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Comparative Analysis of Secured Hash Algorithms for Blockchain Technology and Internet of Things

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
Comparative Analysis of Secured Hash
Algorithms for Blockchain Technology and
Internet of Things
Monika Parmar1
1Chitkara University School of Engineering and
Technology, Chitkara University, Himachal
Harsimran Jit Kaur2
2Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab.
Cryptography algorithms play a vital role in Information
Security and Management. To test the credibility,
reliability of metadata exchanged between the sender and
the recipient party of IoT applications different
algorithms must be used. The hashing is also used for
Electronic Signatures and based on how hard it is to hack
them, various algorithms have different safety protocols.
SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA3, MD4, and MD5, etc are still the
most accepted hash protocols. This article suggests the
relevance of hash functions and the comparative study of
different cryptographic techniques using blockchain
technology. Cloud storage is amongst the most daunting
issues, guaranteeing the confidentiality of encrypted data
on virtual computers. Several protection challenges exist
in the cloud, including encryption, integrity, and secrecy.
Different encryption strategies are seeking to solve these
problems of data protection to an immense degree. This
article will focus on the comparative analysis of the SHA
family and MD5 based on the speed of operation, its
security concerns, and the need of using the Secure Hash
Keywords: Blockchain Technology, IoT, Secured Hash
Algorithms, IoT Security, SHA, MD5
I Introduction
The Internet of Things is a connecting network of
multiple things that are not only connected to one
other but are also connected to the Internet. The
basic services of IoT are rapidly increasing owing
to its enormous range of applications by providing
scalable solutions with lowered expenditure [1].
These scalable solutions always need fast and
efficient authorization, information protection,
confidentiality, intrusion responsiveness, fast
implementation, and self-maintenance. Through
implementing blockchain technology, certain
specifications can be provided to the IoT solution
of a business.
Blockchain is a program with a vast variety of
implementations, typically related to cryptography.
Besides that, it has subsequently been recently
implemented as a distributed and permanent ledger
that enables the phase of transfer registration and
consultation. one should think about transactions
happening in banking sectors as blockchain
network transactions as a hypothetical example [2].
These days, to transact currency, the individual
is dependent on banking and perhaps other
reputable financial institutions. The payment
respondents confirmed that the entity handling the
transfer has the requisite infrastructure to ensure
that it is conducted efficiently and, quite notably, in
a secure way. Besides that, as in the event of
unforeseen failure, these intermediate institutions
can collapse and therefore the faith is violated and
so will be the transactions and products entrusted to
them [3]. In distributed ledger technology, the
confidence element is taken into account through
the use of encrypted structures to include the
statistical evidence of the total transaction
performance. This testimony is unequivocally valid
that the members in a blockchain are equipped with
safety and integrity.
IoT systems can exchange data with others, to
improve the knowledge of all members of the
network and the surroundings. The IoT operation
consists of a mixture of Interconnection,
actuators, programmable controllers, and sensors
[4]. Methods of a certain level IoT is applied at a
quick speed with ideas such as smart homes, smart
cities, and wearable devices which map out their
characteristics prospective, and efficient usage.
Provided that blockchain is a hierarchical ledger
system and also the IoT framework is naturally
decentralized, it can be concluded that, in a real
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
possibility, their synergy can be advantageous,
thereby adding to the protection and accountability
of IoT transactions. In view to improve the
effectiveness of applications, Blockchain uses a
technology in which computers consume large
quantities of resources and processing power. IoT,
on the contrary, is a network of objects that usually
have a comparatively fewer number of resources,
but it may even be of significant impact to merge
these solutions [5]. The goal of this study is to
explain the application of blockchain technologies
in IoT applications, and even the effect on
resource-constrained systems of many hash
functions. At first, as we seek to explain how the
system performs and the mechanisms involved, the
blockchain concept will be explored in specific.
This study investigated certain hashes methods that
have been submitted by academics, but the majority
of them have not been checked against blockchain
and IoT threats. Section II summarizes the
literature review of cryptographic hash functions in
blockchain technology. Section III introduces the
Blockchain technology and Cryptographic Hash
functions, Section IV addresses the potential threats
in blockchain and IoT, Blockchain Implementation
to IoT is depicted in Section V, Section VI analyzes
the proposed scheme for an effective hash function,
and Section VII comprises the result and
II Literature Review
Zeyad et. al. [6] suggested the Pros and Cons of
the optimization techniques and the impact on the
performance level by performing experimental
setup for SHAs by FPGA optimization methods.
B.P. Kosta et. al. [7] demonstrated a Strong and a
Secure lightweight cryptographic hash function is
proposed in which each 512-bit of a data is
compressed to 256-bit. Afterward, it is divided
further into 8 blocks having 32-bits each.
F. Pfautsch et. al. [8] validated the SHA-1 and
SHA-3 hash functions because of the brute force
threats on UltraScale+ FPGA dual-core systems.
They have evaluated the passwords with 6
characters in 3 minutes time span and because of
high complexity, the time raises by 5.5 for the
SHA-3 Hash Algorithm.
