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Using Quizizz Application for Learning and Evaluating Grammar Material

  • Universitas Islam Balitar

Abstract and Figures

This research aims to enhance the students' grammar achievement in learning relative pronouns by applying quizizz application The Subjects of the research are 24 students of Second semester who take Intermediate English Grammar Course in Balitar Islamic University. The design of the research is classroom action reseach which covers 4 main steps: Planning, Acting, Observing, and Evaluating.The researcher uses test and Questionnaire for gaining the data of the research. The research findings shows that the students' achievement in learning relative pronouns increase after they learned the materials and evaluated by applying quizizz Application. Moreover, they also present positive views to the use of Quizizz for Learning and evaluating Relative Pronouns.
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JOSAR, Vol. 6 No. 1 March, 2021; p-ISSN: 2502-8251; e-ISSN: 2503-1155
Copyrights@ Balitar Islamic University, Blitar-Indonesia
Received June 1st,2012; Revised June 25th, 2012; Accepted July 10th, 2012
Using Quizizz Application for Learning and Evaluating
Grammar Material
Dian Fadhilawati
English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Balitar Islamic University
This research aims to enhance the students’ grammar achievement in learning relative
pronouns by applying quizizz application The Subjects of the research are 24 students of Second
semester who take Intermediate English Grammar Course in Balitar Islamic University. The design
of the research is classroom action reseach which covers 4 main steps: Planning, Acting,
Observing, and Evaluating.The researcher uses test and Questionnaire for gaining the data of the
research. The research findings shows that the students’ achievement in learning relative pronouns
increase after they learned the materials and evaluated by applying quizizz Application. Moreover,
they’ also present positive views to the use of Quizizz for Learning and evaluating Relative
KeywordsQuizizz, Grammar, Relative Pronouns, Classroom Action Research
Grammar is one of the essential sub-skills in learning English. By learning
Grammar appropriately, we can communicate well in formal Situation (Ismail, 2010).
Furthermore (Fadhilawati, 2019) argues that Learning Grammar is very important for the
students in order they can speak and write English appropriately. However, teaching and
learning grammar at English Education Department in Balitar Islamic University was need
improvement. In this case, the students had problem in understanding the form, and the use
of Relative Pronouns. Based on the result of pre-test done on Tuesday, 6 February 2020 the
students’ achievement on Relative Pronouns was not satisfactory, the class avarage score
was (64.25). That achievement was lower than the mimimum criterion mastery of
Grammar (75.00). Actually Relative Pronouns is already introduced and taught by the
lecturer in the first semester, but there were many students who still have difficulties in
understanding the form and the use of Relative Pronoun, therefore, the researcher wanted
JOSAR, Vol. 6 No. 1 March, 2021; p-ISSN: 2502-8251; e-ISSN: 2503-1155
Copyrights@ Balitar Islamic University, Blitar-Indonesia
to review the material and improve it in the second semester by applying Quizizz
Quizizz application is one of educational applications that applies the concept of
gamifation. It has some interesting features such as: avatars, music, leaderboard, and
theme that make the students learn something like they are playing game (Mac Namara &
Murphy, 2017). Furthermore, (Zuhriyah & Pratolo, 2020) argue that quizizz application
can provide the students with interactive and joyful experience of doing exercise especially
to answer the questions. After the students answering the question, Quizizz
automaticallly presents the memes to inform if their respon is correct or not .
Moreover, (Zhao, 2019) states that Quizizz application is an educational game-
based software that takes interactive activities into classrooms and provides the students
with enjoyable learning experience. In this case, the Students can do the exercises of the
materials that they have learned on their laptop, samarthphone or other electronic devices,
they can have a healty competition in doing the quiz with their friends because Quizizz
complete with the leaderboard to show the rank of the students lively. In addition (Zhao,
2019) informs that the teacher can track the process and download the summary at the
end of the quiz to measure the success of the students.
From the explanations above we can sum up that Quizzz is an Educational platform
thas has incredible features like, memes, music, avatars, themes to arouse the students’
motivation and participation in learning as well as in doing the quiz. Furthermore, the
teacher can see the students’ quiz result in report and download it as a guidline to give
feedback to the students.
The use of Quizizz in education had been applied by many educators. For
examples: Quizizz can be applied to plan the class programs and arrange the assessment
(Mac Namara & Murphy, 2017). Furthermore, (Cadieux Bolden, Hurt, & Richardson,
2017) applied Quizizz application for assisting the students to determine the types of
questions wheter they are productive or non productive. (Rahayu & Purnawarman, 2019)
used Quizizz as a tool for assessing the students’ self assessment to improve grammar
understanding. They reported that the students have been able to self-evaluate their
strengths and weaknesses by applying Quizz. Furthermore, Most of the students also
demonstrated considerable progress in their grammar achievement.
