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Multicultural Education
Volu me 7 , Is su e 3, 2 02 1
Using Realia to Improve English Vocabulary at Primary Level
Faisal Irfan, Tajammal Hussain Awan, Tayyaba Bashir, Hazhar Ramadhan Ahmed
Article Info
Article History
December 29, 2020
The background of the study in this research is based on the phenomenon
that students have difficulties in learning English vocabulary because the
teacher teaches the vocabulary without being supported by teaching aids.
The result is the students’ ability to learn is slow. To improve students’
ability in learning English vocabulary, teacher needs a strategy through
using an aid that facilitates the students. Realia is one the aid that can be
used in teaching English vocabulary. Using realia, students are able to
learn English vocabulary easily. This research is aimed at finding the
answers to the research questions and to achieve the objectives. This
research is conducted in a classroom of a private school. With the help of
Kempis and McTaggart model of research the data was collected and
analyzed mathematically. The students were motivated with the use of realia.
They gave full attention to teacher’s explanation and showed great interest
in learning new vocabulary. Finally, the result of this research shows that
students’ ability was improved after they were taught using realia. They
were better in learning vocabulary.
March 30, 2021
Keywords :
Vocabulary, Realia,
media. Procedure of
teaching vocabulary,
Improving English
Vocabulary is the basic knowledge of any language. Furthermore, before the learning of other skills of English
by the students, there are better opportunities for the students to master vocabulary. It is stated that vocabulary is
the main aspect of English program, in middle school. The material is mostly concerned to master vocabulary.
Vocabulary Mastering helps in understanding in communication written as well as oral. Obviously, vocabulary
is the basis to learn other competencies including listening, speaking, reading and writing. Moreover,
vocabulary needs to be taught at middle levels in schools. O'MALLEY, J. M., Chabot, A. U., & Kipper, L.
(2001) stated that when student language learning is being provoked with the help of certain activities then they
are at the stage of better understanding of the meaning of language. The interpretation of information with the
help of realia strengthens the English language input comprehensively and makes it possible to create a
relationship between the work and the classroom.
Realia is a term used in the field of education to refer to certain real-life objects. In vocabulary teaching,
presentation of vocabulary with the help of realia actually means to bring real objects or something else which is
being used in classroom for the illustration of vocabulary teaching, while in case of difficulty in interpretation of
those objects which are not possible to use in classroom teaching, those objects can be replaced with maps,
photographs of those materials or pictures etc. The rule is that, for concrete vocabulary and language realia plays
important role, which also transforms a particular frame of reference. At beginning stage, realia considered to be
fit as mostly the lesson material used in class is related to concrete items. The teacher is better able to polish the
understanding of students with the help of realia, as realia transforms the saying into concrete form. New
vocabulary is given a new life due to realia, and it enhances the student’s chances to understand new words
taught by the teacher. After having the experience of smell, taste and touch of the items, the remembering
probability of students enhanced a lot. Any of the material that can be imagine, infect can be utilized for
teaching vocabulary.
Current Scenario of Traditional Way of Teaching Vocabulary:
Observations revealed that the present teaching methodology of vocabulary is outdated, boring and not so much
effectively or attractively provoke students. While in elementary schools English lesson main material is
vocabulary. The important problem for the students is vocabulary memorization. They are not able to remember
vocabulary meanings. The students are in a difficulty to write vocabulary. They mostly write words as they have
heard. For example, some words such as classroom, chair, shoes and blackboard are being written as classroom,
cheer, sues and blackbird. Moreover, they used to pronounce these in Pakistani pronunciation.
The observations taken at the preliminary stage showed the probable reasons why the difficulties may be faced
in the classroom boring, dull and monotonous techniques create problems in this regard and students became
bored and monotonous, resultantly they were lazy to learn. The students were learning vocabulary with the help
of teaching material and AV aids only by picking up pictures from the book and look at their dictionary
meaning. There were no other teaching material or realia brought by the teacher for students’ motivation.
Many methods can be used for teaching English to the children. In this regard, the adult person who is around
the children specially the teacher plays a vital role in English learning capability of children. The teacher plays a
vital role as children seek English firstly at school with teacher and spend more time to seek English with their
teacher too. It is not the case for the English teacher to acquire the competence in English mastering but also to
have the idea how to teach English to children keeping in mind the characteristics and development of children.
The world of children is concrete. Children better able to pick and understand things easier as compared to
abstract. Elkind, D. (1967) stated that in elementary school the children mostly are at the concrete operation
stages of development cognitively and therefore do not have the capability to think in abstraction. Same is the
case with Piaget, he is of the view that every child has to face a series of stages before children got the ability to
have logic and understand rationally in mature form. Four stages including sensory motor (birth to 18 months
approximately) preoperational stages (2-7 years old), concrete operation (7 to 11 years approximately) and
formal operation period (11 years onwards). In 4th grade of elementary school the children are 9 to 10 years old.