N. Khan et. al. [9] surveyed a thorough and in-
depth survey of traditional authentication and the
hash function is performed in this article,
supported by a reasonable contrast of the period
and computer processes usage of such
C. White et. al. [10] suggested Blockchain
technology and picture hashes are used to create an
image verification system. The concept developed
in this paper, however, needs to be refined, as it
tends to strive in some circumstances. This research
demonstrates whether blockchain can be used to
authenticate images, especially through picture
hashing. Other findings provide the fact that in
certain instances, utilizing adjacent frames hash
operations around the same time will enhance
efficiency, but that each type of cryptocurrency
experiment will have its own distinct set of data.
Table 1 and Table 2 summarizes the literature
review for the given context.
III Blockchain Technology and Cryptographic
Hash Functions
A Peer to Peer network may be a decentralized
computing model if any of its technical services,
such as computing power, space, and scanners, are
shared by its members. To provide the
infrastructure and information provided on the
platform, these common services are essential.
Blockchain is a distributed platform with no data
analysis resources and no users to order them [12].
A node, therefore, depicts a system member. Every
member has the authority to function as a server as
well as the client, leading to the absence of a
hierarchical system between them and providing
the identical function in all networks. A protection
scheme should be perceived when blockchain
technology is decentralized because, unlike a
centralized system where there is a single point of
failure, is not the case here and can be targeted,
thus it is tougher to interpret the information. This
characteristic, even then, is not adequate to
secure information passes through the system
security and reliability. Blockchain is based on
encryption to accomplish that. Generally, the
cryptographic hash functions are of various types
that provide different bit values depending on the
type of hash and the same is depicted in figure 1.
Typically, 2 cryptographic methods are used for the
blockchain framework: private and public key for
the hash functions. The public key, which confirms
the authenticity of whoever made the transfer, has
to be used for exchanges to be digitally
authenticated. It relies on a key to encipher and a
dissimilar key to decipher [13]. Two very different
keys are conceptually difficult to find,
understanding only the encryption techniques used
to produce them. This ensures the security and
authenticity of the information if somebody
confirms their transfer through its secret key since
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
decrypting is only primarily driven by that of the
hash value that is public in nature.
Fig. 1. Types of Cryptographic Hash Function
When the decoding results are positive, clients
realize that the author of the secret key is someone
who validated the agreement, and the information
is not compromised or altered, else the decoding
will not be efficient. The conversion of some form
of data into a sequence of words is translated by
these mechanisms. The same knowledge will still
lead to almost the same key, and the slightest shift
in the source information will create a hash that
varies from the previous one. It's a minor
processing operation to create a hash, but the
reverse does not occur. It is virtually impossible to
execute the reverse process to retrieve the
actual data once the hash data is known [14]. As
soon as the new block is generated, these hash
functions are being utilized to confirm the block.
Each block is connected to the previous block with
the hash key and if someone wants to intrude in
between, the hash value will change and will no
longer be the same value in the blockchain. So
there the frauds can be detected. hen an intruder
happens to alter a block that is a member of a
blockchain, together with its key, its value will alter
in that way that this will not fit with the hash value
present over the upcoming block in the chain.
The SHA functions in the SHA family comprise
SHA-0, SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3. While there
are functionally distinct ones from that very same
group. SHA-0 had several bugs and was not very
common So, SHA-1 was subsequently developed
in 1995 to fix suspected SHA-0 vulnerabilities. Of
the current SHA algorithms, SHA-1 might be the
most commonly used one for SSL authentication.
It has many variations in bits, for example, SHA-
224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512. It is
based on the number of hash bits in the hash
function. However, SHA-2 is a good
cryptographic algorithm but it follows the same
architecture as SHA-1 [15]. NIST introduces
another algorithm that is Keecak algorithm
considered as the SHA-3 Hash function.
It presents various advantages, including efficient
quality and reasonable tolerance for threats.
However, SHA-2 is a good cryptographic
algorithm but it follows the same architecture as
SHA-1. NIST introduces another algorithm that is
Keecak algorithm considered as the SHA-3 Hash
function. It presents various advantages, including
efficient quality and reasonable tolerance for
IV Potential Threats in Blockchain and IoT
Each technology comes with its pros and cons so is
blockchain technology. Several threats that deal
with blockchain technology include double-
spending threats, threats involved in mining, threats
in wallets, threats based on the network, and threats
in the smart contracts. Each above mentioned has
many threats/attacks associated with it that can
have a significant impact on the blockchain
network and is shown in figure 2. Whenever a
network infrastructure is affected, a double-
spending threat can occur and virtual currency is
generally seized. To make it appear valid, the
hacker will indeed send a duplicate copy of the
currency or could expunge the transfer of funds
entirely. However, it is not widespread, double-
spending does happen. This type of threat includes
a 51% attack in which a node miner or team of
miners on a public ledger tries two times to invest
one's digital currency on that public ledger [16].