JOSAR, Vol. 6 No. 1 March, 2021; p-ISSN: 2502-8251; e-ISSN: 2503-1155
Copyrights@ Balitar Islamic University, Blitar-Indonesia
JjiTitle of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author)
Moreover, (Yan mei, Yan Ju, & Adam, 2019) proved that Quizizz application is
effective to improve the students’ learning outcomes in the Arabic classroom. Besides,
(Aşıksoy & Sorakin, 2018) revelaed that Quizizz application is effective for enhancing the
students’ learning achievement and reducing their learning anxiety. Furthermore, (Zhao,
2019) reported that quizizz application is effective to enhance the learning achievement of
the students in accounting classroom. Besides, (Hamilton-Hankins, 2017) reported that
Quizizz application can increase the students’ motivation in the Classroom of English
Language Arts. (Cadieux Bolden et al., 2017) stated the students presented a higher rate of
exercise through Quizizz Application than Kahoot.
From the explanation above, the researcher was interested to use Quizizz
Application as media to enhance the second semester students’ grammar achievement
especially on the use of Relative Pronouns at English Education Deparment Islamic
Univerity of Balitar. Through this research, the researchers focused to find out 1) How the
students’ Relative pronouns achievement after they learnt by applying Quizizz
Application, and 2) How the students’ views to the implementation of Quizizz application
for studying and evaluating relative pronouns.
The researcher employed Classroom Action Researh to enhance the students’
Grammar achievement especially on understanding the form and the use of Relative
Pronouns. This research involved 24 students of the second semester who took
Intermediate English Grammar Class. The researcher applied the classroom action research
procedure of Kemmis and Taggart which consists of 4 main steps: (1) Planning, (2)
Acting, (3) Observing and (4) Reflecting (Kemmis, McTaggart, & Nixon, 2014) The
procedures of CAR are explained as following:
In planning, the researcher planned the strategy of learning to overcome the
problem. In planning, the researcher conducted the activities such as:1) Preparing the
lesson plan for teaching relative pronouns, 2) Preparing the materials and grammar quiz of
Relative Pronouns in Quizizz application 3) Designing Post-Test in the form of multiple
JOSAR, Vol. 6 No. 1 March, 2021; p-ISSN: 2502-8251; e-ISSN: 2503-1155
Copyrights@ Balitar Islamic University, Blitar-Indonesia
choice which covered 50 questions about relative pronouns 4) Peparing questionnaire, and
5) Deciding the research success criterion. The students said to be successful in learning
relative pronouns if their score in Post test 75. Furthermore, the classical average score
should achieve ≥75.00.
Acting In Acting, the researcher taught Grammar of Relative Pronouns by applying
Quizizz. The implementation itself consisted of three meetings, the first meeting was for
teaching and learning the form of Relative Pronouns by using Quizizz Aplication, the
second meeting was for teaching and learning the use of relative Pronouns by using
Quizizz Aplication and the third meeting used to administrate post- test and questionnaire
to the students.
In observing, the researcher administered test to gain the students’ score after they
learnt the materials of relative pronouns through of Quizizz application. Furthermore, she
also distributed the questionnaire to collect the data of the students’ views to the use of
Quizizz Application for learning grammar especially Relative Pronouns. Furthermore, to
analyze the students' post-test results, the researchers downloaded and investigated the
students' post-test reports directly from the Quizizz application. In this case, the researchers
paid attention to the students’ reports to know the individual achievement and the class
report to determine the average class score after they learned through Quizizz Application.
Moreover, the researcher analyzed the students’ questionnaire by using this following
P= F/N X100%
P= Percentage
F= Gained Score
N= Maximum Total Score
After calculating the percentage of the students’ questionnaire responses, the
researcher consulted the result to know the students' responses with the following criteria
of score interpretation.
JOSAR, Vol. 6 No. 1 March, 2021; p-ISSN: 2502-8251; e-ISSN: 2503-1155
Copyrights@ Balitar Islamic University, Blitar-Indonesia
JjiTitle of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author)
Interval Score
0% 20%
21% 40%
41% 60%
61% 80%
81% 100%
Very bad
Very Good
In a Cassroom Action Research (CAR), reflection is quite important. It has function
to determine wheter the next cycle is required or not. In CAR, we may not be able to
determine how many cycles we need to overcome the problem in our classroom before
doing reflection to the first result. In doing Reflection, We must consult the result with the
research criterion of success. If the students have reached the criteria of success, it would
take just one cycle of Action. If the expectations for progress are not satisfied, the
researcher should proceed with the updating of the lesson plan in the next cycle.
