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الإستراتيجيات والمعايير التصميمية للفراغات الخارجية المفتوحة التصالحية بالجامعات المصرية Strategies and Design Principles for Restorative, Healthy open outdoor spaces in Egyptian universities campus


Abstract and Figures

تلعب الفراغات الخارجية المفتوحة دوراً فعالاً فى تحسين الحالة الصحية للأنسان نفسياً وعقلياً وبدنياً، كما أنها لها القدرة على تحقيق الرفاه، حيث يلتقط تصميمها العديد من الصفات الطبيعية للشفاء التي ينجذب إليها البشرغريزيًا، بالأضافة إلى نتائج تجارب التأثير النفسى على الأنسان وخاصة على الطلاب كتخفيف التوتر، وتحسين الروح المعنوية، الرفاه ورفع الأداء، فتقدم هذه الورقة بعض الأفكار حول هذا الموضوع، حيث تقترح إطار للمبادئ التصميمية للفراغات الخارجية المفتوحة التصالحية بالنسيج العمرانى للجامعات، التى تستنتج بالجمع مع الأساليب القياسية للبيئة الأستشفائية التصالحية في سياق تخطيط الجامعات لخلق وتهيئة بيئة مبنية وطبيعية مريحة نفسياً وعقلياً وبدنياً للطالب تساهم فى تعزيز الشفاء البشرى (الأستعادة النفسية) للحد من الإجهاد والضغط النفسى الذى يتعرض له الطالب الجامعى أثناء حياته الدراسية، بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كيفية إستكشاف إحتمالية الإستعادة الفسيولوجية بالفراغات الخارجية المفتوحة للجامعة، التى تعتبر بمثابة مؤشرا أولياً لفعالية المساحات الخضراء في تلبية إحتياجات الطالب داخل بيئة الجامعة ومعرفة كيفية تطبيقها وأين تكون قابلة للتطبيق بكل نوعية فراغ خارجى بالحرم؛ وذلك لتعزيز فعالية المشهد الطبيعى داخل الجامعة للأستفادة من مزاياها التصالحية التى إستندت صحتها من خلال نظريات الاتجاهات التي كانت رائدة منذ بدايات القرن العشرين وصقلها في الآونة الأخيرة بعالم النظريات المعمارية من قبل علماء النفس البيئى ككابلان وكوبر، الذين أكدو وجود خصائص أساسية موجودة بالعالم الطبيعي مرتبطة بالمنافع النفسية البشرية، والتي لديها القدرة على إعادة إحياء اتصال الناس بالطبيعة المفضلة المحيطة بشكل يعزز أداءهم وصحتهم .
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Vol. 1, No. 45 July. 2020, pp. 237-251
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 
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 
         
 
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       
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     
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                 
Vol. 1, No.45 July. 2020, pp. 237-251
Engineering Research Journal (ERJ)
     
     
2Healthy Environment
        
NaturalEnvironment   BuiltEnvironment  
   
         
         
    
Restorative Environment
                
 
  ART 
      
1 Escape
2 ConnectionandExtent
3 Fascination 
               
Vol. 1, No.45 July. 2020, pp. 237-251
Engineering Research Journal (ERJ)
 4 Compatibility     
 Restorative Environmental Design      
Restorative Environmental Design
 
               
                  
              
             
              
   
   
     
    
                  
           
     
    
 SRTART
Vol. 1, No.45 July. 2020, pp. 237-251
Engineering Research Journal (ERJ)
6 
"attentional recovery
(ART), (SRT)
StressRecoveryTheory  AttentionRestorationTheory   
 ART
          
                
 
       
 
      
     
 
Vol. 1, No.45 July. 2020, pp. 237-251
Engineering Research Journal (ERJ)
  
              
 
 
 
 
 
  
 Mildred F. Schmertz.
Campus Planning and Design
 "Designing Places for People"C.M Deasy and T. Lasswell
Vol. 1, No.45 July. 2020, pp. 237-251
Engineering Research Journal (ERJ)
             
           Stephen  
     
                 
              
               
 
 
 
 
 
 
   
 
 
    
 
 
 
  
Kaplan, R. & Kaplan, S."" The Experience of Nature"
Vol. 1, No.45 July. 2020, pp. 237-251
Engineering Research Journal (ERJ)
1 Restorative Landscape Design
 2 
Spatial Design
 3  4 Green Design
Clare cooper Marcus. (2014). Therapeutic LANDSCAPES: An Evidence Based Approach to Designing
Healing Gardens and Restorative Outdoor Spaces, Stephen S. Y. Lau. z. g. (2014). Healthy Campus by Open Space Design
  Restorative Environments 
 Landscaped
 Entry Garden
Roof Garden
Healing Garden
 Meditation
Viewing Garden
Tucked away
  Spatial Design
 Roof Terrace
Vol. 1, No.45 July. 2020, pp. 237-251
Engineering Research Journal (ERJ)
 Restorative LandscapePhysical Design Guidelines
 Canopies
 
Vol. 1, No.45 July. 2020, pp. 237-251
Engineering Research Journal (ERJ)
 Green Design
Eco- system
Rain Water Garden
 
               
         
             
           
