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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
Pitch Contour Stylization by Marking Voice
Sakshi Pandey1, Amit Banerjee2, Subramaniam Khedika3
Computer Science Department
South Asian University
New Delhi, India
Abstract—The stylization of pitch contour is a primary task
in the speech prosody for the development of a linguistic model.
The stylization of pitch contour is performed either by statistical
learning or statistical analysis. The recent statistical learning
models require a large amount of data for training purposes
and rely on complex machine learning algorithms. Whereas, the
statistical analysis methods perform stylization based on the shape
of the contour and require further processing to capture the voice
intonations of the speaker. The objective of this paper is to devise
a low-complexity transcription algorithm for the stylization of
pitch contour based on the voice intonation of a speaker. For
this, we propose to use of pitch marks as a subset of points
for the stylization of the pitch contour. The pitch marks are the
instance of glottal closure in a speech waveform that captures
characteristics of speech uttered by a speaker. The selected subset
can interpolate the shape of the pitch contour and acts as a
template to capture the intonation of a speaker’s voice, which can
be used for designing applications in speech synthesis and speech
morphing. The algorithm balances the quality of the stylized
curve and its cost in terms of the number of data points used.
We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm using
the mean square error and the number of lines used for fitting
the pitch contour. Furthermore, we perform a comparison with
other existing stylization algorithms using the LibriSpeech ASR
Keywords—Pitch contour; pitch marking; linear stylization;
straight-line approximation
Speech prosody represents the pitch contour of a voice
signal and can be used for the construction of linguistic models
and their interaction with other linguistic domains, such as
morphing and speech transformation [1]. In addition, the pitch
contours are used for learning generative models for text-to-
speech synthesis applications [2], language identification [3],
emotion prediction and for forensics research [4]. Researchers
have also used pitch and intensity of sound for predicting the
mood of a speaker [5]. In order to remove the variability in
the pitch contour, stylization is used to encode the contour
into meaningful labels [6] or templates [7] for speech syn-
thesis application. According to [8], stylization is a process
of representing the pitch contour of the audio signal with a
minimum number of line segments, such that the original pitch
contour is auditorily indistinguishable from the re-synthesized
pitch contour.
Broadly, the stylization of pitch contour either uses sta-
tistical learning or statistical analysis models. In statistical
analysis models, the pitch contour is decomposed into a
set of previously defined functions such as polynomial [9],
[10], parabolic [11], and B-splines [12]. In addition, low-pass
filtering is also used for preserving the slow time variations
in the pitch contours [6]. Recently, researchers have studied
the statistical learning models, using hierarchically structured
deep neural networks for modeling the F0 trajectories [13] and
sparse coding algorithm based on deep learning auto-encoders
[14]. In general, the statistical learning models require a
large amount of data and uses complex machine learning
algorithms for training purposes [13], [14]. On the other hand,
the statistical analysis models decompose the pitch contours
as a set of functions based on the shape and structure of
the contour that requires further processing to capture voice
intonations of the speaker [9]–[12], [15]. Table I summarizes
the algorithms proposed for the stylization of pitch contour.
Many successful speech applications use piecewise stylization
of the pitch, including the study of sentence boundary [16],
dis-fluency [17], dialogue act [18], and speaker verification
In this paper, we use statistical analysis for piecewise
decomposition of the pitch contour using the instance of glottal
closure or pitch marks to stylize the pitch contour as well as
capture the intonation of the speaker’s voice. As mentioned
above, the previous works based on the statistical analysis
approach [6], [9]–[12], mainly consider the shape and structure
of the contour for stylization. For example, [12] use best-fit
B-splines to define the segments of a pitch contour, and [11]
uses parabolic functions to approximate the pitch contour. In
contrary to these approaches, in this paper, we try to model the
instances of glottal closure (pitch marks) of the source speaker.
An advantage of the proposed approach is that the pitch marks
can be used directly as templates for speech synthesis or speech
morphing, making the approach suitable for various real-time
The piecewise stylization approximates the pitch contour
using Ksubset points. That is, if we let {yn}N
n=1 to be
the pitch at each instant of time in a speech signal then
the piecewise stylization can be defined using function 1,
where g(y)is the stylized pitch, aiand biare the slope and
intercept of each line at each ytime instant and Kis the
subset size required for the stylization of the speech signal.
