve comparable performance to ran-
dom forest based global JIT model. Table 7 shows the cross-
project performance of random forest based global, project-
aware, and context-aware JIT models. Similar to what we
observed in RQ3, the project-aware and context-aware JIT
models that are constructed using generalized mixed-effect
random forest yield comparable performance to the random
forest based global JIT models.
Random forest based project-aware and context-aware
JIT models have a better goodness-of-fit than random
forest based global JIT model. The R2of the random forest
based global JIT model on the merged dataset is 0.29, while
the R2of the random forest based project-aware JIT model is
0.41, and the R2of the random forest based context-aware
JIT model is 0.40. The random forest based project-aware
and context-aware JIT model achieve a 41% and 38% better
goodness-of-fit compared to the random forest based global
JIT model. The observation is consistent with our findings
in RQ4 and RQ5.
Summary: Similar to the project-aware and context-aware
JIT models that are based on generalized linear mixed-effect
modelling, the project-aware and context-aware JIT model
that use generalized mixed-effect random forest modelling
also achieve a similar performance compared to random for-
est based global JIT model. In addition, generalized mixed-
effect random forest based project-aware and context-aware
JIT model also achieve a better goodness-of-fit compared to
the random forest based global JIT model.
Based on the results of our study, we derive the following
practical guideline: When the goal is to derive sound inter-
pretations from JIT models that are trained from a mixed-project
1) The project-aware JIT models using a mixed-effect modelling
approach (with only one project-level random intercept)
should be used to consider the project factors.
2) The context-aware JIT models using a mixed-effect modelling
approach (with multiple random intercepts for project-level
contextual factors) should be used to consider the variation
of the context factors and understand the impact of the
contextual factors on the risk of defect-introducing commits
without impacting the goodness-of-fit of the models.
Below, we discuss the implications of our guideline to
practitioners and researchers.
Implications to Practitioners. When having limited access
to data, the use of mixed-effect modelling approach to train
on a mixed-project dataset allows practitioners to produce
more accurate insights that are able to capture the different
project and context characteristics (e.g., programming lan-
guages). Such accurate insights could help developers prior-
itize pre-commit testing efforts and code review focuses, as
well as QA leads and managers to develop the most effective
quality improvement plans.
Implications to Researchers. When the goal is to de-
velop an empirically-grounded theory from a mixed-project
dataset in order to draw a general conclusion, the mixed-
effect modelling approach should be used to allow re-
searchers to gain a deeper understanding whether specific
conclusions are sensitive to particular project or context
characteristics, or not. Recent studies have employed mixed-
effect modelling approaches. For example, Hassan et al. [10]
employed a mixed-effect modelling approach to examine
the relationship between the characteristics of mobile app
reviews and the likelihood of a developer responding to
a review. Thongtanunam et al. [56] employed a mixed-
effect modelling approach to examine the relationship be-
tween the characteristics of code review dynamics and the
likelihood of a patch introducing defects in the context of
modern code review. The empirical evidence of our paper is
another supporting data point that mixed-effect modelling
approaches can capture both project and contextual factors.
Hence, we advocate the use of mixed-effect modelling ap-
proaches in future studies.
In this section, we discuss the threats to validity of our study.
Internal Validity. Recently, Rodr´
erez et al. [43]
raised concerns that there are different variants of the SZZ
algorithm. In this paper, we identified defect-introducing
commits using CommitGuru [44], which uses the complete
SZZ algorithm [46]. The SZZ algorithm is commonly used
in prior work on JIT defect prediction [22, 23, 60]. The
algorithm first identify defect-fixing commits by matching
commits with bug reports labeled as fixed in the issue track-
ing system, and then employ the “diff” and “blame” func-
tionality of VCS to determine the defect-introducing lines,
and locate the defect-introducing commit that modifies the
defect-introducing lines. This variant has two common lim-
itations. First, it is possible that some commits may not be
linked or incorrectly linked to the issue reports. Second, it
is possible that the “diff” and “blame” functionality may
involve cosmetic changes, comment changes, or new blank
lines. Future research should consider addressing these lim-
itations with an improved variation of the SZZ algorithm.
External Validity. We used 20 open source projects in
our study. Hence, our results may not be generalizable
to other projects. However, we selected projects that have
large amount of commits to combat potential bias in our
results. And our study shows that there exists at least one
set of projects which merging the datasets would lead to in-
accurate interpretation. Nonetheless, additional replication
studies are needed to verify our results.
