
TV Living: Television, Culture and Everyday Life

... The most common explanations for why study participants multitasked paint a picture of television engagement patterns that are a) woven into the fabric of everyday experience (see Bury 2017; Gauntlett and Hill, 1999); and b) not always meeting viewers' entertainment needs. Bury found that live television viewing 'often involves multitasking in relation to work, domestic chores, and parenting' (2017, 69). ...
... Some participants were not concerned with managing the entertainment experience or their time; instead, they were motivated to pair up complementary activities (most of which included eating). Gauntlett and Hill (1999) found that many of the participants in their diary study described eating dinner, or an evening meal, in front of the television. Nearly one-third of their participants even said they would time their meal with a favourite show (Gauntlett and Hill 1999, 25). ...
... It is not, as sometimes suggested, a separate activity undertaken in perfect quiet in comfortable surroundings' (Hobson 1982, 110). In the 1980s and 1990s, watching television was considered not only a part of the social organisation of family's homes (Gauntlett and Hill 1999;Lull 1990;Morley 1986) but also a structural and a relational aspect (Lull 1990, 39). Silverstone highlighted that television has a place 'in the visible and hidden ordering of everyday life; in its special and temporal significance; in its embeddedness in quotidian patterns and habits' (Silverstone 1994, 19) and therefore contributes to people's ontological security, mainly in the evenings. ...
... Re-watching shows that one loves also reduces the chances to abandon a series: It is well known that, with the popularisation of VoD services, today's viewers are even less dependent on the television schedule; they have expanded their autonomy as well as increased their self-determination. Results from our empirical study suggest that binge-watching is, like linear television (Bury 2017;Chambers 2016;Gauntlett and Hill 1999;Lull 1990;Morley 1986), a domestic activity that happens primarily in the living room in the presence of a TV set. ...
... Parents especially underline that fitting media use into spare time is a strong motive for streaming, because raising children means, as Mrs C. Kaiser, 36-year-old, raising two daughters with her female partner, underlines, 'you can't rely on having defined time for leisure'. Hence, the technical potentials of the Internet unfold against the background of the social situation at home (Haddon, 2016: 22), which does not allow the use of media at specific times -a typical problem female television users have faced before (Morley, 1986: 148; see also Gauntlett and Hill, 2001). Watching audio-visual content online results from integrating media use into time slots when no domestic duties have to be done. ...
... Content distributed online can be better integrated into the rhythms of living together, because the Internet and especially mobile online-capable technologies offer options that allow one to integrate media use into small temporal snippets and use media content on demand. People choose the Internet over classic mass media because it allows one to integrate shared screen time -which is important regarding the domestic communication culture of the couple (D'Heer and Courtois, 2016;Gauntlett and Hill, 2001;Müller and Röser, 2017) -against the affordances of domestic duties. ...
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This article discusses why households in Germany use the Internet and content distributed online instead of classic broadcasting or a printed paper for customising ideal media repertoires that match with their media-related interests in the domestic sphere. Following the domestication approach, home is understood as a relevant field for research on online-based media use because it is the place where people traditionally negotiate the meaning of media technologies and content against the background of an existing media repertoire. The article refers to empirical findings from qualitative ethnographic research on 16 German households. It was undertaken between 2015 and 2017. In summarising, the empirical research emphasises three distinct reasons why people choose the Internet for domestic media reception over classic mass media: a better integration of media use in everyday life, particular demands and interests in specific content, and the politics of identity and the moral economy of the household.
... Although such an approach has been particularly useful for providing insight into experiences of television use within the context of the family home (e.g., Hill & Gauntlett 1999;Livingstone 2007;Livingstone & Bovill 1999;Lull 1980;Morley 1991), the aim of this thesis is to articulate how the wider structures that frame the presence of the home can be viewed as reproducing those values. ...
... In contrast, the boys in this study often attributed engagement with cartoons as being premised on their entertainment and fantasy properties, above that of being markers from direct experience. This type of gender "polarisation" of genre, despite critiques that authors such as Hill and Gauntlett (1999) (Ang 1985;Rodgers 1991). Where the animation genre is said to favour particular modes of viewing, typically described as "distracted" consumption (Morley 1991), or within a "video mode" ...
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In a contemporary digital television landscape, commonly described as an era of post-broadcast or post-TV, the televisual can be constituted as the expanded range of possibilities for television consumption provided for in a digital context. The increased range of devices available today widens the scope for content consumption as it can include textual forms emerging from both traditional broadcast systems and content that can be described as being user-generated (UGC). This convergence and portability can be read as key to repositioning the consumption of the televisual from residing in the hands of viewers to that of users. Despite the increasingly flexible experience of the televisual—qualities some have argued are central to reconceptualising television—there is a need for more grounded studies into interpretations of the televisual with everyday life. Drawing upon the practices of children aged eight to 12 living in Melbourne (Australia), this thesis frames the televisual as part of an ecology whereby “old” and “new” media co-exist. In taking into account young people’s agentive potential in contributing to their own cultural lives, this thesis engages with how their uses of the televisual flow across differing media platforms in pursuit of this user-centric televisual consumption. Through a mixed-method approach that includes surveys, participant drawings, interviews, and observations with over 500 children, this thesis examines how symbolic environments and televisual texts are contributing to children’s literacies, identity construction, and ecology of the televisual.
... Besides activities such as having meals together and completing household chores, these studies identify watching television as a recurrent family practice. Television viewing has been traditionally occupied a pivotal role in the organization of time and the structuring of social interactions within the family (Alexander, 1994;Gauntlett & Hill, 1999;Goodman, 1983;Lull, 1980;Morley, 1986). These researchers conducted ethnographical studies on the role of television within the household and investigated how television viewing influenced the family in their routines, activities, and interactions etc. ...
... 5), indicating that both the format of family and of mass media are constantly changing and interacting. The first ethnographical studies of media use attributed a crucial role to television in the family and the organization of time and the structuring of social interactions (Alexander, 1994;Gauntlett & Hill, 1999;Goodman, 1983;Lull, 1980;Morley, 1986). However, with all the changes in the media landscape these findings could be outdated. ...
Audience research on family television viewing flourished in the 1980s and 1990s. These studies highlighted watching television as a family as a valuable family routine, structuring the rhythm of daily life and generating family harmony. Ever since, we have witnessed changes in both family structures and media structures, which have affected the ways television is consumed within the household. This begs the question whether earlier findings considering family closeness still hold up. Therefore, this study conducted a cross-sectional survey among a sample of 691 Belgian individuals, nested in 288 families. Drawing upon insights from literature on family rituals and media generations, the results of this study indicate that despite a robust prevalence of family viewing, alternative social patterns emerge coinciding with the appropriation of screen technologies beyond living room television. Further analysis reveals that deviations from family viewing are associated with lower closeness between generations. However, younger generations watching together do report higher levels of closeness with their generational counterparts.
... Extant scholarly work has examined the role of linear TV, whereby TV shows are selected by the broadcaster and then viewed by a mass audience at a set time on a fixed TV set, in structuring the fabric of consumers' daily lives and routines (Gauntlett & Hill, 1999;Lotz, 2009;Silverstone, 2003) and fostering social relationships (Fiske, 1987;Lull, 1990;Morley, 1986). Yet, while the role of linear TV in shaping consumers' everyday routines and enhancing social bonds is understood well, little is known about how these roles change when consumers switch to the digital (i.e., non-linear) network. ...
