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Comparing the effects of plyometric and isometric strength training on dynamic and isometric force-time characteristics

  • Singapore Sport Institute

Abstract and Figures

The purpose of the study was to compare the change in dynamic and isometric force-time characteristics after plyometric (PLYO) or isometric strength training (ISO). Twenty-two endurance runners (age = 37 ± 6 years,stature = 1.71 ± 0.05 m, body mass = 62.7 ± 8.6 kg, weekly mileage = 47.3 ± 10.8 km) performed a countermovement jump (CMJ) and isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) test during pre- and post-tests. They were then randomly assigned to either PLYO or ISO group and completed 12 sessions of intervention over six weeks. The PLYO included drop jump, single leg bounding and split jump, and the ISO included IMTP and isometric ankle plantar flexion. Significant and large time x group interactions were observed for CMJ countermovement depth (P = 0.037, ƞ²p = 0.21) and IMTP and relative peak force (PF) (P = 0.030, ƞ² p = 0.22). Significant and large main effects for time were observed in CMJ height, peak power, propulsive phase duration, countermovement depth, reactive strength index modified, IMTP PF and relative PF (P < 0.05, 0.20 ≤ ƞ²p ≤ 0.65). Effect for time showed small improvement in CMJ height for both PLYO (P < 0.001, d = 0.48) and ISO (P = 0.009, d = 0.47), small improvement in CMJ PP in PLYO (P = 0.020, d = 0.21), large increase in countermovement depth (P = 0.004, d = 1.02) and IMTP relative PF (P < 0.001, d = 0.87), and moderate increase in propulsive phase duration (P = 0.038, d = 0.65) and IMTP PF (P < 0.001, d = 0.55) in ISO. There were large differences between groups for percentage change in countermovement depth (P = 0.003, d = 0.96) and IMTP relative PF (P = 0.047, d = 0.90). In conclusion, both PLYO and ISO improved CMJ jump height via different mechanisms, while only ISO resulted in improved IMTP PF and relative PF.
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Biology of Sport, Vol. 39 No1, 2022 189
Plyometric vs isometric strength training
Various forms of strength training including free weights, plyomet-
rics(PLYO) and isometric strength training (ISO) have been used with
the purpose of increasing force production to enhance athletic perfor-
mances[1,2]. The force producing capacity of amuscle is inuenced
by the muscle action (i.e. concentric, eccentric, isometric), due to
differences in neural activation[3,4]. Furthermore, each mode of
strength training has been shown to result in different magnitude of
adaptation to muscle hypertrophy, strength and power[1,2]. Although
eccentric strength training has been reported to induce enhanced
hypertrophic response as compared to other modes of strength train-
ing[2], comparison of strength increases remains controversial as
magnitude of adaptation resulting from each different mode of strength
training is dependent on the method of assessment (i.e. eccentric
training will induce greater increment in eccentric strength; concentric
training will induce greater increment in concentric strength; and ISO
Comparing the effects of plyometric and isometric strength
training on dynamic and isometric force-time characteristics
AUTHORS: Danny Lum1,2, Paul Comfort3,4, Tiago M. Barbosa2,5,6, Govindasamy Balasekaran2
1 Sport Science and Sport Medicine, Singapore Sport Institute, Singapore, Singapore
2 Physical Education and Sports Science, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University,
Singapore, Singapore
4 Centre for Exercise and Sports Science Research, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, WA 6027, Australia
5 Polytechnic Institute of Braganca, Braganca, Portugal
6 Research Centre in Sports, Health and Human Development (CIDESD), Vila Real, Portugal
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to compare the change in dynamic and isometric force-time
characteristics after plyometric (PLYO) or isometric strength training (ISO). Twenty-two endurance runners
sixweeks.The PLYOincludeddropjump,singlelegboundingandsplitjump,andtheISOincludedIMTPand
isometric ankleplantarflexion.Significantandlargetimexgroupinteractionswereobserved forCMJ
countermovement depth (
depth (
phase duration (
CITATION: LumD,Comfort P,Barbosa TM,BalasekaranG.Comparing the effectsofplyometric and isometric
will induce greater increment in eccentric strength)[1], indicating that
adaptation is specic to the method of training.
Isometric strength training is characterised by the exertion of force
without external movement. Increases in strength associated with
this mode of training are dependent on several factors including the
joint angle at which training occurs, duration, intensity and rate at
which force is developed[1]. Researchers have also shown that ISO
results in the improvement of various sports related movements[5–8].
In addition, the results of arecent study indicated that the inclusion
of ISO to atraditional strength training intervention improved 3rep-
etition maximum squat performance to agreater magnitude than
traditional strength training alone in powerlifters (10.4% vs 3.5%)[9].
Together, the results of the aforementioned studies indicate that ISO
is aviable option to include in athletes’ training regimes to enhance
strength and dynamic performances.
Original Paper
Key words:
Isometric mid-thigh pull
Countermovement jump
Peak power
Reactive strength index modied
Corresponding author:
Danny Lum
3Stadium Drive
Singapore 397630, Singapore
Tel.: +65 97290819
Danny Lum
Paul Comfort
Tiago M. Barbosa
Govindasamy Balasekaran
Danny Lum et al.
2preliminary tests. This study was part of another study which aimed
to compare the effects of PLYO and ISO on endurance running per-
Sixteen male and six female endurance runners (n = 22,
age = 37± 6 years, stature = 1.71± 0.05 m, body
mass=62.7±8.6kg, weekly mileage=47.3±10.8km) were
recruited for participation in this study, with n=11 for each group.
Participants have been running more than 30km per week for the
last six months; and have not sustained any lower limb injury for the
last six months. Eight of the participants were participating in regu-
lar (2–3time per week) resistance training prior to the study while
the rest of the 14participants did not have any prior resistance
training experience. An equal number of participants with prior re-
sistance training experience were assigned to each training group.
The experiments reported in the manuscript were performed in
accordance with the ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration
and that the participants signed an informed consent form. The study
received ethical approval from the institutional review board of the
local university.
Testing Procedures
Participants were requested to refrain from consuming alcohol and
caffeine, and from participating in intensive training sessions for
24hrs prior to all testing sessions. During the pre- and post-testing
sessions, participants completed the CMJ test and IMTP. All testing
sessions began with 5minutes of moderate intensity jogging on
amotorized treadmill, followed by lower body exercises including
body weight squat, single leg stiff leg deadlift, side lunges and calf
raises. One minute of recovery period was provided prior to com-
mencing the test for that day.
Countermovement Jump Test. The CMJ test was conducted prior
to the IMTP and was performed on dual force plates (Force Decks,
VALD Performance, FD4000, Queensland, Australia) sampling at
1000Hz. Participants were asked to keep their arms akimbo to
eliminate arm swing and maintain their back upright to reduce an-
gular displacement of the hips. Participants performed 3jumps,
separated by 30srest intervals. The commercially available For-
ceDecks software (VALD Performance, ForceDecks, Queensland,
Australia) was used to analyse and generate the CMJ variables using
conventional methods[22]. Participants were asked to stand as still
as possible for>1sprior to the commencement of the countermove-
ment. Take-off was dened as the time point at which the total
vertical force fell below the threshold of 20N[23]. Dependent vari-
ables included; jump height was calculated based on velocity of
centre of mass at take-off, using the impulse momentum relationship,
PF, and peak power (PP), time to take off (TTO), unweighting, brak-
ing and propulsion phase duration, countermovement depth and
reactive strength index modied (RSImod) obtained from highest
CMJ height were recorded and analysed. The PF and PP were
Plyometric training is another form of training used to enhance
force production characterised by ballistic movements that make use
of the stretch shortening cycle, whereby aconcentric muscle action
is enhanced by prior eccentric muscle action of the muscle, enhanc-
ing force production through both neurological potentiation and stor-
age and release of elastic energy[10–12]. This form of training in-
cludes jumping exercises that involves short (<250ms) (e.g.
hopping) or long (>250ms) (e.g. countermovement jump) ground
contact time[11], and is often included into strength training program
to improve rapid force production[2,10]. Plyometric training has
also been shown to benet various athletic performances[13–18].