The Students’ Achievement after Applying Quizizz in Learning Grammar
Pre-Test Post-Tes
Students' Achievement in Learning Relative
Figure 1. The students’ achievement in Learning Relative Pronouns
JOSAR, Vol. 6 No. 1 March, 2021; p-ISSN: 2502-8251; e-ISSN: 2503-1155
Copyrights@ Balitar Islamic University, Blitar-Indonesia
From the figure 1, we can know that the students’ achievement in learning relative
pronouns increase significantly. It reveled by the enhancement of class average score from
the pre-test 64.25 to 83.75 in the Post-test of cycle 1.Based on the result presented above
the researcher stopped the research in cycle 1 because the criterion of success of the
research were fulfilled in which all the individual score of the students’ post test was ≥ 75.
Furthermore, the classical average score achieved ≥75.00.
The Students’ Views to the Implementation of Quizizz Application for Learning and
Evaluating Relative Pronouns
Table 1.The Result of Students' views to the Implementation of Quizizz Application for Learning and
Evaluating Relative Pronouns
I am encouraged to learn Relative
Pronouns through Quizizz
Very good
I am happy of doing the test of relative
pronouns through Quizizz Application
Very good
Learning through Quizizz Application
is easy
Very good
I can reduce my anxiety in learning
Very good
I like the music in Quizizz
Application, it makes me motivated to
do the test
I like the Avatar in Quizizz
Very good
I like the memes in Quizizz
Very good
I like the rank (Leaderboard) in
Quizizz Application
Very good
I like the direct feedback from
quizizz Application
Very good
Learning and doing test in Quizizz
Application is like playing game
Very good
Very good
JOSAR, Vol. 6 No. 1 March, 2021; p-ISSN: 2502-8251; e-ISSN: 2503-1155
Copyrights@ Balitar Islamic University, Blitar-Indonesia
JjiTitle of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author)
The researcher did the Classroom Action research to enhance the students’
achievement in learning grammar especially relative pronouns. Refering to the result
presented in figure 1 above, we can know that the stuents’ achievement in learning relative
pronouns increase from the pre-test 64.25 to 83.75 in the Post-test of cycle 1. Therefore,
we can say that Quizzz application could enhance the student’s achievement in learning
relative pronouns.That result above is in line with (Refnita, 2017) who argued that
applying quizizz regulary can enhance the students’ achievement. It also strengthen the
result of (Rahayu & Purnawarman, 2019) who proved that the students performed better
achievement in learning grammar through quizizz. In addition, it also supports the
research result of (Aşıksoy & Sorakin, 2018) who revealed that Quizizz application is
effective to enhance the learning achievement and reduce the students’ anxiety in learning.
Furthermore, based on the result of questionnaire presented in table 1, we can
conclude that most of the students of the second semester presented positive views toward
the use of quizizz for learning and evaluating relative pronouns, for examples most of the
the students said that they are motivated to learn relative pronouns by applying quizizz
application. It is in line with (Hamilton-Hankins, 2017) who revealed that the
implementation of quizizz in the classroom can increase the students’ learning motivation.
In addition, it is agree with (Yan mei et al., 2019) who proved that the students presented
positive attitude toward the use of quizizz application in Arabic class. In this case, by
applying Quizizz, the students became more active in answering the teacher’s questions
and able to concentrate to the material well.
From the questionnaire given most of the students said that they felt happy in doing
the test by applying Quizizz application. They also said that learning through application is
easy. Those results are strengthen (Zhao, 2019) who revealed that the students can operate
Quizizz application easily, and do the quiz happily. Moreover, it reported that Quizizz
application assists the students in reviewing the materials and arouse their motivation to
learn the materials.
Furthermore, the students also gave positive responses toward the statement about
the features of quiziz (Memes, Music and Leaderboard). From the three of features asked,
JOSAR, Vol. 6 No. 1 March, 2021; p-ISSN: 2502-8251; e-ISSN: 2503-1155
Copyrights@ Balitar Islamic University, Blitar-Indonesia
the students mostly like the leaderboard. It is agree with (Zhao, 2019) who said that the
students preferred the leaderboard because they can know the rank of the score lively.
In addition, most of the students presented very agree that learning and reviewing the
materials through quiziz is like playing game. It supported (Mac Namara & Murphy, 2017)
who argued that Quizizz application is one of educational applications that applies the
concept of gamifation. It has some interesting features such as: avatars, music, leaderboard,
and theme that make the students learn something like they are playing game.
Based on the reseach result presented above, the researcher concludes that: 1) the
implementation of quizizz application could enhance the students grammar achievement
especially in learning relative pronouns, 2) The Second semester students presents positive
attitude toward the use of quizizz in Learning relative pronouns.
