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Abstract and Figures

In the last decades, several discoveries have uncovered the complexity of mammalian evolution during the Mesozoic Era, including important Gondwanan lineages: the australosphenidans, gondwanatherians, and meridiolestidans (Dryolestoidea). Most often, their presence and diversity is documented by isolated teeth and jaws. Here, we describe a new meridiolestidan mammal, Orretherium tzen gen. et sp. nov., from the Late Cretaceous of southern Chile, based on a partial jaw with five cheek teeth in locis and an isolated upper premolar. Phylogenetic analysis places Orretherium as the earliest divergence within Mesungulatidae, before other forms such as the Late Cretaceous Mesungulatum and Coloniatherium , and the early Paleocene Peligrotherium . The in loco tooth sequence (last two premolars and three molars) is the first recovered for a Cretaceous taxon in this family and suggests that reconstructed tooth sequences for other Mesozoic mesungulatids may include more than one species. Tooth eruption and replacement show that molar eruption in mesungulatids is heterochronically delayed with regard to basal dryolestoids, with therian-like simultaneous eruption of the last premolar and last molar. Meridiolestidans seem endemic to Patagonia, but given their diversity and abundance, and the similarity of vertebrate faunas in other regions of Gondwana, they may yet be discovered in other continents.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7594 | 
New cladotherian mammal
from southern Chile
and the evolution of mesungulatid
meridiolestidans at the dusk
of the Mesozoic era
Agustín G. Martinelli1,2*, Sergio Soto‑Acuña2,3*, Francisco J. Goin4, Jonatan Kaluza2,5,
J. Enrique Bostelmann6,7,8, Pedro H. M. Fonseca9, Marcelo A. Reguero4, Marcelo Leppe10 &
Alexander O. Vargas2
In the last decades, several discoveries have uncovered the complexity of mammalian evolution
during the Mesozoic Era, including important Gondwanan lineages: the australosphenidans,
gondwanatherians, and meridiolestidans (Dryolestoidea). Most often, their presence and diversity
is documented by isolated teeth and jaws. Here, we describe a new meridiolestidan mammal,
Orretherium tzen gen. et sp. nov., from the Late Cretaceous of southern Chile, based on a partial
jaw with ve cheek teeth in locis and an isolated upper premolar. Phylogenetic analysis places
Orretherium as the earliest divergence within Mesungulatidae, before other forms such as the Late
Cretaceous Mesungulatum and Coloniatherium, and the early Paleocene Peligrotherium. The in loco
tooth sequence (last two premolars and three molars) is the rst recovered for a Cretaceous taxon
in this family and suggests that reconstructed tooth sequences for other Mesozoic mesungulatids
may include more than one species. Tooth eruption and replacement show that molar eruption
in mesungulatids is heterochronically delayed with regard to basal dryolestoids, with therian‑
like simultaneous eruption of the last premolar and last molar. Meridiolestidans seem endemic to
Patagonia, but given their diversity and abundance, and the similarity of vertebrate faunas in other
regions of Gondwana, they may yet be discovered in other continents.
Before the establishment of metatherians and eutherians as the dominant mammals of the Cenozoic terres-
trial ecosystems of South America13, two main non-tribosphenic mammalian clades achieved large diversity
and dominance during the Late Cretaceous: the gondwanatherian allotherians47 and the meridiolestidan
cladotherians816. Gondwanatherians achieved a Gondwanan distribution, with a dozen species as well as inde-
terminate records from the Upper Cretaceous of Tanzania, Argentina, Chile, Madagascar, and India, as well as the
Paleogene of Argentina, Antarctica and perhaps Peru. ey had a specialized dentition for herbivorous feeding
         
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Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7594 | 
habits, including gliriform incisors and hypsodont molariforms in some taxa7,17. In contrast, meridiolestidans
likely represent an endemic group of South American dryolestoid cladotherians with a typically reversed triangle
pattern for the cheek teeth, though lacking the tribosphenic design (i.e., absence of a protocone and a basined
e fossil record of meridiolestidans includes badly preserved specimens that do not allow a species-level
determination20,21, species of still poorly understood anities (e.g., Casamiquelia rionegrina, see review in Rou-
gier etal.15), and species that are clustered into two main branches: the non-bunodont Cronopio dentiacutus,
Leonardus cuspidatus, Necrolestes patagonensis, and N. mirabilis, and the bunodont mesungulatoids Reigitherium
bunodontum, Mesungulatum houssayi, M. lamarquensis, Paraungulatum rectangularis, Coloniatherium cilinskii,
and Peligrotherium tropicalis815,22 (Fig.1). Mesungulatids (the above species, but likely excluding Reigitherium;
see our phylogenetic analysis below) have bunodont postcanines, molarization of the last premolars, and labio-
lingually extended mesial and distal cingula on their upper and lower cheek teeth8,10,12,13,16,23,24. Meridiolestidans
were at the core of mammalian radiations in South America aer the Late Cretaceous event known as Cretaceous
Terrestrial Revolution25, with their molar morphology suggesting a trend towards greater ecological diversity15.
Meridiolestidans survived the mass extinction event at the end of the Mesozoic Era and persisted as a vestigial
group in the Cenozoic, including Peligrotherium tropicalis from the early Paleocene of Patagonia24,2628, a bizarre
indeterminate taxon from the Eocene of Antarctica29, and two species of Necrolestes from the early Miocene of
Figure1. Location map of Río de Las Chinas Valley, Estancia Cerro Guido, Última Esperanza Province,
Chilean Patagonia. (A) Mammal Quarry location during the Late Cretaceous. Map modied from Scotese85.
(B) Mammal Quarry at the Río de Las Chinas Valley, with exposed geological formations. (C) Localities with
osteological records of Cretaceous dryolestoid mammals from South America.
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7594 | 
Patagonia14,30,31. In addition to gondwanatherians and meridiolestidans, the current record of Late Cretaceous
mammals in South America includes two species of dryolestidans from Argentina closely related to Laurasian
forms (i.e., Groebertetherium stipanicici and G. allenensis11,15), as well as a handful of other records of uncertain
anities from Peru, Bolivia and Brazil3235.
e dentition of dryolestoid mammals illustrates a radiation of pre-tribosphenic mammals, a group of stem
eria in which metatherians and eutherians are nested (i.e., eria36,37). e composition of Dryolestoidea
includes the traditional families Dryolestidae and Paurodontidae3842 (grouped together as Dryolestida), plus the
clade Meridiolestida13,14. Dryolestidae is the most specious group (~ 20 species)38 with almost all of its members
coming from Laurasia, from the Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous strata from North America and Europe3842
and the Middle Jurassic of Asia43. Groebertherium spp. from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia and possibly
Donodon prescriptoris from the Early Cretaceous of Africa were considered dryolestids or dryolestidans10,23,42,44,
enlarging the temporal and geographical distribution of the group. Paurodontidae, in its traditional sense, com-
prises about a dozen species mainly distributed in the Late Jurassic of North America45,46, Late Jurassic to Early
Cretaceous of Europe47,48, and a possible species in the Late Jurassic of Tanzania38; however, this family has been
considered as paraphyletic in more recent phylogenetic analyses and their members may represent early diverg-
ing dryolestidans49. e interrelationships of dryolestidans have resulted in disparate topologies according to
dierent phylogenetic studies13,14,17,22,49, deserving more in depth analysis. e recognition of meridiolestidans
as an endemic group of South American dryolestoids13 is much more recent than for these two, mainly Laura-
sian, traditional clades, which have been known since the late Nineteenth Century3941. e rst meridiolesti-
dan recognized was Mesungulatum houssayi, which also represents the rst undisputed mammalian record for
the Mesozoic of South America50. Although eutherian anities were rst considered for Mesungulatum50, an
immediate amendment considered it as a pretribosphenic mammal related to dryolestoid cladotherians8. By that
time, intensive eldwork led by Dr. José F. Bonaparte resulted in the discovery of a diverse mammal assemblage
from the Campanian–Maastrichtian Los Alamitos Formation (northern Patagonia, Argentina), comprising as
many as 15 new species of non-therian mammals (excluding gondwanatherians), mostly based upon isolated
dental elements. Further materials coming from other localities and ages (e.g., Candeleros, Allen, La Colonia
and Salamanca formations) indicated that this diversity was overestimated; in some cases, taxa were recognized
on the basis of isolated teeth representing dierent loci of dentition in the same taxon1013,15,38,42,5153. e foun-
dational stone for the recognition of the South American clade Meridiolestida was based on the large number
of mammalian discoveries at the roughly coeval Los Alamitos, Allen and La Colonia formations, plus signicant
records in the mid-Cretaceous Candeleros Formation and lower Paleocene Salamanca Formation13. e whole
evidence proves that meridiolestidans evolved more disparate dental and craniomandibular morphotypes than
their relatives the dryolestid and paurodontid dryolestoids810,1315,31. Contrary to this line of evidence, Averianov
etal.49 proposed an alternative hypothesis in which meridiolestidans were nested as non-cladotherian trechnoth-
erians related to spalacotheroid “symmetrodontans. Features used to link meridiolestidans with spalacotheroids
are the presence of an anterior lower premolar with well-developed mesial and two distal accessory cusps; the
lack of a distinctive talonid; well-developed mesial and distal cingula; mesiodistally compressed roots in lower
molars; lack of angular process and a Meckel’s groove in the dentary; and masseteric process (particularly that
of Cronopio) homologous to the masseteric shelf of some spalacolestines49. Wible and Rougier31 and Rougier
etal.15 discussed this hypothesis49 and stated that some traits were wrongly scored, such as the absence of an
angular process in meridiolestidans (which is present in Cronopio, Peligrotherium and an unnamed Cretaceous
form13,21,24) or have a random distribution amongst trechnotherians, not being synapomorphic for both clades
(spalacotheroids and meridiolestidans)15,31, such as the masseteric process which is only present in Cronopio
and in few putative “symmetrodontans15. Further, the proposal of meridiolestidans as related to “symmetro-
dontans”49 dismissed several non-dental traits15,31. However, given the disparity of craniodental morphologies
among meridiolestidans1315,31 and the incompleteness of most taxa, the relationships of this endemic South
American group among the trechnotherians are not a fully resolved matter. e sum of cranio-dental evidence
provided by the last comprehensive analyses15,16,22,31 (including our modied dataset) supports a cladotherian
position for meridiolestidans, usually linked to dryolestidans within Dryolestoidea, a scheme we follow here.