To date, only two studies have compared the effects of PLYO and
ISO on neuromuscular adaptations[19,20]. It was reported that
ISO resulted in greater increases in tendon stiffness and isometric
force production, but lower improvements in jump height as compared
to PLYO. In addition, ISO only improved jump height of anon-coun-
termovement jump[19,20]. These ndings are in contrast with
ndings of other studies whereby ISO was shown to improve coun-
termovement jump (CMJ) height[5,7,8]. This may be attributable
to the fact that the ISO exercises used by Kubo etal.[20] was single
joint exercise and executed at submaximal intensity while the exer-
cises used by Bimson etal.[5] was executed at multiple joint angles,
and that used by Lum etal.[7] and Lum and Joseph[8] were multi-
joint exercise executed with maximal effort. In addition, despite show-
ing the difference in the effects of PLYO and ISO on jump perfor-
mances and morphological changes, Burgess etal.[19] and Kubo
etal.[20] did not provide data on the changes in force-time char-
acteristics which can provide practitioners with better understanding
and comparison of the adaptations to the two modes of strength
training. For example, acquiring information about countermovement
depth and time to take off (which include all phases of the movement;
unweighting, braking and propulsion phases) is important in under-
standing how achange in jump height is achieved[21]. Furthermore,
the study conducted by Burgess etal.[19] and Kubo etal.[20] used
participants who were not from athletic population, suggesting that
the results might not be applicable to individuals of higher training
status. In view of the gap in the literature, the purpose of this study
was to compare the change in dynamic and isometric force-time
characteristics after undergoing aperiod of either PLYO or ISO. It
was hypothesized that PLYO and ISO would result in similar improve-
ment in jump performance while ISO would result in greater improve-
ment in isometric strength measures.
Experimental Procedure
Arandomized control trial research design was selected. Participants
were required to complete one preliminary testing session which
included CMJ and isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) test. Subsequent-
ly, participants were randomly assigned to either PLYO or ISO group.
Participants completed 6weeks of intervention training twice per
week. At the end of the intervention, participants repeated the
Biology of Sport, Vol. 39 No1, 2022
Plyometric vs isometric strength training
expressed normalized to body mass (e.g., PF / body mass). The
unweighting phase was identied as the onset of movement through
to the point at when negative velocity peaks (when force returns to
body mass). The braking phase was identied at the time between
peak negative velocity and returning to zero velocity (which corre-
sponds to the peak countermovement displacement), and propulsion
phase determined as the period when velocity exceeds 0.01m/s
through to take-off. The RSImod was obtained by dividing CMJ height
by CMJ TTO[24].
The IMTP was performed on the same dual force plates following
the procedure described by Comfort etal.[25]. Participants were
asked to adopt aposture that reected the start of the second pull
of the clean resulting in aknee exion angle of 125–145o and hip
exion angle of 140–150o stance measured using ahandheld goni-
ometer. Participants were required to fully extend the elbows, hold
on to the bar with hands strapped to the bar with lifting straps to
prevent grip from being alimiting factor. Upon the tester’s command,
participants were instructed to pull, by driving their feet into the oor,
‘as hard and fast as possible’. Participants had to maintain the ten-
sion for aperiod of 5s. Participants performed the IMTP twice, if
the PF was within 250Nbetween trials. Each attempt was sepa-
rated by a2min recovery period. The highest force generated during
IMTP was reported as the absolute PF[26]. Relative PF was
calculated by dividing the PF by participant’s body mass. In addition,
force at 100, 150 and 200ms (Force100, Force150 and Force200, re-
spectively) from the onset of pull were determined for each tri-
al[25,27]. The onset of pull was determined using an algorithm-
based analysis program (NMP Technologies LTD., London, UK) that
has been shown to produce high reliability[28].
Participants were instructed to continue with their usual endurance
training but refrain from other forms of lower limb resistance training.
On all training sessions, participants were required to perform either
PLYO or ISO (Table 1) followed by 20min of treadmill running at
individual marathon pace.
Participants commence each session with 15min of warm up
including, jogging, lunges, squats and submaximal vertical jumps.
For PLYO, participants were instructed to jump to maximum height
for drop jump and split jump, and maximum distance for single
leg bounding, during each repetition. Participants were also in-
structed to minimise ground contact time for drop jump and single
leg bounding. For ISO, participants were instructed to exert maxi-
mum force as fast as possible and hold each repetition for 3sdu-
ration[7]. The IMTP was performed in the same position as during
the test. While during the isometric ankle plantar flexion,
TABLE 1. Plyometric and isometric strength training program.
Exercise xSets* xRepetitions Exercise xSets# xRepetitions#
40cm drop jump x3x5
Single leg bounding x3x5/side
Split Jump x3x5/side
Isometric ankle plantar exion x3x3
IMTP x3x3
40cm drop jump x4x5
Single leg bounding x4x5/side
Split Jump x4x5/side
Isometric ankle plantar exion x3x4
IMTP x3x4
50cm drop jump x4x5
Single leg bounding x4x5/side
Split Jump x4x5/side
Isometric ankle plantar exion x3x5
IMTP x3x5
50cm drop jump x4x5
Single leg bounding x4x5/side
Split Jump x4x5/side
Isometric ankle plantar exion x4x5
IMTP x4x5
60cm drop jump x4x5
†† Single leg bounding x4x5/side
††Split Jump x4x5/side
Isometric ankle plantar exion x4x5
IMTP x4x5
60cm drop jump x2x5
†† Single leg bounding x2x5/side
††Split Jump x2x5/side
Isometric ankle plantar exion x2x5
IMTP x2x5
Note: * Rest (passive) intervals between sets for Ply were 3minutes. # Rest (passive) intervals between sets and repetitions for Iso
were 3minutes and 2s, respectively. Subjects held aweight plate on each hand that adds up to 5% of their body weight. ††
Subjects held aweight plate on each hand that adds up to 10% of their body weight.
Danny Lum et al.
The ICC and%CV data for all measured variables showed high repeat-
ability (Table 2). Test-retest data indicated ICC between 0.89–1.00
and %CV between 0.54–9.87 for all CMJ measures, and ICC between
0.94–1.00 and%CV between 1.51–6.47 for all IMTP measures.
Pre- and post-test results for all CMJ and IMTP measures are
displayed in Table 3and Table 4, respectively. Large time xgroup
interactions were observed in countermovement depth (P=0.037,
ƞ²p=0.21), IMTP PF (P=0.071, ƞ²p=0.22) and IMTP relative
PF (P=0.030, ƞ²p=0.22). Non-signicant yet moderate time
xgroup interactions were observed in CMJ PF, unweighting phase
duration, RSImod and Force150 (P>0.05, 0.03ƞ²p0.1).
Signicant large main effects for time were observed in CMJ height
(P<0.001, ƞ²p=0.65), CMJ PP (P=0.032, ƞ²p=0.21), propul-
sion phase duration (P=0.021, ƞ²p=0.24), countermovement
depth (P=0.014, ƞ²p=0.288), RSImod (P=0.022, ƞ²p=0.23),
IMTP PF (P<0.001, ƞ²p =0.53) and relative PF (P<0.001,
ƞ²p=0.53). While non-signicant but large effects were observed
for Force100 (P=0.073, ƞ²p=0.15) and Force200 (P=0.046,
ƞ²p=0.18). Non-signicant, but moderate main effect for time was
observed in CMJ PF (P=0.244, ƞ²p=0.07). The effect for time
showed signicant and small improvements in CMJ height for both
PLYO (P<0.001, d=0.48) and ISO (P=0.009, d=0.47). While
asignicant and small improvement in CMJ PP was observed in
PLYO only (P=0.018, d=0.31).
However, only ISO resulted in
asignicant and large increase in countermovement depth (P=0.004,
participants stood upright where the hips and knees were fully
extended, and ankle in 0o plantar exion. Abar was placed on the
shoulder and xed in position. Participants were required to max-
imally plantar ex the ankles while maintaining the extended hip
and knee positions.