From the research result above, the researcher suggests to the teacher or lecturer to
use Quizizz application as an alternative media for learning as well as evaluating the
materials in order the students motivate to the lesson . Furthermore, the researcher also
suggest the students to have a special time for reviewing the material in Quizizz
application to make it planted in their brain. Moreover, the researcher hopes that the future
researchers can examine the effectiveness of Quizizz as a medium for online assessment by
applying others topic.
The researcher presents the highest appreciatioan to LPPM Balitar Islamic
University for the funding support of this research. Furthermore, the researcher gratefully
acknowledge Drs. Soebiantoro, the Rector of the Islamic University of Balitar, and
Devita Sulistiana, S.Si., M.Pd. as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Islamic University of Balitar who always support the researcher to develop her potency in
doing the research. Lastly, the researcher wants to express the gratitude to the second-
semester students of the English Education Department who participated in this research.
JOSAR, Vol. 6 No. 1 March, 2021; p-ISSN: 2502-8251; e-ISSN: 2503-1155
Copyrights@ Balitar Islamic University, Blitar-Indonesia
JjiTitle of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author)
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JOSAR, Vol. 6 No. 1 March, 2021; p-ISSN: 2502-8251; e-ISSN: 2503-1155
Copyrights@ Balitar Islamic University, Blitar-Indonesia
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... Quizizz, a gamified application, engages students with avatars, themes, and realtime quizzes (Zhao, 2019). It increases engagement and motivation (Zhang & Crawford, 2023), improves learning outcomes in specific subjects (Fadhilawati, 2021), reduces anxiety, and offers an enjoyable learning experience (Fadhilawati, 2021). A study unveiled a notable difference in student motivation and interest levels between the traditional approach and the use of Quizizz (Margallo et al., 2023). ...
... Quizizz, a gamified application, engages students with avatars, themes, and realtime quizzes (Zhao, 2019). It increases engagement and motivation (Zhang & Crawford, 2023), improves learning outcomes in specific subjects (Fadhilawati, 2021), reduces anxiety, and offers an enjoyable learning experience (Fadhilawati, 2021). A study unveiled a notable difference in student motivation and interest levels between the traditional approach and the use of Quizizz (Margallo et al., 2023). ...
... Furthermore, this study further adds to the literature by diving further into the reasons behind IRS utilization. While it has been known that IRS is used for formative assessment )Douell, 2020(, content practice or lesson preview and review ) Anggoro & Khasanah, 2021;Liu et al., 2019(, and boosting students' learning motivation and enjoyment ) Akkuş et al., 2021;Fadhilawati, 2021;Margallo et al., 2023), little was known about the teachers' own enjoyment of the platform utilization. Low student participation and engagement might cause stress for several instructors. ...
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Technological advances have introduced English instructors to various ways of delivering successful online classes. Using an Interactive Response System (IRS) as a supporting tool is one of them. This qualitative study investigates the perceptions of foreign English language teachers in Thai universities regarding the use of IRS in online classes. The study involved 10 non-native English university teachers, 7 females and 3 males, aged 27 to 35, with 3 to 6 years of teaching experience in Thailand. They are affiliated with three different Thai universities. Data were gathered through multiple online interviews and observations via Zoom or Google Meet, tailored to each participant’s convenience. The data analysis was conducted using a robust content analysis approach. The findings of this study showed that educators integrated IRS tools to boost engagement, benefiting both students and instructors. Additionally, peer influence encouraged IRS adoption and enhanced teaching methods. IRS tools served various roles, ranging from assessment to promoting motivation and enhancing comprehension. The advantages of IRS tools included increased interactivity, competition, and engagement. They aided in monitoring student attentiveness and comprehension while fostering independent learning. Challenges such as unequal internet access, device limitations, technology literacy, fees, workload, and language barriers existed, along with concerns about potential cheating during IRS activities.
... This improves students' understanding and performance. For example, Fadhilawati (2021) used Quizizz in her grammar class to teach and evaluate relative pronouns, and she discovered that it helped students improve 19.5% of their scores. Quizizz was perceived by students as a fun and motivating app, particularly because of its unique features. ...
... Some earlier research in this field has proven the positive impact of Kahoot! in grammar learning on students' English learning motivation (Kim, 2019;Susilowati, 2017), learning performance (Maesaroh et al., 2020), and students' learning experiences and attitudes (Zarzycka-Piskorz, 2016). Fadhilawati (2021) discovered that Quizizz helped students boost their scores by 19.5 percent and was popular among them (Dewi et al., 2020). The usage of Quizlet in grammar courses was also found to have a positive effect on student participation (Peter et al., 2019;Yuliyanto & Fitriyati, 2019). ...
