Simulations: a Handbook for Teachers and Trainers
... 347). Within this framework, a simulation refers to an activity where participants are assigned specific responsibilities and provided with essential information about the scenario, enabling them to perform their roles without resorting to play-acting or fabricating crucial details (Bogost, 2007;Jones, 2013). ...
... Simulations are particularly effective in addressing educational issues, environmental threats, sustainable economic practices, and human rights concerns (Klabbers, 2006(Klabbers, , 2009Crookall, 2010;Harteveld et al., 2011;Jones, 2013). Participants in these activities engage with realistic scenarios requiring them to develop solutions to various problems or situations. ...
... This frustration may stem from insufficient knowledge about the issue or the impossibility of achieving their profile goals. The valley of despair can evoke negative feelings and emotions, potentially overwhelming participants with the simulation and their learning process (Álvarez, 2023;Carrera et al., 2016;Dieckmann, 2020;Jones, 1998Jones, , 2013Kato, 2010;Kriz, 2010;Rudolph et al., 2014). ...
This study investigates the potential of simulation and virtual exchange as a pedagogical strategy for training pre-service teachers in a Master course. The research focuses on the role of professional profiles in shaping the simulation scenario and the impact of embracing dissonant profiles on understanding complex educational systems. The study employs a qualitative case-study design to explore the effectiveness of simulation-based learning in teacher education. The results indicate that simulation-based learning can enhance professional competencies by fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, leadership and contingency management. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of incorporating theory and research on experiential learning, embodiment, and situated cognition to better understand how professional profiles influence the simulation scenario and the development of professional competencies. The findings suggest that embracing dissonant profiles in simulation can help pre-service teachers better comprehend the complexities of professional practice and develop the skills necessary for effective teaching.
... 347). Within this framework, a simulation refers to an activity where participants are assigned specific responsibilities and provided with essential information about the scenario, enabling them to perform their roles without resorting to play-acting or fabricating crucial details (Bogost, 2007;Jones, 2013). ...
... Simulations are particularly effective in addressing educational issues, environmental threats, sustainable economic practices, and human rights concerns (Klabbers, 2006(Klabbers, , 2009Crookall, 2010;Harteveld et al., 2011;Jones, 2013). Participants in these activities engage with realistic scenarios requiring them to develop solutions to various problems or situations. ...
... This frustration may stem from insufficient knowledge about the issue or the impossibility of achieving their profile goals. The valley of despair can evoke negative feelings and emotions, potentially overwhelming participants with the simulation and their learning process (Álvarez, 2023;Carrera et al., 2016;Dieckmann, 2020;Jones, 1998Jones, , 2013Kato, 2010;Kriz, 2010;Rudolph et al., 2014). ...
Szkolenie oparte na symulacji w celu zwiększenia kompetencji zawodowych w kształceniu nauczycieli: badanie roli profili dysonansowych we wspieraniu umiejętności krytycznego myślenia i rozwiązywania problemów Abstract: This study investigates the potential of simulation and virtual exchange as a pedagogical strategy for training pre-service teachers in a Master course. The research focuses on the role of professional profiles in shaping the simulation scenario and the impact of embracing dissonant profiles on understanding complex educational systems. The study employs a qualitative case-study design to explore the effectiveness of simulation-based learning in teacher education. The results indicate that simulation-based learning can enhance professional competencies by fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, leadership and contingency management. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of incorporating theory and research on experiential learning, embodiment, and situated cognition to better understand how professional profiles influence the simulation scenario and the development of professional competencies. The findings suggest that embracing dissonant profiles in simulation can help pre-service teachers better comprehend the complexities of professional practice and develop the skills necessary for effective teaching. Abstrakt: Artykuł bada potencjał symulacji i wirtualnej wymiany jako strategii pedagogicznej w szkoleniu przyszłych nauczycieli na kursie magisterskim. Badania koncentrują się na roli profesji zawodowych w kształtowaniu scena-riusza symulacji i wpływie przyjęcia profesji dysonansowych na zrozumienie złożonych systemów edukacyjnych. María Laura Angelini PRIMA EDUCATIONE 88 Niniejsze badanie wykorzystuje jakościowy projekt studium przypadku w celu zbadania skuteczności uczenia się opartego na symulacji w kształceniu nauczycieli. Wyniki wskazują, że uczenie się oparte na symulacji może zwięk-szyć kompetencje zawodowe poprzez wspieranie krytycznego myślenia, rozwiązywania problemów, przywództwa i zarządzania sytuacjami awaryjnymi. Ponadto badanie podkreśla znaczenie włączania teorii i badań nad uczeniem się przez doświadczenie i poznaniem sytuacyjnym w celu lepszego zrozumienia, w jaki sposób profile zawodowe wpływają na scenariusz symulacji i rozwój kompetencji zawodowych. Wyniki sugerują, że przyjęcie profesji dyso-nansowych w symulacji może pomóc przyszłym nauczycielom lepiej zrozumieć złożoność praktyki zawodowej i rozwinąć umiejętności niezbędne do skutecznego nauczania.
... According to KIM (2016), in this classification methodology, the player scale, which indicates the number of simultaneous players in the game, is divided into three variables. While in a digital game, a single player scale demonstrates only one player is in the virtual landscape, two or more users are concurrent game players with a group player scale. ...
... Virtual landscape classification methodology byKIM (2016) ...