Statistical Analyses
All tested variables are expressed by Mean (±1SD) and 95% of
condence intervals. Within session test-retest reliability was assessed
using two-way mixed intraclass correlation coefcients (ICC) and
coefcient of variation (%CV) for all measured variables. ICC values
were deemed as poor if ICC<0.50; moderate 0.50–0.74; good if
0.75–0.90; and excellent if ICC>0.90[29]. Acceptable within-
session variability was classied as<10%[30]. Mixed ANOVAs
(between- xwithin-participant analysis; 2training groups x2testing
times; P0.05) was performed for each variable. Effect size was
computed by partial eta-squared (ƞ²p) and deemed: without effect
if 0<ƞ²p 0.01; small if 0.01<ƞ²p0.06; moderate if
0.06<ƞ²p0.14 and; large if ƞ²p>0.14[31]. All assumptions
to run ANOVAs have been checked beforehand, including normality
and sphericity. Degrees of freedom were corrected whenever spheric-
ity’s assumption was violated. Paired T-test was used to determine
if there was any change in test measures within group. Cohen’s dwas
calculated as standardized effect size for mean comparisons and
deemed: (i) trivial if d<0.20; (ii) small d0.20–0.49; (iii) moderate
if d0.50–0.80; and (iv) large if d>0.80[31].
TABLE 2. Reliability analysis of all measured variables.
ICC 95%CI %CV 95%CI
CMJ Height (cm) 1.00 0.99–1.00 1.20 1.00–1.50
CMJ PF (N ·kg-1) 0.98 0.96–0.99 2.83 2.32–3.65
CMJ PP (W ·kg-1) 1.00 0.99–1.00 1.65 1.36–2.13
CMJ TTO (s) 0.92 0.82–0.96 4.66 3.82–6.03
Unweighting Phase (s) 0.91 0.81–0.96 9.87 7.72–12.01
Braking Phase (s) 0.89 0.77–0.95 9.74 7.69–11.80
Propulsion Phase (s) 0.89 0.78–0.95 4.50 3.61–6.22
Countermovement Depth (cm) 0.93 0.85–0.96 3.48 2.77–4.75
RSImod (m ·s-1) 0.97 0.94–0.99 4.03 3.30–5.21
IMTP PF (N) 1.00 0.99–1.00 1.25 1.03–1.61
IMTP Relative PF (N ·kg-1) 1.00 0.99–1.00 1.25 1.03–1.61
Force100 (N) 0.97 0.94–0.99 5.36 4.28–7.29
Force150 (N) 0.98 0.95–0.99 4.71 3.76–6.39
Force200 (N) 0.98 0.95–0.99 4.58 3.66–6.22
Note: ICC=intraclass correlation coefcient, CI=condence interval, CV=coefcient of variation, CMJ=countermovement jump,
PF= peak force, PP=peak power, TTO=time to take off, Depth= countermovement depth, RSImod=reactive strength index
modied, IMTP=isometric mid-thigh pull, Force100=force at 100ms, Force150=force at 150ms, Force200=force at 200ms.
Biology of Sport, Vol. 39 No1, 2022
Plyometric vs isometric strength training
TABLE 3. Analyses of countermovement jump measures.
(N · kg-1)
(W ·kg-1)
ing Phase
Depth (cm)
(m ·s-1)
Pre 28.6 (6.3) 23.1 (1.8) 45.5 (7.2) 0.730
(0.028) 27.5 (5.8) 0.39 (0.08)
Post 31.5 (5.9) 23.2 (2.7) 47.7 (6.9) 0.737
(0.043) 27.9 (7.1) 0.44 (0.11)
CI) (2.0; 3.9) (-1.3; 1.1) (-4.0; -0.5) (-0.06; 0.07) (-0.052;
0.036) (-2.6; 3.5) (< -0.01;
P < 0.001 0.822 0.018 0.922 0.259 0.790 0.207 0.759 0.053
d 0.48 0.04 0.31 0.11 0.47 0.13 0.36 0.06 0.52
Pre 28.6 (4.7) 23.9 (3.6) 44.4 (5.6) 0.754
(0.045) 27.1 (4.3) 0.39 (0.11)
Post 31.1 (5.8) 22.7 (2.2) 46.5 (8.8) 0.767
(0.039) 31.7 (4.7) 0.42 (0.12)
CI) (0.8; 4.3) (-0.4; 2.9) (-6.0; 1.7) (-0.05;
0.07) (-0.02; 0.03) (-0.062;
0.034) (-1.9; 7.3) (-0.02; 0.07)
P0.009 0.127 0.244 0.650 0.812 0.767 0.038 0.004 0.222
d 0.47 -0.4 0.28 0.14 0.06 0.08 0.65 1.02 0.26
F0.194 2.179 0.002 0.069 1.246 0.166 0.111 5.047 0.597
P0.664 0.155 0.965 0.795 0.277 0.688 0.743 0.037 0.449
η2 p 0.01 0.10 <0.01 <0.01 0.06 0.001 <0.01 0.21 0.03
Time Main
F37.640 1.444 5.294 0.167 0.693 <0.001 6.263 7.384 6.123
P<0.001 0.244 0.032 0.687 0.415 0.996 0.021 0.014 0.022
η2 p 0.65 0.07 0.21 0.01 0.03 <0.01 0.24 0.28 0.23
F0.006 0.021 0.140 0.318 0.562 0.554 0.687 0.572 0.024
P0.939 0.886 0.712 0.579 0.462 0.465 0.417 0.459 0.879
η2 p <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 <0.01
Note: Δ=average change, CI=condence interval, CMJ=countermovement jump, PF=peak force, PP=peak power, TTO=time
to take off, Depth=countermovement depth, RSImod=reactive strength index modied.
TABLE 4. Analyses of isometric mid-thigh pull measures.
IMTP Relative PF
(N ·kg-1)
Pre 2112.5 (409.6) 32.8 (5.6) 1136.5 (236.5) 1362.0 (305.0) 1586.0 (338.2)
Post 2209.7 (448.7) 34.2 (5.1) 1194.9 (222.6) 1318.6 (448.4) 1697.0 (256.2)
(95% CI) (-35.4; 230.0) (-0.7; 3.4) (-62.9; 179.8) (-294.5; 207.8) (-49.0; 269.2)
P0.133 0.179 0.308 0.709 0.154
d 0.23 0.26 0.25 -0.11 0.37
Pre 2040.9 (389.9) 33.5 (3.8) 1095.8 (321.7) 1379.5 (408.2) 1582.1(441.5)
Post 2268.4 (440.4) 37.4 (5.1) 1181.4 (344.0) 1485.9 (440.5) 1713.5 (481.5)
(95% CI) (153.3; 301.6) (2.6; 5.3) (-32.9; 203.9) (-51.5; 264.4) (-65.5; 328.3)
P<0.001 <0.001 0.139 0.164 0.168
d 0.55 0.87 0.26 0.25 0.28
Time xGroup
F3.642 5.487 0.127 1.266 0.035
P0.071 0.030 0.726 0.274 0.853
η2 p 0.15 0.22 <0.01 0.06 <0.01
Time Main Effect
F22.659 22.696 3.581 0.224 4.517
P<0.001 <0.001 0.073 0.641 0.046
η2 p 0.53 0.53 0.15 0.01 0.18
Group Main
F0.001 0.890 0.055 0.337 0.001
P0.971 0.357 0.818 0.568 0.971
η2 p <0.01 0.04 <0.01 0.02 <0.01
Note: Δ=average change, CI=condence interval, IMTP=isometric mid-thigh pull, Force100=force at 100 ms, Force150=force
at 150 ms, Force200=force at 200 ms.
Danny Lum et al.
Force150 (P=0.333, d=0.42) (Figure 2) were observed, with
ISO showing greater changes. However, non-signicant and small to
moderate differences in favour of PLYO for percentage change in all
CMJ measures except CMJ PP, was observed (P > 0.05,
0.22d0.58) (Figure 1).
This study compared the change in dynamic and isometric force-time
characteristics after undergoing aperiod of PLYO and ISO. Results
showed that both groups improved CMJ height, but only the ISO
group improved IMTP PF and relative PF. In addition, when percent-
age changes in CMJ measures were compared, there were only small
differences between groups except for countermovement depth, where
alarger increase was observed in ISO (ISO: 18.3% vs PLYO: 2.5%).
d=1.02), asignicant and moderate increase in propulsion phase
duration (P=0.038, d=0.65), asignicant and moderate improve-
ment in IMTP PF (P<0.001, d=0.55) and asignicant and large
improvement in IMTP relative PF (P<0.001, d=0.87).