Here we describe the southernmost record of a meridiolestidan mammal from the Upper Cretaceous Dorotea
Formation at the Magallanes Region of southernmost Chile. Two specimens are referred to a new taxon, Orre
therium tzen gen. et sp. nov., including an upper last premolar (hypodigm CPAP-5008) and a partial lower jaw
with the last two premolars and three molars (holotype CPAP-5007). We discuss its anities, its biogeographic
signicance, and the extent of the Mesungulatidae as a distinct family of Meridiolestida. Additionally, the lower
premolar-molar series of a single individual considerably improves our understanding on the anatomy and tooth
replacement sequence for mesungulatid mammals.
Systematic palaeontology.
Mammalia Linnaeus 175854.
Meridiolestida Rougier, Apesteguía, and Gaetano 201113.
Mesungulatidae Bonaparte 19868.
Orretherium tzen gen. et sp. nov.
(Figs.25, 7).
Etymology. Orre means teeth in the language spoken by the Aonikenk, the original inhabitants of the
Patagonian plains in Chile and Argentina, and therium from the Greek thērion, beast, frequently used for mam-
mals. e species name tzen is Aonikenk for ve, the number of teeth preserved in the in locis sequence.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7594 | 
Holotype. CPAP-5007, partial le dentary with p2, p3 and m1-m3 (Figs.2, 3).
Hypodigm. CPAP-5008, almost complete right upper P3 with some remains of the maxillary bone (Figs.4,
Comments. CPAP-5008 was found a few meters away from the lower jaw CPAP-5007; even though it can-
not be unambiguously referred to the same specimen, it is highly probable taking in account their compatible
size, stage of wear, spatial proximity and taphonomic signature in the outcrop (e.g., based on isolated pieces
from ~ 10 × 10m quarry we were able to reconstruct the lower jaw of the holotype, and the outcrop has relatively
few mammal individuals/specimens).
Horizon and locality. All specimens come from a small hill, named Mammal Quarry, located in the Río
de Las Chinas valley (50° 42 S /72° 32 W), Estancia Cerro Guido, Última Esperanza Province, Magallanes and
Chilean Antarctic Region, Chilean Patagonia; lower levels of the Dorotea Formation, late Campanian to early
Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous.
Diagnosis. Small-sized mesungulatid dryolestoid (sensu phylogenetic hypothesis here obtained and previ-
ous ones13,14,31) slightly smaller than Mesungulatum houssayi and M. lamarquensis and larger than the non-
mesungulatids Reigitherium bunodontum and Leonardus cuspidatus. Orretherium diers from Mesungulatum in
having labio-lingually shorter mesial and distal cingula, more developed on the mesiolabial and distolabial sides
in m1–m2; mesial and distal cingula mesio-distally longer; more bulbous protoconid; paraconid relatively larger
than in Mesungulatum and separated of the metaconid by a distinct notch; smaller m1 relative to m2 in Orre
therium (subequal in Mesungulatum). e m3 of Orreotherium diers from the inferred m3 of Mesungulatum in
having a broader and mesially convex mesial cingulum; relatively smaller paraconid and larger metaconid; and
more developed swelling at the labial base of protoconid. Orretherium diers from Coloniatherium in having a
relatively smaller p2 compared to p3 and molars; large metaconid in p2, with an accessory lingual cingular cusp
next to it; lack of extra roots in p2; wider angle formed by the trigonid cusps in p3; less-developed swelling of
the labial base of the protoconid in p3; more labially expanded mesial and distal cingula in p3; postprotocristid
projected posterior to the distal surface of the metaconid in p3; only one tiny extra root in p3; m1 smaller than
m2 (m1 larger than m2 in the inferred molars of Coloniatherium); m1 sub-square instead of sub-rectangular
Figure2. Orretherium tzen gen. et sp. nov. (CPAP-5007, holotype). (ac) Partial le dentary with p2-p3
and m1-m3 in occlusal (a), labial (b) and medial (c) views. Drawings made by A.G.M. ac accessory cusp, coc
coronoid crest, dc distal cingulum, de dentine, en enamel, maf masseteric fossa, mc mesial cingulum, mf mental
foramen, med metaconid, pad paraconid, prd protoconid, rm retromolar space. Scale bar: 5mm.
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in shape (the latter in Coloniatherium). Orretherium diers from Peligrotherium in having less complex lower
cingula in lower premolars and molars; lack of lower labial accessory cuspules in lower molars; more dened
main crown cusps (protoconid, paraconid, metaconid) and cristids in p3 and molars; m2 larger than m1 and m3
(in Peligrotherium m1 is larger than the remaining molars). Orretherium diers from Reigitherium in having a
triangular conguration of the main cusps of the last premolar and molars; molars with conspicuous paraconid
and postprotocristid; labio-lingually narrower molars; lack of labial accessory cuspules in molars. e P3 diers
from that of Coloniatherium in having a slightly convex mesial wall of the crown; longer post- and preparac-
ristae; metastyle more labially placed; distal cingulum more lingually expanded; slightly concave (instead of
convex) lingual wall of the base of the paracone; swelling of the lingual base of the paracone much less reduced.
e P3 of Orretherium diers from that of Peligrotherium in having labio-lingually broader and apico-basally
shorter mesial and distal cingula; paracone connected to the stylocone and the metastyle more labially placed
to the stylocone. e P3 lacks extra-roots, which are present in Coloniatherium and Peligrotherium. e P3 dif-
fers from the inferred last premolar (P4) of Reigitherium in the absence of continuous and clearly dierentiated
mesial and distal cingula; lack of ectoexid and extra-labial cusps; and in that the triangular conguration of
cusps of the primary trigon is not topologically similar. Orretherium shares with other meridiolestidans13, while
diering from most other dryolestoids, the presence of a large stylocone, similar in size to the paracone, absence
of metacone, three lower molars (and inferred three upper molars), a mesiodistally compressed root in the last
premolars and molars, and lack of a Meckel’s groove in the inner wall of the dentary.
Description. Lower premolar‑molar series. Specimen CPAP-5007 represents the holotype of Orretherium
tzen and one of the few Late Cretaceous Mesozoic mammals from South America bearing a sequence of ve
lower cheek teeth in locis (Fig.2). e le lower jaw includes the p2-p3 and m1-m3, identied on the basis of the
tooth formula of Coloniatherium and Peligrotherium12,15,24. e crown wear of p3 is less accentuated than that of
m1, suggesting that the p3 is a replacement tooth that erupted later than m1 (see below). e crown of the last
premolar and molars are dominated by one labial (protoconid) and two lingual (paraconid and metaconid) cusps
linked by crests, forming an acute “V” (Fig.2), which represent the plesiomorphic trigonid of trechnotherian
mammals and primitively the three main lower cusps of postcanine teeth18,19. e p2 is slightly mesio-distally
larger and labio-lingually narrower than p3; p3 is larger in all dimensions than the molars; m1 is smaller than m2
Figure3. Orretherium tzen gen. et sp. nov. (CPAP-5007, holotype). (ad) 3D-rendering of transparent
partial le dentary with p2-p3 and m1-m3 in occlusal (a), labial (b) and ventral (c) views, highlighting the
root morphology, and dentary without teeth in dorsal view (d). Images generated by P.H.F.M. using 3D Slicer
soware. er extra root, rcr radicular canal of the root. Scale bar: 5mm.
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Figure4. Orretherium tzen gen. et sp. nov. (CPAP-5008). (ae) last right upper premolar (P3) in mesial (a),
occlusal (b), distal (c), lingual (d) and labial (e) views, with accompanying line drawings. Drawings made by
A.G.M. dc distal cingulum, dcc distal cingulum cusp, ladr labiodistal root, lamr labiomesial root, lir lingual
root, mc mesial cingulum, mcc mesial cingular cusp, mst metastyle, n notch, pa paracone, pst parastyle, popc
postparacrista; prpc, preparacrista; st, stylocone; stc, styloconar crest. Scale bar: 5mm.
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and m3 and m3 is smaller than m2; thus, m2 is the largest molar. In occlusal view, p2 is roughly triangular with
the acute angle facing mesially, p3 is roughly rectangular, with the major axis mesio-distally oriented, m1 and
m2 are almost quadrangular, being slightly wider than long, and m3 is trapezoidal, with the longest side facing
mesially. In occlusal view, the tooth sequence has a slightly sigmoidal line, with p2 and p3 more labially placed
than m2 and m3, the m1 having an intermediate position (Fig.2). e crown complexity increases posteriorly,
with p3 having the same conguration of the molars, and m1 and m2 very similar to each other. e m3 reduces
about 1/3 its distal width but keeps the same crown structures than m1–m2 (Fig.2).
e p2 lacks the portion of the crown mesial to the protoconid. It is a bulbous tooth, with the protoconid
occupying most of the crown. It has strong apical wear exhibiting a thick enamel layer and dentine. e labial
wall of the paraconid is strongly convex, with a swelling at the crown base. e labial wall is straighter and dis-
tolingually invaded by an accessory cingular cusp (Fig.2). e preprotocristid is stout and slopes down toward
the embrasure with the paraconid, which is not preserved. Taking into account the broken base of the crown,
a conspicuous paraconid is inferred, as in the p2 of Coloniatherium12,15. e postprotocristid is sharper and
projects disto-lingually to contact the base of the metaconid. is crest also delimits distally a concave surface.
ere is an extra thin crest over the distolabial surface of the protoconid, which descends to contact the cingular
distolabial cusp of the distal cingulum. e metacone is much smaller than the protoconid and apparently smaller
than the inferred paraconid (Fig.2). ere is a distal cingulum, separated from the metaconid and protoconid
by a deep valley. e distal cingulum runs transversally along two-thirds of its lingual portion and then curves
mesio-labially. It has minute crenulations, with a distinctive cusp at its labial end.
e p3 also lacks part of the mesial portion of the crown, but its outline is evident (Fig.2). e protoconid is
moderately procumbent, taller than in any other cheek tooth, and occupies most of the labial half of the crown.