They are trying to invest twice in them; thus, the
title double-spending attack is given. This is not
always aimed at doubling crypto spending, but
almost always discrediting a particular crypto or
blockchain technology by influencing its
It informs us that more successful clustering power
contributes to greater protection against a 51
percent attack while testing the Proof of Work
(PoW) algorithm [17]. However, small-
size blockchains that run on PoW could be slightly
more prone to this kind of attack, given that the
intruder does not cope with even more computing
power which is the reason that 51% of attacks tend
to happen on smaller blockchains whenever these
3 | P a g e
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
occur in any way. The Bitcoin blockchain still
hasn't experienced a 51 percent intrusion yet.
Fig. 2. Threats at Blockchain Levels
Whenever an intruder makes two opposing
transfers, a race attack will be launched. The first-
ever transfer would be sent to the individual who,
instead of any wait for clarification of the transfer,
confirms the transfer (and delivers a service, for
example). At the same instance of time, a different
transfer is distributed to the server that returns the
equal amount of digital currency to the intruder,
ultimately rendering the very first transactions null.
A decentralized wallet that helps customers to
exchange and handle cryptocurrency, as well as
ether, is called a blockchain wallet. This wallet is
created by Blockchain which is an e-wallet that
helps users to manage and move bitcoins [18] A
pre-image threat on cryptographic operations in
hashing aims to locate a document that seems to
have a particular hash code. A hash of cryptography
can withstand threats upon the pre-image. Network
attacks include DDoS attacks, Sybil attacks,
Routing threats, etc. In general, a DDoS attack may
burden a network with new chunks of information
inside a network, which would compel a
blockchain to function slowly to use its computing
capacity. It is a Denial-of-Service intrusion and is a
tactic to interrupt connectivity to a network
interface or internet platform by normal nodes.
Usually, this is done by overburdening the endpoint
with a large amount of activity or by injecting fake
requests that enable the targeted system to fully fail
or collapse. Sybil attacks are prominent in P2P
systems where several nodes are successfully run
simultaneously by a network interface and
compromise the power in credibility schemes [19].
The primary purpose of this threat is to obtain the
bulk of the power in the systems to enable unlawful
acts in the framework. Such numerous false
profiles tend to be legitimate specific attributes for
the system. The absence of smart contract
technology requirements passes more of the
pressure to the organization as it opens its
connection details to possible damage. As when the
event reveals, the contract applied cannot reflect
the agreeing partners' real purpose. In IoT, some
architectural levels layers include the Physical
layer, Network layer, Middleware, and Application
layer [20]. On each layer of IoT, there are different
threats and are shown in figure 3.
4 | P a g e
Race Attack
51% Attack
Vector 76
Pool Hopping Attack
Sel'sh Attack
Block Withholding Attack
Vulnerable Signature
Collision and Pre-image
Malware Attack
DDoS Attack
Routing Attack
Delay Routing Attack
Sybil Attack
Eclipse Attack
Contract Source Code
Blockchain Vulnerability
Low Level Attacks
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
Fig. 3. Security Threats at IoT Architectural
As IoT is growing at a rapid so its challenges
include security issues in many IoT applications, it
is cost and traffic, Increased load capacity on Cloud
Service and services insufficiently, Issues in
System infrastructure/Architecture, and
manipulating information [21]. Table 1 shows the
challenges towards IoT applications, various
attacks included, and the possible blockchain
solution for the same.
Table 1: Challenges of IoT applications and the Possible blockchain solution
Challenge Towards
Inclusion Attacks Specification Possible Blockchain Solution
Security Issues in IoT
• Node Capturing
IoT applications
are prone to
exposure to
For this issue, permission type blockchain
can be used that can enhance security[15].
• SQL Injection Attacks
• Man-In-Middle-Attack
• Data Thefts
• Sniffing Attacks
Cost and Traffic
• Phishing Site Attack
To handle
exponential growth
in IoT devices
It can be solved by the decentralization
feature of the blockchain. In this, central
servers are not being used as every node can
directly communicate to each other [27] [28]
• Booting Attacks
• Data Transit Attacks
• Routing Attacks
• Access Control Attack
Increased load capacity on
Cloud Service and services
• DDoS/DoS Attack
Owing to security
issues/threats or the
attacks on the
cloud, the services
from the cloud
Each file is updated separately as a ledger
on every node/device on the network so
single point failure is not possible in such a
case [31].
• Firmware Updates
• Service Interruption
• Flooding Attack in
Issues in System
• Side-Channel Attacks
Every section in
IoT are prone to
single point failure
and it affects the
systems and whole
Verification of data is done with the help of
encryption techniques utilizing the
• Eavesdropping and
• Sleep Deprivation
• Secure On-Boarding
• Extra Interfaces
• Reprogram Attacks
Manipulating Information • False Data Injection
Information is
deliberately taking
out from IoT units
and manipulating
the information
A blockchain ledger is updated at every node
so if there is any malicious node that updates
the information, other nodes will decline
• Malicious Code
Injection Attack
• Access Attack
• Signature Wrapping
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
• End-to-End encryption
V Blockchain Implementation to IoT
Today many IoT implementations rely on a
centralized server/client model, in which clients
link across the Network to services virtualized on
to the cloud. While these methods are feasible, as
IoT expands a new mechanism is required.
