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Automatically exploiting the memory hierarchy of GPUs through just-in-time compilation

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The ever-increasing demand for high performance Big Data analytics and data processing, has paved the way for heterogeneous hardware accelerators, such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), to be integrated into modern Big Data platforms. Currently, this integration comes at the cost of programmability since the end-user Application Programming Interface (APIs) must be altered to access the underlying heterogeneous hardware. For example, current Big Data frameworks, such as Apache Spark, provide a new API that combines the existing Spark programming model with GPUs. For other Big Data frameworks, such as Flink, the integration of GPUs and FPGAs is achieved via external API calls that bypass their execution models completely. In this paper, we rethink current Big Data frameworks from a systems and programming language perspective, and introduce a novel co-designed approach for integrating hardware acceleration into their execution models. The novelty of our approach is attributed to two key design decisions: a) support for arbitrary User Defined Functions (UDFs), and b) no modifications to the user level API. The proposed approach has been prototyped in the context of Apache Flink, and enables unmodified applications written in Java to run on heterogeneous hardware, such as GPU and FPGAs, transparently to the users. The performance evaluation of the proposed solution has shown performance speedups of up to 65x on GPUs and 184x on FPGAs for suitable workloads of standard benchmarks and industrial use cases against vanilla Flink running on traditional multi-core CPUs.
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By utilizing diverse heterogeneous hardware resources, developers can significantly improve the performance of their applications. Currently, in order to determine which parts of an application suit a particular type of hardware accelerator better, an offline analysis that uses a priori knowledge of the target hardware configuration is necessary. To make matters worse, the above process has to be repeated every time the application or the hardware configuration changes. This paper introduces TornadoVM, a virtual machine capable of reconfiguring applications, at run-time, for hardware acceleration based on the currently available hardware re- sources. Through TornadoVM, we introduce a new level of compilation in which applications can benefit from heterogeneous hardware. We showcase the capabilities of TornadoVM by executing a complex computer vision application and six benchmarks on a heterogeneous system that includes a CPU, an FPGA, and a GPU. Our evaluation shows that by using dynamic reconfiguration, we achieve an average of 7.7× speedup over the statically-configured accelerated code.
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Since the advent of GPU computing, GPU hardware has evolved at a fast pace. Since application performance heavily depends on the latest hardware improvements, performance portability is extremely challenging for GPU application library developers. Portability becomes even more difficult when new low-level instructions are added to the ISA (e.g., warp shuffle instructions) or the microarchitectural support for existing instructions is improved (e.g., atomic instructions). Library developers , besides re-tuning the code for new hardware features, deal with the performance portability issue by handwriting multiple algorithm versions that leverage different instruction sets and microarchitectures. High-level programming frameworks and Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) do not typically support low-level instructions (e.g., warp shuffle and atomic instructions), so it is painful or even impossible for these programming systems to take advantage of the latest architectural improvements. In this work, we design a new set of high-level APIs and quali-fiers, as well as specialized Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) transformations for high-level programming languages and DSLs. Our transformations enable warp shuffle instructions and atomic instructions (on global and shared memories) to be easily generated. We show a practical implementation of these transformations by building on Tangram, a high-level kernel synthesis framework. Using our new language and compiler extensions, we implement parallel reduction, a fundamental building block used in a wide range of algorithms. Parallel reduction is representative of the performance portability challenge, as its performance heavily depends on the latest hardware improvements. We compare our synthesized parallel reduction to another high-level programming framework and a handwritten high-performance library across three generations of GPU architectures, and show up to 7.8× speedup (2× on average) over handwritten code.
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Parallel skeletons are essential structured design patterns for efficient heterogeneous and parallel programming. They allow programmers to express common algorithms in such a way that it is much easier to read, maintain, debug and implement for different parallel programming models and parallel architectures. Reductions are one of the most common parallel skeletons. Many programming frameworks have been proposed for accelerating reduction operations on heterogeneous hardware. However, for the Java programming language , little work has been done for automatically compiling and exploiting reductions in Java applications on GPUs. In this paper we present our work in progress in utilizing compiler snippets to express parallelism on heterogeneous hardware. In detail, we demonstrate the usage of Graal's snippets, in the context of the Tornado compiler, to express a set of Java reduction operations for GPU acceleration. The snippets are expressed in pure Java with OpenCL semantics, simplifying the JIT compiler optimizations and code generation. We showcase that with our technique we are able to execute a predefined set of reductions on GPUs within 85% of the performance of the native code and reach up to 20x over the Java sequential execution.
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While polyhedral optimization appeared in mainstream compilers during the past decade, its profitability in scenarios outside its classic domain of linear-algebra programs has remained in question. Recent implementations, such as the LLVM plugin Polly, produce promising speedups, but the restriction to affine loop programs with control flow known at compile time continues to be a limiting factor. PolyJIT combines polyhedral optimization with multi-versioning at run time, at which one has access to knowledge enabling polyhedral optimization, which is not available at compile time. By means of a fully-fledged implementation of a light-weight just-in-time compiler and a series of experiments on a selection of real-world and benchmark programs, we demonstrate that the consideration of run-time knowledge helps in tackling compile-time violations of affinity and, consequently, offers new opportunities of optimization at run time.