Virtual landscape has a prominent role in digital games' virtual environment design. Since the attributes of the virtual landscape directly affect a game's characteristics, it is crucial to be explored as a design domain, apart from just being a tool for other domains' development. This study traces the gradual change of the virtual landscape in educational games and the chronological change of their carrying content, till now a gap in the literature. To examine the effect of the virtual landscape evolution and the invention of the virtual reality (VR) technology on the intended topic of the education transmitted by the games, we classified all Steam games with the education tag based on KIM'S (2016) methodology. To do so, we transmitted their introductory information, whether they support VR and are simulation games or not, to an Excel database. Then we sorted them from 1992 till 2020. The virtual landscape classification methodology revealed a significant relationship between the content, VR technology, and the virtual landscape transformation. The study anticipates a future revolution in the landscape architecture domain by jumping into the digital game industry to enhance the virtual landscape for the sake of itself, not other disciplines.
... Since the late 1950s, the use of games has become an element of education, and together with simulations can be found in language, science education and corporate training (gredler, 1992;Jones, 1982Jones, , 1987Mcguire 1975). In recent years, digital or online mothodologies have increasingly supported the learning process, they are effective, interesting, explore selected issues in depth, allow for more engaging learning and practice (Polcyn-Matuszewska, 2017), and a key feature is the increased levels of realism and plausibility of current simulations. ...
This article shows the impact of games and simulations on the development of knowledge, skills and abilities of Economics students. Thus, the research describes the educational experiences developed during the academic years 2020 and 2021 at the Polish Ignacy Mościcki University of Applied Sciences in Ciechanow. The study follows a descriptive methodology on a sample of 103 students who try two economic management board games, Vineyard-Winnica and Cashflow. The results highlight the appeal of these resources that combine serious and toilsome matters with fun. They also highlight the advances in the knowledge of the specific terminology, the improvement in decision-making, and the adaptation to the change of the economic environment. one of the main findings is the reflection that the student makes on the development of their identity and personal success, in conjunction with their group relationships and the complexity of these scenarios. RESUMEn. Este artículo muestra el impacto de la simulación y los juegos en conocimiento, las habilidades y destrezas de los estudiantes de Economía. La investigación describe las experiencias educativas desarrolladas durante los años 2020 y 2021 en la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas Ignacy Mościcki en Ciechanow, Polonia. El estudio sigue una metodología descriptiva sobre una muestra de 103 alumnos que prueban dos juegos de mesa sobre gestión económica, Vineyard-Winnica y Cashflow. Los resultados destacan el atractivo de estos recursos que combinan lo serio y fatigoso con lo divertido. También resaltan los avances en el conocimiento terminológico, la mejora en la capacidad de tomar decisiones y la adaptación al cambio, propio del entorno económico dinámico. Uno de los principales hallazgos es la reflexión que hace el estudiante sobre el desarrollo de su identidad y el camino hacia el éxito personal, junto a las interacciones grupales y la complejidad del contexto económico.
... According to de Wijse-van Heeswijk (2021), the valley of despair consists of a period during the simulation in which participants perceive frustration about their performance, possibly due to lack of sufficient knowledge about the issue, or maybe about the impossibility to meet their goals. The valley of despair may evoke negative feelings and emotions which can potentially make participants feel overwhelmed toward the simulation itself and their own learning process (Carrera et al., 2016;Dieckmann, 2020;Jones, 1998Jones, , 2013Kato, 2010;Kriz, 2010;Rudolph et al., 2014). The valley of despair is usually considered in the literature as a situation of blockage in the face of the discovery of the inability to solve a situation. ...
Several studies have collected the voices of prospective teachers regarding their lack of metacognitive knowledge about problem-solving strategies. Although the practicum has long been the official procedure for pre-service teachers to learn and practice classroom teaching, it has been demonstrated that it does not always guarantee success in terms of safe practice experiences, repetition possibilities, feedback and reflection necessary for them to gain adequate knowledge and assertiveness in decision-making. The identification of strengths and weaknesses of one’s own learning process should be a cornerstone of any educational context (Daniel et al, 2005). The virtues of simulation in education have been described at length. However, it still seems there is a long way to consider it a central part in pre-teacher practice. A qualitative study was conducted to examine three consecutive years of final reports by all pre-service teachers who have followed a teacher training module framed under simulation methodology. Results revealed three interrelated areas within the simulation context that led to the development of metacognition: the valley of despair, affective involvement and the more knowledgeable other. Pre-service teachers had high metacognitive awareness of their ability to tackle the problems posed in the scenario. Pre-service teachers’ realisation of what they could do and their limitations were the starting point for the metacognitive development based on the simulation. The learning gain extended far beyond the content. It also included affect regulation and the valley of uncertainty, re-oriented through the presence of the more knowledgeable other, with whom there was interaction and dialogue. This study adds value to the literature thanks to the collaborative nature of the pedagogical proposal. This proposal brought together academics, in-service teachers and pre- service teachers through interaction in a simulation.
... In the contemporary increasingly interconnected global community, the ability to understand and interact with people of different cultural backgrounds is essential. This has made foreign language education a crucial component of the global system and requires diverse strategies to enhance the performance of learners in this field (Gimpo, 2008;Hashemi, 2015;Jones, 2015). Integration of simulated learning methodologies has emerged as a viable way to improve the performance of students in foreign language learning as a result of technological improvements. ...