They are included in concrete operational stages.
According to AL Qahtani, M. (2015) many ways are there to clear the meaning of a word, including visuals,
realia, gesture and mime, give explanation or definition, conceptual questions, translation and give example.
Teaching media and many techniques used to do vocabulary teaching also added by some experts. These
teaching media and techniques can partially or in combined form be used. The researcher can use realia in
teaching vocabulary keeping in view the characteristics and children’s development lesson material for the
students while referring the theories of teaching English for children specially about different teaching
techniques of vocabulary for children. Children and adults have different learning characteristics. Moreover,
children learn from concrete to abstract for example in English learning as foreign language. Just by saying
words, they able to learn vocabulary. No doubt vocabularies are mostly on particular content word including
verb, noun, adverb, adjective and daily routine simple expressions – in English for the first stage the vocabulary
lesson often uses words for things and persons around the children for example girl, boy, body parts, furniture,
house hold articles and stationary items etc. According to O’Malley, J. M., Chabot, A. U., Stewer‐Manzanares,
G. L. O. R. I. A., Russo, R. P., & Kipper, L. (1985) the reason why in the first stage of English such
vocabularies are given to the students.
1. To describe the use of realia in teaching English vocabulary at primary level.
2. To provide students interest and involvement in the subject with the help of realia.
3. To describe the improvement of students’ ability in learning vocabulary after they have taught
using realia.
4. To prove that use of realia makes their vocabulary permanent part of their LTM.
The activities that are provided by the realia are meaningful through deep experience during teaching and
learning process. If realia are utilized to improve student’s vocabulary mastery then it is very beneficial.
1. Student’s prior knowledge will be elicited with the application of realia to go into real environment.
2. It can facilitate students to enrich their vocabulary and also motivate them in English learning.
3. It will give large feedback of knowledge about learning, applying and using realia especially for
teaching vocabulary.
4. The study is also expected to have significant contribution to the development of language teaching
theory, especially English teaching theory in the classroom through the use of realia as the instructional
material to the public.
Research Questions:
1. How the implementation of realia is possible and effective in teaching vocabulary at primary
2. How can realia improve students’ vocabulary learning ability?
3. Does teaching with realia increase motivation in students at primary level?
Guthrie, M. (2017) state that a word set for a specific language or a word set that every language speaker might
use. Likewise, Pearson, P. D., Hiebert, E. H., & Kamil, M. L. (2007) describe vocabulary as a words stock used
by profession, class or person. Another definition, it refers to the words understood by, used by, or all common
of specific person of group ( In short, the words of a specific language that is used
and understood by all speakers of the language is vocabulary.
Meaning has been associated by the vocabulary. Miller, G. A. (1995) defined vocabulary as a word’s list with
their meaning. Likewise, Ehri, L. C. (2017) states that it is the capability of recognizing words of individuals
and with a specific letter combination, associate meaning from which a word is formed.
Vocabulary Aspect:
In vocabulary teaching, the aspect of vocabulary should be concerned by the teacher that really needs to be
taught. Sweller, J. (1994) indicates many of the vocabulary aspects that should be taught to the students. They
are following: -
Form: Spelling and Pronunciation:
The learner must have knowledge of what is the sound of a word like (its pronunciation) and how it is look like
(its spelling). It should be made sure by the teacher that both aspects are correctly learned and presented.
If not covered by the rules of general grammar than the new items of grammar will need to be
taught. There may be an unpredictable change of form in certain context of grammar that may are connecting
with other words through idiosyncratic way in sentence. Providing information to learners is also important
along with the base form teaching.
For example, while teaching a noun, plural form may also need to present, if irregular (mice / mouse), or for
drawing attention of learners to the fact of having no plural at all (information, advice)
The arrangement and placement of words together by the specific combination of words is Collocation. In each
context, sound’s combination like ―right‖ or ―wrong‖ is made by Collocation. Few words may have some
meaning, but they can’t be combined uncertainly with same word. For example, throw and toss are two words
having the same meaning and it can be said the toss a coin and throw a ball, but we can’t use it as toss a ball or
throw a coin.
Formation of Words:
Single idea that may be expressed in the form of a new vocabulary item consists of more than a single
word. There are certain items of vocabulary formed by joining words (a noun and a gerund or two nouns etc.).
For example, follow up, suit case, bookstore, whooping coup, swimming pool. For more developed learners it is
very important to know how such words are combined or how particular words are constructed.
The Significance of vocabulary:
In our daily routine vocabulary is an important factor. In daily life we not only name things and incidents
using words but also take help in expressing our thought with the help of certain words. Malcolm, N. (1954)
stated that when we want to prove existence of anything or event for its recognition we have to name that
particular thing or event otherwise it is hard to accept that thing, that incident or expression. Therefore, naming
means we try to form structure and order the flux and chaos of existence that on the other hand would be a
different sort of thing. We impose a meaning or an order by allotting names through which the world is being
manipulated. Ariew, R. (1982) said, realia plays a connective role between language and the classroom. Realia
has wider meaning specially in foreign language teaching interpretation.