Non-signicant and small group main effects were observed for
CMJ TTO, unweighting, braking and propulsion phase duration,
countermovement depth, IMTP relative PF and Force150 (P>0.05,
0.02ƞ²p0.04). Asignicant and large differences between groups
was observed for percentage change in countermovement depth
(P=0.003, d=0.96) (Figure 1), and relative PF (P=0.047,
d=0.90) (Figure 2), although anon-signicant yet large difference
in IMTP PF (P=0.061, d=0.84) and non-signicant and small
differences for unweighting phase (P=0.595, d=0.23) and pro-
pulsion phase (P=0.630, d=0.21) durations (Figure 1) and
FIG. 1. Percentage change in CMJ measures. ††Denotes signicant difference from PLYO (P<0.01).
Biology of Sport, Vol. 39 No1, 2022
Plyometric vs isometric strength training
the CMJ action, which allowed for the improvement of task-specic
motor coordination in addition to muscular strength, hence, the im-
provement in CMJ height observed in ISO in the current study.
Despite the improvement in CMJ height observed in both groups,
there were only trivial to small changes to CMJ PF, PP and TTO.
Although minimal change in CMJ TTO was observed, there were
small reduction in unweighting phase duration and small increase
in propulsion phase duration in PLYO, amoderate increase in propul-
sion phase duration for ISO, with no change in braking phase dura-
tion for both groups. The increased propulsion phase duration would
have resulted in agreater propulsive impulse (force xtime) that re-
sulted in greater jump height in ISO. The lack of change in counter-
movement depth and small reduction in unweighting phase duration
in PLYO, and the lack for change in unweighting phase duration
despite the large increment in countermovement depth in ISO, indi-
cate that agreater unweighting net impulse was produced as com-
pared to pre-intervention. This eventually resulted in participants
producing similarly greater braking impulse as compared to pre-in-
tervention. The minimal change in breaking duration despite the
increased braking impulse indicate that greater rate of eccentric force
was applied. The moderate improvement in RSImod observed in
PLYO indicated that the greater amount of propulsive impulse could
have been partially contributed by the improved utilisation of the
stretch shortening cycle. Conversely, small change in RSImod was
However, when percentage changes in IMTP measures were com-
pared, there were large differences for PF (ISO: 11.1% vs PLYO:
4.8%) and relative PF (ISO: 11.5% vs PLYO: 4.6%). These ndings
show that PLYO and ISO resulted in similar improvement in jump
performance while ISO resulted in greater improvement in isometric
strength measures, thus, supported our hypothesis and the theory
of specicity.
The benet of PLYO on CMJ performance is well document-
ed[10,11,15,20,32]. Conversely, the effects of ISO on CMJ
performance remain controversial as some researchers have report-
ed no improvement[33,34] while others reported improve-
ments[5,7,8] in CMJ height after performing ISO. Furthermore,
previous studies that compared the neuromuscular adaptations be-
tween PLYO and ISO reported that ISO only resulted in improved
jump height of non-countermovement jumps[19,20]. It was sug-
gested that studies that reported no improvement in CMJ performance
after ISO were likely because ISO was performed using single joint
exercise and at single joint position; and ISO was not performed with
rapid and maximal effort[1]. Indeed, studies that have reported
improved CMJ, including the current study, have either performed
ISO at multiple joint positions[5] or performed ISO with multi-joint
exercise and rapid maximal contraction[7,8]. The performance of
ISO with multi-joint exercise and with rapid maximal contraction in
this study probably better mimicked the neuromuscular demands of
FIG. 2. Percentage change in IMTP measures. Denotes signicant difference from PLYO (P<0.05).
Danny Lum et al.
observed in ISO indicating that the increase propulsive impulse was
more likely attributed to increased force production overtime due to
increased muscular strength and countermovement depth[35]. Based
on these ndings, improvement in CMJ height observed in PLYO and
ISO were due to different mechanisms.
Similar to previous studies, the current results showed greater
improvement in isometric PF and relative PF in ISO as compared to
PLYO[19,20]. In fact, it was previously reported that isometric peak
force did not change after undergoing aperiod of PLYO[36]. The
effect of ISO on improving isometric strength is well evident in the
literature, and is attributed to improved motor unit activation, ring
rate and synchronisation, muscle hypertrophy and tendon stiff-
ness[1,19,20,37]. This increased in ability to produce greater
force in the lower limb could be areason for the improved CMJ height
as it was previously reported that individuals were able to jump
higher by improving their muscular strength via strength training[36].
Although the neuromuscular adaptations attributed to the improved
isometric PF and relative PF observed in ISO are also evident in
PLYO[10,19,20,32], the lack of specicity in motor coordination
during training might be areason for the small improvement in IMTP
peak force and relative PF observed.
In contrast with previous studies that reported improved rate of
force development (RFD) after aperiod of ISO and PLYO[7,8,
19,36,38], the current results showed only small improvement
in RFD as reected by the small change in Force100, Force150 and
Force200. The interference effect of concurrent strength and endur-
ance training in this study could be areason for this discrepan-
cy[39,40]. Our participants continued with endurance run train-
ing while undergoing the intervention, but participants in studies
showing improved RFD did not perform concurrent strength and
endurance training[7,8,19,36,38]. Similar to the current nd-
ings, Häkkinen etal.[40] reported that participants who performed
concurrent strength and endurance training did not improve max-
imum RFD despite the improved isometric leg extension PF. As
adaptations to training differ according to specic mode of exercise,
the combined effect of strength and endurance training might have
resulted in certain degree of antagonism, leading to ablunted im-
provement in RFD[40].
Several limitations should be considered when interpreting the
current results. Firstly, the benets of ISO are dependent on the in-
tensity and rate of force developed during each contraction[1,7,38].
Therefore, participants’ compliance to perform each repetition with
maximal effort would greatly affect the magnitude of strength gain.
As force production was not measured during ISO, it was not known
if all participants had complied with the instructions given. Sec-
ondly, the intervention training was performed in concurrent with
endurance training, which might have induced an interference effect
and blunted the adaptations for RFD. Hence, the current results
might not be applicable to non-endurance sports athletes. Thirdly,
there was amixture of strength training experience among participants
in the current study. The results may differ if intervention was per-
formed by amore homogenous group of athletes. Future studies may
attempt to ll in these gaps.
In conclusion, both ISO and PLYO led to improved CMJ height via
different mechanisms. However, while ISO resulted in improved
maximum force production capability, this improvement was not
observed in PLYO. Finally, RFD was not improved in both training
groups. This was possibly due to interference effect from concurrent
strength and endurance training.
The authors declared that they have no conict of interest.
Conict of interest
The authors declared no conict of interest.
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... Las investigaciones acerca del impacto del entrenamiento isométrico en el ámbito deportivo son amplias y proporcionan una amplia variedad de enfoques y resultados. En estos estudios se abordan puntos fundamentales, tales como la eficacia del entrenamiento combinado isométrico y pliométrico en jugadores juveniles de balonmano (Allégue et al., 2023), la comparación entre el entrenamiento isométrico en diferentes ángulos y el entrenamiento dinámico convencional (Folland et al., 2005), y la mejora de características de fuerzatiempo dinámicas e isométricas mediante entrenamiento pliométrico e isométrico (Lum et al., 2022). Explorando diferentes contextos deportivos, investigaciones han evaluado la efectividad de protocolos isométricos en la mejora de habilidades específicas, como la altura del salto en mujeres entre-nadas (Koźlenia & Domaradzki, 2023). ...
... Asimismo, se exploran los efectos específicos del ejercicio de sentadilla isométrica en el rendimiento de sprint en jugadores de fútbol, el cual demostró una mejora estadísticamente significativa en el rendimiento de sprint (Styles et al.,2016). Estos estudios ofrecen una base sólida para comprender la diversidad de resultados y aplicaciones del entrenamiento isométrico en diversas disciplinas deportivas (Allégue et al.,2023;Folland et al., 2005;Lum et al., 2022;Koźlenia & Domaradzki 2023, Styles et al.,2016. ...
