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With rapid economic development and increasing westernization of lifestyle in the past few decades, prevalence of the life style disorders has reached alarming proportions among Indians in the recent years. In 2011, in India there were 62.4 million people with diabetes and 77.2 million people with prediabetes. Prediabetes should be viewed in the natural history of disordered glucose metabolism rather than as a distinctive clinical entity. Prediabetes is the precursor stage to DM .It is metabolic disease associated with insulin resistance. As it is metabolic disorder it needs to be corrected with lifestyle modification. Suryanamaskar is such lifestyle modification therapy. Suryanamaskar exerts positive and long-term effect on prediabetes it delays and prevents the disease progress. However, this effects of Suryanamaskar therapy in prediabetes management remain unclear and a matter of debate and research. This article offers a scientific review on positive effect of Suryanamaskar in prediabetes. KEY WORDS: suryanamaskar, prediabetes , lifestyle disorders.
1 | January-March: 2021|Volume: 09th |Issue:1st E- ISSN: 2320-7329
Suryanamaskar : a lifestyle modification in prediabetes
Rashmi Moogi*1, Vinayak Galatage 2
1. Assistant professor, Department of Kaumarbhritya,
S.G.V Ayurvedic college, Bailhongal Dist, belgaum 591102,Karnataka
2. Associate Professor, (PhD) Department of Kaumarbhritya,
Krishna Ayurvedic medical college Sankeshwar, Karnataka , India.
*Corresponding author: E-mail:
With rapid economic development
and increasing westernization of lifestyle in
the past few decades, prevalence of the life
style disorders has reached alarming
proportions among Indians in the recent
years. In 2011, in India there were 62.4
million people with diabetes and 77.2
million people with prediabetes.
Prediabetes should be viewed in the
natural history of disordered glucose
metabolism rather than as a distinctive
clinical entity. Prediabetes is the precursor
stage to DM .It is metabolic disease
associated with insulin resistance.
As it is metabolic disorder it needs to
be corrected with lifestyle modification.
Suryanamaskar is such lifestyle
modification therapy. Suryanamaskar exerts
positive and long-term effect on prediabetes
it delays and prevents the disease progress.
However, this effects of Suryanamaskar
therapy in prediabetes management remain
unclear and a matter of debate and research.
This article offers a scientific review on
positive effect of Suryanamaskar in
KEY WORDS: suryanamaskar,
prediabetes , lifestyle disorders.
Due to the influence of sedentary life style
and influence of westernized food habits and
stress, we are leading towards various
heterogeneous group of diseases, prediabetes
is one among them. In 2011, in India there
were 62.4 million people with diabetes and
77.2 million people with prediabetes.1
Prevalence of predaibetes is increasing
worldwide and according to experts more
than 470 million people may suffer from
prediabetes by 2030 .2
Prediabetes- Prediabetes is a high-risk state
for diabetes that is defined by glycaemic
variables that are higher than normal, but
(A peer-reviewed open access Indexed e-journal of Ayurved Since 2013) January-March: 2021|Volume: 09th |Issue:1st ISSN: 2320-7329
2 | January-March: 2021|Volume: 09th |Issue:1st E- ISSN: 2320-7329
lower than diabetes thresholds. Prediabetes
is associated with the simultaneous presence
of insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction.
For prediabetic individuals, lifestyle
modification is the cornerstone of diabetes
prevention, with evidence of a 4070%
relative-risk reduction.3
In the prediabetic stage level of sugar
present in the blood is above the normal.
Here, fasting glucose level (taken 12 hours
after food) will be between 101 to 125 or
between 140 to 200 taken 2 hours after food.
If the value obtained is either any one of
these, it is called a prediabetic stage. This
category of individual is prone to acquire
Type 2 diabetes. Apart from genetic reasons,
a leisurely lifestyle and excess fat in the
body contribute to the prediabetic stage.
Most often, there would be no conspicuous
symptoms but those mentioned in the
category below are risk factors.
1. Obese people [Whose body mass
index is above 25].
2. Those who are above 40 years of
3. Those who are hereditarily prone to
Type 2 diabetes.
4. Those who have Gestational diabetes
[Diabetes during pregnancy].
5. Those who have polycystic ovary
syndrome [a hormonal disorder]
6. Those who have excess cholesterol
[mainly those who have HDL < 35]
7. Those who have Triglyceride level
above 250.