In this paper, we select the pitch marks as a subset of points
for the reconstruction of the pitch contour. These pitch marks
are selected to fit the pitch contour for capturing large-scale
variations. For this, we propose an algorithm using pitch marks
as the subset points for the stylization of the pitch contour. The
proposed algorithm can be used for retrieving the pitch marks
from the voiced region of a pitch contour. In addition, it can 636 |Page
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
Signal Pitch Contours
Linear Stylization Pitch Marks on Raw Pitch
Pitch Marks
Fig. 1. Block Diagram of Proposed Method.
stylize the voiced and unvoiced region of the contours after
pitch smoothing, which can be apt for applications mentioned
above and for text-to-speech conversion [24], [25]. The general
flow of the proposed methodology on a smoothed pitch contour
is shown in Fig. 1. As shown in the figure, the approach
uses auto-correlation to detect pitch and uses median filtering
with length-3-window to remove sudden spikes to generate the
corresponding pitch contour. This is used for extracting the
pitch marks and to approximate the pitch contour using linear
interpolation. The number of the linear segment depends on
the number of pitch marks in the speech signal.
g(y) =
The proposed work is closely related to [10], [15]. In
[10], the authors discuss a computationally efficient dynamic
programming solution for the stylization of pitch contour.
The approach calculates the MSE (mean square error) of the
stylized pitch by predetermining the number of segments K
using [15]. The authors in [15], use Daubechies wavelet (Db10)
to perform a multilevel decomposition of the pitch contour
and use third-level decomposition to extract the number of
extremes (K) for the stylization. The choice for the third level
is based upon the empirically tested results, which show the
best result for 60% of the cases. However, for the same data
29% of the cases show better results for higher wavelet decom-
positions or fewer segments, and 11% of the cases have better
performance for second level decomposition. On contrary, in
our approach, the number of segments is determined by the
intonation of the speaker’s voice and no pre-determination is
required for the same. That is, the number of segments required
for pitch stylization is neither pre-determined nor depends
on any empirical result. The algorithm computes the optimal
number of segments based on the change in the pitch trajectory
of the speaker.
To understand the performance of the proposed algorithm,
we analyze matrices such as mean squared error (MSE) and
the number of line segments (K) used for stylization. For our
analysis, we use voice samples from the LibriSpeech ASR
corpus [26] and the EUSTACE speech corpus [27] to compare
the performance with [15]. The experimental results show that
in comparison to [15], the proposed methodology uses less
number of lines (K) to represent the pitch contour of a speech
signal. Also, the proposed approach has a lower MSE, in
comparison to stylization via wavelet decomposition [15].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
presents the related work. Section III presents the methodology
of the proposed piecewise linear stylization approach. In
Section IV, we discuss the experimental setup and simulation 637 |Page
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
Works Approach Algorithm Application
Xiang Yin
[2016] [13]
Hierarchically structured deep
neural networks
Statistical parametric speech synthesis
Nicolas Obin,
[2018] [14]
Deep Auto-Encoders Learning pitch templates for synthesis
and voice conversion.
J’t Hart [1991]
Piecewise stylization Parabolas’s adequate for F0
Daniel Hirst
[1993] [12]
Stylization using quadratic spline
Coding and synthesis of curve used for
different languages.
D’Alessandro el. at.
[1995] [20]
Perceptual model of intonation Prosodic analysis and speech synthesis
Nygaard [1998]
Piecewise polynomial
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Dagen Wang el. at.
[2005] [15]
Piecewise stylization via wavelet
Pitch stylization for spoken languages
Prashant K. Gosh[2009] [10]
Polynomial approximation via
dynamic programming
Pitch stylization
Origlia A.[2011] [21]
Divide and conquer approach Pitch stylization
Yadav O. P.[2019] [22]
Piecewise approximation via
Chebyshev polynomial
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Yadav O. P.[2019] [23]
Chebyshev nodes used for
Lagrange interpolation
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
This paper Stat.
Piecewise approximation via Pitch
Pitch stylization
results. Finally, Section V concludes the paper.