It is the physical interpretation of form, draft or outline of incidents or items in order to enhance the interest and
knowledge of such things or incidents. Demonstration includes ―depicting how‖ or ―depicting what‖. While in
some situations it also includes informing others about some things. It may not need verbal elaboration
extensively. If verbal explanation is given by the teacher, then physical demonstration should not be
accompanied with it. In demonstration the teacher can utilize the available classroom material and items and it is
directed to the students to follow the teacher’s instructions. The teacher may guide the students how they can
demonstrate by their own in the class room.
Use the real thing / Realia
The teacher can use the real objects in order to clarify novel vocabulary and help to enter in the mind of
students. Particularly for concrete objects, while explaining meaning, it is easier to show the object. The teacher
may use the things present in the classroom like chair, blackboard, table, etc. Other which can possibly be seen
across the window and other which can be brought in which needed. For example, when teaching about types of
fruits, the pupils and teacher can take real fruits or something that can show them in the classroom.
Draw / Sketch
The teacher may draw or sketch anything on the board. The teacher can draw simple sketches which show
meaning. It isn’t a perfect drawing or sketch. A fast sketch with a few lines is enough.
If the students have the knowledge of opposite, then a word can be easily defined. Mostly students ask
―what is opposite of ___________?‖ By comparing the meaning of a word with its antonyms the teacher can
explain a word. Logical opposites in strict order are required for the explanation. The important thing is
capability of students to understand the common and conceptual meaning of a word. For example, mostly it is
easy to give interpretation of some rude rather than a polite expression.
Just like anonyms, it is particularly problematic to find a synonym which is simple enough to help the
pupils. Penrose, R., & Merman, N. D. (1990) says that there’s small point in simple providing additional new
word to illuminate the one the pupils doesn’t understand. You don’t all the time have to provide the pupils the
word’s general meaning. In this case, the pupils recognize what the teacher means, is the most important point.
The pupils may comprehend the concept of it.
Verbal Interpretation:
In a variety of context, few language items are implemented effectively with the help of teacher. For
example, situational illustrations and definitions are the best source of verbal explanation. De Jong, E. J., &
Harper, C. A. (2005) say that teacher may utilize learner’s own language for the explanation. Moreover,
students’ existing vocabulary knowledge for the meaning and definition in simple English can also be used by
the teacher. For example, the world traffic may be interpreted by creating a situational setting. Cities are full of
traffic. It is also harmful.
A technique which converts into learners’ own language is called translation. In monolingual translation
me that is somewhat possible but it is hard to even translate into all the necessary languages in multilingual
Following are some of them:
* The meaning may be derived when there is knowledge of existing words, especially if the word is in a
For Example, __________ in autumn fall from the tree. From the sentence, the learners may complete the
missing word of the sentence by creating a link between tree and autumn and conclude that a thing that mostly
falls from the tree in autumn is leaf.
Picture and Flash Cards:
To demonstrate and make perfect or what we talk, the teacher can use flash cards, pictures, sketches and
real objects. Things can be presented pictorially if the things are not easily carried or are unapproachable, they
can. Images can take from illustrated advertisement in daily newspaper, photos or magazines. The cuttings or
images can be fixed on card board to create a flash card.
Wall Charts:
Vocabulary presentation in a visual context with the help of wall charts is significant, unless and until it is
visible clearly. Teacher and learners may perform activities with the help of wall charts, for example the
vocabulary use, orally spelled, write pronunciation, and indicate the pointed thing. They learned it to explain
wall chart part.
Word Activities:
Scrabble and Cross word puzzles are beneficial for revising and practicing vocabulary after it has been
Teaching Tools for Vocabulary:
The word realia is derived from Latin, that is not the language of Romans, used as a native language of
research, science and philosophy in most of the European countries by the scholars of Middle age. Since in
Latin the plural of the secondary adjective of the adjective transforms it into a name, realia means the real thing,
not words that are not considered "thing" or "real". For this reason, this word is plural "realia" (real), which,
though, is not found in many Latin dictionaries, because they typically have classical rather than Medieval Latin
The Features of Realia:
Realia provides language learners with multisensory language impressions, which, like Lucido, P. L.,
&Borabo, R. G. (1997), are recognized in part, at least by observation, entrainment, touch and manipulation of
objects. Interaction with authentic materials helps in learning contextual grounding by connecting students to
the language, as it is used in the target culture to meet the real needs of communication. Then use the realities;
can improve the understanding of linguists, which are also prerequisites for real language learning.