This study gained insights from lecturers and university administrators on the correlation between integrating simulated learning systems and increasing the performance of foreign language undergraduates in foreign language education. The study focused on interrogating university lecturers and university administrators on how simulated learning strategies can enhance foreign language learning. A total of 263 lecturers and university administrators participated in the study and data was obtained through a digitally distributed questionnaire. Two research questions underpin the study analysis wherein a hypothesis was developed from the second research question. The findings about the first research question suggest that over 74% of the study population acknowledge the complete integration of simulated learning techniques in foreign language education within their respective classrooms. The majority of the study sample, over 82%, demonstrated a positive attitude towards the utilization of simulated learning tools as a means to facilitate interactive exercises and provide feedback aimed at improving foreign language pronunciation among students. The findings further revealed that the increase in the performance of undergraduates in foreign language courses taught through simulated learning serves as evidence of the effectiveness of this pedagogical approach. This serves as evidence that the utilization of simulated learning systems, as tested by lecturers and observed by administrators, is significantly correlated with the enhancement of foreign language proficiency. The majority of the study population, specifically 92%, acknowledged possessing empirical evidence from foreign language courses that utilized simulated learning. This finding suggests that the academic performance of students who went through simulated Journal of Namibian Studies, 37 (2023): 86-106 ISSN: 2197-5523 (online) 87 learning was greater than those who went through traditional methods.
... This study has the characteristics of a pilot study due to the limited sample size of school students. There should be more data collected [53,54] Other than that, this research also does not focus on analysis between gender and video game playing, which could be good research in future. ...
Gaming has vastly developed into numerous genres; nonetheless, most studies in the literature emphasize the violent genre only. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the relationship between personality and gaming preferences among school students. This study also aims to investigate the difference in the time spent on gaming based on gender. The third objective involves examining the differences in frequency in playing a video game based on age. The sample group comprised 420 school students aged between 12 and 17 years old, including hardcore and casual gamers. The online survey was conducted using Google Forms, and the participants were requested to answer the demographic questionnaire, Big Five Inventory, and Gaming Preferences Questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS 26.0 software for general descriptive statistics. The results show that there was a significant relationship between gaming preferences role-playing game (RPG), combat, online, and music genres) and personality (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientious, neuroticism, and openness). The results also indicate a difference between gender and the number of hours spent on gaming, but no such difference existed between age and the frequency of playing games. From the psychological perspective, gaming preference is related to their personality and influences the behavior of children and overall health in daily life.
... En este sentido, el empleo de simulaciones ofrece la oportunidad al estudiante de descubrir y adquirir las habilidades aplicadas al área de conocimiento (Valverde, 2010). Un trabajo que debe ser organizado, diseñado y planificado en función de las competencias que se deben alcanzar en un tiempo y unos plazos específicos, que se constituyen como elementos determinantes para su correcta aplicación (Jones, 2013). Es por ello, que se han tomado como referencia el trabajo de planificación, desarrollo y ejecución planteadas anteriormente por González y Mora (2020), y que exploran esta implementación de trabajo de forma exitosa en el ámbito de la Formación profesional del área de Imagen y sonido; un campo muy similar al que nos ocupa. ...
El sistema universitario español admite oportunidades de mejora en sus planes de estudios actuales, pues la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías, unidas a las innovaciones educativas, están impulsando la enseñanza superior hacia cambios significativos. La presente propuesta pretende dar cuenta del estudio de un caso donde se implementa un modelo experiencial basado en proyectos centrado en la asignatura: Producción de programas informativos en televisión. En consecuencia, tras la evaluación de esta propuesta formativa donde han participado más de doscientos cincuenta alumnos se ha determinado que podría resultar una alternativa válida y trascendente para aplicarse en futuros cursos académicos.
... From a very organic point of view, the most significant learning comes with experimentation and the application of knowledge to real challenges (Reime et al., 2017). Technically speaking, a simulation refers to a complex activity in which participants are assigned duties and are given enough key information about a problem to carry out these duties without play-acting or inventing key facts (Jones, 2013). Simulations are appropriate for addressing issues related to education, environmental threats, sustainable economy or human rights. ...
The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic had a strong impact on the international activities of German higher education institutions (HEIs). Virtual mobility and other usages of information and communications technology (ICT) moved from a niche to the mainstream of internationalisation. This paper discusses the immediate negative impact of the pandemic on international relations, as well as alleviating measures taken at HEIs. It also presents a perspective on the role which ICT may take in international contexts post-pandemic.
... Furthermore, Abelló, Avalos-Rivera, Motavas, Prodanovic and Zappa-Hollman (2018, p.2) place emphasis on student roles being well-defined and contextually rich. They contrast by drawing on the work of Jones (1995) when describing role-play as using "impromptu acting situations'' (Abelló, Avalos-Rivera, Motavas, Prodanovic and Zappa-Hollman, 2018, p.2). Rather than differentiate, DeNeve and Heppner (1997) introduce the role-play simulation in which "the goal … is to solve several issues or problems" with individual roles assigned that guide participant behaviour (DeNeve & Heppner, 1997, p.234). ...
Oral communication skills are widely accepted as vital graduate employability competencies. However, when compared with public speaking, formal meetings have received much less attention in the literature. This paper presents a business meeting role-play simulation published in 1990 called STANCE, which has recently been made freely available online by the publishers. It explains how it has been used with first year undergraduates and assesses the competencies in which students chose to reflect following the activity. Despite being published in 1990, STANCE can still be used but requires some modification to bring it up-to-date. The assessment of the competencies chosen for reflection shows that they generally align with the aims of the activity; 'Influencing', 'Teamwork' and 'Listening' together account for over half of the reflections written. While students are urged to focus on their own progress when deciding which competencies to select, the evidence from the reflections shows the majority based their selection on the importance of the competency to the task.