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Java programs can contain non-counted loops, that is, loops for which the iteration count can neither be determined at compile time nor at run time. State-of-the-art compilers do not aggressively optimize them, since unrolling non-counted loops often involves duplicating also a loop's exit condition, which thus only improves run-time performance if subsequent compiler optimizations can optimize the unrolled code. This paper presents an unrolling approach for non-counted loops that uses simulation at run time to determine whether unrolling such loops enables subsequent compiler optimizations. Simulating loop unrolling allows the compiler to determine performance and code size effects for each potential transformation prior to performing it. We implemented our approach on top of the GraalVM, a high-performance virtual machine for Java, and evaluated it with a set of Java and JavaScript benchmarks in terms of peak performance, compilation time and code size increase. We show that our approach can improve performance by up to 150% while generating a median code size and compile-time increase of not more than 25%. Our results indicate that fast-path unrolling of non-counted loops can be used in practice to increase the performance of Java applications.
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The proliferation of heterogeneous hardware in recent years means that every system we program is likely to include a mix of compute elements; each with different characteristics. By utilizing these available hardware resources, developers can improve the performance and energy efficiency of their applications. However, existing tools for heterogeneous programming neglect developers who do not have the time or inclination to switch programming languages or learn the intricacies of a specific piece of hardware. This paper presents a framework that enables Java applications to be deployed across a variety of heterogeneous systems while exploiting any available multi- or many-core processor. The novel aspect of our approach is that it does not require any a priori knowledge of the hardware, or for the developer to worry about managing disparate memory spaces. Java applications are transparently compiled and optimized for the hardware at run-time. We also present a performance evaluation of our just-in-time (JIT) compiler using a framework to accelerate SLAM, a complex computer vision application entirely written in Java. We show that we can accelerate SLAM up to 150x compared to the Java reference implementation, rendering 107 frames per second (FPS).
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A fully automated run-time parallelization of an application without any input from the user is the ultimate target of research efforts in High Performance Computing. As run-time methodologies are typically sensitive to analysis and modification overheads, there should be a stricter selection criteria rather than analyzing all code. A hotspot method marked for Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation is a potential candidate for analysis because of its high execution rate. Our work is an attempt to analyze bare minimum portions of code identified by the profiling mechanism of Java Virtual Machine for potential loop parallelism. Our approach is best-effort as we do not force parallelization where it may not be effective i.e., only in hotspot methods. We analyzed hotspot methods of more than fifty java applications of varying categories and found that function call to another method was the major hurdle in run-time parallelization. However, minor changes in source code can make them parallelizable on run-time. Some test applications showed improved performance.
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Real-time 3D space understanding is becoming prevalent across a wide range of applications and hardware platforms. To meet the desired Quality of Service (QoS), computer vision applications tend to be heavily parallelized and exploit any available hardware accelerators. Current approaches to achieving real-time computer vision, evolve around programming languages typically associated with High Performance Computing along with binding extensions for OpenCL or CUDA execution. Such implementations, although high performing, lack portability across the wide range of diverse hardware resources and accelerators. In this paper, we showcase how a complex computer vision application can be implemented within a managed runtime system. We discuss the complexities of achieving high-performing and portable execution across embedded and desktop configurations. Furthermore, we demonstrate that it is possible to achieve the QoS target of over 30 frames per second (FPS) by exploiting FPGA and GPGPU acceleration transparently through the managed runtime system.
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Apache Flink 1 is an open-source system for processing streaming and batch data. Flink is built on the philosophy that many classes of data processing applications, including real-time analytics, continuous data pipelines, historic data processing (batch), and iterative algorithms (machine learning, graph analysis) can be expressed and executed as pipelined fault-tolerant dataflows. In this paper, we present Flink's architecture and expand on how a (seemingly diverse) set of use cases can be unified under a single execution model.
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GPUs can enable significant performance improvements for certain classes of data parallel applications and are widely used in recent computer systems. However, GPU execution currently requires explicit low-level operations such as 1) managing memory allocations and transfers between the host system and the GPU, 2) writing GPU kernels in a low-level programming model such as CUDA or OpenCL, and 3) optimizing the kernels by utilizing appropriate memory types on the GPU. Because of this complexity, in many cases, only expert programmers can exploit the computational capabilities of GPUs through the CUDA/OpenCL languages. This is unfortunate since a large number of programmers use high-level languages, such as Java, due to their advantages of productivity, safety, and platform portability, but would still like to exploit the performance benefits of GPUs. Thus, one challenging problem is how to utilize GPUs while allowing programmers to continue to benefit from the productivity advantages of languages like Java. This paper presents a just-in-time (JIT) compiler that can generate and optimize GPU code from a pure Java program written using lambda expressions with the new parallel streams APIs in Java 8. These APIs allow Java programmers to express data parallelism at a higher level than threads and tasks. Our approach translates lambda expressions with parallel streams APIs in Java 8 into GPU code and automatically generates runtime calls that handle the low-level operations mentioned above. Additionally, our optimization techniques 1) allocate and align the starting address of the Java array body in the GPUs with the memory transaction boundary to increase memory bandwidth, 2) utilize read-only cache for array accesses to increase memory eciency in GPUs, and 3) eliminate redundant data transfer between the host and the GPU. The compiler also performs loop versioning for eliminating redundant exception checks and for supporting virtual method invocations within GPU kernels. These features and optimizations are supported and automatically performed by a JIT compiler that is built on top of a production version of the IBM Java 8 runtime environment. Our experimental results on an NVIDIA Tesla GPU show significant performance improvements over sequential execution (127.9 ⇥ geometric mean) and parallel execution (3.3 ⇥ geometric mean) for eight Java 8 benchmark programs running on a 160-thread POWER8 machine. This paper also includes an in-depth analysis of GPU execution to show the impact of our optimization techniques by selectively disabling each optimization. Our experimental results show a geometric-mean speed-up of 1.15 ⇥ in the GPU kernel over state-of-the-art approaches. Overall, our JIT compiler can improve the performance of Java 8 programs by automatically leveraging the computational capability of GPUs.