Vinay, J. P., &Darbelnet, J. (1995) listed some features of realia. They are: -
a. They are linked whit the real objects.
b. They are mostly more convenient and easier to approach as compare to the existing situation. They are
usually economical and easy to use.
c. They are noticeably large in number.
d. They are multidimensional, and may fulfill many learning purposes or creative educational
e. They are mostly understandable without language.
f. They join fundamentals of training and creative and provoke the effective and cognitive fields.
g. They can proceed from the common to the specific, or the reserve.
The Significance of Realia in Vocabulary Teaching:
For teaching students Realia is significant and useful. It is easy to show the objects than the verbal
description of vocabulary in vocabulary teaching. Short, D. J. (2002) states with the interpretation of word
meanings vocabulary can be learned more effectively, for example in teaching use of realia helps learners
involvement in direct experience. Learners can touch, smell, hearing the new words and see the items. When a
thing is transformed from abstract to concrete, it makes easy for the learners to have deep rooted concepts.
Moreover, the learning process becomes more creative, lively and interesting by the use of realia.
Learners’ direct interaction with real objects enhanced the learners’ positive results. Direct contact with the
objects provides children long lasting learning according to Knowles, M. (1973).
Realia not only enhances the capability of learning vocabulary but also speeds-up the learning process and
strengthens the memorized vocabulary effectively.
Tomalin, B., &Stempleski, S. (2013) pointed out further benefits of realia:
a) They are not much costly.
b) In addition, there is a series of sensory interpretation along with sight.
c) They help in language development.
d) They provide conceptual learning about color, size etc.
The Features of Young Learner:
Language learner is divided into three levels by Jackendoff, R. (1999) including beginner stage,
intermediate stage and advanced stage. Every stage has its own features, teaching techniques and material.
The Sensory Motor Period:
From birth to approximate 2 years is the Sensory Motor Period. In this stage the cognitive development
from infancy to older carried through the use of their senses and bodies as they discover the infants recognition,
thinking and behaving sense about the incidents and items with eyes, mouth, hand and rest of the sensory motor
elements in adaptive, assumed and organized way.
In this span of time in order to enhance cognitive development of children, adults including parents can
play vital role by providing variety of items of different objects to the children. Infants may learn about their
surrounding with the help of their senses. Resultantly, parents must arrange stationary, items including soft,
hard, square, circular and toys. Children’s cognitive development process can be enhanced by manipulating such
common items.
It can be concluded that in this stage there is limited recognition development through personal
experiences and senses of the children in their particular environment. Children are not in a position to
categorize their experiences although they may recognize about the happening.
The Pre-operational Period:
From 2 to 7 years is the pre-operational period. In this period, in this period although a child can get
symbol recognition but not able to interpret it mentally. Children between the ages of 2 to 7 are able to
understand the outer existing world. They are better able to recognize their dependency at outer world. The
characteristics of pre-operational stage are following:
a) Child’s ability to relate life to inert items is called Animism.
b) Child’s ability to accept and differentiate the original world is called Realism.
c) Child’s ability to suppose that everything is the outcome of human production is termed as
d) The reasoning that is nor inductive or deductive is referred as Transudative reasoning. In an illogical
way, reasoning ascends from important to further specific.
Teachers, by encouraging the execution of material can help the students to improve their achievements.
The activities which improve their skills in English language are as follows:
a) Deferred: Imitate some things or activities which they have seen in the past. For example, they may act
like an animal they witnessed at the Zoo before.
b) Symbolic Play: Pretending sleeping or being someone else is enjoyed by the children.
c) Drawing: Children portray their mental condition into their drawings and paintings. Drawing
encourages the children to speak about their art.
d) Mental Image: Children can present objects and events but they can’t anticipate any change in their
mental thinking.
e) Language: The adults surrounding the children provide them opportunities to talk with their elders and
other people.
From the explanation above we can conclude that in this phase of time children are able to symbolize
objects around them and realize the existence of them even when the objects are not around them.
Concrete Operational Period:
The concrete operational phase extends to 12 years of age from the age of 7. In this phase children are
able to accomplish true mental system by overcoming the limitation of pre-operational thinking. Learners can
limit their thinking and achieve actual mental operation. Students can perform mental activities only on objects
that can be touched or seen. There are a lot of achievements in this phase.
a) Reservation is the realization that anything essence remains unchanged although surface characteristics
may change.
b) Striation is the quality that arranges objects with respect to ascending and descending size.
c) Taxonomy is the characteristic for the classification of objects with similarities placed in a wide
d) The concept of numbers is the ability of a child which helps him to understand the meanings of the
When students reach this phase of cognitive development they are on the verge of being an adult through
formal operation. An internal evolution occurs inside the children. At this stage their thinking becomes more
logical and abstract they become more efficient in terms of memory and attentiveness as new strategies are
developed in them. During the dealing with education implication, in this phase the students can accommodate
and utilize the material they face, but only that which is tangible and concrete. As a result, total reliance on
abstract subtleties can’t be expected from them. From the explanation above we can conclude that in this phase
of time children are able to make an accordance between their mind but are limited to concrete objects.