... Hence, linear TV consumption plays a central role in shaping individuals' and families' daily routines. TV series play a distinct part in this ordering role, operating as ritualistic appointments with familiar characters and helping individuals make sense of their daily lives (Gauntlett & Hill, 1999). ...
... Keywords: doomscrolling, problematic news consumption, news consumption, highchoice media environment, media addiction, audience studies основываться не на его воспринимаемом качестве, а на том, насколько хорошо он вписывается в повседневный распорядок дня [Hill, Gauntlett, 1999]. Со време нем практики медиапотребления хабитуализируются. ...
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Изменения в медиасреде и ситуационный контекст привели к тому, что в 2022 г. многие россияне существенно увеличили потребление новостей. Часть потребителей информации можно было охарактеризовать как думскроллеров — чрезмерно активных потребителей негативных новостей, несмотря на связанные с ними тревогу и злость. В данной работе рассматривается, как такие медиарепертуары вписываются в рутину, соотносятся с другими повседневными активностями и локализуются во времени и пространстве. Эмпирическую базу исследования составили 47 интервью с думскроллерами, проведенные в период с 20 ноября 2022 г. по 30 марта 2023 г. Делается вывод, что потребление новостей может быть интегрировано в рутину думскроллеров двумя способами. Оно может быть (1) распределенным в течение дня или (2) происходить в выделенное время. В первом случае новости заполняют свободное время человека, в том числе в моменты переключения между разными задачами. Такое распределенное потребление информационного контента может происходить в необычных контекстах: на вечеринке, на выставке, в душе, в состоянии сильного алкогольного опьянения и т.д. Во втором случае информанты подчеркивают, что они сознательно выбирают время и локацию для просмотра новостей, что позволяет им совмещать несколько повседневных активностей или потреблять информационный контент в среде, которая воспринимается как более безопасная и комфортная. Сделан вывод, что классифицировать интенсивное потребление новостей как проблемное следует не только на основании количественных показателей, но и исходя из того, как оно вписано в распорядок дня и соотносится с другими повседневными активностями. Отдельные практики потребления информации, выделенные для думскроллеров, вероятно, являются следствием технического развития и перехода к медиасреде с большим выбором. Можно предположить, что они свойственны и менее активным потребителям новостей. Changes in the media environment and the situational context have led to many Russians significantly increasing their news consumption in 2022. Some of them could be described as doomscrollers — overly active consumers of negative news, despite the anxiety and anger associated with it. This paper examines how such media repertoires fit into routines, relate to other everyday activities, and are localized in time and space. The empirical basis of the study is 47 interviews with doomscrollers conducted from November 20, 2022 to March 30, 2023. It is concluded that news consumption can be integrated into doomscrollers' routines in two different ways. It can be (1) spread out throughout the day or (2) occur at a designated time. In the first case, news fills a person’s free time, including when switching between different tasks. Such distributed consumption of information content can occur in unusual contexts: at a party, at an exhibition, in the shower, while heavily intoxicated, etc. In the second case, informants emphasize that they deliberately choose a time and location for viewing news, which allows them to combine several daily activities or consume information content in an environment that is perceived as safer and more comfortable. It is concluded that high news consumption should be classified as problematic not only on the basis of quantitative indicators, but also on the basis of how it fits into the daily routine and correlates with other daily activities. The particular information consumption practices that have been identified for doomscrollers are likely a consequence of the transition to high-choice media environment and technological developments. It can be assumed that they are also characteristic of less active news consumers.
... Audience studies centre substantially on the use of semi-structured interviews [3]. Our reflection will focus on two data collection techniques: the semi-structured interview [6][7][8][9][10][11][12] and the media diaries [13][14][15]. Our proposals focus on what can be understood as a performative and participatory space, capable of ensuring the participants' agency. ...
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This paper presents thoughts on the use of online semi-structured interviews in a participatory format. On one hand, in the process of interviewing and on the other by using complementary methods such as media diaries and its associated online ethnography techniques. One of the challenges of audience research is the capture of the "audiencing" process, in this paper we rely on two research projects to better discuss and consider forms of doing it, in arid research contexts, such as online and with a (inter)generational dimension.
... Keywords: doomscrolling, problematic news consumption, news consumption, highchoice media environment, media addiction, audience studies основываться не на его воспринимаемом качестве, а на том, насколько хорошо он вписывается в повседневный распорядок дня [Hill, Gauntlett, 1999]. Со време нем практики медиапотребления хабитуализируются. ...
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Изменения в медиасреде и ситуационный контекст привели к тому, что в 2022 г. многие россияне существенно увеличили потребление новостей. Часть потребителей информации можно было охарактеризовать как думскроллеров — чрезмерно активных потребителей негативных новостей, несмотря на связанные с ними тревогу и злость. В данной работе рассматривается, как такие медиарепертуары вписываются в рутину, соотносятся с другими повседневными активностями и локализуются во времени и пространстве. Эмпирическую базу исследования составили 47 интервью с думскроллерами, проведенные в период с 20 ноября 2022 г. по 30 марта 2023 г. Делается вывод, что потребление новостей может быть интегрировано в рутину думскроллеров двумя способами. Оно может быть (1) распределенным в течение дня или (2) происходить в выделенное время. В первом случае новости заполняют свободное время человека, в том числе в моменты переключения между разными задачами. Такое распределенное потребление информационного контента может происходить в необычных контекстах: на вечеринке, на выставке, в душе, в состоянии сильного алкогольного опьянения и т.д. Во втором случае информанты подчеркивают, что они сознательно выбирают время и локацию для просмотра новостей, что позволяет им совмещать несколько повседневных активностей или потреблять информационный контент в среде, которая воспринимается как более безопасная и комфортная. Сделан вывод, что классифицировать интенсивное потребление новостей как проблемное следует не только на основании количественных показателей, но и исходя из того, как оно вписано в распорядок дня и соотносится с другими повседневными активностями. Отдельные практики потребления информации, выделенные для думскроллеров, вероятно, являются следствием технического развития и перехода к медиасреде с большим выбором. Можно предположить, что они свойственны и менее активным потребителям новостей. Благодарность. Исследование поддержано Российским научным фондом (РНФ), грант № 23-78-01206,
... The analysis is based on 16 focus groups, a technique that has been used in some of the most important studies on television (Schlesinger et al., 1992;Gauntlett & Hill, 1999;Boyle, 2005). More recently this technique has been used in similar studies, commissioned by aid organisations, on strategies of denial of requests for humanitarian aid (Seu, 2010(Seu, , 2011 and in work on the broadcast media's presentation strategies for war conflicts (Orgad, 2009). ...