e labial surface of the protoconid is less convex than in p2. e pre- and postprotocristid forms an angle of
50º, with the preprotocristid extending mesio-lingually to contact the base of the broken paraconid and the
transversely projected postprotocristid. e preprotocristid is slightly inclined and thick at its contact with
the paraconid (Fig.2). Both pre- and postprotocristids enclose a concave basin, which is reduced and partially
divided by a fold of the lingual wall of the protoconid. e metaconid is placed close and lingually in front of
the protoconid. In lingual view, it is the main dominant cusp, as tall as the protoconid, and considerably taller
and larger than the paraconid. e metaconid and protoconid are connected by the postprotocristid, which
extends lingually to contact the short distolingual crest of the metaconid; they form an almost right angle. e
metaconid has its tip worn out, dening a drop-shaped outline. e swelling of the lingual wall of the crown
enlarges considerably the transversal width of the tooth and positions the apex of the metaconid more labially
(medially displaced). e p3 has conspicuous mesial and distal cingula, which are mesio-distally broader at their
labial side and separated from the wall of the protoconid base by a narrow notch (Fig.2). e occlusal surface
of these cingula is partially eroded, especially the mesial one which is also incompletely preserved. e crown
conguration of p3 is similar to that of the molars, mainly diering in that the trigonid has a smaller triangular
area than the molars, but the labial and lingual swelling of the crown base plus the mesial/distal cingula result
in a larger and bulbous tooth, the largest of the cheek-tooth series. e dierences between p2 and p3 are con-
spicuous, especially in the occlusal outline, less developed cingula, and relative size (protoconid much larger in
p2 than in p3) and placement (metaconid is distolingual to protoconid in p2 instead of lingual as in p3) of the
trigonid cusps (Fig.2).
e m1–m3 have a similar morphology, with slight dierences in size among them; the m3 is characteristic
in having a narrower distal portion than the mesial one. In addition, the swelling of the crown base is stronger
in the labial side of m2–m3 than in m1 (Fig.2). e three molars have a tall protoconid, which is slightly mesio-
distally compressed at its labial sector. e pre- and postprotocristids form an angle of ~ 45º in all molars, which is
smaller than the angle of p3. e preprotocristids run obliquely and end in the mesiolabial wall of the paraconid;
Figure5. Orretherium tzen gen. et sp. nov. (CPAP-5008). (ad) 3D rendering of last right upper premolar (P3)
in ventral (a), distal (b), lingual (c), and labial (d) views. Images generated by P.H.F.M. using 3D Slicer soware.
ladr labiodistal root, lamr labiomesial root, lir lingual root. Scale bar: 5mm.
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they are straight in m1-m2 and slightly bent in m3. e postprotocristids are transversal to the main dentary
axis, being straight in m1–m2 and shorter and bent in m3. e protoconids bear a lingual fold, apically sharp
(as seen in m3), which becomes rounded aer apical wear (as in m1–m2). e basin dened by the cristids of
the protoconid is larger in m2 than in m1 and m3, and its size is considerably aected by wear. e paraconid
of each molar is placed at the mesiolingual corner of the crown. It is a conical cusp, considerably smaller and
shorter than the metaconid. e separation of paraconid and metaconid is dened by a deep and narrow notch,
clearly exposed in the lingual side of m3, less aected by wear. In addition, the paraconid apex is placed higher
in relation to the mesial cingulum, dening a tall mesial wall. Along the molars, the paraconid is comparable in
size whereas the metaconid decreases backwards. e metaconid is a large cusp, subconical, subtly smaller than
the protoconid. Its labial wall is concave whereas the lingual one is almost at, dening most of the lingual prole
of the crown. e metaconid is considerably larger in m1-m2 than in p3, but due to wear, the distal crest of the
metaconid that contacts the postprotocristid is not evident in m1-m2. In m3, the distal wall of the metaconid
seems to reach the postprotocristid directly. In m1 and m3, there is no evidence of a labial crest on the metaco-
nid, which seems to be absent in m1 due to wear. In m2, the mesiolabial corner of the metaconid bears a worn
crest that descends labially to the trigonid basin, but lacks contact with the protoconid fold. e crowns of the
molars are anked by distinctive mesial and distal cingula, extended from the lingual to the labial side (Fig.2).
Both cingula are separated from the trigonid by a continuous groove, which is narrower in m2 than in m1 and
m3. e mesial and distal cingula become mesio-distally broad in the labial sector, and especially in m1-m2 they
curve towards the protoconid base, thus having a lingual component. e mesial cingulum is better developed
than the distal one, especially in m3 in which the distal portion of the crown is transversely narrow. ere is
intense wear in the cingula of m1–m2, obscuring evidence of crenulations or discrete cuspules. However, the
mesial cingulum of m3 has a conspicuous cusp at its labial end, as well as subtle constrictions that suggest tiny
cuspules. e mesial cingulum is placed slightly higher than the distal one. Extra cingula or cingular cusps on
the labial/lingual surfaces of m1-m3 are absent, contrary to the condition of Peligrotherium and Reigitherium16.
Posterior to m3 there is a retromolar space as long as half a molar size (Fig.2).
e roots of p2-m3 were virtually reconstructed by micro-CT images (Fig.3). All teeth have two main roots,
one in the mesial and the other in the distal half of the tooth. Only p3 has a tiny accessory root. e roots of p2
are unequal, the mesial one being cylindrical and the distal one transversely compressed, tapering to the root
apex (Fig.3). e mesial root is slightly postero-ventrally inclined, and longer and thicker than the distal one.
e apex of the mesial root is closer to the ventral edge of the dentary than in any other teeth. e mesial and
distal roots of p3 are subequal and both are transversely compressed (Fig.3). e tiny accessory root is placed
anterior to the labial side of the distal root. It is conical, slightly inclined and part of its base collapses with the
distal root. e roots of m1–m2 are similar, both transversely compressed, tapering to the apex root. ey are
parallel to each other and the mesial wall of the distal roots has a longitudinal, shallow groove. e roots of m3
are distinctive in size and shape, concomitant with the crown shape. e mesial root is transversely compressed,
tapering to the apex root, and slightly smaller and shorter than in the preceding molars. e distal root has a
transversely wide base but tapers abruptly and much of the root is oval in cross-section. In the p2 and molars,
the roots are taller than the crown, whereas in p3 they have a similar height (Fig.3).
Upper premolar. CPAP-5008 consists of an almost complete right upper P3 with portions of the maxillary
bone around the roots, indicating it was functional at the moment of death (Fig.4). Most of the parastyle and
metastyle cusps are broken, only preserving their bases. Parts of the roots are also broken, missing the distal
portion of the lingual root and about 2/3 of the labiodistal one. In occlusal view, the sides of the crown dene a
roughly rectangular outline, about twice wider than long, with the labial prole slightly convex and the lingual
one slightly convex. e crown has intense wear over the paracone apex and its pre- and postparacristae, and the
mesial and distal cingula. e paracone is the main cusp occupying most of the lingual half of the crown (Fig.4).
It has a conical shape, slightly mesio-distally at, and bears the pre- and postparacristae, which denes an acute
angle (~ 50º). e preparacrista extends labially, passing the level of the tip of the stylocone, and is separated from
the parastyle by a deep and narrow notch. At this point, the preparacrista is slightly thick and exhibits more wear
than the postparacrista. e postparacrista extends distolabially to the metastyle, but the crista ends lingually to
it, both separated by a wide sulcus. e paracone also bears a short labial crest that contacts the styloconar crest,
dividing two small basins (Fig.4). e stylocone is also a conspicuous conical cusp. Due to wear, it has almost
the same height as the paracone. e stylocone is positioned labially and slightly distal to the paracone, at the
mesiodistal mid-way of the crown and disconnected of the preparacrista, as occur in most other meridiolestidans
(e.g., Leonardus, Reigitherium, Mesungulatum)1113,15,23. On the contrary, dryolestids and paurodontids have a
clear connection between the stylocone and the preparacrista42,45,47. Both the paracone and stylocone are close
to one each other, as in molarized premolars, whereas they become more distant in successive teeth15. e labial
surface of the stylocone forms the labial surface of the crown, producing a swelling at its base (Fig.4). us,
the labial wall of the stylocone has a shallow concave outline in mesial/distal views, instead of being straight
or slightly convex as in molars. e styloconal crest is very small and fuses to the labial crest of the paracone
at their embrasure. e parastyle is fully disconnected from the stylocone and the preparacrista (Fig.4). is
cusp is not preserved, but its base is somewhat compressed and bears a short cingulum on its labial surface. is
small cingulum does not extend over the labial surface and is dierent from the crenulated and complete labial
cingulum of the M1 of Mesungulatum and Coloniatherium8,12. In the P3 of Coloniatherium, a labial cingulum is
also absent15. e broken base of the metastyle is placed labiodistally and close to the stylocone; both are linked
by a sharp and short crest developed on its distal wall. Based on its broken base, the metastyle is rounded and
placed in a more apical position than the parastyle. e metastyle is separated from the distal cingulum and
postparacrista by a deep sulcus (Fig.4). In contrast, the metastyle and the labial end of the postparacrista are
almost in contact in the P3 of Coloniatherium15. e mesial and distal faces of the crown of CPAP-5008 are
anked by a conspicuous cingulum (Fig.4). e mesial cingulum extends lingually from above the level of the
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parastyle to pass the level of the paracone apex, marking o an internal groove. e distal cingulum starts from
a attened labiodistal, small cingular cusp, located distal to the metastylar base, and extends lingually passing
the paracone apex. e distal cingulum is slightly mesio-distally narrower and more oblique than the mesial
one. Besides, the mesial cingulum seems to be placed closer to the crown base than the distal one. Both cingula
have small and worn out crenulations, especially on the lingual side. e continuous mesial and distal cingula
in the last premolars and all molars of mesungulatids, such as Mesungulatum, Coloniatherium, Peligrotherium,
and Paraungulathum, are unique traits of this group8,11,12,15,24.
CPAP-5008 has three roots, one lingual and two labial. e lingual root has a subcircular cross-section and
lacks most of its distal wall (Fig.5). It bends slightly labially. e mesiolabial root is oval in cross section, with
the main axis transversely oriented. e distal labial root has the largest base, but most of the root is broken. It
is sub-rectangular in cross-section, mesio-distally compressed, and about three times wider than long (Fig.5).
Extra-roots were not identied in the micro-CT images.
Dentary. e dentary of specimen CPAP-5007 is preserved in two parts, the one holding p2 and a second
bearing p3 to m3, with its posterior portion broken backward at the base of the coronoid process. e horizontal
ramus of the dentary is robust and transversely broad, to hold the complex system of roots. In labial view, the
ventral edge of the dentary is concave, whereas the alveolar one is irregular in its labial side and almost straight
in the lingual side (Fig.2). e lateral wall of the dentary is dorso-ventrally concave, tallest at the level of m3.
e lowest preserved point is between p2-p3 but at this part the alveolar edge is only partially preserved. One
mental foramen is preserved, here interpreted as the posteriormost one, considering that other foramina pierce
the missing anterior portion of dentary. e mental foramen seems to be large, but its posterior edge is broken.