Vol. 1, No.45 July. 2020, pp. 237-251
Engineering Research Journal (ERJ)
Vol. 1, No.45 July. 2020, pp. 237-251
Engineering Research Journal (ERJ)
3 
(Arizona State University
Duke University
RSP Architects Lake
|Flato Architects Ten Eyck
Landscape Architects
Horace Trumbauer and Julian AbeleWilliam leong, Linda
Laurie Olin, Mark hough
     
    
    
      
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Engineering Research Journal (ERJ)
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Engaging in outdoor nature-based spaces has significant positive physiological and psychological health benefits. Although the integration of nature into indoor spaces is rarely considered a health-promoting tool, it may be an effective method for increasing nature engagement in a largely urbanized world. This paper presents an overview of indoor nature exposure (INE) by summarizing the current evidence of INE through the use of a scoping methodology. Results show that INE can be a health-promoting tool through the interaction of nature-based stimuli and individual characteristics (e.g. gender, age). Moreover, the results of the current literature need to be interpreted with consideration to methodological issues, such as the lack of participant characteristics, the issue of exposure realism and little qualitative data to highlight individual experiences. The scoping review process allowed for the summation of results and for a framework to be created in order to better understand how INE is facilitated.
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The stress and disorders of the urban life and the pollutions in the large cities such as Istanbul, have made the social and individual health decrease, and therefore it is necessary that some tact be considered in order to diminish these negative effects. The aim of this study is to examine whether there is a relation between restorative gardens in the city and stress. In other words, can restorative gardens surrounding residential homes in cities help to create a less stressful everyday environment? This paper will begin with a cursory overview of a broad concept of stress, health and wellness and proceed to examine in detail Ulrich's Theory of Restorative Garden Design and its implications for gardens in cities. Research shows that benefits would accrue to society as a whole if these design features were implemented on a wide scale.
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This in-depth survey of salutogenesis shows the breadth and strengths of this innovative perspective on health promotion, health care, and wellness. Background and historical chapters trace the development of the salutogenic model of health, and flesh out the central concepts, most notably generalized resistance resources and the sense of coherence, that differentiate it from pathogenesis. From there, experts describe a range of real-world applications within and outside health contexts, from positive psychology to geriatrics, from small towns to corrections facilities, and from school and workplace to professional training. Perspectives from scholars publishing in languages other than English show the global relevance of the field.Among the topics in the Handbook:· Emerging ideas relevant to the salutogenic model of healthSpecific resistance resources in the salutogenic model of health The sense of coherence and its measurementThe application of salutogenesis in communities and neighborhoodsThe application of salutogenesis to health development in youth with chronic conditionsThe application of salutogenesis in mental health care settingsThe Handbook of Salutogenesis summarizes an increasingly salient field for graduate and professional students of public health, nursing, psychology, and medicine, and for their instructors. It will also appeal to health-related academicians and professionals who wish to have a thorough grounding in the topic.
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This paper analyses 40 previous colour studies selected from various disciplines discussing previous methods and colour effects in order to find its significant impact on humans. It reviews factors such as type of setting, method of assessment, instruments and type of colours. Secondly, it discuss how colours or coloured environment have influence working performances; causing certain behavior; creating negative or positive perception to surroundings and task given; and influencing moods and emotions. Finally, this paper highlights the potential scientific approach in finding colour effects on human behaviour. The paper summarized factors to be included for further steps of current investigation.
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ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. life satisfaction, university student satisfaction, quality of life of university students scale, green-use SUMMARY. Researchers have found that students' perception of their overall academic experience and the campus environment is related to academic accomplishment. Additionally, studies have found that the designed environment of the university can influence the degree of stress students may feel. The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between undergraduate university student use of campus green spaces and their perceptions of quality of life at a university in Texas. A total of 2334 students or 10% of the undergraduate student body received e-mails with information regarding the incentive for participation and instructions on accessing an online survey. The survey included questions that related to student use of campus green spaces, overall quality of life statements, an instrument to measure the quality of life of university students, and demographic questions. A total of 373 surveys was collected and analyzed to compare levels of quality of life of university students and the level of usage of campus green spaces. Demographic information collected allowed controlling for student grade classification, gender, and ethnicity. Frequency statistics determined that, on average, more than half the students were ranked as ''high-users'' of the campus green spaces, and very few students were considered ''low-users.'' Frequency statistics also determined that most students rated their overall quality of life and quality of life of university students positively. Additionally, this study found that undergraduate student use of campus green spaces and perceptions of quality of life were related to each other.
Natural space is beneficial for human mental health, a fact confirmed by a large body of research findings. This benefit has significance for university staff and students who are at a critical stage of development of their bodies and minds. Given the fact that university study is quite stressful for most college students, the study of the healing power of natural space on campus could be of value in sustainable campus landscape design. The paper explores the application of healing gardens to a compact campus design and renovation, in order to study its potential role in realizing the objective of creating a health-supportive and sustainable campus environment. Mental health benefits and design guidelines for healing gardens are discussed, through an extensive literature review. Following this, HKU Main campus is used as a case study in which the use pattern of the green spaces in a compact built setting is examined. Based on the findings, suggestions for improvement of both the existing HKU grounds and the new centennial campus natural space are offered in an attempt to enhance health benefits and make the university a healthier environment for study and leisure.