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Las imágenes de violencia real emitidas en los informativos pueden afectar a los espectadores de múltiples maneras. Algunas investigaciones señalan la distancia e insensibilización al sufrimiento de las víctimas, mientras que otras apuntan a que ciertas imágenes y emisiones pueden provocar identificación con las victimas e implicación ética en su sufrimiento. Mediante un análisis del discurso de 16 grupos de espectadores que visualizaron varias escenas de violencia real grave y muy grave ocurrida en lugares cercanos y lejanos, se analizan y describen los argumentos y estrategias discursivas que los espectadores usan para fundamentar sus actitudes de distancia o implicación emocional. Los resultados apuntan a las siguientes cuestiones: a) La dimensión cercanía/lejanía del espectador con respecto a la victimas relacionada directamente con la implicación emocional; b) se detectan dos tipos de implicación emocional: la implicación espontanea, basada en la percepción de similitud o empatía espontanea y la derivada de argumentos éticos, en razones de sensibilidad al malestar de los otros, (la sensibilidad ante la desprotección, ante la vulnerabilidad y ante el abuso interpersonal; c) asimismo se describen los argumentos desimplicativos que distancian al espectador del sufrimiento: la negación del sufrimiento o la información, la normalizacion y rutinizacion de los hechos presenciados en las escenas la atribución de culpabilidad a las víctimas y la incomprensión de la situación. Finalmente extraemos algunas conclusiones sobre las formas más idóneas de emitir la violencia para promover la implicación y reducir el distanciamiento.
... La muestra de discurso analizado procede de ocho reuniones de grupo realizados conforme a la técnica del grupo focal (Merton, Fiske y Kendall, 1990), si bien en este caso se ha tratado de reducir al máximo la directividad del conductor de la reunión para permitir que el discurso fluyera con la mayor libertad posible. Esta técnica, muy utilizada dentro de la perspectiva etnográfica y contextual de estudios cualitativos sobre televisión (Schlesinger et al., 1992;Hardgrave, 2003;Porto, 2005) y en versiones modificadas (Boyle, 2005;Andrew Irving Associates, 1997;Gauntlett y Hill, 1999), nos pareció la más adecuada al objeto de análisis por tratarse de una técnica cualitativa que captura la perspectiva social de los hablantes, tal como se ha mostrado a lo largo de la amplia historia de la técnica. El discurso obtenido en el grupo de discusión, al cual se acerca la metodología empleada, reúne las características de ser colectivo, representa al grupo social al que pertenecen los sujetos (Alonso, 1998) y es poco mediatizado por el investigador en la medida en que la situación grupal predomina sobre la observación externa (Callejo, 1995). ...
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Numerosos autores han vinculado la experiencia de ver violencia en televisión con procesos de identificación. La investigación ha descubierto dimensiones que no recogen con precisión la experiencia peculiar de los espectadores. El objetivo de este trabajo es reconstruir la noción de identificación a partir del discurso. Se analizaron ocho grupos focales con visionado de fragmentos de programas con violencia real o ficticia. Los resultados muestran que la identificación está conectada a la especularidad, la posibilidad de experimentar la misma emoción e impacto de los personajes, según la similitud o preferencia de los espectadores. Por último, se discuten las implicaciones sobre los efectos de la violencia en televisión
... Nostalgia and reminiscing also seemed to contribute to enjoyment of the intervention for many participants, with participants reporting that certain clips reminded them of fond memories and people. It has been suggested that nostalgia may be particularly important to older adults, as it is important for identity development as adults age (Gauntlett & Hill, 2002). Whilst some research has found nostalgia to result in negative effects, other research suggests that nostalgia may act as a psychological resource with several benefits, including heightening positive mood, increasing positive self-regard, reinforcing a sense of social connectedness and providing existential meaning (Routledge et al., 2011;Wildschut, Sedikides, Arndt, & Routledge, 2006;Wildschut, Sedikides, Routledge, Arndt, & Cordaro, 2010). ...
The influenza vaccine is less effective in older adults compared to their younger counterparts. At the same time, this population is more susceptible to contracting influenza, with more severe consequences, including higher rates of complications, hospitalisations, and deaths. There is an abundance of evidence demonstrating how psychological factors, such as stress, can influence and modulate immune function, including response to vaccinations. Recent work has extended this to other psychological factors, suggesting that mood, or affect, may also be linked to vaccine response, however the evidence here is much more limited. This thesis presents three inter-related pieces of research, which sought to build on this evidence base and contribute to our current understanding of the influence of mood on vaccinations. The ultimate aim of this research was to develop an intervention to enhance positive mood, with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of the influenza vaccination in the older adult population. First, the evidence surrounding the effectiveness of using participant-driven choice in interventions compared to ‘no-choice’ interventions was systematically reviewed. This review sought to investigate whether the integration of participant choice within an existing, previously trialled, positive mood intervention would maximise mood enhancement and thus the potential to enhance vaccine-specific antibody levels. The review found that whilst choice-interventions led to less drop-out and greater adherence, evidence for mood-related outcomes was unclear and warranted further investigation. Second, a randomised controlled clinical study (n=654) was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the previously trialled fixed-content positive mood intervention, a new choice-based intervention, and usual care, in terms of enhancing positive mood. Vaccine response at four-weeks post-vaccination was assessed as a secondary outcome. Results showed that both the fixed-content and choice-based interventions significantly improved mood compared to usual care, however there were no significant differences between the two interventions. There were no significant differences between groups in terms of antibody levels at four weeks post-vaccination. Finally, a qualitative study using a thematic-content hybrid analysis approach was carried out with a selection of participants from the randomised trial, to assess participants’ perceptions of how the intervention may or may not have worked, and to identify ways in which both the intervention and study experience as a whole could be improved for a future trial implementing the optimised intervention. Analysis revealed that both interventions, as well as the overall study experience, were liked by participants, indicating that further optimisation may not be necessary. Additionally, several potential mechanisms underlying the relationship between the interventions and mood were identified. The research presented in this thesis has several important implications. Firstly, that the use of choice should be considered where there is concern regarding drop-out or adherence, but may not be more effective than no-choice interventions in enhancing mood. Secondly, that brief positive mood interventions are effective in enhancing positive mood in older adults in a primary care setting. Future work is required to evaluate their impact on immune outcomes including mechanistic work to understand the relationship between mood and immunity, and a large scale trial, with immune response as the primary outcome.
... Harwood (2007) in his book suggested that the time adults spend in watching television increased with their age. Gauntlett & Hill (1999) and Vandebosch & Eggermont (2002) suggested that due to increase in leisure time, lack of social activity and mobility, older people develop an increased need of information. Consequently, the use of television became important for them as it offers a range of topics for conversation (Riggs, 1998;Davis & Westbrook, 1985). ...
The second screen phenomenon is a hybrid media process referring to the complementary and simultaneous use of television and a second web-connected screen for media consumption. The present study examined the impact of demographic characteristics (i.e. gender, age, education, and income) on audience activity for second screen news consumption in Pakistan. An online survey based on snowball sampling was conducted from 400 respondents. The results showed that gender only plays a role in usage during post exposure. The age was comparatively a strong predictor of audience activity. It has a positive relationship with involvement during exposure and usage during post exposure phase of second screen news consumption. Our study contributes to the existing literature by identifying the predictors for changing news consumption patterns in the new media eco-system and helps in a better understanding of contemporary media audiences.
... The Birmingham scholars also recognized that individuals experience and interpret media from their own class, gender, racial, and other positions, and can potentially resist and oppose classist, sexist, and racist ideologies. While the image of the media audience as consumer became pervasive following the rise of audience theory studies, scholars have since heavily criticized the field for discounting the heterogeneous ways in which viewers/listeners/users read, consume, or integrate media meaning into their lives (Buckingham, 1993;1996;Gauntlett & Hill, 1999). ...