... Simulations provide participants with a context in which they are required to identify a solution to a problem without play-acting or inventing key facts. (Jones, 2013) In this respect, simulations are different from the enactment that occurs in a role-play activity. The context of the simulations resembles a real-life situation. ...
This paper sets out to investigate pre-service teachers’ opinions regarding their participation in an international virtual exchange and simulation project. The aims of the project focused on the development of participants’ digital competence, intercultural communicative competence, and pedagogical content knowledge. An online survey was used as a means for collecting answers. The data gathered indicate that respondents consider the project to have been useful, enriching and relevant for them as it offered a concrete learning experience incorporated in a simulation that contributed to their professional development. Both a qualitative and a quantitative analysis was conducted to connect respondents’ pre-test and post-test answers.
... At the teachers' point of view, miming was a good tool for incorporating even those students whose language skills aren't the best and want to keep back in most practices (Hillova, 2008). Jones (1980) described simulation as a case study in which students become experiential participants. The pupils have duties, tasks and roles that include problem solving within a structured setting. ...
This paper sheds light on the importance of applying the Principles of Experiential Coyote Drama (ECD) Methods in Teaching English Language from the English language supervisor's perspectives in Jenin city (case study). First of all, this paper discloses the Coyote teaching method. Later, this paper also explains the importance of Experiential learning in teaching English as a Foreign Language. It also explains the educational drama and its techniques in teaching-learning the English language. Finally, this paper suggests a new teaching-learning method which is Experiential Coyote Drama (ECD). All in all, from the previous studies and researches the researchers found that mixing educational drama with Experiential learning and Coyote method will bring a full package of new methods and activities for the teachers, learners and future researchers in teaching English as a Foreign Language.
... Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta las aportaciones de Keys (1977), un exceso de 8 Greenblat (19738 Greenblat ( , 1988, Greenblat y Duke (1981), Duke (1974Duke ( , 1980Duke ( , 2014, Duke y Geurts (2004), Duke y Kriz (2014), Wolfe (1993a), Wolfe y Roberts (1986, 1993, Wolfe et al. (1989), García-Carbonell et al. (2001, García Carbonell y Watts (2012b), Kriz (2003Kriz ( , 2009Kriz ( , 2010Kriz ( , 2020, Kriz y Hense (2006), Crookall y Thorngate (2009), Crookall (2012), Angelini et al. (2014bAngelini et al. ( , 2017, Angelini y García-Carbonell (2015a, 2015b) o Angelini (2021b), entre otros. 9 Duke (1974), Greenblat y Duke (1981), Greenblat (1988), Crookall y Oxford (1990), Crookall y Thorngate (2009), Gredler (1992), Jones (2013), Klabbers (2000Klabbers ( , 2005, Rising (2004Rising ( , 2009 Un factor esencial a tener en cuenta sobre la Simulación y Juego es, como indican Greenblat y Duke (1981), el escaso coste económico, social y emocional de esta metodología. Según Crookall et al. (1987), es una metodología tolerante con el error que permite que se analice abiertamente para tomar conciencia y lograr ganar confianza y competencia a través de la práctica. ...
... Традиційні лекції, семінари та практичні заняття не можуть задовольнити запити студентів, які прагнуть до більшої мобільності, безперервного вдосконалення та розширення доступу до професійної Журнал «Перспективи та інновації науки» (Серія «Педагогіка», Серія «Психологія», Серія «Медицина» № 5(5) 2021 інформації іноземною мовою. Саме тому, на сьогодні є велика кількість методів і технік, серед яких варто виділити метод симуляції, який визначають як реальність функцій у змодельованому та структурованому середовищі [8]. Він передбачає відтворення функцій, які студенти юридичних спеціальностей мають виконувати в реальних життєвих ситуаціях та професійній діяльності за допомогою іноземної мови. ...
... In interpreting the simulation as a method of teaching a language, we will be based on the interpretation of Jones (2013), who defined simulation "as the reality of functions in a simulated and structured environment". In other words, it refers to recreating or simulating the functions that students have to perform in real-life situations and professional activities in a foreign language. ...
This article presents the results of the research aimed at proving the efficiency of using the simulation method in combination with the cognitive linguistic approach in teaching students a foreign language. The experimental group students studied the foreign (English) language course during the semester of the 2019-2020 academic year using simulations. The methodology consisted of the performance of roles by the students who actively interacted for the implementation of assigned tasks. Kravchenko's cognitive linguistic algorithm was used to develop the skills of English grammar. This allowed us to establish the similarities between the temporal forms of English and Ukrainian words in discourse. The efficiency was evaluated through the test, developed by the author based on the exercises from the book by Holitsynskyi. Diagnostics of the students' level of motivation to learn a foreign language using simulations and cognitive linguistic approach was performed with the help of the Self-Assessment Form Student test, described in the EU manual. The statistical significance of the study results was established using Pearson's χ2 test. The correlation between the factor and resultant characteristics was established using Tschuprow's contingency coefficient. This was revealed through the methodology of applying the cognitive linguistic approach regarding the training of the skills in choosing the tense forms of a verb in English and the method of simulations in the development of language competencies of the business foreign language. It was found that the proportion of experimental group students with a high and sufficient level of success in learning a foreign language doubled, exceeding the same indicator in the control group. The total number of students with very high, high and average levels of development of skills in choosing the tense forms of the verb in English increased by 36%. The influence of the skills of choosing the tense forms of the verb on the development of the skills of using grammatical structures found in the process of the simulation was recorded. The results of the study can be applied in teaching students a foreign language in the institutions of higher and secondary education, as well as in the system of post-graduate education. The problems of individual students' passivity regarding their participation in simulations, failure to use a foreign language in group work require further research. Received: 19 March 2021 / Accepted: 20 May 2021 / Published: 8 July 2021
... It is necessary to describe in detail the context, situation, participants and their roles in solving one or more problems. This technology can be applied at various stages of learning a foreign language [4]. ...