Pitch Stylization is the process of retrieving pitch contours
of an audio signal using linear or polynomial functions,
without affecting any perceptually relevant properties of the
pitch contours. Broadly, the stylization of pitch contour either
uses statistical learning or statistical analysis models. Table
I, summarizes the stylization algorithms to show the current
state-of-art. In the following, we discuss these approaches in
A. Stylization using Statistical Learning
Recently, researchers used statistical learning models for
pitch contour stylization. In [13], the author uses deep neural
networks (DNN) to consider the intrinsic F0 property for
modeling the F0 trajectories for statistical parametric speech
synthesis. The approach embodies the long-term F0 property
by parametrization of the F0 trajectories using optimized dis-
crete cosine transform (DCT) analysis. Two different structural
arrangements of a DNN group, namely cascade, and parallel,
are compared to study the contributions of context features
at different prosodic levels of the F0 trajectory. The authors
in [14] propose a sparse coding algorithm based on deep-
auto encoders for the stylization and clustering of the pitch
contour. The approach learns a set of pitch templates for
the approximation of the pitch contour. However, both these
approaches use a large data set for training and may not be
applicable for stylizing unknown audio samples.
B. Stylization using Statistical Analysis
In contrary to the previous approaches, statistical analysis
models have low computational complexity and can be used
for unknown audio samples. This is a well-studied technique
for stylization and researchers are actively proposing newer
methods for optimally approximating signals. In [11], authors
introduce the concept of piecewise approximation of F0 curve
using fragments of a parabola and perform stylization of the
contour via rectilinear approximation. Similarly, authors in
[12], propose a model for the approximation of fundamental
frequency curves that incorporates both coding and synthesis
of pitch contours using quadratic spline function. The model
is applied for the analysis of fundamental frequency curves in
several languages including English, French, Spanish, Italian
and Arabic. The author in [20] discuss a new quantitative
model of tonal perception for continuous speech. In this, the
authors discuss automatic stylization of pitch contour with
applications to prosodic analysis and speech synthesis.
In [9] the authors discuss piecewise polynomial approx-
imation for the ECG signals. The paper uses second-order
polynomials for reconstructing the signal with minimum error.
The authors show that the method outperforms the linear inter-
polation method in various cases. The concept of polynomial
interpolation is applied for the pitch contour stylization in
[10]. The paper proposes an efficient dynamic programming
solution for the pitch contour stylization with the complexity
of O(KN 2). It calculates the MSE (mean square error) of the
stylized pitch by predetermining the number of segments K
using [15]. The authors in [15], use Daubechies wavelet (Db10)
to perform a multilevel decomposition of the pitch contour
and use third-level decomposition to extract the number of
extremes (K) for stylization. The choice for the third level is
based upon the empirically testing, showing the best result for
60% of the cases. For remaining cases, 29% shows the better
result on higher wavelet decompositions or fewer segments,
and 11% of the cases have better performance for second
level decomposition. The author in [21] proposes a divide and
conquer approach for pitch stylization to balance the number
of control points required for the approximation. Recently, in
[22], authors used bottom-up time series for the segmentation
of the signal, and the restoration is performed using the
Chebyshev polynomials. An improvement to the approach 638 |Page
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Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
Fig. 2. Pitch Detection.
is proposed by the authors in [23], where the Chebyshev
nodes are used for the segmentation of the signal and the
approximation is performed using Lagrange interpolation.
C. Summary
In the proposed algorithm, we use statistical analysis for
stylization. Unlike previous works, the number of segments
is determined by the intonation of the speaker’s voice and
no pre-determination is required for the same. That is, the
number of segments required for pitch stylization is neither
pre-determined nor depends on any empirical result. The
algorithm computes the number of segments based on the
changes in the pitch trajectory of the speaker. The pitch marks
are used for the linear stylization of the contour. The purpose of
choosing pitch marks as the subset is to capture the intonation
of the speaker in the pitch contour, which can further be used
for various other applications like voice morphing, dubbing
and can also act as an input to [9].
The process of pitch stylization is divided into three steps:
(1) pitch (F0) determination, (2) pitch marking, and (3) linear
stylization. In the following, we discuss these steps in detail.
A. Pitch Determination
Pitch determination is a process of determining the fun-
damental frequency or the fundamental period duration [28].
Pitch period is directly related to speaker’s vocal cord and
is used for speaker identification [4], emotion prediction [5],
real-time speaker count problem [29]–[31]. This is one of the
fundamental operations performed in any speech processing
application. Researchers have proposed various algorithms for
pitch determination, including YAAPT [32], Wu [33], SAcC
[34]. However, in this paper, we are using the auto-correlation
technique for the same.
Fig. 3. Zero Crossing Points.