It is placed below the crown of p2, near the ventral edge (Fig.2). A tiny nutrient foramen is also observable at the
base of the coronoid process, near the anterior edge of the masseteric fossa. e labial alveolar border exhibits an
irregular line, with the inter-radicular processes less developed than the inter-alveolar ones. Only the anterodorsal
portion of the masseteric fossa is preserved, being deeper just posterior to the base of the coronoid process. e
coronoid process is almost completely lost, preserving its base, which is transversely wide and antero-posteriorly
short, forming an antero-laterally rounded edge. e anterior surface of the coronoid base is slightly concave
and faces anteriorly, suggesting the anterior edge of the coronoid process was vertical. e base of the coronoid
process is also placed in front of the last molar, separated by a conspicuous retromolar space. e medial wall of
the dentary is almost at and considerably taller than the lateral side. ere is a shallow longitudinal depression
placed at mid-height below the cheek teeth (Fig.2), which may indicate the remnant surface of Meckel’s cartilage
that is lost during ontogeny55,56. Scars for a coronoid bone or other postdentary bones are not evident and details
of the posterior portion of the dentary (e.g., angular process, condyle) are not preserved.
Figure6. Lower cheek teeth replacement sequence in Orretherium tzen gen. et sp. nov. (a) Relative crown wear
on preserved cheek teeth of CPAP-5007. (b) Hypothetical stage of a juvenile, with deciduous premolars and rst
molar (H#0). (c) Inferred sequence of replacement based on (c).
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7594 | 
Replacement sequence. Inferences on the tooth eruption sequence of Orretherium can be drawn with the avail-
able material using the relative wear over the crown as a proxy (Fig.6). In addition, we assume a diphyodont
replacement of premolars for Orretherium, a typical condition among trechnotherians5759, and the denition of
molar as any tooth posterior to the last postcanine showing evidence of replacement, as amended by Bi etal.60,
based on Owen61. e crown wear in CPAP-5007 is as follows: (i) m1 has the most worn crown; (ii) p2 and m2
have both a roughly similar tooth wear stage, stronger than p3 and m3; (iii) the wear of m3 is roughly similar
or slightly stronger than that of p3; and (iv) the cervix of p3 is in a lower position than the remaining teeth (not
fully erupted) (Fig.6). Based on this, the following sequence is inferred: (i) m1 erupted before than p2-p3, being
functional with the deciduous (d) premolars; (ii) dp2 was replaced earlier than dp3, likely simultaneous with
eruption of m2; (iii) dp3 was replaced at the same time or slightly later than eruption of m3; (iv) possibly p3
was the last tooth to fully erupt, slightly later than m3; and (v) wear facets are conspicuous before the crowns
were fully erupted, as seen in the incomplete erupted p3 (Fig.6). is model indicates an anterior to posterior
sequence of replacement for p2-p3 (due to the lack of replacement evidence for p1, we cannot extend this con-
clusion to the entire premolar series), and an anterior to posterior eruption of molars. Based on this model, the
p2 and the molarized p3 are considered permanent premolars, and the three posterior teeth molars, as inferred
for Peligrotherium24 and Coloniatherium12. Although we cannot refer the P3 of CPAP-5008 unambiguously as
part of CPAP-5007, the crown wear of the P3 is similar to the p3, supporting that CPAP-5008 is a permanent
molarized premolar. Stronger wear on P3 could certainly indicate a dierent individual, but this is not the case.
Figure7. Time-calibrated phylogenetic trees. Simplied strict consensus tree of 12 MPTs with the position of
Orretherium tzen among meridiolestidan mammals.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7594 | 
Phylogenetic relationships. Our parsimony phylogenetic analysis resulted in 12 most parsimonious trees
of 1196 steps (Ci = 0.372, Ri = 0.728). A simplied strict consensus tree is shown in Fig.7 (see also Supplemen-
tary Data 1). Orretherium is nested within Meridiolestida, as sister-taxon of an unresolved clade comprising
Mesungulatum, Coloniatherium, and Peligrotherium; these four genera are considered the clade Mesungulatidae
(Fig.7). Mesungulatum is the least known taxon of the group, lacking data on most of the premolar morphol-
ogy as well as the jaw and the rest of skeleton. Except for MACN-RN 06, a le dentary with m1 and m2, tooth
sequences are interpreted based on isolated teeth15,16. Reigitherium is placed as sister taxon of mesungulatids,
as the basalmost Mesungulatoidea. Most of the meridiolestidan clades have high Bremer support values (see
Fig.S6). e crown and root dental gross morphology of the P3 and p2-m3 of Orretherium follows the typical
pattern of mesungulatids, but some traits, such as the lack of supernumerary roots in P3 and p2 and the relatively
small size of p2, place the new Chilean taxon as basal to the Late Cretaceous Mesungulatum and Coloniatherium
and the early Paleocene Peligrotherium.
Optimization of some character-states is also dicult to address, considering that the distal upper/lower
premolars of Mesungulatum and the upper molars of Orretherium are unknown. Reigitherium, originally related
to dryolestoids in its own family Reigitheriidae9 and then to docodontans62 (an early mammaliaform group),
has gained support as a meridiolestidan, particularly as a mesungulatoid, since the discoveries and reinterpre-
tation of several specimens from La Colonia Formation12,13,16. However, Harper etal.16, based on a reduced
dataset of taxa (#10) and characters (#44), obtained a clade with Reigitherium plus Peligrotherium as sister-
group of Mesungulatum plus Coloniatherium. Our results do not support the inclusion of Reigitherium within
mesungulatids, or a clade with Peligrotherium (see the Discussion) and supporting instead its position as sister
taxon of mesungulatids, as in previous studies13,14,31,63. is results from changes in some character-state coding
for Reigitherium that dier from the analysis conducted by Harper etal.16. e “high grade” of bunodonty in
Figure8. Comparison of selected le upper/lower postcanine teeth of some meridiolestian mammals and
their size based on m1. Leonardus is based on MACN-RN 172 (M1) and MACN-RN 1097 (m1), as interpreted
by Rougier etal.15; Reigitherium, Harper etal.16: Fig.3a and MPEF-PV 2238, M1; MPEF-PV 2317, m1);
Orretherium, CPAP-5008 (P3) and CPAP-5007 (m1); Mesungulatum, MACN-RN 03 (M1) and MACN-RN 06
(m1-m2); Coloniatherium, MPEF-PV 2081 (P3), MPEF-PV 2078 (M1) and MPEF-PV 2064 (m1), as interpreted
by Rougier etal.12,15; and Peligrotherium, MPEF-PV 2351, as interpreted by Páez Arango24 and Rougier etal.15.
See also Fig. S3. For comparative purposes the M1/m1 of Leonardus, m1 of Reigitherium, P3 of Reigitherium,
and P3 of Coloniatherium are inverted. Drawings made by A.G.M. cc cingular cusp, ci cingulum, dc distal
cingulum, dlac distolabial cingular cusp, mc mesial cingulum, med metaconid, mlac mesiolabial cingular cusp;
lac labial cingular cusp, mst metastyle, pa paracone, pad paraconid, pcr preprotocristid, pst parastyle, pocr
postprotocristid, popc postparacrista, prd protoconid, prpc preparacrista, stc stylocone.
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Reigitherium and Peligrotherium was the main aspect that drives their sister-taxon position in Harper etal.16.
However, comparisons of the tooth characters of both taxa shows remarkable dierences (Fig.8), and mesun-
gulatids (including Peligrotherium and excluding Reigitherium) clearly highlight a morphological trend in the
dentition, with similar tooth crown topologies that increase in size and bunodonty (see below). e presence of
four premolars in Reigitherium (as expressed by Harper etal.16), together with its small size and its distinctive
crown conguration may likely indicate another peculiar radiation of South American mammals, still poorly
known but certainly close to mesungulatids.
Another dierence obtained regarding previous hypotheses13,49 is the paraphyletic condition of dryolestids
at the base of the Dryolestoidea clade (Fig.7). Furthermore, we obtained a “paurodontid” clade (Foxraptor,
Paurodon and Drescheratherium) as sister-group of Meridiolestida as in some previous analyses13,14, instead of
being early diverging dryolestidans49. Our result supports a Dryolestoidea clade as proposed in Rougier etal.13,
that was not obtained in other studies14,31. Certainly, changes in character-scorings, the inclusion of the new
taxon, and the incompleteness of several taxa may explain this result, which may be reversed by new fossils
and larger datasets. Furthermore, the morphological and temporal gaps between meridiolestidans and putative
dryolestidans from the mid-to-Late Cretaceous of Gondwana and the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous of Laurasia
indicate a still undeciphered history. e phylogenetic proposal by Averianov etal.49, in which meridiolestidans
are placed as non-cladotherian trechnotherians, is not supported by our analysis, but larger datasets coupled
with more complete specimens and more plesiomorphic South American meridiolestidans may support dierent
evolutionary scenarios in the future.
Orretherium tzen gen. et sp. nov. from the Late Cretaceous of southern Chile represents the second mammal
species for the Dorotea Formation (Magallanes Basin) and the southernmost record of a Mesozoic dryolestoid.
Within the abundance of meridiolestidan mammals in terrestrial faunal associations of central and northern
Patagonia that predate the end of the Mesozoic, the occurrence of Orretherium in southern Patagonia expands
the distribution of this group further south, being at a palaeolatitude of ~ 54º S during the Late Cretaceous64.
During the Late Cretaceous, since the Campanian, the Magallanes region was palaeogeographically very close
to the West Gondwana margin65 and separated from the amalgamate West Antarctica crustal block (Antarctic
Peninsula)66. However, temporal land bridges through the Scotia Arc could facilitate intercontinental disper-
sion of organisms67. erefore, the Magallanes region and the Antarctic Peninsula could have been part of a
unique domain, bearing a typically Weddellian (Southwestern Gondwana) biota, including gondwanatherians
and meridiolestidans. e Orretherium bearing horizon of the Dorotea Formation (Magallanes Basin) seems
to be coeval with horizons of the Gamma (= Herbert Sound) Member of the Snow Hill Island Formation (late
Campanian-early Maastrichtian, James Ross Basin, Larsen Basin) of the Antarctic Peninsula crustal block. is
palaeogeographic proximity and the record of an Eocene non-therian cladotherian in the Antarctic Peninsula29
suggest a still hidden southern history for this group by the Late Cretaceous to Paleogene.