Construct Validity. Although we studied eight popular
commit-level metrics from the literature [22], there are many
other commit-level metrics that can be included in our
study. However, as the goal of our study is to compare the
interpretation of different types of cross-project JIT mod-
els under the same settings (i.e., same training data and
same commit-level metrics), other metrics can be included
in future work (e.g., code review metrics [31], test smell
metrics [28]).
In addition, we studied a limited number (9) of project-
level metrics that were used in prior work to study the
context of projects [61, 63]. We would like to note that the se-
lection of the project-level metrics depends on the problem,
the context, and the operationalization of the hypotheses.
Thus, the goal of our work is not to draw the generalization
that Language is always the most important contextual
factor of JIT defect models. Instead, one of the main goals
of our work is to highlight the benefits of considering
project characteristics when constructing JIT models from a
mixed-project dataset to investigate the impact of the most
contextual factors on the likelihood of a commit being a
defect-introducing one.
In this paper, we investigated the impact of data merging
on the interpretation of cross-project JIT defect models. In
particular, we investigated the interpretation of three types
of cross-project JIT models (i.e., a global JIT model, a project-
aware model, and a context-aware model) in comparison
with the interpretation of local JIT models. Through a case
study of 20 open source projects, we make the following key
1) The most important metric (i.e., the metric that has the
highest impact on the likelihood of a commit introduc-
ing defects) of the local JIT models and the baseline
likelihood of introducing defects (i.e., the likelihood of
introducing defects when all commit-level metrics are
0) vary among projects.
2) The most important metric of the global JIT model is
consistent with 55% of the studied projects’ local JIT
models, suggesting that the interpretation of global JIT
models cannot capture the variation of the interpreta-
tion for all local JIT models.
3) The project-aware JIT model can provide both a more
representative interpretation and a better fit to the
dataset than the global JIT model.
4) The context-aware JIT model can provide both a more
representative interpretation and a better fit to the
dataset than the global JIT model.
These findings lead us to draw the following suggestion:
when training a defect model with a pool of mixed project data, one
should opt to use a mixed-effect modelling approach that considers
individual projects and contexts.
Finally, we would like to emphasize that the impact
of data merging on the interpretation of cross-project JIT
defect models does not necessarily apply to all studies, all
scenarios, all datasets, and all analytical models in software
engineering. Instead, the key message of our study is to
shed light that the simple data merging practice impacts
the interpretation of cross-project JIT models, as our re-
search shows that there exists a set of projects for which
merging the datasets would lead to incorrect conclusions.
Thus, researchers and practitioners should consider using
mixed-effect modelling. On the other hand, irrespective of
learning algorithms, using mixed-effect modelling approach
to build JIT models can provide better interpretation by
taking project-level variances into consideration, without
sacrificing the performance of JIT models. Thus, future stud-
ies should consider the mixed-effect modelling approach
when the goal is to derive sound interpretation.
C. Tantithamthavorn was partially supported by the Aus-
tralian Research Council’s Discovery Early Career Re-
searcher Award (DECRA) funding scheme (DE200100941).
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Dayi Lin is a Senior Researcher at the Centre
for Software Excellence, Huawei, Canada. He
obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the
Software Analysis and Intelligence Lab (SAIL) at
Queen’s University, Canada. His research inter-
ests include mining software repositories, em-
pirical software engineering, game engineering,
and software engineering for machine learning
systems. More information about Dayi is avail-
able on his website:
Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn is a 2020 ARC DE-
CRA Fellow and a Lecturer in Software Engi-
neering in the Faculty of Information Technol-
ogy, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
His current fellowship is focusing on the de-
velopment of “Practical and Explainable Ana-
lytics to Prevent Future Software Defects”. His
work has been published at several top-tier soft-
ware engineering venues, such as the IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE),
the Springer Journal of Empirical Software En-
gineering (EMSE) and the International Conference on Software Engi-
neering (ICSE). More about Chakkrit and his work is available online at
Ahmed E. Hassan is an IEEE Fellow, an ACM
SIGSOFT Influential Educator, an NSERC Stea-
cie Fellow, the Canada Research Chair (CRC) in
Software Analytics, and the NSERC/BlackBerry
Software Engineering Chair at the School
of Computing at Queen’s University, Canada.