For pitch determination, we first perform low-pass filtering
with a passband frequency of 900 Hz. As the fundamental fre-
quency ranges between 80-500 Hz, the frequency components
above 500 Hz can be discarded for pitch detection. In order
to remove the formant frequencies in the speech signal and
to retain the periodicity, center clipping is performed using
a clipping threshold (CL) [35]. We choose 30% of the max
amplitude as CL. We use equation 2 for center clipping, where
x(n)is speech signal and cc(n)is the center clipped signal.
cc(n) = x(n)−CLif x(n)> CL
x(n) + CLif x(n)<−CL
Furthermore, the energy of the center-clipped signal can be
evaluated using equation 3. This can be used for determining
the voiced and unvoiced regions in the pitch contour.
Finally, we use the autocorrelation method to detect the
periodicity of a speech signal. The frame size used for pitch
estimation is 10 ms. For a speech signal, autocorrelation
measures the similarity of the signal with itself with a time
lag. Given a discrete-time speech signal x(n), n ∈[0, N −1]
of length Nand τas the time lag, the autocorrelation can be
defined as the following.
R(τ) =
x(n)x(n+τ)τ∈[0,1, . . . , N −1] (4)
We compare the energy Esto the maximum correlation
value, to determine the pitch of the frame. Fig. 2 gives the
flowchart of the steps followed. This step generates the pitch
contour pcont corresponding to a speech signal.
B. Pitch Marking
A pitch mark can be defined as an instance of the glottal
closures in a speech waveform. Previously, researchers have
used pitch marks for various applications, such as voice trans-
formation and pitch contour mapping [36]. However, in this
paper, we are using pitch marks for pitch contour stylization.
The following steps are used for generating the pitch marks. 639 |Page
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Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
(a) Pitch Contour (b) Pitch Contour after Interpolation
Fig. 4. Smoothed Pitch Contour.
Algorithm 1 Extract Pitch Marks (pstart, pend )
1: Low pass filtering with cutoff frequency 500Hz
2: Reverse the signal again perform low pass filtering
3: High pass filtering with cutoff frequency 150Hz
4: Reverse the signal again perform high pass filtering
5: The delta function is used to differentiate the filtered
6: The delta signal is again double low pass filtered to remove
any noise or phase differences.
7: find the zero crossing points.
Algorithm 2 Pitch Marking for Voiced Region
1: Extract voiced (Pv)and unvoiced (Puv )segments from
the pitch contour
For each ith segment 2iis the starting point and
2i+ 1 is the end point
2: for each i-th voiced segment in (Pv)do
3: pstart =get start point(i)
4: pend =get end point(i)
5: Sv= Extract pitch marks (pstart, pend )
6: end for
7: for each i-th unvoiced segment in (Puv)do
8: pstart =get start point(i)
9: pend =get end point(i)
10: Suv ←Append pstart, pend to the list.
11: end for
12: pitchMarks ←MERGE (Sv, Suv )Merge two sorted
lists in O(n)
Algorithm 1, is used for pitch marking. In the algorithm, we
first perform low pass double filtering. It is a process where the
first filtered waveform is reversed and fed again to the filter to
diminish the phase difference between the input and output of
the filter. Subsequently, double high pass filtering is performed
to lessen the phase shifts, followed by the application of
the delta function for differentiating the filtered signal. The
delta signal is again passed through a double low pass filter
Algorithm 3 Pitch Marking after Smoothing
1: smooth pcont ←ptch fix(pcont)
2: fsize ←size of the frame, fs∗t
3: nof ←number of frames of frame size fsize
4: temp ←0
5: for i←1to nof do
6: range ←temp + 1 : temp +fsize
7: pitchMarks ←find pitch marks in each frame from
smooth pcont(range)
8: temp ←temp +fsize
9: end for
to remove any noise or phase differences. The zero-crossing
points are considered as the pitch marks. Zero crossings are
points where the signal changes from positive to negative or
vice-versa. Fig. 3 marks the zero-crossing points of a simple
sine wave.
The pitch marks are a compact representation of the pitch
contour. By knowing the position of pitch marks, a very
accurate estimation of f0 contour can be obtained, which can
be further utilized for various speech analysis and processing
methods [37]. Next, we use Algorithm 1 for determining the
pitch marks from the pitch contour (pcont)for the following
two cases.