Decentralized alternatives have been suggested yet
Peer to Peer alone cannot assure security and
confidentiality [32]. Blockchain has the power to
respond to a number of the problems that come
from the use of IoT: IoT implementations are costly
because of the expense of central server
management in the cloud. To improve protection
and loyalty, accountability is important. An open-
source approach is desired and should be
considered in the development of the next version
of IoT products. Since IoT usually requires a
central agency, the central level failure problem is
prevalent. Factors such as time synchronization,
registries, anonymity, and reliability are tough to
control reliably [33]. IoT applications are
renowned for moderate computational power and
also energy efficiency. This system may not be able
to use the highest cryptographic algorithms since it
takes much longer to access. as per storage: is
concerned, all nodes hold a backup of all dealings
which has existed in the database since its
development. The scale would grow as time has
gone through or IoT devices might not even be
capable of storing it [34]. The problems of ledger
extended to IoT originate in its minimal
investment. Although the computing capacity is
limited, these machines can still execute activities
as long as protocols and frameworks designed for
them are utilized [35].
So, hash algorithms have to be checked thoroughly
for their performance level. A comparative analysis
of blockchain and IoT-based systems is being
presented in Table 2.
VI Proposed Scheme for Effective Hash
In the proposed scheme, three levels of comparison
are being carried out that is based on the output size
bits of the hash algorithm, size of the file and time
to execute these files through a hash function, and
based on the speed performance of various hash
algorithms. Six different iterations are taken to
compare the time execution of hash algorithms. For
the six iterations, 2 major cases are being taken that
include a short sequence of data that is to be hashed
and a large sequence of data that is to be hashed
and the comparison is in between MD5, SHA-1,
SHA-256, and SHA-512. Figure 4 depicts the three
levels of comparison for the hash algorithm.
Fig. 4. Three levels of Comparison of Hash
6 | P a g e
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
$".% &*)"6+" &.
SHA-1 SHA-2 -224
SHA-2 -256 SHA-2 -384
SHA-2 -512 SHA-2 -512/224
SHA-2 -512/256 SHA-3 -224
SHA-3 -256 SHA-3 -384
SHA-3 -512 RIPEMD-128
+" &.
Based on the output size (in bits), different hash
algorithms are analyzed. It is depicted in figure 5
that the more the number of hash bits, the higher
the security. So, from this, it is shown that SHA-
512 and SHA-256 have comparable output bits.
Fig. 5. Comparative Analysis of Hash Algorithm
based on Output Size(bits)
Table 2 – A Comparative analysis of an existing survey on Blockchain and IoT based Systems.
** represents covered partially, = represents covered in detail, and > represents not covered in the literature
Year of
Major Inclusion Considered Factors Discussion on
Storage Issues
Discussion on
Security Issues
IoT applications
2019 [11] Overview of Opportunities and challenges of
IoT and Blockchain is provided
Security and privacy of IoT
** **
2018[12] Detailed discussion on blockchain techniques,
applications, and challenges
Security issues in
✗ ✔
IoT storage
2017[13] A detailed analysis of optimizing the level of
performance in distributed storage onto the
Improvement in transmission
Distributed cloud storage
The adaptive network coding
7 | P a g e
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
2020[14] An in-depth approach for optimizing the data
access storage architecture in the Internet of
Things, in which factors of data access storage
distribution are fully considered, and secured
hashing is being used to configure the data for
storage optimization.
Data processing efficiency
Time consumption for reading
the files
File download efficiency
IoT storage
2017[15] A brief discussion on lightweight BC-based
architecture for IoT that virtually eliminates
the overheads of classic BC.
Block validation processing
BC-based smart home
2019[16] [26] An investigation about lightweight blockchain
management with a superior reduction in
resource usage and also save the significant
information about IoT framework.
PoS consensus mechanisms
Mobility based blockchain
Blockchain for IoT
2017[9] [23] [24] A comprehensive case study of smart home Security analysis
DDoS attack
Packet overhead
Energy consumption
2020[18] [25] Detailed insights of a software-defined
blockchain architecture to realize the
configurations for blockchains. Also, a
consensus function virtualization approach
with application-aware workflow is proposed.
Consensus algorithms
Throughput of transactions
Energy consumption
Consensus switch accuracy
Security issues of
2019 [17] [19] A comprehensive survey of security, issues,
challenges, and considerations of IoT
Physical attacks
Networks attacks
Software attacks
Encryption attacks
2020 [21] [22]
A discussion about security, privacy, and trust
in the Internet of Things
Secured middleware
Mobile security in IoT
Public key cryptography
analysis of a
secured hash
algorithm for IoT
This article Detailed insights about cryptographic hash
algorithms for Blockchain and IoT
Threats to IoT
Performance checks for
various cryptographic
The practical applicability of
Secured strategies
✔ ✔
Also, the file size for execution is an important
factor while deciding the secured hash algorithm.
For a file of size 1KB, 5Kb, and 10 KB, the time
taken for execution is depicted in figure 6 below.
So, for large-size files, SHA1 is taking less time as
compared to SHA2 and SHA3.