The Formal Operational Period:
The formal conductive phase during the start of abstract thinking commence at around 11 years of age.
During this time young generation develops an ability to debate realistically on future and consider the
possibilities that create doubts in their minds. At this stage, children start to search for relation and they test their
mental ability by creating solution to their problem and feel comfortable with communication. Conclusively in
this phase of time the great achievement of the students is the freedom from restrictions of the concrete objects.
In educational interpretation the children can be assisted by the teacher to construct general principle.
These sorts of activities shall challenge the students’ mentality but they should not be too difficult for them as it
will frustrate them and cause failure.
We can conclude that in this period of time students, by using hypothesis and abstract principles, are able
to make an accordance in their mind. In other words, in this phase children are able to read situation and predict
the conclusion by making hypothesis.
Experimental research is used as a tool in this study for research. In this kind of research, program or treatment
procedure is introduced intentionally and then results are focused through observation. American Heritage
Dictionary defined experiment as ―A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known trust,
which examine the validity of a hypothesis, or determine the efficacy of something previously untried‖.
In order to bring improvement and change in practice, it is reflective and evaluative. It provides cooperative
collaboration with colleagues so it is a participatory research. Impetus for changes is provided by the collection
of data or information.
There is rich tradition for experimental research in education and psychology. For over the past 40 years its
usage has been influenced by the research practices in parent discipline or theory development. Application
process and systematic planning has always been facilitated by experiments conducting.
Consistent trends are being shown over the last five decades for using experimental tool in educational
technology and are reflected by ETR & D publications. Related to descriptive studies, quasi experiments, and
time series designs many frequent experiments have been conducted over the years. Though, external or internal
greater balancing validity has been demonstrated over time by the increased use of stimulated and realistic
materials in experiments.
It can be concluded from above description that for improvement related to educational problems and to
overcome them, systematic study of experimental research is done. It’s done by the collaboration of researchers,
teachers, and those interested in problem of affected by it by means of their own practical actions and by means
of their own reflection upon the effect of the experiments. The research conducted in this study was about
teaching vocabulary to the fourth graders. Teacher and researcher collaborated together to conduct research
using realia. Experimental research was done to incorporate the realia technique in vocabulary teaching. During
this experiment the researcher acted as a teacher while the teacher acted as an observer.Place and Time of
This experimental research was carried out at one of the private schools (Arabian-e-Sophia School, Lahore). The
research was conducted in 2018.
Population and Sampling:
Students studying in fourth grade in year 2017 – 2018 at a private school named, Arabian e Sophia were used as
a subject of study. Almost 20 numbers of active students were there in the class. Students liked talking and
playing and they were average achievers academically. No student needed any extra attention in their studies
and they belonged to the middle-class background. Parents of majority students were employees in private or
government organizations or some were entrepreneurs.
Pretests and post tests were used as a collective data in this research. Moreover, to measure the vocabulary
learning of students, written tests were used as a task. The evaluation was conducted after the teaching for the
whole month when the post test was taken.
The Model of Research:
Model made by Kempis & Mc Taggart was used for the experimental research in the study. Kempis and Taggart
used system of spirals with any cycles in this model. Moreover, each cycle consists of four steps. 1) Planning 2)
Action 3) Observation 4) Reflection. The model can be demonstrated like this:
The procedure of Research:
The cycle consists of four steps and the research procedure for each step is as follows:
The researcher performed pre-research observation before the implementation of experimental research. During
research, the teaching process conducted by the English teacher was keenly observed by the researcher. She then
interviewed the class students along with the teacher to better know their condition while learning English.
During interview and observations, some problems related to students while mastering vocabulary came to the
surface. There is a difficulty for students in remembering vocabulary words and their meanings. Moreover, they
also face difficulty while writing the words correctly. In addition to that, they also face difficulty in pronouncing
those words. Besides, they were totally not taking interest in following the learning process taught by the
teacher. So, by keeping in mind all these problems, it was suggested to use realia technique in teaching.
Pre and post tests were conducted by researchers. In order to test the current knowledge of student’s English
vocabulary, pre-test was conducted. Moreover, post-test was conducted to know about the improvements that
will come in students to master vocabulary after the conducting the experiment. At the end of each cycle the test
was conducted. Both the pre and post tests were compared to get to know about the improvement student
achieved in before and after the implementation of experiment.
Next step was to make lesson plans for students by discussing the content with English teacher so that it can be
implemented in the class.
―Shape & things‖ was the topic chosen and designed by the researcher to implement the related activities in the
classroom. Furthermore, teaching aids like ball, coin, box, chalk, money, geometrically cut papers and many
other objects available in classroom were prepared by the researcher. She also arranged digital camera, students
list and observation sheet.