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This chapter provides a theoretical framework of critical media literacy (CML) pedagogy and examples of practical implementation in K-12 and teacher education. It begins with a brief discussion of literature indicating the need for educators to use a critical approach to media. The historical trajectory of CML and key concepts are then reviewed. Following this, the myths of “neutrality” and “normalcy” in education and media are challenged. The chapter takes a critical look at information and communication technologies and popular culture, reviewing how they often reinforce and occasionally challenge dominant ideologies. Next, this critical perspective is used to explore how CML interrogates the ways media tend to position viewers, users, and audiences to read and negotiate meanings about race, class, gender, and the multiple identity markers that privilege dominant groups. The subjective and ubiquitous nature of media is highlighted to underscore the transformative potential of CML to use media tools for promoting critical thinking and social justice in the classroom.
... This is especially relevant considering mobile media's ubiquitous qualities, challenging traditional news audience research. Historically, news had a structuring role within families and their household routines (Gauntlett & Hill, 1999). It was consumed in a relatively stable spatial and social configuration. ...
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The initiating point of this dissertation is the omnipresence of news characterising the current complex news media landscape. Digitalisation has influenced not only journalism as a profession, its production process, distribution strategies and content, but has inevitably also changed how audiences consume, or use, news. This is the focus of the current dissertation: understanding how audiences consume news when news is everywhere. To do so, we take a radical audience-centred approach, where audiences themselves shape our understanding of, and approaches to, news use. As such, the main research question of this thesis was: How can we study news audiences in the omnipresent news landscape from a radical audience-centred approach? Chapter 1 sets the tone of this dissertation by positioning the research within the broader field of journalism studies. It introduces the starting point of the dissertation: the omnipresence of news, and presents the central aim of the dissertation and its research question. In addition, the industrial, societal, and scholarly relevance of this context is addressed. Next, the chapter provides an overview of the research approach and the primary concepts of the thesis: critical realism, the audience, and news (use). Finally, an outline of the structure of the dissertation will be presented. Chapter 2 gives a conceptual overview of this dissertation and introduces an analytical model for studying news use in an omnipresent news environment. We propose studying news use by distinguishing between three types of news use: focused news use, which is intentional and engaged with the content; routine news use, which relies on news repertoires; and incidental news use, which audiences do not initiate. Chapter 3 outlines the methodological approach to news audience research, where we advocate a mixed-methods approach based on research philosophy and an intention for methodological advancement. Our main argument for doing so is complementarity, and the enhancement of the results because each method provides unique insights. Also, it introduces a new type of mixed-methods design we developed during the course of this dissertation, the ‘rich single-source mixed-methods’ design, where detailed quantitative data from identified people are combined with qualitative insights of the same people. Next, the chapter provides an overview of the mixed-methods research designs of the empirical studies in the following chapter and how they fit into the analytical model. Chapter 4 collects five empirical studies. These studies are not presented in chronological order but rather grouped by type of news use, as described in Chapter 2. One study investigates news engagement during focused news use. Two studies focus on news repertoires in order to understand routine news use, and two studies investigate how news audiences assess incidental news in an omnipresent news environment. Chapter 5 summarises the main findings of the thesis and outlines the methodological, conceptual and practical contributions of the research. The theoretical contributions lies in refinement of the situational circumstances of news use, and how these shape how audience consume and make sense of news. Based on our work, this news use situation is defined by both the intention of news use (i.e. the internal situation), and the physical context in which the news use occurs (i.e. the external situation). The conceptual contributions lie primarily in adding nuance to existing concepts. First, we proposed to make a distinction based on news use type in order to study news use in the omnipresent news environment. As scholars are paying more attention to the audience, there is a need to systematise news audience research. By making a distinction and focussing on three dimensions, we avoid making conclusions on news use based on levels that may be somewhat related but in fact analytically quite distinct. Second, this dissertation helped to understand incidental news use better. While the concept is gaining scholarly intention due to the algorithmic culture, little was known about what incidental news exactly refers to, especially to audiences. Our study revealed that audiences conceptualise incidental news use as a wider pallet of practices than accounted for by scholars. In our view, the main contribution of this dissertation lies in its methodological contributions. As argued, all news use is situational, and as a consequence, grasping the situation in which news use occurs is crucial in understanding news use. Our work provides three ways to grasp the news use contest. First, the analytical model from Chapter 2 offers researchers a way to distinguish between the different ways audiences meet with news as it allows for researchers to adopt a more systematically approach to news audience inquiry. By making a distinction, we avoid making conclusions on news use based on levels that may be somewhat related but in fact analytically quite. Second, we provide an operationalisation for grasping various news use contexts, which is divided into three strongly coinciding levels: time, location and social context. Third, our work contributes to the field by offering a way to approach audiences in different ways in one design by employing mixed-methods research. Our main argument for combining quantitative and qualitative research methods into one design is complementarity and the enhancement of the results. Based on these two studies, we also developed a new type of mixed-methods audience research: rich single-source mixed-methods, which combine rich, quantitative measurements of identified people’s news use behaviour from digital traces, with the qualitative articulations of the same people. To summarise, this dissertation contributed to the field of by taking radical audience-centred approach. Researchers (and news producers) often oversimplify, and even underestimate audiences, by classifying them in groups, often based on sociodemographic characteristics. We argued that all news use is situational and, as a consequence, grasping the situation in which news use occurs is crucial in understanding news use. As the same people engage with news in different ways, scholars should not only acknowledge these types exist but also understand the fluidity of the audiences towards them. Each type of news use may lead to other types of news use, both in the short and long term. As such, even though distinguishing between different news uses, they are all closely entangled, as they evolve into one another. Our analytical model provides one step towards building a more comprehensive theory of news audiences in the omnipresent news landscape.
... The Birmingham scholars also recognized that individuals experience and interpret media from their own class, gender, racial, and other positions, and can potentially resist and oppose classist, sexist, and racist ideologies. While the image of the media audience as consumer became pervasive following the rise of audience theory studies, scholars have since heavily criticized the field for discounting the heterogeneous ways in which viewers/listeners/users read, consume, or integrate media meaning into their lives (Buckingham, 1993;1996;Gauntlett & Hill, 1999). ...
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This chapter provides a theoretical framework of critical media literacy (CML) pedagogy and examples of practical implementation in K-12 and teacher education. It begins with a brief discussion of literature indicating the need for educators to use a critical approach to media. The historical trajectory of CML and key concepts are then reviewed. Following this, the myths of "neutrality" and "normalcy" in education and media are challenged. The chapter takes a critical look at information and communication technologies and popular culture, reviewing how they often reinforce and occasionally challenge dominant ideologies. Next, this critical perspective is used to explore how CML interrogates the ways media tend to position viewers, users, and audiences to read and negotiate meanings about race, class, gender, and the multiple identity markers that privilege dominant groups. The subjective and ubiquitous nature of media is highlighted to underscore the transformative potential of CML to use media tools for promoting critical thinking and social justice in the classroom.
... Odwiedziny sąsiadów, rodziny, znajomych w większości rodzinach miały miejsce przy włączonym odbiorniku telewizyjnym. W rodzinie robotniczej -matki pracującej przy montażu i córki w pracy a przekaz telewizyjny, co zostało już wyczerpująco zbadane (Morley 1986;Silverstone 1994;Gauntlett, Hill 1999;Halawa 2006). W tej samej literaturze szczegółowo zostało omówione, że kobiety i mężczyźni wybierają inne programy, te które kojarzą się kulturowo z męskością i z kobiecością. ...