1) Pitch marking for voiced region: In this approach, we
extract the pitch marks from the voiced regions. The classifica-
tion of the voiced and unvoiced regions can be determined by
using the values of pcont, as the unvoiced regions are marked
by zero pitch values. Fig. 4 shows the voiced and the unvoiced
regions in the pitch contour. The unvoiced region is marked
by black arrows and has zero value. On the other hand, the
non-zero values represent the voiced regions, where the pitch
marking is performed. For each unvoiced region, we store the
first and the last data points in the pitchMarks. The steps
followed for pitch marking are shown in Algorithm 2. In the
algorithm, for each ith voice segment, we extract the pitch
marks using Algorithm 1. The extracted pitch marks of the
voiced region are stored in Sv(step 5). Similarly, the starting 640 |Page
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Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
Algorithm 4 Linear Stylization Algorithm
1: i←1
2: while i <=length(pitchMarks)-1 do
3: slopes(i)←slope of the points iand i+ 1
4: i←i+ 1
5: end while
6: for i←1to length(slopes)do
7: p←pitchMarks(i)
8: q←pitchMarks(i+ 1)
9: k←1
10: for pto qdo
11: y=slope(i)∗k+p
12: k←k+ 1
13: end for
14: yis the stylized pitch contours
15: end for
and end time instance of the unvoiced regions are stored in Suv
(step 10). Finally, the two lists, i.e., Svand Suv are merged.
As the lists are sorted, the run-time complexity for merging is
O(n), where nis the maximum number of elements in both
2) Pitch marking after smoothing: Above, the pitch marks
are extracted only from voiced frames. As an extension,
the unvoiced regions in the pitch contour are interpolated
to generate a smoothed pitch contour. The shape-preserving
piecewise cubic interpolation is performed in each segment and
then median filtering is performed to get the new pitch contour.
Fig. 5 shows the smoothed pitch contour. The generated pitch
contours are segmented and pitch marks in each segment are
stored. The steps followed for pitch marking are shown in the
Algorithm 3. In the algorithm, we perform framing to extract
the pitch mark from each frame, where tis the frame size.
The main difference between the two approaches is that in the
first approach the pitch marking is performed in each voiced
region which is of variable length, on the other hand in the
second approach the pitch marking is performed in fixed-size
frames which gives a better approximation of the pitch contour
as seen in the results.
The calculated pitchMarks is the input for linear styliza-
tion, discussed below.
C. Linear Stylization
In this, we approximate the stylized pitch contour us-
ing linear functions. The linear stylization is done using
pitchMarks. First, we calculate the slope between two con-
secutive pitch marks using equation 5, where mis the slope
and (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are coordinates of the two consecutive
pitch marks. The number of slopes generated is equal to the
number of straight lines (K) needed to approximate the pitch
contours of a speech signal.
Next, the intermediate pitches, called stylized pitches,
between two consecutive pitch marks are calculated using the
straight-line equation. Algorithm 4 shows the detailed steps of
Samples Mean Squared Error (MSE)
Stylization via Wavelet [15] Algorithm 2 Algorithm 3
1272-135031-0009.flac 3883.70 118.40 11.19
1272-135031-0010.flac 2999.80 89.30 2.60
1272-141231-0002.flac 1932.80 7192.80 1.17
1462-170138-0000.flac 2941.00 8451.40 19.64
2035-147961-0000.flac 1428.50 3124.50 32.12
422-122949-0025.flac 1669.20 6645.30 6.27
1673-143396-0004.flac 2911.50 17382.00 24.45
2035-152373-0013.flac 3055.50 3471.60 16.32
2803-161169-0009.flac 860.37 4766.20 0.67
7850-73752-0003.flac 1201.70 13129.00 6.64
Linear Stylization. In the algorithm, we use kto generate the
intermediate points between two pitch marks.
For the experimental evaluation, we use voice samples
from the LibriSpeech ASR corpus [26]. LibriSpeech is a
corpus of English speech containing approximately 1000 hours
of audio samples of 16kHz, prepared by Vassil Panayotov
with the assistance of Daniel Povey. The data is derived
from audiobooks (part of LibriVox project) and is carefully
segmented and aligned. We test the voice samples for both
Algorithm 2, 3 and compare our results with the previously
proposed methodology [15]. We use Edinburgh Speech Tools
Library for pitch marking [38]. We use the ptch fix function
which is a part of YAAPT pitch tracking Algorithm [39], to
perform the pitch smoothing.
A. Comparison using MSE
Linear stylization approximates the original pitch contour
using subset points, the parameter used to test the accuracy
of the approximation is mean squared error (MSE). The lower
values of MSE suggest a better approximation of the original
pitch contours. The stylized pitch contour generated by the
proposed algorithms is shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5a, shows the
pitch marks retrieved from the voiced region of the pitch
contours. The pitch marks retrieved from smoothed pitch
contour are shown in Fig. 5b.