Implementing the Experiment:
The technique was implemented in the class during this step. Researcher became a teacher herself this time in
the class. During the research realia technique was used in teaching students the learning new vocabulary
according to the lesson plan based on teaching procedures and learning aids. Various activities were done by
researchers to implement the experiment. Topics were presented, tasks were given and the evaluation was done.
a. Presenting the topic:
In every cycle, one topic was presented by the researcher. Sound meanings were covered in the presentation i.e.
introduction of new words, their meanings and pronunciation, illustrative sentences and focus on simple
grammar, teaching aids and text books were used by researchers to deal with the topic.
b. Giving Task:
Students were given some tasks by the researcher and the students have to do the activities using the material
provided by the teacher. Exercise, practices, homework and different discussions were done.
c. Evaluation:
Pretests and post tests were given by the researcher. These tests were given in every cycle to the students.
Before the experiment pre-test was taken and after the experiment post test was conducted.
During the process of learning and teaching all the activities performed were observed keenly by the researcher.
Along with the results of pretests and posttests the events happened in the classroom were also observed by the
Reflection was made by using the collected data in the previous step. Through this collected data strengths and
weaknesses were identified, results were analyzed and the conclusion was drawn. This analysis of the result
further in this research worked as a main consideration for the other experiment.
Collecting the Data:
Tests technique was used to collect data. They were of two kinds; the first one was pre-test and the second one
was post-test. They occur in every cycle as the pre-test was used for the current knowledge of the student while
that post-test was to know the results of the implementation of experiment. One of them was conducted before
the experiment and other at the end after the implementation. However, the test items remain the same for the
same single cycle. It contains various MCQs and its result was examined to judge the improvement happened in
student’s vocabulary.
Technique of Data Procedure:
The experimental research done in this study at classroom was taken as a success. Students mastering
vocabulary also got improvement. So, the results were very well achieved using the realia technique in teaching.
Pretests and post tests were used to collect quantitative data used in this study and its results were statistically
The test results were analyzed by finding mean value of both tests. The results were used to analyze the
performance before and after the implementation of experiment and to analyze the teaching and learning results.
The mean score of pre-test and post-test can be calculated with the formula as follows:
In which:
X = Means of pre-test score
Y = Means of post-test score
N = numbers of sample.
Data Analysis
Before starting with the analysis and the interpretation of the pre and posttest; it is necessary to say that this
study was carried out in a unique experimental group; it means that there was no control group. Besides
considering teachers academic availability, this study was developed in one month. Moreover, it is necessary to
say that each academic hour lasts around 30 minutes.
To start with the pre-test results, analysis it is important to explain the aim of the pre-test. It was to diagnose the
students’ English knowledge and to know the concrete English vocabulary knowledge that the students had
before the application of the treatment. So, according to the chapter III, it is mentioned that after the treatment
the researcher made, it was necessary to apply the post-test to know if there was a positive or negative influence
in concrete vocabulary learning using realia.
The following graphs show the quantitative results from the study. First of all, it is essential to show the results
from the pro and post-test. Afterwards a comparison of both.
Those results were obtained after having revised the pre and post-test.
Comparison of the pre-test and the post test.
To continue with the process of this research, this project shows the comparison of the pre-test and post-test
results in the following tables.
Table 1: Comparison of the pre and post-test, fruits and vegetables.
Analyzing the student’s pre-test result we noticed that they had prior about those items. After the application of
the treatment using realia, ―the fruit and vegetable items‖ during the activity the students touched, smelled, ate
and felt some of them. It helped students to learn in a better way. Taking into account the graph above, the item
they learned the most was the melon fruit. They learned it easier because its yellow color was attractive for them
and most of them liked it. And the vegetable they learn the most was the potato. It could be because the majority
of the students liked it very much.
The graph above shows the pre-test percentage had greatly increased after treatment and in post-test percentage
is greater than pro-test.
The graph above shows the pre-test, 10% to 50% of the students had knowledge about those items. In the post-
test shows 50% to 98% of the students answered correctly. It means that realia worked significantly with those
types of items.
Table 2: Comparison of the pre and post-test, Sports.
Analyzing the students’ pre-test results, we observed that they had knowledge about those items because the
graph showed it. After having applied the treatment using the sport items and the students played them, we
observed that the students in this activity had the direct contact with the sports, objects. Therefore, this was the
reason why the students demonstrated the expected results.
The graph above, we can observe that in the pre-test, 30% to 63.5% of the students answered all the items
correctly. It means that students had a good knowledge about those items in the post-test 35% to 65.5% of the
students showed an improvement but not as we expected.
Table 3:Comparison of the pre and post-test, verbs.
In the graph above, the students made an improvement in some verb such as: to clean, to jump, to eat, to drink.