The article describes a technique that can stimulate English learners to be active, goal-oriented, realistic and relatively challenging in a foreign language. The purpose of this article is to show the potential of communication situations for teaching English, to give suggestions for the selection, development, preparation, implementation and further development of communication situations.
... A simulation game attempts to copy various activities from real life in the form of a game for various purposes such as training, analysis, or prediction [14]. Business simulation concentrates on aspects related to managing a company, such as: marketing, human resources management or finance and accounting. ...
The main aim of this article is to examine the possibility of using simulation games as a framework to conduct scientific experiments. The main advantage of this solution is the fact that a researcher can provide the conditions that are as similar to real-life situations as possible while at the same time having control over the environment and control variables. This way of carrying out experiments aims at maximizing the ecological validity of the study. In the described research simulation game is used as a framework to verify the main hypothesis from prospect theory – one of the most prominent behavioral economic theories concerning the way people make decisions in situations involving risk. The results of the conducted experiment are described and conclusions for the future research are drawn.
Language knowledge requires not only an understanding of its grammar and vocabulary but also the ability to communicate appropriately in an effective communicative setting. One of the activities used to allow students to practice communication skills and gain fluency inside the classroom is simulation. Simulation provides a way of creating a communicative setting in which the student actively becomes a part of the real-world system. In the 2021-2022 academic year, teachers in the academic context were able to add some activities inside the classroom that were difficult to add in online lessons that were conducted for two years. In this study, simulation is used to improve learners" communicative abilities, including presenting facts in a grammatically accurate way to match the language used in the circumstance to create a situation that participants consider reliable. To conduct this study, the researchers used a quantitative approach with an experimental design by involving 100 students divided into two groups: 50 students as a control group and 50 students as an experimental group. Both groups were from the 4 th stage students majoring in English at the College of Education, Al-Farahidi University. A pre-test and a post-test were used in collecting data; the results of the tests were analyzed using SPSS, and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results revealed that using the simulation strategy helped the students of the experimental group to develop speaking skills. These skills of body language, fluency, pronunciation, intonation, grammar, and vocabulary were used positively. Moreover, students became motivated to speak freely and confidently
The oral proficiency of language learners has been bolstered through a variety of instructional methods. The goal of using simulated experiments to enhance conventional teaching techniques is to address various issues related to the acquisition of a FL through conversation. Difficulty acquiring fluency in an FL (Foreign Language) may be attributable to a number of factors, including inadequate educational materials, improper teaching technique, and an inappropriate learning setting. This study represents an effort to uncover how the use of simulation method can improve FL learners' speaking skills. One hundred Intermediate-level FL learners, fifty female and fifty males, were chosen at random for this research. In this scientific study, learners are randomly assigned to either "experimental" (EG) or "control" group (CG). Learners in the CG were instructed using more conventional lecture, the EG instructed using simulation models. The findings of a pre- and posttest are contrasted to evaluate the effectiveness of the simulation strategy on the EG's learning. The current study evaluated two hypotheses: (a) that learners in the EG performed better on the speech test than those in the CG; and (b) that there was a substantial difference in the performance of females and male learners in the EG. The research employs a quasi-experimental approach, with data gathered and evaluated numerically using SPSS. The findings revealed that the EG outperformed the CG, and that the female learners also outperformed the male learners by a small margin. The findings support both hypotheses, demonstrating the validity of the claim that simulation can be used to help learners of an FL improve their speaking skills.
Throughout history, education has always been essential for humanity's justice and fundamental for the creation of a free and satisfying society with the dissemination of knowledge. Hence, in addition to the life occurrences educating people, traditional higher education methods have played an important role for a long period. However, the age of technology has changed the educational system along with the people's lifestyles to meet the continuously changing conditions. During the past twenty years, the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) led to the emergence of e-learning non-traditional educational methods bringing about an innovative dimension of virtual learning. With its beneficial features provided by the Internet and various technologies, this method passes the control of time and location from the tutors to the students during the learning process.
Despite the entrance of online education into the students' life many years ago, the Covid-19 outbreak initiated in 2020 turned this method into the only possible way of education for almost two years. Afterward, plenty of studies investigated its effects on students' social and academic life, mostly considering its negative impacts on their mental health and motivation due to interaction issues. They also pointed out the specific problems of tactile learner students in the lack of face-to-face design courses.
As an innovative solution able to be adopted, game technologies, increasing immersion of the learner in a real-world skill, and triggering motivation are one of the best methods integrated into educational systems. Known as serious games, these games, adopted by almost any domain, convey educational content along with entertainment, increasing interaction. They train or enhance a certain skill or topic to the player by immersing them. While serious games are more expanded nowadays, they are still not being played by the mass public due to people's immersiveness expectations of a game. Hence, the Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs), with their emergence, increased the players' engagement and immersion with all types of virtual environments in digital games. This technology, however, evolved serious games area most, among others, by enabling the opportunity to provide a riskless and low-cost learning environment for real-world skills. In the process of suggesting serious games as a replacement for the traditional educational methods, the most important factor is being aware of their effectiveness for education.
