Purpose-Start-ups have become important avenue to curbing the highrate of unemployment especially amongst the youth. East African region hasalso strived to create conducive ecosystems for youth start-ups but there arestill myriad of challenges when it comes to encouraging the youth to prosperin start-up operations. The objective of this paper was to analyze the costs ofestablishing youth start-ups and the steps involved in order to drawconclusions in terms of how attractive they encourage youth start-ups in theregion. Methodology-The methodology employed was quantitative researchapproach which in turn used descriptive data analysis to analyze the dataobtained from world bank from 2013-2017. Research limitations was thatthe study used only secondary data and we couldn’t get more data on thenumber of registered and successful startups, number of days required toget start up license for the period under review to strengthen the study. Toovercome this, the study relied on only the full data provided by UNDP,Transparency International and World Bank.Major finding revealed that all the countries have strived to reduceboth the costs and the steps of procedure for youth startups. Policy implications are that if more youths are to take part in start-upsthen governments need to counter corruption because without dealing withit, all the other programs relating to offering skills and mentorship thatenables the youth to navigate the initial challenges of establishing start-upswill not be sufficient
Key words: Start-up, Youth, Unemployment, Costs, Procedures.Paper type: JEL classification