His research interests include mining soft-
ware repositories, empirical software engineer-
ing, load testing, and log mining. He received a
PhD in Computer Science from the University
of Waterloo. He spearheaded the creation of
the Mining Software Repositories (MSR) conference and its research
community. He also serves/d on the editorial boards of IEEE Trans-
actions on Software Engineering, Springer Journal of Empirical Soft-
ware Engineering, and PeerJ Computer Science. More information at
... This finding highlights the significance of considering the specific context of characteristics of the data when choosing between these approaches. Similarly, Lin et al. (2021) investigated the impact of combining data from different projects to build prediction models and its effect on model interpretation. Through their study of 20 open-source datasets, they found that models constructed by merging data while considering project similarity led to more interpretable models compared to a global approach that merges all available data. ...
... In this section, we collect project-level similarity metrics from a wide range of academic papers focusing on the topic of CP JIT-SDP (Zhang et al. 2022;Kamei et al. 2016;Lin et al. 2021;Zheng et al. 2021). From this collection, we selectively choose the metrics that are applicable to online scenarios. ...
... They also calculated Spearman correlation between predictive labels and feature values as an additional numerical similarity metric. Lin et al. (2021) considered numerical metrics such as lines of code, numbers of project files, numbers of commits, and numbers of developers to capture project's characteristics. Zheng et al. (2021) employed the Jensen-Shannon (JS) to measure the similarity between projects. ...
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The adoption of additional Other Project (OP) data has shown to be effective for online Just-In-Time Software Defect Prediction (JIT-SDP). However, state-of-the-art online Cross-Project (CP) methods, such as All-In-One (AIO) and Filtering, which operate at the data-level, encounter the difficulties in balancing diversity and validity of the selected OP data, which can negatively impact predictive performance. AIO may select unrelated OP data, resulting in a lack of validity, while Filtering tends to select OP data that closely resemble Target Project (TP) data, leading to a lack of diversity. To address this validity-vs-diversity challenge, a promising approach is to utilize an online project-level OP selection methodology. This approach selects instructive other projects that exhibit similarities to TP and can positively impact predictive performance, achieving better data validity compared to AIO and maintaining higher diversity compared to Filtering. To accomplish this, we propose a project-level Cross-Project method with Similarity (CroPS), which employs appropriate project-level similarity metrics to identify instructive other projects for model updating over time. CroPS applies a specified threshold to determine the selection of other projects at any given moment. Furthermore, we propose an ensemble-like framework called Multi-threshold CroPS (Multi-CroPS), which incorporates multiple threshold options for selecting other projects and poses the importance of defect-inducing changes. Experimental results based on 23 open-source projects validate the effectiveness of our project-level metrics for calculating similarities between projects. The results also demonstrate that CroPS significantly enhances the predictive performance while reducing computational costs compared to existing data-level CP approaches. Moreover, Multi-CroPS achieves significantly better performance than state-of-the-art CP approaches including our CroPS.
... Research (Lin, Tantithamthavorn et al. 2021) showed that the interpretation of the general JIT-SDP model (interpretation on the combination of datasets) is not compatible with the local (interpretation of the dataset individually). As a result, general JIT-SDP models are unable to fully explain variations in local JIT-SDP model interpretation. ...
... In this work, we utilized the research dataset (Lin, Tantithamthavorn et al. 2021) as it considers the following speci c criteria for relevant software projects: ...
... Criterion 1 -Publicly available datasets (in a repository such as GitHub): To increase the possibility of restudying Criterion 2 -Abundant and long-time development: To select suitable projects for modeling the discovery of defects, the criterion of their extensive development has been considered by (Lin, Tantithamthavorn et al. 2021). ...