Table II, shows a comparison between the three approaches.
From the table, the MSE of Algorithm 2 is higher than
the previously proposed speech stylization methodology using
wavelet analysis [15]. This is because, in [15] the change
points are extracted from each frame, whereas an Algorithm 2
the pitch marks are extracted from the complete signal, without
framing of the pitch contour. However, for Algorithm 2, the
MSE is considerably low compared to the [15], as the pitch
marks are extracted for both voiced and unvoiced regions from
each frame. The second approach of stylization yields better
results than [15]. This gives a perception that the subset points
extracted via pitch marks give better approximations. The
average of the corpus is given in Fig. 6, in the figure we plot
the values of MSE at log scale to give better representation.
B. Comparison using Subset Size(K)
The efficiency of the algorithm is tested using the number
of segments (K), as Kis directly proportional to the number of
intermediate points generated. It is evident from the Algorithm 641 |Page
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Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
(a) Pitch Marking for Voiced Region (b) Pitch Marking after Smoothing
Fig. 5. Original Pitch Contour and Stylized Pitch Contour for Audio Sample “1272-135031-0009.flac [26]”.
Fig. 6. The Average Mean Square Error by the Three Algorithms.
4 that the more the number of segments in the linear stylization
process more is the time complexity. The number of segments
Kin the stylized pitch contours generated by the proposed
algorithms is shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 8a and 8b, shows the
segments obtained by using Algorithm 2 and 3, respectively.
Table III, shows the number of segments generated by the
proposed algorithms and compares the same with [15]. The
table shows that the proposed algorithms need less number of
line segments for the stylized pitch contour in comparison to
[15]. For all cases, we find that there is a significant difference
in the number of line segments Kgenerated by the proposed
approach in comparison to [15]. The average result of the
complete corpus is given in Fig. 7, the results show that on
average 82.97% less is the subset size.
C. Comparison of the Proposed Algorithms
Finally, we compare the number of line segments (K)and
the MSE of the proposed algorithms. The number of segments
Samples No. of lines
Stylization via Wavelet [15] Algorithm 2 Algorithm 3
1272-135031-0009.flac 730 135 250
1272-135031-0010.flac 3656 725 1121
1272-141231-0002.flac 4454 920 1664
1462-170138-0000.flac 4574 1518 2714
2035-147961-0000.flac 4454 2300 3338
422-122949-0025.flac 5568 1159 2165
1673-143396-0004.flac 7225 2827 4316
2035-152373-0013.flac 5681 3144 4860
2803-161169-0009.flac 10189 1948 3007
7850-73752-0003.flac 10382 2873 4970
K, is significantly large when the pitch marks are retrieved
from voiced and unvoiced regions after pitch smoothing, Fig.
9. The reason for this is framing, the segments are extracted
from each frame which results in a better approximation of the
original pitch contour. We can also see from Fig. 10 that mean 642 |Page
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Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021
Fig. 7. The Average Subset Size by the Three Algorithms.
(a) Pitch Marking for Voiced Region (b) Pitch Marking after Smoothing
Fig. 8. Number of Segments Kfor Audio Sample “1272-135031-0009.flac [26]”.
square error reduces with an increase in the subset points. The
results show that the approach that extracts the pitch marks
both from voiced and unvoiced regions using framing is better
in terms of MSE, but the complexity of the same is more.
The paper proposes two stylization approaches of pitch
contour using linear functions. The subset of points used
for stylization is the pitch marks on the pitch contour. The
pitch marks capture the voice intonation of a speaker. The
experimental results show that the proposed algorithms need
fewer line segments (K) to approximate the stylized pitch
contour with a low mean squared error. The results show
a better approximation of the pitch contour using the pitch
marks in comparison to the change points selected in the
wavelet decomposition. First, the pitch marks are extracted
from the voiced region of the pitch contours. Further, as an
extension, we consider both voiced and unvoiced regions in
the pitch contour to retrieve the pitch marks after performing
pitch smoothing. The approximation result is better for the
latter approach. In the future, we intend to test the proposed
algorithm for more voice samples and apply it for real-
time applications like voice morphing, templates to speaker
recognition, etc.
[1] B. Gillett and S. King, “Transforming f0 contours,” 2003.
[2] N. Obin, “Analysis and modelling of speech prosody and speaking
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