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When building a compiler for a high-level language, certain intrinsic features of the language must be expressed in terms of the resulting low-level operations. Complex features are often expressed by explicitly weaving together bits of low-level IR, a process that is tedious, error prone, difficult to read, difficult to reason about, and machine dependent. In the Graal compiler for Java, we take a different approach: we use snippets of Java code to express semantics in a high-level, architecture-independent way. Two important restrictions make snippets feasible in practice: they are compiler specific, and they are explicitly prepared and specialized. Snippets make Graal simpler and more portable while still capable of generating machine code that can compete with other compilers of the Java HotSpot VM.
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Manycore accelerators have the potential to significantly improve performance of scientific applications when offloading computationally intensive program portions to accelerators. Directive-based high-level programming models, such as OpenACC and OpenMP, are used to create applications for accelerators through annotating regions of code meant for offloading. OpenACC is an emerging directive-based programming model for programming accelerators that typically enable inexperienced programmers to achieve portable and productive performance within applications. In this paper, we present our research in developing challenges and solutions when creating an open-source OpenACC compiler in an industrial framework (OpenUH as a branch of Open64). We then discuss in detail techniques we developed for loop scheduling reduction operations on general purpose GPUs. The compiler is evaluated with benchmarks from the NAS Parallel Benchmarks suite and self-written micro-benchmarks for reduction operations. This implementation has been designed to serve as a compiler infrastructure for researchers to explore advanced compiler techniques, extend OpenACC to other programming models, and build performance tools used in conjunction with OpenACC programs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit) and other accelerators are nowadays commonly found in desktop machines, mobile devices and even data centres. While these highly parallel processors offer high raw performance, they also dramatically increase program complexity, requiring extra effort from programmers. This results in difficult-to-maintain and non-portable code due to the low-level nature of the languages used to program these devices. This paper presents a high-level parallel programming approach for the popular Java programming language. Our goal is to revitalise the old Java slogan -- Write once, run anywhere --- in the context of modern heterogeneous systems. To enable the use of parallel accelerators from Java we introduce a new API for heterogeneous programming based on array and functional programming. Applications written with our API can then be transparently accelerated on a device such as a GPU using our runtime OpenCL code generator. In order to ensure the highest level of performance, we present data management optimizations. Usually, data has to be translated (marshalled) between the Java representation and the representation accelerators use. This paper shows how marshal affects runtime and present a novel technique in Java to avoid this cost by implementing our own customised array data structure. Our design hides low level data management from the user making our approach applicable even for inexperienced Java programmers. We evaluated our technique using a set of applications from different domains, including mathematical finance and machine learning. We achieve speedups of up to 500× over sequential and multi-threaded Java code when using an external GPU.
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We present an intermediate representation (IR) for a Java just in time (JIT) compiler written in Java. It is a graph-based IR that models both control-flow and data-flow dependencies between nodes. We show the framework in which we developed our IR. Much care has been taken to allow the programmer to focus on compiler optimization rather than IR bookkeeping. Edges between nodes are declared concisely using Java annotations, and common properties and functions on nodes are communicated to the framework by implementing interfaces. Building upon these declarations, the graph framework automatically implements a set of useful primitives that the programmer can use to implement optimizations .
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Due to the increasing complexity of multi/many-core architectures (with their mix of caches and scratch-pad memories) and applications (with different memory access patterns), the performance of many workloads becomes increasingly variable. In this work, we address one of the main causes for this performance variability: the efficiency of the memory system. Specifically, based on an empirical evaluation driven by memory access patterns, we qualify and partially quantify the performance impact of using local memory in multi/many-core processors. To do so, we systematically describe memory access patterns (MAPs) in an application-agnostic manner. Next, for each identified MAP, we use OpenCL (for portability reasons) to generate two microbenchmarks: a “naive” version (without local memory) and “an optimized” version (using local memory). We then evaluate both of them on typically used multi-core and many-core platforms, and we log their performance. What we eventually obtain is a local memory performance database, indexed by various MAPs and platforms. Further, we propose a set of composing rules for multiple MAPs. Thus, we can get an indicator of whether using local memory is beneficial in the presence of multiple memory access patterns. This indication can be used to either avoid the hassle of implementing optimizations with too little gain or, alternatively, give a rough prediction of the performance gain.