8 | P a g e
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
Fig. 6. Comparative Analysis of Hash algorithms
based on File Size
Also, hash algorithms can be compared based on
their speed, and accordingly, a particular hash is
selected. In this 6 iteration were taken for the two
major cases and that includes a small sequence
having immutable universally unique identifier
string, immutable universally unique identifier
including system current time, and random
immutable universally unique identifier with
system current time and large sequence that will
include two immutable universally unique
identifiers, two immutable universally unique
identifier with current system time, and three
random immutables universally unique identifier
with current system time. The setup is implemented
in java with these six iterations and outcomes from
several samples are collated and evaluated. There
are 6 primary instances and are mentioned in table
Table 3. Six Iterations Execution Time for Small and Large
N 1
N 2
N 3
N 4
N 5
MD5 542 715 1425 798 892 1606
1458 466 1146 601 716 1319
256 513 492 1120 639 750 1339
512 379 469 1172 593 750 1349
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Fig. 7: Comparative Analysis of Speed
Performance for Hash Algorithms
From the above cases, it is being concluded and
shown in figure 7 that MD5 is faster in speed
response than SHA-1 with 29.57% for small
sequences and fasters 25.04% for large sequences.
Also, SHA-1 is slow as compared to SHA-256 with
2.59% for small sequences and a 3.37% slower use
level when selecting secured hash algorithm. MD5
is faster in speed response than SHA-1 with
29.57% for small sequences and fasters 25.04% for
large sequences. Also, SHA-1 is slow as compared
to SHA-256 with 2.59% for large sequences. SHA-
256 is 5.2% faster than SHA-512 for small and
faster than SHA-512 with 1.34% for large
sequences. Also, out of all, SHA-1 is the fastest
with 708.3 ms for small sequences and 909.3 ms
for long sequences. For future work the Hybrid
Cryptographic Hash Function could be suggested
for a security evolved approach which would
increase network consensus, however, the ledger
node's confidence in current IoT devices cannot be
guaranteed, and reaching a consensus would
consume a large number of wireless
VII Conclusion
Blockchain systems can supply IoT through a
distributed ledger system to exchange data in a
secure nature intimidating the centralized power
model that remains presently on IoT. In
cryptographic currencies, the Internet of Things,
chain management, financing, information
exchange, and other areas, Blockchain is broadly
adopted. In blockchain systems, although, there
seem to be safety issues of different extents. A
cryptographic hash is used to validate the
authenticity and validation of transmissions in a
variety of ways. MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3
9 | P a g e
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
have all become the industry norms. The majority
of them were discovered to be either usable or
inefficient in terms of time. This study investigated
certain hashes methods that have been submitted by
academics, but the majority of them have not been
checked against blockchain and IoT threats.
Therefore, hash performance plays a crucial role in
blockchain as well as in IoT. So, this paper focuses
on the different cryptographic hash algorithms and
it is conferred that it is indeed safe to limit MD5
and SHA-1 because they have been vulnerable and
not secured. However, if the performance
is considerably better than stable SHA-2 family for
a specific scenario and protection is not so
necessary, they can be selected. It is dependent on
the use level when selecting a secured hash
algorithm. SHA-1 is the fastest with 708.3 ms for
small sequences and 909.3 ms for long sequences.
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12 | P a g e
... Several researchers, including Parmar et al [11], Kaur et al [12] and Alfrhan et al [2], conducted comparative studies on different hash algorithms used in blockchain and IoT applications. They examined the performance and security trade-offs of various hash functions to identify the best options for lightweight blockchain implementations in IoT environments. ...
... It helps evaluate how effectively the hardware architecture utilizes available resources to perform the desired computations. To calculate the throughput (TP) and efficiency, we employed equations (12) and (13) respectively: ...
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This paper introduces an innovative hardware implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-3) using three-dimensional cellular automata (3D-CA) for secure blockchain-based IoT systems. Our approach optimizes the SHA-3 algorithm by leveraging the parallel processing capabilities of 3D-CA, addressing the computational challenges in resource-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) environments. Our proposed design is implemented on various Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) circuits. The obtained results demonstrate the potential of our design to address the demands of blockchain-based IoT systems effectively. Furthermore, a comparative analysis reveals that our hardware implementation offers competitive performance compared to previous works. To ensure security and validate output randomness, the design undergoes rigorous evaluation using the Strict Avalanche Criterion (SAC) and the NIST Statistical Test Suite (STS). The results demonstrate that the proposed architecture exhibits high sensitivity to input changes while maintaining robust resistance against cryptanalytic attacks.
... This research also revealed that the SHA256 method could still be the best choice in terms of security, among other hash methods. However, the SHA256 method has several weaknesses, such as larger storage capacity and slower speed when compared to other hash methods [54][55][56][57]. ...
... To the best of our knowledge, the only security threat in the SHA256 method is a collision attack, which has never happened. Still, in theory, it is possible [53,56,57]. Collision attacks are one of the security threats that exist in every hash technique. ...
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One of the problems in the blockchain is the formation of increasingly large data (big data) because each block must store all the transactions it makes. With the problem of the appearance of extensive data (big data), many studies aim to maintain the data in small amounts. This research combines a sorting data technique and a proper compression technique to obtain efficient data storage on the blockchain. The result of this research is a blockchain platform called Adaptive Shrink and Shard Blockchain (AS2BC), which conceptually and computationally can minimize the use of storage space in the blockchain up to 22 times smaller.