8. Those who do not sleep more than 6
hours & 9 hours respectively. 4
It would indeed be the very fortunate and
vigilant few who know that they are at a
prediabetes stage. If diagnosed, they can
either choose a healthy lifestyle and defend
diabetes fully or lead an undisciplined
lifestyle and slowly become a diabetic
patient, accusing heredity and unfavorable
life situations. Prediabetes patients are thus
symbolically at a cross road the road they
choose to tread will determine their quality
of life in the future.
Suryanamskar- Suryanamaskar is an
ancient yogic method to worship Sun. In
Sanskrit literature surya means sun, and the
word namaskara means salutation.
Therefore, this practice is known as the
Suryanamaskar or 'salutation to the sun'.
This specific postural and breathing
protocols was developed in Indian
subcontinent thousands of years ago by a
great sage Patanjali and their disciples.5
They advised all human beings to practice
these yogic methods in front of the sun in
their daily life for good health, illumination,
mental and physical stability.
Suryanamaskar is a series of asanas with
strict breathing pattern. Its revitalizes each
and every cell of the body, gives physical
strength, flexibility, and mental calmness.
Suryanamaskar includes a series of asanas
which are- Pranamasan, hastautthanasan,
padahastasan, ashwasanchalanasan,
parvatasan, ashtanganamasakar and
bhujangasan. 6 While doing each asana a
specific mantra should be chanted to
worship the sun. The present literature
review was aimed to assess the positive
effect of suryanamaskar in prediabetes.
Studies supporting role of suryanamaskar
on prediabetes-
Effect of Suryanamaskar on Mind:
3 | January-March: 2021|Volume: 09th |Issue:1st E- ISSN: 2320-7329
Yoga is a psycho- somatic -spiritual
regulation for attaining union and
synchronization between our mind, body and
soul and definitive union of our individual
realization and universal realization.7 Yoga
forms an essential part of mind/body
strategies to encourage excellent physical
condition and well being, which take an
account of relaxation procedures.8, 9
It energies neuroglandular and
neuromuscular system of body and ensures
balanced supply of oxygenated blood, thus
strengthening entire psychosomatic system
of human body Suryanamaskar and
Pranayama increases nerve conduction
velocity, reverse decline in cognitive brain
function, release stress and mental fatigue
hence reduction in the glucagaon and
cortisol secretion thereby reduction in
insulin resistance . 11 Hence Asanas which
reduces stress also recommended in
Effect of Suryanamaskar on pancreas:
Rejuvenation/regeneration of cells of
pancreas due to abdominal stretching during
Yoga exercise, may increase utilization and
metabolism of glucose in peripheral tissues,
liver, and adipose tissues through enzymatic
process.12 Regeneration of pancreatic beta
cells could occur by Yoga exercises that
promote blood circulation in the region of
the pancreas.13 Suryanamaskar improves
sensitivity of β-cells to the glucose signal,
hence improvement in the insulin sensitivity
result in better glucose uptake.
Effect of Suryanamaskar on abdominal
All theses posture of Suryanamsakar
stretches and twists in lower thoracic and
upper lumbar region where pancreas is
located. It increases the blood supply to the
pancreas, massage the organs, and activate
its cells to increase in secretion of insulin
and increase in glucose uptake.
Effect of Suryanamaskar on weight /
Yoga also improves the lipid profile in
diabetic patients which plays supportive role
in its complications. This results in reduction
of weight, BMI and waist hip ratio.14 Yogic
practices significantly reduces complication
by improving BMI, waist hip ratio.15
Physiological effect:
The metabolic effect of the practices of
Asana, Pranayama and meditation synergize
with other physical effects and contribute to
physical fitness and sense of well-being.
When it practiced over a period of time, it
considerably reduces the metabolic rate due
to decreased sympathetic nervous system
Yoga has developed as a holistic approach to
combat work-related stress, anxiety and
depression. stress activates the oxidation
process at membrane lipid level, disrupting
the membrane, and causing release of
oxygen at tissue level to relieve hypoxia.