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Languages such as OpenCL and CUDA offer a standard interface for general-purpose programming of GPUs. However, with these languages, programmers must explicitly manage numerous low-level details involving communication and synchronization. This burden makes programming GPUs difficult and error-prone, rendering these powerful devices inaccessible to most programmers. We desire a higher-level programming model that makes GPUs more accessible while also effectively exploiting their computational power. This paper presents features of Lime, a new Java-compatible language targeting heterogeneous systems, that allow an optimizing compiler to generate high quality GPU code. The key insight is that the language type system enforces isolation and immutability invariants that allow the compiler to optimize for a GPU without heroic compiler analysis. Our compiler attains GPU speedups between 75% and 140% of the performance of native OpenCL code.
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Tiling is a key technique to enhance data reuse. For computations structured as one sequential outer "time" loop enclosing a set of parallel inner loops, tiling only the parallel inner loops may not enable enough data reuse in the cache. Tiling the inner loops along with the outer time loop enhances data locality but may require other transformations like loop skewing that inhibit inter-tile parallelism. One approach to tiling that enhances data locality without inhibiting inter-tile parallelism is split tiling, where tiles are subdivided into a sequence of trapezoidal computation steps. In this paper, we develop an approach to generate split tiled code for GPUs in the PPCG polyhedral code generator. We propose a generic algorithm to calculate index-set splitting that enables us to perform tiling for locality and synchronization avoidance, while simultaneously maintaining parallelism, without the need for skewing or redundant computations. Our algorithm performs split tiling for an arbitrary number of dimensions and without the need to construct any large integer linear program. The method and its implementation are evaluated on standard stencil kernels and compared with a state-of-the-art polyhedral compiler and with a domain-specific stencil compiler, both targeting CUDA GPUs.
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This article addresses the compilation of a sequential program for parallel execution on a modern GPU. To this end, we present a novel source-to-source compiler called PPCG. PPCG singles out for its ability to accelerate computations from any static control loop nest, generating multiple CUDA kernels when necessary. We introduce a multilevel tiling strategy and a code generation scheme for the parallelization and locality optimization of imperfectly nested loops, managing memory and exposing concurrency according to the constraints of modern GPUs. We evaluate our algorithms and tool on the entire PolyBench suite.
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Accelerators and heterogeneous architectures in general, and GPUs in particular, have recently emerged as major players in high performance computing. For many classes of applications, MapReduce has emerged as the framework for easing parallel programming and improving programmer productivity. There have already been several efforts on implementing MapReduce on GPUs. In this paper, we propose a new implementation of MapReduce for GPUs, which is very effective in utilizing shared memory, a small programmable cache on modern GPUs. The main idea is to use a reduction-based method to execute a MapReduce application. The reduction-based method allows us to carry out reductions in shared memory. To support a general and efficient implementation, we support the following features: a memory hierarchy for maintaining the reduction object, a multi-group scheme in shared memory to trade-off space requirements and locking overheads, a general and efficient data structure for the reduction object, and an efficient swapping mechanism. We have evaluated our framework with seven commonly used MapReduce applications and compared it with the sequential implementations, MapCG, a recent MapReduce implementation on GPUs, and Ji et al.'s work, a recent MapReduce implementation that utilizes shared memory in a different way. The main observations from our experimental results are as follows. For four of the seven applications that can be considered as reduction-intensive applications, our framework has a speedup of between 5 and 200 over MapCG (for large datasets). Similarly, we achieved a speedup of between 2 and 60 over Ji et al.'s work.
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While CUDA and OpenCL made general-purpose programming for Graphics Processing Units (GPU) popular, using these programming approaches remains complex and error-prone because they lack high-level abstractions. The especially challenging systems with multiple GPU are not addressed at all by these low-level programming models. We propose SkelCL - a library providing so-called algorithmic skeletons that capture recurring patterns of parallel computation and communication, together with an abstract vector data type and constructs for specifying data distribution. We demonstrate that SkelCL greatly simplifies programming GPU systems. We report the competitive performance results of SkelCL using both a simple Mandelbrot set computation and an industrial-strength medical imaging application. Because the library is implemented using OpenCL, it is portable across GPU hardware of different vendors.
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GPUs are a class of specialized parallel architectures with tremen- dous computational power. The new Compute Unied Device Ar- chitecture (CUDA) programming model from NVIDIA facilitates programming of general purpose applications on their GPUs. How- ever, manual development of high-performance parallel code for GPUs is still very challenging. In this paper, a number of issues are addressed towards the goal of developing a compiler frame- work for automatic parallelization and performance optimization of afne loop nests on GPGPUs: 1) approach to program transfor- mation for efcient data access from GPU global memory, using a polyhedral compiler model of data dependence abstraction and program transformation; 2) determination of optimal padding fac- tors for conict-minimal data access from GPU shared memory; and 3) model-driven empirical search to determine optimal param- eters for unrolling and tiling. Experimental results on a number of kernels demonstrate the effectiveness of the compiler optimization approaches developed.