... The security challenges and vulnerabilities associated with blockchain technology have been subjects of significant research. Islam et al. conducted an extensive review of blockchain security issues and challenges, highlighting the criticality of addressing security concerns in blockchain ecosystems [4]. Parmar and Kaur conducted a comparative analysis of secured hash algorithms for blockchain technology and Internet of Things (IoT), emphasizing the significance of cryptographic techniques in ensuring data integrity and protection [5]. ...
... Furthermore, the architecture, consensus mechanisms, and future trends of blockchain technology have been explored. Zheng et al. provided an overview of blockchain technology, discussing its architecture, consensus algorithms, and potential future directions [4]. ...
In the swiftly evolving landscape of cryptography, the advent of quantum computing poses unprecedented challenges to the established security paradigms. This research embarks on an extensive exploration into the resilience of the SHA-256 hashing algorithm, a linchpin of contemporary cryptographic infrastructure, against the looming threat posed by quantum computers. Our principal aim is to comprehensively assess the susceptibility of SHA-256, especially within the context of its critical role in ensuring the security and immutability of the Bitcoin blockchain. As quantum computing's potential to break classical cryptographic systems becomes a tangible concern, this research proposes SPHINCS+ as a potent post-quantum alternative, capable of safeguarding digital transactions and communications in the quantum era. By delving deep into the inner workings of both SHA-256 and SPHINCS+, this research contributes significantly to the expanding knowledge base surrounding post-quantum cryptography and its implications for securing the digital landscape
... First, IoT data is gathered from online open source sources and safely stored. Second, cryptographic algorithms [138,139] are utilized to prevent unwanted access to the acquired data. After defining access policies [70,140] for allowed users, smart contracts [108,141]are constructed based on these regulations. ...
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The main aim of this research is to provide a methodical review of secure frameworks in IoT using blockchain technology. Because of its decentralized security and resistance to attacks, blockchain has emerged as a possible solution to the growing need for secure data transmission in IoT. The work also gives comprehensive look at several algorithms comprising FIEO, Consensus algorithm, RSA asymmetric key algorithm and hash algorithms; and relative frameworks like Ethereum, CoSMOS, Hyperledger Fabric, and RTS-DELM system model. The assessment and analysis were made with reference to the following parameters, which embraced the parametric evaluation of these methodologies. Aided by the analysis of various frameworks, the paper assesses opportunities and dimensions, and in doing so, covers new issues and solutions with analysis in detail. Additional recommendations for the enhancement of IoT devices on blockchain based quality and performance are also outlined. In sum, this research contributes towards the identification of secure frameworks using blockchain technology in IoT systems and provides valuable information regarding future opportunities in this kind of industry.
... Previous research has investigated the use of BFS and DFS in web crawler development. Some studies use BFS for even exploration at the same level, while DFS tends to unfold vertically to a certain depth before returning [10]. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each of these algorithms is the key to choosing the right search strategy in developing a Web crawler for the Kumparan site. ...
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Efficient access to timely information is critical in today's digital era. Web crawlers, automated programs that navigate the Internet, play an important role in collecting data from websites such as Kumparan, a leading news site in Indonesia. This research shows the effectiveness of the Breadth-First Search (BFS) and Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithms in indexing Kumparan content. The results of the research show that BFS consistently indexes more files comprehensively but with longer execution times compared to DFS, which provides faster initial results but with fewer files. For example, at depth 4 BFS indexed 949 files in 886.94 seconds, while DFS indexed 470 files in 233.02 seconds. These findings highlight the balance between precision and speed when selecting a crawling algorithm tailored to the needs of a particular website. This research provides insights into optimizing web crawler technology for complex websites such as Coil and suggests avenues for further research to improve permission efficiency and adaptability across a variety of crawling scenarios.
... The data inside a blockchain is secured using a hashing technique, blockchain networks are regarded as the most secure. Different hashing algorithms are MD5, Secure hashing families (SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512) etc. Two levels of comparison between these hashing algorithms [17]. 1) On basis of output size (Bits) hash algorithm. ...
The integration of biometrics and blockchain is proposed as a sophisticated and enduring security strategy to protect sensitive information in the digital era. 3D biometric data will not be affected by changes in posture and changes of illumination. This research proposed a security model for 3D multimodal (face and ear). To secure the 3D data uses the convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for 3D image feature extraction based on fusion of 3D face and ear data. Further compare the different hashing algorithms for the security of 3D multimodal Biometric model in Blockchain. This research also compares the different hashing algorithm efficiency and impact of blockchain mechanism on 3D face and ear data.