This tissue hypoxia plays an important role
in pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease
and diabetes.16 High level of stress leads to
increased cortisol level, which causes
mobilization of fatty acids from fat stores,
leading to higher level of abdominal fat.17 In
anxiety disorders, the increase in thalamic
GABA levels observed after Yoga practice
explains the improvement in anxiety
disorder and depression where lower GABA
levels were found.18 Physical and mental
stress causes rise in BP and increase
capillary hydrostatic pressure, facilitating
4 | January-March: 2021|Volume: 09th |Issue:1st E- ISSN: 2320-7329
flow of plasma from vascular compartment
to the interstitial compartment thus rising
blood viscosity in capillaries, which is
cardiovascular risk.19 Pranayama alleviate
stress and decrease cardiovascular risk in
DM. Yoga practices over prolonged period
causes significant drop in levels of blood
sugar level, glycated haemoglobin and a rise
in haemoglobin20, improves posture,
circulation, BMI and contributes to sense of
well being.
This review focused the beneficial effect of
Suryanamaskar in prediabetes.
Suryanamaskar is a combination of
yogasana and pranayam which involves
maximum stretch of all the muscles of body.
Insulin resistance is the key metabolic defect
involved in the manifestation of prediabetes.
Specialized causes include stress and lack of
sleep due to various lifestyle modifications.
Obesity is one of the causes of prediabetes
because accumulated peripheral adipose cell
causes the insulin resistance. Suryanamaskar
which reduces the abdominal obesity can be
adopted which increases the insulin
acceptance among the cells and reduces the
peripheral fat accumulation with increased
utilization of glucose in muscles, liver and
adipose tissues. By imparting the massaging
effect over the pancreas may help to secrete
the hormone by initiating the β-cell.
Twisting movement helps in proper
secretion of insulin.
Suryanamaskar and Pranayama increases
nerve conduction velocity, reverse decline in
cognitive brain function, release stress and
mental fatigue hence reduction in the
glucagoan and cortisol secretion thereby
reduction in insulin resistance.
It shows marked improvement in following
Metabolic effect: decreases blood glucose,
lipids, cholesterol level.
Physiological: increase vital capacity,
decrease respiration and pulse rate, weight
becomes appropriate, chest circumference
increases, abdomen circumference
decreases, maintain stress fright conditions
by increasing Adrenal cortex functions.
Psychological: mentally fit and stable,
decrease mental fatigue and stress. Balance
between Sympathetic &Parasympathetic
N.S. thereby health and immunity increases.
Suryanamaskar is an ancient and sacred
yogic science of India which positively
modulates body and mind of a person.
Regular Suryanamaskar practice helps in
reduction of weight, BMI, waist hip ratio,
blood sugar and lipid level and ultimately
reduces the burden of prediabetes and
diabetes. Suryanamaskar can be considered
as very safe, cost effective and natural
alternative therapy to prevent prediabetes.
Thus Suryanamaskar should be added to the
daily life style to prevent prediabetes and
adjuvant therapy for the diabetic patients. So
it will reduces the medicine load from the
country also strengthen nations economy for
the better future of mankind. So a definite
recommendation is needed to encourage to
practice Suryanamaskar.
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Conflict of Interest: Non
Source of funding: Nil
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"Suryanamaskar : a lifestyle modification in prediabetes."
Rashmi Moogi, Vinayak Galatage
Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science- 2021; (09) (01):01- 06
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Objective: To investigate the effect of a short-term yoga-based lifestyle intervention on risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and markers of inflammation and endothelial function in overweight and obese men. Design: Nonrandomized prospective lifestyle intervention study with pre-post design. SETTING AND LOCATION: Integral Health Clinic, an outpatient facility providing yoga-based lifestyle intervention programs for prevention and management of chronic diseases. Subjects: Overweight and obese men (n=51) were enrolled in the study. Subjects who were physically unable to participate and those participating in other interventions were excluded from the study. Intervention: A pretested intervention program including asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), group discussions, lectures, and individualized advice. Outcome measures: The primary outcome measure was weight loss, and the secondary outcome measures were clinical and laboratory correlates of CVD risk, levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), adiponectin, and endothelin-1 (ET-1). Results: Men (n=51, body mass index [BMI] 26.26±2.42 kg/m(2)) were enrolled and underwent a yoga-based lifestyle intervention for 10 days. Of 51 subjects, 30 completed the study. There was a significant reduction in weight from Baseline to Day 10 (74.60±7.98, 72.69±8.37 kg, p<0.001, respectively), BMI (26.26±2.42, 25.69±2.47 kg/m(2), p<0.001, respectively), and systolic BP (121.73±11.58, 116.73±9.00, p=0.042, respectively). There was a significant reduction in plasma IL-6 from Baseline to Day 10 (median 2.24 vs. 1.26 pg/mL, respectively, p=0.012). There was a significant increase in the plasma adiponectin from Baseline to Day 10 (median 4.95 vs. 6.26 μg/mL, respectively, p=0.014). Plasma ET-1 level remained unchanged. Conclusion: These findings suggest that even a short-term yoga-based lifestyle intervention may be an important modality to reduce the risk for CVD as indicated by weight loss, reduction in systolic blood pressure, an increase in adiponectin, and decrease in IL-6 in overweight and obese men.