Orretherium is noticeably similar to three species recovered in the Los Alamitos (Mesungulatum houssayi8),
Allen (M. lamarquensis11), and La Colonia (Coloniatherium cilinskii12) formations and to some extent to the early
Paleocene Peligrotherium, which achieved larger body size and more bunodont cheek teeth16,24,27. e main fea-
tures shared by these taxa include: a well-developed labio-lingually extended mesial and distal cingula on upper
and lower molariforms, with occlusal contact between opposite teeth; the presence of mesio-distally compressed
roots in last premolars and molars; the presence of small extra-roots in the last premolars (at least one extra
root in the p3 of Orretherium and unknown in Mesungulatum); enlargement of the last premolar (unknown in
Mesungulatum); and presence of three premolars (unknown in Mesungulatum, inferred in Orretherium) and
three molars (Figs.8, 9).
e inferred lower postcanine series in Coloniatherium and Mesungulatum were taken from Harper etal.16
and Rougier etal.15 (see Fig.9), which are based on a pool of specimens collected in their respective type locali-
ties. Certainly, they illustrate a reliable postcanine series, also supported by isolated, mostly edentulous jaws
of Coloniatherium12 and the well-preserved and more complete specimens of Peligrotherium15,16,24,27. Data on
Mesungulatum is much more limited than for Coloniatherium and Orretherium, especially regarding the premo-
lar positions. Some considerations can be made on those reconstructed series taking into consideration the in
locis postcanines of Orretherium. We suggest that the inferred m1 (MEPF-PV 2064) and m3 (MPEF-PV 2138)
of Coloniatherium may be of a dierent, closely related taxon, considering that m1 and m2 of Orretherium and
Mesungulatum are remarkably similar in morphology (Fig.9). Specimen MEPF-PV 2064 referred to m1 of Colo
niatherium could represent the p3 of another smaller mesungulatid species, considering that is relatively longer
mesio-distally than the molars of Mesungulatum and Orretherium. Similarly, the m3 (MACN-RN 06) referred
to Mesungulatum could represent a last molar of another taxon, perhaps a lower tooth of Paraungulatum or a
still undescribed species, taken into consideration the large size of the paraconid related to the metaconid and
its much smaller size compared to the m1-m2, preserved in locis8 (Fig.9).
Comparison of the P3 is not possible with Mesungulatum since this position is unknown. e P3 of Orrethe
rium is more molarized than the P3 of Coloniatherium in having: longer post- and preparacristae; metastyle more
labially placed; distal cingulum more lingually expanded; and a less reduced swelling of the lingual base of the
paracone. In Coloniatherium, the P3 is more bulbous as is also the case of the p312,15. e P3 of Orretherium has
apico-basally shorter mesial and distal cingula than that of Peligrotherium and the main crown cusps are clearly
dened in the Chilean taxon, which is not the case of the latter. e micro-CT images did not reveal extra-roots
in the P3 of Orretherium, diering from the condition of Coloniatherium and Peligrotherium12,15,16.
Data on tooth replacement sequence in mesungulatids is limited mainly because of the lack of juveniles
and more complete specimens. However, previous studies24 mentioned that the last premolar of Peligrotherium
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7594 | 
has less wear than the penultimate premolar and rst molar, indicating it was replaced. A similar condition is
observed in the lower jaw of Orretherium (Fig.6), marking the boundary between molars and premolars. e
well-documented dental replacement in the lower premolars of Dryolestes follows an alternating pattern in a
sequence: p1–p3–p2–p458, as is also similar in zhangheotheriids and possibly spalacotheriids (although the num-
ber of premolar teeth varies among species), representing the plesiomorphic condition for trechnotherians59,60.
Mesungulatids have a reduced 3p/3m count, contrasting with the 4p/8-9m of dryolestids (e.g., Dryolestes,
Amblotherium, Laolestes41,42,45), the 2-3p/4-5m of paurodontids (Paurodon, Drescheratherium, Foxraptor45,68,69),
the 5p/6-?7m of spalacotheriids (e.g., Spalacolestes, Akidolestes, Lactodens7072), and the varied count (1-4p/4-6m)
in zhangheotheriids (e.g., 3p/5–6m, Zhangheotherium; p1-3/m6 Maotherium; 4p/4m, Anebodon60,7375). Consid-
ering four premolars as the plesiomorphic condition for dryolestoids, and assuming that the rst premolar was
lost in mesungulatids, a similar pattern in the eruption sequence between Orretherium and Dryolestes cannot
be completely discarded: (1º) p1 (Dryolestes) = p0 (rst plesiomorphic premolar lost in Orretherium); (2º) p3
(Dryolestes) = p2 (Orretherium); 3º); p2 (Dryolestes) = p1 (not preserved in Orretherium); 4º) p4 (Dryolestes) = p3
(Orretherium). In Dryolestes the last premolar erupted just prior to the m658. Considering the reduced number of
molars (three) in mesungulatids, and that the last molar erupted slightly before the last premolar in Orretherium
(Fig.6), we interpret a heterochronic delay of molar eruption in mesungulatids with regard to basal dryolestoids.
Furthermore, the almost simultaneous eruption of the last premolar with the last molar recalls the condition
of therians76, diering from dryolestids, paurodontids, spalacotheriids, and zhangheotheriids, which possess a
higher number of molars.
Rougier etal.11 was the rst to use Mesungulatidae (erected by Bonaparte8) for a clade encompassing Mesun
gulatum, Coloniatherium, Reigitherium, and Peligrotherium; the two latter genera originally allocated within
Reigitheriidae and Peligrotheriidae, respectively. Later, Rougier etal.13 dened Mesungulatoidea, as the last
common ancestor of Reigitherium, Mesungulatum, and Peligrotherium plus all its descendants. A basal place-
ment for Reigitherium among mesungulatoids has been recovered in most phylogenies13,14,31. Considering the
upper molars, Bonaparte23 positioned Reigitherium (he used the holotype MACN-RN 173 as an upper molar,
which is now considered a lower molar16,62) as “derived” from a Mesungulatum pattern. Further, phylogenies of
Averianov etal.49 and Harper etal.16 nested Reigitherium as sister-taxon of Peligrotherium. e few modications
we made in the scoring of some character-states for Reigitherium (see Supplementary Data 1), mostly based on
the recently published specimens16, support previous phylogenetic studies in which it occupies a basal position
within mesungulatoids (Fig.7).
We note discrepancies in the interpretation of some structures of the cheek teeth presented by Harper etal.16.
e upper molars of Reigitherium lack the conspicuous labio-lingually extended mesial and distal cingula present
in Mesungulatum, Coloniatherium, Paraungulathum, Peligrotherium, and Orretherium (based on the molarized
P3), which fully ank the primary trigon (Fig.8). Instead, the bowed and conspicuous pre- and postparacristae
dene the mesial and distal margin of the crown contacting the mesiolabial parastyle and distolabial metastyle,
with the stylocone located in between and slightly lingual to both stylar cusps16 (Fig.8). Only a small lingual
cingulum can be observed in the upper molars of Reigitherium (Fig.8). In addition, with the exception of the
Figure9. Comparison of lower postcanine teeth among selected mesungulatid mammals. (a) Orretherium tzen
gen. et sp. nov. (CPAP-5007, holotype). (b) Coloniatherium cilinskii, premolar-molar sequence reconstructed
upon dierent individuals. (c) Mesungulatum houssayi, molar sequence based on two specimens. Drawings
made by A.G.M.; (b,c) based on Harper etal.16 and Rougier etal.15. ey are scaled by the mesiodistal length of
m2. Scale bar: 5mm.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7594 | 
neomorphic ectostyles in the labial side of M1 and M2 of Reigitherium, which are autapomorphic16, together with
the lack of complete mesial and distal cingula and the bowed pre- and postparacristae, the crown shape is rather
similar to some non-mesungulatid meridiolestidans, such as Leonardus9,77 or Casamiquelia (a meridiolestidan
of still uncertain anities9,10,15), than to mesungulatids (Fig.8). Regarding the lower molars, Reigitherium diers
from mesungulatids in the absence of: (i) mesial and distal cingula fully extended labiolingually, (ii) a paraco-
nid and a noticeable oblique preparacristid, and (iii) a postparacristid transversely linked with the metaconid.
Moreover, the lower molar crown pattern of Reigitherium has well-developed mesiolabial and distolabial cingular
cusps together with other accessory labial cusps16, which result in distended labial platform representing about
1/3 of the tooth width (Fig.8). Although the mesiolabial and distolabial cingular cusps of Reigitherium are likely
homologous to the labial thickening and cusp (only seen in unworn teeth) of the mesial and distal cingula of
mesungulatids, we must be cautious in considering that they have the same character-state as was scored in
previous studies14,16. In mesungulatids, the mesial and distal cingula form a shelf that extends along most of the
mesial and distal sides of the trigonid and are not restricted to the labial side. e structure of the trigonid in
Reigitherium is also noticeably dierent to that of mesungulatids, being more rectangular than triangular (i.e.,
mesungulatids), plus the lack of the aforementioned traits (i-iii). e number of four premolars in Reigitherium16
versus three in mesungulatids12,13,15,24 and the relative size of the last premolars compared to the size of molars
(mesungulatids have large last premolars) are also traits that dierentiate them.
Consequently, these new interpretations resulted in the basal placement of Reigitherium among mesungula-
toids, contrasting with the last phylogenetic hypothesis presented by Harper etal.16. e interpretations of the
cheek teeth for Reigitherium, as shown in this study, suggest that this taxon may represent a still unrecovered
radiation of very small meridiolestidan mammals, which shared a common ancestor with mesungulatids. If so,
the tendency towards bunodonty was acquired more than once within South American meridiolestidans. Our
result supports the Mesungulatidae clade as constituted by the Late Cretaceous Orretherium, Mesungulatum, and
Coloniatherium, and the early Paleocene Peligrotherium. ese taxa show an increase in size (see Fig.S4), which
is greatest in Peligrotherium, with also an extreme bunodont dentition15,16,24,27. e placement of Paraungulatum
among mesungulatids cannot be ruled out considering the crown shape including extended mesial and distal
cingula10,22, but further specimens are needed to conrm it.