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Context: Previous studies have indicated that the stability of Just-In-Time Software Defect Prediction (JIT-SDP) models can change over time due to various factors, including modifications in code, environment, and other variables. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as Concept Drift (CD), which can lead to a decline in model performance over time. As a result, it is essential to monitor the model performance and data distribution over time to identify any fluctuations. Objective: We aim to identify CD points on unlabeled input data in order to address performance instability issues in evolving software and investigate the compatibility of these proposed methods with methods based on labeled input data. To accomplish this, we considered the chronological order of the input commits generated by developers over time. In this study, we propose several methods that monitor the distance between model interpretation vectors and values of their individual features over time to identify significant distances for detecting CD points. We compared these methods with various baseline methods. Method: In this study, we utilized a publicly available dataset that has been developed over the long-term and comprises 20 open-source projects. Given the real-world scenarios, we also considered verification latency. Our initial idea involved identifying CD points on within-project by discovering significant distances between consecutive vectors of interpretation of incremental and non-incremental models. Results: We compared the performance of the proposed CD Detection (CDD) methods to various baseline methods that utilized incremental Naïve Bayes classification. These baseline methods are based on monitoring the error rate of various performance measures. We evaluated the proposed approaches using well-known measures of CDD methods such as accuracy, missed detection rate, mean time to detection, mean time between false alarms, and meantime ratio. Our evaluation was conducted using the Friedman statistical test. Conclusions: According to the results obtained, it appears that method based on the average interpretation vector does not accurately recognize CD. Additionally, methods that rely on incremental classifiers have the lowest accuracy. On the other hand, methods based on non-incremental learning that utilized interpretation with positive effect size demonstrate the highest accuracy. By employing strategies that utilized the interpretation values of each feature, we were able to derive features that have the most positive effect in identifying CD.
... The SZZ algorithm is commonly employed in defect prediction models. In this paper, we also use the SZZ algorithm (implemented in the PyDriller tool that is adopted in our work) to identify bug-inducing changes (Lin et al., 2021;Yan et al., 2020). ...
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Context: An increasing number of software systems are written in multiple programming languages (PLs), which are called multi-programming-language (MPL) systems. MPL bugs (MPLBs) refers to the bugs whose resolution involves multiple PLs. Despite high complexity of MPLB resolution, there lacks MPLB prediction methods. Objective: This work aims to construct just-in-time (JIT) MPLB prediction models with selected prediction metrics, analyze the significance of the metrics, and then evaluate the performance of cross-project JIT MPLB prediction. Method: We develop JIT MPLB prediction models with the selected metrics using machine learning algorithms and evaluate the models in within-project and cross-project contexts with our constructed dataset based on 18 Apache MPL projects. Results: Random Forest is appropriate for JIT MPLB prediction. Changed LOC of all files, added LOC of all files, and the total number of lines of all files of the project currently are the most crucial metrics in JIT MPLB prediction. The prediction models can be simplified using a few top-ranked metrics. Training on the dataset from multiple projects can yield significantly higher AUC than training on the dataset from a single project for cross-project JIT MPLB prediction. Conclusions: JIT MPLB prediction models can be constructed with the selected set of metrics, which can be reduced to build simplified JIT MPLB prediction models, and cross-project JIT MPLB prediction is feasible.
... The SZZ algorithm is commonly employed in defect prediction models. In this paper, we also use the SZZ algorithm (implemented in the PyDriller tool that is adopted in our work) to identify bug-inducing changes (Lin et al., 2021;Yan et al., 2020). ...
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Context: An increasing number of software systems are written in multiple programming languages (PLs), which are called multi-programming-language (MPL) systems. MPL bugs (MPLBs) refers to the bugs whose resolution involves multiple PLs. Despite high complexity of MPLB resolution, there lacks MPLB prediction methods. Objective: This work aims to construct just-in-time (JIT) MPLB prediction models with selected prediction metrics, analyze the significance of the metrics, and then evaluate the performance of cross-project JIT MPLB prediction. Method: We develop JIT MPLB prediction models with the selected metrics using machine learning algorithms and evaluate the models in within-project and cross-project contexts with our constructed dataset based on 18 Apache MPL projects. Results: Random Forest is appropriate for JIT MPLB prediction. Changed LOC of all files, added LOC of all files, and the total number of lines of all files of the project currently are the most crucial metrics in JIT MPLB prediction. The prediction models can be simplified using a few top-ranked metrics. Training on the dataset from multiple projects can yield significantly higher AUC than training on the dataset from a single project for cross-project JIT MPLB prediction. Conclusions: JIT MPLB prediction models can be constructed with the selected set of metrics, which can be reduced to build simplified JIT MPLB prediction models, and cross-project JIT MPLB prediction is feasible.
... In this study, we present a proposed CDD method based on unlabeled data using examining instance interpretation consistency over time for the evolving JIT-SDP problem. Our study addressed the RQs by utilizing 20 GitHub repositories that were previously used in other studies (Lin, Tantithamthavorn et al. 2021). Lin et al. employed this dataset to derive the most important features in the JIT-SDP problem and investigated the consistency and stability of prediction performance across different datasets and models. ...