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We present the design and implementation of an automatic polyhe- dral source-to-source transformation framework that can optimize regular programs (sequences of possibly imperfectly nested loops) for parallelism and locality simultaneously. Through this work, we show the practicality of analytical model-driven automatic transfor- mation in the polyhedral model.Unlike previous polyhedral frame- works, our approach is an end-to-end fully automatic one driven by an integer linear optimization framework that takes an explicit view of finding good ways of tiling for parallelism and locality using affine transformations. The framework has been implemented into a tool to automatically generate OpenMP parallel code from C pro- gram sections. Experimental results from the tool show very high performance for local and parallel execution on multi-cores, when compared with state-of-the-art compiler frameworks from the re- search community as well as the best native production compilers. The system also enables the easy use of powerful empirical/itera- tive optimization for general arbitrarily nested loop sequences. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.3.4 (Programming Lan- guages): Processors—Compilers, Optimization, Code generation
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this paper focuses on optimization techniques for enhancing cache performance
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Industry is increasingly turning to reconfigurable architectures like FPGAs and CGRAs for improved performance and energy efficiency. Unfortunately, adoption of these architectures has been limited by their programming models. HDLs lack abstractions for productivity and are difficult to target from higher level languages. HLS tools are more productive, but offer an ad-hoc mix of software and hardware abstractions which make performance optimizations difficult. In this work, we describe a new domain-specific language and compiler called Spatial for higher level descriptions of application accelerators. We describe Spatial's hardware-centric abstractions for both programmer productivity and design performance, and summarize the compiler passes required to support these abstractions, including pipeline scheduling, automatic memory banking, and automated design tuning driven by active machine learning. We demonstrate the language's ability to target FPGAs and CGRAs from common source code. We show that applications written in Spatial are, on average, 42% shorter and achieve a mean speedup of 2.9x over SDAccel HLS when targeting a Xilinx UltraScale+ VU9P FPGA on an Amazon EC2 F1 instance.
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Stencil computations are widely used from physical simulations to machine-learning. They are embarrassingly parallel and perfectly fit modern hardware such as Graphic Processing Units. Although stencil computations have been extensively studied, optimizing them for increasingly diverse hardware remains challenging. Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) have raised the programming abstraction and offer good performance. However, this places the burden on DSL implementers who have to write almost full-fledged parallelizing compilers and optimizers. Lift has recently emerged as a promising approach to achieve performance portability and is based on a small set of reusable parallel primitives that DSL or library writers can build upon. Lift’s key novelty is in its encoding of optimizations as a system of extensible rewrite rules which are used to explore the optimization space. However, Lift has mostly focused on linear algebra operations and it remains to be seen whether this approach is applicable for other domains. This paper demonstrates how complex multidimensional stencil code and optimizations such as tiling are expressible using compositions of simple 1D Lift primitives. By leveraging existing Lift primitives and optimizations, we only require the addition of two primitives and one rewrite rule to do so. Our results show that this approach outperforms existing compiler approaches and hand-tuned codes.
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Stencil computations are widely used from physical simulations to machine-learning. They are embarrassingly parallel and perfectly fit modern hardware such as Graphic Processing Units. Although stencil computations have been extensively studied, optimizing them for increasingly diverse hardware remains challenging. Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) have raised the programming abstraction and offer good performance. However, this places the burden on DSL implementers who have to write almost full-fledged parallelizing compilers and optimizers. Lift has recently emerged as a promising approach to achieve performance portability and is based on a small set of reusable parallel primitives that DSL or library writers can build upon. Lift’s key novelty is in its encoding of optimizations as a system of extensible rewrite rules which are used to explore the optimization space. However, Lift has mostly focused on linear algebra operations and it remains to be seen whether this approach is applicable for other domains. This paper demonstrates how complex multidimensional stencil code and optimizations such as tiling are expressible using compositions of simple 1D Lift primitives. By leveraging existing Lift primitives and optimizations, we only require the addition of two primitives and one rewrite rule to do so. Our results show that this approach outperforms existing compiler approaches and hand-tuned codes.
Scalable frameworks, such as TensorFlow, MXNet, Caffe, and PyTorch drive the current popularity and utility of deep learning. However, these frameworks are optimized for a narrow range of server-class GPUs and deploying workloads to other platforms such as mobile phones, embedded devices, and specialized accelerators (e.g., FPGAs, ASICs) requires laborious manual effort. We propose TVM, an end-to-end optimization stack that exposes graph-level and operator-level optimizations to provide performance portability to deep learning workloads across diverse hardware back-ends. We discuss the optimization challenges specific to deep learning that TVM solves: high-level operator fusion, low-level memory reuse across threads, mapping to arbitrary hardware primitives, and memory latency hiding. Experimental results demonstrate that TVM delivers performance across hardware back-ends that are competitive with state-of-the-art libraries for low-power CPU and server-class GPUs. We also demonstrate TVM's ability to target new hardware accelerator back-ends by targeting an FPGA-based generic deep learning accelerator. The compiler infrastructure is open sourced.
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Computer systems are increasingly featuring powerful parallel devices with the advent of many-core CPUs and GPUs. This offers the opportunity to solve computationally-intensive problems at a fraction of the time traditional CPUs need. However, exploiting heterogeneous hardware requires the use of low-level programming language approaches such as OpenCL, which is incredibly challenging, even for advanced programmers. On the application side, interpreted dynamic languages are increasingly becoming popular in many domains due to their simplicity, expressiveness and flexibility. However, this creates a wide gap between the high-level abstractions offered to programmers and the low-level hardware-specific interface. Currently, programmers must rely on high performance libraries or they are forced to write parts of their application in a low-level language like OpenCL. Ideally, nonexpert programmers should be able to exploit heterogeneous hardware directly from their interpreted dynamic languages. In this paper, we present a technique to transparently and automatically offload computations from interpreted dynamic languages to heterogeneous devices. Using just-in-time compilation, we automatically generate OpenCL code at runtime which is specialized to the actual observed data types using profiling information. We demonstrate our technique using R, which is a popular interpreted dynamic language predominately used in big data analytic. Our experimental results show the execution on a GPU yields speedups of over 150x compared to the sequential FastR implementation and the obtained performance is competitive with manually written GPU code. We also show that when taking into account start-up time, large speedups are achievable, even when the applications run for as little as a few seconds.