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India being the diabetic capital of the world, there is a rise in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with the increase in age, physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle. So, the present study was undertaken to assess the strength of association of these factors and the effects of yoga-pranayama in type 2 diabetes. We selected 44 uncomplicated type 2 diabetic patients in the age group of 40-55 years with diabetes duration of 1-10 years. They were divided into test group and control groups with 22 patients in each group. The test group (T1 and T2) were taught yoga and pranayama for 3 continuous months, 1 hour every day in the morning by yoga expert. The results showed significant decrease in metabolic parameters, with p < 0.001 in FBS of both the T1 and T2 sub groups [T1-182.87 + 45.55 to 135.77 + 38.88, T 2 – 160.64 + 41.22 to 130.82 + 36.11], PPBS with p< 0.001 [ T1-270.64 + 76.6 to 196.90 + 64.67, T 2 – 230.62 + 71.32 to 183.46 + 52.20], Hb A 1c with p < 0.001 in both the T1 and T2 sub groups, [T1-9.77 + 0.5 % to 7.68 + 0.4% and T 2 – 8.46 + 0.3% to 7.23 + 0.3%]. There was significant decrease with p < 0.001 in triglycerides of both the T1 and T2 sub groups, [T1-170 + 70.55 to 132.2 + 60.6, T 2 – 164 + 80.66 to 1143.1 + 28.89]. There was significant decrease with p < 0.001 in LDL of both the T1 and T2 sub groups [T1-108 + 36.24to 98 + 33.2, T 2 – 101.28 + 32.34 to 86.21 + 27.2]. However, no significant change in HDL levels in test groups (T1 and T2). It also showed significant decrease in weight, BMI and waist-hip ratio in test group. Addition to above benefits there was significant decrease in the requirement of insulin per day in the T2, from 36.42 + 4.2 units to 31.48 + 3.2 units. There were no significant changes in the control group. Thereby concluding that, there are significant benefits of yoga-pranayama practices on metabolic parameters and anthropometric measurements in uncomplicated type 2 diabetes.
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The present study was designed to test whether yoga training of six weeks duration modulates sweating response to dynamic exercise and improves respiratory pressures, handgrip strength and handgrip endurance. Out of 46 healthy subjects (30 males and 16 females, aged 17-20 yr), 23 motivated subjects (15 male and 8 female) were given yoga training and the remaining 23 subjects served as controls. Weight loss following Harvard step test (an index of sweat loss), maximum inspiratory pressure, maximum expiratory pressure, 40 mm endurance, handgrip strength and handgrip endurance were determined before and after the six week study period. In the yoga group, weight loss in response to Harvard step test was 64 +/- 30 g after yoga training as compared to 161 +/- 133 g before the training and the difference was significant (n = 15 male subjects, P < 0.0001). In contrast, weight loss following step test was not significantly different in the control group at the end of the study period. Yoga training produced a marked increase in respiratory pressures and endurance in 40 mm Hg test in both male and female subjects (P < 0.05 for all comparisons). In conclusion, the present study demonstrates attenuation of the sweating response to step test by yoga training. Further, yoga training for a short period of six weeks can produce significant improvements in respiratory muscle strength and endurance.
Yoga is a physical and mental discipline that forms part of Ayurvedic medicine, a comprehensive and ancient holistic health system. Given the limited information available on the hematological and biochemical changes associated with the extended practice of yoga, the purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of long-term yoga practice (more than three years) on blood parameters. Twenty-six healthy volunteers of whom sixteen were advanced practitioners of yoga took part in the study. The remaining ten participants were not practitioners and constituted the control group. Blood samples were taken to determine the following hematological parameters: erythrocytes, hematocrit, hemoglobin, platelets and erythrocyte sedimentation rate; and biochemical parameters: renal and hepatic profile, glucose, uric acid, total protein and albumin. The Mann-Whitney U test was performed to ascertain the statistical analysis. The experimental group showed higher hemoglobin levels (ptextgreater0.01) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ptextgreater0.01) and lower albumin levels (ptextgreater0.05). The regular practice of yoga brings about changes in basic hematological parameters. New clinical trials with a wider sample of subjects will be needed in order to recommend the use of yoga as a complementary therapy in those cases where the above-mentioned parameters are altered.