... Siguiendo la misma línea de trabajo, Bogdanis et al. (2018) también documentó aumentos en el desarrollo de la fuerza tras el entrenamiento isométrico, observando mejoras del 18-43% en la RFD en diferen-tes ángulos de la rodilla. En cuanto a la mejora del rendimiento en saltos, Lum et al. (2021) y Lum et al. (2022) encontraron que el entrenamiento isométrico mejoró tanto la altura del salto en el salto de contramovimiento (CMJ) como la fuerza máxima isométrica. También observaron que el entrenamiento pliométrico e isométrico produce mejoras similares en la altura del CMJ, pero solo el entrenamiento isométrico mostró un incremento en la fuerza máxima isométrica y relativa. ...
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Introducción: El entrenamiento isométrico tiene relación con la mantención de la contracción y longitud muscular, el cual se ha transferido al ámbito físico y deportivo. Objetivo: Analizar y describir los efectos del entrenamiento isométrico en el ámbito del rendimiento físico y deportivo. Métodos: La revisión narrativa, fue desarrollada en combinación de las metodologías descritas por Kart & Kart, y Castillo-Paredes et al., a través de la estrategia de búsqueda con las siguientes palabras claves y operadores booleanos; ("Young adults") OR ("Adults") AND ("isometric exercise") OR ("Isometric Strength Training") OR ("isometric resistance exercise") AND ("perfomance") OR ("strength") OR ("power") OR ("fitness") en tres bases de datos (PubMed, Scopus y WoS). Se identificaron un total de 14 investigaciones que dieron respuestas a la estrategia de búsqueda. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron mejoras significativas en la tasa de desarrollo de fuerza de los músculos de la pantorrilla en el grupo experimental, destacando la importancia de un entrenamiento personalizado. Además, se observaron diferencias significativas en la fuerza muscular entre jugadores de voleibol y un grupo de control, resaltando la relevancia de evaluar la fuerza muscular para mejorar el rendimiento y prevenir lesiones. Conclusiones: Finalmente, se enfatiza la importancia de diseñar programas de entrenamiento isométrico de manera personalizada, considerando la especificidad del ejercicio y las características individuales de los sujetos. Se destaca la fiabilidad de pruebas como el squat isométrico y las pruebas de resistencia muscular isométrica, subrayando la relevancia del entrenamiento isométrico en la salud y el rendimiento deportivo.
... Figure 2 shows an example of hip mobility exercises. In this phase, isometric strength "Iso-Hold" hip-type exercises were also performed in 2-3 sets of 2-3 repetitions, lasting from 10 to 30 s on each side [35]. This training was conducted at the beginning of the season to generate a general muscular physical conditioning in the athlete, to avoid muscular decompensation, and to work on the stabilizing musculature. ...
... Over this period hold" work was halted, and the "Iso-push" work was maintained, with the lo latter being increased to 3-4 sets of 3-4 repetitions of 3" on each side. The contra has been shown to generate positive effects on both absolute strength gain and economy [35]. ...
... Over this period, the "Iso hold" work was halted, and the "Iso-push" work was maintained, with the load for the latter being increased to 3-4 sets of 3-4 repetitions of 3" on each side. The contrast method has been shown to generate positive effects on both absolute strength gain and running economy [35]. ...
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1) Background: Studies on injury prevention programs are lacking for triathletes. The aim of the present study was to describe the results of a holistic (injury) training prevention program (HITP), based on training load control and strength training, in elite triathletes. (2) Methods: The study was conducted over 2021-2023 and involved 18 males and 10 females from the same training group. The HITP itself included various methods of fatigue monitoring, strength training focused on the prevention of overuse injuries (OIs), cycling skills training, and recovery strategies. The total number and type of injuries that were sustained, subsequent training/competition absence time, and injury incidence were determined. (3) Results: Twenty-four injuries were recorded over all three seasons, i.e., 0.65 injuries per 1000 h of training and competition exposure. Fourteen injuries were traumatic injuries (TIs) and ten were OIs. Of the OIs, four were of minimal severity, two were mild, three were moderate, and one was severe (accounting for 1-3, 4-7, 8-28, and >28 days of training absenteeism, respectively). A total of 46.4% of the participants did not present any type of injury and 71,4% did not incur any OIs. Average absenteeism was 17.3 days per injury. (4) Conclusions: The HITP design and implementation resulted in low OI and severe injury incidence. Due to their unpredictable nature, the number of TIs was not reduced. The TIs were suffered more frequently by men. Women are more likely to suffer from OIs, so it is particularly important to prevent OIs in women.
... From intervention studies comparing isometric versus concentric/eccentric training modalities, we can observe that isometric training can promote similar gains in strength than traditional training [9], and its inclusion during traditional resistance training can improve performance both in the lower [10,11] and in the upper body [12] and induce similar improvements in jump performance alongside with greater gains in isometric force compared to plyometric training [13]. ...
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Since isometric training is gaining popularity, some devices are being developed to test isometric force as an alternative to the more expensive force plates (FPs); thus, the aim of this study was to test the reliability and validity of “GSTRENGTH” for measuring PF in the isometric belt squat exercise. Five subjects performed 24 contractions at three different knee angles (90°, 105° and 120°) on two occasions (120 total cases). Peak force data were measured using FPs and a strain gauge (SG) and analyzed by Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient, ICCs, Cronbach’s alpha, a paired sample t-test and Bland–Altman plots. Perfect or almost perfect relationships (r: 0.999–1) were found with an almost perfect or perfect level of agreement (ICCs: 0.992–1; α: 0.998–1). The t-test showed significant differences for the raw data but not for the predictions by the equations obtained with the SG values. The Bland–Altman plots, when significant, showed trivial to moderate values for systematic bias in general. In conclusion, “GSTRENGTH” was shown to be a valid alternative to FPs for measuring PF.
... In this regard, and as suggested by several studies (Bogdanis, et al., 2014;Bogdanis, et al., 2018;Duchateau & Hainaut, 2020;Lum, Comfort, et al., 2022), isometric tension training can provide a powerful neuromuscular stimulus by improving specific aspects of motor coordination, including greater contraction speed and synchronization of muscle fibers. This would be related to positive adaptations at the excitation-contraction coupling level, particularly observed when the athlete aims to develop maximum strength in the shortest possible time (Fleck & Kraemer, 2017). ...
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Shooting represents a fundamental skill in handball. Among other factors, its effectiveness requires a significant development of explosive strength. Isometric training may provide a powerful neuromuscular stimulus for its enhancement. Despite its importance and practicality, few studies have addressed the effect of this type of training on shooting speed in women's handball. Twenty female players were divided into two groups: isometric training (GI, n=10) and dynamic training (GD, n=10). Over nine weeks, twice a week, both groups completed an upper limb pushing resistance training: GI performed maximum isometric strength, and GD performed dynamic strength at 80% of one maximum repetition (1MR). In both cases, the effort was followed by medicine ball throws. The loads for both groups were equated in terms of sets and duration. Pre- and post-intervention, the 1MR of each player was estimated through a load progression test in bench press exercise. Additionally, the shooting speed with and without aiming at a target was measured from seven and nine meters using a radar. The findings showed a trend towards improvement in both groups (slightly higher in GI); however, only the not-targeted shooting speed from 9 meters in GI reached statistical significance (p < .05). The correlation between 1MR and shooting speed was low to moderate. In summary, both types of training yielded similar results. Given the practical advantages of isometric training, it could be suggested that this training could serve as an effective and practical alternative for enhancing strength and shooting speed in handball. Keywords: Handball, handball shooting, isometric strength training, women's sport.
... In this regard, and as suggested by several studies (Bogdanis, et al., 2014;Bogdanis, et al., 2018;Duchateau & Hainaut, 2020;Lum, Comfort, et al., 2022), isometric tension training can provide a powerful neuromuscular stimulus by improving specific aspects of motor coordination, including greater contraction speed and synchronization of muscle fibers. This would be related to positive adaptations at the excitation-contraction coupling level, particularly observed when the athlete aims to develop maximum strength in the shortest possible time (Fleck & Kraemer, 2017). ...