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Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie, w jaki sposób udomowianie telewizora oddziaływało na kształtowanie się mody jako regulatora praktyk społecznych w okresie późnego PRL-u. Pozwoli to zrozumieć, jaka była rola telewizora i oglądania telewizji w procesie powstawania społeczeństwa konsumpcyjnego, w którym moda odgrywa kluczową rolę w kształtowaniu ludzkich zachowań. Analizie poddano materiały zebrane w badaniach nad stylami życia pod kierunkiem Andrzeja Sicińskiego w latach 1978−1982 w czterech miastach. Telewizor jako przedmiot wpływał na przekształcanie układu przestrzeni mieszkania zgodnie z aktualnie lansowanymi wzorami. Telewizor „sprawiał”, że dom stawał się podporządkowany praktyce oglądania telewizji, stojąc w centralnym punkcie głównego pokoju, otoczony przez meble służące siedzeniu i oglądaniu. Dominacja telewizora oraz oglądania telewizji jako najważniejszej praktyki podejmowanej w domu wywoływała opór obyczaju – wyrażony przede wszystkim w nawykach kobiet, które nie mogły oglądać bezczynnie. Modzie jako regulatorowi codziennych praktyk stawiała opór również gospodarka niedoboru. Telewizor jako medium umożliwiał podłączenie pod społeczeństwo mody i odbiór przekazywanych przez telewizję wzorów zachowań. Ciągłe podłączenie, gdy telewizor działał nieoglądany, stanowiło stałe źródło nieświadomego przejmowania wzorów. Treści odbierane świadomie były dyskutowane i negocjowane w ramach grupy pierwotnej.
... The Birmingham scholars also recognized that individuals experience and interpret media from their own class, gender, racial, and other positions, and can potentially resist and oppose classist, sexist, and racist ideologies. While the image of the media audience as consumer became pervasive following the rise of audience theory studies, scholars have since heavily criticized the field for discounting the heterogeneous ways in which viewers/listeners/users read, consume, or integrate media meaning into their lives (Buckingham, 1993(Buckingham, , 1996Gauntlett & Hill, 1999). ...
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This entry explores the need for a critical examination of class in media representations and the use of critical media literacy as a tool to analyze and create alternative representations about class. Since critiques of socioeconomic structures and systems in the United States are so rarely explored in commercial US media, while media often celebrate the myth of a classless society where everyone is in the middle class, it is imperative that educators guide students to question representations of class in media and the intersectionality of class in all aspects of life and society.
... Title sequences for a number of HBO serials operate to something of a standard length of between 90 and 97 seconds, including those for The Sopranos (1999-2007), Six Feet Under (2001-2005 For a more extended discussion of these functions see, for example, Davison 2013. 4 Similar findings were replicated in later studies, such as Collett & Lamb 1986. 5 See also Gauntlett & Hill 1999. issn 1904-500X (Focus group, 9 February 2012). ...
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Recent title sequences for high production value television serials are generally one of two kinds: either extremely minimal, appearing part way through the episode with credits dispersed through the show, or as an extended format of c. ninety seconds’ duration, at or near the start of the show. In a previous book chapter I presented analyses of examples of the latter, arguing that the sequences form an efficient part of the brand image for both the show and commissioning channel. In order to explore the extent to which such sequences are watched or skipped by viewers, and how such decisions are made I organised a series of preliminary focus groups in February 2012 with participants who identified themselves as regular viewers of television serials, the findings of which are presented here. Two forms of stimuli were used: a main title sequence and an end credit sequence from a serial where different music is selected for this sequence for each episode. Analysis of the discussions indicates that the decision to view these sequences is dependent on a variety of factors. While for some the titles are required viewing, the participants in the groups are more likely to persistently view an end credit sequence where the music changes with the episode than an unchanging main title sequence. Perhaps most surprising, given the increase in opportunities for mobile viewing, is that for the participants of these groups television serials continue to be associated with social viewing in a domestic setting.
... For instance, evening viewing after the working day was especially popular, particularly in the living room (Taylor and Harper, 2003); people watched TV regularly, often for multiple hours per day (Logan et al., 1995); and personal viewing schedules were based around broadcast schedules, which in turn influenced other household activities (Gauntlett and Hill, 2002). ...
Conference Paper
Recent technological developments have changed the way video is consumed. The uptake of fast internet connections and ubiquitous mobile devices mean that people can watch via on demand services, and that viewers often media multitask with phones and tablets during viewing. This thesis examines on-demand viewing and media multitasking with mobile devices in detail. Two situated studies extend our understanding of these behaviours through video observation and diary studies. It was found that using mobile devices while viewing was common, though subject to different usage patterns and individual differences. Self-reported media multitasking propensity correlated with observational data, suggesting that some people consistently media multitask more than others. People valued the freedom and choice provided by on-demand services, which drove their popularity. Viewing occurred in a range of contexts and on a variety of devices. However, some were concerned that it was difficult to limit their viewing. In order to quantify viewer experience, a questionnaire was developed to measure immersion. This was used in two lab experiments investigating specific behaviours that were previously observed: watching on screens of different sizes; and being interrupted by notifications while watching. It was found that both watching on small screens and interruptions from notifications negatively affected immersion. The findings of this research affect viewers, content producers, and TV networks. To preserve and improve viewing experiences, stakeholders should be mindful of both positive and negative effects when considering personal usage and the development of new viewing technologies.
... This acceleration of media use is not unique to mobile online media. It had already been observed for TV consumption behaviors (e.g., Gauntlett & Hill, 1999). Ubiquitous media access intensified this already existing trend. ...
Quantifying the ubiquitous, ephemeral, and highly diverse patterns of mobile social media (MSM) use is a challenge for communication research. Most researchers employ retrospective survey measurement, thus depending on the accuracy of users’ memories and generalizations. Alternatively, some researchers rely on in-situ measurement, being less dependent on users’ memories and generalizations, but requiring random situation samples. To assess differences and similarities between these two measurement approaches we analyzed whether characteristics (duration and frequency of a usage episode, habit, elaboration, and gratifications) of MSM use (regarding Facebook, WhatsApp, and YouTube) vary between retrospective survey and mobile experience sampling measurement. We observe a consistent pattern of higher estimates in retrospect as compared to individual averages of in-situ reports. The absolute magnitude of these differences varies considerably between platforms and characteristics studied. Nonetheless, for most constructs and platforms we find low significant positive correlations between retrospective and aggregated in-situ values.
... Previous research from this era gives us an insight into "traditional" linear TV viewing practices. For instance, evening viewing after the working day was especially popular, particularly in the living room [18]; people watched TV regularly, often for multiple hours per day [8]; and personal viewing schedules were based around broadcast schedules, which in turn influenced other household activities [6]. ...
Conference Paper
In recent years, on-demand video services, such as Netflix and Amazon Video, have become extremely popular. To understand how people use these services, we recruited 20 people from nine households to keep a viewing diary for 14 days. To better understand these household viewing diaries, in-depth interviews were conducted. We found that people took advantage of the freedom and choice that on-demand services offer, watching on different devices and in different locations, both in the home and outside. People often watched alone so they could watch what they wanted, rather than coming together to watch something of mutual interest. Despite this flexibility, the evening prime time continued to be the most popular time for people to watch on-demand content. Sometimes they watched for extended periods, and during interviews concerns were expressed about how on-demand services make it far too easy to watch too much and that this is often undesirable.