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The present study investigated the effects of gamified grammar and vocabulary learning using Kahoot!, Quizizz, and Quizlet on learning performance, motivation, enjoyment, anxiety, and classroom dynamics and engagement in an English course. The investigation also involved the effects of gamified learning on gender, proficiency, and learning outcomes. Gamified learning was implemented for eight weeks, consisting of Cycle 1 (grammar) and Cycle 2 (vocabulary). Data were collected using survey questionnaires, grammar and vocabulary tests, and English proficiency tests. The results indicated high positive effects on the five survey constructs and significant increases were noted for learning motivation and classroom dynamics and engagement while reducing learning anxiety. The effects remained constant for female and male students, yet high-level students would likely enjoy and be engaged more in gamified learning than low-level students. Despite these highly perceived effects, they were not significant predictors of students' grammar learning outcomes. Only the degrees of students' learning enjoyment and anxiety can help estimate students' achievement in vocabulary learning.
... Quizizz is a gamified educational tool that can encourage students. Fadhilawati (2021) stated that an educational game-based program called Quizizz might design interactive lessons for students in the classroom and make learning enjoyable for them. Furthermore, Zuhriyah & Pratolo (2020) claim that Quizizz could make exercising for the students exciting and fun, especially while they are answering questions. ...
... According to Zhao (2019), Quizizz is a well-known interactive educational application that engages teaching and learning more. It is also a fun and enjoyable method to reinforce learning material (Fadhilawati, 2021). ...
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This study aims to ascertain whether using the Quizizz application affects students' reading comprehension abilities in seventh-grade junior high school. The researchers used a pre-experiment design with a single group design to conduct this quantitative study. Seventh graders at one of Surabaya's public junior high schools served as the study's sample. Pre-test and post-test were utilized in this study to gather data. This study examined a paired sample t-test to collect the information. The t-test indicates that the student's scores after receiving the treatment are higher than the students' scores before, as evidenced by the average score's increase from 64.41 to 81.12. The Alternative hypothesis is accepted as there is a substantial impact of utilizing Quizizz on students' reading comprehension abilities, according to the findings of the paired sample t-test, which revealed that the Sig (2-tailed) score is 0.000 <0.05. It has implied that Quizizz could improve students' reading comprehension since the teacher provides valuable knowledge for students. They are motivated to read English text using Quizizz. It is recommended for future research to explore the application of Quizizz for other skills.
... Duolingo offers lessons in multiple languages. Apart from that, Quizizz is an application in the form of game-based learning, which is used to measure a person's abilities and increase student encouragement in understanding material (Fadhilawati, 2021). The two applications used by pre-service teachers are available on various platforms including iOS, Android, and the web. ...
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Effective technology integration is believed to be able to increase student motivation in learning while also helping teachers' work become easier. This research aims to determine pre-service teachers' perspectives on how technology is used to increase student motivation in learning English in elementary school students. This research focuses on learning applications used by pre-service teachers. Qualitative descriptive methods were used as the design of this research. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews involving two EFL students participating in a campus teaching program. The findings show that pre-service teachers use the Duolingo and Quizizz applications in teaching English. Integrating technology in the form of learning applications gets positive results where students are motivated to learn English because students seem more active and comfortable learning with the learning while playing system. So the use of technology is felt to be very fun and makes learning not become saturated and boring
... Quizizz is a gamified educational tool that can encourage students. Fadhilawati (2021) stated that an educational game-based program called Quizizz might design interactive lessons for students in the classroom and make learning enjoyable for them. Furthermore, Zuhriyah & Pratolo (2020) claim that Quizizz could make exercising for the students exciting and fun, especially while they are answering questions. ...
The study focused on effect of Quizziz method on mathematics test performance of junior secondary school students in Port Harcourt metropolis. The study used quasi-experimental study to sample. The population of the study consisted of over 3,250 junior secondary school students in Port Harcourt metropolis. Participants in the study included 100 junior secondary school students from two lower UBE schools in the metropolis. Participants were randomly assigned to experimental (Quizizz group) and control groups. The instrument used in the study was the Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT). The instrument was validated by test experts while Cronbach Alpha method was used in determining a reliability index of 0.87. Experimental procedures involved a pre-test assessment which was administered to both the experimental and control. The experimental group received mathematics instruction using Quizizz for a period of three weeks. After the treatment, a post-test assessment was administered to both groups. Ethical Considerations included an informed consent from participants and parents or guardians. They were also ensured of confidentiality and anonymity while the study was also approved by an independent Research and Ethics expert. As stated earlier, the study lasted for a period of three weeks. The researchers collaborated with the classroom teachers which used the computer lab setting. After the posttest, data collected were analized using paired sample t-test and independent t-test. result showed that
... Quizizz merupakan aplikasi untuk pembelajaran online E-learning yang berbasis permainan tidak berbayar, digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar sehingga dapat merangsang minat siswa dan memotivasi siswa agar tidak terlalu tegang dan bosan dalam menjawab soal-soal. Quizizz memiliki sejumlah karakteristik yang menyerupai elemen permainan, seperti penggunaan avatar, berbagai tema menarik, meme lucu, dan musik yang menghibur (Fadhilawati, 2021).Seluruh elemen ini berkontribusi dalam menciptakan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan. Selain itu, platform ini memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk berkompetisi satu sama lain, yang dapat memotivasi peserta untuk lebih giat lagi belajar huruf kanji. ...