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Shooting represents a fundamental skill in handball. Among other factors, its effectiveness requires a significant development of explosive strength. Isometric training may provide a powerful neuromuscular stimulus for its enhancement. Despite its importance and practicality, few studies have addressed the effect of this type of training on shooting speed in women's handball. Twenty female players were divided into two groups: isometric training (IG, n=10) and dynamic training (DG, n=10). Over nine weeks, twice a week, both groups completed an upper limb pushing resistance training: IG performed maximum isometric strength, and DG performed dynamic strength at 80% of one maximum repetition (1MR). In both cases, the effort was followed by medicine ball throws. The loads for both groups were equated in terms of sets and duration. Pre-and post-intervention, the 1MR of each player was estimated through a load progression test in bench press exercise. Additionally, the shooting speed with and without aiming at a target was measured from seven and nine meters using a radar. The findings showed a trend towards improvement in both groups (slightly higher in IG); however, only the not-targeted shooting speed from 9 meters in IG reached statistical significance (p < .05). The correlation between 1MR and shooting speed was low to moderate. In summary, both types of training yielded similar results. Given the practical advantages of isometric training, it could be suggested that this training could serve as an effective and practical alternative for enhancing strength and shooting speed in handball. Keywords: Handball, handball shooting, isometric strength training, women's sport. Resumen. El lanzamiento a portería constituye una habilidad fundamental en balonmano. Su efectividad requiere, entre otros factores, un desarrollo significativo de la fuerza explosiva. El entrenamiento isométrico puede proporcionar un potente estímulo neu-romuscular para su incremento. A pesar de su importancia y practicidad, pocos estudios han abordado el efecto de este tipo de entre-namiento sobre la velocidad del lanzamiento en balonmano femenino. En el presente trabajo, 20 jugadoras fueron divididas en dos grupos: entrenamiento isométrico (GI, n=10) y entrenamiento dinámico (GD, n=10). Durante nueve semanas, dos veces a la semana, ambos grupos entrenaron fuerza de empuje de miembros superiores: GI realizó fuerza isométrica máxima y GD fuerza dinámica al 80% de una máxima repetición (1RM). En ambos casos el esfuerzo fue seguido por lanzamientos de balones medicinales. Las cargas de ambos grupos fueron equiparadas en términos de series y duración. Pre y post intervención se estimó el 1RM de cada jugadora mediante una prueba de progresión de cargas en el ejercicio de press de banca. También se midió, mediante un radar, la velocidad de lanzamiento con y sin puntería a un blanco desde una distancia de siete y de nueve metros. Los resultados mostraron tendencia a la mejora en ambos grupos (ligeramente mayor en GI); pero únicamente la velocidad de lanzamiento sin puntería desde los 9 metros en GI alcanzó significancia estadística (p < 0,05). La correlación entre el 1RM estimado y la velocidad de lanzamiento fue baja a moderada. En suma, ambos tipos de entrenamiento mostraron resultados similares. Dada las ventajas prácticas que ofrece el entrenamiento isométrico, los hallazgos sugieren que dicho entrenamiento podría constituirse en una alternativa eficaz y práctica para la mejora de la fuerza y velocidad de lanzamiento en balonmano. Palabras claves: Balonmano, lanzamiento en balonmano; entrenamiento isométrico de fuerza, deporte femenino.
... 05 Ramírez-Campillo et al., 2014;Redondo et al., 2014;Zribi et al., 2014;Attene et al., 2015;Chelly et al., 2015;Sáez De Villarreal et al., 2015;Hall et al., 2016;Ramirez-Campillo et al., 2016;Rodríguez-Rosell et al., 2016;Agostini et al., 2017;Chtara et al., 2017;Daehlin et al., 2017;Neves Da Silva et al., 2017;Rodríguez-Rosell et al., 2017;Rosas et al., 2017;Asadi et al., 2018;Beato et al., 2018;Chatzinikolaou et al., 2018;Fischetti et al., 2018;Hernandez et al., 2018;Idrizovic et al., 2018;Ita and Guntoro, 2018;Latorre Román et al., 2018;Makhlouf et al., 2018;Ramirez-Campillo et al., 2018;Hammami et al., 2019a; Frontiers in Physiology 07 Falch et al., 2022;Kaabi et al., 2022;Lum et al., 2022;Nonnato et al., 2022;Panda et al., 2022;Rojano Ortega et al., 2022;Sanchez et al., 2022;Villalba et al., 2022;Aztarain-Cardiel et al., 2023;Brini et al., 2023;Cabrejas et al., 2023;Lum et al., 2023;Marzouki et al., 2023). ...
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Background: Jumping ability is one of the necessary qualities for athletes. Previous studies have shown that plyometric training and complex training including plyometrics can improve athletes’ jumping ability. With the emergence of various types of complex training, there is uncertainty about which training method has the best effect. This study conducted a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of plyometric-related training on athletes’ jumping ability, to provide some reference for coaches to design training plans. Methods: We systematically searched 3 databases (PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus) up to July 2023 to identify randomized controlled trials investigating plyometrics related training in athletes. The two researchers conducted literature screening, extraction and quality assessment independently. We performed a network meta-analysis using Stata 16. Results: We analyzed 83 studies and found that complex training, which includes high-intensity intervals and plyometric exercises, was the most effective method for improving squat jumps (SURCA = 96%). In the case of countermovement jumps a combination of electrostimulation and plyometric training yielded the best results (SURCA = 97.6%). Weightlifting training proved to be the most effective for the standing long jump (SURCA = 81.4%), while strength training was found to be the most effective for the five bounces test (SURCA = 87.3%). Conclusion: Our current study shows that complex training performs more efficient overall in plyometric-related training. However, there are different individual differences in the effects of different training on different indicators (e.g., CMJ, SJ, SLJ, 5BT) of athletes. Therefore, in order to ensure that the most appropriate training is selected, it is crucial to accurately assess the physical condition of each athlete before implementation. Clinical Trial Registration:, Registration and protocol CRD42023456402.
... The CMJ was performed in a gym on the commercially available ForceDecks dual force platforms (VALD Performance, FD4000, Queensland, Australia) at a sampling rate of 1000 Hz. The CMJ procedures followed the guidelines described by Lum et al. [23]. Participants were instructed to keep their hands on their hips to eliminate arm swing during the jumps. ...
Dynamic strength index (DSI) and percentage of isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) peak force (PF) produced during early epoch, expressed as a percentage of net PF (%PF), are useful strength assessments to evaluate an athlete’s training status. Due to the similarity in diagnosis that the DSI ratio and %PF provides, it is not known whether %PF can reflect closely to an athlete’s DSI ratio. Therefore, the aim of this study is to establish the relationship between DSI and %PF. Thirty-seven national athletes (age = 22.9 ± 3.12 years; height = 1.73 ± 0.08 m; body mass = 69.1 ± 10.68 kg) were recruited for this study. Participants performed the countermovement jump test (CMJ) and isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) during both familiarisation and testing sessions. IMTP and CMJ force–time variables were collected to compute the DSI ratio and %PF for analysis. Trivial to small correlations between DSI and %PF was observed across all epochs (50 ms: r = 0.09, 95% CI − 0.241–0.402, P > 0.598; 100 ms: r = − 0.021, 95% CI − 0.343–0.305, P > 0.9; 150 ms: r = − 0.058, 95% CI − 0.375–0.271, P > 0.734; 200 ms: r = 0.126, 95% CI − 0.207–0.432, P > 0.458). DSI ratio and %PF are two distinct monitoring tools and not interchangeable. Both DSI and the percentage of IMTP net PF at early time points are useful in evaluating athletes’ previous training phases and current physical performance.
