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Acceso a la justicia de las personas migrantes: una práctica de extensión-comunicación

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En esta reseña se presentan y articulan algunas de las aportaciones contenidas en el libro Problemas en torno a la desigualdad. Un enfoque poliédrico. Esta obra, coordinada por Esteban Llamosas y Guillermo Lariguet, reúne una serie de trabajos elaborados por profesoras y profesores de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba que, desde el ámbito de la sociología, de la psicología y la filosofía política, y de la historia y la sociología del Derecho, reflexionan sobre los retos de las desigualdades y la posibilidad de acción sobre ellas.
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DOI: 10.12957/dep.2016.19526 Resumen El presente articulo propone presentar una serie de resultados de una investigacion socio juridica y empirica conducida en el area de profesiones, haciendo especial hincapie en la identidad profesional de abogados/as ligados al activismo, quienes se vinculan a organizaciones sociales en Argentina. Utilizaremos el marco teorico de la sociologia reflexiva de Bourdieu, para preguntarnos por aquellos “espacios posibles” que desafian lo establecido como “juridicamente pensable” en el campo juridico. Finalmente, se presentaran resultados que nos permiten de manera conclusiva reflejar practicas y discursos alternativos en el ejercicio profesional. Palabras-clave: identidad profesional; abogados activistas; organizaciones sociales; politica. Abstract This article aims to present a series of results of a socio-legal and empirical research carried on the topic of professions, making an especial emphasis in the professional identities of lawyers linked to activism (cause lawyers), who are connected with social organizations in Argentina. I will use the theoretical frame of Bourdieu’s reflexive sociology to inquire into the “possible spaces” that challenge what is established as “legaly thinkable” in the legal field. Finally, I wil present the results that allow to conclusively reflect on alternative practices and discourses in the professional practice. Keywords: professional identity; cause lawyers; social movements; politics and law.
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p>¿Cuán desigual es percibida la sociedad chilena por los ciudadanos? ¿Ha cambiado la imagen que los chilenos tienen de esa desigualdad en los últimos años? ¿Qué factores determinan los niveles de desigualdad percibidos? Utilizando datos provenientes de las encuestas del Centro de Estudios Públicos (CEP) abordamos estas preguntas. Los resultados muestran que los chilenos perciben mayoritariamente que viven en una sociedad desigual, que esas percepciones han variado poco entre 2000 y 2013, aunque mostrando un percepción levemente más positiva hacia 2013, y que los principales determinantes de esas percepciones son económicos y no políticos.</p
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El campo jurídico es una arena de luchas marcada por las tensiones que se dan en torno a los contenidos escritos de las leyes, así como por la posterior lectura que de éstos hagan diversos actores sociales y políticos. Dentro de estos fenómenos de tensión, los tribunales se constituyen, cada vez más, en foros de arduos debates en torno a intentar asentar legitimidad política y social de determinadas configuraciones genéricas y/o sexuales. A través de este trabajo, intentaremos identificar cómo operan en el ámbito de la justicia argentina una serie de estereotipos de género. Estereotipos que actúan performativamente desconociendo y/o negando subjetividades que se apartan del modelo de sujeto de derecho hegemónicamente construido por el sistema legal
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Este artículo señala que la teoría poscolonial hecha desde la academia conlleva una posición elitista y androcéntrica. La autora muestra que las prácticas y luchas del movimiento feminista, tanto en los Estados Unidos como en América Latina, han generado una forma de teorizar lo poscolonial que con frecuencia es ignorada por la academia. Trazando un recorrido que va desde los movimientos feministas negros en los Estados Unidos, pasando por el feminismo chicano, el feminismo afrolatino y el feminismo indígena, la autora muestra que la teoría poscolonial se beneficiaría mucho de los grandes aportes que estos movimientos políticos han hecho al pensamiento sobre la dominación colonial.
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Studies about social inequality in Brazil usually focus on its objective dimensions, such as sex, colour, income, occupation, and schooling. The size of the gap between rich and poor is reasonably well known thanks to studies already carried out, but little is known about how the disparity is seen by Brazilians. In 2000, as part of the International Social Survey Programme, an attempt was made to fill this gap through a survey of members of the national elites - here understood as individuals in the richest 10% of the population. The nationwide study - 2,000 interviews in 195 towns and cities - sought to reveal different perceptions of inequality by the "elite" and the "people". The survey raised issues related to the images both groups have of Brazilian society and how it is structured; the appropriate wages for differently qualified workers; the values that should govern distribution of the country's wealth; Brazil's major problems; and the strategies favoured by each group to reduce poverty, with an emphasis on the role of the State. The answers showed surprising agreements and disagreements between the people and the elite. Both groups recognise the scale of social inequality in the country, but they tend to advocate different strategies to reduce them, transferring solutions to inequality to the State. These similarities and differences in points of view may provide important elements for understanding the mechanisms that legitimise inequality.
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This article looks at the way sex workers in Córdoba, Argentina, have dealt with legal marginalization, focusing on their understandings and associated practices of resistance. Sex workers position in law shows the group is on the margins of law, which means that their activity is not considered to be legal but is not illegal either.Since 2000 a group of sex workers started to organize to stop the constant detentions and humiliations by police officers. The organization called AMMAR (Asociación de Mujeres Meretrices Argentinas) implied a major shift from an oppression of consciousness to a consciousness of oppression, modifying in this process the terms of their resistance from mere tactics of survival to a struggle for redefinition of their position in law and society.This article firstly explores the idea of margins of law, consciousness, power and resistance, and also describes the regulation of sex work in the city of Córdoba; secondly, it refers to sex workers experiences, perceptions and practices of resistance before the organization in relation to the police, the Judiciary, as well as with other institutions, and relates this experiences with their practices of resistance in that period; thirdly, it explains the process of organization and the way it has influenced their reflective awareness and practices of resistance, it describes as well the heterogeneity of understandings regarding law. Lastly, the Conclusion revisits the outcomes and literature to propose final reflections about dealing with the margins of law in everyday life.
Throughout the industrial world, the discipline of labour law has fallen into deep philosophical and policy crisis, at the same time as new theoretical approaches make it a field of considerable intellectual ferment. Modern labour law evolved in a symbiotic relationship with a post-war institutional and policy agenda, the social, economic, and political underpinnings of which have gradually eroded in the context of accelerating international economic integration and wage-competition, a decline in the capacity of the nation-state to steer economic progress, the ascendancy of fiscal austerity and monetarism over Keynesian/welfare state politics, the appearance of post-industrial production models, the proliferation of contingent employment relationships, the fragmentation of class-based identities and the emergence of new social movements, and the significantly increased participation of women in paid work. These developments offer many appealing possibilities - the opportunity, for example, to contest the gender division of labour and re-think the boundaries between immigration and labour policy. However, they also hold out quite threatening prospects - including increased unemployment and inequality and the decline of workers' organizations and social participation - in the context of proliferating constraints imposed by international financial pressures on enacting redistributive social and economic policies. New strategies must be developed to meet these challenges. These chapters - which are the product of a transnational comparative dialogue among academics and practitioners in labour law and related legal fields, including social security, immigration, trade, and development - identify, analyse, and respond to some of the conceptual and policy challenges posed by globalization. © J. Conaghan, R. M. Fischl, and K. Klare 2000. All rights reserved.