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The data asset trading market is gradually emerging with the development of the digital economy, making the development of a safe and effective data asset trading management system an important research direction. This paper uses blockchain technology to create a transparent management system for economic transactions. A PHRP algorithm is proposed to guarantee the security of the transaction, addressing the privacy protection issue involved in the transaction process. The PHRP algorithm calculates the actual transaction amount by encrypting both the input and output amounts, utilizing the additive homomorphic property. It also ensures the undeniability and integrity of the transaction by encrypting and committing random numbers. The relevant test results show that the transaction privacy protection scheme based on the PHRP algorithm can better meet the requirements of the economic transaction management system. Users’ satisfaction with the system constructed in this paper in terms of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use scored high on average, 4.23 and 4.17, respectively, and expressed average for security, for which this paper proposes relevant improvement strategies.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a significant technological advancement in recent years. Its development has garnered global attention from many organisations, industries and researchers. The IoT is responsible for collecting and processing data from remote areas, significantly enhancing productivity for distributed systems and individuals. Secure hash algorithms (SHAs) are critical to ensuring enhanced security levels within IoT ecosystems. These algorithms generate fixed-size hash values from input data, making them useful for various security applications. This paper proposes a new multi-level hashing algorithm (MLHA) that could overcome challenges and significantly impact IoT security. The proposed MLHA was carefully considered and managed to effectively enhance IoT security without compromising the performance and efficiency of IoT devices. The new hashing algorithm is suitable for all IoT devices, ranging from small devices with limited processing power fuelled by batteries to larger devices with constant electrical power and vast resources. This study's main objective is to develop a new hashing algorithm specifically designed for IoT devices. This research strives to enhance IoT devices' data protection and security measures using improved hashing algorithms. This objective will be achieved by examining various IoT devices, analysing current algorithms and developing strategies that effectively balance efficiency and security. Furthermore, the suggested algorithm presents a novel methodology for enhancing data security in IoT devices. The algorithms examined in this paper are from the SHA family, which are based on bitwise operations. However, these algorithms were modified to enhance their efficiency and scalability for IoT devices. The proposed algorithm comprises eight levels, each accommodating a particular IoT device. The first level is characterised by its basic nature and is specifically tailored for devices with limited resources, including low RAM and CPU and battery capacity. As the process of iterative evolution progresses, each level demonstrates adaptability to the capabilities of various IoT devices. Moreover, the algorithm progresses towards its higher levels, which are characterised by complex equations, functions, output lengths, more words, increased arithmetic and logical operations and iterations. These advanced levels of the proposed algorithm were designed to cater to larger, more complex IoT devices than the initial-stage devices. Index Terms: Hashing algorithm, Internet of Things (IoT), power consumption, security, secure hash algorithm (SHA) family.
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The exponential growth of the blockchain size has become a major contributing factor that hinders the decentralisation of blockchain and its potential implementations in data-heavy applications. In this paper, we propose segment blockchain, an approach that segmentises blockchain and enables nodes to only store a copy of one blockchain segment. We use PoW as a membership threshold to limit the number of nodes taken by an Adversary—the Adversary can only gain at most n/2 of nodes in a network of n nodes when it has 50% of the calculation power in the system (the Nakamoto blockchain security threshold). A segment blockchain system fails when an Adversary stores all copies of a segment, because the Adversary can then leave the system, causing a permanent loss of the segment. We theoretically prove that segment blockchain can sustain a (AD/n)m(AD/n)^{m} failure probability when the Adversary has no more than AD number of nodes and every segment is stored by m number of nodes. The storage requirement is mostly shrunken compared to the traditional design and therefore making the blockchain more suitable for data-heavy applications.
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A blockchain as a trustworthy and secure decentralized and distributed network has been emerged for many applications such as in banking, finance, insurance, healthcare and business. Recently, many communities in blockchain networks want to deploy machine learning models to get meaningful knowledge from geographically distributed large-scale data owned by each participant. To run a learning model without data centralization, distributed machine learning (DML) for blockchain networks has been studied. While several works have been proposed, privacy and security have not been sufficiently addressed, and as we show later, there are vulnerabilities in the architecture and limitations in terms of efficiency. In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving DML model for a permissioned blockchain to resolve the privacy, security, and performance issues in a systematic way. We develop a differentially private stochastic gradient descent method and an error-based aggregation rule as core primitives. Our model can treat any type of differentially private learning algorithm where non-deterministic functions should be defined. The proposed error-based aggregation rule is effective to prevent attacks by an adversarial node that tries to deteriorate the accuracy of DML models. Our experiment results show that our proposed model provides stronger resilience against adversarial attacks than other aggregation rules under a differentially private scenario. Finally, we show that our proposed model has high usability because it has low computational complexity and low transaction latency.
Cryptographic hash functions are widely used primitives with a purpose to ensure the integrity of data. Hash functions are also utilized in conjunction with digital signatures to provide authentication and non-repudiation services. The SHA has been developed over time by the National Institute of Standards and Technology for security, optimal performance, and robustness. The best-known hash standards are SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3. Security is the most notable criterion for evaluating the hash functions. However, the hardware performance of an algorithm serves as a tiebreaker among the contestants when all other parameters (security, software performance, and flexibility) have equal strength. Field Programmable Gateway Array (FPGA) is a reconfigurable hardware that supports a variety of design options, making it the best choice for implementing the hash standards. In this survey, particular attention is devoted to the FPGA optimization techniques for the three hash standards. The study covers several types of optimization techniques and their contributions to the performance of FPGAs. Moreover, the article highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each of the optimization methods and their influence on performance. We are optimistic that the study will be a useful resource encompassing the efforts carried out on the SHAs and FPGA optimization techniques in a consolidated form.