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Background: Pushing isometric muscle actions (PIMA) are regularly utilized to evaluate strength, fatigue, and neuromechanical aspects. Holding isometric muscle actions (HIMA) are largely unknown, although practitioners prescribe them in rehabilitation and performance contexts. The lack of knowledge and consensus in research on the distinction between two isometric types and limited scientific backing makes appropriate use in clinical and performance contexts difficult. Objective: To gather research directly comparing PIMA and HIMA, and to summarize and synthesize findings. We also aimed to identify potential practical applications for both tasks. Lastly, we highlight existing gaps in the literature and propose directions for future research. Methods: CINAHL, Embase, MEDLINE, PubMed and Web of Science databases were searched for peer-reviewed articles comparing PIMA and HIMA in humans. Risk-of-bias and study quality were assessed via established assessments for quasi-experimental studies and funnel plots, respectively. Findings were synthesized where possible, with meta-analyses and meta-regressions performed on time-to-task-failure (TTF), ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), heart rate (HR), and mean arterial pressure (MAP). Results: Fifty-four studies (publication year = 2012.9 ± 6.9; 1995-2024) were identified (N=856 participants; ~29.5 ± 10.1 years). Thirty-five included performance parameters (e.g., TTF), 45 examined neurological outputs (e.g., electromyography (EMG), electroencephalography), and 14 explored cardiovascular or metabolic (e.g., glucose uptake, oxygenation) variables. Meta-analysis of 23 studies revealed consistently longer TTF for PIMA vs HIMA at the same absolute intensity (n = 407; g = -0.74, p < 0.001), except for two studies examining axial muscles (g = 1.78-3.59, p < 0.001). Meta-analyses of 6-11 studies detected no absolute differences in HR, MAP, or RPE (n = 136-194; g = -0.11 to 0.18, p = 0.07-0.96), except for RPE at 50% of TTF being greater during PIMA (n = 164; g = -0.31, p = 0.01). PIMA mostly showed higher force fluctuations, discharge rates, D1-inhibition and peak torque, while HIMA indicated higher heteronymous facilitation, EMG burst rates, interspike interval variation, muscular glucose uptake, and faster increases in force/position fluctuations, EMG amplitude, RPE, HR, and MAP. Findings on muscle activation were mixed. HIMAs showed fewer neurological alterations during experimental joint pain. Conclusions: Evidence suggests distinguishing two types of isometric muscle action indicating more complex control strategies for HIMA than PIMA. Findings revealed similarities to anisometric actions, suggesting that the control strategies of HIMA and PIMA resemble the ones for muscle lengthening and shortening, respectively. HIMAs could provide a time-efficient approach for inducing musculoskeletal, neural, and cardiovascular adaptations in rehabilitation. PIMA may be beneficial for prolonged activation and agonist neuromuscular adaptations. Methods varied widely across studies, making additional meta-analyses impossible. More consistent methodology and data reporting are recommended. Randomized controlled trials are required to confirm the use of PIMA vs HIMA in clinical or performance contexts. The knowledge of both isometric types should be implemented in research and education. Registration: The original protocol was prospectively registered at the National Institute of Health Research PROSPERO (CRD42024530386).
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Latar Belakang: Apabila atlet dalam 2 minggu tidak melakukan latihan rutin, maka akan terjadi pengurangan massa otot yang diikuti dengan berkurangnya daya ledak otot. Daya ledak otot adalah kemampuan seseorang melakukan usaha dengan kekuatan maksimum dalam waktu yang sesingkatnya. Cara untuk meningkatkan daya ledak otot diantaranya dengan latihan half squat jump dan isometric squat. Tujuan Penelitian: untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh half squat jump dan isometric squat terhadap peningkatan daya ledak otot tungkai pemain Basket SMAN 11 Bekasi. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental dengan two group pre-post test, sampel dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel masing-masing 12 orang pada kelompok half squat jump dan kelompok isometric squat. Hasil: Hasil uji paired t-test pada kelompok half squat jump dan isometric squat berpengaruh terhadap daya ledak otot namun kelompok half squat jump lebih tinggi rata- ratanya. Uji independent t-test pada kelompok setelah diberikan intervensi didapatkan hasil ada perbedaan pengaruh antara pemberian half squat jump dan isometric squat. Simpulan: ada perbedaan hasil antara pemberian latihan half squat jump dan isometric squat.
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PurposeIsometric strength training (IST) with rapid non-sustained contraction (RIST) is effective in improving the ability to generate force rapidly. However, the neuromuscular adaptation of IST with sustained contraction (SIST) and RIST is not known. Therefore, the aim of the study was to compare the neuromuscular adaptations of RIST with SIST.Methods Thirty-three national floorball players (23.9 ± 3.1 years old; 1.69 ± 0.08 m; 64.6 ± 11.1 kg) were recruited for this study. Pre- and post-test included countermovement jump (CMJ), 30-m sprint (TT30), isometric squat at 90° (ISqT90) and 120° (ISqT120) knee angles. They were randomly assigned to either control (Con) (n = 9), RIST (n = 12) or SIST (n = 12) group and performed 12 sessions of intervention training. All groups performed the same sets of exercises, but RIST and SIST had to perform ISqT with and without sustained contraction, respectively.ResultsTime × group effect for CMJ height (P = 0.01, ƞ 2p = 0.25), peak force (PF) (P = 0.03, ƞ 2p = 0.22) and rate of force development (RFD) (P = 0.02, ƞ 2p = 0.22) obtained from ISqT120 were noted. A main effect for time was observed in CMJ height, PF obtained from ISqT90 and ISqT120, and RFD obtained from ISqT90 (P < 0.01, 0.27 < ƞ 2p < 0.57). There was greater improvement in TT30 (P = 0.043, d = 3.00), ISqT90 PF (P = 0.034, d = 3.12), ISqT120 PF (P = 0.003, d = 4.54) and ISqT120 RFD (P = 0.033, d = 1.36) in the SIST than the Con group.ConclusionSIST was more effective in improving strength and dynamic performance as compared to RIST, making it a viable training method to enhance dynamic performances.
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Introduction This study aimed to assess the efficacy of a six‐week cycling‐specific, isometric resistance training programme on peak power output (PPO) in elite cyclists. Methods Twenty‐four elite track sprint cyclists were allocated to EXP (n=13, PPO, 1537 ± 307 W) and CON (n=11, PPO, 1541 ± 389 W) groups. All participants completed a six‐week training programme; training content was identical except participants in the EXP group replaced their usual compound lower body resistance training exercise with a cycling‐specific, isometric resistance training stimulus. Cycling PPO, knee extensor and cycling‐specific isometric strength, and measures of muscle architecture were assessed pre‐ and post‐training. Results In EXP, absolute and relative PPO increased (46 ± 62 W and 0.8 ± 0.7 W⋅kg‐1, p < 0.05), and the change in relative PPO was different to CON (− 0.1 ± 1.0 W⋅kg‐1, group × time interaction p = 0.02). The increase in PPO was concurrent with an increase in extrapolated maximal torque in EXP (7.1 ± 6.5 N⋅m, p = 0.007), but the effect was not different from the change in CON (2.4 ± 9.7 N⋅m, group × time p = 0.14). Cycling‐specific isometric strength also increased more in EXP (group × time p = 0.002). There were no other between‐group differences in response to training. Conclusion A six‐week novel, cycling‐specific isometric resistance training period improved PPO in a group of elite sprint cyclists by 3‐4%. These data support the use of a cycling‐specific isometric resistance training stimulus in the preparation programmes of world‐class cyclists.
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Objective In this review, we critically evaluate studies directly comparing the effects of plyometric vs. resistance training on skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Methods We conducted electronic searches of PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science to find studies that explored the effects of plyometric vs. resistance training on muscle hypertrophy. Results Eight relevant studies were included in the review. Six studies compared the effects of plyometric vs. resistance training on muscle hypertrophy, while 2 studies explored the effects of combining plyometric and resistance training vs. isolated resistance training on acute anabolic signaling or muscle hypertrophy. Based on the results of these studies, we conclude that plyometric and resistance training may produce similar effects on whole muscle hypertrophy for the muscle groups of the lower extremities. Therefore, it seems that plyometric training has a greater potential for inducing increases in muscle size than previously thought. Despite the findings observed at the whole muscle level, the evidence for the effects of plyometric training on hypertrophy on the muscle fiber level is currently limited for drawing inferences. Compared to isolated resistance training, combining plyometric and resistance exercise does not seem to produce additive effects on anabolic signaling or muscle growth; however, this area requires future study. The limitations of the current body of evidence are that the findings are specific to (i) musculature of the lower extremities, (ii) short-term training interventions that lasted up to 12 weeks, and (iii) previously untrained or recreationally active participants. Conclusion This review highlights that plyometric and resistance training interventions may produce similar effects on whole muscle hypertrophy, at least for the muscle groups of the lower extremities, in untrained and recreationally trained individuals, and over short-term (i.e., ≤12 weeks) intervention periods.