With the initial discovery of the gondwanatherian Magallanodon7, and now the mesungulatid Orretherium,
the Late Cretaceous terrestrial faunas of the Dorotea Formation in southern Chile bolster a supra-generic
mammalian homogeneity for Patagonia just before the end of the Mesozoic Era. Jurassic and Early Cretaceous
mammals from this portion of South America exhibit a distinctive scenario, formed by australosphenidans,
eutriconodonts, amphilestids, and zatherians, which were replaced by the Late Cretaceous dominance of gond-
wanatherians and meridiolestidans, with few putative dryolestid-like forms and possibly multituberculates15.
Taphonomic biases and/or lack of systematic eldwork focused on mammal fossils could be responsible for this
tendency in the fossil record, but the heavily sampled associations in central and northern Argentinian Patagonia
together with this one from southern Chile support a homogeneous mammalian fauna with numerically abun-
dant gondwanatherians and meridiolestidans, over other archaic groups, and eventually therians. Findings of
new fossiliferous sites, not only in Patagonia but also in the Antarctic Peninsula and the rest of South America are
needed to assert if Patagonia summarizes the fossil record of the continent, or even of Gondwana, or if it is only
a small piece of a marvelous history at the dusk of the Mesozoic Era. Certainly, Patagonia was an evolutionary
laboratory in which disparate body sizes and craniodental morphologies appeared and predated the establish-
ment of the Cenozoic faunas dominated by metatherian and eutherian mammals.
Fossil specimens, geologic context, and radiometric age. e studied specimens of Orretherium
tzen gen. et sp. nov. are housed at the Palaeontological Collection of Antarctica and Patagonia of the Instituto
Antártico Chileno, Punta Arenas city, Chile, under the acronym CPAP. Casts of the specimens were also depos-
ited at the Red Paleontológica U-Chile of the Laboratorio de Ontogenia y Filogenia, Departamento de Biología,
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, and at the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural,
Santiago, Chile. Measurements of the studied specimens are detailed in Supplementary Data 1.
e specimens were collected during picking at the Mammal Quarry as well as picking of concentrate gener-
ated aer screen washing of the sediments. e holotype CPAP-5007 was fragmented in several pieces, which
were found during both collecting processes, within an area of around 100 m2. e holotype and hypodigm
specimens of Magallanodon baikashkenke were also collected at the same quarry7.
e Mammal Quarry comprises a fossiliferous horizon located around 30m above the base of Dorotea
Formation exposed in the eastern ank of Río de Las Chinas Valley, Cerro Guido Farm, in Magallanes Region.
Sediments of Dorotea Formation (upper Campanian–Danian) ll the Magallanes (= Austral) Basin which was
a retroarc basin active during the Late Cretaceous-Neogene lapse78,79, and represents a transitional shallow
marine shelf-edge to tide-dominated delta environment8082. e fossil-bearing mammal horizon comprises
sandy mudstones with ne-grained sandstone lenses, representing a oodplain facies associated to a meandering
uvial deposit80. e age of this level can be constrained to late Campanian-early Maastrichtian on the base of
detrital U–Pb zircon data, which provides values between 71.7 ± 1.2Ma and 74.9 ± 2.1Ma83.
Comparisons with other mammals were based on direct observation of specimens housed at MACN-Pv (RN,
Colección Río Negro; Sección Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino
Rivadavia, Buenos Aires, Argentina) and MPEF-PV (Paleontología de Vertebrados, Museo Paleontológico Egidio
Feruglio, Chubut, Argentina), as well as bibliographical sources cited along the text.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7594 | 
Micro‑CT scanning and processing. e specimens CPAP 5907 and CPAP 5908 were scanned at the
SkyScan 1278 scanner owned by the Plataforma Experimental Bio-CT of the Universidad de Chile (Santiago,
Chile) using a source voltage of 65kV and a current of 718 µA, with a voxel size of 50µm, generating TIFF les
in both cases. ey were scanned together and posteriorly separated in three data packages (CPAP 5907 is in two
parts). e images were segmented with the soware 3D Slicer and three-dimensional models were generated
with the same soware.
Nomenclatural acts. is published work and the nomenclatural acts it contains have been registered in
ZooBank, the proposed online registration system for the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. e
LSID for this publication is, and the
LSIDs for the new erected taxa are:
(Orretherium), and (Orretherium
Parsimony phylogenetic analysis. To test the phylogenetic anities of Orretherium tzen gen. et sp. nov.
we added its holotype and hypodigm specimens to the phylogenetic data matrix of Rougier etal.14 plus four
characters and coding changes provided by Harper etal.16. e modications of scorings for Necrolestes by
Wible and Rougier31 were also included. Additionally, character-states were modied for some meridiolestidans
based on our observations (see Supplementary Data 1). e nal data matrix results in 59 terminal taxa and 321
characters of dental, cranial, and postcranial information. e data matrix (Supplementary Data 2) was analyzed
under equally weighted maximum parsimony using TNT v.1.5 (Tree analysis using New Technology)84. For the
analysis 48 characters were considered as additive (ordered): 2, 5, 27, 40, 42, 49, 55, 56, 57, 65, 78, 82, 83, 93, 100,
101, 114, 115, 120, 126, 134, 144, 146, 155, 171, 178, 184, 186, 187, 201, 207, 209, 228, 230, 231, 237, 240, 242,
244, 273, 276, 277, 281, 287, 289, 291, 294, and 299 (sensu Rougier etal.13). e search strategies started using
traditional heuristic search of 1000 replicates of Wagner tree followed by TBR branch swapping. e best trees
obtained were subjected to a nal round of TBR branch swapping to nd all MPTs. Decay indices (Bremer sup-
port values) for nodes are provided in Supplementary Data 1.
Data availability
Additional information, including the dataset analysed in this study is available in the Supplementary Informa-
tion les.
Received: 30 December 2020; Accepted: 24 March 2021
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We thank Bárbara Aravena, Catalina Ferrada, Cristine Trevisan, Dániel Bajor, Felipe Suazo, Guillermo Aguirreza-
bala, Héctor Mansilla, Héctor Ortiz, Jhonatan Alarcón, José A. Palma, Juan Pablo Pino, Leslie M. E. Manríquez,
Luna Núnéz, Rodrigo Otero, Marcelo Miñana, Roy A. Fernández, Sarah Davis, Valentina Poblete, Verónica Milla,
and Vicente Muñoz for their valuable eld assistance. We also thank Javier Reinoso for the assistance with the
picking on concentrates. INACH and Estancia Cerro Guido provide us with invaluable logistic support. We
also thank to Daniela Poblete of the Plataforma Experimental Bio-CT of the Universidad de Chile for allowing
the access and assistance with the CT equipment. For access to collection we are grateful to Eduardo Ruigómez
(MPEF). AGM especially acknowledge sustaining discussions on South American Mesozoic mammals with
Guillermo W. Rougier, Analía M. Forasiepi and the late José F. Bonaparte during the last decades. We also thank
the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” (Buenos Aires), the Conicet (Argentina),
the Fundación Felix de Azara, Universidad de Maimónides (Buenos Aires), and the Museo Municipal de Cien-
cias Naturales “Carlos Ameghino” (Mercedes). is research was supported by an Anillo Grant ACT-172099
(PIA-ANID Chile) and a FONDECYT grant N° 1151389 “Paleogeographic patterns v/s climate change in South
America and the Antarctic Peninsula during the latest Cretaceous: A possible explanation for the origin of the
Austral biota?”. We appreciate the comments made by the reviewers omas Martin and Alexander Averianov
and the Editor Robin Beck that considerably improved the text.
Author contributions
A.G.M., S.S.-A. and A.O.V. planned and designed the study and research; A.G.M. wrote the main manuscript text
and run the phylogenetic analyses; A.G.M., S.S.-A. and P.H.M.F. prepared all the gures; all authors contributed
to write parts of the manuscript text; all authors discussed and reviewed the nal manuscript.
Competing interests
e authors declare no competing interests.
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Supplementary Information e online version contains supplementary material available at https:// doi. org/
10. 1038/ s41598- 021- 87245-4.
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... Fluvial, deltaic, marine, and tidal deposits are assigned to the Dorotea Formation, in the northern sector of the Rio de las Chinas Valley (Vogh et al. 2014;Schwartz and Graham, 2015;Manríquez et al., 2019). These deposits contain marine fossils, plant impressions and vertebrate remain (Manríquez et al., 2019;Alarcón--Muñoz et al., 2020;Goin et al., 2020;Martinelli et al., 2021). Finally, overlying the Dorotea Formation is the Man Aike Formation (Lutetian-Bartonian), which is composed of 300 m thickness of conglomerate and sandstones intercalated with coal layers, and contain abundant marine fauna and wood debris (Marenssi et al., 2002;Le Roux et al., 2010;Nullo and Combina, 2011;Manríquez et al., 2019;Gutiérrez et al., 2017). ...
... To analyse the phylogenetic affinities of Patagomaia chainko, it was scored into three different comprehensive mammalian data matrices 13,59,60 . The incomplete nature of the holotype specimen, plus the fact that most of these datasets heavely rest on skull and teeth information, we were able to score just a small number of characters (less than 2.5%) for Patagomaia. ...
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Theria represent an extant clade that comprises placental and marsupial mammals. Here we report on the discovery of a new Late Cretaceous mammal from southern Patagonia, Patagomaia chainko gen. et sp. nov., represented by hindlimb and pelvic elements with unambiguous therian features. We estimate Patagomaia chainko attained a body mass of 14 kg, which is considerably greater than the 5 kg maximum body mass of coeval Laurasian therians. This new discovery demonstrates that Gondwanan therian mammals acquired large body size by the Late Cretaceous, preceding their Laurasian relatives, which remained small-bodied until the beginning of the Cenozoic. Patagomaia supports the view that the Southern Hemisphere was a cradle for the evolution of modern mammalian clades, alongside non-therian extinct groups such as meridiolestidans, gondwanatherians and monotremes.
... This is due to the fact that the exchange between Gondwana (South America, Africa, Australia) and the Northern Hemisphere (North America, Europe, Asia) was possible during the Jurassic, and possibly extending into the Early Cretaceous (Kunzmann 2007). However, the presence of temporary land bridges, for example, across the Scotia Arc, would have facilitated intercontinental dispersal of organisms between the margins of West Gondwana and West Antarctica (Martinelli et al. 2021). ...