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Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are used as general purpose parallel accelerators in a wide range of applications. They are found in most computing systems, and mobile devices are no exception. The recent availability of programming APIs such as OpenCL for mobile GPUs promises to open up new types of applications on these devices. However, producing high performance GPU code is extremely difficult. Subtle differences in device characteristics can lead to large performance variations when different optimizations are applied. As we will see, this is especially true for a mobile GPU such as the ARM Mali GPU which has a very different architecture than desktop-class GPUs. Code optimized and tuned for one type of GPUs is unlikely to achieve the performance potential on another type of GPUs. Auto-tuners have traditionally been an answer to this performance portability challenge. For instance, they have been successful on CPUs for matrix operations, which are used as building blocks in many high-performance applications. However, they are much harder to design for different classes of GPUs, given the wide variety of hardware characteristics. In this paper, we take a different perspective and show how performance portability for matrix multiplication is achieved using a compiler approach. This approach is based on a recently developed generic technique that combines a high-level programming model with a system of rewrite rules. Programs are automatically rewritten in successive steps, where optimizations decision are made. This approach is truly performance portable, resulting in high-performance code for very different types of architectures such as desktop and mobile GPUs. In particular, we achieve a speedup of 1.7x over a state-of-the-art auto-tuner on the ARM Mali GPU.
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Parallel accelerators such as GPUs are notoriously hard to program; exploiting their full performance potential is a job best left for ninja programmers. High-level programming languages coupled with optimizing compilers have been proposed to attempt to address this issue. However, they rely on device-specific heuristics or hard-coded library implementations to achieve good performance resulting in non-portable solutions that need to be re-optimized for every new device. Achieving performance portability is the holy grail of high-performance computing and has so far remained an open problem even for well studied applications like matrix multiplication. We argue that what is needed is a way to describe applications at a high-level without committing to particular implementations. To this end, we developed in a previous paper a functional data-parallel language which allows applications to be expressed in a device neutral way. We use a set of well-defined rewrite rules to automatically transform programs into semantically equivalent device-specific forms, from which OpenCL code is generated. In this paper, we demonstrate how this approach produces high-performance OpenCL code for GPUs with a well-studied, well-understood application: matrix multiplication. Starting from a single high-level program, our compiler automatically generate highly optimized and specialized implementations. We group simple rewrite rules into more complex macro-rules, each describing a well-known optimization like tiling and register blocking in a composable way. Using an exploration strategy our compiler automatically generates 50,000 OpenCL kernels, each providing a differently optimized -- but provably correct -- implementation of matrix multiplication. The automatically generated code offers competitive performance compared to the manually tuned MAGMA library implementations of matrix multiplication on Nvidia and even outperforms AMD's clBLAS library.
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Partitioning a parallel computation into finite-sized chunks for effective mapping onto a parallel machine is a critical concern for source-to-source compilation. In the context of OpenCL and CUDA, this translates to the definition of a uniform hyper-rectangular partitioning of the parallel execution space where each partition is subject to a fine-grained distribution of resources that has a direct yet hard to estimate impact on performance. This paper develops the first compilation scheme for generating parametrically tiled codes for affine loop programs on GPUs, which facilitates run-time exploration of partitioning parameters as a fast and portable way of finding the ones that yield maximum performance. Our approach is based on a parametric tiling scheme for producing wavefronts of parallel rectangular partitions of parametric size and a novel runtime system that manages wavefront execution and local memory usage dynamically through an inspector-executor mechanism. An experimental evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach for wavefront as well as rectangularly-parallel partitionings.
This chapter demonstrates how to leverage the Thrust parallel template library to implement high performance applications with minimal programming effort. With the introduction of CUDA C/C++, developers can harness the massive parallelism of the graphics processing unit (GPU) through a standard programming language. CUDA allows developers to make fine-grained decisions about how computations are decomposed into parallel threads and executed on the device. The level of control offered by CUDA C/C++ is an important feature; it facilitates the development of high-performance algorithms for a variety of computationally demanding tasks which merit significant optimization and profit from low-level control of the mapping onto hardware. With Thrust, developers describe their computation using a collection of high-level algorithms and completely delegate the decision of how to implement the computation to the library. Thrust is implemented entirely within CUDA C/C++ and maintains interoperability with the rest of the CUDA ecosystem. Interoperability is an important feature because no single language or library is the best tool for every problem. Thrust presents a style of programming emphasizing genericity and composability. Indeed, the vast majority of Thrust's functionality is derived from four fundamental parallel algorithms—for each, reduce, scan, and sort. Thrust's high-level algorithms enhance programmer productivity by automating the mapping of computational tasks onto the GPU. Thrust also boosts programmer productivity by providing a rich set of algorithms for common patterns.