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The purpose of this review was to provide a physiological rationale for the use of eccentric resistance training and to provide an overview of the most commonly prescribed eccentric training methods. Based on the existing literature, there is a strong physiological rationale for the incorporation of eccentric training into a training program for an individual seeking to maximize muscle size, strength, and power. Specific adaptations may include an increase in muscle cross-sectional area, force output, and fiber shortening velocities, all of which have the potential to benefit power production characteristics. Tempo eccentric training, flywheel inertial training, accentuated eccentric loading, and plyometric training are commonly implemented in applied contexts. These methods tend to involve different force absorption characteristics and thus, overload the muscle or musculotendinous unit in different ways during lengthening actions. For this reason, they may produce different magnitudes of improvement in hypertrophy, strength, and power. The constraints to which they are implemented can have a marked effect on the characteristics of force absorption and therefore, could affect the nature of the adaptive response. However, the versatility of the constraints when prescribing these methods mean that they can be effectively implemented to induce these adaptations within a variety of populations.
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The purpose of the present study was to establish the intrasession and intersession reliability of variables obtained from a force plate that was used to quantitate lower extremity inter-limb asymmetry during the bilateral countermovement jump (CMJ). Secondarily, a comparison was performed to determine the influence of the jump protocol CMJ with or without an arm swing (CMJ AS and CMJ NAS, respectively) on inter-limb asymmetries. Twenty-two collegiate basketball players performed three CMJ AS and three CMJ NAS on dual force platforms during two separate testing sessions. A majority of variables met the acceptable criterion of intersession and intrasession relative reliability (ICC > 0.700), while fewer than half met standards established for absolute reliability (CV < 10%). CMJ protocol appeared to influence asymmetries; Concentric Impulse-100 ms, Eccentric Braking Rate of Force Development, Eccentric Deceleration, and Force at Zero velocity were significantly different between jumping conditions (CMJAS versus CMJ NAS; p < 0.05). The present data establish the reliability and smallest worthwhile change of inter-limb asymmetries during the CMJ, while also identifying the influence of CMJ protocol on inter-limb asymmetries, which can be useful to practitioners and clinicians in order to effectively monitor changes associated with performance, injury risk, and return-to-play strategies.
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Plyometric jump training (PJT) is a frequently used and effective means to improve amateur and elite soccer players' physical fitness. However, it is unresolved how different PJT frequencies per week with equal overall training volume may affect training-induced adaptations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the effects of an in-season 8 week PJT with one session versus two sessions per week and equal training volume on components of physical fitness in amateur female soccer players. A single-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted. Participants (N=23; age, 21.4±3.2 years) were randomly assigned to a one session PJT per-week (PJT-1, n=8), two sessions PJT per-week (PJT-2, n=8) or an active control group (CON, n=7). Before and after training, participants performed countermovement jumps (CMJ), drop-jumps from a 20-cm drop-height (DJ20), a maximal kicking velocity test (MKV), the 15-m linear sprint-time test, the Meylan test for the assessment of change of direction ability (CoDA), and the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery endurance test (Yo-YoIR1). Results revealed significant main effects of time for the CMJ, DJ20, MKV, 15-m sprint, CoDA, and the Yo-YoIR1 (all p<0.001; d=0.57-0.83). Significant group×time interactions were observed for the CMJ, DJ20, MKV, 15-m sprint, CoDA, and the Yo-YoIR1 (all p<0.05; d=0.36-0.51). Post-hoc analyses showed similar improvements for PJT-1 and PJT-2 groups in CMJ (∆10.6%, d=0.37; and ∆10.1%, d=0.51, respectively), DJ20 (∆12.9%, d=0.47; and ∆13.1%, d=0.54, respectively), MKV (∆8.6%, d=0.52; and ∆9.1%, d=0.47, respectively), 15-m sprint (∆8.3%, d=2.25; and ∆9.5%, d=2.67, respectively), CoDA (∆7.5%, d=1.68; and ∆7.4%, d=1.16, respectively), and YoYoIR1 (∆10.3%, d=0.22; and ∆9.9%, d=0.26, respectively). No significant pre-post changes were found for CON (all p>0.05; ∆0.5-4.2%, d=0.03-0.2). In conclusion, higher PJT exposure in terms of session frequency has no extra effects on female soccer players’ physical fitness development when jump volume is equated during a short-term (i.e., 8 weeks) training program. From this, it follows that one PJT session per week combined with regular soccer-specific training appears to be sufficient to induce physical fitness improvements in amateur female soccer players.
Background: The effect of strength training on the relationship between isometric force-time characteristics with dynamic performances is still unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate if strength training would alter relationship between the force-time characteristics achieved from isometric squat (ISqT) with dynamic performances. Methods: Six female and 18 male elite floorball athletes (age: 24 ± 3 years; stature: 1.68 ± 0.07 m; body mass: 64.4 ± 10.7 kg) performed a countermovement jump (CMJ), 20-m sprint and ISqT at 90o (ISqT90) and 120o (ISqT120) knee angles during the preliminary test. Subsequently, they underwent 12 strength training sessions over six weeks and repeated the three tests upon completion of training. Results: ISqT and CMJ improved significantly post-training (p < 0.01). Before training, all measures of ISqT90 were significantly correlated to CMJ height and sprint times (r = 0.56 to 0.63, p < 0.01 and r = -0.42 to -0.58, p < 0.05, respectively), while only rate of force development (RFD) measures of ISqT120 were significantly correlated to CMJ height and sprint times (r = 0.55 to 0.56, p < 0.01 and r = -0.51 to -0.53, p < 0.05, respectively). After training, all measures of ISqT90 were significantly correlated to CMJ height (r = 0.43 to 0.71, p < 0.05), while only PF achieved from ISqT120 was significantly correlated to CMJ height (r = 0.43, p < 0.05). Conclusions: The relationship between force-time characteristics achieved from ISqT with CMJ and sprint performances changed after a period of strength training.
This review used a narrative summary of findings from studies that focused on isometric strength training (IST), covering the training considerations that affect strength adaptations and its effects on sports related dynamic performances. IST has been shown to induce less fatigue and resulted in superior joint angle specific strength than dynamic strength training, and benefited sports related dynamic performances such as running, jumping and cycling. IST may be included into athletes’ training regime to avoid getting overly fatigue while still acquiring positive neuromuscular adaptations; to improve the strength at a biomechanically disadvantaged joint position of a specific movement; to improve sports specific movements that require mainly isometric contraction; and when athletes have limited mobility due to injuries. To increase muscle hypertrophy, IST should be performed at 70–75% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) with sustained contraction of 3–30 s per repetition, and total contraction duration of>80–150 s per session for>36 sessions. To increase maximum strength, IST should be performed at 80–100% MVC with sustained contraction of 1–5 s, and total contraction time of 30–90 s per session, while adopting multiple joint angles or targeted joint angle. Performing IST in a ballistic manner can maximize the improvement of rate of force development.
The isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) is commonly used to assess an athlete’s force generation ability. This test is highly reliable and is simple and relatively quick to perform. The data that can be determined from the force-time curves generated by the test have been shown to be closely related to performance capacities in a variety of dynamic athletic tasks. However, within the scientific literature there are inconsistencies in the data collection procedures and methods used for data analysis that may impact the resultant output and the ability to compare and generalize results. Therefore, the primary aim of this review is to identify the differences in IMTP testing procedures and data analysis techniques, while identifying the potential impact this may have on the data collected. The secondary aim is to provide recommendations for the standardization of testing procedures to ensure that future IMTP data is of maximal benefit to practitioners and researchers.