The phylogeny of the genus Pelecorhynchus Macquart (Diptera: Pelecorhynchidae) was analyzed using three genes, cytochrome oxidase I, 28S ribosomal DNA, and CAD5, with 112 morphological characteristics. A total of 59 specimens (13 outgroups and 46 ingroups) were included in the analysis. The monophyly of Pelecorhynchidae was recovered under all analyses, with Glutops Burgess as the sister group of Pelecorhynchus s.l., while Pseudoerinna jonesi (Cresson) was the sister group. Within “Pelecorhynchus” there are three main clades with unresolved affinities. Clade I was formed by P. personatus (Walker), P. vulpes (Macquart), P. penai Pechuman and P. kroeberi (Lindner), a well-supported clade. Clade II corresponds to the set of species of “Chilean Pelecorhynchus”, conformed to P. biguttatus (Philippi), P. toltensis Llanos & González, P. elegans (Philippi), P. xanthopleura (Philippi), P. hualqui Llanos & González, and P. longicauda (Bigot), a well-supported clade. Clade III is represented exclusively by P. fulvus Ricardo, which has an exclusively Australian distribution. The monophyly of P. fulvus and its nomenclature remain an open question, as only a single species of this taxon was included. Our study demonstrated that the concept of Pelecorhynchus should be revisited. Therefore, we restore Coenura Bigot, 1857 to generic status for part of the southern South American species of “Pelecorhynchus” conformed by the species C. biguttata, C. elegans, C. hualqui, C. longicauda, C. toltensis, and C. xanthopleura which are monophyletic, supported by molecular and morphological data, and consistent with a Chilean distribution.
In this paper, Cretaceous trace fossil assemblages are reported from aeolian facies within four units from Patagonia, Argentina, to evaluate the usefulness of the aeolian ichnofacies concept. From oldest to youngest, studied units comprise the Agrio (Valanginian-Hauterivian), Cerro Barcino (Aptian-Cenomanian), Candeleros (Cenomanian), and Allen (Campanian-Maastrichtian) formations. Twenty one ichnotaxa were recorded, including ten of invertebrate origin (Archaeonassa fossulata, Arenicolites tenuis, Beaconites isp., Digitichnus laminatus, Edaphichnium lumbricatum, cf. Octopodichnus isp., Palaeophycus tubularis, Skolithos linearis, Taenidium barretti, and an unidentified arthropod trackway), seven tetrapod footprints and burrows (Avipeda isp., Brasilichnium isp., cf. Chelonipus isp., Reniformichnus katikatii, two types of indeterminate footprints, and burrow fills) and four rhizolith types. Entradichnus meniscus (formerly used as eponym of an aeolian ichnofacies) is considered junior synonym of Taenidium barretti. Common ichnotaxa in aeolian and fluvial sequences like Taenidium barretti, Skolithos linearis and Palaeophycus tubularis are facies-crossing ichnotaxa and should not be used to distinguish ichnofacies. Trace fossil assemblages and ichnofabrics from aeolian dune, dry interdune and wet interdune facies are interpreted in terms of the potential producers and their palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental constraints. This procedure is more informative than the ichnofacies approach in aeolian deposits. Based on a literature review of 32 examples of trace fossil assemblages from Cretaceous aeolian sequences worldwide, we conclude that the most distinctive ichnotaxa occur in aeolian dunes, including Brasilichnium, Farlowichnus, lacertoid footprints, Octopodichnus and Paleohelcura. It is recommended to abandon the usage of the Chelichnus, Entradichnus and Entradichnus-Octopodichnus ichnofacies, which are poorly defined in terms of recurrence and environmental significance or based on uncharacteristic or unavailable ichnotaxa. We propose a new definition of the Octopodichnus ichnofacies, diagnosed by the presence of subequant tetrapod footprints in quadrupedal trackways and/or selected arachnid /insect trackways. This ichnofacies is a taphofacies recorded from the Permian to the Cretaceous, and probably extends to the Cenozoic.
Dryolestoid mammals are classical members of the Jurassic faunas of Laurasia but mostly absent during the Cretaceous. The reverse is true in Gondwana in general and South America in particular, where meridiolestid dryolestoids are dominant in the Late Cretaceous. We describe here 21 new mammalian specimens from the Upper Cretaceous locality Cerro Tortuga (Allen Formation, Patagonia, Argentina) collected via screenwashing, which we identify as meridiolestid dryolestoids. We recognize a new species of meridiolestid and reassign a previously described specimen to the new taxon. The morphology of these new remains represents a new morphotype in the spectrum of meridiolestid diversity, recording a broadening of trophic adaptations from the ancestral insectivory to the more derived herbivory observed among the later and more derived members of the group. The novel dental morphology helps bridge the anatomy of the plesiomorphic sharp-toothed meridiolestidans with that of the more derived and bunodont mesungulatoids. The new taxon suggests that development of both broad cingulids and complex crown morphology precede the development of the wide compressed roots, bunodonty, and thickened enamel characteristic of derived mesungulatids. Other specimens from the collection are referable to taxa previously known from the same locality. These provide new information about tooth positioning, dental formula, and overall dental morphology. The new material suggests that Groebertherium, previously regarded as a dryolestid taxon, is in fact a likely member of Meridiolestida.
The Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary (K/Pg) event, associated with a meteorite impact at Chicxulub, Mexico, is globally recognized as one of the largest mass extinctions in natural history, marking the end of the Mesozoic Era. However, most of the outcrops with records and geochemical evidence of this boundary are distributed in the Northern Hemisphere and at mid-latitudes. Here, aiming to contribute to the knowledge of this event at high southern latitudes, we characterize a single iridium anomaly correlated with the K/Pg boundary, present within a carbonaceous mudstone level in a continental depositional environment in the Río de las Chinas Valley, Chilean Patagonia. High-resolution geochemical and palynofacies analyses were performed on a stratigraphic section from the top of the Dorotea Formation. Results showed that the iridium enrichment coincides with an anomaly of other platinum group elements. In addition, the palynofacies analysis showed a disturbance in the depositional environment, marked by an abrupt change from non-degraded phytoclasts (e.g., cuticles) to pseudoamorphous and degraded cuticles, and by an increase in the abundance of spores at the same level. The Río de las Chinas Valley locality provides new evidence for the comprehensive study of the end-Cretaceous event, from the poorly represented continental environments of high southern latitudes.
Fossil plants, including large trunks, stems, some branches, and twigs, were collected from the Maastrichtian (68.9 Ma), upper Dorotea Formation in the Magallanes–Austral Basin, 16 km north of the Cerro Guido–Las Chinas complex in the southern Chilean Magallanes region. These fossil trunks range from 0.2 to 2.2 m in length. Petrographic slides were made in three sections (transverse, radial and tangential) and analysed under a light microscope to study the permineralized fossils. The woods and stems belong to Austroginkgoxylon gen. et sp. nov., Agathoxylon antarcticum , Podocarpoxylon paradoxi sp. nov., Podocarpoxylon mazzonii , Palmoxylon subantarcticae and Notomalvaceoxylon magallanense gen. et sp. nov. The growth rings of gymnosperms and anatomical characters of angiosperms were analysed to obtain palaeoecological data. Interactions between gymnosperm roots growing into the secondary xylem of an angiosperm (nurse logs) are recorded. The data obtained from the fossil woods suggest warm and humid conditions in this southern South American locality during the Late Cretaceous, providing a unique opportunity to study continental environments at high southern latitudes, which are poorly represented on a global scale.
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We describe Magallanodon baikashkenke gen. et. sp. nov., a new gondwanatherian mammal from the Late Cretaceous of the Magallanes Region in southern Chile (Río de Las Chinas Valley, Estancia Cerro Guido, north of Puerto Natales city, Última Esperanza Province). The mammal-bearing layer is placed within the Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian levels of the Dorotea Formation (Magallanes/Austral Basin). The new remains constitute the southernmost record of a Mesozoic gondwanatherian mammal, as well as the frst Mesozoic mammal from Chile. This taxon is comparable in size to the hypsodont-toothed Gondwanatherium (Late Cretaceous) and Sudamerica (Early Paleocene) but with noticeably brachyodont molariforms supported by four to fve roots. As in other gondwanatherians, it has at least one hypertrophied, rodent-like incisor in the upper jaw. The new taxon is here diagnosed and described, and is regarded as a possible ferugliotheriid (?Ferugliotheriidae). If confrmed, it would represent the largest known taxon for this family. Its molariform occlusal crown pattern, after wear, resembles that of other gondwanatherians, particularly ferugliotheriids and that of the sudamericid Gondwanatherium. This adds new evidence on the phylogenetic proximity of ferugliotheriid and sudamericid gondwanatherians. An analysis of the enamel microstructure of the upper incisor of Magallanodon was performed demonstrating several crucial similarities with the pattern shown by Gondwanatherium (Sudamericidae). We discuss the signifcance of Magallanodon for understanding the acquisition, within gondwanatherians, of a lophed molariform pattern. Finally, we discuss the signifcance of the new fnding in the context of southern biotas, including those of Patagonia and Antarctica.
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The fossil record of mammaliaforms (mammals and their closest relatives) of the Mesozoic era from the southern supercontinent Gondwana is far less extensive than that from its northern counterpart, Laurasia1,2. Among Mesozoic mammaliaforms, Gondwanatheria is one of the most poorly known clades, previously represented by only a single cranium and isolated jaws and teeth1–5. As a result, the anatomy, palaeobiology and phylogenetic relationships of gondwanatherians remain unclear. Here we report the discovery of an articulated and very well-preserved skeleton of a gondwanatherian of the latest age (72.1–66 million years ago) of the Cretaceous period from Madagascar that we assign to a new genus and species, Adalatherium hui. To our knowledge, the specimen is the most complete skeleton of a Gondwanan Mesozoic mammaliaform that has been found, and includes the only postcranial material and ascending ramus of the dentary known for any gondwanatherian. A phylogenetic analysis including the new taxon recovers Gondwanatheria as the sister group to Multituberculata. The skeleton, which represents one of the largest of the Gondwanan Mesozoic mammaliaforms, is particularly notable for exhibiting many unique features in combination with features that are convergent on those of therian mammals. This uniqueness is consistent with a lineage history for A. hui of isolation on Madagascar for more than 20 million years. Adalatherium hui, a newly discovered gondwanatherian mammal from Madagascar dated to near the end of the Cretaceous period, shows features consistent with a long evolutionary trajectory of isolation in an insular environment.