The above graph shows that in the pre-test 40% of the students answered the verb ―to clean‖ correctly and in the
post-test, this item shows that 75% of the students answered it correctly. The students recognized the word and
the picture. Furthermore, the verbs, ―to jump‖, ―to eat‖, ―to drink‖ also showed good results. In the post -test
86.5% of the students answered the verb ―to jump‖ correctly, 89.5 of the students answered the verb ―to eat‖
correctly, and 80% of the students the verb ―to drink‖ correctly. The verb ―to eat‖ is answered by the students
most correctly. It could be because the students associated it with the first topic, which were fruits and
vegetables. So, in this activity, they saw those fruits which the teacher was pretending to bite. That is why most
of the students learned the verb ―to eat‖ successfully. We can say that those verbs worked positively because the
students performed the actions.
However, with the items ―to drop‖ and ―to cook‖ the results were not as expected. Comparing the pre and the
post-test results, these verbs have not that much positive result as expected. It could be that the students did not
pay attention at the time when teacher was performing action. Therefore, the students could be confused.
Table 4:Comparison of the pre and post-test, Clothes.
Finally, in the graph above, the treatment using realia worked in the expected way. All of the items presented a
significant improvement. 80.5% of the students in the post-test results answered ―Cap‖ correctly, 83% answered
―Pants‖ correctly, showing highest percentage. It could be the topic was interesting for the students; they were
exciting to see the garment which the teacher had brought to the classroom. Therefore, all of the items in the
pre-test were lower as compare to the post-test results which were higher. It could be so that students were
involved in the activities done in the classroom; they were having direct contact with all the cloths and fully
involved in the activity.
Table: 5 Comparison of the pre and post-test, birds
After analyzing the students’ pretest results it was observed that they were aware of those items. Excellent
performance of the student was observed after the proper treatment of Realia. statistical figures on the bar chart
are indicating of their learning spirit, because of their excellent schemata the results of post tests were improved
as compared to result of pre-test after analyzing the students pre-test results, it was observed that were aware of
those items.
From the above graph we can observe that in the pre-test 45 % to 50 % of the students answered all the items
correctly. It means that student has a good knowledge about those items in the post-test 57 % to 80 % of the
students showed an improvement.
Table: 6 Comparison of the pre and post-test, animals.
In the above the treatment using Realia showed again improvement. All these items presented a significant
improvement. 70 % of the students in the post-test result answered ―Goat‖ correctly, 80 % answered correctly
―Buffalo‖ 75 % answered ―Cow‖ correctly, 50 % answered correctly. Realia showed greater improvement.
Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test, Fruits & Vegetables
Table No:1
Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test, Sports
Table No:2
Marks Total
Marks Pre-
Marks post-test
Pre-test Post-test
Basket Ball
Table Tennis
Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test, verbs
Table No:3
Marks Total
Marks Pre-test
Marks post-test
Pre-test Post-test
To drop
To clean
To jump
To eat
To drink
To cook
Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test, Clothes
Table No:4
Marks Total
Marks Pre-test
Marks post-test
Pre-test Post-test
T. shirt
Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test, birds
Table No:5
Marks Total
Marks Pre-test
Marks post-test
Pre-test Post-test
Marks Total
Marks Pre-
Marks post-test
Pre-test Post-test
Water Melon
Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test, animal
Table No:6
Marks Total
Marks Pre-test
Marks post-test
Pre-test Post-test
Buff allow
After having diagnosed, applied and gotten the results of the treatment following conclusions were embodied.
The use of realia in order to improve the students' vocabulary proficiency for finding the meaning of words was
the basic object of research. No doubt, use of realia makes it effective for the students to remember vocabularies
n an easier way. In various activities the improvement of result of pre-test and post-test after the implementation
of realia can easily be observed. That clearly showed the importance of use of realia. No doubt the students
learning capabilities were improved but in the condition of certain action some weaknesses were seen. The
student could not be controlled easily by the teacher at the earlier stage. When the students were doing
assignment in group, the class situation was noisy. Moreover, students were not able to concentrate over the
lesson. They ignored their basic goal assigned by the teacher rather they got interested in learning activities and
objects. Learning activities became a game for the students. The vocabularies interpreted through activity were
ignored by them and they just got indulged in completing the game. The class was dominated by the naughty
and clever students. Some students were not ready to cooperate with the group fellow while doing the activity.
They observed only at the working of their fellows.
The researcher changed the activities form in order to eradicate the problem, such as the work was given
individually through matching and guessing activities. Aim of this activity is to provoke the students’ thinking
capability and writing. Better results were obtained with the change of learning activity. The students did not
depend always on their friends and teacher, rather they were more independent, due to which the process of
learning and teaching run more smoothly. The lesson was paid more attention by the students. All the students
participated actively. The clever students dominated the class again. Moreover, in learning, students’ attitude
positively progressed. In the classroom activities the students behaved in a disciplined manner. It became easy
to control the students. During the implementation of the treatment, when the obtained results were taken into
account, keeping in view the hypothesis we gained expected results and the goals were achieved because of
evidence of concrete learning of vocabulary was shown through the results. The effects of the lesson’s plans,
analysis and creation were the objectives, followed systematically by the researcher. Best activities were
selected by the researcher for the young learners and they showed improvement, which was depicted by the
graphs. The lesson plans about fruit, vegetables, sports, verb did work and the results showed an improvement.