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A B S T R A K Bahasa Jepang memiliki empat huruf yakni Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji dan Romaji. Diantara keempat jenis huruf tersebut, huruf Kanji dianggap paling sulit dipelajari oleh siswa. dengan target penguasaan huruf Kanji pada siswa. Pembelajaran tidak bisa hanya pada buku panduan saja, tetapi butuh media belajar yang menarik. Media digital menjadi media yang efektif dalam hal ini, quizizz merupakan salah satu media pembelajaran yang berbasis games based learning yang dapat memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap pembelajaran huruf Kanji. Berdasarkan pada observasi awal melalui wawancara, siswa mengatakan huruf yang paling sulit dipelajari dan dihafalkan adalah huruf Kanji dengan waktu pelatihan bahasa Jepang yang dapat cukup singkat selama 6 bulan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pemanfaatan aplikasi media pembelajaran digital Quizizz dalam peningkatan penguasaan huruf Kanji pada siswa di LKP Tsunagari Indonesia Japan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, metode eksperimen One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Metode eksperimen ini digunakan untuk melakukan tes awal (pretest) sebelum melakukan perlakuan dan kemudian melakukan tes akhir (posttest). Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil pretest dan posttest yang dianalisis menggunakan uji normalitas, uji N-Gain dan Uji Wilcoxon yang memperoleh hasil signifikansi sebesar 0,005 < 0,05 yang artinya hipotesis diterima, terdapat pengaruh media Quizizz terhadap penguasaan Kanji pada siswa LKP Tsunagari Indonesia Japan. Kata Kunci: Bahasa Jepang, Kanji, Quizizz A B S T R A C T The Japanese language consists of four writing systems: Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji, and Romaji. Among these, Kanji is considered the most challenging for students to learn, particularly in achieving mastery of its characters. Learning cannot rely solely on textbooks; engaging learning media is essential. Digital media, such as Quizizz, emerges as an effective tool in this context, being a game-based learning platform that can positively contribute to Kanji education. Initial observations through interviews revealed that students find Kanji to be the most difficult script to learn and memorize, especially given the relatively short duration of Japanese language training, which spans only six months. This study intends to explore the utilization of the digital learning application Quizizz in enhancing students' mastery of Kanji at LKP Tsunagari Indonesia Japan. A quantitative approach is employed, utilizing the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design experimental method. This method involves conducting a pretest prior to the treatment and a posttest afterward. The results are analyzed using normality tests, N-Gain tests, and the Wilcoxon test, producing a significance level of 0.005 < 0.05, indicating that the hypothesis is accepted. This suggests that Quizizz significantly influences Kanji mastery among students at LKP Tsunagari Indonesia Japan. Keywords: Japanese, Kanji, Quizizz
... Quizizz is a game-based educational application that blends multiplayer activities into the classroom, making studying more entertaining (Dian Fadhilawati, 2021). Through this application, the learning process can encourage students to discuss, ask questions, provide suggestions, express their opinions, and convey knowledge. ...
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This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of using Quizizz in teaching reading in English subjects and to determine students' perceptions of using the application in learning. The study was conducted in SMP Negeri 3 Majene and used a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental design. The population in this study were all eighth-grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Majene. The sampling technique used Cluster Sampling by selecting two classes representing the entire population with 30 students in each group. Research data were collected through test and non-test instruments given to students using pre-test, post- test, and student perception questionnaires. The mean score for the pre-test for the Experiment Group was 66.90, while the average score for the post-test was 83.70. The research data were analyzed using parametric analysis as an Independent sample T-test, with the test results showing that sig. (2-tailed = 0.000) < 0.05. with the conclusion that the Quizizz application can be significantly used effectively in learning reading. As for the results of the student perception questionnaire, namely 88.35%, which is included in the good and positive categories. The conclusion is that Quizizz is more effective than conventional learning and is considered good for English learning.