Media use is always embedded in real everyday contexts, which would suggest that a profound change in everyday structure also brings about a change in the media repertoire. To explore the relationship between everyday structure and media use we present selected empirical findings from a qualitative panel study with couples on how they change their media repertoire in the wake of separation, new partnership, children leaving the parental home, and relocation. For analyzing the effects of these periods of upheaval we differentiate the mediatized ways of life into various dimensions: temporal, spatial, content-related, social, meaning-related, material, emotional, and physical. The findings tell us which changes in everyday structure bring about dynamics in the media repertoire, for example, more or less control over time (temporal), distance from family and friends (spatial), or emotional crises (emotional), and which factors are relevant for people when they renegotiate their media use within the new life situation.
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Qualitative reception studies have shown that new media neither radically change people’s media repertoires, nor do they replace the old. Established media practices remain relevant, and users actively persist on old media (technologies). To show why and how this persistence is embedded by its users, the paper at hand addresses old media persistence from a user’s and appropriation perspective. Thus, following the mediatization approach, we enfold the concept of the interplay of dynamics and persistence and transfer its theoretical ideas to two studies that deal with (1) the persistence of the TV in everyday media repertoires and (2) the persisting usage of vinyl records in the face of digital streaming services in everyday life. Our aim is to illuminate why and how users, on the one hand, persist on established media practices, but on the other hand, simultaneously combine them meaningfully with new media (practices) within their respective everyday lives.
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Televizyon ve internet tabanlı video platformlarının birer rakip olarak düşünüldüğü dönemin ardından, özellikle 2010 yılından itibaren televizyon yayıncılığı internet ortamında yer almaya ve içeriklerini farklı mecralar üzerinden paylaşmaya başlamıştır. Yine aynı dönemde sosyal medya platformlarının canlı yayın özelliği kazanmasıyla; platformlar üzerinden canlı programlar yapılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda sayısal platformların arayüzünün yapısal özellikleri; bir yandan izleyicinin içerik tercihlerini yönlendirilmekte bir yandan da izleyiciler arasındaki iletişimi bazen kolaylaştırırken bazen de sınırlandırmaktadır. Bu çerçevede çalışmanın odaklandığı temel problem; sayısal platformların gizli sosyoteknik işleyişidir. Sayısal platformların yapısal özelliklerini göz önünde bulundurarak, bu çalışmanın amacı yeni nesil çevrim içi canlı yayın platformlarını incelemek ve gelişen yeni yayıncılık ekosistemini anlamaya çalışmaktır. Araştırma kapsamında TwitchTV platformunun arayüz yapısı gezinti çözümlemesi [walkthrough] yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda TwitchTV arayüzünde belirli tekno-sınırlar oluşturularak; kanallara abone olan ve olmayan izleyiciler arasında keskin bir ayrım yapıldığı, bazı izleyici özelliklerinin kısıtlandığı, izleyiciler arasında hiyerarşik bir yapı oluşturularak izleyicilerin belirli eylemleri gerçekleştirmesi için yönlendirildiği ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Bu sayede yayıncılık ekonomisinde önemli bir yere sahip ve hızla büyüyen etkileşimli canlı yayın platformlarının pek çok farklı yöntem kullanarak Sosyal TV yayıncılığına yön verdiği ortaya çıkartılmıştır.
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La gastronomia, com a part indiscutible de la cultura d’una societat, és un àmbit sobre el qual s’edifiquen les identitats individuals i col·lectives. Naturalment, també les nacionals. En aquest sentit, s’utilitzen els seus elements per a construir determinats discursos sobre la nació atenent un moment històric i polític precís. Considerant que la televisió és un dels instruments idonis per a canalitzar els imaginaris nacionals en la contemporaneïtat, pensem que podria resultar especialment interessant indagar els discursos sobre la nació que es formulen en els programes d’entreteniment, tenint en compte el seu consum habitual per part dels espectadors. Per tant, aquest article pretén aprofundir en el concepte de nació espanyola que es difon per un dels gèneres televisius més prolífics dels darrers anys, com són els programes de cuina i, més en concret, en el concurs de talents d’èxit MasterChef, un format que s’ha emès per les pantalles de mig món.
This chapter presents initial findings arising from archival research on audience activity detailed in letterzines (a form of fanzine) that precedes contemporary models of binge-watching. Fans writing in letterzines of the late 1970s and early 1980s narrativised their marathon viewing events for fellow fans, both individually and through group watch events. Convention reports dating back to 1979 include celebratory lists of episodes watched, contextual information, and discussion of reactions; individual letters demonstrate a more ambivalent view, with semi-joking references to overdosing on television. These primary documents allow access to fans’ accounts of watching many episodes in a shared space over a limited time frame. These semi-public exhibitions in living rooms and convention spaces appear motivated by scarcity and sharing television with friends, as much as they are about immersion in a storyworld.
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People have always eager to learn what is going on around them, share, and follow information they obtain with others. Considering historical process, communication, started with primitive techniques such as figures drawn on cave walls, tablets, papyrus have left their place to devices, allowing internet-based instant communication provided by digital technologies. Devices, used with internet have made interactive audio, motion picture, text, picture, video mobile instead of conventional communication. Becoming popular as of 1995, internet has taken its place in social life as important and complementary element in media. Thus, communication has become simultaneously realizable with video and audio records. Popularization of internet-based communication methods causes changes in structures of media agencies. Social media platforms have become important tools in terms of sharing and following current news. In this study, role of social media sharing about news and developments in society will be studied. In this context, behaviors of people, regularly using Facebook and Twitter are to examine. Interviews will be conducted with 17 people, 8 women and 9 men. In the study, in which semi-structured interviews wil be used, frequency, reasons and importance of follow-up and use of social media in receiving news will be investigated on voluntary basis. Keywords: Society, Daily Life, Sharing and following of News, Community Communication, Social Media
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This study is a scientific output of the research project titled “Information Seeking and Information Evaluation of Older Adults in the Covid-19 Pandemic” supported by TUBITAK 1001-Supporting Scientific and Technological Research Projects Program with project number of 120K613. The research is managed by Prof. Dr. Mutlu Binark with involvements of Assoc. Dr. Özgür Arun and Assoc. Dr. Duygu Özsoy as researchers, and contributed by Beren Kandemir and Gül Şahinkaya as scholarship holders.
Die Techniken des Wohnens sind vielfältig. Sie umfassen Haushaltsgeräte im Bereich der Reproduktionsarbeit ebenso wie Unterhaltungs-, Informations- und Telekommunikationstechniken und den gesamten Bereich der Gebäudetechnik und Infrastruktur. Einfache, unbewegte Werkzeuge sind in Wohnungen ebenso zuhause, wie elektrisch betriebene und softwaregesteuerte Maschinen. Wohnräume werden von kybernetischen Systemen reguliert und zunehmend mit digitalen Technologien ausgestattet. Dabei ziehen Technologien aber nicht einfach zu unterschiedlichen historischen Zeitpunkten in unsere Wohnungen ein oder wieder aus. Vielmehr verändern sie die materielle Gestalt der Wohnräume selbst und nehmen Einfluss auf die hier angesiedelten sozialen Praktiken, Beziehungen und Selbstverhältnisse sowie die Verbindungen zur Außenwelt. Technische Ausstattungen spiegeln Lebensstile nicht nur wider, sondern gestalten das Wohnen als eine räumliche Form der Lebensführung wesentlich mit. Der Beitrag führt in sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung zum Zusammenhang von Wohnen und Technik ein und fokussiert auf drei Debatten, die den Wohnraum als soziotechnische Sphäre in den Mittelpunkt gerückt haben: Erstens geht es um die feministische Technikforschung der 1970er- und 1980er-Jahre, die die sozialen Effekte der Haushaltstechnisierung im Zuge von Elektrifizierung und Maschinisierung in den Blick genommen hat. Zweitens wird die Forschung zur „Domestizierung“ von Unterhaltungs-, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in den Medienwissenschaften der 1990er-Jahre vorgestellt, die die Dynamiken der Aneignung und alltäglichen Nutzung von Medientechnologien im Haushalt untersucht hat. Drittens wird Einblick in das aktuell wachsende Forschungsfeld zur Digitalisierung des Wohnens gegeben, das der Frage nachgeht, wie Wohnräume durch sogenannte smarte Technologien in interaktive, lernende Umwelten transformiert werden sollen.