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Model instability refers to where a machine learning model trained on historical data becomes less reliable over time due to Concept Drift (CD). CD refers to the phenomenon where the underlying data distribution changes over time. In this paper, we proposed a method for predicting CD in evolving software through the identification of inconsistencies in the instance interpretation over time for the first time. To this end, we obtained the instance interpretation vector for each newly created commit sample by developers over time. Wherever there is a significant difference in statistical distribution between the interpreted sample and previously ones, it is identified as CD. To evaluate our proposed method, we have conducted a comparison of the method's results with those of the baseline method. The baseline method locates CD points by monitoring the Error Rate (ER) over time. In the baseline method, CD is identified whenever there is a significant rise in the ER. In order to extend the evaluation of the proposed method, we have obtained the CD points by the baseline method based on monitoring additional efficiency measures over time besides the ER. Furthermore, this paper presents an experimental study to investigate the discovery of CD over time using the proposed method by taking into account resampled datasets for the first time. The results of our study conducted on 20 known datasets indicated that the model's instability over time can be predicted with a high degree of accuracy without requiring the labeling of newly entered data.
... The just-in-time (JIT) is a categorization model used to identify code committees that may introduce inaccuracies [12]. The JIT defect classification method is generated from a collection of single project data and mixed project data, with and without project-level variations. ...
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Cross-project software defect prediction (CPSDP) is an excessive way to enhance test performance and ensure software reliability. The CPSDP allows developers to allocate limited resources to identify errors and prioritize testing efforts. Predicting earlier defects is a convenient operation that decreases software testing time and costs. CPSDP is difficult because predictors built into raw materials rarely generalize to the target projects. However, there are more perfect events in a real software program than defective ones, which results in severe class distribution bias and poor assortment performance. The existing method does not consider the relational features in the software required to create accurate prediction models. This paper presents soft-max multilayer adversarial neural network (SMAN2) and spider optimization mutual feature selection (SOMFS) algorithm to address this problem. First, a Z-score normalization filter is used to prepare a dataset, like checking missing values and changing them into normalized data. Then, we use the SOMFS technique to choose the finest attributes from the normalized software dataset to reduce the dimensionality. Later, dimensionality reduced dataset trained into the proposed SMAN2 algorithm analyses software defects. Concerning parameters, precision, recall, classification performance, and F1-score performance indicators find that the proposed SMAN2 algorithm performs better than the previous methods.
Just-In-Time (JIT) defect prediction has been proposed to help teams to prioritize the limited resources on the most risky commits (or pull requests), yet it remains largely a black-box, whose predictions are not explainable nor actionable to practitioners. Thus, prior studies have applied various model-agnostic techniques to explain the predictions of JIT models. Yet, explanations generated from existing model-agnostic techniques are still not formally sound, robust, and actionable. In this paper, we propose FoX , a Fo rmal e X plainer for JIT Defect Prediction, which builds on formal reasoning about the behaviour of JIT defect prediction models and hence is able to provide provably correct explanations, which are additionally guaranteed to be minimal. Our experimental results show that FoX is able to efficiently generate provably-correct, robust, and actionable explanations while existing model-agnostic techniques cannot. Our survey study with 54 software practitioners provides valuable insights into the usefulness and trustworthiness of our FoX approach. 86% of participants agreed that our approach is useful, while 74% of participants found it trustworthy. Thus, this paper serves as an important stepping stone towards trustable explanations for JIT models to help domain experts and practitioners better understand why a commit is predicted as defective and what to do to mitigate the risk.
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Software Quality Assurance (SQA) planning aims to define proactive plans, such as defining maximum file size, to prevent the occurrence of software defects in future releases. To aid this, defect prediction models have been proposed to generate insights as the most important factors that are associated with software quality. Such insights that are derived from traditional defect models are far from actionable---i.e., practitioners still do not know what they should do or avoid to decrease the risk of having defects, and what is the risk threshold for each metric. A lack of actionable guidance and risk threshold can lead to inefficient and ineffective SQA planning processes. In this paper, we investigate the practitioners' perceptions of current SQA planning activities, current challenges of such SQA planning activities, and propose four types of guidance to support SQA planning. We then propose and evaluate our AI-Driven SQAPlanner approach, a novel approach for generating four types of guidance and their associated risk thresholds in the form of rule-based explanations for the predictions of defect prediction models. Finally, we develop and evaluate a visualization for our SQAPlanner approach. Through the use of qualitative survey and empirical evaluation, our results lead us to conclude that SQAPlanner is needed, effective, stable, and practically applicable. We also find that 80% of our survey respondents perceived that our visualization is more actionable. Thus, our SQAPlanner paves a way for novel research in actionable software analytics---i.e., generating actionable guidance on what should practitioners do and not do to decrease the risk of having defects to support SQA planning.