Conference Paper
Combining several types of devices and architectures is at the heart of heterogeneous computing's power efficiency advantage, but the strength of heterogeneous systems is also their Achilles heel, i.e. the diversity of the devices and ecosystems needed to maintain them present major technological challenges. Some of the biggest challenges are in the realm of system programing. We believe that for heterogeneous systems computing to become a mainstream system design choice, high level and standard system design flows need to be adopted in order to achieve transparency when dealing with diverse devices and architectures. In this paper we present an open source high level framework and design flow that allows working with any type of device that supports OpenCL. In addition we test our design flow and framework on an N-body simulation across multiple device types and show how such high level framework and heterogeneous system design can deliver a more power efficient solution when compared to a single general purpose device and dual CPU+GPU device type approach.
Developing high-performance software is a difficult task that requires the use of low-level, architecture-specific programming models (e.g., OpenMP for CMPs, CUDA for GPUs, MPI for clusters). It is typically not possible to write a single application that can run efficiently in different environments, leading to multiple versions and increased complexity. Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) are a promising avenue to enable programmers to use high-level abstractions and still achieve good performance on a variety of hardware. This is possible because DSLs have higher-level semantics and restrictions than general-purpose languages, so DSL compilers can perform higher-level optimization and translation. However, the cost of developing performance-oriented DSLs is a substantial roadblock to their development and adoption. In this article, we present an overview of the Delite compiler framework and the DSLs that have been developed with it. Delite simplifies the process of DSL development by providing common components, like parallel patterns, optimizations, and code generators, that can be reused in DSL implementations. Delite DSLs are embedded in Scala, a general-purpose programming language, but use metaprogramming to construct an Intermediate Representation (IR) of user programs and compile to multiple languages (including C++, CUDA, and OpenCL). DSL programs are automatically parallelized and different parts of the application can run simultaneously on CPUs and GPUs. We present Delite DSLs for machine learning, data querying, graph analysis, and scientific computing and show that they all achieve performance competitive to or exceeding C++ code.
Conference Paper
Escape Analysis allows a compiler to determine whether an object is accessible outside the allocating method or thread. This information is used to perform optimizations such as Scalar Replacement, Stack Allocation and Lock Elision, allowing modern dynamic compilers to remove some of the abstractions introduced by advanced programming models. The all-or-nothing approach taken by most Escape Analysis algorithms prevents all these optimizations as soon as there is one branch where the object escapes, no matter how unlikely this branch is at runtime. This paper presents a new, practical algorithm that performs control flow sensitive Partial Escape Analysis in a dynamic Java compiler. It allows Escape Analysis, Scalar Replacement and Lock Elision to be performed on individual branches. We implemented the algorithm on top of Graal, an open-source Java just-in-time compiler, and it performs well on a diverse set of benchmarks. In this paper, we evaluate the effect of Partial Escape Analysis on the DaCapo, ScalaDaCapo and SpecJBB2005 benchmarks, in terms of run-time, number and size of allocations and number of monitor operations. It performs particularly well in situations with additional levels of abstraction, such as code generated by the Scala compiler. It reduces the amount of allocated memory by up to 58.5%, and improves performance by up to 33%.
Conference Paper
Image processing pipelines combine the challenges of stencil computations and stream programs. They are composed of large graphs of different stencil stages, as well as complex reductions, and stages with global or data-dependent access patterns. Because of their complex structure, the performance difference between a naive implementation of a pipeline and an optimized one is often an order of magnitude. Efficient implementations require optimization of both parallelism and locality, but due to the nature of stencils, there is a fundamental tension between parallelism, locality, and introducing redundant recomputation of shared values. We present a systematic model of the tradeoff space fundamental to stencil pipelines, a schedule representation which describes concrete points in this space for each stage in an image processing pipeline, and an optimizing compiler for the Halide image processing language that synthesizes high performance implementations from a Halide algorithm and a schedule. Combining this compiler with stochastic search over the space of schedules enables terse, composable programs to achieve state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of real image processing pipelines, and across different hardware architectures, including multicores with SIMD, and heterogeneous CPU+GPU execution. From simple Halide programs written in a few hours, we demonstrate performance up to 5x faster than hand-tuned C, intrinsics, and CUDA implementations optimized by experts over weeks or months, for image processing applications beyond the reach of past automatic compilers.
Conference Paper
Automatically parallelizing loop nests into CUDA kernels must exploit the full potential of GPUs to obtain high performance. One state-of-the-art approach makes use of the polyhedral model to extract parallelism from a loop nest by applying a sequence of affine transformations to the loop nest. However, how to automate this process to exploit both intra and inter-SM parallelism for GPUs remains a challenging problem. Presently, compilers may generate code significantly slower than hand-optimized code for certain applications. This paper describes a compiler framework for tiling and parallelizing loop nests with uniform dependences into CUDA code. We aim to improve two levels of wave front parallelism. We find tiling hyper planes by embedding parallelism enhancing constraints in the polyhedral model to maximize intra-tile, i.e., intra-SM parallelism. This improves the load balance among the SPs in an SM executing a wave front of loop iterations within a tile. We eliminate parallelism-hindering false dependences to maximize inter-tile, i.e., inter-SM parallelism. This improves the load balance among the SMs executing a wave front of tiles. Our approach has been implemented in PLUTO and validated using eight benchmarks on two different NVIDIA GPUs (C1060 and C2050). Compared to PLUTO, our approach achieves 2 - 5.5X speedups across the benchmarks. Compared to highly hand-optimized 1-D Jacobi (3 points), 2-D Jacobi (5 points), 3-D Jacobi (7 points) and 3-D Jacobi (27 points), our speedups, 1.17X, 1.41X, 0.97X and 0.87X with an average of 1.10X on C1060 and 1.24X, 1.20X, 0.86X and 0.95X with an average of 1.06X on C2050, are competitive.