Yoga and exercise have beneficial effects on mood and anxiety. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic activity is reduced in mood and anxiety disorders. The practice of yoga postures is associated with increased brain GABA levels. This study addresses the question of whether changes in mood, anxiety, and GABA levels are specific to yoga or related to physical activity. Healthy subjects with no significant medical/psychiatric disorders were randomized to yoga or a metabolically matched walking intervention for 60 minutes 3 times a week for 12 weeks. Mood and anxiety scales were taken at weeks 0, 4, 8, 12, and before each magnetic resonance spectroscopy scan. Scan 1 was at baseline. Scan 2, obtained after the 12-week intervention, was followed by a 60-minute yoga or walking intervention, which was immediately followed by Scan 3. The yoga subjects (n = 19) reported greater improvement in mood and greater decreases in anxiety than the walking group (n = 15). There were positive correlations between improved mood and decreased anxiety and thalamic GABA levels. The yoga group had positive correlations between changes in mood scales and changes in GABA levels. The 12-week yoga intervention was associated with greater improvements in mood and anxiety than a metabolically matched walking exercise. This is the first study to demonstrate that increased thalamic GABA levels are associated with improved mood and decreased anxiety. It is also the first time that a behavioral intervention (i.e., yoga postures) has been associated with a positive correlation between acute increases in thalamic GABA levels and improvements in mood and anxiety scales. Given that pharmacologic agents that increase the activity of the GABA system are prescribed to improve mood and decrease anxiety, the reported correlations are in the expected direction. The possible role of GABA in mediating the beneficial effects of yoga on mood and anxiety warrants further study.
The objective of the study was to study the short-term impact of a brief lifestyle intervention based on yoga on some of the biochemical indicators of risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus. The variables of interest were measured at the beginning (day 1) and end (day 10) of the intervention using a pre-post design. The study is the result of operational research carried out in our Integral Health Clinic (IHC). The IHC is an outpatient facility which conducts 8-day lifestyle modification programs based on yoga for prevention and management of chronic disease. A new course begins every alternate week of the year. The study is based on data collected on 98 subjects (67 male, 31 female), ages 20-74 years, who attended one of our programs. The subjects were a heterogeneous group of patients with hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, and a variety of other illnesses. The intervention consisted of asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), relaxation techniques, group support, individualized advice, lectures and films on the philosophy of yoga and the place of yoga in daily life, meditation, stress management, nutrition, and knowledge about the illness. The outcome measures were fasting plasma glucose and serum lipoprotein profile. These variables were determined in fasting blood samples, taken on the first and last day of the course. Fasting plasma glucose, serum total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, very- LDL cholesterol, the ratio of total cholesterol to high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and total triglycerides were significantly lower, and HDL cholesterol significantly higher, on the last day of the course compared to the first day of the course. The changes were more marked in subjects with hyperglycemia or hypercholesterolemia. The observations suggest that a short lifestyle modification and stress management education program leads to favorable metabolic effects within a period of 9 days.
New York North Point Press ISBN 6.0865477361. 2009. Saraswati S. Suryanamaskar-A technique of solar vitalization
  • Bryant The
  • F Edwin
Bryant the, Edwin F, A. Sutras of Patañjali: Edition, Translation and Commentary. New York North Point Press ISBN 6.0865477361. 2009. Saraswati S. Suryanamaskar-A technique of solar vitalization. Munger Yoga Publications Trust. 1983.
Step by step Yoga for Stress Relief
  • Swami Shivapremananda
Swami Shivapremananda. Step by step Yoga for Stress Relief.2003.New Delhi: New Age Books. Pg108.
New Delhi: APICON, The Association of Physicians of Indiaconference
  • K K Dang
  • B K Sahay
Dang KK, Sahay BK. Yoga and Meditation, Medicine update. In: Singh MM, editor. The Association of Physicians of India. Vol. 9. New Delhi: APICON, The Association of Physicians of Indiaconference; 1999. Pp.502-512. part 1, chapters 57 and 58.