Generally, digital games, one of the world's biggest and fastest-growing industries, rely heavily on the virtual landscape, a major part of its development process. Its design demands remarkable effort, and it directly affects the whole game's characteristics. Hence, serious games, as a type of digital game, carry the same attributes. With the appearance of virtual reality technology, gaming started to gain more immersiveness and engagement with artificial elements and environments. Although virtual landscapes were always being developed since the emergence of digital games, the studies taking virtual landscapes into account are mostly using them as a tool for enhancing real spaces, not as a domain for the sake of its development. While other design domains are applying various design methodologies, it is challenging to find a standard design methodology for the design and production of virtual landscapes in the gaming industry, leading to inconsistent and low-quality results. Hence, it comes to the question of what is the virtual landscapes' role in serious games and their effect on the data comprehension rate. Since the literature lacks regarding the gradual change of the virtual landscape in serious games and the content they transmit, this thesis aims to figure out the gradual chronological evolution of the virtual landscapes in serious games. It also aims to seek how this change and the virtual reality technology invention have affected the contents transmitted by digital games and its influence on the player interaction and learning rate.
To do so, in the process of this thesis, we developed, tested, and evaluated various serious games, both text-based and with 360° photos. The steps taken revealed the reluctance of the players to follow the providing educational content and their inadequacy of interaction. Hence, the thesis seeks the reasons ending to this result and the ways of increasing this learning rate. Afterward, the thesis uses a currently available but not massively used digital game classification methodology. This methodology, which is based on the principles of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning, classifies the games based on their constituting virtual landscapes. Hence, the thesis considers all Steam games, one of the biggest video game digital distribution services, filtered with the 'education' tag, ending in 2531 digital games. Afterward, adding the 'game' tag the result reduced to 1102 games. Finally, with some manual filterings ignoring the irrelevant content, the final number decreased to 702. Sorting chronologically, we made an Excel database including the games' introductory information, the content they transmit, their release date, if they support HMD or not, and whether they are simulation games or not. Due to Steam's dating spectrum, our database includes games dating back from 1992 to 2020. Afterward, we classified all of these games using the virtual landscape classification methodology and generated their related codes based on their player scale, story, dimension, space shape, and interaction level. Investigating the results, they revealed some growth patterns relating to the content educated in the game, the VR technology, and the virtual landscape evolution. Adding the user reviews of Steam, we reverse engineered five of the best serious games on the database due to the digital game design methodology. This methodology divides the games' virtual environment into five layers, namely, player activity map (PAM), story layer, natural environment layer, virtual environment layer, and media layer. Reverse engineering the five best digital games ever, based on the IGN database, enabled us to compare the outcomes. Due to released data, we understand how the games' assets are distributed within the various layers of the virtual environment in the most successful games.
Finally, the thesis aims to provide a framework based on these results for developing serious games to increase player interaction and enhance the learning rate. However, these results can be expanded to any virtual landscape other than only serious games' for their interaction enhancement. Currently, the landscape architecture domain only adopts the virtual landscape area as a tool for enhancing design in the real world. However, in the near future, landscape architects will perform in the virtual landscape area as a domain to be enhanced. Hence, that day, the results of this study will play an important role and will be a roadmap for generating highly interactive virtual landscapes.
In recent years, simulators have emerged as powerful knowledge transfer tools in medicine, aviation, engineering, and many other industries. Simulators provide an immersive and interactive learning environment, and it allows users to gain practical experience and gain critical skills without requiring real-world resources or exposure to potential risk The use of simulators as digital proxies provide new learning opportunities characterized by applications, benefits, limitations and challenges which are discussed. On these bases, the future potential of simulators in transforming educational and training approaches is also considered.
El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las variables que mejor describen el aprendizaje de los futuros docentes sobre temas educativos actuales. Para ello, se utilizó un cuestionario de tipo
Likert como herramienta de evaluación metacognitiva. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal exploratorio a lo largo de
tres años. Los datos se recogieron a partir de las respuestas de los participantes al cuestionario. Se utilizó un procedimiento de muestreo por conveniencia con estudiantes matriculados en el módulo de Recursos Didácticos para la Enseñanza del Inglés como Segunda Lengua (ESL) en un Máster Oficial en Formación del
Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas. Las variables altamente correlacionadas y que mejor explican la variable dependiente “He profundizado en temas educativos de
actualidad” se refieren a la inclusión, las necesidades especiales de aprendizaje, el aprendizaje servicio y la simulación a través
del diálogo intercultural. Cada una de las variables contribuye significativamente a la estimación de la percepción de la
adquisición de conocimientos sobre cuestiones educativas actuales a través de la simulación telemática.
This study examined the language learning and motivational effects of a video project, including students‟ perceptions of the processes, and the impact of peer evaluations. In this study many online materials and integrating music and pictures is used to illustrate their ideas. Itshowed that the language learning effects were more obvious in the low proficiency group than in the high proficiency one. Results from t-test analyses of pre- and post- motivation questionnaires showed that studentsincreased their learning motivation, and interview data showed that students felt that making videos boosted their confidence and improved their technological capability. An examination of peer assessments of videos showed that they promoted peer learning and encouraged self-reflection. This study‟s findings support the adoption of video projects with lower proficiency students in order to stimulate language production.
This chapter reviews the use of simulation in teacher education. Teacher trainers and practitioners acknowledge the virtues of simulation in other areas, outside teacher training, such as business, nursing, law, engineering or economics. Many publications have suggested that simulation as a pedagogical strategy helps improve a wide range of professional skills, such as decision-making, critical thinking, dialogic skills, interpersonal competence and communication. In this chapter, I review simulation applications in teacher education. I also introduce
simulation methodology and outline a prototype simulation cycle.