Thrust is a parallel algorithms library which resembles the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). Thrust's high-level interface greatly enhances programmer productivity while enabling performance portability between GPUs and multicore CPUs. Interoperability with established technologies (such as CUDA, TBB, and OpenMP) facilitates integration with existing software.
Conference Paper
A highly productive platform accelerates the production of research results. The design of a virtual machine (VM) written in the Java programming language can be simplified through exploitation of interfaces, type and memory safety, automated memory management (garbage collection), exception handling, and reflection. Moreover, modern Java IDEs offer time-saving features such as refactoring, auto-completion, and code navigation. Finally, Java annotations enable compiler extensions for low-level "systems programming" while retaining IDE compatibility. These techniques collectively make complex system software more "approachable" than has been typical in the past. The Maxine VM, a metacircular Java VM implementation, has aggressively used these features since its inception. A co-designed companion tool, the Maxine Inspector, offers integrated debugging and visualization of all aspects of the VM's run-time state. The Inspector's implementation exploits advanced Java language features, embodies intimate knowledge of the VM's design, and even reuses a significant amount of VM code directly. These characteristics make Maxine a highly approachable VM research platform and a productive basis for research and teaching.
MapReduce and its variants have been highly successful in implementing large-scale data-intensive applications on commodity clusters. However, most of these systems are built around an acyclic data flow model that is not suitable for other popular applications. This paper focuses on one such class of applications: those that reuse a working set of data across multiple parallel operations. This includes many iterative machine learning algorithms, as well as interactive data analysis tools. We propose a new framework called Spark that supports these applications while retaining the scalability and fault tolerance of MapReduce. To achieve these goals, Spark introduces an abstraction called resilient distributed datasets (RDDs). An RDD is a read-only collection of objects partitioned across a set of machines that can be rebuilt if a partition is lost. Spark can outperform Hadoop by 10x in iterative machine learning jobs, and can be used to interactively query a 39 GB dataset with sub-second response time.
Conference Paper
Graphics processors (GPU) offer the promise of more than an order of magnitude speedup over conventional processors for certain non-graphics computations. Because the GPU is often presented as a C-like abstraction (e.g., Nvidia's CUDA), little is known about the characteristics of the GPU's architecture beyond what the manufacturer has documented. This work develops a microbechmark suite and measures the CUDA-visible architectural characteristics of the Nvidia GT200 (GTX280) GPU. Various undisclosed characteristics of the processing elements and the memory hierarchies are measured. This analysis exposes undocumented features that impact program performance and correctness. These measurements can be useful for improving performance optimization, analysis, and modeling on this architecture and offer additional insight on the decisions made in developing this GPU.
Conference Paper
The polyhedral model is a powerful framework for automatic optimization and parallelization. It is based on an algebraic representation of programs, allowing to construct and search for complex sequences of optimizations. This model is now mature and reaches production compilers. The main limitation of the polyhedral model is known to be its restriction to statically predictable, loop-based program parts. This paper removes this limitation, allowing to operate on general data-dependent control-flow. We embed control and exit predicates as first-class citizens of the algebraic representation, from program analysis to code generation. Complementing previous (partial) attempts in this direction, our work concentrates on extending the code generation step and does not compromise the expressiveness of the model. We present experimental evidence that our extension is relevant for program optimization and parallelization, showing performance improvements on benchmarks that were thought to be out of reach of the polyhedral model.
Conference Paper
MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large datasets that is amenable to a broad variety of real-world tasks. Users specify the computation in terms of a map and a reduce function, and the underlying runtime system automatically parallelizes the computation across large-scale clusters of machines, handles machine failures, and schedules inter-machine communication to make efficient use of the network and disks. Programmers find the system easy to use: more than ten thousand distinct MapReduce programs have been implemented internally at Google over the past four years, and an average of one hundred thousand MapReduce jobs are executed on Google's clusters every day, processing a total of more than twenty petabytes of data per day.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a novel optimizing compiler for general purpose computation on graphics processing units (GPGPU). It addresses two major challenges of developing high performance GPGPU programs: effective utilization of GPU memory hierarchy and judicious management of parallelism. The input to our compiler is a naïve GPU kernel function, which is functionally correct but without any consideration for performance optimization. The compiler analyzes the code, identifies its memory access patterns, and generates both the optimized kernel and the kernel invocation parameters. Our optimization process includes vectorization and memory coalescing for memory bandwidth enhancement, tiling and unrolling for data reuse and parallelism management, and thread block remapping or address-offset insertion for partition-camping elimination. The experiments on a set of scientific and media processing algorithms show that our optimized code achieves very high performance, either superior or very close to the highly fine-tuned library, NVIDIA CUBLAS 2.2, and up to 128 times speedups over the naive versions. Another distinguishing feature of our compiler is the understandability of the optimized code, which is useful for performance analysis and algorithm refinement.