Network provenance is essential for IoT network administrators to conduct the network diagnostics and identify root causes of network errors. However, the distributed nature of the IoT network results in the managements of the provenance data at different trust domains, which poses concerns on the security and trustworthiness of the cross-domain network diagnostics. In this paper, we propose a blockchain-based architecture for Secure and Efficient Distributed Network Provenance (SEDNP) in the IoT. Instead of directly storing and querying the whole provenance data on the blockchain with prohibitive implementation cost, we introduce a unified provenance query model and develop a provenance digest strategy that: (1) enables compact (constant size) on-blockchain digests of provenance data and a multilevel index regardless of provenance data volume; and (2) ensures the correctness and integrity of provenance query results through the verification of the on-blockchain digests. We formally define the security requirements as Archiving Security along with thorough security analysis. Moreover, we conduct extensive experiments with the integration of a verifiable computation (vc) framework and a blockchain testing network. Experimental results are provided as performance benchmarks to demonstrate the application feasibility of SEDNP.
The existing Internet of Things(IoT) uses cloud computing data access storage algorithms, that is, the hash algorithm has defects of low data processing efficiency and low fault tolerance rate. Therefore, HDFS is introduced to optimize cloud computing data access storage algorithms. HDFS is first used to optimize the data access storage architecture according to problems of data access storage architecture in the Internet of Things, in which factors of data access storage distribution in the IoT are fully considered, and hash values are used to optimize the configuration of data access information storage locations, so that data access storage distribution strategy can be optimized. Then, the topology of the IoT is optimized, and data block size is also optimized with effect algorithm. Finally, the design of file storage is optimized. Through simulation experiments, it is proved that the optimized cloud storage method has obvious performance advantages in file read and write speed as well as memory usage. Compared with the traditional hash algorithm, optimization algorithm proposed in the paper greatly improves file upload and download efficiency, data processing efficiency and fault tolerance rate, which fully demonstrates that the proposed cloud computing data access storage optimization algorithm is more superior.
Currently, IoT has become an important carrier of blockchains, which not only makes blockchain more ubiquitous but also improves the security of IoT. Consensus is the core component of blockchains with various forms, which raises the following challenges. Dynamic management and configuration of the consensuses in a blockchain are required because IoT applications have high dynamics. Moreover, an IoT node is usually reutilized by various applications in different blockchains, which means the IoT node should be switched frequently to cross consensuses in different blockchains. To address this, a software-defined blockchain architecture is proposed to realized the dynamic configurations for blockchains. Then a consensus function virtualization approach with application-aware work flow is proposed, which can abstract and manage various consensus resources. Next, a transfer-learning-based intelligent scheme is designed to implement the application- layer packet analysis and perform the efficient management of virtualized consensus resources. Experiment results indicate the feasibility of the proposed scheme. This work is significant in enhancing the flexibility and extendibility of blockchains in IoT.
In recent years, the growing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) is providing a promising opportunity not only for the development of various home automation systems but also for different industrial applications. By leveraging these benefits, automation is brought about in the industries giving rise to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). IoT is prone to several cyberattacks and needs challenging approaches to achieve the desired security. Moreover, with the emergence of IIoT, the security vulnerabilities posed by it are even more devastating. Therefore, in order to provide a guideline to researchers, this survey primarily attempts to classify the attacks based on the objects of vulnerability. Subsequently, each of the individual attacks is mapped to one or more layers of the generalized IoT/IIoT architecture followed by a discussion on the countermeasures proposed in literature. Some relevant real-life attacks for each of these categories are also discussed. We further discuss the countermeasures proposed for the most relevant security threats in IIoT. A case study on two of the most important industrial IoT applications is also highlighted. Next, we explore the challenges brought by the centralized IoT/IIoT architecture and how blockchain can effectively be used towards addressing such challenges. In this context, we also discuss in detail one IoT specific Blockchain design known as Tangle, its merits and demerits. We further highlight the most relevant Blockchain-based solutions provided in recent times to counter the challenges posed by the traditional cloud-centered applications. The blockchain-related solutions provided in the context of two of the most relevant applications for each of IoT and IIoT is also discussed. Subsequently, we design a taxonomy of the security research areas in IoT/IIoT along with their corresponding solutions. Finally, several open research directions relevant to the focus of this survey are identified.
Conference Paper
As more and more applications and services depend on data collected and provided by Internet of Things (IoT) devices, it is of importance that such data can be trusted. Data provenance solutions together with blockchain technology are one way to make data more trustworthy. However, current solutions do not address the heterogeneous nature of IoT applications and their data. In this work, we identify functional and non-functional requirements for a generic IoT data provenance framework, and conceptualise the framework as a layered architecture. Using a proof-of-concept implementation based on Ethereum smart contracts, data provenance can be realised for a wide range of IoT use cases. Benefits of a generic framework include simplified adoption and a more rapid implementation of data provenance for the IoT.