Edited Collection on Binge-Watching through the lens of varying approaches. The collection explores the phenomenon of binge-watching via Fan Studies, Audience and Reception Studies, Transnational Television Research, and Textual Analysis.
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In this article, the Swedish findings from a European comparative study on 0–3-year-old children and their digital lives are presented and discussed in relation to domestication theory, including the concept of moral economy. More specifically, attention is paid to toddler's appropriation of digital technology and the parents’ moral struggles: the negotiations between the parents concerning the introduction of digital media practices in early childhood, the selection of content, and the monitoring of children. Parents of very young children have ambivalent feelings towards digital media technologies and struggle to make the right decision for their children. The study demonstrates that the domestication of digital technology in early childhood is far more multifaceted and troublesome for parents to handle than previous research has found.
The American series Kidding displays, across two seasons, a process of mourning. Hijacking the comedy format, this series in which Jim Carrey plays the main character presents aspects of complex television while developing a critique of the ideal everyday life depicted by classic institutions (the family, marriage, television itself). The article proposes to analyze the show as an object of grotesque, using the tools of television studies and queer theory, that will highlight its penchant for failure and for dissent.
Yeni Koronavirüs Hastalığı olarak da bilinen Covid-19’un dünya çapındaki hızlı yayılımının ardından, Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (DSÖ) tarafından bu durumun pandemi yani küresel bir salgın olarak tanımlanmasıyla, Covid-19 ile mücadele için yapılan çalışmalar da hız kazanmıştır. Bu süreçte, aşı ve tedavi çalışmalarının yanı sıra; salgının sosyal, beşeri ve ekonomik etkileri gibi gündelik yaşama sirayet eden diğer veçheleri ile ilgili çalışmalar da öne çıkmaya başlamıştır. TÜBİTAK tarafından da, bu sorunların araştırılması ve çözüme yönelik politikalar geliştirilebilmesi amacıyla aksiyon alınarak, sosyal ve beşeri bilimler alanına yönelik olarak, ARDEB 1001-Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı kapsamında “Covid-19 ve Toplum: Salgının Sosyal, Beşeri ve Ekonomik Etkileri, Sorunlar ve Çözümler” başlıklı bir çağrı açılmıştır. Salgın sürecinde 65 yaş ve üzerinin, en sık vurgulanan risk grubu olması sonucunda, 21 Mart 2020 tarihinden itibaren 65 yaş ve üzeri için tam sokağa çıkma yasağı konulması ve sonrasındaki sokağa çıkış ve seyahat kısıtlamaları ile birlikte yaşlıların, salgın sürecinde izolasyondan en çok etkilenen grup olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Bu süreçte, sosyal bağları ve hareketlilik olanakları da oldukça kısıtlanan yaşlılar; toplumsal izolasyondan kaynaklanan yalnızlık hissi ile baş etme, süreci takip etme, mevcut durum hakkında enformasyon edinme, çevresindekilerle iletişim kurabilme gibi gereksinimleri için çeşitli iletişim araçlarına yönelmişlerdir. Buradan yola çıkarak, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi ve Atatürk Üniversitesinden araştırmacılar tarafından, bu çağrı kapsamında, salgın sürecindeki izolasyon ve kısıtlamaları en yoğun olarak deneyimleyen 65 yaş ve üzeri bireylerin enformasyon ihtiyaçları ve bu bağlamda enformasyona erişim ve iletişim pratiklerine odaklanan, bununla birlikte enformasyon edinme sürecindeki eşitsizlikleri de ortaya koymayı amaçlayan bir araştırma tasarlanmıştır. “Covid-19 Sürecinde Yaşlıların Enformasyon Arayışı ve Enformasyon Değerlendirmesi” başlıklı bu proje, TÜBİTAK tarafından 120k613 proje koduyla desteklenmeye değer bulunmuştur. Proje, Türkiye’deki yaşlı nüfusu temsil eden, 65 yaş ve üzerindeki insanların enformasyon arayışı ve değerlendirme süreçlerini ampirik verilerle ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmamızda, yaşlıların gündelik yaşamlarındaki medya repertuvarlarının neler olduğu, enformasyona hangi kaynaklardan ulaştıkları, bu kaynaklara ne düzeyde güven duydukları, konuya ilişkin bilgi düzeylerinin ne olduğu gibi sorulara yanıt arandı. Araştırmanın veri toplama sürecine başlanmadan iki aşamalı bir pilot çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Pilot çalışmanın ilk aşaması 29-30 Haziran tarihlerinde tamamlanmıştır. Tasarlanan soru formunun akışı, maddi hatalar, soruların anlaşılırlığı, sorular ile cevap seçeneklerinin uyumu, uygulanma süresi ve koşullu sorulardaki geçişler pilot çalışma esnasında test edilmiştir. Bu ilk aşamada dört anahtar kişiyle değerlendirme tamamlanmıştır. Pilot çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında, kullanılan indeks soruların kapsayıcılığı ve anlaşılırlığı, form akışı ve anket uygulama süresi tekrar gözlemlenmiştir. Bu aşamada görüşülen katılımcı sayısı ise beş kişiyle sınırlıdır. Pilot çalışmanın ikinci aşaması sonucunda yapılan düzeltme ve güncellemelerle, araştırmanın soru formu son halini almıştır. TÜİK 2019 Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi (ADNKS) verilerine göre, Türkiye’de 65 yaş üstünde 7550727 kişi yaşamaktadır. Minimum 1073 kişiyle yapılacak anket çalışmasının, Türkiye 65 yaş ve üstü Türkiye nüfusunu %95 güven aralığında ±%3 hata payı ile temsil edeceği hesaplanmıştır (Lin, 1976). Araştırma kapsamında 10 Temmuz ile 27 Ağustos 2020 tarihleri arasında, Antalya, Ankara, Bursa, Çanakkale, Diyarbakır, Erzurum, İstanbul, İzmir, Kayseri, Samsun, Trabzon ve Van illerinden oluşan 12 istatistiki bölgede, Türkiye’deki 65 yaş ve üzeri nüfusu temsil eden 1075 kişilik örneklem ile telefon ve yüz yüze görüşme tekniği kullanılarak veriler toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemine dahil edilen kentler, TÜİK’in İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Sınıflaması (İBBS) birinci düzeyi temsilen seçilmişlerdir. İBBS birinci düzeydeki her istatistiki bölgeden, o bölgeyi temsil niteliğine sahip kentler belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen kentlerde yaşayan toplam 1075 katılımcıya sosyo-demografik özellikleri, salgın öncesi ve sonrası gündelik yaşam pratikleri, enformasyon erişimleri, salgın öncesi ve sonrası haber/enformasyon alma tercih ve pratikleri ile farklı iletişim mecralarına ve enformasyon kaynaklarına güven düzeylerine ilişkin sorular yöneltilmiştir.