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The interpretation of defect models heavily relies on software metrics that are used to construct them. Prior work often uses feature selection techniques to remove metrics that are correlated and irrelevant in order to improve model performance. Yet, conclusions that are derived from defect models may be inconsistent if the selected metrics are inconsistent and correlated. In this paper, we systematically investigate 12 automated feature selection techniques with respect to the consistency, correlation, performance, computational cost, and the impact on the interpretation dimensions. Through an empirical investigation of 14 publicly-available defect datasets, we find that (1) 94-100% of the selected metrics are inconsistent among the studied techniques; (2) 37-90% of the selected met-rics are inconsistent among training samples; (3) 0-68% of the selected metrics are inconsistent when the feature selection techniques are applied repeatedly; (4) 5-100% of the produced subsets of metrics contain highly correlated metrics; and (5) while the most important metrics are inconsistent among correlation threshold values, such inconsistent most important metrics are highly-correlated with the Spearman correlation of 0.85-1. Since we find that the subsets of metrics produced by the commonly-used feature selection techniques (except for AutoSpearman) are often inconsistent and correlated, these techniques should be avoided when interpreting defect models. In addition to introducing AutoSpearman which mitigates correlated metrics better than commonly-used feature selection techniques, this paper opens up new research avenues in the automated selection of features for defect models to optimise for interpretability as well as performance. Jirayus Jiarpakdee and Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn are with the
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Software analytics have empowered software organisations to support a wide range of improved decision-making and policy-making. However, such predictions made by software analytics to date have not been explained and justified. Specifically, current defect prediction models still fail to explain why models make such a prediction and fail to uphold the privacy laws in terms of the requirement to explain any decision made by an algorithm. In this paper, we empirically evaluate three model-agnostic techniques, i.e., two state-of-the-art Local Interpretability Model-agnostic Explanations technique (LIME) and BreakDown techniques, and our improvement of LIME with Hyper Parameter Optimisation (LIME-HPO). Through a case study of 32 highly-curated defect datasets that span across 9 open-source software systems, we conclude that (1) model-agnostic techniques are needed to explain individual predictions of defect models; (2) instance explanations generated by model-agnostic techniques are mostly overlapping (but not exactly the same) with the global explanation of defect models and reliable when they are re-generated; (3) model-agnostic techniques take less than a minute to generate instance explanations; and (4) more than half of the practitioners perceive that the contrastive explanations are necessary and useful to understand the predictions of defect models. Since the implementation of the studied model-agnostic techniques is available in both Python and R, we recommend model-agnostic techniques be used in the future.
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Code review is a crucial activity for ensuring the quality of software products. Unlike the traditional code review process of the past where reviewers independently examine software artifacts, contemporary code review processes allow teams to collaboratively examine and discuss proposed patches. While the visibility of reviewing activities including review discussions in a contemporary code review tends to increase developer collaboration and openness, little is known whether such visible information influences the evaluation decision of a reviewer or not (i.e., knowing others' feedback about the patch before providing ones own feedback). Therefore, in this work, we set out to investigate the review dynamics, i.e., a practice of providing a vote to accept a proposed patch, in a code review process. To do so, we first characterize the review dynamics by examining the relationship between the evaluation decision of a reviewer and the visible information about a patch under review (e.g., comments and votes that are provided by prior co-reviewers). We then investigate the association between the characterized review dynamics and the defect-proneness of a patch. Through a case study of 83,750 patches of the OpenStack and Qt projects, we observe that the amount of feedback (either votes and comments of prior reviewers) and the co-working frequency of a reviewer with the patch author are highly associated with the likelihood that the reviewer will provide a positive vote to accept a proposed patch. Furthermore, we find that the proportion of reviewers who provided a vote consistent with prior reviewers is significantly associated with the defect-proneness of a patch. However, the associations of these review dynamics are not as strong as the confounding factors (i.e., patch characteristics and overall reviewing activities). Our observations shed light on the implicit influence of the visible information about a patch under review on the evaluation decision of a reviewer. Our findings suggest that the code reviewing policies that are mindful of these practices may help teams improve code review effectiveness. Nonetheless, such review dynamics should not be too concerning in terms of software quality.