... With the help of the game-based educational software Quizizz, teachers may engage their students in multiplayer activities that make learning in the classroom engaging and enjoyable. (Fadhilawati 2021). (Degirmenci 2021) state Quizizz is an online quiz platform where students compete with one other to obtain the greatest score, which will indirectly increase student motivation in learning and competing. ...
One of the abilities that should come first is reading comprehension as it allows students to learn more on their own. Supported by developments over time, the existence of the internet and mobile devices has made humans more advanced in many things, one of which is reading. As mobile devices are today used as a natural means of communication and entertainment, they replace the traditional acquisition of knowledge and memorization of information. There are many recent discoveries in mobile technology such as applications and websites, quizizz is one of them. Quizizz is a quiz distribution application that is easy to use and understand by students. The research focus on measuring students' perceptions of Quizizz as an assessment tool, examining the extent to which Quizizz usage affects student perception in learning, and investigating its correlation with students' reading comprehension. This study uses a mix method. The participant consists of 35 students from 12 MIPA 3 with 15 male and 20 female. The data were collected through questionnaires and scanning reading question. The result of this study reveals that most students have positive perceptions regarding the usage of Quizizz as a teaching media and it is suggested to English teachers for using scanning technique in teaching reading, and also using Quizizz can improve reading comprehend skill of students better.
... Quizizz and Wordwall were fun and accessible applications for the students to use. Features like memes as feedback for each question, multiple types of question templates, and the ranking list make students have fun while learning a foreign language through those games (Fadhilawati, 2021). Quizizz and Wordwall, in addition, have numerous advantages that can improve the effectiveness of the learning process, such as an engaging learning medium that offers some features like a game and can assist the teacher in varying the students' learning styles, which motivates the students' learning (Dwinta & Sapriya, 2020). ...
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Due to the lack of basic vocabulary in young learners, it is crucial to identify the best way to help them to acquire vocabulary memorably. Games are created to innovate the learning process. Thus, in this research analyzes the impact of games on vocabulary acquisition in elementary EFL learners to find the effects of using Quizizz and Wordwall and identify learners' perceptions towards the use of those games is important. The appropriate research method for this project is a critical literature review through a mixed-method approach with qualitative and quantitative studies using those two games. This analysis will discuss the best way to teach vocabulary through an online game, adapting it to the English class and using the technological tools differently. Considerable literature on the effects of online games provides us with a general idea and guidance to innovate the English classes toward using games. The study findings will provide insights into the benefits of using Quizizz and Wordwall games in English classrooms, showing the real effects of those games on students' performance to help teachers incorporate them adequately.
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Assessment in secondary school mathematics is not only about testing knowledge but also promoting students' thinking, learning motivation, and overall development. Assessment combined with detailed feedback from teachers helps motivate students to improve their learning efforts. Many scholars have demonstrated that using Quizizz in teaching not only encourages students to be more active and engaged in learning but also provides immediate and accurate feedback. However, to effectively evaluate mathematics learning outcomes for secondary students, teachers need to follow principles such as selecting appropriate content, creating questions with varying difficulty levels, and utilizing Quizizz's features. Additionally, teachers must possess skills in technology use, timely feedback, and learning outcome analysis to enhance the effectiveness of assessment.
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Grammar is very important to support the students in mastering 4 skills in English (Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading), however based on the result of grammar test that was done on 4th December 2018 the students was lack in understanding the form, the use and the meaning of conditional sentences. Most of the students got the score below than the criterion mastery of the subject (75.00). This research was a classroom action research which intended to improve the third semester students’ Grammar achievement at English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Islamic University of Balitar in the 2018/2019 Academic Year especially on Conditional Sentences by using Memrise. The research procedure in this research covered some steps namely; 1) Planning, 2) Acting, 3) Observing and 4) Reflecting. The data of the research were collected from tests, and questionnaire. The result of the research showed that the implementation of Memrise as learning media in teaching grammar especially conditional sentences could improve the students’ grammar achievement. Moreover, the students also presented positive attitude toward the use of Memrise in teaching and learning Conditional Sentences. Keywords: Memrise, Grammar Achievement, Conditional Sentences, Classroom Action Research
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Quizizz is an online assessment tool as a fun multiplayer classroom activity that allows all students to practice together with their computer, Smartphone and I Pad. The main purpose of this research is evaluating the effectively interesting of students for Arabic class by implement of Quizizz as a game based learning in the Arabic classroom of Sultan Idris Education University Malaysia . The researchers tested 85 students for 3 sections during Arabic course titled “Arabic skill”. And created 20 questions relevant to the topics which are students already learned before by using Quizizz as games based learning for 20 minutes before finishing Arabic class once the students feel very tired, sleeping and bored for their Arabic class. And a set of questioners was distributed to those students regarding to their opinion of implementing Quizizz during the Arabic class. According to testing the implementing of Quizizz by researcher during the Arabic skill classroom, found that all students were very active to answer the questions which provided by researches, and more concentrated on the topic. And the results of the questioners shows that the students displayed the position attitude for quizizz as a online teaching and assessment tool during the Arabic class.