Die dynamische technologische Entwicklung hat im Bereich audiovisueller Medien zu Prozessen der Konvergenz und De-Konvergenz geführt. Eine große Ausweitung des Angebots von Filmen, Fernsehsendungen und anderen audiovisuellen Inhalten geht mit einer Fragmentierung und Individualisierung der Märkte einher, sowohl auf Angebots- als auch auf Nutzerseite. Die Ergebnisse verschiedener Studien, die im Fachgebiet Medienwissenschaft der Filmuniversität Babelsberg durchgeführt wurden, lassen erkennen, welche Faktoren die Nutzung von Bewegtbildern in neuen, (de-)konvergierenden Medienumgebungen beeinflussen.
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In media studies, the concept of television culture is one of the most prominent phenomena. Its influence on the behavioral patterns of the audience has been a topic of a heated discussion among theoreticians since the 80s. Moreover, the extent to which television content is able to affect people’s perception of reality is the key question in two novels presented in this paper. Don DeLillo’s White Noise and Milan Oklopdžić’s Video both explore the influence of modern mass media on the individuals and their perception of reality, as well as their interpersonal relationships. This paper aim at comparing and contrasting the depiction of television culture as a dominant factor which influences the way the audience perceives reality. Both novels discuss the potency of television programmes and the possibility of passive masses who absorb the broadcast without processing the emitted information. By depicting the society of the late 20th century, these novels offer an insight into the core of television culture and the mechanisms of its influence on the audience.
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S’appuyant sur des données qualitatives et quantitatives, les auteures visent à circonscrire la manière dont les pratiques de visionnement connecté s’inscrivent dans la vie quotidienne des jeunes femmes (18-24 ans) au Québec et s’articulent aux différents espaces, particulièrement l’espace domestique. Partant de l’idée que les usages du téléviseur, et aujourd’hui des dispositifs de visionnement connecté, constituent un indicateur de la transformation de la présence des femmes dans les espaces domestiques et publics, les auteures proposent de poursuivre les réflexions de Lynn Spigel du début des années 90 dans le nouvel écosystème médiatique où les pratiques de réception de la télévision sont en pleine transformation. Elles examinent le caractère genré (ou non) des usages et des modalités d’appropriation du visionnement connecté, notamment en ce qui concerne le potentiel d’autonomie couramment associé à ce dispositif quant aux espaces et au temps de visionnement, aux activités menées en parallèle ou aux modalités de découverte et de choix des contenus. La discussion croise deux traditions de recherche, soit celles des usages de la télévision et d’Internet, et s’inscrit dans la lignée des travaux de la critique féministe de la télévision (feminist television criticism). Les données sont ainsi analysées en tenant compte du rôle que jouent les logiques économique, sociale et éditoriale des opérateurs ou des opératrices des plateformes de visionnement à la demande, dans le maintien ou la reconfiguration des rapport sociaux de genre.
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Neste artigo apresentamos alguns resultados preliminares da pesquisa que está a ser realizada na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP/CIIE) com o objetivo de identificar conhecimentos, práticas e vivências da sexualidade dos jovens São-tomenses e o papel da Educação Sexual Escolar (ESE) na adopção de comportamentos preventivos e saudáveis. Estudo qualitativo, exploratório, realizado através de um questionário de autopreenchimento, aplicado a 280 jovens, (135) rapazes e (145) raparigas entre os 15 e os 19 anos de idade, frequentando a 10ª classe do ensino secundário em estabelecimentos públicos e privados. Resultados: observamos que há mudanças em curso no sentido de um maior controlo dos/as jovens estudantes sobre a sua vida sexual, nomeadamente através do prolongamento da idade de abstinência e da monogamia no namoro. O início da atividade sexual é mais precoce nos rapazes (3 anos mais cedo do que as raparigas) e é mais observada, para rapazes e raparigas, quando não tem associada a relação de namoro. É de admitir a hipótese de que a ancoragem da prática sexual na relação afetiva possa ser protetora e libertadora, particularmente para as raparigas, do peso da identidade de género herdada, permitindo uma escolaridade mais prolongada e um projeto de vida mais autónomo.
The substantive concerns and theoretical insights of sociologies of family, intimate and personal life ought to place this body of work in closer dialogue with environmental sociology over the ‘big issue’ of climate change. However, its research active practitioners typically have a narrower repertoire of engagement with global issues and those who are outside the topic area often miss the value of its contributions. This article discusses common ground between this specialist area and sociologies of environmental issues in unpacking processes of social change through empirically grounded theoretical work. This includes the renewed theoretical emphasis on relationality, empirically based critique of the ‘individualisation thesis’, uses of ‘practice’ to transcend ‘micro’–‘macro’ and ‘social’–‘natural’ divisions, and interest in I/we boundary shifts. More fully recognising the potential of this overlapping territory may help leverage more effective sociological responses to the global challenge of climate change.
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This book argues that there is no way to make progress in building a sustainable future without extensive participation of non-state actors. The volume explores the contribution of non-state actors to a sustainable transition, starting with citizens and communities of different kinds and ending with cities and city-networks. The authors analyse social, cultural, political and economic drivers and barriers for this transition, from individual behaviour to structural restraints, and investigate interplay between the two. Through a series of wide-ranging case studies from the UK, Australia, Germany, Italy and Denmark, and a number of comparative case studies, the volume provides an empirically and theoretically robust argument that highlights the need to develop, widen and scale up collective action and community-based engagement if the transition to sustainability is to be successful.
Das Forschungsprojekt ist dem Feld der Aneignung neuer Medientechnologien zuzuordnen und knüpft theoretisch am Mediatisierungsansatz sowie am Domestizierungsansatz an und verbindet diese. Grundsätzlich stellen wir das Nutzerhandeln ins Zentrum unserer Überlegungen. Denn nicht die Medientechnologie ‚wirkt‘, sondern im Zusammentreffen von technologischen Potenzialen und den Aneignungsweisen der Nutzer*innen wird die Bedeutung der Technologien konstituiert.
Wir geben im Folgenden zunächst einen Überblick zum Aufbau der qualitativen Langzeitstudie, die wir zur Analyse der Domestizierung des Internets und der Mediatisierung des Zuhauses durchgeführt haben. Sodann erläutern wir wesentliche Grundprinzipien des methodischen Designs. Anschließend wird die Konzeption der einzelnen Erhebungs- und Auswertungsverfahren differenziert vorgestellt.
Criminology as a discipline maintains an ambivalent attitude towards mass media. Following from Clifford and White’s call for a more nuanced approach to media criminology, the first section of the article contextualises the present study by outlining the uneasy relationship between mainstream criminology and crime drama. The second section explores themes that arose during research that invited criminal justice students to create an outline for a television crime series that they would enjoy watching themselves. The experience of creating and talking about their crime fictions prompted the participants to reflect on aspects of their own lives in some detail, but relatively little on crime per se. Crime drama, including their own creations, provided the participants with an anchor to talk broadly about subjectivities and identities. The piece concludes with observations on the place of emotional engagement when consumers reflect on crime drama.
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