... (ii) inter-protein electron transfers (Gideon et al., 2012Manoj et al., 2020a), (iii) drug/xenobiotic metabolism and interactions (Manoj, Gade, et al., 2010;Parashar, Gade, et al., 2014;Venkatachalam et al., 2016), (iv) unusual physiological dose responses Manoj, 2018b;Parashar et al., 2018), 2 | C Cell ell B Biology iology I International nternational (v) aerobic respiration and its evolutionary aspects Manoj, 2017Manoj, , 2019Manoj, 2018aManoj, , 2018bManoj, Soman, et al., 2019;Manoj, 2020aManoj, , 2020bManoj, , 2020cManoj, Ramasamy, et al., 2020;Manoj et al., 2020a;Manoj, 2021), (vi) toxicity of cyanide to a bevy of physiologies in multiple organisms Manoj, Ramasamy, et al., 2020;Parashar, Venkatachalam, et al., 2014), (vii) thermogenesis (Manoj, 2017;Manoj et al., 2018;, (viii) homeostasis Manoj, Bazhin, & Tamagawa, 2021;, (ix) photoreception and the physiology of vision , (x) oxygenic photosynthesis or photophosphorylation Manoj et al., 2020a;Manoj, Bazhin, Jacob, et al., 2021;Manoj, Nikolai, et al., 2021), (xi) ATP synthesis in erythrocytes by hemoglobin , (xii) ionic differentials and electrophysiology Manoj, Bazhin, & Tamagawa, 2021;Tamagawa et al., 2021). ...