We will start off this chapter by tracing the history of simulation and reflecting on its use in educational contexts, mainly in higher education. Unfortunately, the literature in the area of simulation and training within the field of teacher education is limited (Clarke, Clarke Technology, Pedagogy and Education 22:121–131, 2013; Vlachopoulos & Makri, Vlachopoulos and Makri International
Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 14:1–33, 2017).
However, literature in the area of simulation and training does exist in professional training in several disciplines. We describe some of the institutions using simulation and serious games and the leading simulation associations worldwide.
Scenario-based exercises employing figurants are frequently used in vocational education worldwide. The purpose of these exercises is to help the students develop practical knowledge and skills on their way to becoming professional practitioners. While previous research often concentrates on the exercises’ design, level of realism and complexity, there is a knowledge gap regarding the use of figurants, not least when it comes to advantages and disadvantages with different figurant types. The aim of this study is to investigate how, why and in what type of exercises figurants are used in Swedish police education. The empirical material derives from interviews with teachers, students, and figurants from five Swedish police education programmes, focusing on the interviewees’ experience of the use of internal, external, and semi-external figurants in distinctive exercises. The three figurant types were attributed specific effects on the implementation of exercises and were perceived as having different advantages and disadvantages depending on the purpose of each exercise, the impact being particularly noticeable in relation to levels of realism, permissive environments, the counterpart perspective, safety concerns, feedback, and simulation competence. The choice of figurant type has an equally important impact on the outcome of the scenarios as other factors, and there is a need for more research on the use of figurants in relation to student learning.
Simulations have become a staple of political science education due to their effectiveness and creative nature that contributes to learning success. In this contribution, we argue that simulations can also offer new insights not only into student engagement and active learning, but also into the sociology of political processes. In this case it is a political communication seminar, that included a simulation of presidential campaigns and an election in a fictionalized setting. This article shows that in a classroom setting the students are prone to reproduce existing electoral leanings and behavior. In the proposed simulation of elections in a fictional country of Genovia, the students naturally aligned around two candidates: a right-wing populist and an environmental activist who ultimately lost the elections. This article offers several insights into an online simulation format and breaks down the sociology of the surprisingly realistic representation of a Euro-American electorate.
This paper examines the history and development of simulation gaming, from its roots on military strategy through its applications as tools for business training, planning and management. It assesses the practical skills that can be gained through the use of simulations as a tool for communication and language acquisition and outlines how they might be effectively integrated into EFL curricula as tool for task-oriented skill development.
When discussing the current state of art with regard to the use of new technologies in foreign and second language learning one thing is blinking sharply: Simulation Games. Simulator games have prepared a great pedagogical context for young sailors and mariners. The importance of creating pedegugical context for sailors and mariners to learn English as a second or foreign language is the essence of this study. Simulation games show potential not just for engaging and entertaining users, but also in promoting language learning. In this research we survey the effect of simulation Games on sailor and mariners’ English vocabulary and pronunciation learning of Khoramshahr Navy University. The results clearly showed that these kinds of games have a significant impact of learners, especially when they learn English as ESP like the sailors and mariners.
La presente investigación se esfuerza en mostrar la impronta del pensador Hans Jonas en relación con la ética de la responsabilidad como el
espejo privilegiado donde se descifra la civilización tecnológica.
Cuando hablamos de ética en el mundo digital, nos acomete la reflexión
filosófica jurídica y política donde se esgrime la revitalización de los
valores y el espíritu de responsabilidad como exigente en este mundo..
Con la presente ponencia, analizamos el instituto de justicia procesal
denominado justicia premial a la luz de lo establecido en la Ley 906 de
2004 colombiana, haciendo énfasis en la situación del capturado en flagrancia, regulado en el artículo 301 de la misma Ley, y del artículo 57
de la Ley 1453 de 2011. Seguidamente, analizamos esta institución procesal, a la luz del concepto de racionalidad dialógica de Habermas, para
luego discutir dicho concepto con la idea del discurso práctico racional
de Robert Alexy como manera de alcanzar justicia constitucional; y finalmente, analizar el concepto de justicia vista desde la situación de
discriminación inversa presentada en la concepción filosófica de Ronald Dworkin, para luego arribar a algunas reflexiones finales.
This chapter seeks to explain the role of facilitators in gaming simulation. It is the responsibility of facilitators to ensure participants are provided with ample opportunities to learn through gaming simulation in safe environments. Focusing on their role, this chapter discusses the following questions: What is facilitation? What should facilitators do or not do? and What should facilitators consider for a fruitful gaming session? Facilitation begins well before the execution of a game and continues until the end of debriefing, when facilitators help participants process what was learned through the activities that were carried out. Facilitators should anticipate how participants will act and react during and after the game and react appropriately and flexibly. Facilitators are responsible for allowing participants to undertake activities and experience learning transfer in a safe environment throughout the entire process. I hope this chapter provides a supportive push to present/future facilitators who are going to find profound meaning in facilitation.