The application of the lesson plans for concrete vocabulary learning using realia worked positively with some
items such as: fruit, vegetables, verbs, sports, and cloths because the students touched, smelled, etc., and felt
some of them so, the students were engaged with the activities. However, some of the items did not work
appropriately. The treatment did not work successfully with some items because somewhat the students did not
understand the concept that items showed. As conclusion, the use of realia to teach concrete vocabulary worked
with some items and with other topics not so much because there are some aspects that influence vocabulary
learning. Those aspects are important because they stimulate explicit learning. It means that concrete vocabulary
teaching and realia can be associated at the moment of teaching because the students can make conscious efforts
to notice new lexical items and selective attending. However, there other features that could influence the
concrete vocabulary learning so we did not obtain significant results. For example: enthusiasm, attitudes
towards vocabulary learning, fear of failure and same attitude to learn a foreign language.
Besides taking into account the results of the fruits and vegetables, it can be said that concrete vocabulary is an
adequate topic to be brought using realia. One reason is that during the activities, the students were discovering
the objects. So, they were expecting to know what things were there, and to guess how to pronounce and write
them in English. Therefore, it helps the students to be attentive and to learn through discovery using real
materials. The results showed an improvement in learning concrete vocabulary about fruits and vegetables.
Taking into account the results obtained in the sports item, there was a great difference between before and after
using realia.
In the verb items, the students showed an improvement taking into account the percentage of the tests.
Therefore, in learning contrite vocabulary using realia, there is an improvement related to verbs because more
than half of the students answered the half of the items; considering this as a progress. This treatment gave the
expected results because all students were performing each verb.
Further taking into account the comparison chart about clothes, the improvement in students learning is evident.
So, using realia with this topic provided significant results. The knowledge that the students had before the
treatment was not relevant. However, it helped as a basis to work with the students and the result of the post-test
showed an improvement in learning concrete vocabulary. The students were engaged in the activities. The
students had the opportunity to touch each article of clothing and see their own clothes, too.
According to the research-based findings it was concluded by the researcher the use of realia in English teaching
may improve students’ credulity specially in case of mastering vocabulary of English language. In learning the
students’ attitude also changes due to this. The students were well motivated, active and started paying attention
due to the implementation of realia.
Based on the research findings, the researcher suggested for English teacher, students, institutions and
other researchers.
To the teacher
It is important for the teacher to select the suitable methodology in vocabulary teaching for children. Teaching
English needs to make a healthy atmosphere in the classroom consequently the process of teaching and learning
becomes easy, enjoyable and interesting. The teaching methodology that is adopted by the teacher is use of
realia. In order to make the learning easier, full of fun and interesting, realia can be used by the teacher. The
implementation of realia can be accompanied with some activities related to learning such as games, guessing
and matching activity and group work. Concept of vocabulary strengthens with realia because it relates the
vocabulary with the objects directly. Resultantly, the memorization of the vocabulary meaning becomes easier
to the students with the help of realia.
To the students
In English learning the students should be active and in there must be no dependency. English learning should
be continuous and intensive. The things in the surroundings can be used by the students by fixing labels on the
things along with the words that deals with that thing such as name of that thing. So, it becomes easy for the
students to memorize the words that deal with the things in English language.
To the researcher
The current research clarifies the implementation of realia in vocabulary teaching at elementary level. This
study shows how the use of realia strengthens the motivation and achievement of students in English learning.
The result of the research is hoped to be proved useful as the additional reference to do more structural and
explorative research about the effectivity of realia at other levels and topics in English teaching.
To the educational institute
The educational institute is considered to be formal place for education and knowledge learning. The research
result is one way to have more information about the situation and problems of teaching learning process in
school. Having the knowledge of such conditions, the school will improve the education effectively. Another
way is by improving the teacher quality. There must be a space for the teacher in the institute by facilitating him
good teaching and learning equipment, providing teachers to join research and different training programmers.
It means that concrete vocabulary teaching and realia can be associated at the moment of teaching because the
students can make conscious efforts to notice new lexical items and selective attending. Nevertheless, there are
other features that influence the vocabulary learning process. For example, enthusiasm, attitudes towards
vocabulary learning, fear of failure and the same attitude to learn foreign language. So, the learning of new
items in English is pulled by the aspects mentioned before.
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Yogesh Hole et al 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1362 012121
Author Information
Faisal Irfan
School of Languages, Civilization and Philosophy,
University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Tayyaba Bashir
Department of English, University of Kotli, Azad
Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Tajammal Hussain Awan
City District Govt. Primary School Sitara Colony
No2, Lahore, Pakistan
Hazhar Ramadhan Ahmed
University of Raparin College of Basic Education
Kurdistan Regional Government, Iraq