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West Antarctica has formed the tectonically active margin between East Antarctica and the Pacific Ocean for almost half a billion years, where it has recorded a dynamic history of magmatism, continental growth and fragmentation. Despite the scale and importance of West Antarctica, there has not been an integrated view of the geology and tectonic evolution of the region as a whole. In this Review, we identify three broad physiographic provinces and present their overlapping and interconnected tectonic, magmatic and sedimentary history. The Weddell Sea region, which lays furthest from the subducting margin, was most impacted by the Jurassic initiation of Gondwana break-up. Marie Byrd Land and the West Antarctic rift system developed as a broad Cretaceous to Cenozoic continental rift system, reworking a former convergent margin. Finally, the Antarctic Peninsula and Thurston Island preserve an almost complete magmatic arc system. We conclude by briefly summarizing the geologic history of the West Antarctic system as a whole, how it provides insight into continental margin evolution and what key topics must be addressed by future research.
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The Austral-Magallanes is an oil-producing basin located in southern Argentina and Chile, containing a siliciclastic stratigraphic record ranging from the Late Jurassic to late Cenozoic. This short paper finalize the two special volumes of the Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis dedicated to the basin, and aims to provide a comprehensive synthesis based on the current knowledge about the chronology of deposition, stratigraphy, and tectonic events that shaped this basin. During the breakup of Gondwana in the Jurassic, an extensional phase was responsible for the beginning of accumulation of volcaniclastic material within grabens, which subsequently were covered by widespread Lower Cretaceous shallow and deep marine deposits that conforms the main hydrocarbon system. From Late Cretaceous onward, the subduction-related compressive regime associated to Andean uplift and fold and thrust belt migration was responsible for the onset of the foreland stage. During the Late Cretaceous, the foredeep zone accumulated a thick pile of deep marine deposits that graded upward to shallow marine and terrestrial deposits. During the Cenozoic, the foredeep was less marked and shallow marine and terrestrial sediments accumulated in wide areas, punctuated by important unconformities associated to foreland uplift. Future developments should focus on: i) improving the age-controlled stratigraphy; ii) joining the information provided by subsurface and outcrop studies; and iii) developing source to sink models to address the Andean impact in the sedimentation of the basin. ARTICLE INFO Article history
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In the last three decades, records of tribosphenidan mammalsfrom India, continental Africa, Madagascar and South Americahave challenged the notion of a strictly Laurasian distributionof the group during the Cretaceous. Here, we describe a lowerpremolar from the Late Cretaceous Adamantina Formation, SãoPaulo State, Brazil. It differs from all known fossil mammals,except for a putative eutherian from the same geologic unityandDeccanolestes hislopi, from the Maastrichtian of India. Theincompleteness of the material precludes narrowing downits taxonomic attribution further than Tribosphenida, butit is larger than most coeval mammals and shows a thinlayer of parallel crystallite enamel. The new taxon helpsfilling two major gaps in the fossil record: the paucity ofMesozoic mammals in more northern parts of South Americaand of tribosphenidans in the Cretaceous of that continent.In addition, high-precision U-Pb geochronology provided apost-Turonian maximal age (≤87.8 Ma) for the type stratum,which is overlain by the dinosaur-bearing Marília Formation, constraining the age of the Adamantina Formation at the site to late Coniacian–late Maastrichtian. This represents the first radioisotopic age for the Bauru Group, a key stratigraphic unit for the study of Cretaceous tetrapods in Gondwana.
This book summarizes the most relevant published paleontological information, supplemented by our own original work, on the record of Mesozoic mammals’ evolution, their close ancestors and their immediate descendants. Mammals evolved in a systematically diverse world, amidst a dynamic geography that is at the root of the 6,500 species living today. Fossils of Mesozoic mammals, while rare and often incomplete, are key to understanding how mammals have evolved over more than 200 million years. Mesozoic mammals and their close relatives occur in a few dozen localities from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, and Peru spanning from the Mid- Triassic to the Late Cretaceous, with some lineages surviving the cataclysmic end of the Cretaceous period, into the Cenozoic of Argentina. There are roughly 25 recognized mammalian species distributed in several distinctive lineages, including australosphenidans, multituberculates, gondwanatherians, eutriconodonts, amphilestids and dryolestoids, among others. With its focus on diversity, systematics, phylogeny, and their impact on the evolution of mammals, there is no similar book currently available.
The Maastrichtian-Danian transgression was one of the most extensive Atlantic-derived marine incursions in Patagonia. This study examines its stratigraphic record and origin in the Magallanes-Austral Basin, revealing an interplay of sedimentation, tectonism, and base-level changes, which contribute to our understanding of foreland basin dynamics. We present a multidisciplinary approach from a relatively poorly documented sector (51°38’-53°50’S) of the basin. This approach includes facies and provenance analysis, palynology, sequence stratigraphy, and U-Pb geochronology. These techniques enable us to evaluate the role of climate, tectonics, and eustasy on the transgression, as well as providing insight into the growth of the Southern Patagonian Andes. A first shallowing-upward cycle (late Campanian to late Maastrichtian) is represented by the transition from outer shelf and upper slope deposits (Fuentes and Tres Pasos formations) to shoreface and deltaic environments (Rocallosa and Dorotea formations), favoured by high erosion rates in the fold-thrust belt and eustatic sea-level drop. A subsequent deepening-upward cycle (late Maastrichtian to Paleocene) records the Atlantic transgression, manifested by estuarine deposits in an incised valley (uppermost Dorotea Formation) and deep-water turbidites (Chorrillo Chico Formation and Cabo Naríz beds). Palynological results suggest a temperate palaeoclimate (~6-17°C) during the Maastrichtian-Danian, which agrees with significant cooling of the South Atlantic Ocean at this time. Therefore, relative climatic optima are not a driver of marine ingression. The stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of the succession studied suggests that flexural and dynamic subsidence promoted marine incursion into the Magallanes-Austral Basin. Provenance data indicate sediment input to the basin from the Southern Patagonian Batholith, Rocas Verdes Basin remnants, Tobífera Formation, and metamorphic terranes exposed in the hinterland of the Southern Patagonian Andes during the early Maastrichtian. However, by the Paleocene, sediments derived from the hinterland had been structurally dammed during basinward propagation of the fold-thrust belt.
The Magallanes-Austral foreland basin preserves an important record of orogenesis and landscape evolution in the Patagonian Andes of Chile and Argentina. Throughout the retroarc foreland basin, a regional disconformity with little to no angular discordance separates Upper Cretaceous–lower Paleocene strata from overlying deposits of diachronous Eocene to Miocene age. Here we report detrital zircon U-Pb geochronological results for 11 sandstone samples, and vitrinite reflectance data for 6 samples of organic matter from a fossiliferous dinosaur-bearing marine and nonmarine clastic succession in the Río de las Chinas valley (50–51°S) of central-southern Patagonia to: (1) determine the timing and duration of the unconformity using U-Pb maximum depositional age constraints, (2) reconstruct sediment provenance and dispersal patterns, (3) assess possible temporal variations in arc magmatism, (4) evaluate the amount of sedimentary overburden removed during unconformity development, and (5) confirm the presence of a fossiliferous southern hemisphere Cretaceous–Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary site. Samples from the Dorotea Formation yield maximum depositional ages spanning Maastrichtian to Danian time (with ages as young as ∼65–63 Ma), confirming preservation of the K/Pg boundary in a section with recently discovered fossils of dinosaurs, other terrestrial vertebrates, and plants. Samples from directly above the unconformity in the Man Aike Formation, yield middle Eocene maximum depositional ages (with a prominent 45–40 Ma age cluster), indicating a long-lived ∼20 Myr hiatus representative of nondeposition or erosion. Analyses of organic matter preserved in multiple coal horizons of the uppermost Dorotea Formation show consistently low vitrinite reflectance values, requiring limited sedimentary burial, consistent with nondeposition or sediment bypass rather than deposition and later erosional removal of a previously proposed thick package of Paleocene to middle Eocene clastic material. On the basis of regional trends in the age and geometry of the unconformity, timing of arc magmatism, and temporal variations in sediment provenance, we consider a range of potential mechanisms for unconformity genesis, including (1) shortening-related uplift of the frontal fold-thrust belt, (2) cratonward advance of a flexural forebulge, (3) accommodation changes driven by regional or eustatic variations in sea level, (4) ridge collision and slab-window genesis, (5) isostatic rebound during tectonic quiescence (or minor extension), or (6) regional foreland uplift during flat-slab subduction.
The ecological diversification of early mammals is one of the most globally transformative events in Earth’s history and the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution (KTR) and end-Cretaceous mass extinction are commonly hailed as catalysts. However, a confounding issue when examining this diversification is that it comprised nested radiations of mammalian subclades within the broader scope of mammalian evolution. In the past 200 million years, various independent groups experienced large-scale radiations, each involving ecological diversification from ancestral lineages of small insectivores; examples include Jurassic mammaliaforms, Late Cretaceous metatherians, and Cenozoic placentals. Here, we review these ecological radiations, highlighting the nuanced complexity of early mammal evolution, the value of ecomorphological fossil data, and the importance of phylogenetic context in macroevolutionary studies.
The stratigraphic architecture and environmental evolution of the Cerro Guido-Rio de las Chinas Valley Complex contains the upper Cretaceous to Eocene record of the Magallanes/Austral Basin, located in southernmost Chile. This retroarc foreland basin contains a significant record of early Cretaceous to Miocene biogeographic and environmental changes that occurred in high paleolatitudes after the break-up of Gondwana. Using 37 stratigraphic sections, we generated a 1390 m thick stratigraphic column, which was used to developed sedimentary facies and an analysis of sequence stratigraphy. Results show, in general, aggradation composed of six third-order depositional sequences each delimited by an erosive surface. A lowstand systems tract developed above each surface, represented by alluvial environments similar to braided fluvial systems, and coastal plain environments, with the development of meandering fluvial and lacustrine systems. Above the lowstand tract, the transgressive systems tract is composed of a shallow marine environment with foreshore, shoreface, and offshore systems. A highstand systems tract was observed in one sequence, and is represented by shallow marine facies. The extensive outcrop in the studied area contains a diverse and voluminous fossil record, containing fossilized invertebrates (bivalves, gastropods, bryozoans, and brachiopods), vertebrates (hadrosaurs, ornithischians, sauropods, theropods, birds, mammals, frogs, turtles, plesiosaurs, mosasaurs, and sharks), and plants (wood, leaves impressions, flowers, pollen, and spores). Thus, this study broadens the understanding of the South American-Antarctic connection during the late Cretaceous-Paleogene, through a diverse fossil record and study of the paleoenvironmental evolution of this high-latitude basin.