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This study investigates the effectiveness of Quizizz on enhancing students’ learning experiences in an accounting classroom. Quizizz is an educational app that enables students to participate in fun multiplayer class activities. After doing in-class exercises using Quizizz, students report that this app brings positive impact on their learning experiences. Class section in which Quizizz is applied more frequently reports higher scores on the satisfaction of using this app and higher scores on the instructor’s teaching evaluation.
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This collaborative action research project was conducted in a second-grade classroom to determine the impact that digital web-based tools would have in helping a school media coordinator scaffold her students' understanding of productive versus nonproductive questions. The digital tools Kahoot, Quizizz, and Socrative were used by the students to help them recognize the difference between productive and nonproductive questions, as well as support them in the ability to generate their own productive questions. While results related to student learning outcomes showed minimal increases, the iterative and reflective nature of the action research cycle enabled the media coordinator and researcher to refine their original choices of digital technology, based on formative assessment in the action research cycle, to select the digital tools that best fit the context of this specific learning environment. These findings offer further support for the use of collaborative action research as a means to assist educators in choosing the right digital tools to meet their students' learning needs.
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Gamification is a rising research trend but with varying reported results in terms of behavioral and psychological outcomes. We compare the effect of leaderboards and experience points between an online and offline cohort of an identical web design module. We find higher engagement and enjoyment amongst online students and that experience points significantly enhanced their learning effectiveness. Leaderboards were found to be generally ineffective as a motivator for on-time submissions, especially for mid to late semester assignments. Grades for the offline cohort were significantly worse when compared to their non-gamified counterparts from the previous two years.
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Grammar has always been viewed as playing an essential role in the success or failure of formal communication. This research will show that grammar education should be' descriptive' rather than 'prescriptive' in order to offer students a set of choices to make them effective speakers and writers. The main objective of this study was twofold. First, it focused on students' views about a new grammar model that includes four stages: confrontation, clarification, confirmation and consolidation (CCCC) and students' perceptions regarding grammar learning in general. Second, it investigated the recurrent patterns of interaction during the process of learning grammar within the framework of the model. The subjects of this study were forty female students from three ESP for education classes in the UAE University. Three research instruments (a question naire, classroom observation notes and semi-structured interviews) were employed to establish data triangulation and to attain validity. The results from the collective data demonstrated that students had positive views about the use of the CCCC grammar model. Another crucial result highlighted the students' beliefs about the positive influence of explicit grammar teaching on learning the conventions of sentences and utterances. Finally, the study concluded with recommendations to direct future research.
A fully-updated and reworked version of the classic book by Stephen Kemmis and Robin McTaggart , now joined by Rhonda Nixon, The Action Research Planner is a detailed guide to developing and conducting a critical participatory action research project. The authors outline new views on ‘participation’ (based on Jürgen Habermas’s notion of a ‘public sphere’), ‘practice’ (as shaped by practice architectures), and ‘research’ (as research within practice traditions). They provide five extended examples of critical participatory action research studies. The book includes a range of resources for people planning a critical participatory research initiative, providing guidance on how to establish an action research group and identify a shared concern, research ethics, principles of procedure for action researchers, protocols for collaborative work, keeping a journal, gathering evidence, reporting, and choosing academic partners. Unlike earlier editions, The Action Research Planner focuses specifically on critical participatory action research, which occupies a particular (critical) niche in the action research 'family'. The Action Research Planner is an essential guide to planning and undertaking this type of research.
The effects of clicker-aided flipped classroom model on learning achievement, Physics anxiety and students' perceptions
  • G Aşıksoy
  • Y Sorakin
Aşıksoy, G., & Sorakin, Y. (2018). The effects of clicker-aided flipped classroom model on learning achievement, Physics anxiety and students' perceptions. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 5(2), 334-346. Retrieved from
The impact of technology integration on the engagement levels of ten second grade students in an English language arts classroom
  • O J Hamilton-Hankins
Hamilton-Hankins, O. J. (2017). The impact of technology integration on the engagement levels of ten second grade students in an English language arts classroom. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 369. Retrieved from s&sid=ProQ:PsycINFO&atitle=&title=The+impact+of+techno