The global pandemic has made the symbiosis between technology and education even more inescapable and urgent. Without the possibility of face-to-face instruction, lecturers around the world need to re-think and re-conceptualize their teaching in order to avoid a return to predominantly frontal instruction in higher education. Otherwise, a university becomes an educational and rather expensive YouTube channel and students turn into passive consumers of knowledge. Against this backdrop, our chapter highlights the benefits of active learning and teaching methods that could be adapted to online seminars. As an illustration, we use the examples of two seminars at the Universities of Groningen and Bremen which originally had been planned as interactive and research-based learning scenarios but which had to be moved online abruptly during the COVID-19 pandemic. On this empirical basis, we discuss possible strategies for maintaining student engagement and activity in mid-size online seminars that put emphasis on developing higher-order cognitive, social, and practical skills as well as critical thinking while utilizing simulations, discussion boards, blogs, and other digital tools. We also stress the need to offer empathy during pandemic teaching.
This paper intended to consider reading comprehension learning among EFL young learners through the techniques of drama. The objective of the study was to examine to what extent drama activities could develop reading comprehension ability of Iranian EFL young learners. The methodology was quasi-experimental and the population of the research was 102 eighth-grade female students form Shohadaye Enghelab high school in the year 2015-2016, among whom, 44 participants were finally chosen. They were randomly assigned into two groups (control group and experimental group). In experimental group students underwent drama activities in reading classes; however, in the control group, students were taught reading comprehension in the conventional way. Having assigned them into the control and experimental groups, the researcher ran a Pre-test and a Post-test. In order to evaluate the results, an independent T-test was administered. The results proved that the application of drama techniques can have a great impact on Iranian EFL young learners' comprehension ability.
English is taught as a foreign and second language to students in Pakistan. However, most of the students do not attain fluency in speaking even after completing their Master's degree in English. There could be multiple reasons like insufficient instructional material, unsuitable teaching methodology, and inappropriate learning environment, which cause hindrance in learning speaking skills. This research is an attempt to apply simulation techniques for learning speaking skills. In this study, 100 male and 100 female students are selected from government sector colleges at Abbottabad at the Intermediate level. Students are divided into two groups, i-e experimental and control groups. Controlled groups are taught through the traditional teaching method i-e lecture method, whereas students of experimental groups were taught through the simulation technique. Students played their role by using their creativity as well. Every student got an opportunity in this study. Scores of pre and post-test are compared to see the impact of simulation technique on experimental group students. Two research hypotheses were tested in this study (a) There is a significant difference in students' speaking test achievement between the experimental and control group, (b) There is a significant difference between male and female student's speaking test between experimental and control groups. The quasi-experimental design is used, and data from the study is collected and analyzed statistically using SPSS-14. Results showed that the experimental group performed better than the control group, and the female students showed slightly better performance than male students. This data confirmed the second hypothesis as well. Both the hypotheses are confirmed and prove the point that, through simulation, one can improve the speaking skills of learners. Introduction In the age of modern globalization, effective speaking skills have transformed into one of the significant learning tools that one should possess in the context of daily requirements. It is evident that learners, who have grasped speaking skills, perform exceptionally well in their studies and careers (Gimpao, 2005). Getting the expertise of oral skills in English is a priority for many second and foreign language learners. For numerous years, teaching English has been undervalued and restricted to drills or learning by heart of dialogues in aiding speaking skills. However, today's world understands the significance of speaking skills due to their practical and pedagogical implications for learners in social and cultural conditions. Richards (1990) believesthat speaking English is a priority for Second or Foreign Language learners. Learners evaluate their performance based on how they perform in communication. Simulation techniques are planned to attain communication ability (Bambrough, 1994). A good simulation technique breeds better language learning. Once language learning begins through simulation, it gives impetus to more such learning. Like a nuclear power generation doesn"t need any ignition or propulsion from outside, a successful simulation technique leads to further good communication and the use of more simulations resulting in a chain reaction of successful communication. Simulation propels the thoughts process and thus helps a learner keep communicating successfully (Jones, 1982). The use of simulation acquaints learners with real-life situations. This way, students learn the situational and functional use of the target language. A simulation involves unforeseen actions wherein real communication takes place. Different types of dramatic techniques have been utilized in teaching speaking skills, such as drama games, role play, improvisation, and simulation. Simulation is similar to role-play but is more elaborate and realistic in performance as learners can bring essential items to the classes for their respective roles. A simulation activity is usually planned so that intricate interaction and exchange of ideas between groups and individuals are based on simulation of real-life experiences (Brown 2001). According to Bygate (1987), simulation is a kind of exercise that engages decision making, and the participant may act themselves or in their typical respective social roles.
This study sought to find out the role of drama in improving students' English from the of teachers' perspective. To be able to carry out this aim, the researcher used analytical descriptive analysis along with a 20-item questionnaire to collect the necessary. The researcher analyzed the collected data via using SPSS package, means, averages and standard deviations.The study results showed that drama helps students develop self-confidence, enhances cooperation, understanding and, decision making skills. Additionally, drama helps students express imaginative ideas and use language more confidently. Results also showed no statistically significant differences in the role of drama in improving students' English from the teachers' perspective due to the variables of the study (gender and years of experience).Based on these results, the researcher recommended usingmore dramatic activities in the English syllabuses.Workshops and symposiums for teacher training on how to use drama in their teaching practices should be held from time to time.
The purpose of the study is to demonstrate the potential of using the global simulation technology in Russian as a Second Language classes (RSL) as an effective means of developing communicative competence in students. The article sheds light on the essence of this pedagogical technology, describes its structure. This work provides methodological recommendations for introduction and use of the global simulation technology, reveals the potential of its application in the practice of teaching RSL. This accounts for scientific novelty of the study. As a result, it is proved that global simulations are a pedagogical technology that teachers can use to achieve one of the main goals within the framework of the communicative-activity approach - development of the communicative competence in students.
The specialised literature on education and training programmes often refers to simulations as games.
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